V t * r The Omaha Sunday Bao Will Tbo Qmurm SnndAj B o Will Maku its Appearance To-Morrow , Contain iho Now York Herald's August 1st. Special Oablo Dispatches. SIXTEENTH ] YEAH. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , JULY 31 , 1886. NUMBER 37. All ] Burial of the Victims of the Polios in Hoi' land's ' Capital. SOCIALIST OUTBREAK FEARED. The Stopping oftlio National Game of Considered nn Out- -A Talk With n Revo lutionary header. The Twenty-live Funerals. , July SO. [ New Yoik Herald Cnble Special to the lint.J : The burlnlsof the lwentj-iive\lctlinsor the Dutch national pastime , "I'ntlnirlrckkln" or eel baiting , took place lietween 0 nnd 10 o'clock this morning. Tlieda > was marked by noioleilt outbreak , lint public MMitlment is ttioionghly aroused , nnd 1 nm nssiued by Icadois of Uio pop'dar Hoclalist moveiiienl that n veritable revolution inn } bo expected dining the coming winter. Yesterday nil possible precautions wcro taken by the goveinment. During the night sovcinl thousand tioops weie massed-in Anisteidam nnd < niniteied in cliurclies. Other dctichmcnts guarded the bank nnd the king's palaces. 1 wns orotiocd nt ! l in the morning by the TIIAMP o i' inn isr.vNinv I'.vriior.s hcneith my windows. 1 joined one of these pat nils nnd we marched thiongh the notth- ein paitof the Llndeigincht canal , Ihe scene ol the late ll ht. Small knots of people , many of ( hum women , stood talking in low voices nnd with thieateiilng looks , but there wns no violence nttciuptcd. Ilydajbleak the troops weio concealed In tlie dniH'hes , ready for Instant action. At S n , in , thousands of people crowded nboitt tlio hospital where the twenty-live corpses weie placed. At 0:35 : largo lie.uses , each diawn by splendid pair of black hoises , and attended by six lilted mmiinois and driven by n coach man in n huge black cocked hat , drove up be fore thn hospital. In n few minutes twenty- live black PINT. WOOD COFI'INS , each nunibcicd with chalk , but with no name , weie biought out by the hired mouineis nnd placed In the hearses. Tour of these lionises drove off to Iho Piotes- tnnl cemetery , vvlicie the bodies were all put Into n huge pltnnd burled without any iclig- lous ceremony , these being tlio bodies of throe men nnd n woman who came to see col baiting fiom tin ; country and of whom no tiaco of identity could bo found. The other TVV IN : rv-oMi IIIIAIISKS droveoll to the homes of the families that claimed the bodies , whence they were foi- lowol In cairlagcsandon foot to tlio ceme teries bv thousands of filends nnd relatives. Tlio loads to both the Catholic and Protcs- tnnt cemeteries weio lined with silent , earn est crowds , showing by their lirmly clenched teeth and in eveiy line of their faces deep sympathy with tlic nllllcted and bit ter bailed lor the police. At half past 0 I visited the Catholic cemetciy , where I found two white hilled giave dlggeis In a huge grave smoking clny pipes nud shoveling nwav with might nnd main , occasionally un earthing an nnclunt skull or rib. The scene was vciy sttoonsTivE OP HA-wr.rT. My Interpreter asked : "What ; are they going to be burled together in one grave ? " The crave dlcger said : "These nro our Older ? . " In half an hour the first funeral aulved , that of Johannes Pyn , sixty-one years ot ngo Thcie were 500 mourners , all icspectablo pool pie , among llicm his wife nnd sister , two line looking old women , with snow white hair in the natural costume , with gold and sliver oinnments on their foichcads nnd over their cars. His son , n stalwart boatman , piononnccd a luneral oiation lull ofonen-'v. llobuislinto teais nnd seemed eilently to MVUAU AN' OATH OK KKVENOK for the old man's death. Tlio son aftci wards told mo lhat ho had many relations settled in Pennsylvania. Tlio next lnncr.il was lhat of Hernaul Wllf , thirly-fivo years old , followed by the ontiio guild of Amslculam boatmen , wearing orange scarfs. Then came that of youn Leonaul \ an Dykes , who was shot through the hcait white waving a led ling on nbairi- cade , Van Dykes' elder brother told mo v3 * ho had niiinv iclalivcs now livins in Now Yoik. Unmistakable sympathy vvas si shown by tlm entiio population for the nflhctcd famllleu , nnd nn uprising was smote to have taken place had not ovciy individual been aware of the fact that thousands of soldiers weio concealed in tlio neighboring churches , cadi giasping his loaded rillo nnd icady for instant action. iNir.uvicwiNo TIII : iirnoojixsTiin. In the afteinoon i was received by the bur gomaster of Amsterdam , M. Arnntlenlioven , In tlm council clmmber of the town hall. The burgomaster Is n thin , pale , neivous-looklng man , and Is greatly worn out by Iho Jalo tragic events. Ho said : "I Hilly bdlevo that Anisteidam Is inilet nt piescnl , nnd nil cause for nlarm Is over. Of course there may bo many dlinenltles In thu fiituio. " I then talke.i with suveial leprescntallvo citizens ol Anisteidam. They nil toll that there vvas a mistake to suppress iho gaiuo which , although haul on the cols , Is the only sport of the lower classes and thu only safety valve for them. In fact It was ns gieat a Shock to them ns the suppicsslon ot the Dnby wonldbo In Knglandor base ball In America , n d the giavest conscipiences uro likely to CIIKIIO , ns It gives an oppoitunlty the socialists me sure to mnkn nso of. A POCIAI 1ST TALKS. 1 nftervvaid sawn lending socialist , who Paid : "Our people are not allowed to have miy weapons in their possession , but every Dutch workman can cutn pick nnd shovel. It Is very easy to cut tlio dykes and dostioy the wlKdocoiintiy. This they aiusuio to do out of shcoi desperation If the present mlsciy nud persecution contlnuus. " THI ; roi.i.owmo ISCJIJINT : shows Iho feeling among the low classes. Tula afternoon J wont toseo the scene of the late light While takln ; notes on the bridge ut the Linden canal a crowd of builynsh- women nnd boatmen , excited by hchnanps , came tovvaul mound wora going to tmovv mo Into the canal , mistaking mo for a policeman in plain clothes. 1 nt once pulled out of my pocuct n vlfiltlng mid 1 happened lo have bearing the iinmo "Daniea Nleuwonhlus , " the famous Dutch soclalisj. I pronounced this name. The clfect was llko magic. The threats changed to cheers , and I only escaped nn ovation by lleelng to n passing cnb. fcOriAI.ISU IU AIIVANCINO with liemendous strides. The gnmo which led to so much bloodshed In Amsteidam Is called "p'lllnsttckken , " or eel baiting. A big eel Is tied loa cord stretched from ono Eldo of n canal to the other. The poor anl- nml wiggles about , mnlilng frantic olforts to pet cut of tlio knot vvhHi keeps It dangling over the water. The players then pel Into Iwats upon the canal , trying to catch hold of tlio eel is they pass tlie cord. Tbo cicatnro has been jroll leaped nnd Is naturally slippery , Only l voy ekliirul hand succeeds u Binfi-lug it before the gnme is over. Scvcinl players usually get n ducking , much to tlic amuse- menlof thobystniideis , who enjoy this part of the fun nlmostns much ns the prolonged ngony of the ccl. TIM : MAIHU : TALKS. The Greatest Dutcli Socialist on the Situation. Tttr. IlAnrr , July 30.