Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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The Victim of the Bullet at Lincoln Proves
to Bo Julius Eiohorn ,
Held For iMui dor In the Hoc-
oml DtRrcc Htnto Knlr IMnna
Discussed nntl New Features
Adopted lilncoln NCWH.
The mystery of the dead man at the
Tnorgiic has been solved. Yesterday a
Indy living in thu oily , Mrs. Selfert , vis
ited the rooms of Undertaker Roberts anil
nt once identified the man ns Julius Kic-
horn , from St. Louis , a young man whom
( the hail known from childhood. As the
lady viewed the remains nnd explained
knowledge of the dead man tears
welled from her eyes , nnd to every
spectator present it wns manifest that the
lost Identity of the dead had been found.
The man otico identified particulars con
cerning him were easily obtained. It
i wns nt once ascertained that he had
reached the city on Wednesday Inst , that
ho hnd stopped nt the St. Charles hotel ,
paid his bill in advance uulll Sunday
morning , and a valise containing clothes
of the dead man was found in the room
ho had occupied. The clothing in the
vniisc nnd the clothing on the body wcro
marked alike. Also in the valise was
found the revolver ease belonging to the
revolver found by the man's sido. A
brother-in-law of the lady also identified
the dead man as Julius Klchorii.
On Thursday and Friday last ho had vis
ited with both the parties who now ident
ified Him , but since that time had not
been seen. The mystery , however , con
cerning his manner of death remains ns
great ns ever , Was it suicide or was it
murder remains yet unanswered , nnd the
coroner's jury , which has not yet con
cluded its investigations , is unable to se
cure nny clew or testimony that tends to
throw nnv conclusive light on the sub
ject. A brother of the dead man , August
Kichorn , whoso ndtlress is 831 South
Third street , St. Louis , hns been tele
graphed , and until an answer Is received
from him the body will bo kept at the
coroner's. That the investigation into
the mysterious death must bo complete
is the sentiment of all. The strange fea
tures of it , the finding of the body alone
by the wayside without money on the
person or papers of any kind , and the
further fact that the pistol shot in the
head did not leave n burn or scorch on
the face or hair , all tends against the
theory of suieidu and but leads deeper in
the strangeness of the stranger's ' death.
in.i.i ) roit MtnsuKie.
William Kwnrth , held for the murder of
his half brother , Herman Mnhs , the par
ticulars of which were largely given in
yesterday's BIK : , had his preliminary
hearing before Justice Cochran yesterday
under complaint of murder iu the second
degree , anil was by that official bound
over under $2,000 bonds to answer for the
commission of the crime nt tuc coming
term of the district court. The bond was
readily given aud Ewarth returned to his
homo in the country. The testimony in
the case , ns cited by the witnesses pres
ent , was not of n damaging character to
the prisoner , nnd it is the belief that the
prisoner on trial will bo acquitted. The
testimony showed that the slabbing re
sulted from a quarrel ; that it wns un
known at the time it wns done , by
I the witnesses of the fracas , and that
Iho aggressive party wns , almost entirely ,
tlio man who mct.lus death. The father
of the ( load man was ono of the witnesses
to the trouble and one of Iho men to give
evidence at the hearing , all of which wns
of a mild ami harmless nature.
The boiVrd 01 directors of the Stale Ag
ricultural society closed nn interesting
business session yesterday morning at
their rooms nt the Capital hotel. There
were present at the meeting E. Mclutyro ,
Howard ; Secretary U. W. Lnirnas , Brown-
villo ; < ) . B. Diiisinore , Sutton ; ! ! . B. Nico-
demus , Fremont ; L. A. Kent , Minden ;
E. N. Grinnell , Fort Calhoun ; M. Dun
ham. Omaha ; W. U. Bowen , Omaha , and
J. D. McFarlnnd. Lincoln. The board
found a largo accumulation of bills on
hand , which were acted upon , nnd n
number of important measures were dis
cussed for future notion. The Br.r repre
sentative learned from Secretary Furuns
that work was being pushed on the now
building for Iho fish commissioner's ex
hibit , the building being 40x00 in size ,
to cost some $1,200. Mr. W. Li. Slay 1ms
boon east for two months arranging with
the fi h commissioners at Washington
for the specimens nt tha national fish
commission headquarters , and has secured
cured them for the Nebraska fair ex
hihit. Mr. May also secured
soiiio valuable members of the
finny triho from Massachusetts
tluil will bo forthcoming and Iho people
of the stain can rest assured that Com-
miswionar May will have thu finest fish
exhibit nt the fair ever gathered together
in thu country. Another important
building that is beinir constructed is a
dairy house , which will bo supplied with
refrigerator accommodations for all the
dairy products that may bo entered in
that class. The nmphithoator is being
made one-half larger and the ends rnisei
to two stories , adding much to the np-
pcarance of tlio building ns well as giv
ing extra room. Now avenues also will
bo opened np in different parts of the
ground to make additional accommoda
tions iu the way of drives nnd walks ,
at this meeting of the board are B , A.
Rhodes , to be assistant superintendent o
spcrd under Mr , McFarlnnd , and to bo
auctioneer. Both positions are of im
portancn and positions that the bean
tire .satisfied Mr. Rhodes is every waj
competent to fill. Major A. G. Hastings
Inn , been appointed .superintendent o
the line art hall , and thu years of ex-pur
ionco the major tins had in fair work cai
be nmplv displayed in this positio n
The state board hns had placed nt its
disposal n scholarship in the New York
College of Veterinary Surgeons and the
board has appointed to that scholarship
Mr. L. K. Simpkins , of Jollerson county ,
whose credentials and recommendations
wore voluminous nnd creditable. The
board also extended an invitation to Dr.
