Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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&n Official Olinnge in the Viable Supply
Statement Helps tic Bears.
Dnmnglni ; Crop KopnrtH Help to llnlsc
the rrluc-Conslilcrnlilc rinci-
tintlon I'fovlilons Htonily
The Unttlc Market.
CiiicAiio , AtiRitst 5. ISpeclnl Telegram to
\Iio \ Uic.J A surprhuvis pmng on tlio
liiutlng world this morning by the ollleinl
oimn iiii ; of l.r WUOO , Ijuslic-ls iltoioaM1 In
tr.iln nfloat to Inorcasp , Instead. It coin-
( ilrtcly i-liaiued thu complexion ot the stato-
iiit'iit unit brought out < [ uitc a consldeinblc
I irt'ii tlislieie loimrrly the * tone linil been
little butter tlinti weak. This , with local
hiiylng , put wheat tin le , Sc | > teinber elllnir at
I'c , after ( iiicnlliK at "O'&e , Tlioic wt're a
tooil ; maiij ordt-is on the lloor to sell , but the
bulk of them \\eie a little OUT 77c anil by no
iinioiintnf nolH1 and sclciilllic bulling could
the market bo tuailo to go there. The ilo\\
jrntd * . notion bc .m after had rested
awhile nt 77c , and inside a quarter of nn hour
made It ' 40 cheaper. Cables \vorkedaB.unst
tliciiiaikuldurlne tlio latter pait of theses-
bion. A stiongelfoit was made to hold the
market t y imicliu.slnp ; iiLMlnst p.uts. The
talk is that "Hutch" alone sold puts on about
aCXWOCO bif-hels last night. Thu at
tempt was moderately successful , as
the tone kept crnpidly : ' tcady.
Advices to the McUormlck hauestln
company ttoin St. l.ouis tepoit that fanners
i.linif.jhiut ; ( the state me IndNpoed to tell
thfli whe\t. Several well posted farmeis
bay that th 'y believe the luiKi'st jccelpts of
the neaten ha\e alieady boon maiketed , ar.d
that there Is no indication that the iccelpts ot
yprlnjlicr.t fiom thU time on will the
receipts ol during the last few
weeks. Ttio llrst ear ot new spring ol
the .suabon was leceived in IJulutll to-day. It
Riadcilu. . 1 hard.
'J'he ' bulls in coin were rather noisier to-day ,
thus inliisini ; at least an appearance of Hlo
into the nun kut. Thuy nail , too , ntjood .bow
ing ot bull news to put ii ) ) the puce. Dam
age tepoits continue to couip In. Cairfclu.
nte In leci'int of .someery bullish ws fiom
DubiinuL . Thuy cover most ol the linpoit.uit
points in Western I < iwa and Nebraska , and
nnurj dlseoiiiasing. "Our liupiirh's , " the
latter b > s , "were diiectcd mostly to
stockmen , as we consider them the most re
liable at this time of the year , being them-
Kehes feeders and coming in contact , in their
Jio ' and cattle buying , with the laigeit and
best class ol tanners. The consumers ,
dimmed uii , say that by caie-
fully examining the ears , we lind
them dry and without life or
biibstancc. One cattle dealer , who a week
ago lidicnlcd the damage In IK , now rays that
lie Is satistied that corn has sone up for good ,
nnd Instead of leeding about IMX ) cattle as ho
intended , will not feed any. " September
cornopcncl Me easier than it closed , selling
lii-st at 43)4 ) c. Fiom there it went uii steadily
toH' i'bciewas very little sold at the
opening llcuru , thoucli there was a rush to
buy It. J'ioui44i < e it It'll back to 41c , wheie
it stood quiet at lv0 ; : : ! o'clock. Our receipts
were 40. ! cars. The linal cloe was easy at a
slight advance noted after 12:30. :
Wheat began to now quite heavy and fell
back to iC c under inoro or less unloading
by early buyers.
Poik was generally steady and fairly linn.
September ranged Item
CL'iiiit'JOi. ] in. September wheat , "OJfe ;
puts , 7 < ; , ' $ e ; cills , 75l4Cp77-1 > l'c. September
coin , 41J < c bid ; puts , tt % < > bid ; calls , 44 ic.
CIIICAOO , Augusts. [ Special Telegram to
the BKK. ] CATTLE The receipts of cattle
to-dnyv\ largely of native beeves and In
cluded a generous share of good to prime
ones. Tlierc weie many big , strong cattle ,
bavins ; weight nnd fat enough but not quite
good enough in quality. The market eirly in
the moinlng was very slow to open , but the
prospect Improved. Good to prime cattlesold
nt S4.75@"j.K ( ) , and one lot went as high as
S.VJO. There was a stiong demand for good
to prime cattle , and they sold actively at
steady rates. Common to fair cattle showed
no impiovutncnt and theie were many Infer
ior lots ottered ; T. ! western cattle , 1S. > 0 Ibs.
53.05 they were taken for export ; 20 export
cattle , law Ibs , hold forSS. ' O. General quail-
lies : Shipping steers , 1C60 to l.MX ) Ibs. S-i.63(3 ( > : i' > o6 to ISM ibb , s-uo < a > i.GO)50toiao ; )
lions The provision market Is dull , with
a downward tendency , and labor maiket ,
especially that section about the packing
house , is unsettled. Hence packers arc not
nt all anxious to run their houses at full ca
pacity. Thu ordinary run of mixed sold at : 4.bO , and the best heavy at $4.90@5.00 ;
liaht sorts , S4.704.feO. The decline since
Slonday Is about 20c on corn fed and prlmu
twits and "Uj ( 30c on gnissy and pal t grassy
Now York. AuglistG. MONEY On call ,
easy at 2@4 per cent
STUIU.INO iJxciiANon Dull and weak.
Actual rates , S4.t > lC4.b4 ( ! > ( f for sixty day bills
nnd S4.bT@l.k5X for demand.
liOVKiiNMKjfTjj ( ioveiuinents were dull
nnd unchanged.
Srorus The stock maiket presented very
few fea.ares of interest. Dullness prevailed
until tlio last hour , but prices moved up
hlovvlv throughout thu day. The market
cloved strong at the best prices ol the day.
Almost evervthlngoii the active list is higher
to-night , westeiii Union is up 1& per cent.
Wabash common 1 per cunt and preferred 2
pei cent. The lenmlmler of the active list Is
up fractions. Union Pacific , however. Is
down j's ' per cent and Pacllic Mail \ $ per
81 cent bonds. . 100 ,0. , & N. W . . . . . . I14 f
U. b.4U"s 11 ? prelericd
New 4's. , 2'iN. ' ! Y. C. . . . . . . 110
I'acltlod'HofW. 121 .Oieeon Tnin. . . .
Central Piicllio. . PaclliuMall
C. te A 143 P. 1) . &K 25H
piuferred. . . . 1M P. P. C 1K5Y
C. R. it ( ) 11B1 Rock Island 120 }
1) . L. , t\V 1HO Sth. &S. K. . . . 20M
1) . All O preferred. . . 20W
Erie 0. , SI. A-St. P. . . W
Eriepiefcrred. . . . preferred. , .
Illinois Central , . P. , t ( )
1. , II. iVW pi of erred , . .
Kansas ATexas , Texas Paclllo. . . u\4
Lake Shore Union Pucllle. . . W
K.tX W. , St. L. k P. .
Mich. Central. , . prefeired , , . 82 %
Mo. Pacific lU MVostern Union.
