THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY AUGUST 8 , 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES Ad.vertlsc'monts under this lioid , 10 cents per line foe the flrst hi'crtion , 7 cents for oRoh nl > - dcqiicnt in ertlon. and tl.fio n line per month No advertise rasnt takrn for loss ttynn S5 cents for the first Insort.on. Seven words will bo counted lo the line ! they must run consecu tively nnd must bo paid In advance. All ndvcr tlecmcnts must bo linmlol In before 2 o'clock p , m. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. I'nrtks mlc Hiring In tbeso columns nnd bur- InjrthennswcrsnOdrcssed In cnio of TIIK HKE , will please ask for n check tocnnble Ihom to ( ret their letters , ns none will bn delivered except on proscntntlon of check. All fmstvcra to ad- vertlscmonts should bo enclosed In envelopes. ' TO IiOAH-MOHEY. ' CUNT Money to loan. J. J. Mahoney , GI'IMt 1'arnain. BUI TO LOAN On real estate. Up- MONKV rnlos on liiriro loans. Central Invest ment Co. , Ilnrkor Illock.cor. 15th and Fnrnntn St. ONF.V TO LOAN-OnTnrin nnd city prop- M lowest rules , Vf. A. Spencer 15V9 Farnnm MI H-r > MONKYr-ro LOAN On rnd cstntp. "H. 3. Smith , llooinU , Wlthnell Illock. _ ' , FUNU OF , oo to loan In SI'KCIAI suit , on short time mortals , thrca to twelve months tune on property tin- proved or Unimproved , Call nt the Omnhn Financial KxclmiiKO , second lloor of llnrkcr Illock , S.J\V. CorJ'iirnnm nnd lath St. S 4 _ _ "WTJ" hiivo cheap money on longtime , In nny V > < | iimilltyto lonn on Insldnclly proporty.or farmlniul. Slarshull&Lobcck , 1511 Fnrliainst. KSt . CKNT money to loiiii. It. C Patterson , 6lT.ll l nndjWlns. 018 _ _ FINANI'IAirKXI'lfANflKlspro- . - OJIAIIA. make loans In nny nmonnt , on nny kind of approved security. I.nnro collntoral lonnn n specially. Also on chattels nnd real estate In amounts nnd time to suit. Iowcr rates , better terms , nnd prompter service thnn nny lonn niceticy In thoclty. For further particulars cnll nt ofllce on the second lloor of the llnrker niock. southwest corner of Fnrimm and 15th "ON 15 V TO 1.0 A N' At lowest rales of Intor- w < l on farms nnd improved city property. F. .1. Day & Co. , fi , CroniiRe'H block , S. U. corner Capitol nveiino nnd 10th st. TO-'scpB TO LOAN At lower rntcstlinnnny- MONKY where clso In the cityon furniture , pianos , organo , horses , WIIKOIIS , or stock of any kind. Hmnciiiber , nt lower rales thnn anv other loan company in the city. City Lonn .t MnrlpnKO Co. . room 15 , 1401 Farnam st , opposite I'nxtfin hotel. _ _ _ . _ . ! 4 : > 1 MONKY to lonn hy thn undersigned , who 1ms the only properly nnrnnlxnd lonn ntenoy in Omuhn. Loans of $10 to f 1,000 mndo on fur- jnltnri.phiiios , organs , liorfcs , wni ons. machin ery , Ac. , without removal. No delay * . All business strictly contldmitlal. I > nnns so mudo thnt nny pnrt can bo paid nt nny lime , rnnh pay ment reducing thn cost pro rntn. Advances madoon line wntches nnd tllnnmnds. I'crsons ehonld cnrol'nlly consider who they nro donllnir with , n.s many now concerns nro daily comhnt Into existence. Should you nrod monov , cnll nnd sea mo. W. II. Croft , Room 4 , AVIthnoIl IlUlldltiK , 15th nnd Hartley. 4V1 6PRH CKN'l' Mnlioy"lo lonn. Slownrt & Co. , Iloomn , iron bank , 12th nnd Fnrnnm. 455 flooon to loan. Sums f5'JO nnd upwards , $ lowest rates. Ilemls , 15th and Doualns sts. _ _ 450 _ ONKV TTO lW > AN-O. P. nnrla & Co. itotd M EotBto and Loan agents , 1505 Farn : < m St _ _ _ 457 MONItr TO LOAN On ( rood Fccnrllioi. A McQnvock , room T Hodlck Iltock. ISOTFnrnain JJU _ _ _ _ _ _ 458 ' TI/TONHv / TO 1,0 AMOn roiil cstuto mid'ehnT * . D.L.TUomna. -U--Ltolo. 459 MONIiV TO LOAN In sums o7j200nndup wnrdn on flrsUclnss real cstnto Becunty. Totter & Cobb , 1516 Fnrnam St. 40U MONEY I.OANKI > "iu c7 F. Heed & Co'B. Lofin ofllce , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons personal proport * of nil kinds nnd all other nr- tlcloaof value , without removal. 3Ifl 8.3th over ninirhnin's Ctltnmlsslon store. All bus BBSS strictly oonfldontnl.Id _ ETJBIJTE33 CHAWCES. Bl'SINKSS ' ClfANCKS-Ono of the best gro cery stores In the clly thut only requires small capitalcimh dally sales $ SO. Will Invoice nbont $2.000. Kent only $20 per month. Cnll on or nddi-csB , Turk .t Fowler , 1522 DoiiKlnB st. 6JJ7-12 Tfnou'SAI.K A Kood pnylmr newspaper In n jU- , . . > Ilve county scat in North Nebniska ; or will Fell n hnlf intoiest. Inqulio K 18. Hco ollicii. fill I 8 n .rjtOIt.KAIjli Thn complete furnltnru of the JLNohrnokn - A'lncpnr Works. Call soon ou K. Krebs. Jones st bet Oth nnd 10th st , Oimihn. 019 TTlOItSAr.E First-class Itcstuurunt In one of 1- tlio very best locutions In thn city ; nil now nnd complete ; ononsy terms , by Jf. L. Ilfifiritis &Co. . 15011 Douglns st. C37-B FOU SAI.K Orocory stock doing nxood biifi- mess , cheap , lousn would oxchnnpo for Oninlin rent cstnto nt Us cash value. Iliillou Bros , 1510 Houglns. " ' ' 0497 FOU SAI.K NICQ'clnnn ' stools of Brocorlos In contoror u pool trndo. Will accept part cash nnd balance In Onmlm renl cstnto. 017-7 Foil SAMS invoice nnd Mock of the only llrel-flnKS hotul In n booming town ; will sell cheap If sold this month. Address J. Kro- bock , Illno Springs , TJeb. ; will KVO ! lcn. = o. C55-l ! BUSINESS CHANCE-Tho I. X. L. Slnto I'nlnt Co. . wnnt llvo twents with smnll cnpl- tnl to tnkooxeluslvu territory nnd npply their paint , ( iood money to rljdil men. Oul nt com- jmny' * olllco , ronmU , overCommcrohU National bank , or nddrcs * J. L. Hlco. p. o. box 57 . 013 HIM. . .1 . FOIt HAI.E Dnrbor chop nt n lmrnaln , ( food location inn llvo town , two chairs , dolntr n good himlncss. Itensons for pollingproprietor Roinrr In other business. Cull on or address , Cl. W.ArnoId , Avocn , lown. C2 7 Tj'o" HAI.K Or o.xclmnjjo for Omaha real JL ostnlo. n niceclenn stock of ( rroccrlos. Theo Olson , iilSg. 16th st. e 2 12 FOU SAMS An elcjfnnt established business , the best of thu kind In the west located in this city : not prolltsiXi.0.1 ) ) ) . per annum ; will bcnr closest lnvct > thration ; Invoice about Sl.l.OOJ.oo , I'nrtles with menus wlshhiir to step Into n flno liusliiiifB nddross K 7. Ileo olllco. 44t FOU SAI.K A flrst-clnss bnkery , restaurant nnd confiM-tlonery f-tnnd In n town of 7,001 Inhabitants , inquire of F. 1 * . Far & Co. , Onmlm. , . SKB | 7UUt SAI.H Fii-stK-lnss mont nmrkot with Juleo fixtures , nil complete ; uood trndo ; best of reasons for eolllnir. Cnll or write to Upo.W. MnssoiulOil Howard. " ttSl FOU SAl.K-Ono of oldest established frroeorv business In the city , with n very Inrso , well-pnyliiK trade. Will iixchntiRO for Onmlm real ostnto or part cnsh nnd Imlancn se cured notes. ( Jood reasons given lor Eollln ? . Address " 131 , " Hen olllco. W HOIISKS I.ols.Fnrms.Mitids money loaned , llinnis. Kith and Douglas streets. 