n THE OMAHA DAILiX BEE ; THURSDAY. JUL 20 > 1886. WHOLESALE AND JOBBIHC COUNCIL BLUFFS. i t.rfiiAt. DKKUE , tt'KLLS & UO , V holefnlo Agricultural Implemftnts , Buftla ; , rnrilnjrcO'to . t'.te rouncil IllutT . Iowa. KLYSTONT MANtTAOVHINU UX Mnko tholJrlzinnl nml Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , COHN Fimi.i.Kiis AXI > Fr.KD < vnT.H . Noi 11)1. ) r < H. 1W. nnd r)7 ) Aint.li Main Sneot , Council lllulT * , Inwn. " ' lUMn'HUM'hl.Y A CO. , Mnnufr * nn 1 Jobbers of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Cftrrlnifps , mid nil kltil * of 1'artn Mno'ilnorr. 1100 to 1110 South Muln Street , Council HlulTj , lonn. K.O. ( li.minv , T. H.Dounr.AS , Ono I' . Wmoiir. I'l i'n..VTroiis. V. > l'ro4 jcMnn. Sos&Couusol. Coancll BluITs Handle Factory , . flnoorpnrntcd.1 Mnnuractitrcn'of Alc , Pick , Sled o nml SmMI Handles , of every do'ci Iptlon. COUNCIL HLUFKS CAIU'KT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oilcloth * . Ciirlnln Fixtures , UpholMory Roods , Etc. No. 403 llromlwny Council lown. , KTT. PKUKGOY & MOOUK , Wholesale Jobber * ! In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nog. 23 Main and 27 1'cnrl Sts. Council Iowa. C0.1f.mS.S'/O.V. SNYDHU & LKAMAX , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No 141'oirl St. , Council muffs. 11AHLK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , ' Sundries. I'to. No. 22 Mnln St. , and No. 211'cnrl St. , Council ninth. M. K. SMITH & CO. , LiipDrters and Jotte of Dry GOD ! ? , Notions , Etc. No . 112 and 114 Muln St. , Noa. 113 and 115 I'enrl St. , Council Illuirn. loivn. O. W. HUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Qonoral Coimntolon. No. 513 Broadway , Council IllulTs. WIUT & DUQUB'ITE , Wholcsalo Fruits , Confectionery S Fancy Groceriei. Nos. 10 nnd 18 Pearl St. , Council I Huffs. GHOCKltlES. L. KIHSUHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries , Also Wholosnlo Liquor Doators. No. 410 Broad way , Council muffs. HARNESS , KTC. HKCKiMAN & CO. , Mnnu'ncturors of and Wholcsalo Doilora in ' ! \ " ' Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 525 Mnln St. . Council lllutra , lows. HATS , CAPS , KTC. . METCALi ? BROTIIEHS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps ani Nos. 3U anil Oil llrondivny. Council IllutT * . KE13LINK & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , ( Tonucll Illulla , Iowa. HIDES AXD ) I'OO7 D. II. McDANELl ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , ' Tallow , Wool.'l'olts.Clreaso and 1'uw Council lllutrs Iow . COUNCIL ULUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealer a In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Gisolini E3TO. , E3TO. P.Thoodoro , A out , Council IllufTj. lown. LU.\uiin , 1'iuxa , KTC. -A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And HrldKO Mntorlal tgiieclaltles.Wholesalo Lumber < bor oi nil Kinds. Olllco No. 130 Main St. , Council 1 Hull A. Iowa. uyuuus. JOHN LIXDKU , Wholesale , Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Afont for St. Ciotlharn'a Herb IlittnM. No. U MiUnbt. Council mulls. SOHNKIDEK. & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , No aa J/itfn SI. . Ciiuncll Illu < ft. COUNCIL BLUFFS Pall Meeting. FOUR DAYS' ' RACING. TrollinPaolii - ; aiul Tuesday , Aug. 31st , Wednesday , Sept , 1st , Thursday , Sept , 2d , and Friday , Sept 3rd , /HPlwling special attractions bv Prof . Iv Walker's world famous llaoin- . Dojjs daily and Halloou Vseoiisloiis b\ 1'rof.A. S , Parker daily , in front ol tlio { rnmUtand , t Olhur'attraotifliis jji jhovay qf snoo consisting of cvlubratvil lioisos frou Konluoky , Oliio , Illinois , Iiuliniut am \\iboonsiu , lleituccil rates on nil railroads , t'omo everybody and havca good timo. For pattionlavs , addtcss TRANK STUB3S , Set'i-elury , SPECIAL NOTICED I Aihcrtlsotnentg under this heud , 10 cents per . Ino for the first ln > rtioti ( ? tonta for p cli aubI I icqticnt ln crt'on , nnd Jl.fiO ft line per month. | * o nihcrtKcnient taken for le S thnn 2ft cents 'or tlio llr t ln crtlon. Se\cn words will bo cotinU'd to the line : they must run con ecu- Iroly nnd nnift be pnld In luhnnco. All ndM'r leeinent" muM bo hnndod In before 2 o'clock > , m. , nnditndrr no clieum tnnco will tlioybo , nkcn or < -onilntied bj telephone. 1'iirtlts nd\crtl liif ) In tlipso loltiinns nnd "inv njrthcnn worsBiMrc Mil In cnro of Tin : HUP , will plcnso n k for n clicck toonnlilo them to pot heir letters , us none will bn ilollveiod except on piorentntlon of clieok. All Miswtrs to vortl incuts should bo enclosed In " " TO I.OAW MONEY. nn renl e tnto. lie- .iiucd rnlO''on li\rire loan Central ln\c l- m tit Co , Darker lllcuk.eor. 15th and fiirnnin st IVi " nNiV : ' ! < ) LOAN-On farm nml cltj piop. orty.nt lowest rates , \V , A. Spcncor I'M 'iirniim St. II' OViV : TO LOAN On lenl estate. M II. S. Smith , UoomS , Wllhticll llloek. : FINI > oi * r.oon to loan in SIMCIAL amount ? to suit , on short time mortnircs , three to twcho months tnno on property Im proved or unlmpro'.ed , Call nt the Omaha rinnnclnl Hxeliainru , sooond Uoor of Ilnrkor Nlock , \V.Coi _ I'm nam nnd I'-thSt 884 MoNl'.V TO LOAN At rcasonnhlo jntes on fiirnltilr < * , tlno watches and otherticr-onal iiroprity. G. .1. Cniwell , loom IV , Iron Hank bulldlnir. 1-th nnd Fnrnam. Take eloMitor. KiOjl IT r\7Khn\o chonp money on long time , In any Yi ( iimntlty.to lonn on Inside city propcity.nr farm hind. Marshall & Lobcck , 1611 L'nrnam st ( S3 _ _ 61'KIt CUNT money to loan. 1U 0 rattnrxon , 13th nndJIoiiRlas. 618 TfONKY T ) LOAN-At lo e t rates of Inter- ! > leit In sunis of * f200 and upwnnls on fnrma and city property. F. J. Day & Co. , 5Crouu- c'fl block , s o oor Capital nro and Utth st. OO.XIAI1A riNAN < 'IAI , KX'HAN ( < ; iispro- : pared to miiko loans In nny nmount , on nny kind of approved security. Lnriro colluttirnl loiuifl a ep < Klallr. Al o on chnltnls nnd real rBtnto In amounts nnd time to suit. Lower rates , better term' , nnd prompter service tlinn any lonn nponcy In the city. I'or further particulars call nt ofllco on the eeond floor of the llarker llloek , southnest corner ot rnrnnm nnd Kith ptrcols. R75 MONirv ToTlJA N At lower rates than any. whoioel o In the city , on furniture , pianos , oignns , her cs , xvaions , or stock or nny lilnd. lleuiomber. nt lox\cr rates than any other loan company in the ( Ity. City Ionn i Mortjrnjro Co. . room 35 , 1101 Fiirnnm st , opposlts 1'axton hotel. _ _ _ _ IW \1 ONKY to loan on residence nnd business JTJ property. Ixmrst rntes. C. J Cnswolt it Co. , Itoom 1U , Iron Bank llulldlngr , 12th nnd Far- nam. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lr-0 _ , MONI'Y to loan by the undei-slKiieil , who has the only piopotly oijfanl/od loan nhoncy In Omaha Ixian ot f 10 to f 1,000 made on fur- nlturn , pianos , ownns hoi-ses , xMjfon , machin ery , Ac. , without removal No delays. All bii8lne s strictly confidential Lonns FO made that nny part can bo paid nt nny time , ench pay ment rediiclnp the cost pro lata. Adx'nnccs made on fine wntches nnd diamonds. 7'ersons should cnrofullv consider who thev are dealliiR nlthas many new concerns nro dnlly coinlnn ; Into existence. Should you need monov , call nnd sco mo. NV. It. Croft , Iloom \Vltbncll llulldlnir , 1.1th nnd Hninoy. 219 IBO.coo to lonn on city residence property fleo. W.Dny , 14WJ I'm num. 253 1'KIl CENT Monov to lonn. Stewart & Co. , Itoom : ) , Iron bank , 12th undFarnnm. 020 no.OOO to loan. Sums IKK ) nnd upwards. P Lowest rates. Bcrals , lofh nnd Douglas sta. "ONBY TO LOAN O. K. Pnvls * Co. itoaT Batnto and Loan aeonts , 1505 Fnrnnm St. " (11 ( MONET TO LOAN On ( rood securities. A McQavock , room 7 Hodick llloek , 1509 Fnrnnm BU a-- M PONKv TO LOAN-On real catnto nndclmt tola. D. L.Thomna. Sfl MMONKY10 MONKY10 LOAN In sums of $200 aim up wards on first-class real estate security. Potter * Cobb , 1515 Fnriiam St. - I4 M l. ANKU nt C F. Itced & Co's. Loin office. , on furniture. , planoa , horses , wagons personal property of all > lnds nnd all ether nr- tlclosof value , without removal Ola 8. 13th. ox-er JlliiKhnm's Commission storo. All bus- ncsa strictly oonfldontnL at'S BUQIN32S3 CHANCES. $ alloo will purchase n V.O'M Mock ot'trcn oral mcrohamllFo nnd n line pny inn business locat'on ' , Kn'torn Ncbrnka ; rent moderate , AddtcssI , Go , lleo olllcc. 3.11 31 J7IO SAI.i-Hotel. A barrnliinll fninlshed. Jt ? Call on or addiess W. U. While , ( Jcnon , Nanco : o , Nob. 319-31 * FOItwALK A ( list-class bakery , restaurant and confectionery htuml In a town or 7,003 Inhabitants. Imiulro of K P. Fny & Co. , Omaha. UC5 Foil SALIC First-class incut market xvlth nlco fixtures , nil romplcto ; coed trailo ; best of roatons lor sclllnp. Call or xx i Ito lo Ceo. W. Mas on , 16J1 lion mil. SKI F OK bAMC Ii ujf stock. A hinall stoi'k of druirs In nn Inland town. Dohnrairood tins _ _ l5MIlco _ ollco. _ 7010' _ ' IfOK HALI2-Ono of thn 7 > ldost ci-tnluTshod JL1 prrooory business In the city , xxlth n x-ery lar o , x * . oil-pax Ingtriido. . Will oxchaiiRO lor Omnlm roul estate or Jiatt cash and bulnnco so- cuiud not os. Oood reasons elx-cn lor soiling. Address "I III. " Itco ollli-e. Ofi" I.-iOlt hALK Stock of ItoolcB , Stationery nnd 1 Musical Instruments. Will sell or rent hmldhur. DirectLocklloxCOlAlbionNnb. tf H OUSK * > LotaFarmsLand8 money loaned. HFoil , llith nnd IJouKlas Btroots. 471 Foil KALI : a ) bhaies Flock of $100each of the Wyoming Jlcat Pompaliy ol'Clioyonne , Wy. This stock Is llr-t-clii'is , will bear the closest inotltatloii ) and Is now paying a ( rood dividend. I'or f in thcr pnrticuhus address , O. 11. T.caro Omaha.lleo. Omnlm. Nob. 271. Foil SAI.K On account of ether business 1 will foil my Ice e cam pnilors and confco- tionory sloro at 1120 Douglas streets , at low Her. iircs. It you want u baraaln npply nt onco. H. V. Norrls. ari _ 17IOHTX'IIAN ii : Stocks of foods of cvoiy JL1 kind , for farina and land ; also Innds to ex- chnnifo for jrooils. If you want to trado.no matter wlmt It is you have , wrlto , with full do- Bcrlptlon , tn C. It. Mnytic , Heal Kstnto nml Trust Co. . Omnhn Nob. ' 'OT "I71OH hALi : fovoial stocks nl ( foods , dolne-ii J-1 henlthy biifilnifss , ownership clear , satis faction uunrnntood ; termn eimy. FOIIIO Omnhn iiroporly tiikon In uxchimjro. .Marshall & Lo- beck , 1M11'ariiam si. 412 LOST. KTOLHN rroinftSJX.anii st.a biown canary In liriis-i Cairo ith luss cups' ' , CIIRO Is Blight- broken nt top and had nut ono poich Knltablo ruwiuil will lie Klven fortcturnof the enmeor any Informiitioii. iiT--"J T"osT pnmTli0 : ! South 13th Htieet Monday Jmoriilnv t.u > inai'o ponies , brown and bay. Itctruril of f 10/or luturii. 3U-"J $ to lotMird for uytlinweiit'oTiol lost aftlKiTil I' ilopolhist ovcnhiK. Ilcturn to A. Vol. lock , 1310 I'm nnm btroct. Xo Questions asked. OST iJ foar-olil colt , liBlit bay , black mniio j and tall , lU-httipot In left c > o ; $10 lowurcl. "JIO llocntur Btioot , ono block southeast the cemetery. A. Ktnnl y- 177.'s 3OABDI2TC } . Foil ItlCNT-Hoom nud board for two. 1 1) Caullql tw * 1U nOAHU-And lodiln a , atlKi N. 15th st. M ri ; lr. ) Nannlo V.Va ft el n X clalrvojant. Medical nnd business Modlum Itoom No. 0 , Ul North loth bt , Omaha , Nob. _ _ _ _ Tiil : ! > ONAI < To persona wlio wish to tniJU a X homo In Orchard Hill , I will Eel ) lota upon Cnincut ot the nominal euni of ton dollar * umi alum o at the end of tlvo yours. Inturoit nt 8 Cer cent , pajnblo eoml-nnnunlly. This Is the iet offer over made to any homo-seeker In this city. Call and POO ino. ti B. Mayne , Heal Ks- tutu and Trust Co. , B.W.cor. 1Mb aim Farii _ 207 "ITIOll lll'.XT-Pqunro Piano , f l monthly J.1 Hospp 1513 UoilKlaf , 2HJ "VTOTICK All parties ncedln ? fitovo ho'vli. - - > model ot'tho Kobiirtu' poiiiililn mul iidjini nblu thulvlnif can bo goon at IWJ Fai nnm st lor aK'Wiluya. Mr. J. H. ltlclmrdu > ii \ > ill she \ U up. HobciU * Ml'trCo. , FriiiioiitNob OMAlfA I'umishoJTtooiin.'c lloux * Auoiu'y , A. M. iiiton , pr < ipr otor. m 11:1 : olllco 12U rarnam St. , bianch olllco ll'.l ' lion ? liutt ,410 N Kith,511) and ( S21 S 10th ; tofjilu.nu No. C40 and 537. A lurKO list of futnialie I ami unfurnished roomu , hoiibos , cct , lor in tomorstnselect from Ix'iivo jourhou-ca mil looms with me : It HI soon till thiun up Ith < klt. . able tonnnts.'Ciiuio tu mo lor rooms and lion so- . ; can suit jou.at once ; carriages for imtrons ; tclvpbonu ur cull ut ubovu o 111 cos. _ I'M a 1'J ' MUSIC Miss F. K. La > ton wIlFgl'to logons on vl.illn.pluno nnd cultur at icatonuLilo prices. Cull ut Crouusu's blocb , loth and toliuo , loom 4 , 27B-2t > AN ACTIVE TOOAI , AGENT.rtlioTs no , quolutod with the Stoto and Hardware trade , to sell Mica , wholesale and retail : liberal commls-.ion paid. Address 8. Oppcu'ielmer ' Co. , 1)0 ) t'fiirl bU , Now York. KS-Sb' ArCTIO.Vllavlnif sold my residence , cor , llth nnd Hnrney t-trcoti , to Jno. I. llodlck , I M ill sell at public auction , en the prem'se . il my bouse hold ( roixl , on snturrtny , .Inly 31 t * Snlo to commctiee nt 10 a. in. llo-jncll 8mltln C. W. Wlllc'n.salesman W SO pIUVV vaults nnd cess pools cleaned hyl * JKttlnr , TO Ilox437. _ _ filOauslI1 " SCHOOL ANI ) CorNl'V , "Itnnls limic'i jitiilsol < l. _ ( ! coW. _ Day , HOT Karnnin. 