Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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An Iowa Suitor Attempts to Kill His Best
Girl and Her Parents.
Denver Township's Ilonrly Onf-Hun-
dred-nnd-Twrlvc-Yent-Old Itosl-
dent Ari-cstcd lor Murder
Other Tsrwu From loxvn.
Wanted liovo or Itlooil.
Mtvnr.N , la. , AiiKtist ! ! , [ Special to the
UKK.I A warrant was sworn out yeslurday
for tin- arrest of ( Jcoi-pe Kocbutlv , a young
man living twouulos nortli of town. V'onns
Kocherly has been a suitor tor the hcait and
hand of the handsome and nccniiipllslictl
daiiKhtcf of Henry Fnroni'iow. Vi'.iterday
younc KocbPily appeared at the resilience ol
thuyounz lady \\itli a revolver In each hand
and threatened to kill the girl , her parent *
nnil himself. 1'laclni : thu levolver at the
breast of this girl , he told her he would kill
her If she did not 150 with him to the field ,
where he could have a talk with liur. Shu
fell to thu tloor tliioui li fright. Kocherly
then went away , saying ho woulil soon re
turn and kill the ontin ; family. Thu girl has
.triud toHluin him fur some time past. Koeb-
'crly has heeii a iiuiut and Industrious young
man. llohasnlmlod tlm otllecM , and It is
thought ho has loll the Country.
Over n Century Old.
Dr.s Jloixr.s , la. , August 2. [ Special Tele-
gnim to the Urn- : ] Heaver township ,
Dallas county , la , , II VIM John O'Mnlloy ,
aged 112 years , having been horn two yuan
before our declaration of Independence. Mr.
O'Mnlly looks upon people of seventy or
eighty years as still qttlto yoiinp. Ho is a
vigorous old t-'oiitlomai ) , with mental facitl-
tins Htlll bright his memory is so oed that ho
frequently resales his family with scenes and
Incidents of ninety years aio. Ho remem
bers distinctly the Irish revolution of UOS ,
when the 1" " tench landed an army on the
coast of Irohtml at Calala to aid'thu Irish in
their struggle against their Kngllsh upjires-
sors. He lelates how thu Irish wolcomuil tlio
French with tiitiitiltuotis applatiso to their
shoies , and Hocked to join them with weap-
oiisofallde.soriptions. scythes and bltiilijeoiis ,
and how mercilessly the Insurrection was
stamped out by the Kaslish. Jlr. O'Malley
worked at the same forge In Ireland for
sixty year ? , and left It nearly na vigorous as
when ho bikini. Mr. O'Mally alllrms that
had It not bwn lor a very severe accident
which lie sustiiined when sixty voars of ago
ho would still bu in lohnst health. Ho left
his .state anil opi'iied up a farm with the aid
f of Ids sons. How is that for a man ot two
years bel'oro the Declaration ? In ISO" ho
camu to llc.iviT township , in Dallas
county , where ho has since lived. Mr.
O'Mnlly hiH : a family of seven children , forty
cramlcmlilrcii ami fourteen grcat-Kranilclill-
dren. Kew men have enjoyed a lialer old aie
than tills s-oii of green ICrin. whoso life spans
the entiio porlod ot our national history aud
two years to .spate.
Arrested for Mm-der.
Dr.s Mot xns. la. , Atmust 2. [ Special Tel-
caram ; to the 15r.i.J l/.tto Saturday ninht a
young colored man named Leo Urookwr was
arrested on the elutruo of having killed a
man in Terry county , O. , about a year aeo.
He claims to have come originally from West
Virginia , having been brought to Iowa four
or llvo years ago , with several hundred
others , to mine coal. At that time he was as-
HiKiicd to the Excelsior mine , near Alhia.
Afterwards he went hack to Cleveland , O.
Jlo denies ever having been in 1'crrv county ,
where ttio erlmo is alleged to have been per
petrated. Ho is about twenty-three years o
ngi1 , despite his claim th'at ho Is eighteen , A
telegram wns roL-clypil from th < > Ohio au
thorities' yestenta'y , asking th'at Urooker bo
' held until an olllocr could arrive to take him
in custody. In addition to the Ohio murder ,
Jlrooker Is said to havckllled a man in Penn
sylvania four years ago.
Happenings at l
MAitsiiAU/rowN , la. , Aug. S , ( Special
Telegram to the 15iE.J By a runaway at
Union yesterday six occupants of a bngiry
four young ladles and two gentlemen nar
rowly escaped being thrown down a stoue
embankment into the river. All were thrown
out Elite Adams was dangerously , and the
other girls seriously injured.
The Infant child of Klias Uncghlcyof Lls-
comb , swallowed a button and strangled to
death lust night.
Threshing Is progressing In central Iowa.
Oats and wheat are thrunhlng out better than
anticipated and of better quality , oats run
ning lit'ty and wheat twenty bushels. Tlio
best judges say that corn Is beyond help bv
rain , and will yield about half a crop.
Drowned in thu Missouri.
Sioux CITY , la. , Ait-just a. [ Special Tele
gram to the BI-K. | John Wallace , an estim
able yoiine man of this city , was drowned
tncar hero yesterday while bathing In the
Missouri river. Wallace went to the rlvor
alone , but two men saw him enter the water
aud at once disappear beneath the surface.
It seems that ho got beyond his depth and
was carried down by rapid currents , not
being a swimmer and unable to handle him
self. Ho was about eighteen years of ago
and leave's a widowed mother , who depended
upon him. Diligent search tias slnco been
going on to recover tlio body , but has as yet
been unsuccessful.
Accidents on tlio
CitKSTOK , la. , Aug. S. [ Special to the
JiKi.J : Arch Kaufman , a brakcman , whllo
( witching at Vlllsca tills morning , had both
legs crushed. Ho was brought to Creston
and both limbs amputated , llo will probably
die. Ho leaves a wife and two children huro.
No. 1 passoiiKcr ran through the round
house at I'achic Junction this mnrnlnir ,
owing to an open switch. The damage was
Xoonii hurt.
Tlio SnloonlHiB1 Trial.
Sioux CITY , la. , August 'J. [ Special to the
Unit. ] The trial of thu saloonlsts is still in
progress. Little has bren accomplished as
yet It In understood that Jndco Lewis
threatens to recall thn cases to Cherokee for
'iiuarlng. A bench warrant lias been issued
for Mrs. K O. Drown , who appears as plain-
tilt In some of the cases , as she Is a non-resi
dent. _ _
A Now Ilallroail Incorporated.