402 'Tnoil SAI.K-fuveruTstocks or Roods , ilolnu'a Jhcnltliy business , ownership clcnr. sntls- factionKimrnntoed ; ternn eiisy , Fomo Omnlnv property tnkon In exchange. .Mnrslinll .V Lo- beck. 1511 Fnmum kt. 4ns rouwD. "IJ'OIIN'I' ) I'ookothooV contnhiln valuables , J.'Call ' utJIoudy'aChina stoic , a W North lath HI. 7E1-7 rilAICHN HP In my pnslmoou Military roud , Jonodnrlcbny horse , blank ninno nnd tall , Binull whltu on hind feet , shod nil around , John BtuhonV t _ nine 4 FOUND Itoiin cow with white snot on rlirht hip ; short horns. SK-'i Chlcnso. tkO.H * LOST ( JU BTOl.KN-Tcmm mules , wujfoii nnd liniupsa. A rownnl of tundollnn > will bo ; > ad ! for any Information that will lend to their recovery. Charley Fleclc , Knalo House. Omaha , a- " ) > tl 72T-U * 'I' OST Ono ilurtiitr Dnrlmm c < iw ; red , with JUHomo whllnVpDtson body nnd In Inco ; horns cut : f-1 rewnrd for delivery ut 8 w cor. llnrney nnil lillli utH. _ ti72 TDOAlllndlodclUffS pKItSONAl. $ .6H will buy n decorated dinner Jl rct.bijimio sluipos.fciiltablo for small fuiulllus nt Mooilv'b China btoruUJ2 North 10th st. _ _ _ 7UI 8 _ Pl' deslie to call your kind atleiitioii thut tbuOmalui Kmployment bu reau IIIIH rcmovtMl Its olllco from Fnrnam st to 11 North ICth stln Crounse block , should you trait uny hulji plvuso call. Ilcspt , K. O. lioll- _ _ _ Pi ; 1SO | M.\I .J | r , "ir ) NaiTnlo V. Wurrcn clali-irm-nut. Mdluul | : iinil biihhioss Medium Itoom No , ? JSl NoVtli llith t. , Omnhti , Noli. \\l J. WIUTK&CO.have H smull steumboat ' on Ouiahacnt-Oir lake ; It Is In peed run- nlnif orilnr. Coiuo aud ee.c , ir you wUh n pleas ure trlji. 7K ( ) b * OMAHA Kent EMfite. llou o A FtirnMiod Kqoin Agency , Money Ix > nne < I on Itrnl Us- into , Ou ) ton & Knstmnn , proprietors , main onioe ini : Pouirlns st , branch onices 1213 Fnr- nnm si. . 141.1 Donning * t. . lfl N Will. 510 nnd ( Kl Sloth ! telephone No.4'i ' > . Alnnro list of fur nished nndiinfiirnlshpd rooms , liouwji , ect , for customers to select from Ijoavo your houses and loomswlth us : wowlllfoonflilthcm up with dp'ltnhle tenants. Como to us for rooms nnd house * ; can suit you at once ; cnr- niws for patron ? ; telephone or cnll nt nhovo olllces. _ _ ire a Id 37WII IlK.vr"Fqunro l'lnno , > l monlhlv , A . Ilospn 1510 UoURla ? . 4f,3 1)1(1 ( YY vaults nnd crss pools cleaned by H. _ Kwlnif. I'.O 110X127. _ niOnucU' "Ijloit ith.vr OrKiuiK , J2 per month , jlospo , JL1 1BU ) Douulas. _ 274 _ ' "IJIOU HUNT > ! niaro I'lano tJ monthly. A J ? Ho pe. 151.1 Dotnrln * . _ 273 _ : UINT : A storu on n Rood retnll street. Foil Apply the Omaha Heal Kitato and Ix > nn To. TDK Ijioll Slr.ho | lurnlturi' nnd nxturosof Bt , I'nul hutbl nt Onklnnd , Neb. : n Rood Imt- Rnln If sold fool. . Address St. Paul Hotel , Oak land , Neb. ' _ _ _ _ r,7s , 1ft * _ I < > SAI.KJl'iilos , 1121 N 1 . 6W-18 * 17 < < ) lt SALIC - A second-hand lleiulnglou typo- .1' wrllrr , No. 4. Incry Inlr condition ; price , $ ; W. Addrcrs I' . O. Drnwor 40. 720 8 IilOU SAI.K I'bncttm Itnggy n" peed ns now ; 1 cneap for cash. Stockdiilo.V Mitchell. 1510 btrcet OMJ1 FOU SAI.K Cheap A Domestic f owing ma chine : nearly now. 1503 Davenport st. KM ) TiiOItSALK A splendid work team , young JL1 nnd sound together with wugon and liar nofs by Itulloil Itros , 1510 DollKlas st. 50. ' , 7 TjlOll .SAianil'iimbletonion colt ( broken ) , .L1 sulky , harness , top buiw , stable nnd org-ftti , by KiiKlnucr Hoberta , Fort Omaha. C45 8 , "ITHHt SAIK Furniture0rooni house com- JL' pleto for iioUHckecphiK : price , > 00. llouso rent i''i per month , line locution , 1719 Douglas st. _ _ _ _ _ 415 _ ITOU SAt.K Horse , hnrness nnil buiriry. In- ' qillrol4Ui UoliKlasst. OW 10 * Foil SAI.K Furniture nnd leiKo of siv-room house , time on part. Cnll 120J North S , t\i \ street , two blocks from lied Cnr line. WO FOU SA'l.K-MO,6ob brick delivered to nny part of thoclty. Inquire ot U. K. Mnvno & - 572-7. _ TTlOIl MAl".K-brt "mcTo"deon. il octiives > l8 on J-1 monthly Installments. One stop br nn M knee swells , 0i ! feet hlirh f S on monthly pay ments. One 10 stop First Class orjran bountiful cnso 575 on easy parinonts. Ono 7lj octnx-o 1'inno tJniud Square Itoxowood nnso $175 on $1(1 ( monthly payments. Ono llenullful ( Irnnd rlnno f25l on tuiyments nt Hospo's musia rooms V51I1 UoUKlnsst. SOJ Aug. 7 _ HlSilSKS l/ots.Knnns < , Lands money loaned. lloillls J5th jlild * IKiiiKliMjtrootM. _ 471 FOU SAI.K | lilum ! , furnlturo and kltcho rnnzo jl'SMtithst. _ _ _ _ 877 _ Foil SAI.K Cheap , iron columns nnd win dow unps Miltnhlo for front on hrlek build- Ing. Fur parlloulnrs npply nt this olllcu. BI3 > At the St. Jnnios hotel , fninting 1.1' . depot : 1 Rlrl for kitchen work. 1 ffoixl dlnlmr-room girl. 1 clmmbcrmnld. 1 good drcssiiiukor. 712 7 * WANTKU Nnrso irl at southwest corner 20th nnd Webster streets. Cnll Monday. _ _ v. . 12S-7 * WANTKU Good ( { Iris. Inquire at F.mploy- ment olllco , 21 ! ) North 10th slrcet. W2-7 WANTKU An expeifenced settled woman to nnrso an Infant ; references required. Cnll nt 2010 St. Jlnry's are. 722 7 * WANTKU A flrst-eln'ss cook at X'Olli St. Jlnry's nve. ' 72117 * WANTliu A liousck cper"to tube fiill clmrKO of n ncntlomnn s honso mid two llttlo children ; must bo middJu nged. Address W P. , City 1' . O. ? ' ! T * 'T.XTANTKU 2 oxpcricmied laundry hands : T T good wages pnlil. 915 Jnelibon st. 717 7 * WANTKU ( Jood Klrl ; must know IIMW to cook , wnsli and iron : smnll family , good Inquire C. L. Krlckson , opp. I'.O. 70110 First girl , iWJ 1'urk nvo. 70:112' : A A > I lvl > nirl for Kuiiornl housework , No. 1U18 Capitol nvc , north side , bet llilh and 20th. 731) _ WANTKU A lli-st-ohiPB female cook. None but llrst-class need apply , good wages , 1017 Howard. 705 U * WANTKU A middle iiKed woman for ffeiicml housework ; one whoum'orstnnds sowlnif. Inquire on Hurt St. , opposite Halle's brickkiln , three hqnareaenst of Sacred heart. Mrs.J. C. Oluddln. CUP.U * V\7ANTii ; > AVoninn pastry cook nud man T > second cook for moats nt Metropolitan hotel. Y\f ANTKIJ A pond trlrl for ( fonornl housc- V > worknt 415 N 20th st. U31-7 * WANTKU At Arcudo hotel ; 2 fflrls for Inun- dry , 1 chambermaid ; intiSt bo flrst-cluss. ' ' _ \ rANTKIl Oirl for liKht housework , neo 14 * _ > to 15. _ Bn I'loiiMUit sr. C24 7 * WANTKU girls ut 1010 S Hth St. Mrs. Flanncry. C3J-7 * WANTKU-Qood Girl for kitchen work , nlso nurse fflrl , ( Icrmnns preferred. 