Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Itllurtd liy cnrncr In nnypnrtof thoeltynt
tw enty ci i.ts per neck.
II. W. TII.TON , - - - Manager.
Tit.ti'HONESl : :
Jlt'MNFHSOmcn , Ko , IX
NKJIIT KniToit No. 3J.
New York I'lunibinir company.
Summer clothing , cheap at Heller's.
1'lie very best cabinets at"JJl a lo/.on at
Alron Htibucr company's IUHO at
Cooper it Met See's.
I lavcrly's minstrels are to occupy the
opera house on the HUH.
Onlj ifJ oOper ilo/ . for first class cabinet
pholo at Schniiilt'.s , 2'0 Main.
Muse Wise has just received a carload
of drivers and sonic heavy draft " .
Cabinet photographs sjil per doat
Shenadon's. ! )17 ) 11'\\tny. \ for ( JO dajs only.
Kifty boxes of California iilunis , for
preserving , very cheap if bought to-day
tit 11. , ) . Palmers , No. 11 Main street.
The police and llrenu-n are threatened
with arrest if they tro peddling around
city warrants without taking out a li
The state board of medical cvamincrs
meets at the Ogden house on Friday and
Saluiday ncM to grant cortilicates to
The base ball sramo between the Karl-
ings and the Hind's to bo played her next
Tliur-day promises to be an interesting
Admiral II. C. Cory and Commander
George Thompson have just launched an
clcuantsail boat , "Idlewild , " which will
bo the pride of Lake Manawa.
One poor fellow who has been taken in
by the police declares that ho has not
drank anything for a year , and still he
seems to bo coming down with the tre-
Complaint has been lilcd in Justice
Schur/'s court charging Frank Hobinson
with stealing clotliing from Fox iS :
Hughes' store , the value being about ten
Pearl street i.s torn up pretty thoroughly
now , but the work of paving is pro
gressing nicely , and it is expected that a
ehott time will sec the street one of the
test in the city.
As a result of a horse deal A. L. Payne
has tiled an information before Justice
Schiir/ charging John Kmcrin with hav
ing sold to him a horse which ho know
was mortgaged to W. II. Dudley.
The usual Saturday night burglary at
Sullivan & Fit/gx'ralu's store did not take
place The police do not know what to
do with themselves , as the lirst work of
the week is generally to start on the hunt
for fellows who have gone through this
"JUS. " * y'inaTia counlo were made happp by
the ministrations of .Justice Ilendricks
yesterday. They were diaries Ualdwin
and Hattic Ellis. The happy gioomsman
is connected with the electric light com
pany in Umalin.
8. K. Maxon , the architect , lias now
under wav plans for a largo urick and
stone residence on Tenth street , Omaha ,
opposite the Kountxo icsideiico for Mr.
Cornish , president of the First National
bank , Hamburg.
t William Mason , driver for one of J. C.
Ilofl'mayr & Co.'s wagons , left his team
unhitched yesterday and they run oil' ,
completely demolishing William Stein-
kopf's delivery wagon and left nothing
but the end-gate whole.
The saloons are generally observing the
orders to close at midnight and on Sun
days. Only one violation was reported
over Sunday , that being against the place
Kept by Forrest Kinncy , which was said
toljo open a little too late Saturday night.
An information lias been tiled and the
matter will bo adjusted by Judge Ayles-
worth to-day.
In the police court yesterday there was
only one drunk and one vagrant. This ,
for Monday morning , shows Council
Bluffs to not bo in such great need of a
revival as many suppose. The morals of
the city arc improving , or the police get
ting inactive , liutwcun the two conclu
sions the credit is given to the improved
morals of the city.
Justice Hondrinks was mystified yester
day on returning from dinner and un
locking the door of his ollieo to iind a
bundle of women's clothing , whicli in
some unaccountable way had found their
entrance into the room , despite the
looked door. The three jolly bachelors
who occupy the rear room deny any
knowledge of how the bundle came there
and the justice is hunting vigorously fern
n solution of the puzzle.
Sharif ! ' Reel has just returned from a
trip into Nebraska after King Carter , who
was wanted for driving awav a mort
gaged team. The sheriff found that his
papers barely held out , as Carter was
Jiving within a quarter of a mile of the
Kansas lino. Cartereamo back willingly ,
however , the matter being more of a
misunderstanding than any intentional
fraud , and ho was admitted to bail and
allowed to return to his homo in Ne
braska. The matter will probably bo ar
ranged so that thoio will be no further
court proceedings.
