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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 3 , 1SSG. NUMBER 39. AT TIIE SEAT OF LEARNING , Qrand Gathering of Koted Scholars at the Great German School. HEIDELBERG IN GALA ATTIRE. Many Vnll-Known American In Htructort nnd Professors From Other Countries 1'rcRcnt Other ForclRn N'CVVB. Ilclilclherjj's Hurrah. IlEinr.i.iiKiio , Autrust3. New York Her ald Cable S | > eciaHotlie BEE. I Every house in every street and alley in Heidelberg Is abln/.u vvltlibunllnir , balconies and windows framed In evergreens , and covered with nhiclds hearing the arms of Baden , the Polltanato andJGermanv. The countless Hags are , with few exceptions , of those coun tries. It Is curlou-i that no foreign llass can be seen but the Kiullsh and American , which make a goodly showinr. To-day the streets of this little city are as crowded as those of London , New York , or Paris The stations are so jammed that trains must bide their time outside. An army of nberkellnersa , kellners and kamtnet junglcrs have been posted for temporary duty in the restaurants and hotels finm theiemote t parts of Geimany , even Austria and Switzerland. Quantities of draskies from other towns In ttie ni'k'hboihood snpitort tlm Heidelberg ? ones. Exch imported cofher has a small boy to show him the ro id. All the old students ol I the iivo corns of Saxo-Corussen , Westphalia , the Rhine province , Snevia and Vandalia \vearthueorpseolors , drink Ion , ' dratiahtsof In-er , and swagger with the jotinircst bucks , throwing gout and rheumatism to the winds to follow the memories of TI1IUTY YEAl'.S AOO. One merry burscli sporting his colors is seventy-live , and read Latin and crossed scheagers hero In 1S31. The corps make a great to do over these "Alte Herrln , " as they are called , anil treat them with the greatest consideration , for the rival corps seem to have sunk hostilities In honor of the jubila tion and mix freely together , which has not been the case nt other times. The arrangements of the commanders leave much to be desired. There is a good deal of confusion , and sjme of the centlemen in chaige seem to have lost their heads. The chanter of accidents so far covers two lives. A man putting up decorations on the university building fell from a scaffold ing ami was killed , and a man who crowded onto the track at the crowded station lost both his legs , the Injury being fatal. Among the rrillOt'SI.Y DECORATED nCII.UINGS ii a gate with two tower ? on the old bridge spanning the > eckar , which was successfully defended by three hundred Austrians against a large French force In Napoleon's times. Thcie are two Immense shields with the red anil jellovv Baden colors , and two rather huiiL'ry looking lions in ths center. The pro-rector of the university gave a pri vate reception from 8 till 10 this evening to the delegates from the German and other uni - versities. Johns Hopkins , Yale and Harvard s- vard have sent dele < a * s. IN THE LIST OF 1IONOI1EI ) GUESTS , about 'JOO in number , I lind Noah Porter and Professors Seymour and Brush , of Yale ; \ Blasctna , of Rome : Brann , of Munich ; bryce and Holland , of Oxford ; Dncami ) , of the French academy of scierce ; Gormakcs , ot Athens , and Grattcr , of Cambridge , be sides many well known ' names In Ger man , French , Swiss , Italian and Bel gian seats of learning : . I see no Kusslan or Spinlsh names. To-morrow the exercises bc in with a service in the Church of the Holy Ghost. The Kron Kilnz arrives at 8 to-morrow moriiinc fiom Bayienth , and leaves the train , not at the "nation , but at Karlsthor , five minutes by rail from here , and drives In a carriage to the castle , where the grand duke , who came this afternoon , is stopping. A guard of honor of one comuany of picked men from the whole battalion will receive him. TUB DUTCH NEWPORT. Americans Knjoylne the Sea Breezes on Holland's Coast. SiiEViNiNOEii , near THE HAGUE. Aug. 2. [ New York Herald Cable-Special to the BEE. ] Tills breezy lltt'o watering plact ) was never befoie visited by so many Americans. Dozens of the habitues of Newport , Saratoga and Long Branch may ba da lly seen hero seated on the huge Dutch basket chairs , uaz- Ing placidly over the same sandy beach from which the founders of the colony of Manhat tan sailed moio than two hundred and fifty years ago. I noticed to-day Mrs. and Mlsa McCleiian. Mr. F. G. Wood , Daniel Lord , Jr. , and wife , Robert Garrett and wife , James Frlek and wife Miss Filek , J. Edward Sim mons nnd wife , llarvy Nichols , wife ami family , Hamilton McK. Twomblyand wife , JIlss Traverse , daughter of William H , A Traverse , Hobeit Sewelland , Mrs. Bugher , of Cincinnati ; Col. J. H. Taylor , of Newport , Kentucky : MNs Loman , of Boston ; Lieuten ant Klmball , U. S. N. , and wife ; Mr. and Mrs. W. VanVcchtcn and It. F. Smith , ol New York , and George Gardner , of Boston. This is a very amusing place. Squads of Dutch hussars 1110 wheeling , galloping and manoeuvering about over the hard sands , Hundreds of round , fht-bottomcd fishing smacks , with ted sails , coinu bnundlng'at full I speed right onto the beach like so many lly Ing dutchincii. Music nnd flirtation an everywhere , and hundreds of merry bathers of both sexes sing , dance and splash about Ir the fleecy surf. I returned here a few day ; ngo from n tour ot the Rhino with a party ol friends. All the steamers wore thronged with Americans. Endlsh tourists are no where this summer , said all thn hotel keeper : along the Rhino , but the Americans au everywhere. The Death of Abuo Uszt. BAYIIKUTH , Aug. 3. Abbe Liszt died lu Frollcho House , which stands near Wagner' : v ilia. The abbe was III when lie came hero t < attend the \Vazner \ festival , and had to b < carried to the opera house. During the performance formanco Tuesday last , ho was nervous am t en r ful. He contracted a cold , which speed llv turned Into inflammation of the lungs Ho lost strength rapidly and on Friday IK vvasdellilous. Sat urday he had a slight re turn of jcason , but never rallied. The French P.loctlo na , PAW , Avgtist 2. Returns from 1,013 01 the districts in which elections were held yes terday forconsclllers genereauxhavo beou. 10 reived. Fourteen hundred and thirteen ol these officials are elected tneiinlally. In G3 < of the districts heard from republicans hav ( I been successful. In 107 districts a becoiu ballot w ill bo required. The republican pres < calculate that the icpubllcaii majority v11 not be seriously diminished. , A Lordly Fracas. LONDON , Aug. 2. Lord Lonsdalo has beer i V.