THE OMAHA DAILY BEE _ : . THURSDAY. DULY 120. 1886. T t AP i pTntun T IP IMITIITPPP LANCASTERS BIG HNANCES , The Oounty Treasurer's Report Shows a deary Balance on Hand , HOW BUSSOM MADE MONEY Ittit Dili Not Get t-'nr Ijnntidlt Axvaj- Heforc He Wns Arrested An Olnntia Compnnr Incor- porn tetl Notes. trnojt THE nsr/s t.ivroi.v npiiKtc.1 County Treasurer Kocke , of Lanc.i lrr county , has made his srini-aunual report. Tliit report show.s a gratifying state of financial allairs for the county ami that the finances are greater in receipt than the expenditure , which makes the red ink side of the ledger in favor of the ueople. The gross receipts of the ollieo fortho six months past aggregate a grand total of $ ! 11 ! ) , .73. Of this iOrj79 , 57 came from state funds , $ 11,57(5.87 ( on the general fund , $ l-ii7.10 ! ) : from the county sinking fund , fjO : , < J05.-10 from the district road fund , fl5.tMMB ! from tlio Lincoln city fund , and so on through the leaser items until the grand total i.s reached. Troiii the grand total of receipts there have been paid out , in warrants on the dillerent funds during the past six months , a grand total of $180,171.07 , leaving a balance in the hands ot the treasurer at the ti mo of making the state ment of $1:10,211.US : a ? county poeket mon- ev on hand and ready for disbursements. Of the different funds , the only two in which the receipts and disbursements are nearly equally balanced are the county road fund and the county bridge fund. Kut the Lincoln city fund is drawn out very closely , there being $10,00(1 ( uf the $15,000 in that expended during the cur rent six months. The funding bond fund is untouched , also the insane fund , and only a little more than pno-half of the county general fund receipts have been expended , making tlio treasurer's state ment a * a whole ono that shows a big fund left in the hands of the treasurer. inmost AMI ) II1S FINE WOllK. A.short time since Attorney J. C. John- bon purchased a lot on which was a new lione , nearly completed , the purchase being made of a man named Harry Hus- stun. An abstract was furnished , and lifter deducting the debts and liens against the property the purchaser paiil Ilusdoiu iv : ! " ) , and in addition to tlie ab stract took the fellow's allidavit that there were no more liens airaitist the 7 > roperty Uiissom took tlio money and three hours afterward , with his wife , was en route to Missouri. It wa.s not two dajs before two liens , one for lumber and one for plastering , were presented to Mr Johnson , and as the forty-day limit under the law for filing liens had not ex- pirc'I , tlie parties hohiing them gave no tice that they should hold him for pay ment. Without waiting to see how many more unp.iid claims Hnsoin had _ left over the property. Johnson obtained requisition papers from the governor , and learning that his man was at Ilanni- liat , Mo. , the ca e wa.s put in Detective 1'owel'n hands with a warrant issued from Justice Cochran , and a telegram was sent ordering lu | om'.s arrest , which was made. The otllcer expects to have his man hero by Friday. Mr. Johnson finds , on inquiry , that the same follow lias been disposing of mortgaged prop erty in this city previous to leaving , and that a number have been taken in on that deal , making the case look as though it would bo a very interesting ono for Mr. Harry Htissom when bo shall anpear again in Lincoln to answer for Ills acid in u court of justice. THE MAItlON nSTEKl'RISn COMPAJfY , of Omaha , have filed their articles of in corporation with the secretary of state. The articles recite that the place of busi ness of tlm corporation shall bo at Omaha , Neb , , the purpose of the organi zation to bo that of purchasing interests in United States letter patents on im proved cooking utensils and dealing in tlm same , and for the purctiaso and sale of stamped ware. The amount of capital stock shall bo ? .r)0,000 in shares of ? 25 each , to bo non-assessablo and to bo paid _ up in full nt the time of subscription. The time of commencement of tlm cor poration i.s .Julv 2 ! ! , 1886 , to continue until July 20 , 1001. The names subscribed to tho'articlcs are L. A. Kinney , II. II. Hal- lard , Samuel Heeso , Irving Allibon and Thomas V. Tnttle. TIIK I.ONO ItOU. or NOTARIES was augmented yesterday by twenty-six new commissions issued by tlio governor unit which the secretary .sealed , suscribed to and mailed to the uencliciarics. This last list comprises the following : L. O. Olcott , High , Custer county ; Eugene K. Van Olinda , Uedington , Cheyenne county ; Leroy Martin , Sidney ; A. t ) , Kbort , McCook ; L.V. . Kyestone , Chapman , Morrick county ; F. W. Kicli- unison , North Platte ; Sidney II. ( Jraves , Sliolton , Ilullalo county ; G.V. . Linger , Shellon ; William S. Atkinson. Kearney ; Albert Johnson , DawcsUitv ; P.V. . Mo- Cauloy , Fort Robinson ; \V. ( I. Pardao , Crawford , Dawcs county ; Thomas 1C. Sudborough. Omaha ; Thomas II. Wilde , Omaha ; William M. Harris , Omaha ; Sherwood H. Moss , Stockville ; George II. Vaughn , Curtis , Frontier county ; Alan- ford Hailoy , Kdson , Fnruas county ; San- sord F. Overtoil , Ininan , Holt county ; Edgar J. Moore , Sterling ; J. C. Leonard- on , Ogalalla ; K. J. Short. Ogalalla ; Wil liam U. Mullane , Ogalalla ; C. M. C. Woolman , Grant , Keith county ; John Vork , Delta. Otoo county ; Merwin Pugli , Tobias. UOXD3 UKGISTEUnn. The state auditor bus approved and registered the bonds of the city of Grand Island that wore brought to the olllce by Mayor John L. Means , of that city. These bonds are of two kinds , the lirstono being the | 8,000 , funding bonds of this city , which run twenty years at the rate of six per cent. The other set of bonds are in amount $5.000 , issued to complete the city waterworks , and known as water bonds , These aUo run for twenty years at the same rate of interest. THE < ; . A. it , EXCURSION' . The G. A. It , excursion over the llur- llngton ronto for California passed through Lincoln yesterday and consisted of four extra Pullman coaches attached to the regular Denver train , The excur sionists were few in number , and but few Vcrsons of prominence in Grand Army circles wore among the trustees. At this } > olnt Thomas Suwell joined the party , mid if others made the journey they failed to make themselves known , J. 0. lion- null , of Burlington , la.Capt. . Allen , of Omaha ; J. A , Mao Murnhy , of Sehiiylori Capt. L.D.Hennett , of PlatUmonth ; Mij. Davis , of Wahoo ; C. K. Hurmister , ol Omaha ; W. K. Hopewell , of Tokanmh , nml Past Department Commander Cap tain II. E. Palmer , were among the ex- rurslouists as they passed this point. NOTE * A11OUT TIIK CITY. Eugene Frj'i the young man that Mar- thai Beach chased through tlio city on n "John Gilpin ndo" some two weeks ago , was back in tlm city yesterday and was arraigned hi police court for fust driving , uto. , under the old charge , and lined twenty dollars and costs. After this , hv btoad of returning homo ho visited some of the saloons , and , as the ollicers state , had trouble with Tom Carr's bartondei und \yas ni rested again. A friend wen ( secur'ty for his appearance * and he will be given another trial. ' 1 no police court yesterday disposed o the cases of two violators of the healtl ordinance , and called Mr. Urockmoyei into court under the health IIKW Vlf III t. IIUVIUI | I1L ordinance fpi worniittln < : n nuisance on his premises wo plain druu ks f wore ' fined and twc ineii were fined n dollar cnch nml costs for nllowinj : their cows to run nt largo m tliu city , contrary to the ordinance gov erning ucli cn-cs. SIi" * rs. IlolVinnti nnil Towlc , of Chicago cage , arrived in Lincoln yosti-rtlnv on a . . _ trii to this city nml lo IOOK after tin1 suit well anil its prospects. These gentlemen arc of the Chicago linn contemplates a lease of the salt works here , anil who are satisfied that with the flow ot brine already discovered that ' they can manufacture'salt at the basin at a good profit. T. \ \ . Harvey , the t'hicagolumberman. ami the proprietor of Hit celebrated Tur lington stock farm , in Oloe county , is ut tlie capital city on a business trip. Mc rs. C. 1) . Olapp , one of the propri etors of the town MM ? of Klnwood , situ- aied on I he Lincoln extension of the Mis souri I'aeilie , was at Lincoln ye terdav , in company with Superintendent Nich ols of the Missouri Pacilic. "We shall have trains running into Lincoln bciore the 1'ith of August. " reomlcil [ ) Mr. Nichols to tlie imiuiry IIH to the final time of completing tlie. road to this point , and the statement was made that the work was now completed beyond the west line of Cass county. A case was on trial yesterday in the county court in which an effort was be ing made to recover a commission fee. in a real estate snlo transaction. L. V. Crnm , of Oiualiit , state- agent of the State Insurance company of DCS Moines , la. , was at Lincoln yeiterday on business matters for his company. Among the visitors at the state house .yesterday was ev-Surveyor General George S. Smith , of Omaha , who was keptlHi < y shaking hands ami renewing acquaintances in tills city. State Treasurer C. II. Willard has been visiting for a few days at Hebron , his old home , and looking after the crop pros pects in Southern Nebraska. Following were Nebraikans at Lincoln yestordav : J. L Kalev. Kcd Cloud ; Kd. M Collln , Ord ; Henry Fry , York ; A. II Hurnctt , Mindenj Charles Met/ , Omaha , K. A Lawrence , friendT. ; W. Harvey , Turlington ; Frank McKcnna , Omaha ; L. Johnson , Holdrigo , C. F. Alkins , Omaha ; .1. 1) . Smith , S. Uinackcr , James Lcary , Heatrice ; S. II. Sedgwiek , Ytrk ; F. G. Simmons , Seward. THE CAISSON CUKE. A Itemnrknblc Story Told t "Times" Ilcjiorter in Katrnimint Pnrk. " \Vero you ever troubled with asthma ? " ; aspcd a benevolent looking old gentle man , as he look a seat beside a Times reporter and mopped the perspiration i-om his brow in Fairmonnt I'ark ou Sunday. "No ? Well , you're fortunate. I've had it for thirty years. I might have cured myself several years ago , but I had not the grit to take the caisssion cure " 'What Ps that ? " we askeil. "Well , I'll relate a little incident that once came mder my personal observation"said ho , 'which will explain what I mean. When : he big railroad bridge of the Hannibal & St. Joseph railroad was being con structed over the Missouri river , owing o the muddy bottom the caissons used n the construction of the piers had to be sunk from sovoyty-live to one hundred mil twenty-live feet below the bed of the river to reace rock bottom. The gas weieh accumulated in the caisaions was of the coldest character and it was al most impossible to get men to go down in them. 