Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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and Corn Bring Low Prices On Bear
ish News at Chicao.
Speculators Kick On ihc Weather
Clerk Pork Surfers n Decline-
Opinion * ) On the Prospective
Yield Cattle Slow.
CIIIOAOO , Atigtist 4. [ Special Tclcjtratn to
( lie HIK. ; ] Thu "kick" on the signal service
nentlicr man tliH inornlni ? was bpcausp It
iliowetl jilcntv of rain vrlicro It was least
needed , ft4id great sollcltttdu was ovnrcsied
for the cotton crop , n growth In which Clil-
cage In supposcii to liavo very llltlu Interest.
The corn country was cloudy nnd hart some
rain , but nothing \cry drenching ; cnotigh ,
however , to bring out some Miucnllni ; on the
part of the crowd generally and break the
market olT notwithstanding the attcnii > ts of
nathbttrn , Storms and others to support It
There \sero OS" car-i in ns fresh recelits. | Sep
tember , alter selllns : atO fe on the oiion
lMard and on tliocnrb , opened at 43j c and
dropped straight to Wc. Soptcinbcr wheat
Djiuiml nt the curb jirlces , 70/e ! , and sold olT
to75j < c. Thuro \ > ere 105 cars In , of which
H2 wrro winter and ! S3 spring.
J'oik ojiencd lower , September at SO.Wf ) ,
ilcclliilns In a minute to SIMMS' . Wheat fell
to Tfl c , nnd recovered at the expiration of
T the lirst hour of the session to TCe. Corn I , 111
the meantime , tell to 43' < c nnd rucovetcd to
43 } c. Until icruviMlcs weio throimh local
purchaser. AVheat kept steadily in tlw neigh
borhood of "fie. There was more or less ner
vousness over the Harvey failure , but , ns hu
caused tliennnouncuuicntto buiuailcthtouKh
tlio secictaiy that he was neither long or
iilinrt on the tuaiket , the members \vcic
obliged to take bis word for It. Tims none
of ills purchases were thrown on the nmricot
which would have broken it seriously. Only
once did It get ns low ns "S c nnd this wns
beioro 11 o'clock. Uy WKO : It was steady
nround Tfii f , with no disposition to .MS ! I anv
Inuo ( | iiautltlcs. It ! < sniil that "Hutch" and
( Ji'orge Kldridiru gave the maiket modeiato
Eiioport. The Ia t half hour was the .stronu'-
Cht of the day on local buj lug , backed up by-
export purchases of thirteen boat loads nt
Now Yotk. September closed linn at "t
Kx-Governor AVHIinm Voting , of William
Younu' & Co. . says : "At Milwaukee we esti-
mnto tliat thrro is n sensational shoitago in
Mirlnir wheat ; that Dakota and Minnesota
this j ear will not ha\o inoic than 40,000,000
ngalnst ( V > ,000,000 Imsliels last year. Thcio is
fcomu light wheat , but the \o. 'J grndo is going
to be ot e.MM'ptloiially line iiuality. Tlio most
of us think that whcntup there Is very cheap ,
nnd that the argument that California's big
wop will keep prices low is bad logic. "
After ! si'IHni : moderately nt43' < fe , corn re
covered to 4iJ-jC : , and trom 11 o clock on 10-
innined very steady.
Tufts t walker have advices ftom Lin
coln , Neb. , that the state has been generally
covered with rain , but the quantity Is so light
that no material good has been done nnd the
crop will not make over liftv per cent. They
think prices will go higher.
A decline of iHc. marked ( be progress of
pork , but Horn 50.60 lor September it recov
ered to SWiO.
Ctinii , ! ii5 : : p , m. Wlieat was n little
stronger on thocurb , and is now 10 c sellers
for September. Puts 7 < % c : calls , 77 c bid.
September corn , 44Xc ; puts , 42/ < & : % ; ;
calls , 44 ; c
CmrAoo , Angiiht4. fSpcclnl Telegram to
tlio DEI : . | CATTI.I : . It was late this morn
ing before much business was dono. There
was a weak fcclinc In trade , nnd despite the
fact of moderate receipts buyers were trying
hard to han.nicr the matket. Sales of .some
voryuood to choice steers wore at fully steady
rfl'n l > nf pn , , t"o i'1" I'1 TII--- * - - "
sold lower. To-day the receipts were over
two thousand hc.ul of Tcxans , making about
six thousand five hundred for the week so
far , against 8,500 during the corresponding
time last week. The niatkot to-day was .slow
nnd values weak , hut , not quotably
lower. The mniket this week has not
changed much , thoimh the tendency has
boon downwntd on guod grades nnd common
nro 15c lower tluin last week , The diceii
Mountain Stock Ranch comuany marketed
147 head of 075 Ib Montana Toxnns nt $3.50.
( lOncial quotations : Shipping steers , 13. > 0 to
1500 11)8 , S4.MKjZ5.00 ; 120a to UioO 11)3 , § 4.00 ®
4.55 ; 'J.V1 to liOJ Ibs , Sy.001.10.
lloas Trade was blow and prices 5 ! < 610c
lower on common and grav y htoclc. Packcifa
\VPIC notiipeinting up to their usual activity
nml Milppcis were lioldim ; oil' . The provis
ion imuket is dull , with n decline of bOc tier
baiiel .since tlio decline set in. MKcd sold nt
5jl.7r > ® 4.8r . nnd heavy at 54.1)0 ) ( 5 15 ; lljjht
suits , SJ.MX&I.'JU.
New Vorlc. August 4 , MONTY On call ,
easy nt UH ( . < $4 per cent.
PIUMU M.KUCAXTILK 1'APEii 4 < 35 per
cent ,
Srunr.iNo lixciiANon DullatS4.84K for
sixty day bills , and Sl.brt'J ; for demand.
GOVKUN.MINTS Goveinments were dull
but Mendy.
S-IOCKS There was almost no news of nny
kind lecelvcd this morning , except charges
of into cutting made by the tiunk lines
against each other , which were promptly de
nied. There wns but little feature to the
market In thomoiulng. the fluctuations noinc
for small frictions only. In tlio nltcrnoon ,
however , heavy sales of Lake Shoio caused a
bicak of 1 per tent , nnd towmd thu close a
cable dispatch was oliculnlcd stating that the
Panama Cniml company had > , iccceded In
floating their loan In Pails. This was con-
stined as favorable to Pnclilc Mall and on na
tive trading the stock went up about l per
cent , most of which was letnlned nt close.
STOCKS OK WA.I.I. sruiir.T.
3 ? cent bonds. . 101) ) V 0. A N.V
IJ. S. 4k'i preferred. .
Now 4's N. Y. C
Pacific 0' of'05. OIL-SOU Trnn. , S1J ;
CcntialPncinc. . I'aciilcMnll. . . M }
A P. D. , 25
preferred. . . . IN ) P. P. 0 J25
C. ft. AO 1S5K1 Rock Island
J ) . L. A W 12MiJSt ! , L. A S. F. . . . 20
1) . All. G 2SJ < preferred.
Krlu yJJf 0. , SI. ASt , P. . .
prefened. . . 75) ) * incfencd. . .
Illinois Ccntia ! , 13S j St. I1. AO . ,
piofcrrcd. . . 111
KnnsnsAToxas.H } \ Texas Tactile. , .
Lake Shore Union 1'ucllic. . .
4G W. , St. L. A P. . 17JJ
Mich. Central. . . . . picfcirod. , . 'M' '
Mo. Pacific US Western Union.
. , U. AN .
piuforu'd. . .
