iijtj8iijitfl' " ' f 9 4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY AUGUST 4. 18S& THE DAILY BEE. , N . tifi OMAHA orrtcr u AXII Nrw IOIIK orrirc , luioMiW. TIIIIU-M ! lirti.uiwi. \VAfcIIIMlTOM Of I fCE , NO. timifllTriiNTIl STIltKT. 1'tiullihoil flviiry inornlnir , except Sitndnr. The only .Monday morning | > < ipor imMiihcil In ( lie stnto , ir.nMR nr MAIL : Onn Votr . . . . $10.tOThrot | ) Monllm. . JiSO Kit Month * . . . . 6 0J ( I Olio. Month . l.VO TIIK. WiiKKt.Y IlF.r.rtiullsliotl Hvcry Wednesday. Ono Vcnr , with premium . 52-00 Ono V < * nr ( without premium . I. " Pit Month" , without premium . 7S Ono Month , on trlnl . 10 All eommnnlcnlloni rclntlnpr to new * nii'l odl- torlnl mutter * . Mioilld btnddiessuil to tlio Ilm- Timor TUB IlKK. HC.1NF.IS | l.ETTF.ltfi : AM lii ilnf > fl Icttn s nml rcmlttnncci should l > o nddrcs od to Tin HKI ! I'IJIIUSIIIMI COMPANY , OMAHA. Drrtflu , clircks nnl pnatofllro ere > rs In Ito mndo pnj nblo to tliu order of tlio comimnj , IHf BftPDBllSHIlFcWpJlITi PROPRIETORS , n. K08UWATKH , KtilTOH. T1IU HAHjV I1KK. Rworn Statement ufOlroulntlotu Hlntn ot Ncbrnskn , 1 - County nf Dotmlni. f " * ' ( ! co. ] ) . cliiickHCcrotaryot ! > llic HPO Pub' Ilslilnu company , tloi-s Bou-ninly swear tlmt tlio nctunl circulation or ttio Daily Dec lor the week ending July UOth , USOvns as follows : Sntinilny.SItU . 12.-100 Jlontlny , J.'fltll . l'.U > CO Tuesday. 27tl . ial'jr. \ Vwlnp.silayJSth . is.101 Tlnirslayt-K.itli . lU.OoO Krlilny , anil . ii.gr. ! Average . iinoo ( lio. : H. 'lV.iciii.Th. Subscribed nnrt sworn to liororo tno this 2d ilny of August , IfaW ) . N. 1 * . Knit. , frKAt. . | Notary Public. ( ico. B. T/.scliuok , bolnKflrstiluly sworn. dn- posci nml snys Hint ho Is sernstnry of tlio Hoc I'nljllflilnif company. dial tlio actual average dally circulation of tno Dally Hen for the month of Jnnnary , I8bfi , was 10,1178 , copies ; for February , IbSn. lO.wn copies ; for March. WO. 11.5.-.7 copies : for April , Ibsn , ! ' . , ) copies ; lor Jlnv. ItWO , 18.4.TJ copies ; for June , asso , lB,3ys copies ; for July , IbSO , 12.KU copiers. ttllO. 1J. TXSCIIL'CK. Subscribed nml sworn to bcfoto me , this Sd clny of. August , A. D. IbSO.N. N. P. Kr.ii. . Nolniy Public as to when congress will ud- journ Is still in ordur. IT was nil n niistsiko about John Chirk payine John Sahlcr's board bill nt the Millard. It is clwrguil up to Frank Walters. Iloo butter has received a black oyo. Now lot us hayo legislation wliich will crush out tliL1 adulterations in ether food products. is onjoyliiK himself with hia old comrades in San Francisco , but that letter which failed to materialize whan called for Is not disturbing his dreams. THE dcon interest which the railroad attorneys nro now taking in tlio farmers is something touching to behold. Elec tion day is rapidly approaching , and there will bo a good many votes to count when the returns arc all in. BnN'Afoit VAN WYCK'S ' fences lu Nebraska - braska are well enough seasoned to await bis return from 'Washington. The wind from the railroad prosi has ilbt yet suc ceeded in blowing down any of the panels. , _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT is gratifying to learn , on the author ity of a Texas congressman , that Mr. Bayard "is aroused. " It will bo the par- * ticnlar business of Texas congressmen who hope to continue m tlio favor of their constituents to keep thosucrotaryof slnto in that condition until the justifiable wrath of the Texans is fully appeased. THE next tlmo Mr. Coleman , of Red Willow county , sends the UEE samples of Republican valley corn wo trust ho will kindly forward an extension ladder along with the stalks. It is dilllcult to examine foiirteon-fcet specimens In any othur way. Our plan of carrying them out in the back yard and making the inspection from a second story window will pass oc casional muster , but it Is not as conven ient as wo could wish. Moiti : paving is demanded by property owners , and their demand will bo passed on by taxpayers at a special election. Generally speaking , an extension of pav ing over the residence portion of the city most traveled is in the interest of the community. The ( streets around the high school should bo brought to grade and paved as soon as practicable , and those loading out and into tlio country put in equally good condition , THE full board of county commission ers Imvo started on a llttlo junketing trip to Washington county. When they re turn , a thorough inspection of Douglas county is on the slato. Mileage will bo thrown in , of course , for both trips. The county commissioners remind us of General - oral Howard's ' frequent inspection toura over the department from Oregon to the Missouri for which ho drew his llttlo ton cunts n mile with Christian resignation. KAILROAD CoMMissiONKuGuitu Is much Incensed that some ropublloah papers in Uw Second congrosKlowil district should consider il nndignlflcd and ovim disgrace ful for Jim Laird to have struck Cobb with his list. It strikes us tltat the most cftoctlvo knock-down of Cobb would iiavo boon the presentation of the Indisputable proof that Laird hud nothing to do with tlio Stinking Water frauds , A knock- known argument In often used by men who arc in the wrong , anil who do not know any other way of rosentiiig n truthful but damaging olutrgo. Tin : continuation of Jlagur as collector pf customs at Sun Francisco In Mild to Imvo greatly displeased the Chinese em bassy ut Washington * Ilagar , it will bo remembered , demanded the passports of the Chinese ambassadors when they ar rived at San