A teamster who drives a coal wagon
called at Snoddorl.y's ' restaurant on
JJroadway , near tha dummy depot , Sat
urday night and expected to got a lunch ,
but the quantity or the quality of the
provender did not suit him , and ho start
ed out without patronizing the place.
J.his , ho says , nindo Jim Snoddorly so
mad that ho ciuno after the teamster and
struck at him with a slung-shot. The
teamster got back only one lick , when a
blue coat grabbed him. Theollicors then
started attor Snoddorly , but ho had
skipped out the back way , ami ho has
kept his place closed since to avoid an
arrest , apparently. The teamster was
charged with a disturbance of the peace ,
but the case held open until Jim can bo
bo induced to appear in court and toll his
story ,
The case of John White , who assaulted
J. Q. Anderson on Saturday , came up
before Judge Ayleswoith yesterday ,
white wanted to plead iriiilty and stand
the consequences , but Mr. Anderson
would not let it go that way. It has boon
made public that White justified his as-
smut by the claim that Anderson had
insulted Ids sister. Mr. Anderson wants
to show up in court that no such insult
was intended on his part , and desires to
introduce witnesses to show that the as-
aault was wholly unjustifiable. The case
was therefore continued until 3 o'clock
this afternoon , when such evidence will
bo Introduced probably. It is said that
White will not do anything beyond what
ho ofl'orcd to do yesterday plead guilty
as he does not rant to drag his family
matters into any further public pub
licity. _
Personal Paragraphs.
W. W , Kelley , manager of the Grace
Hawthorne company , was at the Ogdcn
Mrs. Charles O. t'atlin , of Chicago , is
visiting Her sister , Mrs. U. N. Whittlesoy ,
of this city.
Mark Uuryne is now running on the St.
Pnul between Marion and this city , so
that his friends have frequent opportuni
ties to meet and greet him.
Pacific house recently renovated. Cool
rooms ; uiouey saYcd ; comforts gained.
KIrkland , the jeweler , has removed to
618 Uroadwuy , Siuycr
One of Religion , the Oilier of Business , and
Both Promise Well.
APntr of Wisconsin Wlicchncri The
Joln 8 or the City Kntlicru A
Variety of Council UllilTs
Municipal I
Tlin cily council met In regular
last ovmlnjr , n full boaid present.
Mr. W. A. Mi'iistcr appeared In behalf
of the coal haulers ami presented their
petition Mating th-t they had paid their
license as common carrier * , and they
now tlcslrcd the ordinance enforced 'or
eNc , the ordinance repealed , and their
money refunded. Referred.
The petition of property-owners , for
change of alley between Scott and Sixth
street- , wax presented and roforreil.
C. Hermes complained of his cows
beinj ; impottnded. Referred.
The city marshal asked for some in-
instructions as to what he should do in
rcgaid to saloons , which had not paid
license. The city attorney did not sco
any use in yiviiifj instructions at every
meeting , and Tilling the papers with
threats and all that .sort of tniiiE. There
was an understanding that if the saloons
did not pav their licei e they should be
prosecuted , anil that was enough.
When they wore pro eontcd it would not
bo for sell'mjr liquor , but for boniething
that would closu them up.
Alderman Shugart expressed himself
in favor of prosecuting delinquents
sharply. Il the saloon men did not know
when they were well treated then .shut
thorn up altogether.
The city clerk that six of the
saloon men had not yet paid for June.
No action taken by the council.
The monthl v estimate of the work done
by Mitchell Viiicuiit on Indian creek was
reported as $1,071. Allowed , less the
usual 10 per cunt.
The question of dividing up the wants
of the city into voting precincts was dis
cussed. The sentiment seemed in
favor of dividing the Fourth
ward into three precincts , and
the other wards into two precincts each.
The diilieulties of the new registration
law were discussed. It was estimated
that in the Fourth ward one board of reg
istry would have to register one man
every live minutes in order to get through
in the live davs allowed by law. It
seemed that the'citymiist bo divided into
precincts. Matter to be reported on next
Monday night.