-ntencod to pay line at Newcastle for as t gaultiuc Daniel Dcbcnsamlc , husband o i Vloict Cameron , the well known buries 11 f ncties * . The husband had tuuiul Ids v\iii vvltli Lonsdale , lu a room ut a tavern , an had been , kicked out of the apiti.iRht l > j "elio ofliervvlsu waltre.vUd u.ui. Mo.vnv IN STIUCT OAKS. 'ortlines Made by Speculators In South American Cities. WASIM.VOTOX , August 'J. [ Special to the iF.Ej "An lmmen < 'e amount of money lias > een made in the street railroad business In his country and In other countries , " said tepresentitlve Negley. of Pittsbtirc , to your coriespomlent this morning , In discussing he eforts now being made to secure the right of way for a traction or cable stieet railroad In Washington. "I knew a New- York man a fetv years ago who went to Klo Janeiro and built a street railroad. He bor rowed SJO.OOO and put It Into the pool as his share. A street railrond In Klo Janeiro was n great novelty and the patronage was en ormous , not only from the start but bas con- Intied so. Some time ago the man died. His widow has Just sold one-half of the share boueht by her husband " for S.VuOO ) "for S-VW.C03. The other mlf of the stock was sold for a million and n half. The road is knov\ to this dav as the "Bond ruad , " because the money raised to ndld it was all secured by the issuance of bond" , It not only paid up in ten years hut. w > on see , made { M.OOO.OW beside. 1 am told > y men Interested that the Mreet railroads In Ifagota pay a.s high asX ) and M percent , in- lerest on investments. I see that a recent statement of the company there shows that they paid 40 i > er rent , dividends duiinz the la tvear. . lint of cour e a stieet railroad in Washington , where i * so much e.xtrav- auenre nnd people so neiiernllv patronl/o conveyances , is u very enviable piece of piop- erty. 1 do not think that Washington ougnt to be cut up any further by these lines and It does not occur to me that a charter will be granted. " A Talk with Texan Congressmen. WAsuiMiroN , August 2. The Post says : Members of the Texas delegation in congress who represent the border districts do not ap- piehend any serious trouble as the result of the present feeling of Indignation aiuona their constituents owing to the murder of Fianclsco Arreseurs by the Mexican authori ties , or from detention of Ldltor Cutting. Henresentatlve Lanham , of the El Paso dis trict , sild so far as he knew the matter was in the hands of ttio state department , and will be Bottled through regular diplomatic channels without the slightest effort at inter ference being made by the people of El Paso and the suirounding country. In re gard to Asserettrs' rnurdnr , lie thought while thu people in the vicinity of Pledras Negras were doubtless indignant , he apprehenued little actual trouble other then the action taken by the United States government Oilier members opposed the Idea of Texas taking upon herself the re sponsibility of punishing Mexico for the out- races. Thu murder ot Arreseuis in itself , while rendered of more national importance by the peculiarity of the attending circum stances , was in tne opinion of tlic e gentle men only such a crime ns is liable to Imnpen at any time either in Mexico or any country and the most that the state department can ask of the Mexican government is that Arresenrs murderers' be punished and possi bly for some remuneration to the widow of the. murdered man for Her loss. Heprcsenta- tive Cain will have a conference with Secre- taty Bayard to-day on the matter. New York's Bail Ofllccr. NKW Yonic , August 2. The grand jury for the August teim of the general sessions court was sworn in to-day by Judge Cowing. His honor , referring to tiie case of Hollin M. Squires , commissioner of public works , said in his charge : "I wish to call your special attention to the subject now agltatinc the public. Grave charges have been made against a certain public officer , it being claimed that from willful and wicked me- tives a public otllco has been handed over tea a contractor , this contractor , as is claimed , being the actual head of the office , the other only uelii'j In nominal possession of the de partment. According to common report , it has been In the hands of this contractor for some time , and he has had power to give himself contracts and discharge and appoint , so that substantially the office has been in the hands of a man who lias canied It on lu a manner no doubt antagonistic to the welfare of the city and Us taxpayers. The question of the truth or falsity of these charges aie for you to pass upon ; I cannot. If it Is true that this department was turned over , as stated , there has been a most wicked and criminal act committed , which demands prompt action through your hands. " St. Lnuta Stock Yards Burn. ST. Louis , August 2. A fire broke out shortly befoni noon to-day in the national stock yards at East St. Louis and spread with such rapidity that the local lire department was unable to master the flames and an ap peal tor aid was sent to this city , to which the engines responded. The lire started in a lame ha > bain which contained 1.000 tons of hay , valued at 55.010 , and it was wholly de stroyed. Thirty sheds , valued at S.WO each , were completely destroyed also. The loss so far amounts to about twenty-five thousand dollars. President Knox states that it is his belief that the lire Is of incendiary origin. The fire was finally gotten under control. The loss will be about thirty thousand del lars. Another Guess on Adjournment. WASHINGTON. August 2. [ Special 'lele- grum to the lHi.J Congress will probably adjoin n on Wednesday or Thursday if Mr. Kandall and the president will kindly give their consent. It is a tact that these two men hold the question of adjournment in their hands practically this year. Handall is said to be yielding at last In his obstinate btaml against the senate on the sundry civil nppiopiiatlon bills , nnd now it remains to be seen whether the president lias anything more to offer in thu shape of a veto. Mrs. Cleveland Admitted. WASHINGTON , Aug. 2. Mrs. Cleveland and her mother attended communion services at the First Presbyterian church yesterday moi nlng. Dr. Sunderland , the pastor , pro claimed the names of the persons who were admitted to membership of the church. The announcement In which all Interest centnreii was that "Frank Folsom Cleveland has been admitted upon certificate from the Central Presbyterian church of Buffalo. " The 1'ai-nellltcs. Dum.iN , Aug. 2. The Parncllite party al their meeting Wednesday will appoint dele < gates to the convention at Chicago of the na tional league of America. They will nt the same tlmo arrange to secure seats In the com inons for Ilealoy and O'Brien who vvcte de icated in the last elections. Farewells to Aberdeen. DUIII.IN , Aug. 8. The corporation of the city of Cork presented to Lord Aberdeen n Jorewcll address , expressing regret at his departure from Ireland. The Coik harboi commissioners and Dublin trade council presented a similar address to the retiring lord lieutenant , The Belfast Hlots. BELFAST , Aug. 