Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Active Work of the Coroner's Jury in the
Haddock Oaao ,
Watching Suspicious Clmrnotors In
Two States Governor Ijitrauoo
Bald to Itc In tlic City Snl-
otito Sensation.
Hunting Down the MitrilRrcr.
Siotx Cirv , la. , August' . ( Special Tele
gram to Ihc Hii : : | The work of the coroner's
Jury In the Haddock case will probably not
be completed for several days. All the pio-
recdliigs are with closed door * . A very laige
number of witnesses lime been examined ,
but llio public doei not evnu know who they
nrc. Theic Is something significant In all
this sct'iecy. The Hr.u correspondent was
Informed to-day that CJoveincr Larabeo win
present at the Investigation to-day , hut there
Is intich iionbt ns to this. One thing Is cer
tain , lr he Is here his visit Is kept very sertut.
Thus far no ariests have been made ,
although one man was taken Into custody nn
nil alleged charge , but In reality for the pur
pose ot .detaining him. Sherlll McDonald
has been busy telegraphing all over the coun
try notifying various officials of the murder ,
and lie has received several suggestive com
munications. One of these from t\ town in
Iowa , slates that a man was there Thuiday
morning answering the description of the
niait seen in the saloon just baforo the mur
der. Ills actions while theie made several
persons mistrust that something was wrong.
He inquired of the postmaster as to the news
from Sioux City , nnd also whether any ar
rests had been made. Ho had no bazgagc.
and by nupunmuco would easily bu taken fern
n gambler by profession.
Another dispatch from Neor.iska is as fol
lows : " - , Neb. , AugiHt 0. Deal-
Sir : A man came hero yesterday Irom the
Mioux City way and hired a team to go to
Wakellrld. He did not want a drive , and
said that lie would come back last night , and
that he wanted to bring a man with him.
He did not come , and not returning by noon
to-day a telegram was tent to see if thu team
was there. It was , but the man had taken a
train 1'ioni there , and went west. Ho was a
bliort , thick-set , smooth-faced man. Theie
was a cut on one side of the face , and I think
his weight Is about 1GO pounds. He woie a
'brown fiat , sray coat and vest. llslit ; pants
with dark streaks , and It is evident that he
wanted to getaway from this junction for
home cause. Iwiituthls to you thinking It
inav lie connected witli the Haddock mur
der. "
Itotlt of these inav Do parties connected
with tlio all'al'r. As these dispatches have
already Indicated , there is evidence that the
tragedy was the result of a conspiracy , and
this undoubtedly Is the reason why the
jury Is examining so many witnesses.
All tin ! saloonnien in the city \UI1 appear
ns witnesses and will have to testify as to
having any previous knowledge id the affair ,
A loailinz mover lu the injunction matter
ways that It has b'len discovered that It was
planned oncobefoio to kill the Itev. Had
dock by causing a disturbance at the court
house during the trial of thc-Iiijiinciion eases
and shoot film then. This evidently failed
1'or lack of nerve and hence the plan to assas
sinate him. From present indications the
ruwaid for the of the murderer will bo
increased to S5W > 0. as the temperance al-
llancesaf tlie state have signified a willing
ness to raise it to that amount. A committee
of .seven citizens has been appointed nt a
public meeting tn go to work soliciting funds
and everything Is inovlni : along to push mat
ters when the cjovo'nor's jury renders Its ver-
tUflV. Tlitflaw and order league held a meet-
lug to-night and n large number wore present.
A i
A Nchrnskaii Attempts Suicide.
Kioux CITY , la. , August 7. rSpecial Tele
gram to tlio Uii : : . ] About a o'clock this
nfternoon tills city was thrown into another
state of excitement by the announcement
that a man had committed suicide. The
particulars are as follows : J. 15. Clark and
Walter Uiinyan , of Syracuse , Xeb. , arrived
hereto-day noon , having made arrangements
to ongauo In the Insurance limbless. They
walked about town for a while and then
stoppiM nt a barber shop. Kuiiynn asked
when he. could get a shave and was told that
ho .would have to wait but a few minutes.
Jle. hesitated a little while and then stepped
to one of the pastel cases , picked up a razor
and commenced slashing at his own
throat. Inflicting deep and ugly
wounds extending tiom ear to
car. When Kuiiynn thought he had accom
plished his purpose and was sinking from the
loss of blood ho readied fn Ids pncket , drew
out some letters and handed them ( o the bar
ber. The physician found that no arteries
had been severed , and while llio gashes were
being sewed tin Kiinyan tried to live him-
elf , an 1 said no wanted to die. Mr. Clark
Kays that ICnnyan is a temperate young man
'and ' well connected. Itunyan seemed a llttlo
despondent while coming to the city , lint said
notmnir , and no good leason can notv be
given tor ( lie act. It Is said , however , that u
sister at ( irund Island hud given him some
All for Anderson.
SII > XIY : , la. , August 7. f Special Telegram
to the Ui'.r. ] Thu republicans of Sidney
township met In convention this afternoon
and selected thirteen straight Anderson del
egates to the county couvcntlon. A resolu
tion was read and presented by W. T. Frazor
Dank , demanding that thu so-called republi
cans who were supporting Major A. U. An
derson for Congress be not recognized as rep
resentatives In either county or state conven
tion. The resolution was voted down by
three to one , amid the wildest enthusiasm.
Sidney township nnd Fremont county arc
practically solid for .dajor A. IE. Anderson ,
the Independent candidate for congress.
The Mnyllowor llio Winner.
Xr.wroiiT , IS. 1. , August 7. Tlio slooji
Mayflower won the Ooelut oup race to-day ,
At the Sow and Plus lightship she led the
Puritan Unco minutes. At the next turn ,
which was at tlio Hen and Chickens , the
Puritan had gained half a minute. At the
finish , \\hlch wasat.l:17 : , Mayflower had
gained one minute over the previous turn ,
passing the line between the lightship and
jhu ludgo's boat thteu and a hnlt minute :
ahead of the Puritan. When the Mayllowei
ciosscd thn finish a bundled yachts dipped
their nags and all the steamers ami tugs sa
inted her. The Priscilla was never In tin
race after tlio Mayflower passed her jnsi
after tlio start. The Grayling won tin
Kftiuoner prlzo.
Important Ijiuul DuuUlou ,
VYASiiixciTO.v , August 7. The secretary o ,
tins Interior has rendered nn important do
clslon upon the application of Govcrnoi
Woody of Oregon , requesting the dumirtnien
to order the dismissal of all contests to defer
mine the character of lands which have bcci
heretofore approved and certified to the Stati
of Oregon ns bwninp ana oveiilowed , undo
the swamp land grant. The Eeciotary de
chics that after approval ami certification b ;
the department and land otllcc , the charncte
of pitch lands cannot again bi ! called in mics
tlon upon an affidavit of contest , whlcl
merely alleges Hint the land is not of tin
character gtnntod , unless the applicant fin
thcr alleges Iraud or mistake in the procure
incntof ( ho secretary , and the acts oonbtltu
ling fraud must bu tioellldally | Mated.
