Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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" "THURSDAY1 MbUNlN'G , JUlTV.81) ) .
Etllvcifd by ccitrin In nnj parlor Ihocitynt
twtntj cuits per week.
11. W. TII.TO.V , - Manager.
nm.vrKSOmcr , No. IT.
NIOIIT r.niTou No. 3.1.
Now Voi k Plumbinc conumny.
Summer clotliinjr , client ) at Keller's.
I'hu very best cabinets ill ? ! ) : i doent : \
( jorlinni s.
Alron Rubber comp-in.y's lio'o : it
Cooper i\s Melit'o's.
The thermometer yesterday reached : ts
blflh nWi ° in thu shade- .
Only | i Minor defer first class cabinet
photo * at Schmidt' * , 'JiiO Alain.
Cabinet photoirilis : | ) ? ! J per do/ . , : it
Slionudcii's , ! } 17 fi'vvuy , for CO dajsonly.
( irortfo Smilli hus said out Ills interest
in tlio PliocnK to his paitner , Jni'ob Kni-
fltorf , who now runs Hie place alone.
Mr. U'iuliuhl Kviius anit Mi s Minnie
G. Crake * , ot Avouu.vvere maiiied in this
cltv.veMeulai by the Hcv. G.V. . Crofts ,
nt Ilia lesidenue.
K \i \ Smith will put a row boat line on
Laku Maniiw.'i in u iluy or so , to run be
tween Mark's l.imliii and MniilutUin
hunch , thu faro for thu round trip to bo
i5 ! cents.
A pump has been sunk at Manhattan
beach anil a line How of elegant pure
water lias been obtained , consiMiuently
lumonado thinkers need have no tear of
water being used from thu lako.
The Omaha police department purchased -
chased a team of matched greys for their
patrol wagon of Messrs. Selilutcr &
Holey , the well-khown horse matt men of
this pity , the horses weighing about Jl,310
HA C. Dempscy , an experienced St. Joe
manufacturing confectioner , and II. A.
liulnl IKIMJ formed a paituersliip and are
to enter into the wholesale manufactur
ing eonfeutionery business at Daird's
stand , No B2l ! Hroadway.
Neola is i > laniungfor waterworks , now
that the big scorch has awakened tlie
peonlc to the necessity of having lire pro
tection. The estimates of the expense
will , --0011 ho made , and if too great , the
town will buy a t > tcamer.
Yestei day afternoon a horse attichuil
to a spring wagon , the property of a plas
terer named .Jensen , ran up noitli Main
street , leaving pait of tin ; wagon on Main
street and the nalanco in front of the
Central saloon , but taking the shafts
with him in his tbght up Hroadway.
The Homo of the Friendless has been
supplied with water. The work was
done by the Now York Plumbing com-
iwny at a very low liguie , and they also
donated a section of nose. There will
now ho no longer any exenso tor allow
ing the children to be filthy and coveicd
with vermin.
This evening T Elsworth leebo ? , book
keeper with Clarke Hios. iV : Co.'n whole-
Bale house , of Omaha , is to be united in
marriage to Hi hi Vesey , of this eity ,
at the residence of the bride's patents , on
Sixth street. The newly wedded couple
will take up their homo on Xortli Four-
tcenlh street , Omaha.
A Polish family named Oihikowit/ ,
living just inside tlio city limits on tiie
Crescnt City road , are suffering from
hunger. Tnoro aic throe children , father
and mother. The fattier and .mother are
bard workers , but cannot lind employ
ment , and the little ones are guttering.
The father is a cripple , but is capable of
doing some work , and does hard work
when ho can got it.
The Lineoln correspondent of the Brji :
yesterday gave an account of the him t
being made for a too muchly married
man named George E. Goodwater. The
records of this county show that a man
was married here Feb. 27. 1883. to Clar.v
Frcderickfon. The parlies wore regis-
tcrml as being twenty-one years of ago ,
and from Pleasant township. Ivx-M-iyor
Vaughan , then justice of the peace , performed -
formed the ceremony. It now appears
that the fellow loved not wisely , but two
or three as well.
Ono of the greatest features of beauty
on Oakland avenue is the removal of the
fences and the establishing of open park
ing. In some cases the woods arc allowed
to prow up a little too rank in front of
unimproved lots , and these should bo
done away with. Aside from this the
avenue is indeed a beautiful one , and
those in other parts of the city who are
hesitating about the advisability of re
moving the unseemly fences , should look
at Oakland avenue , for looking will con
vince any of the fact that the fences
should go.
Fine pasture , plenty of water and good
attention for 300 head of stook about five
miles north of Hroadway and Main street.
Inquire of L. P. Judbon , No. 029 Sixth
nvumio. or Charles Palmer at pasture on
lima kiln road.
Always buy youi moats at Star Market ,
No. U01 Hroadway , and get the best.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Ijlvely Coon Hunt.
