Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA ornrr , No. nil AMI Old f'Atis'AM STIIKKT.
firvf VOIIK omrK , HIMIM iv > . THIIII-M : licir.tip.ii.
JVASin.MnuN 01 t in : . MI. sis KOI'IITKKNTII STIIKIT. :
T'nMlftlit'il overniornlnjr , except < * ntnliiv.
Tlip only Momlny morning jmior | pnlilMifd in
Onn Yrnr . t0. ! < )0 ) I Throe Months . $ if.1
Hx. Months . neil OiioMontli . 1 .00
Tltr. WF.KKI.Y llir : , I'lihlMicil Kv
One Vonp. wllli pi cm nun . f'J.Ofl
Olio Vrier , without tHMiilnni . l..l
Hit Mrnth , without prutiiieim . - "
Ono Month , on trlnl . 10
All comrminlciitlotH rHntlnir to news nml mll-
tnrlul iniittr-r * pliouli ! bu mlili-osscd to tlic Kill'
ion OK Tin : HUE.
iifsesr.fR I.ITTKH : > :
All bu lno"i lutlf-r * unit leniltlnnros * houM IIP
nclflrrsvil to TUB I IKK I'nii.l illMi CuMl'ANV ,
DM MIA. Drnfls , checks mill postnllico nrdfrs
In bo nmilopnyiinlt'totlu'oiilcrol tliutomimn ) .
u. it08i\VATilt ; : ,
Kworn Stntutnunt orClruulntloit.
{ State of Ts'cbrnskn , I „
Cotintv of DoitKlii. f " ' 3 <
Oi'o , I ) . TzMlnicktticrrotnryot llic li ! > e Pub-
Hshliiu coinimiiy , ilot-s solemn ly awe-ar tlmt
the ) nrtttnl clrcnlatleiii ot the Dnllv Be'n
for tlic week ciullng July .Wei , 1SSO.vns ns
follows :
Hateueliiy , 10tli . 12-I.V )
Momlny , lath . 12.1M
Twmlny , Will . 12,175
y , llth . 12,175
Kriilny , ion . ia.wu :
Average . ia.73
( iio. : U. T/SCIIITK.
Siiliscilbcd nntl sworn to liofotc me llils
2f.tli < lny of July , 18.SO. N. 1' . KIII. : ,
[ RKAI..1 Notnry I'ublle.
( ! co. 13. T.scliiullieliiK llr. t < lnly sworn. i < o-
poses nnil pays that lie Is ( "i-rii'tnry " of tlic lco !
I'lihllslilnc coin\nv. ] ) ! tlmttlm nrtunl avcrni < u
dnily cliciilntion of ( lit ) Dally lint for the
month of January , issf ! . was 1073 , : ! copies ;
lor Fi'brunrv , Ibh" " . , 10.MW ronios ; for Mnrch ,
IBSf , , 11.537"copies : for April , lifffl , li'.lUI
rnplcHt tor Mav , ist > ei , \'iA'jj conies ; for June.
1&0 , l ,8"s copies.
( iio. : II. T/.smrcK.
Subscribed niul sworn to bcforo me , this
Dili day of. July , A. U. 1S30.
N. I' . FIUL ,
[ SKAT. . | i Notary Public.
COIIN is geiing up , whilst corn-jiiiuu is
STAID oldConiicetictit luis had : t lynch-
iiiKiilliur. Le.'t us hunr no more ubotit
lyncliings being uoniiucil to the wild
OKIIOKIMO has been again "surprised. "
'As lie ot IIWH.V : is usual his surprise was
probably not equal to thiit of ( ienunil
.Miles when ho received Hie news.
AT tlic recent art sale in London "The
Itoinnn Senator" sold for ten dollars.
The picture of an American sonulor
would probably sell for about fifteen
UHIUP UuTLnu has very properly with
drawn iiis resignation and asked the
council to investigate his administration.
The committee which has this inquiry in
hand will doubtless make an impartial
UEI.ATIVI : to the Cutting case , advices
from llio Mexican government are that it
cannot bo scared into an unconditional
surrender. It remains to be seen what
condition the national backbone at Wash
ington is in. - , , i
Tint daily announcement that the Cable
'Car ' company is nearly ready to locate its
linu , reminds old timers of the frequent
dispatches from Washington that "tho
government is about to take active meas
ures to suppress the rebellion. "
WIIKN11 Omaha bonds command a
premium which makes the annual inter
est charge less than per cent , the credit
of the city may bo saiu to bo in n satis
factory condition. If a fair assessment
of Omaha realty could be obtained , the
rthowing would bo still more favorable.
STIIICT enforcement of the high license
law should bo insisted upon by all who
iaro anxious that the prohibition craze
shall not spread over Nebraska. Where
prohibition Is demanded and can bo cn-
'forcod ' the high license law , through its
local option clause , will give it. Where
'tdtal ' abstinence cannot bo enforced high
license will reduce the evils of the liquor
trallio to the minimum and go far to
wards supporting our schools.
PATAI , mistakes by druggists are be-
coming altogether too common. ln some
Vcases the physicians are responsible
vowing to the illegible manner in which
'thoy write their prescriptions. They
ought to bo compelled to hire type-
'writers ' and have their prescriptions written -
, ton in plain language. Disguising their
directions in dead languages is liable to
'have ' a deadly eU'oct upon me patient.
