THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY , AUGUST 6 , 188G. N A MODEL STATE BUILDING , I ( , A New Horns For the Feeble Minded In spected By the Officials. A MASCOTTE COMES TO GRIEF. Iilncnln's Hall Chili Charmer Pulled Jly the 1'iillcc Xlio Mystery of JUIcliurn'H Death Still Un solved Lincoln Notes. ImoM THE ntf * i.iNrot.jr nuuuAU.1 The board of public liindH nnd build ings , coniisllng of Secretary of State lleggpu , State Treasurer Willnnl , Laud Commissioner Scott and Attorney Gen eral LI-CM ? . liaVo been down to Iloalrlco inspecting the state homo for the feeble minded now In coin so ot construction , ami which Is Hearing completion. The board have upon their return expressed themselves as satisfied with the work donoand progress made , nnd state that the building will . be ouo o ! Uio hand somest and most convenient public buildings in the blate , and will be fur nished with all modern improvements for the uare and keeping of the Inmates. Armstrong , who accompanied the board nnd who Will bo appointed the superin tendent of the institution , considers it n model building for the purpose. The board will , cither wholly or in part , shortly visit the new insane hospital at Norfolk , which has now reached the roof in its construction , and Commissioner Scott represents the board in n caicful watch-care and inspection of the im provements at thu state reform school at Kearney. The state is doiuj * u good deal of public building tills year , and the board expresses satisfaction at the work. TIII : aiA&rori i : CUMT.S TO rntinr. The colored mascoltc of the Lincoln base-ball club has been incarcerated in a buslilc. As a mascotti ! his days were few nnd full of failures. Ho was wont to parade the streets in the forenoon cov ered with a gaudy suit of red and blue tlanne1. , and In the afternoon to witness the rout of the Lincolnitcs at the base ball park. Little wonder then , that this bron/.cd child of .southern suns became discouraged , and as the ball olub dc Ifoncratcd into a state of unanimous dc feat so degenerated the inascotto until two wcoks ago lu > found himself an cm- Ijloyo in a house of questionable reputa tion , wlicro his natural genius and super natural powers combined commanded a nalnry of two dollars and a half \ycok. . A day or two ago two Indies were driving by the house where stopped thu mascottc , and they discovered .some furniture in view that had been stolen from them. They stopped to investigate , aud the mnscolto opened out a nuiscotto tongue upon , showering the most villain ous language upon them imaginable. This was the reason that yesterday the inuseotte bared his A/tec licad in Jus tice Brown's court , complained of the bill of faro furnished guests at the city jail , and in his poverty begged of the .liidgo a chew ot tobacco , when that functionary pulled'from a drawer Ins well-worn chow of gmu and started the haliva flowing down his throat. The ca o against the nmscoUe was brief and - f' to thu point. The ladies appeared in \ 4 court , gave their testimony , aud then the defendant look the stand. He said his name was John , that he had no other name but mascottc , and that he was do cent a _ d welMionn.vA < ii " . . ! J * - . . . ; t i culprit was a yellow boy , who not only talked bad but carried a gun. As the evidence of this kind was in pov- urty anil wanting in facts , the judge cut the oration of the prisoner short and sent him to the county jail for ton days. "Is that nil ? " faaid the mascotlo as ho de parted , and his countenance brightened no enough to win a game of ball lor the Lincoln team when ho heard his sen tence. WllO WAS THE STHANUUU ? At the coroners' inquest over the body of the man found dead east of the city , and which the inquest failed to determine in any way whether it was u suicidal case or murder , C. C. 1'acu testified positively that ho saw the man who was dead at II o'clock on the day of j he murder or sui cide in company with another young man about a mile from the place where the body was afterward found , This was tlio most positive evidence obtained ns to Jlio dead mjyj being in company with anyone , and it was the last time the man was .seen alive. It is stated since the Inquest that a young man answering tlio description of the man that Mr. Pace saw with the party now dead , was in the city for a WCOK or two before , but that since Saturday night nothing has been seen or heard of him. Who he was or whence ho came or whither ho has gone is an unknown question. He was known to bo hard up and largely a party to charities from strangers , and whether ho might not have met and become intimate with the man since dead is an open ques tion and one for investigation , Till : KAUMKKS1 11ANKINC. AND LOAN' CO. . of Superior , Neb. , has Hied Its articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. The capital stock of the company is $100,000 , divided Into shares of $25 each , to be Increased nt the option of the stock holders. The corporation will buy ami sell real Cbtato , purchase bonds ami deal in all kinds of sureties ns well as doing a goncral banking business , and the names of the signers to the articles are Alex Hunter , T. Lewis , W. J. Bloom , G. M. Jnoubs , John Urueo , P. J. 1'addcn. TUP COUNTY INSTITUTE , now in session at the high school build ing , Is growing in numbers and interest as the week goes by , and the instructors in charge report that all sessions are at tended with the regularity nnd the work is being pursued with thoroughness In every detail. 