Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1886, Image 1

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They Hold a Meeting and Appoint Dele
gates to the Ohlcatro Convention.
They Wntch Cruel Kvlctlons Hnt ftc-
ntr.ilit Tholr Passions Heldcl-
hcrjj'u Holiday Parliament
ItpfiaaCHililnN ( ) till C I *
Foreign Now.
Pnrnrllltcs Moor.
DIHILIK , August B. [ New York Ilcr.ild
Cable Special to the Bin : . ] This morning n
meeting of the Irish parliamentary party was
licld In the city hall , to makn arrangements
for the approaching session. A largo crowd
assembled outside the city tall , who cheered
the more prominent members of tlio party ,
when they were recognized as they entered
Miu building. The lord mayor presided. Mr.
Parnell was elected chairman ot the party ,
Mr. Justin McCarthy vice-chairman , and as
whips , Messrs. J. K. llcdmon , Dlggar , Deasy
and Shlol. The resolutions presented were
T enthusiastically adopted. Ono was :
"That we take this opportunity of renew
ing the declaration of our adhesion
to the pledge clvon by the
members of the Irish parliamentary
party in the last session to the
constituencies which elected them. "
Another , made on the motion of Mr. Dil
lon , runs :
"That we reaffirm the right of the Irish
people to Bolf-Kovernmcnt and declare that
noineasuicoirerinic less legislative or cxcc-
utlvo control over Irish affairs than that con
tained In Mr. Gladstouo'Hblll can bo accepted
as a settlement of the Irish national ques
tion. "
The following wcro passed on the motion
of Mr. Parnell : ,
"Thfttwooxpiess our heartfelt thanks to
our fellow countrymen and fiicnds through
out the world for the generous sympathy and
support they have given the Iilsh people at
homo toward sustaining the movement to
obtain national sclt-sovernmcnt.
"That wo deem It our duty to warn the gov
ernment that the gicat depreciation In the
price of ngrlcultmal products since the ju
dicial rents weie fixed renders it impossible
1 that these rents can be paid. "
"Wo Biigirot an immediate.revision so as to
Rccuro protection for Improvements to the
tenant with such suspension of evictions and
wiping out of arrears as will enable tlio oc
cupiers of the boil to live and pay their way. "
An Immense crowd welcomed the Parnell-
itcsas they left , embarrassing them with
cheers and hand shaking.
LINCOLN. Neb. , Aug. 4. At a mcetinc of
the Irish paillamentary p.irty , held to-day In
Dubllh. three delegates \\eie appointed to
attend the convention of thu Irish National
Leaitne of America , to bo held In Chicago on
the 18th and Mb Inst.
President Eiran received this afternoon the
following cablegram :
"Dum.i.v. Auir. 4. 1833. To E gan , Lin
coln : William O'Bilcn , John Kedmond and
* Edmund Leamy , M. P. , will attend the con
( Signed. ] IlAitniNOTON. "
Mr. Michael Davitthas alic.uly sailed.
LruiiUorils Turn Out Old Tenants , But
No Trouble Tukos Place.
COUK , August 6. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BKI : . ] The following
Intelligence comes to-day from Kclrush ,
county Clare , Jicar whore tha Shannon
broadens , am ! gives evidence of the peacoiul
ness of Irish homo rulers amid tlie Increasing
asperity of tha landlord lutcicst.It . seems-
i that some tlmo ago. n'privjue "estat < J-f which ; *
by the wayIncJudesiHb ; ; IslartU evjctedtho *
" wldowsMchtornoy'jWBHl clghtys1x- years , "
'and ' her uumairled daughter froui their cot-
tn/co imilmnilet called..Leaheeiis , but they ,
had returned during the absence of the legal
caretaker. Then proceedings were begun
against thcnias trespassers and
Yesterday the resident magistrate , named
Dunsteivllle , and an Inspector of the con
stabulary , with a posse attended and a largo
concourse of neighbors joined them , but
thnro was not thu slightest violence offered to
the law. The appeals of the old lady to let
her dlo In the homo of her childhood moved
the crowd and the parish prst : < , Father
Qulnlaven , to tears , Impressing also the mag
istrate , 'who , on a ceitlticate of the parish
physician of the Immonent danger of her
death , postponed the eviction. 'Ihis de
cision , amid the dramatic expressions of
gratitude of tlie mother and daughter was
H..ii.Ki ) WITH cur.r.its.
The concourse. headed by the
priest , then formed In procession
and marched to a spot not far
away , the scene of another recent eviction.
There were met similar delegations from
Kllkco , Don beg , and several otlmr vlllaces of
County Clare , and theio was another evicted
widow , named Murrllmy , with her four
chlldien and her venerable mother. They
had been for several days
siiKLTniunj IIY aim itoAnsjon
under an liupiomptu covering for their
scanty furniture. The peasantry delegations
had brought boards , thatch , window panes ,
tools , mortar , and the llko , and in two hours
willing hands had erected on the roadside a
comparatively comfortable hut , In which the
widow , her children ana iho old grand
mother were placed , while Father Qulnlavcii
blessed the humble home and the willing
workers , who then peaceably dlspoiscd to
homes not much better.
anil Nluht Parades in the Famous
liKiiiiiiiiii : ; , August 4. [ Now York Her
ald Cable Special to the Ilur.j The weather ,
moiulng , noon and night hero has been llko
the university rector , niagnlllcentlsslmus. II
was hailed by a procession this morning of
grave and roveicnd university seniors from
theAulato the church of the Holy Ghost
and to-night the procession of students In
honor of the grand duke of Baden , their
rector. The llrst procession seemed to please
the spectators of the university , the senators
and ofllelalswearing long flowing black or
scarlet lobes with gold chains , as much as the
evening ono delimited the students and spec
tators mid the wedged mass of fun-makers
nlonirtlio directs. Thousands joined In the
torch bearing and tens ot thousands In the
luuzns. There was dlgultats at noontldoaud
otluin cum after dusk. The morning pro-
cchslon on Its way to the church was joined
by deputations from the German and other
universities from ( .clontlllc and literary asso
clatlonsand from the polytechnic schools
Harvard , Yale and John Hopkins were also
represented. In tlie church a choir sang
Haydon's hallelujah chorus to which the
crown prince and grand duke listened atten
tively. The grand duke then juesented tin
anniversary medaltmd a uow olllclal sea
end chulu of ofllco of gold , beautifully chasei
nnd made by Profc or Uoctz of the school o :
art at Carlsmhc , to the pro-rector , Theroja
presence also graced the love feas
of the bin hers In the museum , which laste < all day. The streets v > nro Ullei
with stout gentleman In dress fiilts who
Appeared to lm\e feasted \\f\\ \ \ . Many came
Imlress milts from Malnhelm and Carlsruho
to return at night , atter tl.ej hsd taken It
tlio studunlM torchlight profession. In IhU
llrst soldi'T.i brarlim . ' ' .
them came , 'itly P'IIM c.-
then the university ofl'u'rs ' ' wriasu ? , c ( . J
Irawn by four horses , then tlio seniors of
ho corps mounted and followed by members
f the Soxo Borusscn .students in the dress of
ho Knelp corps jackets , white breeches
\nd jackboots , with scarfs nnd Rchln.ipcis
Irawn and carried by the chiefs. Thosamo
vasobseivcdby the other corps , the Wcat-
jhallans , the Suablans , the Vandals and the
theimncs. After the corps came the "Lands-
nann's Cheflcn" and "Vcrblnungcn. "
The chiefs wealing the mcdlrcvial bonnets
with plumes and carrjlng drawn swords.