CJIICAOO , August ' . ' . --The Cldcagp , Mndl-
6on & Northern railway company was Inpor-
l > orattHl late this nftnrnoon at both Spring-
Hold , Ills. , and Madison , \Vls. This Is the
title of a new line that ] Is to bo built by
the Illinois Central company. It will run
Iroin Chlcano via. Freeport to the state line
at n nolnt In Stephenson county , and thence
north to Madison , where It will stop for the
present , liradlng was begun to-day at a
juilnt two miles of Freeport , where the
Madison road Icavus the main lino. .Four
Ktirvuying parties ate In the Held between
Chlengo niul Freeport locating an air line.
' 1 ho company am reticent as to Its plans after
tlm extension is completed.
Yellow Jnuk at Now Orleans.
Nisw Oiti.KAXs , Atisust 3. Information
was received to-day that the Norwegian bark
Agnes Campbell , which arrived at Ship Is
land n.uarantino station Thursday nteht from
Asplnwiill , lost on passage and since her ur-
i-ival at the station six men out of her crow
of twelve of yellow fovor. Two of the crow
tiled on the ovenlnc of her arrival and were
burled Friday on Ship Island , Oao oilier
lius been taken tick since the vessel arrived ,
nnd there are now tour eases on board , leav
ing only thu captain and two men on duty.
The Inllincted vessel Is undergoing a strict
The prohibitionists of Michigan are
making ado over the fact that in
the now private car of Governor AJgor
wine lockers have been built. They aver
tlmt this is n slap in the face of thu tem
perance people of the state , without ro-
g urd to party , and that it will lose tlio
R epublican party thousands of votes.
I > ro1ill > itlonlHtctlvlty. .
KI. nuii poi ; r fiMt.
This is ono of the years when unusual
activity ainonpprohibitionistsandan un
usual largo vote for prohibition cr.ndi-
dates may bo oxpocted. It is in the so-
caliud "ou" years" that people arc most
inclined to atnuso themselves with this
particular variety of nonsense ; and even
the national character given to the approaching
preaching campaign by the election of
congressmen will not keep a good many
os them from a diversion with the third
party machine. As a consequence , pro
hibition conventions are being hold every
where , and prohibition candidates are
sprouting up all over the country. They
will get a considerable number ot votes ;
anil , by comparing tlio nirgrogato with
the vote of 1S3I , when there was business
of a character lee surious on hand to
permit much fooling with prohibition ,
they will console themselves with tlio no
tion that the people are being converted
to prohibition , until another presidential
year puts an olid to that delusion.
Thu thing which most astonishes the
observer in all this is the universal ignor
ing by prohibitionists , individually and
collectively , of tlio lirst faut of the situa
tion. In no oration , or debate , or plat
form of all those meetings are we able to
discover n single reference to the failure
of prohibition to prohibit. Tlioso men
and women , whoso earnestness one can
not but admire , and whoso motives ho
must respect , go on just as calmly as If
nothing were to be done but to carry an
election. We can afl'ord for tlio moment
to dismiss everything else : wo may wnivo
the question ofporsonal liberty , ( pass by
tlio argument about "llcensinli sin , " and
admit the strongest statement that can
lie made of the nvils of intemperance and
the need of a remedy. Hut , after that ,
ordinary common sense stands aghast at
this continued propaganda in favor of a
specific cure which is not thuore.lically
doubtful , but practically ft proved and
duinoslratcd failure. 'Ihero is not a statu
of the union where prohibition over has
prevented the sale of intoxicants. Pass
ing over such signal examples as Iowa
and Kansas , wo may settle on Maine ,
where prohibition has boon abso
lute law for more than thirty
years. Yet liquor is freely sold there ,
and all that the prohibitionist has to say
about it is that tliorc are still ' 'technical
defects" in the law. If a prohibitory law
cannot bo perfected in a generation of
complete control of legislation by the pro
hibitory parly , it is safe to say that it
never can bo. ft is not tlio continued en
ergy of the prohibitionists , or their the
ory of the ollico of the state , or their
method of work , or their notion of pro
priety in legislation that amazes people.
For in all those tilings there is a possibil
ity of mistake and room for dill'onmco of
opinion. Hut that mon of intelligence
.should organize niul vote for prohibitory
laws as a check to intemperance is a pho-
iionioiion absolutely inexplicable. It is
just us amazing as if men consented to
work at tlio polls for the passage of a law
declaring that a day should contain
twenty-live hours of the present length ,
or promote general prosperity by insist
ing that all work should bo cfono by per
petual motion machines. The main ques
tion about prohibition is not one of the
ory , but one of fact , which has been
abundantly settled by repeated experi
ence. How people , in tlio face of this ,
can go ahead with the usual prohibition
campaign , is ono of the great mysteries
that must bo referred to the science of
mental aberration.
at Saratoga.
SARATOGA , N. Y. , August 2. The result
of the races this morning Is as follows :
Purse : Fcrnscl won , Hello Hroeck second ,
Leshia third.
Purse , oiio.and brie-fourth miles : Hidalgo
lirst , lioyal Arch second , Thom'asia third.
Purse , three-fourths mlle : linrefoot won ,
Lord Lorno second , limit third.
Ptirfe : Monogram won , Weaver second ,
Hartford third.
Purse , hurdle : lltirr Oak won , Chanticleer
second , Ulenaim third ,
For Sulo Residence.
My lot , liottso ( with or without furni
ture ) and burn for sale on easy pay
ments. For particulars apply to
Mus. F. M. fiiiLurs ,
221 ! ) Dodge St.
Don't nay big prices or lumbar but
buy cheap at Bradford's.
You can buy Ittrmturo cheaper of A.
L. Fitch & Co. , 12th St. . bet Farnam and
Douglas , than anv other place in the city.
If you buy umber anywhere without
lirst getting Hoaglauds prices you will
lese money ,
I ) . O. PattordOii
Has removed his real estate ofllcc into
Rooms 1 , 3 and 8 , Omaha National Bank ,
recently vacated by Omaha Loan & Trust
Go to Chamberlain , Anderson &O'Con-
ncll's ' for furniture. Our prices and
styles cannot bo beat. A pleasure to show
gootls. Masonic block. North 10th.
GET HOWE & KKHU'S i > itiais ! ON FUKNI-
1'iano for sale Schumacher Piano for
sale at Max Meyer & Hros.1 at a bargain.
Taking quality into consideration , 1 am
selling I/UMHKH cheaper than any yard
in town. My now oflicc , Oth and Douglas
streat la very convenient.
McAlcstcr coal , Havcns&Co,15&Farn am
Hero is what you want 1JO ! lots in Me-
CornucU's id ! addition. The very cheap
est tlmt have boon offered ; lays inside
Bolt line , hot. Fnrnam and Loavonwortli ;
prices from $ -100 to $750. 1'Iats can bo
seen at our ollico , Muir & Rouilngton ,
1502 Farnam et.
For Sale at a Bargain.