Clilunco , August 4. Klotu Oulct anil
cd ; winter wheat Hour , Sio : > MllU ;
,8 .lK i.00 ) ; WUconsin. S1. X < < 4.1C ;
n hoftspiliuwbcjit , : ( : Mln.
nosota Ukeisi , tH.MW4.lll ; pntmU , S.W ( ]
4.00 : low uraUcs , Sl.TQCs'.TS ; rye Hour , nuicl
Bt 83.25S3.W In barols , ami SiOOQAsl' In
\Vlicat \ Opened falily active nn J
clojiod nbout the same as ywtetil.iy ; cash ,
7Wo ; Stmtcniber , TO.'j'o : October , 7b'ic.
Corn 1.01 doing , weaker , opened Kc
low or nnd closed Jfn uuilcr ye.steiilay ; cash ,
43 P-jOj ; Sciitcniber , 43 WOcj October ,
Oats Hasler nnd WQH'c loworjcasb ,
cntcnilHT.SSKo ; October , a
Aye-Dull nt sis.
Marley Steady at C2J < c.
I'oik OITerlnjrs heavy : prices declined S0 <
nd reacted lPH.l < c , closliiK hte.idy ; ccsb ,
September , 69.C3 > { ( icaoS ; October ,
. . .
Lard i.'K(25c ( lower , closing steady ; cash
SUXX30.W ( } < ; Septemt- , ffi,95 ; October ,
U ) xe < l Meats Shoulders , S0.10@9.15 ; bliori
clear , SS.65Q0.60 ; abort ribs. ? 0.10.
Uuttjjr Hull t\nd MuRslltin ; creamery , 1S < §
J8c : itatry. llftUc.
Olie -Qulut : cbcddars , full cream. 7(2 (
7h'c ; llau , 7tt@7J < o ; younic American , 8XS
eKc ,
JKcBS810s. .
Hides fleavy green Salted. 8 < S3)/c ) : lltbt
6 < 30j < c : damaged. 7c ; bull hides. , 5 >
drvaltnl. . llttli : ; dry nintJ8 il4c ; cl
s , S < 31ol c ; deacons , & 0o each.
tziA. .
Tallow No. 1 country , 3) ) < @ 1 c ; No. 2 , Sc ;
caKe , 3 > jc.
Kccclnw. Shipments.
Flour , bbti . iroou ll.txw
Wheat , bu . ist.otx ) J-0-0 ;
Corn , bu . ajr.wo ;
Oats on . ' l OOO
HJC.DU . 7ooo . . . . .
UnrllT.Dlt . 29,000 7,000
Now York. An u t 4. IVhtat-Kocclnts ,
10s,000i'xiioit ; , 250,000 : S | > ot n shailo lower ;
options opened weak , 'i ' ( lic lower , Inter re
covered most of tlio ilccllnt1 cloluc.Blcady . ;
Krpteuibcr cto-.T' < i at sSKc.
CornSivot4@8 c lower ; heavy , options
opened m Jk'r- lower , heavy , later IPCOMMW !
most of tlifileclliipcloilin ; Him : i ocelots. 42-
( XX ) ; exports , ' -0.000 ; unniadeil.-tTXrfsnc ; No.J. .
duhveicd ; September closed at
* o'.iti-Wcak ; receipts , -i-1,000 ; i-s ports , 000 ;
nil.xcd western , BTdt-iO ; white western. 40
Petroleum Htoailv ; United closed at iiCc.
Poik Unit nnd quiet ; old ino. .SlO.GysQ
10.75 ; new muss , SlUW.1 ) ! . , ,
Lard Opened \\oalt , rtMcted nnd closed
steady ; \M-.stern stenm , spot , S0.70 ; Seiitem-
bur. S'.03frt7.0li.
Huttcr Kiriucr on flno grades ; western ,
Cliee c--i-'irm nnd quiet ;'.fCl'Jfc.
Kegs stmdv and demand fair ; wcstein
ficsh , in ftlHU'c.
MlnnonpollH , Aucitst 4. Wheat t'n-
settled : openeil weak , closed lirmer but a
shade lowei ; No. 1 hind , cash and August ,
75c ; Septemlpi70)/c ) ; ) ; October , 7Sc ; No. 1
noithcin , Auuiist ftc ; September , 74' < c ;
Octi'bcr,70c : No. 2 noithein , August , TOP ,
September , 71 ijc ; October , 73o. Some new
whpat is aitiving ; quality good and yield ex
ceeds Conner estimates.
Klouitjulet : patents , S4.35 ( < i4.5 : > ; bakeis ,
S35i : < : i.60.
Recelpts-WIicat , 53,000 bushels ; Hour , 125
Slilpmcnts-Whcat , 8,000 bushels ; Hour ,
14.000 bauds.
Clnclnnntl. August 4. Wheat Easier ;
No. 2 red , 7 Ufa
Corn weaker ; No. 2 mixed , l'2XC' ? < 3c.
Oats Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , 2roWs > iic.
Uyp Modest demand ; No. 2. 54c.
1'oik Dull and lowei iit510.S > .
Lard Kiisiei ; SO..V ) .
Whiskv Quiet : sales 311) ) bairels of Iin-
ishcd goods on n basis of 51.07.
Milwaukee. August4Wheat Steadier ; , 74Jfc ; September. 7fi'ic ; Octobei , "K > } { c.
Coin Virm ; No. 2 , 4'ljfc.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 , 2T4'c.
R > o Nominal ; No. 1 , ftf.ii'e.
llarluy llleher : No. 2 , Oip.
I'lovlsious Lower ; mess pork , August ,
$0.45 ; September , 50.55.
St. Louis. August 4. Wheat Kxort ,
easy ; No. 2 , red , cash , 75c ; August , 7e ;
September , 77 > ; ' @ "lsp.
Corn Weak and lower ; No. 2. mixed ,
cash , : 'c ; September , 40'cc ; October , 41 ° ; To.
Oats-Easy ; No. 2 , mlwl , cash , 20 @
20Vtfc ,
Rvc Firm at Me.
Whisky Steady at S1.07.
Poik-Steady at 810.25.
Lard Steady at 50.50.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 17@20c ;
dairy , 10@15c.
Kansas City , August 4. Wheat Weak ;
No. 2 red. cash , 5'Ji e bid , ffl'tfc asked ; Sep
tember , Clc ; October. OJ , e bid , C3 fe aske.l.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , JKl' < i@33gc ;
September , Sl @ 313 c ; October , " / * * *
Oats Noninnl : 2ob bid , 27c nsked.
Tolcilo , August 4. Wheat Activfi nud
steady ; cash , 7Sl c.
Corn Steady ; cash , 42J e.
Oats -Steady ; clia-sh , 2 c.
Liverpool. August 4. Wheat Offered
freely ; new No. 2 winter. Os 0) < fd ; spring , Gs
[ "lour lloldeis offer freely ; extra No. 1
spring , Ss.
Corn Spot nnd futures holders offer treelv ;
new mixed , 4slJ d ; August , 4s IJtfd ; Seh )
tumbcr , 4s 1'jd ; October , 4s 3d.
Chicago , August 1. The Drover's Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 7.200 ; slow but steady :
shipping btceis , 53.0035.00 : stackers and at 52.40(23.70 ; cows , bulls
nnd mixed , S1.SO@ . < ) .CO ; bulk , S2.50ffi.2.00 ;
tliiougli Texas cattle weak ; cows , 52.15 ®
2.00 ? - ! " " . S" - . wwfiiH . rji .
iioRs Keciiutai.uOO ; ; Blow and lower :
roUKh and mixed , S4.15I.S5 : packinc and
hlppinir. 81.8)5.1ft ; light , S4.10@4.00 ; skips ,
Shee | > Receipts. 3,000 : steady ; natives ,
S2.50SW.15 ; western , 5it.00@3.50 : Texans ,
S1.75 ® 1.23 ; Iambs , S3.00@5.00.
St , Louis , August 4.-Cattle Receipts ,
1.000 ; shipments , 10,000 ; fairly nctivo but
bteady export steeis , S4.504.75 ; good to
choice , 54.40@-l.0i ) ; fair to medium , 53.00 ®
4.25 ; common , S3.40@3.b5 ; lair to choice
cowsand hellers , 2.50(33.00 ( : common , 52.03
(012.23 ( ; poor to choice , bulls , 51.50 2.00 : steers
and teeders , S2.2.Cc4.CO. ?