'J No further attempts al rioting wcie made during the night and tiu city this morning Is quiet. Two men whc were injured during thu disturbances Situr day und Sunday are in a ciltical condition. Seditious Cliculars. MADIIIP , Aug. - ' . Pamphlets and circulars containing an appeal lo the people to cast ofi the Castllian yoke , and proclaim the ancienl kingdom , have been wntcly distributed In Catalonia. The police aie sizing the doctv menu. Incendiary I'Ire. Bi.oosiixoTox , hid. , August 3. An in cendiary tire started in Shook & Faulkneri vvairon shop , KlletUville , a small town north of here , and doatroycd more than half of tiie business houses there. The loss lu mi > uey id not heavy , Nebraska and tuvva Weather , For Nebraska and Iowa : Local rains , ly warmer. BOGUS BUTTER BILL A LAW , President Cleveland Affixes His Signature to the Oleomargarine Act AND GIVES HIS REASONS FOR IT. s Message to the House Points Out thcGooil Itemills Inspected a nil Minor Defects Discovered In tlic Measure. The OleomarRarmc Bill Sljjneil. WASHIMIION , August 2. The president aas signed the oleomargarine bill , and sent the followlnp message to the house of repre sentatives statins his reasons for opposing It : To the House of itcprcscntativcs : 1 have this day approved the bill originat ing In the house nt representative ? , entitled "uti net denning butter ; also imposing n tax Ulion and tegulating the manufacture , site , Importation and exportation oC oleomaigar- Ine. " Tills Icuislailon has awakened much Interest ainon the people ot the country , anil earnest argument has been addressed to Lhe executive tor the purpose of initiieiiciitg Ills action thereon. .Many , in opposition , have uiged its dangerous character us tending to bre.ik down the boundaries between the proper exercise ot legislative power by fed eral and state authoiity ; many in favor of the enactment have represented that it prom- bed great advantages to the larger portion of our population who badly needlellet ; and those on both sides of the question , v\hoseadvocacy or opposition is based upon nu bro.idi'r tonndatlou than local or personal interest , have outiiumbeted all others. This , upon It * tace and in Its main fentities. Is a levenue- bill , and was lirst Introduced in the house of lepiesentatlves , wherein the consti tution declares that all bills for the raising of levenuo shall originate. The constitution has invested congress wtlH vety wide legtsla- tl\e discretion , botli as to the necessity ot tax ation and the selection of the objects of Us burdens , and though , if the question was presented to me as an original moposltlon , 1 might doubt the present need of increased taxation , 1 doom it my duty in this instance to defer to the judgment of the branch of the government , which has been so emphatically announced in bolli houses of congas * upon the passage of tins bill. More- oer , those who desire to see remoTed the weight of taxation now pressing upon the j < eople from other directions may well be justified in the hope and expectation that the selection of an additional subject 01 internal taxation , so well able to it , will in consistency be followed by legislation le- liovlug our citizens trom other revenue bur dens , rendered by the passage of this bill even more than heretofore unnecessary and needlessly oppressive. It lias been ureed as an objection to this measure while purpoitlng to be legis lation for revenue , its real purpose is to destroy , by use of the taxing power , one industiy ot our people for the protection and beneht of another. If entitled to indulge in such a suspicion as a basis of otliclal action tills ease , and if entirely satisfied that the consequences Indicated would ensue , 1 would doubtless lecl constrained to interpose execu tive dissent. But 1 do not feel called upon to luterpiet the motives of congress otherwise than oy the appaient character ot a bill which has been presented tome , and lam convinced Unit the taxes' which it creates cannot pos sibly destiov the open and iggitiinate manu facture and sale ot the thing upon which it is levied , It tills article has the merit whice its friends claim foj it , and if the people ot the land , with lull knowleu e of its real character , desire to purchase and use it , the taxes enacted oy tills bill will permit a tair protit to both manufacturer and dealer , if the existence of the commodity taxed and the profits of its manufacture and sale depend nuon disposing of It to the people tor something else winch itdeceitfully imitates , the entire enterprise is a fraud and not an industry : and if it cannot endure the exhibition of its real character , which will be affected by the inspection , supervision and stamping which this bill directs , the sooner it is destroyed the better in the interest- talr dealing , buch a result would not furnish the lirst Instance In the history of legislation , in which a revenue bill produced abonelit which was merely incidental to its main purpose. Theie is certainly no Indus try better entitled to the incidental advant ages , which may follow this legislation than our tanning and dairy interests ; and to none of our people should they be less begrudged than our tanners and dairymen. The de pression of their occupations , the haul , steady and often uuremnneiativc toil which such occupations exact , and the burdens of taxation which our airiiculturahsts neces sarily bear , entitle them to every legitimate consideration. Nor should tlieio be opposi tion to the Incidental eil'ect of this legislation on the phrt of those who profess to be en gaged honestly and fairly In themanutactuio and sale of n wholesome and valuable article- of food , which , by its provisions , may bo subject to taxation. As lonz as their business is carried on under cover and by false pretenses , such men have bad companions in those whose manu factures , however vile and harmful , take their place without challenge with the better part in a common crusade of deceit against the public , lint If this occupation and its methods are forced into light , and all these manufactures must thus either stand ni > on their merits or fall , the good and bad must soon part company and thetittcst only will survive. Not the least Important Incident related to this legislation