All my household goods at 3123 Daven
port street , everything now , and first-
class , Also a line carriage loam , ono
slimlo driver , ono two seated canopy top
carriage , ono phaeton , harnesses. Jersey
cow &o , , cottage for sale or rent
GKO. A. J03LYN 600 So. 12th st.
Whitobroastnutcoal , $3.75 per ton the
cheapest and bust fuel.
NKU. FUEL Co. . 214 South 10th St.
Omaha Agency Joseph Schlilz Dot *
tllntf Company.
To meet with a general demand for the
Jos. Sohlitz Brewing Co.'s Milwaukee
Lager Boer , bottled without the steaming
process and in Patent Rubber Stoppers ,
wo have added to our establishment a
Bottling Department for that purpose ,
and are now ready to deliver to any part
of the citV , our "Kxtra Bottling.11 The
quality o : the same will not fail to please
the most fastidious connoisseur and wo
invite a trial order.
JOB M A Y , Manager ,
Telephone 003. 710 S. Ninth Street.
For Sale Six-year-old horse with now
harness and good sidebar buggy , In
quire at Little & Williams' store. HOT
Ijoughxs street.
Auction Salu
of furniture and h0usohold goods on
Tuesday , Aug. a , at 10 a. m. , on South
10th st. near tit. M > , ig aveuuo. noWAN & Co. ,
The Shorn Lambs of the Parcall Flook Dis
play Their Temper and Tongues.
Cardinal Gibbons Cnt-lcntitrcd nml
Arobblshoji Kldcr Clinrgcdvltli
Plundering the Faithful for
the Love of God.
MppHnjjof Frenzied Creditors.
Cixcixs'ATt , Aug. 2. rSpsctal Telegram
to the 13ir..J Tim creditors oC tlie lain
Archbishop Pnrcell had a largely attended
meeting In this city last evening , and passed
some sensational resolutions. The dcfalon-
tlon of the former assignee , John 1 ! . Man-
nix , niul the failure to recover any ot the
millions which were lost through the arch
bishop , have wrought tin most of the credi
tors , \vho number over four thousand , to a
state bordering on frenzy. A scries of reso
lutions were adopted which denounced John
11. Mannlx and Archbishop Kldcr In strong
terms. 1'ixtrlck Dwyer , a woll-known Irish , proaldcd , and made -a long speech , In
which ho paid his compliments to Cardinal
Gibbons tor turning a "cold shoulder" on
the creditors here. Ho charged that
Gibbons had paid the pope S' ,000
for thn borctta recently conferred on him ,
and added : "I ask , in that essential to re
ligion ? What would you say , my trlonds , It
Christ was to ride now on an ass into Jerusa
lem with a SM.OOO cap on ? " The resolutions
against -Mniinlx and the archbishop were car
ried without a dissenting voice. Thn meet-
lug asked Father Ward , pastor of St. Xu-
vicr's church , to excommunicate John I ) .
Mannlx , and upon his failuio to comply , the
creditors decided to withdraw their connec
tion with the Catholic ehurch. A sealed let
ter was also directed to bo sent to Cardinal
Slmconi , secretary of stnto lor the papal
states , asking for the Immediate removal of
Archbishop . Elder. The terms of
the petition are very severe and
close with an appeal to the Holy father to
grant the prayer. II is expected ( hero will
bo trouble m the local churches. It is said
Archbishop Kldcr strongly with the
recreant members of his Hock. A portion of
the address to the-pope , which Is likely to get
the authors Intoldiilieultv with the ehurch au
thorities , reads as follous : "Heaven , that
should he the free goal of all starters for
eternal bliss , Is closed acainst us If wo re
fuse to give ourearnlngstotho shepherds you
send to lleecu the Hock of Christ. Wo may
assure your holiness that the gospel of plun
der is preached with greater assiduity by the
holy men you send to look after the wel-
fore of our souls than the gospel
preached through the rocks and mountains of
India nearly nineteen hundred years ago.
Thn adage of 'A bird In the hand is worth two
in the bush' linds true exemplification In the
avidity with which your protege's In this diocese
cese grasp the substance of the faithful and
thecaro with which they sit mound the llesli-
pots of Mammon. " There Is a general pic-
ttiro of statu ( jno , but a more particular draw-
Inir must ho made of Archbishop Kldcr ,
whose usefulness in this vineyard has for
ever departed.
Their Defense UCRUII With Mayor
Harrison the First Witness.
CHICAGO , August 2. [ Special Telegram to
the BKK.J White gloved , stalwart police
ofllcers guarded every door Icaillng to Judge
Gary's court this morning. Twelve men and
a sergeant from Capt.Un Scliaack's station
comprised the detail. Other officers patrolled
In front of the criminal court building and
entrance there was absolutely roluscd all
susolcious appearing follows. "I don't fear
any scoundrel will attempt any mischief , "
said Captain Schaack , "but the building is
under guard on the principle that an ounce
ot prevention Is better than a pound of euro ;
and should any-one attempt to make trouble ,
It's dead sure ho can never escape. "
To-day was the thirty-seventh day of the
anarchist trial , the fifteenth day devoted to
the evidence , and the first devoted to evi
dence for the defense. Great Interest was
felt in the forthcoming ovideuco of ; the de
fense , and the curiosity felt to hear the evi
dence of Mayor Harrison brought out a large
crowd , and they did not all got In. The court
room was more crowded than at aiiv time
previous. Judge Gary had around him a
much larger number of ladles than ever be
fore , and the visitors were packed very closely
on all the benches. Mayor Harrison entered
the court room a moment before court was
opened , and took a seat near the state's attor
ney. It was obvious from the lirst that ( hero
was among both counsel and spectators con
siderable suppressed excitement The court
room was better ventilated than usual , and
the weather being line , was much more com
fortable than last week. There were no pre
liminaries to delay the proceedings this
morning , and in a very few moments after
the court opened the counsel announced that
they were ready to proceed , and Captain
Black called and examined Mayor Harrison ,
The mayor gave his evidence calmly and In
slow and measured tones , as if he was rolling
It as a sweet morsel under his tongue. Mr ;
Grlnncll was evidently impressed by the
presence of his guardian chief , aud inter
posed almost no objections to anything ho
The mayor said ho was present at the Hay
market meeting. Ho went there because ms
attention had been called to the "revenge" cir
cular calling the meeting. Ho had Instructed
the police to disperse the crowd as soon as
anything occurred which would have a ten
dency to a renewal of the scones which oc
curred at McCormlck's. Ho hoard portions
of Spies' and Parsons' speeches. Ho lott tho.
meeting while Parsons was speaking. Thera
were signs of rt rain and the crowd
did not exceed five hundred. Jlo then went
to Desphilncs street station and told non-
Held ho thought there would be no trouble.