Billings to prepare a paper on any phase
of his particular work and profession that
ho mny desire , and the invitation is that
the doctor prepare and road it at the Jan-
may mooting of the board , when it gath
ers In annual session ,
at the fair will bo numerous. One will
bo thu Oregon car , the same that wont
from Oregon to Now Orleans , nnd which is
a oar built expressly for exhibition pur
poses and which will contain specimens
of products from that Pacific coast state
that will bu well worth the seeing.
Arrangements hnvu been made to have
on thu grounds thirty Indians from the
Pine Ridge agency who will remain in
camp through the week of tlio fair to fur
nish entertainment to parties from the
effete east who have never witnessed a
live , blood-thirsty red man.
The annual address as has boon an
nounced heretofore will bo delivered by
J. H. Saunders of the Breeders' Gazette ,
Chicago , nnd this feature promises to bu
of especial Merest to stockmen.
Thu managers have- extended to the
different companies of state militia a
cordial invitation to bo present at nny or
all davs of the fair and to such ns come
in companies the freedom und courtesies
of the grounds wKl be nn open tender ,
Said Secretary Furuns , "i'ucre wore
never as good prospects before for A
great fair nnd inquiries como from every
part of tlio country. " Ono third of the
entile stalls are already laken and ono
fourth of the stnlls for horses likewise ,
gUlng some Index ol thu rush that is
JOHIH ! to come. The secretary will open
ils ollicc nt llio Capital hotel lite first day
) f September when the real , every day
vork will commence and until that time
ils olh'co will remain nt his home at
Irownvillo. The directors will meet
mrsuant lo adjournment in this city
igain on the 17lh inst.
Yesterday Hie board of public lands
nnil buildings were in continued session
one of llioir ncls of Ihe day was to
"ornially accept the new laboratory build-
ng nt Iho state university which the
irehitcet lind certified wns completed ac
cording lo plans nntl specifications , nnd
which the board had Inspected the day
Before. This building has a handsome
ipponrnnce outwardly , nnd the board ex-
iress IhomsplvfS satisfied wltli the work
lone. The contract price for the build *
jng was $211,700 , but tnc incidentals and
axlras have used np Ihe appropriation
'or Iho work , $25,000 , up lo within nine
teen dollars nnd some cents.
now in charge of the salt well worlc ,
made monthly report lo the board of the
; > regress made nl the well aud a list of
strains found in the work during the last
thirty days. The total depth of the well
now in 1,010 foot , nnd tlio Inst How of
jrino reached only n tcsl of 111" . Mr ,
[ Jussell in conversation with the BEI : re-
[ torlcr stated Hint he was emphatically
lot in favor of thn state attempt *
ing to work the well with br'tuo
of only a thirty-live degree test ,
nnd ho ngrccd that the board
did exactly right in not entering on a
lease or contract with the Western Salt
company. The opinion scorns to prevail
that the Stale Journal company , with IU
prevailing .sentiment , wns ready to assist
the salt company iu getting n monopoly
of the wells , but the board of public lands
anil buildings were not inc'ined ' to em
bark on nn uncertainty on the part of llio
state. Mr. Russell gave some facts con
cerning thu worth ot brine that liavo been
gleaned by experience in other stales
and they are nil in effect that no success
fill work can bo done with brine under
sixty-live dezicits. In Michigan no brinn
in nuy of tlio wells tests lots Ihan ninety-
live degrees , nnd the brine at Syracuse ,
N. Y. , tests from sixty lo ninety. In
response to the query as to llio possibili
ties for finding a flow of that strength.
Mr. Uuvsoll said that chances wore fn-
vorablu when a son-level was reached of
striking it ; the well is now down to within
less than a hundred feet of sea-level and
in going n thousand feet moro either
brine or solid salt may bo obtained.
Dr. Busline has been by the board ap
pointed physician of the reform school in
place of "Dr. Dildinc , deceased , the ap
pointment to go into effect at once. Tlio
appointment of superintendent for the
stnto home for tliufooblo minded has not
yet been made , but piosumably will bo
the present session of the board.
Among the visitors at the state house
yesterday wore George Cornelius , a mom-
her ol the Inst legislature , and Captain
Henry , of Fairmount , assistant quarter-
muster general of the state militia.
Police court yesterday lined William
Goss , a farmer living n lew miles out of
the city , five dollars and costs for prac
ticing his team in the city under the iiu-
jjression that he was running a race. Tlio
line and costs wore paid and another
party hns learned a lesson.
Charles Cook was the name of n man
who stole n silver watch from the clothes
of a bathing party out on Salt Creek.
The trial following his ofl'enso in this
mutter resulted in Bonding him. to the
county jail for thirty days , where he can
bo found i others are looking-for him ,
S. K. Moore , ono of tlio citizens called
into court on the complaint of the h'ra
warden that ho was allowing combust
ibles to accumulate in and around his
place of business , was up in court yester
day and assessed n fine of $5 and costs ,
the lowest line tinder the ordinance.
Tlu'CP plain cases of drunkenness were
heard yesterday , and one oi the victims
looked as though ho had been through a
sausage grinder so well bruised up nnd
cohered with court plaster wore his
features , whilu ono ear showed the rav
ages of some hungry party who had
taKcn oil' thn greater part of it. The
usual fines and commitments followed
their hearings.
The deputy district attorney filed the
papers in the cases against tnc saloon
keeper at the St. Charles hotel , charging
him with both selling liquor on Sunday
and also selling to minors. The case was
sot for hearing yesterday afternoon , and
a hearing in the case means that it will
lie pushed and that kind of business bo
The proprietor of the National hotel
appearctl before the court for the third
time yesterday charged with violating
the health ordinance , and the judge pro
posed to innko it tha last time , imposing
a line of $2.1 ana costs ,
Kansas City Ann , a notorious female
of color and oil'virtue , was up in court
yesterday for drunk and disorderly con
Tlio city council havu found n vigorous
and substantial supporter of their side ot
the casn in tha suwernge question in thu
State Democrat and its now editor nnd
the council receive a good many good
endorsements from citizens generally.