'Four dollars an hour was offered for Hit * work , with few takers. It was almost mpoasiblc to live in one of them longer than an hour and a dead man wns brought up nearly everyday. Well , one day , as the chief engineer was sadly contemulat- ind thoslowncisof the work and wonder ing if it would ever bo completed , a miserable , haggard being , more dead than alive , approached him and asked for a job , 'Seo icro , my man , ' said the engineer , 'this isn't a. morgue. You've struek _ the wrong funeral. ' 'Ain't yon offering four dollars an hour here for caisson men'1 stud , the shadow. 'Yes , I'm offering lour dollars an hour , but not for walking stiffs , ' said the engineer. 'Well , I'm starving , and I'm booked for the other worm anyhow , and 1 might just as well die trying to live as to starve to death. Give me a job and I'll take my chanes on it. "Well , the engineer gave him a job. bade him gooil good-b.yc , anil expected to see him brought up a corpse. The skeleton stayed down that caisson three straight hours , and when he came IIP he walked up to the engineer , asked for some money to buy something to drink , and said ho hadn't felt so good for three months. Tlio next day he worked six hours and said lie felt bully ; the next day eight hours , and kicked liked a steer be cause the boss wanted to chase him up a quarter of an hour before his time was up. "Well , he worked in tlio caisions eight hours a day until the bridge was finished. When ho went down In the caisson the first day ho weighed eighty pounds and hadn't a cent. When he got through with the job he weighed 175 pounds , had a full boardwas the wrongest man in the gang and had saved up over a thousand dollars. You see , he hail the asthma. The bracing atmosphere of Missouri was too much for him. The confining at- , mosplicro of the caissons was just what ho needed and really saved his life. Ho invested his savings in a farm near Kan sas City , speculated successfully , and is now the owner of one of the largest cat tle ranches in Texas. "It was certainly a remarkable cure , but I have always regretted that 1 did not possess sulhcicnt courage to take it my self , as in my capacity of temperance lec turer and local preacher I am often seri ously inconvcuicuccd by my lack of breath. " Then the old gentleman slowly gath ered himself together , borrowed a chow of tobacco and mournfully made a beeline - line for the pump. Funnier Thau n Monkey. Ttxa * stftinat. "Pa , plcaso do mo ono favor ? " ' You want a little monkey , don't you , Johnny ? " "No , ' 1 don't want a monkey. " "What is it , then ? " "I want you to como home tight again , like you did last Fourth of July. You are a heap funnier than a monkey when you are tight. A. DlHlociiteil Shoulder. Dr. Darrow was called upon to set the dislocated shoulder of a young man named Crawford , who sustained the in jury mentioned while endeavoring to jiimtJ upon the stock yards dummy a > s it was leaving the depot Tuesday evening. DR.PRICE1S SPECIAL FLAVORING EXTRACTS PURESTANO STROHCE.ST MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with ilrlct rrin ] to Purltr , Strcncth and llealibfulnctf. Dr. Trlco'a IJakluj I'onder contain * o AmmonU , UfliocT Alum. Dr. Prlce'a KxtracU. VantUj , I nion. Oraujc , etc. , CUror dollclouiljr fRIC BA/UMO POWCSIt CO. , CMeej ? 01 St. twit. THUWESTGUN NOHHAUCOljtjKGE > V Riling Kdiicntlonnl Institution , tlic Pride of Shcnandoat ) . SiiKKANDOAH , Iowa , July 27. [ Corre spondence of the HER. ) It I ? dlflicnlt to estimate the progress of an enterprising community heartily interested in a great and laudable undertaking. Such is the case with the beautiful little city of Shon- andoah. Scarcely a score of years ago the very site of this city was a vast waste of green prairie without history or record , but to-day it is covered with spac ious business houses and the happy homes of 5,500 pcople.with their churches , public schools and college. Well may less favored localities envy Slienandoah her proud distinction of an educational center. Four years ago buildincs were erected , and the Western normal college opened , largely through the liberality and public spirit of the citizens. Although scarcely settled in their new homes they knew full well the great worth of a good educational institution , and liberally subscribed to the enterprise , and to-day on one of her most sightly hills stands the college , an institution second to no other in the west , in her equipage , man agement , discipline , anil methods of in struction. After four years of varied Hiicct'is we can now sav the institution is an accomplished fact , and that its super intendent , Prof. Wm. McUroan , is the man for the place. On yesterday at 3 o'clock p. m. , a vast audience assembled In the college chapel to hear the ISnecalanreato addre.