Slasheil With u Knife ,
I.iscni .v , Xcb. , August 7. [ Special Tele
gram to llio Uii : : , ] William Harvey am
William Smith became involved In a a tree
felit Ihl.s evening ami In the fracas Harve ;
was slashed In the face with n knife , but tin
light was ntnpped before serious results oc
currcd. lloln mini wcro aricMcd. Sniltl
furnished ball for his appearance in conr
Monday anil Harvey went U > tail , wlicro h
will l > u rated fornnlfl cxplanntU'iis ' are made
Hung Tor Murder ,
CIIAIIIJCSTOK , S. 0. , August 7. rMwun
Hardy , colored , was bangoJ nt ti | > ftttar"our ,
ytwU-nlaj. for thu muiitcr of Ain-le lleri ;
IOUM , la March ,
A Vflit Conooiirio of Friends Follow
the ItomaliiH to the ( Jruve.
YOXKKII * . N. Y. , August 7. 'Ihc sorrow
that has shiouded the city for three days
reached n climax to-day. Clrlef was marked
on every hand. Public buildings were
closed , ami badges of mourning were dis
played on IioiiM ) front * . Early trains poured
hundreds of notable citizens Into the town ,
niul all bent their steps In one direction to
pay the last houois to one who had been
high among them , Hosldcnts joined In tin-
pilgrimage and the ho-4 of mourners that
found Its way to Grcy.stonc filled to over
flowing the ample mansion of tlie late
statesman , SamnelJ. Tlldeu. Long before
the f line i a I service br'gan llio casket that waste
to contain Mr. Tilden's body leached the
house. It is made In two partv. The Interlo
Is of copper , with a glass door Its entire
length. The interior is decorated with white
tufted satin. The outer pott is of red .Span
ish cedar and Is plainly ornamented with
( ixidl/.ed sll\er. Tim pinto ii ot that material
and I'eais simply the name "Samuel J. Til-
den. "
AlS : " > oili ( ! public were first admitted to
the mansion. The remains weie placed on
a eatafalimo situated In the center of tlio blue
loom. Thediaperyof the calafahnto was
black cinne nnd caslinicie. .Meantime
friends of tin ; family bejran to anlve. The
first train from Xow York to bring any
number ai rived at 7:15. : From that time
people came by Hie scores. Anionir the first
io arrive at the house were General Alex
ander Hamilton , Charles A. Dann , William
II. Itaimuii , Samuel , ) , Kandall , Treasurer
.Ionian and ex-Collector Murphy. Au-
diew H. Gteon received nil and
uslieied them Into ( he parlor. When
( he people generally were admitted
to view the remains they entered .tlie east
door , passed through the lirst parlor on the
light to the blue room nnd thence through
the hall to the \\cst or entrance. A ho-
iiuetot calla lilies and white roses lay near
tlio head of the casket mid at the loot was
placed a wicnth of palm with sinllax and
Victoria leglna. All the flowers camonom
Mr. Tllilen's hot houses. Tlie last named
was from a plant of which thcie me but three
in America. Uy I ) o'clock several
hundred persons had viewed the
remains. The pall heaters were
Kaniuel J. Itandall , John lil.gclow. Daniel
Manning , Smith M. Weed , Charles A. Dana ,
Dr. GeoigeL. Miller , William Allen llutlcr ,
Daniel Magone , .1. 11. Trover , Dr. Charles K.
.Simmons , and Aaron J. Vanderpoel.
The lirst formal delegation to arrive was
from tho.Jcirersoninn club of Newark , X. J.
Soon after them Mayor Hell , of Yonkers , and
the Ymikers aldermen passed through , and
then ten servants ot Mr. Tlldnii's live
men and live women paid their last tribute.
The men without exception shed tears as they
gazed for tint last time upon their late mas
ter. At OMO President Cleveland entoied
the mansion , accompanied by Secretaiy ot
War Kndlcolt and Private .Secretary l.amont.
Geo.W.Smlth.Tllden's private secretary , took
the president's arm and found a place in the
line of citizens. Secretary Endicott followed
with l.amont. On reaching the head of the
liier , tlie president stopped a moment o" two ,
took an earnest look id the face of the dead
and passed on to the ball and was escorted
among tlie family up stairs. So also wcio
Secretary Kndicott and l.aimmt. Ten min
utes later the pall bearers descended the
broad staircase In the center of the house Unit
leads directly to the room where the remains
were , Secretary Manning leaning upon the
arm of .John Hlgclow , lead the bearers.
Mr. Manning seemed rather feeble , his
steps being by no means sure ns be came
down the stalr-s. A delegation front various
bodies followed thopallbearersnnd tookscats
in the blue room and In the adjoining parlor
weio the Har association , headed by Hon.
William M. ICvnrts , Xew York's board of al
dermen , Tammany hall , Irving hall. County
democracy and others. President Cleveland
entered the room with Secretary Kudicolt.
Secretary Whitney nnd Laniout. Following
next , came members of the family. Tilden's
nephews and nieces. Governor Hill arrived
just as the ceremonies were begin
ning , lie was seated next to
Mayor Grace. Hundreds of people collected
In the ball on either side of the black drapery
that filing In front of the bine room , blocking
up the entire passage and extending out on
the porches and grounds In front rind at tlie
rear of the house. Then liny. Dr. Win. ,1.
Tucker , who had como on from Andovcr ,
Mass. , , to perfrom the ceremonies read tlio
funeral prayers of the 'Presbyterian ' church.
The choir , of tlio Madison avenue Presbyter-
inn church , which had taken up position'at
tlie foot of the main stair case sang "Abide
With Me. " Kcv. Dr. Tucker next
delivered nddiess on the personal
qualities of the deceased. After this
address Mis * Antonia Jlennc sang
very effectively "One Sweetly Solemn
Thought , " and Dr. Tucker made another
brief speech. The choir sang ' Jioyoml the
Smiling and the Weeping , " and the casket
was closed. The body was borne to the house
at 10SO : nnd carried to the train for Xew Leb
anon. The president , governor , mayor , cab
inet officials and delegations followed , with
pall bearers in carriages.