2015 Ciihs St. _ C32.7 * VlfANTKO-Ooodeook. 7108. Hth St. V > U4fl 7 * _ _ _ _ WANTKnoViJril boil slrls" for penornl houiieworlc nt Omuhn Employment liurcnu , Hi > North ICth street. B. O. llello-Islo. ( l _ _ _ _ _ _ > > ANTKU At 1KM Howard St. , n rollnblo Klrl for kitchen work. Mttnt boh'ood , plain cook , wnshor nnd Iroucr. Gorman or Irish jirofcrred. Ml WANTKU A good German housekeeper for a small family with two children. Terms Enlisfnciory. Inquire U14 , Jackson St. 570-10' W : ANTF.D-A llrstHJIusschaiiit'ermnld at the Windsor Hotel. 652 W ANTKD A Rood jfirl. A. llospo. 651.9 W room girl. Occidental Hotel. 601. WANTI1U An experienced cook nnd laun dress. Good waxes paid. Mrs. G. J. Hunt , Virginia uvo. . mid ( inint st. 65i ) \yANTHiJ-oirlnt No. UlOSlUthht. 0187 * WANTKU A Klrl for ( jonornl housework. Apply 210 J'nmiim Bt. 4K3 IJU tilrl'1'arKCiiornl housework. A. I , Muyiio , S. K. corner 21st and Webster. 420. WANTKU A nnrso Kirl nt 4C.-J Convent Bt , Apply utonto. 40q WANTKU ( HrF for general housework 2511 , St. Marys avo. l15 ! WANTIJU nii-ls to mnko overalls , shirts and jcmmpunts. OtnUela Mf'K Co. , cor , llth and Douglas , up stairs. COO-nutf. 7 WANTKU-immoUlaTcly.a Orst-clRss coolt a 1813 Dodtfo st. BQ5 WANTKU ss youn ladles and Rents to learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions when competentitood. Address W. J. I ) , room 1Crounse block 16th Bt , Omaha. 734 HELP. WANTKU " 0 men for railroad work , wucrcs 11.75 per day.-ivlll shin Monday morning ut 8 u. m. Call ill * North Kith street. 13.0. Belle. Islo. 720-8 WANTKU-A blttcksraitli nt South Omaha , J. Noleou. , 710 7 "fXrANTKU-JJntorprlflntr men with | ; > 00 to t J.'iU ) to open ami iminayu n cnclos for us in other cities. Goods atari ? . 1022 Capitol uvu. 7U1.8 WANTHU-B llvo. rustllntr men to solicit or ders from families In this cily forun arti cle of looil : JJ to * easily made , Sells ut Bhrht. Cull2lond.iy 1U22 Cnpllol uvo , UJJ b \\7AMhl A rood rollablo drugUt : ( , must if turnlsh rofcrniKHis. A splendid chnnce for thurlirht mail. Address , QF , Furbruoh , ( . 'had- ' ron , Neb. A\rA > iTii : > Sboit-hnnd students ; oxporH IT enrol toucher. Terms , J20 for eomplot j course. Addn-ca K SO , Ileo ollleo. iN.T K " - lTiTck iim KoiTuT j-Ta t to " ( JonforT Nob. Address D. W. Kdwards. ( TJ7-7 7ANTKU-A Hood Mcno raphor. oTw" laKor tcCo.ifoiu _ 7 , Iron Hunk. 018-7 \VAXTKI ) C'Uivussera ' for photo copying , , * , w.orkt Kw Miller , room 21. Friunlur block , Omaha , Nt'b. ( CJ u WANTKU Ton peed tin roofers nnd ten Kood cornleo mukei-H. Inquire at Wusteiu Cornlco Works , SOU and 10 B. mil gt. 6G7-d WANTKU Atoir eiieri oilo youngr men of cbaraotrr and Kood address to work in Iowa or Nebraska. J. M. French It Co. , 18 , llushmnn block. 6j-8 | WANTKU lo meu of uood appearance can null muko f i to f5 a day , Call after 8 o'clock at 141' } South 13tli St. 609-T \-\7ANTnu-T < nliorprflforIJlnok Itlll c.xton- > V nlon of II. Ac M. It. II. nenr llrokcn How. Men to drive tonms. Scrniior holdom nnd ( < hovelers. K. B. Albright's Lnlior Agency , 13M rnrnam l. KM _ ; ANTKU A plncons head cook In meat or U pastry , hy it sober , experienced inuii. Address K * ) , llco ollico. da" 7 * WANTKU Situation : younu man , JTPOI ! onrcful horsemiin ; had clmrKo of livery rtnblnln cnMurn city ; can drive lour horses. Address llorjcmnn , UUi Uaveii ) > urt St. , clly , WANTKU IJtnplovmont : n mnn with Borne lui'lness experience nnd is wllllnp to work. AddiCHS 1C 3 , ' , Ilee ofllco. 707 7 * \\ANTUn * iljr a competent mnn , who has 1 1 the best 01 rccommcndntlons , n Job In n Krocory store. Cnn drlvo n delivery wniron nnd Is well nciunlnto | < l all ovcrtown , Lost bis ln t situation ou nccount of slchnoss. Address A Illu.c , 838 South lOtli st. RM-7 * \ VANTI n-lNi ltlon n * clerk by ft younpr > r Scntclininti. Address , 1) ) II , No. 220 Iliond- wny. Council 111 ( T.s. _ _ _ WANTKU A portion liy n ncnoBrnpli-T. Onn do ontlnnrv clorlcnl work , lloforeneo given. Address 1C 22 , lien ofllco. HOMO * WAUTS. WANTKU 0 ti'nms with scrapers nnd plow. Apply to M Donovan , South l.'lth , one block south ot Itnnuroft. 72V'.M \\rANTKliTKnmMylo rdopt iibiiiiy 2 monliis TT old or to take cnro of It for a year. Address K 27 llco olllco. 007-7 * _ WANTI3U To rent nsnmll neatly furnished room near llco olllco. Address stntlntr terms K 21 lloo olllco. A4 ( ! WANTKU To sell n now orirnn or piano , 8.V ) to f 100 , taken In board by n Kcntlu- mnn ; private family preferred. Address 1C 25 , llco olllee. _ _ _ ' B48-U _ WANTKU AKonlH with small cnp'ttni to Inko o > cluslvo teriltory nnd nnply our pnlnt. Call nt the olllco ot the f.X. L. Slnto 1'alnt Co. , room 0 , over Commercial National bank or address - dross J. I > nice , box 570. 041 _ WANTKU To rent hou o 8 to 12 rooms , suitable for oourdltiK. Address K. mall carrier in. 025 7 * T\7ANTKli Honest , Industrious hey to tnko T i cnro of IKINO nnd worx In store nt ITOfl Fnrnnm st. 0708 lyANTKIl Drug Mocks , any nuinocr nnd and nnywhero In oxoliiiiigo fnrOnmhn property , or ( rood Neb. hinds. Swan & Co. , Fren/erjilock , 15th st opp. 1' . O. 52i-7 ; "V17ANTKU llonrd with room In n prlvnto funilly. Address 1C 2 ! > , lleo olllee. 7028 * \VANTKU A Ooodslcady borso with spring t wagon ami harness : must bo clionptn ; be paid for In monthly Installments. Address i , : i- lice onico. inn " \\7ANTKli Customers lor our hiittur nnd TT cream. J. II lloonstro , MW N Ifiihst. . 811 n 13 \\ANTKU A good bouse on monthly pay- T meets. Address II , Oj. lleo olllco. ( KV , \\7ANTKU-To buy n nluo residence or good T > building lot In n desirable location. Ad- dressjl , Mleo _ ! olllco. O.'M. \\rANTKO Tennis ! T. Murray. TV 473 rOU UEIJT HOUSES AND X.OTS. FOU UK NT For n term of years , the 2-story brick building on the n ouor. of 10th and Douglas. Inquire nt drug store , same pluco. 724. TTUIK HUNT Nowfl-room houses , near street -L : cars. 1) . C. 1'nttcrioii , Oinuliu Nnt'lbnnk. 674 _ _ _ T7Ull KKNT-Now seven room eottnie In good JL ? locnllty. luquhc nt2118 Onpltnl nvimno. 735 8 * _ TT'OK KKNT Store with 4 living rooms nhovo J ? between ( ho bond of St. Mary's nvcnuo nnd Ixmvcnworth , KOOI ! opening for nsiuldlor or bn- ker , and other lines of business. Win. Mom"- mhiK-,1401 Douglas. : ! 43 " 1J1OK llKNT Two Inrjfo handsome npnrt- J-1 incut bouses with modern Improvements. now In the course of erection , rcndy to bo occu pied by Sept. 1st next. Oil ! nnd < Ksi South 17th htreot. For particulars inquire of Juhn 11. V. J.climann. 