Ono thousand old members of the different
( realisations followed. There wcie ten bands
n the procession. The toiches were of pitch
ilno and burned faster and made more smoke
ban ours do. The streets were black with
smoke. The faces of the bystanders and of
.ho students in the procession looked llko
; hose of negro minstrels. The bo > 9 wcro
Boisterous enough and when carriages con *
lalnlng pretty girls andamLdrawn up against
the curb wcro passed , they expressed their
ndmlration by shouts of "Ah I" striking their
toiches against the imvoment , and rendez
vous , such as ! "Meet you under the green
e at eleven In tlio morning , " or , "At the
Schlossat nine. " The more rowdy wa\ed
heir torches In the faces of some vciy pretty
English girls , who , though suffocated by the
smoke , appeared delighted. The lads wcic
nero wary when passing the window of the
Itatlmns , where the crown prince and the
_ rand duke reviewed them. They all marched
with military picclslon , saluted with their
torches nnd shouted "hoehl" till
hoarse. The marching was very fast
as the troops led the ptoccsslon a
at a quick step. As soon as the procession
liad filed Into tlio sqnaro as Is customary , the
torches wore Ilunc Into ono gencial bonfire.
The crown prlnco then cntcicd a carriage
with the grand duke and drove to the station.
Ho goes to Fiankfort and then to Schlangen-
l > ad to sco the empress. He returns here on
I found the police arrangements for the
procession excellent. All the Hags at night
liad to bo taken in along the route to escape
Hie danger of flame , and youiiKsleis weie for
bidden to stand around the road , so as to pre
vent accidents.
Hnrtingtnn 1'or Harmony.
LONDON , Augusts. A meeting of the lib
eral unionists was hold at Devonshire house ,
the residence of Hartlngton , to-day. Hart-
Ington presided and airong those present
wcro Joseph Chamberlain , James Kylands ,
Lalne , Huneagu and Jesse Colllngs. Hart
lngton , In a long speech upon the coming
parliamentary work , proposed that all atti
tude of hostility toward the adherents of the
late government be abandoned. Tlio liberal
bcctlons should co-opeiate in an endeavor to
secure the enactment of useful legislationand
oppose unltedlv all proposals looking to the
separation ot the emplio. Ho said the con
solidation of tlio party was only a matter of
time. Towards that end the unionists should
at once Identify themselves with the rest of
the liberals by taking seats Ui the commons
among them. Ho reiterated his opinion that
the split In the party would soon heal.
Cliamboil.dn followed Hartlntfton. He
said he would willingly accept the leadeishlp
of Hartlncton , with whom he was In entire
and cordial sympathy. Ho declared that
such action as Huitlneton proposed would
speedily restore the unity of tlio party. The
unionists , ho said , wcro iho real victors at the
Into elections. Chamberlain's remarks were
received with enthusiastic cheers.
Rylauds , Colllngs and Calnc , and Henry
James also spoke in a similar strain.
A vote of thanks to Uartlngton was then
passed by acclammatlon and a resolution was
unanimously adopted that the radical and
whlicunionists should work together and that
the leaders who are prlyy counsellors should
claim seats in the commons on an equality
with BladRfonclto leaders. The meeting
iintlnlroouslvt endorsed the tjonthuont of the
3 pcakc3nJaime reports "say that forty "and
ouiers'tJiat'sixty"were present at the. meeting.
> i
RcnssombllnB or JLarllamcnt ,
LONDQJG August ,5. Parliament reassem
bled this afteinoon. Gladstone , when ho
wont Into tlio commons , took a seat on the
front opposition bench. His advent was un
noticed. Chamberlain.soon afterwards en
tered and sat down on the bauio bench , which
was occupied also by U.irtlucton and John
Morley. Gladstone's chief secretary for lie-
land , Hartlngton sitting between Morley and
Chamberlain. When Gladstone saw Cham
berlain the ex-premier arose nnd went over
to the radical dissentient leader , shook hands
with him cordially , and held a consultation
with him and with Ilmtineton. Artnur
Wellcsley Peel , liberal member for W Ick and
Leamington , was ro-elnlectcd speaker.
Followed By a Bnnojuot , Seasoned
With Lively Tuaata.
SAN FIIANCISCO , August 5. At to-day's
session of the national encampment , U. A.
II. , It was decided that the action of the en
campment at Portland last year to pay only
the expenses of the executive committee of
the national council of administration , when
called to consult with the commandor-ln
chief , bo sustained. The committee on rules
and regulations made the following rccom
mcndatlons , which were adopted : Against
the election of an executive committee of the
council ot administration for two yea.-s ; thai
meetings of the national encampment bo hold
between April and November Instead of May
and September as at present. This was
In defferenco to the wishes of the southern
members ; that wlicn memorial day occurs on
Sunday , Saturday bo observed unless Mon
day is a legal holiday. A icsolullon thai
postmasters bo elected instead of appointed
came up and the recommendation
of tUo committee against the resolution was
sustained. A proposition to adopt Upton's
tactics was rejected.
The department of California G. A. R. this
evening tendered a baiumet to the romman-
der-in-clilef and delegates to the national en
campment G , A. K. at Odd Follows hall.
About live hundred and llftv were present.
Department Commander Smedburg of Cali
fornia presided with Commander-In-Ohlof
llurdctt on bib right and General Shormau on
his left. The , "Tvventy-liv o Years Ago
I'llstGun Jat Sumter , " was responded to
by Corporal James Tanner of Now York ;
"The President , " by General J. 0. Black anil
the "Army of the United States , " by Geu <
A. Train Jlobbor Foiled.
lU.ooMixnro.v , Ind. , August fi. While
train ii.on thcjuonon route was Hearing Uain
bridge last night , with Express Messenger
George Perkins and Baggageman J. P.
