THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY AUGUST 4 , 1S80. CRISES AND CRIMINALS , A Coming Street Merchant Has a Hard , Tussle with a Confidence Shark- IS DAN ROSS A FORGER ? Two Htiralnm Sentenced The Iiamt Syndicate Bqualililo Ati Interview - view wit h.IJosler Col.Chase's Ucrcavctnctit. A New Trick. A novel species of confidence panic wns reported at police headquarters yesterday , the victim being Mr. C. C. Field who owns a candy store near Twenty-fourth nnd Cntning streets. That gentleman while in Ins store Monday night , was ap , proachcd bv a tall , neatly dressed etrangor , who proceeded lo lake Mr. Field into his confidence nt once. He said thai ho litid jusl mot a young lady friend whom ho desired to treat , hut found that he had left his pocket book at homo. Would Mr. Held kindly lend him one dollar , taking ns secuniy his gold watch and chain ? That gentleman is nothing if not obliging , and he promptly opened his cash box and produced the dollar. The fellow Instead of handing over his watch threw down an old brass ring , look Iho money nnd galloped through the door. Mr. Fluid followed him and overtook him at the corner of Saunders nnd Cumlng Blreels. A short anil warm encounter followed , which resulted in Ihe conlt- deuce man being knocked down by a ler- title right-hander from Mr. Field. The fellow jumped up quickly , however , and was soon on his feel again. He started on"at n rapid gall , and niiitle his escape in Hie darkness. lie has not been seen ulnce. but as his description is pretty wall known it is probable lhat he will not try the operation on upper Cumlng street r agaitu ItOSS A KOltOEIt. Dan J Ross , the -sprinter , is slill be- f- hind the bars of Ihe city juil , awailing a i hearing on the charge of disposing of t of mortgaged property. To a repor- r tor yesterday he staled lhat ho did not I know what ho hail been arrested for , I though ho did not pretend lo bo entirely i innocent. Ho said that he expected lo * have Ihe charges compromised. i It ( lavrlopcdycstcrday that in addition to'being charged with disposing ot Iho , mortgaged property of Hill iSs Young , Ross has another and far more serious 1 charge lo answer. Sonic weeks ago ho was in the employ of Duncan & Wallace , the piumblng linn , as their book keeper. Ho forged an order for fS5 on N. B. Falconer , the clrv goods man , feigning the firm name of Duncan & Wallace to the order. This order ho gave to Mrs. Ross , telling her lo go down nnd get i Is value in goods. She did M > , and wnile she was selecting Ihe goods a boy was sent over to Duncan & Wallace's to see if the or der was correct. No one happened to bo in at the lime except Uoss , who of course assured the boy that the order was good. When Messrs. Duncan & Wallace re ceived the bill they were astounded and , at once charged Ross with forgery. They were compelled later to pay the bill and it is probable that a prosecution for for gery will grow out of the case. BOSIjKH'S PUUO11ASE. j He Claims That tlio Sale of the Symil- cnto Property Was LiCRalt Montlay evening Mr. A. H. Swan of the South Omaha Land syndicate left for the east. Ho was accompanied by Mr. Boslor of Carlisle , Pa. , the gentleman who , it is claimed , lias purchased the property in Soutu Omaha belonging to r the syndicate. Mr. Bos.lcr was met on f the train by a Ben reporter , and grac iously an-swered a number of ques- ons propounded to him. "I am going home"ho said , "to Car lisle , 1'a. , but 1 shall return before long. " "Has the question of your purchase of the limit syndicate property been agreed to by the minority of the trustees ? " "It lias not. But that does not make any difference. I have nought the prop erty in question , or at least Mr. Swan has sold it to me , and I intend to stand on my contract. " ' 'Is that the contract which it is alleged Mr. Swan was authorized to make with the 'Scotch syndicate ? ' " "No , sir. Mr. Swan was never author ized to sell to the Scotch syndicate any more than to you or me. Since I have been hero , 1 have looked up the resolu tion which authorized him lo make Iho Bale , and Ihere is not a word in it which epccifics Iho Scotch syndicate as the party to whom the land must bo sold. I nave taken legal advice on the subject and am informed the sale is a legal one and 1 propose to stand bj the agree