507 T7V1H HUNT DcBlrnblo It-room cot IIIRO , south J U.I' , depot J. 1'hlpps HOD , 1512 S 5th. 008 I1K KKNT Three houses b7 Hallou llroi 1516 Douglas st. Ml S FOll IiUASIi Wo have eleven neros on U. V. 11. 1L trnck.KOJ feet front : will Icuso nil or part for llvo yearn. Uedford & Souer. 75t "IjMMl HUNT 10 room bouse with modern J. Improvements , line location on street car llno.7HiN.iOlliSt. ES1 ran HZMT KOOMS. Foil IlKNT Nice single room with gas nnd huths , cor. 20IU nnd St. Mary's ave , brick residence. 711 7 TJ1OU llKNT Nicely lurnlsliod room , 2200 JL ? Dodge. U20 13 * Tjioit KENT Nicely furnished rooms near JL ? streut-cur line , 51u Pleasant st. 710 12 * EOIl HKNT Lanro front room with closet : suitable for 2 Kontlomoii : brenkCnst and sup per it desired. 2412 Ilurnoy. _ Oill.T FOU IlKNT Front ollico , 2d lloor , Omaha Nnt'l Dank. Inquire I ) . C. Patterson. UI7 TT\OU \ IlKNT Furnished nnd unfimilslicd JJ rooms JU and $ aB08 _ SouthJ2dst. _ li-8 ( * _ FOICU15NT Suit of furnished rooms for two gentlemen. 1011 California at. C88 IlKNT Five nicely furnished rooms , U bath room and water closet on promises. Terms moderate. 412 N 14th si. bet. Cliicnco and Cus.s _ KtVlB * _ OU IlKNT Handsomely furnlshod front F room In Rood location. 012 S. 17th. 693-7 * FF F OK IlKNT Uoslrablo furnished room. In- qulro 2210 Davenport st. 02:1 0 * HUNT Furnished two front and one Foil back bed rooms In good location. Address K. 10 lloe olllco. 020 7 * FOK HENX-Furnlshod looms nt 1707 Cass bl. -nitm UKNT-A ehoico furnished room. 1701 JU Capital avo. 0447 * "I71OU KKNT Two front parlors , newly fur- JL' nlslicd. 251 ISt. ilary'a avenue. Oil FOI UKNT Nicely fiirnUho'l rooms. 'No. 115 South 23d St. , on Farnam St. , cur line. 081-7 10U UK.NT With board , n furnished room 1710Cass . - * POIMIKNT Nice rooms nt 1821 Fhrnam St. , 1 block west of Court House. 503-7. FOH KENT Furnished front room. A. Hospo. 380 F Oil UKNT A suite of rooms 1812 Uodifo Bt 335. Poll UKNT Two very nicely furnished rooms willi or without board , house Is sur rounded by n nice lawn and has bath room nnd gas. S. W , corner of 20th and Webster. 515 17MMI UKNT-Nmely furnished rooms with J first-class board , 621 Pleasant-St. 372-31 * OU iujNTV Furnished room , J810 Dodge. ! B7 it2ft FOU IlKNT A furnished parlor room with board , suitable for two gentlemen ; also flrst-class table board ; rcferouce required : 1811 KKNi1 A nicely furnished south fooin" 1C07 Douglas st. Inferences required. 47. ) , .OU UENT Doslrnblo furnished rooms nt F J 1811 Farnam struct. 470 "jmoil UKNT Nicely funiUbod front rooms JL' suitable forono or two goutlomen ; all mod- ornlinprovomoiita. ' 418 Jones st 141 TTH > U"lTKN'f Two store rooms on llfh st. , Jt ? > 25 cacti. J. .lohiison , | 32i Fnrnnm. 233 801110 llequlsltos of Travel. A stock of vaseline with which to anoint the sunburnt nose. A hat that is proof against being tele scoped in aslocping-car berth. A tympanum that can stand tlio terrible tooting of the hotel bands. A trunk so heavy or iron-clad that the " / ? { " " * " n.mii will not dare to outer in collision witli il , A good arithmetic , to study in order to decipher the numerous comprehensive railway time-tables. A \vatch that doesn't gain over an hour u day olng west or lese nioro than ton minutes every hour going cast , A check like adamant , to check the in sinuating advances of the suspicious strangers you will meet along the way. A diary in which to cuter the incidental expenses , which will bo twlco as much as you calculated before the start. A bottle of Jamaica ginger or a flask of "something or other" as a precaution against sudden changes of water. A woll-linod pooket-bootc and numer ous quarters and dimes for the inevitable hall-boys and irrepressible hotel porters , A wife is not bad to have along when traveling , especially if tiho does not want to go to sleep when you want to go out anil to go out when you want to go to sloop. CAPITAL OF OTOE COUNTY , Nebraska City's Solidity , Attractive and En terprising Business Wen. CORDON OFHAPPY RURALHOMES Pork I'ticlclncnml Distillery Interests Wholesale nitil Itctnll Indus tries New IMilillo nnil Pri vate Hullllii ( < i Per- ftonnl Mention , CITV , Neb. , Aug. " . [ Cor respondence of the Uii : : . ] The county scat of Otoc county , with a population now nearly eleven thousand , is situated on the west bank of the Missouri river , forty-thrpo mile- * south of Omaha and fifty-seven miles cast of Lincoln. The city is noted for its beautiful location , lying us H docs on n bluff and being bounded on each side , east and west , by North and South Table creeks. The beautiful and rich orchards which sur round the city nro the best to bo found in the state , mid it i ? 'with commendable pride that the visitor is shown them. Here wo find the homo of J. Sterling Morton , "Arbor Lodge , " as it is bolter known , and a few miles further west we arc at the beautiful country residence of the Hon. C. 11. Van Wyck. While many more elegant rural homes could bo men tioned that ate passed on the route , it is sulllcicnt to say that while Nebraska City docs not lay claim to the busy life of metropolitan Omaha , or to the active scenes to bo found in the state capital , Lincoln , it rests easy on its honors in being the famous city of the state in solidity , as re gards its mercantile standing. Endowed dewed as > it is by nature , it takes no second end place in being the most attractive city in tlio state. GOOD 1Y1ACI : KOIl INVESTMENT. Nebraska City oilers many investments to those of the east desiring a place where the capital invested may be rapidly in creased. It is now accredited by the state press and the tniuiused public gen- erally.the 1'orkopolU of the northwester n states. Two largo packing .houses , al ready in full anil working order , with two more seeking a site , the credit of being - ing the best market outside of Chicago , in the west cannot be disputed. At tlio present writing the C. , H. & Q. railroad company Is about miilding a bridge across the .Missouri river to the Iowa boundary. This will bo a want tilled that has long been needed , and there is no reason to doubt that before many months a , wagon biidgo between this point and Iowa will bo under construc tion. The eiti/ons are always ready to oiler any aid in their power that will cn- hanco the growth of this beautiful city , and , as stated before , her merchants are composed of a class noted