Winchester In a combined bairgage and
cxpiess car , some ono kicked ogolnsi
the rear door of the car for
admission. The door was heavily chained
but thinking It was a trainman Winchester
owned It. Instantly ho was felled with a
shot in tlio breabt from a burly man on the
platform. Perkins jumped for his revolver
and Ured several t > hotsquickly at the Intrii
dor , who Immediately jumped from the trait
and escaped.
Winchester WAS taken to Balubridgc
where his wciiiuU were attended to. Hli
wounds are serious , A posbo Is In search of
the robber.
Disgruntled Railroads ,
CHICAGO , August 5. The Northwestern
oad bus demanded a redlvlslon of the range
cattle businnsa centering at Omaha , not bums
satlsiied.vltli the old peicentage , Commls
sioner Fatthorn to-day asked the managers
to come together and arrange for a new por-
ccntuge , either by mutual agreement , or by
rc-arultiailon. Tliero Is also considerable
UouDlo over the pre&ent division of the llv <
t-tock. trnillc at Oinnlm , the Kock Island am
the St Paul llnca not beinsr at all conteutet
with the system now In vogue at that point
Xctiraokn and Iowa Weather ,
FwNeliraiKa and Iowa : Fair weather
tui'n'l.tly warmer ,
Jembers of the Porty-Ninth Congress End
the Long Agony.
But Ijlttlo RuslticBfl Trnnanotcd Dur
ine ttio Closing Dayof tlio Session
The Fortifications Illll Do-
fcntcd Cjitlck Scattering.
Tlio Senate ProceedInRO.
August C. Mr , Allison
moved to take up the final adjournment rcso-
Mr. Conger opposed the action for the prcv
cnt until the fata of the river and harbor bill
should bo known.
Mr. Ingalls said hothouditthc senate was
being trilled with. Ho submitted that it was
lot appropriate , after the business of both
louses was consldcicd as closed , and when
they were all icady to depart , to bo kept hcio
loing nothing , In expectation , In hope , or
surmise , or conjcctiuo , that at some tlnio In
Iho fuluio they would bo advised what action
might bo taken by the executive on a bill
sent to him for his approval. It was trifling
with the public interests to allow the ad
join nmcnt resolution to remain unacted on.
It was the llrst time in the executive history
that congress had been permitted to adjourn
without the executive coming to the capitol
and availing himself of the usual custom to
ascertain the will of congress.
Mr. Plumb , from the conference committee
on the bill for the repeal of the pre-emption
and timber culture acts , stated that the sen
ate conicices had agreed to yield c\crytliing
\cept the provision that whcio there was an
xllcgatlon of fraud In the entry of land , the
Issue shall bo sent to the courts for adjudica
tion. The house conferees had declined that
and had also declined to sign the conference
report As matters now stood It was claimed
to bo In the power of the commissioner ot the
gencial land ollice to set aside absolutely a
pre-emption under any of these acts , and
practic.Uly without investigation except ono
sided. Agents weie not at work seeking out
technical objections. Tills had produced
u'reat consteination and great Indignation.
The senate conteiees telt that cases involving
tlio title to valuable property ought to bo
tried us all other questions are tried that re
late to piopuity or rights of Indh Iduals. Ho
had thought it proper to make this state
Mr. Harris ( the chair holnc occupied by
Mr. Hawlcy ) otfercd a resolution ot thanks
to Senator bherman for the "ability , courtesy
and impartiality" with which ho had presided -
sided over the senate during the present ses
sion. The resolution w at } put , and the chair
declared the resolution unanimously adopted.
But Mr. Rlddleborger demanded the pres
ence of a quotum , declaring that the resolu
tion ought not to pass , and without a quoium
could not pass.
In this difllculty ( there not being a quo-
lum ) , the senate at 12:10 : took a lecess until
1 o'clock.
Aftei the recess Mr. Hawley , referring lo
Mi. Peck's bill to prevent members of con-
; iesshctlniz as counsel lor subsidized rail
ways , said he had been seeking an opportun
ity to .havo it called and acted on , but other
business had stood In the way. ,
Mr. Beck agieed with Mr. Hawley that it
had been impossible to lm\o action on the
bill this session. Ho thought , however , that
the bill had not had fair play. Ho did not
believe that a single member of the judiciary
committee would vote for the substitute which
it had reported. Ho thoueht that the .com
mittee had sought to make , a builesque of
what ho regarded as a veiy serious mutter.
Ho moved that the second Monday In . De
cember next be fixed for its consideration.
The motion was agreed to.
The house bjlkfor the relief of soldiers of
the Twelfth Michigan volunteer Infalitry
dishonorably discharged , was amended and
passed. . r
Mr. Edmunds reported that the committee
of tlio two houses appointed to wait on the
piesideut to tnfoim him that the two houses
had completed the business of the session
and were ready to adjourn unless ho had
sonin further communication to make , had
performed that duty and wcro informed by
the president that no had no further com
munication to make , and that ho congtalu-
latod tlio two houses on the termination of
their labor * .
Mr. Plumb , from the conference committee
on tlio fortUieatlon bill , reported that the
commltte had been unable to'agree , which
amounted to a failure of the bill. After de-
bat o thu subject was dropped.
Aftei a short delay the moment of ad
journment arrived and the chair said :
"Senators : Before announcing the termin
ation ot the session of the senate , I beg leave
to return to each of you my grateful thanks
for your uniform couitesy and kindness tome
mo as jour presiding olllcer , and especi.illy
for the resolution of to-day in which you
have expiesscd your appioval. This session
has been distinguished by the creat number
and variety of subjects which have been con
sidered , and by a marked absence of political
controversies. The varied needs and aims
of the rapidly growing country have occu
pied nioro of the time of the senate. The
shoit recess will enable you to greet your
constituents , and I hope and trust that 6ach
of : j on will leturn next December with renewed - .
newed health and strength to yourlmpoitant
duties. In puisuanco of the resolution of the
two houses of congress , I now declare ths |
session closed sine die. "
A hurried leave-taking among the senators
and employes took place and half an hour
later the chamber uas empty.
The House Proceedings.
WASHINGTON , August 5. AVhllo thocloik
of the house was reading the presidential
vetp on the pension bill , the president's ' as
sistant secretary , Pruden , apucared at' the
thonoit'i ' door'of the chamber. When ho
announced tlio president's approval of the
deliclency , sundry civil and river and harbor
bills there was a round of applause , and the
gloom which had settled upon the members
by reason of the minors that were rlfo f hat
the rlvoi- and haibor bill had been vetoed
was dispelled.
Mr. lllscock moved to suspend the rules
and pass the bill regulating the duties on
tobacco wrappers. Mr. Hlscock took the
floor ana spoke in support of lilx motion.
Mr. Haudall received uimnlmuos consent to
have printed in the Record his speech upon
the tariff bill Introduced by him.
