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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1886)
SCORCHING THE MARSHAL , Tire Ohiof Bntlcr Telling Abont the Feca Ho Has Received. FOOTPADS ON FARNAM STREET. A lirncc \VrooUfi on the C. , H. < R Q. and Union Pacific Comity Com in IHH I oners Police j Court ; \ < MVS. TJio Ilutlcr Investigation. Tlio invpsllfintlon Into the charges of dishonesty preferred against Cliiof Hut- lor of the fire department , wns common- cwljj'c tc'nlnj'inornliignt twenty minutes past tun o'clock in the council chiimuur. There was somn delay in getting llio nipinlicro of the lire ami water works committee together , Mr. Leo arriving several minutes late. The investigation had l > ccn bronchi nbont principally by the disclosures made in the Br.i : last week concerning Chief liiitlcr's method of handling the building permit fees , which ho had been in structed by a city ordinance to receive mid account for. This question , how ever , did not figure alone in the investi gation , Mworal other charges against the chief being considered such as that lie had "knocked down" several hundred dollars for tilling cisterns , cleaning out collars , etc. , which ought properly to have been turned over to the city. Mr. Butler was represented by Lawyer Baldwin , licforc the investigation com menced , he ( Ilutlcr ) spent a tow minutes in earnest conversation witli A\t. \ Lowry , one of the members of the investigating committee. Mr. Baldwin set the ball rolling by reading a sworn statement from Mr. Hiitler , concerning the charges which had been brought against him. This state ment , alter reviewing the connection of the chief with the life department , wont on to state that lie had turned over every dollar that ho had received for the sale of old hosonnd for lllllng private cisterns , into the city treasury. He had altogether received about $33 or $10 for the sale of old hose , and all the money had bueu turned in. The money ho had collected for filling cisterns never appeared to have been turned over to the city. Mr iiutlor went on to explain this by saying that in 18SW lie hail paid to the city some $03 for "sale of old hose nnd filling cisterns. " The treasurer cave him a receipt for this amount , which , however , neglected to mention the filling of cisterns. Consequently quently the receipt appeared to have been given lor money renli/.od from the sale of old liofcu alone. Tlio matter was thought to be of no consequence at the time. Dennis Lane , an ex-member of the lire department , and onu of the active antag onists of the chief , asked Mr. lititler a few questions about the use of engines for pumping out private cellars. Mr. Lane read on a list of persons who had been allowed the use of the engines and had paid money to the chief , in return for that ser vice. Part of the money , it is claimed , lias never been given to the city. Mr. Duller remembered having used the en gine for certain of these parties , and liaving taken money for the same , but in most of the cases instanced by Lane could recall nothing. The committee resolved to adjourn until afternoon , when the dilVorcnt parties mentioned by Lane could be subpoenaed to give tiieir evi dence. The question of Butler's buying sup plies for the lire department without an order from the citv came up. In reply to a question from one of the members of the committee , Mr. Butler said : "I frankly confes" that I have disobeyed the law by buying certain things without an order from the auditor. I suppose that I ought to have done otherwise , aud I am frank to admit my mistake. " Mr. Leo suggested , "Didn't you do this , Mr. Butler , because you and the citv auditor were not on good terms ? " "That is true1 rowliedJSutlor. "The fact is , " said Lawyer Baldwin at this juncture , "tho city council allowed the money for the purchase of those sup plies , and were just as much to blame as my friend Butler himself. " "That don't make any difference , " cliimeu in Mr. Lee , "two wrongs don't