Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this hold , 10 cents per
line for the first ln ortion , ' cents for onch sub-
Rcquont Insertion , nnd $1.W n line per mouth
No mUcrtlBCtnent taken for less than 25 cents
for tlio tlrst ln crt.on. Seven words will bo
counted to the line : they must run consecu
tively nnd must be paid In advance. All ndt or
tlscments must bo handed In bolero 2 o'clock
l > , in. , and utuUr no clrcutn'tnnces will thoj betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Pnrtlts ndxertlilng In those columns nml hav
ing the answers addressed In cnro of TUB HKB ,
Will plenso nsk for n thoek toonablo thorn to got
their Ittlni-s , as none will bn delivered except
on pic'putatlon of cheek. All answers to nd-
vertleemcnts should bo enclosed In envelopes.
fONIJV'IO LOAN On real citato. He-
J.'Iiiif < ( l ratoion InrRoloam Central Invest
ment Co. , Darker Illock.cor. 15th and I'mimm st.
OX7Y : TO LOAN-OrTfarin nnd city prop-
otty.nt lowest ratis , W. A. Spencer 1.VJ9
rniuaia st. 141
Movlv ; TO LOAN On rcnl estate.
II. S. Smith , Uoom 3 , Wltlmell lllock. _
' . iTNii or nn.noo to loan lu
nmouiittto fiilt , on short time mortimea ,
three to twehe iiiontln tlmo on piopcity Im
proved or tililmpro\ed , Call nt the Omaha
Financial Kxcliniuro , second lloor of llnrkor
Ijjiipk.S. W. Coiriirnnm nnd 15th jit B8t _ _ _ _
'IO LOAN At n-asonnhlo ratei on
MoNliV > , tliici wntclies and otlinrncr-onnl
inoperty. 0 .1. Cnswoll , tonin I ! ' , Iron IlanU
tiullclliiK. 1-th and rarnam. Tnko clovntor.
cheap money on long time. In any
iuantltytnlonuou | Insldoclty | noicrtyor |
f rm land. Jlnrsbnll I.obeck , 1D11 raninm st.
' < : n > T money to lonu. 11. C I'attcrsou ,
_ Mill and Douglas. _ _ _ 018
' . TO LOAX-At low-Oft rates of Inter-
MOM'.V Bums of J'-iM and upwimls on f aims
nnd rlty property. F .1. Dny * Co. , G.Croun-
BO'S block , so cor Citpltnl uvo and 10th st.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 508-ailff B * _
.MA II A I'INANCIAI , i\'UAN : < iiispro-
pared to nmliu loans In any amount , on miy
kind of approved security. Largo collateral
loans a specially. Also on chattels nml real
rstnto In nmountRiind tlmoto Biilt. Lower rules ,
bettor tcnnft , nnd prompter service than any
lonn agency In tlio city. 1'or further pnrtlciilars
rail at oHlcn on the pecond lloor of tlio Marker
lllock , southwest corner of 1'arnnm nnd ijjjli
ptreots. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -
TO LOAN At lower rates than any-
MONKV ' In the clty.onfurnltnro , pianos ,
oigiuis , lioifi.w , wagons , or stock of any Kind.
Hmaembcr , at lower rates than any other loan
company in the pity. City Loan * Mortgage
Co. . room 16 , 1401 1'arnntn st , opposltj ritfton
hotel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? Jl _
TV/I / ONllV to loan on resldcnco and business
1' * piopcity. Lowest rales. C. J. Caswell &
Co. , Itooui ID , lion llnnk llulldlug , litb and Kar-
nnm. _ _ . 029 _
to loan by the undersigned , who 1ms
the only pioporlv organl/od loan agency
IP. Omaha. Loans of J10 to Sl.OOU made on fur
niture , pianos , organs , liorpos , Hagons. nincliln-
cry , io. , without removal No dnlajs. AH
bUHlness strictly confidential. Loans so mndo
that any pnrt cnn bo paid nt any tlmo , ench pay
ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
mndo on line watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who thovaro dealing
with , as many now eonceins are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need monov , cnll
nnd sco me. W. It. Croft , lloora 4 , Wlthncll
Ilnlldlng , IDth nud Harnoy. 258 _
$ IBO.pooto lonn on city residence property
Oco. W.Day , HlOFainam. 259
61'KK cnNT Monov to loan. Stewart St Co. ,
Hoomll , lion bank , 12th and I'arnnm , C2I )
, to lonn. Sums $ " > 'JO nnd upwiiuK
$30,000 rates. Hcmls , 15th and Douglas sta.
" _ _ _ _ _ _ 2CO
ONET TO T.OANO. . K. Davis * Co. lloal
Estate and Loan acrcntg , IKUFurnnmBt.
M ONB7 TO LOAN On good securities. A
McUavoct , room 7 Itodlck Illock , 1509 Farnam
_ Bt. _ _ _ _ S6S _
Bt.M ONIJY TO LOAN On rcnl estate and oh it
tola. D. L. Thomas. _ 2 J _
MONKY TO LOAN In auras of jaxfaud up
wards on first-class real estate security.
Totter & Cobb , J616 Fftrnnm BU _ 204
M' ONIY ' ; LOANKI > nt c. F. itced & GO'S. i * > -\n
ofUco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngons
personal property ot all kinds and all other ar-
ilclesof Tnluo , without romovnl. 319 8. 13th ,
over Jlni.'linin'fl ! Poinnilsslon store. AH bus-
strlctlr oonfldontnl. 35
JTIOU HAI.i : An elegant established business.
-L1 the best of the kind In tlio west located in
this city ; not protlts f"lOO.OO ( per annum ; will closest Investigation ; invoice about
f 15,003.00. Paitlos with moiins wishing to step
Into a line business mldrovi K 7 , Dee olllco. 444
T71OII SAI.U Lonso of first-class business
JL1 coiner In Omaha for 4 years , and Mock-
ciockcry nndttoio lUtuios. Addicss I 71. lice
olllto. 3S7-4 *
TTlolt SALK A roMauiaiit which Is located on
J- a lively fctrcot mid has 11 good patiouiiuc.
Ifton account of sickness of the pioprh'tor for
sale. Addle-fa 1C 2. lieu olllco. 41L ! !
FO US A I.i : A first-class baKery , lostaiirnnt
nnd confectionery Ptnnd in u town of 7.00J
inhabitants. Inrjulro of ! ' . F. Fny & Co. , Oinalin.
_ _ 05 _
FOK SAI.i : Fiist-clnss meat market with
nieo ilxtures , nil complete : good trndo ;
best of rrn nns for selling. Call or write to
( Jpo. W.Miisson _ , 1K21 Ilciwurd. : ei
TMUl HAl7K-Ono of the oldest established
1J gioccry bufllness in the city , with a very
largo , wolf-paying trade. Will exchange for
Omaha real C'hinto or pint ensh and balance se
cured notes , ( lood reasons given for selling.
Address " 131. " lice olllco. W)7 ) _
HOtl'TlIS Lots.Fiirms.l.ands money loaned
_ IlomJs , IBtlt and Douglas streets. 471
T7lnil.SAI.IS 20 Mimes stock of $100each of
JL1 the Wjomlng McatCcim | > any of Choycnno ,
Wy. This Block Is llrpt-clnss , will bonr the
closest investigation and Is now paying a
/rood dividend. For fuithcr pnrtlculara address.
( L II. T.cnroOmnhuIloci. Oinnlin.Neb. 271.
Clou liXC'llANCJKT-Stocks of goods of'overy
J.'kind , for farms nnd land ; also lands to ex
change for goods. If you wnnt to
mnttorwhnt Itiayonhnvo , wrlto , with full de
scription , to C. E. Mnyno , Itcal Kstato and
Trubt Co. , Omaha Nob. 2CU
T71It h.VI.IJ Several stocks of goods , doing n
J. ' healthy business , ownership clear , satis
faction gunrnntoed ; terms easy. Fomo Omnha
pioporty taken in exchange. Marshall * Ijo-
book. Kill Farnam ft. 412
T AKKN lir-.ltily 23 , at KI1 S.Slth st , a llirlit
led cow about H yours old.small rope on
hoins.Bturln foiehcad jly-Stl-n-S-'j-IO-i ; !
TT\Olt \ ItKNT itoom and board for two. 1013
J2 fllllltol UV 14J
f3OAHD-And ludglnifs. atU2J N. 15lh St.
L-Mrs. Dr. Nannie V. Warren
c'liilrviijnnt. Medical and business Medium
Itoom No. it , 121 North Itith et. , Omaha , Nob.
iil : > < ONAI. To porhoiH who wish to build u
homo lu Orchard Hill , 1 will toll lota upon
imment of the nominal sum of ten dollnrg utid
balance nt the cud of live years. Interest at 8
per cent , payable seml-nmiuully. This U the
boot otter ever made to any homo-seeker in this
city. Call nud sea me. C. E. May lie , Koal Ka.
tale and Ti net Co. , 8.\V , cor. 16th ana
171Il ( JlKNT-Sniiuio Piano , II monthly. A
JA HOBPO , 1513 Douglas. _ J-J _
vaults and ccsa pools cleaned by IJ.