Mr. Morrison of Illinois olfercd a resolu
tlon granting the committee appointed to , investigate
vestigato the labor troubles In the southwest
permission to hit during the recess with all
the powers granted to It In the original .reso
lution providing for Its appointed. Granted ,
On motion of Mr.bpnnger the adjournment
resolution was taken up and the amendment
of the senate fixing tlio hour ot adjourn
mont at 4 to-day , w as concurred In.
At 8:24 : the committee appointed to wait
upon the president and inform him that con-
giess was ready to adjourn , appeared at the
bar of the house and announced that it hail
performed Its duty , and that the president
had nothing further to communicate to con
, 'A'ho senate bill was passed accepting the
gift of the Grant relics.
The hour of adjournment Laving arrived
the house adjourned sine die.
"Why tlio BUI Failed.
W ABHIXOTOX , Augusts The f oi tlflcatlon
appropriation bill , after passing both houses
of congress , failed In conference. The sen
ate conferees were willing to total the appro
priations made by the bill to 85,000,000 , but
this proposition was not acceptable to the
liquso conferees , and consequently there
will be no fund available for the preserva
tion and rupaii of fortifications during the
Indian Commissioner Resigns.
WASHINGTON , August 6. Secretary Lamar
to day received the resignation of of A. P.
Johnson , of Chicago , as a membtr of the
board of
Knnsns Icjnocr'n < ii Adopt Resolutions
of Condnlonco.
IjE\vr.xw'6uTif , K4. , August 5. The fol-
ow'lng resohUI6na Wcfo adopted nt the delno-
cratle state convcfatlW licld hero yesterday
afternoon : . 1
Resolved , ThatUjla coiucntlon has just
icard with a deep sorrow of the death offaaiii-
nel J. Tlldcn and deslro to express their an-
trcclatlon ot the great loss to the country In
iho death Of this man. A democrat and
statesman without stain or blemish , ho geese
; o his rest with the blessings mid benedic
tions of the American people. The democ
racy of Kansas Join w 1th their brethren of
the nation In the deepest sorrow over their
conn try's loss. /
"So slcen the brave who sink to rest , by all
their honors blest"
A c. 5. To-dav the city
Imlldlngs , souionewsnapes ofllccs as well as
manr private cstM > lislniicnK have flags at
half mast , out of respect to Tlldcn.
YONKKIIS , Aug. ft Oreystono Is thronged
this morning with friends of the dead stotas-
inan.'ISamucl J. Tildcn. Last night the
body was embalmed by'tho undertaker in
charge. The bed ) lies on a catafalque
In tlio southwest corner of the second
storv of tlio building. The parlor Is oelnK
heavily draped with mourning. Thu funeral
services will bo licld at Orestone Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock , after which the re
mains will be. taken to Lebanon , Columbia
county , for burial.
The remains will appur in full dress and
to-morrow they Will bo placid In ft double
casket now boitiKinado tor the purpose , The
outside casket Will bo of Spanish rod cedar ,
co\eied with black silk plush. The Inside
casket will bo of popper , lined with tufted
satin , with full length glass cover. Tlio lid
of the cedai casket willbu , lined full length ,
the inside being tufted satin. The handles
and mountings will bo of solid silver , oxy-
dizcd. On the oulsldo lid will bo a solid si- (
\or platu bearing the simple Inscription In
script : 'Samni'l . ) . Tilden. " At New
Lebanon the casket will bo placed In a solf-
locking water and hurglai proof steel grave
vault , which will bo Incased In a marble grave
vault. i. t
Mrs. Mary H. Pplton. sister of Samuel .1.
Tildcn , arrived tins morning from Nanugan-
sctt Pier and wasfnct at the depot by Andrew
II. Green and Hlgolow. She was driven
to ( iruystono Immediately , where she met the
other members of the family and completed
the arrangements for the funeral as above
ghcn. . ;
Messages of cohdolnnco were received from
Governor Abbott 6f Now Jerseyox-Governor !
Kobinson of Now\'nrk , and Daniel Man
ning , secretary ot the treasury.
Probably the president and several mem-
licrs of his cabinet will attend the funeral of
The remains of exGoernor Tilden rest tonight - ,
night In a catafalque in his sleeping room.1
The casket will bo ready for use to-morrow ,
night The body will bo clothed In a full' '
diess suit of black , with standing collar 'and ,
black tie. The countenance of the deceased' '
statesman has , not chAngcd slnco death. The
tuneral arrangeineiitai.wero completed to
night The pall bcarta.bavo been selected
and have notilicd tliotfftmily by telegram of
their acceptance jfTncJr names are : Hon.
John Blgelow , Daniel Manning , secrctarv of
the treasuiy ; .Jon * Samuel J. R-ui-
dall , Hon. Smith * M. Weed , xsx-
Comptroller AndrewII. Green , -Georgo
L. Miller , Charle ? l .Dana , Charles E.
Simmons , William Allen Duller , Aaron J.
"Vanderpool-Uon.'DdnlelJklagoon and 'John
B. Trover. *
The onicintingtclorg.vinan "will bo the
Rev. W. J. TneKeiv ct ( jtho Andonwn Theo
logical seminary. .Ho-VTW .formerly pastor of
the Madison Square Crcsbyteiian church of
Now York whtrto. .the .family attended
chinch when. | n tlie'cltf. iThe house will be
open to the public at8yOa./m/.to : give arj.op-r
portunlty to view ifho remalira , for the Hast'
time. The f\sa\X\\ . mtyInr.s * * 'UUbcglp t
' -
9:45 : a. in.
simple burlaV nje'eJjDtrth-e ; ' .
church. NolSd4r ! sEor''eulogiea will „ be
clven. Aftcfth6-8crvlce8 the casket will bo !
removed' felW train ot "
to a Jp consisting a
funeral car ancMhreedrawIngrottn : ; } i ars.
The special train boarlrip , the t remains and
family and friends will start at 11 ISO a. m.
The 5tev. W. Ms-'Tucker will'feff to New
Lebanon on the train , Tito train Is expected
to 'reach Now .Lebanon a ( Sj30 p. m. , and the
f uncial service , will bo held at the Presby
terian church In the village conducted by the
pastor , the llov. Mr , Burrell , The interment
will bo In the .cemetery attached to
the church , The train will return
to New York at thoconclusion ot the burial
services. Most of the relatives will remain
the New Lebanon ,
at homestead At r
Private Secretary Smith denied to-nlttlit
that the will wotildi be road Saturday night
Under the circumstances ho would not give
any information on- the subject. The house
was closed nt ! ) o'clock to-niulit , and mounted
police were placidun guard over the bulld-
ines of tlio estate ,
i '
I ! _
Hayes" on Tflrten.
