THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY. JULY 20 , 188G. in Chicago Governed Entirely By the State of the Drought. MANY CONTRADICTORY REPORTS Corn Opens I'xcitctl and CloscH firm Wheat Takes ft Prop I'rovl' Lower Lower on Cattle. CHICAGO UllAIN .MAHItl'T. CiiirAOO , Jnl > ' .8. ( Special Toll-gram to the lKi.J : Si > one ran tell now bv simply reading the Hood of telegrams which come In from till pails of the southwest what the ac tual or even approximate condition ot the corn crop is , so Hatty aie the se\eral rep ex- pertsgettlnr : In the habit of contradicting each other. To-tlaj a good many tr.uli'it af fected to lielleve tlie statements wafted up fiom the south that thu incieased acreage and stand of corn ivotild allow a shortogo of 2.1 per cent. , and still show a crop of l.i'-OO- 000,000 bushels. Homo telegrams even go so far as to say that tlieie Is no suihrvirtago in Nebraska , Kansas , and Missouri as is gener ally supposed , but s.iy rorn Is looking quite well , and that thuie U mote old corn in the country than for sevi ral years. Intimates in some quarters say M per rent of last year's ctop Is still In the farmers' hands. These Htatcmcnt.s are ghen mctely to show to what extremes spcuulatttu interests permit , themvlves to inn and hot because the great majority ot tinders take any amount of stork in their truthfulness , for candor induces the ntatement that they do not. So deep rooted Is the belief the coin crop Is In pietty bad shaHj | that siny asiertlnns pointing to the contrary me thickly spiead with saltbcfoic being swallowed.Vcrst still maintains that Iowa eorn Is damaged one-half , while hun dreds of telegrams to icpic.MMitatlve houses MIJ the weather Is still seorcldngly hot , and ' t'hat everj thin1.- needs rain. Hut the bears compelled a hearing of their news to-day and btoUo the market fiomHie for September , to which point It had pie- vlously advanced from 4 > * > c , < U > wn to 4" > ' 4e. Hut the opening was tiuite excited at 4-V , and ptlciis lapldly advanced to 4i'4e. but this M'emed to be about r.s high as they could bulge. Huyiir4 was by the crowd generally , many of whom were short small lots Bloom cave them considerable. After reacting to 4.K'there was a ieco\ery to4e. . The close was steady and lirm. The llrst half hour's trading was the most evltine < > f the day. In I this time September wheat sold tin to TS' e and September corn to 404'c. ' Fiom these points both were sold elf rapidlv by big traders , who thought It safe to short the mar ket on this rauid advance. Both Leopold , llloom and llutehinson were sellers of corn. It dropped from 4fi'ic to 45\e In a very few minutes , then milled nnd became Me.utj at a traction above this latter ligme. Uoth Cud- uliy and Iteam weieiepoited verv large sell ers of wheat , and under their sales the piiee went fiom b c for September down to 77' ( , ( § > iAjC. lialdwin , Wreim & Farnum's dis patches on eoru fiom the west said : "Iowa Is the worst > et. L don't s-eo how over 50 per cent of a crop Is possible , with e\eu the best possible sulMemient conditions. " Norton's dispatches said : "Hot , scorching weather in the corn b < lt. with even the grass and leaves dying. " Private cables said that corn had became very strong on the other side , while wheat was onlv fairly steady. The Chicago , Jiuilington & ( Jnlncy ueople say that the ciops look well along their route , although it IM true that corn needs lain. WHEAT Wheat tended downward pretty much all the session , with Cudahy , I'oam , llutchlnson , liloom and others big sellers. September opened at TS' c , which was ' 40 higher than it closed , and lor a time It was held up nn a decrease of lbOO,000 bu on p.iss- age , and by more or less buying against puts. Hut atter these Influences were oil' the totio