On cross-examination the mayor said Jion-
ficld had been advised that the meeting ho-
fore It adjourned would attempt to burn
down the MilwaukeeSt. . Paul station , and
that the Haymarket meeting had been called
to distract attention from other quarters.
When he left the pollco station for homo ho
gave lioiiileld discretionary powers as to H.a
disposal of the meeting or to quell any other
Martin Simonson , a traveling salesmanwas
nt the lliiymarki't meeting during the after
noon. He was given u circular by someone
on West Lake street. The circular was sub
mitted by the prosecution. It was a copy of
the "revenue' ' circular except that It had thn'
heading "Attention , Worklngmen , " instead
of "revenge , " and omitted.tho line , "Work-
Ingmon , come armed , " which appeared In
the "revenge" circular , Witness 'was pres
ent at the Haymarket during the entire-
meeting and until after the explosion of the
bomb. In Parsons' speech ho heard him say ,
"To arms. " During KielUen's speech , the
crowd began to leave. While Fleldcn ,
\vusspeakingHome one snld , ' 'Let us ad
journ to the hall. " Fieldeii told them ho was
nearly through. About this time witness saw' '
the pollco approaching. Ho heard some one ,
warn the crowd to disperse. Some one on
the wagon said , "Tills Is a peaceable meet-
Inc. " The bomb exploded within n second
or BO afterward. Witness did not hear anv
one say. "Hero comes the police blood-t
hounds , " or any expression of that kind. Ho
heard no pistol shots prior to the explosion
of the bomb.
Slmonsou also testilled to seeing the bomb
come from a Hpot twenty feel south of th'o
alloy on the sidewalk and not from the alloy
as testlticd to by the prosecution. The court
then took the usual noon recess , - .
The cross examination of Simonson occu
pied a full half hour at thn beginning of the
afternoon session , but without apparent ru-
At this point the defense cominonccd the
Introduction of along line of witnesses'to
corroborate an entirely now theory of the de
fense in regard to the tliiowiup of the bomb.
It was sought to be shown that the deadly ,
missile came not from near the speakers'
wagon and flying In a southwesterly dJrw-
tlon Into the ranks of the pollco , but arose
primps thirty feut south of the wagon and
hurled through the air in a northwesterly di
rection and thcipfoio In a manner towards
the speakers' wagon. Another novel team re
was the offer of evidence to prove that Spies
went out uninvited to the meeting on Illack-
road , out of which grew the riot at Mct.'or-
mick's and which was made the occasion for
the Haymarket gathering. Spies , the de
fense claimed by their witnesses , wont there
on invitation of a delegate of the Lumber
Shovers' union to tlWtYlltMl Labor Union , of
which the Lumber HhoVcrs organization Is
p rt. I' ' i
John Ferguson , fanllrtr of a building at
Clinton and Wif'ftltafton sticcts , who
Is also proprietor' ' "qt > a small tailor
shop at that rtlaco nnd has lived
years In Chlcairo , watt the' next witness after
Simonson. Ferguson "testified that the
speeches of Spies aild Parsons In the Hay-
market were not at1 all incendiary. After
listening to Floldcn o-few minutes , witness
heard someone Intemipt'wllh a proposition
to adjourn. The crowd was beginning to
\\ltliosslllinsdflmdlettnlHl had
reached the southwest earner of Handolph
and Despliunos streets. 'Ho ' saw the police
rush out ot n side street and whirl down the
street. They were cimit16 ( very rapidly. Ono
of the oftlccrs ropeatPVIly Virdered the police
to hurry up. Suddenly there was a report ,
and ho saw flashes -pistols. .
"Where were the llftshesV" Interjected one
of the attorneys for the defense.
"Thoy were all In the middle of the street ,
south of Haiidolph street , " replied the wit
"Did you see any Hashes on cither side of
the street where the crowd stood ? "
"Xo , sir. "
When the witness left the meeting just
previous to the coming of the pollco the
crowd was very orderly. It was as orderly
an outdoor meeting as ho over saw In his
"Aro you a socl-illst ? " asked Xolsler , who
was conducting the examination for the de
' No , sir , " answered the witness.
"An anarchist1.1"
"No , sir.1'
"A communist ? "
Again the rrply was negative , and thn wit
ness was turned over to the state's attorney ,
whoso crphs-iiue.stionlng was brief aud on llio
whole unproductive.
The next witness Ludwlg Xcller , secretary
of the Central Labor union , on the night of
May ! was at fit West Lake street until a
quarter past 10. Ho heard no replv from any
one on the wagon to Captain Ward's com
mand to disperse. Ho saw a light arlso from
a point ten or twelve feet south and fall in
tno midst of the police. The course ot the
bomb was In n northwesterly direction. Af
ter thn explosion of the bomb the witness ran
south. He saw no citizen shooting , but
many falling. The witness was hero asked
by the defense In regard to the meeting of
tin ; Contra ! Labor union May'J. Heller .said
that lie was there representing Clgarmakers'
Union , N'o. 15. A delegate from the Lumber
Shovers' Union madu a request that the
Central Labor Union send a good speaker to
the meeting that wns to bo hold on Hlack
road. Kicldcn and Spies were named as
specially desirable.
On cross-examination the witness stated
that lie once belonged to the South SIde
group of Internationalists , but ceased to bo a
member last December , lie denied bt'lng an
anarchist , but admitted that his place of re-
flldoneo was 54 Weft Lake street , the noted
gathering place of the anarchists.
Carl Klclder , an intellectual looking Gcr-
niam who is at present a worker in the fancy
leather trade , but has been an actor in a Ger
man company , was at the Haymiirkot meet
ing. Ho stood in thn lirst alloy north of
Itandolnli .street leaning against the lamp
post. Kleiner's testimony corresponded with
that of the two preceding witnesses ,
but contained little in addition. Witness
said lie was not a socialist , an anarchist , or
communist , and had never belonged to any
labor organization. Ho U married , has lived
in the United States founecn years , and is a
n-glstereu voter. On cross-examination It
was ascertained that the witness does not live
with his wife , and that a largo portion of ills
time in this country had been spent as a
saloon keeper and bar-tomlor.
A carpenter named Vetcdrlch Llcbel , an
other Kpectator at the Uaymarket meeting.
U'stilird that he urrivod there about 8
o'eJock , Ho stood mean the lamp post in
the alley on the east sjdo.fif Randolph street.
The evidence glvcniby Jtlebel was substan
tially the same asWbatlnid lust been sworn
to by Ferguson , Zellcr mid Klchter. Many
questions were put 'to Liclwl and to all tiio
other witnesses who testified during the after
noon that they had Jdood near the mouth of
the alley , as to wlioilK'n Spies or Schwab
wore seen by tiiem to cuter thero.
