THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 4 , 1S8G. A BIG DAY FOR THE BEARS Rain and Other Good Orop Now ? Qanse "Wheat nut ! C'ora ' to Drop , ONLY LIGHT TRADING DONE. Yellow Pcvcr Xoni- New Orleans Af- I'octs Pork nisiisti-mnly hlttlo lltisuic s Dniio in tliu Cattle lilnc 1I B Aotlvc. OIIIOAOO OltAIN .MAUKHT. CIIIOAOO , AiiTii1' ! ! ! . ( Special Telujrmti to tins HHI : . ] A s.intiiloof vt'iy lionltliy t-oni from tin : tlryust s'clion of llltunlA , a farm on tliu ( J.ilciu division of 11m XoilliwcsiiMii lo.ul , tocllHTvltli stntuincntB olllclal niul ol liuivlso , Hint "it W.H milling nil over the west , " | trluclnlly | tliroiiiliuut Xi'lir.xsk.i lowu niul Missouri , in i > ! n rather birislt lot ( if tinilersin the coin pitnmliuicesimpondoil l > y it ( Ifop. Scpti'inliiT opened at I5j ami Holil stral hl down to 41' was only tnoilcMtuly Active nnd about sluaily with n tlownvvard teiulc'iiuy. Hciitt'iitbjr onani'd at 7" ' o nnd sulil ntTr' c. Astlic st'3 < l ii nil- vnnccd tliu feeling In hacainu still tuslpr , niuliindot' tlio Iniluoncsuf a Kustcrnl disposition to sell thu prlro of September wheat fell back steadily to Til'fcHut it ic- covunvl Inter , however , to WJfelnre It stoml ntnoiin. Tlien It wont b.ick In "li' ' o , ntul bcfora the close lerovcred to Tti TOJfc1 , clcslntt toli'inbly stondy. " ' No n-covi-ry woilh iniMitlnnln ? was mndn t bv corn. K-insns Oltv und other outsiders , hacked up by st lnm : > nnmbcrol ilciilt'ts , licpi on M > ! lniLr It until tin ; .September option bnd f.iljn | to"4l > o. It w.xs liclued to this point by -.tuiitly duullnuof : Wo In pnik. Then it rueoveic I to-ll'ile , but even on the nptutn It-It Inr trom itimiif. The lucelpls weio Hot lii'avj , belni ? O'lj cars lor two da\s Hupoilsof yellow t'evor nenr .New Orleans proved dlsastiom to pork pricn.s. Soptcinbiy ; lire ! < i ! Ir.itn ' ' 10.15 to & ) . " > , but later recoveiwi Cjof the decline. Crnn , B:15 : p. in. Wheat was fairly steady on Ihui'iitb belli i ; iitioted at 7iJ ! < fc lor Sup- tenibor. 1'uts on September wheat , TilVc ; calls , ' < nj ( < ' M'llers. Corn was a little easier and H'oi ! bid for September , I'uts , I3lifiiaV ( ! ! eiills , ll' ebld. CHICAGO IjlVIS SfOOIC. CiucAdo , Anoint 3. [ Special 'L'eleijiam to the Bni : . -CA.Trr.K. I . Tin general eattlo market was without much chan < n to-day. Values were fully as steady for certain par- tlculntly desirable kinds , whiles the market lor the general run ot cattle was dull and the movement very slow. The volume of busi ness done dm hi ) ; tlie momlng was much lUliter than yi'ftlerday. It was an oil'day for eastern shippers anil theic was no wpecial strength In the dead beef demand. The general market was sluc ish and closed weak. Snl'iR of pilmu heavy cattle weio Hindu ntS4.TS@S-i.(0 , and some corn led 1'ZXi toW-IBlbs. Toxiis eiutlo sold at 3 l. iVS-UO. ( A lot of Kansas cattle , avciaiini { iT : < ) Ibs. , wnld to nn oxpoilor ut S-I.Si ; 'Ji Nebraskas. 1111 Ibs , sold at S4.40. ( icuoral ( inotatinns of shipping steers , im : to l.WO Ibs. , S4.no54.iK ) ; ] I2U ( ) to HBO Ibs. , S4.tO@S4.40 ; 050 to 1'JOO Ibs. lions. Trade was active ann prices a hhade higher than at tint close last niulit for corn led. Mixed sold atS4.S'Jct ( 4.i5 ! , and heavy at Sr.03@5.'r > , light at SI.OO ® $1.05. _ FINA.NCIAU New York. August ! ! . MOVBY On call , fasy , ranging fiom 'J to 0 per cent ; closing at " per cent. I'IIIMU . . I'APKti Mr.itcAXTir.n 4@5 per cent. jixcitANGK Dull nt 84.84 V ( for sixty day bills , and § l.85J lor demnnd. Govr.itNMKNTS Governments were dull and unchanged. SIOCKS 'I'ho fcalnio of the news to-day was the publication of Fleming Olcott's plan foi-nicniganiiatlon ot the Texaj & Pacllic. No iiKivement could bo made with the WIs- tar commlttco and the stock declined sharply after Iho first slight advance in thu early iiiumln ? . The news from the corn holt v'n , nib ! ' ) tQ < \ n'rnnu nnfiflt' lliIsluiTuenco i iliuencouiaglng uttcianccs of the Chicago cage people , grangers wore held linn analust olterini b of stock. The market was heavy In early dealings , but exceptional Htion tli In Omaha , Central I'.u-llic , Union I'acllle and Canada Southern rallied thu ic- inalnerof the list anil the early losses were Kcnerally recoveted. Hut before noon the imitkct had become dull and the clobo was lather heavy. The net result of the day's business is a decline In almost everything on 'S ' the active ll t. 8TO3II3 ON W.VLt , 8TIIKF.T. a ? ? cent bonds. . 10o ; ' C. * N.V 114K U. a.41J's HUfTl pietorrcd. . . 141 " Now-J's 121 % X. Y. C PncIlloO'snf'OS. 1S1 lOreL'on Tran. . . Ccntiall'aclllo. . )4f ) ! Pachio Mail & C. At A IWK 1MX & JS pittferred. . . . IfXJ il . I' . 0 fM O. H. ito liBWKnck Island. . . 1) . Ij. . .VV ! ) ) ' St. \ . . & S. F. . . J ) . &U. G HI preferred. . . Krlo J. , M. it St. I' . . . preferred. . . prefened. . . Illinois Central. I * . * O 1. , H.&W IS preferred. . . Kansas ATexas. Texas Pacllic. . . 1.1 I < ako.Shoro Union Pacllic. . . ' ' ' ' W. , St. L. is P. . Mlcli.'Ce'ntrai ! . . prcferi ed. . . Ho. 1'acllie Western Union. Northcin 1'iio. . . > . , U. piei'errcd. . . I'KODUCB n Clilcajjo , August ! ! . Flour Quiet ; winter wheat Hour , S4.05ll ( ) ; Houthern , ! $ : < .UO4.03 ; WisconsinS4ooC' 4.iri : Mlehlgan sott sprinu wheat , si.so4.10 : ; Minnesota bakers , Sil.50 ( ( { 1.10 ; patents. 