Hogs Rpcelpls. 5,000 ; sbipinents , 3,000 ;
weak nnd lower ; Yorkers , S4.0.Sj4.7rr. ( pack
ers. 54.05W4.b5 ; biitclieis , 54.00(45.00 ; grass
nnd half fattened , S3.2. @ 4.S5.
Knnsna City , August 4. Cattle Re
ceipts , 550 ; shipments , none : shipping grades ,
btroug ; grass Te.xans , slow nnd steady ;
good to choice , S3.OJjJM.40 ; comiiinn to jne-
ilium , S3.40dt3.bOstock ; r.s , $2.50 2.75 ; feed-
cis. S2.80E'I.30 ) ; cows , S1.50CW.03.
Hogs Receipts. 7,000 ; shipments , 2,103 ;
opened weak nnd 5c lower , cloilng weak ;
coed to cholcp , 54.80(3)1.95 ( ) ; common to me-
dlum , SUO@4\75 ; sldps nnd ] ) lgs , 54.00 ®
Wednesday Evening , August 4.
Cattle Tlieio were no especially new fea
tures in thu market to-day. Good dressed
beef cattle would have sold fairly well hail
there been nny here. The market for butch
ers' stock has been so poor of late that verj
little is coming in.
Hogs The iccelpts were much lighter to
day than on yesterday. Thu market opened
about 5o lower , and the gieater proportion
sold parly in the d.iy. Later In the day the
maiket went nil to pieces , nnd it was almosl
Impossible to get even a bid on the tew re
maining loads. The market closed dull anil
Sheep There Is no maiket ,
Cattle r 0 (
llo s 120C
Prcvnllln-j Prices ,
Shovrlng the prevailing prices paid for live
stock o.i this market.
Cholco steers , 1H50 to 1500 Ibs 54.20(34.3 :
Choice steers , 1100 to 1SOO Ibs 8.75M4.1C
Medium steers , 1250 to 1350 Ibs. . . 3.75&4.0C
Fat little steers. 10M to 1150 lb < . . . . 3.05C 43.1K.
Good feedets , OOOtolOOO H > 3 S.OOfflU.RE
Good to choice corn-fed eows 2. < Jui.2i :
Fair to medium grass cows 2.00 ( < A2.l.r (
Good to choice bulls l.50r < W.M
Light and medium nogs. 4.40 ( M. . ' > (
Good to choice heavy hogs 4COiC4.7 ( (
Rood to choice mixed hogs 4.50c < 4I.G (
Fair to good shorn sheep. . . , 2,00 ( < tJ , & <
Kcprcsont.ttlvu Sale * .
No. Av. Pr.
VJ5 US.1) SSi5
No. Av. Tr. No. AT. rv
0 KM 52.73STEUll"
STEUll" .
No. Av. 1'r. No. AT. Pr ,
10 1018 63.bOnoos.
No. Av. Sbk. 1'r. No. Av. Shir. Pr ,
71.,223 120 54.50 73..233 40 54.00
72..2U 200 4.50 CO..2811 100 4.00
70. . . 233 bO 4.5JM M.-94 120 4.00
CS..240 60 4..W 77..243 60 4.CO
G7 . . .2.-i5 120 4.M 80. . . 210 120 4.00
75.ett1 60 4.65 01. . . .551 100 4.fX )
00..215 120 4.rr 01..2:34 : 40 4.05
fn.211 120 4.05 40..278 40 4.C5
71.20'J M ) t.K 04..201 100 4.05
07..233 200 4.5.5 SG..2s8 UJ 4.70
53..233 tO 4.5IJ < 45..33S 1GO 4.70
71..241 200 4.CO CO.,2bO bO 4.70
TIIllOV , ' OUTS ,
No. Av. Shk. 1'r. No. AT. Shk. Pr ,
6..235 < 0 13.75 0..2'J $ 40 4.25
R nce or Prices.
Showing tlio highest and lowest prices paid
( or mixed toads or. hogs on this market dur-
lu the pail sevou days , with comparative
Talues :
June July
Wed'adav. 2th 4.00 WI.10 4.50 @ 4.75
Tlmr day,20tb.8.90 . 'W 4.45 ? ! | 4.SO
Friday BOtb. . . . 4.05 @ 4.a3 4.W 6l.bO
Saturday Slat. . . 4.05 @ 4.bO
July. August.
Monday , 2d 4.05 @ 4.75
TuesdaySd.4.S5 Q4.GO 84.4-S @I.W > .
Wcd'sday , 4th , 4.50 ® 4.70
Live Stock Sales.
Showing the number ol cattle , boss aui
cheep purchased by the lending buyers on
to-day's market.
0. 11. Hammond A Co. ( shipped in ) . 220
G. M. Hammond A Co . 10
R. B. Gnmmel . 13- ' '
Others . T
lions ,
North A. Co . MS
G. 11. Hammond & Co . : vu
The Anglo-American PacklnirCo . -V !
Clark llros . 215
Trcmnln < V Ttunmln . --I
Show Ins the number of eirsof live slock
slilppcd out of the yard1' during the il.ty :
CAT ! l.K.
No. Caw. RU Dost.
a . Mil . Chicago
No. Cars. Ht. Dest.
10 C. U. Q. lloston.
8 " Chicago.
4 . R. I . "
1 . Mil . "
3 . N. W. . . "
All sales ot stock in this market are made
percwt , live weight unless otherwise stated.
IJeail hoes sell at Xc per Ib lor nil weight" .
"Sklno , " or hogjelghlni : le than 10J Ibs
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 4U Iba
nnd sings bO Ibs.
A few bogs loft over.
Tlio hog maiket closed mean.
Ed Lancaster , llolmesvllle , was In nud
maiketed n load of bugs.
J. N. Talbot , nuotlier llcrmon feeder , was
in lookitm lor feeder.
P. A. Barrett. Weeping Witter , was at the
yaids and maiketed hogs.
Mr. Dlckson. of Dlek-nn A Co. , Uennutt ,
was heic nnd sold two loads of hogs.
Tim mnchlnciy lor the new packing hoiisp
was being iiulondcd fiom tlie cats to-day.
Mr. Ripp , of the Him of Ri | > p > tL. , llumpli-
luy , came in to dny and maiketed two loads
ol bogs.
A. C. Vintln , of the fnm of Virgin & Nel
son , Utlcn , v > as hero und bought n hundred
head of feedeis.
Hob Gimmul. n well known feeder of Her-
moil , wns ut the jmdsand boii'-'ht l-'ft head of
western ieedeis.
Frazler A l.obman were both here with .18
headol enttlo trom Wood River. Mr , Ftiuler
mniketed n load ol hogs ,
Jim Cnnabliip , ICmer-ou.Neb. , wns looking
around the yaids. He has l/.KX ) bend of entile
nnd n pasture of2'lOOJ acre * . In which thoiu
is no plncu oxer a mllu fiom living water. Hu
is also u breeder of Peicheron
The following patties sold hogs on the
matket to-day : Fisher A Wanner , Voik ; C.
L. Champion. Doichester ; Updlki * it Titus ,
Hnrvnrd : Rivett A Uates , Lliicaln ; C. I ) .
Monte , Hastings ; O. A , Johnson , Giecn-
wocid ; A. lilichnm , llickman ; Ed Lancaster ,
Buyers nni getting so they tnke what
hogs ihey want in tlio morning nuil will not
buy In the afteiuoon unless at a very low llg-
iii o. The holding onto bogs until sundown ,
which was so popular last .sunson , lias about
plnycn out. nnd the salesman who docs not
unload In the morning is very npt to have
the privilege of holding over until thu next
On the market with hogs : Files A Co. , Ce
dar Rnplds ; Koine A M. , Albion : E. I ) . Wel-
ker , &t Edwnuls ; A. Hedges , Elm Creek ;
Morse , Rogers & Co. , North Bund ; Dowling
tePurcvll. North Uend ; M. J. Hedges. West
Point ; Claik. lieaton A Co. , Wcston : J. M.
