Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Dcllurtd by cnirlcr In miypnitof thooltynt
tut n ( j cti.te per wook.
11V. . TH.TOX , Manajfcr.
r , No. 4.X
Kmitr DuiTOit No.1. .
Now York IMtimblnc company.
.Slimmer clothing , cheap : it Hoitcr's.
Knintiipr goods awny down at Bono's.
L Dry goods and dross woods , cheap , at
I'lio very best cabinets ul ? ! ) 11 ilo/.cn at
rham H.
Knights of Labor L. A. No. 1008 muuts
this evening.
There was n private picnic party til
Parks' mill yesterday.
Cabinet photographs S3 per dozen at
Sherraden's , 017 Bnv'y , for 01) ) days only.
The city council Is to mccl iioxtAlon-
ilay night , there being considerable htisi-
nw-s on the table yel to l > o disposed of.
The lirst carload of Mnscalino water
melons will arrive to-day to
Suydor iVs Lcnnmn. The retail trade will
bo supplied.
Permit to wed was yesterday given
James Gntdy , ot Cliadron , and Ella
Watts , of this city ; Henry Arj > and Lou
isa Nuwmayur , both of tln.s city.
Warrants were yesterday being signed
by Alderman Daiifurth in thu absence of
the mayor , and were being bought tip
for from 75 to 77 cents on the dollar.
Wanted 1.000 families to taku Ameri
can Hound Washers on two weeks' trial.
After a fair trial if you do not think them
worth more than they cost return to
Cooper & McCii'o.
The bttir.0 ball game should bo cnlled
parly to-morrow afternoon to allow people
ple who wish limoto go to Lake Matmwa
to witness the yacht race , which takes
place at ( o'clock sharp.
It. G. Barr , representing P. T. Mar-
nttni's .show , was at the Pacific house
yesterday and arranging for the appear
ance of the show in tliis city September
17. The advertising car is expected to
arrive hero next Friday.
The Mueller music company ball club
has put np their stakes , $100 , and the
Hurling club yeMorday telegraphed them
that they would be here to-morrow morn
ing. The game is to bo for $100 a side
and takes place at the driving park to
morrow afternoon.
During the terrible drought the fire
lads were employed in wetting down the
grass in liaylLss park to keep the tnrf
irom drying out completely. The boys
charged a few dollars for the extra work ,
tcey being minute men , paid by the
hour , but the city council concluded that
the park commissioners .should pay the
bills out of the park fund , which at the
best is not very large. The council is an
economical one. but itsooms that there is
not much wisdom in an economy which
will donate $75 to furnish water to a pri-
vutc institution and refuse to pay a bill
of a few dollars for wetting down' its own
park. _ _
New styles bathing suits at Bono's.
Only $ -2. 50 per doz. for lirst class cabinet
photos at Schmidt's , 320 Main.
A Uest Pop the 1'ollco.
The policeman , wore yesterday hum
ming "Empty is the Cooler. " Not u cell
was occupied , and the register showed up
dismal for the inquiring reporter. The
pohco went oil' on a hunt near Ilonn's '
park , whore it was reported that there
was a startling commotion among a num
ber of uuncighborly women. It was
claimed thai two women whose husbands
are at work away from homo , nave
been joining in nightly sprees , and not
tiatishud with having their own house
holds thrown into a riotous condition ,
have been amusing themselves by driv
ing some of the neighboring women out
of their houses. The fact was learned
that the two women against whom such
complaints were made wore not in a very
suitable condition to bring np to the
police station , and there being a good
deal of contlicl in the statements oftho
parties concerned , the police concluded
to let them settle their neighborhood
quarrels among themselves.
George Peterson and P. MoNulty got
into some altercation on lower Broadway
which the court will have to settle. Eucli
claims to have been justified in thumping
the other.
Pacific house recently renovated. Cool
rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained.
Kirkland , the jeweler , has removed to
823 Broadway , Singer oiUco.
Special bargains now at Ueno's.
Personal Paragraphs.
Hon. J. A. Hull , of Boouo , was at the
Pucitio yesterday.
Air. Samuel Haas and family returned
yesterday from tholr western trip.
Mrs. II. C. Barnes and children left yes
terday for Clinton , Iu. , on a brief visit.