ment. " "Who are your associates ? " "Their names I do not now desire to mention. " "How much ready cash were you to pay ? " "The full amount , $700,000 , " "Were you required to make improve ments ? " "Yes , but 1 do not care to speak about that now. " Mr. Hosier , it will bo perceived , enters a Hat contradiction to" the story of the minority of the board of trilslccs , FKDERAIj CASKS. An IntPi'pHilnjj llcpnrt Mmlc up by Assistant United Ktatcs Attor ney Jtnrtlott. E. M. Bartlett , Esq. , assistant United States d'btrict ' attorney for the district of Jfubraska , has jus ; completed and for warded to Atloi Hoy-General Garland his report of the criminal nnd civil cases in the United States district and current curls during the year extending Irom July 1 , 188r to July 1 , 1880 , The report is full of interesting facts and ligurcs which loll a tale highly cirodjtablo to Dis. trict Attorney Lnmbertson and his Inde fatigable assistant Mr. Bartlctt. According to the ropoit 5 civil cases to which the United States was a party , wore terminated during the year , and of these 0 were judgements for the United States , The aggregate amount of judgements obtained during the year , in favor of the United States , w w $5,005,85 , and the amount realised from such judgements during the year , $1,054.85. The number of civil cubes pending ' .n the United Btatas courtfc , July 1,1880 , was 9 , Of the number of crim inal pci'M'd.lions terminated during the fibcal year ended Juno 80 , 1880 , 47 wcro based on infringement of the inter nal revenue laws , 11 of postollieo laws , 3 of the pension laws nnd 40 for miscella neous ofionses , making a total of 110. Of these there woio 20 convictions in inter nal rovcmio ensos , 8 in po.-tofttco cases , 3 in pension cases and 25 miscellaneous. There wcro but two acquittals during the The aggregate amount of lines , forfeit- nrcs nnd penalties imposed miring two ties imposed L , . _ . _ TJio total number of criminal prosecu tions pending July 1,1S80 , win. 51. The report then goes on to state f ho disposal suits to which the United Stains was not a pnrty ( bankruptcy CJT- copied ) . Of these cases , there were 481 commenced during the yrar , and 410 terminated during the same period. In 870 of these cases the result was a judg ment for plaintiff , and In 80 a Judgment for defendant. Of the same number , lOt were dismissed or discontinued. Tlio total amounts of judgments for plaintiffs Was $703,277.01 , and Iho amount of judg ments for defendants was $1,023,17. The number of thcso casespcmllng July 1 , 1880 , was 837. THE SVNO1CATI3 1-MG1IT. Milton Hogcrs SUM to TCtiJoin the Snlo of the I/nml. Yesterday mornlngMilton Rogers filcda petition in the district conn , to enjoin A. II ( Swan , Wm I'axton , Thomas Svvobc , Frank Murphy. C. W. Hamilton , Peter K. Her nnd James M Woolworth , trus tees of the South Omaha Land syndicate , from selling the property owned by the same. The petition sels forth that the association was formed May 7th , 1883 , for the ourposc of buying and selling laud , and that after tlioy had purchased about 1,800 acrcssouth of Iho city of Om aha , they issued bonds to the amount of $1-IOO,000. Of these , Rogers tookJfOO.OOO , which gave him one-twenty-eiglith Inter est in the association. The cost of tlio land unon which thcso bonds were is sued was but fcUT.OOO. For the laud sold and others sources , the syndicate have received bills receivable to the amount of $175,000 , , and slill retain 1,000 acres of. the land bought. The total assets of chc syndicate are $1,500,000. , It is thinned that on the 2-td of July , by virtue of authority , alleged to have neon obtained from Iho trustees , executed a contract of sale lo J II. Bosler. of Car lisle , 1'a. , all of the property of the syndi cate , including the notes mentioned for Iho sum of $750,000. One third of this sum was to be in cash , and the remainder to be paid on the Istof January , 1837. On the 2 th of July this alleged contract of sale was ratified by a majority of the trustees , namely , A. W. Slmw.W. A Pax- ton. P. E. Her and J. M. Woolworth , thn said Bosler being , it is claimed , associ ated with the above members for the pur pose of carrying out and consummating the fraud. The plaintiffs further claim that the price at which the land is sold is inadequate to satisfy the