Complaint was made that the Union
Avenue hotel teemed in r. dangerous con
dition. Referred to Aldermen Straub ,
Keller au-.l ilammex , to report on next
Monday night ,
1'CC ig , etc. , a
specialty at Cooper & McGce's.
- -
Go to the New York Plumbing com
pany for garden hose. They warrant all
hey sell. Opera house block.
Highest prices paid tor county , lowTf ,
citv and school bonds. Odell l5ros. &
Col , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Uluft's ,
_ _
Summer Squibs.
Is'ew ' cases begin to come inio the clerk's
office for liliug for the August term of the
circuit court. Many of them arc devoid
of any special public interest.
Sarah J. Adams commences proceed
ings to free herself from the matrimonial
ties which bind her to W. B. M. Adams.
She claims in her petition that she was
married to him in November , 1885 , in
Omaha , but that he has become an habit
ual drunkard , and last December deserted
her entirely.
M. J. Blair commences an action
against C. M. Witt , Fred Witt and Wil
liam Witt , claiming big damages for an
assault made upon him by the defendants
in Juno last. Ho claims that they not
only struck and kicked him , but mauled
him with a hammer. He wants $100 for
loss of time , while recovering from his
injuries , $10 for medicine , and $5,000
damages for general results.
The Commercial Union Assurance com
pany commences an notion against its
f onnor agent here , A. Gans , and his
bondsmen , claiming that ho failed to
turn over ? : ii5 of the money collected for
the company.
H. W. 1'ayno begins a damage suit
against F. B. Hall. Ho claims that last
Juno Hall caused his arrest by iiling an
information in Justice Frainoy's court
charging him with larceny. Payne was
detained in custody several hours , and
then gave bail. The charge was dis
missed , and I'ayno claims lie was ma
liciously arrested. He wants pay for his
time and for his attorneys , ana $10,000 as
an all-around balsam.
Louisa Reich commences suit against
William lirlx and his bondsmen. She
claims that Brix , as administrator of her
husband's estate , had a balance in his
hands of $250 due the estate , according
to Ins report liled in court , and that ho
had deserted thn estate , anil she had been
appointed as administratrix. Since then
she had made demands for the money ,
but had been unable to get it. She now
wants judgment against him a nil his
Always buy your meats at Star Market ,
No. ! IOl Broadway , and get the best.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Fine pasture , plenty of water and good
attention for 1)00 ) head of stock about live
miles north of ISroadwayand Main street ,
Inquire ot L. P. Judson , No. ( SO Sixth
avenue , or Charles Palmer at pasture on
lime Kiln road.
The Started.
The pavilion was crowded to its
utmost last ovciung to hoar Major Bell ,
the rovivallbt. Ho gave an interesting
account of his personal experience.1) ) , and
his reasons for leaving a secular lifo to
enter the work of an evangelist , The
speaker showed hhusolf to ho at homo in
the work , and seems to know just how to
organize and push the work , As n
speaker ho is very interesting and
forcible , and with a great fund of an
ecdotes and illustrations , ho holds the
attention of his audiences without
resorting to raiitlngs or unseemly bols-
tciousucss. Ha spuiilcs as n business
man , with logical , convincing thoughts ,
ami it is believed that ho will accomplish
much more here than some of the
evangelists who have proceeded him ,
Ho will continue to hold meetings every
evening , und every afternoon there will
be a hiblu reading at 3 o'clock. These
afternoon meetings arc said to be fully
as interesting as the cxcnlng meeting : ' ,
although nut so largely attended.
' 1 liu committee in clmriro of the meet
ings coastals of the pastor of iliu church
es und the following persons :
Baptist church Messrs. Irons , Souko
and C. 11 , Smith.
Scandinavian Bapjist C. Boson. James
Christouson and Mr. Nonnnn ,
Conjjregationulist- v. Mr. Rico , Mr.
Homer ami Mr , A. I ) . Walker ,
M. E. Clmrch--J. N. . Brown , A. Over-
ton anil Mr , Coakcr.
Presbyterian Mr. Thomas OUk-er , V.
lloaclftiid and Prof. Roberts.
Y. M , . AII. . Curtis , J Wells andJ.
M. G. Wiley.
On press Kev. C. llovcr , KcV. Mr.
Cooley and Mr. Wcscott.