As the casket was bnrno through the mar
ble-floored 1ml ) the choir sang "Itock of
Ages. ' ' Klght of. Tilden's eiiiuloycs carried
the body. Among them were the cniitalirot'
the yacht Yilcing , thu gardener , valet and
coachman of the dead statesman. The pres
ident and his SHtrctary , Governor Hill ,
Mayor Grace and delegations followed to the
carriages , but neither boarded the funeral
train. All along the thrce-mllc route to Yonkers -
kers the sides of the road were alive with pee
ple. Just ns the cortege started from
the h on so a brink rain set In ,
but this did not drive the spectators
from the paths. Many sought shelter under
trees and awnings and some rai.sed umbrel
las and some remained uncovered. When
the bcarso passed between the crowd , hats
were raised and other signs of respect were
continuously shown. When the depot was
reached the members ot the family , Misses
Tilden , Miss Gould. Messrs Tililcn nnd
Charles T. MncLcnn with their intimate
friends. Itev. Dr. Tucker and several of llio
delegation enteied the cars. The
train left Yonkers nt 11:15 : and Is
due nt Xow Lebanon whcrft the remains will
be Interred in the family lot at " > . The , ser
vices at the grave will bo of the simplest
Tlie will will bo read to-night It Is rumored
that it will 1)0 ) read at the old family home
stead nt Xew Lebanon. President Cleve
land , accompanied by Sccrctailos Manning ,
Kndicott nnd Whitney and Lamout , left here
Tlir KAS13 HAIjLi KECOJU ) .
Ijlncolu Wins the IniHt Contest With
Ijeadvllle Other ( lanic.H.
Lixcoi.N , .Neb. , August 7. [ Special Tolfr
gram to the UKI : . ] The fourth and last game
between the Lincoln and the Lcadvlllo clubs
In tliopiesent sciles was played to-day , am ]
again tlie homo team won ! n an almost per
feet game , with a score of 5 to ii. This last
victory makes the Llncolna winner In three
out of fourgnnms , and base ball stoo'c In the
club hero at homo Is rising , The game to-day
was played for blood and the enthusiasm
over the result was great. The attendance
was V.O.
AT PiTTfiitune
Pittsburs : t 0300030 4 11
Baltimore 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 S
Pitchers Handiboe and Conway. Flral
base lilts Pittsburg IB , Baltimore 4. Knors
Pittsburg ! ! , iialtlmoro 7. Umpire Kelly.
Hrooklyn 0 0031 030 0- {
Cincinnati 0 00000010 ]
Firnt base hits Hrooklyn 10 , Cincinnati 0 ,
Kirors Brooklyn U , Cincinnati ! > , Umpire-
Uain pivvcnted the Xew York-Detroit ball
game hem to-day.
Washlngtons.'J IOOOOOOOR J
St. l.ouft 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 S C
Ten tunings.
First bn > Hlit8 ! Washington 0 HI , Louis 10.
Krrors Wasldnglon 3 , St , Louis 4. Uniptrt
Putin pievented IMiUauplpliia-Clilcago game ,
Kansas City..O 0 0 0 OfO 0 0 1 1
Boston ,1 2010000 * - !
Firht base bits Boston 10. Kansas City 1 ,
Krrors-Bostou , Kansas City 8. Umplro-
AT Louisvir.T.K
l.oul3ville..O 100001012 !
Metropolitan .0000000010 1
AT t > T , Lotnsi-
St. Louis 0 1014100 3-K
Athletics 100100000 l
Pllcherj Oanitliers and Miller. Urunlre-
Valcutlne , _
Norc-' service at the Conjjrcga
t'umal tabernacle to-day. Sabbath isoho : ) !
xvill 1m held al llio inotnln ; jhour iuatcad ,
I All : ir wtdcump 10lW : ,
A Witness Whoso Eyes Beheld tlio Fatal
Missile's ' Flight ,
Jlc Knew the Nature of the Weapon
niul Fled For His In
tensely llrnnmtlo Cross *
Defending tlio Anarchists.
CIIICAOO , AiiKiiitT , In the anarchist ( rial
( hi * niornlii ! ; Samuel l-'ivldcii. on examina
tion by Poster , testified that he knew Bon-
lield ami denied that he told Bunlleld that bo
ran through's alley. On cross-examin
ation by luglmiu it was fchown that ricldon
was born In Kmiaiid ; and came to this couii'
try .it twenty-oiio years of ace. lie became
nn anaichl-it In isr-f. Witness never believed
In overliifiilnj. the Kovernnieiit by fnn.'o. Ho
lud made many speeches during the past
four years , but they were not always of a
socialistic or anardilstto tendency. Some
were strictly from the workwoman's stajnl-
jxiliit. Witness owned S3 wortli of
stock In tlio Alarm and w.w on the board ot
managers. He said ho wont to thu Aibcllcr
Xultuni , ' olllco on tlio evening of May ! about
ten minutes befoioSo'elock. Twelve or fif
teen members ot the American group Were
present. Ho remained theio until 0 o'cloclc.
Itwn4 then he ho.trd of thelarco meeting at
the llaymatket and that speakers were
needed. KielUeu was cross-examined in re-
Kant to Ids speech of that nl ltt. The rest of
his testimony wes unimportant , ns was also
that ot oilier witnesses for trio defense , A
it-cess was then taken.
The only testimony of any particular 1m-
uoitaiice was that of S. T. Ingram and John
Iturnct. The former witness swore that tlio
circular calllmc the Ilaymarket meetliic ,
which ho produced in court , was given him
on the street on the niu'lit ot May 4 , shortly
before theineetliiL' , took place. Tim circular
was one of those from which the words
"workliiLMiien , arm yourselves and appear in
forcu" had loii omitted. Tills was tlio only
elreiilarol that kind that has been presented
in evidence by the defense , which has been
pre em-d since the llaymarket Hot by wit
ness , who wan present at the nicotine. The
state presented as evidence a lot of circulars
taken from the Arbclter Xcituiu ; olllce from
which the words mentioned had not been
expunKOtl , and the defense has presented iv
number of revised ones , but till now no one
of them has been traced to the hands of an
eye witness of the riot who hail received it
fiom a distributor.
John Unmet Is an ordinary-looking younf ?
( iLMinnn , who said he was a candy maker.
lie was standing thirty-eight feet south ot
the eniranco to Crane's alley on the Haymar-
ket whim the bomb exploded.
The state's attorneys pricked up their ears
at mice.
"Did you see the bomb thrown ? "
" 1 did. "
"Did you see the man who threw the
bomb ! "
" 1 did. "
"How did he throw the bomb' ' Stand up
and show the jury how he did It. "
Witness stood up and went UiroitRh the
motion of throwing something Into the air ,
with bis right hand towaid the northwest.
Witness was then given a picturoofSclinaii-
belt."Is that the man you saw throw the bombV"
" 1 don't think it is. "
Tlio cross-examination was devoted to a
compaiison of witness' present statements
with those he made to the state's attorney
on May 7. Since that time witness had vis
ited the scene of the riot and taken ineusuie-
nients of the distances between the entrance
to thn alloy and where he stood and wlnro
the bomb thrower store. He bad them care
fully entered In a note book and were as
nearly the same as those given the state's at
torney as could be expected , taking into con
sideration the night was dark and witness'
memory unaided. The state has claimed that
the bomb was thrown from very near the en
trance to the alley. Burnet's testlmonymakes
the spot further south by nearly thirty foe.t.