rightful interest of the bondholders , and that the scheme to soil is one of deceit and fraud , and if carried out will lead to the irreparable injury ot tlio petitioner. For these reas ons he petitions that any and all of the trustees above mentioned be enjoined from in any manner attempting the sale of the property mentioned. Midsummer AVIckcclncRS. Clerk Jerome Pectyol , of the police court , preparedyestcrda. > | his.'statementof | the various offenses recorded in his court during the months of Juno and July , following are the figures ! _ . June. July. Robbery 4 . . . Kinbc/zleiiient 1 i Obtaining iocds by false pre tenses 3 fugitive Irom justice 1 3 Latently 25 15 Maliciously destioyliiR prop erty 1 lnllio icltiK witness 1 Abs.ittlt and battery. 23 10 Using horse without Irave 3 Variants and suspicious per sons 19 147 Obstructing anolliccr 1 3 1'cddlliii : without license 1 9 ObstitictliiK street 1 0 Intoxication ISO 177 Carrying concealed weapons. . 0 1 Cruelty to animals 1 1 Prostitution 108 153 Storinp combu < tlbles. . . . 3 Dltftuilcincuof llin peace 51 88 Fast driving . 14 1 Nuisances , ; 5 4 Gaining ; 14 10 Distutblng religious meeting. . 3 Keeping saloon open alter midnight. 3 Leaving team unhitched 2 7 Intorlcring with telephone wires 1 li < Viirjiiip : firearms 3 4 Iniimti'.sdlsnnleily house 3 8 ( Saining on Sunday 10 Soiling mot tgageil nioperty. 1 Uttering and publishing forged check i Total 024 C57 Railroad Pointers. Mr. A. Montmorcncy , the able and energetic chief clerk to General Mana ger Iloldredge , of the B. & M. , is taking a much needed rest in Wyoming. Westbound passenger business on the Union Pacific is fairly quiet since the G. A. R. exodus has ceased. Assistant General Superintendent DiuKinson , of the Union Pacilic , arrived in the' city Jycsterday morning ( .from Kansas City Nelson station , on the western branch of the B. & M. , fourteen miles north of Superior , has been opened for business with S. E. Davis as agent. Mr. S. B. Parker , chief clerk to General - oral Passenger Agent Morse , loft last night for St. Louis , and it is rumored that ho will not return to Omaha alone. The Pnxton Ilnuso Walk. Yesterday morning , the work ofjlayingja new sidewalk around the Paxton hotel was commenced with a great deal of en ergy. The walk will bo of stone-flags sixteen feet wide , and extending to the curb. The old plank walk is being torn up , and its supports are being removed to enable iron braces tc bo stretched from the inner wall to the curb. The latter will bn cut down six inches at the west side of tlio house , and the rest will bo graduated to the Fourteenth street corner , where lho-1 present level of the curb will be maintained. The objection able height of the walk above the curb which has heretofore existed will bo thus removed. The stone used in the walk is brought from Cleveland , Ohio. Opposed by Her Children. A man by the numo ot Henry Adams complaincd.'at polion headquarters ycstor- day'aflernoon that ho had been locked up in a room by the children of a Mrs. Wilkins , a widow whom liu had engaged to marry , against their will. The ceremony was lo have taken pltice this afternoon. Mrs. Wilk ins is wealthy. Adams had known her but four days. The Hay State Cattle Company. John A , McShanc left Monday evening forJCustcr , Montana , where thoJUay State Cattle company , of which ho is presi dent , are now receiving several largo howls of cuttle from Tovas , which are coming In droves of 3f)00 , each. Two of IhesQ diovcB have already arrived , and eight moio are now on the road and will roach the point proposed within a few weeks. lie's Left the Country. Cotter , the Union Pacific brukoman of freight train No. 23and who enabled train No. 47to , run into it alElkhorn Mon- tcrday morning , has skipped from the country , and will not be in u hurry to ask for ins wages. Stamp Sales. The sales of stamps at the postoffio dur ing ( ho mouth of Julv amounted to ? ! ) J5H and of envelopes to $3,600.03 , ; ; tn inrreasa of thirty-seven per cent. ovr 1'iosa ' of last year. CRANKY CUSTOMERS , Men Who Have Nothing Else to 'Jo Bat Tind Faalt , THE VyORLD IS FULL OF THEM. A Few Facts for the Thouchtful nnd KarsecltiR OUCH to Think Over Tlio Heal GHtatc Boom. It takes all kinds of people to make a World , and there is probably no one class more largely