3 l.'JO&W.tW ; low grades , S1.75 0"-.7S ; rvo Hour , iituet at $3.'i5Aiij.50 In bar- I'ls.and SJ.000i.20 ! : In sacks. Wheat Opened stronger nnd jtfe higher , declined lVc , leaded j' ' e over the decline , au'aln ruled weaker and Dually closed Vu under yehUiiday ; cash , 74Jf174-fro ( [ : ' Septem- nor , WtMfU- ; lli'tnli.'r , TSMifr . Oats btiong and about J c lilglior ; cash , 27 7-lfio ; Seotembor , 28 15-lOc ; October. S'J c. Kye Dull at We. Hti ; ley Steady at C2 fe. Fhixecitsi.iij : ; . Timothy Prime , S2.oxa2.on. Whlsky-Sl.12. Poik Demand fairly active ; ruled weak , declined : iy $ < 0c , became steadier , advanced 5 @ 10 and elo ed ( inlet ; easli , S'.i.75j Septem ber. g'.UO ( < ? 9.KMf ; October , Sy.tKXgO.OOHf. Lard Fairly active and no material change ! cauli. S0. 0(30.iyj5' ( : Sejitember , VO.tyJiutO.V5 ; Uctnbpr. SO.C7KOtO.7l > . Hexed Meals Shouldcis , SaiO < 7o.l5 ; short clear , ? 0.n.Vnn.ooj slioit libs , 50. nk. Huttor Kasyj creamery , laQjISo ; dairy. Cliecbu Verv quiet and In llpht demand ; chuddars , Idti n ; llms , 7 ( < 47Ko ; youuif Americas , WQ 'i'c. KBITS - < f 1oe. Hides Heavy green baited. SriTSiAc ; Ik-ht oay/4'o : damaned. 7//c / ; bull hides , fcjfo : dry salle < l. llonJo ; dry Hint , iaUo : calf Bklns. K'TIU'tfu ; deacons , 50o each. Tallow No. l country , a > i@i c ; No. a , 3c ; cake , .t fe. Hecelpts. Shipments. lflour.bbis . lo.rwu Wheat , bu. . . . . . 13J.OOO B.OOO Corn , im . t-' i&s.ouu Oatsbu . 104,000 JtyoDu . . Bnrley.Du . 15,000 2,000 St. Louis , Anicust : ) . Wheat Weak and lower ; No. U , red , cash , 75 < & 75)/o ; Septem ber , 77J c. Corn Weak nnd lower ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , 40c ; September , 4l c. Oats Kasy ; No. 'J. mixed , cash. 26K@ JWVo : Smitember , 37 0. Kye Firm at 6lc. AVblsky-Steady at 1.07. 1'ork eak aud lower ntS10.25. J < anl Weak at 80.25. Uutter Quiet but uteacly ; creamery , 17@ SOe ; dairy , Iodise. Knnsns City , August a Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 red. cash , 5'jc bid , CO o asked ; Sep- tembcr , 61 > fc. J Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash. 40c ; August , 40 c ; September , 45V'c ; October , 45 > , ' x Oats-Stronger at Me. Toledo , Auijust S. Wheat Active and steady ; cash , 7bc. Corn Steady ; cash , 41c. Oats Neglected NexvOrlcnnt. August JV Corn Quiet ; In snchs. mixed and while , iVxa'/'C ; yellow , . Oats-Dull and lower ; choice western In sacks , WW ICc. ( 'oinineal Dull and a shade lower SJ.S5. jo [ ; { rroducts Ka lcr Out not qtiotably lower. Poik-SIO.rX ) . Laid Heline.l. tierce , Sfi.nT'i 'V.'iO. Hulk Meats Shoulders. S j.SiK ; long clear and clear ribs , $ C.yrjtr'lG-rO- Liverpool , Aiuust 3. Wheat Demand l > oor ; new Xo. \\Intcr. . Cs7d ; ' pilnc , o 7d. Flour-Demand poor ; extra No. 1 spring , S * . Coin Spot and futures demand fallen elf ; new ml\ed. spoi. dull at 4sl < < il ; Auenst , dull at 4sljd ! ; .September , dull at 43 2't'd ; October , dull at4siil. : Niv Voi-lt , AusiKt ! ) . Wlitat Itcccluts , 2V,000 ) ; expoits 210,000 : spot alioul Jtfn lower ; options opened llrm. advanced sliL'hllv , Inter lieinino weaker , deellned ? ( , * Kc , IIVT.IIH vllh a illcht rcroveiy ; uugiadeil led , 7S ( < . .Tie ; No. ! l ird , tJ'fc ; No. I led , fOc ; N'n. 2- red , .V lu elevator , Sic dellvcied ; Setembcr | ) closed at IKc. Corn Steady and inoder.itcly active ; op tions opened Him , later declined XtfH c , rioting sle.uly ; r.'rclnls. 8OiX ) ; exports , 84- two ; u u 1:1 ailed , 4.V < (5)c ) ; Xo. 'J , 6Cft ( > Oj.Cc alloal : Supli'iubiTcloicd at .Me. O.ils FlrmiuiM ; > lpK 20,000 ; sports , 15,000 ; mlvod westein , li. W ; while we.steru , Potrolcutu Fh m ; United c\ \ Pork - Dull and heavy ; old mess , 10.t : > ; new me < s , Sll.iM ( > v < vjll.S7U. Lard Lower and dull. closfng steady ; western steam , siul | , S",05 ; September , S7.U1 OS7.0S. Huttcr Quiet and firm on fine grades ; westein , I'J&lUc. ( Jliee e Steady but rather quiet ; western , HWftc. Kifgs Steady and demand fair ; western Iresli , lirallj c. niliincnpollq , Aiuust 8. Wheat Dull and weak lor fututes ; No. 1 hard , cash ami August. 7.Vc ; September ; ITc ; ( Jctober , 7h'fe ; N'o. 1 northern , cash , T.l , ' e ; Septem ber , 75u ; October , 7ftKe ; No. 2 noitlicni , cash , 71i' , September , 72J-je ; October , 74e. Hour Dull ; patents , S4.BS.4.55 : ( ; bakers , Sit ! ' 53s.5- : . Iteccipts-Wheat , 00,000 bushels ; Hour , aw ban els. Shipments-Wheat , 2r,00 , bushels ; Hour , 0,000 tun-els. Cincinnati. August 3. Wheat Firmer ; No. 2 led. 74J w7fle. Corn Kaslcr : No. Sinlxcd , 43 ® He. Oats Firmer : Xo. 2 mixed , 2xc : > s > $ c. Uye-Qitlet ; Xo.2 , nn jjjl 'c. Pork-Dull at S10.50. Laid Finn ; 5-0.50. Wlilskv Firm ; sales , MO banels of lin- Ishul goods on a basis of S1.07. Milwaukee , August 3. Weak ; ct.sli. 74c ; September , 70/c ; ; October , 7S , ' e Corn Lower ; Xo. 2-lil e. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , 27tfc. } U } e-Qulet ; No. 2 , 55e. liailoy lllgher ; Mo. 2 September not ( inoted. I'rovisions Lower ; mess pork , August , SU.70 ; September , SO.SO. JjlVE STOCK. Clilcn < ; o , Augusta The Drover's Journal icportsas follows : Cattle Uecelpts. 7.700 ; weak ; common lower ; shipping steers , : ) ) : stoekers and feeder , more active at 2.25@i.CO : ; cows , bulls and mixed. 81.5a < g .7 ( ) ; bulk , S3.no5W.tW ; through Texas cattle , lOc lower : cows , S2.10@)0 ( ) ; steers. S'i.iWfda.Wve.stern ) ; iMtmeis boUl lower ; S07 Montana Texans , St5 : ) : ; 5T Oregon , S3."i : ! ; 10 Oiegon cowa , S2.75 ; 0M ! Montana Texans , S : > .75. llocs Ueeolpts , 10OUO , ; steady , closing weakiou ; h aud mixed. S4.20g4.00 ; ( : packIng - Ing and shipping S4.855-03 ; light , SU5@ 5.00 ; skips , S4.00@I.10. Sheep Heceipls. 