4 * 1 Organs , t2 per month , ilospo , las -7i : vr Sq.mro I'inno f J monthly. A Ilo pc. 151.1 Doiiithis. _ _ _ 27. ! FOU ltixr ; A ftoro nn n good ictnfl street. Apply the Omaha llenl IMato and Loan Co. _ _ _ _ 107 FOll BAltE MlBCEaiiAlTEOTIB. I poll SAM : Cheap , a flr < t-cln Mop watch suitable lor moo . Addu * M. 11. ( ! ' " I'lcti-i * St. STfl-IS * FOlt * Al.i : A irood fatnl | } mnio with buir-y ( nndhaincss Call at l.V)3 Ioujtla ) > st.MxW NiOll SAI.K-OIIO Iron spiral jtnlrs. Milton 1 ? llosnis.V Polls. Kii ) [ rum * SAI.I : ritriilturo nnd len'oof ilv-room 1 bniifo , time on part Cnll ISO ) North B7th street. t o blocks fiom Hed Car llnoi SM IJ1OH SAL1 ! cheap , ono span ironil ponlPR elilt- V nblo for delivery or Imeiry learn. Inquire of II. A. ilar hli0l North 16th st. . . . "M SAL1I Ono melodeon , B octavos$48 on monthly Installments , Ouo 9 top nrtan * 2 knco swells , O'i ' feet lilnh $ Sioti monthly nny- incuts. Ono 10 stop Klr t ClnsH ortfnn beniltrful CIIHO $75 on cn y pavinent < . Ono 7S. oclnvo I'liini ) Oinnd t-'quuru ' UOMWOOI ! CIIHO I17" > on f 10 monthly payments. Ono ltcnulful | Orand 1'iano J-V ) on paymunts at Jltj'po'S. thuslo rooms 111.1 DOUR Ins gt. 40i AilK'7 _ " " " ' o"U8l-"Uits7rnrm'.Lnnils-mbiVoJ''lDincd. - - - - - - - - - - Ilcmls 15th anil -I710U SALK-l nhinii. fUTtlltliroTrnd' kltchn O-1 rnnito. 717S. lmlist . . 77 _ < Foil SALK Choap. Iron columns incl win dow caps suttablo for froht 6n brick blllld- nff. For pnrtlciilara apply at this o'Jlto. H13 F oiss.vt.i : Squnro ninim > $ fiO , monthly pay- nionlfl. IIospc , 15IH Doiiitlis. 271 < JTEtP. \\--ANTin-T.xo ladld * tolnlrnitiicoliowMiW- ' ' no's , nlto pleasant work. Call nt once Cor. loth and lnonportroom ) 0. STi-t-U ) . * , I\-ANTID : A Rlrl to do general hmiijowo'ru In n small family. Apply lit 11 * rinutli 2-th pt. 30. ! \\7-AXTii : > A llrst clnsswonmn vook , npptr T > \V. C , T L . lluckliiHlinm hoiQo , l-'lli St. \-\rANTii : > fJoxcial ( food jrh-ls for prlvnt'e ' > > Inmlllos. Also dlnliiK-fooni glils. : > Kor.il cooks 111- ! \MlKc.i Omalm , Kmployuiejtt Ilutcau , 1U0 I'm nam street. * .5T WANTliD A capnblti 'wommi for Konjirnl honsuuork nt ' 'tJ-ia l/hailo-56t. bet..KIiw nnd Cnmpbell 4JHmn , \\ANTKI > A Kill who is it rood cook and honso-kccpor. Mrs. J. I * . Hoy. Jl Sj Cumliiiis street. V -17 U t VirAXTii-CliambcrmaId : nt Occidental. IJH 3 ladles To ? Jvr"cnrpotd af W. V Martin's,310 S. 15th St. i 310' U A good ffirl , JulS Howard st. - 3"i ra VT7ANTKD A good iilrl for chnmbecuiuk at TT the Atlantic hotel , 10th SL , Bcamllmix { cu prcfoircd , " 3K1-50 * irANTIHJ-An appientlee irlrl. Imiulco V llllss' millinery stoio , 15H Douglas st. noi iM * WANTKI ) A coed girl , 1413 iuuvcnwoith St. ill-2 * WANTBD At the V. S. Lmmdry.lCOl . Cuss st. , first-class shut Inmcis and ono Rood stnrcher. Apply Immediately. 323 ! ! ! ) * WAJi'TlH ) Two ghls for chamber xvorknnd dlnlnsr room ut Planters Uous > o , corner Dodge nud 10th. 284-24 * Good girl for general xork ; small family nnd good wages. Mrs. D. V. Sboles , 1220 Georgia nvonuo. KJil WANTI3I ) Girl for general housowork.Good rofoicnco rciiuhcd. Apply nt 1210 Capitol nxc 24230 \\7"ANTKl > Good gill to do housekeeping , > T one xvho understands xvasulnjr , lionlnc- , nnd cooking , east flat In llrndy low St. Mary s Ax-o. Mrs. L. P. Hammond , 223 W ANTKU A peed girj for gonernl house' xtork , itk01S21stbt. eli ! W > Cook nnd DWiUnslicr. Kniuiet , house. ' ! 317' W AN'IXD tiirl lor jfuiicral housonor 2.111 , St Mnrya n-.o. liJo WA > TKli Girl for ( "oncrat liousu\\orlc : fiorman or Swoilo piotorrod No. lillS Capitol avenue , north sldo , middle of the block , betwucinutjijiiid SOth strocU. tf \\f ANTlTu Girls to make overall < , shirts < T and jeans pants. C.uiUola Mt 'K Co. , cor. lltli mid Uoutflas , up stairs. fiOU-aiDf 7 W A > TiD-Glrl ; 607S 24th bf 185-23 WAM'KD Immodlutely.a llrst-cmss cook n _ Jbl2Jodiro St. , B05 WANTKI ) 2.1 voiinw ladles nnd jfenta to learn telegraphy. 1'rospccts for positions when competentwood. Address W. J. D. room l.Crounso block.lUth st , Omnhu. 7:13 : n Two ndvcitlslnir polioitors. Caller or address Lawrence , Aicado Hotel , city. il7u-20 * \T7'ANTin : Ttto ( jentlomen to Intiodiiconow V > busldess , at once. Cull at Oor. 10th nnd Davenport , loom 20 a ( > 7-2 \ \ ' . \ > TKI > no men lor handllnjf materlnl , otc. ; aifosl.HOperday. Call , 112U Vuv nnmetiect. U. O. Hollo-Isle. W Ti 'ANTKI ) flrst-clnss white bnibor V * throueh the nioiitb of August , commlmc- ! August 4th. C. C. t'letchOr , Hobioti , \7AXTiij : 10 llist-clnsscarpeutors : npply at UUl'iilivIowi-t. Kli-a ) * \-jANTJi : > An oxpmIdiceil boot and tilioo 8iilcsman Ononciialntad ) > > ltli the l-ity and conversant with the S * . * , 'dSh | hinyjiagei iu - fcned Dmiuestloniiblo rnlercnrea rciUliol | , Call at Merchants' hotel hot * . * , ou n 7 nnd 10 p , m. A. Zuiulcr ! rK-SJ ! * " \j7ANTiil : SO glun elcrs In the ulty , ? 1,75 pel dnv , 10 for rnlliond work In'louii , $ I.M1 pur day , 10 lor uxtra gimit company work. Call ut SOUS. 10th St. , Moorcs Umployni9nt Aconcy , \\7"ANTKI-A dinughtsmaii ntF M. Hilr5 tf IT Co.'s , architects , Cor. 13th-nnd Oalm. f \\ANTKI > 1'iiiits mukor nt once , steadyJol ] ' undiioodpjy. li C. Snwjfr. ' 1'itlrinont , Xob. WO-S * * . w NTiMi ( iood baker nt once , cor. Htti and LcavcnHorth. ' lMl-2 ' \\7ANTin Mi-n to soil iionlcfl Siotlcd | , fctiIpoTniid ( eolliV colors ; lit lit ) beauties , rat o opportunity , sumplo pony tieo on lonsonublo conJltlon > . Fnr fuithor paitleulnrti inclosostamp , llvron Van Haul ) , Leon Splint's1 , Ho.\ar countyTexas. S.iJ-n. WANTiiTcn : men to eblUtniid. , _ , & Co's Now Indexed Atlas of the Woili In Nebraska and louu. Also In.ty orgcntlomiui fanviiRfora for ether fast soiling' Voi'Ks. Kneolnl Induccniciita otroiol. Call nt U2J N , ICth 81. . room 2 , from 2 to 4 p. tn. , this week , H. O. Clark OoiHAjft. ti _ 37H ! * < _ WANTKO Men forSloiiK City ciloiiclon ot 0. M. & Bt. ] ' . It U in lown 11 S. Albrlsht Lnlior Agency , 1503 Furnam St. 2&s rANTiu A pastry cooJc at the Windsor hotel. flCfl \\7ANTii > Laborora for Illack Hills oiten- Blonof II. i M. It. 1U near Ilrokon How. } I n to drlvo teams. Scraper holders anil bho\vlora. U. B. Albright's Labor Agency , 1333 Furnam tt , S ri ANTKli Votinur iniin ( or general work > Y mound btorj at Jllsllt 1'arlors , 1119 Far- nanigt. _ _ \ \ ANTKU-OnoBooil dishwasher at Norris ) > restaurant , lt > th bt , bet. Uodso and Do _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XX ) _ AyANTKD 3 onorijotlo and rclmblo CMIIMIS- < ' t ors to lake onlors for u line fcteel cnfrivv- Inir aiuliin ousy-Mlllnf ( siiUserlptioii book , the I together , on ln tnllmonts. liarnot workora cunniako moil ; y. W. II. Alexander , 1409 1)odto ) ; , 321 2 W \.vni ; > ThiL'p hiiinlriid rook men , three hundred laborers , ( loot ! work , KOOI pay. Apply to Clms. llolsseller 2U mlle hoiiso Ollvn St. HoaJ , Pt , Ixiiils Co. , Mo. , o Jacob .lay f 1113 , Uihadlo , Mo , Keene llros , fonstrnotloti Co chief contiuctora St. Louis , Ivunsaa City i , Col. 11. H 40-iAiiEr 1 BX2UATXOU WAIfTED. yir.