represented than are the cranks. There are cranks on every sub ject , and in large numbers too , They arc generally men who are perfectly sat isfied with tlipmsclfos nnd Iheir jutlg- menl , but are dissatisfied with every one else. Omaha , ll is sad to say , comes in lor her share of thcso cranky mortals. They stand upon the street corners , con- gregalo In every public house and place , and do iiulhing but find fault with every thing that is said or done. There probably is no one thing at pros- cut that the cranks Hildas much fault , with as with the real estate boom which Omaha is enjoying nt this time. They shake their heads , knit their brows and say , in a tone which is intended to carry conviction with ils every vibration , Ft can't last , there is bound to be a big break before long. For the past four or livn years they have been saying the same thing , and notwithstam ing their predictions the price of real estalo has sleadily advanced , and it is now worth 150 per cent more than it was t\vo years ago- agoThey say it can't last , but it docs , and the real estate market was never in as healthy a condition as at present. What reason is there for thinking it will not continue so ? Was there over a time When the growth of Omaha was us rapider or substantial as now ? Was there ever a time in the history of this city when men in all branches of trade and manufacture wcro as prosperous and thrifty as at present ? Are not Omaha's stockyards and packing houses attracting the at tention of the entire country and causing the investment of largo sums of eastern capital ? Even Chicago , that invincible city , looks upon Omaha's packing houses , stock yards and stock Interests through the green colored goggles of jealousy. Then , too , look at the public improve ments , which are being made this sea son. Mile after mile of pavements and sewers are being put down to say nothing of the two magnificent and costly via ducts , which are in course of conduc tion. tion.All these things speak louder than words and when the question. "Will it last ? " is asked , it is not necessary to "read the answer in the stars , " but take a look around you , ride over the city and see everywhere the substantial public improvements , the magnificent buildings which are being erected , and answer for yourself. There can be but one answer , and that is , that it will last and not only last but the prices of real estate will advance slill more in the next year than it has in the yst year. This stands to reason and tin sound reasoning persons will see it at a glance. In view of this fact it behooves you to se cure some choice i real estate with the knowledge that it will prove a paying investment. Thn finest city property market is " Pface" on the to-day "Mayno and "Orchard Hill , " both for sale by C. E. Mayno. Lots in both these additions are going very rapidly and it will bo to your interest to call early. If you want a bonanza in acre property tale a look at "Newport , " which is also for sale by C. E. Mayno. It is by all odds the finest and cheapest aero property ever offered for sale in Omaha. Call at the office of C. E. Mayno , Real Estate and Trust com pany , southwest corner of Fifteenth and Farnam streets , where you will find con- .veynnci's to _ take you out to any of the property which is for sale. ODDS AND ENDS. Stray Leaves From n Reporter's Note-Book. ' The Union Pacific has been very un fortunate lately in the number of its ac cidents , " said a passenger conductor , yesterday. "And. I don't know where Ihe epidemic of catastrophes is to ceaso. But it has been pretty fortunate in that it has had but few injured people in all its wrecks. How they escape , is more than I can toll. They get jammed in cabs and cabooses , thrown from the car tops and shaken up all through their system and yet the train men generally have come out without injury. It's one of the mys teries of the business. Another thing I can't understand is why freight trains go to pieces so often and pabsenger trains hardly ever got into trouble. And yet. the latter have to use the same track , roll over the same switches and run risks precisely the same as the heavier trains. It's all for the better , I expect , both for the passengers and the road. " "I have often heard of Kilkenny cals' " said a Douglas street merchant