2,000 ; steady ; natives , Sl.75CW.00 ; western , $2.50@a.40 : Texuns , S1.7. @ $ .00 ; lambs , S3.00@5.00. St. LiouiH , Amtust 8. Cattle Uecelpts , 1,000 ; shipments. NX ) ; active and stronger ; good to choice shipping. SI.50@4.S5 ; common to fair , S4.00@4.40 ; butchers steers , S3.50 ® 4.25 ; cows and belters , S2.25@J.50 : ; tluout'h Texans , S'ii l.US. Hogs Receipts , a-IOO : shipments , 1.100 ; active and linn on good boss ; common , dull ; butchers and heavy , 84.UXffri.iO ; mixed packing , S4.5&M.b5 ! ) ; HRht , S4.00@l.bO ; com mon mixed and gtassers , S3.50@4.50. Kaiisua City , August 3. Cattle He- ccipts , 2,500 ; shipments , 1,000 : generally e.-jsi' and slow ; stockers and feeders were stcanj" ; Texas Meers , 2.00o. ! : Hogs Itecclpts. 8,000 ; shipments , ! 5 opened strong and a shade- higher , closlni : weak ; good to choice. Sl.bO@5.PO ; common to medium , S4.50@4.75 ; skips and ' pigs , S4.05 ® 4.40. 031 All A Li I VIS STOCK. Tuesday Kvcnlnir , August 3. Cattle. The mat ket was a little better to day. Tlio iccelpt1 * were heavy , but were mostly raiiL'e steers. A low cows and butcb- cib' stulf changed hands. Hogs. The hog market was lower to-day but was active at tlio decline. The receipts wcie heavier than they have been for some time. The decline was evidently duo to the fact that pi ices have been too high for sev eral diivs when eompaied with eastern mar kets. The demand was good and in suite of the large tecelpts the pens were cleared early in the day. Sheep There Is no mnikct , Cattle . 1100 lloss . MOO Prevailing Prices , Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on tills market. Choice steers , IHV ) to 1500 Ibs S4.20o ( > 4.V : > Choice steers , 1100 to 1O3 ! Ibs 8.75W4.16 Medium steers , 1250 to 1850 Ibs. . . . ! ! .754.00 Fat littlosteers , 1050 to 1150Ibs . . . . : ) . < i5(8i.OO ( : ( ! ooil feeders , 000 to 1000 Ibs : ! .00i.a5 : Ciood to choice corn-fed cows 2.00 ( n.25 Fair to medium grass cows 2.03'd > 2.5 ( ! Good to choice bulls 1.53a2.50 ( Light and medium nogs 4.4.r ( u > 4.50 ( ! oed tocliolco heavy hogs 4.GOfJ4.75 | Oood to choice mixed hon-s 4.CO4.05 Fair to good shorn slieop 2.00 ( < J3.50 Kcpresoiitutfvo 9alos. cows. Ranuo of I'rices. Hhowlnctlin hltrliosl and lowest prices iialil for mixed loads ot lioiiou tills market fl'ir- tuKtlio lust seven days , with comparative values : Juno Tuesday , 37th. Wcil'sdav. SStli 4.00 fdU.tO Tliursttay,29th. . 8.00 ( i4.80 Friday twth. . . . 4.05 ( SWS Saturday 81st. . . _ July. August Monday , 2d . 4.05 4.75 Tuesday , S < 1. . . 84.83 @ 4.CO 54.45 Live Btook Knlcs. Showlntr the number of cattle , ho s and sheep purchased by the leading buyers on to-day's market CATTLE. G. II. Hammond & Co . . . 25 Omaha 1'acklnir Co . , . li ) Harris & Fisher. . , . C2 HOGS. North * Co . , . . . 009 (5. 11. Hammond A Co . 5C8 The Anelo-Auierlcan Puck I UK Co. . . G'J Omaha I'ackluK Co . , . 7d Clark Uios . , . . . . , . , . 639 Tremaln &Tromalii. . . , . , . W9 Shipments. tlio number of cars of llvo stock All sales ol stock in this market are undo per c\\t. llvo weight unless otliorwho stated. Dead hoes sell at 5 < c per Ib for all weights. "Skins" or hogs weU'lilna lesi than 100 Ibs no value. I'leguant sows tire docked 40 11)3 ami ass 80 lljs. Notes. Ilogs all fold. lloj market louer. Heavy run of ranio ; cattle. ( I. \j \ , Snillli , Ulys c . came in to-day and niarkett'd n load of ho . I'atlimton it Sou , Lyons , \vcrc both licic aud sold huzs on the market. A huyer complaint that the ranee cattle coming in are not In Komi killing romlltion. A. ,1. Wlnn , uinntiger of the HI Horn Cattle Co. , was hero with ? -0 ht-ad ot rangu stem. Mr. Stuwait , nt the firm of Stewart & Kicilerick , St. Paul , was ut the yards to-day and matkelcd liogs. OMAHA AVHOMiiSAMMAHKliTS : Gcnornl I'roiluoc , Tuusdav Kvonln ! ? , August 3. Tltc follnwhm iirlccn nrc fur round fo ( of jmittnt'c , ussnWon tltc mmiitt lo-ilnii. The ijiwliittonvan frnltx rcirc < > ciit the prices nt trlrtcli mitntile onlcrs nrcjltlal. HiTTiutt There ate no especially new fcaUue * In the liutter market The scarcity ot iood butter continues and dealois Mud It Impossible to. supjily their ttailu with such butter as tlmyatit. . Strictly sweet , solid aud unlloiin color , packed in now ek-an tubs , wllli-omuiaud l'4X@lr'f , or even inine , lu the inni ket , but there Is llltleornoue comlutt In that can bo unulrd as sucli. Small packnge.s ot flesh butter shipped In stone jars have commanded coed juices. The moat hulk of Ihc so-called choice butter Is selling at 10@llc and fair to good tifeSc. K ( is The great bulk of stock Is golnp at lOc with an occasional case , very closely candled , nt fe more. Cauitllns ; has to be done close and shippers will Und It tn their interest to do it beloiu shlnpliiK , Instead of p.iylnsr frciL'lit on rotten eics. Clacked eiCRS should also bo lett out , as In this hot we.ilucr they ate noner.illy entirely worthless. I'ort.TUY The rcreints for the past few days have been very liberal and prices are not quite as stioii as last week. A good many old iowl.s have been coming In that were in very poor condition. It requires peed fowls to brhiR the top quotation ; wuiall of Bpilui ; chickens are almost entirely ncslcctcd. Tuikcvs aud dueks are not wanted. Old fowls , per tin/ , S-5@.00 : ! ; spring chickens , large , S'J.505ii.OO : ; sprhiR chickens , medium sizes , S-.OOfi'J.'iTi ; spriiiK chickens , small , not wanted ; ducks , not wanted , S'J.'J5@2.50 : tur- kevs , not wanted. TOMATOES Per ono-thlsd bushel box , 75 ; per bushel box , § 1.50. C.vnnAfii : Isqulto scarce now. .Missouri. ucr crate. SAW. K ONIONS Are coming forward slowly yet , and prices arc linn with a good demand. Choice , per bbl. , 553.GO@-1.00. UIIANS lufeiior stocks. 