FJIEMONT , Ohio , August 5. Last evening
the editor of the"'Democratic Messenger re
quested an itiferylew Wlth ex-President
Hayes on the dcathiof Mr. Tlldnn , but the ro-
ouest was refused , ( This evening Mr. Hayes
addressed the following letter to the editor :
"Your request foq-pn interview on the oc
casion of the of Mr. Tilden was de
clined In accordancoAvlth my uniform habit
on the subject of.iutcrvluws. I wish ! " how
ever , to say that theio has been nothing In
the relations of , Mr. Tilden and myself
which would prevent mo from expressing the
sentiments and manifestations whicn are
natural and flttlng on. the death of a politi
cal leader and statesman so distinguished as
Mr. Tildon. Sincerely , R. B , HAYES. "
Cleveland on Rivers and Harbors.
WASHINGTON , August 15. To an Associ
ated press reporter the president said to-day
that an examination or the river and haibor
bill , In the light of facts presented to I him by
General Nmvtqif chief of ongiaoe of tbo
army , and General Parke , of E engineers corps ,
witli whom the president conferred on the
subject , lias convinced him that on the whole
tholnterests of thu government demanded its
approval. ThG pretsIdent said ho had gene
over tlio bill as fully , as the data at hand and
tlmo permitted lilm for that purpose
alowed , and while some of its pro-
vslolis , not Included In the items
above mentioned , \yeto probably objection
able , lie was satisfied that most of the Im
provements p'rovlded.for were of ercat Im
portance , and ho Im4 found that the loss
which would ensue to the go\crnmont from
deterioration of , tlio ovlstlng works , in case
Of furtherstoppaso"would bo very serious
and that the amount of money cstljnatod by
the war department at not less than v r/vwv.
which would bo rtnuied ( to protect and
preserve the work already begun and In
progress , upon which' many millions have
already been expended , would , In case of
failure to continue. It JKW , exceed by about
S400.000 thu amount niipuipilatcd In thu bill ,
tor the IteiiH whlpn.lvlhe | Judgment of the
government's cjiglngrLmight bo necessary.
Confer iotlons ,
WASIIISOTON , Arue6rt 6. Nathaniel II.
Davv&on , of Alabnmn'td"be ] commissioner of
education ; John' I } . JMoore , of Delaware , to
bo third assistant-gecrpfary of state ; E. Spen
cer Pratt , of bo United States
minister resident and popbiil general to Per
sia ; Owen MeUarr } of Coloiado , to be United
States consul general , to Ecuador : Indian
agents ; Joseph Ho1mjinlof Nebraska , Omaha
and WJiiDobagong'wjcf ' ; KImer A. " '
of Iowa , Pima aircnny , Arizona. It
public monies , Thomas1 JJ. Davis , Lincoln ,
Neb.r Postmasters ; John A. McLauj-'hlln ,
( inihrlo Centei , la. : Samuel Jacobs , Ham
burg , la. : David W.Claik-Valley City. Dak. ;
OtlsG. King , Kenosha. Wis.S. ; 8.ViIson. .
Colfax , la. ; Leonard W. Chambers. Jackson-
vllh ; . III. ; William Carter. DeKalk , III.
William G. Bownuian , of Jlllnol ? , to be sur
veyor general of Utati. About forty nomina
tions wcro left unacted upon.
A. Card. „
LYOXS , Neb. , August C. In tlie case ol
the State Insurance company , of DCS
Molncs , la. , yp. A. II. Sherwood , of Hurt
county , charged 4 > vitli appropriating
8530.05 to his awnFwso , case brought up
at Tekumnli , .when Judge Daley decided
by testimony and statement furnished by
tlio prosecution that the com pan vowed
A. M. Sherwood | 30 ; lumco no cause of
action. A. M. SUKVOOI > ,
What the Forty-Ninth Congress Has and
What It Has Not Done ,
But OulvlKlnvcii Hundred Pnsised
Ono Hundred nndl'hlrtooti Hills
Vetoed , Which llrcaks
tlio llccord
A rtesitnio or Legislation.
WASHINGTON , Augusts. Tlio first session
of the forty-ninth congress , which ended
to-day , began on Mond.iy , December 2 , 1835 ,
and covered a period of seven months and
twenty-eight days , or 3il days , oxclustvo of
Sundays. Of this tlmo the senate was In ses
sion 104 dnys and the house 185 days. Dur
ing that tlmo there were Introduced In tha
two houses 1,203 ! ) measure ? , of which 10,014
were house bills and 214 house joint resolu
tions and 3,801 bills and KJ joint resolutions
of the senate. The measures pioposed
for enactment Into law exceeded In number
by 2,049 those Introduced at the llrst session
of the forty-nlghtli congress , which set for
seven months and four days , or 105 days of
actual working time , Tlu-y cocrcd all sorts
of subjects , from the payment of tlio laborer
at the capltol for extra sen Ices , to the com
plex questions of tariff legislation and legis
lation with respect to thn national finances.
Of the entire number , compaiatlvely few
were of what may bo termed of national .Im
portance. The greater number wcro meas
ures of a private iiatui cor of merely local
Importance , such as relief and pension bills ,
bills for the erection of public buildings , for
bridging rivers , for granting right of way to
railroads through inllltaiy or Indian reserva
tions , for the removing ot political disabili
ties , for changing Judicial districts , for estab-
llshlngnew land olilce ; , for chancing names
of location or increasing capital stock of na
tional banks , for printing public documents ,
etc. , etc.
A \cry small percentage of the whole num
ber of bills'Introduced of either a general or
private nature became laws. _ A compara- '
lively small number succeeded In getting
through the committees to which they were
refcritd and reaching the calendars of their
respective houses. Some secured passage in
the house in which they originated but
failed of action In the other -branch , and a
very largo number still remain unconsldcred
oy the committees to which they were ro-
icrred. The total number of measures that
passed both houses was 1,101 , being 241.en - ,
nto bills and KO bills which oiiglnatcd In tho'
house. Of this total , SCO became laws with
tbo president's approval ; 181 became laws by
limitation , tlio president falling cither to ap
prove or disapprove them within ton dajs
nfter their presentation to liim ; 113 wcro ve
toed , end ono failed by re.ison ot adjourn
ment without the oresldi'iit's approval.
Of the now laws , 740 were house mcasuics
and 241 senate measures. The laws tnat be
come such by limitation were , with two ex
ceptions , private pension aim iclicf bills.
The exceptions wore the bill to authorise the
Kansas City , Fort Scott & Gulf railroad to
construct a railway through the Indian toul-
tory , and fat to rctirc"I > leutenant 'liaiul.ill.