-s by the principal. Professor O. 11. Longwell. Although the weather was hot , yet the masterly address captured every one present. Especially was it enjoyed by .students , school olliccrs and educators. The topic discussed was "A Practical Education. " This Mibject was skillfully handled under certain division * termed "req'iisltes. " 1. The course of study should contain enough and the kind of work to cive the proper mental discipline , or culture , for clear thinking. 2. The work should bo done in such a manner as to develop individuality and character in tlio pupil. o. The pupil should bo so instructed that he is able to exercise good judgment. Under these heads the speaker verily showed that "A little learning is a dangerous tiling. Drink deep or taste not the 1'ierian spring. The peculiarly pflisUive , terse and con cise language used forced every idea upon the attention with all its strength. Your reporter thinks there could have been no one present who was not in structed and aroused by the discussion. Professor Longwell is the proper man for the head of the faculty. The exercises of the hour were supplemented by soul- stirring selections rendered by the Union orchestra nmier the efficient management of Professor W. F. Strong , director of the musical conservatory , closing with "Swoct By and By. " in whiph the audience heartily joined. The large attendance at the collece during the past year and tno many present from abroad on this occasion demonstrate the popularity ot this noble institution with its successful princinai and his noble corps of teachers. I feel safe in saying that the W. N. C. is in the front rank. During the coming four days tlio various commencement exer cises will be given headed by the alumni this evening. They will , by lav , excel in volume und character , anything in the history of the institution. Should not the people of Shcnaudoali and vicinity look witli pride upon this school and guard its interests with fostering c.ire ? VTcejiliisjVntor Notes. WEHI-IXG WATKK , Neb. , July 27. [ Cor respondence of the BEU. ] C. L. Bates , of the firm of Bates & Root , has sold his in terest in the drug store to George Peck and will soon move to Chase county. Dr. G. D. Sitzer will leave soon for some larger city. He has sold his fine residence to J. M. Roberts , cashier of the Commercial bank. Harvest is about completed. A great deal of gram will be threshed out of the shook. . H. K. Dunbar and family , of the Ex change hotel of Ashland , wore visiting in town vesterday. A. M. Woodford and Will Dunn re turned Friduv from a pleasure trip to Chicago and Milwaukee. Rev. D. 1) . Martindalc , who has been principal of our graded sehcols the past three years , will soon move to Tabl-j Rock , where he will teach the coming year. The trustees of the Congregational church will erect two rooms on the north end of the church , to be used for recita tion rooms by the academy. This section of country was visited by a nice shower last Friday and again on Sunday. The seventh annual normal institute of Cass county will bo held hero , commenc ing August 23 and lasting ten ( lays. Didn't our girl graduates look lovoy ? Yes , indeed ; they all use Po/woni's Com plexion Powder. toiii ICxotor. EXETUU , Neb , , July 27. [ Correspond ence of the Bur. . ] Our farmers are feel ing much bettor since the rain which , although not enough , was sufliciont to re vive the corn. Wheat is turning out much better than was expected. Good prices are anticipated , and with the splendid crops which the rain has insured us , will place most of them on gootl foot ing again. The only chance for kickinir the farmers now have , ( with good rea sons , too ) , is that it takes two bushels to carry one to market. Tlia K\oter creamery is making from 800 to 1,000 pounds of first-class butter daily , and is gaining for it a wide reputa tion. Their butter brings the highesl notch in the Now York market and will bo matched against that of any creamery in the west. The buildings for the Kxeter Canning company aru completed and the machin ery in place. Canning will commence as FOOII as tlio produce is ready. The en tire product this year has been sold to Paxtou & Gallagher , Omaha. F. U. Daulsthorp e. of Geneva , comes out' in last week's Democrat with a tirade on Rev. Southwell , of this place. It sounds hot and tiery and a.ivors strongly of brimstone , to come from an ox-preacher's pen. The reverend's friends hero are aljo hot , while others condemn his conduct veiy much. IMtUBS ! PILR3 A sure cure for Blind. Bleedln ; , Itcliin kud Ulcerated Piles 1m boon discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Or Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A sinlo box has cured the worst chronic rase * oti or U ) years standbier. No one need suffer live minutes after applying this wonderful sooth Ing medicine. Lotions und instrument * do more harm tlmn pood. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the Intense itching , ( jturticalurly at night after retting warm in bed ) , new as a poultice , eivei instant relief , and is prepared only for Pitas , Itching of private parts , and fer nothing eUa , SKIN WSKA.SKS GUUKl ) . IJr. * rnzior's Ma'-Mo Ointment euros as by magic , Pimples , Ulack Head * or Ombs Itlotclies and Krnntiom on the face , leaving lite SKID clear and umuitlful. Also cares Itch bait itl'eutn , Sore Nipples , Sore Lips , ant Old Obstinate Ulcers. bold by .Iniffsists , or mailed on receipt of Wcents. Ketnllcd \ > y Kultn < k Co. . and Schroeter * Conrad. At wholesaleby 0 , K. Uuoduiau. Nels Johnson , a Swede ninotysix years of ago , died in Florence yetterday moniiug. Tllli STATH'IXSAXn ASYLUM. \n Appeal to the People of Ne A week or two ago there appeared an article in the Hr.K headed "Dr. Mathcw- on's Mad Holism" 1 wish to say that these acts were written by a Seward friend , uid I write a few words now not to show orth my wrongs and abuse in that instl- ution , but in hdhalf of iU much abused ninnies. Then , to you , who In good 'aith ' nave placed your friends there for reatment , to you the hono.-t , industrious ax-pavers of the state , to you members of the legislature , who went there as an nvestigatmg committee la t year , as well as those honorable members , who by their vote retaia Dr. Mathewson In liTs pre-ent position , these words are addressed - dressed : I sav to you , my friends , this asylum , ns it is now conducted. Is a dUgrace to the beautiful < tate of Nebraska. Shame on the political rings who uphold it , the editor of the state or country papers who from selfish motives refuse lo publish facts , or enlighten the public concerning this institution. I was there live long week" , to bo treated for nervous insanity in which the memory was not impaired , evcepl as they rendered me insensible by their drugs or hard usace. About two weeks after being taken there 1 was in full po-scssion of my men tal faculties , remember , not by the "treat ment" which 1 received from these ex perienced physicians through their at tendants , foi it wa * . almost a miracle that my reason was not entirely dethroned. For three weeks I was perfectly sane , a careful ob = ervnr , as well a > a close pris oner in thU wicked institution. In tlio re-port of tbis committee of last year they say that thev do not consider the doctors responsible for the inhuman treatment of patients. 1 ask you who , then. Is responsiole for hiring such speci mens of humanity , unworthy the naniu of woman , to take care of and watch over the unfortunate of our state ? Re member , I do not include all the em ployes , for some of them were verv kind to me , for winch they have my slncero lhank.s. Bui Ihere are Ihreo or four fiendish creatures employed Ihere , unless recently removed , who revel in cruelty , and seem to take delight in it at every opportunity. But one of the worst features of this institution is the wretched fare of the iia- tients , which I will attempt to descrnie , and for which , no one will deny , that Dr. Math'Myson is directly rasnonsiblo. Bread and boiled beef , boiled beef ami bread , alternately , until the poor victims cry out for a change. Poor , black coll'oo with the faintest tinge of sugar ; in fact , one has to think twice to decide whether it contained any sugar at all. Butter once a day , spread witli tiio handle of a tin .spoon ? Vegetables consisted of boiled beats , tops and dirt included. Potatoes , a Juxur.y , lettuce without vinegar , fruits , dried prunes , two or three times per week. , those being so ex pensive , this descrfnuist be limited and cheap , which constated of Indian meal or oat meal mush , Without sugar to make it palatable , and bread puddings. Now , do not got impatient , dear readers , while I describe an e.xluelloat cake , which I am sure the Hfjnoiablo Thomas Carr and the other moiuburs of that committee would enjov. It tasted like all the filth of the kitchen seasoned with rotten eggs and politics , stirred in one grand mass , and naked'oy tlio heat ot election day. It is certain , gentlemen , if on the occasion of youri visit you had eaten at the hospital tables , instead of being feast ed at the Dr's sumptuous board , you would have been wiier and bettor men at the close of th'c investigation. It takes $190.04 , according to tho'report , for the support of each inmate. Allowing $1.00 per week for , this miserable fare , how will you account for the balance of the money ? Do you say it is the work which takes the money ? Go over there and seethe long line of patients filing out to assist in the laundry and sowing room. Sec them doing tliti dining-room and kitchen work , making beds , mending stockings , swooping , scrubbing , and do ing the dirty-worKof the wards. Women who ought to be , at home taking care of their families , who , with plenty of good food , and fresh air. might bo re stored to health , are working there for their board and a blue calico dress to wear , at the same time the county or their friends are paying their board , to have them treated for insanity. Now , in conclusion , I ask , if the won derful doctor , who .sits in luxury and ease , guarding the gates of that prison , who holds the key to the door to every cell that none escape until he wills it , is not responsible for anything , why is he employed ? More anon. MAUV A. McI.vmtE. Why Is It That the sale of Iloo'l's Sarsaparilla con tinues at sucli a rapidly increasing rate ? It is lt , Because of the positive curative value of Hood's Sarsaparilla itself. 