Northern I'ac. . . 2S\iO.R.AX :
pieferred , . .
Clilonco , Atigust S. Flour Quiet and
unchanged ; winter wheat Hour , 84.0.'i ! 4.lO ;
Boutliern,8.'U"Oi' " > 4.W : Wisconsin , S4.0004.15 ;
Michigan MI ft spring wheat , S&.VX&UO ; Min
nesota bakci > , Sa..VKj44.lO ; patents , S4.X ) @
4.CO : lowgrndej , 51.7iXi2.75 ; lye Hour , riuiet
i\t S3.2U.Ati In barels , nnd SHOO'33.20 in
Eaeki > .
Wheat Opened ra y and ) SK'C ( ? below the
closliiK ot jeiti'rday and closed % v above
ycstcnlay : cash , 7IJfir75o ( ; September ,
70 l10c ; October. 75 IHfic.
Corn Opened ' ( .ciJto lower and closed e
above yesterday ; , jaj c ; August , 4U S-lOc ;
September , 44 'MHc.
Oats About * { ( it > 9te abova yesterday ; cash ,
87 iMCc ; September. 23Kc ; October , AiJic.
llye-Steady nt 5-ic
' "
Tunothv I'l imc.
l'oik-OiHued ; wcnu nnd lOc lower , de
clined lOe more , advanced l.Xil-'Oo , and clo cd
A > tlU * > 1U D1 V131I , * . *
lenibcr. to.05 ; October. SO.CU.
Uoxed Meals-Shoulders , S0.1Qj.l5 ; short
clear , S6.yk$0.60 ; short ribs , saiu.
Butter Dull ; creameries , ISQtSo ; dairies ,
hocs * Quiet and slow ; full creuni
dnrs , 7(17/o ( } ; youiit ; Americas ,
full cream flats ,
Hidc-s Ueavy green salted , S < Vo ; licht *
dnuiagcd , T/i'c ; bull Utlvs , S Ac ;
drv alto l , llrtU-c : dry flint , ii@ : c ; calf
sUn . Knin e : de.irons , fiocacli. ( .
Tallow No. I country , SJtWiJfrs No. 0 , 3cr
cake , a 4e.
Kecclnu. Shipmenl .
Flour. b'lH . ll.tjtxt JO.UK )
Wheat , bit . y-jOJ ( l > 7.0fO
Corn , 0:1 : . 2O\uOO 1W.OOO
; nte"ti . ISO.IKXI $17,000 $
I'.Jisbll . SOJO 12,000
Hnrifv.on . S'VW .
Now York , All/nil S. U'htat Iteceluls ,
Sll.'JOO ; expoits , S5.000 ; s-i > ot a diade higher
and onlj moderately aetive ; options opened
iL avy.l-'frf4 < ' lower , later strengthened and
ndvnnceit Jyjf4c. elosin linn ; ungraded
red. 7aOOc ; uniriul-d rrd , e. f. and I. ,
W4c : No. 1 red. Wo ; No. n led. SJVrd c- ;
No. 'Jiod. sVits.-Uc in elevator. Ki % < gsiic
Iflivcied ; Seplcmber eloped at Mi'se.
Corn Spot j , @ e liiirliur iiml and less nc-
; optlnnsoi encd ' 4 ' lower. later advanced
dull ; '
, . , ' . . , . >
c in Mote : BVjmMJi'1 in elevator ; Sen-
ember elo > ed al-M c.
( ) , \ts Steady : tueelpt * . 19.000 ; o\ports ,
IVK , : mlve.l wt'steiu , 3iut40 ; while western.
10 47c.
IVtroletim Steady ; TnitPil elo'ed at finite.
1'ork Steady and quiet ; old me-.s. SIO.OJ1
( 10.V.-i ; new mess , Sll.iS'4iitlWi.
1/ird Opened trom thiee to live points
owcrand closed llrm with the decline mostly
ctovored ; weslcin .steam , spotS7.0. " > ; buiitcm-
ber. & 7.03.
Huttei Firm and rather quiet ; westpin ,
12 r/'JOc.
Chee-'c I'lrni nnd in fair demand ; weMein ,
7Lit7to. (
Kegs Dull and we.ikt-r ; western fresh ,
Mlnncnpolls , Aucu t 5. Wheat
itioiiger : No. 1 bald , August. 7ic ! ; Sop-
ember : 77c ! October , 7 Jic ; No. 1 lioitliern ,
cash , 74c ; .September , 7.V" October , " 0'2'r ;
No. " iiiiitlu'ni , e.ish , 71e , September , 7vc : ;
October , TH'j'c. '
Flour ( Jtilet ; patents , S4.M34.50 : ; bnkcis ,
Iteoeipts Wheat , -17,000
Shipments Wheat , 4too bushels ; flour ,
Cliiclnnntl , August 3. Wheat Firmer ;
No. 3 led , 7. > e.
Cotn-Uarely steady ; Xo. 2 mixed , 4'JK@
4" c.
Oats Acllve ; No. 2 mixed. as.S4Jb c.
lje ! Kasiei ; ; No. 'i , S. ' ) ) < itZ\ft. \ }
1'ork S10.2 > .
hard Finn at S0. . " > 0.
Wlilskv Quiet ; sales , 200 b.iriels ot flu
shed goods on a basis ot SI. 07.
Milwaukee , August . " > . \Vhcat Firm ; 7IJ < fe ; Septemlicr , 7r , c ; October , 7 4c.
Corn bcaice ; No. 2 , 4t'4-c. :
Oats-Ste.idy : No. 2. 272je.
K > o-Qniet ; No. 1 , MV.
Uarley llimier : > o. 2 , Clc
riovlsioiis Dull : mess pork , August ,
S'.S'J ; September , SO.CO.
St. Louis , August 5. Stioni ;
and hither ; tNo. 2 , red , cash , 7Cc ; September -
bor , 77 ' < e.
Corn Strong and higher ; No. 2. mixed ,
cash , 40c ; September , 4'j ; e.
Oats Finn : No. 2 , mived , cash , 2C fc ;
September , 'Sic.
JJye-WeakCOcbid. ;
1'orkKisy at S10.2j.
Laid Film at 50.50.
Hutter Steady ; creamery , 17@IOc ; dairy ,
Kn lisas City , August 5. Wheats-
Stronger ; Xo. 2 ted. cash , CO c September ,
C2i c ; October. Glc bid , Cl c aske.l.
Coin Hielier : No. 2 , cash , September ,
Se ; October , aC'/c.
Oats Stronger , easli , 27c.
Toledo , August 5. Wheat Active and
.teady ; cash , 7l'e. '
Corn Finn ; cash , 43 'c.
Oats Nominal.
Tjtvcrpool , August 5. Wheat Demand
> oor ; new Xo. 2 winter , spiini ; , Os C d.
Flour Demand poor ; extra No. 1
spring , 8s.
Corn Spot and futuiesdcmand poor ; new
nixed , 4slJi < l ; August , 4s IKd ; October ,
4s ad.
XcxvOrleaim , Aucust5. Corn Quiet ; in
sacks , mixed and white , 55(55Gc ( ; yellow , 5C@
Oats Dull and lower ; choice western In
lacks , 3934Cc.
Coinmeal Dull and a shade lower S2.55.
Hog Products Easier but not quotably
l int lSellne.1 , tieice , SC.3@fi.50. !