last night , "but I have never found so good an illustration of them of late years as is shown by tlio attitude of the B. & M. and Union Pacific roads on the river bottoms. One road throws a track in one direc tion ; the other finds it out and straight way aims 'to head iloIP by constructing a cross line in advance of Iho oilier. They have been playing Ihis game for months back , and Ihe result is that the bottoms are crowded with trucks held down with loaded cars , which reminds one of a Chicago depot yard. Those tracks are run at all angles and describe all si/.es of circles , and some of them dip into Ihe slough and others try lo climb up the opposite bank. The humorous feature of the thing is thai each road claims lo have secured its point and holds that the other has been worsted in the deal. " "I believe tlio fact that Ihero is a largo encampment of gypsies near Iho city has somelhing to do with the largo number of burglaries and foot-pad criminalities which arc being committed all over the city , " said a well known citizen to a re porter to-day. "The gypsies , from time immemorial , have been a restless , roving , thieving sot of people , and they are pretty nurd citizens generally. 1 think that if the marshal and his men would drive these people a respectable distance from this city that there would not bo go many burglaries committed. At least it would be uorth while lo waloh Ihoso fel lows , " Preparations for the coming rifle con test between the soldiers of this depart ment are being actively pushed , and there is every indication that the contest will be a success. The rlflo range nt Belloyuo will bo completed August 15 or thereabouts. Target pits , liriug slands and spectators stands have been erected , CUMING'S "COMBUSSIONBUS. They are Holng Sued by a Firm of lirldgo liuildors. Judge feWakely yesterday was en gaged in hearing the case of George A. Fox & Co , , vs. the commissioners of Cumlng county , The case is being tried hero by stipulation , and upon its conclu sion the decision will be formally deliv ered in keeping with that of Judge Wakeloy , by Judge Crawford of Cnming. The suit is for H mandamus to compel the commissioners oi the county men- tion to award the complainants a con tract to build a bridffn nonr Beomer , over the hlkhorn. The contr/tot was adver tised to bo lot lo the lowest bidder. I < ox & Co. bid * 8,000 , that being the lowest sum , vliiU the contract was let for'$4,000. , The pJaintlfflK repre sented by II. ( J. Brome and J. M. May- bee , and Iho defendant * by M. McLatigh- lln and Judge Bancroft , of DOS Moincs. Chief Engineer Adams , of the Bolt Line , has been on the stand , nearly all the day. KICKED TO DKATI1. A I'.rotlicr of Col. Olmso the Victim of n Violent Death. aYcstcrdaymornlngUolpSChascofthis city received a telegram from La Neville , Minn. , informing him that his brother , George , of Chicago , had , yesterday , been seriously kicked by a horso. Half an hour later , a second telegram wns re ceived announcing the death of the in jured man. Mr. CScorgo Chase was fifty years of ago and had been engaged in the dairy business in Chicago. Ho was in this city on a visit to Iho colonel , three weeks ; igo and was then met by many of our citl/eus. On leaving Omaha ho wenl lo vlsil his son , Harris , who is engaged in Iho cattle business at the place mentioned , where his death has tnktm placp. Mr. Chase leavns lliroo sons nil grown to manhood. This is the second brother of Col. Chase who has been killed by a her e. The funeral will lake place to-morrow , the remains Doing interred at La Kevillc , Col. Chase is deeply grieved over his brother's decease. They Must Not Drink. Marshal Cummlugs has promulgated an order that no policeman , while on his boat , shall be allowed lo go inlo a saloon for any purpose whatever except in cases of actual necessity. This order became necessary because several of the men lately have been indulging freely , so much BO , in some instances , that they were unable to attend to their duties. One or two of them have been discov ered in a beastly drunk condition , fit subjects for a "drunk and disorderly" fine at tl.o hands of Judge Stcnberg. One policeman who has n beat on North Sixteenth street was found about three o'clock the other morning , lying against a lamp-post minus his hat and coat. Ho