Sec that your books arc made by More-
house it Co. , Room 1 , Everett block.
DTry it. Best Cream Soda In the city Go
per glass at Palmer's , No. 18 Main st.
MeCliir 'H
In view of the frequent reports that the
MfClurg Cracker company was about to
remove from Council BlufK it will bo es
pecially gratifying to the citi/ens of this
place to lie informed that instead of leav
ing they will not only remain but will
proceed to enlarge their factory and in-
crei'so their facilities. The McClurg
goods have gained a fast hold and be
come wonderfully popular in this
western market , and the success has been
won by the close attention to business ,
great care in keening the standard of the
goods up high , anil a fair , square treat
ment of the trade. It is now thought
that the factory \\ill soon bo at least
doubled in capacity. Mr Miunti , the
architect , is now at work on plans for an
enlargement of the building , and it is
probable that the enlargement will bo
made in the very near future. The Mc
Clurg factory is a valuable enterprise to
Council mull's , and all will rejoice in Its
prosperity and Its growing Imames1 * , de
manding such increase of facilities and
enlargement of buildings.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. .J. W. & K. L. Squiers , No.
101 Pearl street , Council Mull's.
Perfect ! v satisfactory accommodations
at $ ! . ( )0 ) a day at the Pacific house. Give
it a trial and bo convinced.
A Husband' * Tribute.
Mr. Bell , the evangelist , is disti Uniting ,
in connection with his services , an inter
esting little tract. The history of the
little leaflet is to the oiled that a Itoaldu
gentleman lost by death his wife , a
noble Christian woman , to whom ho was
most .strongly and tenderly attached.
After her death a sheet of paper was
tound in her Dibit1 , the handwriting
being hers and the manuscript being a
Bible study on the subject , "Looking to
Jesu < i. " Her berea\ed husband , as a
memorial of his wife , -ind with a desire
to carry on the Christian work in which
so much of her life had been .spent , con
cluded to have the manuscript printed in
tract form. He has caused over a million
copies to be distributed at his own ex
pense , and is .still continuing to scatter
thorn all over the country. Mr. Bell has
distributed a great many copies for him ,
and otners have dor.o likewise. The
tract , with this bit of history connected
with it , is read with added interest.
All the comforts of high-priced hotels
at the Pacific house , and a saving ot ' 50c
to $1 a day. Try it
srill Another Enterprise.
Another enterprise to be immediately
added to Council Blull's is the establish
ment hero of a distributing warehouse
for the western agency of Schlitz's Mil
waukee brewing company. A location ,
has been selccteil near the Chicago &
Northwestern depot , aiid there will be
creeled warehouses , ice house , ollices.
stables , etc. Several thousand dollars
will bo put into building improvements
at once. The advantages afforded by
Council Binds as a distributing- point ,
so many railways centering here , has led
to the decision to locate the western
agency here , a move which has been con
templated for some timo.
Fruits , Confectionery and Cigars , best
in the market alwavs in stocTc. Frank
Withercll , 224 Broadway.
" \Vincoiisiu AVIieelhiiicn.
Rov. H. B. Dean and Mr. E. B. Patton ,
of AVaupun , AVis , , st-irt from here for
their homes to-day About four weeks
ago they started out mounted on tricycles
for a summer ride , with twoother gentle
men on bicycles , Council Blull's being the
objective point. The other two genllc-
mcn , after a comparatively short trip , re
turned home. Messrs. Patton and Dean
reached hero about a week ago , but have
put in the time seeing the country an this
vicinity and across the river.
Fifty boxes California , plumbs , for preserving -
serving , very cheap , il bought to-day at
H , J. Palmer'b No. 14 Main street.
Gladly Corrootod.
The BEK was misinformed in regard to
Lena Fonda , the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Fonda , who was reported
as being dead. The little girl was still
alive yesterday , but not out of danger.
Still she was improving somewhat , and
strong hopes are being entertained of ner
ultimate recovery. About a week ago
she went in company with other little
girls to a picnic , and there partook of
some wild grapes which caused the ill
ness. Mr , Fonda was telegraphed to
and arrived homo Saturday. The little
one has been very low but the report of
her death wab a mistake , ,
Jumped Jlln Kail.