The cross-examination was. concluded sOUie-
what dramatically by the state's 'atlorrtb\as' :
follows , after which the court adjourned till
Mondav :
( J. What did you do when the bomb ex
ploded' . '
A. I went away.
Q. What for' . '
A. Because 1 didn't want to be killed.
Q. You say you saw the bomb exploded' . '
A. Yes , sir.
( i. 1 ou know It was a bomb' . '
A. Yes , sir.
"You may go. "
Racing 'at WatUiiiiKtoix Park.
CIIICAOO. August 7. At Washington park
the wciithor was delightful , the track fast
and the attendance very large.
Three-quarters mile : Mountain Kango
won , Sister Monica second , Probns third.
Time 1:17 : Jf. Mtituals paid 357.1)0. )
Mile and quarter : BobSwim won- Surprise
second. Governor Hate third. Time 'J:10.
Mtituals paid SIU
Kremont stakes , seven-eighths mile : Terra
Gotta won , Illnda second , Vera third. Time
1 :2'j : ; . Mutuals paid S'.ilO. '
Mile and half : Topsy won , Taxtjttthcrer
second , Violator tliitd. Timc-JJi ! : : % . Mu
tuals paid Sl'J.OO.
Steeplechase , full course : Tennessee won ,
flush Uiool ; second. Hop Sins third. Time
4M9) ) Mutuals paid SU.80. .
Brighton Dcuoh Runners.
UnioiiTo.v UKACII , N. V. , August 7.
Puree , tnrco-mmrters mile : Uolloview won ,
Pommeo d' Or necoud , Magyar third. Time
1IOJ ; . Certificates paid 537.0. ) .
Pnrhe , one and one-eight miles : tllbcrnla
won , Cateheart second , Vmilter third. Time-
2:01. : Certificates paid S' . .W.
Pui-hO , one and one-eight miles : Hliw.ard
won , Compensation second. Colonel Morris
third. Tliiio--OIK. : Certificates paid SM.10.
Purse , seven-eighths mile : Miller won ,
"Voucher second , Hazard third. Time ! : ! .
Certificates paid S7.40.
Ptirso seven-eiirhts mile : Leonora won ,
Pilot A. second. Kva K. third. Tlme-lsUJ.
Certificates paid S43.60.
One and one-fourth miles : Olivette won ,
Tattler second , King U. third. Tlme-8:10 : # .
Certificates paid 811.60.
Itnciiiu nt Hnrntoga.
S.UUTOOA.N. Y , , August 7. Purse ; tlirec.
quarters mile : V.blerllo , won , Lady Way
war second , Uarefoot third. Time lilsyf
Mutuals paid. SWJS.
Sequel stakes , three year olds , fifteon-elgh'
leentlis mile ; Klkwood won , Oax Kallon sec *
end , Inspector . third. Time 1:5I'J. : M"ut
iialspaid 831:10. :
Purse , all aircs , mile and 600 vards : fiurch
won , Uarntmi Keeond , Uriwaldl third. , Tlnu
-4:1 : OKMutuals paid S 11.00.
Selling % , mile : Nettle won , Rosettf
second , Joe Mitchell third. Tlnio l'M } { .
Mutuals paid ;
Htirdlo row , IK miles : Bassanlo wrtn
( Jlenarnio second , Uurr Oak third. Tline-
2:40. : Mutuals paid , WJ.OO.
At Moniiinmlt Park.
MONMOUTH PABK , N. Y/ . , August 7.-
Handlcap , for thrfe-.vear-olds , niilu : Laucus
tcr won Eilgofield second , Calora third. Thnt
Handicap , one and one-clgth miles : Mali-
nice won , Stonelmck second , Con Crecai
third. Tlme-2:01 : } < .
Junior champion stakes , for two-year pMs ,
three and onu and a quarter miles ; Premonl
won , Kensington second. Jnlletta colt tilrd |
Time l:17)f7 :
Champion stakes , one and one-half miles ;
Volanto won , Ben All second Time 24t ;
only two stnttorfi.
ticasldft stake. , three-quarter mile : Mute
won , Elizabeth second , -Henaratee third
Purse for three-year-Wils and upwards , one
anil ouo-eleth miles : Pcgassus won , Cln-
dex second , Peeksklll third. Time-aW. ?
Steeplechase , full coureo : Charley fcpps
won , llory O'Mooict second , Col. Watson
third. Tlrne-5 ; 'J.
Capital Oily I'rohlDs.
LKJCOI.S , Neb. , August 7. [ Special Telegram
gram to the BRE.J The protilbitlonislsheli
their primaries In this city to-day to selec
their delegates fora county convention whlcl
will nominate a legislative ticket nnd Bclec !
dolexatei to the state convention , that meed
lu this city August 17. The primaries wen
quite well Htlendtul In all the ward * , anil t
rait list of delegates was elected.
Two liiioky Kliotfe'thh't ' Gave Illni Four
Sets of I'nns to Show us
n Trophy.
A thrilling advnnluro is related by : t
writer In the New'Tork .Sim , the relation
being made by tji'/s / hero , who tells his
story as If there was uo special credit in
it for him. The lumber firm in which I
was employed dcsifou' \ establish a camp
near the head wafers of the Wolf river ,
M isconsin , he suyri , nnd 1 was hi'trncicd
to look over the } ground and report. 1
loft Shawano in August In a skill' , taking
with mu provisions ; lin'arms.amlacamp- '
IniC outfit , caleulaj nj : , to bo gone about
twenty days. 1 wa,4iicompanied { by my
dog , u large and savage bloodhound. 1
am writing of twelve or fourteen years
aso , and the country about the source of
Wolf river was then wild enough to suit
any hunter. On the way up I met with
plenty of smnll giiine , and on two occa
sions saw the tracks of boars , bill no in
cident worth recording happened until I
had been two days on the site selected for
I ho camp. With mv axe 1 cleared away
n place for flip buildings , blitxed thn way
to a spring , and cut down a number of
small pines to be ready for llrowood
When winter and the men arrived. The
supplies wcro to be run in from Aluiiumi *
nee. forty miles away , and as soon as my
work was finished at the camp site 1 waste
to haul the skill'asliore. . sling my pack ,
and bhr/.c n road through the wilderness
for the teams to follow.
I hud a small tent with mo , plenty of
good provisions , and the first two or
three days and nighls passed without
alarm. On the afternoon of the third
day , while 1 was prospecting along the
river to ascertain its depth , width , etc. , a
black bear visited my lent and carried oil'
a smoked ham J had brought with me.
