Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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rt'llmcd by cnrricr In nnypnrtof the city nt
ITI ( nty cents per week.
II. W. Tii.xojf , - Mnu.izcr.
n , No. 4.1.
NmiiT.Kt > iioii No. 2.1.
New York Plumbing company.
Summer clothing , cheap at Heller's.
Only one vag in the elty jail yesterday.
I'lio very best cabinets at ftt a do/.cn at
Gorham's. '
Akron Rubber company's ho'o at
Cooper A : MpGeo's.
( July 9J.r > 0 per defer first class cabinet
photos at SelunldtV , 400 Alain.
The regular monthly meeting of the
city council will ho held to-night.
Cabinet photographs $ ! ) per doat
Shcnuden's. ! 117 B'wtiy. for U0dasonly.
" A large nnmbbr ot people went over to
Onlaha to witness the ball gamu ycstcr-
Passenger travel on the different rail
roads centering in this city is now very
Another fat fruit train from California
arrived at the transfer at 1 o'clock this
Thu Council Bluffs Ught weights went
out to Grncndalc yesterday to play ball
with the Garner club.
According to Professor Couch , from
now until Wednesday will bo the hottest
season of tlio whole year.
The Cass County Sunday School asso
ciation meets in Atlantic , September'J
and ! ) , to which workers from hero are
Adolnli Doorllingcr , of the St. Louis
Itonie , has taken hold of the steamer on
Lake Mauawa and had her put in work
ing order.
The Union Pacilic cast-hound train yes-
U'.rday was late , and in consequence all
the eastern trains were dqlayed in leav
ing about two hours.
II. 1) . Harlo has purchased a sail boat
from Thomas Macfarland , of Moiulu-
inin , which , after being painted up , will
bo put on Lake Manawa.
Slakes are to be driven in the shallow
part of hake Manawa , through which
the boats can reach Wray's landing with
out running on the sandbar.
The old steamer on Lake Manawa has
been overhauled and new machinery put
in. She is now again running with
plenty of seating capacity and a new
On Thursday at the [ driving park the
Mueller music company base ball clnh
will play the Ending nine. The Karling
club has a line record but the Muellers
claim they can do the Karling dub up.
All the policemen who are now doing
night duty were ycsterdsy in citizen's
clothes watching for bathers near the
bridge , who still persist in nude bathing ,
notwithstanding the signs about the place
prohibiting the same.
On Saturday night there was a row in
Alex Obert's ' saloon , on tipper Broad
way. Obert is visiting in the old coun
try and since his absence there have been
several rows of whioh the police say they
are getting tired and are thinking of clos-
ing-tho place until OUert returns.
Patterson Williams , ( colored ) ot Omaha ,
was yesterday trying to-dispose of a horse
nnd was arrested on buspicion , but let go
as Thomas Skinner , ox-cliiot of police ,
went to Omaha with Williams to sco if
ho find a right to sell the horse , and if so
Skinner was willing to bo tlio purchaser.
"Zozo , the magic queen , " has { rene to
Denver after holding qmto decent si/cd
audiences at Dohany's. The piny from
bcgiunimr to end is a little oft' , thescenery
bemp all there is to tlie show besides a
couple of shapely women , who ware re-
cosrnized as being old stagers with that
class of u show.
The contracts "to furnish complete
and put in position" tlio iron roof work
of the government building has been
awarded for $8,001.05 to the IMotlierwell
Iron mid Steel company of Logan , O.
The work is to be completed insidoof four
months. The stone work on the build
ing will bo completed by the middle of
this week.
The field of contest between tlio Game-
well and Richmond fire alarms has now
been transferred from Council Blull'sto
Tancsville , Wis. . Mr. McCollough
was nt that place a few
duys ago exhibiting thu Richmond sys
tem and Mr. Chandler , of thoGamowoll
system , is now there pulling the wires to
obtain the contract for furnishing Janes-
vlllo with a lire alarm. The only alarm
the city of Janesville now has is an ama
teur excuse for ono like the present aya-
torn hero.
Complaint has boon made that n "scar-
lot fever" placard has been posted up on a
Tliird avenue residence , with instructions
that it must remain there for n month.