1'rof. A. K. Clarendon , of Fremont , lectured Tuesday cuunlng on "Mastery" to n largo audience , and his lecture has been very highly com mended. The music on that occasion was conducted by some of the capital city's best musicians , and was qno ot the enjoyable features of the evening's enter tainment. Till : OllIST OP SJiALI , UVUNTS. There is a coming grist of events at police court just as soon as parties are through with other eases in which they wore interested yesterday. Annie Crabbs. or , as she is better known , Kansas City Ann , appeared In police court and swore out information against Hottu Leo for be ing drunk , disorderly and keeping a house of ill-fame. The eamo party also complained against William Doherty for being drunk , riotous and for assault ; also complaint was made against Henry Har vey tor the same rtataloguo of cilines and for assaulting the well known character in all criminal proceedings , John Doe by name ; and again the same party swore out u complaint against William Duvall for drunkenness , rioting and assault , Some tall swearing maybe expected. Vaclas Lotak , u Hohomiau resident of Olive Uranch precinct , waa brought to the city yesterday , examined by the board of insanity , by them adjudged in sane and sent to the asylum. Letak was u harmless lunatic who occupied his time while the examination was in progress in writing voluminous letter * to imagin ary parties and soliciting stamps from offlclala to pay postage. Seven cases of drunkenness and one hardnnod vagrant comprised the list of oases in police court yesterday and the customary lines and commitments fol lowed. The vigorous measures of the court against people who violate health ordinances has caused a marked falling off in complaints in that line. One of tlio police officials a few days ago received a round scoring from n party lixiny near town who left hia team iiitchcd in the streets eight or ten hours without food or drink. Complaints were sent to the police bv parties In business whore the team was left , and when the ollicer look charge of the team the owner made a great fus about it. The opinion of parties acquainted with the facts were not complimentary to the owner. The school board In Lincoln could turn thrir attention to cleaning up the high school grounds , with good cli'cct for ap pearances , at least. On the weedy grounds ashes from last winter's lires are heaped up , Rcatlcring rocks abound aud are piled in the corner of the building , old tin roolinrf lies against the fence and brush I.H piled in close proximity. It is a very little matter both in tunu and c\- to keep public grounds like these in good presentable shape , aud it would give mueh satisfaction to riti/.ens to sec a icform in these matters inaugurated. The Globe Tea nnd Coffee company that introduces its wares with a present in cans purchased , has opened a branch store here and spcins to bo dolnj a mail ing. business turn causing numerous poo- | iu to wcardlamonils w MO are among the forliinate ones to draw pri/.es. The Fil/gcrald hose team of Lincoln has held a business meeting and will at tend the state lircmcn'.s tournament at Fremont and go In search of lirst pre miums. Fire Warden Newbuiy has been placed at the head ns manager of the team and a system of rigid practice will be indulged in from this time forth that the team may maintain its position as the champion one of the state , Major J. 1) . Kleutscli has received word of the death of his aged father In the old country , who had reached the ripe -igo of eighty-live years. J. W. Thomas , James Hunter , Wahoo ; M. S. Cotterell , 1) . McNaughton , North Kend ; II. T. Conlev. Seward ; II. Kear ney , Omaha ; W. T. liisscll , Columbus ; M. llorton , licatrice ; L. C.V nsliburn , Norfolk ; L. A. Grabor , Wahoo ; J. F , Hollowed , Uinnd Island ; J. N. Mackoy , Clarkville , were Nebraskans at the state capital yestordav. I'pi'flonnl Juan Boyle , of Kearney , is at the Pax ton. ton.City Clerk Southard has returned to bis wot'K after two weeks vacation. Colonel iiurnham has been granted a twenty-seven day's leave of absence. gJSam Shears , late manager of the Mil an ! hotel , returned yesterday morning , with his family , from the east. QT. C. Hrunncr and wife left yesterday for Colorado Springs , Manitou , and other pleasure resorts in the mountains. I ) . C. Cooper nnd Mr. Watson , of Shelby , Iowa , are in the city purchasing a stocic of hardware for thc'r ' new store al that place. Mrs. N. IJ. Falconer left yesterday mor ningjonja three weeks' trip toher | mother- , who resides in Denver. Mr. Falconer will leave for the cast to bu gone a short time on business. Uncle Snin's Nephews. Tlio following shows the amount of mail matter handled by the carriers of the Omaha postoflice during the month of July : Carriers employed 21 Jellvery trios diilly 01 Collection tiijis dally ( W Itocisteied letters dullxcied 1,033 MniI letters delivered S .OUS Mull postal cauls delivered ( H.IBO Local lettcisdullvuicd ( K.MS ( Local postal caids ilolhcrtxl 84.10 Newspapers , etc. , dclivoicd' * ' 21,018 Letters collected 148,00 ; { 1'ostal cards collected 4l,0s8 Newspapers , etc.j collected , . 