W. Harris , uf DCS Moincs , was arrested
hero yesterday on the charge of having
jumped his bail , ho having been indicted
for f-olliiig liquor. Ollicer Bradshaw , of
DCS Moincs , took him back last evening.
She Wanted It Thou.
Boston Record : A littlu girl out at
Maiden , who held with genuine ortho
doxy to the infantile theory of what
prayer is for , priyed thus the other
night :
"O Lord , I want a white rabbit , "
She waited awhile for developments
and then repeated her prayer a little
more energetically :
"O Lord , I want a white rabbit. "
Another pause for developments , with
unsatisfactory results , and then a vigorous -
ous outbuiPt :
"Oh Lord , I want a white rabbit and 1
want it uow ! "
Captain Joseph Bury , of Hailoy , Idaho ,
has a war record to bo prowl of. When
the rebellion broke out ho spent $3,090 of
his own money raising a regiment in
Ohio ; he went to the front with it and
when the regiment was mustered out
after the war closed his commanding
ofllcor wrote on his discharge ; "This
ofllccrliat > not been absent from his com
mand n day during the entire war , "
A sura euro for llllml , Dleoilln ? , Itchin
end Ulcerated IMloa been discovered by
Ur. Williams , ( nn Indian loiucdy ) , called Or
Williams' Indian 1'ilo Ointment. A sln-lo
box liaa cured the worst chronic case : } ot > oc
.W years standing. No one need fitiifer live
mlnuloi alter applying this wonderful booth
Intf medicine. Lotions and Instruments do
more Imrin than good. Williams'
IMu Ointment absoibs the tumors , allays the
Intense itching , ( particularly at nlKht after
petti ! ! ; : warm ia oixlj , nets as : t poultice , cIviM
Instant relluf , and Is prepared only for Plied ,
itching of private narts. and for nothing ; else.
Dr. Krazior's Mnijlc Olntmnnt cures sw by
made , Hmplas , llluck Heads or Giub * ,
lilotchvs and Eruptions on the face , leaving
thusuln cJoarandlKriutlftil. Also cures Itch.
Salt UUeum. Sere Nipples , Sore Lips , anil
Old Obstinate Ulcnn . .
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt ot
CO cants.
Itclallcd by Kuhn & Co. , and Srhroeter < Sr
Conrad. Al wholesale by 0. F. liooilmau.
An immense amount of railroad mute-
rial Is going out on the St. Paul branch
of the Union I'acltiu , to put extensions
north anil wcat in u'rsi-elais condition.
Homo of the Tricks ut AVell-known
Pinj era nml Jlyw Krislly
Tlioy arc Worked.
The St. Louis llroWus , aystho Courier-
Journal , and the Chicagons , ewe much of
their success to tricks of the diamond.
The average baseball player is a machine ,
who has no Invcntiyo facility whereby ho
is enabled to get out of the ruts. Ba o-
ball , like other professions , has a few
men of genius , who 'um'cr ' ' above their
fellows like the oak abo\e the weeds
around It. <
Of all the clubs whieh * how the genius
of trickery the Chicago white stockings
arc easily lirst. They throw a dash of
brute power into their tricks , but the pre
ponderance of brain power is every
where discernible. The latest trick In-
trodueed by the Chicago * wax played
at St. LouK. Williamson and
Pfell'er did the work. The runner
plays a few feet oil' the bag and the
short stop and second ba eman occupy
the ir usual positions , nearly midway
notween the bases. Tim pitcher knows
the game , and standing in the position to
put the ball over the plate , keeps his eye
on the runner. Williamson then runs to
the ba o , and the uiiiner hustles also to
roach it. As the two mil , Clarkson or
MeCormick , whoever is pitching , makes
a motion as if to throw the ball.
Willianiton then resumes his position ,
and the runner , thinking the Mull'is
over , advances along the path with him.
Scarcely have the two left lhi > bag when
1'fell'er dashes liken streak to the bag ,
catches the ball , and the player is caught.
Few will foigot Kelh'.s trick of stand
ing ouKido the coach lines and having
the ball thrown to him on the elaim that
it was ripped , allimiug it to pass and the
man on the third to come home. Kelly
is this lirst man also who was known to
hOcure a run without going nearer than
twenty feet of a base lie cuts across the
field whenever the oppoitunity i.s ollero'l. '
Kelly has been known to change balls
during a game , while playing behind the
bat , and also to call the fielders in on a
close decision , blulling the umpire into a
third out.