-Xow [ York Herald Cnble Special to the llnu. ) I was most cmdlally received to-dav by Uaroii Von Karnbeck , tlio minister of loreign affairs. 1 explained to his excellency that owing to the intensity with which the old Dutch traditions of thu city of New Yoik nro viewed , and on the giound that "blood is thicker than wnlei , " many New Yoikers have n lively in- teicst In the crisis which Iho old country Is believed to be undcigoing. The minister said : "These Amsterdam nets have bren gi eat ly exaggerated. Ail Iho bettei chsses syiiipathlro with tlic govcinmcnt. All the respectable inhabitants of Amsterdam dcery eel-balling ns a citiclnnd brutal spot t. The fnct is , n good manj Germans come herewith wild communistic ideas , and they have eon- tamlnotcd mtmbois ol unr Ignoinnt classes with ruinous theories which cause nolltllo uneasiness ns to the future ; but llic piesent J nil-'HCL I.TV IS AM , OVEIt. 1 have also been fa voted by n member of of the old Dutch nrislocincy with the views of the king nnd comt elides , who said : "Social- Ism is niakinif gieat advances , nnd may cause ginvepeill in thoneai i'ntuie. It is all Iho lank ol' thu libeial pally , who opened Iho door lo exotic socialism of HID 1'ieiich type. A striking evidence of tills is Nicuwcnliiils , who only last yeai was stoned nt Ilnricm and this j ear was icceived llieio with cheers and n pri foot ovation. " TUP. iiKionsT nuTcnvt VN. The most piomliiont man In Holland to day is I1' . Domela NIeuwenhnIs , who , all pat ties agree , Is destined to play n most impoit- antiolc in the crisis which Holland is about to undeigo , and who is acknowledged as the autocratic head of all the revolutionaiy and dlstuibing forces of the nation. Ntmiwen- linis vvas once a clergyman and has inherited nn Income of 535,000 a year. Ho gives nvvny most all of this In charity and has founded co-opciativc bakeries and Is booming social ism in oveiy possible way. Ho is highly ed ucated , very eloquent , and Is believed to hold the destiny oftho country in ills hands. ACAl.f.O.VMiUWiMIUIS. : : I called upon him to-dav nt his house , No. SKJMnlnka street , nnd was .shown into his 11- binry. On the walls weio portraits of Li Salic , Katlmar.x- and Datwin. On the table was a largo bible , on which lay a copy of the Paris Crl dti Pen pic. In n few moments the great socialist king enteted. Ho beais a most striking icsem- blanco to Maiot's famous picttne of Christ , witli long , waving chestnut locks and bcaid , dreamy but ponetratin ; : eyes , light build , wiry and watchful. Ho had been a year in prison. cAusn or Tin : mots. The following conversation took place : CoiiesDondentWhat was the ical cause ot the riots , HerrNieuweiihuts ? " NIeuweiihuls ' 'The uuwlbc and arbitrary suppicssioii ofa national spoit.ciucl in itself , but the only national past time loft to the w oik- ingmcn. Gradual compulioiy education would lead the people to see the brutality of such a spoil , but our government docs notpioceed by education , but by aibitiaiy police meas ures. The consequences will eventually bo overwhelming. Alieady there has been given a tiemendous Impetus to the impend ing socialist revolution. " Coiresuondent "Will lliere be an outbicak on Augusts , the queen's bit thday ? " "Nieiiwcnliuls "No. All Is quiet at pres ent. Hut theiowill bo stoimy times this winter , when Iho people nro pushed by in tense mlseiy into notion. Why , the fnct is , tlie government to-day has , by Its utter want of sympathy with the people , nnd by police vexatious persecution in disregard of all justice , put itself before the eyes of the na tions In exactly the same position ns wan the governmant ol tlio Dnko of Alva in the six teenth centmy. Llko icsnlts como tiom like causes , and historv iccords that the outcome ottlioDukoof Alva's government vvas the Dutch republic. " KsTitANoiu ) nevi : TUB piiot'i.r ; . Concspondont "But the present govern ment Is native , not loioigu. " Nienwenhuis "They and the entire gov- 01 ning class have estranged themselves liom the people , just ns if they had never been born in the coimtiy. They have accumu lated wealth by speculations In Java , Siima- Ira and in Amei lean railways. Thov Invest tliolr hoaidcd capital in iho :5 : per cenls. They never spend a cent in Holland unless Ihoy cannot help It. They simply sit on their soft velvet aimdialisand cut coupons. " THIIH : AMiiuirA.v i.vvnsTMnxrs. Coi respondent "In what American se curities do they Invest'.1' ' NImiv.onhuis "Illinois Central , Chicago , Milwaukee A : St. Paul and Union 1'acllic. " Correspondent "When will tills revolu tion oceiii' . " ' Answer "This winter , probably. " As I bade Heir Nicuwenhiils good bye I nddiussoil him nstho "Dutch IMrnell. " Ho said : "No , not Parnell. Ho Is in the the wiong trade altogether. His ideas of homo into will never satisfy the Irish peoplo. Painell Is n faihno. The Irishmen will never bo hanpy until some wise , clcar-liea dcd Irish socialist appeals on the scene. " Wolchinon Want Homo Unle. Loxnox , July UO. Handbills demanding homo rule aio being circulated thioushout Wales , T'hocliciilar nays : "Tiio tlmo has ni rived when Wclchmnn should hive Iho right to govern thomsalves. The parliament nt London makes laws , not for the bonelit of Welchnion , but for the enrichment of land. loidn and idlei-s. Welchman demand Iho privilege or making their own laws ; they demand fioo ediicillon , the abolition of landlordism , nnd thu dlsojtabllshmout of the church. " _ _ The Pall Mall finzotto Sited. LONDO.V , July SO , The Kvenluu News lays lhat the patents of Kllwi Armstrong , the young glil who lignrcd so conspicuously In tlio Pall Mall Gaetto's oxposn vs , have nr- ranged n suit against Stead , then editor , Its publlshoisandGeneiallJootli , of thu tnlvn- lion nrmy , for S 10,000 damages , the claim to bo held lor libel on tlio girl's parents and foi assaulting the child. The Iowa I'ress Picnic. Si'iiur LAKK , Iowa , July 80. The nnnual nddies * before the State Pi ess association by George D. Perkins , of the bloux Oily Joninal , on thu duties nnd lesponslbllltlcs of edllois , was delivered to-day. The icst of the week's stay in the lake legion will bo de voted to ex-elusions and general pleasuring. The cltl/ens of Spirit Lake will give the as sociation and visiting ladles a reception ami Lull this evening. It Ijooks Dark for Arthur. Niw : YOIIK , July : . Tlio physician who has examined President Aithur's disease says ho has old Hrighls disease nnd Indiges tion , which has Killed so many bnn vlvants , whlei neatly killed General Schuuck and which has J nut killed llubsit O. Tnompson In New York. A Tcmpernnoo Worker Diutil. HUIII.IKOTON , July ao. Mrs. Maiy I' . Dar win , a prtiiulnunl le der in ttunpcranro nnd vvuikln Iowa , died suddenly lhli PASSED IN ANOTHER SHAPE , The Senate Agrees to the Surplus ECSDU- ! tion With Important Changes. THE RESPONSIBILITY SHIFTED. Tlio President to Dcoldn on Emergen cies Instead of tlic Secretary of tlic Treasury Trade llol- Inrs at I'ar. Tlio Senate WASIIINOTO.V , July SO. The sonnto re sumed consideration of tlio house joint irso- lution dlieeting thepaymenh of the surplus In the tieasiny on tlie public debt , and was nddiessed by Mr. Teller ( In continuation of tlio speech begun by him yestcnlay ) , in favor of the original lesolution and against tlio amendment repotted by the senate committee on finance. The question simply was whetlici the govern men I should pay Its debts from the money In hand. That course was the plainest dictation of common sense nnd old-fashioned hone-sty. Mr. Vance spoke In suppoit of tlie resolu tion as It came from thu house. He believed that the house of icprcseutnllves In passing tlio loiut resolution 'JOT to 05 icllected the wishes of the people , and ho piopo = ed to bo obedient to the popular behest. Mi. Goiman aihnessed the senate In favor of tlm resolution as amended. The debate was Interrupted to permit the chair to announce tlieappointmcnt ofMessis. Dolph , Teller mid Cockrellnseunfeieeion the bill to forteit lands ot tno Northern Pacliic tailroad. The debate was then lesumcd. .All. Edmund1 * moved to amend the amend ment to tlm sin plus icsolutlon by snbstltnt- iug the president for the secretary of the treasury , so tint it will read : "When , in the opinion ot tlio president , public interests shall leipiire it , ho may dliect the sccietary of the treasury to suspend ftutlier call , " etc. Auieed to. Mr. Coke moved to ndd tlio following pio- vlso : 1'iovided , That such suspension and reasons therefor shall bo lepoitcd tocougicss witliln ton days ntlnr Its next meetlnir. or immediately , U'congiess shall bo in session , Agreed to. Alter a speech by Mr. Chase , in favor of the committee amendment , Mr. I'luuib moved to strike out tlie clause giv Ing the president tlio riht ( in case ot an emergency ) to suspend the call. The motion was i ejected yeas , ii'Jsnays , 81. Mr. Kustls moved to inseit the woids : 'In cluding the payment of bonds and Inteicst tlieieon , the same being nndt-r tlio existing law payable in gold or silver coin at the option ot the government. " Hejected jeas , 2i ; najs , ! ! 7. The committee amendment as amended was then airrccU to yeas , : JT ; nays , B7. Mr. Sewiill moved as nn amendment to the bill toi the teccipt of trade dollars at their par value. Mr. Kdmunds moved to lay It on the table. Hclcctcd 'M to 81. The amendment was then agreed to yeas , 34 ; navs , 2' ' . The joint resolution nnd amendment wcio renoiied to tlio senate. Tliero a vote was taken on tlio tiade dollar amendment and it was agreed to veas , : ! 3 ; nays. 30. Mr. Goiman moved to lay the joint resolu tion on the table. Rejected yeas , 5 ; navs 57. Mr. Ingalls moved to strike out all after tlio enacting clause and inseit "that thosecietaiy ol the treasmy shall , be.tin.uing September 0 , ISbtt , until thlrtyUnysaftei-tho mcetingot the second session ol the torty-ninth conicrcs' ! , apply the sin plus in excess of S 100,000,000 in tlie ticasury , in sums not less than SIO.OOO.OJO ner month , to the payment of the intoreat- bcaiing indebtedness "of the United States , payable at the option ot the government , llolected jcas , 2j ; nays 38- I'lio joint resolution was then passed yeas , 42 ; navs , 20. The joint resolution as passed Kas follows : "Ho It enacted , etc. , That whenever tlie suiplusor balancu in the tieasiny , including the amount held lor ledemimon of United Slates notes shall exceed the sum of 3100,000,000 , it shall , and is hereby made the duty of tlio secietary of the tieasiny to npnly such excess , In sums not less than 310,000,000 per month , during tlio existence of any such sin pins or excess. to the payment of the in- Iciest beating Indebtedness of the United Stales , payable iit the option of the goveiu- mcnt. The surplus or balance herein re- feued to shall bo an available surplus , ascer tained according to the loim of the state ment of tlio United States tieasuicr of the assets and liabilities of tlie tieasury of the United Slates employed on Juno 80 , IbbO ; piovidcd , that no call shall bo made under tlio provisions ot this ie > olullon until a sum equal to the call Is in the treasury over and nbovo the icsinvu heiein mentioned : and piovidcd inithcr , that the sccretaiv of Hie lieasurv , In his disr-ietion , may have in the tieasury , over and above the loiegolng sum , a woik- ing balancu not exceeding 520,000,030 ; and whenever , In case of any extiaordlnaiy emergency not now existing , nnd when , be- causa thcreol , in opinion ot the pioaldcut , the public Interests shall lequlre , ho may , by wilttcn older , direct the secietary or the ticasnrv tosuspend lurthercall for the pay ment of such Indebtedness tor such n pciiod of time as shall bo necessary to maintain the public credit unimpaiicd ; and Unit , such sus pensions and loasons theiofor shall bo ic- ported to congioss within ten days alter tlio next meeting , or immediately If congiess shall bo In hesslon. "That lei a period of six months after tbo passage hoieof , United States tiado dollars , If notdefneed , mutilated or stamped , shall bo received at their lull viilno in pnjinent of all dues to the United States nnd al.all not bo again paid out or in any other way Issued. That OKI holder ol uny united Stales tiado dollaisdinlng'Jio peilod afoiesald , on pie- scnlation of tlm enmo at the olllco of the tieasuier or anv assistant tieasnror ot the United Status , mav receive in exchange therofoit In llko amount nnd value , dollai for dollar , In standaid silver dollaih or In subsidiary coins , nt the option of tlm holder nnd of the United States. " Tbohonsobill tolncicasotho nnvalcstablish- mont vvas then taken up and amended. The amendments weio ngiced to and the bill passed. A confcienco was asked for , nnd Messrs. UnniPion , Halo and Mcl'herson ap pointed contuiees. Adjourned. House , WASIII.VOION , July SO. In compliance with the arrangement made yesterday the house resumed consideration of the vetoed pension bills , the liist being that granting fc50 n month to the widow ot General David K. Hunter. In advocating the passage of the bill over tlm piesldout's veto Mr. Hntter- woith of Ohio cited various precedents where widows ot general olliceis weio gianted S50 n month , nud ho protested -igalnst the hoiibo making lisli of ono nnd llcsli of nn other. The double In this case , ho tlionglit , was that Uoncial Hun tor had pie ldcd at the Pitz John Poilertonit-nunlUd , It it wcro not for that , the piesident would have signed the bill , Thu house rotused to pass the bill over the veto yeas , 111 ; nays. 10b not the con- f > tllntlonaltwo-thiid > in the ailliniatlvo. The consideration ot the vetoed bills grantIng - Ing pensions to Maiy Noinmti , John W , Fnr- IIs and David T. Kldorkiu was postponed until the next session. The house ictiuud to pass over the presi dent's veto-yeas. 119 ; nays , D3. not the con stitutional two-thirds In the aliirmatlvo the bill cranling a pension to Mary Anderson. 