THE fate of the river and harbor bill is
Hllll uncertain , with the chances rather
dn'favor ' of the failure of the measure
lowing to the wide disagreements between
the two brandies of congress. The house
ion Tuesday showed a most determined
disposition to slaughter the senate
juiiondmnnts to the bill , and there was a
nmjiiounced hostility to the Ilcnnopin
icanal project , though the majority for
latrlkingout the appropriations for this
improvement was not so largo as in thu
'Ciiso ' of some other proposed appropria
tions. It senms hardly possible that the
Tory wide difference in the views of the
'two houses can bo bridged by the confer-
tcniio committees , but if it should bo , it is
extremely probablu that any bill agreed
upon will encounter the president's voto.
The prospect for appropriations in this
direction is , therefore , not Haltering , and
p the responsibility for failure , if failure
results , will rest chiolly with the senate.
TIIK B , & M. railroad has scoured con'
trol of the Lincoln Democrat. Mr. Gem's
old assistant will have charge of the new
organ , which will play n tune in unison
with the State Journal on all themes in
which the railroad is interested. It will
favor "straight" voting , oppose antimonopoly
nopoly "madncsi" ami "cranks" and up
hold tlm useless railroad commission as it
( Jed given blessing to the producers of
llio state , The change of front of the
'Democrat will bo regretted by honest
'Utiutocrata throughout Nebraska , Within
' H llinilH , as a paper unbol-
Stored by railroad pup and patronage ,
ilt'liad boon a true representative of the
iltitlnctfl an 11 Hympatliles of that part of
( f lie duniocraoy In Ncbraika who protested
HKulnat tliu use of the party machinery to
jolvnnco the political Interests of corpo-
rnUo monopoly. The railroads are urn-
'burking ' heavily in. the purchase of papers
; ! Juliio\v it IB uvidnuce tlmt the cam-
U about to upon.
Ttic Drouth nnd tlic Crops.
Tin- steady advance In the price of
corn in the Chicago markets , while
largely speculative la based upon the
general belief that the crop in the west
has been largely damaged by drouth.
KcporU from Kansas show that corn
throughout that state bids fair to prove
n lull tiro. No rain has fallen for more
than live weeks. In thn southern nnd
western portions of the state the damage
amounts to nearly a total loss. In other
sections thi'fo are estimates of a half a
crop , l-'urthcr south the drouth has been
oven moro prolonged. Indian ter
ritory is u parched and black
ened waste in many of its
ranges , Texas is scarcely more fortu
nate. So far as Nebraska is concerned ,
we believe that estimates of damages have
been placed too high. We have been
short of rain in several sections for the
past livn weeks , but the greater part of
the Main lias had saving showers. Tlio
hay crop is short but oats have done well
ami wheat has sull'ered comparatively
liltlo. Corn , from present indications ,
will bo a three-quarters crop.
The present year has been one of gen
eral drouth. Wisconsin , Michigan , Illi
nois , Indiana , Dakota , Minnesota
and Iowa have all in turn
been visited by the dry weather.
The entire northwest , ns well as Texas ,
Missouri , Kansas and Nebraska have
sull'ered. Crops everywhere have felt
the cH'cet , and prices in speculative trad
ing have been affected in consequence.
The markets are naturally bullish in an
ticipation of u shortage , and prices may
be expected to rule still higher when the
returns arc all in. If Nebraska farmers
do as well as we have reason to believe
they will , they will receive moro money
for their decreased product than if corn
had yielded the full average to the acre.
Three-quarters of a crop at donblo the
usual price will prove moro profitable
than a full crop at from ten to fifteen
cents a bushel , provided always ad
vanced railroad tariffs do not convert the
surplus profit from the pockets of the
fanner into those of tlic corporation
Xhc Treasury Surplus.
The views of Acting Secretary Vair-
child and Treasurer Jordan , upon the
Morrison resolution relative to the treas
ury surplus , seem to have had tlic de
sired ellect upon the finance committee
of the senate , though it was generally un
derstood in advance of these views that
tlio majority of the committee regarded
tlio resolution as an extreme measure.
On Tuesday this majority agreed upon : .
proviso to the resolution by which its re
quirements arc quite materially modified ,
though the suggestions of neither the
acting secretary nor tlio treasurer are
lully complied with. By this proviso the
secretary of the treasury is required to
issue a call for bonds only when ho has
in the treasury a sum equal to the call
over and above the reserve of $100,000,000 ,
and he is further allowed in his discre
tion to have a working balance not ex
ceeding . 0,000,000 , over and above the
lawful reserve. It is furthermore left to
his discretion , in case of an extraordinary
emergency or when in his opinion the
public interest shall require it , to suspend
further call forw. bonds for such
time as shall bo necessary to main
tain tlio public credit unimpaired ,
tlio secretary being of course the
judge of the time required.
It will be seen that this is a very con
siderable concession from the rigid
course prescribed by the Morrison reso
lution , so much so that it may bo serious
ly doubted whether it will be accepted
by the supporters of the resolution in tlio
house. It practically leaves the whole
matter in the hands of the secretary of
the treasury , just as it now is , departing
from the views of the department with
respect only to the amount of the work
ing balance , which is llxcd at about half
tlio amount which Treasurer Jordan
named as a safe sum. Tlio limitation to
the discretion of tlio secretary imposed
by the resolution is practically with
drawn by the proviso , since at any time
when in his opinion there is an extraor
dinary emergency or the public interest
shall require it , ho may suspend the fur
ther call of bonds , and continue that sus
pension as long ns he shall deem neces
sary. Except the inference that would
bo convoyed by the adoption of the Mor
risen resolution with this proviso attach
ed , that there is a public desire that the
treasury surplus , over and'above the reserve -
servo required for the protection of the
greenback currency , shall bo em
ployed in reducing the public debt ,
wo can see no object in such
action. It imposes no essentially new
conditions or constraints upon the secre
tary of the treasury. Ho is not abso
lutely required anything , and so far
as we can see ho could go on under it ,
if ho so desired , without any
variation from the course ho has thus far
pursued. It is not assured that the reso
lution with the proviso will pass tlic son-
ntn , but it is not doubted that tlio senate's
attachment will bo rejected by the houso.