make a right. " Some opposition was expressed to Mr. Butler's being represented by a law yer at what was to bo only an informal investigation. Mr. Baldwin protested that he only appeared as a friend of the ( shief and not as his attorney. The com mittee seemed satisfied with tins explan ation , for nothing more was said about the matter. Auditor Long was the first witness called in the afternoon investigation. Ho said that Chief Hutlor hud never asked him but ouco for an order to purcha-io material for the lire department and that was with , reference to the purchase of Borne fire hose. As a general tiling ho did not audit thu bills of the fire chief and they generally came to the council on the endorsement of the chief alone. The ollicors in all of the other departments always ask the auditor for all purchases. On the cross examination , Alderman Lowry wanted to know whether Mr. Butler was going to ask the questions or whether ho would bo allowed to have an attorney. Jt was decided that the chief would have to conduct Ids own examina tion. & * Mr. Long thought the chief ought not be required to get an order for needed re pairs , but that , as a ruleorders forgoods should bo obtained from the auditor. Mr. Butler's outers outside of needed repairs , etc. . wore not very largo. Chief Butler said that ho run repair bills , sometimes for six months at a time , nnd then checked up the accounts , and considered Unit the only feasible way to conduct the business. Mr , Long said ho had always been on good terms with the chief outside of the technical point of getting ordois for goods. "Didn't you say , " asked Alderman Leo of Butler , "that you would resign rather than have to go to Long for all orders for goods. " "May boldid , " said the clilof"but that don't interfere with our poieoual rela tions. " Mr. Lane asked with reference to two bills , one from Mr. Buindorf and one from the Republican otlico , which had been ordered by Bntlcr without an order. Thu chief replied explaining why ho had ordered the goods without an order from the auditor. Captain Wood , assistant city clerk , testilied that thu chief's report for 1885 , containing an account of the building permit tecs , had not been received by lilin at the clerk's ollico until July 37 , Thursday last. Mr. Butler stated that ho had mndo no report to the other members of the board concerning the amount of feus collected from building permits. John ( iilbert , gas inspector , stated that ho had talked with Butler about fees. liutler said ho wished ho could turn his fees over to the treasurer , tor ho expected that some time the council' would order litm to turn over his building permit fees mid lie wouldn't have the tuiuls. This was last winter. The witness always turned in his fees to the city treasurer without waiting for an order from the council. Mr Butler said it had not occurred to 1dm that ho ought to have turned his foes to the city building inspector. The nuiouut now IP his hands is about $100 and ho bud collecteJ .til of this , with the exception of a small amount , since his annual report was made in April , 188.1. City Treasurer Buck stated that the chief had never said anything to him about having any fees on hand , and that he did not know that the chief had any such fees In his possession. Boiler Inspector .Jenkins testitlcd that Butler had spoken to him about the re port be was making to the council last year concerning of his lees for building permits. Kt-Ju&tlco Bartlolt , who had aided Chief Butler in making out his annual reports , stated that the chief had fur nished the data for the reports , including thu building permit fees for 18T ! and 1880. and ho was confident that the report on the building permit fees was included in the annual report. The chief's original of the report was burned up wit" refuse P'ipera. Mr. Henry I'uiult stated that ho had had his cellar pumped out on account of its being Hooded by poor sewer connec tions , and that lie had not paid anything for the work. "When did