Ho. also tore open the sugar bag and
wasted most of its contents. I followed
him for half a mile or so by his tracks ,
but then lost Ids trail. That same night ,
as 1 sat smoking at the door of my tent ,
1 heard the cry of a panther from a
jungle across the river. There was no
mistaking the sound. The man who has
ever listened to the long-drawn scream of
a panther will never confound it with the
cry of any other wild beast. This lollow
screamed out three or four times , with an
interval of about live minutes between
the screams , and then he was suddenly
answered by his im'te , who was on my
side of the stream and apparently not
more than twenty rods away. I've had
to do with various wild beasts in my time ,
and I never knew anything to weaken n
dog like thu yell of a panther. That dog
of mine wouldn't have hesitated a mo
ment to attack a bear or wolf , but the
yells of those panthers made a coward of
nun in no time. lie crawled into the
tent , and 1 could neither coax nor drive
him out. However , 1 didn't blame him
so. very much , for every yell sent the
shivers climbing up my spine in a way to
make me ashamcjl 01 myself , i heaped
on the wood until 1 had a bis fire , and
after the beasts had called to each othern
few times they coajjjd screaming , and the
woods were as silent asia graveyard. In
about an hour the dop rbgained'his cour
age and came out of the tent and began
smiling around. 15-j' and by some small
animal ran across tlicopeii ground in our
front , and the dosf. iiUerca a bark and
dashed after it. , t hqard him rushing
through the woods Jor two or three min
utes , and was about/to whistle him to re
turn when there wnfc one loud , fierce yell
from one of the parahew , a yelp of terror
from the dog , and 1'Kn.ow ' that ho was a
goner. I whistled atuLcalled , but I had
seen him for the law tiinc. ,
1 got but little sltep that iii'glit , feeling
that I was at the , , > ncr/jyof. the beasts li
tlmy had a mind to"att'ulc.Directly { after
breakfast I started out in the direction
the dog had takeiHund after traveling
about two J Jimtth-diTf and fifty feet ;
I came upon the- pot vliere ho had met ,
his death , I think ; the panther'liad leaped
down on him from a treu'Mind secured a
great advantage , for there had been no
struggle. The nine con'es were splashed
with' blood , anu tufts of hair could be
found here and thnro where the dog was
dragged oil' in the direction of the stream.
1 had with me a double-barreled shot
gun and a revolver , and I determined to
revenge old Tiger's death. I had noticed ,
a big heai of driftwood n sliort distance
up the river , and on the oilier side , and
from this heap a fallen tree bridged the
stream. When 1 came to inspect this tree
I found more blood and tufts of hair , and
it was ulain that the dog's body had been
curried across to some den in the drift
wood. I crossed by the log and mounted
the heap. It was composed of limbs ,
trunks nnd dead logs , which had been
flung there on the low ground in high
water. It looked like a good place for a
panther's den , and as I carefully moved
about I hold tlin gun ready for a shot.
Aly idea was to descend the heap and
look for the opening of the den , but I de
scended jn a manner entirely
for. A limb suddenly gave way under
* my feet , and I went crashing down
through the pile , which at that spot con
tained a hollow as big as an ordinary
.bedroom. Both barrels of the gun ex
ploded as I fell , and the gun was lost
front my grasp. 1 landed in a heap on
the ground , surrounded by broken
branches , and enough daylight came
down to enable me to see what sort of a
place 1 had fallen into. It would bo no
great job to climb otit , and I was about
m'aking a move in that direction when 1
heard the faint squeals and squeaks of
kittens , and looked down to find a pair of
wee little panthers almost under my feet.
Scattered around were bones and pieces
of flesh to tell the fate of old Tiger. 1
was in n panther'H den , and as I rcali/ed
it my heart jumped into my throat until
itVeemud as if I could not get my breath ,
f Was thoroughly rattled and ready to
run , nnd for two or three minutes I made
frantio eflbrts to clamber out. As fast as
I reached a limb it broke under my
wpiclit and lot mu down again , but I was
still trying when I hoard one of those
panthers yell out. It wasn't the cry of
the previous night , but a snarl of ragi
and I knew 1 was to bo attacked. Now ,
for what followed 1 have received the
credit of being a very bravo man , but J
.am ready to confess that ! never felt my-
.flclf more ofa * cowiuM. I was nt bay , and
"cowards will fightf ) vbrm driven to the
wall. I just bent dwuiovor those cubs ,
drew my revolver , nndJn about n minute
I caught sight of ir-vanUior's head us she
worked her wny in thixbugh the drift. I
took quick aim ailrt'let her liavo U , and
.Shu didn't kick half 'rf dozen tunes. 1
knew the other oiui.WiK around there
somewhere , and I didn't have over three
minutes to wait. Jli'uUiuno ' for mo by a
difleront route , andho was almost noon
me before 1 fired the ahbt which finished
him. ' °
The kittens wore * About two weeks old.
and after the old ohes'lmd ' been finished I
knocked the little Ortts in the head.
When I returned to-tyiawano 1 carried
the paws to provo tiuf ( I had destroyed
fo-ir panthers , and , ii-'ttl told you , I got
tin. credit of being it iJkm-heartcd Nun-
rot I deserved not onto word of praise.
I simply had the nerve to use ray revolver
ver when pinched , and the killing of the
first beast by one bullet was simply a
lucky shot.
The Public Can ltd Informed.
I.osnoN , August 7. Sir William Arm
strong , ol the Arms MBtnifacturlnc 10111-
pany , la resorting to extreme measures to
stop the military newspaper exposures of the
company's alleged corruption of the govern
ment officials t6 secure contracts for the
supply of ordinance. Tlio court refuses to
grant an Injunction restoring the papers and
bases Its refusal upon this f round that the
alleged libels fall within { he class of "privi
leged connuitnlcftUons. " VH these libel * am
true , " saj-H the court , ' 'It U of the utmost lm
portutien that the country should bo niado
awuieof thu lacU"
Four Stories About a Fighting Editor find
a Big Knock Out.
A Few Discrepancies , anil tlio Roailcr
AVIio Vuya Cnu Tnko His Choice
' Other News of tilt
From Nebraska.
Iliillolln From tlio Hnttlo.
O' , Neb. . August 7. ( Special Tele-
pram to the lUi.J : : McDoiinugh , ( lie editor
of the Tribune , was well thrashed by II. 11.
Cl.ilbotmio , M > n ot the editor of the People.
He was also cowlihled by Mnjor Tcluull on
account ot sumo slurring lemaiks made
through his paper of last week. The public
generally think that begot \\luit he richly
deserved. _
The Uitllotln Mnstcd.
O'XKiu. , Neb. , August 7.-fSpeclal Tele-
RI uiu to the llii : : . | A malicious falsehood
Was telegraphed the Hr.i : last night. 1 have
not Ituon whipped or cowhldod. 1 used up
buth men. Plo.iseeonect.
.1. .M.
A Iloo < llcr Itullntlii Yet.
. O'Nr.Ht.Neb. August 7 [ SpeolnlTolegram
to the HKK. | Considerable excitement has
been caused here by two attacks made upon
.1. il. Mclonouli , editor of the Tribune , the
cause being an article In this week's Tribune.
II. Claibitrne , son of H. It. Clalburne , editor
of the People , pointed a six-shooter nt Me-
Donough , but before ho had time to tire
McDouoiich grabbed the gnu and niter a lies-
puiate tussle wrenched It from his grasp. Ho
then piiiiimclcd Clalhurno until he crlod fer
mercy. Some hours later K. H. Tebault ,
meeting McDonongh , drew a cowhide , but In
an Instant McDonouirh col In red his man ,
downed him and then mercifully allowed Te-
batdt to get up and pa without Injury.