Thu chances therefore are that the matter
will bo left as it is , wholly in the discre
tion of the secretary of the treasury.
Germany's Unillor.
Bismarck's greatest monument in his
tory will be his work for thu unification
of Germany. The Franco-Prussian war
was its evidence not its cause. How
thoroughly that imillealion has been ce
mented is shown uy the recent visit of
Kmporor William to Southern ( icrmany.
Immense cro'wds lined the railways
elmnting poems of praise in honor of
"their Kaiser. " Streets decorated with
triumphal arches in Bavarian cities testi
fied to the departure of Austrian Influence
and to the otruogth of that Herman sen
timent which Prussian leadership now
runresonts ,
The Iron Prince found Germany di
vided Into thirty-eight different states
with Austria biiprunia over byfur the most
important section. With his advent to
power cumo tlio first practical stops to
wards dissolving the Jooso confederation
of little states , for whoso control both
Prussia nnd Austria were struggling. It
was young Bismarck whoso peerless po
litical vision first grasped tlio situation
and saw thnt national unity was only
possible under the leadership of one or
the other of these powers , and that the
final arbitrament must be the gage of
battle. For nearly twenty years the di
plomat prepared the way for the soldier ,
Russia's neutrality was assured , Franca
was isolated , Italy was urged on In her
hostility. When the final issue came and
Austrian arms clashed , with Prussian
bayonets Bismarck's work bore us fruit.
It was a duel for Gorman supremacy , not
a European war for territorial aggrand
izement. The result was duo no less to
Blsmavek's diplomacy than to William's
genius ns a military organizer. From
Sadowa to Versailles Prussia was the
head of the fatherland. The Imperial
crown in the French palace scaled only
the work of the sword on the Austrian
Sto | > Those
.Somo months ago Chairman House , of
the board of public works , asked the
council to allow him $35 a month in ad
dition to hli regular salary for the use of
n horse. As a matter of fact , this was a
demand for $ ; ! 3 livery hire for a hundred
dollar family horse , which Mr. House
already owned and is using for his per
sonal comiort. The former chairman ,
Mr. Creighton , had a valuable saddle
horse in during h ! . term , but never
thought of asking the city to pay lot-
wear and tear ot his horseflesh and the
use of the saddle. But the council very
generously voted the $ : V > a month for
horse hire to Mr. llouso. Now comes
the building inspector and also
wants $35 a month for a horse to
drive around the city. The former
inspector Chief Butler proposes to bring
in as an offset for withholding building
fees collected , the use of a horse which
he rode on various occasions. The next
thing the street commissioner , llio city
engineer , chief of police , gas inspector ,
and every chairman of committees in the
council will be demanding $35 a month
lor horse hire. In duo time the sewer and
paving inspectors wilt want to lnivoir : >
a month added to I heir salaries under the
pretense that walking is tiresome.
It this horse commutation is to become
a settled policy the city had better open
a livery , ptirchasn a dox.en elegant rigs ,
and let them out to city oHlcinls ,
their sisters , cousins and aunts.
This whole horse-hire busines is nothing
moro than a salary grab , ft is simply
adding syi''O a year to the pay of an of
ficer. If the officer is worth $130 a year
more ami the city can afford to pay it , by
all means let Ins salary bo raised. But
every man who accepts a position under
the city knows in advance what is ex
pected of him. If the pay is not high
enough lie has no business to take tlio
This thing of raising salaries by whip
ping the devil around the stump has
gone far enough.
Subsidized Journalism In Missouri.
A crusade against subsidi/.ed journal
ism has begun in Missouri , headed by the
St. Louis Jlfjwblican. That vigorous
champion of conservative democracy
lashes with a whip of scorpions the venal
crow who sell their editorial columns to
the railroads and prostitute their abilities
to further the political interests of cor
porate monopoly. The Hcpitblicttn , justly
indignant at tlio brazen audacity of the
editors who , under the garb of democ
racy , .ire trying to strangle free govern
ment , says :
"The democratic party will punjo itself of
railroad bossisin , and will see that the demo
cratic constitution is enforced by a demo
cratic legislature. There can bo no stronger
assurance oC the inherent weakness of the
railroads' influence as opposed to the people
than the fact that Congressman liurncs puts
Ids newspaper to the front ns the champion
of the monopoly , tlio bribery nnd the discrim
ination through which domination by rail
roads has become insupportable. "
This is as good doctrine for tlio demo
crats of Missouri as the consistent
pro icliing of the BEE , now carried on for
more than two years , has boon for Ne
braska republicans. Subsidized journal
ism must go. Tlio people will not sup-
wort it and the railroads sooner or later
will find out that it is a profitless ven
ture for the companies. A paper branded
with the railroad trade-marlccannotlong
retain even a semblance of influence.