Hedge. Vnttin ; J. V. Werdergtcn , Oakland ;
RcuoAS. , OaUdale : Jf. Kiluer , Madison ;
J. G. Hall , Buaa ; J. Wilhelmsen , Datine-
brog. _ _ _ _ _
General Proituce ,
Wednesday Evening , August 4.
The following i > rlccf ! arc for round lotts of
jiroiJucc , ns sold on the intnhct tn-tluu. 'flic
tjiwtntlnnv on fruits rctrctcnt ) the prices at
iclilvh oittxhlc orders nrcJUlcil.
BuTTin Strictly sweet , solid and uni
form color , packed in new clean tubs ,
will command 12K@l5e , or even more , in the
market , but there is little or none coming in
Unit can be graded as such. The gieat bulk of
the so-called choice butter is selling nt 10@llc
nnd fair to good OfeSc.
Eios The receipts nre more liberal and
the maiket is not strong at lOc.
P > i/i-THY / The recpinlsliavo be.en very lib-
era ! the past few flaSs and Blocks iire ncciiinn-
latlng. The bottom has fallen out of the
maiket nnd prices me much lower. It Is no
easy matter to get over S2.50 for old fowls ,
nnd spring chickens , large sizes , wcic selling
to-day at S2.00K2.2.\ (
POUI.TIIY The receipts for the past few
days have been vciy liberal and prices are
not quite as strong as last week. A good
many old Jowls have been coming in that
were in very poor condition. It leqtilres
good fowls to bring the top quotation ; binali
sizes of spring chickens are almost
entirely neglected. Turkevs and
ducks are not wanted. Old fowls ,
per dOA S2.75ffi3.00 ; ; spring chickens , largo ,
S2.503.00 ( ; spring chickens , medium sizes ,
52,00frJ.25 ( ; spring chickens , small , not
wanted ; ducks , not wanted , S2.25@2.50 ; tur-
kevs not wanted.
TOMATOES Per onc-thid busliel box , 75 ;
per bushel box , S1.SO.
CAUHAOJ : Is quite scarce now. Missoini.
uer crate. 53.50.
w ONIONS Are coming forward slowly yet ,
nnd prices nro dim with a good delnnud.
Choice , per bbl. , S3.5iX < W.OO.
UEANb Infeiior stocks. 70c@Sl.OU ; good
clean country. $ l,25@i.50 ; medium band
picked , S1.50 ; hand-picked navy , S1.05.
1'orATOEs Market Is n little more active ;
prices range according to quality of stock ,
from 50(3GOe ( ner bushel.
UeniiiES Blnck.oerrit5o. par 10 quart case ,
82.00 ; blaeberries , per bushel sands , 85.00.
SouTJicitN PI.UJIB A few soutliern plums
nre coming In nud sell fairly well. Southern
plums , stands , 57.00 ; southern plums , 24
quart cases. S2.75@3.00.
CAi.iFonNiA FIIUITS The market Is well
sunnlied. Bartlett pears , i > or box , 83.00 ;
Wlntu Doyenne , per box , 53.50 ; Bcuirn Dlnl
per box , 53.00 ; other varieties , S2.75f.00 ( ) ;
nectatincs , ; Crawford's peaches , per' box ,
82.23 ; plums , per box , S'J.00 ; grapes , per
crate , 52.75.
OIIANOKS California Navels , 57.00 ; Med
iterranean sweets , 50.50 ; St.Michels. 50.50.
WAT KIIMKI.O.NS Missouri , Ai Kansas , etc. ,
LEMONS The maiket continues very Him.
Fnncy , perl'ox , 510.00 ; choice , pur box , S'J.50.
Ai'i'iis : Choice , per bbl , 53.00 ; good , per
bbl. 82.50feS.7S.
BANANAS Choice Llmon , per bunch. S'J. 50
@ 3.00.
CEI.KUY A small nmount Is coming In out
It does not sell very fast. Shipping stock , per
doz. We ,
SouTiuntN GiiArns A lew southern
grapes have nirlvcd In the market ; 10 Ib.
boxes. 51. 0001.85.
COCOANUTS Cocoamits , per 100 , 85,00 ; less
than hundred , ner 100 , 55.50.
Fiob AND DATKS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
per Ib , lOc. Dates , fancy fard , 12 lb boxes ,
I4o : dates , Persian. CO lb boxes , per lb , lOc ,
NUTS Pecans , largo polished , lie ; pccnns ,
medium , Uc ; Englisli walnuts , He ; almoiiiib ,
Tarracona. 20c ; nlmondH , Languedoc , 17c :
] tra/.lla , 12c ; lllberts. 14c ; peanuts , hand
picked , fancy Virginia , 8ic ! ; pe.uiuts , baud
picked choice Virginia , 7 c ; peanuts , roasted ,
2c uxtm per lb.
HO.NUV California , I5c ; California ,
strained. lOc ; Nebraska , cliglce , 14@15c ; Ne
braska , dark , 12K1" .
MAri.iSuaAii Bilcks , perlb , 15c ; penny
cases , pcrlb , lljft.
MAI-LI : Svnui'-Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs ,
per gal , Sl.OO ; cal cans , per gal. 51.05 ; half
gal cans per gal , 81.10.
CIDEK New iork , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. naif
bbl , 54.00 ; Cinb , per doz qts , S2.75 ; Michigan
refined , per bbl. 50.00.
VINEOAU Whlto wine , 15@17c ; elder , 13
@ 17c ; single strength , 13c ; triple strength ,
5 ( 20(3. (
Pios' FKKT , TIHPB. ETO. Pigs' feet , per
K bbl , 81.00 ; do , r bbl. 82.00 ; do , per kit , ' .We.
Lambs' tongues , per X bbl. 53.25 ; do , per kit.
2.50 ; do , quart Jars , per doz , $5.25 ; do , pint
inrs. per ca i < , 2 dozen , 80.75. Tripe , per k
M , 84.00 ; do , per X bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kfij
PROVISIONS Ham , 12) ) < c ; breakfast bacon ,
8U@ye ; clear side bacon , 7J ( ft8c ; dry salt
smef ) , 7@7 c ; short lib sides , 7c ; shoulders ,
7c ; mess pork , 518.50 per bbl ; dried beef-ham
pieces , luc ; lard , tierces , GJfc ; 50-lbcans7c ;
10-lb cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7 c ; 5-lb cans , do
7 > Tc ; 3-lb cans. do. 7 > ic ,
flour.bcst quality patent , 52.80 ; second quality ,
12.4002.50 ; best gimllty spruiK wheat Hour
patent. 82,75 ; br n , 50a per cwt ; chopped
fced.eOc percwt : white corn meal , 75c ; yel
low corn meal , C5o per cwt ; scieenlng , Ok
percwt : hominy , 81.50 per cwt ; shorts , 55c
percwt ; craham , 81.75 ; hay , In bales , 87.00-3
OBAiN-Corn. 25c ; oldoati , 28o ; new oats ,
2V ; rye , S5c ; wheat. COc.
General Mnrkets.
WOOL Medium. 1720o per lb ; fine heavy ,
12(3150 ( ! light. 17c ; coarse , IStJlSc ; burrj
wool , 2 < jJ5c oil.
. mtthers' , r.Va7c ( ; preen
cured , SaSUcVdry.lilnt. IHrfl.Tc ; dr > salt , ! K'i
ioc ! dnmazed oldi- % two thirds price : tallow ,
vwa'ics ' pirnstN prime white , : ? c ; yellow , Uc ;
brown. l"ac ; fJiPev > pclLs,2.1i 7.V.