Franolsco last spring , refus ing permission to them to land until they should produce thcso documents , aiU it was iicccssur.v to appeal to Washington to have the requirements of the now col lector set aside. Tina not of discourtesy duo rather to ignorance than design , in nil probability , though It was quite gen erally believed to Imvo boon intentional was duly upologi/od for by the state do- imrimout ; but it seems to have been the expectation of the umbnssy that the of- .feuding . olllclnl would bo punished by haviug his appointment rojootod , and this result would have fully placated the ( Hiiunso reiia enUUives , They regard the confirmation of Ilagar as an added insult , and nro reported as saying that tlio oiled will tend to impair the cordial * jly of the relations between the twacouu- tricu. A Pertinent Clause. A clause relating to llio federal Judici ary wliich has nn important bearing upon parU not half way across the continent Iroin Omaha was stricken out of a special bill In the Donate on Friday. The llttlo joker of a sentence read ? as follows : That no person related to nny justice or judRO of any court o the United Stntcs by nfllulty or consanguinity , within the duruo of lirst coutln , shall be appointed by such court or judge , or employed by such court or Jud ; o In any olllco or duty In nny coiut of which such justice or jtulRO limy bea member. The passage of supli a prohibition would play puck with the perquis ites of several families in the United States which hold high and mighty and perpetual possession of federal court houses in this land of freedom. It would knock out of handsome jobs n , number of clfrks of courts , masters In chancery , and special commissioners. It would close the doors upon moro than ono "lucrative practice , " which is lucrative largely because clients think they know on which side their bread is buttered. "Mr. President , " said Senator Coki- , on the Uilli of Juno when tliis subject was under debate , " 1 favor tlio amendment which prohibits ledoral judges from filling the olllces of their courts with their relations. Sonio portions of the country have suf- fercd sulliciontly from this cause and it ought to stop. The administration of justice in some of the courts lias boon hampered too long already by thia evil and il should come to an eud. Tlio foun tains of justice should bo pure and no suspicion allowed to exist that family ties or family inllucnco interferes with judi cial administration. " Mr. Coke was quito right. Possibly ho spolco from Texan experience. The re mainder of the senate had evidently also had uxporienco , for on that date the clause was agreed to without dissent. Il was ( itrickon out of the bill on Friday to save tiio mcasuro to which itvas > attached. lut ! it will couio up ] again. And thqn what a scattering there will bo among the cushioned chairs of the court ante rooms. Tlmosllnvo One of our exchanges notes that Mr. Jay Gould's neighbors up at Irvingfon report a good deal of pomp and magnifi cent circumstance in the coming and going of the stock market magnate on his yaoht Atiilanla. When his little launch puts him aboard .of his big .yacht in the morning ready for his trip to the city , he puts his foot on her deck to the tune of 11 cannon's valley and an unfurling of Hags , and at night when she comes to her anchorage oil' his summer mansion there is more cannonading and a lively , not to say regal , dipping of colors. Things have changed somewhat in the last few years. There was a time when Jay Gould took his boat trips on the river with as little display as possible. On the day when tlio Erie magnate scudded down West street with the rail road bonds under his arm , several millions of the stockholders' cash in his pockets and n po.sao of police nt his heels , there was no gun fired on the ferry boat as it backet ! rapidly Into the Hudson out of routih of the ojlieors of the law. No \vGmurtttrjeafrou\th6 "WU-hsw- kcn" as it brought supplies and" daily papers to Gould , Fisk & Co. in their lonely camp on the Hobokcn heights where the railway robber and his pals were hiding from Now York justice. There " of colors' ' was no "regal dipping on that memorable occasion when tlio sheriff of Now York county and six depu ties ilow to and fro across the Hudson vainly trying to servo Judge Barnard's injunction on the crafty Gould through the windows of the Erie ferryboat. Dis play and publicity wore the last things Jay Gould was gunning after in those halcyon days of the Eric plunder , when the historic printing press had done Its work and. Commodore Vanderbilt gazed ruefully on the if 10,000,000 of bogus stock which ho iiad purchased in the open mar ket. ket.Tho The Jay Gould of 1808 and the Jay Gould of 1880 arc tlio same. Within these eighteen years Imvo been crowded moro legalized robbery of capital and oppres sion of patrons of .American railroad sys tems than any ether wrecker can boast of. Erie hopelessly ruined , Wabash wrecked , Union Pacilic dismantled and gutted , Manhattan & Now York Elevated swamped in watered slock and over issues of mortgages , and Missouri Pacilic now undergoing the sumo process , what ether ' Colossus" of Ruined Roads can boast of such a record. With millions burglarized from the Erie vaults , ton millions stolen from Union Pacific consolidation , fifteen mil lions wrested from Wabash , nn equal sum from Manhaittan , and who much from Western Union & Missouri Pacitio no ono yet knows , the recording angel 1ms hard work to keep his pen filled with mifllclout celestial Ink to catch up with the items of Gould's