1. 0 llox 427. _ aipnuBll-
CHOOL AND COFNl'V llouli bnuith
mil sold , ( ieo. W. DayJ103 I'm num. 4HI
Ideal CaUifrnph. (1. W. UaUor , Uoom 7 ,
lr n Hunk. 3tu 2
O MAHA KuiuUiTciiTltociih & lliu ( o llentuTg
Agency , A. M , Du ) ton , proprietor , malii
oHlco 12U Fnriinm et. , branch olllco 1413 Doug
laobt. , 410 N Hiih,5lil and 1121 S 10th ; telephone
IJo. 0 and MT. A Urge lint of fuinUhcd and
iiiifuiiilsliiHl looms , luuipfs , cct , for CUB-
tomoritoERlcft from , Ixmie } ourhou csunO
rooms with mo ; I wllUoon till tl.cmuii with dosli *
i bluleimutg.'Come toiuo tot- rooms iindhoiiMw ;
win suit jou at once ; cairlagca tor patrousi
telephone or cull nt above olllcos , ISO n IU
TTlOlf ItCNl' Uiftins , tJ per luonth llospo ,
jy JJouirlSE. 374
T1OII ttiS"iScuar6 ) I'luno moutuiy. A
1 JJJSPC. 1313 Uouv-liis. 27J
SOHOOr , Ol' BruXOGUAVHy-llooui 7 , Iron
llai.n. 3 4-3
_ _
* T7lOlt JtKNT A ttoo on a good retail stroolT
* - ' Apiiho ti&ha Heal llstuto uud Ixinu
Co. _ _ 197
771(11 ! AIlt iVpsh nsilcli cons with cnhcs by
-V ivlf.d. . ' | uitooulvuJ at i : lalu-ook's
ctocy.u If , lUlli kl . Cupltnl in o und Din on-
] ) OI | II. 401 B
1/UUl Lot ciuchliicr ) ; pluuur. mould-
i. l.iv I.IM-'UPO , Jiff'iW , borlu ? mi ohlne , aw
tilltlci , pull j ( , lUtlU'l.elA Mtuijjlilui vS , C'o ,
tioa Vjiu.
"TTlOll 8AI.K--Ono cnllsranh typo writer , ( rood
Jnsnew.tthnlf price. AdJiessJoe A. Hn > s ,
Central City , Neb. 4Q.HI
FOH RAIjK Ab'iy pony , bnrn 's nnd smnll
oponbdfrjfy , for * Aj. Then Olain , 21S s.
1'ith si. a.O 4
SAlil * Ktirnlturo C-room house complete -
ploto for liousoko'-pliig ! price J300. Hou o
rent { 25 per month , line locution , 1719 Douglas
st. 415
Poll sI.K Furniture nndi cn o of sir-room
house , time on part Cnll 1201 North 27th
street , two blocks from lcdCar ( _ lino. _ _ Ut _
" 171O11 NALKehenp , onnspnti food potiios suit-
J- able foi delivery or buggy team. Inquire
ol 15.A. _ Marsh. ( Ill North 10th st. _ _ 71H ) _
1:1011 SAiti ; Ono mvlodcon , n octavos ? 4S cm
monthly Inslallments One 0 stop nrjriin 2
knee swells , ll'i feet hleh fiilnn monthly piy-
mcnts. One 10 stop Klr t Clnsj organ boniitlful
ease J73 on easy payments. Ono 7M octavo
Pinuoflrnnd Sipmrr * Kcnewood cn'e J175 on $10
tnontlilv tiajmoiils. One llenullful Orand
Plnno ? 2 > ) on payments at lloepe's music
rooms I'd ( Douglas st. 00 : Aug. 7
_ _ _
HOtJSIM Ix > ts I 'nrms.Lands money loatipd.
llemls 1Mb. and Douglas streets. _ 471 _
1710U ALi-l : piano , fuimturo and kltrho
J1 rango. 7l7ainth t _ _ _ _ b77
HAl.l ; cho.ip. iron columns nud win-
clew caps sultnblo for front on brick build-
For particulars apply at this olllco. 811
W Dishwasher nt the Kmnict house
WAN riii-aood : nlrl. Mis. W. M. llushmnn
IBIS Howard st. 621
Vl'ANTinT-Tliitroii Hole Makers nt the
> Omaha Phlrt factory , ilOHN" . llith St. BIM.
"Y\7"ANTii : ) A thoroughly competent jrirl for
' * reeking , washing nnd Ironing.Vn cs
M.OOpur eek. 1KIJ rarnam , S I ! comer. Iil7
\\TANTIll ) Ohl for ffonoral housework at
KlSCassst. 4H9-2 *
WAXTHO Competent gill f-jr tjonoral
bousowoik at "ION. 22il st. 483
WANTKl ) A girl for Ronornl housework.
Apply2101 Karnam H. 4SJ
_ _ _
WANTIJlHill for goiioral housework , lu-
qUliulUll Douglas. 487 2 *
"VVTANrUD flood stioitjr , girl to do gnnoral
' ' housework In n private bo.irdlug house ;
good wages nt 517 S. Uth St. 442-2 *
WANTKI ) Olrl to cook nnd take care of
dining loom. Mr . L. A , Giolf , corner
Georgia no. . and Michigan St. 411s- : : *
\\7"ANTii : ( Ilil lot gnnornl bru owoik. A ,
TT II. Mil ) no , H. II. coiner 21st and Wobster.
U/ANTKI ) At 15J ! Howard sticet.ii tldv ,
rollabloglil lor second woik ; no chlldicii
In family ; Uuiman or Irlih piclorrcd. 1171
\VANTKD A ( rrl | who IB a good cook and
liouse-keopor. Mrs. J. V. liny , 17lu'i '
Cilialngs street. 24711
WANTHl ) Anuiso girl at 4UJ Conyoutst.
Apply at onco. 400
"TyANTii : > A good girl , 1118 Luaenwoith st.
WAXTKD Younpr ladles and gontlomcn to
attend the stenographic niU typo-wilting
school looms , 7 and 8 , Iron Hank. < " ' ) . * > 2
WANTin : A good girl for general houso-
work ut 801 SSlstsr. 31:1 :
W' NTI'l ) ( iirl lort'onurnl housework 2511 ,
St Mao s avo. 135
WAN run Utrls to nmko overalls , shirts
nnd jonnspunts. Cinllola Mf'g Co. , cor.
IHh ami Douglas , np stairs. COiS-aug. 7
WANTiT : > Tmmodlatelyia nrst class cook a
1812Todgi ) St. K)5 )
"ANTKI Si young ladles and gents to
learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions
when competentgood. Address W. J. D. room
lCiouuso block llith st , Omaha. TM
vi/'ANTKU An energetic nnd Inlluontlal man
it to act as agent In this city for mi olJ nnd
well established lilo lusuranco oompauy. Gl\o
ago , oxpeilonce II any , and acquuliitanco In the
city , will give liberal con I met to the light mail.
Address until Sutuiday , "Stipciliitoudoiit , l'a\-
on Hotel. " f > W o
W ANTI3D A man to bore wells. Address
S. S. H. , 1010 So. Center st. 518 3
WANTED Man and wife ( no ohildron ) to
woi k on stock farm in Iowa. Apply to F.
W. Phillips , 221U I edge St. 514
ANTIjO A young man to woik nround
the storo. B. Lohmun , 1103 rarnam
WANTED Laboiers for railroad o"ik in
Iowa aud Nobniskii. Good wages and
steady work. 12. S. Albright , Labor Agency ,
1303 Inrnam 3t. 510.
WANTI2D 10 nion of good appenrnnco can
can make $ : i to $5 u day. Call after H
o'clock at 1112 South 13th St. 51W-7 *
y ANTKD A waiter at Morrltt's restntirnnt ,
> 1007 rarnam st. 41B-2 *
V\7ANTiii Men to sell Shctlnnd-Zneatecrs
i ' ponies. Spotted , btrlpod and solid loiors ,
little beauties , raio oppoitunity , sainplo pony
free on reasonable conJitlon-i. For fuitlier
pniticulais Inclose stamp , llvion Yuu Itaub ,
Loon Spriiigi ) , Ilo\ar county , Texas. 2'M-a ' 2
Men for Sioux City extension of
C M. &St P. It Itiii Iowa 15. S. Albright ,
Labor Agency , 1303 Fainnm St , 2 2
ViANTJiL'iborcrsrorHlack > Hills oxtcu-
sionof II. &M. it. It. near Biokeu low. !