, Of the measures-vetoed by the piesident
thlrtyjinx. Jtyero senate Mils and seventy- *
UoveBr tillsFdf $ j0liousoTwenty Ignt of
the senate ; bills vetoed vt ere private pension
bills : three were for the erection or , public
buildings ( atDaj ton , Ohio ; Sioux City , la. ,
apd Zauesvlllo , Ohio ) /one wan tolrrant rall-
.loads right of way tluough the Indian reser
vation In northern Montana : ono to make
Sprlngneld , Mass.'a port of delivery ; ono to
piovide t.iat , bodies of paupers , criminals and
strangers dying within the Distilrt of
Oblumbta , unclaimed within a specified time
after death , shall be tinned over to the medi
cal-colleges , and one to quiet title to settleis
on the DCS Mollies river laud , and one to
provide for the construction of a bridge over
Lake Champlaln. Of the house bills disap
proved by the president , seventy-four weio
private pension bills and tliiee were for the
election of public buildings. The proposed
public buildings weio for Aslieville ,
N. C. , Dnluth , Minn. , and Spring-
Held , Mo. The number of nieasmes
vetoed during the session was four more than
have been vetoed from thu foundation
of the government to the begin
ning of the session lust closed. While nearly
all of the vetoed bills of the senate were ro-
portcd back from committee with recomcnda-
tlon.'that they pass , notwithstanding the
president's objection , and while similar ac
tion woa taken on some of the house bills ,
only one that granting a pension to Jacob
Itoralser was passed by the two houses over
the veto. The DOS Molnes river lands bill
passed tho.senato over the veto , but failed to
lecolvc the requisite two-thirds vote In the
house. Motions to pass bills to grant pen
sions to.Mary Anderson and A. J. Wilson
over the president's \yfciodofeated In the
house. The consideration of other veto mes
sages has been postponed until next session.
The measures of general Importance that
have been enacted into laws during the ses
sionIn addition to the regular appropriation
bills , are as follows : The presidential suc
cession bill ; to provldn for the study of the
nature and the effect of alcoholic di Inks and
narcotics ; to remove the chaigo of desertion
azalnst soldiers who ro enlisted without hav
ing received discharges from tlm regiments
in which they had previously served ; to legal
ize the Incorporation ot national tiades
unions ; to give receivers of national banks
the power to buy in any property of the bank
Bold under foreclosuiewhen nccssary to pio-
tect his trust : to rcgulato the promotion of
graduates of the United States nulltaiy acad
emy ; to permit owners of United States
merchant vessels , and of any piopoityon
board thereof , to sue the United
Slates for damage by collisions
ailslng from the mismaiiagemmit of
any government vessels ; accepting the medals and trophies ; to pmsidotlmt
biirvoml lands granted to railroads , co-tcr-
mtnus with the completed portions of such
roads , and In organi/ed counties shall not bo
exempt trnm local taxation on account of a
Hen of the United States upon them tor costs
of surveying , selecting or convoying them ;
( it also makes proIslon for selling such lands
on the icfusai or neglect of the companies to
nay the costs of suivoy ; ) the olcomargailno
bill ; the bill for the Increase of the navy ; to
provide that homestead settlers within rail-
load limits , restricted to loss than 100 attics ,
shall bo entitled toluno their additional en
tries patpnted without any further cost or
proof of settlement and cultivation ; to re
duce the fees on domestic money orders , lor
sums not exceeding 85 , from eight cents to
five cents : to allow steam towing vessels to
carry , In addition to their own crews , as
many persons as the supervis
ing Inspector may authoilzo ; for
the relief of FHz-John Potter ;
to provide for the sale of the Chcioiteo resei-
vation ; to enable national banking asso
ciations to Increase their capital stock and
to change their names and locations ; author
izing the construction of n building for the
accommodation of the congressional library ;
providing that alter July 1 , IBSo , no fees
shall bo charged to American vessels for
mcasurmont of tonnage. Issuing of llcim&es.
granting ceitlllcates of registry , etc. , anil
amending the luw.s relatUo to shipping and
dlsclmigliiK of ciews , the liability of owners ,
tlio licensing \easels , etc. ; to forfeit lands
granted to the Atlantic & P.icllic railioad
company : and restore thu sauio to Fcltlit-
nient : to Increase to 912 a month the pensions
of widows and dependent iclatives of de
ceased soldiers and Eallois ; declaring for
feited certain land grants made to the . ' .tales
of Mississippi , Alabama , and Louisiana : to
amend section 3330 of the revised
statutes so as to requlio brewers com
mencing business to gi\e bonds In the sum
equal to throe times the amount of tax which
they will be liable to pay dmlngnnyono
mouth , undlo execute- now bond whenever
required ; directingthtfsecretory of the treas
ury to deliver to thn proper claimant * or
owners tlio silverware , jewelry , etc. , cantured
by the United States army during the late
war , and to hell at public auction all 8uch
articles not claimed within ono year ; to direct
tUo commissioner ot labor to wale aa inves
tigation as to com let tabor , to establish life
saving stations at various points on the At
lantic and Pacific oceans and on the great
lakesproviding ; that manufactured tobacco
and smilt and cigars may bo lemoved for cat-
poit without payment of tax. and repealing
the low punIdlng for inspectors of tobacco ;
to extend the Immediate delivery system ; to
Increase the pensions of Eoldtcrs who ha\o
lost an arm or leir.
In addition to Iho foregoing , the subject
matter of various special lulls nas boon en
acted Into law In several appioprlatlon bills ,
as follows : In the agricultural appropria
tion bill dlrecttne the commissioner of an-
ilculuiro to purchase and destroy diseased
animals , whenever , In his iudgmcnt , It is
essential to prevent the spread of pluro-
pneumonia from ono state Into another. In
the legislative appioprlatlon bill creating
the ofllco of assistant commissioner of in-
illr j alTairs. In the sundry civil appropria
tion bill authorizing the secrrtiry of the
tieasury to Issue silver certificates In de
nominations of one , two and five dollars ;
also appropriating 810,000 for the establish
ment of an Industrial homo In Utah for
women who renounce polygamy and for
thrlr children.
The Important measures which , after debate -
bate , were defeated In the house In which
they originated , are as follows : The senate
bill to Increase Iho efficiency of the onny ; thn
house ( lland ) bill lei the free colnngo of nil-
MT , and Senator Vanco's bill to lepcal the
civil service act.