The police have been on the hunt for
two colored men , who were suspected of
being concerned in the recent burglaries
hero. An attempt was made the other
night to butglari/.o the K. C. house , kept
by Mr. Gibson , but the fellows wore soon
and fled. They were traeked down the
railway track , andOfllcorO'Hrlon , learning -
ing the direction they had taken , started
in pursuit. About twelve miles south of
the city , near Ur Wall's place , ho came
up to thorn on the railway track , and
called on them to surrender. They did
BO apparently willingly , and the officer
was thrown off his guard by the evido"t
ease with which the was made. Ho
started to got out Ids shackles to place on
the wrists of the follows , when the tailor
one of the two , standing behind the
other , pulled a icvolvcr and aiming over
his companion's shoulder , tried to shoot
O'Hrien. The weapon missed lire , and
the otllccr pulling out his gun , attempted
to tire it , but it mihsed too. Then the
colored men started to run , one of them
tiring at the olllcor , who by this tiimi had
got action with his revolver , and as ho
chafed thorn ho fired four shots. The follows -
lows weto running for the thick brush
alongside of thu track and one of thorn
foil as if hit , but crumbled up and got
in the dense thicket with his comrade.
Itoth men succeeded in getting away , the
brush being so thick that they could not
bo soon any distance at all. Tim farmers
in that vicinity turned out on masao and
tried to find the fellows. Dr. Wall loft
Jiia wheat field. Mr , Hoylo his threshing ,
nnd others in llko manner quit important
work in the fields , and quite ti crowd
joined in the hunt , which proved in vain.
A telegram was received yesterday
nioiuing that ono of the follows had boon
captured near Pacillo Junction , and Chief
Matthews wont down there after him ,
J J. Stoltor , 605 Upper Hroadway , will
not bo undersold , General storo.
Mrs. J. W. Warmnth , of Mont-
pomory county , N , Y , . is in the city visit-
fog the family of her brother , Mr , T. A.
CJork ,
See that your books are mudo by More-
house As Co. , Room 1 , Everett block ,
Try It Host Cream Soda in the city 5o
pur glass at Palmer's , No. 13 Main st.
The Republicans Ecnominato Him For Oon-
grets and Bnild a Platform ,
Thr ImproxMiicntR IlclMjjMncle tu tlio
Ccmolcry A Mtitulny Sclmol
hvlicmo l-'or the JllufTij
Notes Around Town.
I /y in nn Ii'or
The republican congressional conven
tion yesterday was in ono respect a tame
tffair , in others very enthusiastic. It was
conceded that the result would bo the
unanimous rcnomination of Major Ly-
man , and Mich proved to bo the fact.
Not a ballot was taken , and no other
nnmt ! ever hinted. It was a foregone
conclusion , bill while the convention
lacked the interest which ari-cs from a
contest , it , novel tliclcss , very cnthu-
sla'-tie , much more so than most conven
tions whose result is so clearly foreseen.
Colonel Sapp called the convention to
order. Judge Tnbbs , of Mills county ,
was then "elected as temporary chair
man , hut he was excused on account of
temporary illness. Colonel Stockeit , of
Harrison county , was then selected. Mr.
Davis , of Shelby , and C. L. Hyde , of
Harrison , were chosen secretaries.
Committees were then chosen as fol
lows :
Credentials J. II. Forman , J. A. Nash ,
\V. J. King , \V. W. Hi/or. S. L. Winters ,
Chris Mnnsingcr , S. M. Main , K. A. Con-
siguey , C. R. Benedict.
1'ermancnt Organl/ation John Smull ,
C. 11. Russell , S. M. \ \ ilson , ( Jeo.V. .
Lowe ) > , II. II. Bouncy , C. G. ( Srecnwood ,
J. E. Wheeler , C. M. Hurl , C. M. Rob-
While the committees were out the at
tention of the convention was called to
the resolutions pas ed by the Knights of
Labor in their convention at Atlantic on
June'J7. Mr. A. G. Blown , of Missouri
Valley , represented the knights , and in
an earnest speech in behalt'of labor ap
pealed for the co-opor.ition of the repub
lican party in securing such legislation
as would aid thu purposes set forth in the
resolutions , which were read. The
points most important in the i evolutions
we 10 :
\Ycdeniiindthe resoiatlou oi the pub
lic Units for iiL'tu.d sett lets only , and all
lands owned In imlhidimls anil eornur.itlons
In excess ot H < 0 acie-t , not under cultivation ,
shall be t.ixetlto the lull v.Uuo of cultivated
Iniuisoi like vhniacter.
U. We demiuul tlie immediate forfeiture of
all lands now muter grant to corporations 01
ImlhldtuK the conditions of uhlch lm\c
not been cointilieil with.
: t. We demand that on and after WM the
iovciaiaent shall obtain possession bypm-
eh.isu at an appraised \ahiatlon ot all funds
legally held by nuu-iesident aliens ; and
fioin andnfler the . \eir Ihbil aliens shall he
inohiblted fioin acquiting title to or owning
lands within the United States ot Aiiii'iic.i :
and that all Ueeds by eiti/eus of the United
States to aliens alter s.ild last mentioned
( Into , shall bo null and void , ami lauds so
deeded shall revert to tlio government.
Wo fuilhei demand that sumo measure
bo enacted looking eithei to the quieting ot
tlio titles of tlio Des -Hollies il\er lands In
( incstion to the settlois , 01 a full icimburse-
iiient to the settlers foi their lands and im
We ask lor the abolition ot the contract
sj.stem on national works.