1533 , Burglary nt Oronpolls. Yesterday moningabout 10 o'clock the house of McCarthy , the B. & M. section boss at Oreapolis was burglarized by a brace of tramps. Mr. McCarthy had gone to work , nnd Mrs. McCarthy , with her children , had gone to visit La Platto. The burglars found ? 10 in gold , three suits of clothes They broke open every drawer in the house , even that of the sewing machine , and then made u hasty retreat. Two tramps had been soon around the house shortly before the bur glary , and the farmers in the vicinity are scouring the country for them. Helping the Fallen. The book sociable which was hold at the Fifteenth street parlors last evening for the benefit of the jail library wiis a very pleasant as rail ( jj prolitiibie ftflmj. ' . HOV. Ingram and Edwards gave a short speech , encouraging the temperance workers to greater energy. Ono pleas ing feature of the evening was recitations by Miss O'Neal ami Mr. John Mills , in which they did themselves great credit. The inusio was good , but what was still butter was refreshments served bv Mr. Vandorcook , of which all heartily par took. Everybody enjoyed themselves and said they would come again. Arm City Clerk Southard was exorcising his right arm considerbly yesterday sighning one hundred 1,000 bonds , each with about fifty coupons , to which the gentle man's name must bo attached. Those bonds are those Issued for the construc tion of main sewers. Almost Scalped. Herman Hissi , the old gentleman who was scalped a few days ago by being caught by a .nail in the loft of a barn on the corner of Tenth and Center streets , is now able to bo around , but his head is still encased in n multiplicity of bandages which Dr. Harrow considers necessary to bo retained. I Cnblo Ijlno Ijxcavating. Contractor Lilllls , of Nebraska City , the man who Is to do the excavating for the cable line has made arrangements to break ground on Tenth .street in a short time. Ho was to have commenced yester day but was delayed. TThen lUby nu Blcfc , ire g T her OoitcrU , When iho wu a Child , iho cried for CaitorU , When eho became MUs , she clang to CaetorU , Wbta th * bid C tOldna , ho g TO them Cutorilt HKXSILVW-AUMSTlWNG-At llrownell hall , August 4 , bv the Kov. Dr. Doherty , Mr. Alonzo N. Hunslmw and Miss Anna i > . Armstrong. No cards. WIllH It That the sale of Ilood'a Sarsaparilla con tinues at such a rapidly increasing rate ? His 1st , Because of the positive curative value of Hood'a Sarsaparilla itself. 2d , Because of the conclusive evidence of remarkable cures effected by it , unsur passed and seldom equalled by any other medicine. Send to C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. , for book containing many statements of cures. There will be a basket picnic at Weep ing Water , Neb. , ou Thursday. August 5 , under the auspices of the Enclish Luth eran Sunuay school of this city. Train leaves U. F. depot at half-past 8 in the morning. Tickets for the round trip ; Adults , $1 , children , OOo , International prize medals were given St. Jacobs Oil as the best paiu-curo. TRICKS AND TOOLS OF THIEVES Big Burglaries and the Amount of Boodle Taken. How ToclCB nml Bolts Arc Turned by Experts of tlio Profeali CrncU- IIIR Safes and Coin * lilnntlons. Toledo Hindu : "Hello ! what have you got tlicro ? " "Only thn model of n small , tic/or. Wnut to sco how paslly the thieves'can pick your locks ? Let me show you , and I'll sell you some patent fasteners cheap. " "Mo , but como to this window anil tell mo some stones about how professional thiovo3 work , nml then I'll ' buy ono of your machines. " 'All right. Here coos. What a burclar don't know nbout locks nud safes ain't worth knowing. Ilu studios the catches and ratchets , and lie knows his safe as well as ho knows the bank cashier. When anything is too much for his previous knowledge , and ho can't fall back upon cxiiuriunco , ho will write to a scicntillc journal , and some ono In all innocence gives the scheme away. " "Hut bankers will bet their last dollar on a combination lock. " "I know they . will , and that's Just whcro they make ono big mistake. Several oral years ago , I remember , there was a dispute as to the superiority of the Hall and Sargent lock. They had a public test. S. K , Miller , in the employ of the Hall company , picked the Sargent lock , and Mr. Sargent picked the Hall lock in a very few minutes. It they can do it , a burglar can do it , for there are just as smart burglars as there are locksmiths. " "Hut how about these storiesS" "Oh , yes ! Well , ono night two years ago the cashier of the W ayno County Hank , of Woo.stcr , 0. , counted over the money and securities in his possession , and finding thorn all riuht clobud the safe door with a bang. By some freak tiio combination slipped from his mind , and he couhl not oped the safe the next morn ing , and in vain he endeavored to try and thinicof the magic numbers , and in vain the oilieors and directors tried the turning-knob , but it was no go. Ono day , about eight woek-j after , a stranger satin- toreil into the town , and the thing he heard was the trouble with the safe at the bank. He strolled up to the bank , and informed the cashier that ho could open the safe. The cusliior looked upon the stranger as a lunatic , but as the case was a desperate ono lie told him to go ahead and open it. The stranger walked over to the safe