Is the defense allurded to the consumer against the fraudulent substitution and sale of un imitation for a genuine article of teed of very general household use. Not withstanding the immense quantity of the article described In this bill , which is sold to peoole tor their consumption as food , and notwithstanding the claim made that its mannfactuie supplies a cheap substitute for butter , 1 venture to say that hardly a pound ever entered a i > oor man's house under Its real name and In its real character. While there should bo no governmental regulation of what a citizen shall a.u , it Is certainly not a cause of iegret If , by legislation of tills character , he Is afforded the means by which lie may better protect himself against imposi tion in meeting the needs and wants of his dally life. Having entered upon this legisla tion , it is u manifest duty to render it as effective as possible in the accomplishment of all the good which thotild legitimately follow in its train. This leads to the Migeestlon that the art'do proposed to be taxed and the circumstanced which subject It theieto should bo clearly uud distinctness dclined In the statute. It seesus to me that this object has not been completely attained In the phraseology ot the second section of the bill , and that a ques tion may well arise as to the precise condi tion of the article to bo taxed must assume In order to be regarded as "mado in Imitation or semblance ot butter , or when so made , calculated or Intended to be sold as butter or farbatterine. " Tno fourteenth and fifteenth sections of the bill , in my opinion , aru in danger ot be ing cousttucd as an interference with the iKjfleo iwwurs ot the states. Not being en tirely hatlslled of the constitutionality of these piovlslons and regarding them us not boine so connected and Interwoved with the other sections a. , if found Invalid , to vitiate the entlio measure , I have determined to comnumd them to the attention of the house with the view to an immediate amendment of the hill , Ii It should be deemed necessary , and If it is practicable at this late day in the session of congress. The tact , too , that thn bill dot-s not take effect by its terms until ninety days have elapsed after its approval , thus icavlns It but one month In operation before tun next session ot con gress , \vhcu , If time does not now- per mit , the safety ami etllclency of the iiH'asuro may bo abundantly protected by remedial legislative action , and a desire to see realized tiie beneUclal results which It la exjwclcd will Immediately follow the inaugu ration of this le.lalation , have had thclrtntlu- enio in determining my ofliclal action. Tno considerations which have been referred to will , 1 hope , justify this communication and the suggestions which U contains. ( MgntHl , ) Gnovmi Ci-EViir-AXD. lixecumo Mansion , August 0,1SJ. The Girls Are Ootllug Them. WAs-iiisaroy , Aujt. 3. Mary Salisbury was to-day appointed postmistress at Beacon , Mahaska county , Iowa , vice J' . 11. Heard removed. CUT HIS TimOAT. A Grand Island Bnrbcr Uses Ills Tools on HR | Neck , Gn.\xn I < 5i.AXt ) , Neb. , August 2. fSpcdal to the BEE.J Dudd llnbbard , a colored barber licre , committed suicide this morning by cut- ling his throat with n razor. Ills wife died ibont four months aco. and since that time lie has been subject to spells ot dtsponaency and had addicted himself to the use of o phi in and sometimes drinking hard for two or three days at a time. Saturday nleht lie ap peared on the streets about 11 o'clock per fectly nude and was taken in charge by his friend" who said ho was crazy. Last night he told otno of his friends hevcs going to see his wife and ho did not expect to see them again , This morning ho was found in his room with his head almost severed from his body. York County 1'rohlbs. Yoiiu , Neb. , August i-fSpechil Telegram to the BKE. ] The largest prohibition con vention held In tills county met tu the opera house to-day for the election of delegates to the state convention. The convention was largely attended by ladles , who voted on all questions before the house. The following are the delegates : E. M. Cheney , Mrs. E. 31. Chenev , Hev. 1) . S. Davis , A. T. Olauque , A. E. ( irlilits. Fiank Raymond , T. J. Stricklcr , J.illlam , Mis. F.\V. Warn. Mrs. O. U. Franco and Miss .Jennie Sayre The alternates are 11. S. Branch ! . Colonel Crabb , Mr * . E. M. Uattls , Mrs. E. McCarty , Mrs. U. Carscad- den , Dr. T. J. Hatlleld , L L. Mcllvaln , Mrs. E. M. Cobb. Kev. J. Wlnslow , Itov. E. Ben son and Dr. Carscaddeiu Aricst of Dnn < I. Uoss. biMHNOFiEU ) , Neb. , Aue. 2. [ Special to the BIE. ] Dan J. Uoss , the foot racer , was arrested here to-day by Policeman Mntza , of Omaha , on the charge of having disposed of mortgaged property , and will be taken to Omaha this evening. Hess bought house hold furniture of Hill & Young and Louis & Co. In Omaha on the Installment plan. After wards lie was employed by a linn on Farnam street to make collections , and he failed to make rettnns. To settle up this matter ho sold all his furniture to Ed. Savase on South Thirteenth street. Ynnng & Hill got back nil their furniture , bavage then got out a warrant for the arrest of Koss , who had skipped. Hess was traced to Papllllon , thence to Springfield , lie was found living with his family in a dug-out. Dr. Tracy Return ? . OAKLAND , Neb. , August S. rSpecial to the BKU. ] In Thursday's DEE Dr. Tracy , of Craig , was reported as having left Craig un der strange circumstance" . Since then the doctor has returned home , having been in Iowa after his con. He says he sold his horse and bucgy to raise the necessary means to make the trip. Some of his creditors im agined he had absconded and put attach ments on his property and started the re port. port.A. P. Job , prcsldentiof Hurt County Acrl- cultural society , has .secured Van Wyck , the people's choice , to deliver the address the second day of our county fair. This Insures an immense crowd. Teacher ? in Session. Cor.UMiifS , Neb. , August 2. I Special Tele gram to the BEE. I The Platte county teach ers' institute is In ( full blast to-day. * The first day fifty teachers assembled at 0 o'clock sharp , and the organization was full and complete in live minutes , the rapidity of the organization belnjriluo to the course of study prepared by superintendent . , _ At the en tertainment Hon. | 5cor e BownwuiianadQ ; an excellent add&ss ot welcomnr llssr Ida Martin making the response- Each of the nbove fis much applauded. Superintendent - perintendent Tedrow also made a few re marks , alter which all participated In a socia ble. Professor Clarendon will lecture the 4th and Superintendent Jones will lecrme on thu llth. Triple Murdcv nt Marysvlllo. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 2. A horrible murder and suielae is reported from Marys- ville , a country postofllce a few miles north west of Seward. It seems a young man named Fred Inds had fallen in love with John Buthke's daughter , an elopement had been contemplated , which was supposed was frustrated by the father. Sunday evening young Inds went to the farm house to renew his attention. ' : . Some altercation took place and it Is sup posed the girl sided with the father. Tills frenzied the yotinti man who drew a re volver and fired three fatal shots. Damage by Rain and Lightning. Git AND ISLAND , Neb. , August 2. [ Special to the BEE. ] The heaviest rain storm that has been witnesspd for years swept over this city Satuiday night and made a perfect delude for a few hours. Several basements on Second and Third streets were filled with water and several houses were struck by lightning , considerable damage bclns done. Four or live miles from the city the rain was light. The corn crop In tills vicinity is looking splendidly , the recent rains having made wonderful Improvement in it , and the prospects are irood now for a heavy yield. An Kx-l'ostmastcr Pounded. CIIADIION , Neb. , August 2. [ Special to the BEE. ] J. E. Smith , better known as "Town- slto Smith , " late postmaster at Dawes City , liavlnz been fired out as postmaster , accused County Commissioner A , V. Harris of having been the cause of his removal and attempted to tluash the latter. Com missioner Harris beat him nearly to death , pounded him up to such an extent that ho had to bo hauled home in a carriage and is not expected to live. K Fire nt Ijodgo I'olc. SIDNIV , Neb. , Aug. 2. [ Special Teleirram to the BKC.J The hardware store ot A. M. Treat at Lodge Pole , eighteen miles east of here , was struck by lightning at 3 o'clock this morning and totally consumed. Loss about five thousand dollars , partly covered by Insur ance. The shock prostrated Treat who was sleeping in the store at the time. Ills lumber yard was saved. Lightning has played great havoc In this vicinity the past tew months. Lone Pine Branching Out. Loxo PINE , Neb. , August 2. [ Special to the HI.E.J Some of the most Inllucntial citi zens of Long Pine have organized a board of trade. The board consists of twenty mem bers , and Its object U for the promotion of tint maim factoring and other Interests of the city of Long Pine The rallioad company Is putting In a system of water works hero to supply 100 , 000 gallon a day. The U. IVu Qulot SiioaU. BEATRICE , Neb. , August 2. [ Special T.'lo- pram to tliu liEE.l Hailroad building is all the talk just now. The title of the Lnlon Pacltlc company to a lot near their tracks has been disputed by one Dan Cable , who 1ms squatted on It for a number of years , defying the company. Last night somnono enticed Cable away , and during his absence the com- quietly removed Ills two small frame ulldlngs into the street and covered the lot with ii\o railroad tracks , thus gaining pos session. _ Kullroad Men In Conference. IlKAimrE , Neb , August 2 . [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Messrs. Potter , Holdrege , Calvi-rt , Thompson and McConniff , Buriing- ton olHdals , and Dorrauce , ot the Union Pacilie , were here on specials yesterday. The gentlemen \vvre in coufeieuce , the icsult of which Is not known. Lincoln Workmen Strike. LINCOLN { Neb. , 'Ausust 3. [ Special Tole- cra-n to the BEB.J Word comes from West Lincoln to-nlxht that the workmen on the construction of parkin ? house No. 3 have struck for an advance In wagi's from SI. 73 to t .OO. The strain ? \v > tkia > u luvo ouoout and everything H tj ml uud 01 FRITTERING AWAY TlIE TIME , The House Indulges in Useless Discussion and No Business- DENOUNCING THE MAJORITY. Heed Roads the Democrats n Ijccturo nnd linker Itcsolutes on Their Sins oT Omission nnd Commission. The House Proceeilltiii1 * . WASHINGTON. August 2. The speaker laid before the house the bill to Increase the naval establishments , with the senate amend ments thereto and Mr. Herbert of Alabama moved the concurrence in the amendments. Messrs. Herbert , anJ Boutelle of Maine en tered Into a discussion as to the position taken by the republican and democratic par ties upon the question of the Increase ot the navv , and charges and counter-charges of hos tility to the naval hill were indulged In. Then Mr. Heed of Maine took a hand In the debate and arraigned In scveic terms the democratic majority for Its delay In bringing Important public measures before the house and preventing Intelligent consideration and discussion. The history of tins house was the history of refusal to transact public busi ness for the purpose of enabling the demo cratic pirty to show on the stump figures which Indicated not economy but failure to spend the money of the government to meet the necessities of the government. Dining the past w eek or two scenes had been enacted here which ought to make the leglslatois blush. Bills of serious importance , after in cubation of six months , had been thrust upon the house when there was no opportunity for discussion. Whatever the house had done , It had ren dered futile by delay. The surplus resolu tion had been put through with insufficient debate and In such form that It could not re ceive the assent of the senate. Instead of passing the Cullom Inter-state coinmcice bill , and thus giving a measure of relief to the country , the house had passed a different bill and thrown the matter Into conference and nothing would be done. Whatever the democratic majority presented to the house It presented In such a fashion that debate could not reach it , though it was the very life and essence of honest , manly legislation that there should be full and free discussion. Mr. Iteagan , of Texas , regarded Mr. Heed's remarks as to the Inter-state commerce bill as extraordinary. That bill had been corn- batted by the whole railroad powers of the country. Attorneys and lobbyists had al ways been here to retard action by the house , and this was the lirst time In the history of its consideration that the bill had been past at a lirst session , The gentleman ( Heed ) complained that the house had not passed the senate bil Why had not the senate in the past ac cdipon the bill as the house had tlnce times passed It. The bill was now in conference , and if the confer ence led to no result it was because the newer which had heretofore prevented action would continue to prevent it. He was sure that it was the desire of the house conferees that some result should