\ > TKA | typewriter , who will tuinlih il ha own muchlnolf de Irod , would llkoa rurmniiont situation after August 1st. Hcstof fiifOB. Will work on salary or l > y the hour , CsJ L V. II llov COJ , city. IOJ-28 WAM'KIJ Work ; grocery clerk , asst. book- Keeper , etc. ; in fact , work of anv kink to mnUuau honoat UUnc Address Hoc olllcc. I , 0. . 30030' vtTAN'iHli Situation ns a crorcry clc-rk I many years' experience. Address I 16 ; lleo olllcc. Bli-31 ( _ WAVl'KU Situation"oy u UUy ktcnogrui'luJr and typo-writer of ability uudcxpcilcnco Add rcssMmfo , care lioillU b06 Tuition by lady n book-keeper and cnsiilcr.M IIehe t roforonce. Ad- Iss K. M. IVOCneral Delivery. 1 ninjnriVperIenrod Indj sltlmtlon > ns housekecjHjnbi widower's family. AdOre - Ore X X , lleojiOjcck Council Illulls. _ _ VrANTKlSltuVpn ( | as n Rrocerj ciorji with > manj roars t'Xpcfienco. Address 1 u'i. Ilco oOleo ' 1 340-30' WANTI'D A cJtMntt maker wanls lo learn V > thoeaipenlF * ! ' * Irndo. Addro j I IJ. lleo oRlce. . 3J2 29' _ _ \rAXTin : r jfjtn by New York etono- TI prnphcr nud tjpowrilcr , nl o oxpor- Iciicedcnllgraph Opwntur. Address I . ' > * Hoe , te _ i I'rfilfloti In clonk department , cenernl dty1 pooda or hoii okecper In hotel by mlddlr-nina woman of experience nnd relliioinent. Mrs. II. Minx * > - > 7. Oinalin. M8 WAJtXS. " \\7AXTIJO All opunlnif for n regular phjcl- ii clnn. Address 107 I.orrctto stiect , IJe trolt. Mich. 344-3 * ITANTiu Information of .John McCnw , i who left Lnln > otto , Intl. , In 1MJ ; anybody Unowliifr of his M hereabouts M III please toll him to wrltocto his brolhcr-tn-lnw , John Wood , Im- inptlhili'lj , or ire at omo , John Wood , Ilattlo Otoiind , ripplcanoo county , Indlnim ; or Charles H Fuller , ( KlPoarbornstreet , Chicago. 348 3l * _ \\7ANTKH-To sell rurnlturo of U-room i i bonso ; cn h price , fjoo ; complete for houeo'kcepln i Rood locixllou , I'll ) Douglas. A ( Joodftondy horse with BprlnK wnjronnnd harness : must bo choaptn ; bo pnld for In monthly itistallmcnts. Addrvla 1,37 Hoe olllco. 10 ! _ WANTIJU To i\clmiiHo : Stock general morchnnillso , Milned nt 5 > ,000 to Jffl.ooltIn Hood town , for Omana city pronorty. The C. E. Ma ) mi llcal KstfUo and Ti net Ou , " 97T \VANTKU Customor8 tor our butter nud IT cream. J. II lloonstro , WiN Itjtlipl. 811 n 13 , 'Yt'ANtKU A Rood house on tnonfhipuy TI meets. Address 11,05. Heo olllco , 665. V\T-ANTKD Tolitir B nlco residence ori'oo1' TI bulldlri ? lot In a ilcslrnblo locution. Ad * dress II , 60 , lleo olUco KM. WANTii ) Ladles nnd Rontlomen to iittund Valentino's Shorthand nnd Instltuto , i\posltlon : bulldlntr. D Tobny alurKOsocour. nand of . llco safe. A. Hospo. tVTfljylB - wANTUU Tonms. 'I.Murray. TOE. UEHT-HOUBBB AND O It HUNT room hon-ii 2 blocks iroi'u St. Maty.savo , ImiutioGeo. L' . ( fllij-on. 217 3U7 Oll HUNT III Uvo * .xcoks. 0 loom liousef x\ lib city xvntor , In Shlnn's ndd. , unless sold for $ .1,250 oacli. I.'KH ) to f 1,00 down , Imlmieo ? 2o a month. 1) . C. 1'attcrbOii , Itoom 5 , Iroii bauk. | ( C-l > 1J-OU1 ; IKNT Ilou o6 o cor llltn and 1'acltlo .r sts. . ono block from 1) . & M. depot. 71 X'S * Jflfl n 11 : .N T Two cottiiifus by llalloiruixisr , 1 1518 Douglas st. , 2U-a ( > rt ; OK ItKNT-Storo xIth Ulvlim iobnirf above' ' J bctxvccn Iho head of SU Mary's avenue uilil Loax cnxvoith , Rood opening tor a snddlor or bn- kpr , nnd other lines or business.'n \ \ . J'loqi- i Douglas.'I'l "friou llKXT 2 roqms , suitable for oflioq , coV. JL llth niuirarnam. The C. r , Mitynu lloal KstntoTrugt Oo. 1)78 ) LUASK Wo hnvo olorcn ncieS on U. P. 1L It tiack.f fcOO feet f i out : ill loasonllor pnrt for tlvo ) years. .Bedford A bouer. 754 HUNT 10 ro'om bouse xvlth modern Improvements : flno location on struct car line. 7UN. anii st. _ 5S _ TT'oR KUNT * roomed house ; Inquire 2.110 J1 Capitol ax-e. I _ 677 Foil itn.vt The Hulldlny now belnsr built by HarkorUiMSan the conor of tilth and Jones , COvSO fei.'t.un i iour or five tttorlos hlth , willhoiontod for.trolc1or xvnrehouso purpose1' , and bollnlshedtoJmilt'4ho purpose of tenant. C. K. Mnyno Ketil Ijgtato ( and Trust Co , 15th and Farnam. 394 ITIOII HINT : Two" unfurnWicil rooms , light t housokceplri 01 X. 17th at. SffiSB * , " OH HUNT Kurnlhod or unfurnished loom. JKHOU South -'iid cM-eet * aoi 2 HOU HUNT Nicely furnished room for two 'iKOiitlcmcl. | , HSffiWtli St. , . . , . ' a208two ! ; T7Il KI3NT fl linom1 ! , suitable for olflco , co'r. -D llth and Fnrnam. The C. U. Mil } no Honl r.stuto & Truj : Qu , ! tt ! FOU HUNT- Furnished loom.isio Dodgo. 327 a'W FOIt HKNT T\\olaio rooms , inquire nt3l2 Nllthstiect. 30l-28 ) FOU llUNr Suttuof front looms ( Bhifilo or double ) newly furnished , b4 N. 17th st. 2ai ) * FOlt KENT A tiiniiShod parlor room With board , suitable for two Kcntlomon ; also llr&t-class tublo board ; rctorouco required : 1814 Dodgo. 1BC T7IOK ItUNT Flno furnisiiod lOOiusTTSiff FliP JD nam St. , langlnjf lu price irora $0 to 518. 10,1-A 2 * I Jixr ; 2 stoio looms eor llth and "far- nnm , $33. The C. 1' . Mayno Heal Estate an d Trust Co , 181 FOR KENT rutnlshcd rooms. Inquire drug store , 10th and Douglas. 109 R UKNr A nicelyfurnlshoJ south room IGO'Doutflasfit. Hoforcnces reijulrod. 745 . OH HUNT 2storo rooms on corner Cumins T and 2.M. $49 oacli The C. U. Mayno Heal Kstato und Trust Co. 831 Foil IliST : Cholooollloo rooms onirronriil floor , No. 1503 Farnara st. Inqulroof J. H. Hiclmrdson. 44l-J-7J F on 11KNT D ir.iblo lurnishetl rooms t _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ ITVOll IliST Nicely iurnlshod frontrnoma -U sultubloforone ortwo ( rontlomon.uli mod ornlmproveiriont . ' 41r , Joti sst 111 FOR III'XT Two store rooijis on lijtti street , Water , KM and sewer connections , e The C.IiJIayno nnd Tiust Co , oor. 15th and Fnrnam. "TOOK JIHNT Tno Etoio looms on llth St. , -L ) ? . ' 5onch. J. .lolniioii , 13 Jl Til i num. ) iJ ) FOU KKXT I'or Injlit housejcoopU furnlfhou und iinturnlahcd in .JllocK.cor. iijlit : nnd Howard sU U1H FOll lliJNTnocollont bnsomcintrr > 3Jnnd M13 ith : ) st ; U stores onUlli nnd Uoiifflaj , nnd2 stoios on 2Jd nnd Cuniltitr. Paulson & Co. , IDURirnam. " 57 BAI.B-HOU3Ea-I.OT3. Fou HALK improved tnrni , IfiO ncio7 ) , " > ncro.s In crop , lo ncics timber , 10) hearing orchaiil trocg. 00 ncrrs nay land , SO acres ho pasture. W. .lonoalI-1 X.-IbtHt _ 517-au rl I poll S.VLI3 io I'oro * smooth unbroken prai * 1 rlo land near Onkl.ind , Hurt count v. nt $20 pcrncio. lloinhardfaachsoo , U17 Soul h 13th st. 010 KISDON & COMSTOCK. 