LK\Tiuit Vrlmo slaughlcr solo leather ,
c : prme oak sole lenther , KOj3N. < - . ,
Upper Icathei. | > er foot. SOvd'AV ; hem. kip ,
7.WH.V ; oak kjp , VH-WJC ; Ficnch kin. Sl.OOt ; *
1.20 ; hem. calf , H0 > 1.10 : oik call. Sl.OOyl
1.25 ; Fiencli ciilf , , Sl-JVid Si ; Moioccoboot
I'g. SO&M'-Jc ; Moiocco oil pebble. 2 t32c : top-
nines nnd liniURs , S .00 i to.OJ per dor < t |
HIAVHAiinv : MIK iron. rale. $2.i' > ;
low stonl spechl , Ic ; cruclb iesteci , CP ;
east tools do. 1'XnlSc ; wagon spokes' per sot ,
fcl.7.X i'WW ; liuhs , ner set Sl.SK : felloes ,
sawed dry , SI.41) ) ; tongues , cadi. T" > c : nxlcs ,
ench. " "it1 : square nuts , ner Ih. 7i < i > llc : cell
chain , per lb/XT I'-c ! ; malleable , Ortsc ; iron
wedges , Co : eiowluis , fie ; hat row teeth , 4c ;
spring sleel , ? < < ; ix : ; Burden's horseshoes ,
54.40 ; Bmdpn's mule shoes. 5-V40. Bnibed
wlri , in eir lots , 5400 per 100 Ib * . nml
Nail" , rail's , 10 to W ) . 52 50 ; steel nails. Si.fio ;
Shot Sl.W ; buckshot. Sl.W : oilcntnl
powdir. kegs , S2.W : do , half Kegs. 82.00 ;
flu , ouniterkPgs.Sl.50 ; blasting , kegs , Si : ;
fu o. DPI HiO tppt. av. Lead Bar. Sin.
PAINTS IN -Whtlieeaii. . Omiilm. P , P ,
71e ; whltP lead. St. Louis , pure , S7.7. " > : Mar-
fellies gii-eii. 1 lo 5 lb cans , 20c ; Kieneh zinc
L-reen eal , l'-p ; Fteneh zinc led seal , lie ;
Fiencli zinc , In Aariilsh nsst , 20o : FroiicH
zinc , ? & : \erinllllon , American. li > c ; Indian
led , lOc ; io e Pink. I4c ; Vunellan led , COOK-
: veiietr
Dnv PAUiTWhlte lead , SoKrcnc : ur.i nc
1'ia ; i'iiiislill In P. 2 } < rp : wlilthi" , jlldeis' ,
ifc ; whiting , com I , ii ? s ; In'mpmacK , ( n-r-
mniistown , 1-c ; lampblack , ordlnnty , be ;
Prussian blue"ieiiltr.uuarlne : , ISsvamlxke ,
brown , be : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , r.iw , 4c ;
bienini , burnt , 4r ; sit'iiim , raw , 4c : P.irls
gieen. genuine. 2T > c ; Paris ureen , common ,
22c ; cliioiiu1 green , N. Y..20c ; clnomngiccu ,
K , 12e ; verimllum , English , In oil 70c ; raw
ami burnt umber , t lb cans 1-c : law nnd
burnt sienna , 1'Jp ; Vandyke , blown , 13c ; rp-
Itnedlampblack , 12e ; coach black nnd ivory
black. 10o ; diop black. lOc ; Prussian lihio ,
40c ; ultramarine blue , 18p ; elirumo green , L. ,
M. A D. , ine ; blind and shutter iriceii , L. . M.
A D. , lOe ; Paris ciccn , IS ; ; Indian led , ] ; * :
Venetian ml. IV : Tuscan , 22c ; Amcilcan
vei million. L. A I ) . , 20e : jellow ochre , IV. ; L.
M. A O. D. , Ibe : good ochre , Itlc : patent
dryer , be ; graining color , light oak , daikoak ,
walnut , chcitiiut nnd ash , 12c.
Dm'os AXII CVKMICAI.S Acid , caibolic ,
T2c : acid , tnrtmle..Vicbalsam ; copaiba , per
lb , 45e : balk. f.ass.ilras. per tti. luo ; calomel ,
perlbTSe : clilnchonidla. poroz. 40c ; cliloio-
fonu , per II ) , 20 e : Dover's powdeis , per lb ,
81.23 ; cpsom salt * , per lt > , ii' c ; giyceiine ,
pine , per lb. l e : lead , acetate , per lb. 20u ;
oil , castni , Xo. 1. per gal. , 51.5'J : oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 : oil. olivc.per gal.,51.40 ;
oil. ork-aiinmn , .TV ; opium. So. ! > 0 ; ( luinltip ,
P. A W. nnd R. A S. , per oz , 70c ; poias-sium
iodide , per lt > , 53.00 ; t-alicln. pero40e ; sul-
pliatc morphine , per o52.50 : sulphur , per
ib.4o ; stijclinlne , per oSl.JM ) .
YAUM < III > Barrels , per gallon : Fiunl-
ture , extra , 31.10 ; fuiniture , No , 1,51.00 ;
conch extia , Sl.40 ; ro.ich , No. 1 , 51.20 : Da-
mar , extra , S1.7. " > ; , 70c ; nsplialtum ,
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 53.50 ; haul oil linlsn ,
bPiiHTS Cologne spirits. 163 proof , 51.10 ;
do 101 proot. Si.11 ; spirits , second onallty.
101 proof , 51.10 : do IbS proof , 51.10. Alco
hol. IbS proof , S2.0ii per wine gallon. Redis
tilled whiskies , S1.001.50. Gin. blondcd ,
51.50 ( < ? 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 52.00 ( < tfl.OO ;
Kentuckv ami Pennsylvania ryes , S2.000.50 ;
( Jolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whl-kles ,
Sl.-W .OO. Bi'audlcs , imported , 8VOOC < ( R.50 :
domestic. Sl.SOtai.00 , Gins , impoited , 54 50
( ( t,00 ( ! ; ilomestic , J1.253.00. Champairnes ,
imported , per Case. ' 32S.00@34.00 ; American ,
per ease , S10.OOfflB.JOp.
Gi-ocors' ! Iint.
PICKI.KS M'edluiu , In bols , 55.00 ; do In
half bbls , 53.00 ; small. In bbls , SO.PO ; do in
bnitbbls , 53.50-gherkins , in bbls , 57.00 ; do
in half bbls , 54.00
OANOY Mlfed,0tf < 312c ; stick , SK9 ( > < fc.
CitACKr.KS ( larneau's sodn , butter and
picnic , 5)ic ; cidams ! , SJic ; ginger Miaps , 8. 0 ;
citv soda. 7' c. ' '
SODA In lb papers' , 5.1.25 a case ; salsodo ,
keg , per lb , 22'ic.
avnui' No. 70 , 4-gallon iegs , Sl.OO ; New
Orleans , 38@406'i > or.gallon ; Maple- Syrup , K
barrel , strictly pure7ic per gallon ; ! gallon
canb. 59.25 per doz..K ; gallon cans , 55.25 per
doz : quart cai/ilp.00 _
STAuOK J.I ; .M tisS , 1 lbE O ; Jiirror
gloss , 3 lb , 5J c ; Minor gloss , olb , 0 > { c ;
Graves' corn , l Ib , Cc ; Kingsfoid's corn , l
lb , 7c ; Klngsford's gloss , 1 lb , 7c ; Kings-
ford's gloss , (5 ( lb , 7 | < c ; Kingsford's pure , 31b.
5c ; Kimrsford's bulk , 4c.