W. II. Gibbon and Dr. J. E. Stanton , of
Chariton , la. , wore at the Ogdou yester
Mrs. A. E. Murphy , of Decatnr , 111. ,
sister of Dr. W. A. Ellis , is visiting her
brother and will spend some time in tne
Mr. E. A. Tucker , and sister , Miss May
Tucker , left last evening for a visit to
Iriouds in St. Charles aiulElgin , 111. , and
will spend some time at Lake Geneva.
Col. J. 8. Tain , of Stuart , In. , was
among thoseat the Pacilio yesterday ,
This time lie could not be induced to sing
Ins famous democratic war song. Ho
Biiid it was too early in the campaign.
II , A. Wells and brldo ( formerly Miss
May Marshall , of this , city , ) arrived yes
terday from their Minnesota homo and
are visiting their parents , Mr. and Mrs.
tieorgo Marshall. A host of friends wel
come and congratulate them ,
Mr. and Mm , IM , Ganlt , Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Jackson , Mrs. 1) , W , Biihlmoll
und Miss Mollie Hicii , who have been
spending about three weeks on Mr. Jack *
eon's ranch in Wyoming , have niturnod
homo , much invigorated by thu Hip ,
happy and hearty.
First-class tin work , reeling , etc. , a
specialty tit Cooper &McGeo't > .
Go to the Now York Plumbing com
pany for garden hoso. They warrant all
boy sell. Opera house block ,
New Summer Suits.
Among the now cases tiled for the Au
gust term of the circuit court is that of
W. II. Wallace against Hilda M. Wallace.
Ho states in bis petition that he was ruur-
tied to her iu November , 1873 , and that
she has since become untrue to him , ami
finally abandoned him und the three chil
J. W , llodofer 1ms commenced suit
against the city , claiming ? ? 2Q for cortili-
eaten hold by hint on tlio J. J. Hathaway
grading contract.
William Garner has coinmeneod a like
notion for judgment on certificates held
by him to the amount of $517.
Tine pasture , plenty of water nnd good
attention for 300 head of stock about live
inilea north of Broadway and Mainbtreet.
Inquire of L. P. Jndsou , No. U2U bixth
nvouuo. or Charles Palmer t pasture ou
fimo Kiln road.
There Will Bo Great Races on tha Hojom of
Lake Manavra ,
The ncflcntoil Insult to n Slslcr Pro
gress of the Ilcvlvnl Sotno of
the Peculiarities of
Aqtintlo Sports.
There will bo a race between sail boats
on Lake Mnnnwa to-morrow evening ,
the prize being a handsome silver cup
lined and ornamented on the outside
with gold. Them are already nine en
tries for this race , among them being
some of the best boats on the lake. The
entries are :
Lake Hrecze , ontircd by Tcnvllligor
and Gillette. Captain U. S. Tonvilligcr
will hold the helm.
U lute iVmg , filtered by Koplhiger ,
Wakelicltl ami llutchlns. Captain W. H.
WukHiold with his Egyptian plaids will
run the White \Viug , while -Kepl'iugor
attend the halyards with llutchins in
charge of the sand bags.
Clara , entered by Captain George Mot-
calf , who will sail her. Captain George is
iroing to "win or break , " and will bo
uniformed in his bathing suit as ho says
he's going to let out all the canvass Clara
can entry if there's wind to lill hor.
1'itti Sing , entered by Cook , Jttdson ,
Davis and Hoagland is to bo in charge of
Captain C. 11. Jtidsou , who has his
weather-eye on the pri/e cup. If there's
a "dead earn" Cook will ( mil stroke oar
after darkness sets in. with light-weight
Hoagland as bow and Davis .second.
District Telegraph , entered by Drown
nnd Foster. M. li. Brown will ctiptajn
the boat during Sol Foster's absence in
the west , and claims ho will win if ho haste
to iret out ami tow tlio boat. Ho will
carry the American District Telegraph
hoys as ballast , and heave them over
board if necessity requires.
Una , entered by Dearborn , Judson and
Martin with Martin as captain and Jud-
sou's sand bank to back him for ballast.
Sea Gull , entered by Maxou , Bono , Mo-
Millin ami Pace. Captain Maxon , the
oldest captain on the lake , who knows
every foot ol the lake is sure of success
in his mind.