2d story National bank bulldlnc , olfor thofoilg Ing- biirtrnins In real cstnto for the next few Uaj s : 1'till lot on I'm It ino near Leavonworth st. , contalnliiirtwo largo Imndsomo cotluycs , $ ! - ' , OJO ; will divide. Lot on DiuonpoTP st west of Sit I * , 33x11'i ' ooiiliiliiliik'T-iooiii cottngii with till modern con \onlencles , n xuotl'-vuA'l ' bum , both nuuily now , JJ.bOO ; liberal turmsM ' Lot on ShorimiiLjii'o about ono mlle north of the postolllcoi5\l\is-ruiniiiin- \ to r.th St. , contnlnlnir 7-room cottau-o In goo 1 repair , nnd barn , ] , OuOjuuucnsh ; , Intl. 1,2 nnd > caw. Lot onKaiindortistviUcar ( iracu , 3Uxl2ii. con. ' taliilnpr'room cottnL'i'y.f.TOO , ono-lmlf caili. Wo have ImprovvJu pud unimproved business mid rebliloneo iiropWty In nil parts ol tbccitys and Itlll bofortwalnlciest ot nil persons who wish cither to buv itull roul estate to KVO ! u , il call , J1 ( ( , : H5 T.M l'liovii ; propoiiy scnrs , J5th unu SlDOa Vull lot on Caldwell bt. and three ootta. tres lirlnuln-i 115 per month ; > , ' cash nnd 1.2u\oari < r ) ei.OOO-Wlll buy u jf room cottajfo i , , Donlso's ndd ; f'JU ) OjIflidinU fil per month. $ le03-Tnlcs tf-ioijin i ttuvo lu Mlllara iCuld , ell's add on iasy jiay montii. $ l,500-Cush tulos44J t.cor. Cnldwoll and I'Jor sts. , Khliin's-JBt Htltlltlon , S1XLot ( il block IOH | V. Smith's addition for ono-luilt riirh. fUOOond fiVJ-Ixiu in Scars &Thoinaj'udd : * ? 2j cash uml Jiu pur month , 'ihU prlculs KOOC ] tor July eiiloa only. $ l,003-Housoot7rooms on lot 40x140 In Thor * nell's addition , ono block from cur lino. fSrVX ) J'akes u 7-rnom cottiiKO pn Hamilton 6t , with tfo < l Imin. Will sell on very easy terms , Call nntUno us. f 1,500 ( iood housa of 8 rooms on full lot in v l.liznbttli riuco ; ono thlrJ cash and 1,2 , Ujcnrij on bnlnnco. I lint o Micant Jots m unv purt of tbo city. If you wish to buy or bell it IB to your mtcrcef tocouiKuud fico me.as 1 iloal In baitrains only unu uuy andtcll on stralg-hl com- missions. 240 31 _ Scars , N. l Cor , 15th and Dodi'o AHAHE CIlANclf-To biiy u woiroitab'uhcd liuslnosb , satisfactory loasons for tcllltiy. Call on llullou llros , 1 > 10 IJouglas bt jt4 ACOHfTlTlToojcl5 ! > tuot , on uuhtornm et Tii faunnysldouddltlon.prlc-o W.UW. I'otti'r i tobb1miruruuu4StOuiulju , Nob. bil FOU SAI.i : T.ots In Shrlver I'lacc , J300-J1S down , balance , IS per month , lots In Hnn scorn rincc , Omaha view. Marlon's Add..Shull's 1st ndd.M A. lledlck's ndd.Thornburp I'lnco nnd Auburn HIM. House and lotIn Koimtro'g 4tn nnd M rion' Add. To buy , toll or renl proper. ty. call on II. W. Huntress , 1303 Fnrnnm H S loMjnnds" nbstrnctsotllle. money loaned , H. C. I'.ittorson , 13th mid DoiiKlas. " 57 nl * Oil SAIn A choice larm of JCM acres , If 1 nearly all level land , well Improved , 8 miles from railroad town , frame house , frntiio pmlu- ery , stnbles nnd cuttle heds , goal well with now 12 foot wind mtllwlth attachment for Rrlnd- Inir nnrtwatet tnnk. No irly nil the land fenced nnd sub-divided Into boff lots , corrnls , etc This Is an excellent chnnce f r n niiiiilihliiRto farm nnd ralsustoctc. l'rlcoIO rcr acre , pnrt rash mid pnit time. Aildrts * lock box No. K , llcrlrnnd.Xob , : I poii SAia : enl } ' sixTiou'erieft in oTiFT-iuii- 1 pen addition plncn , one hulf block from street cnr. Tho-o ile < li luff irooil homes on easy imjnu'iits mii t call 50011 nsthoy nro ( rolni ; fnjt. llullou Ilios. , llfl Ooimlas t. S8.1-1I _ _ HOlTtr.S. lots , land" , nti8trnrts"orTilTc. money loaned. H. 0. 1'attersnn , lath and uouclus. 2J7 al i m rnu wo ft 4k i * i 4viii4Xfti > y * * lOI III IllTlffllt 1L & Lymnn'g ndd ; on n comer ; fl.noo.hnir cash , J. L , Illoe i. Co. , o\cr Conunorcliil Uank. S04 ILLSDALl ; . 809 7JKAlV KSCATU UAKOAINS--nii09t cornri IV lootlOO , Iii Hnuscom I'lnco for n liomn. Only t3,5Ua J , L. lllco .V Coover Commercial Uank.Ml Ml Hll.l.BDAI.K- . that's tlio nnmc , nnd too lots soil for $150 to $175 on easy term * , llnvojou seen this vroiind ? U not , do nt once , ns it costs nothlnir to ride out to this beautiful locntlon. Amos' llenl Kstato ngoncy , 1507 Far- num. s09 f II.I.HDALK Bolls at fl JO per lot. F03 n-OHS.VI.n-A full lot , end front , with now K flvo room house.cl torn , lot fenced , nil for f 1,000. llnllou Dros. . 1510 DotlKlns Bt. 3GO 4 Foil SAI.K A fine wnrchnuso , frontnRO 410 feat on 11. & M.lth 1'4 acres ground. Tboo. Olson 218 S lf > th. _ IilOH 8AT.K-Full lot on 17th st. . near Niche las , at n bnriraln. Ucrnhard Snchsso 0173. lllth st 1)11 ) T ! . HAMMOND , Heal Hstato"Ihokei - , 15J IJ * DoiiRlns St. , Iloom n. I offer the followinir sprclal bnrffnlns : Two choice lots in llanscom I'lnco. barRaln. 40 feet on UoltKlns st bet. lllth mid 14th. -I houses on Ohio St. , $1,00) onoh , $ * 0) cash , balance $2.1 per month. 'J Uholcolots In Lincoln I'lace , will bo sold nt n Imrphln. Splendid B-room house Ohio st. , bnrn ; 3lxllv loot lot : banrnln , , UV ) . Lot on Capitol nvo , 2d fmm 10th et .nnrpnln. Lot , 2 stores nnd Imfcment , Koutit/u's iM add. , n bargain. Bplvmbd lot In Slunn'H add. WantCHl Olllco safe In exchanco peed lot. Choice lot on Fainam st , at a bnrKiilu , $ lvr > 00 List your property with mo. ! i. " > 5 HOUSKS. lots , lauds , nbstrnots of title , money loaned. It. C. Patterson , lllth and Hoimlas. 2.17 at A GOOD lot in Oknhomn , near the Vlnton Bt. cftrlino , prlco 51,0X ) . I'ottor * Cobb , 1.115 .Faruam.st. . Omnhn. Nob. ail HALF aero trackngo on the U. P. track , cen trally located , a bargain for $15OJO. .1. li. lllcc ft Co. , 13th and Douglas. 571 K OUSKS Ixjts.Fnrms , Lands money loaned. Ilemls 1'tli and Douglas sticcts. 471 HATCH Ondd KK , Millnrd Hotel Illoclc , ofTor n tow special bargains below : Hnnd omo 0 i oomcottiiKO and lot In "Iclleiv lid" enl } 130 feet fiom street cms ; newly and thor oughly furnlsliod with new furnltitio and carpets. Well , cistern , city water : RIIS pipes throughout house : hard wood llnlsh Inside ; gldOMiilk , fences and nil Improx-o- nients now An oiicodlngly good bargain. All for $4.500 on onsy teims. 8-room house , and lot In Omaha Vlow , n bar- Kiiln $1,1100. Three sooJ rcsldenecfl , Chlcnpo street , xvith 13iill feet , biiuglnif a good icntal , x-cry cheap , $1I.OOJ. Very deslrnblo property Cass and 20th st , 3 cooil houses , ( TiouiKH 140x132 feet treed pay- IIIR liixcstmont ; bargain , $27.000. Neat house and 2 lots , in Wnlnut Hill ; nice little home , cheap : $2,400. Six beautiful lots in "Omaha Vlow , " $ J.rOa cash ; n bhr bargain nnd Immodlnto piollt. Six line lots In "West Side" $ (00 ( each 4 lots In Thornbnnplaco$410 nnd $500 each. Choice lot In lltinseom place. 51,000. Iloautllul lots ID Kllby 1'laco , Hcsorx-olr addi tion , Manhattan , Walnut 11111 and other addi tions. 0-room house nnd 2 lots , Schncll's addition , sw lliiscjll's Park , on Vlnton st , 12011t ! f0t , 20- loot alley ,1)1 Ink brass foundry on rear , S4.UOJ. Houvo nnd lot. 10th bet Douglas nnd Doilso sts b.irn for .10 horse ? , $0,000 Joncsst near 13th , K ) teet front xxlth .1 brick stores , 521,000 ; rents for $2UOO ; splendid bur- gam Lingo icsldcnco lot In West Omalm , 00\155 , $1XU ! ) ; on easy terms tjplundid business property , Douglas st near - . bitbnwiln , 510.0)0 ) N W corner 18lh and Farnam st , 1)0x131 feet , rare bargain , * . ,0on 5 o corner lltli and IIowaid.CGxUO feet , $25,000. On Fnrnam near llth , 2JxlK , , $ ! 