had been robbed while in toxicated , by an enterprising and auda cious thief. J. L. Wilkic , manufacturer of paper boxes , 10G S. 14th street Omaha. Texan Outrages. One , of the clerks of the Pacific express company yesterday received a hand bill issued in Dallas , Texas , calling for a meeting of the citizens of that place to protest againsttho outrages rocentlytom- : mittcd by the Mexicans. It is headed by the line : "The American flag insulted and American citizens imprisoned and shot down in cold blood by Mexican au thority.1' Then follows ji statement of tiie outrages , and tlio Ustpf speakers and from the warmtlrwith which trio , out rages are detailed , one njay readily un derstand that Texan blood is at fever heat. Opelt's Hotel , Lincoln Neb. , opened March loth , tirst class in every respect. Spoiled { Meat. A rather interesting. , suit was on trial before Ju&tico Anderson yesterday that of John M. Yerga vs. Porter Bros. Mr. Yerga claims that Porter Bros , sold him a carcass of beef which within two days thereafter became spoiled and unfit for sale , whereas , as is alleged , , if the animal hail been ( properly slaughtered and cooled , it ought to , have kept in good con dition at least tendays. , Yerga therefore sues for the value * of the carcass , $5-1. Porter Bros , deny the allegation of the plaintiff. Justice Anderson has reserved his decision. Unolo Sam's Money. "The internal revenue collections for the last mouth , " said Deputy Collector Evans yesterday , "arc very heavy. They have been exceeded by those of but one other month May , 1885. " Following is the tabulated statement : Lists S 180.21 Ueer stamps ) 1S,44'J.00 ' Spirit stamps 218ir.1.80 Cigar stamps 4oii.5 : > Tobacco stamps IDti.T'J Special stamps 0,034.84 Total 5217,039.74 Carroll's Sentence. Tom Carroll , the alleged burglar , cap tured by Caplam Cormack and Officer Ormsby on Saturday night was fined $25 and costs yesterday on a chargcjof assault ing the captain. Judge Stenboigrefused to entertain the complaint of burglary against Carroll because of insufficiency of the evidence. James Ryan was given thirty days as a suspicious character. Ho had just been released on a writ of habeas corpus from confinement in the Wnhoo jail whore iio had been placed on a charge of burglary. The Capital Hotel , Lincoln. Charley Kitchen , of Iho Capilal hotel in Lincoln , is doing a rushing business. Ho has just completed what ho calls Ins unno'x a largo addition to tlio hotel , necessitated by the increase of travel. Dowev & Stone , the well known furni ture dealers of Omaha , are shipping two carloads of elegant furniture to lit up the now rooms. Omaha people are assured of always receiving a hearty welcome at the Capital hotel. . Kcrlca's Actiicliincms. Justice Bcrkn jestordrvmorni.ig issued anjattuGhmontin favor of Henry Hart and against a broncho owned by William West , who , it Is claimedowes the former $8. Another attachment against furni ture was granted Kllza Ford , who wants lo have satisfied a claim of $18 against Charles Scott , who , it is claimed , intends leaving town clandestinely. CK'phnna' . Homo. Dr. Armstrong of the Orphan's Homo , PlaUo counly , is in the city , and will meet the Omaha committee on Tuesday evening in the lecture ropm of the First Hapust church. It is hoped that there will be a full attendance of the committee , and the people oi ( ) mahageu- | orally are invited to be present to con sider the mailer , A B. & 31. C'ol/islon. / Monhaynighltwo trains In the B. &JM yards came together near the ice-houses at thd foot of Jackson street. Several cars wcro smashed , and several moro thrown from the track. The wreck was cleared early Ihis morning. C. A. Broslar , of Bay Cilv % Mich. , one of the Sloman mortgagees , is in the city. Personal Paragraphs. Mrs. Louisa Mohr has returned from a three weeks' trip to Now York. Mr , and Mrs. S. J. Ho well and daugh ter huvo returned from Canada. Mr. Fred Nash , of the Chicago , Mil waukee & St , Paul road , was again at his desk yesterday iiiorniucr.Q Mr. W. H. Blsbeo , carpet buyer for 9. P. Morse A : Co , left for Philadelphia and New York last night lo maUo fall purchases tor his dopiutinetit. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR Tim WHO WILL Or EN WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK AT On or about Sept. 1st , 1886. Real JKotato Transrara. The following transfers were filed August 2 , with the county clerk , and roporled for the BEE by Ames' Real Estate Agency : Jos F. Hanson , ( single ) to Joseph II. Blair , block OS. city ot Florence , Douglas county , q c Sl.OO. Maiy E. Dunk , ( widow ) to V O Lantry , lots 4 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 8,0 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 18. 14 , 15. 10 and 17 and 18 , city of Florence , Douglas Co. , q c 525.00. Mary E Dunk , ( widow ) to V G Lantry , lot 3 , blk loa , city ot Florence , Douglas Co. , w d S3T > 0.00. K lienry Beal and wife to Rudolph Bcal , N v of e X ° f lot 3 , blk 5. Park Place , Orn lm , w d S1.5&0.00. Isaan B HiscallsiiiRlo ( ( ) to Michael Barrett , lot 4 , blk 8 , Ilascall's subdivision , sec 5 , 14 , 13 , Douglas Co. , w d SGOO.OO. Jacob Levy and wife to Barnett Rehner. lot 13. blk 3 , Jetter's addition to Omaha , w d S200.00. Delia French and husband to John O Itogaii. n 40 ft of s 80 it of e 52 it of lots 7 and 8 , blk 100 , Omaha , q c S100.00. Marx Stuhr and wife lo Clans Stovers , e % of s w if sec 14 , 15 , 13 , Douslas Co. , w d 3100.00. GeoiRO L Miller and wife to Martha II Beebe. lot 5 , blk 5 , West End addition to Omalw , w d 1.500.00. John SnodBntss and wife to M II Gable , n w J/ sec 13 , 15 , 12 , Douglas On. , w d 528- 500VOO. Clara T Kapp and husband to Helen C Itaup , Iot3 , blk 5. Sluill's second addition to Omaha , w d Sl.OO. nA CTioupand wife to Edgar Zabriskle , s 80 ft of wKof lotBlaudwK of n of lot 39 , llnrtman's addition to Omaha , w d $2,000.00. Omaha Smelting and Kelining Co. . to John H Hiirte and otlicis. lot 0 , Olseirs addition lo Omaha , w d-SbOO.OO. Jerry Mulvlhill and ollicts lo Waller G riieliw. lot 5 , blk G , Ilanscom Place , Omaha , W d 82,600.00. Charlotte Elizabeth Bcntou ( single ) to Isaac IchllT and others lot ! 20 , Tultle's sub division of s K of n ok and n K of H e X , sec 5 , 5,13 , Douelas Co. , w d-S'J , 100.00. Laimon I'1'rug and wife toGeonre Bays , lot 7 , Pruyn's sub-division oC lots 1,3 and 8 , blk 5 , Lake's addition to Omaha , w d 4NOO.OO. Andrew J Mvatz and wife to Lnrmon P Pruyn , lot 37 , blk 31 , Walnut Hill addition to Omaha , w d-SUOO 00. Edward Nolan ( single ) to Larmon P Pruyn , s K of lot 10. blk 1 , Lake's addition to Omaha , w d-SbOO.OO. Clms McCormick ( single ) to Herbert E Gates , lot 7 , blk 8. Mr.Monuick's addition to Omaha , w d-5N,000.00 Call Schmld and wife to Anton Pokorner , o 100 ft of lot 10 , Btirtlett's addllion to Omaha , w d-SlWX.00 ) Slale of Nebiaska to Pelor Glandl. s c H of nv X see 10. 15 , 13 , Douglas Co. , w d 8T20.00. Alfred Mlllaul ( single ) lo Abraham J Frledloender , lot 5 , blk 114. Omaha , w d 810,000. JJrcvttiea. Weather pormltling , the Musical Union orchostrawill give a grand open air concert in Jellerson square next Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pierce , of Rlair , are in the city. Mr. Pierce was , some lime ago , coroner of Washington counly. and is Iho gentleman whose mysterious disappearance caused to much comment a few months ago. There will bo a basket picnin at Weep ing Water , Nob. , oi < Thursday. August 0 , under the I auspices of the English Lulh- ran Sunday school i of this city. Train loaves u. P. depot at half-past 8 in the morning Tickets for the round trip : Adults , fl , children , 50o , There is considerable poison ivy m Hanscom park that ought to bo cleared away wilhout any delay. Several per sons have already been poisoned by con tact therewith. One of them , Mra. row , was very severely poisoned , BO much so ilial she was confined to her bed for several days. Olllcer Tom Pelronet , one of the most popular and Ihorouglv liked men on the police forco.has been suspended byMaish- alliCuminliigs. Mr. Peironct Is charged by Ihe marshal with circulating ilisrpspecfr- ful reports about him. The trouble will probably be aired thoroughly before the police committee. Yesterday evening Mr , and Mrs. John Schenk and their Jitlio daughter Lulu re turned to their home in Dayton. Ihcy have been on an extended visit lo the west , part of which time hey nave spent in tins cltv ' ns Ihe guests of Mr. and AJrs. John A.'Creighton.andlhorcst among Iho pleasure icsorts of Colorado , MM. Schonk is a sisler of Mra. John A. Crcighlon. Run