1 his disposed of the vetoed pensions upon the calendar , and in aecoidance with ngice- mcntUio bouse lesnmed consiiteiatlon of the inter-state commerce bills. The piovlons ciucstlou was oideied-ycas , 9 ; nays , 65-nnd tlie quf stion icciiiM'd on the substitute ( liea- gan bill ) to the sennto bill ( Cullom bill. ) The bubsittito vvas ngrwl to yeas. 1'Sl : nays. 1W. Mr. llaker of Now York moved to commit the bill with instructions to the committee on commerce to icpoit it back amended by the substitution of the senate bill. Lost veas , 70 ; nays , IftS. The senate bill as nmrndcd by the adoption ot tlm Heagan substitute was then passed ye.is , 0 : nays , 41 and a coiUcivnco was re quested. iir. UlAncuaid ot JUoulsIaua submlttcil tlm conference report on ihn rlvCr and harbor np- piopriatloubill. The reading ot the report consumed nearly three hours , and no time was left for the rending ol the descriptive statement nccompiuylng the report , which is sl.'iied by two of the house conferees. Mr. Hatch raised Uio question of eonsldcr- nilon , pending vrliltii the house took a recess till 8 o'clock , the evening session to bo for tuo consideration of pension bills. r.vr.NiNO snssiov. Klght iiensloh bills were passed , nnd nt 11 o'clock tlie house adjourned. swismsu nincTivKVOKK. . Arrest of I-'rauditlciit Itevonno Offl- cers Krnm Koreln" 1'nrtfl. CiurAno , July yo. [ Special Telegram to tlio lii ) : : . ] Vnitous local papers will publish to-morrow the details ot nn extensive piece of detcc'tivo work which has Just been briiucnt to culmination hero and nt other cit ies thiouijliout the country by special agents of the King ot Sweden. In the spring ot IbSo the Swedish government mmlo dlscovei- lea of corruption and finud In Its rcvenno service , running back three vcnrs nud reach ing an nggiegate ol 82,000,000. When tlio expose - pose came mostot the distillery hands having knowledge of the Ir.mds were heavily bribed and quickly shlppod to America by their employers ployers- and the Otllclals implicated. As a re sult of the Hist tilal the crown vvas unable to procure convlctjinr evidence. After much delibeiation It was determined by the Swed ish government to Institute search for the missing witnesses. Two persons wcio chaigcd with the lesponsiblllty for the under taking. They weio Mr. J. Klund , police commissioner of Sweden , nud Mr. J. U. 11. Tengblad , one of his assistants. The two have since the llth of the piesent month made this city thulr headquarters. They had no extradition papers nnd weio by royal command denied tlie light to oiler large moiictaiv Inducements. Chiel of Police Ebersold , of this city , was taken into their couliileuce , and at their 10- quest detailed Patiolman John Nelson , a Swede , to assist in tlio hunt. Tlio lirst lugitlvo loiind was Uustnf Jloilin , employed in n malt house. He had been n laborer at Toips & bjolby's distilleries near Vexlo. Acting on hints fiom Hoilin , traces of the other witnesses wanted weiobccmcd , Including August An- deison , alias Cailson , of Plttsburg ; Call Fiobaigof .Manlsteo , Mich. , and Call Kng- stiom of Chicago. The men named are among those who consented to tlio proposi tions ot the detectives. Tlio two detectives loll Chiemo yesterday foi Now York , ac companied by nearly nscoto of Swedes , the exact number being , however , unknown. They will leave Jxew Yoik on the lirst Cuuarder and stop In ICncland , where other wilnesscs have been located. All those taken fiom Amei lea are given a guarantee of im munity lioiu prosecution , and promised ex penses back and foith w itli SioO rowaid each. They will be absent six weeks , an earnest of S.VJ being left with each family for temporaiy support , _ MAID no ni3RY. A Punch Containing .s38OOOO of Valu ables Disappears. ST. Louis , July 30. It has Just been learned that tlm postal car which left New Yoik for St. Louis Juno 23. had among its mail a pouch for St. Louis which contained about twenty thousand dollars in money nnd drafts , bonds , checks nnd other valuable papeis and pioperty , valued at SbU.OOO. At PitUburi ; , the far west mall was lianslerred , passing into the hands of Chief Cleik James Kerald. Tlio train , as usual , made a short stop nt that place , nnd also as usual the chief clerk signed a receipt for various wouches without-Inspecting thorn , the time being too slioit to ( lo so. During Ihe run to Indianapolis ho fouiul ho had lecelpted for the St. Louis .pouch , which was not in his possession , and which piobably had not been tinned over to him with tlie rest of the mail. He Immediately icported the robbery. De tectives have been woikinir on the c.iso over since , without , as et , having made any ai- icsts. It is believed the pouch was stolen between New York and Pittsburg , and by ono ot the clerks , who have since then IcU the fcci vice. _ _ Another Cowlildlng. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , July SO. [ Spcchl Telegiam to tlio IJuu.J Quito a sensational cowhlding occurred hero last evening. Tanny Opponliclmcr represented the German Tribune at tbo Milwaukee Sangerfest. Slio Is a sister-in-law of the proprietor. Since lierieturn there has beenstoiles circulated of her behavior while in Milwaukee quite derogatory to her character. Godfiey Keeker , a piomincnt dealer In furniture , in n saloon Is repoited to have spoken veiy badly of her and in the Daily Telegraph of yesterday theio was an Item saying th.it stories touch ing tlio chaiacter of the Sangci lest reporter ot its eontempoiary w onld not bcai repeat ing. Miss Oppcnhehner regarded this as alluding to her , and nskcdonoof tiioicport- eis about It , and was given thu facts. She and her sister , Mrs. Amrustine , bought a cow hide apiece nnd waited on Keeker at his stoic , vvheietlicy violently assaulted htm un til his porlncr came to his lollef nnd put the women out of the stoie. In much excitement they visited ( ieorgo Duontli nt his saloon nnd attempted to Hog him , but failed , ho dlsaiiu- Ingthem. All pnitics are mute prominent Hermans , and it has caused much talk In German cliclcs. Canadians "Working a Solicinc. D BOSTON , July : ! 