The State Journals fiasco muc'tiug is ovi-
donlly bottomless.
Mr. T. J. Plokott , Jr. , of Ashland calls
at the BEE'S ollico to have the concction
nindo that Sonntor Van Wyck speaks nt
Ashland on thu 14th nnd not on the 10th ns
previously announcedin these columns.
Mr. F. b. Pallno made request to the
city council and the request was granted
to build a three slory brick block nt
Thirteenth and O street to bo in size 25x
143 foot. The building will rise nt onco.
A dime circus has boon holding thu fort
in Lincoln the last week and it scorns to
grow in patronage as thu days pass ns a
natron ot clrousoTegroat or small Lincoln
is n success.
A man in a terrific slate of Inloxicnllon
wns accosting citizens on the street yester
day mornlngnsklng for the Young Men's '
Christian association rooms. He found a
cool corner in the city jail instead.
yesterday wore registered the following
Nebraska cHizons : Fred Shaw , Hastings ;
H. S. LoFovro , Bontrico : L. A. Kent ,
Mindcn ; M. Dunham , Omaha ; R. W.
FnrnnH. Brownvlllej J. C Roberts , David
City ; H. C. Scott , Ashland ; J. li. Dins-
mont ; 0.11 , Paul , Hastings ; Wm. Beck-
mail , Syracuse.
Byron Reed's block of ono-story bricks
on bouth Tnirtcouth street between How
ard and Jackson are rapidly neariug
completion ,
Forty deeds and thirty-one mortgngos
wore tiled with the county clerk yester
C. K. Tavlor , of the county clerk's
force , is at work on the tax list for 1630
The docket for the August term ol
Judge McCulIocu' * court wnu called yes
terday. Of the forty-oight cases oti the
calendar loss than a dozen wore assigned
for trial.
Nell Skew , n Dane , lookout naturaliza
tion papers yesterday.
Benjamin Danovlts has commenced a
suit for ? < XX ) damuges ngainst Udward T.
Peterson for nn alleged branch of con
tract tor the purchase , by the defendant ,
of loti 11 and 13 in block 8 , Bedford
A Budding Wyoming Town with a Power
ful Pair of Ltinga.
\Vitlitlio Snow-Capped Ijnrnintc Peak
1'lcrcing the Clouds In the
Background I'rogre.sH
or the llnllronil.
Donuv3 , Wyoming , July 80 , 18$0.
'Corrcspoiutciico of the BKI : . ] Fi'om
bank to bank lie North Pintle river Is
about GOO feet wiilo at this point , and in
tlio spring , or wlion tlio river is liigli ,
there is probably an average ileplh of
eight or ten feet of water , At tiiis season ,
liowovor , it is very low , and tennis ford
It readily. Opposite the new town silo of
Douglas the course of the river is nearly
duu south , and tlio town is platted di
rectly on its cast bank. As stated in my
last letter , "the future great , " as the
jealous press of the other and uliler towns
facetiously called Douglas , is situated
near tlio center of a plain or valley aver
aging from ono to two miles wide. The
viuw here is simply splendid. On the
West is the Laraniio range of mountains ,
in full view , and some forty or forty-live
miles south , but frequently appearing to
be scarcely a rille shot away , rises the
famous Laraniio Peak , a tall , steep ,
pointed mountain , towering toward tlio
clouds and overlooking all the otliur
peaks of Its range , and from whoso sum
mit MIOW can bo seen a largo portion of
the year.
Several years ago , some seven miles
northwest of lioro , on a high tract of
ground at the confluence of the North
Pintle and La Prclo creek , on the north-
Dank of the former , was located the fain
ous military post of Fort Fettorman. It
novel1 had any forlilications like a fort
proper , but consisted simply of a few
barracks and warehouses for
commissary supplies. Several com
panies of soldiers wcro stationed
thorn to hold jn cheek tlio Indians that
then infested this country and committed
the worst atrocities and barbarities im
aginable on the frontiersmen and emi
grants , but the red men wcro finally
forced on to reservations , and about four
years ago the troops were withdrawn
and Fort Fettorman was abandoned as a
military post. The government build
ings were sold at auction and purchased
for a trillo by discharged soldiers and
othor.s , and a little village or trading
point has sineo boon kept up , quite a pat
ronage being derived by the merchants
and business men from the stock ranches
in thib portion of the territory.
Taking its name from said military
post , this section of country , including
the eastern half of central Wyoming , has
been known as "tho Fettennan country , "
and whun it became certain that this par-
adi o of the stockmen and the cowboys
was actually to bo Invaded by the great
est civilizor the world ever know , the
locomotive , people from all the states
and territories turned their attention this
way. As Fort Fottorman Is located in
the center of a military reservation or
tract of land some six by ton miles in
area , it was of course impossible to locate
the proposed new town at or near bald
military post , BO tlio railroad company ,
or rather the townsito company , secured
COO acres of land at this point just cast
and outsldo of the reservation , and about
a month ago the town of Douglas was
The reader will no donbt inquire , "Why
was it not called Fcttcrman instead of
Douglas ? " The reason is : Everybody iu
this section desired that it bo called Fet-
tcrman , and no opportunity was neglect-
cd to have their wishes made known to
the town silo company. The latter read
ily acceded to the popular demuuil , but
the postotlico department refused on ac
count of having postoflices named i't.
Fiittcrmnn and Fcttcrman , as a similarity
of names always causes much trouble
and annoyance in handling the mails.
Finally thu name of Douglas was given ,
in honor , I understand , of the lamented
Stephen A Douglas. The change was
very unsatisfactory at first , and it set
people outside to studying geography
( through the newspapers ) , but wo arc all
getting accustomed to it and the term
"Tho Douglas country , " will soon become
as familiar and popular as the old title.
As early as March pcoplo began com
ing here and looking over thu situation.