Dunlap of the St. Louis Maroons is an-
othur tricky player , and Ins absolute
knowledge of the game and rules warrant
the boldness of some of his plays , Mich
as dropping a lly to force a man out under
conditions that would turn the head of
any umpire. Is'ot long since when Ilealy
was pitching and Dunlap was in his usual
position at second base , the latter caught
a ball which was thrown in from the
outiield. He made a quick motion as if
he had thrown the ball to the pitcher , and
Healy a second later took the position to
deliver the ball. He pretended to fuiii-
bin the ball on the hip and the umpire
called for iv "low ball. " Meantime the
runner , who had readied lirst base , s-toie
way oil , and before he was aware of the
fact McKiniion touched him out with the
ball which Dunlap had suddenly thrown
to lirst.
Latham of the St. Louis Browns might
be called a trickster , but lioi'oes ' not rank
with Kelly or Dunlap for invention. In
fact , the Browns are rather slnnwd im-
'iLlwia or tlift trrKy Chiuigos. Latham
did one great thing , though , a few weeks
since. The Browns hau two men on
bases , one at first and ) n " On third.
Welch , prompted by Latham , getup
up froi > : the players * bench and
r n from third base toward home
plate as" fast as hii > toes could
carry him. The first baseman , who
thought a run was abouf to be scored ,
throw to the catcher , and the runner on
first easilv took | .second. > Kelly , Dunlai ) ,
Heckor and Latham ar& brilliant ex
amples of trickcy dnil inventive ball
players , and are favorites everywhere.
llocker is the trickiest pitcher in the
country , both in his delivery and in his
throwing to bases. Give the big fellow : i
man on third and second at the same
time , and the chances are that one of
them will be caught and put out. His
delivery is invariably a surprise. A few
days since a Baltimore player was on
second and wanted to steal third. Ileckcr
knew what ho wanted , and set a. trap for
him. Ho .settle down into the pitcher's
bo.v , allowing the man to steal several
yards oil' . His movements were pur
posely slow , so as to enable the runner to
think ho had asure thing. Hccker then
fumbled the ball in his hand , drew a long
breath , and everybody thought lie was
going to pilch ; but at a sign from Cross
lie whirled instantly on his heel and
caught the runner midway between the
bases. Nothing remained but for Hccker
to walk over and touch the man.
Amos Cross has a trick which seldom
fails to work. \ \ lien a runner is on
third and another at lirst base the pre
dicament is generally considered to be
dangerous , but it is Cross' delight. Ho
makes the man at first think he will give
him second rather than llirow to Maclc.
and run the risk of letting the man at
third score. Mack always plays in , and
Cross looks sleepy behind the bat , and
seems to be constantly watching the run
ner at third. The man at base con
fidently runs to second when Hccker
pitches the ball , but Cioss is _ now all
alert. He catohes the ball which Hccker
purposely throws a tiilllo wild , and
makes a lightning return to second baso.
Mack catches the ball , and it the runner
at third starts for homo , which ho does if
he is not acquainted witli Cross' wonder
ful throwing powers , ho is invariably put
out , but if he has been caught on the
trick before , Mack then devotes his at
tention to the runner near at hand , who
generally goes out at second baso.
Jimmy Peoples has a play which
catches many. When a man is on third
base be creeps up slowly behind the bat ,
and just when no one expects it throws
like lightning down to third , where
rincknuy i.s always ready , and the
anxious runner is out. This throw is
I'joplos' forte. No catcher can equal
him at it.
Tekamah sports have organized a
"driving park association , " and will
luld the lirst annual trial of rural horse
flesh on the 18th and l ! > th.
Join-mils , 'ounty nml
ICiuiU Work of'ujl RlmlH n.Spec-
lull ) . > ' ,
Prompt Attention jo f/lail / Orders
Room 1 Everot Blocli , Council Bhtlls.
Standard Papers Used , All styles of bind
ing in Magar.ines and
U. II. National llunk , M K Bmtti&ro. ,
Citizens' Hank. IJcoif , Wells A. Co. ,
Irst Nuliomil Bunk , fl " Insuiunco Co. ,
Olllcor A. I'Ufcy.llimktTb.C. II. HalnB ( Ilnnk.