Unlk Meats Shoulders , S5.S7K ; lone clear
and clear ribs , S0. : > 7 @ 0. 0.
Chlcnfjo , August 5. The Drover's Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 7f > OU ; strong on good
grades ; shipping steers , S3.fn5.20 : stockers -
ers and feeder1- , S2.40@j.50 : ; cows , bulls
and mixed. SU5Ti3.70 ; bulk , S3.40Si2.75 ;
through Texas cattle stronger ; cows , 52.35@
2.70 ; steers. SiJ.OOffS.90 ; western rangeis ,
slow ; 310 Hig horn cattle , 1100 Ibs , 83.20 ; CO
head , 1100 Ibs , o-V-'o ; 30.1 Wyoming , 1172 Ib ,
llou's liecelots.20,000 : slow and lOc lower ;
rough and mixed , S4.10S1.7.1 ( ; packing and
shipping , S 1.7CK&3.20 ; light , SUO&4.UO ; skips ,
Sheep Receipts. 3,000 : strong ; natives ,
S2.00fn.oO ; western , Ss.00@1.50 : : Texans
S1.75@3.00 ; lambs , S3.00@4.75.
KansuH Ciiy , August 5. Cattle Re
ceipts , 900 ; shipments , none : steady ;
Hogs Itecelpts , 7,200 ; shipments. 800 ;
sslow and lOo lowsr , closing weak with an
additional decline of 5c ; good to choice.
S4.75@4.b.3 ; common to medium , S4.60@
4.70 ; skips and pigs , S4.00@4.40.
St. Iiouls , August 5. Cattle Receipts ,
1.800 ; shipments , 700 ; Texas and best
butcher cattle firm ana steady , shippers lOc
lower ; good tocholco shipping , S4.10@4.75 ;
common to fair , S3.bO < g30 ; butcher steeis ,
S3.50@4.25 ; cows nnd helleis , S2.20@3.00 ;
through Texans , 52.00ffZ 3.bO.
Hogs Receipts , 0,500 : shipments , 2,500 ;
slow aud lOc lower : butchers and best heavy ,
S4.75@4.ti5 ; mixed packing , 4.Mc3 : ) > l..i ; ;
gnissers and common mixed , S3.25@4.25.
Thursday Kvenlng , August 5.
CATTI.I : A lew cattle vvcio sold , but tlm
maiket is dull and low and thuro istiy little
life in it.
lloos The iccclpts were the same to-day
as on yesteidny. The market opened dull
and lower. A few loads were sold euily , but
it soon became evident that the salesmen and
buyers were a good ways apart. The day
was spent In vainly trying to como together ,
but In tlio afternoon tlm salesmen became
convinced that there was an nndeit < taidlng
among the buyers to bear down the mat hot ,
As soon as they were convinced of this the
commission men all. igieed to ship their re
maining loads on to Chicago.
Sheep Theie Is no market , i ITS.
Cattle . , . SOO
llogs . 1200
I'rcvnillnjc Prices ,
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market.
Choice steeis , IBM ) to 1500 Ibs . S1.20f4.35 (
Choice steers , HOe to 1SOJ Ibs . 8.75(41.10
Medium steers , 1250 to IBM 11)3. . . 8.75 ( 4.00
Fat little bteers , 1050 to 1150 Ilu . . . . 3. < krC'43.X $ )
Good leeders , 000 to 1000 Ihs . syXHji a. 5
( ! oed to choice corn-fed cows . 2.001/13.25
Fair to medium grass cows . 2.0D. ' < i2.ft'5
tiood to ehulco bulls . 1.500 2.50
Light and medium nogs . 4.S5M4.40
fiood to choice Imavy iiogs . 4Mffl4.oo
Good to choice mixed ho < s . 4.45M1.50
Fair to good shorn sheep . 2.00$3.50 (
Representative Sales ,
Xo. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
10 . IMS 5lB5 ; UO . 1423 SI.'O
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. ShU. Pr.
81..1SS 40 S1.40 13S..240 210 $4.00
57..2JT 4.50 1S7..2.VJ 40 4.M
77. . . 23S 40 4.50 W..270 60 4M
of 1'rtoos.
Showing tlic hlirhostand lowest prices paid
formKodloadsof hofson this maiket u'ir-
Iniy the past saveu days , with coup.\rativo :
values :
June July
Thursday. 20th. . 3.O fcW.20 4.45
FrldftV HOlll. . . . 4.05 tg4.25 4.C5 wl.SO
Saturday 21st. . . 4.M & 4.60
July. August.
Monday , 2d. . . , . 4.W ( 4.75
Tuesday , 3d. . . 51.85 @ 1.CQ $4.41 QI.WW
Wed'sifay , 4th. 4.W Q4.70
Thuridav , a > th 4.5 fdf.05 4.40 Qi.tjO
Shovviui : the number of cir.s of lire stock
shipped out of the yards during the day ;
No , Car ? . lit Dost.
3 . C. 11. & Q . Chicago
itons ,
Ko.Cars. Rt. , Dcst.
C. U. & Q. Chicago.
All Siles ol stock in this market are made
rercvvt. live weight unlea otherwise stated.
Dead hoes sell nt Ve iter Ib for nil weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 10J Ibs
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibj
nnd t'ags 60 Ibs.
Hog maikct "low.
A big run of range cattle Is reported for to
John Snyder was in to-day with sixteen
loads nf cattle.
W. S. O-nvie , Concord , had a load of cattle
on the maikct.
George M. Scott , Raw llns , had ten lo.uls of
ciltloiit the > aids
T. J. Taylor , Slielton , was on the market
With lour loads of cattle.
James Itvine , DauuebroK , was here and
marketed two can ol hogs.
McNner A. Taylor. Slielton , wrtehotli In to-
da > and maikutcd tour loads of cattle.
The Anirlo-Ameilcau CUllu company ,
Doniphan , had thieu cais of cattle at tlic
The C . I ) . A Q. continues to haul about all
the Mock that joes out ol the jards lor east
ern points
Mr. Fredtlcus. who rein events George
Adams .V Uml.c in the fai west , was at the
yards to-diU.
It fioquently takes six or seven hours to
got an answer to utelenam sent from the
jnrdi to ( tie Chicago jaids.
K. X. lliadloy , of the Ciovvell Lumber &
Giain company , lilalr , was at tlie yards. Mr.
S. R. Flctchei. Inehaieeof the firm's Han-
el oft blanch hou e , was nl ° i > In , Thcv ship
from a do/en 01 more station" .
Thu follow ing had hogs on the market to-
da > : W. K. Smith .t Co. , Howard ; S. II.
lllack , Co/.aul ; ,1. L. Jack on , Cortland ;
SnelUt Agnc'w , Ashland ; J. 11 , Melntyre ,
Palmjra : I'.ukhuist it W. . Phillips ; Kelly *
Co. i\ctci : ; .1. ,1. llaims , Firth : Hoover iV K. ,
Doichestei : C. L. Champion , DoiChester ; 11.
Foul , Maiqiiette ; Walker Hio.s , Waveily.
On the maiket with hogs : J. M. Hedge ,
Yiilan ; Files it Co. . Cedar Rapids ; Dowllng
Pnreol , Noitli IK'tid ; Morse. Ro.'Crs it Co. .
Noith Hend ; Hltss k Hlis , Scliuyler ; 11. C.
Ulitffs ; > oith Loup Cattle compam , 121b.i ;
Tuielsun it 11. , Loup City.