The iirst location , of course , wasasaloon ,
a little wooden shanty being erected for
tlio purpose. The second was u restau
rant in a tent , the third a grocery in a
tent , and the fourth was a tent nine feet
square , pitched by your correspondent
and four companions This constituted
the town about the Iirst of April.
The little settlement was established
on one corner of the company's land ,
whore it was known the town plat or
survey would not reach , and from that
time on people begun to como in. On
the 12th of Juno a canvass showed that
wo bad about two hundred pcoplo hero ,
and business tents and houses were being
established so rapidly that it became
necessary to form streets between them.
Everything moved along nicely until one
day the railroad surveyors came along
and sot grade stakes directly through
our little town , and a few days later the
graders came along and commenced
work and about half the touts and build
ings bait to bo moved. Previous to this ,
in fact last year. Mr. Frank S. Lusk , of
the town by that name , fifty-five miles
east of lioro , had purchased a tract of
land adjoining : the company's townsito
land on the north. This was his oppor
tunity for a speculation , so ho platted a
portion of it iu blocks and lots and
streets and Is reaping a rich financial
harvest by renting lots for live and ton
dollars a month each , according to loca
tion. Of course this raised a storm of *
indignation and n largo crop of profan
ity , but there was no help for it , and the
greater portion of the towu Is now on
the Lusk land.
The townsito company has platted
some thirty odd blocks about thrco-quar-
tors of a mile south , which I will discrlbit
fully in my next letter , when I will also
give the exact number of business houses
already established and the number of
Two banks , one a national , liavo al
ready boon established , and nearly every
branch of business is represented , The
JJKK is becoming very popular here , and
as you are aware , has already attained a
largo daily circulation hero. Although
it hits to go up the Union Pacific and
around by Roclc Creek and Fort Fetter-
man. and is these days old when it
reaches Douglas , a uowfadoalor informs
me that ho thinks the three news agent-
cies must sell nearly a hundred conies
daily , and the public knowledge that the
HEE has a representation here who will
pay special littontion to the interests of
that paper , and that a "Central Wyom
ing Bureau" is to bo established and
become a prominent feature of that
enterprising daily , causes him to In
crease his order for copies nearly every
Our people foci feel like having a day
of thanksgiving , for the fact that
Douglas is now a regularly established
postotllcc. A mail route from Fort
Fetterman has also been established and
dally service was put in for the iirst time
the aatti. , Thursday. The sight of a mail
carrier and looked mail ponchos was ono
of the plcasantqst the pcoplo of Douglas
have witnessed. Of course everything in
the mail line now has to como around
via Itock Creek aiid Fort Fcttcrman , IU >
miles of thoi distance , by stage ,
requiring about three days from Omaha ,
but tlunk God ami tlio Elkhorn Valley &
Wyoming Central Co. , in twenty days
tlw iron norse will be here , and wo will
bo out the woods , or ratlicr out of the
wilderness. Only think of 111 Last
March your correspondent was nine days
coming fiom Chadron to this point with
a freight team. . Iiv a few days wo can
make the distance in six hours ; can go
from Douglas to Omaha In a it ay , or to
Chicago in less ttian two days.
Hut what we wiU then particularly
want ami need is a direct line from Fre
mont , Nob. , or some other point , to
Omaha , built and controlled by the Klk-
horn Valley lino. And it Is as much to
Omaha's interest as to the people of cen
tral Wyoming , for , with such a road ,
operated judiciously , with tasfjlrnins and
moderate tariUs , Omaha will bo to this
country what Chicago is to Illinois and
lown , the great wholesale point for
Nebraska , Wyoming and the Black Hills
country. 1 shall have more , and consid
erable more , to say on this subject In the
future , but If the press and people of
Omaha are alive to the interests and
future welfare of their rapidly growing
city , they will at once begin to agitate
this question of direct railroad communi
cation and rapid transit , for this country
is great enough , and has sulllolont re
sources , to make Omaha the Chicago of
the northwest ,
Uy the way : I know TUB Dr.n is always
pleased to note the progress and success
of native Nebraskans , wherever they may
stray. And In speaking of this now post-
pllieo , 1 will say that our now postmaster
is an old Nebraska boy , Mr. James F.
McKoynolds , formerly of I'oru , Noinahn
county , and son of Daniel McRoynolds ,
n pioneer of that place. Mr. Reynolds
loft the paternal roof ten years ago.
when he was about llfteen years old , anil
drifting to the frontier became a verita
ble cowboy , following said occupation
until last May , when his natural ability
and shrewd business tact and exemplary
business habits attracted the attention of
C. 11. King , the wholesale merchant of
Lhadron who is investing so heavily at
Douglas , anil ho engaged Mr. McKov-
nolds to take chargu of n store at this
point , Mr. Melt , resigned his position
of foreman of the llorrio ( Jattlo Co. ,
which ho had held five years , and en
gaged with Mr. King , and soon , without
solicitation on his part , received the en
dorsement of nearly everybody in this
section for postmaster. Thanks to Dele
gate Carey , the appointment was prompt
ly made out , the necessary commission
issued , and to-day Douglas hofl a post-
office and ono of the most eflieient and
accommodating postmasters In existence ,
who , it is confidently cxpeoted , will be
handling mall for a city of 10,000 inhab
itants one year from this date. E. 11. K.
Ilia Gifts from Friends Sold at 1 no
tion itf New Orleans.
A New Orleans dispatch , July 21. says :
To-day the osta tt * qf the Into I'litit Mor-
phy , the celebrated cluss player , was
bold out at public mid ion , to close up the
succession , it embraced pieces of real
estate- and somd personal property , nota
bly a number of trophies and testimo
nials to his gJ'JiijL prowess in chess ,
Among them were a crown of nilvor designed -
signed in the foliitgeof the latinil , typical
of victory , presented to Morphy in IfW ! )
by the Union - Chess club of Now
lork , and a , solid silver fcorvjco ,
consisting of pjtchcr. four goblets ,
and a largo salver , won by Morphy iu
the international chess tourney which
took place In JMew York in 1857. On the
salver is an engr.iving roiiresentliiiK
ilorpjiy iu the act.'oftviniiingilio , decisive
game"rf ) the toiirn6y from Paulson , Each
place benrs'tho'inonogram ' "P. M. " The
centre of 'attraction ' was the rich nmt
ohiborote chess board of ulturmttu .squares
of pearl and ebony and elegantly
wrought men of solid gold and silver.