Dealers in Milch Cows.
At Our Stock Kards
No. .WJiuut MW K. Uroalway , Co tncll Bluffs
1 bare a quantity of sound , wpll cli'uuo4 sod
lollorut ruoiouablu
zsoxjsrss OF
Agricultural Implements ,
_ Carriage * . ito : . Vtc Council IHiUTa , town.
Mfiko ttioUrlirltm ) and Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
Nos. 1SOMWI , ISO. nml IV)7 ) ? ontli Main Street ,
_ Count'll llliilT , Iiiwn.
Miiniif'nun I .lolHu'is of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Carriage' , urn ! nil IclmU or Knrm Mnohlnorr.
1100 to 1110 South Mnln Street , Council UlulT ) ,
T.O. Ur.r.AsoN , T. ll.Uounr.i4 , aito.R Winnrir.
I're .ATrem. V-l'rps AMnn. fnaCouusol. .
Council Blufls Handle Factory ,
Mnnufnctnrcriof Axle , rick , Sloiljro and Small
Hnmllfs , of uvory do'crlptlon.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtnln Fixture * , Upholitoiy OooJs ,
itc. : No. 403 Ilromlway Council HluiFj ,
Wholosnlo .lolibci-s lu the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Noe. SSMtiln mid -7 Pearl Sts. Council IJlults ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Marcliants.
No. 141'onil St. , Council MlnlTs.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries. Ktc. No. EJ Main St , an.l
No. 211'cnrl St. , Council IllnlfR.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
and Joto of Dry GJl ) ? ,
Notlons.Kto. Nos. 112nml 1U Mnln St. , Nos.113
nml 113 I'L'url St. Council Illuiri. Iowa.
Wholesale CalifoTuU Fruita - ! < in inUT
. - . - _ . _ _ _ . < n fuuuinj
GCIicrul Commllon. . No. 313 Oioitil\vny ,
Council niun3.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries ,
Nos. 10 and 18 Pcail St. , Council lllnlK
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Donlors. No. 410 Broad
way , Council Illnlts.
Mnnufacturors or and Wliolosnlo noilora In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. 25 Main St. . Council IllulTs , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glo83.
No ? . 312 and 3U Ilrondway , Council lllulfa.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council Ulna's , loivn.
ComraissiOB Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tullow.Wool , Polls , Gioaso and 1'ura Council
llluira Iowa.
Wholesale. Dealers in
Illuminating & Lubriciting Oils
B.TIieodoro , Atrent , Council llluffs. Iowa ,
Hard Wood , Southera Lumber , Piling ,
And Ilrldgo Material Siioclalllns.Wholcsiilo Lum
ber or nU Kinds. Ollieo No. l.KI Mala St.
Council llluirs. lowiu
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Aucut for St. Gottharrt's Herb Hitters. No. U
Main St , Council mulls.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Main St. . Council Ulufft.
Driving Park.
Fall Meeting.
Tr ltiiig9 I'tiffng ami ItiiimiiiK
Tuesday , Aug. 31st ,
Wednesday , Sept , 1st ,
Thursday , Sept , 2d ,
and Friday , Sept 3rd ,
Including special attractions bv Prof.
A. K , Walker's world famouf. Racing
Dogs daily and Halloon Abconsiona by
I'rcf.A , S , I'aricer daily , in front of the
Other.attraotions In the way of speed
consisting of celebrated horses from
Kentucky , Ohio , Illinois , Indiana and
Hcduced rates on all raIroadi. | Conic
everybody and havea good timu.
For particulars , address
Brick buildings of nny kind raised or moved and satisfaction gnnrnntced.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth StreetConnil
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DBOHLIOH , 608 Broadway.
a * ced e a.Mc - 4.c < /t /
v tW -
, K ( T
[ e-u - "
Lit ,
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Farming lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranginjr
from $1.25 to $12 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on ; tO years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , c-iven by
P. I' . Liiusti-up , No.ooi ) Broadway , Council UlnfTs , Iowa.
Desirous of purchasing material for bath
ing suits , should see our new and ele
gant assortment of goods especially
adapted for fine and pretty bathingsuits.