The witnesses for the defense-
end nnd all ivero positive that
so far as they knew neither of the defend
ants went near the alley that night. The in
ference evidently intended by the dclenso
was that the previoiifUebttonony' for the state
that Spies and Schwab'.ihanded the fatal
bomb to'a/compaitonMiii ! * | the alley -waR-un-
trjicwUhis point waailvipit oirat such "great
length with the that there re
mained no time for cross-examination by the
state , and he will bo placed again on the
stand the lirst thing to-morrow.
Scaled Bids.
'OjiAHA , July 29. The undersigned ,
duly appointed receivers for Sloman
ISro'thcrs , jobbing saddlery and leather
business , lately conducted nt No. 1207
Douglas street. Omaha. , Nob. ) , will receive -
ceivo scaled bids for the stock , fixtures ,
etc. , based on un inventory recently
nitiile by the undersigned. The order of
the court authorizing this advertisement
reads as follows :
"Ordered. That the receivers herein
are authorized and directed to receive
bids or proposals for all or any part of
the property coming to the hands of the
receivers , and the receivers are directed
to give ten days' notice by advertisement
in two of the newspapers published in
Omaha and by circulars sent to such per
sons us may bo likely to bid ou any part
of said property. Tno terms of sale may
ho for oash or" for one-third cash , one-
third in sixty and balance in ninety days.
etc. , etc. , " all deferred payments to bo
properly secured. All bids in un amount
exceeding $100 must bo accompanied by
: i certilied check made payable to the
order of Elmer D. Frank , clerk , for ten
per cent of the amount , as evidence of
good faith , said checks to be returned , if
bids are not accented.
The stock and fixtures inventory at
their invoice price153,500. .
Tno time for bids will close
at noon on August 9 , 1880.
Kaufman IJros. ' Drawing.
No. 137-jOl Suit of clothes.
" lUTiir-l-Gold watch.
" 1SW003 " "
" lauiU-SHver watc-h. .
" 1S0218 Iliflo.
" lasiKS-Smith & Wesson revolve : .
" 181)308 ) " " "
" l0278-Opora ! ! glares.
" 1817-17 " "
" 135701 " "
" ! )8400-Jlook. )
" 189ll8-\Vatch.
" lbV5877-Dr ssiii'sct. ,
" 187088-Albnm.T- > i
" 189125-Castor.
" 185773-Cako basket.
" 180858 " "
" 180528 Meerschaum pipe.
" 189181 " ll
" 185800 " "
" " ' "
187078 ;
" 18101D " , ' cigar holder.
" 1833CO- " , .
" 18732'J- ' Sj cigarette- holder
" 189702 ' , ( ' " '
" 180501 50 cigarfl. "
' . ' 18G'JG(5 ' ( 50 " H " 1'
" 138100-50 "
< l 180383 50 "
" 180017 50 "
. „ . . „
" 188002 25 " . , , ]
" 18S031 25 " i "
" 184821 25 " . "
" 181118-25 " . "
_ _ _
A Blest Ijlberai Offer.
The Voltaic Holt Co. , Mars hall Mich.
offer to send their celebrated Voltaic Holt
nnd Kloctrio Appliances on thirty days
trial to any man atllieted with nervous
debility , loss of vitality , manhood , eto
Illustrated pamphlet in sealed envelope
-with full particulars mailed froo. Write
them at ouco.
Foil RKNT. A furnished hotiso of nine
rooms , completely furnished ; Is centrally
located The srrounds are largo and
handsome. Address \V. \ U..clty post-
Topic < > f tlio Jay
Is Elguttcr's clearing sale of line cloth
ing at big reductions. Uor Faruam
ana1 10th.
Prince Fusbimi and Party , of Japan , Pay a
. i Visit to Omahn.
James CSarnoati's Wedding The No-
tiraskn Underwriters Slult on tlio
Train A Itrnkou Thluli lu < { -
HtStlC UlllCI * IiDC-.ll.
Oriental Uoyalty.
The Uock Island was a kind of "royal
route" .yesterday , for the train that ar
rived in the evening brought Prince
I'usUilml-Kovoski , of Japan , brother of
the mikadoj Viscount Ilidlcnto , Captain
iMounik,8. ! Assadhi , Y. 0. Teinjakl and
Y. tt. Goto. The distinguished party
I'amu over to Omaha on the regular over
land train end carriages were immed
iately taken to the 1'axton hotel.
Of course Priiieo Fii.shimi is the
center of attraction of the party.
Ho has the uninlstnkahlo Japancsu ap
pearance , with tlieoxception that ho is
much taller than the avcrago "child of
the sun. " From the intepretor , a do-
niiiro individual , with glares and a
purely American duster , a representative
oftholii ! : ; learned that Fiishlmi is the
younger brother of the present ruler of
Japan , and may Hotnn day succeed him
as executive head. Ho is in Ins twenty-
ninth your and is making n tour of the
world , having been absent front Japan
about a year. Ho received his edu
cation in the University of
Tokio , and after leaving that
.shrine of learning ho entered the army ,
holding at present the rank of lieutenant
colonel. Tno party arrived in Now York
trom Europe July > and started for
Washington on the 2'Jth. ' A short slop
was miulo lit Philadelphia on the way to
the capital city , and on arrival at the lat
ter place Prince Fnsliimi was presented
to tlio president , and one of the grandest
receptions of the sen.son was given in his
honor by the representative of
the Japanese government. A
return was made to New York
whence the westward trip was
commenced. Niagara Falls was visiti'.d
and Sunday was spent in Chicago , and at
10:30 : p. 111. the train was taken to Omaha ,
which is the only lay-over that will lie
made until San Francisco is reached and
the steamer taken for Japan Hie prince
and his suite have visited all the promi
nent points'of interest in Europe , but all
express themselves more favorably tin-
pressed with what they have seen in
America than in any other country.
The eldest of the party and the
most prominent personage next
to the prince is tlio Viscount
lledicate. lie is a high logilatives
'ollicer of the Japanese govermuiitn
which the interpreter said corresponded
to our United States senators. Captain
Mournki is a commander in the leading
artillery regiment of the empire and an
aide de camp to the prince. The three
other gentlemen are of the Japanese
nobility but hold no oflicial rank cither
military or civil. They were educated
at the University of Tokio with the
prince nnd besides have been students in
American and European institutions of
learning. They speak English quite
fluently , and with marked grammatical
correctness. The prince can also converse -
verso in English , but prefers to hold all
interviews through one of his young
friends. This probably comes from a
desire to keep royall.y as far away from
democracy as possible , even if it is a most
dilltcult thing for a foreigner to dp in
ivicwof tlio. active journalistic spirit of
the day in this country. If ho were the
brother of ton thousand mikados il would
1)0 ) a miraculous tiling for his royal high
ness to pass from coast to coast without being -
ing addressed and probably ' 'drawn out"
by some plain English question. The
party occupy a suite of rooms at the Paxton -
ton house , all the palatial accommoda
tions they desire. They slept last night
.like ordinary mortals , ate their meals
with a keen edge frontier appetite , will
take a drive through the city this morning
and leave for the orient to-night.