Idlowlld , entered by and built expressly
for Cory and Thompson , is expected to
make u flood showing with Admiral II.
C. Cory iu his new uniform at the rudder.
In case the mast breaks Thompson , who
is to bo ou board , will be used in its stead.
Great Eastern , entered by Conover ,
Rockwell , Harlo and Troynor. After
much expense ami no end of trouble the
owners htwo linally succeeded in getting
the Great Eastern to the city. She is a
beauty of which Captain Harlo is proud.
She is a perfect mudol of a yacht , per
fectly whtto from stem to stern with
spotless canvas. She was built by one
of the finest saw and hatchet boat build
ers of Mondnmin.
The race is a free for all and for all
classes. The prize cup is on exhibition iu
Ilarkuess Brothers' window and is pre
sented by Messrs. Thompson and Cory.
The rowing race arranged for this even
ing has been postponed and a swimming
exhibition will take its place.
Just as the last of the pleasure seekers
wore leaving Lake Manawa last night a
strange cratt hove in sight. She was
schooner-rigged and carried an immense
canvas and was named Unique , but
the boys put the emphasis on the first
syllable. Nothing more was seen or
heard of the strange crow until about 3
o'clock yesterday morning when a strag
gling band of foot-soro mariners came
trudging into the city. As thcv passed
under a lower Main street gas light , a
BEU ronortor recognized the forms and
faces of Billy Arnd wearing commander's
stripes , Admirable B. Walker , Boat
swain Terwilligor , Lar Board Judson ,
and Wind-Ward Dearborn.
It is understood the boat was launched
originally in Big lake , and on Monday
was sailed ovcrlaua to the Missouri river ,
where she was manned und started on
her voyage. The tale of the trip around
the horn and into the lake would doubt
less prove as interesting reading ns that
of tlio Arctic exploration. All land
vehicles had disappeared wlion they
reached the beach and pcdcstrianism had
to bo relied on. It is not known how
many schooners the party launched after
reaching up town.
All the comforts of high-priced hotels
at the Pacific hotiso , and a saving ot QOu
to $1 a day. Try it _
Fruits , Confectionery nnd Cigars , best
in the market alwavs in stock. Frank
Withercll , 2311iroadway.
Itrtdeo Tolls.
The Union Pacitio has magnamiously
decided to redtico tlio fare between Couti-
oil Bluffs and Omaha. Instead of charg
ing fifty cents for the round trip , a reduc
tion of live cents will bo made , so that
the price will bo forty-livo cents instead
of fifty. Tlio round trip tickets must be
used on tlio day of issuance. Hitherto
the faro for the round trip was the
whether a person purchased a round trip
ticket , or two single tickets. It cost fifty
cents for a round trip ticket , and if tin ;
unfortunate purchaser did not happen to
use the return ticket until the noxl day ,
ho was called on to pay his faro or bo put
oil * . The company has doubtless found
out that it cannot legally re f HBO to accept
a ticket , even if it is presented after the
ditto of issuance , unless the ticket is sold
at a less than regular price , and with the
understanding that the reduced price is
the consideration by which the passenger
promises to usp the ticket on the day of
issuance. This fact is doubtless the reas
on why the Union Pitclllo has reduced the
pricu of round trip tickets to iiro cents
loss that it costs to buy twosn.glo tlokots.