and dropping on ono knee , began to turn the combination knob , and in a few minutes he smiled , the click nliin.scd him , and rising to liis foot he gave the door a pull and it swung slowly on its hinges , and revealed to the plliecrs of the bank the ooxes of secur ity they for eight weeks so longed to see. In that supposed lire and bur glar proof safe were more than $30.000. "That's good. Give us another. " "All right. At Heading , Pa. , a rather closp-fisted dealer couldn't remember the combination of his safo. Ho sent for a well known locksmith to come and open it. The locksmith playfully dangled the knob and opened the safe. "Twenty-live , dollars , " said ho to the merchant. "Oh , no. " said the merchant , "do YOU think I will pay so much money for so fewjajnuU'S1 jyorkj" ' "Vory wou , " said the 'locksmith , as he closed the safe door and giving the knob ( i tow turns , and walked out of the store. This was something the dealer did not bargain for , and ho paid the locksmith ifSC in advance before he would return to the safe again. "Now for a burglary story , " "All right. A few years ago when the old Lillie combination safe was in use , the banks closed the doors for two hours for dinner , so sublime was the conscience exposed in combination locks. The bur glars robbed them at dinner time , but they tlid not take all that was in the safe. They would only weed out enough that would not be immediately mibsed. This was done for the express purpose of cast ing suspicions on some one in the bank and prevent the removal of the valu ables. More than orje iiineotmt man wis imtirisbncU , all on account of these bifrglars. Ono duy a bank cashier forgot something and re turned sooner than was his custom and ho found a stranger bending over in front of the safe. The stranger proved to Shell Hamilton , ono of the Miirsh-Shiii- burno gang. Hamilton received two and a half years in the penitentiary , and the merchants wore shocked by discovering that a patent combination lock had been picked by removing a screw in the cen ter of the combination knob , the lirst per son who would open the safe would reg ister the combination on the paper , 'and. all the burglar had to do was to remove the knob , look ut the register 011 the pa per and open the safe. " "Why , then , are safes blown ? " "As a general rule they are not blown open until after the robbery is commit ted. This is to mislead the editors. A "rougher" is the name given those who force open the door , docs the blowing after the export has picked the combina tion , taken the contents and started on his wtij with the booty. After the ex pert loaves the 'rougher' putties up the crevices of the door , leaves n small ori fice at the bottom , and by means of a small bellows he blows the powder in the safo. He then fixes his slow match , lights it and goes on Ilia way. In half an hour the slow mutch has ignited the pow- dur and blown open the sufn door , and next morning it is reported at pdlico headquarters that the bin robbery was douoby blowing the safe ( " OTllKIt METHODS , "What other metliods do they have ? " "The Qulncy , 111. , bank was robbed in a singular manner. The burglars made two orifices in the safe door at the top and bottom. A pneumatic pump was used with two tubes. The two tubes were placed in the orifices. The tube at the bottom exhausted the air , while the vacuum drew the powder in at the top. When the safe was charged the burglars used a common pistol. The pistol was at the orifice at the bottom. A wire long enough to allow the burglars to retire * to a safe distance was attached to the trigger , and when the wire was pulled the pistol was discharged , ignitintr the powder and blowing oil' the doors. " " ( Jive mo n bigucr robbery ? " "All right. When the burglars robbed the Hcneiicial fund at the corner of Fif teenth and Chestnut streets , Philadelphia , they familiarized themselves with the make of looks , and by drilling a hole one-sixteenth of an inch of the lock whore a spindlcr hold the tumblers , and by using n knitting needle to let the tum blers down , they got $500,000. " "Wellf" "If that isn't big enough I will toll you something about eomo romantic bunk burglars. Maximilian Slunbourno , with his pal , Hlg Ike Marsh , received over $2- 000,000 for their share of the robberies of the liiiylestowii bank , of Boston , and the Ocean bank of Now York. They went to London , and their liberality and extrava gance gave them entree to the best so ciety and levees of the English courts. Tiring of English court mo , they re ceived letters which introduced them to the bon ton society of Paris. After being in Paris awhile the police dropped on their tracks , but bribing the ofllcors , they placed technicalities in the wayot extra ditions. Marsh opened a faro bank , failed , rcturnciltotlio states , nud Is now serving seventeen ) years in an oAstcrn penitentiary. iSltfnburne wont from Paris to W nrtuniburg. Germany , bought a cnstlo and patcn'l of a barony , and , under royal pr6tccuon , moves ami shines as Baron French. " "But lio-y nbout the ordinary doors ? " "Among the ordinary breakers are three dillerent .classes , the "nights , " the "daylights" and "sneaks. " A few weeks ago a guest in a Now York hotel came down stairs and connihilnod that during the night someone had broken in Ins room and taken his watch and chain