bold robber ies. ies.Wealth Wealth has como to bo Euro. Tlio At- tilantu represents but n few months , in come. IU brass gun which Hros oil' sal utes to the great railroad wrecker cost buta fliuglo minute's profit as registered by tlio rise or fall of some favorite slock. The silken Hag which unfurls as Us own er steps on tlio dcok of his magnificent pleasure yaoht H n gaudy trillo whoso ex pense is too InslgiilUcant to take into con sideration , lint oiioh and all are n poor recompense for the loss of reputation ami position in thu community which not even liis millions can giro their proprietor. Canuon may saliilo Jny Gould and lings dip regally but tliupublio will not fall to note tlmt I hey uru hU own bunting whoso iiomigo is that of empty and vainglorious compliment. rijuitlolpli'e Oh mice. The genuine sanction lu the formation of tlui mny lirltlKh cabinet Is the selec tion of Lord Randolph Churchill as cmu ! cellar of the exchequer. This olllco makes Lord Randolph the leader of the tory party in the house of commons and will pit hlui us the partjr spokesman against Mr. Gladstone on the opposition bench. The doceiulant of John Churchill , the .Marlbornugh of Hlenlieim , lias many of the trulls of lib famous ancestor. lie Is bold to audacity , serenely confident in IIH ! own resources , a successful orator and a party leader who has rlson to prominence by shouldering himself to the ronl of many better and abler publiu men. As a politician he is known to possess a duxterity in turning somcr- suulU from ono position to another and nlways landing on his foot. As a states- mau he la generally dubbed deficient In ( equipment and incapable of sustained aud deep study of Important public ques tions. But his ability KB nn orator , hia success In adapting his policy to ch\nges ! of public opinion and his brilliant audac ity in debate make him to-day the most popular lender In his party and have pushed him to tlio loading government position In the house of commons , It will now bo In Churchill's grasp to outline - line an Irish policy which will cut the ground from under the iect of M.t. Gladstone and secure the Mtpporl of nt least the llnrtlngton-Chamborlaln wing of the liberal party. There are good rea sons for believing that this is the pro gramme which the do.xlcrous political ac robat has already mapped out. Lord Randolph will shortly bo given n chance to duplicate Disraeli's famous feat on the reform bill. Rumors nro Hying thick and fast In London that a homo rule bill drawn tip by Churchill has already been submitted to Chamberlain and gamed his approval , and that overtures have been made to llio Irish parly with a view to securing their support. It remains to be seen whether the nationalists will bite at the tempting bail or stand firmly for home rule onllio basts of the plan pro posed by Mr. Gladstone. Mexico's Unronulillctxn System , The popular Impression regarding the political system of Mexico is that it is purely republican , and the interest felt in this country respecting the neighboring nation , ordinarily spoken of as the "sister republic , " Is largely duo to tills Impres sion. It is u fact , however , that while tlio form of republicanism is observed in the creation of the government , much of the machinery and methods of the govern mental system are as far removed from pure republican conditions as they could well be aud retain a semblance of re- puulicnnism. For example , In the elec tion of members of congress the people do not choose their representatives , and no member of congress can be said to have a personal constituency , or to bo in any measure responsible to a particular locality. The popular voting is indirect , the people electing electors who choose the so-called representatives of the people to suit themselves. As a rule the persons thus chosen nro not mentioned at the time of voting , so that tlio people have no opportunity to pass upon their character or qualifications , and in the recent choice of congress men it is undoubtedly a fact that men wore chosen by the electoral boards for districts whore they were little known or not known at all , Such a sys tem as this preserves only a shadow of re publicanism , recognizing the right of llio people to a voice in tlio choice of their representatives , but really depriving them of the most valuable privileges and ad- vintages which should accompany that right as a personal knowledge of candi dates , the ascertainment of their views on publiu questions , and the opportunity to impress upon thorn the sentiments and desires oi tlio people. There Is no public political discussion , for the reason that while not absolutely inhibited it Is accompanied by so much risk that it is an invitation to martyrdom to attempt it. Attack upon the government in the form of adverse criticism subjects the offender to llio dancer of arrest as a disturber of the public peace , und the right of the government (9 protect Itself in this way against the expression of hos tile public opinion ia as rigidly enforced as is the suppression of popular dis cussion of the afl'nirs of government in Russia. Indeed , in no country is there less freedom in this direction than in Mexico. Under the existing government laws impairing the freedom of the press , which had long been obsolete , have been revived , and the right of public assembly has been practically denied. It is stated that within tlio past voar no less than forty-four editors and students have been imprisoned in llio cily of Mexico alone , charged with no other ofl'euso than that of publicly dissenting trom