The designs of these pieces are intended
to express the opposing forces of civil
ization , Tim gold men represent civil
ization and the silver men barbarismand
the hand of the artist wrought each piece
to represent some phnsfe.and character
istic of the age portrayed. This chess board
and the chessmen were presented to
Morphy nt New York after his return
from his triumphal lour through Europe.
The work was done by Tiffany , the chess
men costing $1,500 and the board 200.
The presentation was made by the Hon
orable John Van Rurcn. On the same
occasion Morphy was also presented with
a line gold watch with colored chess
figures in place of the Roman numbers to
murk the hours. When Morphy felt the
pinch of poverty lie sent tlio watch to
Pans to bo pawned. It has never been
The sale , which was had nt the Arcade
exchange , attracted much attention. Tlio
chessmen were sold iirst , the opening
bid being $1,000 which was quickly ad
vanced to $1,100 , then to $1,300 and up to
§ 1,500 , wlioro the bidding halted for a
moment. This was advanced to $1,550 ,
and , not being advanced , the sot was
knocked down to Mr. Walter Denogre ,
wno , it is said , was acting for the New
York and Brooklyn chess club. Tlio
silver laurel crown began at $100 and ad
vanced quickly to ? 2i5. Mr. Snniory , n
retired merchant , added § 25 more * and
secured the crown for $250. The sale of
the .silver service was opened with n two-
Imndrcd-and-fifty dollar bid and went up
to100 , nnti Wils knocked down to Mr.
Samory tilso.
Fooling with handed WenpoiiH.
Washington Critic : "Daniel. " re
marked thu president , in a-voico of warn
ing authority.
' 'Yes , sire , " responded Daniel , with n
little tremble.
"I notice that two new postoflices have
been named 'Laniont' in your honor. "
"Yes , sire. "
"And none 'Cleveland , ' Daniel. "
"No , biro , "
"Well , Daniel , my advice to you is to
bo caroful. Do not grasp too eagerly at
the bubble fame. A postofllco , Daniel , is
often loaded. Yoit-know my opinion re
specting ofl'enslvo .partisans. You may
go , Daniel ; " and the president waivc'd
his hand after tlio jiiannor of a man giv
ing an imltntioh'of Clark Mills' eques
trian statue of1 George Washington
crossing Pennsylvania avenue.
, * *
Wall Street Ndws ; A Cincinnati youth ,
fourteen years 'oflige ' , called upon u
lawyer a few daya-ngo and asked him
what sort of anv ofl'ouBo it would bo if a
boy kept $000 which a firm gave him to
put in tlio bank/ '
"My son , " rcplib'd 'the lawyer , "let me
give you some ndviso gratia this tlmo.
Wait four or fivivyttwM and then oabbtigo
at least $10,000 and como to mo for gui
dance. "
The boy wont off , whistling and bunked
tlio uiouoy.
The Catholic Universe lias opened a
promising subscription fund toward a
memorial of Dr , Orestes A. Urownson ,
which will perhaps take the form of an
endowed chair in the American Catholic
University at Washington.
A suggestion is made that an olcotrio
railing bo placed outside the regular
railing of the Brooklyn bridge in such n
manner that cranks who want to jump
will be so badly shocked as to bo unequal
to the undertaking.
It isn't often that a melon seed thrown
in the street begins to send out snoots ,
but one did so in New York the otbci
day , from between two paving stonw.
Jlio curiosity was nluccod , however , and
its growth interrupted.
llcrmosn Swing * tlio O.ito to the Tta
IlF.nMcm , Dak. , July 01. Hermosa ,
or Battle Hirer formerly , is situated
in a big valley on Buttle creek , asid
has ns much good rk-h farming
land tributary to it as has Rapid City ,
twontv-two miles south of us. Wo are
on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley railroad , and the town is fast
building up two or three blocks from
the depot.
We luivo the natural route up Rattle
creek to the famous Etta tin mine. It is
fourteen miles from Hermosa station to
the Etta mine , while Rapid City is thirty
miles. Freight for the Black Hills coun
try to Etta mine , Hill City , llarnoy City ,
UTgerville , Howard and Hoekervillo isor-
dered oft'at llormosa in the last olllclal
Coal has just been found two and one-
half miles from here , and considerable
excitement prevails in consequence of it.
Ono or tlio Oldest and Jlost Fnmous
of the Itomnulos.
Iho Century : "Fifty or sixty years
ajro tlin gypsies in England wore a much
more remarkable race than they are at
present. The railway had not come to
break up their habits : there were hun
dreds of lonely places In dell and dmglo
where they could 'hatch the tan , ' or
pitch the tent ; their blood had been lit
tle mixed with that of the 'Uorgio,1 or
gcntllo. They spoke their language witli
greater purity than at present , and still
kept their old characteristics unchanged.
If they had the faults of the Arabs , they
had also many of their good qualities. If
they stole horses and foraged on farmers ;
if tlielr women told fortunes , lied , and
sometimes cheated a man out of all his
ready money by pretending to ilnd a
treasure in his cellar , on the other hand
they wore extremely grateful and honest
to those who befriended them , and mani
fested in many ways a rough manliness
which partially rcdeomcu their petty
vices , They wore all , as are many ot
their sons at present , indomitable 'rough
riders' 'of tnc horse horsey , ' and , to a
man , boxers , so that many of them were
distinguished in the prize-ring , the last of
these being Jem Mace. At this time
tbcro prevailed among the English
Romany a strong , mutual faith , a tribal
honesty , which was limited but all the
stronger for that even as the arms of a
man grow stronger when he loses the use
his legs. They wcro a people of power
ful frames , passions , and traditional
principles. Their weak children soon
died troin the hardships of nomadic life ,
the remainder illustrated selection by
Bufl'oring , and the survival of the fittest
to fight
"With such characteristics there could
not fail among the gypsies man } striking
instances of warm friendship , intense
love , and the fidelity which endures oven
till death. This was known of them
when little clso was known beyond their
most apparent and repulsive traits.