COFFKUS- Ordinary grades , I04'ffiiic ( : fuir ,
IKSll1 ; prlme , 11J j < 12c ; choice. K@Uc } ;
tancy green and yellow , 13 > @l4Kc : old gov
ernment Java , 20 < < Z2 < Jc ; Interior Java. 1U >
20c ; M ocba , Zl < afl4o : Aibuckle's roasteu ,
14Hc ; McLuugiilin'B XXXX roasted , 14 01
Dilwortli'.s. H'ic : Red Cross. 14'ic.
SoAi'h Kirk's Savon imperial. 52.70 ;
Kiik's satinet. S3.00 ; Kirk's btandard. ! ! .05 ;
Kirk's white Itiibsian , 54.00 ; Kiik's White.
Can. S0.50 : Dome , S3.b."i ; Washboard. S3.10.
lniii : > Kut'iTs Xo 1 quatter apples , 3 4'gi (
4c ; in evaporated boxes , V > i@c ; blackber
ries , boxes , 7 ? @ 8 ; peaches , eastern , 4M
r Vc ; peaches , evaporated , IS'fCgl'c ; Salt
Lake , none In nuiiKet ; inspbeines , new. 18
K'JOc ; currants , 7J4'7Kc ; nuines , now , 4J <
UANNKD ( ! eons Oysters , standard , per
cas , S3.iO ! ; strawberries , 21b per case. 52.50 ;
raapbcuics , 2lbper case , S2.2.5 ; California
peart , per case , 54,40 ; apricots , per case ,
S4.00 : penches , per case , S4.W ; wlitte cherries ,
per case , 55.00 ; plums , per case , 53.00 ; blue
berries , per case , S2.2.5 ; egg plums , 2 lb , per
case. 52.r > 0pineap ; ] > le312 lb , per case , 53.20
@ 5.50 ; 1 lb mackerel , per doz , 51.20 ; 1 lb sal
mon per doz , si.fjOQSl.55 ; 2 lb goosoberies ,
per case , 51,73 ; " . lb stilng beans , per case _ ,
§ 1.70:211) : llinabcenS , per case. $1.60 ; 2 Jb
Marrowfat pt-as , per cnee. 52.5018. ] ] } enijy
Junoicns ) , per case , S2.75 ; y lb tomatoes ,
per case , 52.40@3.50:21bcorn : , per case , Sl.OO
< 32.102 ; lb corn beef , per do/ Sl.70@2.00.
ROPK J < Inch , 0c ; ? 8' Inch , O'fc ; K l ch ,
MATnir.s Per caddie , 2Sc ; round , per
case , 51.00 ; square cases , 51.70 ; mule snuaie ,
SUOAIIS Powdered , 7J c ; cut loaf , 7 c ;
granulated , Ojfc ; contcctioners' A. OJi'c ;
standard extra C.GiiflXc ; extra C , ! > % & ' > ) & >
medium ypllow , 5ti5) ( ) c.
CANDI.KS Boxes. 40 lb Cs , 95c ; Ss , OJ/c ;
bo\es , 40 lb , 10 oz , Cs lOc ; half box 20 lb ,
Drr Lnmbor.
| lS ftl4 [ ft IB ft'18 ' ft'a ' ) ftp ft 24 ft
riTslvo'TsS ' ilw'isTEo ' itM'iTM'iZ&o ' '
i-xi. . &
2ifl I'i.OjIlS DO 15.00 15.0111U.OJ,10.00 , 111.53
. . 115.50 15.6'J ' 15.0 I&.W 16.M 19,00 lll.HI
2x10. 150015.001500 15.03 1Q.UU 111.00 19.50
l'i..7)liiiUil5.5lJ : 15.50 lu.iii ) IU.DU'-U ua
15501 l5.50iyr | J 10 Oil 1Q.0 17.MllH.60
No. 1 , 4 A. 0 Inch. 13 and U ft. , rough. . . 817.00
No , 2 , 4 A ; 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft. , lonsli. . . 14.25
No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch , 10 it. , roujjli . 15.50
XX clear . : . 53.10
ixtmA : * . 2.03
* A * Standard. . . . 2.70
C-inch clear . , . 1.70
No. 1 . , . ' . . ; . , . I-30
Lath . ! . . . ! ' . ] . 2.45
No. 1 Com. s. 1.3. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . S1T.25
No.2 " ' i lfe)14andlO ) It . 14.75
No , 3 ' " 12 , J4 and 10 tt . 13.25
No.4 " l5,14andlOit . 11.00
1st com. , i'J , 14 nnd 10 ft. . . . 521.
2d " " u 'I . 20.00
511 l ft ' 1. ' tt * . . . . . . . . . . . . . J'l.LV (
Fence " ' ; j . ll.oo
1 PLOOItlKb ,
A Cinch , white pine . 530.00
U Cinch , " ' . - : . , . 34.00
O Cinch , " , ' ' t , . , . 29.00
DOInch , " " ltl . . . 21.00
BO Inch , " : > ' ; ) . 18.00
1st nnd 3d , clear , * ikn nch , s. 2s . 51.00
3d , clear , Ili'lnclvti.a8. . . . 4'J.OO
A select , l f , IK and 3 inch , s.2 a . S4'.00
Ii sclent , l > / , 1U and 2 inch , a. 3 s . 530.00
1st and 2,1 , clear , l Inch , s. 3s . SSO.uo
Bd , clear , l Inch , s. 2 s . S4.-i.oo
Aselnct , llnch.8.2s . 839.00
U selecM inch , B. 2 a . ' - .00
No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 inch. , . 816.00
No. 2 , plain , Sand 10 Inch . . . 510.00
Com. 4 ande In. Wooring. . . . . . . . . . . . .
' ' ' '
1st and 2d clear. 4 and G hYTlobrVng . . . , 2100
Oulncy whlto llmo ( best . , . , .50.80
Cement ( Akion ) . , . l.bO
Hair. . . . . . . . . 0.85
Plaster . , , . . . 275
Tarred felt , percwt
Strawboard. . .
A 12 inch , 8.llT i2J and 1C ft 845.50
O Ii Inch , " " " : in.50
No. 1 Com. 12 in , , B. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 tt ltt.23
No. 3 " " " 12,14 and 10 It. 10.23
Bridges Steam Pile Driving ,
riiKltiecre nnd ContrnUoiii.
Brges , Roof Trosse ? , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination itii'l ' Itowo Tr\i ? llrlilfrcj ,
Pillntr nnd ( tak Timber. 13th St. , near Knrnam ,
Telephone No TJI.
_ Cigars and Tobacco ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Otms mid Ammtinit'on. 2IS to SJASutith llth
gticct. IfBOtollKI I'ntnninSlriFt. Oiimh.i Nob.
EiN cttun rArrnnv.
\VKT .V rilfKrHKK.
Knnufactnrers or Fine Cigars ,
And Whcili-fiilo lculrr < In Lenf Toliiit < cn < . N'os.
_ 'OS nnd 1111 N. Htli Street.
vrocKery ,
W. 1
for the Manufacturers nn.l Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
, Chimneys Ktc. Ulllpp , 317 South 11Ui
Stictl.Umiiha , > tb. !
Agents for 1' . A. Whitney Cniringo Co. s
Children's Carriages ,
Anil Jewell's Cclobrnlcil llel nijer.uors. Son
orprlcolKM. HI > Tanum st , Onulii.
Lornlces ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John I'penctei , I'rout tutor. Manufacturer of
Oiduinlml I mn mul Ooinlcc. V l DoilRO ami 131
nnd Iffi Noi Hi 1 Jlh ytroct , Omuba , Neb.
Mnnufccturerscf Omumcntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Wimlon a , 1'lmiN , Ktp. , tlO P. IL'th Bt. Work done
innn/pnitof lliucounlry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT. Proprietor ,
( nlvnnlrpd Iron Cornices , Etc. Spccnt's Im-
lirovwl I'lilrnt Jlrtull'o Skyllffht. COS mid MJS.
toll St. . Omnlm. Nut.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
"fh'clate City Plcn 'lT
Donrs , Fn h nnd Illlmls. Also nil KInils ol
tin ulng. Scroll nud Stulr work of o\ cry di > -
Mnnufacturcr nnd Dealer In
Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc.