The prison labor problem has been
Irecly and widely discussed during tlio
past few years , Irom every point of view ,
nnd while some progress has certainly
been made in tlic direction ot its solution
it is still n subject of controversy. The
importance of the subject is unquestioned ,
and it is one of those problems the dlfli-
cullies of which increase with the growth
of population , which also brings with it
an augmented pressure for solution. In
the report on this question submitted to
the recent conference of charities and
correction , positive ground was taken in
favor of providing employment for pris
oners. It was urged that employment
is essential to the penitentiary system for
criminals , and that without employment
the system must bo abandoned. When
the prisoners of a penitentiary are left in
idleness the penitentiary proper no
longer exists : it becomes instead a great
jail. The true purpose of the peniten
tiary system is protection protection
from fresh crimes by the same criminals ,
from their contaminating influence
when released , and from any unnecessary
burden of cost for their maintenance
in prison. These elements of pro
tection cannot bo divorced. To keep
prisoners in idleness operates to con
firm their criminal characteristics , inten
sify their hurtful influence when released ,
ami unnecessarily increase the burden of
their support. It would bu better for
society , says the report , to release crimi
nals immediately upon their conviction
than to keep them imprisoned for a term
of years in idleness nnd then release
them , Prison labor should bo applied
so as to prepare the prisoner to secure a
place in honest imlustry when sent out
from the prison. It should bo reforma
tive and upbuilding , accompanied al
ways with the inculcation of n sense of
duty nnd personal responsibility in
connection with the labor performed.
The report condemns the contract sys
tem in prison labor. The employment
of prisoners in slavery for profit to the
state introduces a bad element , but the
effect is still more pernicious if their slav
ish labor is for profit to a third parly , the
contractor. There is not , and cannot bo ,
under this system , thu singleness of aim
required for the best work in preparing
the prisoners to become good citizens.
Furthermore , under this system cither
tlie state or the contractor will be pre
ferred , and one or the other must suffer.
Thu public account sysUmi , thought to
be the ideal plan , is not likely to bo
generally adopted because of the large
amount of capital required and the , risks
Involved. The piece-price plan , which
is n compromise , the report deemed to be
the most practicable , It lias .tlio advan
tages of both the contract and the public
account systems , and the disadvantages
of neither. It requires little or nothing
19 be Invested by the state1 , the prisoners
nro entirely under , the control of tlic
Drlson ofliclals without , conflicting inter
csts , nnd the most ilfnniic gradations oi
work or pay can bet easily made. II
would facilitate the diversification of
employments , accustoming thu prisoner ;
to ordinary conditions'Of citizen work
ers in factories outside ; Diversified itv
dustries are cs. ontal to properly prepare
the prisoners for rehabilitation in society ,
nnd they can be so arranged and con
ducted as to effectually dispose of nnj
just complaint of competition , it is
feasible nnd will serve , to quell hostile
ngltntion and lead up to a rational and
reformed prison system , tor it is the roof
of the whole matter.
The report submits tlmt the diflictiltio ;
ot the prison labor problem inhere in its
consideration apart from the other de
partments of prison organisation and
government , and that they will disappeai
whore the whole question of prison dis-
cipllno is thoroughly understood. Bill
just hero a trouble is encountered wliieli
appears almost insurmountable , Tlic
task that devolves upon the legislator If
to find tlic1 best method of utilizing prison
labor so that while it shall meet all tin
requirements of discipline , improve the
condition of the prisoners and reduce the
burden upon the state , it shall not compote
pete to the injury or disadvantage of tlio
labor of tlio cltixen in any direction or
degree. How dlfllcult this task is tlic
wide diversity of views and expedients
linil exists clearly shows.
Cnir.i * Brruu : admit * that he has never
turned over any of the fees which he col
lected for building permits , but charges
that the publication of this fact in the
BKI- was inspired by malice. Mr. But
ler's suggestion is entirely unfounded.
The Bun prints tlic news , without refer
ence to individuals. So far from evinc
ing any malice towards Butler it prompt *
ly tobk his side m the controversy over
O'Brien's dismissal and insisted that the
chief should be sustained in his efforts to
maintain discipline. It purposely re
frained from editorial comment on the
mailer of retained fees in order to afford
tlio chief time for nxplnnation. But no
one who reads the explanation is likely
to admit that it helps matters much.
The truth of the matter is that Butler ,
after resigning in haste , repented
seriously at leisure. Within twenty-four
hours afterwards ho was setting up the
pins to retreat in as dignified a manner
as possible. Friends of the lire chief were
given petitions to circulate among firemen
asking him to withdraw his resignation ,
and others took the job of stirrimr up
tlio underwriters to beg tliccouncil not to
permit Butler to go. Mr. Uittlcr sudden
ly found out that a salary wasn't such a
bad thing after all , e en if he had to use
his own horse occasionally , and pay for
its feed. And now that the fire chief has
backed down he feels it necessary to pose
before tiio public as 'in injured innocent ,
and the victim of malice. It will not work.
THE discovery of. defalcations in the
Chicago postonice. which will probably
amount to many thousands of dollars ,
again suggests that 'the system of guards
and checks in llio management of tlic
financial department of tjie postal service
is not so complete and .thorough as they
might be. Under tliopresent system ,
clerks in the department of second class
mail matter ( ncwspnpdfs and periodicals )
where tlic cmbtv.xlements in the Chicago
ollice occurred , have a particularly good
chance to steal where collusion among
them , as in this case , is effected.