Ijntosr. From tlio Field.
ATKINSON , Neb. , August 7. [ Special Tele-
Kratn to the Hir. : . ] J. M. McDonough , of the
O'XellTribune , was in town this evening.
Attorney Snow , of Atkinson , cave him n
severe drubbing for publishing a scurrilous
article that appeared In this week's Issue of
till' former's paper. McDonnugh retailed tea
a saloon to have his wounds dressed. Snow
is waiting for another round with him. This
makes the third tKl pounding the editor re
ceived this week.
A Disciple of Hofi'iiKin Captured.
YoitK , Neb. , August 7. [ Special Telegram
to the Ui-n ; . ) A party giving his name as
John A. Mcllrldo applied to .Judge Bunnett
on Thursday fur a license to marry Mary
Don ! van , an adopted daughter of Mr. Wil
liam Ilancy , for whom .Mclirldo had been at
work the past summer. The license was re
fused on the ground that the girl was but 17
years of age. Mclirldo then hired a team of
W. A. Sanderson , who runs a livery stable ,
and left town , going to Central City , where
ho Hold the team. The ofllcers at that place
wcio suspicious of the transaellnn mid tele
graphed here for advice , and being Informed
that the team belonged to Mr. Sanderson
gave chase and captured the disciple of Hoff
man at Columbus , lie Is now In jail at Cen
tral City. Deputy Sherilf Shreck lett this
afternoon for the prisoner and team.
Prosprectlve Dnwcri-l'rohiultlon Al
Wn.iinn , Xct ) . , August " . [ Special Tele
gram to the Hni : . ] The Saline comity prohi
bition convention was held here to-day.
Perry Caldwell WIIB nominated for state
senator. I lev. Allen , of Crete. . ! . Kyim , of
Friend , and II. II. Stevens , ol Western were
named for the house. The above have bolero
been active In thc-Ui\wes republican 1'uctiun.
The under feeling "loiuts to an endorsement
of the above ticKet should Dawos control the
republican convention. The lenubllcan
county .central .committee met to-day and
lixcd the countv convention for September
10. The indications In the unmltteo
showed that wanted a late convention
but the committee didn't so see It.
Two Moro Toxvns Heard From.
IlKi ) CLOUD , Aug. 8. [ Special to the IJr.i : ]
Wheat crop is good In ( juality , although not
BO large as usual , lleeent rains assure a
good crop of corn of an average yield. Farm
ers arc jubilant and business improving.
ATKINSON" , Neb. , Auir. 7. [ Special to the
BEK.I Wheat will yield about til'teen to
twenty bushels to the aero. Italns have
helped out the corn immensely. It will aver
age about forty Jinshels to the acre. Other
crous are good. Farmers arc In good spirits.
Will Keep Up tin ; School.
FIIKMONT , Xeb. , August ? . [ Special to the
BEE. ] Thodeccase of Professor W. P. Jones ,
the very efficient president of the Fremont
normal and business college , will not materi
ally affect the ecneral work of the school.
Thu various departments will be conducted
as usual and every effort will be made by the
trustees and managers for the Increased suc
cess of the Institution ,
Pla.tto County I'rohlbs.
Cor.UMnus , Xeb. , August 7. J Special Tel
egram to the IlEi ! . ] The J'lattc comity pro
hibitionists held a convention to-day. K. A.
Orrard was chosen chairman and A. Lceth
secretary , both of Columbus. Mr. llleedorn ,
of Platte Center , was nominated by acclama
tion for the legislature. Tlio following dele
gates were appointed to a joint convention
nt Colfnx from Platte county : Me-ssis. Lcctb ,
Gerrard. Curtis and llurd , all of Columbus :
to the state convention : Messrs. Kelly and
Knwn , of Lost Creek ; Messrs. l.eelh , ( Jerrard ,
llurd , Ueniiotnml Ferrell , of Columbus ; Mr.
Williams , of Uutler township , Mr. Herrick ,
of Postvlllo and Smith , of Humphrey.
Cutting Hcntenoed A Mexican Opin
ion IftuibasKalsintc 'IroopH.
EL PASO , Tex. , Ausust 7. Sentence was
pronounced on Cuttlmr this evening. It Is
one year's Imprisonment at hnrd labor nnd
SCOOilno. If ho cannot pay the line he will
haye to servo 100 days longer. Medina , who
caused all the trouble , has leave to sun Cut
ting In a civil suit for damages. The rmes-
tlon of censuring the American coiml
Ilrlgham , and asking for Ids removal , is
referred to the supreme court at
Cillnmhila. | Cutting-will probably bo hurried
oil to prison at Chlhnahmi.
What n Mexican Mlnixlor Barf ) .
PAiiiK-Augiist-0. The Mexican minister
hero has sent a communication to the papers ,
In which ho says that a coulllct will not
arise between' ' Mexico and the United States
In connection with the Cutting affair. Jle
concluded-With tlio statement Umt Mexico
Is perfectly ! tramiuil. _
ICnnsna Wnnta to Fluht.
OAiinKN CJjrv , Kal , August 7. A full
vnlunteernbattory of two guns and forty
men wa * organized here to-day In view of
po&slblo hostilities with Mexico. Their ser
vices will bo tendered to President Clovulatid
on Monday.
Chip ol thu OKI lllook.
CITV OF MBXICO , August 7. It Is an
nounced here on good authority ( lint United
States MinUter Jackson has resigned , but
that Secretary Uayard has not yet ac
cepted his resignation. It li said that
Minister Jackson's resignation has uo
connection with tlio recent border trouble ai
It was tiled in June last. Mr. Jhckdon has
had thojconlidence and respect of the Mexi
can government and American residents of
Greenwood's UravcdfRger Puzzled I/
Wealth In Froapoot , Due Uo
Cllnus to tlla Horrotvful
'Halston" in Now York Thnesi One
of the town's Holiest men , whoso name
is never omitted from n. list of New York
millionaires ; n man , too , who has iiover
been credited with Idle cossiphiff , gent
mo word n day or two a < jo lliat lui would
Hko to . ee mo. 1 lonnd him at hisolllco.
He had a "slory" for me , and hero It is
for the entertainment of readers who may
like to see tlio handiwork of a millionaire
turned newspaper man :
"For forty years , " so the story bcj11 ' !
"JamesV. . Pearce had been working
hard for n living. ( Jood fortune had
never attended him. Industrious nnd
sober and frugal , all these he had been ,
1ml somehow the dollars had never piled
up in his hands. Men do not dig graves
in Greenwood cemeti'ry tor fun ; that is
how .lames Pearce has been lately earn-
iim his living the living of self , wife
and three children. At $ t.60 a day men
do not hasten to yc.t rich , and no penny
has chanced to roll across the Pearce
tlnc hold nnd failed to llnd thuro at least
a dojen needs awaiting it.