75c@51.00 ; good clean country. S1 , ' J@1.5'J ; medium hand picked , 81.50 ; hand-picked navy , S1.G > . 1'OTATOKb Market Is a little more active ; ptiees range according to quality of block , irom r,0(3,10c ( per bushel. Ki.ouu AND Mir.LSTL'pra Winter wheat 11ourlst ) quality patentf2.bO ; second Quality , S3.4Ufi2.fiO ! ; best quality hpiiug wheat Hour , i > atcnt , S-.75 ; bran , SOc per ewt ; chopped leed , ( Ke ) percwt : white corn meal , 75s ; yel low corn meal , 05c per cwt ; screening , 60c percwt : hominy , Si.oO per cwt ; sho'rts , 55c percwt ; crahatn , $1.75 ; nay , lu bales , . ) 7. . 50 per ton. Un.ux Corn , 23c ; old oats , USa ; new oats , 2'ic ; tye , ! i5c ; wheat , COc. ns Blackoeirlns. ] ) cr 10 quart case , SiOO ; blueberries , per bushel sands , S5.00. SouTiiniix PLUMS A. few southern plums nro coiniiij ; In aud sell falilv well. Southern plums , stands , 87.00 ; southern plums , 24 qnai teases. S2.753'.00. ) CALU'OitNtA FIIUITS The market Is well stinplled. Bartletl pears , per box , S3. 00 ; White Doyenne , per box , St.50 : ; Ucurro Diel per box , S3.00 ; other varieties , S2.73@3,00 ; nectarines ; Crawford's psah5- , : r 'Dtra- , r-'r J < $ " " > "C : bo * ' 9'l ft' * " * " ' I'6'1 6rate. S5.i. > . OIIANOKS California Xavcls , S7.00 ; Med- Iterrane.iu sweets , SO.SO ; St.Michels. 50.50. WATKIIMKLOXS Misbouii , Arkansas , etc. , 600.003 KO.OO. FUSIONS The market continues very llrm. Fancy , per box , S10.00 ; choice , per box , S9.50. At'i'i.r.s Choice , per bbl , S3.00good ; , per bbl , S2.506L2.75. BANANAS Choice hiiuon , per bunch , S'-.50 @ : ; .oo. UKLIICY : A small amount is romlnp In out It does not sell very fast. Shipping stock , per doz. 4 dc. SOUTHKIIN GIIAPKB A lew southern grapes have arrived in the market ; 10 Ib. boxes. SI .OOO 1.85. COCOAXUTH Cocoanuts , per 100 , 55.00 ; less than hundred , uer 100. § 5.50. Fins AND OATHS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes , pcrlb , lOc , Dates , fancy fatd , 12 Ib boxes , 14c : dates , Persian , 50 Ib boxes , per Ib , lOc. XUTS Pecans , largo polished , lie ; pecans , medium , DC ; English walnuts , He ; almonds , Tarragona. 20e : almonds , Lauguedoc , 17c : 13ra/lls , 12c ; lilherls , 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Virginia , 8 c ; peanuts , hand jilckud choice Virginia , 7Kc ; peanuts , roasted , 2e extra per Ib. iloNKY California , inc ; California , sttained , lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 14@lfic ; Ne braska , dark , 12X@13c. MAPLISUOAII : liriclcs , perlb , 15c ; penny caKcs , peril ) , llj-fc. AlAPLK SYHUP Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs , per gal , 81.00 : gal cans , per gal , SI. 05 ; half gal cans per gal , Sl.lO. OiDKii New * oik , per bDl , 87.00 ; do. half bbl , $4.00 ; Crab , per doz qts , S2.75 ; Michigan rellned. uer bbl , SO.OO. ViNi : iAn White wine , 13l7o ; elder. 13 @ 17c ; single strength , 18c ; triple strength , 5Ti'JOc. ) Pins' Fr.iT : , Tnirn , ETC ! . Pigs' feet , per K ubl , S4.00 ; do , K bbl. S'-.OO ; no , per kit , lKc. ) Lambs' tongues , per } ( bbl. S'.I.'A ) ; do , nor kit. 52.50 ; do , quart Jars , per 1102 , $5.25 ; do , pint jars , per case , U do/en , S0.7V Tripe , per } -A bbl , 54.00 ; do , per bbl , S2.00 ; do , i > er kft , OOo. 7c ; mess pork , Sl'J.50 prr bbl ; dried beef-ham pieci'B , itic ; lard , tierces. OJfc ; 50-lbcans7c ; 10-lb cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7) c ; 5-lb cans , do , 7 c ; . ' 1-lb cans , do , 7e. General JMnrkots. AVoor. Medium. 17@'JOc per Ib : line heavy , 12@15c ; light. I4 17o ; coarse , 12 < ai5o ; buiry wool. a@Sc olf. Hiiis : Green butchcis' , 0 } ( i2i7c ; green cured. K@ c : dry Hint llS13c ( ; dry salt. 9@ lOc : damaied hides , two-thiids piico : tallow , SCWfe ; giease. prime while , : e ; yellow , 2c ; blown , lyfo ; sheep pelts , tKXjj/Tiic. / LKATiinit 1'ilino blaughter solo leather , If-c ; pnnu oak sole leather , 80@8Sc. 80@8Sc.I I " " " " ' iM ; FreiicTr"e1alt81.2V@V.85 ; > Iorb'ecob6o { pg , 30@t2c : ; Morocco oil pebble , 2Si2c ! ; top- pines and linings , 80.00 10.00 per dor1 HKAVY H.viiDWAiii : iron , ratep2.25 ; low stitnl fapu lal cast , 4c ; cruclb leateel , Cc ; cast tools do , 1' clSc ; waxou apokcs * per sat , 81.75S..00 ( : ) ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; felloes , Bawed dry , S1.4U ; tongues , cacti , 75c : axles , each , T5o : Miuavo nuts , uer Ib. 7@llo ; cell chain , per Ib , ox ! 2c ; malleable , 6@8c ; Iron wedges , Oo : crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth , 4c : spring steel , 7So ; Ourden's horsesnoes. S4.40 ; Hutdtni's mule bhoes , 85.40. Uarbud wire , In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. ronl Nails , rates , 10 to 60 , S'J.50 ; steel nails , S2.C5 ; Shot 81.0S ; buckshot , $ l.t > 5 : oriental powder , kegs , 82.50 : do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quaiterkegs , § 1.50 ; blasting , kegs , S2.U5 ; fuse , per 100 feet , C5e. Lead Har. SKI. PAINTS IN On.--Whlte lead. Omalia , P. P , 7ko ; white lead , 8k Louis , pure , 67.75 : Mar seilles green , I ton It ) cans , 20c ; French zinc trrcon seal , 12c ; French lno led seal , lie ; French zinc. In varnish asst , 20o ; Fjcneh zlnc,75o ; vermlllion , American , 18c ; Indian red , 10c : rose pink. 14e ; Venetian led , COOK- 8ons,2 4o : Venetian ed. American , lc ; manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prussian blue,55c : ultramarine , 18ovaiidyke ! " brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris and burnt umber. 