and a small sum of money. " "Did you lock aud bolt your door ? " asked the proprietor. "Yes " the . , was reply. "Then , how did tliny gotn ! " ' 'They must have got in over the trans- som. " "You do not think a burglar would bo foolish enough to crawl back again , and as you say yoiir door was locked and bolted again this morning , you must have lostlt outside , " "A short time after the guests of the Trcjuout house , on Broadway , were robbed , and as they wore In half a dozen rooms , they could not all have been dreaming or lost their money outside , and they demanded an explanation Captain Brogan and a detective of the Central station wore called in. They craw led through the transom said one. Au investigation wim given up , as dust covered the sills of the different rooms , and they went away without solving the mystery. " ' - did in " G'-How they got ? "Tho shrewd water worker watches the arrivals of all guests of hotels and notes where any person isstonping who is likely to carry moiioyor valuables. He then registers In the hotel and gets on the same iloor with his victim , and after retiring waits until his victim is asleep , procures a pair of nippers our'outsidcrs. ' ' and a piece of wire and a silk thread , goes to the door of his victim and. with his nippers he turns the key in the lock. Ho then presses his knee against the door and gets the location of the bolt. Ho then bonds his wire in the shape of a bow and fastens the silk on the and , turns the key until it becomes straight.und it drops to the Iloor on the inside. Ho then waits to sue if ho key dropping on the Iloor has disturbed tlio sleeper. Then ho takes his wire , pushes it through the keyhole , and as he turns his wire up , it passes along on the inside and catches the knob of the bolt and pushes his wire and it draws the bolt without making the least noise. Ho secures his booty , he picks up the key oft'Iho floor , places it in the locK and then takes a piece of silk thread , makes a loop around thn knob of the bolt carrirs it through the crevice of the door and draws his silk thread and pulls the bolt. He then used Ms nippers to turn tiio key , leaving the door tlio same as he found it. " "How are the patent mortise bolts opened ? " 'Well , after the door is unlocked , the burglar gets the location as he would for sliding bolts ; he bends his wire to suit , and a heavy silk is attached to the end of the wire , and as ho passed it through the key-hole he guHlds If , and as he turns it upward the silk strikes the small thumb- piece on the inside , v The burglar twists the silk around about twice or three times , making a whip-saw , and holds his thread and turns hi" wire downward ; that turns the tfmmb piece and the bolt is open. " ' ' "Why don't you turn burglar ? " "Oh , 1 cau make more money this way , selling this arrangement to keep the burglars put. Besides , it is n.safo and , I guess , a little more honest calling. " Kirk's Gcrihau' Pile Ointment. Sinecure for blind , " blecdlm : , and itching Piles. Ono box has cured the worst cases ot ten years stniuliU .r. No ono need surfer ton mlniites jiJlorTjsf55 } thl3vonaorfiij tICirk's Uuiuian 1'ile Ointment. JLC ausnrus tumors , allays tlio itching at oiioe , acts as a poultice , pives Instnnd relief. Kirk's Herman Pile Ointment is prepared only for Piles and Hchinir of the private parts , and nothing else. Kvery box is warranted by our agents. Sold by driijtglsts ; sent by mail on receiptof price , SOe per box. DR. C. O. BENTON , PBOP , Cleveland. O. Sold C. if. Gooodman and Kuhn fc Co. , 1C til and Doutrlns , IBtli and Cumlng Kcsppctliiur the I'rnprlctloH. Detroit Free Press : The other even ing a patrolman found a well dressed woman hitting in a hallway , next door tea a marble shot ) , and thinking she might bo a stranger in trouble he accosted her with : j "Anything WJQna-j lundaiuf" Hho came out to him and replied : "No sir nothing. I'm waitiugfor my husband. " "And lie ? " "Ho is in the marble shop figuring on a tombstone. " 'And you don't want to go in on ac count of the gloomy surroundings ! " "Tho gloomy surroundings wouldn't aflect mo at all , but 1 hope 1 know what belongs to the proprieties. He's in there figuring on a tombstone for his lirat wife , who's been dead three years , and I pro- sumoyon couappicciate the occasion ! " "Certainly , ma'am. Sit down on the stairs , and if any of the boys bother you I'll raise lumps on their heads , " A Most Ijlbcrnl Offer. The Voltaic Belt Co. , Marshall Mich , ofl'orto send their celebrated Voltaic Belt and Electric Appliances on thirty days trial to any man atllicfud with nervous debility , loss of vitality , manhood , etc Illustrated pamphlet in sealed envelope with full particulars mailed free. Write them at once. Why She Didn't \yaltz. A very fastidious young man from the city happened to attend a country ball. Becoming enamored of the belle of the evening , he asked her if ho might claim her for a partner in a waltz on the pro- gram. "No , much bleegcd , " was the artless reply ; "them round dances allns turn my stomach. " No balm of Gilead can sooth like St , Jacob's Oil. It banishes pain. The highest birth rate in the United States is in the soujli. In Louisiana there are M8 children born , each year to every 1.000 women of chlhltbouring ago , .100 in Ucorgia. and 187 In Texas. In New England the