There was a case of scarlet fever in the
bouse two weeks or so ago , but the little
child is said to have recovered , anil the
house disinfected. Tlio placard seems to
come rather late , am ) seems to servo
mainly as n scare to strangers , and is not
n great help to the city. Such placards
should not bo put up only when abso
lutely necessary , as tlioy cnuso needless
fright and drive trade from the city.
Substantial abstracts of titles and rnal
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Sqniers , No.
101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs ,
Highest prices nan ! tor county , town ,
city and school bonds. Odcll Bros. &
Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Oounoll Bluffs ,
COUNCIL BI.IUTS , la. , August 1. To
the Editor to HKF.S Some two weeks ago
there was n case of scarlet fever on Third
uvenuo published in j-our paper , and at
the sumo time reported to the board of
health , nothing being ; done until this
iorenoon , when a largo placard with
"Scarlet Favor" thereon was put on the
fcnco in front of tlio house. If this had
been donn at tnu proper time , when re
ported , there would bo no ' 'kicking11 ;
but it looks like an imposition to * do so
wlion the patients nro all well. Will the
fee of 2 bo the same that the city pays
for this or not ? Is it better late than
never In this case ?
Fruits , Confectionery and Cigars , best
In the market always in stock. Frank
Withornll , 231 Broadway.
Flrst-clnes tin work , roollng , etc. , n
epcoinlty at Cooper & McGeo'b.
Suuploious or Horsu Flesh.
F. W. Swalloy , of Kxira , la. , paid
137.50 for a horse some time since , having
purchased the same of Hugh Cameron ,
of Anita , Nob. , who had traded for the
animal , Swalloy was yesterday looking
for the follow who traded the horse to
Cameron , thinking the horse had been
stolon. _
Go to the New York Plumbing com
pany for garden hose. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
Another Dull Game.
About Thursday next the Mueller Music
company's club will cross bats with the
Karling base ball club at tUo driving park
in tins city , The Earliug club huvo the
reputation of being line ball tossors. and
the Muellers may expect a tight rub.
Eevlval Meetings Started As An Off-Set
to the Closed Churches.
I'rospcciliiK For n Ilnllwny Track to
tlic Hcaoli Tlie.Tnly Onino Csip-
lined lly ( lie llltic Coats.
Church Cliliiic.o.
The devil Is said to never tale any va
cations , but the preachers do , and just
now his satanic majesty would have a
good chance to Meal a march on Council
Itlnlls were It not for the extra religious
work started at the pavilion as an offset
to the lest which omo of the churches
tire taking. Tim Presbyterian and Con
gregational churches had their doors
locked ycstehlay , their pastors beinir out
of the city. St. Paul's Episcopal church
suspcrdcd services until September ,
when the new church building will bo
ready for occupancy. In the evening
there were no services at llm Baptist or
nt the Mnthodist church , the congivg.x-
lions uniting in the Evangelistic service
in the pavilion , The. Catholic church
maintains Its regular services. The
protestants , however , last evening found
the five leading churches of the city
closed , and in the morning there worn
only two of them open.
"Hhlno 'Km Up. " *
"How much do you make n day , j'oung
man ? " queried a Bii : : roprc'sentativo yes
terday morning of a bootblack who was
giving the newspaper man a Sunday
bhino while thonowsgatheror was leaning
against a building perusing the SUNDAY
MottsiNo Bui : .
"Oh , some days I take in as high as $3 ,
but usually I average about $10 a week.
I earn more money on shines than Icould
at anything else. Sometimes people tell
mo I am too large a boy to shine shoes ,
but boys don't know how to shine a shoo
until he gels to bo about my age. It takes
lots of practice before you can put on a
shine like that , " at the same time tap
ping the bottom of the BKIman's : .shoo to
notify him that ho was ready for the
other shoe. "You sec , these kids , " he
continued , as he brushed the dust oll'lho
bottoms of the pants , "git blackin1 on a
man's ' uppers and they don't like it , and
their shine only lasts an hour or so , while
that shine of mine will last you all day
to-morrow , if you ain't too particular.