Tin- : city should enlist a band of horse
marines and save $33 a month for horse
Albany. N. Y. , is the oldest town in tlio
old thirteen colonies.
The use of the 1-ccnt piece is becoming
gcncial in San Francisco.
it costs 8800,000,000 , u year to maintain the
standing armies ot'Kurope.
Sixty-live thousand head of sheep arc being
driven from Oiegon to Nebraska.
Up to Juno 20th this year there lias been
10,270 cases of cholera in Japan , with 7,807
A three-foot vein of rich ore has been dis
covered in tlio Coloiado mine owned by John
A. Logan.
New Orleans papers print thirty-two
columns of forced tax bales of real estate in
that city.
Tlio two largest plates of glass ever made
In this country were 134 by ICO Inches , and
were made for a St. Louis store.
There are about 5,000 printing oflices In the
German empire , only about littccn of which'
work more than ten hours per day ,
A western woman , Mrs. MeLane , is the
largest mail-route contractor In this country.
She has 100 routes on the Pacific coast.
The new law In Now York prohibiting the
employment of children In factories will
force iiO.OOO children out of employment.
There are in Paris 410 lithographic estab
lishments , of which 200 are engaged In color
printing. The French lead all others In the
lithographic art.
In Knglaml tlio population doubles In fifty
years ; In the United States , Canada and
Australia. In twenty-Jive years ; In Germany ,
In 103 years , anil in Franco and In countries
nslni : the French luincungo , 140 years.
A Utinnco Tor tlio
cl'lilcaaa Time * .
Oleomargarliiu In politics will give oven
the poorest dcmago uu a chance to IIKO con
siderable grease on his ( onsjUtuents this fall.
Blnlionc Afllininotl
Mr. ItlilUU'bcrirercaiuiot itct much lower if
ho tries. Maluine says ( it ! l iibhunu-il of him.
A man who makes Mahout ) jislmmtil miiat bu
a Bight to sec. j .
HUB TuUoiilOrilers.
Hostess "What hasi become of .Sandy
Smith , who stood so lilgli ? In your class ? ' '
Almilnus " ( ) , bo's taken orders some time. "
Jlo.ster.H"He's in tlio 'ihlnlstry , then ! " '
Alumnus "No ; in aicflaurant. "
* TI r"
Sullivan qoncurs.
CMeaua Trlhuiit.
The constituents of Messrs. l < ninl and Cobb
liavn abundant reason to b ashamed of thu
pugilistic display indulged In by those con
gressmen. In this opinion wo have the hearty
Boncurrencflof tlm Honorable John 1. . Sulli
van , of JJoston.
Taken Uiulnr AilvlMoinciit.
Gitcauo Herald.
Tlio proposition of Norman L. Munro to
Jay Gould tlmt they race yachts , liio loser to
pay 3100,000 to tlie poor of New York , looks
like a scheme to entice Mr. Gould Into phil
anthropy , Ho will ponder over itho sublect
until after the cJoso of navigation ,
Will Not Ho (
Grand ftlai
The efforts of tliu unpiinclpleo ! railroad oran -
an , the Omaha .Republican , to force an auti-
Van Wyck pledge out of nil candidates fo
slate oflices. will not bo successful. Then
are sonio men who believe tlmt there Is !
principle umleilyliiK the republican paity.
John 1 1. lit nil M. C.
iWit > Vwti H'aiht.
Since members of rougicss have ( nkcu t (
i-liipgliii ; each oilier , 1'rofes-ior John L. Sul
llvan has expressed the opinion tiiat hi
wouldn't rut a bad URUIO over ( hero ns n N'ev
York member. Ileliiluks tlmt ho could dis
cuss the public Iniul question with any foil
of the best debaters In the house.
Show Up Tlmt Tliuycr Iicttcr.
Tlio Omaha Itopiibllrau ouslil to allow U |
that Timber letter on the scnatoilnl ipicstiot
or admit that It lied when it salil It had niij
such letter. Cloiu'ral Tlm > cr sajs lie ne\c
wrote niiy such letter us the Kcpubllcnu ini'ii
tlons ,
The Ten Commandments Tor OMIcc
A'cic } 'oil. Nun.
Slum , ns you wmilil the jays of Orcus ,
Ward meeting , pilnmiy and caucus.
If yonr'e n Democrat , don't show It ,
And never let tlio President know it.
t'nless yon court n swllt suspension ,
Xeverbe s-cen at a convention.
Work on a campalirii committee ,
You might be kicked out without pity ,
Solicit not campaign .sulicil | > lion ,
Foi I car Ketorm should have conniptions.
Hotter not vote , It Is ollicious ,
And might bo icckoned as pernicious.
He natural ; Irembloln your shoes If
Volir partisanship' : * at nil obtrusive.
Talk not of politics , some Mugwump cad'll
Dunouncc you as a foe ol liildlc-tndnle.
Praise sham lefonu. What If it Is sham' . ' II
Mlaht be iiciiticious should yon liccly damn
Above all. stilvc fora complete passivity ,
Or you'll be bounced for pernicious activity.
NcbrnHkn Jottln a.
Valentine wants a large elevator to
store the harvest.
Mend is figuring on building a largo
school house this j car.
The Northwest Nebraska Press as
sociation is called to meet at O'Neill ,
August lUth.
Herman Diers had a valuable horsa
killed while trying to buck an engine oil
thu track at Crowell.