1 Ib cans. 12e ; raw ; and burnt sienna , 1'Jc ; Vandyke , brown , ISc ; re- flnedlnmpblackllfic ! ; coach black and ivory black. IGe ; ili l black. lOc ; 1'russiaii blue , 40I-- ; ultramarine nine , 18c ; chrome green , L. , M. & D. , 10o : blind and shutter crccii , L. . M. AD. , Ifio ; I'ariBgrpcn , IN : ; Indian red. itx ; ; Venetian rede : Tu'cau. e : American urmillton. L , AD. , 2' ' ! yellow oc'itc ' , re ; .L , M. & C ) . D. , IN ! : Rood oclirc , lOo : patent drver , So : graining color , llcht oak , daik oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , Iso. DnrnsAXi ) UMKMICAI.S Acid , catholic , S2c : acid , tartarlc , Wic ; balsam cooalba , per Ib , 45e : bark , sassafras , per Ib. 10 : calomel , pcrlb72c ; chlnchonldla. pcriu. 40c ; chloio- form , per ll > , 20 c ; Dover's povvdots , per ll > , 81.85 ; epsom salts , per Ib , Jfi 'c ; glyceilne , pine , per 11' . l c : lead , acetate , per Ib. 20c ; oil , ca-tor , No. l.per gal. , S1.50 ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 : oil. olivc.ix'r gal.SI.40 ; oil. ork'annum , We ; ojiium.3l.x : : ) ; ( | ulnine. 1' . .V W. and U. > t S. , per oz , 70c : potassium Iodide , per 1l > , S8.00 ; salieiii. per 07.SOi - ; sul phate morphine , pel m. S2..V ) ; sulphur , per It > ,4e ; stnrhnlne , wtot. Sl.JW. VAii.visniis-ltairels. per gallon : Ftttnl- tuie , extra , SI. 10 ; fmnlttiro , No. 1,51.00 ; coach extra , Sl.-IO : eoach , Xo. 1 , St.20 : Da- mar , extra , 31.75 ; .latian , 70c ; a plmltum , extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 53.60 ; haul oil linlsii , Sl.W. bruins-Cologne spirits. ibS proof , Sl.tO ; do 101 proot. SI. 11 ; sililts | , second duality. 101 ptoof , § 1.10 : do 183 proof , $1.10. Alco hol. iss pioof , S2.0J per wine gallon. Itedis- tilled whiskies , fcl.oo < , ti.50. Gin , blended , Sl.WKil3.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , s2.Unt1.UO ( ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , g2.OOcVJO.50 ; Sheaf bouibon and rve whl-klcs , .OO. Brandies , Imported , S.VOO&.ViO ; e. 51.iO@3.oo. : Clng. imwntod , S4 M ( ( ( ( l.K ( ) ; domestic , 1.25aX ; ) ( ) . Champagnes , Imported , per case. S2S.OO@j4.00 : ; Ameilean , per case , 510.00 110.00. _ Grocers' Iilst. Piciu.r.s Medium , In Imls , S5A1 ; do In half bbls , S3.00 ; small , lu bbls , SO.tX ) ; do In halt bbls , S'J.ftO ' ; gherkins , In bbls , 57.00 ; iio In half bbls. 81.00 ; OANDV Mixed , n > # 312e ; stickS ( SOKc , L'IIACKIHS : tiaineau's soda , butler and picnic , .rOic ; cicams , 8) ) < , c ; ginger snaps , 8Jfc ; cltv soda. 7 ! c. Soti.v In lu papers , g.l.a'ia case ; salsoda , keg , per Ib , sw c. bYiti-i' No. 70 , 4-gallon kces , 51.00 ; New Orleans , Sci:40c : pei gallon ; M nnlo Syrup. K bartel , strictly pure , 7i/c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans. Sn.2. > per doz. ; K gidlon cans , 85.25 per doz : ( mart cans , 83.UO. STAiim . Mirror gloss , lib , S c . : Mirror gloss , : i Ib , 5ke ; Minor gloss , Gib , U > fc ; Graves'corn , I Hi , Cc ; Kingsfoid's corn , 1 Ib , 7c ; Kiugsfotd's glo . 1 Ib , 7e ; Klines- ford's gloss , U Ib , 7Hc ; Kln sford'.s pure , 31b. 5c ; KliiL'stoid's bulk , 4c. CoFFtr.s Ordinal j giaiies.lO@llc : fair , - - ' ' - ll < Vyllj < ? cprlme.r- ; fancy green and yellow , Mj il'je : ofdjjov- 'inmeutJava,20cu8i > e ; interior .lava. 10 > fra ( 20c : Mocha , 2)0'-4c : Arbuekle's roasicu , 14Mc ; McLauuhlin'i XXXX roaMed , 14 } < fo : Dllworth's. Hue ; lied Cioss. 14' ' e. SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial. S2.70 ; Kirk's satinet , Si.OO : ; Kirk's standard. S3.05 : Kirk's white Itnssian , § 4.00 ; Klik's White Cau. S0.50 : Dome. S3.85 ; Washboard. 53.10. Diiiici ) FIIUITS No 1 qunitcr apjiles , HJf@ 4c ; In evaporated boxes , tJ ) < j@0icblackber- ; rics , boxes. 75fX@8 ! peaches , eastern , 4i ( @ 5l , 'fc ; peaches , evaporated , I5 } @l7c ; Salt Lake , noun in market ; raspbeirics , now , 1 ! ) ( < J20c ; currants , 7 > f@7)fc ) ; niunes , new , ( JAXNKi ) < ! eons Oysters , standard , per cas , S3.0tr.i : ! ; wherries , 2 Ib per case. S2. , > 0 ; raspberries , 2 Ib per case , S2.2- ) ; California pears , per case , S4,40 ; amicots , per case , S4.GO ; peaches , percale , S4.90 ; white chetries , per case , 55.90 ; plums per case , S't.fiO ' ; blue berries , per case , § 'i. ' > l > ; egg plums , -Ib , per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , per case , S3.20 @ 5.50 ; 1 Ib mackeiel.'per ' doz , 51.20 ; 1 Ib sal- mou p-r doz , SLWXl.n5 ; a Ib goosebcrles , per case , 81.73 : a Ib string beans , per ca e , 81.70 ; 8 Ib Ilmalioonj , per case , $1.00 ; 3 Ib marrowfat peas , per ease , S2.fiO2 ; Ib caily June peas , per oase.i 8J.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , per case. S2.40@2.50:2Jbcorn. : percale , Sl.OO @ 'J.1021bcorn ; lieef.liCrdoz , 31.70@2.00. HOPK K lnchjfj ) c ; ? a Inch , 9 ic ; X Inch , c. ) ? MATCiir.s Per caudle , 28c ; round , per case. 81.00 ; snuaro cas'e's ' , 81.70 ; mule square , 81.20. S ITO AKS Powdered , 7J.Jc ; cut loaf , 7ffo ; granulated , CXc ; cqntectioners' A. C > | c ; standard extra 0. 0@ > c ; extra C , 5 @ 5 c ; medium yellow , Av @ 5 } c. CANDLES Uoxes , 40 Ib Os , 0Vc ; 8s , 9WC ; boxes , 40 Ib , 10 oz , Os lOc ; half box 20 Ib , " ' i " Smoked halibut , lo ; c ; new scaled her rings , 2Se , U rls.Hf.llbls.Q'r . Ilbls.l'alls ov Kits 90 1 10 85 SALMON. LAKE F1S1I. Orr Lumbor. DIMENSIONS AND T1MIIF.IIB. ' ' ' 12 ftl J f t'mt'lS ftSOt'a ft24 ft . - 15.WJ15.60 15.50 15.60 Slfl lIMUllS.UO.ri.Ou'lfi.OO ' 1U.OU 10.00 10.60 2x8 10 50 10.00 1II.H ) 2x10 IS CO 15 UO 15.00 15.0) ) 1U.U3 i .noiano SxlS ) | 15fiO 15.50 15.50 ! 