rate-Is 82 ; in ( he west about 122. , | , o Auditor LedlioVofp | &Manpietto R. U , . says Red Star ( jpugu Cure is sure and safe. f [ In Paris an enthu'shistio crowd insisted on carrying an unwilling stranger , who had saved a mair from drowning , to the police station to'bo ' rewarded. Uhero ho was recognized ds an ofleudor who was wnnteil for larceny' ' yihd ho was placed in prison. > c. " J XuJjlUllCS bufi'oring from functional derangements or any of the painful disorders or weak nesses incident to tliuir sox , Dr. Pierco's treatise , illustrated with wood-'cnU and colored plates (100 ( pages ) , suggests sure means of copipleto gulf-euro. Sent for 10 cents in stamns. Address World's Dis pensary Medical Association , Bufl'alo , The curiosity of the oldest citizen has been aroused bv tlio discovery of a tree near Fayotto City. Pa. , the fruit of which resembles a marolla cherry in hliaim , but is not so largo.its sUe being about that of a largo pea. 1'ho fruit is now ripe , and the tree is being rapidly carried away , branch by branch. Under the postal telegraph system in England that is to biiv , management by the government of all" telegraph line * the number of inpssuges som' annually lias increased from 11,000,000 in 1870 to 81,000,000 in 1683. C1TV JjAAV VS. 8TA.TK h.VW. Stcnborc Ktpoiisea One nml MoU ullocli the Other. Judge McCnlloch yesterday altcrnoon , discharged the colored man , Chase ( irecn , upon a writ o f habeas corpus sued at his Instance by Judge llawes. As has been mentioned In the BEE , Green was arrested for disturbing the peace. Judiro Stcnberg lined him $30 , in default of which he WIN committed to the county jail for lifty days , on the ground that under the loonfcmlinance , in default of lines , ono day would have to bo spout in , jill ; for every dollar assessed. Judge llawes sought the writ on Ihp ground that , for every day spent in jail three dollars should bo allowed. Judge McCulloch , in delivering his de cision , cited the stale law , whieh clearly set forth the three dollar per diem. lie then read the charter whieh authorized the council to p.\ss ordinances for local government , and followed thii up with the citation of the ordinance under which Judge Stcnberg imposes his lino. The lat ter as mentioned contained the one dollar clause. This the judge hold to be in con travention of the state law , and consequently quently to bo void of cll'ect. After re ceiving the testimony of Green to the ef fect that ho was unable to pay his linu , thn judge discharged him , on the ground that , having spent seventeen or eight een days In jail at the statutory al lowance of ? J { per day , ho had been im prisoned as contemplated by the higher law. Judge Slcnberg was afterwards soon by a BII : : reporter and asked what ho thought about the decision. " 1 it " ho said " expected , , "Judge Mc Culloch has always boon discharging these men. But I'll venture to BUY that if I take that decision before Judges Wakeley or Neville that it will not stand. Besides , to talk of a little tech nicality , the case was not heard upon the truu charge al all. " "How was that ? " "Judge Hawes made a mistake In bringing the matter before the court. 1 .sentenced the man for disturbing the Goacc , anil Judge Hawcs brought him oforc Judge MeCulloch on the charge of assault and battery. This is a state of fense , and that is onoundar tlio city ordi nances ; and , as I understand , the judge look into consideration the distinction between local and general violations aud the validity of legal enactments. " "Will yon continue to sentence people under the $1 a day provision ? " " \ \ hat else can I do ? That is the local ordinance. Why , oven tlio state law has provisions for ( ho same rate , while the charters of cities of the second class have provisions for $1.50 per day. Granted that there is a dillerenco between the city ordinance aud the state law , the former is authorized by the charter which is for cities of tlio first class , and in itself state law and authority equal to that of the statutes. " "What will be the effect of the deci sion ? " "It will probably cost the city if-'OO a month. Now when a man gets drunk he can often raise f. > to pay his line. That goes to the city. If ho knows that , in de fault of that fine ho can satisfy it in jail at the rate of $3 per day , ho isn't going to pay $5. Besides , the county will have the pleasure of paying for his support. " "How is it that the county' and not the city has been paying for the support of the latter's prisoners ? " "That is the result of an understanding between the city and county authorities. The county is liable to the city for all the writs , summonfins , warrants , siibptcuas and olhor legal document issued and services rendered , oy the city court and ollices If this were chargud up to the county it would amount to sev eral hmulrcd pf dollars jj month. Jn recognition of tuis fact the couiicy pays for the support of the city prisoners , which , while a little greater than that of the city's bill , is yet looked upou as an equivalent. " TUB JANGIjE ABOUT THE JA1M5R. The Charges Asalnst Jailor Pelronct Aired uy the Police Committee. The police committee of the council met at the city hall last evening to inves tigate the charges of insubordination and disrespect toward superior otllcers pre ferred aeainst Officer Tom