It is rumored thut within a short lime the
turo to and from Omului will bo reduced
still more. It should bo. Tluiro arc sev
eral peculiarities to the bridge rales Ono
is that passengers buying thuir tickets at
any other place than Council Bl nil's and
Omaha arc charged fifty cunts for the
bridge faro. For instance , any person
coming from a station in Nebraska to
Counoll HI nils is charged iu addition to
the fare from that station to Omaha fifty
co n IF tor coming from Omaha to Council
Bhill's. If ho buys his ticket simply to
Omaha ho can ut Omaha buv n ticket for
the Bluffs for twonty.livc cuuts. The
same is true as to those coming from
eastern points. If they buy tickets to
Omaha they will have to pay fifty cents
more if they bought simply to
Council Blulls , anil hence it is
cheaper to buy tickets to
Council Bhitfs , and then buy hero a
ticket for over the bridge if n person de
sires logo further west. Another pecu
liarity of the bridge tolls is that if a" person -
son gets onto the train without a ticket
ho is obliged to pay GO cenU for crossing
the bridge , instead of 25 cunts. He is
given a rebate check for 25 cents , KO that
ho can , on presenting this at the office of
the company , got the money and reduce
his fare to 85 cents. It seems that the
Union Pacitio is afraid its conductors wilt
handle some money , and to prevent this
the public must bo punished i ( they do
not buy tickets before celling upon
the train , Often it happens that a fam
ily , strangers , or thosn ignorant of the rule ,
cut onto ( ho train , ami instead of having
to pay a dollar for four persons , the con
ductor smiles blaudly as ho calls for
f2.4X ( Often the person thus called on to
pay such a penalty is not prepared to lo
so. It seems that the confoanv might
niafco such chimces 3 woiiul ( : toilitato
the connminlcinioiis uutwoou Council
UltilTs nnil Omaha , ami remedy the uauso
of complaint. Every change for the better -
tor accommodation of tho. o desiring to
cross botwccn the two cities will ho
heartily appreciated by the public , and it
h believed that the company would lintl
it pecuniarily to its iulvaiitino ; to make
the faro very low , ami the trains very
many. _
Substantial abstracts of titles nud real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Siiulers , No.
101 IVarl street , Council Hlull's.
Always buy your meats ntStar Market ,
No. ! W't Broadwaj' , and get the best.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The White Mnn'H
Tim ca'e of .John Whltu , arrested for
nssaultlng J. ( J. Anderson , was called up
before JuilHo Aylosworth yesterday. As
already made public , While wanted to
plead guilty and pay his Hue , but Mr.
Anderson did not want to have It thus.
Ho wanted a chance to refulo the statement -
ment made by White that ho ( Anderson )
hail iii'iiiUed White's sister , lie sought to
do this by introducing testimony to show
that the assault was an aggravated one ,
meriting the full penalty. Dr. Pinnoy
testified that from the appearance of the
wound on Anderson's liead It was Ins
judgment it had been iutlicted by some
sort of an instrument , tints .supporting
the claim of prosecution that White
had kirtckles , or a billy , or some weapon.
Mr. Anderson testilicd that the blow
knocked him down , ami that ho saw
something in White's hands. One of the
employes oftho oilico tc.stiliod that ho
saw something in White's hand , but
could not tell what it was. An oiler wa
made to produce evidence to show that
the woman who , it was claimed , Ander
son had insulted , applied to Mr. Ander
son for employment , after the date of the
alleged insult. The judge concluded that
the womau was not on trial , ami as she
had not testified in the OSIM ) , she could
not very well be impeached. The case
was then allowed to go over until to-day ,
when u n opportunity will bo presented
for testimony in behalf of Air. Into. It
is understood that an attempt will bo
made to show that the alleged iiibtiltdid
lake plaeo , and that H was of such a
gross nature as to justify any brother
in punishing the mail who offered the in
_ _
Highest prices paid lor county , town ,
citv and school bonds. Odcll Hros. &
Co. , No. ll Pearl street , Council Bluffs ,
No Scarlet Fever.
AUOUST 8,1880 Editor BEI : : The "old
lady" comes out in to-day's paper with a
gent'n ' rebuke to those poor citi/.ons who
are suffering from a surplus of scarlet
fever "cards. " She says theyare "Red. "
Perhaps her eyes arc not good ; belicvo
they are as good as her judgment , though ,
in such matters. Don't say whether the
"much abused" health oflicial ought to
hurry up and gel his "cards" up in good
season or not , or if it is right ho should
bo two weeks behind the luueral. An
other family on Third avenue has been
treated to a "Card" just two weeks after
the fever was all over and the children
out of doors playing as usual. If citizens
wanted their neighbors and friends to
have the "fovor" they would not have it
published in the papers. There is not a
citi/.cn in this city low or mean enough
for this , despite of nil the "Grandmoth
er's" bosh.
Well , Jet the "ycl y card" hang out ;
if the town can stand it we certainly can ,
for the full and awful "thirty-live" days.
Perfectly satisfactory accommodations
at $2.00 a day at the Pacific house. Give
it a trial anil bo convinced.
Around The Globo.