A Pleasant Kccoptlou To Bo Accorded
Them in Omaha.
A board of trade committee consisting
of Messrs. Max Mcyor. J. A. Wakeliold ,
J. Evans , Peter Her nnd G. W.Nattingcr ,
met at the board rooms in the exposition
building to discuss the reception to be
given tlio Nebraska editors. These gen
tlemen and their wives meet in Omaha
on Thursday , preparatory to going west
on their excursion to the coast , and the
board of trade deems it but lilting that
they should be accorded a handsome re
ception , in order that they may have as
liberal an opinion of the metropolis as
possible , Various plans were discussed ,
uud it was finally determined
to give the editorial excursionists
a drive about tno cit } ' in car
riages , and in tlio early evening a supper ,
probably in the rooms of the Omaha
club , though I lu > latter point lias has
been left to a committee for determina
tion.The route selected for the drive is as
follows : The editors and their families
will bo gathered up at the different hotels
and driven to the starting point , the
Union Pacific headquarters building , on
Ninth and Fnrmim titrccts. Thence the
route will bo :
South on Ninth to Harnoy , west to
Eighteenth , north to Farnam , east to
Thirteenth , south on Thirteenth U > South
Omaha , north to llanscom park , through
park to Park avenue , nortn to Leaven-
worth , east to Phil Sheridan , north to St.
Mary's avenue , cast to Twenty-fifth ,
north to Farnam ( cast to Twenty-fourth ,
north to Dodge , east to Twenty-second ,
through High school grounds , north on
Twenty-second to Cnming , east to Six
teenth , § outh to Capitol iiveriuo to ex
position building , through exposition
building , ' thence on Fifteenth to Fur-
u am.
There will bo about fifty of the excur
sionists. They will arrive in Omaha
Thursday morning , leaving for the west
the same evening.
uo of Jam CM Gancaii , or Omulia.
Sai Francisco Chronicle , July 20 : St.
Mary's cathedral was filled on Saturday
ovuning by friends who were desirous of
witnessing the murria > .ro of Miss Fnnniu
A , Lougliran , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Loughran , of this oily , to James
Wt Uarnoau , son of Joseph Garncau , a
capitalist of St. Louis aud of French do-
sodnt. Thn church was handsomely dec
orated with ferns and tropical plants ,
and at UJH appointed hour b:8 : ( ) o'clock
the bridal party made its iiiipenranco ,
while the sounds of a wedding inarch
camu forthThe1 ushers worn F. 1 * .
Louglu'an , a brother of the bride , and
It. P. iJoolan. Next appeared tivo
bridesmaids , the Mi&ses Emma
Gntoly and Clernonco Garncan , a sister
of the propw. These were followed by
Miss Blanche Lougliran , who walked
nlonp and preceded the bride , who was
attended by hei-futjier. Upon reaching
the sfcrifcsty they were mot by thn
groom , wtio had us his best man his
brother , Pierre. Ganiftail. Tho.cermnony
was performed by Kov. Father Premie-
gust , after which the bridal party re
paired to the Ixnighran residence. lltl'J
llowaid street , whore a reception was
hold from U' U > il.o'clock. . . Throe huu.
drcd invitations had been issued , for the
church and 150 to the reception. The
house was nicely and tastefully decor
ated with cholco flowers and fonts.
The newly married pair received
their congratulations standing in
an arbor of ferns and other green
shrubs. Over thorn was sii3poniicd a
mnrrhmo bell surro'undnd by a wreath.
Mcantlinn musicians rendered selections
in the hall. There were Humorous . cl
pieces , bring mostly jiift * from friends.
I'ho mantel was banked with ( lowers and
sntilax. Dancing was soon introduced ,
which was enjoyed principally by the
young people In a room on thn same
tloor refreshments were spread , which
worn partaken of at all hours of the
ovening. On the tloor above two rooms
were given up to the guests in which to
dispose of tlicir wraps. In ono of these
rooms were the presents , which made u
grand display.
The bridal robe was of rich cream-
tinted satin , the skirl being profusely
trimmed with shell trimming made of
satin pleats and duchess laco. Tlio bodice -
ice was beautifully finished and trimmed
with duchosse. A corsage bouquet ol
wliliu lilies was worn anil a long tulle
vim. Tim bride carried a bouquet of
white ribbon , ami wore a string of pearls
with n pin in the shape of a horseshoe
madu of diamonds and rubies.
There wuro many bridal gifts , a num
ber of which came from the eastern
Tlio bridal pair Jeft Sunday afternoon
with the parents of the groom for Mon
terey , witoro they will remain for some
time. They will afterward return to
this city for a week and then proceed to
St. Louis , t'lc future home of the bride.
til I'MO UN Kit Will TK US.
A Nebraska Organization KfTcctcd
Iiant Night.
The "equal premium" life underwrit
ers , doing business in Nebraska , mot at
the parlors of the Paxton yesterday for
the purpose organisation. The follow
ing gentlemen were present : J. M.
Emery , Massachusetts Mutual Life , I3os-
toniO. H. P. Halo , and II. M. Halo ,
Michigan Mutual Life , Detroit ; \ \ . E.
Tim Hroeck , 1. Ii. Smith and C. T. Tay
lor , New York Life , New York , J. M.
Edcnston. Union Central , Cincinnati ;
Charles II. Cushman , Fidelity and Equit
able , New York ; F. A , Woodruff , Pcnn
Mutual. Philadelphia , W. K Allen , Mu
tual Life , Now York ; W. I. HawKS. Trav
elers , Hartford , and 1) 11. Pratt , Homo.
New York. The object of the association
is to advance the interests of life insur
ance in tins slate for the bom-lit ot the
insured , with a special view of providing
against the abuses of fraudulent agents
and irresponsible companies , Only life
insurance agents representing well
founded companies are entitled to mem
bership. Similar organizations have
been created in lioston , Philadelphia and
i'ittiburg , and great good has resulted
therefrom. No companies doing busi
ness on the assessment plan are eligible
to membership. The afternoon was
passed in : i general discussion of the ein-
atittttion and by-laws , and they were
finally adopted. Jr. the evening the elec
tion of officers took place , with the fol
low-in" result : J. M. Emery , president ;
\ \ . h. Ion liroeek , first vice president ;
W. II. Lawton , second vice president ;
F. A. Woodruff , secretary ; 0. 11. P. Hale ,
treasurer , with an executive committee
consisting of Messrs. W. 1. Hawks , C. A.