bccamo weak , nnd from an opening at 7Sic there was a drop to 7G"fc by 12:30. During this peilod the market was more or Ie-.s ex cited , largely In sympathy with the break In corn , and in part because of cloudy tele- crams from the corn belt. September corn broke oil to - M'c. . Wheat in the meantime Bagged down to7G ! c , there being no outside oidersor news to support the market , and home heavy local selling to break it down. It recovered sllchtly , but closed heavy at "li e. MINOIC CHAINS Small grains weio weak nnd lower In sympathy with wheat. PiiovisioNS riovislons showed strength caily , with ncti-e buy ing on local and out side account , but the advance ot 10cvas not sustained. Cunii , 2:30 : p. m. Wheat and corn were both strongeron the curb and somewhat liluli- CHIOAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago. JulySS. ( Special Telegram to the UEK.J CATTI.I : Tlio receipts to-ilay were not nearly so largo as on yesterday , to the surprise of many , though otferlntis of nearly nil grades were abundant. The market was slow to open and on Hun , erassy natives It was as bad as ever , lint on very choice solid fat cattle of all weights It was , if any different , a trillo stronger. A lot of choice 1VJ5 Ib steers .sold on dressed beef account at 5Tlio highest prlco of the week was $3.10 , paid Monday for bomo very Miperior cattle. Some good HOO It ) cattle at S4.87'tf , and some very line 1'iW Ib steers at IM.bO , bold as well as on Monday. As a i ule , however , pi ices weio lOe lower than on Mon day , and 20gXc ( ; ) lower than last Friday. ( oaise , heavy and thin , light and medium eattlo were tlio ones mon neglected. Kansas Oily to-day had a steady matket. with 3,400 head at Jersey City , The latest advices trom < ! reat Hritain Indieateil ti very heavy and un- Fatlsfacloty dead meat and five stock trade. Klilpplnc steers , l.'BO to 1WO lb * . fc4V > (56.00 ( ; 1200 to 150 ! ! Ib.f , $ ) .00iU.tX ( ) ; 1)50 ) to I'JOO ibs , , . lloos Tlio maikct was active , and prices Btiongeron the best solid corn-fed Moeic , tint blow and r.ithir weak on common. Sales bliow tliat the ordinary run of corn-fed mixed \\PIO selling at 84.85Q4.1K ) , and grassy stork lit i4..Mxa l.fiO ; tvst eorn fed heavy at S5.00 ® 6.10 , and light at $ F1NANUIAL. New York. July 23. MONEY On call easy nt2f < i2' ' per cent. I'ni.MK MlIIICANTlI.K IM 135 per cent. HTKHLIXO KxciiAxnR Dull ; S4.S1-f for . . . days ; Sl.b7 lor demand. t > viKX : iis-ra : Government bonds were dull but lirm to-day. Sroi us Trade In the stock maiket to-day \MIS maiked by moru animation than for Borne days past ami larger blocks of stocks changed hands. At the opening first prices showed liiegular clianse.s , but were generally within > , , wi4 per cent ot last eveniiiK'a linal figmes. .MNimirl , Kansas Jc Texas and Isoilhern IV-llle profeired were each down " percent. In early trading the unfavor able crop news and the passage of the land forfeUiiie bill by the house ot lapresentatlves \Nnshlngtun created an unsettled nnd rather heavj maiket , but tlm buying ot trunk lines soon milled the lint and prices contln- lied to advance , with only sliglit reactions throughout the day , and the market finally closed strong at about the best figures reached. BTOOK3 O5 WA.LT , 8TIIKBT. S cent bonds. . lOO O. .t N. W 114V I ) , t , . 4K's 113 preferred. . . 140 Now 4's 127 W. Y. O. 10UST racltlc O'K of 'Ui. 120 Orezon Trau. . . . S4V Oentrall'aclllc. . 43 I'.ieltic Mall , , . . . 57h C.Jc A 150IMJ.&E. . . . . . . preferred , . , . 150 OyR. ; Itock Isl&nd ' " - St. I. . AS. F. . . . Di&'itfo. ; ; ; ; 283f nreferred. . . KHe ; > s O. , M. A St. P. . . . preferred. . . 77.1 * ' preferred. , . Illinois Central. 137UiSt. I'&O . 1. , U.&W . " preferred. . . Kansas A ; Texas. iTexas 1'acltic. . . Laka Shore . . { Union Pacific. , . 