Men to cltlvo teams. Scraper holders and
shovolors. B. S. Albright's Labor Agency. 1303
Farniiin st. S58
\T7ANTKD Situation lu n law and real estate
i > o 111 eo. Fifteen years expoilonco. Know
how to take care of self lucouit. Address 1C 9 ,
Ilco olllco. 512-3 *
W'ANTKI ) Position ns coachman In prlviito
Inmtly. Tlio best of letters and lotc-ronco ,
us to chnructor , &o. , fumtshcd. Address 1C 5 ,
lloa olllco. 435-3 *
W'AKTKO Situation oy n Indy stenographer
and typo-writer of ability and experience
Address Marie , care Box 400. (05
"T7C7"ANTH1 > Ily nn experienced lady situation
Ti as hoiisokcoper In widower's family. Ad
dress . : CXllcomitoi % ( uollIlluTs. |
WANtl ! ! ) Position in cloak dopuituioat ,
general dry goods or housekeeper in
hotel by mlddlo-ngod woman of experience and
refinement. Mis. 11 , llox 557 , Omaha. 8UD
\\7ANTKIJ Drug stocks , nny number and
and niiywhcro In exchange for Omaha
propcity , or good Nob. lands. Swan -V. Ca ,
I'rou/or block , 16th st opp. I1. O. 523-7
WAM'ii > To jixchaiiKO Stock gcuorn
merohandlso , valued at J5.000 to { il.OOO , in
good town , for Omaiia city property. The C K.
MIQ no Heal Usluto and Ti ust Co. U7I
\VANTKli-A ( loodsteady horse with spring
IT wagoiiand harness ; must bo ctioaptc ; >
bo paid lor In monthly installments. Address
1,37 lloo olllco. JJ'J
' Customer } ( or our butter and
crcnui , J. II liooiiBlro , WW Ninth ft.
ail n 13
\\/ANTi : A Rood house on monthly pay-
) T meets. Address 11,05 , Iloe olllco. C55.
WAJfTKD To buy a nleo residence or noort
buildlnx lot In a desirable location. Ad
dress II , W , llcuoflloo. _ 055.
WAN'l'KU Ladles and Kontlemen to attend
Valontlno'aShoithaud aim Typewriting
Institute , Ko | < ltlon Imildlnjr. 5uiiffl
ANTKU-Tonma. T , Jlurroy.
_ 473
'inoil UINT : T o lariro bandsomo apart-
Jmcnt houses with modem Imimnunionti ) ,
now In the con i BO of erection , icady to be occu
pied by Sept. 1st next , & ! 0 and IUH Bouth 17th
street. I'orimitipuluri Inquire of John H. K ,
l.ehiuann. W7-7
Foil KIXT : Kli'Kiint brick ipjulenoo , ton
looms , mocluru convonlencej ; Bt.Maiy's
avo. Jr. Oruildy , MM rarnam bt. 414
IjiOll HKNT In two c > oUB , 0 room IIOUSPB
1 with city water , lu SUlim's add , unless sold
for f.VUUcuch. T-'XX ) to f I.IKJ down , buhinro $25 a
month. I ) . C. 1'utlcrtoii , llouiu C , lion b.iuk i
Ujl 3
_ _ _
\\yANTii : A young man , i-pcnklnif
> i sad Ucnnaii.sunta to leurn the watch
maker tiado. Address , 1C IU lloo ofOce. 513 3 *
I poll HUNT Store with 4 llvlntr rooms abo\
between llio bond of St. Mary g areiiuo aud
l.cuvcii\voitliBoiil opotiluif fnr u saddler or ba
ker , and oilier lines of business. Win. Flora-
mluir , HOI Doiiiflft ? . 243
1"loTTllKNTS looms , suitable for otllce , tor.
1 llth audrariiain.
The C. K Mayno Heal Kstato & Truat Co. C78
TT\OU \ LRASlJ-Wo have flovonaoios oil U. V .
- iIt. . IU track , 800 feet f i out ; will lease all or
port for live years. Bedford & Soucr , 751
T /foTTTiK.vr-io room houiu itiTTiio Ji-ro
J. Improvomonu , Uno locution on btruct car
. 7i N. _
TJM U UKNT-Tho bulldlny now beluir built
I' by llnrkor llros , , on the co noroflUtaund
Jones , t x j foot , and four or Uro etorios high ,
\UllbuieutoJ for hotel or warehouse purposes ,
uud beltnlkliod to suit the purpose of tenant 0.
U Muyno Kiml Ksluto aud Trust Co. , Uth and
-OU IlKNT-A nicely furnl li d pnrlorwlth
JtJ boRnl , siiltulilo for gentleman nnd wife or
two gentlemen : loOper month for botli per
sons , 002 3 I9th st , cor St , Mary's r " Mlta *
fiV > H miNT-Largo smith front room.irrouml
JJ floor , sultnblo for 2 Renllomen : also ono
small room. Hcforenccsreuulrcd. 1508 < a < sst.
611-5 *
Oil itKNT Ptnioroom , 311 3 Hth 't , opp"
1'iiMon hotel. Apply to P. Ilocco A Oo. ,
1048 lllh fit . , j'wl *
Hi : > f-NNicolT frtrnlsliod looni ) suit-
Foil for g EC ntlonicn. nu tf 17th St. S.l *
I poll Hivr : Two elegantly furnlsliod rooms
with use of hath rooms prirnto entrance.
Cnll at < i w cor. 13tli nud Howard , 3d lloor , loft
linlul iE.5-4'
TTVoTfTnTvt Ntco looms nt 1821 ri.riiuin St. ,
JL' 1 block wc t of Court ! House. 60S _ '
'TTOII : KivsTNleoiy : Turuishbd trout room
I 1 with bonnl , 117817th st. 4'H-5
"IT OIt IMNT : Newly furnisbod room , $ " .03
JLA pcr niunth Kaufin.tii lltoa , 10U ! ) ra irnam ,
K liiNT : Huoino , ousulteor BlngU' : 1701
' 4M8 *
Capital nvo'
_ _ _
OItlir.NT Suit of funiNliod roonia for t o
KOiilloinoti , Hill Callloriila at. _ 4fO
> oit IIIN : r Vutiilsbua room , $8 tier tnontti.
Ir 0)7 ) N. 17th Pt. 4i7-l ; !
niNT : loom { with board , 1UM rntiinm.
4U'l.1 *
HUNT Furnished front room. A. llospo.
jion IUNT-A : suitoof toouu isis
F'TTintirvr Two very iilooly fiinilslii'd
rooms with orwlthout bonrd , liouto Is sur-
roundpd by u ulcu lii\vn and 1ms bath room nml
gns. S. W. rnrnuruf 'JItli uml Webster. filfi
TT1OU JiUNi' Nmrlv furnlslii-d rooms with
J ? llrst-clussliojtd , u.M 1'lo.isaiit st. ar.Ml
irilHl'iulNT 2 lOOMH-MilllilTjlu for olTlco , cerT
JL' nth and I'lirnam. Tlio 0. i : . Muynu Itonl
Kstnto & Ti ust Co. .Hi
_ _
FOH HUNTrurulslioJ teem , 181(1 ( Doilgo.
; u" usa
> Oll HUNT A turuishnil purlor room with
rj board , suitable for two irotitlonion : nlso
fli-t-rlnss tublo board ; tcforonco leiulroil : 1611
Dodge. 1W5
FOiritlJNf Flmi funiisiii'dlooms. IMS Far-
luim st. , ranging In pi-lco fiom f 'Ho ' SIS.
"ijioii HKNT 2 sioiiTrTMiHi * ror fltirnnd Par-
JL1 nnmJ3J. TliuC. 11. Miiyno Itonl llstato and
Trust Co , 131
FOH HUNTI'uttiMicd rooms. Inquire dm ?
Stoio , 10th and DougLw. UJ )
7iTN : iA nlcclv furiTlslio 1 south loom
ira * notifflns st Itoloronios roiiulrod. "li
iPOU Iir.N'r 2Htoru ruoni9inrcornor Uiiniui/
1 mid Ud. ! $ IJ onch
Tlio O. H. Muyiio Kstnto and Trust Co.
Foil Kisrrr luslr.ihlo ) furnteUoil lo'oms at
_ 1811 1'nrnam street. _ _ _ 33J _
I71OK ItliXr Nicely titriilnliod Iront rontna
JL1 siiltablo forono or two gentlemen ; all moJ-
ornlniprovoir.oiitm. ' 415 Jones 8t 111
TT1OII ItnNT TIVO store rooms on 13tn stToat ,
JL ? Wntor , gas and sewer commotions. Tlio
C.K.Mayno and Tnut Co. , our. Ijtli aud L'urnara.
_ _
W. : ) ll UKST Two store rooms cm llth < t. ,
$ J5cacn. .T.Jolinson , IJ l Fauiam 2.1J
FOK HKNT For light hoiiseKoopiuir , looms
furnished and unfurnished in iJocmor's
IJlocK.cor. Uljrht and Howard hts. 018
"IJIOIlTlUNr Anovcollont Insoment. 5JJ aiiif
J3 5113 13th st ; : i stoics onllth and Douglas ,
aml2 stores on 2-Jd aiidCumiiiI'.tuljun & Co. ,
ISlJF.iruam. " 17
HALK Improved larm , IRQ nctoj , 75
ncrosln crop , U acies timber , 10) bearlnij
orclnml trees , til ) acres nay land , 20 acres hog
pastuio.V. . Jones ll-l N. 21st st. 517-augl *
H oTT.sils Lot8ri''anns7rnmTs moiioy Ii iuodT
llemls , li'tli nud Douglas stioets. 471
HTLLSDAT7K- , that's tlin name , nuil tne
lots soil for f 150 to ? 175 on cnsy torlns .