10.50 in.r > o 20 50 4x4-818 15.W ) | 15.60 | 10.51 1U.OU IfllfjQ 17.50lH.f.O | KK.VCIXO. No. 1 , 4 & G inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . .817.00 No. 2 , 4 it 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft. touch. . . 14.25 No. 2 , 4 it Cinch , 10 it. , loiuh . 15.50 siu.VGi.nn , I.ATII. XX clear . § 3.10 Kxtra A * . 2.1)0 ) * A * Standard . 2.70 o-liich clear . 1,70 No. 1 . l.iiO Lath . 2.45 IIOAItDS , No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 817.25 No.3 " " 12 , 1 ! und 10 ft . 14.75 No. 3 " " 12 , 14 and 1C H . 13.25 No.4 " " I2,14andl0ft . 11.00 KIIIINO. 1st com. , la. 14 ami 10 ft . 521.50 3d " " " . 20,00 8d " " " . 15.M ) Fence " " . 11.00 , , FI.OOIIINCl. A Olnch , white pine . S."AOO HO Inch , " " , A . 34.00 C Cinch , " " . ' . , . 20.00 1 > 0 Inch , " 'J . ! . . 21.03 ESInch , " . > . . 18.00 00 4'J.OO . , . - , . , , , . 54200 0L.ww t.- ) * ; nifti luuu , o. n * * U select. Itf. i ) ; ami a inch. s. 2 s . 530.00 ibtand'Jd , clear , I Inqli. s. 2s . S50.00 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s/2 si. ! . 845,00 A select , 1 Inch , s.2 rt . . S.'tO.OO B seleo * , 1 Inch , s2 til . 839,00 HIIIIVI.AP. No. i , plain , 8am ,10 , Inch . 818.00 No. 2 , pla-.n , Sand.lOUich . . 810.00 SOUTIIKUX ' , „ Com , 4 and 0 In. llooilng § 18,00 Star " " r " 21.00 1st and 2d clear. 4r'and 0 In. flooring. . . . 21.00 _ . lltslll , KTC , Qulncy white Ilmfc ( Wst 50.BO Cement ( Akion.r ) 1.80 llnir. . . . . . . Vi..1. , Plaster , , , , , , , 275 Taired felt , percwt bIraw board , , , si one IIOAIIDS. A 12 inch , s. 1 g. r.1,14 and 10 ft 845.50 O 12 Inch , " iio.50 No. 1 Com. 12 in. , B. 1 B. 12,14 and 10 It. 18.25 No. 2 " " " 12,14 and 10 ft. 10.25 Paint your roofs with I. X. L. State Paint. Leave orders at olllcu , Room U , over Commercial National .Batik. „ . Public Cabs. Cab companies nnd others interested in these vehicles should write to Gustof Danielson , cardugo bullilor , 215 Charles st. , Hoston , Mass. , in regard to his now and popular cab. Bargain. LeiiAonworth cor 21st , 183 feet front , routs for * 7.JO , $8500 S. A. Sloman , 1012. ' ridges Steam _ Pile Uriving. KAYMOXI ) .t CAMPUKU- , Knjfinecns ami Contia toi ? . Brges , Hoof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Combination nnO HOMO Tru s llrldsos , rilinir ntul Oak Timber. UtU si. , near Farnnm , Telephone No 731 , Cigars and Tobacco. . * * " MAX MKYnit X CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Guns and Ammunition. Sl ! > tn S l South tl'ti fctrcct , woo to lit ! I I'nrniim Street , Onmlm Nob. r.icronr. WKST A. I'lMTSCIIEIt , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , Anil Wliolo nlo Dealer * In I.cnf Tol'iiceos. Noi _ 11W nni 11(1 ( N. Ulh Hliut't , Oiniilin , Neb. W. U WH1G11T , for the Manufacturers and Importers , Crockeiy , Glassware , tumps , Chimneys , Ktc. Ollleo. yi. South 13th Street. Omaha , : > ub. crsT ooomticii A coi , Agents for r. A. Whitney Currhuo Co. i Children's Carriages , And Jenctt's Colcbnitc.l UetiiKoratora. Senor or prlco lists. 11H P.irnim < tt.Omthi. _ _ " " Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works , John Kpcnete l'roiirletur. Manufacturer of (1iilviuil7uil Iron niul Cnrnlro. ttl ! Dodro and 131 mid 105 North loth Street , Omaha , Nob. UUICMPINO & nOt.TR , Manufacturers of Onmmcntnl Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer WindowsrinnK Etc.niOP. ISIh St Worlsdono In any part of the country. Western Cornice Works , C. SPECIIT. Proprietor. ( Inlvanlrctl Iron Cornlccc. Ktc. Kpecnt's Im- proxeil ratont Mrlall'.o Skylight. KIM und 61US. It'lli Bt. . Omtihii. Neb. Doors , Sash i Etc. The Gate City PlEnng"ffliiT : Doors , Bush and lillmls. Also nil Kinds of turning. Scroll mid StiiLr work of u\ery div Bcrlptlon. Manufacturer anil Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Btulr Hulls n specialty Telephone No. 93 15th mid Murcv bti. . Umuiiu , Nob. Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOLFB & CO. , Klootrlelttns , Electrical Supplies , Mnsonlo BIocli , Oiimha. llurglur Alarms. UelK Flic Alarms , P'cctrlu ' Matting , Speaking Tuhoj. Iron Works. PAXTOX & VIKKMXG IKON' WOU'C- ? Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ron Stairs , Kalllnir , Itollod lleams and Ulrilort Steam Knglnos. llrass Work , Qoucral Foundry Machine and lllacksmlth Work. Office and Works , U. V. Hy. and S 17th st. iron ar.d Nails. _ _ _ _ OMAHA NAII , \'UFACTtmiNU CO , Cut Hails and Spikes , Flro Kails r. Fpr jlalty. Omahn.Nob. Safes. Oinaba Sale Works , O. ANDKEEN. Manufacturer of flro and nuntla : Proof fl-1"- vault Loorr , JnU Vrorii. Shfitfcrs'aml'Wi'ro work. Cor , lith and Jackson Sts. , Umahn. Nob. V/ssons and CarrJasfeii Established 1S53. A. ' . SIMl'SON , 44 The Leading Callage Factory , IKOaiiO UU Ilodffo Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission , M. J1U1UCB & SONS , & Live Stock Commission Oco. liurko , Manager. Dclon Stoelt Yards , S. Omalia , Tolo jhono 5S1 Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Umltcd. John tlioyil , Superintendent. SAVAGK & GHEEX , LlYO Stock Commission Merchants. Shipments of any and all kinds of stoolc sollolt > cd. Yards , Omulm , Nob. Lumber , Etc. ' LOUIS fUlAUFOKD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Bosh , Doors , Etc. Yards Cor. 7th and Douglas , Cor. Btu uud UOUKIUJ. BOHN MANUFAOTtmiNO CO , . ' ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Btulr Work and Intoilor Hard Wood Finish. Just opened. N. K. cor. 8th and Lcavcn- vortb Streets , Omuha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMUEK COMPANY. Wholesale Lumber , Ell 3. 