Oosley and J. M. Edmiston. The head
quarters of the association were placed in
Omaha , and the next annual meeting
will take place at the Merchants hotel in
this city on the first week day in August ,
1837. Meetings will also bo held on the
first week day of each month during the
year. The business name is the Ne
braska Life-Underwriters' association ,
A Lmdy Seized AVItli Sudden Illness
VVSillo Coming to Omaha.
When the Denver train bound for
Omaha yesterday reached Columbus ,
Neb. , a lady got on whoso destination
wjis Omaha , It was noticeable that she
did not appear in the best of health , and
shorllv after the train left the station she
fainted. Her fellow travelers immedi
ately went to her assistance. She seemed
to be in terrible pain and no physician
being on the cars a tele
gram was sent to Doctor
iI. . Sciiiig , of Columbus , who is surgeon
of the First Hegimunt N. N. G. and as
sistant surgeon of tlio H. & M. railway.
He met the incoming train and was not
very long in pronouncing the sick woman
in n vury precarious condition. She
seemed to bo sulforing with acute pains ,
and several hypodermic injections were
resorted to on the way to the city , Dr.
Schug seeing that the lady needed care
ful medical attention. When suf
ficiently recovered so that she
could talk she said her name was Mrs. J.
M. Morris , and that her husband was
lying sick at thoMillard hotel in this city.
She requested that a telegram bo sent to
E. S. Ciarkc , who is in the real estate
business here , and is claimed b.y the lady
to bo her cousin. Mr. Clarke was at the
depot at 0:20 : when the train arrived ,
and when the sick woman was ten
derly transferred from the carte
to an invalid chair by Dr. Scling
and the depot officials she was to all ap-
pearaiiccs a corpse. SUmulcnts were
administered and by direction of Mr.
Clarke she was taken to tlio Cozzcns
hotel where , in n short time , she became
much better. Mrs. Morris says she had
a severe attack of illness some time ago
and was in a convalescent state when
taken sick on the train. Dr. Schug
nays that there must bo some mis
take about her residing on Central
City us ho has been a resident there for
several years nnd never Haw the lady or
heard ol her before. On inquiry at tlm
Millard the information was obtained
that no such man as J. M. Morris , or
anyone of similarly sounding name was
sicidn the hotel or had been sick there ,
nor was there anyone connected with
the biiiifing sucii cognomen.
Perhaps tlio sick lady's pain rendered
her a little confused in hcrfitatcmunts.
Poll and Orokn HH | Thluh.
Yesterday afternoon about -1:80 : o'clock
a carpenter named A. A. Williams fell
from the raftenj in the interior of n house
which is being built for ISoggs & Hill , at
Omaha Viow.and fractured the thigh bone
of the right limb , The distance of the fall
was but ten feet , but the man unfortu
nately struck heavily upon the floor
joists. Ho was working for George
Vounglovii and had but commenced his
engagement yesterday morning. His
homo is in Harlan , la. , where his wife re-
side.s. His son is u carpenter residing
west of Fort Omaha. Ho was brought to
St. Joseph's ' hospital by Mr , Yoimglove ,
and stitl'orod exceedingly during tlio jour
ney. Ho was tenderly cared for by tlio
sifters and his limb was sot by Dr. Neville -
villo , who pronounced his patient in a
fair way to soon recover from his mishap.
I'miTt ) I'nrk
Sunday that Is a day of prayer in
Omaha seems to bo a day ot pugilism at
Paul's park , jut beyond the south western
city limits. On the last Sabbath there
were two or thrno lively encounters in
which John P. Clew , the Uooky Mountain
boxer , figured. It saoim that hu visited
the park with u friend , and a gang of
roughs headed by the redoubtable "Santy
Dan" attacked him. Clotv endeavored to
avoid any trouble , but the Thirteenth
street gang wore loaded for bear aud
would not have poaon at any prU'i' '
Some disinterc-ated. bystanders say that
when Clew saw ) > e had lodufoud
himself ho xvcnt in with
n vim and with most scientillo
blows straight from the shoulder ho laid
out fifteen of hi.s assailants by actual
count. This mndo "Shanty Dan" and
party throw up the sponge and Clew
came out without n scratch. Some of
Ids assailants say he struck a small boy
and they wanted to teach him ho could
not do any such John L. Sullivan work
hero , 'fills is denied by others who worn
present. Ono thing is certain , Paul's
jiark is getting lobe a lively pugilistic
center. It is sultl it is not tlio proprie
tor's fault , as the roughs up that way
just run things as they like when they
sec fit.
Tttc Coming l-'nlra.
The indications arc that Nebraska will
have the finest state fair , best in qtialitv
and variety of cvhibit. pleasing collateral
attraction * and number in attendance
that has ever yet boon known in the his
tory of the state. A special meeting of
the board of managers takes place at
Lincoln to-night. MOSM-.S. Dunham , Grin-
neil , Nieodoinm and Barker of tlio board
and the general superintendent went to
the capital city yesterday uftorooon to
take part in the proceedings.
The Omaha fair and exposition promises
to bo tlio event of the fall season in this
t'lta. Moth the attractions on the grounds
during the day and the exposition build-
intrat night will bo in every way worthy
of the metropolitan character of'tho resi
dents of this community [ and tlm deslro
of this scut-ion to have nothing but the
best. Yesterday Messrs , .liunos H. Mo-
Shane and Churchill Parker , of this city ,
and Wade Carey , of Council Hlttlls went
to Ottawa , Ills. , to make arrangements
for turf attractions for Omaha's fuir. V
There are 181 entries for the Ottawa
races and they compose some of tlio best
trotters , runners and pacers in the conn- ,
try. The prospects are that nearlv alf
the stables will bo brought hero. Tim
representatives trom Oinana will leave-
no stone unturned to secure attrac
The Same Thing Over Again.
SponrPs park was the scene of the
usual row on Sunday night. 1'otir ' men ,
McDonald , Hrlggs , Kclley and Pondcckor
had a freo-for-all combat in the saloon
at the park smashing up all of the lur-
nituroand glassware in the building and
( loin c other damage. When Spoorl at
tempted to stop thorn ho was assaulted
and badly beaten by McDonald and I'oii-
decker. Warrants have been issued by
Justice Korku- for the arrest of the four
men on the charge of malicious mbulnof.
A warrant has also been issued tor the
arrest of McDonald and Pondcoker for
assault and battery.
Hoard of Kdiicntlon.