Alcssrs. Hockman iV : Slatt , of Philadel
phia , will soon open a wholesale fruit
and commission house in Grand Island.
Jake Kiiomleck , a Saundcrs county
farmer , took passage on the strychnine
route to I'nradise , but collided with a
biomach pump and wrecked his hopes.
Louis Lpveles : ? , of Litehfield , Ouster
county , laid down for a nap under a car ,
and waked up to find both arms and a ley
cut oft" . The doctors think ho will live.
The buildings and other improvements
of the Standard Cattle company at Fre
mont are nearly completed , and ! i,700 ,
head of cattle will soon occupy stalls in
the buildings.
Senator Kinkaid , the genial old bach
of O'Neill , has begun work on his hand
some cottage. It is suspected that he
will catch a "butterfly" before snow will
Henry Dprc , a tombstone artist , is ono
of the missing men of Kdgai * . His rela
tives are excited over his disappearance ,
but he will doubtjess soon turn up with a
fresh stock of epitaphs.
The Congregational church of Chart-
rou has iust icceived a l)00-pound ! ) bell ,
which will announce to the festive cow
boy on Sabbath mornings that it is time
for him to lay by his euchre deck and
gun aim attend divine worship.
Armstrong , the fellow who attacked a
dining-room girl at Miller's depot hotel ,
Norfolk , and got a couple of severe
cracks over the head with glass tumblers
thrown by the muscular biscuit shooter ,
which fractured his skull , has since died.
The O'Neill creamery has been closed
up. and its churns and butter workers
will remain silent and still , and the vig
ilant skippers will Intten on the choose ,
while the rennets will decay and fade
until some whov of putting 'tho institu
tion out of debt is devised ,
The I'iattsmoutli Journal states the
llurllngton tracks from Omaha to Red
Oak are covered with cars laden with
merchandise for Omaha , principally
coal. The rush is duo to the recent wn'r
in rates. Six hundred cars of Omaha
freight were side-tracked in Plattsmouth
Monday , and 400 moro wore on the wav.
Nebraska City shouts with railroad joy
and I'lnttsmouth goes her ono better.
The Press of the former has underground
assurances that the city will soon bo on
the main line of tlio iiurlington system ,
but moving day is not yet a certainty.
Plattsmouth finds comfort in tlio fact that
Kock Island engineers are looking for a
route in that vicinity , and visions of a
competing road penetrate the fog in
happy hollow.
Iowa Items.
A now elevator will bn erected at Ft.
Madison ,
Mason City streets are to bo macncla *
mi/.od by "tramp" labor.
The waterworks system at lied Oak is
being repaired and enlarged.
F. I ) . Palmer , an Ashton farmer ,
skipped out recently with a largo amount
of mortgaged property.
The Wood bury County Agricultural
society has voted against holding n fair
this fall , owing to the low state of its
A woman ny the immoof Turk recently
gave the Atlantic democrat man a sound
drubbing over the head with an um
brella , She wns , indued , a "Turk. "
Tlio canning factory at Glonwood was
burned to the ground Monti ay evening.
The loss , which will reach $ . ' 15.000 , in
cludes .100,000 tin cans ready for the fall
A Seranton young lady wns stung on
the great too by a honey bee last week.
Jim1 foot and ankle has swollen and
turned blacic and it is feared that ampu
tation will bo necessary ,
Arrangements are being made to hold
mass meetings at Clear Lakn , commenc
ing August 14 , to organi/o law and order
leagues by counties through thu Male for
tlio enforcement of the prohibitory law.
JhiUotn ,
A new slimming mill is to be erected
near iJeadwood.
Iron Hill dropped to ftfc. Thirty days
agn it sold for $7.
Wolves nro committing bold depreda
tions mmrFlnmlreau.
The Southeastern Dakota Fall associa
tion will hold its fair this year at Sioux
Falls , on September 21 , S2 , 2U and 21.
One hundred thousand shares of stock ,
representing $5,000,000 , was wagered on
a horse race at leadwood Sunday , The
market value of the stock was consider
ably less ,
Two workmen were arrested and fined
at Salem for finishing a small job of work
ou Sunday , On the same day a circus
gave an exhibition in that place un
molested by the authorities ,
The first accidental Itapid City through
.lio ngunoy of the new railroad happened
last week. Engineer Killorn full under
the wheels of a flat car , receiving whn
may prove to be fatal injuries.
Work on the now Kplscopnl church n
Cheyenne begins this week.
The new Union Pacific engine , No. 7if
recently sent west , wns ditched am
wrecked on her first trip at I.ornmle.
A very largo mica mine 1ms just heel
opened near husk. The main lode i
l.fiuO feet long ami twenty to sixty fee
The territorial democratic central com
mittee has been culled to meet at Haw
line , Augu t U > , to adopl the prelimin
aries for the campaign.
Two old miners , Lniiek nnd Stein , liavi
located a four-foot vein in Wlinlen canyoi
which assays forty-eight ounces of sill
phato of silver at the surface.
The C'rook county assessment has lieei
cqiinllyed up to $ ' , ' . ,050.000 , of whiel
$ ' . ' ,350,000 is represented by cattle , nton
than half of the amount neing nssessot
against eight corporate proprietors.
The recapitulation of Cheyenne's ns
sessmeut shows a total valuation thi
year of $3,705,072 , on which there is i
levy of 10 } mills , making a total tax fo
the year of $2ll,03.r ! ! > 5. Last year the vnl
nation was $2,07-1,570 , and the levy of It
mills netted $20,7-15.70.