the policy of tlio administration. A strict censorship is maintained over the press , which Is not confined to the editorial comments , but extends to the news also. In short , the government employs every practicable means to smother popular sentiment re specting its course and policy , and en forces these means with a degree of op pression ynd tyranny elsewhere unknown outside the dominions of the e/.ar. The issue created by the recent out rages upcn American citizens has di rected attention to the uurepublican char acter of the laws under which tiieso oul- rages are sought to bo Justified laws which , in the language of Secretary Bayard , "afl'cct the underlying principles of security to personal liberty nnct free dom of speech , or expression , wliich are among the main objects sought to bo se cured by our framework of government. " It Is discovered that wo are living next door to a people , with whom wo are de sirous of maintaining terms of neigh borly friendship , whoso laws ami whoso methods of jurisprudence not only con travene the most vital principles of a re publican system of government , but in volve assumptions and pretensions which this government cannot tolerate without abandoning all regard for justice and tlio safety of ils citizens , In view of nil tills it seems to bo entirely pertinent to ask , Is Mexico really a republic ? Tlio Fight In New VorU. The political campaign in Now York this full , which i beginning to develop points of interest , is likely to bo watched with ngood deal of concern by both par ties , The democrats will make n hard struggle to obtain control of the next leg islature , in ordur to elect a successor to Senator Warner Miller , and tlio political complexion of the next house is the main question of the contest. Tlio present senate holds over with u republican ma jority of eight , and the democrats to secure - cure a majority in joint ballot must in crease their present representation of fifty in the house to sixty-nino. This Is a most dilllcult task , which the republicans bellovo cannot bo accomplished , and this faith has brought forth nearly u score of republican candidates for Miller's scut , with some dark horses in the baou ground. Apart from the natural demo cratic desire to obtain control of the nu- tlonnl senate during the last two years of Mr , Cleveland's administration , it would bo especially interesting to the party to elect a senator from the president's own state , and undoubtedly the presi dent would greatly relish such a result in event of the choice falling to Governor Hill , which it easily would do if ho desired It. With Hill in the sen ate the chances of Mr , Cleveland for 1833 would bo very considerably improved , but there Is reason to suspect that the governor understands so w * > ll what the possibilities of the future are for him that ho will not consent * to bo taken tc that cemetery of prfstd'cntlal aspirants , the United States senate , There appear ; lo bo little doubt that in the probable event of the republicans retaining coif trol of the legislature Mr. Miller will nol bo continued in the semite , although he is In the Held for reelection and will do his very best to got therq. Ilia record ns a senator , however , has not boon partru ! < larlv creditable to himself or to the state , and It is to the credit of the rcjniblict'iii of New York that llioy take a proper pride in the charnctur of' their senatorial representatives , at least to the extent ol desiring that they shall compare favora bly in intelligence and atlcast the minor qualities of statesmanship with the repre sentatives of ether states. Mr. Miller hns shown that ho Is not the man to meet this requirement , ana ns the republicans of Now York have heller matorlal at com mand , his fate Is undoubtedly settled. Congress nml tlio CittiliiR Slnttor , Tim house committee on foreign affairs , at a called meeting on Tticsday.conaldereti tlio issue Hint has been raised between the governments of Mexico anil the United States growing oul of tlio arrest by the authorities of Chihuahua , Mexico , and the Imprisonment at Paso del Norte , of A. K. Culling , an American cllizon. Tlio character of this case is familiar to the public. Culling published In his paper , printed at El Paso , Texas , a statement regarding n citizen of Mexico , and on going to Paso del Norte , where ho resales , Cutting was arrested and thrown into prison. Demands of llic American minister and consul for his release , made by authority of the president , were dis regarded , aud lliu Me\lcan government held that ho is amenable to the laws of that country for the ofl'en o committed on American soil. This assumption was peremptorily refected by the state department - partment and assurances were given by the Mexican minister that Cut ting would be speedily released. The government of Mexico , however , appears not to have sustained the assurance of its minister , aud Cutting is still in prison. At the meeting of the foreign affairs com mittee resolutions were introduced uy Representative Crain , of Texas , selling forlh llio faels in the case , approving the action of tiio president in demanding the release of Culling , and requeuing him lo renew llio demand. These resolutions wore adopled by llic committee unani mously. This signilicant action , which will bo approved by the people of Iho en tire country , may Uo aeeeplcd by Iho Mexican government as assurance that the government of the United Stales will tolerate no further 'trifling in this mat ter , and tlmt unlusBlhn proper demands of tills govenuncntnrb