not only for their firmness commercially speaking , but whose untiring efforts are ever ready to take tlio front place in any movement of enterprise. Three daily KNTKIll'KISINn JoritNALS and four weekly papers are published here , viz. : the News , Press , Times and Staats Xcitung , the former three publish ing weeklies as well as dailies , while the latter , under the able editorial charge of Dr. Komior , is enjoying a largo circula tion as a weekly. Messrs. Alarnon and Ilubncr arc wielding tlio labor- for the News , while the helmsman of the Press is Mr. II. Wood , a gentleman who , al though comparatively n now-comer , is wide awake to the- interests of the city. Mr. Hutching , who is the proprietor of the Times , is keeping his vapor "hum ming , "and cnjoy $ : a good circulation , which naturally makes Henry happy. NEW ANty IMJp INIHTSTIEIES. Among the uow , features which show tlio strides tills eitjf is taking towards be coming the second city in tae state , may be mentioned the | ic.w government build ing now bein ; b/jlt / ( on the corner of Otoe and Eightjstrujitsj the water works , which arc now , , biimg built and which will be the be t in the state ; the largo give employment 'to over one hundred ineii. These npjw industries are in addi tion to what this cjty has already in the shape of large iid\tjtrial ; \ ! works , for in stance , the distillery of which Mr. George Woolsoy is president , employing about seventy-live men and consuming at present 1,000 bnshols of corn a day. The capacity is double this amount , and Mr. Woolsoy informs mo that soon an extra force will ho nut on , working both day and night , when the consumption will bo 2,00' , ) bushels of corn a day. The mill though running now night and day , is unable to fill the many orders received daily , not only throughout this state , but from Iowa and Missouri , SOMKSOUU HANKS. No city in the slate can show better banking facilities. Four banks are to bo found hero : viz. , the Merchants , M. A. Cotton , president , and Henry Sherwell , cashier. The latter gentleman is one of the civrly residents of this county , and , though a young man , now ranks among tlio leading capitalists of the city. The Nebraska City National bankW. . A. Wilson , president ; John Stoinhart , cash ier , is doing a splendid business The latter gentleman is also secretary of the board of trade. The Otoo County Na tional bank. M. K. Hill , president ; J. Metcalf , cashier , is ono of the oldest banks. The Farmers' bank , Logan Unynrt , president ; W. P. W. Hoiisor , cashier , although only four years in existence is receiving its share of busi ness. The gentlemanly cashier , who , by the way , holds the position of district olork of this county , adds greatly to the bank's nopularity. "THOSE TKMI'OHAUV HOMES. " The Morton house , Uced & lilrdsall , proprietors , situated on the lower part of Main street , is where the hungry are well fed and the weary can get comfortable rest. The Grand Pacilio hotel , Thomas Wymond , proprietor , is situated on the corner of Tenth and Main streets , and those who would grumble at the bill of faro or tlio rooms that are furnished might bo classed with the genus crank. MIJI/n'M IN I'MtVO , The Chicago Lumber company , over which Mr. ( icorgo Donahjson hasotiargo , is doing a lively business under his aolo management. Hon. 1) , 1 * . Holfe , who last j'our was mayor of the city , and a gentleman whoso popularity is over in the ascendancy , is also engaged in the lumber business. JW. rearmun tho"saiattor governor , " was not at homo J when 1 called , but rumor bus it that he has received the f 1. Look out now. ' F. T. Hansom , ono of the youngest and brightest lawyers in tlio state , was found ut his ofllco amongst a pile of legal lore , but ho smiled. The Hon. John Q- Watson , who for a long time was district attorney of the Second judicial district , is one of the most popular roili'mits ' hero and has but few equals in the'htato us a criminal lawyer , ' Harry Wales' ' has the contract lor the now government building at. this place. His part of the work will bo pushed to the best of bis ability. Harry is energetic and up to the interests of the oily. Ono of the important industries of this city is the Nebraska City Manufacturing company , whoso plows , cultivator * , etc. , nro widely known. Mr. George Kregel is the oflieipiit secretary of the company , while Air. Jacob Wesuer , of well known reputation as nn efficient and export me chanic , has charge of the mechanical de partment. The goods made by this com pany arc being shipped into most every state and territory we t. Mr. Jiimcs Ueed , of the linn of James Heed Co. , druggists , is one of the jovial inc-n of the city who has a Keen eye to business. He Is a prominent member of tno "Timo Kill Club. " The Hon. It , H. Dijkev , who for many years held the olllee of county judge , is no\v" the head of one of the largest drug stores in the city. 11. C. Freeman , a popular young drug- trist , has ono of the lineal htted up stores in tliu city. Nebraska City rightfully boasts of her flue meat markets. Among the leading merchants arc ( J. W. Miser , who , while doing a rushing business has always time for his little jokes ; Mike Gardner , a voting man who is keeping tip his reputa tion in dealing out llrst-class moats ; S. W. Trail Is another of the solid butchers of this city , enjoying , as ho docs , such an extensive trade that It will not bo long before "West's" retirement on a compe tency will be noted ; Charley G. Fischer deals In all kinds of meals and fish. Among the grocery men arc : J. W. Waltlsmitb. who has a line , airy store and keeps n large stock of goods on hand. Mr. Waldsmith i.s ono of the representative men of the city. Thomas WhltJ is ono ot the favorites of the city , \yho divides his popularity witn his cllicient clerk , Frank Carman. Charles Stahlliut is not only an exten sive grocer , but is quito a largo dealer in grain. Faunco & McNamara , though among the youngest firms , are doing a business that has justified them in recently erect ing a two-story store. K. V. Felthaiiser has a .spacious store , and has just put a new front to it. F. W. Itottmnn , better known as the "landlord , " is one of the representative Germans of the city , and owns more houses than any other man here ; hence the appellation , "landlord. " "FriU" is a good man for the city. Hon. C. H. KorlV is another of the leading men of the city , and for a long period held the office or mayor. He has a nice largo store of general