Have j on scon this ground ? If not , do at once ,
as it costs nothing to rldo out to tills bo.iutlftil
location. Amos' Heal Kstato ojronoy , 1507 Far-
num. B3 _
TTI LLSDALi ; soils at $150 per lot. 80J
TTIOK &AL.K-A physlofnii"hi a towuoJ.J.WO
JL' mhnbltnnts and liming a pi net leu ( it lour
tlioiisand dollars a jonr , desires to Hell his icsi-
doncn. This Is u bargain lor n phjolciau sockIng -
Ing a location. Addrces , U. * T. Huu" , 12.H T.
street , Lincoln , Nob. 4SI1-3 *
TlOKSAia : A lull lot , east front , with now
. live room housecistern , lot lonpcd , all for
$1,600. llullou llros. , 151U Douglas st. o"JO 1
T710K S.VI.K-Full lot on 17th St. , near Nlcho-
-L las , nt a buigaln , tlurnhard Suchsso
317S. IJthjjt H41
IEAVnNWOKTH Bl' . It. It. tinckago , one or
J mori ! lots or nn acre , at a great bargain
Sco J.V. . Logun , at Loavuiiworth liuslneaa
Place , or G. . W. linker , Itoom 7 lion Haul ;
building. 3d )
HALF acre trackage on the IT. P. tiack , con-
tnilly locntoU , a bargain for 815,0.10. .1. L.
Itlco * Co. , mil ami Douglas. 571
H1Gadd [
GaddA : Co. ,
Millard Hotel Block , oltor a
few bargains below :
I luml-omoU-rooiu cottage und lot In'Tdlowlld"
only I'M fcot Jrom strcot cars ; newly and thor
oughly turnlshod with now furniture
and carpets. Woll. cistern , city water :
gas pipes throughout house ; hard wood
llnlshliisldo ; sidewalk , fences and all Improve.-
inentg now. An exceedingly good bargain.
All tor $4 500 on easy terms.
8-room bouse , and lot In Omaha Vlow , a bur-
gain Jl.WO.
Thieogool residences , Chicago stroot. with
132xi : > 2 fcot , bringing n good lontnl , very cheap ,
Vory'doslrnblo property Oass nnd SOIh-st.S
peed houses , ground * 140x132 foot good pay-
ins Investment ; bargain , ? 27t001.
Neat house und 2 lots , lu Walnut Hill ; nice
llttlo homo , cboap ; 2,400.
Slv beautiful lots In "Omaha Vlow , " $3,503
cash ; n big bargain and Immediate prollt.
Blx line lots In "West Side" $11)0 ) ouch.
4 lots in Thornburg place$150 and ? WO each.
Cholco lot in Hauscom placo. (1,003.
Ileautlful lots ID Ivllby Plnco , Iloaervolr addi
tion , Manhattan , Walnut Hill und other addi
U-room house and 2 lota.Sclmcll's addition , sw
of I Iiifcall's Park , on Vlntuii fct , li.'Oxl'U ' fcot , 20-
loot alloy , brlQk bni s foundry ou rimr , $1,000.
Hou o and lot , 10th bet Douglas uud Uodgo
BtH , 1)11111 ) lor Si IlOlSO * . $0,000
Jones Et near l.lth , U'Mcet ' front with r > brick
stores , f21,000 ; rents for $2,000 ; splendid bar-
Largo rosldonco lot lu West Omaha , 00x15.1 ,
$ liO : < J ; on easy terms
Splendid liuilnossproperty , Douglas bt near
, big b irgalii , flll,03)
Ou li'iinuim near 11111,22x13. , flB.O-V ) .
Lot on Kainiimnoar Nob. Nat'l bunk , 27,5'X ' ) .
41 feet , Dodge opp P. O , fil.iKX ) .
il good losideiicos nml 2 lots , Chicago st , ,
$11,000. Kentulpiiyd splendid Intnrost.
CJood corner and oottaao , 8 HJth , 60x100. Via
duct will make this ndviinco rnplilly , J5 JO.
Atiovo nro ROIIIO of the many bargains wo
Iiavo. If you wish to buy , sell , or oxcbango ,
call ou Hatchor , ( ladd & Co. , Mlllurd hotel block.
FOK SAI.i ; 4o pores smooth unbroken prai-
rlo land near Oakland , Hurt countv. at $20
per aero , liernharci SacliBoo , 317 South Kith st ,
T71OII 8ALK ABtoroand dn oiling with long
-L. k'oeo of groundon the best fcticet of Omabu ,
sultuliln for laundry or feoaetoro. Address I OS
llco olllco. S8U.U *
11AHE CHANCK-To buy a well establlshod
buslnoss , satlstautoiy lo.isons for Eelllngr ,
Call on llallou HroH. , IMtUJpiiKliia Bt. 'Ml 4
HOUSES.lots , lands , abstracts of title , money
loaned , It. C. Patterson , 13th and Douglas ,
'SS7 M
A GOOD lot InOknliomn , iuiiiriu ( | Viiitonet.
car line , nrlco fl.OOO. I'otior Cobb , 1516
fnrimm St. . ( ) mahu , Nob. ail
T P. HAMMOND. Heal T.stato liroke'rVlS.'B .
\u Douglas st. , I too ma.
1 offer the. following special bargains )
Two cholco fotn in Hansoom Place , bargain.
4 houses ou Ohio st , 11,000 euoh , t'iJ cash ,
balance JJ.'i per month. ,
3 choice lots in Lincoln Place , \rlll be gold at o
tiploiidid 0-room bouse Ohio St. , barn ; 31x119
foot lot ; bargain , W,1W.
Lot on Capitol ave , 2d from tdtu'stmrgnln. '
Lot , 2 stores and bnsoinent , Kouiitzo's 3d add. ,
a bargain.
BnloiKlid lot In Slunn'a add. ,
Wanted Oflico safe lu oxoluingo good lot.
List your property with mo.
A nlco stock of groceries in good location ,
cah $1,000.
lx > ts 1 , S and 8 , block 16. S. I1- Hogers' addition1
to OLahoma,60x150 each. Call tor lorratt , .
Wnnt ( ) maba real estate .tor SI.O'U stock , ofi
liardwaro In good Iowa location , only S Mores ,
1 .OOOJUihobltants. m
iLyman's add ; on a comer ; < 1JWO , Imlf
cash. J.L.RICO kCo. , ever Commercial Bank ,
pKA"lTiSTATB : llAUOAINS-l'Inest onrnar ,
IX 100x100 , in Hauscom Place for A homo. Only
{ 3,600. J.L.IU09 iCo.ovur ComiuorclullJuiik.
* ' , ' B0 >
pyiLLaPALt-aoautUul location. ' bUJ
of trackage. Laysjlno nnd centrally locv
ted nt n bargains 'J..L. Itlco A : lo , ovur Com <
mcrclal HfinX ' ' J Wl
_ _
IJUAIiT.STATfi lJAHOAlNS- ! ) acres In South
JLV Omaha JolnliVI C. R Goodman , $21,004.
A posltho bnigniu. J. u lllco A Co. , over Com-
mctclnl Nftllonnf bank 801
Kr.Mr.MIIEH now'U the tlmo to buy cheap
lots. Thev prow In vnluo faster than nnr
other" . Fee lliri" > dllo. Lots tl./Oeuoli. Amos'
Heal Ilstnto Agency ; 1TO7 rnrnnm. 603
T TATiFncro trrif kntcTon the V P track , eon-
I L trally locntoJtrtibxrgnln for $13OUO. .1 , I * ,
lllco .V Co. , 13th a ) ) I Douglas. 671
T V YOt" buy n uIt-3 rind 4 miles f mm tnwn.yott
may lu time get a protlt H jou buy a tunn
near any town you 1,1111 secure nn Independent
living lor life. . TJip snmo amount will buy
either. . , *
300,000 ncrosofl'lhp ' best lands lu Southern
Minnesota , Northern Iowa , Central nud North
ern Knn ns nonr rnllronds , ehools nud churches
lor sale nt low prices nnd ou e < y terms b y O.
H. Nelson 600 Sloth * t,0mnlin , Nob. ( Cull for
further Information. ! ns4
\ h.vT.lT A choleo I arm of aju ici.cs ,
1 nearly all lc\el liuul , well linpicnvdSmiles
from railroad town , frame hou c , fiiimo grain-
ory , stnblos and cattle sheds , good well with
new 12 foot w Ind mill with attachment for grind-
Inir aud water tank , Noilly nil the land loncod
ami sub dl * ided Into hog lots , corrals , etc. This
is nn excellent chi-uri * for n man wishing to
fiirin nml inl i * stock Price $10 per aero , part
ciisii111(1 ( pat t time. Address lock bov No. 12 ,
llcilinnd , Nob. ! ! ll2 *
TTMHI SAM' only six houses loft in our Paul-
L1 pen nddltlon iiliirn , nno Imlt block from
Blrcct car. ThO'O iloMrliijr good homos on onsy
inn ini'iits miivt unll soon astlioy arc irolnir fust ,
lln'llou llros. , into Douglas 't. 2G.KU
IHTATKllAltnAlNa-ationutlftl south
front lots just ofl Suiimlors si. In 1'atrlok's
2d addition , SIeach. ) . .1. It lllco A. Co. . over
Altltl'cltlosumkesutiuibnu homcj n iioces-
I slty nnd this class of lots grows with the
rest. This Is to bo considered. Sco lllllsdulo nt
jl.'it ) nml buy one when you can at this tlguro.