Another thing the kids don't know what
kind of blacKln * to use. they take any
kind a dealer wants to give them andre
satisfied. There's only one place in town
where I Kin git blaekin' ami I always use
the same kind. Yon sco a good sinner
can git a big trade if ho only treats his
customers right. If 1 see a man watch
ing me shine I put in lots of good licks
and lot him see I know my biz and 1 am
sure to catch him in a day or so , at the
most. That's how I caught you. You
was talking to that man on Saturday
while I was shining him and I saw you
was watching mo.sol 'did him tip brown *
and you .see to-day I got your job. Hut
say , these newsboys have 'great ' graft'
now that you folks git out a Sunday
morning Bni : . One of the kids was tell-
in'me this morning that the Bin : was
takin' well. "
The Br.K man receiving another few
taps on the sole of his shoo got down oil'
the box , and after putting up bis little
dime for the shine left tlio "shiner , " who
shouted to a passer-by , "Shine , sirV"
Fine pasture , plenty of water and good
attention for 300 head of stock about live
miles north of Broadway ami Main street.
.Inquire of L. P. Jiulson , No. 020 Sixth
avenue , or Charles Palmer at pasture ou
lime Kiln road.
Railway Trains to the linKc.
"Quite a number of ladles and gentle
men from Omaha were over to the beach
last night , " remarked a gentleman who
has considerable faith in the future of
Lake Manawa and Manhattan beach , tea
a BEE man yesterday morning , in the
postolliec. "Mr. O. P. McCarthy , of the
Union Pacific headquarters , and several
other gentlemen of the Union Pacilic ,
were among the party , " lie continued ,
"and. Mr. McCarthy knows what a good
beach and line bathing is , as he has been
brought up in a neighborhood where
there were many such places. Ho said
to me last night , that it was a pleasant
surprise to him to find such a fine place
in Ibis western country , and ho hoped
improvements would bo made that would
bit the cause of drawing pcoplo from a
long distance next season , lln said wo
had a great place if we'd only push it to
public notice. If wo could only got a
railroad running down there it would no
doubt bo a paying investment. "
11 is understood that plans are being
seriously contemplated for extending a
railway track to the lake , and that the
Union Paoifio will build it and run trains.
Mr. W. II. Burns , of tlio Union Pacilic ,
has been very much pleased with the
lake , and on Saturday he took hoveral of
the other promincnts down to look it
over. Tlio result of the conference and
inspection is , of course , yet to bo re
Stenographer and typewriter. O. Mnn-
son , with M. F , Korhcr , over C. 15. Na
tional bank.
Given the Grip.
The month of July was rather a dull
month in police circles. Tlio
made wore as follows :
MuthowB , cliluf 8
llomlricks 11)
Unthnnk , Hi
Cousins 10
J.con aid , ID
O'Bilon is
Weightiiinn it
Lewis 31
Bcswlrk I'i
The above were by the city police. The
Merchants police wore :
Anderson , r ,
Thomas 7
Mnrtln , 7
By the olty marshal ! and his deputies ;
( iimiiolhi , maiblmll r >
Whlto 10
Mnllwi 1
McKndden , U
Mullen has been oil' duty most of the
month while MoFaddon has been attend.
Ing the jail ,
' O
Sco that your books are made by More-
house & Co. , lloom 1 , Kvcroit block.
Allowing ; Club.
"A gentleman well known hero as an
enterprising citizen , a business man and
ono who has somn little say la politics
told mo this morning. " said a gentleman
in one of the banking Institutions of this
city to ono ot the BIK : force yesterday ,
' that if we'd got up a rowing association
ho would take some of the stock in It as
ho'd like to sec a good rowing club hero ,
Do you know wo could easily got up u
couple of four-oared barges it' some ono
would only start it. I wish you news-
piipor uooplo would punch them up a
littlo. We've plenty of tiuio this season
yet fully two months. September is a
good month for rowing and wo might
got up a race with ono of the Omaha
crews. "
Furnishing Uncle Sam's House.