We ask toi the establishment of a national
monutaiv , Hjutum In which a cticulating me
dium in ueeessaiy quantity shall issue to the
people \\ithoiit tiie intervention ot banks ;
that all national issue shall ba full legal
tcntliu In uavnioiit ot all debts , public and
private ; and that the go\ eminent shall not
guarantee or iocoui/e any pi hate banks , or
cieate any banking eoniointluns.
Wo ask the volume ot money in circu
lation Khali bo adequate to meet the demand ; ,
ofinei easing population , and the just re
quirements of trade.
We usk foi the establishment of public loan
oltlces tluough which the govcrmaont will
loan money to the people on good seem ity ,
at theiateot inteiest not to exceed ! ! per
centum pel annum.
We ask that inteiest benilng bonds , bills of
ciedlt , or notes shall novei be issued by the
government , bat , that when necessity aiisos ,
the emergency shall be met by issue of legal-
tender , non-luteiest Iteming money.
Wo ask that the impoitatioii ol foreign
labor under contract be at once abolished by
law , and such lans enfoiced.
VYoaskthiit in connection with the post-
ofllce system , thogoveinmont shall orgiint/e
( iimnrlal exchanges , sate deposits and tnclll-
ty for deposit ot the savings of the people in
small sums.
We ask that the government shall obtain
possession by pinch.'ise , under rl ht of cial-
neut domain , of all telegraphs , telephones
and lalhoads , ami that ter no ch.utcr
or license be issued to any corporation for
construction or operation of any means of
transposing Intelligence , passengers or
The committee reported the delegates
entitled to seats and the temporary organ
ization was made the permanent one.
A special committee was selected to con
sider the request of the Knights of Labor
and to pioparo resolutions. Tlio com
mittee consisted of John A. Story , J. A.
Nash , U II. Scott. K.V. \ . Wicks , D. L.
Canlield , W. S. Lewis , W. A. Harding ,
C. M. Harl , C. M. Kobbins.
Adjournment was then taken unti 1
afternoon , and on reassembling Mr. C.
M. Carl , of this eity , road the report of
the committee on i evolutions , which
called forth many rounds of applause
during the reading and at Its finish. The
resolutions wore adopted with thrco
cheers. They wore as follows :
The lepublicaus of the Ninth concessional
dlsti let of the state ot Iowa. In convention
assembled , do dcclnro their allegiance to ,
nml realllrm those principles that brought
Into existence and made it noccssaiy to have
a gloat republican paity , and those princi
ples which now exist and llnd expression
only in the platforms and measures of that
party , bcllu\liiK that thereby thu highest
national prosperity and good go\ eminent
will be sectiroii to all.
\Volnsistupon having such revenue laws
as will encourage American industries and
piotect American labor , In onlur that the
woikingnmii of the nation shall rcuolvo ade
quate. wiigcs toi his nay's work , and as will
tend to 11 x permanently his employment.
Wo demand that the ampins ot funds in
the treasury of the nation be at once applied
In the payment of the Inteiest bearing debt
ot the nation now due or payable.
Wo believe that It would bu to the best In
terest of all the people it another number ho
added to the national cabinet and a new de-
bo created embracing and comprising the
labor and agricultural Inteicsts oi the people.
declaring taut wo to-day are enjolug tm !
grant benefits of a preset ml Union \\lthout
an equal among till the nations ot tlio e.utli ,
and that history gives no recoid of a nation ,
whose citizens aio endorsed mid granted the
privileges and benelits wo enjoy in this.
Wo acknowledge that for these things we
are Indebted to thogaUantmcnvvhos.icrhlced
their health , their home- , , their all , that the
nation might be preserved.
That among us to-day there are a number
of these men to whom wo ovvo so much , and
who deserve liiiRiieial lecognlllon at the
hands of onr government , that they nro prevented -
vented fiom iccelv lii'r that pay they so richly
eaineil by the exercise of the veto poner , by
the president , Orover S. Cleveland , whoso
action we denounce and condemn as being
brutal and \oid of that patiiotlo feeling that
should be found In iho lic.ut of every lover of
the Union.
We recognize the right and duty of labor to
organize ) fur the protection and promotion of
Us own Interest , and wo congratulate organ
ized intelligent labor ( w hicli U the chief cor
ner stone oi both the permanence and pros
perity of our nation ) In having taken thn so
lution of Its questions of vital Intercfti , not
only to every vvorkliipmin but to every citi
zen. As representatives of the republican
party which was brought Into existence as
the icsultof opposition to the degradation of
labor through the Institution of slavery , we
heai lily endorse and support every effort of
organized labor to secure elevation and pros
perity of our people.