General Produce ,
Thuisdav Kvcning. August. ' ) .
T/ir/olfiirJii / ( ; j Ices me for roil wf Jotw of
jrodiiff , axkoM on (7ic ( muihct < oiujThe /
mttttioin onmils represent the prices at
hMi < nttti1c orders iircjillciJ.
EoiTheieeclpts aie more liberal and
the market is not strong at lOo.
UUTTEII. Choice fiesh tnhlebutterlu good
icquest , lower grades continue dull. All but
ter should be packed in clean , new tubs. Old
tnbsiirc objectionable and Invariably affect
sales. Flesh creamerv , 1'dtls ; ; choice dairy ,
15fil6c : choice country , 14wl5e : good coitn-
trj. ! 2 < gric ; talr country , 'A ( ) tlc ; common ,
i 7e.
POUT.TISY. Receipts for the past week or
ten days have been exceedingly heavy , and
pilces have gradually declined. Sales to-day
are being matte at about the following quota
tions : Old chickens , choice , per dot" , $
2,75 ; spring cffickpiis , choice , per doz. , S2.50 ;
spi ing chickens , fair to good , per doz. , 52.00
( S'J.25 ; ducks , per do/ . , S2.50@i75.
ToMATons Per one-tlnd : bushel box , 75 ;
per bushel box , S1.50.
C.uiiiAOK Is quite scarce now. Missouii.
ncr crate. S3.50.
T Oxioxs Are coming forward slowly yet ,
and prices aie linn with a good demand.
Choice , per bbl. , 83.50(0/4.00.
BKA.NS Infeiior stocks. 7. > c@S1.0U ; good
clean country. Sl,251.50 ; medium hand
picked , Sl.50 ; hand-picked navy , 51.0. " > .
POTATOES Maikct is a little more active ;
prices range according to quality ot stock ,
troin 50GOe per bushel.
iJi.r.itiBs Blackbeiries. per 10 quart case ,
82.00 ; blueberries , per bushel sands , S5.00.
Soi'TiiKitx Pi.t'vis A fnw southern plums
are coming in and sell fairlv well. Southcin
plums , stands , 87.03 ; southern plums , 24
quai teases , S2.75 : 3.0J.
CALIFORNIA Fitt'irs The market is well
supplied. Bartlett pears , per box , S3. 00 :
White Dovenne , pel box , 83.50 ; lieuira DIel
per box , 3.00 : other vaiicties , 52.7503.00 ;
nectarines , ; Crawford's peaches , per box ,
S2.25 ; plums , per box , 82.00 ; giapes , per
crate , ? 2.75.
OIIANGKS California Xavels , S7.00 ; M ed-
itcrranean sweets , Sfi.50 ; St.Michels. &C.50.
WATIUMII.OXS : : .Misbouri , Arkansas , etc. ,
S20.00 ( SO.OO.
LKJKINS The market continues very firm.
Fancy , per box , S10.00 ; choice , per box , S'J.50.
Avri.KS Choice , per bbl , 5r3.00 ; good , p ; r
bbl. S2.50Qt2.75.
X.tKAS Choice Llmon , per bunch , 5.50
. .
CKMHV : A smallamount is coming In out
It does not sell very fast. Shipping stock , per
do ? . 4 ( ) &
Soumr.nK Git APES A lew southern
crapes have arrived in the maiket ; 10 Ib.
boxes. 81.00 ® 1.25.
COCOAXUT- ! Cocoanuts , per 100 , § 5.00 ; less
than bundled , nor 100. 85.50.
Kitib AND D.VTIIS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
per Ib , lOc , Dates , fancy fard , 12 Ib boxes ,
14c : dates PciMan. 50 Ib boxes , per ID , lOe
Xt'TS Pecans , lame polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium. Sic ; English walnuts , 14c ; almonds ,
Tarragona. 20c : almonds , Lunguedoc , 17c ;
Brazils , 12c ; lilberle , 14c ; peanuts , hand
picked , fancy Virginia , 8o ! ; peanuts , hand
picked choice Virginia , 7j cpeiuuts ; , loasted ,
to extra per Ib.
UOXKY California , 15c ; California ,
strained. lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 14@l5c ; Xe-
braska , dark , 12K@13c.
MAPLI ; SUOAU Bricks , pcrlb , 15c ; wenny
calces , pcrlb , llKc.
MAPLI : Svr.ui1 Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs ,
per gal , Sl.OO ; gal cans , per gal , 51.03 ; half
gal cans per gal , 81.10.
CIDII : : Xew i ork , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. naif
bbl. 84.00 ; Ciab.nerdozqts S2.75 ; Jlichlgan
relined. per bbl. SO.OO.
Visr.oAn White wine , Io@l7c ; cider , 13
@ 17e ; single stiength , 13c ; trijile strength ,
TIIIPE , KTO. 'Pigs' feet , per
PHOVISIONS Ham , 12J c ; breakfast bacon ,
8' < < < i'.ie ; clear shlo bacon , 7a ( c ; dry salt
( -Sue.- , , 7@7 } < e ; short lib sides , 7c ; shoulders ,
7c ; mess poik. S12.50 per bbl ; dried beef-ham
pieces , luc ; lard , tierces. Cjfc : . ' < 0-lbcans7c ;
10-lb cans ( Fairbanks ) , 73 c ; Mb cans , do ,
7 < c ; ! J-lb cans. do. 7jic.
FJ.OUII AND Mi u.s-iL'FFS Winter wheat patPnt.i2.bO ; second quality ,
$2.40@2.f > 0 ; be.t quality spring wheat Hour ,
patent , 82.75 ; bran , tt > c per cvvt ; chopped
feedGO per cvvt : white corn meal , 7.rxj ; yel
low corn m > al , G5c per cwf scieeiiing , COc
pcrewt : hominy , Sl.50 per cvvt ; shorts , 55c
per cvvt : graham , 81.75 ; nay , In bales , § 7.00@
7.50per ton.
Oit.vix Corn. 25c ; old oats , 23c ; now oats ,
20c ; rje , 5c ; wheat , COc.
General Markets.
Wool , Medium , 17@20c per Ib : fine heavy ,
12 $ l5c ; light. Il.ai7e ( ; coaisu , 12 ( < 415c ; burry
W'OOl. 2 .rK ! Olf.
llinr.s Oreen butchers' , OJ ( R7c ; green
cured. bS3 ( c : dry Hint. ll(313c ( ; dry salt , 0 ®
lOc : damaged hides , two-thirds price : tallow ,
SCfCU'/c ; grease , prime white , 3c ; yellow , So ;
blown , We ; sheep pelts , 2Xg75c ,
IiEATiinit Prime slaughter solo leather ,
tf-o ; priue oak nolu liuthur , IKX ' .
Upper leather , jwr loot , 20Ca'i'c : hem. kip.
7.V4&V ! ; oak kip , MCa/Wc ; French Ulp , 81,00 ®
1.20 ; hem. calf , Sl.OOaa.lO ; oak call , 81.00 ®
1.25 ; French calf , 81.2.V l.K5 ; Morocco boot
leg , 30@ : c ; Morocco oil iK'bble , 2S ( : c ; top-
pluasand llnlnss , SO.OO lO.OOperdor'tJ
Hr.AW HAiiDWAiiH iron , rate , S2.2S ;
Jv.v .st nl special cast , 4c ; cruclb le tccl , 0 < j ;
rast tools do , 12 ( < rl8c ; wasjon spokes'per sat ,
bl,7r < ai.OO : ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; felloes ,
cawed dry , SI.40 ; tongues , eacn , 75c ; axles ,
each. 7. a : square nuts , per Ib. 7C llc ; cell
chain , per Ib , G@l2e ; malleable , C@sc : Iron
wedges , Oo ; crowbirs , fie ; harrow teeth , 4o ;
spring fctecl , 7(2Sc ( ; Hurden's horsesnocs.