Walter Scott indulged in no romantic
license when he depicted Hayrnddin
Mangrabln devoted to Qiiontln Durward ;
even at present the Incident of a thought
ful gift or any little act of kindness to
them will bo remembered with a grati
tude out of nil proportion to Its value ,
and go the rounds of all the Romany in
the United States , Anil , therefore , when
men fell in love with women there often
resulted those Instances of inteiiHo passion
and steady faith which at Iho present
day are really becoming mythical. The
cypsy in this , as in everything else , has
boon a continuation of the middle
ages , or of the romance era.
"Such a passion was inspired more
than half a century ngo by Jack Cooper ,
the Kurumcngro Horn , or lighting gypsy ,
in a girl of his own trlbo. nor pamo was
Charlotte Leo , and it was about 1830 that
Lcslio , the royal academician , led by the
fame of her beauty , puinted the picture ,
now in New York in the possession of his
sister , Mies Emma Leslie , troni which an
engraving was tauen. The fame of her
charms still survives among her people ,
and when a few days ago as I write , 1 was
talking of Charlotte to some gypsies of
her kin near Philadelphia , I was asked if
meant the Rlnkeui that is , the beauti
ful ono. "
An Important Decision.
Estellino Bell : A man was recently
brought before a Ynnkton ( D. T. ) justice
of the peace on the charge of assault and
battery. "Tho complaint says that you
attacked this man with a knife and nearly
killed him ; how is it ? " said the jtisice.
"Yes , 1 stabbed at him a few times ; he
came up to my house and began abusing
mo and calling mo names and "
"That's no reason for assaulting him the
way yon did. " "Hold on a , minute ,
iiidge ; then he jumped around and said
no could lick rno and struck nt mo "
"Still you had no business to attack him
so savagely ; you nearly killed him. "
"That's all right , Your Honor , I'll ex
plain ; then ho wont on to abuse my wife
and began chasing the children around
the yard and " "That will do von
had'no excuse for attacking ( him with n
knife ; you should have called a police
man to rcmovo him ; 1 must hold you for
attempt to kill. " "Just another word ,
iudgo , after that he walked over and
kicked my do < ? and " "Hoy ? kicked
that liver-colored bird-dog of yoursV
"ISot ho did , judge ; walked right up to
him when no wa'n't doin' nothin' and
kicked him right in thoside. " "Yes , and
just as like as not injured him so you
can't hunt with him this season ; why
didn't you tell me this at first ? you did
perfectly right in going at him with a
knife , and I discharge you. Mr. Plain
tiff , just whack up a $10 line to this court
tfor kicking the dog. "
Dlcdlcal Testimony.
100 WKST 40ni aTKKKT.
NEAV YOHK , Juno 0,1683.
Having in the course of a largn prac
tice extensively used Allcook's Porous
Plasters in the various diseases and con
ditions ot the lungs and pleura , and
always with success , I recommend their
usu in that most aggravating disease ,
summer Catarrh , or Hay Fever ; strips
Sf Piaster applied over thu throat and
olinst will afford great relief from the
choking tickling in the throat , wheezing ,
chortiiuss of breath , and pains In the
chest. IL McCouJUG'K , M. D ,
A California tailor tried to run awny
from his wife ti'.ul boardoil a Hailing ves
sel for Honolulu. His wife went by
steamer , got there first , mot him when
ho landed , and escorted thu unhappy man
back homo.
The most stubborn and distressing
cases of dyspepsia yield to the regulat
ing nnd toning Influences of Hood's Sar-
saparlllu. Try it.
The British and Canadian governments
having agreed on a joint arrangement us
to necessary fortifications in ItritlKh Col
umbia , Lieutenant Colonel O'Urion , of
the Royal engineers , is selecting the Bite *
for the forts.
Dr. A. Stolnbergor. tlio first person in
America to smelt iron with anthracite
coal , and whoso death In Denver took
place recently , practiced mcdioino many
years ago in Whitomarah township ,
Montgomery county.
TTheu JUbjwu sicV , w T her Caitcrtt ,
Wlten alia via a Child , bo cried for CastorU.
Wlim > ba bccuaa Ulu , ( b * clncc to CulorU ,
WLeu ( it * had CUldica , > U C .TO them Cutorl *
"Foot * Hush In , Where AngoU Fear
to Trend. "
So Impetuous 5'outh is otton giyiin to
oily and indiscretion * ; and , as n result ,
nervous , mental and organio debility
follow , memory Is iinn.iired , solf-conll-
denco is lacking ; at night bail dreams
occur , premature old age sccma setting
in , ruin is in tlio track. In confidence ,
you oan , and should write to Dr. R , V ,
Pierce , of Hull'alo , N. Y. , the author of
a treatise for the benefit of that class of
patients , and describe your symptoms
and sulVeriiiEs Ho can euro you at your
homeand will send you full particulars by
Magnesium , which IIIH more than oneo
been abandoned as a source of light , ap
pears likely to bo employed again , a pro
cess having boon discovered for produc
ing pure magnesium by electrolysis , and
at n price much less than that at which It
wai formerly obtainable. At the works
in Dromon , whuro the manufacture of
magnesium Is carried on , are
offered for the construction of the best
magnesium lamps having clockwork
For rheumatism and neuralgia St. Ja
cobs Oil is a sure cure.