5i.1l ( ) . I < eton I'm unilinear Nob. Nai'l bank , 27/iJO. 41 foct , DodRO opp P. 0 , $21,000. : i good riHldcncus and 2 lots , Chicago St. , $11 , ( WO. Uentalpiiyd splendid lntorc-.t. Good corner and cottnso , S Ifitb. 50vlOO. Via duct will mnUo this udvanco rapidly , $3,200. R o corner 10th and Castolhir , fX\14U ) , and cot- tajro , $3,700. Above are some of the many bargains xro baxo. If you xvlsh to buy , sell , or oAchanjio , call on Hntohcr , Oadd & Co. , Mlllnrd hotel block. FOJt SAIi-ir sold by Aupust 15. A No. 1 stock of Kioccrics In ono of the bnst loca tions In thecltj. ( loliiR n llrxt-clnss business. ( Igod rcubotis lor hdllm ? . C'nllon or nddicbs 1'ark * Fowler , 1123 Douglas st. OV3-3J T EAVENWOimi ST. ItriTrTrnckngo7oiTolr .1 moro lots or nnacro , nt agicat Imijwln. bco J.V. . LoKiiu , nt Loax-onworth llusluess I'l.ico , or U. . W. linker , liooni 7 Iron Hunk Hl'AVY gains In population pushes Omaha to the trout. Sco } Illlsdilo lots that you can now buy for $150. 1'lck 8110 out , pay lor It In installments , nnd soil It In n joars tlmA for twlco Its cost. AIIICB' llenl Iktati Agency , 1507 Fnr nnm Pt. 809 FOlt SAM : Now , small house , full lot , Omaha View , f 1,050. Thco. Olson , 218 S 15th. ggga FOIt tSALK-320acios I mlle fmm Wnlorloo. xvlth tWQ first-class houses , stables , xvlnd- inlll. All fenced. Trcns and nt 40 pur acre. lIuinhaid&Hnehsco.iin.-outli lllth stieet Utt FOR HM4K Or oxeh'infrn for ffoneral mor chaurllfie.-'OQ ncics llnnlly Improved land In Southern Iowa , adlolnlnir county beat ami tall- load , In Dcuatur county , lias n tine 0-room hoiibO , largo bTrii.&O-font shed.sooilxellspring nnd i mining water : 100 applu ticc * . chunlos , Krapos , cto Ilornlrird baoliao , Jl" 8. I'lth St. ; Omaha , Nob. OK ! TTAN'li'you PCOII Ilill3dalo ? lf notTilo so at J-JLoiico mid pick out a lot for $ V'i ) that xvill not only pinHo you money but help you MUO somo. Ames' llonl I'.stato Aijonoy , I.XJ7 I'm num. KII : FtlllHAIji : Wo hnxo slxtocn lots in Haw * Ibornc iiddltlon that xvoxi111 toll : best nnd cheapest Insldo property In Oir.'aa. ' llcdford & fiouci _ i5L ! TfTlo'lf NAII : IlosMonc6 Trr < nuJrfy aiTrx-aoiinT ( Jlotij In every nddltloit In Omaha. Tor ins to sultpinvhajur. Also iloslrnblr'iiislnoss prop , orly , Gibson , L-irson & Co , Ilooru U , Wltlinoll Itlock. | I5i Foil r.XCII.\NG--$0OOOMockdrytoods ( for O-nnlm propoity. Aichcr & Fitch , 21X S I5h St. _ W $2,030 , will buy lot 2 Qiilnn's iiddltlon , South llth sl.MviW ) ; with Improvoineuts. address , Irwiioo oiiico art HALF acre Irackairi ) on the U P track , con- trallylocatoil , u bin train for $13,000. J , L. Jllco A : Co. , Illtli ijnil Douglas. 071 171 OK SAIJC-Ono of the Illicit acios III West JL1 Omaha , only MOW. The C. K. Mil ) no lloui Kstnto and 'I'rnot Cn , MM ONI ! nnd thrco-fouithsai'ios in Hiooklinc ud- dillon , prlco f SV ) . Poltor & Cobb , J515 Fnr- nam t < t.Omalm , Nub , f > 21 " " H JL"LSDALi-lo.iutlful ! focatlon. bO ? HHOW HOW IH It your nolKlihof hns made monnyi1 lly huvinir coura i tv buy oheap lots Von canilo lliosiuno In lUIUdulo , tthoro Ion now eollhm/orfl.VJoacli will brlnirdoublo that In u year from now , Amei' llcal IMato Agency , UOT 1'arnam st , H/J TI ILLSDALR Host opportunity for you a cncap liomu. ir09 DC , PATTKIISON. Itoom 5 , lion JJiiulr t I its In Shlnnnadd f Lotsinllill-idoNoa 100 I/ots In Ilanscoin 1'laco / , I.MKI Lots lu Omaha View . . , , IVVJ Lot * la Lincoln 1'luco 4V ) Lotsln Wo t bldo . S'fi l.othln 1'olsora 1'laco l.otoin Kiiunilers A. Hlinobiiu ir.stulil . . . . 0-ioom hoiiboand lot Bhlnn'tiadd I."i0 $ < UOcnsh , uahincu monthly. Acres I'litlurMin I'nrk acres , 3.V1 WnsliliiKtniiHIllacies TW ) Illnioliinifli'd ndd ncios ) , Oo'J ' \Vot Onuiha acres 4,003 Itotitleldfi-tiere lot "Macros , 4 mlles wctt of court house { or lihhorttlino , . 8,000 J ) C. I'nttorfcon. Hooin 6 , Iron llnnk HOW jou can muko money ? Jly buying ou easy payinonU u Illllfadnlolot for f 10J , ( hut will bo vastly paid for and iloublu In valtio. Amea' Itual Kttuto Agency , ISO ? 1'arutim. . Wi HOl'SKS , ot * , land.nb trscti of title , money loaned. U. C , l'attcron , Uth and Pnuirlns. 257 at I < iK Knll Ifit on Shrrmnn nvo. , oppo site for Holt Line depot. SnchS'o A Lander- n317 ; 8. 13thst. _ 1V ( "tTIOll SALK OnooT thti tliie t ncios In West J ? Omnhn.M.OOO. . The C , K , Ma ) no Heal F.srnto nnd Trust Co _ aw HAfiFnere trackage on the I'.l'.lrackren trallylocatoil , n bariratn for 115,000. .1. U lllco * CiMl3tli _ and Douglas _ _ 671 [ TUMI SAM : Hood 7-room houses Ith cellar. L1 ciMotn.cltynlei and bnrn , 't lot , J.I.'sXl : enquire on picmlf > cs'i' > l7 Da * , etiport _ 67S HlLLSlALiii8ji : Advantage * which can't lie beaten tiy any location. When jou see Iho lots you nitmitJtiAmcs. IW7 Fnrnam. KM H1LI.SDALK Vouenn tind no fueTi lot * ns the o nt f 1W ) apiece. Ames' Heal t * tnto Agency , I jO" Fnrnnm st ' _ _ _ _ , ypJ F ) lfs\iT--or Trftilo'-lnipnncl an ! unim proved lands lu Kurnm anil ot icr western countlo * . AiMroM Win Slmornl , Arnpa'ioo ' , FiirnasC'a Xeb. 273 IiAOlt SAM : NioeiVroom hou e nnd ! i corner 1 lots lu Walnut Hill : ' 4 cnsh bnl. to suit. CutMartin : llOSllth H. 4M U . . .j'Si , lots , land * , nbstrnct of title , money lontifd. It. C. 1'nttorson , lathnmUViuglas , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ATfilAlN KiiTl ToF TiTVobpfi'rst. ? bo IHO on" ITtli nnd IBth sts , 2 bouses , nno of ft rooms nndoneof Orooms ; ROO.I . hnin nnd shade trees find other Improvements ; prlco $7d)0 ) ! easy terms. Potter ACobb , l.M.'i Fnrnnm.st. , Umnhit , NcJ ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ RJlJ BAFcNiiAith SAriiNsliins for sale : 9 room .IOUPO nnd lolL1)tli ) street nonr St .Mnry's nvo , tiOO ensh bnl. ninthly KiTOO , line 10111170 and lot , 17th ft. ncnr l.envon- worth . . . . 1,000 Cor. lot , Horhach's add , with U houses , barn , etc . . 4,400 Full lot. K. V. Smith's mid with first class huuto . . . . . . . fl.'JO ) 1'nll lot.'J houses and bnrn , South nvcnuc. . . . Lot fMXl.Hl.owos 21 mW. near Academy of tlio Sacred Hourt , with cottdRo rte . I.WO . OvlSiS'i , l'nttor an'g sulidlxlsion , nlth hoilsonnd ImprnvcmentMwortti J700) ) . 1,80) rfit ( UxlSO , Hurt utrcot , ne r Aendemy of the Sucrcd Hiniiti brick nouso worth 8I.3W. . . . . . . S.WO OMAHA VIKW- Lotwltk 2-story 8-room house , fruit ticus , shrnbborj' , oto . . 