W denounce and oppose monopoly f
cvcrvklnd iud nature , and coidlnlty Ciidnr-e
every proposition looking toward its aboil-
We favorthcrc 'irvatlonof ' lands for nctnal
settlers only and aie cordially In favor of
such sv stem of nsHment and taxation us
shall compel lands held unproductive lor
speculative inn poses to beat their Just pio-
portion of the nubile bimk'tis and theieby le-
( loving unjust taxation of the c whoaic add
ing to the nubile wealth of the jieople ,
We are hcaitlly In favoi of the forfeltine
of all unearned giants ot the public latuK
Wo ai0111 favor nf prohibiting aliens hold
ing lands , and me In favor ( if the just acqui
sition of the tllle of such lands as are held
bj tlio general government for actual settle
ment , with the iiualliicatlon that any person
having In good faith taken up his lesldeiico
here anil declaied his Intention of becoming
an American cltl/en shall not bo included in
such piohibltlon ,
Wnatcln favorof granting the title of the
DCSMolliesilvet ; lands to the actual settlers ,
ami If that shall again he defeated h > demo
cratic presidential vetoes at the dictation of
eastern coiporatlons , vveaio In favor of fully
eoiupei'atiii4 : sild settlers. We denounce
the veto of the Des Mollies liver lauds blllby
I'le-lileut Cleveland , and the democratic
house of leptesuntatives In Hiistilning said
veto , nnd we conpiatulate the Knights of
Labor of thlsdlstrlet that we present to them
n snndldate foi oongicss who voted foi Iho
Des Mollies ilvei lands hill and also voted to
] > a B It ovei 1'ieiident CL'V eland's veto.
We are opposed to contract prison laboi , as
aqtiattei ol a lenturj ago we oppoicd slave
labor.o Industilatwcin will meet with
our lav oi that does not give to the laborer a
loir da > 's wages lor a full day's vvoilc.
We conpintiilate the people on the fact that
thiough thi'cllortsof the lepublican party
the greenback doll.u vvhleh the laboier re
ceives is woitli a dollai , and has a dollars
purchasing povvei vvheievei used.
We aie In favor of a sulllulent volume ot !
clrciilatlm ; medium for the utcs of com-
nii'iccnnil business , and wo denounce and
optin-oanv and all legislation of financial or sj tems whereby the circulating
medium ( the life-blond ( it the nation ) or the
piol.its ( ofits people ean he contiolled by
any ling , clique or corporation , banking or
otlieivvl-e ami we denounce n system of ad-
ministiation ( as now exists ) wherein the
tieasiuj depaitment of the nation is under
the dliectlon of Wall stieet.
We lax 01 postal sax Inns bulks under eon-
tiol of the gcneial government.
We aie eatnestly in favor ol such legisla
tion as shall dt'stioy inonopolyof ever } kind ,
that , that shall guarantee to the people trans-
imitation ot intelligence , passcngeis and
11 eight , without extortion anil at actual cost ,
with only : i fair and icasonable interest on
the money actually InvoUel , and if Unit IM
found Impractlcil , then that all these gieat
public Intrit'sts as nillway , tcleiriaph ami
commercial sv stems , bo nuclei thecontiol ol
tin1 gcneial government , on such terms and
conditions as shall be just and cquiUblc.
We insist the Hist duty ( it to\eminent
is to advance the inteiesls of the people and
all legislation shouM bo dhected to that end.
Wo congtatulatc the xvorUiigmcn on
frowning down all attempts at anarchy and
standing to day as In the past , the steadfast
dutendants and exponents ot American in
telligence , patilotism and manhood.
Wo cordially the1 record of Major as the reptesentattveof this distnet ,
In Ids steadfast devotion to the Interests ot
the people , aud in his cm nest efforts to secine
to his companions in aims and their widows
and orphans , diieicco nitionof thcli patriot
ism and set vices , and we iccoznl/o In him a
representative of tlio spirit aud mteiests ot
our people.
Mr. Weeks of Gnthric , then moved
that Major Joseph Lyman bo declared
the nominee for congress by acclama
tion , This was cairicd vyitti like enthus
iasm , and three cheers given for the nom
inee. Then followed a love feast in
whioh a number of short enthusiastic
speeches were made.
The following central committee was
chosen : W. F. Sapp of I'ottawattamio ,
chairman ; I. II. Twombley of Aclair ,
Cha.s. Van Got dor of Atidubon. U. 11.
Scott of Cass , W. B Moulton of Guthrie ,
J. W. Stoddard of Harrison , M. H. By-
ers of Glcnwood , O. P. Worsloy of Mont
gomery , \V. J. Davis of Shelby.
A Cliautuufuii | Scheme.
Rev. Mr. Van Orsdell , pastor ot the
Baptist church nt Ottawa , Kan. , is in
the city spending a few days of his sum
mer vacation. He is largely interested in
Sunday school assemblies. A few years
ago such an assembly was organized at
Ottawa , and it is now proposed to effect
a similar organization hero. There arc
in the United States eighteen such an
nual assemblies , and it is desired that
another should be established in Council
Bluffs and ono at Davenport. The plan
adopted at Ottawa and other places has
proved so successful that it is the one
proposed here. A duly incorporated or
ganization is formed , with a capital stock
of $80,000. The shares are S5 each , but
only ijl is paid in on each shaio , the rest
to bo called in as necessity requires.