Amos' Ilonl IMuto Agency , 1807 PArnamst. fOV
. L'ATTlTltSONrnoomS , Iron Hank-
LotRtnShlnu.siuld 8 403
Lots in Hillside No 3 \fM
Lolsin llnnscom 1'lnco 1 , M
Lots in Omaha View CT )
Lots In Lincoln 1'lnco ' 450
LotH lu West Side 2T > )
Lots In I'ol om I'lacii 22,1
Lots In Snundcra .tlllinebaiigirfladd . . . . n Ti
G-ioiini house and lot Slilnn' ' ) mid 2COJ
f l ) ci h , ualiuico monthly.
I'nltur on Park ncros HM
WnshluirlonHlllacros 7M
lllmobaugh's add natoa 1,00,1
\Vo > t Omaha acres . . 4,2."X )
Uonllold.'iaeie lot XiO
Slncro * , 4 tulles wort ol' couit lioutc fern
n MIDI t tlmo . . 7,000
U. C. Patterson. Koom 1-2 , Oinuhu Nafl llnnlc
KUNliAlcu SAUUssKiias tor sain :
II room louse and lot , 21th sticet near
St. Mniy's nvo , f. " > K ) cash bal. motbly fi.700
Vine cottiiffo and lot , 17lh bt. near Lo.ivon-
woith . 1,000
Cor. lot , llorb ich'a 2d add , with 2 houses ,
burn , etc- . 4tOD
rull Int. U. V. Smith's , add with lirst class
lieu o 3,20)
Pull lot,2 houses uud barn , South uvonuo.
llnrunln . . 3,550
Lot 5"1& ' , LOH os 'M mid. no ir Academy of
the Samod Hem t , with cottayo otc . . 2,500
Kvl2a'i ) , I'nttoison's subdl\Moti , with
house nnd Improvements ( worth 8703) ) . . 1,80)
Lot U\1M : ) , Hurt stioet , near Academy of
the SiiuroJ Ho ut ; brick liotibo lyorth
$ iaw 2,500
Lot wltkS-story 8-room house , fuilt trees ,
shrubbeiy. otc 1,30) )
Ijot with now i ! loom house , stable , etc . . S.OJO
I tat with 4-room hoif-o , bay whitlow , 2
porches , ( woi th $ ) W ) , well , rctices. trees
and shinb4ory .elmap at * 1,53J ; cash
down f 100 , Iniliincnfjj per niontli
Full lot ami fliM'C.\UfH \ H-ioom house nnd
very Hue linprd.vuniontb , Shlnn'a second
add , real b u gain 2,50)
Wlloox'sSocond mill'lull , ' lot niU B-room
hotirto i 1,500
Full lot In Plalnvidu' , with new Bioom
house , cheip . . . . LOO )
South 10th street ( IColmlJu's Second add ) ,
lot 5K.MU , gond * 5-rooin housj , turn ,
shed , well , verjf nlep lonoej , sha Jo trees
and verv cholco , , , , 4,00)
UOth Rticot , nor.r.Ca tVllarno-Ill , nitb cot-
tajro. Onu-lialf Cii-ih 1,200
Slull lots on Snundurs sticot , with two
story 11 room house , Jurgo b.un , etc . . . . 5,500
3JO noios , line farm , I mil. near Waterloo ,
with very line Imi/rovemouts / , at $10 per
acre ) . . : \
U13 Hernhiird Rachso.ai7S. 13th St.
FOIl ixuiIANpCi2ion)8tOQlcilry ( ) goods for
O.uaha proporty. Arohoc & t'Jtoht.iJrtS ; !
$2,000 will buy Ipt'U Qtrinn'a addition , South
lull st.intl.f3 with Improvements , address ,
1,30 lloo olllco. , ' . ilt )
TT1OII NAM : Kosldonuo propelty anilacaiu
-U lots lu every addition In Omaha. Terms to
suit purchaser. Alsa desirable business prop
erty. Gibson , Lirson& Co. , Uoom U , Wltlmoll
llloek. ri
HAVIJ you seen Hills laloV It uot.iio so at
ouco anil pick out a lot for $ VM tUut will pot
only make you money but help you Pine soino.
Ames' lloal Kstato Agency , 15u7 Fai num. MI
FOItSALt : Wo lm\o sixteen lots In Haw-
thoino addition tliufvo will cll : bo = t and
ehcapbst lusido property In Omiiluu llcdtord k
Souer 75" >
ITlOlt SAL.U Onoot the tlnost usres In
-L Oinutm.only SljQ'Jd. The C. K. Muyno llual
F-stato and Trust Co. W2
/ VNi : an Ithrpo-touitlis acres in Iliooklluc ad-
\J dltlon , price f 350. Potter & Oobb , 1515 Far-
imm st , Oirmlm , Nob. 821
POU .VLK Or etchingo for general uier
chandlso,203 ncros llnnlly Impiovod land In
Southern Iowa , adjoliilusr county scat and rail-
io.idln Dccatur county. Has a line U-room
house , largo bam , 60 foot shod , good well , spring
nud running water ; 10) ) apple trees , ohorrlos ,
grapes , etc. Hornhnrd Saohsso , 317 S. I'Jth
St. . Omaha Neb. fl)2 )
Foil SALK-lly Aaion O.ilut , Pen A ; Co. , 13J2
Faimna street , ground floor.
Fuurnm Btreet , 221eeta-Htory brick J30.000
" " BJtout.nuar 2-'duno lui-
pro\cmonts , 20.000
Uoughis street , 41 feet , near llith , im
proved 00,1)00
Douglas street , line business corner 22.0CO
" " near 3'ith 2,000
Dodge , cornorCOxlDJ , rout $11,000 30,0)0
" " 50x148 ! t,760
" between 27th and 2ith streets 2,000
ITnrney , 41x102 , elegant business corner ,
to-day 22.WO
Cuss , near ltlthiHn ; ) , ' , Impiovod 7r > OD
Lcavonworth , corner of 13tli. tnqulro
for particulars ,
Louvenwortli , corner of lltb , 33x132 20,000
" " of 15th , CfacJO , in. .
proved . . . . , . . 7,500
20th , near LoavonwoithImpiovod Brou
20thnear .Mason , Improved 3,803
21bt , near Lca\eiiw01 th , Improved 4,0,0
10th s root , opposite 1'nvtoii & Oalla-
ghor's , 7,050
10th streetbetween lloivnrd and Juclaon ,
3H\ia2 11,000
Cumlngst. cor. 6Uxl3j , Improved 15,000
Kth st. 00 ft , Improved , cash 7,000
Hanscom place , II houses on full lots , east
front , Virginianvo SJ.OOJto 4,000
Hauscom place , 100x150 It. corner , Park
uvo , well Improved 0.500
niifccom place , 150x110 on Park ave , N of
Lenvcmworth 10,000
Hanscom place , 25 lots , uood location ,
from ffOOto 2,250
J01 omo parkB fiout on Furiium st.fllotson
grade , baigaln.
Tuttlo's addition , aero property near Dolt
Walnut Hill , lots from $300 to $1OW.
H miles from Omaha , elegant farm of 280
aoros , well Improved.
I'apllllon , Neb , , 3 lots , 41x132. 7 room house ,
burn mid fruit tree ! etc. , 11.500.
Several etocksxifnierolmndlBO for sale or
Money to loan nt low.ratos. Aaron Calm. Son
& Co. , 1323 KaruaS t > tt < < fo
HILLSDALE , 'Blgnfcst ground , handsomest
location of any lots In or around Omaha ,
for f)50 ) to (176 a lot. Come aud 800 this
ground. Amos' , ltcal Estate Agency 1507 Fftr-
nam. m ' 600
H OllflKS Lots/FafmsJjanas / money loaned.
llemls. 15th nnd Douglas strnots. 471
HIIISDALK Cqmp and see It yourself , It
sells on its ififrits. Ames' Heal Kstnto
Atfonoy , 1507 rarnart/ . ' 809
Pen HALK-Two elegant oaet front corner
ou In Ilurr Oak : natural snado treoj.
I latcher , Gadd & Oo , , lUld Douglas street , Millard
hotel block Omnlfa ; Nob. 804
'OW Is it yoM irelirhbor has marto money ?
ily having luurRffe to buy ohoap lots. You
candothosnmo In lllllsdalo , where lots now
Boiling for { 150 each uUl brln ? donblo that in a
your from now. aWCV Heal Estuto Agency ,
1 HIT rnrnnm 803
nil.I.SDAUJ Ilest opportunity for getting
you a cheap homo. BO'J
Tmoil SAI.E-18 lots 2'S blocks south of tuo
Jend of lltli st. Btroet car line , splendid loca
tion , roasonubla terms. Inquire of Kuguno
ONoll | , llth and Dorcas st. 42 < i
Foil HAf.R-ixiti 1 and -V Hodlck's addition ,
3 blocks south und u t of Faitiam school.