The final plans for the territorial cap !
tel have been approved and bids for tin
construction of tlio building will In
opened on August 22. The bnildint
when completed will be 218 feet lonj.
nnd IB I feet wide. The main enlrniict
facing toward Dm south , and the end cas
nnd west , and it is the object of the com
mission to make the building as nearly as
possible fire proof ; the ton of the dome
will bo 1-11 feet above the ground.
The most encouraging reports con
tinuc to come in from the oil lielils. sayj
the Stmdaiip ( iiizctto. Last week tin
Standard company , at a depth of il'.Tifcct
struck oil which rose in the pipe to the
surface and llowcel over. Operation !
were susnemted , and the superintendent
I.apsley , at once .started for the hills tc
report to the company. Mr. O. Noble , s
wealthy Pensylvanian ami a heavy oi
speculator , visited tlio oil fields in this
county last week , returning on Saturday
lie was surprised to find mtch a magnili
cent oil country , and declares "the pros
pects are the best in the world. "
The Corporation AVoi-sliiper.s.
l-'iifmi lit Siuiial.
Some of tlio corporation worshipers ol
this state , who claim to be republican
journalists , are using every means possi
ble to wreck the republican party. And
lest they should fail by continually abus
ing men whoso republicanism is above
suspicion , they are devising schemes by
which they can secure the personal favor
of probable candidates before tlic next
state convention in advance of their nom
ination ; or if unsuccessful in this efl'orl ,
to then publish insinuations directed
against their integrity , and thus defeat
If there is a despicable trait in tlio
human heart , and one that all honorable *
men abhor , it is the ono that moves a man
to make another his friend by feirce , ami
jf lie fails , then elestroy him by malicious
imibiuloes and defamatory insinuations.
Is the editor of the Omaha Republican
one of these ? If not , then le-t him step to
the front ami give the ) public thes letter
he claims to have received from General
Thayer , whcrctin the general snoko un
favorably of Van Wyck as a representa
tive of tlic people in the United States
A I'ucHle Document.
Our Co'tndi/ .
President Cleveland's sop to the im
practical mugwumps , in the form of a
proclamation to oflice holders that theiy
shall cease to be politicians , is about as
puerile a document as ever emanated
from theHwhito house. It has never been
equalled in wisdom save by the wise
mother whose daughter askeei/'May I go
swim ? " and she replied , "Yes , you nicy
my daughter , but don't go near the
water. " If Cleveland had never
been groomed bj- the efiice holding poli
ticians he would still remain "unhonorcd
and unsung" among his dusty law books
in Hullalo. Politicians are but mortal
and liable to blunder ; hence the putting
of Cleveland into the white house only
illustrates the folly of attempting to lit
square pegs into round holes. Much
luck seems to have maddened tins fellow
but we venture the opinion that ere his
term closes tlio idea of being "monarch
of all he ; surveys" will bo crushed e > ut.
nnd ( jed will bo spelled with a letter 0
and Cleveland with a smaller C bj him.
Inw Have Their llasis in 1'oliek-n.
One CinintiT/ .
Tlio Knights of Labor are ) beginning
to got the ieica through their heads that
all laws , good and bad , are the outgrowth
ol and have their basis in politics. This
is a truth all honest labor agitators must
accept if they desire their resolves , plat
forms , promulgations , etc. , to bo aught
but "glittering generalities. " The press
will cheerfully allow workingmen te >
preach , pray , exhort , ami sing about
their wrongs , but the moment they whis
per politics the capitalistic press exclaims ,
"Don't , " and wo hoar the distant echo
"communists , " ' 'socialists , " "anarch-
ist-s. " etc. One vole in llio right direction
will accomplish more than a thousand
tnlkxin the same direction.
Swindlers Skip ,
VAU'AKAiso , Neb , , July 25. [ Corro-
spouelcnci ) of the HICK , ] Last week a
couple registered at the Brick hotel as
man and wife and proceeded to canvas
the town for n business elireiotory. After
fleecing n number of business men out of
tibout twenty-live dollars they quietly
clinics up missing , leaving an irate land
lord dancing to the tune of about twelve
dollars nnel the Avalanche ollicei , also ,
about seven dollars anil n half , The edi
tor of the ) Avalanche saw thei gentleman
in Lincoln on Saturday but lost him
again. Word was loft with the police at
Lincoln and wo may see the gentlemnn
A bottle of Angostura Hitlers to ilnyor
your hunoiiiuli ! or any either cold drink
with , will keep you free ) from Dyspepsia ,
Colic , Diarrhcna , anil nil diseases origi
nating from the digestive ) organs. He
sure to geil llui ge'.nuino Angostura , man
ufactured by Dr. J. < J. H. Sfeigert & Sons ,
/I Hjippy Ainu ,
National Weekly : "I inn the happiest
man on earth to-day ! " eixiillingly exclaimed -
claimed a gentleman , who was telling a
friund tlmt lie had that day murrU'il : t
widow with n large fort mm ami no in
ciimbraneHis. "
"Sim may yet make your hair Maud on
end , " replied tlio friend.
"Nay , nay , my elear sir , she l the very
uirsonilicatiem of goodness ami 1 have
wory assurance that my future will bo
lappy , and ono of never euidiisg bliss. "
' 'How ' do you know that * "
"Why my bifo is ns dumb n < t n heirno
> loel ; ami has just ordered a inimly
nonumeiil , "
'When I'.i'jf nu HcV , wo K roli rC.utr.1 .