Stnlr Halls a specialty Telephone No. 03
15th nnd Marov Sti..0inntia , Neb.
Electrical Supplies. _
L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Bloctrlciars.
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic niock , Omaha. Unrfjlur Alarms , Dells ,
111 c Alarms , y'cctriu Mailing , SpeaUlna Tubes ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ton Stairs , Hallliiir , Itollcd Rc'iins nnd Ulrdfrj
Steam Engines , Itrass Work. General Touiuiry
llaclilno and lllacksmlth Work. Uffio * und
Works , U. P. lly. and S 17lh st.
iron ar d Nails ,
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Fire Kails r Sp' ilnltv. Omaha. Neb
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufnctu/cr of Fire and Ihirglo : Proof Stifcs ,
vault Doors. Jail Work. Shutters nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Sla. , Omaha. Nob.
Wagons and
Established IXA
The Leading Callage Factory ,
liCUtind U.U PcnVt'c Street , Omaha , Kolx
Commlssloni Ctci
> l. 11U11KK & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Gco. Iluiko , Mannijor ,
Stock Yards , S. Omalm , Tolo.jhono 562
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1" . IJovil , aupGrlntcndant.
Hie Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of nny nnd ullkindnof Block tollclt
i cxl. Union hf ck Vni da , OmUin , Neb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in J/nmber / , Lath ' , Lime ,
Bftili , Dooru , Ktc. Vnrds Cor. 7t'h ana
Cor. Uth und llouglaa.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MoulUiucs , Stair Woik mul Interior Hunt Wood
1'lnlt-li. Just opened. K. u. cor. fcth und Leaven-
worth Streets , Oinubn , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
EH S. 14tb Etrt'ot , Omaha , Nolx F. Colpctzcr ,
.M lumber.
C. N. DIET ? *
Lumber ,
73th and California Struct9 , Omaha , Nob.
FHED W. a It AY ,
Lime Cement Etc. Etc.
Lumber , , , . , .
Cor.Cth und Doujlas Streets , Omuba , i'cU.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oinahu , Nt-biubka.
CHAS. It. 1XR ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Ftock , Fancy Woods. Jlrldxo Tlmbci-s ,
B. W , Cor. ' . 'Hi ' nnd Doub'U Umulm , .Nub.
G. .E1. LTMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Monhiii&5 ,
Bulldlwr 1'oucr , IJto. South 13Ui fitrOce ,
Flih , Etc.
Sueersbors to leken Fioinsspn ft Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Foreign Flsli , Kos , 'Jll-an Jonel
t = < K Btrft cmd v' . 1' . Track. Omaha. . Kou. .
t ( I tctlmiv.
F. P. FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Krult3.V'tt and OU-xri 1211
Fainam St ,
Lime , Cement , Etc.
of I'liaii ' ; Wiiite L'm ) ,
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , Flus
ter , I line , Ilnlr , Viro llrlck , Drain , Tlio bad
Sewer 1'liie. Olbcv , 1'axion lioti-l , tclepboiiu Ell ,
r'arnam Btreet.Omah , Nebraska.
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
_ Agricultural Implement s. _
1 > ARLIN , OUKN1)01IVT & IIAUTlil ,
\VliolcP..o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
mid HURKIIV" , Omnun Neb.
cm urmu.
Wholi sale Denier In
Agricollural implements , Wagons ,
Carriaire * nml Itnirclr ? . , li nr > Ft. , l < ct. ( Mb nnd
luth. Unialin , NVb.
Hoots and Shoes.
Jobbers of Boots and Slices ,
Mil Fnrnnm Ptrrot.Omnha , Nob. MnnufRCtory.
fcuinmrrSticct HoAton. _
Carpets ,
VA. OUCH Aim ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
ie , Curtain Uooii ! > . lltp. , 1421 rnrnnm
, Utuaha , Neb.
Coal , Limo , Etr. .
V. JlEIKHin ( ,
Coal Coke , Lime and Stona.
Offlco , 2138. I4ltt > ' . ! . , Oiiinhn.Xvli. Yards ,
anJ Oc.'onpoit Ettcuta.
NEURASKA rrr.hc < ) . ,
Shippers of Coal and Goto ,
S14 S. 13th Pt. , Omnnn. Ne
* " tsrts 1 , ' , ' ' .IWI'KI
GTO. PATTruso ! * , Pec. KnU i'rcnsT _
3. It. Hut.i.riiT , V. A. n u-eit.
1'iopilotnr. Mumper.
Hebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OMAHA , NlillllAHKA.
Oinrc , KiTS. lath btieel. Tclcpliono49.
Gio. 1' . l.Antoit. 1'rcs. C V. ( ioomtAN , V. l'rc&
.1. A. St'Mii.ui.VNU Sue. uiiilTrius.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbtra of liOiil and oft roul , WJ S. IM s-U ,
Hard and Soft Coal.
EiUusivc ilculoraln llouldcr Toloiudo Con ! , 217
t outh lltli i-lrcet.
CofffC a.ld S lias , _
Home Coffea and Spica MillJ MTg Co.
CottVo IlinxlPi-a mul Pplco tliliik-r : . inmiu
facturcisof Uuklni ; I'cnrilor , rinvorniR Battmett
Illulngetc. Try one case of our 1-tt pttckuito
Homo llleml Uoaslocl Coffoe. 1009 HownrUbt. ,
Cmnliu , Neb.
Omalia Coffee and Spice Kills.
Tcn'.CotlVes , Siilco" . Unking I'owiler rinrorlnir
E-ttim-ts. LniinilryUliHi. luU , etc. Hll-ltl Hur-
noy Street , Omalm , Keb. _ _ _
Commission , Etc. _ _
Wiolosale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 KiirnumPt.Oiniilm. Apples Our own i.nclt-
lup-l'lntt&t.i. B Tlnor Hriuni O.v ten , , Hutlur ,
Ugfc'3 , Onmo , 1'oultiy , I'otutoee. _
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Provisions , rruits , Tlnur und rceil. IM
P. 14th St. , Oir.r.lia , Net ) . Cotislsmnents bolieltttl.
tti'turns iniulo inoinutlr.
BIS 12tb Street. Omuliii , Neb. Spc-chilllcs : Hut
_ tcr l&us , nndClilcKcus * _
Produce Commission Merchants.
TouUry , Butter , Game , Fruits Ktc. OS. lilh
Kt. , Omaha , Ncbr.iskr. .
WEis'l'BRMKLl ) 15RUS. ,
General Commission Merchants ,
UCeUcdproSlrcof. OTnnhn , Ncbriitlca. Coneiyll-
incuts bolleitcd.
Y\7. \ E.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
6i'FCiAi.Tiis ; C'liecfo , Mutter nffir . Poultir
mul Gnino , 11 ! 8. 14tli. , Oimilui , Nob. Telephone -
phone ro. .n\ _
\VKKKS \ & MIMjMlt )
Storage and Commission Merchants.
FoiiMin nud Domestic Fruits a ' pi-ciulty. El-
oKHnt gtoiMK'O faelllllos'ai \ > l'ousu and oulco ,
10 Not th UtU " bt , Teloplionu 775. _
n. A. : < uuu3i- ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
nutter. Etfjrs and I'roiluco. A full line of Ptono-
waro. Cousisnincnts tolicitoil. Ill * UoJro St. ,
&scinoEDnit ; ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Rorriffonilor nnd J'nekliK.IIoifeKtti : & l
ortlij-t..on U. P. It. IS. TrnclcOinubuNob. _ _
KstaMIsbcil 1870.