0. The AdvcilUer special from Portland says the action of the Cana dian government In closing tlio bay of Chalcur to American Ilslieimcn is believed hcio to be an attempt to foico the question of the thieo mile limit Into the present contto- veisy between Canada nnd the United Slates so as to force the United States toward opening its maikcts to Canadian fishermen In whatever settlement of the question Is heiealter mado. The bay of Chalcur is an arm of the gulf of St. Law rence , is a bundled miles long and ten to twenty miles wide. Dining the month of August It Is much ic oitcd to for mackerel lishliig , It Is bcluwed advantairo Is to betaken taken of the scarcity ot tisli to endeavor to foico concession fjom the United States. In IbTl the saiiK ) thing was attempted , but bail to bo abandoned at thu icqucst ot the liiltlsh govcinmcnt. II a I n nnd tlio Crops. WICHITA , Kas. , July HO. A heavy rain fell in this uortion of ( lid Arkansas valley last night and continued till this morning. Again nt about 9 n steady , quiet rain set In , since which time It poured steadily down with llt- tloor nolndieations'ot n stop. This makes two very heavy rains for this section within n week. ( ! mss , corn , , potatoes nnd other crops aie now in u promising condition , is HKFI : HIIK . . - . - . M Mo. , July : ! 0. Ucticshlng rain fell this moinlng , copied atmosphere tovived drooping vegetation nnd croud , Nntnrnl Oils In Wisconsin , MHWAUICII : : , July : . Xatural gns lias been discoveied nt'Dundas ' , Cnlumct county , this state. This is tlm second Ilnd of gas In the history ol Wisconsin , the lirst well hav ing been discoveied at Appleton , WIs. One ot the woikmenlQwercd n lantern Into the slinUntDiindasbiioilIy niter Iho gns uegnn to escape , when nn ex-plosion occurred.whlch badlv burned three men engaged In the vvoik. 'I ho dlscoveiy causes gieat excitement In the \ldnity. T JUoro Troubles. Niw : Yon K , jily 80. The employes of Lewis & Mai tin's cigar inniiufactnry vvero notified to-day , t mt they must leave the Progressive unionJ The aJ hands at once went out on n siri Other In ins will to monow make imilnr demand ot tliolr union emplojus. 1 luteellng of c.xa3pcratlon nmong cigar makeiU asjalnsfdlstrict aMCinbly No. 40 Is Incieasiidr. and tioublo Is appre hended in case the [ KighU of Labor continue their etforts to break up the union. Nebraska apd lovvji Weather. For Nebraska niiil Io\vn : Local jalns higher , followed bHowcr tempei-ature. WILL HAVE TO WORK HARD A Big Grist for the Senate to Grind Before. Adjournment , ONLY A SHORT TIME TO DO IT IN Nebraska's Delegation After Il Share to Improve Kort lloblnson Clcvo- land to Iroi > llcjcctcd Notul- iintlnns WitfthliiRton News. III ; ? Work for Hliort Mourn. " \VASIHXOION- , July 30. [ bpoelnl Tele gram to the JtciiJ It may bo that llual ad journment of congress If near nt hand , ac cording to pioginmmo , hut certainly It doc ? not appear so. In order to got throiuh on Mondayns proposed , everything will Imvo to belinlsliL'd up to-inonow nl lit , and It Is luml toscehow thu senate can do what tomnlns for it to do befoio tlion. Tlio N 01 thorn P.v cilic foifeitmo , delleloncy and sundry civil dlsagiccmcnts must bo attundcd to yot. There Is also a Ions calendar of unconfirmed nominations. The sunato lias proved on many occasions that It Is Industrious nnJ capable of quick and hard walk , but oven senators arc mortal , and tlunc arc only thiity- t\\ohonis between now and Sunday morn- Ing. The most serious obstacle In the way of ndjomnmcnt on Monday Is the snndiy ci\ll nppropilnllon bill. 'Micro arc 210 clauses upon which theio are dlsagieemonls , and this bill must bo pissed before adjournment. Arriii UIII : ASKA'S SIIAIIH. The Nebraska delegation In congicss has dcmanilcd the piompt designation of their $37,000contained in thu legnlnrnppiopriation of 8203,000 for keeping foils In repair and will have It applied as soon as possible for the Improvement of Foil Robinson. It will bo remembered that in the debate on the floor of the honso yesterday .air. Handall , In opposing the spccllic ap propriation bill for Nebraska forts , said enough \\ottld bo given thorn by the regular appropriation bill to make the necessary re pairs. Messrs. Van Wyck and Dorscy will see that Nebiaska gels her .share of the S200- OCO as soon as possible and that the improve ments b3 eoncenliated. TUB I'lltiSlDKNT AND Tim PKNATB. A prominent member of tlie Illinois Icglslatnie who talked with the president this morning , quotes the latter as saying that in cases where the senate falls to act upon the nomination of certain persons before ail tourn- menl , that such persons will be immediately le-instated by him and permitted to qualify. On the other lund lie will make It a rule whcie the senate has lojected a nomination neither to leuomliiate such person for his original plnce , nor lor any other. The president Is disposed to regard the senate's action In such mat ters as final , lie does not believe their rejection of a nominee Is based on other than good andsufliciout letsons , and ho is willini ; to bo governed by their decision. The only exception ho would like to make would be In the case ot Solicitor ( ieneral ( iooile. lie be lieves-Mr. Goodo's lejection was due solely to the peisonal autaonisin ot Senator Ma- bouo , and ids Ihst impulse was to lenom- Inate him again. Hofoie deciding the matter dellnitely ho consulted with scvcial of the democratic senators , who assined him that .Mr. Geode would a second time be rejected , and tills decided him into allowing the inat- tei to diop. HA.TTKH1ES Ton Tiin RRUXIOIT. Acquisition has been issued for two bat teries to attend Uio soldiers'reunion atnind ! Island. Itepiesenlntlvc Doisey has been working to tills end , and to day succeeded in securing the appioval of Picsldcnt Cle\eland and the issuance of the requisition. Till : CA1TAI.N" WILL 111 ! O.V DECK. The Kev. lleiny Waul Hecjlier's son. Cap tain needier , whoso nomliiPtlon as collector of customs at 1'oit Townsend , W. T. , has been lieicely anlagonlred during tlm ontlie session , expresses no fear as to the final le- sult. Ills case stands ccoiul on the calendar and will bo most likely icaclied at the exccii- tlvesesslon. A minor was cuirent List night that ho had been lejected , but tills the young man denies. Speaking on thissubjeet to-day lie said : "I have made a carotid canvass of the seuato and ilnd th.it loity-two membets of that body will vote lor my conlirmation. That is leally three moro than i need. Thieo senators will speak in my tavor