1W I/ot with now n-rooni IIOURO. stnlilo , uta . . " ,1X0 Lot with 4-room house , buy window , a jtorches , ( worth f'J.V ' ) ) , well , lences , trees nnd shrubs , very cheap nt Fl.MJ ; oaih down J400. bnlnnco fUJ per month . Full lot nnd first-class B-ronm honsn nnd \ory line linprovemonts , Shlnn's Second mid. rcnlbnrialit . J.S'H ' Wlloox's Second luld , full lot and u-uxnu hoiivo . . . . 1,500 Full lot In I'lnlmlow , with now broom houso. cheap . 1'TO Roulh lOlh Rtroot ( Kounti'd's Second ndd ) , lot 50x200 , Kood fi-room house. , brn , Bhed , xvell , X'cry nice fence" , ahivlo trees nnd very cholco . . . . . . 4,00) 20th streol , noi.r Castellar , Ill-Ill , with cot- tngt' . Ono-ltall cash . . . 1,230 2 full lots on Saunders Ftreet , with Uvo story II room honee , larifo barn , etc . 5,500 D-M ncreK , line 1aim liind , near atorloo , with xory line improxcineiitji.nt $10 pur urns . . . . IMS llernlmnl Sacha e.3l" S. Vlth St. OltCHAlU ) llll.l. lots Pelt on their merits. Iiow prices nnd easy terms ulx-on. Cull nt ThoC , B. Mnyno nud Trmt Co's oltleo nnd > ret n plat -Mi _ _ Tl HA I , V.S CAT1J I1AIUJA1NS Klnest ploco ot JLX traekiiRo , easy of ncooss and centrally lo- cut oil , In Omahaat ti Imrnnln. J. U Hlcu .V Co. oxer Commercial National bank. 8 < U HIILSIAI.r.-I.otsonly $150 to $171 , nniF lll golironloublo this tlguro In 12 months' time. Como nnd PCO thoni. Ames' Itcnl INlnto Agency , 1607 I'aiimin st. tW TJIOUSAI.K " , aero lot.l'nrk riacocnB7rr < int , -E $2JHM.jniooONcnl 218S lfith. _ ! iK S HOUSKS , lots , innds , nFstriiut of title , money loaned. II. C. 1'ntterson , 13th nnd Douulas. 2.)7 n Foil SAI.K or oioliantro nt n hnririiln 80 acres of Uno liny land nMtliln'J'j miles of riemonl.Neb. S. A. Sloman , 140J Fiiriiuni St. Omuha , Nub. 270 B iUNHAii > SACHSSK has for sale : Lots In Ambler Place $100 to fiOO Lots In K. V. Smlth'sndd . ! > l500to 2.00J Cor. lots Mlllnrd ft Caldw ells ndd , fctixlNl . $ .VOO to 3,100 Fine east fiont lot , C 0.xl44. N 18th st . . 2,000 Full lot Omaha View , graded , lenccd , ticos nnd Miiuhs . . MO Lot MX127VS , Shlnn's M add ( Phailes st ) 1,000 Selected lots , Snumlcrd .V IllmobaugirRndd $ .100to 700 Dcnutiful acre lots , Patterson Park , ll'J ' miles from court house . . . . $ XJ1 to 4V ) SKHHbot. Williams and Illckorvr.0\140. . , in ) Cor. business lot. Military iix-o 450 Wllcox'g 1st add , 2 lot8 M ) each 2 lots COO ouch , Aero lots In Hyde park . . $275 to ISM Lots on Snundcis st. ncnr Holt Line depot , each IOX ) Lots In Plain View , tnsldo ? COO ; cor $70,1 to 7.V ) Lots 111 llodl'oid plncc $400 to IXX ) South Irontl ots on Ituidctto nr Sniindcrs , . . $ l,2JO to 1,300 Leax'onwjrth st , near Paik nxc. 50x148 l.KK ) Lots on Sherman uxo. opp. site lor Holt line depot . . . . . . . . $ .1,000 to 7.000 40nciostliio vliifln pralrlo In Oakland at. . . 20 0.1(1 ( lleinlmiil Pnclis otai7Sllllifit ! KKAL F Sl'ATiilAHIAINS-ilionutirtl : : south front lots lust oil Saundcis st. In Patrick's ! < ! addition , $1,3K ) mull. .1. L. Itico & Co. , ox-cr CommHrclal National bank. 8GI FOU SALIC A line warehouse , frontage 110 feet on n & M. , with l'/i aciosuiound. Thoo. Ol 10th- ' ' eii,218S - 231' UOl'HIJS , lots , lands , ahslraels of title , money loaned. It. C. Vattorxon , lijtlumd Douglas. * IT OI'SUS , lots , lands , uliitiacts ol tltlo , money loaned. It. C. I'uttriaou , Uth anil Dourlns. 2o7 n4 LAlKii ; citlos mal.e suburban homos n ueci'T- sltv and tlik class of lots cioi\s with thii rest. This la to bo conslderod. Sco Illllsdnlu at S1.VJ and buy ono when jon can at this djjuro. Amos' Konl K tuU ) AKOiicy , 11J7 I'lU nnmst. hfl'l " " " KHMKMIIEK now I7"tlio"tl7iiir"u > lmv tl7enp lots. They row In value faster than any othcis. See Illllsdalo Lois $ IMonch. Ames' llcal Hstato Afcnc ( > , 1M7 Karnam. bU H Lots , Fnrms.Lnnds money loaned , llomls , ISth and Donglaa street : ) . 471 K lU LlTsTATK "llAltOAINa-Splondld piece of traekn/e. LiyMlno and cnntrnlly loca ted at nbaiirnlns. J. L. Itico i : Co.over Com mercial Hank. Ml TT'OIt hAl.i : Oro.xchanuo Jor f Ity or silhur 4 ban Iniprovc-il or unimproved propnrly , or ponoral mori'luindlfo , KOOnuios ( .100 and 10J ) of the finest Noliruskn pnilrlo land In Nanco coun ty. HcrnlmidSachSbO , 'J17 S. tilth st , Omalm , Neb. 11.17 HIIiLHDALI' Como and pno It yoiiiflnlt , 11 soils on Its merit d. Ames' Heal K-mito Atroncy , 1507riirimm. _ _ h'J9 ' _ FOB HAI < K-Two oloannt oust front corner lots In Hurr Oak ; naturul shiulo troos. Hafchor , Oadd iV Co. , 121(1 ( Doiiflus stioct , Mlllard hotel block Omaha , Nob. H ) | TTIOH SALII Or rohniiKO llno Impiiivuil JL1 fnnn In woMoni lou u , contains lt'0 ' ncn s , or will oAcluuufo lor Omaha piopeity. Imiulio of It llrown , Wilder hotul _ _ | IIJ I rum SAM ! Tory cheap , hrii'k IIOIIFD nno frnmo triable , near Cumliw ft : must bo ro * moved rlt'ht away. Thco. O son , 216 S 1'ith ut. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ye , 28 _ HII.I.SDAU : , hfKln.'St ( 'i omul , hatiilsoiT'OSt location of nny lots in or iiniiinil Omnhn , lor flW to $175 a lot. Como nnd MK > this KioutHl , Ames' Heal Uitnto Agency 1W7 I'm-- HUIII , _ _ _ W'J HOII * I > Lots , Farms , L mils iiiomiy loanodT _ Ilemls , 15th and ] Jou lits stniotH. 471 hj'WO lots ifn thoonfner'oi S7lh and f'ass RtsT X IDOxlM , lorJi-CTO. I'ottor i Cobb , 1515 Far- liaiiiht.Omalui1 jNob. _ _ _ ffll HOI'fir.S , lots , huuls.nbstrai'tsof tltlo , money lonncd. H , 0. 1'uttorbon , iijtb nml Donir " , 'i7 al DO YOU want 11 homo ? If jou do , look at Iho 10 rooia house on Callloinla htrect ; clo-o to slihct cms ; only $7,200. Clink & French , 1510 Douglas street. : ir/i ii _ FOIISALK--.A line wnrolionii' , Irontimo 410 foct , ( ill H. AJl , , \\lih li ! iicio-i uiound. Theo. Olson 318 S 15lh , _ _ an SH RF.AL F.STATH llAIIOAINS-'incres In RoutTi Omnlm 'joining ' C. F. ( loodman , (2liiou. A positUobniKnln. J. it. lllco & Co. , ovorCom- mciulal Nulloniil bank bill LOTS Millmsr today for ? .soo to $100) sold n U'ar HKO fofJKXJto Js-.V ) Tliluk uf this aivlKut u lot now In Ilillsilalo forflVJ to f I7"i and on easy tontis Amos' HcnllNtato Aoncy , 1507 Vaiiiam ED W A3 ID JIA < .lSIKIl OK I'ALMVS'lT.m * ANI ) CONDI TIONi IM ! ' , WHonth f.liout , bclwi'on I'ainam nnd H - . - > . will , with Iho aid of ? iini < | lnn ( iplrii < > i i mi for any ono a frlnnco In Iho p.nt , nml i > o u , .i'id ot o.'rinln condition ! ) In the lu- ture I ) iti uml Miuoaiiudu tnoiilor. Pot foot Eiuleji ! < > /uur.tiiluud. . Notice to Contractor ! : . SI1AI , : I ) I'topu aUlll bo no i .d nt the o a of il o nun' ) clmk ut.i i : n elm ; , p. 1)1. ) August Ht'i ' 1 a1 , lor the dun -1 Ini nf Iho iimtonni mul liii.ldinv a lulivnlunli ind ap- plOICilo l nilnl t IUCUUI' hutlaO o'o.U , 111 Iho tl ( ) o O mil a All inild i ivi.ltc lo ulrod to I urn lull a or r. Illlril I'hi'i'U { it iho iiitiDiint ul ono hiinliol ( JIUlM'Ji d'llluii.iii n yiiMiaitin oi good fiillh. to cntti l ito a u , n ip.ul , tilioiild then- bid tin accepted- I'lui , ! , uii't ' * > pi i- II iitlons < nn 01 1-0011 at the ulllcn of lliiM'onnij clu11 , . Thoilahtto icject any iiudn ! ) n > i4 (8 ( l.croi-y lly order ot tbo Hoard. l I' . NI'I'IMI.VM , Cmiiity ik-rk Oiuttlm , SlU , Ji'l ' > Ulli , l f' . l."M.llul - II.li * CHICAGO AN < > MORT-H- MORTHTERN " - -TERN PAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only road to tn1 o for * ) t MolniM , MM- MinillOMii , ( Ydnr ltnpd [ . Clinton. IMxin , Chlca ( TO , Mllwmikoo nnfl nil i > olnti omt Tothopoo. pit1 of Nebraiku , Ooloiiido , Wyomlnir , Utah , Idnlio , Netndn , Oregon , Wnhi'tcin | | nnd Cull * fornlnit niter * superior advantiiKc * not possible l > > nny other lino. Amoiitf n fen of tlio numrrompolntiol stlPO * rlorlt > enjoyed by the- patrons ol llili runil iio- twocn Oinnlin nnd Chlcniro , oru Its two tmlii4 a day of DAY COAl'HH.S which nro th < * . flnoU ( lint human nit and tntrimlilly can crtiuto. Its 1'AI.ACH Sl.r.Kl'lNtl CAUS , which are models or comfort nnd eh-wanm Iti PAHUI ( Oil AW * INO HOOM CAH3 , untnrnnMetl hv mi ) , nnd Its widely celobt nlod PALATIAL 1HN1.NU OAKS , the equal of which cannot bo found i-liowhoro. At ( ( umollltluttJ the tinlni of tlio Union I'noi- Dolt } ' connect In t'tiloti Depot with tliosoof tlio Chleatro A Northwestern Hy In Chloni-o Urn trains of tills line nuiko eloio connection with these or nil oatlorn linos. I'or Detroit , Columbus , Indlntinpolls , Cincin nati , Nlanati * . rails. linrrnlo , 1'iltnburn , Toronto , Monlioal , llo-iton. Now York , I'hllndolpbln , Hal- tlinnro , WnMilnitton nnd nil points in the oust , iisktho ticket ituont fortlckntiilixtho "NOHT11W KSTKHN , " If jouwl'h tlio linslnceommodntlons. All tloko th * v\\ \ \ tickets vln this lino. iiroiiirr , it. a. IIAIK , Gonornl MiuiiiKrr. Octi. IMfJ. Aeont THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE -OF Till' Chicago.Mitaute&St.Paulll'j . . ' THE BEST ROUTE from OMUHA and COUNCIL BLUFFS at E.A.J3T. . . . TWO TltAISS DAILY IIKTWKKN OMAHA COt'NCIli I1LIU'F3 AND .Milwaukee , St. Paul , 3JiniiPiiilis ! ] ( , ( . 'etlur HiipitlH , Clinton , DiiliiKjiie , DnYcniiort , Kock IsliiIKrM ! ! ( > | ) rt , Uoelvfonl , Eli in , .Miiilison , .lancsvillc , Jtt'loit , Winonii , Lu Crosse , And all other linpoilant points Hast , Northeast and Southeast. For through tickets call on the Tlchol A cn nt 1401 rarnam stieet ( In 1'axton Hotelor ) n Union 1'aclllo Depot. I'ullmaii Slcepci.s nnd the lluost Dluhiff CIIH Inthuwoild mo run on tint main lines or the ClIICVOO , MlMVXt'KKK A Sp. I'M'I , ltAII.XrAr , , and every attention Is paid to pa-fen/jois / by coin teens employ esot tlui company. It. MII.I.KII , ( Jeiirial MnmiKei. J. F. Ti'i'KKii , A-- l tniit ( lonoral Mannger. A V. 11 O\iiiiNThii , Ooiieinl I'ns'enircr nmt Ticket Asent. CKO. B HtcAtFniii ) , Assistant Ronoral Pnssen- Bcr nnd Ticket Awent J. T. l'i\UKt'uii < ! inl Superintendent. * AHO 18 UNACQ/Xl TEO WITH THE OCOOnPHY OF JII1S COUNTRY WILl SEE DY EXAMININO THO MAP THAT THK GIUCAGO.ROGK ISLAND a PACIFIC RAILWAV llr rcixnn of Iti central ponltlnn and claim rrlttlnn ta nil prlni.lpsl llnoi * cn9t nmlVt't. . at Initial nml lor. inliml point" , constitute * tin ) inupt Important ml < r rontlnental link In that HTKIf'iii > r thfuURli trantport tntlon which lnvu 4 flint rat IlltutrN inn tl Hiid trnlKo ti tnmnrtloiur ! tlie Atlnnllo nml rni'lllc Comti. It M also tliu ravorlto ttl lirnt route tuRnil Irorn paints Unit , Nnrllir t nmt tioutliruKt , nnd correflionJIlut liolnti XVuit , ttortliiruit nnd Houtliuplt. , The Croat Rock Island Route nuarinteai tin patronn tlmt reiuo ot IWfoual icrn. rltr . ntrnnlnl hv n polld , ilioroiivhlv luilliimcil rond. U..1 . , Hinnnlh InickH of iiiitlinmtiii xli'el roll , mlnlnn. Ilullyhillltculvrrlxaild 1 , | Idu-isa. l"lllllKlit < , rUuHli < Tvt I' rrectlili n > liiininn Kklll call inako It Hie ntell uplillaiicciinriiitpnt liuni'i > , pluiruiiiiBnnlHrlir , | ke . unil that xticilnir ill i-lllni | , Mhlcli u-net in lh prnc- t "Hi opnrnllon of nil lt > tialni ( llhiir upeclalllM of JIM ronti' lire IrnnsriTs nt nil ctinnpcllnu' jioltitu In union Dcpota. nnd the uiiMirpattHcU cuuiiurtu and1 luiiirlosof ita rniiicniter Oiul | > nii"it. Th Vial , l'pri ; i Trains liot en Chlrirn nnrt PaorUCouncil Illuin , Kaiimn ( 'ltyhmmiudi111 and Atchlion me cniniioiird or \ > ll vcntllntid , ilnnlr un > iinUlrnnl llnj Uuarlini , Maeiilflri-nt I'llllluan I'nlnre The Famous Albert Lon Route Is thn rtlrect anil fninrlta Una hcUvrrn ChlrnKOnnrl Mlimuiinlliandsi I'aul. where roiiuu lli.nnaninoJu llil'iilnn Ili'pnurorall nulnt > In tlin ( i'rrllurl ii anil Ilrlll li ITovlnoM. Over tliln route Ku l Kxprrwi Tralni urn run lu thn watering | ilfirr > , ninnni-r ro. not in , pIclitriMiiuu luc.illtlK , niul limiting ami Htlilnit ffrotilnlfiif IIPWO nml Mlnm-firilu It In also the inuit Jfulrabloroutiitii tin , Mtlj wheat lied-j ! and imitoraj lamlH of Interior Ditkntt HIIII anulhrr DIIII.Ul' I.INIi TlaBonwn nml K n- kakcii , lm > lircii oicui-il | liitwMii Cliirliinntl , Initl/iu. niiullianil I iraypliii. mul On mull lllulFB Kani.k > Cltr. Mlimi > ninllauMcIhl | I'AII ! unit InliTlnoillala pnlnln I'or dotnlhcl Inrurmutlon rrn Maim mul I oldrrs. ohl ilnnlil . . ft well in ti-t | , At rll | irlnil | il'llcfcel Olllri. lii the Unlltd titatoj euid L.VrnUu , uiby ud. Arratlng ( i. ft , ! AnLC , E , ST. JOHN , 1'rCv't & . liui'l Jl'it'r , Oei.'l T'/.t i 1'ais. ; Mrs Dr H N , , , , Taylor Has had 'l yours' hospllal practice ; ulvoi the same piiiLtlco niul lioalmf nt iihod In tie ) bou hoapltitlfl. Kldti/iy / dlbcasos , nil blood ami skill dli-oiibcH n Bpcclnlty. I'lcurut Ions , old toioa , nml over hoios filled. Ticiitiiiont by coriospoiul. cnco solicited. Oftlio and Rosldonce-No , 2219 California Street Omaha , Nob. PUTS AND OAL LS. On Who it , Corn , OIIIH , 1'oik , Lanl and U. It. Blocks lor Loiiif anil Hlioit Tnno , Boml lor I'lloo Clmilar II. | > . HAIIT if Co. , 12D Wiibhlnijlou Ht , , ChlcnKd , III. Hoioroncu : Air.frlcan Kxi ohiitifo national Hank Union National Bant , 206 Masonic Bik.N.W. . Cor , Cap.Av , & 16tli Paid un Capital , $100,000 Authorized Capital , 000,000 Accounts solicited Ink 11 st paid on I line do. posit : collections ma ! o in nil p.uts of tlmvtit. . mul h.tvlnir pro * , I ( ml iho IniKCbt and bo t vault In the city. o will roculvu valuahlo tntlclr i on htor.iiii' . I'rompt atlcntlon wlllno irlvun to all ImslneESunti listen ! to us , . . . . ' " o. W. llownii1C'.ulilor. : \ \ > i W JlAitsii.I'icsldcnl. 'JcilonhonoNo. Hi ; . JtlJAF * All kinds mil oM.-ilo nnd mui uhandisu bought , uolJ and uxch.infe'inl on < oinuiis. Blon Wu make n &PL-C nl'y ' ol Noliuinki and loi.a limns nud nil I Inn U A lurso list if innalin propi citv on linnd fni nM . - ni > n x o h a n a < : Aibrltht if Ajlcsworth " . ' H. I'jth , K lephouo'I. . > . >