fuiIy and promptly complied with Mcxfco must ( prepare to take the consequences. , We have no doubt that this action will produce the desired result. Ix his messiigo approving the oleo margarine bill , the president presents some very cogent reason1 ! } for his action and in support of ( ho moasuro. Tlio manufacturers of fjleopiargnrino will hardly venture , for example , to deny the force of the followinjiviow : "If the ex istence 6f "tho coinmodllyUaxed and the profits of 'its ' manufacture anil sale 'de pend upon disposing of it to Iho people for something else which it deceitfully imitates , the entire enterprise is a fraud and not. an industry ; and if it cannot endure the exhibition of its real charac ter , which will bo effected by the inspec tion , supervision and stamping whic h the bill directs , the sooner it is destroyed the better in the interest of fail dealing. " Nor will there bo any question among the honest producers of this commodity re specting the following just and wise con clusions : "Nor should there bo opposi tion to Iho incidental effect of this legis lation on the part of those who profess to be engaged honestly nnd fairly in the manufacture and sale of a wholesome and valuable article of food , which , by its provisions , may bo subject to taxation. As long as this business is carried on under cover and by false pretenses , sucii men have bad companions in those whoso manufactures , however vile and harm ful , take their place without challenge with tiic bettor part in a common crusade of deccitagainst the public. But if this occupation and its methods are forced into light , and all thcso manufactures must thus either stand upon their merits or fall , the good and bad must soon part company und the fitlest only will sur vive. " In this matter the president has acted in the interest of the people , and ho has given such convincing reasons for his action as ought to satisfy every fair-minded roan. LAST spring , when the board of educa tion organized by electing the throe democrats in the board , out of tiio nine members , to the omccs of president , vice president and secretary , the event was hailed aa a great victory for non parti sanship in the public schools. But when the six republicans turned in and voted for republican janitors there comes a cry of "rank partisanship" from the demo cratic side of the houso. Il seems to us a little big Omahogglsh for the demo , erats to want Iho husks as well ns tlio corn , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUB Paxton house is1 now laying a stone slab sidewalk oj | .thp corner of Far- mini and Fourteenth , j Nqw let the chair man of the bonrd of publio works do his duty without fonr or rfavAr , and compel the other Farnam strcot. p/oporty owners to replace their rolten'plapks und break- nook gldowalkH with fitoncor concrete , IIKO of miracles has not gone. Tom Murray lias planted the second' story window frames pnjhls Fourteenth street block , > ' K , Forty-Bovcu imirdereis have been hung at Fort Smith , Ark. , since lim. Japan hns a population of 37,000,000 , but has less than 10,000 i > aui > on ) . dent Britain last year consumed 8310,013- 800 worth of liquor , beer , etc The street cleaning estimates for Philadel phia tula year Rggcogato SJ'JTO,000. About a\000 deaths from typhoid fever occur annually In the United States. There are 400 saloons lu New York city kujit by woineu , not ono of whom was bom In tills country. The Baldwin locomotive works built Its lirst engine In 1ft ! 1 , and has Just snipped Us eight thousandth. Last ycur 10,007,180 lmi > erial callous of beer were ojqwted from Munich , an increase ovnr IBM of aa percent , The largest brussels carpet factory in Uia United Stntw Is ftt \ onkcr ? , N. Y. It turns 0111455,000 , ynrdsri month. Miss Fnrrar , n London spinster , recently left SlOO.OoO to be applied In KMiitlns pen slonsto aged widows mid spinsters. Stephen Brodle , who jumped from the Brooklyn bildiro , has been olTcicd StOO n week to go Into n Bowery museum on c.xhl bltton. .Moloplncde Is the new name of a mu lpn blcyclpso fashioned that tlio reader can kick out melodies , waltzes and icels ns he travels alonjr the load. The 1'ails. Poht Journal , n one-sou dnilj paper , now print * S flKX ( > conies on an aver- nge. Its net proiits amounted lo neaily SI,000,000durinn last year. Forty chorus gli Is of the Ideal opera com pany sklpjtod without iiaylncthclr board bll al A&bury Park , X , J. , lowering their trunks from a fourth story window. The wealth ot the Ynndorbllt family is es timated at about S''OO.OOa.OOO ; of the Asloi fmiilly , 8200,000,000 : of the Stewart estate , SIOJ.UCO.OOO ; and of Jay ( lould , $100,000,000. Kh/.abuth Tiout , aped 92 ; Maria Updo- KHi\e , a eil 8- , and Mnrhi Tiout , ajjed 70 , helped to bind sheaves on llio farm of lieu- ben ITpdcRrove. nt Shaiiesvllle. Bciltscounty , duilim liurvcstliifr. Kach of thorn bound all day mul In the evening hnit completed almost ns much as any of tlio men. Too Oond ( o Rkln. Xorlh .tmcifrciii. It looks as though civil service reform would soon be too dead oven to ski n , Joined Another Churcli. dittdoo Tri/jwic. / A clergyman lu an Indiana town preached n sermon a lew Sundays ago on the sin of betting on elections. Ills loading deacon , a piospcioti * hatter , has since leslgucd his niemocrslilp and joined another church. An Accomplished Hallway Tool. I'tijilUton Times. The Omaha Herald warmly commends C. 11. Uerc to the people of this district as a proper man to rcpiescnt them in congress. It makes llltlo difference to the Herald whether