2d. Because of the conclusive evidence of remarkable cures cllected by it , unsur passed and seldom equalled by any other medicine. Send to C' . I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. , for book containing many statements of cures. "Rats"uinl "I'onuolilo. " In Chicago the cry which harrows up men's souls is " Rats ! " Nothing but a vigorous application of the club has suf ficed to make the policeman's lot a happy one. In Baltimore the cry is ' 'Penuchle. " and it i.s addressed to every man who ventures on the street with a high white hat Originating with the gamins , it has passed into common use , and no man , no matter how dignified his appearance or how exalted his position in society , can hope to escape the derisive yell if lui wears the oll'ensivo hat. Thus do far western customs make themselves odious in the east. A few yeari ago a man who chanced to wear a high hat of any description west of the Missouri river was reasonably certain to have it shot otV his head by the festive frontiersman. Failing to give their humor that particular outlet , the people of some western settlements have boon known to fall in line and follow a man who wore a silk Hat until ho took refuge in his hotel and1 borrowed a head cover that corresponded more nearly witli the community's ideA of style and the fitness of things. The Baltimore cry of 'To- nuclile" is In the same line , though more exasperating , since it. is aimed at a fash ion which is all but universal. To put a stop to the practice the police have issued it warning that hereafter all ptirsons so ofTending will bo arrested for disorderly conduct aud lined. A much more effective mctliod of bringing the horso-play to an end would bo to apply the Chicago rougli on rats remedy. The man who cries t" Hats ! " hero once is called upon Immediately thereafter to uurso a broken head , and ho never docs so any more , Kirk's Onrmaii I'ilo Ointment. Sure cure for blind , bleeding , nml itching Piles. Ono box has cured the worst rases of ten years standing. No one need sulft-r ten minutes after uaing tliU wonderful Kirk's ( ierriKin Pile Ointment. It ubsorbj tumors , allays the Itching at ouce. acts as a poultice , elves Instund relief , Kirk's- German Pile Ointment is prepared only for Piles and Itclitni : of the private parts , and nmhlns cls& Kverv box is warranted by our agents. Sold by druitlsts ; ; scntiiy mail on receipt of price , wo per Ut , DR. C. O. UKXTON , Puoc. Cleveland. O. Sold by C. If Gooodman anil Kulm & Co. , 15th mid OouvlHS , Uth and Cuinitig * " m The bank clcarhms for yesterday were THU S1ZCOXO DISTKICT. Some Very Pertinent Questions ns to Congressman l nlrd. F.unnt'uy , Neb. , Juli 20. To the Kd- itor of the BKF. : In your editorial of July SI , entitled "A Disgrace to the State , " I notice jon end by saying , "If the republicans of the Second district attempt to inflict this man on the state again they deserve to be disfranchised forever. " I would ask , Do you think they will attempt it * Are they not sharp politicians and already see that Laird cannot be elected * Again , if nominated , do they not know that the prohibition voters of this district who are republi cans will not vote for a man as Intem perate as Laird ? The first time Laird was nominated he was bv hard work elected by a verj small majority , and no big majority the second time , ' and in stead of making a better congressman ho has been the reverse. His intemperate habits make him thus. What has ho done this session for his constituents , the old soldiers ? He pays no personal atten tion to letters from old comrades or to their pension matters. He ha made a speecli or two In favor of naylnc some olUeors , but how about the privates' His district is lull of them. What has he done before the pension committee , or the commissioner of pen sions for the privates ? At the pre.-ent lime we old soldiers are going to vote for the men that do for us : uid our needy comrades. Hereafter party lines , the re publican bosses will tind count for nothing but services for the old soldiers overv tiling , I have heard many ot the old comrades vow the , > would not vote for Laird again. Then again what has he done for the western farmers ? Nothing , I have heard many of the republican farmers of this locality , who have voted for Laird heretofore vow they would not vote for him again , as he has done noth ing , and is opposed to the re election of Van Wyck. 1 know the republican farmers of this county are three fourth's or more for Van Wyck. Do you think the republicans of the Second district will "attempt to intlict" Laird on us and figure out hii election with a bur loss of republican Van Wyck farmers , with the loss of many old republican soldiers , anil last but not least the republican pro- hibilionisls ? They had bi'st stop before they pull down the pillars. They had best look for some man who can get Ihis vote. I have heard of a comrade spoken of for this district who I think could get all this vote and be elected if nominated , that is Hon. Martin Burns of Vork county , his record when state senator being a No. 1 , if I am not mistaken. That great conqueror of pain , St Jacobs Oil. ha.