Among the bills upon which further action
by congress is necessary before they
can become laws , are the folloyvlng :
The Cnllnm Intor-stato commerce bill ,
the Mexican pension bill ; the bill to
icpeal the limber cultuio , pre-emption and
desert land laws ; Moirlson and Handalltaiil"
bills ; house bill to prevent aliens from ac
quiring or owning laud In any of the teiri-
torles ; the bankruptcy bills : the house bill to
terminate the Hawaiian treaty ; the antl-
imljcamv bills , and the Chinese indemnity
The Morrison sui plus resolution failed by
reason of the adjournment of congress before -
fore executive action had been taken on it. , ,
Lincoln Iioscs the Second Gixmo With
Lcadvlllo- Other Gnnicf.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Aucust 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the UIE. ] The second ot the Lead-
vIlle-Lincoln sciles of games was a close
contest and an Interesting game. The clubs
played well. It resulted In a victory for tlm
visitors In a score of 0 to 4. Two home runs
were made and the errors were few. The at
tendance was 400.
CoM'Jinus , Neb. , August 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ur.i : . ] The national game was
icsurrccted trom its long entombment hern
to-day , a game being played between tho' '
Columbus and Platte Valley clubs resulting
In a v iclory for the latter by a scoio of 0 to 5. '
Cincinnati..0 a 00010001 4
Ualtlinore 0'1 0 0 OssO 0 020 3
Basehlts Cincinnati 10. Baltimore 0. Er
rors Cincinnati 3 , Baltimore 2. Umplio
Chicago 1 30000200 0
Washlngtons..O 00000000 0
Base hits , Chicago 5 , Washington 5. Er
rors Chicago 5 , Washington 4. Umpire
Skinner. k
St. Louis 0 00000111 3
Philadelphia 0 00000010-1
Pitciieis Kirbv and Casey. First base
hlts-St , Louis & , Philadelphia 5. Errors
St. Louts 2 , Philadelphia 4. Umplre-Gaff-
n ey.
ey.AT Nrw Yonic
New York 0 3019000 OT-/J ,
* Khll61WCItyJ..O.iO-)4'0. 00 J ! jji4 ) ; (
' /First base hits-NowYorinS , " Kansas City'
-V Errors-New lorlpia'Kansas , City , 3.
Umpire Elliot
Detroit T..O 00138030 0
Uoston 1 003 020.0 8
' Pltpheis Twitchcll and-'KIehuuKon and
'Biininton.'yFiist ' base hits "Detroit 1C , Bos
ton 8. Eirois Detroit 10 , Boston 11. Um-
pho Fuliner.
AT Prrrsuuiio
Pittsburg 0 01000110 8
Brooklyn 0 0100003 * 4
First base hits Pittsburir 0 , Brooklyn 3.
Eriorb Pittsburg U , BiooKlyii 1. Umplie
AT ST. Louis
Metropolitans..0 30011000-6
St-Loiils 1 2100103 * 7
First base hits Metiopolltansll , St. Louis
14. Errors Metropolitans 0 , St Louis 2.
Umpire Valentine.
Louisville 0 00000000 0
Athletics 0,0 041022 * 9
Pitchers Hooker and Hart , First base
hits Loulsvlllo 3 , Athletic i > . Enors-Louis-
vllle 3 , Athletic 1. Umpitn-Bradlcy.
A Sncnlc Thief bcoures a Ncnt Kolo
From n South Omalm liiitchcr ,
An enterprising sneak thief niiido $150
m a very short time at the stock yards
yesterday afternoon. Prctl Wasson , the
butcher tit the ' ydids , was running ; across
tlio street Vv'hoii his pocket book foil un
noticed by him from his pocket. Shortly
afterwards1 man was scon , to pick up the
wallet and take his dopartnro in the
dirfictton of tlio city. Wesson boarded a
freight train intending to come in and
notify the police befoio the arrival of the
thiet. Wlion nciiring the city Wasson
observed tlio man who had picked up
his money hanging to the
stops on one of Iho cars.
Ho started down to catch him when the
follow dropped to the ground and was
soon lost in the woods in tlio vicinity of
the Pnxton-Voirllng Iron works. The
police wero'notificd anil oflicors Whalen
mid Kurdish spent some time in looking
through the woods and weeds in the
vicinity , but found no trace of the thief.
Wasson is actually losur $50in cash which
was in the wallet. Tinro | was also a
check for $01 drawn by George Canfiold
on the First National bank , but the pay
ment of this lias boon stooped , Wnsson
can furnish no accurate description of
the thief ,
Will Lose III * Foot.
An accident occurred nt the B. & M.
railway crossing on Douglas street yes
terday evening that will leave James
Fuhlborg a cripple for life , Fuhlborg
was psssing toward the river with two
companions when they found tlio cross
ing blocked bv n band train on the I ) , &
M. Fnhlbcrg attempted to climb between -
twoon two of the cars when a sudden
backing up of tlio engine throw him
down , catching his loft foot between two
of the bumpers and ciushinir it in a
horrible munnor. The mitral wagon
wus called und conveyed the injured
man to St. Joseph's hospital wheiu he
VIM given medical attendance. Fahlburg
lias boon in the city several weeks and
has boon arrested us u suspicions char
acter. Ho is a Swede and has served as
a nailor for ix good many yours , and
sneaks a half dozen languages as well
: n ho does English.
The Second Shot Killed Him.
CJIKYKNNI : , Wyo. , August 5. [ Special Tel
egram to the IIK.Flank ) | Smith was killed
last nlphthy William Stevenson , eighteen
miles west of Cliejenne. The men were
hired by u ranchman to build fences and
quarreled in camp about picketing a horse.
Smith attempted to strike Stevenson with a
ncckjoko. The latter shot twice , the second
filiot takjng moi tal eflect. Smith bin i endei ed
tothoauthoillic * hero this morning. An
other man picscut proses that Smith acted In
The Harbor Bill Approved.
August 0--Tho incident
Riddlcuorgor of Virginia Makes a Drunken
Display iu the Senate ,
Two Senator * Who Ilollovo A Wnr
With Mexico the Imminently Proper
Cnper Pnto of tlio Sur
plus KcRoltitlon.
A Driin knrd'a Freak.
WASHINGTON. August fi. [ Si > cclal Tele
gram to the Din : . ] Mr. Hlddlebergcr nimlo a
pcctaclo of himself to-day In the senate.
Evcrthlng going along quietly to n
proper conclusion when the Junior senator
Fiom Virginia , being rnthcr more Intoxicated
limn usual , inndo nil o.\hlbltlon of himself
by objecting to the president's ruling- Gen
eral llavvley happened to bo In the chair and
proved a match for Mm , however. .Tho ques
tion was one In reference to a report. Sev
eral senators tiled to icason with Rlddle-
, hut ouu might as well try nncl reason
\vltli a innlo nt to try to
show the Virginia senator his
mistake w lien ho Is In sucli condition as ho
was to-dny. However , the festive hcvno wag j
crowned when ho objected to the passage of >
the customary vote of tlmnks to the presid
ing ofllccr. Ho loudly called for a quorum ,
and although ho was told tljaru was ouu pres
ent , ho refused to listen ani dclled the picsl-
dent. Senator Edmunds fairly boiled itvwr
with suppressed iagp. The democratic sena
tors looked shocked. Senator Slierman , to
whom the vote of tlmnks was dliccled , paced
excitedly up and down the llooi of the cloak
room. Senator * Sawder and Mitchell ami
Assistant Sergeant-at-Arilis Christy tried In
vain to sooth the Intoxicated senator.