"Vet James IVareo's house was filled
with hosts of people cougratu'ating ' him
lait night. He was suddenly become a
millionaire. He hiin.-elf announced It.
He ollered rcil-tapi-d documents to prove
it. Nobodv doubted It. Kverybody was
in ecstasy , excitedly enthusiastic every
body but dames Pearoe. That same stolid
matter-of-faot , tdollar-and-a-half-a-ilav ;
look that has attended his grave digging
toil Mill sat on his countenance. Iseigh-
bors howled with delitrht over his good
fortune ho alone seemed carolet-s
) - , un
moved , not daxed. The newsof his great
good fortune came in u letter that the
postman left at the humble home , No.
( lilt Sixth avenue , in South Brooklyn ,
just at breakfast time ; but unexpected
and astonishing it was , tilled with sueh
wonderful promises as it was , James
Pearpo did not allow himself to for
get the practical duties before him ;
he simply tucked the letter behind the
little clock on the mantel anu went at his
usual early hours on his usual tramp up
to Groomyood ; and there all day long
under a blistering HUH , with the thermom
eter boiling up above 1110 , ho swung u
heavy pickaxe and threw spadeful on
spadeful of earth high up over tlio nar
row edge.s _ ot the graves that huduir. No
man in all the land worked harder ;
no man was more tired when dually ,
the day ended and bent under the bur
den of hisday's wearing work , he trudged
out of this eemeterv ami home.
"James Pearce. Irish born , is over lifly
years old. Hi > came over tlio waters be-
frtro he was out. of Ids Icons : here lie mar
ried and here he lias lived and toiled ,
\\itli not much to encourage him , ever
since. He left behind him , when he
sailed hither , a brother in Ireland , a lad
older , more daring , belter schooled than
himself. Politics had claims for the
brother , ami for a little while , pushed
forward in Ids youthful enthusiasm at an
exciting time in Ireland , ho was conspic
uous as a patriot in whom the people
swore ardent faith. lint pojitical careers
have had stranto turnings in the land of
Dan O'Conniill , and one day a British
magnate took yoiimr Pearce first to court
and then out of the empire. He was
transported. He was an exile , lloiniirht
never return. He was set down in Aus
tralia to shift for himself. An eventful
career followed. A sheen-raising mag
nate was captivated by the fluent longued
young Irishman , and. dying , left him his
lieir , the controller of millions of money.
A year ago ho sent to New York and
sought intelligence of the whereabouts
and the condition of his younger brother ,
and a month ago his agent was able to
establish Junica' identity. But no hint
was dropped here of the rich man's pur
pose ; James 1'earcn kept on at his grave
digginjr , unespeetant of the romance
that was budding , the countless dollars
getting on edge that wore ready to roll
right into his grasp. He never even
guessed of the wonderful change in his
brother's estate , if indeed he got a single
inkling that that brother was still alive.
"Now , suddenly the Australian brother
dies dick atid 'makes by written will
James Pearce Ins sole heir. And the es
tate is worth over $7,000,000. " .
That strikes me as a pretty good slory
and I guess 1 did not indulge in an un
warrantable ( lattery when i told my mil
lionaire that if he ever needed a dinner
he could earn it down here on newspaper
row.Hut there is a rule in the Times ollicc
a rule bristling with thorns sometimes
when facts won't rhyme that requires
the careful confirmation of all reports be
fore they ean go into typo , and so my
millionaire was a little doubtful whether
Pearce was Frederick or was James as ho
wrote it over the bridge and- away out
to the depths of South Urooklyn I' went
to find the Pearce family and join in the
neighborhood's jubilation. I found the
house , I found the Pcarccs , 1 found en
thusiastic people ; but -sad the discovery !
L found , too , reasons for revising my
millionaire's story somewhat. High up
on the top floor of a tenement 1 sat down
with Jlr. Pearco. who told me he could
neither read nor write.
"Yis , " said he , "it's true that you say.
I'm a ticttin" nigh on to eight millions o'
dollars J'vo knowed it for some time
now , but "
Mr. Pearce's narrative continued , with
his vernacular slightly edited , ran in this
fashion : He had received.anolicc telling
him of his new wealth , but ho didn't
know whom tlio notice was from. It
told him that iiis brother had died and
left him between $7.000.000 anil 8,000,000
out in Australia. That was a big nile ot
money , agreed Mr. Pearce , and some
time , lie said , when he had tlio chance , he
was going to look into the matler : there
was only one thing in the story that he
tlid not finite understand. His brother ,
ho was sure , hail never gone to Australia ;
his brother had boon trans
ported ; his brother and Mr.
Pearce showed that he felt a
little pn/.x.led in fact , Mr. Pearce con
fessed that ho never had n brother. This
waa unpleasant news to me ; 1 began to
feel as It thn sovou millions were a per
sonal loss of my own : only a newspaper
man can appreciate that bcnsu of Borrow
which comes when n comely nnd uxelu-
sive story is knocikcd in this way all to
Krnithimiuns : "No brother at all ? "
There was sadnits : * enough in that for anew
now Jeremiah. JJut ftlr. T'earco was not
cast down. Ilu didn't bellcvo that
anybody would play him a practical
joke , and tlio more fact that ho hadn't a
brother did not trouble him. Ho felt just
as sure of tlio i.Miormous fortune as
tlioit" ! ] he had had a do/on brethren ;
but just now lie doesn't /col able to "lose
tlmo" and give up Iiis $ l.nOti day wngoa
long enough to hunt up clues , Mrs
Pearce , the two junior male Poarccs , and
the nlou looking young woman , daughter
of the Pearce liouseiioni , all were calmly
content and confidant. "UVJI go to
Yorrunl" quotli Mr * . Pearco. and
her husband echoed , "Wo will thawt ! "
And the neighbors , everybody oit ) in that
Greenwood district , all are firm in their
belief that a vcsdul load of gold is bound
from Australia for South Brooklyn and
likely to come Into port now at any
moment. And there in unanimity In tin ;
neighborhood that the mere fact that
James Pnarco novnr had a brother isn't
of the slightest cons.Muiniicn. If Mr.
JamcH Pcnrco were a drinking man he'd
find a thousand acquaintances glad ot
the chancu to roako him happy , FO Hiiro
arc those acquaintances of tint ship uujii-
ing in.
The millionaire journalist isn't so con-
ddent since I've givnn him' the report of
my investigation. Just to justify himself
he Hays : "My olllco boy , who liven over
in south Hrooklyn , told mo the utory and
I jotted It down , not thinking thcru was
any doubt about its certainty , he. as so
sure of it. Anyhow , it shows I've got n
nose for news , doesn't lit And that's
something. " 1 loft him in his pride , us-
toniKhed n little to llnd that newspapers
of consequence take nothing for granted ,
but not infrequently spund as much
money In investigating nnd disposing of
rumors that are groundless as thuy i > puud
upon tlio nowi that panics mutter and M
found worthy of acceptance ,
The Semi-Political Fight Against President
Egan ot the National League.