- been rightly called a medical miracle. Valley County All'i lr' . OKD , Neb. July 'JO. To the Editor of the BKI : : I see in one of the Omaha papers of July 21 that a resolution of the alliance was passed to the effect that the county of Valley was out some forty or fifty thousand dollars , under the adminis tration of H. A. Babcock and that the books kept were mutilated. Now , in justice to the alliance of Valley county , I desire to say through your paper that there has been no such resolution passed by our alliance. The citi/.ens of Valley county have by petition requested the board of commissioners of Valley county to have an investigation made of the county records by a competent expert. And at the meeting of the county alliance on the 7th day of July there na-scd a resolution that it was tlio sense of the meeting tnat such investigation bo had , and that a committee of three be appointed to urge upon the commissioners the necessity of such investigation. There has never boon a resolution of the Valley county alliance passed charg ing any person or public officer with fraud or corrnution , but the wish of the alliance is that they may know the exact standing of the county. Respectfully , A. A. LA.vr.UTV. Use thcgrcatspocilic for "cold in head" and catarrh Dr. Sage.s Catarrh Remedy. A. I'raycr for Gladstone. A preacher who was an ardent admirer of Mr. Gladstone , prayed for heaven's blessing on the premier in these some what ambiguous words : l'O Lord , at tliis critical juncture of events , be pleased to grant that Mr. Gladstone and his fol low redeemers of England may hang together. " On hearing the prayers a brother below , who was accustomed to "amen" in prayer time , and \ylio ap proved of the conservative policy , ex claimed : "Amen , amen , may they all hang together.1 The. radical minister felt that he was misunderstood , and , by way of explanation , exclaimed : "OLord , 1 do not mean ban" together in the sense which the brother down below means it ; I mean , may they in accord and concord bans together. " "Amen , amen , " re plied the conservative worshiper , "I don't mind what the cord is so long as they hang on tlic same cord. " For delicacy , tor purity , and for im provement of the complexion , nothing equals Po/zoni's Powder. Struck A AVfiale. Now York Herald : Tlic Red Star steamer , Waesland , which arrived from Antwerp yesterday , struck and killed a whale nearly seventy feet long on her way over. The fact was not discovered at once. On July 14 while the ofliccrfe were endeavoring to ascertain the speed of the vessel , hcMioavy progress wiw an occasion At surprise until the dead whale- was discovered lying across her bow. It was not known when the collision oc curred , as no shock was fell. TUTFS pffJfipHqffi LiJ 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Triumph of ths Ag ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPBD LIVER. IjOiaofappclllOi Uowel co ltve , 1'nlulu tlio bead , vllli a dull aensntlun la the back pnrt , 1'nln under Iliu ahoulJcr- blndOf Illinois nftrr eolinj , irltUailU- Inclination lo exertion of budr or inlnit , Irritability of temper , Low ( .plrln , with afoellnuof LnTlncr ncclcclcd noran dot n \\Vmrlnrsi , Jizzlue , 1'lutterlnznt Ilia Ileait. Dots bufurutbe eyc § , Henduclio over Ibo rlebt CTC. Jtcullcsaneia , wltu tKfuldrenmx , Illehly colored Urluc , und CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'S 1'lL.r.S are especially adapted to each -nses , ono dose effects such a change 0/feolliiff "a tonstonlali the sufferer. Tttej Iiicrcaie the A | > netiteand cau e tb bodylo TnUoou l'le h.tliu tno ajtiem U nourlfheil.aml l > y their 'route Action on tfco IMceUlvcOrcunB , lleuiilnr Stool * ere pro.1apfd.n l-o U.-.c. V * > riirray KJ..1V.V ; TUTT'S EXTRACT SAR8APARILU Renovated the body. . jiaWea lioauliy II tali , Btreugthena the \vcafc , rejialrs I ho wastej of tlie Ejstt'iu with puru blooU ami bard muscle ; toned tlia nervous system , inrliioratta tlm brain , and Imparts tha vigor ol manhood. S I . Hold by dniSKlsU. KlurrarBC. . New VorU. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tbe Original and Only tipiiuliio. * ul ftlwtji K tU ! . awtr * f wvrtklr * I UOUKiubW u LADIES. A k it.r llrugri.l M "t'klikr.Ur1 * Kmffitf' Ut < M olkcr.or IUUM M ( uairte us t t ftlcyUr * < lur bj rtlura atftlL NAME PAPER. CkltkwUr Chrmlfml Co , iCI V M > < lloii ixjuaro. I'lilL&da t'a. orrjwhoni. Aik fet > -Cl.lclie uuuru/Kl i'UU. TU.IMUI.M. THE ENEMY IN THE AIR ! lt T HL'MH O VKNTKCOST r * lnrof St. tMut'4 "I hiTf bon ulTcrln tf > if twenty T JIM with rtiron * Chnrvti , WestSUh Streel. Noork. . write * Ur l'op Wi f > r putitflo i JTIMM 1 liiTOitiil Mtfu ol mil fontl ot anr kind ' nitotpr m < tl e lT ( ( pow r "lVir evpn nrce l p jean 1 win rirllcn to tcror < r no ilrpronM tint I nm unable t > > > ll | t f-xvj of nnitimue , rcvittlni flmllr In nrrvmi | < ro < tntl < in * nl ant klhil otoppi Atnto brotd pntutiloil wllhahnmnipr . mil nmlo like . nml - b.nlp.l I nnc p-nrilof. tlir-n " re- melancholia , which rendered ll wotk lt lc nml lmpo * < > ilitiOil In niPffl HIT utTcriiwrr | nd Ifc lUflf s ron t nt horror Aflor tryi.u CTorrlhins rrrllmbli' , I ) uirrh < cil one of rmir llrtr pads and rpctimmentUM fronuiutntno to cortwebi , I 1.1 * P < T- lo mjr iitt.Tn tonl lin\i-nt In Iw.i ri-k w < nhli t fn > . ! < < I to in'I ' ii * HniMtv I liml bill uno dull rut ti lirnrtr inpfll with m ; fimlly rAit Ln-cf unit iftcrKftnl My aonOPil liniilth tio"inio perfpct. mul Ti-ironblo ! lUvo e mi rt IIUPOI imntul * n an * feat I IncreixM from Kilo 3roiin ) < l The 1 foci lianpr an < l Jntful All Hip III-IKP an.l Ihnnkn tollnnflnii illiinur nln time when I * ns | > oi-iillnrif roiluc t < > thn llcil MN I'M ) I tlM k d I f Tlhlt < ul < | rrttulhi trouble. 