The Globe Coft'eo company , which
made such a , sensational debut in this
city and which scattered diamond dust
GO plentifully , has left almost as suddenly
as it camo. It was widely advertised
that tlio company would establish a
permanent agency bore , and thnt the
distribution of costly prizes was simply a
method of advertising the goods , which
would then bo allowed to stand in the
market on their own merits. There wore
faint suspicions that the scheme was
more in the nature of a lottery than a
coll'eo and tea store , but the crowds came
and went and half the city was spark'ling
in diamonds and stop watches. No ono
comes to the front with any well defined
roar , and if anybody fools that ho has
been m any way duped there is wonder
ful quiet about it. The &chonio was ft
great one and the prizes given out caused
a constant rush for the cans , and the
sales here were great enough to account
for the possibility of giving away so
many prizes. Tlio permanency of the
venture docs not seem to bo in accor
dance with the predictions and promises.
Homo of the citizens stocked up on coft'eo
and tea so plentifully that they will not
need any agcnoy for some time , so that it
matters little.
See that your books are made by More-
house & Co. , Room 1 , Everett block.
TlioTtovlval Meetings.
The revival meetings continue nighlly
in the pavilion and are increasing in in
terest. Mr. Boll is proving himself to
have a varied fund from which to draw
for his nightly addresses , and his methods
of conducting the work arc certainly such
as appeal to the reason as well as the
emotions. Hos \ being supported in the
meetings by a largo number of Christian
workers from the various churches ot the
city. The meetings are in no sense de
nominational , and thus all of the churches
can unlto. The bible readings are also
very interesting. Until further notice tlio
readings will bo held in the Baptist
church every afternoon at ! J o'nlock. All
arc invited to attend any or allot these
gatherings. The subject of tlio bible
reading this afternoon will be "After
Salvation , What ? "
DTry it. Best Cream Soda in the city 5o
per glass at Palmer's , No. 13 Main t.
ut Slloum ,
City Marshal tSuanolla returned rather
unexpectedly last livening from Siloam
Springs , where ho recently wont in
search of help for the rheumatism which
has so troubled him of lato. The cause
of his returning so soon was the burning
of the uath houses. It Is said tiiat Mar
shal Guanolla forgot all about his rheu
matism whan the lire glared np , startling
tlio occupants of the hotel , and his old
lire lad's spirit returning ho made the
run to the blazing buildings llko a deer ,
and did good service , being almost a
whole department of himself.
A BwliniiiliiK Kxhlliltlon.
Mr. Powers , an expert swimmer who
has boon at the lake a good deal since
the bath houses wcro erected has con-
ecntod to give u swimming exhibition in
front of Manhattan Bench this evening
commencing at 7 o'clock. Ho will per
form some diriiciilt feats from the spring
board , swim across the lake and back ,
bold himself upside down with his lower
limbs out of water iu a 'depth of twenty
foot or more * turu somersaults at the
same depth , cto.
Hotra llnnoncr's V'on'niiSon Dofcmlcil
ll\D \ rntlicr'H I cmory.
Carson Appeal : Tlib oilier day iu
Carson Valley , Old Jeremiah Johnson ,
the well known rancher , died , and was
buried in the usual fo--in.
When the corp e was ) laid out in the
red school house near Sheridan , n travel
ing preacher was c.illcd upon to preside
over the ceremonies.
The six sous of thu old man were there
iu a .solemn row.
The preacher , taking his place on the
platform , opened no tltler Iho regular
lormula that has bet'n ' sb long in vogue.
"My friends , Jeremiah Johnson was in
full IIP tlth and ripened manlunnl when
he was cut down bj the scythe of the de
stroyer. "
Just hero Tommy Johnson , a boy of 10
rose up with :
"Hold on. Mr. Preacher , ho dletl of
Hvcr complaint. It was Jake Holivor tip
ou Wolf creek that got cut with a mow-
in machine. "
"Sit down , Tom , nnd cork up , " was the
remark of a big brother who collared the
boy ami plumped him down on hi.s seat.
"He was n man of a tlioii. amj on earth ,
but ho could not stay , " continued the
"Couldn't " shoiilcd the
stay ? boy
again , "Pity about him. Perhaps you
don't think he was a stayer when ho had
the light with Dan Powers up tlio canon.
lie staved llll ho chawed Dan's ear - "
"Hold your jaw , you crazy lunatic , "
whispered ono of the brothers , hoarsely ,
as he jerked the bov back into Ins seat ,
"Will shut "
you up ?