101 Broadway , Council Bluffs
Arc being closed out by us at remarka
ble low figures. Wo have them in beau
tiful shades , colors , etc. , and liavo put
such prices on them that will dispose of
them rapidly , as we WILL NOT carry
any over to no.\t season.
401 Broadway , Coim"il Bluffs.
Now in stock are being disposed of at
low prices to clour our shelve * of same
before receiving our fall stoclc , which
will shortly arrive.
101 Broadway , Council Blulls.
Of the choicest style , design and quality ,
just purchased by us at a bargain and
we are selling them at retail at whole
sale prices. See thorn and you will buy.
IFAltKXESS JiJtOti , ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
For summer wear are being disposed of
cheap , and must shortly bo taken off our
shelves to bo replaced with goo.Is for fall
wear. Summer dress goods can bo pur
chased cheap now by all who will call on
'jfAJtKA'JSSS JUtOti. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
For offices , Now Invoice just received and
latebt patterns guaranteed. All ttyles ,
and prices satisfactory to everybody.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Of the very latest designs , patterns and
quality for the coming season , are being
now introduced by us. Pick one out now
before the line i.s bioUcu ,
Harkess Bros. ,
401 Broadv/ay / , Council Bluffs ,
Sptrln ! ndvertUomeuJi , uuch a Los , Found
To IXI.IH , Fur Sale , Tn Itont , Want * , Hourdlnff ,
cto. , nil ) belnforloj In Ihln column at llm low
rutoorTKNCHNTS I'RIl UNIS foriba tlistlnsur
tlou im-l r'h Cnt I'vr l.tnu for f uch subtoquont
Insertion , l.cnvu Bdvrrllsciuunts at our ofllco
No. U I'cal stieet , iiuar Bioddwiiy , Council
UlllUiL _ . . . . . .
WANTKD All a l tant cook ot the Oedcn
House , _ _
oiTsAM : Old un.eri. | In < | UKuilc : : to uit ,
at iloci ollliw Nu , I. 1'enrl uliuot _
VVAN1 ii--Slnmtloi ; : IIJT n binul , tnko nini
' iiustry bfiltT. : NM Mix' clwiyp. orollmr-
wU , or woulil mit Hliop In tnmo ilrclrloun.
'lB'nioiHle ; nutl ilnflo. fStc | > ! ! cni , baker , ; . > ( ?
Myuitur , Couuu.l U.uiU.
Establ slicU 1MT
. KICB , M. D. ,
Or otliorTiimoH ioino\cd wltliou
Chronic Diseases ofnlllslnds : i spcclnlly.
O\cr thirty MMIS' pinctlcul oxiioriuncc.
No. 11 IVnilSl. , Council llluirs.
Consultation lice.
Creston House ,
The only hotel In Council llluffs liming
Fire Esoa/pe
And nil inndi'in Improtonu'iitB.
215 , 217 mid L'll ) Miin : i-t.
SIAX ilOH.V , Prop.
W. S. HOMER & Go. ,
23 Main St. , Council Bluffs' .
Practices in the State and Federal courts
Itoonis 7 and 8 , Shugart Block.
Horses and Mules
Fornll purposes , liouplit nml srilil , nt lutull nmJ
in lols. Lar o ( juiuitlttos to golout fioin
Soci nl pnli s of Iliid ill h DIE , elnylo or double.
Council Bluffs.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yardsi
t = a s"
lionet aii'l ' Mulus Lopt coii.iuiitly on
for enlo nt irtnil or | n cir : Inuds.
Or.leiH I'limidlly HI Id I by unutr.ict otishoit
Dotico , Ktock soli ) on commission.
BHUmUC i ; IIOLUV. Proprietors.
Tclophoiui No. | H. fSS
J'ormony of KIIU < FAU3 STAIU.Ufl ,
live. iinJ llhctvert ,
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American Kxpros * Ouuuuny.
An rxccll'iU oducntl'inal ' InU tutlon , ( urneli )
nil with oil tlio inoJoni luipiovt'iLontS' , con *
duclcil by tlie STSTKHS OFCHAniTV.W. V. M
For term of ( l o montli * , S75.
TermsbCBlu flitt Monday In Septonbcr nil'1
tirkt Mandiiy in 1'obniuiy. I'or catiloj'iies : nd <
Rl. IVuncll AcaJeiuy.CoaiifU ISIulTt , ! o