1 wor lr llolmntri Tail t- \ htc lne. Voar rp i > r ir : I HuNSUl S .ulli Wash- i'imi. ( > Tl E , tnit the rn-inr Iml lipcn complciclr Ington. 1 > C rnutfilnml I iliil not c'lf.iiiiucr him nir hare 1 met CAH Hill . . . , f T 1'lttff J-'M. him inct' ' 11HIM\V rVlllo 11N lilam Mi Pt N V THE HOLMAN LIVER PAD TRIUMPHANT. Tlio IMd * l"l " i > rc"nt niiro Kkno thin A" the Pi U nd Dm * * In ' t win far * . f § i iir w , A.ltvlJ. . I1 . . " ! . ? _ I' THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES ft i&u V MU SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Full Assortment for snlo to the Trade by VINYARD & SCHNEIDER Display at tholr warerooms , 1305 and 1307 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found al any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including STEINWAY , FISCHER , LYON&HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects In materials or workmanship. LYON & HEALY , : a05 4 1307 FARNAM STREET J. W. WUTFEE1IANH , C5 S 40EST , Cl J111O.IOWJ.Z. K. f. _ / Forfeit if notITavnnci Filler. A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKE 3rozrt. 0 Th ! CfeirwIllrroTe rtprctfr-tM tmlwlllbeeitra. ilfety drertiicil In ererrtown for lire drilcr * vho will 0f piicliU IK miriti uid pmh IitcconlUigl/ . SMOKE EL FERNO lOo CIO An. AiHrea BIXGMRT BROS , Solo Ag t , 130 Fifth Avenue , . C1UCAGQ D. W Sure , I'CjIlo & Morroll , U. F. Goodman , T. W. SpalTiwI 4 : Co. , J. A. Fuller A : Co , , M. Purr , Clinner * UK-sou , M. It. I'ciwcll , Kulm k Co. , Sam I''urii4wortli , Frank llmratt i Co. , Itiglios ASclimhlt , JlUIlOS Illillllrd for IW. TJIE BEST TONICI UNEOUALEDfor CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION , PH. KDW L. WAI.UNQ. . nr iroii In Chief , Nalluiul Guart of N J. , writes "Mr alltnllon w.u culled t ( your Kojilone M ill II hUkr ) b ) Mr l-alnr , Druzglit , of Trrntun > ml I Iwro u oO a feir bulllei with Ur Uller effrcl Hun any ) IUTO had I am MrAuiiuMtilfni lour article In in ) practiceme find It rnj utiifictur ; " er niiTAnsHi n fcullt KUnil.'Mt 1 ULXIII.UO.1. tat bat tut & MEKIDELSOId , 316.318 asd 820 Hi's sl.'pliilidelpbia. Pa. Foroalo by 0. I' . Goodman , Omaha NcbrusKa. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE AnJ other * uircrinf from m nroui jlttilKy .rxtauitlnz i clirunlo dic iMrt * prvoiftturv jiitKlicio of joumf or old &ro 'itocitlrrltorcd ' b/ I > r , Home's fuu > u * iiri-tr : Migrurlle litJk TUuuwtittU _ la the union have been cun-u. , Iy InjUntljr felt , l'nteninl Dd old lo family c u w r A ino btlt KlrttrU tUtuma i > J ttosrai ooiBPAnle * Klectrla Tru cc fur Uuptur * . TOO cured la'tiS. H nrJ lUupfujpatuphUu Dfi. W. J.HOXUi. UVUUC2. 101 WABAiU AY. , f THE O.M.nerfcct uli.tltiitr for IKIIL lnT luM > l. > In C'llOI.nilA lATA , JfctlilnB.I > IAUUIIIEAan < lalltllfr ju ) ofchll'lrt.H ' A prcdlsnted fi o < l for | ) r iicilliv > , Con innt > ; tltc . Conruli-.K-iiU , Ac. Ptrffct nutrlrnl In > U WMllnr dlteaseA. Hi iulrcii no cooLln * . K 'Pr * m r.ll ollmoto. Sold . Trrr liTJ. V"rrvbT.rtl11 ' ; . . " . tRER. ttnd fee.llnl of Infants , M41I.KD UUOUA1X fi CO. , DKBXEL & BEATO , Successors to J. Q. Jaoobi UNDERTAKER S , AND EMBALMEK3. At the oM stniiJ , HOT Farn.ira St. Onlors by tclcRrrHiilisollcltcil iiud promptly utluuJoJ to. Teluphoni ; No. > ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL in 200.000 PARTS OF THE H.E3 ; WORLIP s nncl I'rlcrfl o > i application. Hold by klllbc best IVrrUco lliill < li-r ami Dealers. CINCINNATI. II. S. A. < Jahln Adi'rpw. COO ( ! 1N TUTTLE & ALLISON , GeneraHnsurance Agents 211 South Thirteenth Street SENT C. O. D. OM : ou .11 ti n K AT u-iioijsAi.i : IMIICK. I I'AV nil piprc clmigi-a to all polnti within 3 < n ) mllei. lUH > iMiTlairt < to ulrrt Irom Rrnil loacvih iUmp fur Illuitrate.fcaUloirue . , Jlentlon tliU paper. L. 0. SPEHCER'S TOY FACTORY , f221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO- LINCOLN BUSNESS DIRECTORY Ilcccntl ) ' Ilullt , NewFurulihcif ! The Tremont , J. C. l-T17.iiUAI-U& ( : SON , Proprietors. Cor. ttli mid I'tits. , Lincoln , Nub. Italei lM i.rrdajr , Slrcel car from homo lo anr part of Ilia cltr. J. ll.T\f. J1AKINS , Architect , Oflicrx31 , Ul unil , Itl''liBfds HlocV , Llnruln. Neb , Klcnntor oulllli ttroet , lireiKlcrol IlrreJcrnf 0 AI.LOWA v CATTI.Ihaotti Ihiiin 'ATri. ! ' . \VUDUS , Live Stock Auctioneer inudu In nil inuU of tlm I1 r > . tit fulr riitpf , Jtnoni U,8liitp Iliui-k , l.liu iln , Ncli.i und abort Horn bulU forhitlo. Jl. 11. GOULU1NU , Farm Loans and Insurance , Correspoiulom-o | u rt'irufl lo IIIUIK olIdloJ. KourrM , IlifliurJj Illo > k , l.lnuolii , Nub. Public Sale , Denver , C'o ! . , Juiu ; JOili , m U , tOlieud ol tiliow riliott lltirn * Iliitus il'riiiclc gbiuilf , i-y var-oM , wulfltliu ! ' * ' ) ; hull * mtd liuifurs. ililri-ss Fn M runt Firm. Tor CMtiilfu- uos , Dentrr. . Col. ( ! . 11. UruiiVJii , J.iir.'jln , N0U Col. I' . M. Woo U Aur'lotiiH- ' ) . V lie n in Lincoln Mopnt National Hotel , Aud get u nee < l ainnor forSlo. Vrvr.