At n sale iu Gloucester lust week llicro
was sold for 10 guineas an interesting
document connected with the period of
tlin memorable .siugo of ( Jloueoater by
the forces of Charles 1. In 1013. It li a
written proclamation under Iho king's
sign manual , regarding provisions for
the camp , nnd is dated on the day when
the siege commenced , August 10 , "at our
court at Paynswlcko. " It appears , there-
lore , that when the siege was declared
the king had Ins headquarters nt Pains-
Dontou'Hllntr Urowor
All who are KALI ) , alt who are uecomlna
BALD , all who do not want to tin lulil , all
who nro troubled with DANDRUFF , or
11'OiltNO of the scalp ; should use llmiton's
Hair Grower. EIOIITV PKH CUNT of those
usiiifc it liavo prown hair. It never falH to
stop the lialr Irani tnlllng. Through slrlcucss
and lovers the hair sometimes hulfl oil In a
Rliort thno , and nlthoiiKli the person may
have remained bald [ or years , If yoiiuso Hun-
ton's Hair Glower according to dheutlons
you nro sure of a growtli of hair. In hun
dreds of cases we Imvo produced a coed
growth of Hair on those who have been bald
nnd clazed for years we have fully substan
tiated the following facts :
Wo grow Hair in 80 cases out of 100 , no
matter how longbald.
Unlike other contains no
sugar o lead , or vegetable or mineral
Ills a specific for falllnj ; hair , dandruff ,
aud itching of thu scalp.
The Hair Glower is a hair food , and its
omposltion is almost exactly like the oil
which supplies the hair with Its vitality.
When the skin Is very tough and Hard , and
the folllco is apparently cftcotually closed ,
tlio Hluglo strength will sometimes fall to
reach tno papilla ; in such cases tlio double or
triple strength should boused In connect Ion
with the single , using them alternately.
Price , sliiirlo strength , Sl.OO ; double
sticngth , 8'J.oo ; trijilo strength , JsS.oo. if
your druggists have not got It wo will send U
prepared on lecolpt of price. _ , . ,
„ „ „ „
Cleveland , O.
Sold by 0.1' , Goodman and Kulm .fcOo.
J5ili ana Duuttlni. 18th aud Cumins3
Halters say that straw hats wcro worn
less this summer than for u long time ,
white hats being the favorite stylo.
flAVORf(5 | | (
"S Qi'
Prepared with Mrlct regard to PiirltT , Etrcngtli onfl
llenltlifulnon. iir. I'rifn't Iluklni ; I'mtcler contalna
B9Al9n'onla ' > ' ' 'nloor ' lul1'l l > r. I'rlcu'n lixtrncti ,
vanlun , Lemou , Orancc , etc. , fl ror Ucllclously ,
PRICE BAKINQ POWDE/l CO. , Chicago cuid St. Louli.
LOffDOff , iB8 ,
OfaIlGr0cersDnisgisttfy'Min. H'at.Dcalerf ,
Pays Best
CITIMATCS or Co T IN * N NcwtMrciii , >
The H. P. Hubbard Co. ,
Succiiion to H P. HUECARD ,
jjudlclous Adyeiiislng Agents and Experts ,
Ettabtiihtd 1871 , lnorpot t d | 08J ,
New Haven , Conn.
200 Pat C T K > 6uc er
ni > ER , " BINT Fntt ON
I'roducinjf a rlcli. baautiful OLOSH and
No Stuvch yet Introducml can be com-
pnrcU with the MAG 10.
One imeftajje Aviil do the work of ttvo
pouutlaoforditmry aturcb.
Bold under suarcutot of tli uaaufaiiturcr * .
SLOAN , J01INSON & CO. . Wholesale
Agents , Omaba , Seb ,
l'rofp orof Mpillclnc at Iho lloyfil , .
Knlehl < > t Ihn Un l A\itrlnn Onlcr of tlir Iron
( Tnnn ; Kiiluht iVmtimnrtor nt ( ho llojnl SnnnKli
Onlorof l iliolliu KnluM of llio lloynl I'ni fnn Or-
rtorof tlifllUMiKinilPil'liCTnllrr ot tha l/c ljn of
llnnor.ptr , otr , wi >
"i.Kiimi roc cot'A iiKriKTONIC unnnM noi b
ponruiuulpil wllli llinhortlo of trn.lijeuro ll . II I *
In iimeinoof ilin wimln pntrnt nmivilj , 1 nm llior-
ulily ronTptvinlnilhlK moiln f lut'i'miillon nnil
-.iiw U to bo lint only u Irultlinnla plmnimroutloul
* , hilt iil owortliy of tno hlcli ronittioiKlnllnni
1 liusri'ci'Ucil In nil i > nrt nt Ihn nurlil. U rontmns
i' pnro nt licet , rapu.Uulnlnc. Iron anil Cnllir"i
liiTnliii\lvh < li nil nho nrn Itnn Down , NBtTOMn. Dil
I'cptlo , Illllom , .MalntloiM or nmuvil wltti ncitk kUI >
Her Majesty's Favoritlc CosineticGlycerLo
I'-nl br HIT lloysl lllplinc'o tha 1'tlnieM ut Wnlel
Rndlhn noMllty For Ih fkln , Coniplaxlon , I'riii/
tlouKChni'lMc | | , lloiiKhnp.itl IW. Of ilro Klil * .
1. liniH ) CIVS ( JfMiiiIno f jrun ot SarMimrllhi , U
mmranteril tuthr Imit Munnpnillm In ttminnrkoU
N. V ntiroT. M MUllllAY BTIIKKT.
ono III UK won J psnoratl
rontlnuonf Fttctrtcit JMpnr
. - Viirrfnf. Srlontlfloroircrmi , nimbi * ,
onifortnblo * i l I Uiviltt. Atulil rrnuiK.
< lT rf > nnoc'irrl. RfnrtRMmp fnrpflnM'litat.
. r.i.iuritii : nr.i.T * fou IUHEAHI ! ; * .