be reached. The senate amendments to the naval es tablishment bill were concut red in , and the bill , after the signatures of the speaker and itJururraldcnt of uio senate have been at tached , " will go to the president for his approval. .Mr. Handall , of Pennsylvania , from the conference committee on the sundry civil appropriation bill , repoi ted disagreement. Alter a sharp debate on the senate's Yellow stone park amendment , the conference re port was agreed to and a further conference was oidered. On motion of Mr. Handall , the joint reso lution was passed extending until August 5 the provisions of the joint resolution pro viding temporarily for the expenditures of the government. The speaker proceeded lo a call of the states for a the introduction ol bills. Mr. Baker , of New Vork , offered a resolu tion of recapitulation , self-commendation , modest laudation , and hearty congratulation by the responsible majority of the house. The reading of this was demanded by Mr. Payne , of Pennsylvania , and the document proved to bo "stump" paper containing n severe arraignment of the democratic majority in the house ami the democratic president for sins of omission nnd commission. Several times Mr. Hcagan Interrupted the reading and objected to a stump speech being Injected Into the proceedings of thu house muter false pretenses. The speaker ruled that as the document was presented under the call of states and was in the form of a resolution , it must bo received. He added dryly that the resolution was not an attack upon the house but upon the democratic party , and that ho thought th democratic party could stand It. The resolution which was endorsed for ref erence to the "steering committee. " having beenrcad.Mr. | : Handall said that he uld not con slderit either respectful or decent. Hetliere- fora moved to ictiun the resolution to the member who offered it. air. Baker asked consent to withdraw It , but an objection was made. .Mr. Payne could not .see that the resolution contained a word that was not true. There was nothing disrespectful. Mr. Handall said that during his experi ence in the house ho had never seen such a proceeding as the piescnt , and ho thought it unworthy of an Ameiican house of represen tatives. Hence it was lie made the motion he did. Mr. Baker said ho had no purpose or in tention of saying anything that would be dis respectful to tlm majority of the house , lie thought It was only necessary for him to as sure nls friends on the other bide of tils per sonal esteem and regard. It had been his purpose to relieve some member of the labor of preparing a resume of the excellent work which had been pet formed this session. But In view of the fact that his friend fiotu Pennsylvania ( Randall ) was grieved , he would ask unanimous consent to withdraw the resolution. But again consent was refused , and Mr. Randall' * motion to re turn the resolution was ariecd to. Mr. Scott , of Pennsylvania , offered a reso lution calling on the secretary of the treasuiy for information respecting the coinage of sil ver dollars. Kefei red. Mr. Atkinson , of Pennsylvania , Introduced a bill to prevent the ac iiiisition ot real prop- perty bj corporations. Keferred. On motion of Mr. Mason , of Illinois , the rules were suspended and the house by a vote of 107 veas to live nays passed with n verbal amendment the senate bill Increasing the pension of soldiers who have lost an arm or/ leg in the .service. The house then adjourned. In the Senate. WASHINGTON , August 2. The conferees on the sundry civil appropriation bill re ported a disagreement on that measure. Many points of difference have been adjusted however , and only matters that require the action of the next con ference are amendments iclatlnt : to coast surveys ; public land surveys ; occupancy of tiie pciiblon office bulUllir " , stenographer to the supreme court justices ; Yellowstone park and the additional bulldlugs for the government insane asylum. In reference to the Yellowstone park Item , Mr. Plumb declared that the paiU wai In the hands ot a monopoly. Mr , Vest said the statement was Incorrect. He had been notified time and again that un less ho withdrew his opposition to the bcheme to build a railroad through the park the park would be broken up. The railroad company had a lobby In Washington comnoaud of newspaper correspondents and others who were engaged In assalllug benators and at tacking their character. After further discussion the senate , on mo tion ot Mr. Vest. Insisted especially on Us disagreement to the Yellowstone park Item , and. on motion of Mr. Allison , in-isted gen erally on Its disagreement to tl > othr lU-ms , and furtner confrrenfe was ouleml. The -chair jux-seuted the re jOlution offered bv Mr. KvarU on siturda.v lasl requesting the president to open correspondence with forelcn powers on the subject of silver. Mr. Evarts advocated the resolution , but ddl not dptino his position upon the silver question. The resolution went over until to-morrow. The senate then took up the house bill re lating to the taxation of fractional parts of a gallon of distilled spirit * , amended It by making thr tlmr when It goes Into effect "the fecond Monday succeeding the month In which the act Is approved , " and by ex tending the net of M.urh 3 , 1 7. lelatlni : to fruit brandy , to brandy dIMilled ftom apples or peaches , pa ed It mid asked a conference. The senate then took up the bill ropoited from the ilnanco committee to provide for the Insitcctlon of tobacco , cigars and snuff and providing fortheirexpottation to forelcn countries without payment of taxes , under the rules and regulations of the tie.uury de partment. It was passed. Adjourned. _ _ _ _ AVork of thcsSrcrot SogMon. WASHINGTON , Augusta. In the secret ses sion of the senate to-day , when the cn c of U b. Dement , nominated to besuneyor-peneral of Utah , was reached , it was announced that ( tcneral Logan , who was absent , had left word that ho had no mote fipht to make In Demciit's behalf. Senator Cullom said ho had , when the ca c was up before , voted for confirmation chiefly rxrau o Ills colleague desired it , but ho was now satMlcil that Dement was not the kind of a man the government needed in the position of survevor general of Utah , and he would therefore oppose this continuation. Xobody defended Dement and hena lejectcd with out ilhisioii. Fit ? John Portnr was continued without debate bv nearly the same vote as that cast for the Fitz John Poiterbl'l. ' The nominations of 0. ll. Potter , to bo Indian agent for the Omaha \Vinnehago ageucv , and E. 11. Klnman , to bo postmaster at Jacksonville , 111. , were rejected. Senator Sherman