merchan dise. II. Ilomeycr has ono of the neatest stores in the west end. James H. Northcut is ono of Nobras- kits oldest residents , and is closely identi- tiok with Nebraska City's interests. He- sides his grocery store ho has a large steam feed mill and is doing a good busi ness. ness.F. W. Uodenbrock is another of tlio en terprising men to be found here , lias a ' largo gro'cory store and deals extensively in grain. Mr. Uodenbrock is also treas urer of the Grand Pacific Hotel company. Edward McCallum is doing a lively trade in the harness business. L. C. Hiokford's variety store is just immense. II. F. Schneider , the good and genial ' 'Henry" was found at home , and so was Thomas K. Fooloy. Tom comes from Mnrsballtown , la. , but says ho likes it hero better. Noelting & Meyer are partners in ono of the largest , hardware stores heru They also carry a full line of stoves. Dr. S. L. Gantis one of the lead ing phy sicians of this country. Dr. Voos is a newcomer here , but a gentleman who is fast gaining an exten sive practice , particularly with the Gor man population. T. J. Fitcliie is the genial agent of the Home Sewing machine. In the musical department is Dawson Collins , who carries a large stock of in struments. Dawson's reputation as a piano tuner i.s known all over the state. H. Aird & Co. , dealers in stoves , etc. , is one of the oldest houses here , and this house gets its proportion of trade. William Uischon has a line largo hard ware and stove store , and is doing a good business. Mr. Hischoft is at present president of the school board. L Wessel & Co. conduct ono of thu load ing dry goods houses of the city. Mr. Kolin is the company , agontlcmahn per son never forget meeting. The head sales man is Mr. Isoman. W. L. Lambitb & 15ro. are among the oldest and best known dry goods houses in the county , carrying a slock as Hue as any in the state. J. W. 15ntt fc Co. , furniture dealers , are doing a business that would be a credit to any store. Mayor Larsh , now in executive position in NobrosKn City , is well known through out the state as a conscientious and up right gentleman , no matter what position he may be called upon to fill. With a council composed ot wide awake men who have the interests of the people nt heart , Nebraska City can lay claim to be ing ono of the best governed cities in Ne braska. SHORT SUMMER SERMONS. Plain Kvery-Dav Philosophy lilo- ( lueutly Kxioundolly | Urothcr Gardner. Detroit Free Press : A lawyer will work hardrjr to break do law dan to onfo'co it. Do man who gives you thirteen cents fur a shillin'will berry yer tea an' colly an1 pay nuffin back. A photograph donn' show do deviltry in a man's eye nor do principles on a woman's face. Do mo' good clothes you kin heap on yer back do loss your bad grammer will bo commented on. Do public nobbor stop to queshun do ( roof of a scandaliiml , do man who climbs above us am nobber quite forgiven. Do aim of do philanthropist : un not to do good eggs , but to work dead ad ones over an' palm 'em oft"agin. Do room which a man takes upon iv sidewalk am no criterion to judge of do amount of brains in his head. you can't h'ur do jingle of gold pieces half ur fur us you km do rattle of tin pans. Do man who announces his own hon esty sometimes gets into Canada with do boodle , an'sometimes ho ant caught in Detroit or Hull'alo. Lot two life-long frens begin a discus sion as to do color of Abraham's hair , or do size of Noah's ' head , an' do ohances fur a row am fust class. What men doan' know am what dev refuse to loc go of. Sift down do talk of do world's great est men , an1 when you oomo to extract do bigotry , egotism , prejudice an' solMnler- will liavo to look for do quotient wid a spy-glass. When a man sots out to bo purty ho mnsn't blamu his hatter for any shrinkage - ago of his head. As do hoss-senso oozes out , do cranium has got to contract. Doan1 worry ober do theory of trasmi- gration. When you am turned into an ole whlto boss an' sot to work grindln * bark in a tannery , it will bo time to com plain becanso you wasn't turned into a tunnor in&tcnd. Luv am a beautiful sentiment , an * do game of throo-keerd monte am a swin dle , but fifty people are drowned by luv fur every ono swindled by the kconfs. Industry am a rack in which dnr nm always a peg to hungup ono mo" work- in'nuin'g coat. When vou come to let the gas out of a ballon you nm surprised an' disgusted nt do shrinkage. Ono-half do great men expect deir speeches to bo read by posterity an' doir debts to bo paid by doir children , A movement hns recently been set on foot by ceituln ol the Itussifin clergy for the adop tion of coimiegatioiml slnginc in their churches. Hitherto all hns been left to the otUclatliiK priest , his assistants and the choir , the coiuret'iitloa too often standing listlessly about , or iit-ihaps carrying on conversations among tneuibelvtw , as if the service hud but llttlo perboual Inteiest for uny except those officially employed. Sermons arc practically uukiiowu In ordinary chinches. THE OOUPON TICKET. toile 57inri < Ot / > cfroil Ptrt IVTM. Well , yes , said the Conductor of the train as he took the cigar 1 offered him. 1 have. Of course a man that travels much has to. Can't help it. Hut the worst cas-n I had to deal with was about two years ago. Of course j-ou've heard of the ease of Jeffries against this road. No" Well , it grow out of that Meedvllle nccldcnt Never hoard of the Meedville disaster ? Well , I declare. I thought every body had heard of that. Thorn were col umns and culumn < < about it in the papers for days. Jimmlny ! how the newspaper fellows tried to interview mo ! 'Course 1 knew better than to say anything , but it was pietty hard to get rid of the report ers. Well , it was like this : 1 was on No. 5 and we were behind time. Johnnie wn * n-whooping her through for all she was worth. Just this side of Meedvillo the air-brake tubing snapped and on went the brakes qnlcker'n lightning. You sec , Ihal's.ono advantage of the air. If any thing goes wrong it don't wait till yon need 'em , but it just cramps your train where she stands. You may risk a cracked wheel , hut j'ou can't monkey with the air. You've got to lix that right there or you can't go ahead. Still , it was an un lucky aftair for us. Well , there's a curve at Meedvillo and wo sent back a man with a red lantern , but before be got round the bend down conies a wild special right on us. It was down grade , tue engineer lost his head nnd jumped , lire- man did the same , and before you could say Jack Kobinson that special had climbed half-way through the sleeper. It was an nwful'wreckl Half-past 1 in the mortiinunndas black as cats. Whew ! 