Wbeu < k ( ran a Child , Mia cried for ( 'nnUirlft ,
Wlieo elio tacaiuo UUi , Ua clmm la UwlorU ,
IV IKU kb * bad CUlldivu , elie giio Ilium U
13 # PERRY D AVIS' Jg )
Pliyslclnns , Minister * . MlMlannrteH. Mrtnftprcrf
of Vnotorlty , Work-simp * , I'lniitntloiu ,
Neir. < os In Itnpltnls In snort , every-
l > oily I'vorywlicro wlio lin $
ororvlvcn It n trlnl.
I-.UUNU ciinc von
, , SUM-
THHOAT , &c.
IT is TIIK smr r.irrrrtvK AND msr : I.I
o.v \IITH rem tTutxo
Prices , 26c , , 60c , and $1,00 per Bottle ,
t3TBownro of Imitations. , .gj
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $300,000
Surplus . 30,000 * * *
It. W.Yatc-s , Prevalent.
A. K. Tou/.nlin , v"iee President. 1
W. 11. S. Hughes , Cashier.
imir.cTons :
11. W . \ ates , Lewis S. Kceel.
A. K. Touxalln.
Cor 12th ami 1'nrnnm Sis
A General Banking Business Transacted.
. , . , ! .
. No. 174 Fulton Street. New Ifork. .
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
TansilPs Punch Cigars
wnro uhliniod ilurlng the past
two yours , without n drum
mer in ourpiniilny. Noothor
hnuso In tlio world can trutu >
fully luakoBUCh n showing
Ono ( iKout ( driller oulyi
wanted In onch town.
017 St. ClmrloiSI. , S * . Ijonl8,9Io.
Arrgnlariraluatflor two UedleilCoUtiei. lit * been lon ( r
enRag'tllo thMpedal IretemcDlof CHKIHIO , NIRTOVI. Hem
and UIOOD DlcitiBl tliannor otber l't > TilclauioSI.Loue
ftielly piperiihoir tntlull oldrcildfntiKDow.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Atlcc-
lions ol Throat , Skin or Demos , Blood Poisoning ,
Old Sores and Ulcers , art treated vltb unp.t.llol.l
Bfrriion latent ( fli-ntlQe principle ! Hafelf. Priratel/ .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , which produce mme at ib ,
rullowlug cTect4 ( : iienrouinni , dcbllllr , dlmneil or ilht
ftDddereellrememorT , plmptei on the rare , pbriletldcca/ ,
KTrriloo tollie iwclei/or fcmalei. eoDriiiloa or Idea * , etc. ,
rendering Harrlaco Improper or unhappy , * r
perrcaneDlly eured. riui ) [ > tilrte36ii9fcion ) thenbore , 'not
Inrraled rnvelojio. rreotoanjr nddrcta. ConmiltntloaAlor *
Ceeor tr mull freeInvllcd nnd it'lctljcoDndfOllal.
A Positive Written Guarantee gircn in oreryea.
table cue. ilcdlcloo eut ererj where by malt or espreia ,
360 PAOES , FTTfK PLATES , ctogant ololn nd all.
LludliiK , icaleU for 5Go. lu | iott R or currency , Orvr flfiy
* ondcr fut ) > eiiplciurr * , true to 11 Tot arllclrvontba folio wlnj
iilijfcti : wlio tn jr to rrf , wlionoi. wli/i in nhooJ , worn no.
Hood , ph/ilril ilrciT , clftcti ofot-lilacj ao > | etccm , the I'h/i. '
lolOKy orrrnrotjuctfen.tuj tnnny inor * . Thoio ruirrled or
coatem pint Inn mtrrlnf * iliotitii rrml It. J'"f > i lar flltlon
nmo , | iwr * * oYcr,20e. dJt t * , trbo fir. wiiWItr. '
Cure without ninill.
POSITIVE ; duo. I'litontoil Octo-
' bur 16 , 1H7B.
Ono box will cura
tliomoat obtlnntoonso in fonrOaya
No niuispoiwlo o.sof cnbol ) ! , copnlusio < > of
eiindfilwoocl Unit nro t-ortiilii to pi-oiluuu dyrfp
em by dostiiivlmr tlui cimtliiir-j of the Miimuoh ,
l'rlcol.60. Bold liy all ilriiirirlau or innllnd on
receipt of i > rioc > . For fnrtliur
fnrulrcular. I' . O. Ho * 1.111.
0" . C. A.IjJj .W CO. - CURE.
. Now VorK.
. IRJiTu&.r&vd : SO ? .
Prnctino linillcil to DIscusoH of tlia
QliiRHCfllitloil for all Form * ef ) ilefoRtiva
Yiuion. Ai'tiliuial Kyed liiBortoil.
Jo ) you want , a pure , bloom
ing Comnloxion I Jf so , n
low m > pi i rations of
II AttNOUAJiALll will grill
ify you fo your Iioiul'H con-
lonl. II docs awuy with Sul-
lowucss , Jtednoss , Tunnies ,
Dlotclics , niul all diseases and
Imperfections of tliu skin. J I ,
overcomes the Unshod appear-
mice of heat , iiiligiio and ox-
oitoment. It makes a lady of
TIUllTV appear hut TU'liN-
TY ; natural. gradual ,
and jiorlbci. are its ollects.
thai it is impossible to detect
its applicutiou.