Over. Tne passengers on Iho Grand Island trainyosteiday1 morning reported Bthal a traelin&salesmanliiaiued.Wilson had been RAYMOND , RELIABLE JEWELER , j Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware ho largest stock. Prices the lowest. Fine ropatrluff n spcot.ilty. All work warranted. Carn Douglas and Ifith street , Omaha. C. E MAYNE , S. W. COR. 15th AND FARNAM , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale m all parts of the city. Lands tor sain In county m Nebraska. A complete set of Abstracts of Titles of Douglas County kept. Maps of the City , State or county , or any other information desired furnished free of charge upon application. M. BURKE & SONS , LIE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , QEO. BURKE , HanfiRor. UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES : Merchants'and Farmers'Bank , navi l City , Neb. ; Keirupy Nation-it Bank , Kearney , Neb. : Columbus State U.inlc. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's Hank , Norlb rialle. Nob. ; Omaha National Bank. Oinahn. Neb. , „ , . . . L , Will pay customers' draft wilu bill of ladme attached for two-thirds value of stock Academy of the Sacred Heart PLACE , OMAHA , NEB. Terms , 3PeLyaTole in Including Board , Washing1 , Tuition in English or French , Instrumental muoio TJso of Books , per session or five months , $150. , References are required from persons unknown to the institution. For furthest nformation apply to the Bt. Kev , Jas. O'Connor or to the Lady Superior. run over at that place by a train on the St. J. & G. I. road , and lost one of his legs Absolutely Pure. This powder never rnr ! s. A mnrvo ! atpnr- Hy.stroniftU and wliolfisoinnno's. More econ omical tUari the oidlnarjr kinds nnd onnnt be sold Jncoropotitlonitlitlio multitude or low test , short wolglitftluro or pliosimiito powders. Bold onrr In rans. UOVAI , OAKi.ia PotrDEa Co. iC8 Wall et. . DOW York. rempleton & WMtney , Dealers in HARD AHD SOFT COAL AND WOOD , llock Sprliitfi , IlllnoU , Missouri and lou-ii Soft Coal. Office -318 South Fifteenth st. Yards Eighteenth nd Izard sU. P. BOYEB & CO. ! DKALEUSIN HaSi'sSaf&sVauif8TirtieLock9 and Jgii Work. 1020 Farmvni Sireot , Omalm. Neb. Cor. 13th STREET'andOAWOLAVE , FOR MHIC TIIBATMHNT OK AIJ. i CHRONIC AND SURGICAL DISEASES.1 AMI tiikurirroxT or BRACES AND APPLIANCES fOtt DfFORMITIfS. TRUSSES , AHD fLEOTtllO BATTEfilES. Woh Tethif rllltlr9 , niipuratmandremc the nucceiiful treatment of cyorr form u ; i rcqulrlna cither medical cir Mil-deal treatment , nnd tnvltenllto turaa mm InvcttlKHtofortUeiaielvpior correspond wltti ua. I-tnti eipcrlonco In truutlnir canct br letter cnablei ua to trim niuoir canes tclmitlttc&llr without poolmj thorn. WIIITK KOH CmCUJ.AH on deformities nnl nrncoi. Club Koct , rurvaturo of the Hplnc. DIB- HAbE OK WOX1HN. I > ll > . .Vumori , Concerr. ( 'atarriJlinnchUlilnliHlation.Fii ! : > ttrlcltr.Parul fli ! KpllcpKr , Klitnor. Kye , iar , bUn , Uluud ui.rf nil eurfflcal oncirntlon * , 1IATTKKIKH. IKUAMmH. JUt.KT.S , Tru c , unit all klmla of MeUluil and burultal Appllancei. manufactured and for hale. The only reliable Medical Institute making PrlvatBi SpeciaU.Nervoiis Diseases ATJirONTAOlOUSANDIllxfoiJlJl'JBAPES.fram wbttqrer cuutd produced , cucccfciriillr treated. Wu can remove BjrpUIHllo polsou Irum the jitoia without rncrciirr. New roiuirattro trentmorit fnr loin of vital power , AI.Ii COMMUNIOATlUtiS CON11DI2NT1 Al ! Ctli nnd coniult ua or icrul unrao nnd poat-onica u < JJrc < ii plainly written enclose etaaip. uadnawlll enat you. In plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN UPON I'IMVATH. Hl'I'.OIAI. AM ) NKIIVOUH HIS. 1IAHKS. HKMISAI. WKAKNIK3 , HI'KIIMATOP , . IIIKKA. IMI'HTKNflV , HVHIUMO. ( IONOHHIKKA , OI.KUI1 , VAItK-OriSI.H. f/rilHmillK. AND DISK ASKS OF TII11 ( IKN''a , or cndhl torrof your mso for an opinion. I'orrona urmblu to vl3lt in may to treated at tb lr unmo , by correp < : dcnco. Mpilirlnc * and 'n tnn nutnl fiit l > 7 rat t or uxpreM BKCUKIIhY TACK' ii : > ! 110 t ODSKItVATION , no murk , to Indicate CJinlonlaitender. . One ( ivraonal Interne * preferred If tonreuiout. Klfly roomi for tbu accommodation ot patients. Hoard and attendauco at rrafooab'M ' price , /.ddriu all Letters to Croatia Medical & Surgical Institute ? } Cor,13th § 1. , and Capitol Avo. , Onalia , Neb. / ,