"Postmaster Oowmnn's now chair is a
daisy , isn't It ? " said one of the employes
of the postofflco yesterday. "It Is tlio
only picco of futnitnro in tlio olllcc ,
strictly sppnklng , but wnit until wo got
into the now government building. 1 ox-
pool \vo will bo fixed no In great shape ;
there will be , 1 understand , about $ .10-
000 of the money already appropriated
that there will bo no u o for unless they
put it injo furniture , etc. , and I hope they
will , nt' this city has always been away
behind others of our size in regard to
biich things. With our now building wo
should luive some nice ofllco furniture ,
and. ns the moncv is already appropriat
ed , 1 don't see any thing to Hinder us. "
DTry it. Bc t Cream Soda in the city Go
per glass at I'nlmcrV. No. 10 Main st.
IjonjT Hours ,
The crow of the day dummy train have
just reason to complain of the number of
hours they have to stay on duly. They
go on duty nt 7 o'clock in the morning ,
and go oil' about 0 o'clock. This is bad
enough , but frequently tlio hours are
lengthened by delays caused by using the
dummy engine lor switching , La tnglit ! ,
for .instance , instead of the dummy train
leaving Omaha for Council IHuffe at 8.15.
the engine was used for switching until
nearly l ) o'clock , so that the dummy did
not reach this side until after I ) o'clock ,
and then liaii to return. The yards
on the Omaha side arc so
crowded that it causes delays , and
there seems a lack of switch
engines besides. On the Council Hind's
siilo there is plenty of room , which could
be used for yards" ana with : i supply of
switcli engines , it .vccms that the matter
could bo arranged so as to let the boys
have shorter hours. The annoyance to
passengers , who are often delayed on the
evening run and on the 1 1 o'clock dummy
run. is great al o , and causes many com
plaints. There is danger , too , in keep
ing men on duty so long. Overworked.
they cannot perform the best service , and
accidents are more liable to occur.
Personal Paragraphs.
W. B. Hugo , of Cambridge , O. , is at the
E. S. Allen , of Persia , was nttho Pacilic
C. C. Troxell goes to Illinois to-day on
a vacation.
J. Herold , of Kansas City , is at the
Ogdcn house.
C. W. Brown , ' of Battle Creek , Mich. ,
is in tlio city.
II. Smith , of DCS Monies , was in the
city yesterday.
David Friedman , of Tabor , spent Sun
day in the Blulls.
Miss Bowser and Miss Nison , of Dun-
lap , urn in tlio city.
J. C. Rockwell leaves to-day for a busi
ness trip to Dakota. '
A. Greonniaycr , of Hamburg , Sundaycd
iU-tlio Pacilic house.
Tom E. Becbe and his bride , of Omaha ,
were Blnll's visitors yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. 1) . A. Benedict leave to
day for Chicago , their future home.
Airs. ( r. L. Martin and Miss Lou Marl-
ton , of Kansas City , are at the Ogdun.
t ) . G. Slemmons starts for Dakota to
day to visit Deere , Wells & Co.'s trade.
M. F. Sayrc , who helps work the trade
for Deere , Wells & Co , , is in off the. road.
B. Uoldmanu and John ( Joodo wore
amontr the Chicago arrivals at the Ogdeu
W. B. Jndd , the experienced missionary
of David Bradley iV : Co. , has been laid up
with malaria.
E. Crensliuw , Tlionins Macf.irland and
O. II. Noycs , of Mondamin , were in the
city yesterday.
Walter F. Chapman , of York , Pa. ,
cousin of W. W. Chapman , is in the city
with the intention of making this city his
future home.
A. L. Cliilds , of DCS Moines , is in the
city , figuring for the purchase of one of
tlio daily papers , or at least an interest
in ono of tlicin ,
The relatives and friends in this city of
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Beach , of Hamburg ,
arc in receipt of the gludsomo news that
u little daughter has made her advent
into that worthy household.
F. L. Davis , of Missouri Valley , re
turned to Colfax Springs yesterday ,
where he and his wife are spending a
few wnoics ; he having bron called back to
the Valley by the death of his sister's two
children , both of whom have died within
a week.
Sheriff Garrison , of Harrison county ,
attended last week a reunion of the Gar
rison. family at Waverjy , Iowa. There
were live present , lie being the youngest.