Tito Reported Murrlnjjo of Gcnrgo
Could mill Kdltli Kliifzdoii The
Tlldpiv Instate Ktftlnmtcil nt
Ton Millions.
Niw : YOIIK , August fi. [ rorrospon-
onou of the HIK. ; [ The branches of tlio
IriMi National Icngiio throughout thu
counlry uro electing ilulogate.M to tlio
convention in ( . 'lueaso , and i Now York
t'ity Ilu- elections turn on iniestion of
supporting Patrick Kyan for ro-i'Ieetionas
president. Although there ii great oppo
sition to Kgsm in tlii.s eitv llioro is a ureat
anil inlhiiMitiiit part.on his side , anil it in
no secret that Miohai'l Davitt , leader of
tlio delegation from Itolund , which
will arrive lioro soon , Is Ills warm per
sonal friend , and i.s besides a shareholder
in tlio North City Milling company , in
Dublin , whieli is at present oonlrolled by
a relative ot Kuan and was owned in
great part b.v K ; ati himself up till four
years ago , when wiln his family lie loft
Ireland for { jooil to IIIIIKO his iiomoin this
country. It Is safe to assumn that what-
e.vor Diivitt does wilt bo backed up by tlio
other dolomite , William O'lirien , tlio
editor of United Ireland , and onu of the
most talented of I'arnell's followers in
the house of commons until his defeat at
the nleetion for South Tyrone. Alexander
Sullivan , of Chicago , ex-president of tlio
league , and ox-'oiire.ssiiinn ( } John F.
I'inurty are two of the most influential
backers that Kjan has. while ox-Prosi-
dent Moonuy and ox-l'residunt Patrick A.
Collins are said to be on tlio opposite
The hostility to cable railroads seems
to have partially disappeared in New
York , especially sineo the late lon
slriUc on the Third Avenue rond. The
reciprocal interests of down town ami
up town here compel dispatch and sending -
ing passengers to and fro , while there is
enough hostility to the elevated railroad
junta to make ( juiek cable roads rather
desirable on the part of those who but
yotorday wore making a great ado abiut
the arrival of strangers in tlio town. The
Third Avenue railroad , tlio most impor
tant in tlio United States of street-ear
lines , has fully determined on putting
down a cubit ; from the postollk'c to Har
lem. This will take a year or two , but
it is the beginning of a general transformation
mation , and meantime elevated railroads
are also growing in favor , notwithstand
ing the disadvantage there may ho to
adjacent property. Corbin , who now
has his hands full of Long Island rail
roads mid is In poor health , sees the im
portance of connecting down town as
well as up town with Ills lines.
This year has been , up to tins
present time , a bad one for him in
his formerly .successful propurties at
Coney Island. I hayo been there several
times during I he. season , and was told by
an intelligent waiter last week that thu
Oriental h"tcl , which made enough
money last year to compensate for the
slim returns of the Manhattan Iteach
house , was also behind this ycai , consid
erably. Indued , the attempt to control
everything on Long Island , Coney Island
included , seems to take the individuality
out of particular resorts , and while there
are thousands ot little cottages on Long
Island proper , the main hotels in the Cor
bin system have bad a very dubious Sea
son. Corbin has no station in Brooklyn
within a mile of the down-town ferries ,
and he now wants to run an elevated
railroad with four tracks through one of
the great streets of the city , so as to make
the south ferry his chief depot. His up
town ferry at Thirty-foutli street lacks
street car communication with the west
ern portions of Now York island. Judge
Hilton and Mrs. Stewart bava prevented
a street car railroad going through Thir
ty-fourth street , to the general disadvan
tage of trade in the upper middle portion
of the city.
From an apparently authentic source
eamo the announcement this week of the
marriairo in London of pretty Miss Kdith
Kingdon. of D.aly's company , and Mr.
George Gould , the favorite sou of the
great railroad millionaire.
The couple had been reported as be
trothed for some time past , and the news
did not occasion the Inrore in society ,
linaneial and theatrical circles , that
otherwise would have been created.
Mr. Jay Gould , however , denounces the
cablegram as a "canard. "
It is well known that Mr. Gould docs ,
not approve of the match , and possibly
thu denial is one of those "pointers" ho
lias been known to give when things are
not running his way.
Perchance the father , thinking the son
has committed a "bull" in matrimonial
stock , is holding out of the deal to show
his displeasure , but when ho shall see the
real good value through his son's regard
of the new property , he will probably
join in and boom things in the usual vig
orous way.
It , would be indeed a pity for the in
dulgent parent to act bearish in the mat
rimonial market.
The death of Samuel J. Tildcn is Ktlll
the all-absorbing topic. Every visitor to
Mr. Tilden's homo remembers with pleas
ure tlio quint but elegant luxury of its
furnishings , and hisontertaiiimenls thoro.
Mr. Tilden , though a bate'iolor ' , was a
man of thoroughly domestic tastes and
habits , and his wealth enabled him to
surround himself with everything that
wealth could buy. He did not spend his
money lavishly. Ho had accumulated
his fortune by his own ollort.s , and al
though lie had an abundance in latter
years , the habits of his early life mid
working daye , won ) not changed , and In
spending his money ho took care to get
its full value In return. So his vast for
tune increased rather than diminished to
the end. His weallh has been variously
estimated by his friends at froni $1.000,00(1 (
to . < rin,000.000 , The foundation of this
splendid fortune wa.s laid by hard work ,
nnd although it was increased rapidly it
was increased by the same , methods.
It is undoubtedly true that he
made many of what is known UH
"lucky hits" in Wall street , but lucky
spnftihitors are not chance investors as a
rule. Tlioy are men who work with their
brains us dlligentlv as others work with
their hands , and Air. Tilden WHS one of
tlii.s kind. Ilu bought or .sold because he
saw a reason for doing so , and had satis
fied himself by every possible means of
investigation that the reason was n good
one. His "big strikes" are supposed to
have been made in the Norlhwus-om at
the time of the consolidation with I/HI / old
Galena Union , in Fort Wayne , in Union
Pacific , and in the elevated roads in Now
York. Although never interested wlfh
either Gould or Vandoriiilt , ho conii'/vcil /
to keep liimsulf well posted as to ileir
schemes , and frequently profited by
them , Ilu learned of the lattur'a Kchcmo
to consolidate the elevated lines , and is
mild to have made nearly $3,0'Jl,000 ) , out of
it. He was one of the atlonuys who
brought about thu consolidation of the
north western lines , and knowing posi-
lively what would be done of coined made
a very Imndsomo sum. Bv this move ho
got the repntal-.on of being a "rnilrotd
wrecker , " which wanurgoii against him
In the campaign of ' 7U. Just prior to tha
Hurry of IWil bo sold out hi * Union Pa-
oilio holdings at W , and tlio stool ; linn been
Uu'ow ' that ligiiro uvur since. This ! <
believed 10 him * been hlf list trar.suetiou