tried to call up the ratifi cation tioaty with ( treat lliltain. favorably leported from the committee on toreinn rela tions , but the proposition was voted down by a majority which made it seem improbable that any action will be reached this session. Washington Notes. WASHINGTON , Angus t 2 , Hcprcsentatlvo Collins , ot Massachusetts , to-day introduced in the house a bill authorising the president to deny all commercial rights , Including the right to transport vehicles or cars in the United States to such foreign countilcs as may deny commeiclal privileges to citizens ot thoUnlted States. The president has vetoed four more pen sion bills. Attorney General Garland has gone to Ar kansas for several weeks' vacation. Among the clerks dismissed from the pa tent office Saturday wasMiss Alice E. Meickle ham , granddaughter of President Thomas Jefferson. The conference committee on the river and harbor bill to-night i cached a complete asrce- mcnt on the points in dispute in that meas ure and it will be repoi ted to the house to morrow. As agreed upon in congiessthe Hcnnepln canal clause is so amended as to anthori/e the survey of the line of the pio- po > ed canal bv a ooard of uovernment en gineers who aic to rei > ort at the next meeting ol congress. Meanwhile no appropriation is made for beginning of the work of construc tion. _ _ David Davis' Will. CHICAGO , August 2. The Inter-Ocean's Blooiiiinu-ton , III. spedlalsays the will of the late David Lavis was opened for probate to- dav. Ills estate is valued at 81,000,000 , chiefly in lands. Tlu-ro are no public bequcdts. He earnestly enjoins upon his heirs to see that none of his relations come to want. "By doing thls"Jie says , "you will best honor your , ly-gulier and father. " - i A Now Senator Nominated. SACHAMENTO , Cal. , August 2. At the re publican caucus of both houses of the legis lature this evening , A. P. Williams , a promi nent merchant of San Francisco and chairman of the republican state central committee , was nominated for United States senator. The Public Debt Statement. WAS n i XOTON , Augusta. The following is a recapitulation of the public debt statement issued to-day : Interest bearing debt , principal and interest . 51.214,002,033 Debt on which interest has Cfasod since maturity . 5B77H3 ! Debt beai ing no Interest . 535,079,099 Total debt , principal and int..Sl,7.Vn0.047 : Total debt , less available cash. . . MCO'Jft3ttJ Net casli in treasury. . 80,200,835 Debt , less cash in treasury Au gust. 1 , IbbO . 1,350,057,279 Debt , less cash In treasury July 1 , Decrease of debt dtiri ng month. . Cash In treasury available for reduction of public debt 105,205-143 Total cash in treasury , as ; liown by treasurer's general account 451,850,003 The Base Ball llccorcl. AT WASHINGTON Kansas City 1 1 3 0 0 fi 0 1 0 12 Washlngtons..O 0 1 1 0 0 0 ti 0-10 Base hits Washington l.r. Kansas City IS. Errors Washington 12 , Kansas City b. Umpire GafTney. AT NEW YOIIK New York 0 0121240 0 10 Chicago 2 00000002-4 First base hits New York 15 , Chicago S. Errors New i ork 5 , Chicaco 0. Pitchers Keefe and Ciarkson. Umpire Klliclc. AT BOSTON Boston 0 0 1 5 2 C 0 0 0-14 St. Louis 1 00000141 7 Pitchers Rufilncton and Healev. First basehits Boston Ifl. St , L ouls 10. Errors- Boston 9 , St. Louis 17. Umpire Egan. * Philadelphia..3 0 00001102 0 Detroit 0 000020020 4 Pitchers Baldwin and Fertrnson. First base lilts Philadelphia 8 , Detroit a. Enora Philadelphia 8 , Detroit 10. Utupirc-Ful- mer. Brighton Beach Hacei. BnioiiTON BKACII , N. Y. . Auzust 2. Purse for fomearolds and nuwaids , tluee- n nailers mile : Value won. Fanatic second , Tipsy third. Time 1 : ' . # . Selling purse , seven-eighths mile : Irnuill- ton won , Aleck Ament second , Brunswick third. Time 1:33. : Selling purse , seven-eighths mile ; Trafal- car won , Bnccanneer second , Hibernla third. Tlme-la. : : Ccitlficates piid Sl.6.5. Selling purse , for threo-j ear-olds , three- quarters mile : Daly Oak won , Bcllona second end , UoJIdvue third. Time-l:19K. : Purse , mlle ami quarter : Fattier won , r.mmct sceond , Tluin 2:13. Olivette fin ished first , but was disqualified. Pnif-e , tlireo-quaiters mile : Mute won , Bay Bebcl second , Mentor third. Time 1:10. : Thn Usual Soft Snap. MONTOOMKIIY , Ala. , August 2. The state election was quiet to-day. Brlgham , repub lican , and Tanner , prohibitionist , received but a small number ot votes. The entlic state democratic ticket Is elected. The rhiel Interest ccntcied In local contests. In many counties the democrats havn Milfi to pieces over the probate jiidgcslilp.s , and the indications aiu thai several Independents have been dented. The strife among the democrats brought the ne groes o > it to the polls , and thn Indications arc that a laigc negro vote was polled nil over the black belt. Tlui negroes generally suppoited the bolting local democrats , but many voted the straight democratic ticket for state or ticcrs. Thn F.lziii Dairy MnrUet. CHICAOO , Aiuiibt i ! . The Inter Ocean's Klglli , III. , special nays ; On thu hoard ol trade to-day the butter market was barely bteady at J'JK''Oo , regular tales being Ifl.OCW ponn'ls. ' No wai sold on thu nail. Private Nile * of ) * , ' * & pounds ot butler and 2,100 ho.u s of cheeto were reported. Total 1 ' , 510WJ S4. i : Itain , BEATWCK , Nob. , August 2. | .Sr elal Teln- gram to the BI-E. ] The noiih part of tins cnuatvwas bh-su-d with a l.ravy ra i iv terday. an-1 t's's Jonl.tyvas . rui. he4 'jy t thedsj i Uuic. BAYARD TALKS BUSINESS The Ilonso Informed of His Action in the Gutting Oaso , HOME RULE CACTUS COURTS. No OlTon o Committed In the United States to he tried In the Italia of Montczu ma There's Fun Ahead. The Cuttlnjj Cnse. WASHINGTON , August a. In icsponsc to resolution of tiie senate asking for Informa tion concerning the alleged Illegal detention of A. K. Cutting by the Mexican authorities at El Pajo del Korte , the ptesldent trans mitted to the senate to-day a icport of the secretary of state , togethci with voluminous mass of correspondence relating to the case. Under date of , tuly 1 , United States Consul Briis'lmm , at Kl Paso del Norle , forwarded to thn United States Minister Jackson , nt Mexico , a full statement of the facts attend ing the arrest and Impiisonmcntof Cutting and an announcement of his ( Btigham'n ) failure to secure any reply to his application for a fair trial or release on ball for Cutting. On July 0 , the United States minister -ought from M. Matcscal , Mexican secietarj of for eign affairs , the proper relief tor Cutting. The follow-In ? day M , Mirescal replied tlmt he had recommended the goveinor of Ohl- liuahua to sec that prompt