among lliom , Jlessrs. Jlawloy , Evaits and Plumb. Three others will speak against me , the two Oregon senators , and the other 1 do nut care to mention , who has a personal giudgo against me. " The charge against Captain Heechcr is that ho was given a sum ol money on one occa sion to deliver to a certain pcison , and that Instead of doing tills he used the money him self. The Inipicsslon among those person ally acquainted witli Captain Ueochor is a general disbelief of Ihochaiiro. THE ViyiOKI ) UAlI.ItOAT ) HILT , . In spite ot the conciliatory message re- cnidmg thovclo ot his i.dlio.nl bill , \\hleh .lames J. 11111 is said to have sent to the pres- Uluutn shoit time since , there Is reason to beilovo that the Manitoba managci is not by anv means too well pleased with the icsult , as it Is Known that he has taken one Inter- fcienco in this same scheme bv this same adminl.stiatlnnery much to hoait. It Is stated that Win. L. Scott , of Pennsylvania , and JamesJ. Hill are potent factors In a scheme to build a load from the eastern edge ot Dakota along the noilliern boundary of the tciiitoiy , tlnouirli Montana and noith to the Canadian 1'acllic , pnallellng to acei- talu extent the Noi them 1'aclllc and devel oping a inijro extent of valuable gia/ing lands along the boulers of the nortiiwcst ter- iltory. The setbick which this plan icceived was thiongli the obstinacy ot Spaiks , wlio rotused to allow this load tlio right of way thinugh the Tin tie mountain legion , which alterward became so famous thiongh Sparks' icfusal to allow a survey on the mound that it was an Indian leseivatlon. In Match .Mr , Hill r > amo down heio and called upon the picsidcnt and drew his attention to the obstinate opposition of SiiaiksaiidLnmnr to allowing this load to go throiigli the pub lic domain , Mr. Hill got very little encour agement from the chlot executive , and as ho aftenvaids himself stated , used some very vlgoious language. He told the picHldent that ho had i-H.ooo.oOO tied up in this project for the rallioad development for Dakota , and nfter his cxpcilonoo with this administration ho said that ho would lieio- alter put nut his money to help select men who could rccognl/n legitimate enterprise and help It along , Air 11111 was so mad ho would not call on cither bpaiks or Lamar. Uy the nbovo-mentimied veto the adminlstiatlon has given Mr , Hill's ami Mr. Scott's project another bad set-back ; and Ills doubt tin if the president leoisns forgiving as ho alleges In pi Int. Mr , Dawcs says ho hopes to Hnd n little time to call up tlio ve toed bill bctoio congrnssndjouiiiK.nnd thinks that It can bo easily passed over the veto , i-osr TJIAI > IIS : : wiiANfii.ixo. There are sevoinl post tr.uliu.sliip cases underconsldciatlon just now by .Mi. At kins' buieau that have not nwjo their ap pearance befoio the senate Investigation committee niitl nave not thercforo becomn umttcis of notoilcty. The old Stage and Tnmspoitntlon company , which used toiun Jiom Plotic , Dak. , to the ISlack Hills , was given pcimission bv the government tncetnb- Ilsh n cei tain number of lunches along its line for thc ) > mposflol entnitiilnment ot passen gers and tinvclcrs. Its lirst lanch nlnni' the load was located slxly-hvo mile fiom I'ieiie , and when the stage company discontinued its line , a year or two since , It sold the lanch and privileges to n man named Cottle. Thu privileges of the ranch consisted In the light to remain on thoicscrvntlon by n special penult tiom the scciftniy ot tlio in- teilor , to lalso cattle , to boaid und feed passIng - Ing travelers. , ot whom n hneo nnnihur yet take that toad to Deadwood , and to sell goods. Cottlo is boiuu distance fiom tlio In dian uccncles ot I'ino llidgo and Hosobud , but the Indians aio always wnndeiing over thu pralrio and tlm post traders at the agency have grown jealous of Cottlo , claiming that ho was selling goods without a llceiibc to the Indians , They declared war on Cottle , thcrefoie , and ha\e been trying for six months past to get AlKlns to order Cottle elf tlio lescru' . Cottlo has nlvvajs iclnsed to sell goods to the Indians and t > opro\cd \ to ( lie eatlsfacUou of Secu-tary Lamar , who. although refusing to renew Cattle's permit to the rlchts he had imrchased from the stnirc company , lias however , Intimated that ho can remain on tlio ieervatlon and conduct his business so long as It Is carried on by himself and In a legitimate mcmier. 'Uio large number of travelers who \lslt the res ervation and drive over the country to Deadwood - wood aie cteatly Interested In the result , ns Collie's expulsion would deprive them of the only place of entertainment on the eastern end ot the route. The people of IMciro have taken n great Interest in the matter , and have strongly urged Cuttle' * rights In the promises II , J. Cairlcr , formerly post-tinder on the Wlnuelugo ie < servatlon , Is In the city , and is said to be nero working for the i ejection of Anderson , who was appointed Indian neeut at the Crow Cieek agency last spilmr. Oar- rler , who was a ort ot failure as n p ° st- trader , had Ids licence levoked by Atkins anil jvscilbed the lullueniM of It to AniioMon. Hence ho Is unking war on tlio latter tlirough tlio senate. I'or some icavon or other AndPHon'i nomlnntlon lias been hung up , and It Is doubtful it hois conlirmcd tins session. The old agent , ( inssman , Isnlsoeiedltod with making a tight on him. Carrier , the cv-post tinder , has n bill before the house donating him 1W ) aciesof laud on the Wlnno- base revei vntlon In payment for < enlres as scout , alleged to have been porf mined at some time or oilier. It Is stiongly opposed nnd Is not likely to pass. Conference On Klvct- and IfnrlioiHill. . WAaitixoTo.v , July so. The following statement exhibits the results of the confei- enco upon the river and haibor bill. The senate nmcndment in relation to the Mississ ippi river from its passes to the mouth of the Ohio river was agreed to.lncrcasing the appro priation therefor fiom SlOs"rjOO to S-,000u.10 , which is 3.5',000 ) less than the amount In the original house bill. The 1'oitago lake cnnal amendments wcio ngiecd toby tlio house con- fences with an amendment in the same terms as those attached to the Sturgeon Bav canal. The item relating to the Ilenucpln canal was amended so as to retain the paiagiaph In the senate amendment accepting the Illi nois and Michigan canal fiom Illinois , and thosecretaiy ot war Is authorised and di rected to commence the vvoik of enlarging said canal In accordance with the surveys. plans nnd estimates made In pui.suaiico ot the river and haibor bill of ll , nnd the sccietaiy ot war Is further anthoi Ued nnd di rected to cause a llnal survey nnd location of the line of the llciinenln canal , and for these