S1.40 ; JJurden's mule stio < j.s. 85.40. Uarbutl
\rire , In car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs. ronl
Nails , rates , 10 to M ) , 82.SO ; steel nails , g'J.flS ;
Shot Sl.fiS ; buckshot , S1.S5 : oriental
povvder , kegs S--W : do , half kegs , 82.00 ;
to , nuarter kegs. SL.V ) : blastlns ; , kexs , 83.85 ;
tust\ per 100 feet , G5o , Lead ar. SKI.
PAINTS IN On.-Wlitiieoad. Omaha , P. P ,
7kc ; white lead , St. Ixniis , iiure. S7.75 : Mar-
line , , ,
re J.lOc : rose Pink. He ; Vt-netiau red , Cook-
son's , 2Hc : Venetian red , American , ltfc ;
rr < l lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2oc ;
chromej-fllow , K. 12c : ochre , roche'le , 8c ;
Dnv PAISTS- \ \ \ . ' > c lend , "V'.Prcnc tin nc
12c ; Paris whltlhp ; . < wlriilui.ulldors' ,
l"fo ; wliitine , CDUI'J , i > tM ( la'upblnck. Ger-
nianMown , IJoarnpblncK ; \ , i'dinary. ' ; V ; I
Prussian bin * , VrtMiltraiiiarlne , l-'ctvandvko ,
brown , sc : umbtrnrit ! : , -lc ; umber , raw. 4c ;
s'ennn ' , burnt , ( ? : ' | , raw , 4c ; Paris
pieeii. KonuliKV&'ic : Paris 2rce.ii , common ,
22e ; chrome green , a. Y. . SOe ; clirrmip crecn ,
K , 12e ; vennlllion , Knlt h , in oil < 0c ; raw
nnd burnt umber. 1 Ib cans I''c ; raw nnd
burnt sienna , \t > . vandjke. brown , I3o : re-
Hued lampblack. 12e ! coach black nnd ivorv
black , If-e : drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue ,
40e ; tiltrnmnrliH'blilr , 18o ; ehroinc green , L. ,
M. A ; D. , 1 < V : blind nud shutter gieeii , I , . , M.
ftlHV : Path/debit. ls ? { Indian red. ly.
Venetian red. 5V : Tuscan. 22e : A met Iran
\oiniillioii. I > . AT 1) . , 'J0c : yellow oehre , SkL. : .
M. & O. IX. Ife : Rood ochre. IfnpatPnt ;
dryer , t-c ; fiiiiinlug color , light oak. daik oak ,
walnut , ehcMnut and . 12 ; ; .
lJitr 1'ANi > cvi MicAi.i Acid , caibollc ,
fMc : acid , tartarie. , " > Sc ; bal im copaiba , per
It , , 4.V : balk. .i .salim. per Ib. lOc : calomel ,
perlbTx'c ; chlnehnnldln. per oz. 40c : chloio-
form , per U ) , 20 e : Dover's povvdn ? . per It > ,
81.25 ; cp oinsalts. pt > r Id , jji e ; ghceiino ,
ptiu1 , per In. l o : h'iid , ncctato , per It ) . 20i- ;
oil , castor , No. 1. ] > or gal. , " ! .53 : oil , castor ,
Xo. 2 , pcrgnl. . 81.10 ; oil. ollve.prr pil.S1.40 ;
oil. orliraniiuin. We : opium S.V'O ; ipiinliip.
P.V. . and II. v : S . per oz. 70j ; potassium
Iodide. PCI ' . cM.OO ; silicln. pro4IK1 ; Mil-
phatc inorphlnc. peroS2..VJ ; sulphur , per
U ) , 4e : strvehnliie , per nr , Sl.0. !
VAIINISIII > Hairels. per gallon : Furni
ture. c\tr.i , Sl.lft ; fuinltuir , Xo. 1 , 81.00 ;
coacli extra. 51.40 ; roach , Xo. 1 , 81.20 ; Da-
mar , c\tia , S1.7S : Japin , 70c ; asphnltuin ,
o\tra , 5Sc ; shellac , S3.50 ; haul oil Hnlsii ,
Spun rs-Cologno spirits. 1S8 proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proot , 81.11 : spirits , second atmlitv ,
101 pioof , 81.10 : do IbS pioof. 81.10. Alco
hol. 1S proof , S.0per wine gallon. Redis
tilled whiskies , S1.03S1.SO. ( ! Oil ) , bh-iidcd.
Sl.MXit2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons S2.CKn < 'i.OO ;
Kentucky and Ponnsj Iv aiiia ryes 52.oo@fi.ftO ;
Colden Sheaf boiiibon nnd rve whiskies
Imported , porcaso. S'JS.OO@01.00 ; American ,
pel case , 810.00 < 310.0 ( ) .
Grocers' Idnt.
PiCKt.ns Medium , In bols , 85.00 ; do In
halt bbls , 8'.00 ; small , in bbK 8t'.0o ; do in
halt bbls. 8:1.50 : : gherkins , in bbls , 87.00 ; uo
CAXDV Mixed , O ( gi2e ; stick , bKC < iO ) c.
CitAC'Kjns : ( iainean's soda , butter and
picnic , 5'ac ; ciearns , b' c ; ginger snaps , Sic ;
cltv soda.7lic. .
SODA In If papers , s.j.23 a case ; salsoda ,
keg , per Ib , 22'jc.
SYiivi' No. 70 , 4-gallon Kegs , Sl.OO ; Xcw
Orleans , ; { < < a4lV ; per gallon ; Manic \
barrel , strictly pure , 7oc pi-r gallon ; 1 gallon
cans , V0.2" per doz. : H' gallon cans , S5.25 per
doz : quart cans , Vl.uo.
STAKCii-Mirror gloss 1 Ib , 5V : Mirror
KincstoidS bull ; ,
OFFKHS Ordinuryiraiic3.10@llc : fair ,
fancy green nnd jollow , ISKQdU1 c : old pov-
prnnk'iit Java , iOfic ( ; Intetior Java. KW@
20c ; Jloclia. S-Jw tc : Ai buckle's roabtcd ,
14Mc ; McLiuj'hlln' : XXXX loabted , 14' c :
Dilworth's. Hric : Itcd Cross , 14'vc.
So\rs Kirk's Savon imperial. S2.70 ;
Kirk's satinut. S3.00 ; Kirk's sUtndard. 53.05 :
Kirk's white Jlns-Miin , S4.00 ; Kirk's White
Cap. SC.50 : Dome. S3.W : Washboard. S3.10.