Ho loudly proclaimed that ho had
a right to object and call for a quorum. Gen-
ciat Hawley said a quorum was present , but
Klddlcbcrcer persisted , although ho fanned
Ills leveled brain to keep It cool. At 'ast
the senators could not stand the exhibition
any longer , and Edmunds moved a recetvs. It
was taken. Rlddleberer was taken to his
committee room and wont to sleep a t If r beIng -
Ing promised that ho should bo called at i
o'clock. Ho was not railed and the scsslo'n
ot the senate proceeded quletlj until ad
Scnatois Cockrcll , of Mlssomi , and Wal-
thnin , of Mississippi , weio passcngcis on a
hordic to the capltol this morning , and on the
way discussed the troublu on our border with
"I do wonder , " said Wnltham , "If there Is
really any dancer of congiess being called
together on account of this utlalr with Mexico
ice ? "
"Ileally , 1 could not say , " icplled Cockicll ,
'but I would not boMiipilscd atauv turu it
would take. Do jou know that this thlnir
Dairies men great deal. Well , It ( Joes. Lone
ago I predicted war wltu Mexico , uut I
hud hoped that It might be staved oif. It la
cruelty for a great nation llko ours to pounce
down upon a weak ono llko Me.xlco , and jet
wecaiinot stand it much longer. Mexico's
attttide | is Hko a'Sletc pet > on teasing a strong ,
hc.altby one : „ L'am' surprised that a conn try
weak as tlmUof Mexico should taunt the
v have sOino abfo men
'there and they should Icuow better. "
"Well. " Interposed Wultliain , ! 'I am In
favor of jrl vhiK Texan the woid and let her
clean out Mexico. The first time we Imvu i
sci Immaco with that lopublic H think we
should take her and i un > her ourselves. ' ' t
"Oh , certain ! } , " Bald CookioII , "Mutt is un
derstood. Wo will take ch.irgo of Mexico at
the first provocation , and make hei a part ul
oiii own government. I suppose Mexico
could bo suppicssed by Texas alone , but thu
fcdcial government will do It If rcpaiatlon Is
not made , and at once , too. Tlio Idea that
Mexico can punish our cltUong foi offenses
committed on our own soil Is preDOitiuoun. "
It stated at thu capitol to-day , and gen
erally concodcil In the house befoie It .id-
join nccl , that the president would not sign
the biiiplusicsolutlon. but would lei It tlio
for want of hisslioiatuie. The treasury of-
liclalb aio still opposed to It , oven In Its pics-
ont shape , and have talked with the presi
dent and asked him not to sign It ,
The name of the postofllco at Heaver Creek ,
Nub. , has been changed to Rnvcnna , with
William A. liay as postmaster. >
A postollicfl has been established at Liv
ingston , Chejonno county , and Marciirutlo J.
Livingston appointed postmlsties
F. E. Aken , Onmlia.Is at the Ebbltt.
Major Charles Irving , with paym.ifctor ,
Omaha , has been granted a leave ot twcntv-
flvo da > a fiom July 28.
A Chicago ITdrcfla Skfpa tlie Country
"With n Dlfjfloluto Lover.
CmoAcio , Aueust 5. [ special Telogiam to
the IJisE.l Tlio details of a homowlnt extra
ordinary scandal arc given out to-day In the
elopement of n j oung heiress , name Madeline
Kessler , with an Individual named Alfred
Illckner. The father of Miss Kesslei wasvh
merchant at No. 41)7 State sttcet. lie dlcfd
thicn wepks ago , leav ing an estate valued nt
5200,000 , The surioundliiRS of tlio young
girl were not very good , but she alwuyp bore
a veiygood icputatlon and Is really hand
some. She dlsappeaied last Tuesday , and ft
Is now known that she went with Itickner lo
Canada. The latter , It tiansplrcs , Is man led
to a woman known hcio as Madame Clou-
qnette. The mother of Madallno Is com
pletely prostrated by her double cause of
gilef. She sajs that the glil took nonu of
hei clothing and no money , though she had
access to thu safe In tlio stoio. Madeline' ) *
uncle , who was to-day In clmigo of the store
said that they were all so broken up over tlm
alHilr that thov could not bear to talk of it.
"Tim Indian " ho said "stole
, , the girl away ,
thinking t > ho would net a great deal of her
fathers money , but she won't get a cent.
AVc have seen the will and know what we
are talking about. She was thpught to have
been wil'ed ' the Batehulor restaurant build-
in K , but It is not so. She was of ago and was
to bo kept and clothed as long as she ru-
mained unnmuied. If who writes huio for
money now she will not get a cent. The
blow will all fall on her , " The woman ,
Madame Clommctte , sajs JUckner obtained
5500 fiom her ( ho day liefnro leaving. It IB
stated that thd mail's ] > hoto Is In thu posses
sion of thu detectives at Montreal , New York
and Boston.
Kalians Democrats Nominate.
i , Kas. , August 5. The de
liberations of the democratic convcnt'on '
were concluded to-dav and the ticket , as com
pleted , is as lollows : Foi chief Justice , Win.
Klngman , of Cowby eoiinty ; for associate
Justice , A. M. Whltelaw , of Klngman ; for
governor. Thomas Moonlight , of Leavon-
woith ; Ifuutenant Koveitinr , L. G. Isntt , of
Neosho ; heeietary of Htatii , W. G. 1'ottlson ,
of Ford ; attorney Bi'ncral , A. 8 , Dovlnmiy ,
of Olathe ; auditor. W. I ) . Kelley fcolofcd )
of I eavenwoith : tieasuicr , H. II. Uurchoul.
of Juwull ; superintendent of publlo Institu
tions , W. J. Moutgoineiy , of Btockton ,
fioven I'ei'Hona Drowned.
roiur.AND , August 0 , IJy the upsetting ot I'IE
a Loat in the liaibot ycstciday , K0\en pcitnns
werodiowned. The names are : Welllnuton
Masters , aired 70 jearti : Jane Mastum , Jill
wile ; Maud Whitten , asod IU years ; JJenl.
Whittcn , aged 7 yenis : Jlarry Clovcland.
aged 7 > ears ; Samuel Clcivuland , aged 11
3 cars , and James Masleiti , agad I' ' yeaid ,
15ni'\sr , August 5. Mob * liu > o buen in
'Iug In the itreou to-tley tliUAtmlna to
- divider.