you intend to wind up your build permit fee business , " asked Mr. Leo. Leo."When the building inspector was ap pointed , " replied the chiet. "Did yrtii take any steps to close up your business then)1" ) "Xo , sir. " "Why didn't you ? " "I simply neglected it. I thought my report contained the statement of the permit fees. " City Engineer Roscwatcr , ono of the members of the building norml , said ho knew nothing of the amount of fees col lected by the chairman of the board , the chief of the fire department , and had nothing to do with the liuancial manage ment of the board. The chief of the tire department was given an extra assistant , when the board was created , to give him more time to attend to his duty as build ing inspector. Air. James Crcighton said ho had been nominally a member of the board of building inspectors , but knew nothing of the financial management of the board Most of his work as a member consisted in street corner consultations with the chief. Meetings were seldom held. Never had anything to say or do about the disposition ot the fees. Judge Bartlett was recalled and pro duced the original of Chief Butler's re port of receipts of fees lor building per mits , which has boon so mysteriously missing from his last reports. The re port shows i'J21 on hand from building permits and house moving. The report hail been misplaced in Judge Bartlett's desk. Assistant Chiefs Galilean and Sailer made statements concerning the sale of old hose to sewer contractors. After further testimony of an unim portant nature the committee adjourned , and promise to have their report ready lor presentation at the council meeting to-night. FOOTPADS OX PAUNAM. Mr. II. I ) . I'lko HUH n Narrow lOsunpo. No trace of the Sucssenbach burglar lias yet been discovered. Ho has been traced iiretty nearly out to L'apillion and it is probable that be is now hidintr at some country farmhouse. Mr H. D. Pike was given a lively chase by a couple of footpads while going homo shortly after midnight. He was mot by a couple of them who told him to halt. Ho declined to obey instructions and thu thugs made a rush at him , with a view of annihilating him at ono foil swoop. He drew a revolver and ordered them back , threatening at the same time to shoot. The follows lied hastily and Mr. Pike made good use of his legs in an on posit a direction. It was verily a bold attempt at highway robbery , and Mr. Pike's revolver alone saved him. Harry Cliff will learn something to his advantage by writing to George Clifr , BUK ollico , Omaha. J. Li. Wilkio , manufacturer of paper boxes , IOC S. IHh street Omaha. Grace Hawthorne. W. W. Kelley , manager of Grace Hawthorne - thorno , spent Sunday in this city. His star and company have just returned from the Black Hills , whore they played to a number of magnificent audiences in all the principal cities. Miss Hawthorne. was presented with 25,000 and her man ager with 0,090 , shares in a silver mine at Spcarfish , a number of which the former has already sold. The owners of the mine have named it after Grace Haw thorne , whom they greatly appreciate as a lady and artist. This lady has just closed a season of 113 weeks of continu ous work. She will rest for six weeks in Michigan , and then open iu Boston in September in a now piece entitled "A Koyal Divorce. " _ C. E. Mayne is kept busy these days looking after the sale of lots in "Mayho Place" and "Orchard Hill. " Go out and see some of them. It is truly wonderful the way in which lots are going in "Mavno Place. " and "Orchard Hill. " Forsaloby O.E. Mayno. The Building Boom. The Mot ? brewery management has decided to build a largo $40,000 addition to its already extensive plant. The addi tion will bo three stories in height , and will bo built on the west side of the brewery. Jt will bo used principally for storage purposes. Henry Voss has charge of the plans. The same architect is drawing up plans for a three-story brick business building to bo erected on Sixteenth Htrect.botwcen Hurt and Cuming , for