the next congressman from this dis trict bo a democrat or a republican , but his record as n railroad worker must be good. No wonder CJerc suits the Ilernld , for ho Is Iho most accomplished , tool the Nebraska railway manaRcis over owned. Not Remarkable. I'mrltlence Journal. It Is not a remarkable fact for the house ot representatives to talk u measure to death. What would be more surprising would bo its talking a measure into life. A I/lttlo Slow. SI. Lntili Gtolie-Dcmoerat. It Is now estimated that an Alpine glacier moves at the rate of four inches a year , which is just four times as fast as the present ad ministration has progressed with the work ot Improving the civil service of the govern ment. Ttotli Houses Arft Full of 'Km. Clitcigo Ketrs. A friend of Senator Stanford , the Califor nia forty-milllonahe , says tlio rich man stays In the senate because It furnishes him an ex cuse for getting away from the perplexities of business that he cannot avoid when nt home. Judging from what has been accom plished by congress wo should say bolh houses nro full of men who stay In Washing- Ion merely to get away from the perplexities of business. AnoUior Jud o Needed , VlitliiilelvMa Times This ThlidJudicial district needs another Tiilge , and nCMS him l > ad. Judges Novljlp and Wakeley are holding court incosSatilly almost , but the population of this district Is Increasing so rapidly that court business has become entirely too cumbersome for them to handle. There Is enough business In Omaha alone to demand the attention of two Judges. The outside counties will furn- Jph business for two more Judges. The next legislature should altond to this inatler , and give this district the needed relief. Secret of the Cyclone. Xew rorft ll'orld. When the troubled wind Is walling , in n clamor unavailing , and the wcoplugraln is swelling Into rivulets the rills ; While Iho lightning , mad and antic , scars the branches , swaying frantic , mid rever- ballng thunder jars against the distant hills ; It Is nature thus appcallncr to the sympathy and feeling. Shots storming nt tne van dal , and has reason to bo mau ; For these enterprising creatures mar the beauty at her leatuios with the legend of tlio nostrum of tlio medicated pad ; First wo have the sovereign plaster , as acuro for all disaster , or an halrinvlKorutorlcl- tcicd o'er the distant peak. Every mound and every rising , plastered o'er \vitii advertising , fiom the pill lo corpse- reviver , to rejuvenate the weak. So the beauty-searching lover Is unable to discover , through the patches and the scratches of the men who advcitlse , Butn little Inspiration , save In pensive medi tation tie beholds his summer siren with confession In her eyes. The Execution of John Brown. J , T. L. Preston , in August Bivouacs Shortly before 11 o'clock the prisoner was taken from jail and Iho funeral cor tege was put in motion. First came three companies , then the criminal's wagon drawn bv two large wtilte horses. John Brown was scaled on his coffin , accom panied by the sheriff and two other pur- sons. The wagon drove to the foot of the gallows , and Brown descended with alacrity aud without assistance and as cended the stops to the platform. Ills demeanor was intrepid , without being braggart , Ho made no speech ; whether ho decided to make one or not I do not know ; even if ho had doslred it , it would not have boon permitted. Any speech of his must of necessity have been un lawful , as being dlicetcd ngnlnst the pence and dignity of the commonwealth , and us biich could not bo allowed ny those who wore then oncngcd in the moat solemn und extroinu vindication of law. "John Brown's mnnnor gave no evi dence of timidity , bul his countenance was not free from concern , and lUeniuod to mo to have n llttlo east of wlldnobs. Ho blood upon the scaffold but a short tlmo , giving brief adieus to thosu about him , when ho was properly pinioned , the white aup drawn over Ills tuco , the noos ? adjusted and attached to the hook above , and he was movml , blindfold , n few stops forward. It was curious to note how tlio instincts of nature operated lo make him careful in putting out his feet , an if afraid lie would walk oll'tlm hcaffold , The man who stood nnblenohod on the brink of eternity. Jwas afraid of fulling a few foot to the ground ! "Everything was now in readiness. The sheriff asked the prisoner if ho should give him a private signal before the fa tal moment. Ho replied , in a voice that sounded to mo unnaturally natural so composed wns its tone , nnd so distinct its articulation that it did not matter to him. if only they would not keep him too long waiting. ' llo was kept waiting , however ; the troops that hud formed his escort had to bn put in their position , and while this was going on ho slood for some ton or lifteeu minutes , blindfolded , the rope round his ucck , and hi * foct on the treacherous platform , oxpuollng instantly the fatal act , but ho stood for thm com paratively lonir time upright ns n soldier in position , and motionless , I was oloso .o.liiiu aud watched him uuiTowly.tosooif [ could detect nny signs of shirking 01 tcmbllng In his person , but ( hero wm nonp. Once 1 thought 1 saw his knee < tremble , but it wns only the wint blowing his loose trousers. Ills tirmnes' ' w.u subjected to still finther trinl hi hearing Colonel Smith announce to tin sheriff , 'Wo arc all ready , Mr. Campbell. I'ho sheriff did not hear or did not com prchend , nnd in a louder tone the same announcement was made. But the eul prit sllll slood steady , until the sheriff do secnding the night of stops , with n well directed blow of n sharp imtchel , severci the rope tlmt hold tip the trap-door which instantly sank shocr beneath him lie fell about three feoti nml the man ol strong and bloody hand , of liert-o pas slous , of iron will , of wonderful vlelssi Itides , the terrible partisan of Kansas , the cnptiirer of the United States arsenal ul Harper's Ferry , the would-be Catllino ol the south , llio demigod of tlio abolition ists , the nun execrated and Inuded , damned nml prayed for , the man who , in his motives , his menus , his plans , his sue cess , must ever be a wonder , a puzzle and a mystery , John Brown , wns Imug- in" ; between heaven nml earth. 