IJitiEi ) KKVIT.S No 1 quarter apples , i&
4c ; In evaporated boxes , ! ) l < ia9S4c ( ; blnckbei-
ric.s , boxes , T fTiV ix-achus , eastcin , 45 < ( < i1
Shfi peaches , tvaiunated , I5l < jiil"c ; Salt
Lake , none in ijiarkcl : raspbeincs , new , 10
@ 20e ; currants , 7 f@7Hc ; prunes , new , \\i
W4Wc. J-
case , { . .TO ; pineapple's , a ib , per case , SS.30
mauowfiU pens , per case. & 2.'iO2 ; Ib early
June peas , per case , S-.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes.
perca e , S2.40@'J.'WrUlbcorn. pnr ca'.e , Sl.OO
(32.10:2 ( : Ib corn beef , jwrdc.z , Si.70@--.00.
UOVK X Inclij ycf " ; ; Vinch , OJ c ; X incli i ,
JlATCiirp Per qad/lie , 2Sc ; round , per
case. Sl.OO : square cases , S1.70 ; mule bquare ,
SuoAits Powdered , 7J c ; cut loaf , 79 o ;
crauulatcd , 0 0 : confectioners' A , O.'fc ;
standard extm C.OfdO c ; extra C , 54'@r.J c ;
tnedltini yellow , 5 ? © 5 } c.
CANDI.IS Boxes. 40 Ib fis , 05/c ; 8s , orc ;
bo40 ( , Ib , 10 02 , Os lOc ; half box "M Ib ,
10 We. _
Smoked halibut , lOKc ; new scaled her
rings , 2Sc.
l)1' O'rHblj Palls or Kits
Norwejflim I I I i
KKK Hcr'nfc'g 14 .X ) 7 50 6 8D 3 80 3 10 1 04 90
Eels 18 009 508 00 4 803 90 1 28 1 10
Hollnml Jlcirinps , now
jlf ifbfaOr HblsP'Is.KUi
XKW FISH. 1W UO 50 40 , 12 10
Nol White Fish ! fi 00 , r , 40 3 no2 ; 70 , M ! 'M
Fninllj- White Pish. . . ' 3 WJ 2 70 1 70 1 5o' ' SB 63
No. 1 Trout ! 4 W ) 3 CO' ' SO 1 W ! IIS
No. 1 Pickciel I 3 tx ) 2 TOiltOjl SO to
Dry JjninDar.
! isrt'n ' ft inft'ia ' ft'soft'ssft ' ' 24ft
2x4 IbM isiw I5.W 15.60io.53'l7.rO , ' J8.W
2x6 1.1.0J 15.UO L'i.00 15.00HUM , in.oo
2.\8 15.10116.51'15.KO'IS.10 ' ' 10 60
2x10 15Wir > ( IOil5.0ti 1S.OO 1U.OO
2x12. . . . 15.Sil5.50 ) 10.60 . ,
15 BO ir .50l5.5)llO.OollO | ) SO I7M1H.60
Xo. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . .817.00
Xo. 2 , 4 , t 0inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 14.25
Xo. 2,4 it 0 Inch , 1C It. roiiih 15.50
SIU.NOI.r.S , I.ATll.
XX clear 83.10
Kxtr.iA 2.1K )
AStandaul 2.10
0-inch clear. . , . , 1.70
Xo. 1 i.i0 !
Lath 2.45
Xo. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12,14 nnd 1C ft 817.25
Xo,2 " " VA 14 audio ft 14.75
Xo. 3 " " 1.1214 and 10 it 1:1.25 :
Ho,4 > 1214 and 10 ft 11.00
1st com. , 12,14 anil 10 ft' . . . . i 821.50
2d " " P'ltl 20.00
3d " " ll "i 15.1)0 )
Fence " j ' 11.00
A Olnch white
, pit
U flinch " V
C f. Inch , " i'
1) 0 Inch , " f.
E Olnch. " '
3d , clear , 1 Inch , t TT. ' . & 45.00
A select , 1 Inch 8 ? 2 sr,1 . Sa'J.OO
B 8elcck , 1 Inch , s. 2s' } . 629.W )
Kill I ) . I. A I' ,
No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 inch . S 18.00
No. 2 , iiliiin , S and 10 Inch . 510.00
t > 01'THiit.V : YKU.OW I'l.Ni : . '
Com. 4 and fl in. lloorlng . 81B.OO
Star " " " . 21.00
1st and 2d clear. 4 nnd 0 in. Ooorlii ! ; . . . . 24.00
OulncyUilttillnie ( best . , . S0.80
Cement ( Akron ) . l.bO
Hair . . . . . o.ns
Plaster . 275
Tarred felt , per cwt . . . . .
btrawbOitrd . , , .
A12 Inch , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , . 54X50
O 13 inch " " " . J.50
No. 1 Coin. 12 ln..g. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 it. 18.25
No. 2 " ' " 12. 14 nnd 16 ft. 10.25
M. L. Hi giiiB & Ci. have for sale n
special bargain in ajicat , clean btock of
groceries nnd lixtures , no bonus. Satis
factory reasons for selliti" . l-oention. un
equalled iu the city , 1500 Douglas at.
Li'V'JA ' ' < Mi" . tUJIt , " . '
_ _ Bridges Steam Kile Ummtr.
I'mtircr * nn-1 Contra -tor * .
Brges , Roof Trusses , Sleam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nml Ho\to Truss Ilrlilgro ,
I'lllnirnnil Oak Timber. IJtli fi. , near Vainam ,
Telephone No 734.
_ _ Cigars and Tobacco. " _
MAX MKYitl : k CO ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Onus nml Ammunition. " 1,1 to 2iP uth llth
Street , IffO to lffi I'utuam Street. Umah.i .Vo > > .
ISTEHOOExcuiv. KArronr.
Manufacturers of Pine Cigars ,
Anil Wholesale Denims In Ix-nf Tobacco * . Nos.
'Of find 1J K. Htli Strict , nmnha. Soli
\V. L.
for tlio Manufacturers nncl Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
temps , cliimiicvs I'.to. Oflli-p , 817 South nth
Street. Or.mhk. .Nub.
crs. C-OODRICH Ace
Agents tor r. A. Whitney Ciurlu/o Co.
Children's Carriages ,
And Jewell's C'elulmite 1 Kofriiraru'jr * . Sou
or price llstj , 1411 rirnsm st , O intn.
Eagle Cornice Works ?
.Tohi : Epcnotei , 1'roin'c'lor. Mnnufiu turer of
OnlvntilzcJ Iron nuiU oruli . ' .UUHxU-o nml HI
nml 105 Noun Utli Street , Onmliii , Nob.
G & noi/n : ,
Manufacturers of Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , 1'imiN , lltc. lOP. 12lh Pt. WorUdono
_ In tin * pint of the country.
Western Cornice TCorks ,
C. Sl'ECHT , I'roprlctor.
( Jnlvnntrcd Iron Cornice ? . Klc. Spcent's 1-n-
proved Patent Mi tall'oSk } light. 60S uud 51U S.
12th St. . Omaha. Net.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
The Gate CtyPlLLDg Mill.
Peers , Fash and IlllntK Also all Kinds of
turning , i-eroll uiidStulr work of every cli > -
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stiiir Halls specially Telephone No. C2
15th and Marev St . . Oninua. Neb.
v , Electrical Supplies.
L. W. "WOLFE & CO. , ElcctrlciacT
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Onmha. llunrlur Alarms. Uell ,
Kiro Alarms , if'c'otrloMutin : , - , Speaking Tulioi.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ton Stairs , Hulling' , Rolled Hoims nnd OinloiM
Btcatn Knglncs. llrasa Work , General Foundry
Machine and lilacksmlth Work. OUloa end
Works , U. P. Ity. nnd 8 17th st.