and full juntlco was administered. On July 17 , Conmil Brigliam staled that Cutting was still n piisoner and nothing lud been done lor din release. The secretary says the imprison. nient of this American citizen has thus continued for Inlly a month without explanation or the prospect of any. He ( Secretary Bayard ) , on July IV , addressed a tclegiam to Minister Jackson , lecitlng all the precedent correspondence anuT facts , and stating the legal position assumed- by tills government as a giound for dcinand- ini ; the icleasc of citizens. Minis ter Jackson , on July 'i ! , telecrap'-'cd ' the refusal of the Mexican government to accede to the telegraphic demand of Kecio- tarv Bayard for Cutting's lelease. which ww followed by another telegram giving the Mexican ica-ons. Consul Biigham on July 'M telegraphed that the gov ernor of Chihuahua was pushing the trial of Cutting , who Iciioied the proceeding. * . On July S7 the sectetary mailed additional instructions to > I mister Jackson. The .secre tary , in this letter , iefei to the claim of the Mexican minister heie , based on Mexican lav\s. whereby jurisdiction is lussiinivd by Mexico over crimes committed against .Mexicans in the United btaiiitt , or any foieicn countiy , and his contention that mulct this law the pnblira- tion of libel in Texas was made eogni/iib ! and punishable in Mexico. The ehilin of jurisdiction in Mexico was pori'inptorllj and positively denied by Seeietaiy Bayard , wl.o declared" that the United States would not assent or permit the existence of such rxtm teiritoriaf foice to be given to Mexican law. "Mr. Homero1 he says , "finally assmed him that Cutting would be released in a veiy short time. " Convinced ol the trlcndl } and conciliatory spirit influencing the Mexican goveicment , the secietary intorms the consul that , in his opinion , all questions of conflicting Impr ests between the two uovcinmcnls can , without dilliculty , be amieahiy , honorably and satisfactorily adjusted. In ins 'iciwrt the secretary sa > s , touchlne the Mexican Jaws cited by Mr. Itomero'Thifrconllict of Inw is even more profound than the literal' dilfeience of eorrcsuondlnc statutes , for it affects the nndciljin ; piinelples of security to personal libi'itv and lieedmn ot speech , or expression , vvhbh are amo K the main objects Bought to be seemed by our framework of government. The present case may constitute a precedent fraught with most serious results. Thu alleged offense may be , and undoubtedly in the picscnt case IB , within the United btates held to be a mis demeanor , not of a high tirade , but in Mexico ice may be as-sociated with penal results of the gravest character. An act may beeieated by Mexican statutes an ofieiise of high giado which in the United States would not be punishable in any degiee. The safety of our citizens and all others lawfully within our jurisdiction would be Impaired If not wholly destroyed by admit ting the power of a foreign state to define offenses and apply penalties to acts com mitted within the Jurisdiction of thn United ? btates. Tqo United States and states composlne this Union contain the only forum for trial ot offenses against their laws , and to concede the jurisdiction ot Mexico over Cut ting's case , as it Is stated In ! Hrlg- ham's report , would ho to stibitilute the jurisdiction and lavva of Mexico for thereof the United States over offenses committed holely within the United States by adti/en of the United States' . The olfonsc alleeed li the publication In by a citi zen of the United Mates of an article deemed llbelou ? and criminal in .Mexico. No allegation ot Its circulation in Mexico by Cutting Is inside , and no such eir- ciilation was practicable 01 even possible. b < ! - caic-e the arrest was Minimal 11 } made on tlin same day of publication in thn English in Texas , on the cominir of the alleired wiiler or publisher , Into Mexico , and the Mexican coricbpond- ence accompanying M. Marcscal's refusal to release Cutting , found In the accompani ments to Minister Jackson's dispatch of July 22 , 18 . , shows that the one hnndied and eighty sixth article ol the .Mexican cotln is beyond the jurisdiction claimed , bnder tills pictcnsion it is obvious that any eilitor.or publisher of any ncutidapcr niticlu within the limits and jurisdiction of the United States could he : u rested and punished in .Mexico if the same were deemed objection able to officials ot that country after Mexican methods of administering justice , should ho be found within those binders. Aside from the claim ot extradition power tints put fortli for the laws ot Mexico and extending their jurisdiction over the alleged offenses ad mittedly charged to have been committed within the borders of the United States , are to bo considered arbitiary nnd oppressive proceedings which , as mensiucd by the con stitutional standard of thn United Statss. destioy the substance ot the judicial trial and procedure to which Cutting hiiK been subjected , In tiaiiMiiittlng tlio document to congress thn piesldcnt , in n brief communication , say * : "As to the inquiry contained In the lefioln- tion , 'whether any additional United State * tioops have l > een recently ordered to Ft. Bliss , ' I answer In the negative. " Governor Ireland's Clout-so Knctorsrtl. GAI.VT.STON , Tex. , August 2. A special to the News from Kaglo Pass Fays ; By spee'.nl ' order of Governor Ireland to County Attm- neylCelso , a complaint was lecelvcdagalntt County Judge HorTsetteter , Sheriff Oglesby , Deputy SherllT D. Dl.u and Francis Momlru-1 gen for being conceino'J In the Illegal cap * tuio and delivery of Francisco Hasueis to the police of Pledras Nugnis. T ho firot thrco mentioned were arrested and pla-ed under bonds of 1,000 each toappear befoio Justice Dunn. A citizens' meeting held at the court house this afternoon passed resolutions strongly endorsing the ac tion of Cioveinor Ireland in the premises and thanking him In the name of Maverick county for coming to piomptly to theiellef of the people. _ _ Outline Must ho Ilolcascd , WASinxfiTu.v , August ' - ' . Heprcsentativo Crnln of Texas to-day had an Interview With Secictary Bayard In reference to the Cutting and Kaecures cases. Crain said that the Bocrctary Is moused to the importance of the principle Involved , and Is determine ! to ptoUust Aincrlclu citizens to the full extent of his power. II U understood that the hoiijo eoinyiittee on foieign affairs will do- darn the arrot and Imprisonment of ( . ' . to Inve been an Infringement of his ax ini Aim ritan eilueii and will lepoit r i ' .is I'lijuotilig the pii'Mdcnt in .111 i ' c in IIIIK i t den.iiiiu Ins by tl M.x MI . .omn ni ut.