General Commission ,
. Ull St. , Omalm , Nob. Specialties Butter
Toultry and Uamu.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruit ] , 3'rcduco cr.d Provisions , Omaha , Neb
Successor * to lenno GrllHtH.
Commission Merchants
And wliolcsulo do.ilor.-4 in enuiili-y
Irults , hutlur. o gB.eta floods on uonsliinmont
o specialty. IKO N. With fit , , Oinnlia.
Successors to A. P. Sclmck. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. S13 South 1'itU Strcot. Oinatia , Nolv
Dry Goods.
Wholesale Dcalcrnlu
Dry Goods Notions
, Hosiery , ,
Llnene , 1.HC03. KuibrolOcry nnd Whlto Cooda.
JK o"BnbfcircotOnmh'i _ , NcU
White Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
Mill Stand U. P. Ity. Oamlm.
Harness , Etc.
Monufacturrrs nnd Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf OooilB , llhinkctR nnd llobrtt. 1121 Faruam
IfCUQ".n" ? . Neb. .
Maltresses ,
B. if. ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnurncturlmr MalticEses , Hoddlnf ; , Fnnthcr
I'lllonii , Tols , IJtis. JMXJ nud UW IlauKlaa Stroc-t ,
Oinuua , ftcb.
Overalls ,
_ _
CANlTEl'n Myffr&l'ACTmONcTax ;
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Poate , Shirts , Ktc. , 11CC nndl'QI Unuclis
Str-itt , Oiuuhu , Nub.
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuseif-Kusli Brewing &ss'a
SpouUU brands : J'nbut Hudwolacr and BrlaiiKer ,
On Corn. Oiitx , Park , i.ud niul II. It.
Stocks , lor iMHis undSnuit 7 < mo. heti'l lorl'ricu
Cltculur II. ] ' . llAiir iCo. . . V'C W.itlltiutun
St. , Clili-ueo , III. Holcrcneu : Aracrltan ! > :
chaugo Nutlouiil Hank.
OMAHA L "MTir.U CO , ,
Dealers in All Kinds of "
Building Material at Wholesale.
1Mb ttof mild 11 01 I'm 0 TrncU. Omfthl
( intMAN \VVATT ,
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
rotli nml Irani Strrots Oninlia , Nnbtiukn.
j. A. ) .
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
IliilUltm Paper * . Snsti. Door * , Hlliuls , Monl * .
Int-'F , 1'lrVftn , von * , Mine , I'JnMpr , Hof , '
Oment. N'lntli iiim.ioni"Oiunhn Nob. -t
Millinery , ' * !
Y oiir.urut.DKii. "
Importers nuil Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
t l.M Hiirnoy Stieot.Oinuhn , Nch.
_ _ X-KI
MUSM ! Inslrunienls ,
r.mioiM & KIUCKSON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Flclmviiy IMnwiH , ViVbpr. Decker. HnlitM nnit
'lnno * . I'uiMiinl Oitfims Clmsc ) Organs.
101 and 110 IMIi Mrcul.
Furniture , Etc. |
Fumiture Mirrors
, Bedding , Upholstery ,
Ktc.,12.W. IMS nnd III ) I'mimm Slivct Onmlm
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnllara ,
i'jninm Street , Oinnbu , Neb.
K. 11. CHAl'MAX t CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
SmokerAitides , 1217 llonunl Sfc
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Pplct-6 , Cigars mid Toliui.tti . MIT niul 131V Doug *
Ina $ ti vet , Uiimhn , Xeb.
' *
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th niul raiuuui Stn-otsOinnha , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Kos. TOJ , 707 , W ) mid .11 S. lUtb St. , Oiimho , Nob.
Hardware. _
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Cpriiirii. tViuroii Stock , Hiinlwooil Lumber , oUw
111)0 ) mid mil llurnoy Btrew. Oinnlin , Nob.
KDNKY & GlllllON ,
Wholosale.Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Orris2-0 W V JMock. llcnvy llnnlwnro ,
Ktc. li'Kund 12L cuvuimoith StreetOmiilio ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics'Tools and Uutlftlci Scales. UOJ Doug-
Ins Street. Uiuiihu , Nub.
LKE , FU1ED & CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Bhcut Iron , Ktc. Ajtentsfor liowo Pcides and
Miami I'owiH-r Co.Oiiuihii Nob.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Hantlcb , Giuten , Driu-s ( rood * . 1S21 and 13 J Ffciw
ntim i-tit'ct.
ffholesalo Hardware and Nails ,
nmcrsun Steel NniK Cor. lOtli mid llnruey
Streets , Omnlw. Nub.
Jlanufr.olurer of tbo
Deering Haryoster Goods ,
SVrlto to Win. 11. * Lorlmor. Ganornl A pent ,
Omaha , Xc'opkouo U10. ,
Iron Pipc ( Etc.
Pomps , Pipe and Engines.
et > am , WutiT.italluny ami MlllirwSupplies , Eta *
WJD , IK ! uucl I''J Finnaiu St. Oninlia , Nob. i
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting ,
Btcnm and Water Supplies. Ileadeniartcrs tor
Mast Koost Co.'s Goods. . 1111 l-'iu-n.iin Street ,
Omaha , Nob. \
" " '
rnnoLM & iincKSON. :
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers in Slh-cnvm c , Diamonds. Wntchas
CiocUs , JnHelon , ' Toola nml Muturluls , Hie. , 10J
und 11(1,15th Blriut , Cor. Dodge , Omalm , Nob. jj
Kct'ons ' EC.
Jobucra m
rotions.Hosipr . & Gen s F rni hing Coeds
1004 and 1033 Fnruatn St. , Omaha. Neb
D. T , Robinson Notion Company , '
( ) anil IV > S. lOlli St.Omalia , Nob. "
Wliolesalo Doalois In NotioiiH aud Gents' Fun.
uisliiiiK Goods , i
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , '
Ouolinc , Mlea Axle ( Jri' , Kto. A. II. Illsbop ,
_ _ Manat'or , Omaha , Nob.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omalm , Nebraska.
Packers and Provision Dealers , ' '
Office , Union Mai kot , 1S17 7)oduo Strom. Packing
liouxe , II. 1' . U. ii. Truck , Omaha , Nob. Tolo-
pliono No. K1.
Safes and Lods , '
i1. HOYnn & co.
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire and Il'irttlur ' Proof Bufca.Tlmo Ixtclis.VaulU
und Jail uurk. HIM Farnam ktrbutOninlm _ , Neb
J. r.VANS ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seels.
&Kriciiltural. Vegetable. Etc. Oild Tiillows' Hall.
N. W. Cor. Kill and DoHco ' Kt . , Omaha , Nr Iv ,
Drugs , Etc ,
" " 7
Y/holesale / Druggist ? , , J
Aod Dealer ! n I'idiit ! . Oils nmlVlu4itr Uln \ ' * ]
Omalm , ? ! ob. , ,
Wines , Li ors , Etc
Distillers and Importers of Wiaes
And Liquors. Polo niiiniifnrlurnis of Kumiei
I.URI India llim-ia. llli Jluuioy hlrvvUiui |
GUCCOESOr tO MrXAMAIIA A ii - . ( . > - > ,
und U'liolusulu Dt-ulorilii
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
SUnml SIO 8. lltli St. , Ouiubii , tivl '
, _ . Notions , tff , ' ' .
- " " „ " " * " '
ll hllADDIKS 3 : SON ,
Wholesale-Job Lots ,
Dry Good ? , Notion * , Gonlb' 1'tirnitlilnr rJocnJ *
Gooils from''n\v York. Truilv sal.'t da.ljr , & < *
nut1 r < .9 rioutti JUth St. , Uicnli.i.
Flour and I
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturer * ofV. . J. Wridianv .V Cn' * ui. . -
UhlslnKlluckwticnt Hour and | ir < -rii' < iKUsrunft
City tluli.cer. iU aud rarmuo ftriww , e