Corner and east fronts. Inside building lots
atid cheap. A. 1\ Taker , 1304 yarnam St. 42J.
O KCIIAKI ) ll | | , [ , jots soil on fholr niorltsl
Ijnvt prices and easy terms given. Call at
ThoO. 11. Mayao aud Trust Co.'a plUco nud get It
plat. aw
Foil bAl.icholco lots 111 1st addition , Hod-
ford 1'laco , ou Stute btreot. luqulro 1315
Douulas. 601 Jl
'AHUAIN ' Full lot on Webster St. between
. ' 17th undlSthsts. , housoj , one of rooms
and ono of Brooms ; ( rood baru aud shudo trues
and other Improvements ; price f7. < 0 : owy
terms. Totter & Gobi ) , lS15Furnam , st , , Omaha ,
TT10K SAT.F.-SMncre * I ratio from Waterloo ,
Krlth two nr t-clas houic4 , Mnb'.pj , wlnd
mill. Allfoncol. Trent nnd nt ft ) | > .ir acre.
llornhjitrtlj ! tsnchseo , 317 South llllb stroc-t 1 < 39
IfSSn SAI.KJ. . ll'TS-nni A" to. . Ural Ustat
A ont recommenil purchasers to examine
tlio following hiir Bltn :
Kast front ou Vltvliila nvo . . . f 1OUO to fl.flOO
UnM Iront on Thll Sheridan . . $030 to 1'M )
Knst fronton ncorelnnvn . 1,750
lln t front ou Cat hnrlno t . , . 2-ax )
ia : t fiont on Dc-lawarost . i.SM
IotsiM.l 1 Uii1lek4 ub dlv . 2/OU
T o ca t front lot * one n cor. on Colfnx. 4 , ' > 00
House ami corner lot in IVlham I'lneo . l.75 ( !
Ut * in Crc < ton . .S'HX ) to ivjo
lot ln1Ia\vtliorno . .fl.OO to 1,100
Two tiaml'ome cast fronts ono a corner
riuTnborl'Inrobntli for . 2,001
llandsoiuo ncio \ \ o t Uinnha . 4 , 0i\ \
lot ou Calllornlti < trrot J O to 1.VX )
IXIIN lu liuptoxouiont Asormtlon addi
tion . . 1,1m
Lots In l naei and Seldon' * addition SI , < VHto.0.)0 ) : )
Xoit llttlo homo Ju t north of I.eave'n-
noilli In W. A. llt'dlck'H addition If
taken "oon . . . . 2,003
House aud lot < < noir Auidom ) of Sained
Hrarl.falirorula tiect. 2,009
Aciolot on CilRiitloct near fiMli . . 4.50A )
Two beautiful cast trout ou corner I'luns *
nut and Da\cnport slii't'H . . 3,100
Lot In Walnut Mill nonr Holt Utic Depot MO
l'luostoa t and south fionls Walnut Hill
( Kast fronts on l.owo n\o ) $1.00) ) to 1 0)
Ixils In I iwo's addition . . . . ttxto ) 1uH
I.olsiuid house * and lots every who'O In the
city at nil prices and on all tornm , cnll ami allow
us to show you the nroncily on which you can
make money. J. II. Kvnns & Co. , 15ll ; Dodso.
! Kt-4
T OTS milhntrTodhv for $ ioi ) tfTfTiJoj sold a > ear
J-J nan for MOO to $ J.V ) Think ( if this and Ket a
lot now In 1111 l-id nlo for $163 to ? 17. " > and on uaty
terms. Amos' Heal Ustnto Agency , 1507 1'aniitm
R09 _
HOW jou can make mtinoy ? llv buying on
oflgy pa.Miiontsa lllllsJiiloUit for $150 , that
will bo ua llv paid Tor and double in value.
Ames Konl Ignite Afoncy , ISO , rarnam _ POV
ITloit ti Vli : Pull lot on Shormnii avo. , oppo-
-L slto for Holt I.lno depot. Sachsso to < lor-
grcuti7S. ; lathst. _ iqj _
SAM' One of thn lluott aero * In West
Omnhii. 80,00) . The C. U. Ma ) no Hunt Ustato
nnrtTj-ust Co _ _ _ KI8 _
trackauo on the U. I' , trnolt , eon-
HAIjKncra . bargain 1'or $15OU9. .1. L.
lllcoji CooJilth and Dounhifl _ 571 _
'niblf HAI.lf Oood 7-toom house with collar ,
J.1 cistoin , city water and barn , > i lot , } 3,80U ;
enquire on promise" , 2 * > 17 Davenport. 678
nil.lSDAMfhtis advantages which can't bo
beaten by any locution. When you see the
lot _ s you will admit It Amt- , 1 507 I'arnaiu. 339
H'll.l.SDAlji : Voueiiu Uud no aucli lota ai
those at f 150 nploco. Ames' Ueul Kstuto
Atrcnoy. 150' I'm nam st. _ 803 _
JT\OK < Or Tr i-lo Improve 1 atvl unlm-
JJ provodlnmUIn Furniu nnil onor western
counties. Addroaa Win. Simoral , Arapuhoo ,
FuruaaCo. Nob. _ -75
"lllolt IAI.I : N'ire " > mom house und 2 corner
J-1 lot" In Walnut Hill ; ' 4 cash baL to suit.
CalMaitln 1IOS llth st. _ 4UJ
SACHEM , has for sale :
Tots 111 Ambler I'lnco . ftOOto 000
Lot" lu 13. V. Smith's add . . . SliiOOto 2.00J
Cor. lots Mlllurd > t I'aldwolls add , 88vl80. . . .
. f-VOOto % 40rt
rino east trout lot. OOvlll. N Ibth st . . . . 2,000
Full lot Omaha View , graded , lencod , tieos
nud ihriibs . F01
LotfiUxl' 'ii Shlnn'sM add ( Chut Irs M ) l.OJJ
Select cd lots , Snunders i : lllinobaufrh'Hiidd
. fVOto 700
noautltul iifi-o lots , 1'attcrson Park , nu
miles f roln court housu . . . . $ ; ) . ! " > to 439
Sldthbot. Wllllatim and HIcliory.WKHO 3,4' '
Cor. buslnuss lot. Military uvo . 450
Wllcox'a 1st add , 2 lots COO each 2 lots 000
each .
Acielotslu Hyde nark . RJ75to 350
IjOtsoiiSiiundorsst. near Holt Uno depot ,
each . . . . . IOW
Lots In I'lnln View , Iii5ldot 90 ; cor $700 to 771
Lots in llealoid plucc . JlOJto UM
South Irontl ots on Uurdctto ur Snutulcrs ,
. . . . $1 5010 1,100
f.cavoiiworlh st , near Park ave , 59\U8. . . . 1,609
Lots on Sherman avo. opp. bite for Holt
Hue depot . J.1.0UO to 7,000
40 acres line vlriflu nrnlrlo In Oaltlaiid at. . 20
_ RJJ lloiuiiiud SnclisbO. .117 S 13th St.
Hl'AVYmilns In poimlntloi\ pushes Oinahato
thofiont. See llllHdalo lots that you can
ROW buy for $ ir > 0. Pick ono out , pay for It In
instiillmentg , nml soil It In n years tlmo lor twice
its cost. Ames' Itual Kstato Agency , 1507 Far-
limn st. _ 809
TJ KAL r.STATE IIAUOAINS Finest plcco of
J.trackage , easy of acoeb3 and centrally lo
cate : ! , in Omaha , lit. a bargain. J. L. Itlco & Co.
ovcrt'omiuerelaljiatlonal bank. 804
HILTsUAUJ-LotB only f 150 to ? 175. nnd will
Boll for double this llpuro in 12 mouths'
tlmo. Como and too them , Amos' Itcal Kstato
y. 1507 Farnam st. _ BO'l _
SAM : Lots luShrlvor Place. $300 ; only
Foil $1 > dou , lull. S5 per month.
Two line lots In Hnn = com Placo.
Two lots In Minion's add.
Three llucst lost in Omaha View.
Two splendid lots In Shtill'rt 1st add
To buy , sell or lent property
Call on H. W. Hunt ! ess , I'M * Tar-
luim St. 31IKI1 *
_ _
Oil ! ) AIiOroxuhniipo lor city or subur
bun Improved or uiilmprovod properly , or
ironoralmon-hundlM ) . 8JO acres ( ! 00 and SOU ) of
the llnu-jt Nebraska prulilo 1 mil In Nance conn-
tv. Ucrnhnrd Snchsso , 317 S. 13th St. , Omaha ,
Nob. 1U7
IllOlt f AI.i ; Hi- llvelmnse line Unproved
JL ? farm \vo--torii lowii. fontaliia IPO acres ,
or will u\clnuiiru for Omaha propeity. Iniiuiro
of U. llrown. Windsor hotel _ au
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only road to take for Dos Molnos , Mar-
shalltown , Cedar Haplds. Clinton , DIx'o. Chica
go , Mllwftukoo and all polntH east. To the people -
plo of Nohrasha , Cole i ado , Wjomlng , Utah ,
Idaho , Novndii , Oregon , Washington mid Cali
fornia it oilers superior advantages not possible
by any other lino.