Ignaco Soiierb. It will bo 00x133 leet in giound dimen sions , Mr. Voss is also drawing up plans for four two-story stores , to bo built on Fif teenth and lluiuey streets for John I. Kedick. If you want a bonanza , go out and buy an aero in "Newport , " the finest and cheapest aero property For sale by 0. E. Muyno. Plnttdeutsolior Success. The annual election of ollincrs of the Omaha Plattdeutseh verem took place Sunday , when Jtho following otlicera worn elected ; C. Grotmaok , president ; II , Anderson , vice president ; 0. Hintz , treasurer ; Jno. Jacobson , financial secre tary ; A. Uhtof , recording secretary ; Ed ward /inunennann , librarian. The board of directors comprise the following members ; Messrs. Lund , Paulson and Seumer. The committee on relief are Messrs , B. Evers , Clans Pohl and G. Buck. The society is in a most Nourish ing condition , having a membership of 170 aud $ U&J.3Mntho _ treasury. It is truly wonderful the way in whieh lots are going in "Mayuo I'laco" and "Orchard iiill. " For pale byC. E. Mayno. n. Denial. To the BKE : I noticed areporl in your paper to the effect that the boya in the B , & M. freight auditing department had beaten the memhors of the Omaha cricket club , and wcie therefore champions of the state , etc. This is simply n , canard and is calculated to iujuro the recently formed Omaha cricLot club. Out of four matches played between these two elevens three games were won by the Omaha crioket- ers. The B. & M. boys disclaim giving sut'li a report to auy newspaper for pub- licatlou. A Union Pacific AVrcok nt Elliorn. Yc tcrday morning another accident happened on the Union Pacific at Elkhorn Freight train No. S3 coming cost was side tracked to wait for Nos. 17 and 47 going west. No. 17 passed , and after its passage the brakcman of 22 , without or ders , turned the switcli to leave his own train reach the main track. It is re ported that ho then went to sleep , igno rant that 47 was approaching. The lat ter reached the switch and rushed in njion No 22. Both engines were badly wrecked and a number of ears were badly destroyed. At last accounts no loss of life was sustained. C E. Mayno is kept busy tlieso days looking after the sale of lot's in "Mayno Place" and "Orchard Hill. " Go out and see some of them. Tlio Ctlnvo Contest- . Professor Pat Fallen has returned from Columbus and reports that ho has suc ceeded in inducing Thomas Kane to come to Omaha and spar in an eight-round contest with John P. Clew , tire Denver man. 1 ho contest will be for points only anil as both men are good ones , it is hardly necessary to say that the meeting will bo an interesting one. Professor Fallen has made a side bet of $100 that Clew will not score the most points over Kanu within the first four rounds. It is truly wonderful the way in which lots are going in "Mayno I'laeo" and ' Orchard Hill. " For sale by C.E. Mayno. Tlio Now Dumps. Street Commissioner Muany says that hereafter no person will bo permitted to deposit refuse matter at the old dump on tne river front east of the Willow Springs distillery. An olllcer is now stationed there to enforce this regulation. Here after , parties wishing to deposit debris in the river must do so from the dump boats at the foot of Jones and Cass streets. /V Sunday Surprise. Sunday afternoon , Mr. and Mrs Lirson , at the comer of Eighteenth and Castellar streets , wcro very pleasantly surprised by a party of friends , consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bergstrom , Mr. ami Mrs. Aug. Benson , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moo and family , Mr. and Mrs. Peter Olseu and family , and Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Melquist. The afternoon and evening were spent by the guests in a manner which shall make it worthy of ycry long remembrance. If you want a bonanza , go out and buy an aero in "Newport , " the finest nnd cheapest aero property on the market. For sale by C. E. Mayno. f you want a bonanza , go out and buy an aero in "Newport , " the