The oldest brother , who was present , is
suvnnty-livo years of ago. Some of the
family had not met lor nearly thirty
years. _ _
A SIcopor "All Broke Up. "
Patrick Mctiowen , one of the workmen
on the now county court house , on Satur
day strolled into Bayliss park , and after
sitting on a bench for some little time
concluded to lie down on the bench and
rest until lima to resume his work at 1
o'clock. He had just got into a comfort
able position when the park watchman
came up and ordered him to sit up. Ho
did so , but says the watchman began to
show his authority , insulting him and at
tempting to arrest him when ho refused
to go to the locKnp , as ho had done noth
ing wrong. Ho says the watchman then
drew a revolver and ordered him out of
the park which order ho quickly obeyed
under the circumstances. Hu thinks
about trying to prosecute the watchman.
Always buy your moats at Star Market ,
No , ! ! 91 Broadway , and get the best.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
1'onlmnMor'H Prize.
Postmaster Bowman was yesterday
morning thu recipient of a handsome ,
largo olllco chair , a present from the
employes of the postollice. The chair
was hid In a closet behind the postmas
ter's desk , and shortly after ho arrived
Joe Spauldlng , eng of the letter carriers ,
came forward and in n short , neat speech
made the presentation. Mr , Bowman
was taken wholly unawares , but In a few
welt-choson remarks accepted the gift ,
which ho prizes very highly , especially as
every employe nndur him Joined in llm
gift. Thu chair is of black walnut , up-
holbturcd with Russian leather.
Sattly Ilcroavoil.
The seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Fonda died yesterday morn
ing after u brief illness , dysentery being
the cnusn. Mr. Fonda lias been In the
west on a pleasure and health-seeking
trip , and received a telegram at Ogden ,
announcing the serious illness of his
daughter. IKi readied home Saturday
morning. The Mid ovnut so suddenly on-
curring culls forth the temlcrest sym
pathy of their many friends here.
Kirkland , the jeweler , has removed to
323 Broadway , Singer olllco.
George W. Fisher , head cutter with F.
E. Stnlibs , the merchant tailor , is now in
Now York City selecting his fall stock.
Mr. Stubbs has also purchased a full line
of imported goods of tulia Talamon &
Sons , London and Paris , which ho ex
pects in a few days , Mr. Fisher , being
president of thu national cutters' associa
tion , was ou last Monday evening ten
dered a reception at Dclmonico's , there
being about two hundred cutters present ,
Mr. Stubbs , by Ids enterprise in securing
th ( < finest cutters , workmen , etc. , has es
tablished a business with the flncbt class.
of trade in the west , , having always thu
very best stock both in gentlemen's fur-
- . "
nlslMiggoodfl , woolens , ! etc. , thit money
can purchase , and making up cusfefli
styles ns soon ns introduced in Now
York. Owing to numerous inquir' ' o by
parties in neighboring { owns'Mr. Mil bus
has now completed arrangements by
whieh ho will send a'cntter wilh.a full
line of samples to' lli se who desire his
services ,
All the comforts of high-priced hotels
at the Pacilic hou o. , ami a saving ot 50c
to ? 1 a day. Try it. ,
Perfectly satisfactory accommodations
nt $2.00 n dav at the Pacific house. Give
it a trial and bo conyincpd.
Pacific house recently renovated. Cool
rooms ; money sa\od ; comforts gained.
The UoHpcl Kelt.
Last evening the inaugural meeting of
the scries of icvival .prviees , was held in
the pavilion. Mr. 1U-11 , the cMiugellst
from Chicago , made his first public ap
pearance. Considerable- Interest was f.'lt
by his old friends and acquaintances , lie
having livcil hern a long time , leaving
hero about eighteen years ago. Ho ro-
cognixed thu peculiar Interst tell on this
account , and announced that
ho felt it duo that ho
.should at an early date explain why ho
left the walks of business to preach the
gospel. Ho promised to narruto his ex
periences and give his reasons at the
meeting to-night. This announcement
will cause the pavilion to be jammed ,
for last night , with no such
special attraction , every seal was taken.
At tlin services hict evening Mr. Itoll ait-
dressed the people for over half an hour ,
and from opening to finish
held the attention of all closely. Hu
talks in n busl.iess-Hke manner , with no
pretentious to elegance 01 eloquence. IIo
is not scholarly , hut is far from being
boorish or ranting.
Mr. Hell has the reputation of being
quite wonderful as a Bible reader. He
has arranged to have Bible readings
every afternoon at ! i o'clock , and all are
invited to these services , as well as the
evening meetings.