Among a few ot tlio numerous points ot supe
riority enjoyed by the patrons of this road between -
twoon Omaha nud Chicago , are its two tiulns a
iluy of DAV COACH1W whloh are the fluost
that human art and ingenuity can c'roato. Its
PALACB HLUKI'INd ( JAMS , which are modoU
of comlort antl ologunco. Its 1 > AIIIXII DllAW-
1NI1 HOOM CAHH , unsurpassed bv nny , and Its
widely colobiutod PALATIAL DININO OAHS ,
the oij u ill of which ORiiuot bo found clsowhoro.
At Council Illuffs the trains of the Union Paci
fic Ily. connect lu Union Depot with those of
the Chicago &Northwostorn Ity. In Chicago the
trains of thin line nmko cloao connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara Falls , llnirulo , I'lttsluirg , Toronto ,
Montroiil.lloston , Now YorU.l'hlludolpbla , Hal-
tlmoro , Washington und all points In the east ,
ask tlio ticket ugout for tickets via the
If you wish the best accommodations. All tlolia
iigentb soil tickets via this lino.
M. HUQIIITT , U. a HAIll ,
Gonornl Manager. Gon. I'aBj. Agent
Union National Bank ,
208 Masonic Bit , H.W. Cor. Cap.Av , & 16tli
Paid up Capital , - - $100,000 ,
Authorized Capital , - - 500,000
Accounts solicited. Intoroxt paid on tlmo deposit -
posit , : collections made In all purls of the wet ,
and having provided the largest and best vault
in the city , we will receive valuable articles on
btorago. Prompt attention will bo given to all
business entrusted to us.
, JNO. W. HODEFKII , Cashier.
Wu. W , MAUsn.I'realdcnt.
TolcphonnNp. 812. _ _ _
2PaclSQt Oorapaixy.
England , Franca & Germany.
Uhiistoumsblpsof this well known line uro
built of lion , in water-tight compartments , und
mo furnlgbud with every requisite to imiku thu
pfiHsagoboth safe and ugreoublo. They carry
thu United Status uud Kuroprau inulls.imd Icnvo
Now Vork Thursdays and Saturdays for Pl .
mnuth.LONDONCUorboUffr ) ( > AKla ana HAM-
Kcturiilng , the steamers leave Hamburg on
Wednesdays nnd Buudu > 8 , via. Harrp , taklnj
uthamuton and Ixiudon.
J'u-.t o blu $30 , ew and $75 ; Steerage $31
Halli-oftd tickets from Plymouth to Urlstol , Car.
dltf. London , or to any place in thu South of
Kngland , F1IKK. Steerage from Uuropo only
| Bend for "TourUt fcffi&'Ano 4.
" uouerul PiLiscuger Agvuta ,
(1 Broadway , New York ; Washington ami IA
BalloSts. CUicago , lit
Candidates Ooinpelled to Show Tlioir Colors
mi the Main Issue ,
Aiinounooinont in tlio l-'lov-
cntli Senatorial District The V\\
Hiialllloil Declaration ofJoliu
H. Kulbcr Tot- Van Wj ok.
Cedar County Xcb.
1. [ Currcspontloiico of tlio Hr.r. . ]
Thu intin or iwrly who thinks VnnVjck \
is not the Isstio In the Kli'vontlt senatorial
district will pet b.iilly "loft" when the
votes aiv eotinteil this fall. The fanners
as of ono accord , nro for Van Wyek , the
only Nebraska man who reflects credit
on the state in our national legislative
halls at Washington. In this dKlvict at
luast , the man who announces himself as
candidate for runri'senlativo or senator
in our slate legislature must be n ninn
who is known to be not only nVaii Wyck
supporter now , but ho must huvo the
record of being a Van Wyck man in the.
past regardless of political policy. So
far wo have heard of several senatorial
aspirants , but with the exception of one
tliuy nro trying to carry witter on both
shoulders , and are not even satistied with
that. To a Van Wyck man they in
timate they are for Van Wyck , to a hide
bound republican or democrat they are
not for Van \Vyok ; in faotil is impossible
to bo for Van Wyok and be a "machine"
candidate of either of the old parties.
Many have been trying to get tltcho "ma-
ehino" candidates to come out openly
nnd declare themselves , cither for or
against \ an Wyck , but they don't nor
won't. This bcine the ease Sir. John II.
Fclbor , of tills place , Vtill announce him
self as follows through the local press
this week , anil through nt least most of
the Van Wyck press of this district :
To tlio VotoiH ol Dakota , Dlxcin. Cednr nnil
Knox counties constituting thu Klu\cnltt
ticnntoilnl illbtik'tnl NcbinsknVlillo : \ aio-
publlcan in niiaclplo , 1 liuivby aunoiiiicu
nivsult as an intlopcMitlcnt cntuliilato for son-
ntorof this district , leganlle s ol politics ,
ami forthon\o\\ed iMitpopeol'sunpojtlntctlio
Hon. C. It. Van Wyck lor United Status s-cn-
atot , from lirst to last , and no non-committal
business about it. Yours , etc. ,
ILvimxniON' , Xeb. , July 'J7.
Mr. 1'olbor is one. of thu earliest of tlio
early settlers of this country , having
como huro in the titties , llo is an Indu-
pondcnt republican , not a macliinu ru-
publican. Ho has ever been a believer
in tiuo ropublioan principles antl outs
loose from the party only \yhnn ttio ring-
.sters leatt oil'from tlicso principles. Mr ,
1'elber is not a man to sacrilico urineiplo
for party , ospccially wheti the party has
oeen lud astiay by politicians who oil-
doi'60 everything and nolhing nnd train
" " and other
with the "railrogne" gang
monopolists for "policy" sake. Mr.
I-'clbor has the courage to declare
his convictions ; lie is no politician , but
only after trying to get republican candi
dates now in the hold to dcclaro them
selves for Van Wyck , has ho concluded
to announce himself as a candidate , and
pledge himself as being for Van Wyok
lirst , last and all the time. Those who
know him need m > pledge , for wo all
know him ns not only now being n Van
Wyok man , but that in the nast ho has
lost no opportunity of standing up for
Van Wyck.
Mr. 1'olbcr Is a. man thoroughly relia
ble in every respect ; lias no bad habits
mid not n word can bo said against him
as a man , and his election would bo a
credit to the. district.
This county is. and has been strongly
democratic. When the republican party
of the county allowed itself to bo bam
boozled by tricksters , then Mr. Folhur de
serted the republican ship so fnr as
local politics wore concerned , at least.
At that time there was but ono paper in
the county and that was on its last legs.
Mr. Folber bought it nnd hired a man to
run it as nil independent republican
sheet , and in the Interest of anti-monop-
olj , nnd when lie sold the pauor three
years ago it was under contract that the
paper should continue to advocate antimonopoly -
monopoly principles.
Mr. Fclbor Is the leading merchant and
ono of the most successful business men
of Cedar county , and if the people of this
district want a man who is unqualifiedly
for Van Wyck and who has the ability
nnd brains to vote and work intelligently
for the best interests of the pcoplo of the
state at Lincoln they can do no hotter
than to at once begin the canvass for Mr.
The "machine" men arc now laying
the wires ) they will nmko all sorts of ef
forts , honest and otherwise , to defeat the
people. The "machine" republicans do
not wnnt Van Wyck , bccanso ho is not a
"machine" man himself. The "machine"
men train with the rnilroguo gnng ; Van
Wyck fights monojoly on every side , and
is the only man now in our national con
gress from this state who has , or tries to
secure legislation in the interests of the
Voters of the Eleventh district , if j'ou
are for Van Wyck , and wnnt to send n
man to the state senate who will do his
utmost to make Van Wyck his own suc
cessor , and who will work for the best
interests of the people of this state , then
work nnd vote for John II. Felber , of
Cerlnr county.
Your correspondent renucsts Vnn Wyck
papous of the Eleventh district to please
copy this communication nml charge it
up to the good of the cause. H. It.
TIONAI.ISTIKJllontli Btrort , between Karmim
and Huinuy. will , with the aid of ( . iiiinlliiu
spirits , obtain for any ono n glance In thu past ,
anil present , ami of curtain conditions In the I'u-
turo. Jloota and shoos mutlo to onlor. I'oifout
satisfaction guaranteed.
Milwaukee &Sti Paul R1
horn mm and COUNCIL BLUffS o !
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
Bt. Paul , Minneapolis , ( 'cilur Uupidg ,
Clinton , Diibuque , Dnvoiipovt.
JiocU lHlauilFrcciort ) , Koukf'onl ,
Klk'in , Ma-llsnn - , .IniuHvillc ,
Jiclolt , Wiiiuna , Ln Crossu ,
And all other Impoitaut points Kust , Nortliu.tst
and Bouthfust.