Tims far theie lias been no necessity lor
making any assessments beyond the orig
inal $1 on each share. In older that it
m a j' not bo a monoy-mukine scheme no
dividends arc declined , but whatever
surplus there may bo is used for further
ing the interests of tlio assembly. The
assembly holds for two weeks each sum
mer. A tabernacle is erected and other
conveniences provided , and the very best
instructors and lecturers secured. Men
of national reputation are engaged , and
dining the two weeks every afternoon
and evening there arc entertainments
nnd lectures , concerts , etc. All topics
nro embraced , and the culture offered is
in music , literature , science and philoso
phy. The most remarkable success has
attended the enterprise. The terms are
placed within the reach of all , only 25
cents a day being charged for tickets , or
sfl.50 for the season. Many of the lec
tures and cntcitainmcnts are by
men whom it would cost 70
cents or $1 to hoar under ordinary
circumstances. The fact that thousands
crowd in where otherwise there would be
but hundiods. is the secret of thollnanelal
success , which enables the organization
to secure such talented persons , Besides
the gatherings , which are of general pub
lic inteiest , t1 ro are also classes organ
ized for instruction , and a regular course
of study , these passing the examination
receiving suit bio diplomas certifying to
that fact. The plan is not experimental ,
having boon tried and proved successful
olsowhoro. Tlio peculiar location of
Council Bluffs has caused tlds point to bo
looked upon as one peculiarly favorable
for such an assembly. So many railways
center here , that It could bo easily
reached. At Ottawa , Kas. , there have
been 40,000 people , drawn in from the sur
rounding country to attend the assembly
there Ills a great thing for the eity and
for the railways. The railways there
built the original tabernaolo for the assem
bly , and have eonfibuted liberally since.
Thorn has been realised there n surplus
of $10,000 , over and above nil expenses ,
so that there is an abundant fund , for
securing still greater attractions. Besides
the financial advantage to a city having
such an assembly , there Is the still greater
advantage of the moral and intellectual
influence which emanates from such an
ontoruriso. Council Bluffs has the most
beautiful glens and bluffs , natural nmpli-
theaters , and pleasant tenting places ,
with Us railway advantages , it seems
that such an enterprise could bo made an
even gieater success horn than in almost
any other place in the west.
A conference xvas held last evening at
the pavilion , and the matter was talked
oyor informally. It will doubtless result
in the organisation of an association for
pushing for ward the enterprise , so that
aiuther season such nn assembly can beheld
held hero. The opening one might not
bo so great a success as these later , but
it seems from the very start that it is
Fruits , Confectionery and Cigars , best
in the market alwuxs in stock. Frank
\Vitherell , 221 Broadway.
First-class tin work , roofing , etc. , a
upccialty at Cooper & MeGco'u.
Improving tlic Icineln-y.
The Bufc mm t > A a dnv. ) thro igah o
cemetery yoUerday ami notie'od tlio lin-
pro\.cmcnls In progress and the beautify
ing process which is goinpon more mark -
odtv than over now that.tho grounds are
supplied with water. Those' who have
lots can now secure the needed water
supply easily , instead of having to bring
il fiom homo by the jugful , or beg a lit
tle from some of the neighboring wells
As a result the grass and the flowers are
given the needed moisture , nnd the hit-
owners seem to bo taking more pride in
keeping up the appearance of the place.
U here are too in uiy neglected lots ,
though , even with tiio additional con
vonicnce. Some are owned by residents
of tliis city , and for thom tlure scorns no
reasonable excuse It costs little time or
money to have the sod kept closely
clipped , and the foliage trimmed. Many
of the neglected lots are owned by non
residents , and it seems that most of those
could make some arrangement with the
sexton , or othur party huro , to look after
their hits , and keep them mown and cared
for during tht-lr absence. A trifling sum ,
placed in the hands of the sexton , or some
jiorson here , would cause the lots to bo
c.tred for properly Nothing seonis more
heartless than a cemetery lot , whore rest
the remains of these who once dear , ne
glected , grown up to weeds , as though
those gone before had boon entirely for
gotten , The neglected lots do much to
destroy the bounty of the cemetery as a
whole , and the cause of complaint should
quickly ho done away with.
The cemetery association has recently
added to the grounds by the purchase of
lots extending clear to iho street on the
Oakland avenue side. This strip is to Do
made into a beautiful entrainv to the
grounds , and will not bo divided Into
lots. The land purchased some time ago
on the other side of tlio cemetery is being
cleared up , and some of it will bo soon
laid oil'into lots , There is now in the
uunmtery about fifty acres , and it cer
tainly is as beautiful a site as could bo
cho en. The scenery is wonderful , and
with slight improvements it can bo made
one of thu most beautiful cemeteries in
the west. The roadway being opened
along tlio ridge of ho bluff to the line of
the new part of the cemetery affords
some of the finest views of the city and
surrounding country of any to be had
hero. One point in particular presents a
better view Of the city and of the river ,
with Omaha on the other shoie. than any
one point in Fairmonnt Park oven. At
this point it is proposed to lay oil a lot for
the vcteians. and the Grand Army of the
Republic will plant their cannon at the
corners and otherwise adorn it. The
work of clearing up the hitherto unused
portions of the cemetery is going on
daily , and now roads and other improve
ments will be made so fast as practicable.
Highest prices paid for county , town" ,
city and school bonds. . Odell Bios. &
Co. , No. 10j ; Pearl street Council Blufls ,
Iowa. ' , the jeweler , has removed to
02 ! ) Bioadway , Singer oiljeo.
Person ill
A. H. Thoruoll , now district attorney ,
nnd scon lo bo district iiidge , was in the
city yesterday. . _
II. Friedman has returned from a tiip
oust , dtiriiur which limb IIP had a pleas
ant visit with relatives in Cleveland.
Postmaster Cramer , of Avoca , was in
the city yesterday.
Mayor Itiley Clark , ot Neola , visiteil
the Blullh yesterday. ,
W. Cr. Moore , the Silvci1 City druggist ,
was among these visible hero yesterday.