puiposes the sum of WJO.OOO Is appioprlalcd. As thus amended the house conferees agreed to the provision. The senate confer ees consented to nn amendment decreasing tht ) appropriation for a lock at the Cascades on the Columbia i Ivor , which is SUi'&OO less than the senate amendment. All items of appropriation which weie con tallied in thu bill reported to the. senate by the senate committee nnd which amounted tone no moro than 20,000 each , and which , by the senate nmcndment , wcio reduced > per cent , the senate conteices consented to icstoie to their orlginnl mroiint respectively. Thegioss amount of their in- cieaso Is In round numbers S 1 ,000. The bills passed the senate appioprlates $14,01- ! ) 803 ; the amount of the amendments agiccd upon by tlio conlerencc of the two houses increases the ahovo amount about SOTS.lOrt , making thetulal amount appiomlatcd by the amended bill nbout ? H'Jl,5iO. ( ! The TUvor and Jlnrlmr Bill. WASHINGTON- 0. , July 80. The con ferees on the liver and haibor appropiiatlon bill reached an agiccmcnt on the bill and the report will bo presented to the house lids afteinoon. The Hcnipon canal clause 10- niains on the bill with modulations piovid- lug foi the acceptance by the government of the Illinois and Michigan canal nnd thcsuryey of the the Ilenuepln canal. The Potomac Hats , New York harbor and other Items of Importance am concoeded by thu house coufoiees. No cut is made in it ot any npmopriation loss than twenty-thousand dollars. Tlio icpoit to be picsenled to the house will not receive the slguatiueot Willis , chair man of the house committee , as ho announces his attention to oppose the bill on the lloor. The measure is generally icgaided as being in oxtiemo jeopardy. Tlio roll calls of yos- tciday revealed the picsuuco of a unto quo in in in tlio honso , and quite a number ot members left town tills mmnlii' ' , but filends of the bill In its picscnt shape find encour- inent in tlio fact that levy of the advocate of tlicllcniicpln canal clause aie among the absentees. Resignation of WASHINGTON' , .Inly 30. S. P. Hounds , public pi in tor , tcndeicd ills icsignation to tlic piesident yesterday. It Is uiiilei stood that this was done at the request ot the presi dent , who , it Is said , dcsiics to Jill the place befoio tlio adjournment of congicss. Mr. Rounds is credited with having said that Mr. Ko ns , of Jiniriilo , will bo appointed to succeed him. Tlio picsldont lias appiovcd the legislative bill. Cnptnln Jcnlcs Confirmed. AVAMIINGTOX , July ! ! 0. The senate went Inlo secret session about 11:10 : and con fumed tlio nomlnUlon of George A. Jenks to bo solicitor-general. Senator Van Wyck offered a K'soltiUou j > rovldlng that the extradition tieaty with GreatHiitain bo eonsldeied witli ojion doois. Jt will bo eonsldeied when the tieaty comes up. Mo.ilcan Hovolntlonlsts in Oiuc-Aoo , July HO. General Francisco Naianjo , of the Mexican aimy and a leader In thoieeentrovolntlonaiy liouhlcsin noilh- ern Mexico andvvlioso movements , accoidlng o dispatches , nro the ainso of no little un easiness on Uio patt of the Moxicin govern ment , has been In llih city lor tlio past two days. Ho was \eiy successful In maintain ing a slilct Incognito , and nil his movements weio chanctcil/ed by a waiiness and caution which only one wiio has lived in n conntiy ot continual pionunclamentos and involu tions can well appicclatc. Ho Icit heiuycs- teiday lor Niagara KOI 4 , on loutu to Xevv Yolk city. General Geronimo Tievlano , late seerclaiy ot war ot ilo\lco , likewise a leading paitlclpant in the lecont bonier tioabh's , is expected toaiiivo hero any day. Jealous Chops. LiTn.E PiOCK , Aik , July ! : o Last Wednes day a man named Heaves Killed Jas. Vllfords nearly cutting off tlm lattor's head with anne n\o , near Mt. Voinon. Heoves Hiisecledhis ) wife of having unpioncr iclatious with Wil- lord. Hood's Sarsapari/fa Combines , In a manner peculiar to itself , the ( jcsl blood-purlfylug niui rtrail.nliii ; ; ! ; rcmc- iltcs ol tlm vcgetablo kingdom. You ulll find this VYundcifuI iciuedy cfTcctlvo where olhrr medicines hayo failed. Try It now. It will purify jotir liluod , icgul.iio the Olgcstlnn , and glvn new llfo nnd vigor to the cntlro body , "Hood's Kirsnparllla did mo irt ; > at iocd. I vvas thcd out fiom overwork , and it toned mo lip. " MJIH. O. K. SIMJIONH , Co'ioes ' , N. Y. "I fU/IcicO / llnco jcais from blood poUon. I tool ; Jlood'i H.irs.itiarllla and think I am cured. " Jliis. Jt. J. DAVIS , HrocKpoit , N. Y. 2'urt/lcii tlic Jllood Is cliarartcrlzcd Jiy llirco pccullarltlM j 1st , tlio combination ot remedial ugcuU ; 2d , the pru ortloni 3d , the process ol becilring the active nicdlcinnl qualities. The if suit hamcdlcliioof unusual Etrcngth , carcti'ig cures lithcito unknown. Bend for book containing adilltlonal evidence. "Hood's Bir niiarlll.i tont-a up my ftystcffi , puiine.1 my lilood , t > liirii'Ui : [ > iiiyinpotllo , and i.eoins to tnako mo ovt'r. " J , I1 , TiiOMi'Sox , J'.cglstor of Deeds , Lo ell , Hass. "Hood's Ssrsiparllla beats nil otlieri , and u world IM weight hi cold. " I. liAJciuxoroK , J30 ilauk Street , Kcvv York City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drufglsta. $1 ; elx for t ; . Mudr only by 0. 1 , HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Ua 3 , THE KILLER KILLS HIMSELF Schtmuualti the Ohicngo Bomb Thrower , Commits Suicide. THE PROSECUTION STILL OM. Tlielr Tpstlmony to lie Completed To day and tlie DeToiiso to Jlejln Jud 1:0 nnd .Inrj AVonty SCCIIOM nnd Incidents. Kudu His Itlnody Career. Knin , Pn. , July :10. : There seems to bo but little doubt thai the dead man found in the bay yesleulny was Hut of lludolpli Schnau- belt , the bomb-thitnver , who caused the riot and massacre In Chicago In Alnj last When Iho bodj wns removed fiom the bnyniepro- scntativoot the Kvcnlug lleiald vv.is 1m- pleased with the familiarity of the face of the dead man and to-day discovered that It vvas the missing bomb tlnower. A Photograph and a description that ho had seen In the logues' galleij in the pollen stitlon , led him to iccogni/e Ihe dead man's face. Tliophotogiaph nnd description nro Identical with that of the dt-n-l man , nnd the tindet Inker , who dressed the i cumins , is willing to testily that this man Is Scliimu- belt. The body , w hlch bad been In the water two or three davs , wns not badly decomposed when found. With the gencial frailties ot the face , color of the hnli and whiskers , Is another strong feature in Idenliilcatlon. and that is tlio donble-bicnsteiV nnd peculiarly bound coat woin by thfi bomb tlnower , nnd which concsr-onds with the ono loiind on Hie diowned man. The llieoiy Is that Sclinaubell had como down on one of the hike boats ns a stotvnwny , mill In his haste to escape