finest and cheapest acre property on the market. For sale by C. E. Mayno. The County Commissioners. The county commissioners , yesterday morning , loft on a trip to occupy ah of this week. They will look over certain paits of the county through which roads arc to bo constructed , and confer with the commissioners of Wash ington county as to a division of the cx- Dcnsc of making certain thorougfarcs be tween that county and the county of Douglas. C. E Mayno is kept busy these bays looking after the sale of lots in "Mayno Placo" and "Orchard Hill. " Go out and sco some of them. If you want a bonan/.a , go ont and buy an aero in "Newport , " the finest and cheapest aero property on the market. For sale by O. E. Mayno. Personal Paragraphs ) . Mrs. Wm. Donnelly has returned from a three week's visit with friends in Min neapolis. Miss N. Harrington , of Kclley , Stiger & Co's glove department , is spending her vacation at Spirit Lake. Mrs. Jenny Durold returned from Toronto , Canada , last evening , after a three week's pleasure trip. W. II. Calhoun , of Marshalltown , la. , spent Sunday visiting his daughter , Mrs. C. D. Thompson and family. Miss Winnofrcd McClory , of Quebec , Canada , is visiting her sister , Mrs. P. McKcnna , of this city , whom she has not seen for twenty years. Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers were filed July 81 , with the county clerk , and reported for the BEE by Amos' Real Estate Agencv : It C Patterson and wlfo and others to Benjamin F Brings , lots 1 and 2 , block 1 , Patterson's subvlsion of blocks 4 and 5 , Htinebauch's will. Omaha , w d S375. Leonora Amy ( widow ) to A C Smith , lots 1 and 4 , blocK 27 , city of Florence , Douglas county , n n SW ) . M.iry Dunk ( single ) to A U Smith , lot 1 , block 27 , city of Florence , Douglas county , n c 87. Mlliard F Sears and others to William J Jilauglilln. undivided % aud pint of lot 1 , sec. 14 , 15. 13 , Uouclas county , q c SI. Olln N Davenport ( simile ) to William E Clink , lot 17 , blocks , Ilanscom Place , Omaha , wd1,300. . Marc A Upton and wife ana others to Ja cob Kliulis , 2T. feet of lot 7 , block 70 , South Omaha , w d-8700. Jacob Hindis and wlfo to Abraham Lewis , undivided X in 25 feet of lot 7 , block 70 , South Omaha , w d S350. Thomas Hvnn and wife to Phillip Cas- sady , part of no # , sec S , 14 , ID , Douglas county , a c SI. Kveiett O Ballon and wlfo to Calvin R Shaw , lot 0 , block 0 , Ambler I'laco , Omaha , w d-SlfiTA Frcil V Fowler ( single ) to Adelaide Bran- dcnburg and Imsnruut , lot 8 , I'ruyn's divi sion ot lot 25 , Mlllard & Caldwell's add , Omaha , w U-82.KOO. Peter Olnndt and wlfo to John Mauulro. f , sec 14 , 15 , 10 , Duuglas county , w d , , Fiecman , P Klrkemlall and wife anil otheis to Robert Eastern. east 55 leet of lot 3. block 1 , West Oiiiulm. w d Sl.UOO. Augustus Koiitit/o and wlfo to Frank So- mot ad. lot 7 , block 0 , Kountz'e 8d add , Omha , w d-500. Mints Laisou and v/lro to Iilalyn G Yates , south U of east of lot 7 , block 0 , Place , Omaliii , w il 3700. plCilwaid lluilsplth aurt wife to Gcorco D Pulter , seJi ot lot 3. block 49 , town of Phitto Yallov , DoiiKlas county , w d Stl'J.50. R K DoinuiKhey aud wife to Llnlngcr& Metcnlf company , south U' of lot 13 , blocks , Wilcox'b add , Omaha-SMO. George Aimsttong and wife to Ernest G Meyer , lot 4 , block 1 , Aimstrouu's d add , Oiiudm , w d-SlSOO. Mnrc A Upton and wlfo and others to Ml- clmcl O'l lot n , 25 teet of lot 7 , block 70 , South Omiihn , w d-$70U. Maty New and husband to Joseph Lcla , iiait ol lot 48 , S E Holers , plot OUahoma , Douglas count ) ' , w d 8UX ) . John C Cabin ( single ) to Henry J Windsor , undivided U of ( ot 5 , C'ortland I'laco , Omaha , e SI. Ficeman 0 Bullock ( single ) to Adolpli K amuelbon , lots 1 unit 2 , blocli M , Lowes' dil , Omidia. w d-Slii50. James K Itlloy and wife to Jennie E Key- son lot 0. Slilll's subvlsion of block A , Slilnn's ailil.'Oumha , w it-S3.7UO. John Slddull and wife to Jehu L McCngue , lot 13 and west 7 feet of