U. G. Phelps , of Atlantic , was among
the visitors to the city yesterday.
A earcle = s nurse cannot poison a. chilu
with Red Star Cough Cure. No opiates.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J W. & E. li. Squires , No
101 Pearl street , Councl lilntFs.
Stenographer and typewriter. O. Mun-
spn , with M. F. Rorhcr , over C. 1J. Na
tional bank.
A Cort'PCtfon.
COUNCIL BLLTFS , la. , July 28. [ To the
Kditor of the BEE. ] Under the head of
" Deal" has article
"I3ig 3 our reporter an
that is incorrect. We have a lease for the
J. J. Brown building , corner Fouiteenth
and Douglas streets , and shall occupy it
with u wholesale rubber goods business ,
except about seventy feet of the ground
floor fronting on Douglas stieet , which
wo sublet to the clothing company JIB
stated. Please make the correction.
Yours truly , J. S. LIND&KY & Co.
Go to the Now York Plumbing coin-
puny for garden hoso. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
Yes , Sick all Over !
Liver torpid , bowels co tlvo , blood sliisslsh ,
stomnsliirak and full , your rtlgojtlon Is Im
paired mvl the orsniiB Inactive , jour percep
tions nio dull itndstupellod , jour tompoi I iltn-
blo cind peevish , > on mo unlit for bublnoss or
companionship. jou need is lo
"T luxvo used mnnv lomoclles for djopcpsla ,
Hvor ulfccllon nn I dolilllt ) , but novur iinvo
found mithli > K tu bi'iiullt to ti.o oMeiit Unit
Hlnimoiifl Uvui Ilotfiiliitor has 1 sent fioin
Minnesota to Goorula tor tlio lumedy and would
hiivo c-ent furlhor for such n modlclnu. I would
uilvl-io all who mo similarly affected to ffivo It u
tilcil us It beoins the only thins that re/or fnlls
toiollevo. " I' . M. JAMUV : , Minneapolis Minn.
Special advurtlEomcnts , tuch 111 l < est , TounJ
To Loan , Tor B'Uu , To Itonl , Wants , lloaidlnpr ,
etc. , will bolnsortocl lu till' column at the low
ratoofTKNCKNTO PKIt WXC'foi ilio llm insor
tlonund rive Cents I'oi Wno lor each eubgoijuont
Insoitloii , Lcuvo aiheitlJtMiiPhts ut our olllco
No. 12 1'onl street , near Uroitdwny , Council
LOST- Ilroudwny , MoliPilvoui en etrcoc. u
laili'btiuld pin. Suitable i owmaimldllnacr
ut US lourth blroot
ITUATIO ! ? WANTED'Hy brtwd , cnKo"nm )
S pastry baKvr. tJnUcr tuiilB ! Ice cream ,
\\oiiMuuyoutor rent bakery in tame lively
town Te inpuiulo mid elrulo Address 8. Sto-
iihon , liukor , "M Jlynstcr btrect , Council Ululfs ,
l ouu
FOIt UKNT-Thrco unfurnlbhcd room , No
-17 Uroudwnjr ,
T71UU BAI/f : Oil HKNT-Coal Bliods , Btu'os. ' and
L' iluclllna house , No , b."J blith uvouuo U.
VTTANTKD-An assistant cook ut the Osdeu
t House.
T7\OU BALK-Old papers. In .quantities to guit ,
J at Moo ollloo No. U J'carl stroq .
All Vlnds of beddlne plants for sain.
tbNorLU of L U , VVU'laius' ' icsldouco.
The Globe Coffee Company of Cincin
nati have rented the etovo No. 401 Hroad
way , and have opened it as a branch nf
their main store in Cincinnati , lit order
to introduce their goods this company
pack for tiftcen dajs a souvenir in every
can of tea or coffee sold , such as solid
gold , silver nnd niekcl watehes , genuine
diamond , ruby , saphire , emeialu , pearl
and torqnois jeweliy in solidgold settings ,
also money anil many other aitieles of
value. Every can contains a Miuvunlr
The coffee can and contents weighs about
three pounds , and the tea can nnd con
tents weighs about one anil one-half
pounds. This cxucnslvo and novel
method of advertising will bo discon
tinued after fifteen days and the goods
placed on sale on their merits at the same
price , the same quantity anil quality , but
without the souvenir. Among the fortu
nate purchaser * BO far are T. S Smith ,
A\oea , Iowa , sent $10 by mail for thir
teen cans of tea and coffee , found a lady's
genuine diamond ruby and sapphire ting ,
solid gold setting in ono can and ten sil
ver dollars in another Martin Hawkins ,
farmer near Omaha mailed $00 for
twenty-seven cans of coffee , in ono can
ho found fifty silver dollars , a sot of gen
uine solitaire car-drops , set in solid gold.
Mrs. Mary O'Hrien , Plattsmoutb , Ne
braska , sent ? 10 by express for ten cans
of in onucan a hundred dollar- ,
in silver and In two ottiois five dollars
eaeh. Many other orders received by
mail got valuable pri/e.s , such as the
above. Ex-Sheriff Guittar , 110 South
Eighth street , got a solid gold ring in
cotlec. Daisy Hess , 682 Pierce struct , also
got a solid gold ring in cotlee. Miss
Madge Walker , 705 Sixth avenue solid
gold ring. W. 11. White , 714 M > iiHur
direct , found a solid gold ring in tea. II.