1 don't care to talk about that. General thing it's tlio emigrants in front that sull'or in an accident , but , his time it was the rich folks , in thcVloopers. .lell'ries was one of the killed. lib was a railroad man who used to bo in Chicago till ho got a position on the Centraf in New York. His family lived in Chicago , and so he came through now and then. Mrs. Jeli'rios sued the company for $ loOUO 1 think it was $10,000 , although they gen erally coin for largeramounts. Anyhow Hie company claimed he traveled free and held they wore not liable. The com pany lost .tho suit before the jury , but they carried it up and the higher court reversed the decision , and as Airs. JclVries didn't ' seem to have money enough to carry it any further , it rested there against her. ( ) , yes , 1 suppose she could have got lawyers onoiigh who would light the ci'.so on spec when she had one ver dict. 1 don't know the particulars or why shndropped it ; I'm only telling yon just what 1 heard that the case was dropped. Well , mebby it's as you say. Perhaps the company is liable for passes as well as regular'tickets ; anvliow , I'm giving you my version of it. Vou see the conductor that took up the tickets that trip was killed 1 was breaking then- and whether they got the tickets and passes or not well. I don't know any thing : ibont _ that. They didn't have to pay for Jeffries , anyhow. The night after that suit was decided I came through the sleeper collecting tick ets. In seat No.1 sat a man that I thought was asleep. Ho had a slouch hat drawn over his eyes. 1 touched him on tlio shoulder. "Ticket , please , " I said. Ho didn't move , and somehow tlio moment I touched him 1 fell as it he wasn't a living man. " 1 want your ticket , " 1 said , loader. He didn't seem to breathe or stir , and I was going to shake him when 1 e slowly raised his head. 1 snail never forget the look of that face. The cheeks were sunken and the pallid lips were drawn back from the teeth that glittered in the li < rhl of the lamp 1 had on my arm. His complexion was like paste , only dark and motlled. There seemed lo be a bruise or gash on his forehead , but he had pulled the slouch hat over it so as to partially hide it. He handed out a soiled coupon ticket that had evidently been bought at a scalper's. 1 looked at it suspiciously. It was dated more than a year before , but it was un unlimited tiokel and was good enough.I tore oil' the cuiipoii lo Chicago and gave him a cheek. When 1 had galhered all my lickcls I sal down in the smoking-car to arrange them and make an entry of the cash. O , lhat's all right , wo do make an entry of it. If a man takes any of it he takes a big risk witli it , I can loll you. llhought I would lake anollicrlook at that coupon. Well , sir , I couldn't lind it. No , sir ; hunted every pocket I had. Couldn't find a trace of it. i wuu.t bapK.and met the conductor of the sleeper and told him I had lost a ticket or else I hadn't lorn it oil' . Said I never knew myself totlo such a thing , but 1 might liavo done so this time , as the look of that man had sort ot' rattled me. "O , him"said Ihosleeper-man ; "we've had a deuce of : i time with him. " "What was the matter ? " "Well , I guess it was the fault of the up-town oflioe sold lower 4 twice. Final ly the other follow agreed to take lower 1:5. : Lucky it was empty. Guess ho didn't want to wrangle with thai fellow. Did you * nolico how ho seems to be looking past , yon instead of at you with these half-closed eyes of his ? " "Didn't see his oyes. Ho was half asleep. Was his sleeper liekel all rigtil ? 11 gave mo a coupon a year old. " " 0 , it was all right. Hero are the two. I'll report thai up-lown ollicc. It puts mo in a hullo ! Hy jingo. . ! haven't got Old Glmstly's ticket. " " ' ' Well , sir , no more ho hadn't. Next when the porter called lower after everybody else had dressed ho got no answer. lie parted the curtains ami looked in. Lower ! was empty. The bunk was just as be left it when it was made up. Well , wo concluded not to say anything about our queer passenger. Didn't want to be laughed ut up at the head oflico. .Next night went oil' all right on the re turn trip , but next again , when I went through the coach there was die .same man with the same slouch hat in the same altitude. " "Your tiokel. " 1 said , with a chill com ing over mo. Ho looked up us before and 1 noticed that his eyes were half closed and that ho did not look ut mo. but past and beyond. "Sec heroc" 1 said , silling down before him as he handed ni' ' . * the same ticket. "Who are your" "Is my ticket good ? " ho asked. "Perfectly good , " "Then what business Is it of yours who I ainy Your company has made a con tract with me. That contract is to deliver me at Chicago. See that you , a servant of the company aid it in keeping the contract. " "O , wo will deliver you in Chicago all right. " 7'lid ) you do it the night before last ? " "U'o can't do it if you get out off the train at midnight. " "My wife and child are waiting for mo at Chicago. Sco that you keep your con tract. " And with that ho pulled his slouoh hat further over his eyes and sank into the corner of the seat. I looked at my thumb and finger , where I still felt the coupon 1 had torn ou" . " It was not there , The porter wan so frightened that ho refused to make up lower-1 , and two men who had heard our conversation refused lo stay in the car. The sluoper conductor himself mtulo up lower 4. 