Irom the boat find tnlton ovciboaul nnd been drowned. The body wns intciicd , but will be exhumed. The Trial of the Annrchlsta. CntoAno , July 150. [ Special Telegiam to thollir..j : This was e.xpected to bo Urn last day of the state's innings in the famous anarchist trial , and people generally looked for t ho climax to bo icnchcd liy some ciovvnlng sensation on the tuit of thunuthorltlL"1. Tno crowd In Judge Gary's com t wns huge , there- foie , and the Inteiest keener than usual when the gavel sounded nnd the bailllf de clared , in the time-honored form of the law that "Tho honorable com t Is now In session puisuant to adjoinnmcnt , " The counsel lor thodetense , who have spent tlio past Ivvo weeks In listening to the overwhelming Hood of testimony winch the state had col lected andpomcdin upon them , looked moio anxious and thoughtful than usual as Iho hour approached for them to commence tlio heicnlean clfoit ot meeting and rebutting the case set nn nnd sustained bj such avast and v ni led mass of evidence. The prisoners took their seats a low minutes befoio 10 o'clock. Spies Xeebu and Schwabconveised In vvhlspeis , sometimes glancing anxiously Irom tlie bench lo the gionpof counsel for the state. The day being cloudy , the court loom was darker than ever and the judge nnd Inry showed to the Invvycis nnd spi'daloia like Iiicgulnr black spots on a dark gionnd. The electric lights had to bo turned on beloio the icpoileis could see to write. The windows dews weie nil closed ns usual to shut out the nolsuof the sheet , and the lempernluic und impurities of Uio nlmospheiu ol Iho 100411 were enough to mnltc the anarchists indillei- on 11J their fate. The judge occupied consld- ciahlo lime In leading tlio love letters nnd other coiiespondcnce ol the juiois and pass ing them to their owners. Tlm space allotted to spcctntois vvnn visibly moio ciowded than ever buioic. on account , pel haps , of the expectation thai tlio dclcnM ) would Iiogln some tlmo lids mom- ing. Seveial ladles sal with the judge. The defendants looked chccilnl but neatly tuvK- eicd out , nnd tlio juijmen looked as it It would not take much moio confinement and hot weather to make them lese nil Inteiest 111 tlio trial or anything else. Thu pincudinga all day weie devoid ol all sensation. The state did not not close Its case ns ex pected , but w ill do so to-moi row. This < jfler- noon , the defense hnviiur admitted , at Mr. Grlnnell's leanest , that tlio death ot Officer Kenan occuned In Cook county. Illinois , Mr , Giinnell lose and said that they had been two weeks taking testimony nnd tlio only favor they had n.skeu during the entiio trial would ue nsked now. It was permis sion lo put in to-moiro\v \ morning n number of aitides fiom ( lie Aibeltcr Zoitung , tlio tinnslalion of which , by a misiiiideistnudlng ol Mi. Segcr , their tianslntor , had not boon llteially tiaiislateil. behaving n small syn opsis ot Ills own. The state would lest With tills , and Mr. Giinnell auwcstcd Ihattlie do- Jcnsecouid open now 11 this pciiiilssion wOjH gi allied. Captain HlacU said If Mr. Giinnell under took to put In nothing 1)101 ) e than such articles as liuo ujioii the death ol Olllcer Deiran h. would agiee. A discussion having ensued thocouit adjonined till lo-moirow morning , nn : I'ltocunni.Nf.s IN ni/rur. . The moiiiiiig's I'loceedlngs were begini by the continuation ol the leading of arti cles in tlio A hum newspaper. A special nrtl- elo lead was a tiausciipt of a speech dc- llveiedby the delendant , I'.usons , editor ot tlie paper , prior to the dedication ot tlio boaidot lindc. In It Parsons speaks of the "tramp of fla/.ailno , " and his scourging tlio tradeis Irom the Jciiisalem tcmole. The Sliced ! ndvocntcd use \Vinclicstei rifles as against mcmbeiH of the Uo.iid ot trade , willi inteipoll.ilcd cries of "Give them djnnmllc , " nltrilmtL'd to tlionudience. The Invvycirifor the stnte expiesscd the vluvv again llifs mom- Ing that they would icst their case In nil likelihood today. Olllcei Conglilln told of an experiment ho had with n can containing r.omo hum of II- ipild vvhlcK when Ignlli'd by n fuio nltached lo It caused a llamu of 11 ro possibly nvofect high , nud Ignited glass lor n dlslantot llvo to ton leetln oveiy dliectlon. Tlie Maims continued for about llvo minutes. The In- stinment wns supposed tobn nropaicd lor the purpose of causing a cunll.igiatlou. Konr of tiiesocans wore found nnd intioduced in evidence vostordny. ( 'Inn It's J ) . I'loulv , a gun dealer , recog- nl/cd Kngnl and I'.n sons , ns men who had visited his place of business. Ungcl culled ! with his wiloand deslied to HCO some Inigo : levolveiK They tound ono to suit Ilium , and . ; called nfteiwinds , nnd said thov would like 4 toiui ] ( > ) iaso a number , possibly 100 or " 00 lor Iho nso of tlm society. Ollicci Mi'Niiinaru testified lo having : found near Iho coiner ot Uobov htieet and Jllooui- Ingdnlu roail , on Maj ' ! , thlity loaded KHH- iiipo dynamite bombs. I'lnltshOiValterB. . mines , occupying cliemlstiy chair at Hio Uush Med'c.il eollege , lind tented thu bomb'i loiind nmoiig the effects ot Lingtf nnd .Splen , nnd found they liniHhii same conttjtucnU | n almost the Kami ) ratio ns iho pieces ot bomb taken fiom the hodol ODIccr Dcegan. lie" loiecondndlng thu leading of tiaiislatcd nitldos tlm com I took lln noon niljoiiinineiil , Thu nlteinunn pioucedln * fl began vvllh ( no testimony ol Dr. Jllullnidl , rounly phjbi- clan , llln testimony wns Inlciestlng Inas much as It lehtled lo the wounds which canted the death of Degan , who-o minder nt the ihmnaiKiil Is onu of thudiauoi iinon which the prisoners aio being tiled. Ills obsci\ittlons made id the im--moitern exnin- Inatlon of IVgan's body , find Mnv C , wllncfts dosenued n do/.en ornioio wounds , tlio ono which occasioned death being in tlm loft Ihigh. It .van caused by n piece ol lead , which sevcK'd thu femoral aitciy nnd toro npail thu ni.iscles ot tlio thigh. Witness Identified tin iiiegnlaily slinpcd pio'o ot metiil , moio than nn Inch bn.ua o liy n inmitcr of nn Inch th'oU ' , which was .submitted In ov Idence as Iho mN- bllu taken liom the wound , Ninu ( illier . Wfl wounds , which witness chaiuetovUed ns ' ex- * ploajvo niaiks , " wciu loniid on iobcsldis other niaiki on lacis and ho lv. Olllcer John hmllh was tlion put on Ihu stand. He wild ho visited the Xc-ehos house on tlm 7lh o Muv. and tound theio n icvolver , Inrneh loading gun. sword and ted flag , l-'ivo chamticis of tluuevolvd weio empty. The stale heio announced Its case as closed with lie oxrepllon ol some tinnslnled oitlcJud Ir.tm . ( lie Aibelter-Xeltiing , which would not bo leady till to monow nioinlug. As tlio de fense w PS not willing to open Us cn-o till the othei sldd ! md llnlnhcd , eouit i '