Vandetbolt , 208 Henton street , diamond
collar button , J. H Stnphenson , 8)0 ! )
Fourth street , diamond collar button and
lady's j-olid gold watch. S. W. Harper ,
Hroadway house , found a genuine
diamond ring in coffee. H. Van-
dctbolt , 20 Itenton sticct , found a
solid gold watch Jennie Vollialhadver
tiser with the Nonpareil , got a diamond
ling in a can of collee. D. Holts , porter
nt the Ogden house , stem-wind and -tcm-
setting : watch. A Hanson , lull , Tenth
street , diamond collar button. Airs.
JNcrby found a solid gold ring in a can of
tea. J. Howe , saloon and hotel keeper ,
found a genuine dlamocd ring in tea.
Gco Thomas , stock dealer near
Omaha , ordered thirteen cans of tea
and coffee for $10 by mail and found
a gent's gold hunting-case full
jeweled Elgin watch in ono can and
a set of genuine solitaire diamond
car-drops in another. Sam Thompson ,
porter on Pullman car. sent by letter $ r
for 0 cans and found a lady's ' diamond
ruby and pearl lace pin in one and live
? 20 gold pieces in another. Mrs. M. C.
Smith , farmer near HafitingH , sent $20
for twenty-seven cans and got twenty
silver dollars in one , a beautiful solitaire
diamond shirt stud in another , also a
a lady' . * chalolam watch in another. Mr.
Gabo Kccfo , stock ranch near North
Platte , sent $10 for thiiteen cans and
found two nickln stem-wind watches and
three lady's solid gold watches in his pur
chase. Over twenty other valuable prizes
also went out by express on eiders re
ceived by mail , which arc always selected
by disinterested parties. Ab a matter of
course e.very purchaser is not favoicd by
Dame Fortune in getting a valuable pri/.e ,
yet many do. Air. J. N. Johnson , en
gineer Rock Island road , got a genuine
diamond ring. L. Tamasira , restaurant ,
400 Broadway , found a diamond ling in
coffee. Ethel Good , 29 Main street cot a
solid gold ring in tea. Mrs. Trusscr. 006
Avenue G , solid gold ring in coffee. Chus.
Dannan , brakeman , found a $20 cold piece
in a can of coflco. AV. H. Beck ,
saloon-keeper 340 Broadway , found
n diamond btud in a ran of tea.
County Clerk Shoa lound a diamond
mend ring in a can of coffee. T. A.
Clark , locating engineer of the Union
Pacific , found a genuine diamond ring in
colfcc J. M. Shea , deputy county clerk ,
found a genuine diamond collar button
in tea. Sheriff Reel found a genuine diamond
mend stud in tea. Miss Rosey Uiof , 221
Ninth avenue , found a diamond collar
button in a can of tea. Miss. W. H. May ,
H20 Franklin.istreet got a solid cold ring.
E. P. Fitch , Council HluffH Insurance Co. ,
found diamond collar button. Officer
lies wick , got a diamond collar button albo
inn can ot tea. Miss Emma Huttcrfield ,
150 Harrison street , got a gold ling. Dr.
Cook , 81 N , Main street , got a genuine
diamond collar button. C. II. llannan ,
cashier Citizens' National hank , found a
genuine solitaire diamond ring , solid
gold setting , in a can of coffee. Lulu
Hazard , First nvenuo , solid gold nng.
Miss May Riasky , 144. Broadway , gbt n
solid gold ring in r > can of coffee. H.
Smith , 130 Maiu street , found u solitaire
diamond ring in codec. M. P. Hanson ,
415 Broadway , got a diamond collar hutton -
ton , solid gold setting. A. W. Rickman ,
teller Citizens' bank , found a genuine
diamond ring , solid gold setting , in tea.
C. C. Wise , t > 08 Avenue A , bridge con
tractor , found a dlnnfond collar Button.
G. U. Brown , eoal merchant , found a
genuine diamond ring in a can of
coflco. B. M. Sargent , 11B Broad
way , found a stem-winding and
stem-setting watch in a can of coffee.
Miss Maggie Miroll , 1BO Broadway , got a
gold ring in a can of tea. Mr.s. M. J.
Wilson , 1510 Uth avenue , found a lady's
chatelam watch in a can of coffee. Mr.
E. Johnwjn also found a stem-winding
and stem-sotting watoh in a can of coll'eo.
Dolly Burslmw , 215 Broadway , found a
soliof gold ling in a can of collco. Prof.
H. A. Ballinger , principal of the high
hchool found a gold ring in coffee. A.
M Wier , 314 Avenue li , found a solid gold
ring in tea. A. Rink , saloon keeper , 227
Main streetfound a stem-wind and stem-
set watch in coffee. Lydd Goss , 808 Third
street , found a gold ring in cofteo. W.
H. Allurd , 220 Ninth avenue , solid gold
ring , A. Rink , saloon keeper , 227 Main
sticct , found a lady's gold watch in a can
of coffeo. J , Blanco , 711 Broadway , found
a diamond stud in tea , Geo. Chrlss , waiter
at the BcchtblohouEo.fnund astern-.sctnnd
stem wind watch. Oscar Sadowski , 1808
Third avenue , solid gold ring. J. R.