1 flaw thn our- turns close on the haggard occupant of the berth. About midnight 1 parted the curtains. There ho lay with his boots nnd clothes on and the window curtains not pulled down. The lighls from the slalion that we wore stopping at filiuno in on him. 1 saw nt a glance that the man was dead. There was no use in nlarmine the rest of thn passpiigcM. Onrnest stop was at Moedville. I telegraphed on to hava an iliidort.ikrr there to tnko charge of the body. I told the oar conductor , and at Meedvillo n couple of men cuino on and wo went quietly to No. 4. The lower berth was empty. Then it Hashed on mo. Wo could never pet that pas i'iiger past tlio utivvo this sldo of .Mcodvlllo. The sleeper conductor wont up with mo when I reported the nil'air nt the head olllco in Chicago , and , as I expected , the imin.'igpr lauuhcil al me. "I'm going with you to-night and will bo bark with von to-morrow night , " ho said. "I'll lake the tiokel of thai passon- gcr it In-'son hoard , and I'll bet you anew now hat I'll keep it. too. " Well , sir , when tin' nlliiiilgdl- and my self wont through tlio .slcopur the next night there sat the passenger with the slouch hat in seat No. I. , "Yon nun lake his ticket ; " tjsaid , fall- ing i behind. " r 'I ' want your ticket , sir-said tliu man ager , grnllly. , it. , Ho would have boiiivTdu\o , \ quickly enough If I had spoken ti > a passenger like that. The slouch hat slowly rose. The malinger gave a gasp nnd sank in tlu onposito seat. "My ( Jed , .lollViosV' he whispered. "Vou waul my ticket ? Why- " "Why. sir , " said the man.igor , reeov- ering InniM'lf parlially. "H-is-l bo- Hove ciislomary. " " " ; "Why do you want my ticket , Mr. Coupler , when you know you have it , in the insiilu drawer your lirivatu drawer - in the safe at the head ollico ? " "Don't spunk so loud , " whispered Man ager Coupler. " 1 shall sneak louder , and louder , and loudi'r , until your company hears what I liavo to say. lluvo you kept your con tract with mo ? You agreed to deliver nu > in Chicago. Did you do it ? " "Wo till delivered what wo could of you , " said Coupler , with a grim smilo. "Was a lump of mangled olay the " "Hush , hush ; don't talk like that. ou will make tlio people hero nervous. The accl.lont was not our fault-the operator was to blame , perhaps , hut the jury ex- or.orated the company. " "Vory well. 1 exonerate the company , too. Hut all tho.sanie , 1 will ride in north t until 1 reach Chicago. I shall suo.i have plenty of room. A 'man recognized mo to-night , and licit. L have all olornity 10 tight you in. " "What would you have us do ? " "Do * l-'ullill your contraot. Cot mo past that curve at Meedvillo. " " ! ( seems \yo can't do that. " ' 'Then I'll jus ! have to keep on trying. My family is unprovided for. 1 must reach them and help them. " "I'll coo to that , " said Manager Coupler as ho rose. Well , there is nothing more lo tell. Hern's a slip out of a Chicago paper ; perhaps you would like to read it. iN'o ; it's nothing about tlio gho t if lie was a ghost , but it shows that railroad compa nies are not as bad as .some would make out. " The item was as follows : "A ( JKNKiiors ACT The K. , T. Y. & C. Kailroad company , of which Mr. Coupler is the cnergotfe manager , yester day did a noble deed. Our readers will remember that in the case of .JolVriea against this road the courts sustained the position taken by the eminent counsel who defended its interests. All that the company wished \yw : to establish tlio fact that under curtuiiv- conditions railroad companies an ; not liable for damages arising from the e-ises specified. Having at great expense sustained its point , tlio company , when all further action had coasd ( : , generously sought , out Mrs. JcllVies and paid her the full amount i claimed $10,1100. Such an act is all but unparalleled in railroad annals , but is ( | iiitu in keeping with the generous man agement of the road and will surprise no one who has tlio pnvilcgu'of a personal acquaintance with Mr. .Eugene O' . Coup ler ! " M1DSUMMKK 31 AD. The silly old maid with a fuzzy lap-dog that she fondles and calls "her baby. " The silly young graduate who writes A. U. after his name on the liotol rogis- HI. * i , The silly novice out fishing for the first time who takes hold of the crab by the wrong end. ) The silly follow in a short , tight bath ] ing-suit who lolls and danddlos in the sand to show his nhapo. The silly snob who tries to impress strangers by talking familiarly of impor tant people ho doesn't know , The silly bore who thinks ho knows every thing and guts acquainted with people ple to talk them to death. The silly nurse-maid who jyuars Rhino- stnuo earrings and gets herself up in a cheap imitation of her mistress. The silly widow who makes her evening - ing toilette at her window on the ocean front without pulling down the blind. The silly father who makes a tremendous deus fuss over his baby and asks everyone - ono he meets if they've "been his boy. " The silly hotel clerk with a Capo May diamond pin , who supposes that all the heiresses are enraptured with his beauty. The silly Saratoga youth who doesn't know a soul in tlio hotel and drives out with a tandem team every afternoon for show. The silly old married woman who wears short skirts and sashes and skips around the hotel porch like a , girl of six teen. The silly ward politician who goes to ' Atlantic City to got on the right side of 'A the big political bosses who are gathered there. The silly bather who goes out beyond the stake to show lie's not afraid and him to he lugged in like a soaked rat by the life-guard. The silly girl at the seaside who pins * tors her complexion an inch thick with coHiiuities , and thinks nobody knows the dill'ercnco. The silly young man in business in the city who carries his racquet In and out with him from suburban resorts to lot puoplo know that ho plays tennis. Tlio silly fal woman with proportions like a hippopotamus and dressed like guy , who insists on datfclng In all tin sots mid thinks she is as graceful as a a/ollo. g The silly old follow of forty who docks out his pudgy proportions in knicker bockers and u Norfolk jacket and struts about under the impression that his is au Apollo. ' ' Itui'doti'N ricriiJiHi , ' * Itiirdiitto has a littltt Normoii quite as good in it" way as many moro pre tentious efforts : Yep , brother. * you should teach your child obodlonCij't ; < } aeli him that your will and word is law , and instil Into his mind that profound reverence for law which ovcry eiti/.en should fool. And if you will just kt'dji on .lying to the atso ; ! > i-or about I ho value of your properly in order to ovadu certain tax laws , and violate the laws , and violate the law about riding on the platform every tune you ride ou a Hired car , nd ' defy the ordinances respecting the a'wh barrels nnd iiiio\v on your eidewall : every time you have the opportunity , and keep on breaking every municipal and slatu law that it isn't convenient for you to obey , the boy's royoronco for the law will grow deeperovury year , until it wjll bn so deep that ho can t roaol1 down to. { ( "whim ho wants to use il. The way to teach a boy obedience IK to be just fnl'.fisV/r ; / " ' you can be. Junt sit down now and think ; trv to count up how many state laws ami municipal ordinances you violated yestoiday. Tlion call your children around you und tell them if they ever disobey you MI tlio lightest particular you'll break uvury back in the camp.