Ironard Nails ,
OMAHA .VA11. > U St
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Fire Kulla r. Spr : ! altv. Omulm , Neb
Omaha Sale Works ,
Manufacturer of Fire nnd Unrein ; Proof Safes ,
Vnult Doors. Jail Work. Shutters nnd Wire
Work. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Wajroni and Carriasr ai
Established ISiij.
The Leading Callage Factory ,
HCOand UU Dcxlgo Street , Omaha , Noli
Commlss'on ' , Etc ,
Ki : & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Gco. Ilurko , Mumiirer.
Dnlon Stock Yards , S. OiiiuUa. Tolo J'.IGIIO 5S2
Union Stock Yards Company ,
01" OMAHA.
Limited. John F. Hoyd , Superintendent.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
of any nnd nil Kinds of stock bollclt
txL Union bt ck Yr.rda , Omulju , Neb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bosh , Boors , Etc. Yards Cor. 7th nnd
Cor. Oth and Douglas.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Stiiir Work nnd Intcilor Hard Wood
I'lniPh. just ot'iied. | N. E. cor. fcth und Lciux'U-
\vcrth Succts , Oiuah.i , Nob.
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 S 14th Struct , Oinnhn , Nub. F. Colpcuor ,
Muna cr.
C. N.
Lumber ,
3Sth and California BtucU , Onmha , Neb ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Cor. Ctli and Doufias Streets , Oiiiului , X'cU
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha. Nebraska.
CI1AS. It. L1JU ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Warcn Stock , I'ancy Woods , Ilrlclpo Timbers ,
&c. , ri. W. Cor , till uud Uuiieliib.Uiiiahii , Nub.
O. i ? .
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
IJulldiru : 1'upcr , Etc. South V
Fish , Etc.
Eucccssors to Icken Sicmsscn & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
mportprs of Torolpn WshNos. yil-311 Jone
: trr t and v' . P. Track , Omaha , Wob. , _ ,
t n
F. P. FAY & 00. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of FruiU.N'iUaaJ Otfar * . 1211
Farnain St. . Omaharfeb.
Lime , Cement , Etc ,
MnufioUf8f3 of Ilinh ) Waite L'ina ' ,
And Bhlpnors of Coal and Cokn. Coinout , I'hu-
ter , Ilmu , Hair. Fire Itrick. IJraln , Tile unit
Setter 1'ipe. Otllco , I'uxton hotel , iclupbone bll ,
Btrcet.Orauli , Nebraska.
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
_ Agricultural Implement s.
Vholes.o Dtalor-
Agricultural Implements , Y/agons /
and lUtirglf , Oinalia Ni'b.
_ _ _ _ ,
CHVKritlU. PAKKl'.K ,
Wlioli sale 1) nlcr In
AgricaKural Implements , Wagons ,
OUT a o" nnd lliirrio" ; . J , IIP * : t. , l > ct. t'th ' anO
Uoots and Shoe : ,
* " * -
-w > v < ; lnn v. & CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Slioas ,
3H rnrnniu . 'trcrt. Uinnhn , Noli. Manufactory ,
_ Summer Sn ret. llo'ton. _ _ _ _
* * " Carpets. _ _ '
Wliolesalo Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
Curtain ( ioo. ' . itc. : , 3V-J rnrnani
Strcrt , Oiiialia. Net.
Coal , Lime , Etc. _
.i I'.FP w. nr.ii v on nT
Coal. Coke , Limo and Stow ,
Office , 113 S. Klh rt..0inahn , NiK YarJn , W
nnJ ir , 'eii | > oi t Streets.
> iurai : : A ITEI. a > . .
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
IK S. Wth Pt. . Omann. N > b.
( Iro. f , TOWM. , I'rcsldint.
G o. TATrvjisoN. fcc > o umlTioas.
0. II. lIct.iiriiT , r. A. Ai.rit.
1'rovrlctor. JlnniiBor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
c.Sii S. lithStitol. Tclctihone < 9. _
C io. V. t.Aiunn , 3'u > . C r.looiit\s.V.rrca.
J. A. SUMIIIILAM > Sec. nnd Tieus.
Omaha Con ; , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of Lara and < ot ! ron'.itas. ' l < th St. ,
Uinal'.iNi'b _
Hard and Soft Coal.
Cs'-lubive dcalor ? In Ilouldcr Colorado Coa,2IT !
toiith Htli ttrtoU
Coffre and S ices.
_ _
Home Coffea and Spies Hills M'f'g ' ' Co.
Cotfrc KniHti'rs mul Spleo ( ) ilidiriniinu :
factuicrsof ll.ikiiitfl'oxrdor , 1'lavormi ; Kxtracts
niulng.otc. Try one case of our 1-ft packnito
Hoinclllend lloaslod Coffeo. 1MJ Hovranl St. ,
CI.AUKK nuosj/ico ! , "
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tca = , ColToos , Spices , linking t'owder I'luvorln ) ?
Kitrncts , Laundry lUun. Ink , vtc. 141MU liar-
ncy Street , Omalm , Neb. _
Commission Etc.
, _ _ _ _ _ _
" "
"lIKANCH & CO. ,
Wholesale Frnits , Produce , Oysters ,
J121 1'lirimni St. , Oinalia. AppleOur ow n i-aolc-
Inp 1'IattA.r.i s Tljrcr llinild Ojttcrs. Huttor ,
D , Game , Poultry , Potatoes.
Genera ! Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Provisions , Fruit P. Dour uud reed. 105
g. 14th St. , On.iihsi , Nob. CousiBiiiiients bolicltod.
Itetiirus made Broiniulv-
It. McDOXALI ) .
B15 12lh Street. Oina'-a. ' rfeli. Spo--i iltioi : Hut-
ter K 'irP , and Clilcbuns *
Wir.UEMAN & CO. .
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Duller , Oauic. Fruits , Etc. 220 S. Uth
St. , Omaha , Nclunska.
WKSTHRb'lEM ) HKtS. ) ,
General CommisMon Merchants ,
14(0 ( DodjroSticot , Oiiialia. Netiraslia Consign-
incutesoliet-d. !
Storage and Commission Merchant.
SiT.CiAi/riEi Cheese , llutter KSKS , Poultiy
nud Game. IU S. llth. , O.u. lia , Nob. U'olu-
phone No. JJ.T.
Storag3 and Commljsloa Merchants.
I'oroUfn and Domestic 1'iuits a pecl > ilty. I'.l-
epant sionwo facilities Wiu-chotuo and olfieo ,
10 North 13th st. Telephone 775.
D. A. IlUlir.KY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
IJuttcr , EpffS und Produce. A full Hue of Stono-
vaie. Consisnmcnts collcitril. 1411 IJodffo St. ,
Bnjers of Butter and Eggs.
IloJriscrator nnd 1'uclilnir House , Idlh .t
woithSt. . on U. I' . Jt. 11. Track , Omaha , Nob.
Established 1S70.
General Commission ,
rilS. lithSt.Or.iahaNob. "peolaltles Duttor
U , Poultry nna Gomo.
Commission Merchants ,
Tnilta , 1'iiiciuco nnd 1'rovisions , Oinalia , Neb
Successors to Is au Grinitu.
Conmission Merchants
And u holes iln Ufalur-S l.i country produce.
fruit' , liiilter. o.'KS.oie. GonUanuonshrnrncnt
n | ) . ci'llty. iKJ M. .Mill St. , ( ) mihu.