Tor through tickets call ou the Ticket Axou
at 1401 Kariium utiuet ( In i'.ixtoii llotull.or a
Union Puclllo Depot ,
Pullman blueiiers and the Jlnast Dliilny Can
iiithuuorld aio run on the main llnmol thu
CIIIUAOO , Ma WAI ; HE 12 A ; Sr. I'.vui , | ( \u\v\v ,
and every attention is paid lo inissiuuurj by
oouitcKinsemploiCbof thocoiuu.iny ,
II. MlI.LKIt , ( lUIICUtl MlllKlKCT.
J. V. TrcKiu : , Assistant ( iuncnil Mii'in c .
A. V , II. CAiU'BNli.11 , Ooi'.einl l'ub oii/cr n il
Ticket Agent.
OKU. B HuAprniiD , Assistant ( ioucral 1'aiu -
for nud Ticket Agent
J , T. CLAIIK , Ouuerai 3upuriutouJout.
" 1 snlToroil for nioro than a your with
1ml pcslion , nnil dining the * lust six
months I wiis vrrv bllloii" , occnsionnlly
liavliiK a Dumb Chill , followed bv IV-
vorsliich ] > ro < trntiul nio for wocK . t
took SlininDim II\CT Ht jiilator antl for
several innntln 1 huvp boi-n ns tcntt nnil
licarty : i uny man could ilrsirc * to be. t
am tliorousihly pattMloil it is all it is ro-
I'oniniomlocl for liuli i'silon anil billons
complaints , for mme was certainly n
stubborn i-asc I have In-anl manof
my fni'iiils peak of It anil all apt to tlmt
it iojs" srs all lh' % vii'tnos yon I'lnlm for
il A. II. Ululilowcr. Condii-tor on M.
A : \V. H. H.
"My lni liantl lirini ; blind , ivqn'riM
him to load n very si-ili'iuary llfo , nml * !
consequently , lie Millers jn ally from
Indirrtstion. ilaMiiK linanl of Simmons
Liver llojitilator lie1 t' < mtnciuvil . ;
i' 'Knlarl > . 'Iho Indifii'-tion lialull
him , ittul II" is now iMijo\inj ; bMtcr
hoilth than IIP nas kno\\n tor jour * " - -
Blrs Sti'phiMi Moii.inl , Mtipon , lla.
Carrying the llelRlum Hoyal and United Stntoj
Between Antwerp & New York
1'AI.I , AND NVlNTIIlt ,
Pnlon from $ i to frr. Uxctirslon trip from
(110 to tl- > . Second Cabin , outward , $43 ;
invimld , $4 1 ; excursion. tl < 0. Slucraro nnssiiirn
Ht low rales. 1'etor Wright A : Sons , General
AKeuta , 63 llroadw ay. New York.
Homy I'undt , 1218 I'mimm si. : Paulson .t Co. ,
13 1'nrimm st. ; U. 0. rrocman , Uil Kurtmtn st
ON'I.Y SI IIV IMA 1 1 , , rOSTI'All ) .
II.ULSrilATlVi : SAJIl'LU I'llbK TO Al.f. .
Vltnlltr , NorvousniM 1'lirsl
rrnimitura Di'Lllim In .Mini , Krroraof Youth , mill tha
untold mhcrlci rcKiilUng from linllvcrutloa nod ox-
et'niic * . A book lor arcry mm , juumt , nilildlf iicnd
nnd old. Kcoinnlnsl2. ' > | > re rrlitloM | < for nil ncutound
cironlodl ) ca cs. eich one of which Is lavalimblo. i >
fnund by the uathor wlionn oxtrrluncn | Tor l > onriM
tiicli nn pnilmbly lun-i-r hrforu foil to tlio lot of nnr
nbyitlcliin. ; w IIUKCK , bound In bountiful I raiuli mils-
lln , oitilio < i > ( l i o\ura. f .ill ullt Kiiitnintccit to bn lino-
work la rvory RenNO-ineclmnlciil.iltertiry nnd profov
nion il tluiii any otbor unrk In Itijn country for
or llio money will bo ivfumlod In every h
I'rlcconljr si by limit , ! > ostimlil. Illuntrnloil r ,
fflc. Scnilnow. liulil ini'Jil ttniinlcd the iinthor liy
nlio Nntlonnl Modlcnt ARvH'liitlon , to tint linn. A. I * .
Illnsoll. unitnssix-lnto linkers of tlio boaid tlio roailcr
It rcapocttallyrnfcrrcil. v
The Sclenco of Life * In worth moreto tlio younir nnil
nililtllc-iiRcd men nf thin xaiiurailoii than ull tlio cohl
inlnm of California nnd tlio silver mlnoi of Novuila
oomblncil. 0 , K Chronicle.
Tlio hilenco of l.llo polalii out the rooks nail quick-
BiuulH on which thn constitution and hoposof mimy
n young luim liavcbocn fntidly wrockcd. Mancliojter
The Science of Ufa Is of creator viditn tlnin nil thn
modlcul workmmbllKheil In this country for tlio uust
TOB Atlanta constitution.
The hclcnco of I.lfo Is n superb nnit mnMerly treat-
no on nervous mid plijslcul debility. Detroit Trot
Ail'lrrsi the IV.ibnrly Moillcal Inntltnto , or Dr. W ,
II. Parker , No 4 Hullllnch etroet , lloiton , Minis. , wha
mny bo coiuultoil on all ileaeasei ruqnlrliiK nklll nml
experience. Chronic and obntlnuto clhensei ttni (
hnvo t > .into < t the nklll of other physician * n spec-
Inlty , bucli trcntml natcessully wltuoul. uuy laitunct
of lulluro. Mention OmitUii lieu.
lirroason of In central position anil close relation to
nf ! principal lines Kast and Wot. at Initial and ter
minal point * , constitutes the most Important mlf- (
continental link In that system or through tranrporv
tatloil which Invltos alut Incllltate * travel and tralttd
between cities of Cha Atlantic anil Pacific Coaflta II
Is also the favorite antl hett louto to and from polnta
Uast , NnrthouMt nnd Southeast , and corresponding
point * West , Norlliwdit ajid HoiithwcBt.
The Great Rock Island Route
Guarantees lu patrons that penttn of perronal aocn-
rlty nironled by H roll , ! , thoroughly ballaitrd rood-
lied , smooth tracks of contlnuoun sled rail , substan
tially hullt cnlrertH nnil tirldtrcs , rolling toek as neat
perfection a liuman Nklll run inako It. the safety
appliances of patent bun > rs , | > latroi mr nnd air bralcpg ,
aiidthiitoiocllnf cIlHcliilIno which porerin the prac-
t cal operation nf all UB trains. Othpr uneclaltlcs ot
. { ill route are Iransfun nt all coimoctlnir poliiu In
Union Depots , nnil the immirpatiiied comfurtv aud
luiurles of Us PaeenK r iJiuljunont.
The Past Kfrrn s Traliu lirtwcen Chl-tKo nil
Penrla , Council lllutTs , Kansag Cltr. l arenworlli no J
Atchlson aru comiioned of well rcntllnttit , nnplr ut
iiolslered Hay Conches. JlaRiilllcant Pullman 1'aluca
Bloopeniof the jaleit ileslirn. ami > nmptiious IMnlnR
Cars. In which cUhoiatelj reeked nienls are JelfUrelr
raton. lletvronn Chicago nnd KannasClty and AtrhUou
are also run the Celebrated Kurlinlng Chair Cars.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
J the direct and fnvorlta line httween OhlcaKnan/
MliiiieapiillsandSt. I'aul , wliero commotions are rnaiT
In Union Urpoti for all point * In the Territories an.
Jifltlsli I'rorluces. Orer this routii last U pr ii
Trains are run to the watering places , miminvr ro >
noru.plctiiresiuo localities , and liuntlnK and tlihlnn
irrnundsof Iowa nnd Klltmesota. It Is also the tnosc
dusti able route to tlio rUJi wheat flciili and pastoral
lands of Interior Daknt * . '
.Htlll another IHIIKCT LINK. Tla Henoca and Kan.
w. M WM.V . , . .v,1,1. . , . , , , Vva . } , uiiu runirra , well as tickets , nt nil principal'
OIHce > In the Unltud titatua and Canadui ur Ly ad-
Frcs't iS Utn'l M'R'r , Oen'l Tkt & I'as
and JaiJ Work.
1020 l''arnam Stteot , Omaha. Nob.
rempleton & Whitney ,
Dealers In
Hoi-It SprlUKi * Illinois ,
and lou'ii .Soft C'oal.
Ofllco 218 South Fifteenth st.
Yards Eighteenth nd Izard sis.
M. A. DISBROf & CO i !
Wholesale Manufacturers ana DoulcrAlu
Moulding : ! , Vine liiiiil Wood Interior I'lnlih
Mantles , Counter * , J'cw Muds ,
SCltOLJj WOltK and TUllNlKd ,
Jicalcra In ISulltllnn J'tiper.
Main Olllco and Factory at Lyons , lo'.ri ,
Ofilc3 & Y/areroonn / Cor. 12tli S Izard Sts
1) , I , . S77 l.V/1 ,
i OIWXj-V. A Vulclr. rorntn |
! c a fjr IdittViulitfoil. iScblllly , Nu.
\ IUSMC - " Uraknejj. No fuat k ry , Iv *
dl itut l.l i rriiofi. 'IctA : e Lt t * jt&
fuuhaauutl ) . WH uvvFxL'j.K.x !