THU . ( JU.M'I.HMIi.VH 1'IUK.M ) .
MM. ( * vrtllirtchlioltlp. Hiiro
" ' lire in 1 to 1 ilays. Auk your ilriicxHt
for It. Rent to an/aililri-51 fur tt I.OO.
Messrs. Kuhn & Co. , AgenLs.
Tickets only 95. Bbnroi 111 rioportloa.
I'Wa do hornhy cortlty that > rc svimirviso tha
nrrnniruinoiitsfnrnii thu Monthly nnu ( Junrtorly
Iriiwlima of Tlio l < niil.slumi Btttto lottery
Cotmmny and In uoranu immiiffo and control
Uiolirawiiivsthnmsolvuj , mul that thosnino nro
conducted with hononty. fidrnu s mid In good
faith toward alt i.'irtlo * , and \vo nuthorUo the
Company to uno tills cyrtldcato , with fao-glmliua
clour siamituruu nttnohoJ in tu udvnrtlaineat
_ _ _ _ _
Wo.thoiinrtei-aljniecl Ilnnki nnd BnnUora , will
? ay all Prizes drawn In Tlio Louisiana Statu I < Pt-
torica which may bo proflotitod nt our oountorl
J. II.
Fres , Louisiana National Bant
, i. w , lUMtuirm ,
Pres , State National Bani
A , HAM ) WIN ,
Pres , New OrleansNatlonal Banfc.
Jncorporntod in JB53 forql yonra ny tlio lojli-
laturo tor KiUicutloiml nnd Chiirltnlile purnmoi
with u capital of fl.OOO.WW to which u roaorvQ
fund of ever S.V > UUUO hua Blnco boon ad'.Icxl.
By an overwhelming popular vote lufriuiohlia
TUB made uimrt of tlKiiiroflomHtato Constitution
ndoiitoilDucotnlor"d. A. D. 187'J.
The only lottery ever voted on and oudorsoJ
by the people of any Bluto.
It novnr scntei or postpones.
Itsirrnnd single number drawings talto plaoo
monthly , nnd the extraordinary ilnxwlinrrf regu
larly every three niontlm of
ully < IH noretotoro , Dcmimlng Mnreh , 1880 ,
A Bpi.iNwn OpponTiwtTVTo WIN A Voim/itn.
Bill Grand Urnwlnir , CIHM II , IP the Acmlumy of
Music. Now Orlcmns , Tuesday , Ailf 10th , 1641
lltttli Monthly Dramntr.
CAPITAL $75,000.
JOO.WOTicUots nt 1'lvo Dollars Knoli , Fraction !
In VUtla , In Proportion.
usr or
do do
] do cjo . . . , , . , . , 1U.OOO
si' 58 OF 8nooo J2JUO (
do aooo 10,000
do , . ] , nee 10,000
do ( M 10,000
do , . , . , , xon
do 100
WO do M
1000 do , U 88.0W
BApimixImiitkm I'rl csof S750 > , . O.T.V )
9 do do rn"
B Ha do
ll 7Prizesamountln ? to , . . . , , .
Application for rntnn to clubs hoid | | lie mild9
onlr to tba ( inloo of the company In tii\rlc
For further Information wnto conrlyprlr/ii ] / ?
fnlUddros3. POBl'Ali NOTES , KxproH Moii v
Orilors.orHow York lixchuiifro in ordinary letter -
tor , currency br exoro&t at our ozponso ad
N L'\V Orleans , Li.
Waslilntrtou.D. 0.
Mnko P. O. Money Orders parable nnrt addrosi
roirlBtorod letters to
New Urlomis , La.
The Greatest Invention of the Ago.
/ XjX7Sa ? l33 w w
lleuiljr foruieliinnoinlnntoi unvet Inlior , lime unit
trouble ) coiiluliii nil llio lnpre < 1li > iitui > l bir lituiulry
niciii KlvoB a ImndHoiiii-r pnlUli tliuii nv otfiorHinri'li
oier iciiinurncturt'dl It In | > ut up IIIU1,1 | , 1UUM )
I'.MJKAUK ! ) , no short weluliis. One pound eijimli
two tiimiiili nf 11117 otnur blnrcti. Horn tj nil llr t <
pluu\ttrucon \ , nhu uvpljr HAMl'l.lC l .
Hocprillx Ilullt. Nowlf urol'hod
The Tremont.
J , C. I'rr/.fJlillAl.l ) & KON , I'rnp/totors.
Cor. Hh nn < | 1'HU. , Lincoln , Nob.
llntos M.00i > i'r day , Utrvot can Irainjiouiio lo nnf
( art of the cuy.
J. \\MIA\VKINO \ ,
Omccp--SJ , 34 anil VJ , KUjiiunls Itlook , Lincoln ,
Nob. liluviitor oallth stnmt.
Hrtcilur ot llreeiler of EIIOIUUUKNUTTI.I
lf , M WOODS ,
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hill os mii'lQ In all purls of tlin IF. B. ntfu'r '
rutos. Koom : i , PlHtu Itlock , Lincoln , Nul > .i
( Jullaway undUhort Horn bull * foruln.
1) ) . H. UOULDJNG ,
Farm Loans and Insurance.
Correspondence In roifnr.l to lontK wiiiclloX
lloum 4 , KlcliimU Uloclc , Uiiuuln , t'u'i.
Public Sale ,
Denver , < > . , Juno KMIi , ItfftG ,
< 0 lion. ) of Show Sborl Horns llutos & t'rulok
llinuW , S-ycnr-oMs , WdlliliiX 11.VI ; bull * unit
liollora. AdtlruKi KjoM mul Kunn , for faluldtf-
ucu , Dinivnr , Co | . C.M. Iliniisun , Uucolii , NoU
Col. V. U. WooJt Aiifllonuur.
Wuou lut/iiicolii mo | > ut
National Hotel ,
And Kot n uootl dinner for25c.