The preacher paused , looked across the
corpse to Ihc spot reproachfully , and con
tinued :
"Jeremiah Johnson is no more , "
' " \ hal's Ihaiv" shouted Iho boy. "Say
Jake , Bill , Charley , nil hands , do yon
liear that ? Worse and more of It. lie
says dad was no mower , lie could cut
moro acres of grass in a day than any
other man in Douglass. "
"Will you never drop on yourself ! "
hissed a big brother as ho reached for
him again.
"Do you 'sposo I'm goin" to sit hero
and hear him say things about Ihe old
man that ho daren't say to hi.s face if ho
was tilivof Ans you follows ashamed of
dad 'causa he died ? "
Four hands cot the impulsive .youth by
the collar aim yanked him down goou
and hard.
"Next thing you'll hear is that ho
' one-horse rako. "
couldn't run a - hay
Then the brothers grabbed the boy and
laying ou the lioor sit : on and held him
until the invaeher finished his talk. The
congregation enjoved the scene im
mensely and admired the youth who
would not sec his father talked about.
The Itusli to Yellowstone.
Uowdy West : The "rush" to Yellow
stone park has been inaugurated and
the hotels at Mammoth hot springs , Norris -
ris Basin , Fire Hole Basin , Upper Basin
and Gniiul Canon have been opened. A
dinpalch .says lhalfortho lirst time in the
history of the parK , | onts have been dis
pensed with , and at all Epoiius comfort
able buildings At Mammoth
Hot Springs rho hotbl hAs , been refitted
under the direction q $ lion. Charles
Gibson , president. The stages start on
their daily trips witlj bv far the largest
passcmrcr list known . thus early in
the park. Captain Ihui. , Kingman , chief
engineer of the department of the
Platte , has a largo "Torie at work on
the roads. The groiitcsf change for this
season is the opening- the road from
.Norris Basin to Grand Canon , thus short
ening the trip through " bc park by two
days. The park association has 400 me
chanics at work on ' 'now hotels und im
proving old ones. , , The hotel at Mum-
moth Hot Springs Juts boon formally
opened by a dinner and dance , which
was attended by all the federal ofliccrs of
the park , citizens of the place , and many
prominent , ladies .and gentlemen from
Livingstone and vicinity. The Northern
Pacific Railway company has purchased
the Albcmarlo hotel at Livingstone , and
the same will bo operated under the din
ing car department , and will ho the real
connecting link between tlio now park
association and the railway company.
A sure cure for Blind. Bleodln ? , Itchln
and Ulcerated Piles has bccu discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian icincdy ) , called Dr
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A slnlo
box has cured tlio worst chronic cases ot lii or
80 years standing. No ouo need sutfcr live
minutes after applying this wonderful sootli
ins medicine. Lotions and Instruments do
moro harm than good. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment absorbs tha tumors , allays the
intense itching , ( particularly at uleht after
cttlnsr warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves
Instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles ,
Itching of private parts , and for nothing elscs.
Dr. Frazier's Macic Ointment euros as by
magic , Pimnlcs , Black Heads or Grubs ,
Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
the sicin clcarand beautiful. Also cares Itch ,
Salt Kheum , Sere Nipples , Here Lips , aim
Old Obstinate Ulcers. , ,
Hold by druggists , or mailed on receipt ot
CO cents.
Ketalledby Kuhn & Co. , and Schrootor St
Conrad. At wholesale bv C. F. Goodman
M , .Sonrisiils County and
Itank Work of all Kind * ti.Spec
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room 1 Evcrot Block , Council Blull'H.
Standard Papers Used. All styles of binding -
ing in Magazines and
U. II. National llntik , M. 1 ! 9 : th & Co. ,
Citrons' Hunk. Hocro. Wells fc On. ,
klrst Nittlonnl ll.inlc , C. . Inmminco Co. ,
Olliror& l'uFoyll nkor.i , < j. H.'tSnvlinfS Hunk.
HO ! fortMLAKE
Nuwly filled tip , and utulon tlio cunr oof n
sxllllul oniflnoor und pilot , In | io\v Hunting pit'us-
t rj trips on i
Wo will KVO ! charters tc parties for ono hour
or any lunntli of tlnio ( k iroil ,
Kates of cliiiitur given aiul orders titkoti at
olllce No. WJ .Main St. , between hours 10 toZ \ u.
la. 1UAUU 4 : CO.