Dotrick , foreman of the Globe found n
chatolain watoh In coffeo.
Oidors by mail which ar selected by
( Uninterested parties nro forwarded
promptly to all parts of the United States
nn receipt of cash or poatollico order.
Terms , single can $1 , six for ? 5. thirteen
for $10 and twenty-seven for $20. Ad
dress Globe Coffee Co. , No. 404 Broad
way , Council Blnfl'H , Iowa.
Wigs Made to Order.
Creston House ,
Tnc only hotel la Council
Esoa/p ©
.And nil modern l
216 , 217 aud 219Multi bt.
MAX WOHN , Prop ,
Dealers in Milch Cows.
| H At Out Stock lards
No 01)2 ) nnd 000 E. Broiulwuy.Council U IT
llrick building- any kind raised or moved nnd satisfiu-iion guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on LitHo Qlnut trucks , best in the world ,
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth StieotCoun51 lllun"- .
Price paid in casli for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DROHLIOH , 608 Broadway.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs
Farming- lands in Iowa. Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranirinir
from $1.25 ( o f 12 per acre. School and state lands In Minnesota on JIO years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , irivon by
P.I' . Lanstrup , No. 055 Hroadway , Council IlliiiTn. rnwn.
Desirous of purchasing material for bath
ing suits , should see our new and ele
gant nssoitment of goods especially
adapted for line and pretty bathingsuits.
401 Uroadway , Council Uluffs
Are boiug olosocl out by us at remaika-
bl6 low figuios. Wo have them in beau
tiful shades , colors , etc , and have put
suoh prices on them that will dispose of
thom rapidly , as we WILL NOT parry
any over to next season.
ILAltKNESS ItllOfl. ,
401 Broadway , Council Hind's.
Now in stook are being disposed of at
low prices to clear our shelves of same
before receiving our fall .stock , which
will shortly ni rive.
401 Hro.idway , Council Ulutl's.
Of the choicest style , design and quality ,
just purchased by us at a bargain and
we arc selling them nt retail at whole
sale prices. See them and you will buy.
HARKNEfiS liltOS , ,
401 Broadway , Council Blufls.
For summer wear are being disposed of
cheap , nnd must shorcly bo taken off our
shelves to bo replaced with goods for fall
wear. Summer dress goods can bo pur
chased cheap now by all who will call on
JlAliltNESS JiJtOS. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
For ollices Now invoice just received and
latent patterns guaranteed. All btyles ,
and pilccib satisfactory to everybody.
401 Droiulwuy , Council ISlufl's ,
Of the very Infest designs , patterns and
quality for tlio coming hca on , are being
now introduced by us. Pick ono out now
before the line Is broken.
Harloiess Bros , ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Lcclgur , Journal * , Count ) ' nml
Hank Work of nil KlmU a Spec-
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room I , Everett Block ,
Standard Papers Used All st } Icfa of bind
ing inlugunctvmd : !
R. L.
1 N. Jfa in St. , Council Bluffs , la. , mid
SO ! ) S. St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Nob.
Maiuifnc-tnior's Ajront for llio
, . . Slate. Man- .
tics , Plato aiKrWiinlovv GlassShqw -
Cascs , Elevators , ( hand and liy-
dranlie , ) &c.
An excellent educational InMllutlon , furnish
edMlth all the modern Improvements , conducted - <
ducted by the SIS I'lMtS OK CHAIUT V , II. V. M.
Tor term niontli8SS. / " -
TV nn begin tlrst .Monday In September nnd
HistMondaj In 1'obmniy. for catalogues ad-
< lrcs3 SISTnit SDl'UIUOK ,
St. Troncls Acndomy.Council DliuTs , lown.
Ilmvo n quantity of sound , well clonuo.1 scod
which 1 ortcr lit ictLsoimblo llgurca.
. ILICE , M. B. ,
' -1 OtllOl TUIUOTJ ICIllOVCdltllOU
the Knlto or drawing ofbloort.
Chronic Diseases or < ui kinds
O\cr thirty > oirs' iniicticitl experience.
No 11 PciulSt. . Council iiiuiig.
Consultation free.
Justice of the Peace.
Ofllco Over American Express Comonnr.
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
2U Main St. , Council IHuiTs.
ooxj3srorri sr/cjinms
Practices in the State nnd I'Vcloral courts
Hooins 7 and S , Shugart Illoclc.
Horses and Mules
for nil puiposbs. honght und sold , nt retail anil
in lulfl. Luigo nuuntlttu3 to ti.loti from
Several pull a of mio drh ore , blnirlo or double.
Council lllufls Q
Star Sale Stables and Mule Hards ,
Oppoelto Dummy llopot.
r' * ' ' . T , ,
' SttffilAr vRffi
Horses und Muloi Lopt constantly on bund
for tale nt retail or In cur loads.
Orders pruuultlr tllio 1 by contract onshoil
notice. btocU Bold on commltiluu.
KIII.UTIUt Si BOU'.V , 1'ropriet'jri
Tci ; > hi > i i No. 111.
Koiinuiiy or Kir.ii ij.-vi.i : STAUI.UU , iotu
till ntv.unJ itu tlrecu