Fifty boxes California plumbs , for pre
serving , very cheap , if bought to-day at
H. J. Pulmcr'b No. 1 1 Main street.
Why It llns Gone Out of Popularity
ItH New Form , Sateen.
The calico made years ago , says the
trade journal..Fiber and Fabric , would
wear twice as long without washing as
the modern calico. More substance in
actual fibre is what is wanted to regain
popularity. Another icason is the low
price that woo ! has ruled at for several
years past , onubling our manufacturers
to make woolen dress goods at a very
low ligurc , and these goods do not re
quire washing. Some may think they
absorb just us much dirt without show
ing it , but they do not. Cotton warp
goods with combed wool tilling can now
be sold almost as cheap us calico used to
be sold for. But let elean wool again
run up to § 1 and over and calico would
again be more in dcntand. It might be
in its form and under , thcf more fascinat
ing name of sateen , which is but thu same
fabric with the sumo Unaferial and pro
cess of printing , onlyit ; is- wove on three ,
four , or live harness , | Whivh enables the
manufacturer to miiko i < whut wo call a
warp or satin face. Satcpn weaving
parlance , "quarter 'satin" ' botli tlic c
fabrics take their 11:11110 : from thu method
or manner of weaving. Satin ia wove on
sixteen harness , with fiftefnn threads up
every time a filling pick is thrown in ;
while sateen i.s wove on four harness ,
usually with three wiirn/throuds up every
time a lilling pick cods , in' ' All observers
will have noticed that sa'tin will not hold
dust , and will repel all kinds of dirt , al
though silk in othrir" weaves , such as
gros-gruins , will catch and hold , not only
dust , but any foreign substance. Cotton
docs not have the repelling power of
silk , because it i.s not so lustrous , but is a
quick absorber of moisture , and has an
oeual alliuity for dirt.
A Kansas Tonuuto.
New York Graphic : "Ono July night , "
continued the tall man , " 1 had my wheat
till stacked ready for thrashing , and
went to bed feeling as rich us if I owned
tlie country. Abontmidnight , as near as
1 can recollect , 1 heard a clap ot thunder ,
and then the house begun to rock like a
willow tree. Then everything was quiet
for a little while , and I went to sleep.
Early the next morning my wife got up
and looked out of the window.
" 'John , said she , 'where on curtli is
\'our wheat ! ? '
' "WhatV said 1 , jumping out of bed ,
'what's that you say * '
" 'Where's the wlimtV
"I looked out out of the window , too ,
and stranger. J saw the most remarkable
sight I ever saw. There wasn't a cram
ot wliuat within u inilo of mo. Tliero
wasn't a remnant of my barn. My barn
yard was gone , the horse , the cows , and
even the pigs were gone. I got dressed
and walked out doors. The place was
changed , stranger changed in a single
night. My house suttinp in a garden by
tlio side of a creek. There was a now
barn in the yard , some red cows mine
weio white ; some black pigs mine were
spotted ; and instead of wheat there was
the alllirdest stack of cornstalks yon
over looked at. I thought at first I was
dreaming , and asked my wife to kick me ,
but I wasn't. About breakfast time somu
neighbors came in and asked where Mr.
Jones was. I never heard of him.
" 'Ho used to live hero,1 they said. 'Ho
lived hero last night. '
"Then I told them of the crash and the
rocking , and they said I must huva been
struck by a tornado. I asked where I
was , nnd tlioy said I was In Izard comity ,
whioh was fifty miles south of where 1
wont to bed. Sure enough , they were
right , The strongest part of it was , the
house wasn't hurt a bit. The roof even
didn't leak. Thu neighbors said it was
a visitation of Providence , and tlio piano
belonged to mo. But that wasn't all.
stranger. About a year a'tcr I hoard
from f.omo of my old neighbors that
Jones' liotiso had been moved riirht up to
where my old hoiiau stood , by thu samu
blasted wind. Wu both concluded to
slay where wo were , ' aild avoided any
tronblu on that account. I've been away
three months , and can't exactly say
where 1 do live now , but ) I expect I am
still ut the old t.tand.J ! ' * ,
No Uiicertnlnty.