Dealers In Milch Cow ? ,
At Our Stock Yards
SOJnnd 500 E. Broadway , Council Bluffs
At iii.N'evr York ,
Crotou-on-tliG-llucls < Tliu finest
locMlon on the lluiUon , and every udiuntnuo
for thorough instruction.
I'rlnclpnU. Jlwa K. 1' . lluuki anil Mien 0. S.Un-
din Lill. Kcfcr to Hon. Uoo. W. Float.
Agricultural Implements , BD&IM ,
_ _ CarrlBRe , iio : .j-'tfr Council nhUTs , loren.
Mnko tlio Original nnd Complete
Day Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
COHN PtllSM.RtlS > K1SKI ) n'TTI2US.
Nos. U.01 , mi , 1501 Mini 15) ; South Miiln Street ,
Council Illuir * . Innn.
Mnmifrs im 1 Jobbers ot
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Boggles ,
Currlngee , and all klmU at Farm Miiohlnorr.
1100 to lllfl South Mnln Street , Counoll Illurfs ,
T.O. UI.KIRON. T. H.Dounns , ntio.F. Winnnr.
Pro3.iVrrrV . V1'ros AM in. See iCoimsol.
Council BlulTs Handle Factory ,
( Incorporated. )
Mnnufncturersor Axle , 1'lck , Slo.lze nnj Sraill
Hitnclli < 4 , of ovorydcicilptton.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain Flituros , UpholMorjr Gooij ,
Kto. Na 403 nromlway Council Ulutrs.
fl , TORACCn , K7T.
Wuolofftlo .lobbors In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes ,
Nos. 28 Main and 7 I'curl Sts. Council liliuls ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants ,
Ko. UPoarl St. Council n
Wholesale Druggists , Olh , Paints , Glass ,
Dniggl8t § ' GundrloH. Hto. No. 23 Mnln St , anil
No. 21 1'onrl St , Council Uliilfg.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
and Joblnrs of Drj
Notions , Etc. Nos. 112 nnd 114 Mnln St , Nos. 113
nnd 113 Pearl St. , Council IlhifTs , Iowa.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 5LJ Hrentlivny ,
Council HlutT3.
Frails , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 10 und 16 I'cnrl Ft , Council niuITR.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 liroad-
way. Council HliilTa ,
llnnu'ncturors of and Wholesale IJeilers In
'Leather ' , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
Ko. 623 _ Maln St. . Counoll IUutt3lowa. _
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glova ; .
Nos. 342 and 3U HronJwnr , Council
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council Uliilfa , Io\vn.
i ) . li. McDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tollow.Wool , Pelts , Oronso and FUM Council
IllutTs lown.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubrlcitia * Olh Gisilla )
ETC. , E3TO.
B. Theodore , An out , Counoll lllulfe. Town.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
< nd lirldgro Materhil SiCClaHlr ) > BWolu3alo | Luiu-
tier ol all Kinds. OIUco No. 130 Main St. ,
Council lllulla. lomu
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
.Audit for St ( iottliarrt'8 Herb nittori. Na I'l
Main St. Council Ululfa.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Ko cm Main St. . Council Tllufft ,
Fall Meeting- .
Trotting , faring anil Kiiiinliig
Tuesday , Aug. 31st ,
Wednesday , Sept , 1st ,
Thursday , Sept , 2d ,
and Friday , Sept 3rd ,
Including special attractions by Prof.
A. K. Walker's world famous Racing
DORS daily and Balloon Ascensions by
I'rof.A. S. Parker daily , in frout of the
.Othorjaliractlous In the way of speed
ronsibting of celebrated horses from
Kentucky , Ohio. Illinois , Indiana and
Reduced rates on all railroads. Come
everybody and liaviia good timo.
For particulars , address
Brick buildings of any hind raised or moved nml satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant tritolcs , best in the world.
SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth StreetCounil ,
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc ,
M. DROHLIOH , 608 Broadway.
t-i'iC' K
Qf , . f
r ( eW' o-t-j
, .