At the meeting of thn board ot educa
tion last evening janitorn wore elected
for tlio various schools for the ensuing
year. Claims were allowed amounting
to $3,887.0 ! ) . -contract for ftirnisliitiH
the schools with text books was awarded
to John S. Caullield. The studv of Ger
man was introduced into the high school.
Fifteen assistant teachers were ulccted.
Arrested For Korgcry.
Sheriff Green , of Thiiyor county , ar
rived in the city yesterday in search of
Charles Lawrence , who is wanted for the
forgery of an order upon the American
Express company at Hebron. Ho found
his man at the Arcade hotel and returned
with him last evening.
Grand opnn-air concert by the famous
Musical Union IJrass Hand this evening
at the Tivoli Garden.
U. P. Band Excursion Basket Picnic to
Fremont will take ; place Saturday , Aug.
14. Hound trip , $1 ; children , flOc.
IWIfjIj not be responsible for nny debt my
wllo , llui-bnrii. may miiko In my niuno.
Proposals for Grading- .
BALED Proposals will bo received Uy tlio
S undersigned until 11 o'clock a. in. , Aiijf. 7th.
IbM ) , for HTudlptr the following f-trcots lit the
city of O'nnliii , viz. :
1-th Btruut from I'liclllo to Wllllnm Btioot.
yithslruol from llnrnuy to Howard Btrcot.
JOth nvcnuo from Howard to St. Mary's UVP.
llowiml Blrcot t'nim " > tli ( "trect to "Olli nve. , tq
tlio ostabllstioil , and in ncconlanco with plaul
nnd spuclllcntloiiH on llio in the oflluo of the
Uoiinl ol I'nbllo Works.
llkls to l > o miulo noon printed l > lank furnleli-
cdby llio liounl , and to bo accompiinlod with u
orrllllcil clioclt In tliosum of llvo liundreil dol-
Inrs , piivnliloto thn city of Oiniilm , as an ovi-
donroofKood fiiltli.
Tlio board rosorvoi tlio rliflit to i-ojcct any or
nil bids ami to wulvo ilofocts.
Clialrmnn Uonrdof I'nbllo Worki.
Is lioroljyKlvt'll tlmt books for mib
Ecriptlon tn tlio capital stock of the Omaha
& Southern U. It. Co. will bo opened In the city
of Omaliu ou August " 5tb 18M1.
.1. K. Young- ,
J. Kstabrook Voting ,
I. . II. Knllor ,
jy24S8aS ( John Mitchell ,
I'AItMS , liutlor Co. , Knn -
for sain ; M nlco city Iota. HI Dorado , Kami. ,
for salo. Knoh fnru > Is well adapted to prsla
nnd Htock : rlcli poll ; all plow or pasture land ( nq
waste ) . Title perfect , with warranty dood. Thq
lots are smooth , ntcci IiullcliiiK' loin , only 14 mlle
north of 1' . O. 1'rlcu , $17 * to fc7.r ! > . ToaoliBra.
clinks , anyone wbo wlslicfl n snfo property tlmt
will doublu In 1 your , should buy lots In Kl Dorr
uito ; population fooj ! ; tlio prettiest city In Kaa-
BUS Terras casb. Address C. W , Cao , Kldoro *
do , Kansas.
Articles of Incorporation of The Kooney
Cattle Company.
Y\r'-i ' tlio nndi'i-altftind , do Imruhy nssocluta
T ? onrMilvciH tOKuthur for tliu purpono of
forming ami becoming u corporation under und
liy virtue of tlio lawn of tlio bt.ito of Nuhrabka' ,
unnctoil lortliut pui-ii- | ,
Arllblii I , Tim imimiof this corporation aliull
bo Tlio Koonoy Onttlo rompany.
Arllclo' ' . Tno principal plat-oof transnctliur
Its business ahull liu in tint city of Omaha , coiirf-
tyof DiiiiKliiH , stain of Nebraska.
Aitlc-lo ; ; . ThogoncrHl nature of tuebuslnox *
to bo tinnsnctcd Khali lie tlio puiclmbo , brc-odr
liu , * , ra'slnn , t-'ru/lw and cnrJntr for honln of
eittllu. and ntliur kinds of llvo Block ; und Hiico
otliur InialnosH as In Inulduntnl tlinreto ; and to
ncJiulrti mill M'llhiiiils niul landed ontutii.
ArlleltH. Tlio mnoimt of tlin capital stock
( hull l-o ninety tlioii , iiid dolliiiH tlfW.unai , divid
ed Into nluo Uundrud ( W0 > bl.ium of onu hun
dred ilollnn. ( SIOOJ ) ) oacli , Tivonty-flvu per
cent of tint oajiiUil to lie subscribed und paid for
In cnsli at the tlmu of uomnirim.'inmit , the bal *
unco to liu iHiuett liy ordur of I ho liourd of direct-
cm under tlio HIIIIIO conditions , and us the ro-
iiuirrnioiiuof tun liiiblnrhs may ilnumiul.
Arllclo 6. Tlio tlmn of commonrnment of lull
rxirponillcm Muill bo I ho llrwtdiy ot August ,
IBM ) , niul chilli turinlnuto tlio llm clay of Autnmt ,
IWJtl.ArlleloO. . Tlio highest amount of Indebtedness -
ness nt any time ahull not oxcc-oj fifty ( lOj pur
ont of tlio capital HI noli ,
Article ) T. Tlin u'lalrnof tlilHeoiporntlon bbtill
ho conducted by u boinil ol'dliuclorsof not leh |
tlinn tiroiSI poisons , who shall bo ulcutod by the
Mocklmldornnponlhn lib Vonduyot.lanof ouch
your , niul to horvo for llio t > puce of ono your.
The board of directors ahull elect fioui their
number a prcHldnnt , vloo presldont hiul muna-
Itnr , Hoi-rotary ami trcu mer , who ( hull hold
ollico lor ono your , or until Iholrtiiojonon nio
elected by raM hoard of directors.
The iimlerMKiioil ahull sorvu a * the board of
llrector * until iho fourth Monday lit January.
Ml.Kxccutcd this Tenth duy of .Inly. 1H * ! .
J. U. MAHKRr. ,
M n. ( lom.i : .
W. 1) . DKNNKTT.
National Bank
Northwuat corner I'urimm nuil lltli Street * ,
Paid up Capital , - - $200,000
Surplus Fund - „ fiO,00 (
" "
I'lOslUtml. Vli-o-l'retUlunt.
IN ; ii. woou , j.u-niiiii IWAKU ,
Cnslilor Ab t-i'ii > lii r ,
Accounts eollcJto'l nn < l prompt atieiitiou eivu
n all business ml rusted | o Ha euro.
'aytU'o IK remit on tiai/- deport * .