There Is no nndortalntr about thu
effect of Chamborlain's , Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea HnniedyV" No ono need
to sufler a single lioufif "they will take
ono or two doses of it. , , (
Imaginary Ills.
A Philadelphia physician snj-s that n
great deal of what jwsijijj for heart dis
ease is only milddyslui | > si # , that nervous
ness commonly is ba < ( temper , and that
two-thirds of the so-called mulurlun Is
nothing but laziness. Imagination , ho
says , is responsible for a mnititudo of ills
and ho gives ns an instance the case of a
clergymen , who after preaching u ser
mon would take a touspoonfnl of sweet
ened water , and doze oft' like a babe ,
under the impression that it was a bonu
h'clo sedative.
Dealers In M lleh Cows.
No. 502 and 600 E. Broadway , Council Uiuila
Agricultural Implements ,
Cnrrlnjrco , Eto , Kto. Council niutTs , Iowa.
MnXo the Urlalnnl nml Complolo
Ha ? Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
Kui. iMIilVM , l.W > niul 1 jj ; Sontli Main Sircot ,
_ Council llliills Icmn. _
Miimtf'rs nn I .lobbsrs ot
agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Carriages nml nil kln'U of Karm Mno'ilnorr.
1100 to 1110 South Mnln Street , Council IIUKTs ,
r.O. Ut.msos. T. lt.Ii'nt.\s ) ( , Gno.P. WiuniiT.
1'ros.tWrcm. V.-l'ro &M-ui. 8ns &Co'.msol.
Council BlaVs Haadla Fact-wy - ,
Mnnnfncttiicr' < nr Avlo , Tick , Sloteo nntl Smnll
, or ovcrv ( Inscription.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths. Curtnln Klxtunu , tJptol ! tnry floods ,
Eto. No. < ( H llroiul\7rty Council lllulls ,
Wholcfnlo .lolibors In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Nog. 3 Mnln mill ! ! 7 1'cnrl Sts. Council
Fruit and Produce Commission MerclnnU.
No. lU'e.irl Ft , Council Illutls.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries , Etc. No. S3 Miiln St , and
No. 211'oni I St , Council llluffa
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
ypjrters aii JobtoH of DrGol5 ,
Notions. Ktc. NOR. 112 and 114 Mnln St. , Nos. 113
nnd 115 Pearl St. , Council llluffa. Iowa.
Wholesale Califoraia Fralts a Specialty
General Commission. No. 5tJ Broudwny ,
Council Bluffs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 10 and 18 Pearl St. , Council Hinds.
L. K1HSCHT & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Broad-
way. Council lllulls.
Mnnu'neturers or and Wholesale Dollars la
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. K5 Main St. . Council BluiTa , Iowa. _
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
N06.1M2 and 314 Broadway , Council mutts.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy flardwara ,
And Wood Stock. Council liluffa , Town.
i > . II. McDANELU & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tullow.Wool , 1'olts , Oroaso anJ Furs Council
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Labricitlng Oils Ga3)Ui3
S.Thoodoro , Agent , Council nitiffs. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
d Bridge Jliiterlal Bpoclaltl''s1Wholo'ml < > LUDV
bor or all Kinds. Olllco No. 1M Main St. ,
Council Hlulfs. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Agent for St Cottliarrt's Herb nitteri No. II
Main St. Council mulls.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Ko eno Slain St. , Council Blufe.
Fall Meeting- .
.TrottliiKi I'ltcliitf and Itiiuuliif ;
Tuesday , Aug. 31st ,
Wednesday , Sept , 1st ,
Thursday , Sept , 2d ,
and Friday , Sept 3rd ,
Including special attractions by Prof.
A. E. Walker's world famous Racing
DOJJS dally and Balloon Ascensions by
Prof.A. S. Parker daily , in front of the
Othorlattractlons in the way of speed
consisting of cclnbrated horses from
Kentucky , Ohio , Illinois , Indiana nnd
Rodncej rates on all railroads , Come
everybody ami havna good time.
For particulars , address
Brick buildings of tiny kind raised or moved nnd snlisfucUou guaranteed ,
Frame building : ) moved on LiUlo Giant truck" , best in the world.