Euccrssors to A. P. ? cluclc.
Produce Commission Merchants.
_ No. 213 South 15lh Street. Omaha , Nuh. _
Dry Goods.
OlXbllUP.Ci ft CO ,
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Lures , llinbiolilor.x mul Whlto C'coi
> , Noh.
White Lead ,
witrrn J.KAU co. .
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
_ SOU. Stami L'.P. Ity. Oina'ni. _
_ _ Harness , Etc ,
} fntiufKetuieisniul.uliber.sof )
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
' , HHnlieU mul Hobuj. 1121 1'unuiu
Oinr.lin , Null. _ . _
Mattresses ,
_ _ _ _
E. M. HUL i ; ,
Mattress Company ,
Hnnufnrtiirlnir ifrttretses , llwlding- . Feather
I'lllonc , Cuts , Ktc. UUC and liW Doiiflas Street ,
Umuha , Nf b.
co. ,
Mannficturers of Overalls ,
J M I'iuiu'lirls ! | , Etc. , HK ( und 1 Ot UouzUi
SUi > : , UmauNL ! < b.
Ccer ,
Agent for heuser-Busa Brewing
Special brands : Kasut Uudwoiser and KrlanKcr.
( imin :
* A Homo uml Day Scunol for Youn > i
Ijidioc , roiipeuj UT. I. Ili/IUfnlIy sltualul
on ( iooreetoivn llolirliti , IAI O icrounda. V. -
liirrod c < coiitiniidutiotiis.
KA1ILE , lU103-lIiSt. , Wuklilu tuu B C
J > c tiers In A'.l Kind' of
Building Material at Wholesale ,
Ifth Si iit mid i > ii i I'ne fl Track , Oinnlin
* *
( ir.tlMAX T > NT ATT ,
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
fOtli mul Irnrtl StrcoU , Omnlm. Ncbt-a'Vs. _ _
.1. A. w\Kinrxii : ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
ntUMInir I'nper * . S.i li. Doors Illinils Moul *
Injrs VlfXi > t . PoM . l.ime. I'lnMer. llof ,
Cement. Nlutn niui Jotu , Oiuttliv : Neb.
Import rM mul Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
_ _ llinnrul 1-H llaruey Street , Omnlm , Noh ,
Musiuil Instruments. .
Wholesalers of Musical Instramonts.
Ctoltrwiiy I'laivw , Woluir , Doeker , Hnlnosmirt
JU-lKK" 1'mmis rnciinnl iii mus , CUnso Owniis.
101 iiiul HW IMU Mrecl. _ _ _ _
Furniture , Etc.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors
Etc.,12M , 13)3 ) mullCt ) I'm nn m Slicoc Oinahft
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitarj ,
rarnam Street , Omnhn , Neb.
Groceries ,
" "
K. 11. CHAPMAN CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Itobaivo nnd SiuoUots' Artli-lo ? , 1'17 ItownnlEt ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Sjilcis , Clfiir * nnilTolinctoa , K11T nnd lail ) Dauor-
las Stivut , ( Jiu.ikn , Nub.
UcCOHl ) , 11UAUY * COMl'ASJT ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th and ruriimn Sticci > . , Onmlm , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. ; 05 , 707,71W und 711 S. Wlh St. , Onuiho , Neb.
" " " "
w. j. nitoATcir ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Sprlnpt , iVneon Stock , HardncoJ I.nmlior , eta ,
1LVJ nnd 1211 HnriK-y tticcv. Oinaliii , Nob.
\Yliolcsale.Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Carriage WV I Stock. Huiivy Hiinlwnro ,
Ktc. U17und 121 cuvcn oith Street , Oiiiahu ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools and Uutfulo Scnlut 34a"i Doug'
Ins Street , Omnliii , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Ehcot Iron , Etc. Aircnts for llono Scales and
Miami Powder Co.Oinnhn N'cb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , Giiitc ? , liu ) > pood' . Iu21 and 10iJ Far-
nEcron & WILIIILMY : co. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel Nulls. Cor. 10th mid liarncr
Streets , Oirihn.Nt'b. _ _ _
* " '
Hauufocturcr of the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Writs toVm. . JI. Ixji-linc'r. Ganeinl Apcut ,
_ _ Oliiuhn. Tr'uphoiio U10. _ _
Iron Pipe , Etc. _ _ _ .
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
E 3nm , Water , Hnllwny nnd Jlllllnw Supplies , Eta
SCI ) , ICiJ und W.4 rnrnnin St. Oiiiahu , Nub , j
" "
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Ftcnm and Water Supplies. Hcn.liiunrters fo
Mast J'oost Co.'s Goods. 1111 Turnnm fctreet ,
Omuhn , Neb. 4
' " " *
Wholesale Jewelers.
Denlerg In Silvenuuo , Iilamonds , Wntchas
Cloek . Jewelers' Tools nmlMiitciliiK Etc. , 101
nncl Jit ! , IDtb Sticct , Cor. Dcdiru , Omaha , Neb. j
Nctions. EC.
JobDOl'3 111
Notions.HosierGents'F . / rni hing Goods
_ 1006 andlOJS rarnam St. , Omahn.Nob _
J , T. Hobinsou Notion Company , -
n and 405 S. 10th St.Omaha , Neb. "
WhoK'sulu Ucnleis In Notions nnd Gents' Fur-
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Caroline , Mlea AAO ! fJroici , Klo. A. 11. lllshop ,
Jliumgcr , Onmha , Ne ! > .
Pork Packing.
" " ' "
'JAMES n. novn ,
Pork Packer and Snipper ,
Omtiha , Xcliraf Ku ,
" "
HAJtuis & nsnuit ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
DUIcc , Union Murl : t. 1.117 llodifC'"trout. I'acVlnjf
lioiico , IJ. 1' . U. ILTniel : , Omtihu , Nub. Tolo-
phuiiuNo. _ 157.
Safes and Lccks. '
' " " "
"r. novun & ra.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Locfc Co.s'
Flro nnrl Uurplnr 1'ioof Sufos.Titiio I/jnVaults )
ffiidJHil vvotl : . lit.-u 1'iiriinr.i stniot , Oniuhti , Neb
BHiolesalo and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
Atrileiilturul. Vcirotublc , r.tu. Oild IVIIowt' Hall.
N , W. Cor. llth mul Uodua ft „ Onmha , ,
Drugs , Etc , ,
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dtnlrr in Paints , Oils nnd Vi'lndon
Ornahu , Nob. ,
Wines , Li or ? , Ec (
11.EM It CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Winos
And Llgiiut * . f-olo ii'iinufneturor.'tiif ' Ki'iiuo-lr'l
Lust iniiin lllttura. 1113 liana'Ku rut , Omaha.
Successor to MNA > IAI.I ; ii if.c\r , Jnponcrf
and Whuiitulu Duulont In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
glBiiaiOB. | ; llth St. , Omaha , Noli.
_ _
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Drr Ooi'.U , Notions , ( tenth * rii
Uoodd fiom Now Vork. TiuOo mice. O.uly. W
enO ' * rt . < outh Utli iit. , Omuii.i.
_ _ flour an4 Feed , _ r
Wholesale Flour , Peed and Grain.
Mrtnuf cturcrf-o ! W.J. WcMians iC"'P Quick
lUitliiK Hour mul I miirictoroOaml. *
City Mills , cur. tlfc und l'.iru-ii I'trccu ,