6x CHU-
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
* armiiur lands in lown , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranjrlnc
from $1.25 to $12 per aero. School and state lands in .Minnesota on HO years
liiiio 5 per cent Interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
P. P. LaiiHti-iip , No. fioo Uroadway , Council Bluffs , Jowu.
Desirous of purchasing material for bath
ing suits , should see our new and elegant -
gant assortment of goods especially
adapted for line and pretty bathingsuits.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs
Arc being closed out by us at remarka
ble low figures. Wo bavo them in beau
tiful shades , colors , etc. , and have put
such-prices on them that will dispose of
them rapidly , as wo WILL NOT carry
any over to next season.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Now in stock are being disposed of at
low prices to clear our shelves of same
before receiving our fall block , which
will shortly arrive.
401 Broadway , Council Blulls.
Of the choicest style , design and quality ,
just purchased by us at a bargain and
we are selling them at retail at whole
sale prices. See them and you will buy.
JfAlKl\rJSSS \ H11OS , .
401 Broadway , Council Blufl's.
For summer wear are being disposed of
cheap , and must shortly bo taken oft' our
shelves to bo replaced with for fall
wear. Summer dross goods can bo pur
chased cheap now by all who will call on
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
For ofllccs. Now invoice just received and
latest patterns guaranteed. All gty.les ,
and prices satisfactory to everybody.
JTA11KNESS IlllOfi. ,
401 Uroadway , Council Bluffs.
Of the very latest designs , patterns and
quality for the coming sca on , are being
now introduced by us. Pick one out now
bcfcro the line is broken.
Harldiess Bros , ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Special ailvetllietnonn. such us T/cst , round
To Loan , For Bulc , To Hunt , Wants , lloiivllnif ,
etc. , will tiBltibortod In thu toliunn nt tlio low
rutoofTBNCKNTo I'KU IINU fortho Hist lusur
tlonnncl 1'lvoConts 1'crl.liie lor piicli tubsenuciu
liiBoitlou. Ltuvo lultoriltouieiiu ut our oilico
.So. 12 I'cul tiott , nmir Ilroaclway , Council
\X7ANTKD Au9 lsUiut cook at lliu Ojilon
II llou-o.
T7JG11 * ALK < > l I i iiiiei . In urnnti'los to tmt.
X1 tit Uuu oilk-o No. U I' " " ! Jtrool
EstiibllElicil 18J7
B. KICE , M. D. ,
Chronic Diseases orniiuinas
Over tlilrtv.vonrV prnotlciil o.iporleiieo
No. II I'oiirlSI. . Council Mulls.
Consultation fico.
Creston House
Tiic only hotel In Counoll lIlulTs having
ITire Elsoa/pa
.And nil mortem liiiirn ] pinciits.
810 , " 17 mid : . ' 1U Mnln st.
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
23 Main St. , Council Bluffo.
Practices in the State and Federal courts
Hooms 7 and 8 , Shugart Block.
Horses and Mules
For nil purposns. boiijilit iitnl soKl , itt lolull niu !
In lota. Lnrtftt < ) uinitlttiis to euluat from
SovcriU piilrsof lltioUiiveis , slii loordoublo.
Council Hliill's.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
Opposite Umuiii } Depot.
Jlmt > 4 Hiul Mule * Kept connr.mly nil liuml
forfiiloitt retail or | n carlomU.
OrUors promillly lilluil liy conlr.tot on short
Dotlc'3 , Htocl ; gold on eoiuinlH-'loii. '
BIH.UTKH & UOI.IiV. I'roin-lctor * .
Toloplionu Nil. 111. K\73
1'orniL-iiy ol Klil : < HAI.i ; , rorncr
uvo.unU III ; '
Justice of the Peace.
OMlcoOvor Amorlcuu Exurou Couumnr.
CO UXOIL li L LU-U'V ' ; , JO W. I.
Aii excellent oiliu-iillonnl Iri'tltnilon. f urn'.sli
cilllli ul ! the model n linpiovuiiiutits , con.
dliotoit by the alSTKHS Ol'CllAltli'V.II. V. M
For t trn ol 1 TO iiioiuua , t15. '
Tirmsl.cxin Hrst Moiulny i'l St'ptom'icr ' imJ
llruMoniluy In Fcuruuiy. For Ruuloiriics ml-
Pi. fraud * /cailuuijMoiiuell ; I'.iuCs , low * .