808 Kighlh Avenue nud Eiybth Strcct.Counil Din ( ft.
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DROHLIOH , 608 Broadway.
tv t.e6 vi
- ovv.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
I arming lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , rnnrlne
from $1.25 fo $12 per ncre. School and state lands in Minnesota on ilO years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
P. P. Lanstrtip , } ? o. G35 Broadway. Council Blulls Iowa
Desirous of purchasing material for bath
ing suits , should sec our new and ele
gant assortment of goods especially
adapted for line and pretty bathingsuits.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs
Are being closed out by us at remarka
ble low figures. We have them in beau
tiful shades , colors , etc. , and have put
such prices on thorn that will dispose of
them rapidly , as wo WILL NOT curry
any over to next .season.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Now in stock are being disposed of nt
low prices to clear our shelves of same
before receiving our fall htoclc , which
will shortly arrive.
401 Broadway , Council BlullH.
Of the choicest style , design nnd quality ,
just purchased by us at a bargain and
wo are selling them at retail at whole
sale prices. See them and you will buy.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
For summer wear are being disposed of
cheap , mid must shortly bo taken oft'our
shelves to bo replaced with goods for fall
wear. Summer dress goods can bo pur
chased cheap now by all who will call on
'jrAHKXESS JlltOS. ,
401 Broadway , Council Blnll's.
For oflices. Now Invoice just received and
latest patterns guaranteed. All styles ,
and prices Mitisfactorv to everybody.
101 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Of the very latest designs , patterns and
quality for the coming season , are being
now introduced by us. Pick ono out. now
before the line is broken.
Harlaicss Bros , ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Bj-octal advertisements , euch ns Lost , Found
To Loan , For Snle , To Kent , Wimts. IlnnnlliiK.
etc. , will boliitortod la tills column lit tlio low
rntuorTBN CENTS PKH LINK foriho Urntlnser
tloa anU Tlvo Conls Per l.lno for each kuliborjuunt
Insertion , Lcavu aOvurllsomonts nt our olllco
No. 12 Peal Btrcct , near Broadway , Council
Illulfs. _ .
- osslftaut cook at tlio Ojfden
8AUJ OJ ! l > apors. In quantities to Kuit ,
FOH lloo oflloo No , I'i 1'carl stroot.
" "
I Iftvo ft quantity of Bound , well cJomiO'l ' eo 4
wblcti 1 offeratioasuuubU flsuiuo.
Established 18 : > T
B. BICE , M. D. ,
Cancers & $ ffty
Chronic Diseases ot M kinds n Np
Over thirty vonrs' prnctlcul experience.
No. 11 PoailSt. , Council UlutTs.
Consultation f ice.
Creston House
The only hotel in Council Illuffs having
Fire Esoa/pe
.And nil modern ImproNcinonlB.
SID , 217 mid sio Main st.
W , S. HOMER & Co. ,
23 Main St. , Council Bhifl's.
Practices in the State and Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart Block.
Horses and Mules
For nil purpo'cs. bought mid solJ , lit rolnll and
In lots. Luigo ciiuitittiM | ! to K.-lcct from
fc'ovcral pairs of IlnoUrlvors , single or cloiililo.
Council Binds.
Star Sale State and Mule yards ,
Dummy Depot.
Cii C3
Horses and .Mules l > 6r > t constantly on Ininil
forMilo at retail or | n ear loiuR
Order * prouidtly tilled Ijy contract onalio.-t
notice , Htoclcbolil on commission ,
BIH.UTKU & IIOI.BV , 1'J'opilclors.
Telephone No. 114. f 3
roimoriy of KIlIIi BAI.H BTAIII.KB , comer
nvc. Mild { til Ml eel.
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American tixprosa Company.
f : , fOII'A ,
An excellent oducntlonnl Institution , furnish
C'divltli ( ill the modern IniprotcinoutB , to in
ducted by Hie SISITllB OI'CJIAlt TVII. V , M
For term of live months , $75.
TermsI'ctflu ' Ihet Monday In Suptemtor uuJ
( list Monday In February. 1'or ciilulojfiios ud-
dress B.JETCIt tU'I'HIIlOH
6t. I'rancls AcucJuniy.Couurll Dials , lour * .