Peironet. QTho city marshal was Jirst Of..Jc'u ' by tliQ conimieo , ami asjjed to make the specific charges against the accused. Ho bald that Tom had been talking about him , and tha.t ho wanted to iiavo it stopped. "He's been givin1 mo h - 1 and runnin' mo clown , and witnesses are to prove it. " pllicer Uonivtin was first called , and paid ho had heard Peironet say the mar- bhal was a blanked fool for letting Sulli van run him. This was about election time. Peironet had since complained about having been kept on jail at nights , but had not said anything derogatory to the marshal's character. oniccr Turnbull was called and gave the particulars of a little row he had had with Peironet , in which he alleged the accused had abused him. Ho , however , had never heard Peironet use any expres sions derogatory to the character of the marshal. Officers Horrigan and lurkolson were called and gave evidence concerning the spat between Turnbull and Peironet. but both testilicd that they had not heard the acpii d use any disrespectful language toward the marshal. Horrigan said ho had hoard Pcironot curse some of the force last spring , when all of the police men were lighting for either 'Sullivan's side or Cumminjr's. Peironet at that time said that CummingN was a - fool for letting Sullivan run him. All of the police were cursing one way or the other at the time. This was all of the testimony bearing on the charges preferred by the marshal. The evidence showed nil of the details of tlio trouble between TurnbuIJ and Pier- or.ct but had no bearing on the charges. Considerable sldctalk about matters connected with the management of the jail was thun introduced but developed no facts that would have any weight with the committee for or against the accused , for in fact they had no connection with the case. Not a single witness gave tes timony substantiating the charges. Permits. Inspector Whltlock issued building per mits yesterday as follows : B02C8& Hill , two one-story frame cottages. Drake and Thirty-first. . . . . S1.600 Andrew Moitensen , ono story frame cottage , Lake and Twentyninth.400 Hogs & Hill , one-story frame cottage , DraUe and Thirty-third . 000 HoizfisA : Hill , two one-story frame cot tages. Thiity-thlrd and Crowell . 1,800 Hoggs tfc Hill , one-storjr frame cottagCi Crowell , between Thlity-lirst aud Thirty-second . 00 Jiotors & Hill , ono-btoiy frame cottage , 17ii\-e and Thlrty-llist . 000 Jil. P. Murphy , one-story frame cottage , Kmmet , near State . . . . . . GOO Adolpti Ssuniielson , one-story frame cottage , Thlrty-thltd , near Uocatur. . . 4M Crlchton Ja Whitney , frame co.d blied , Eighteenth and Izard . ISO O. I' . Lawton , frame addition to resi dence , Twentieth and .Mason . US William J. Paul , four one-story frame cottaaes , Thirtieth and Charles . S00 A. S. Paildock. ll\e-stpry brick store , Eleventh aud Douglas . .CO.UOO Twelve permits ngrcs.ft ( . , , . . .870,215 Sovnro C'onsl Storm. HAUKAX , N. S. , Aujr. 4. A thunder , rain nnd wind btormyostei day was the most se vere experienced on the neighboring roast for a long time. Vessels arriving fiom sea last night icport that the gale was ot extiome violence. Several small schooners have blown ashoie near the jnouth of the harbor , but so far no serious disaster lias been re ported. f ' MOST PERFECT MADE The of Tartar used in DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the purest , in the world. The crystals are from the finest Grapes , imported direct from the vineyards of Franco. Was7iington , D. C. , April 2ft , lSSf > . / Juivo analyzed tftd Cream of Tartar med in Dr. Pricds J3a7tiiQ Powder , and Jlnd it of the hitficst degree of purity. PETER COLLIER , Chief Chemist tor the United States Department ot Agriculture. Iho following , Heads of tlio Great Universities and Public Food Analysts , find Dr. Price's ' the purest and strongest. Free from Ammonia , free- from Lime , free from Alum , and recommend its use in every family. I Pcrsoiwdoubtln : : the truthfulness of this can write any of luo Chemtsti named : Prof. U. OGDKtf DOHEMUS , 3f. P. , L. L. IX , I5ullevuo Medical College , New York. I Prof. II. C. WI11TB. Stale Chemist , University ( ioni-gln , Athens < 5n. Prof. U. C. KHDZtK. Late President State Hoard of IkMltli , Lmising , Mich. Trof. H. Jf. SCHKl'T-'Klt. ' Chemist , St. Loul-i. Mo. 1'rof.OlfAULKS 11. mVKllll' . Analytical CheniM , Whoclltiff , W. Va. Piof. U. S. < } . I'ATON. Lnto Chemist Health Department , Cliloipp , 1 Prof. JOHN U. ( MIDWAY , Mn s. Institute ot Teclinoloiiv. Boston. Vrof. It. A. W1TTHAUS , A. JL. M. D. , University of liuilalo , N Y- Prof.A. II. SAnitf State Chemist , Uinlhmton. Yt. , , , , , , Prof. J01W UOIILANDEU , Jr. , A. M. , M. 1) ) . . Prof. Chemistry nnd Toxicology , Collew ) Medicine and Surgery , Cincinnati , O. . , Profs. AIISTKX A : WIM1E11,1'rolxdlieiiilstiy.KutjrersColleecNew nrunswtck.'N.J. Piof. GEOW5I3 K. IJAIUCEi : , Prof. Chemistry University ot Pennsylvania , 1'hlla- Prof. pM'lill'VjOLLIEU ' , Chief Chemist for the United States Department of Agri culture , Washington , 1) . C. _ , _ FrofX KEYS A HICK. Prats. Chemistry , Ontario School PharmacyTorontoCanada 3)r. JAMES AMHtEUHT. Chemist at iho United States Mint. New Orleans , La. Prof. EIXAH EVEIUIAHT. Prof. ChomNlry , University of Texas , Austin , Texas. Prof. E. W. IHLUAJtb , Prof. Chemistry , University California , Berkeley , EWEY & STONE , One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From , OMAHA NEB. A Narrow Kscnpe. A three-year-old son of Mr. Christian- son , living in Omaha View , had : i narrow escape from drowning yesterday morn ing. While playing around a well he fell through an ouening down lifty feet into ten tcct of water. Ho saved himself by jlutejilng the gipo amt as tnKqn out by Mr. McCoy. JLI'IO uoy only sustained two | slight bruises , one on the neck and the other on the head. _ Sleeplessness AND I&estlessness. Children as well as adults boniotimcs cat too much supper or cat something that does not digest well , producing Colic. Indlo-estlon , Sour Stomach , Heart burn , Restlessness and A fcood dosoof Simmons Liver Regulator will give prompt relief. "My wlfo liavlngBiitTorcd for n longtime nltli Itestlussneas and Slucnlcsuneus nt ulgliti , nml linvlnx trlcrt everything recom mended to me without bcncnttliiu lierwua Ilnillr udvlstul to trr Hlinnioim 1-lvcr HCKII- lator.und It bus nctcU llko n ( litinn. After uklnK ono bottle sli Improved BO muoli tlmtl ncnt and bouulit ono-lmir ilcuon. My wife li mitv In the onjayinnnt of ei- ecllont beultu. Wo keep tlio llcgulntor In tlio liouiu IIH 11 fumlly medicine , nml recom mend It to tlio world in * tlio best medicine In tUo world. . " J. C. HnmiiN-a , Tivlgiis Co. , fia. FOOJD Tb cnl iltuto Tor Mother's _ , . , - - jholern Infantum and Teething ; . A pre.aiaeatoj rood fur Dys peptics , Consumptives , Convalescents. Forfoct nutrient In nil Watting Diseases. Requlrea no coolclna. Our Hook. The Care nnd Feeding or Infants , moiled frue. DOLIBBB. OOODALB * CO. . Boston , btftoo. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE And otter * tufferlng ; from uerroui tlablllty , aihaiutlng cbronio dliuuei , pirmatur * , decr " " " trim ° = * M atnctlc Uclt. " Thbi 'State In Oie Union tiave bM-u cnreu. tr luituitlj felt. I'alcntrd and Hold HI ii. WboU fimllr can wear Bauio belt. I lrctrli & nipfniorlctfrfewllbmule belts Arolil trorlLlculm. Itauunl ajid DOicna companies. Cleot' In Tru * * i lor HMrlure. 700 curedIn'tiS , Hrnd itat.jpforpuuipblet , Da. W. J. HQINE. iKvwins. 101 WABASH Ay CHiuno. ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL ( KOODOO PAHISOFTHE SOt-WZ WORLD , : IOOK C'atalciEUM and J'rlceaon application. Bold by all Ibo licit Carriage imlldarft and Dealers , CINCINNATI. V. H. A. . COO-C1N. OK 11 OKI : AT IVIIOI.KHAI.I : I I'AV all eiprem cluirgt * to all imlnU within SIX ) Dillei. l.OIH'carrljffBi to aolott from. Bend two cvU , Uuiip forllluitrau l cotalogue. MintloiitliUpap r. L. G , SPENCER'S TOY FACTORY , 221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. r > HEXEL & MAUL , Successors to J. O , Jacobs UNDERTAKER S , AND EMBALMEUS. At tbo old stand , HOT FurrmraSU Onlnn or tologrnnb tollultixl und proraptlr attuudoJ to. Tulupnouo No. U TUTTLE & ALLISON , GenerallnsuranceAgents 211 South TiMeentii SlreeL Hpcclnllf niatlllt'il for Dlcdlcliml Use. TUC UNEOUALEDforCONSUMPTIOI\ \ WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTSJDIGESTIGN , ' DH. inw. : i. WA'M.IKO , Bur coon In Clilff , National Uuarc orN.J. , rilM. "Jly attention vrni cnllcJ 1C your Kejitone Mult Wlilskay by Mr. J-nlor , Drugglat , of Trenton and I luiT > mtJ a f ir bottlf/ / with for teller ? ; ; ' , ' . 2 sjjj llST9 talI Su rtcoiiuuciming jour article In my practice , uuo Duel It very sntUfuctory. " BEWABE"OT"BJITAIIOITS. . CCJ"fttt ( Itnnliu hM the Slftntturo K18NFU * m\nKi.3o.v : r : -Elnlla of B : on lite Libel. EISNER & MENDELSOBi , ( Solo Ainu for tbt u. S ) 316.318 and 320 Race Si. , Philadelphia. Pa. For sale by C. F. Goodman , Omaha NebrasKa. Forfeit if not Havana Filler. A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKE zoxt. o Thlt CIjtr will nroM u rrprnrnttd tnd wll I b eiteru Irtljr ii1 > itin'cl In every tovn tor ll e dr lcr > who UK f prucUte ll nicilli anil puih It according/ ! . S3IOKI3 Et FJSItJfO JOa CIOAR. Address BANQIURT Him , Sob Agents , 130 Fifth Avenue , D.W.Baxc , 1-osllo ft Morroll , C. F. Goodiimn , i ' Bl'niTord & J. A. Fuller A ; Co. , H. Purr , Uhnnejr &Oluon ( , M. 11. I'nwull , Kuhn & Co. . Bam Kurusvvorth . I UllI * * * VU , - f. IVMIM MVItanlJI hll. KranHOarrott&Co , , Mimbus ASchmidt , J units J'oray thu. UNCOUBUSJNESSJDIRECTORY : Itvccplljr llullt. iS'onlr I'urnliliaa' The Tremont , ' 3 , V. VmuiUUU ) & FON , I'roprlutoi-u. Cor. fth unJ I'SLs. , Lincoln , Nob. n > toi 11.00 par dujr , titreet tun from homo to nnf part of thg cllr. J. H. W. HAWKINS , Aroliitect , ORlcoa-a ) . 3I untl t'l , Ilkhanli lilocU , Mnooln , Nib. KlovuloroiillIU til-out. llroudcrol llr ederof OALUJlVAjrCATTI.K. SllOltr IlllHNOA' K. M. WOODS , Live Stock Aiictioneer Bales muUo In nil putU of the U.H. utfulr rntos. Itoom 8 , Slut a llluck , Unuoln , Ncb.j ( ] olio way mid Short Horn build for fculo. JJ. H. GOULUING , Farm Loans and Insurance , Correspondence In rcpurd to lonns bollcltoJL Itoom 4 , itluliurJs lllook , Lincoln , Nou. Public Sale , Denver , Vol. , Juno JOili , 1880. 10 head or Show Short Metric 3utcu & C'rulol- Fluink , 2-your-olild , NolglilnItUO ; bullg muT liulleiti. Address I'lcUl und Faun , lor cutuloif lias. Dunvor , Col. C. M. Hruusoii , Lincoln , NoU Col. F. M. Woods Aiicllonticr. IVIiou m Lincoln National Hotel , And got a Rood dinner firt.'ic. : J.A-1'KDAWAV l'ro v