14tb Strout , Omaha , Nulj. F. Colpotzcr , M lumber. C. N. 1)IETZ Lumber , 33th and California Streets , Omaha , Nob. F11EI ) W. QUAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Ctu and Uouclaa Ktreota , Omaha , Volx GEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nebrabko. CHAS. II. LKE , Hardwood Lumber , Yfnrcn Stock , Fancy Woods , bridge llmbors , &c. , ti.V. . Cor , Vth and DonulUH.Umaha , Nob. G. P. &YMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uulldliur Paper , Ktc. South U - Flih , Etc , ' BucccSbOis to IcUcn filciMEsen & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Foreign Hsli.Nos. 911-913 Jonei fc = irfctitr " 't nail CM' . Track. Ouiuha.Mob. < it ( ctimiv , F. P. FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Frult'S.V'itsauJ OUari. 1211 Farnam St. . Omaha reb. Lime , Cement , Etc , J. J. JOHNSON &CO. , H of Iilinl5 ) White Um , Anil Shippers of Coal and Coke , Coin on I , 1'lns- tcr , llnio , Ilivlr , 1'iro llrlck , Drain , Tlio ami Bower line. Olllco , 1'axtoii liotol , tolupliono 11 , Farnam Btrcet , Onmli , Nebraska. Job Printing , KKK3 PKINTINO CO. , Job Printers , Book Binders , JOBBERS' EHHEGTQRY Agricultural Implement s. _ " * T'AIILIN , Olir.XDOItrf t : MAllTl.V , Wliolcs , o Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons N'cb. Wholesale Denier In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cnrrlnpcs and llujrilp ! . .1i nc PI. , bet. Otb nnj Uoots and Shoes. " " * - - vv < JIOIIKI : jt co. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoos , Mil Faniani Ptrrct , Oinnba , Nob. Mnmifixctotr , Sumincr Bliecl , lloslon. Carpets , _ _ . " " " * * * "p. A. OUCIlAlin , Wliolesalo Carpets , Oil Cloths , ttfttllncra , Curtnln ( .loot's. Kte. , 1101 1'tirnam Ptieet , Oiti.tlm , Ncl > . .l'.FF ' W.UEIF011I Coal Coke , Lime and Slono. Ofllce.IiaS. lllh ft. , Omaha , N'tb. VnrJs , Ptb nnJ Ui'-cnpoitStri'ots. _ " " NKlHtASKArUEI.CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , ZH S. 13th St. , Omaha , Ni-li. ( i o. C1 , Tow M1. , PrcsMint. Oto. PATrrns os , See. and T rens. J.II. JlUMiRitT. r.A. ni.i : . 1'iovrlotor. MIIIIBBCI- . Hebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NllllUASKA. Odlco , 2lT S. 1Mb Bttvel. Telephone 43. _ DEO. V. I.Ati Tvnit. 1'res. C r. OOODMAX , V. 1'rcs. J. A. SUMiiiil. . Nl > Sec. n ml Ti cas. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of arU nnd < oft real , VJS. liJtb St. , Uinalsu , Nub- OMAHA TOAli AND 1'UOniJCE CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Ei'lutive dealers In Houldcr Colorado Coix,21" ! tenth HtliKtrcot. Coffee and S ictSi " _ < SATKS. rOM ? & Home Coflea and Spica Mills MTg Co. Coffee Itoimtors mill Splco Oilsiili-r * . inaiiit fncturorsof Unking 1'owdcr , Tlavorm ? nxtrncH lllulntr , etc. Trj one caio of our 1-Ib jmuknuo Homo Illrnd Uoftsted Coffee. 1M9 llo uidtit. , Ctniitm , Noli. 13 illlOS. i CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Tea" . ConYcs , Spiers , linking t'owdor FlivvorinR Extracts , Laundry llluo. luk , etc. 141MU llai noy Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission , Etc. "liUANCH & CO. , Wliolesale Frnits , Produce , Oysters , 3121 FmmmFt.Oiniiliu. Apples Ouronn | .ack- inj1'lntt &C > i.8 TlKi-r Hi-anil O.\ttcrs. llutter , Kt'lis. Oanio , 1'onltry , Potatoes JOHN F. FLACKT General Commission Merchant , Produce , Provisions , Fruits , Hour and IVcd , 103 B. 14th St. , Omaha. Nub. Consignments uollcitbd. Kcturns made uromutly- K. COMMISSION MERCHANT. BIG mil Street. Omaha , Nel ) . Spculultlcs : Hut. _ U-r. K uti , and ClilCicuns. _ " "WIKDEMAN & COJ ' " Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Huttcr , Oiuno , Trults , Utc. 2 0 S. lltli St. , Omaba , Nobrnska. General Commission Merchants , UCO Dodjro Street , Oinulm , Nohrr.bkn. Consign- mcnis solicited. W. K. 1UDDKLL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Si'LCiti.Tir.s Clicese , llutti-r KSITS , Poultry and ( Juinc , 112 S. UtU. , Omulu , Nob. Tolc- phone No. U03. Storage and Commission Merchants. Foroltfn and loiue-tlu ) fruits a specially. 131- efrnntstomifo fucllltlos Wnrolmu o and oflluo , 1(1 ( Noitli Wtli st. Toloplione T75. _ " * D. A. IIUHLEY , Commission and Jobbing , Uuttcr , T.Ksa nnd Piodnco. A lull linn or Stono- rruro. Conslcmncntd solicited. HH Joilj.'o St. , Ouiulia. Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Itolrlireriitor and Pupklnp House , Mth & Loarcn- worth St. , on U. 1' . U. i ; . Track , Omulm , Nob. 870. IIOUEIIT I'UUVIS , General Commission , 11B. lltb St. , Omnlia , Nob. Specialties nuttor _ Kfc'BS , Poultry and Game. " * PEVCKE"nriosT ' Commission Merchants , Frulta , Pi'cduco and Piovlslons , Oinabn , Neb GRIFFITH & THOMAS , Successors to Imna GrlllHti. Commission Merchants And irhnlosilo dculord in country produce , fruit" , butter. OTiro.otu. ( jooilionconslKiiincrit n specialty. : N. 2Utb St. , Omaha. KfRSOlIHIlAUN & SONSJ Successors to A. P. Soliaok.l Produce Commission Merchants. _ Ko. 213 South 11th Streot. Omaha , Neh. _ Dry Goods , s. . aiNSiiEito & co. , Wholesale Deulclaln Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , Lacrs. Enit-ioldery and Whllo Coo&s. - Jg l > oUK'a ' titrcot , jmulm , Nub. White Lead , CAItTKU W11ITK Strictly Pure White Lead , 0tl. Si- , and U , P. lly. Onmlm , Harness , Etc , WKI.TV & > ranurut > turor8 and Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf GnodB , Illniikctn nnd llobon. Hl'l I'ttinum _ Strt'i't Oiimlni. Noli. _ Mattresses. Mattress Company , Mnnufncturinir > InttrefsoH , HiHldln ; , Feather Pillows , Cots , Etc. 120U tinU 1-03 Uouylai btroct , Umalia. Neb. Overalls , TuuiNo co. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jwins Punts , Shirts , Etc. , 1102 andl.'OI Douglx * ettnot , Omaha , Hob. Beer , M , KKATING , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing ftss'n tipoclal brands : I'atut nudwolscr aud UtlaiiKcr. "MENDELSSOHN & FISHER ARCHITECTS L. SlfAA'U , O AH3 JOBBERS' OIRECTOgV OMAHA Ij-MIIKU CO , Dcilvnln AtlKlmUof Building Material at Wholesale. IPIh StiretnnJ i n on I'ao 11 Truck , Omnha. - - " - OKItMAN \VYATP , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , IWh and Izard Strcclc , Omaha , NobrasVn. J. A. WAKUnr.M ) , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , . . fa pern. Push , DOOM , llllnds , Mout < Inpj , I'lcKt'ts , l'os | , l.ltnti , PI'i liT , llof , Omrnt. Nlntii ana .lono ? , Otxialm Nob. _ _ Millinery , Impottcrs aud JobhcrauC Millinery and Notions , iinnid U-U lluincy StreetOmaha , Noh , MusK/il Instruments , " i lintlOt.M & KKICKSOX , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Stelnwny l'lnno , Wolicr , Decker. Hiilnos anil llrlKK" I'mnos I'uo.uml ' 101 and lit ! lAth i Furniture , Etc. S SI1IVHUTCIC Furniture Mirrors , Bedding , Upholstery , Kto.l2Jtl , KW niul 121) rninnnt Sticot Onuilm Wholesale Dealers in Furnltura , Fnrnatii Street , Omaha , Nob. _ _ _ Groceries. _ _ _ _ " K. II. CHAPMAN CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco mid Smokers' Attlclce , HIT Howard Sfc " MKYiil : & UAAl'KK Wholesale Faucy Grocers , Teas , EpIci'S , Clgnm and Tolmwim , KI17 and 131U Uou las Street , Omaha , Neb. _ iltCOHD , IIUADY & COM PAN'- , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th niul 1'nrnnm 81 ici-is , Omaha , Nob. PAXTON , GALIiAOHRU fc CO. . Wholesale Groceries aud Provisions , NOB. 705 , 707,709 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. " " * U * . J. imOATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Springs , W attou Stock , Hardwood Lumber , oto. HVJand 1 11 Harnoy btrceu Omaha , Nob. ' EDNPA' .t OIIII10N , Wholcsala.Iron , Steel , Wagon And Carriajro WP i Stock. Heavy Hardware. Etc. 1217 aud m eiuomroi th Stteet , Omaha , Neb. Builders' ' Hardware , llcchnnk'6' Tools and Hutriilo Scaleq. HOe Dons' las Street , Omaha , Nub. ' MM : , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Aifonts for Ilowo Pcalca unil Miami Powder Co.Onmhn Neb. _ MILTON HOGKUS & EONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , JIuntleb , Giatos , Hracs pooda. 1321 and la J Far- nam Street. ' 11ECTOH & WILHCLMY CO. flholesalo Hardware and Nails , Kmcrsoii Steel Nails. Cor. 10th mid Harncy Streets , Oiu'ihu. N b. Harvesters. & CO. , CII1CAQO , 61 ilia Deeriitf Harvester Goods , ' ' Writ * to Win. M. Ixirlmor. Gonoiol Ag-onl ; Omaha. Tc'.cphonotilO. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. Ij. STUANO COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. 6t3fim. Wiitur , Itnllu ay and Milling Supplies , EtT U2OK and i'arnam St. Omaha , Neb. . CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting , Ktciim and Water Supplies. Headquarters tar Mast Foost Co.'B Ooods. 1111 Ftiniam Street , Omuha , Neb. i Jewelry. . " KDlioLM & KltlCKSON. Wholesale Jewelers. Dealcra In Silverware , Diamonds , Watclus CloekH , Jowelnis' Tools mid MaterialEtc. . , 1UJ Dnd 103 , ISth Street , Cor. Dodse , Omulm , Nob. , Notions . ' ( % ' ltl > it SilXKlKU. ! . 'nbnord in 1001 and 10J3 l > 'arnum St. , Omaha , Nub. 3. T , Robinson Notion Company , < ( ! and 405 S. 10th Ft. , Omaha , Nob. ' Wholesale Dealer * in Notions and Gouts' Fur- nlPhliiirlioods. Oils , Etc. CONSOI.IDATKD TANK LINT. CO. . Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gacollno , Mica A.xlo Orca'-n , Kto. A. II. Illeuop , Manager , Omaha , Nob. Pork Packing , JAMKS U. I10VI ) , Pori Packer and Shipper , Omaha , Nubruskn , HAIIItIS fi FlSIinil , Packers and Provision Dealers , Dfflco , Union Market , 1.117 Dodtro Strunt. Pivulfln.i hoiiso , IJ. p. M. n. Track , Omaha , Nob. Telephone - phone No. 157. _ Safes and Locks. ' Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' ' Tire nnd Ilui-Klar Proof Safi'S.Timii Locks.VnnlU nU Jail work. _ l'JiO ' J'liniiiin Ktrret , Omaha , Neb Seeds. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds , Airrluiiltuiid , Vot'olalilo. I Ho. Odd I'olloirH' Hall , N.JW. CmUth und Dodjjo Ht . , Omaha , Nob. Drugs , Etc , THE fSOODMAN DRUG CO Wholesale Druggists And Dealer In Palntu , Oils and Window oma. % ' Omaha , Neb. , Wines , Li ors , Elc I1.KII & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Liquors. Bolo iimmirncturora of KennoJv'l Kuet India lllttern. UK Harnoy Street , Oraahs , TJKO. w. uutVCAN , Successor to ML-NAMAUA & DU.SOAN , Importer * and Wholcbiilo Diudors In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , " - - - lllh Bt. , Oinaha , Noli. * Motions , tie , " T * IlHANDinS & SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Goods , Notions , Gouts' Purnlfthln ? Ooodi , floods from Now York. Trodo sales daily. Ml am1 ' 08 South Wth Bt. , Oiaulia. Flour and Feed , ' W. J. WKLSIIANS & M. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of W.J. WMfc'tniis A ; Co.'i Quick ItalaiiiK lluckwbuat Hour and iirouricMorR" tlty illllii , oor , fctU and I'uriniui btrvoti , (