'There wns profouudcsl stillness dur ing the Hmo his struggles continued , growing feebler and feeuler at each abor tive attempt to breathe. Ills knees were aoarotily bent , his arms wore drawn tin lo it right nnglo nt the elbow , with the hands clenched ; but there was no writh ing of tlio body , no violent heaving ol the chest. At ouch feebler effort nt res piration his uruis sank lower nntl his leg ? hung moro relaxed , until nt last , straight aud lank , he dangled , swayed slightly tc nnd fro by the wind. Superintendents of hospital * nlways keep a supply of Itcd Stnr Cough Cure , 21 conls. INTERESTING CJOURT MARTIAL. Trlnl or Mnitcnant Meninln for Conduct. Unbecoming an Ofllccr nnd n Gniitluniiiu. A Cheyenne special pays : The court martial proceedings now in progress in tills city for the trial of Lieutenant John F. iMcBlain , of the Ninth United States continued and widespread cavalry , are exciting spread interest. Tliu accused Is John F. McBlain , second Hcutcntuil of the Ninth cavalry. The charges against AluBhtin are tlmt ho has been guilty of conduct unbecoming an olliccr and a gentleman , in that he fraudulently obtained a di voreo from his wife by representing that ho was a citizen ot California when ho had no legal residence there ; that he failed to send to his wife the proper legal uotico of the proceedings in the divorce suit , and that ho concealed from the court certain facts in regard to his rela tions with his wife which , if known would have prevented his having Iho di vorce granted. The case has now been on trial foi- three days and the facts no far developed tend to establish in the minds of llioso who Imvo watched the proceedings that McBlaln has been unjustly probcctitcil i Iho imtlterand that something beyond tlio merits of tlio case lias necti Iho moving cause of the charges boiug brought against him. It is shown that ho loft his homo in Philadelphia nhurtly nflor his marriage , in 1878 , for San Fran cisco , intending to locate there and send for his wife lo join him ; that failing to find employment there ho joined the reg ular army as n privnlo nml Hint having constant altercations and differences with his wife culminating finally in a separa tion , ho instituted proceedings in July , 1881. to obtain a divorce. The records of Iho California court which granted the divorce in October , 18&1 , show tlmt the plaintiff performed all of the lawful re quirements on his parl In llio proceedings , nnd that proper notice of the inslilulmn of Iho proceedings was sent to Mrs. McBlain in the usual nnd regular man- nor. * It Is also shown that In 1885 , Iilrs. McBlnin and her attorney. William D ? Kelley , Jr. , of Philadelphia , wn of Con- gressmin KolfoyTGnt to California aud attempted to reopen the case , alleging that biio had never received any nolilica- lion ot the proccedingp. The court heard their motion and refused to reopen the case. This fact , which has not been made public by theeastern , press in their com ments on tho'matter may account for tlio great interest Congressman Kelly has taken in the cnso. Youug Mr. Kelly , defeated in his attempt - tempt to reopen the divorce case before Iho California courts , sought his father's influence lo aid him in obtaining satis faction in another direction , nnd last spring when Mr. McBlain was promoted to a first lieutenancy the older Kelley ap peared before the senate comniitlco on military affairs and prevented his con- lirmalion , charging that McBlain's al leged reasons for obtaining the divorce from his wife wore tlmt his altered rank in life , having been promoted from the ranks to a lieutenancy , so changed their social relations that who was no longer equal. After the refusal of the senate com mittee lo recommend his confirmation to the first lieutenancy , McBlam asked for a trial before a court martial , and the prosunt board is convened at his request. 5JAs the case is at present progressing , whether McBlain Is acquitted or not , it will become very evident to those who ire obstirvlng the testimony that what ever motive MoBlaln hnd for obtaining a livorco from his wife , tlmt assigned by Mr. Kelley does not seem to have been ho correct ono , nnd that if the prosccti- .ion does nol make out a stronger case tlmn they have done so far that tlio : hnnccs tor the compluto vindication of UcBlnin are favorable. ECZEMA ( Viul lOviu-y Spcolos of Italilug nnd and UnrnliiK I > | HOIIHO Cured by Oulloui'u. TjiC/.I'.MA.or BiUt Ulicuiu with ltd anOiiWiia 1.J Kolilnii mid liurnlnir , Instantly rnllovcd by u vmm luitli with Cutlouru Hoiip , mul n Hluulu ni > - illutillnn of Cutlcnirii , llio grout nl.ln euro. Tlili roptmri'd dully , with Inn or tliri'ii ilosns of Outl aw N Iti'bolviwt , thu iievf blood pitrlllvr , lo Keep Iho blood cool , ( ho poii i > ! tntloii pure und unlr- illulliiK , the liout'U open , llio llvuruud kldnoyg active , will Hpoudll ) * unru oc/.onm , toiler , ilnir- itorm , ii'iorlnsls , livhoii , pi-urlun , nc-iiU huiid , jnndruir , und every simcliM of Itching , < > nly md pimply hnmorit of lic : acAlp unit ukln , whou Lho boot physicians iiiul all kuoitu roiuodles lull. 3512 Dcnrliurn t. , { rMtufiilly uoUnowledifm u mini of uczrinn , or .nit rlioum on bond , nock. fui > o , arms und Ifgn orsovonlodii jojirs ; not ntilo lo wiilk oicoiit mi Hinds und UniH'.i loi- one your ; not ithlu In liolp lmholl1 lor flulit yciirj ; li lud InmdiedHof ruiiio * rtuotott , iiriinotiiu'od lil cuia liopok'88 ; lunnancnlly cured l.v CnlimirH hlon'J pinlllor ) liilorimlly , uud Cnlloiir.i nnd JulH'uru Hnupltlie uifal tlilii oinos ) evliu-iuilly CHAP. HoiiflUTO , Hsq. , Inwyur , J3 Htntn t. , tosluii , foporUacniii of uc/ntun nmliir hU ob- orriitiou lor teu yiuiro , wliich uovoioci the pu- Iiuil't hmly anil llinlis , und lo wlilcli nil known uulliodi oi truiituiunt Iiad Ijti'ii upjillod wllluiut lunnilt , whluu wns comiilntcly cured enlblv bv liu c'uilcuru Ubinedlod , Icavlua o olonu utrJ lUfUIIIV Mil , JOHN Tiimr. , Wllktisbnrre , Pn. , wrllon ' 1 Imvo Kiillcio'l Iroin cult rliuum forovcr vlisht , 'o irs.nl Union no t.nd tlnil I loulU iiotnttoiid lo my luislnoss for wt rks at n tlmu. Throii boxci it Cullnnni and lour holllos He-solvent Imvo on- iroly cnrc-d mo ot this droudful dUoasc. " 1'nrrfKTANsl'iir.scuiiiKTHEM. J havonotlilnn jut tno hltflicit prumo lor the rc.iulH nlnulnod rrnm yuiir I'litloura Ittiincdli-s.of wliluti J Imvo old niura than all olhorn of tlio kind. Ml'Mto liosu. M. U , UOO N. Ilnind St. , l-hlU'lclplilti , I'a. Mold by nil dnigRlili. 1'ricei Cuttcura. GO ! tk. ; llfiolvont ; 4I.U ) , 6o p , a5c. 1'ropurixl by llO I'OlrK.lt ) ) iUU AND ( . 'llfcUICAL ' CO. , llOStOll. diiss. tiand foi-pninphlct , i'y tlio compluxlon and ckln by Riiitf tlu : Culluuru tkmp. " " "mnjuMA'tm NuoitAr.oio , SCIATJU. tiuddcn , ilinrp Hnd norv- oun pUn ntico'utrly iintillillKlnd by tlio 'Uullcura Anll-l'iiln J'liitior. a porfci't unlldolo to p ln nud Inilniu. lu ul Ion. Ncor ( orli'luiU , Infallible. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Cnpilnl $250,000 r Surplus , 30,000 II.V. . Ynt " , I'rp ik-nt. A. E. Touxnlln , V'iro I'rosltlont. W. H. S. HiiKlics , Cantor. uniKCToim : y. V. Morse , Jolm S. Collini , Jl. W. Ytucs , Lewis S. Uccil. A. E. Tonzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IR ON BANK , Cor 12th nml Farniun Sts A Gononil Hanking Husinuss Transacted. CTCiojo TITA1.1TY . nxilAUHTKHcrro' ' . . _ . . | II > my jlml a | > crf fll on nch I'll j .iMntu nnd belnc rapidly ami Intiwlnvw ! herf. A II wwVcnmc losses and drains promrllT un Ked. TIlKVflni : citlntt now * r n l * ndorMnifiits. Ai , K It BlOvnmiltM " ) wlthMx wnlutnt doctors FllliU No. 174 Fulton Street. New York. 017 Hi. ClinrlcHNt. , St. LouisMo. ArrenlBriradiutflof two UtlleftlCollfftn , htifeernlonnr mgiRed In the ipielll Ifoaluitut of Cuuojio , Niuroci , S m and Biocc UIIIIIM laananr olhi-r I'trilrlanlnSt. Loola , esell7 pap ri tbow and all old r i Men ! line * Nervous Prostration. Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Alice- lions ot Throat , Sklnor Bones , Blood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers. ro tmtd wiiu oninr.iioud ucc non Uto-ticlfDtlUo principleSiMr , rrlvniolr. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess. Exposure or Indulgence , vhieii wniuot , om. Oi ih , following tBtHi i norootneit flebllllIlmn n or light aDddefectlTeiutraor ; , plmrloiontb > ffci . phiik.Jtt.r , Tortloololhe ocletjor f > m.l i , eoDfuiloi of Ural , ti , rendering Marrlaee improper or unhappy , ui Mrmanjnti ; nred. Pamphlet ( jepisei ) on Ibc aborc , leat In mini < DTOIOI > , rreotoanyaiiaroii. Ccinuluiloaalot. Cent tij null rrtp.ltitlltd an4 ii-leilj c undnll U A Posltlvo Written Guarantee un in r.ryes. rableeut. Utillclce lent crer/Mureb ; mall orctprtii. 900 PAOH3 , JTKB PLATES , cl < nat elotb and till LtDdlBff , iel il TorSOo. topoiuraortNrrfaey. Over flrtr wonder M p oplelur , true lo Href arllelMon tb followUf utj # t r who raajr ntarrr. nh not , why i manhood , womao * bood. phkilcil decay , effeitt oforlltaey and ereeifl , th pnya. lolciTofr.preJ'KllcD , aud many nor * . Tlion married ere > ronipl -tr ; nirrl f non4 ! rtad It. J"prl r edition * ZK : . flftt ( trir.stc.ddrmnabo WOODBRIDGE BRO'S. ' , State Agents rou THE Omaha , Neb. 21,829,850 Tanslll's ' Punch Cigars were ahlppod dnrlnu tun past two years , wltliout a drum- nior In our employ. No otlier house lu tlio world CHII trutli' fully uiakoaiich a oliowlne. Onu acoiit ( duulor ouly ) wanlud lu ouch town. SOLO DY IEAOINQ DRUGGISTS. R.VV.TANSILL&CO.,55StatoSt.Chtcago. DR. IMFEY , isos F .a iTja-1 so ? . Practice limited to Diseases of the EYE , EAR. NOSE AND . THROAT for all form * of flofeotlva Vision , ArtlUclul Eyca Inserted. OIllvo , MM 1-m'uriinni , . UDlIt and California. firpUB OEDAttS" JA llniin * nucl Day School for Vouim [ .miles , I'lMipnns OUT. 1 , Iollj'titrnlly MtimtiHl ju Ueorartiiwu llolulitM. IMVSQ vrounda. I'll- ijuU uucununiiiliitlonH , MJRO BAlir.K , IDldlUtli Bt. , WusliliiBlou D.O Do you ivnnt a pure , Tjlooui * lug G'omploxiou i If so. n Tow npnlicnUoiis of Hngim's 3IAGNOUAIJA1M will grat- iiy you to your lioart'8 cou. kM t. .ft docs mvny with Sal- lovnicss , Holiness , Pimples , Blotches , nud all dlsoasoHaiid Imperfections oftho Hliln. It overcomes thflllusuodnpncur * nnco of Iiont , fatigue and ox dlomniit. It miikos a lady of TJUKTK appear ) > ufc TWEN TY ; and so natural , gradual , and perfect arc HH cH'octe. that it Is impossible to tioteci its application.