lot 7 , block 0 , lo- ) nlso add. Omaha , w d-SI.m Edgar 1 1 Scott to Frank L Fltchctt. lot 5 , block 'J. llaiisi'om Place , Omaha , w d 51,500. A 11 Swan and otliciw ( tiustees ) to Charles F Fahs , lots 13 and 14 , blook 67 , South Omaha , v ' A'llSwan and otheis ( trustees ) to Sai ah Aiusrow. lots Uaud 7 , block 78 , South Omaha , wil-S.W5. S.irnh Aln'cow ( slnghO to CImiles F Fahs , lots C and 7 , block 7& , South Omaha , w d S-2.0JO. Ailluir S Potter and wife and others to Groiue 1) Wright , lotn. Potter & Cobb's sub division of lot 1 , block 5 , Paik Place , Omaha , wd 5700B Minnie K Hayden and husband to Marge- ictA William : , , lot CUidlckV.Uuad : , Omaha , Wd-53,500 , Police Conrt. | Judge Stenborg'b business in police court yesterday mofnlna was of an nniin- jtortant nature. C. F llowardithe horse- thief , was held to bail in the sum of sfl.COO ami being unable to furnish it was sent to the county jail. James HaEpin , ncenscd of stealing n coat , was acquitted ami released. Dan Shanahan , charged with assault and battery on a man named O'Connor ' , was lined iii and costs. James Murphy had discharged n re volver Vithln the city limits. Ho was lined $5 aud costs. L. B. Barber and Chas. Smith , two ne groes , were arrested for lighting. Barber appeared to be the aggressor and Was fined $20 and costs. Ciiaa. Smith was fined if. ! and costs. Henry Holmes and Henry Jackson , two negroes arrested lor fast driving yesterday , were released. Fraill. Roback ami Peter Blanko. two Italians had been arrested for lighting with a Jewish family. J'ho former was lined S'-'O and costs and the latter $5 and costs. C. E. Mayno is kept busy these days loookihg niter the sale of lots in "May. Place" and "Orchard Hill. " Go ont and see some of them. It is truly wonderful the way in which lots are going in "Mayne Placo" and "Orchard 111 IK" For sale by C. E. Mayne. Omnlia AVorlciintiiion , Henil 'tills. Sanctuary Joe Murry Assembly No. 8.GG7 K. of L. , Stout , Colo. . July ill , 18SO. To the Omaha BIK : I respectfully call your attention to an advertisement which appeared in your valuable paper a few days since , advertising for stone or rock men for Colorado at wages which are never paid in this state , or are paid in a few places only as an exception. Now , 1 wish to warn the workinpmen of Omaha and Nebraska to give Colorado a wide berth , for there are hundreds of idle men walking the streets of Denver , Leadvillc and other Colorado towns who would be glad to get work , and therefoio it is only a scheme to overrun overstocked Colorado rado with men who > -u only occupation would bo loaliug here , besides cutting down the already low wages. For the in- tcrept of labor we ask you to print this under the heading , "Itcad This. " Ne braska papers please copy. Yours re spectfully , R. C. CoitrJKs , Recording Secretary L. T. No. 3,007 , Stout , Colo. Edwin JI Walker and wife to James De- vine , lots 1 , 4 and 5 , block 09. city of Flor ence , Douglas county , q c S150. The book sociable , for the benolitof the jail librarv , will be repeated at the lunch room and parlors on Fifteenth street and Capital avenue , this evening. All invited. Opelt's Hotel , Lincoln Neb. , oponcd March 15th , tirst class in every respect. Brevities. The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. A. will bq held Tuesday alternoou August 3 , at 3 o'clock at the rooms , 1000 Farnam St. The children of Mrs , Ellen Nugent wish to extend to the people who so kind ly aided them in their lain ntllietion , their utmost thanks ; also to.Dr. Clyde Spanld- ing , of the Omaha Medical and Surgical institute , who tendered his medical assistance - sistanco free of chargq. Absolutely Pure , This powder never vnrlos. A mnrvol of purIty - Ity , strength mill wholosomonoss. Moro econ omical tbun tlio ordinary kimU and onnnt bo sold Incompotitlon with the multitude of low tost.nliort wclplit iihnn or iihrwplwto pnwdors. Sold only in cans. UOVAL HIKIXO Powoun Co. < C6 Wull St. . Now York. Mrs. Dr , H , N , Taylor HaslmdU years' hospital prnctlco ; jrlvos the same practice and treatment used In tbo bos hospitals. Kidney dlec'ii os , nil blood und skin discuses n spocliilty. lacerations , old sores , nnd over sores cured. Tmitmont by concspond- ence sol lei ted. Oftlce and Resldonce-No. 2219 California Street Omaha. Nob. U & -I ' "JBg taay a _ - _ Cor. ISthSTatETanS CAPITOL AV . " "WBHHL0DISEASES. . AMD If A N UFA ( "TOUT W BRACES AND APPLIAHCtO , FOB ' DfrOKUiriES , THUSSES. AND CUCTRIO BATTERIES. We hare the tacimioc. apprato > and rcmallofor the luocemfnl treatment of everr luriu u ! dlieuea reimlrinB cither medlcul or iiurijtcal treatment , and Invllo all to como and InvMUsat * for tlienuelven or correspond wim u . Ix > ng ojiwrlence In treating canes bjr letter eoablei * .la treat m nr caecu iclontinrallr without MPlnB them , WUITK roil CIIICUJ.A11 on deformities and nracei. Club Hoot , Curvature of tbu bplne , Ilb- KAHI'tJ OKVOMHN , l'llc . ! funiori. Cancer * , Catarrli.lUoncbuu"nhalBUo.i.KlectrlcUy ; ] > aralr U UpllepJT. Kidney. Kyo. Er. Bktu , lllood and all "iT.ltWSsiifl'BHV ' nmjuunw , IHIAOEH. Tru e , und all VlndJ or Medical und Surgical Appliances , manufactured and tor alo. The only reliable Medical Inslllulemaklng Private , Spsolal JJarvoiis Diseases Wa can remoTO BypUlllllo WN vrUreSSral ? o treatment for lo < of vital power. AlT.COMMUNIOATlONS CONMIHJNTlAJi Cull orrJS-x--Jnc. , nhl ITlthl.i 1AIK express tnnn br mi * or KI OUrtEllVATION , no mark , to Indjcato content" Bender Otio personal Interview prerwred If conTenlcnt Wftr roottiB for the accommodation of patienti. Board and nttcndaaco ul icasonablu price. Addre.a all letters to . Omaha Medical a Surgical Insilluf e , Cor,13thSt.RndCaiilolAv3. ! , Omaha , Neb. Having made arrangements with the manufacturers whereby we are made sole agents for the best of all taa ( None genmiie without Vnllcnciti Cignr Factory's name on lubcl. ) We take this means of again introducing it to our customers and the smoking public generally. Now on sale at retail by KUIIX & 0. , - IOIIiW. . BEr.I.I. , IStli ami Douglas. 820 ! South lOtli Street. FIEJ.I > * ; FAIt.VSWOISTBI , w. .f. vrniiTr.iiousu. 2115 Ciiiiiinu ; Street. IV.W. C'or. lOili ana Webster. JUFFUKSOX SQL'AICE STOKE , lOlli and Chicago Streets. Write for prices and terms. Orders by letter , postal card , telegraph Telephone 656 , will receive prompt attention. TJ11S SPACE IS HEStiltVED JOR THE WHO WILL OFEN WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK AT JL- , On or about Sept. 1st , 1886. * V , . * ' . i > MEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY OF A" MUSIC , Boston , Mass , T1IK I-AllOKbT und llKbT KQUIPPEI1 In tha WOULD. 1UU Instructor. . SUU'.ntudunts last your. Ohuroiigh Instruction * In vuiulund luatrumentul ran kle , 1'tunoandOriom tuiilnz , 1'lno ArU , Oratory , I.Her- . French , ( Jeruiuii und liiruuu tu , Kay- Mi branches. (1 ( jrimuirtlci , eta ' 1'ultlnn t-i tu | } J ; bo.ird und room with SUM in liont nnd olcctrlfl I lulu I IS to H3 in-rtoriu. KAIil/fltHMbFKliKSopteinbery. 1J1I. 1'or illufctriittid'nlcn < liuTi wltli full Infuimatlon , uJurti&slv lCiUHJiK : ltr.Fia Uiiibq.llu lim. Jljsi. JOHN C."GREEf SCHOOL OF SCIENCE COM.UGI : or xi\v JKICSKV , rniNCKTOv , XKvr JIHSKV. Ittixulur fuui-Tcarcnuri > cr , a < fulln < ri > I. For Ilia di I'ljeue uf liHChvlur uf Suteuu : , a gum'ral LOUKO , ul o leulto toursci In fliemlotry. Klolvirr. Ocplozjf , Utbutmillciund rhyttci. II For the decree ot Civil l.'nulnccr. Including , L * ldi ) ( be luual protumlonal ilurtloa , iitiuUuillnnl uf Kloctrlolty the Art * . Pott crucluatu initrui-tlon In Hltfhi'r&lQthcinutli's.drupnltn. Anulytluil und AppHeJ lilimnUtry and AeuyliUi iiidlpjy. l'lir lc > , uud A tronr > uif r iitrunco eiumlu- llon t > vi > t. lull and lltb. ISao. fur fpuc-ial cour es uO otbtir loIormoUou uppljr to ttic ColUiiei u irer. ESTTHfOD FOB SEWING MACHINI SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Full Assortment for snlo to the Trade by VINYARD SCHNEIDER