45VW.St. L.itP. . Mich. Centrai ; ; ; 78ii | preferred , , . Wo. 1'acilie Western Union. Korthern Pan. , , lO-.H-iN lireferred. . . intODUCR MABICBT3. Chicago , July2S Flour Quiet , dull nnd weak * uoquotablu change ; southern Wlscon sin. a.ya < s4.i6 : Mleiiluan , Si.ixx i.M ) ; sot : bprlni ; , Sa.JOJ.10 ; Minnesota bakers , 53.5 < -Z4.10. patents < .4X ( i4.SO ! low prades , SI. 73 .t2.75 ; rveilonr. qniet nt t3'lV 3.rAt In bar rels. s ' Corn Active and unsettled ; oiencd about tlu * same as previous days , and cinMti' abtiut > < e above \ e terdiy ( * . < > ; ea"h , 43'ifii l.'x ; ; An- Ku t. 4c ( ; bcptcmber , 4"iVe. O.its diM-iied Him nnd about cash , 2V : September. "Je ; October , IK1. Itje Steady at .Wc. H uleinlet atGle. ' Flax-H-ed-SI.U Tiinotliv Prime , S2.ttVrt.CC. \VliNky-Sl.t2. Pork AiTtive nnd nn oltled ; opened st i oncer niul lUc lilu'hor. ro-e . " > . and later le- ceiled aVrfi' r , closinsr nt Inside luiltes ; cash , S .7.V.i i 0 ; Aittftist , ! > .77 ! . ) .7S ; Sep- tember. Sy.s7'iidMiO. ! I .a rd Advanced 7i'C'10i' ? ? , elosinc quiet nt ouNdo limiie , \\ltli coixl deal mil ; cash , and August , SO.COJji ( 0.70 ; September , SO. 7.5 in.7r' ' , . Iloxed Meals Shoulders. Sfi lOi i'.l.'i ' ; short clear , SO.iXKiiO.C5 ; short libs , & . lliitter No niateiial change ; creamery , lU' . < ll o ; dairy. iKn. : ; > ic. Cliceie ( jnlct and a steady demand for line Cheddars ; full cre.un Cheddars 7it7'4e ( ' ; Hats , 7'4 7i'c : 3011111 ; Americas , Hides Heavy ( 'reon salted , S ( Si4'e ; 9.'ni'1e ; ' ; ( lini.ii'i'il : , 7'/e ; bull hides , .Vje : drv sailed , ll-.d-Je : dry IIInMa Uc ; calf skin * . hCtlO'jc : ileiconsVic each. Tallow No. 1 country , 3t } ( < t : /e ; No. 2 , ! ! e ; cake , 34'c. Hecplnt * . Shipments. Flour , bbls . 6 , nX ) I'.MKM Wheat , bit . in , W V..tKW Corn. on. . . . . 213.IHMI Oats.oii . r/ Kyo.Oit . 10,1X10 l.lHKl Harley.uti . ! ? , OJJ 1,000 Now Yorlt. Julv 2.s. SVhtat-KeoclPts. 1KIOO ! ) ( ; exports , 77.0X ) ; spot lower nnd modeiately active , and options opened lirm and adv.uiecd Ui't-Vc. later ruled easv , tlieti declined kofk'c ; Ungraded red , No. a ml , sv .s.Vfc ; No. 3 red. No. 1 led , Die in elevator ; all oat , Corn Spot , 1f < rt 1V lower and dull , nnd options opened ? s ( a aie higher , later ilecllnlnj' ' I'jtif H < e , eloslni ; wtlli n ie 'o\t'ry of ) { < ' * ' & < ' roeelpts. 17noO ; expolts. 2olKX , ) ; nintiadi'd , 4iV.'i.Vt ) : ; Nn. 2 , 4i ! fO''JOc ' ' ulloat ; August closed aUy'lfnV'lc. ( ) Uats Dull ; leceipts. 77,000 ; exports , none ; mixed weteiii , IXXii-iOe ; whl'.e westein , 40(1 ? 47e. 47e.I'etroleum Steady ; united closed at 05 Sc. Poik Firmer and more active ; old , S10.02Swlo.7- ; new me.-s , S11.7' : ; < @ 11.S7S' . Laid ili hei and moderately active ; west- cm steam , spot , C.7S' ? O.NV August , SOlXiS I'.VJ. Itntter Firm and quiet ; western. 10@l8S'c. Cheese Dull ; western , 7l4it ( fe. I'srgs Ouletand we.ik ; western trcsli , 14 ® Mlimcapolin , July 38. Wheat dull and lower with n little inclination to pur chase ; No. 1 hard , cash and Atiiit.7.f | > Ke ; September , 77'4e : October , 7b'jc ; .N'o. 1 nortli- crn , AiiKUhtrJ-ac ; September , 7-V ; ; October , 7)e. 7)e.Flour - inactive : patents , 54.304.50 ; bak- eis. s : ! . : 4T3.50. Keeeipts-Wheat , 00,000 bushels ; Hour , 107 jairels. Shipments Wheat , 13,000 bushels ; flour , 20.COO barrels. Mllwttukco , July 23. Wheat Quiet ; , 74c ; AtiRiist , 74 ? c ; September , 70e. Corn UiL'lier ; No. 2 , 41c Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 2 > c. Rye-Steady ; No. 1.54 } < c. Bai ley Firmer : No. 2 September. GlJ 'c. I'rovislous Higher ; mess pork , cash and July. SU.87K ; August , 50.93. Cincinnati. July 28. Wheat Steady ; 7So.2 led , 7077c. Corn Scarce and higher ; N'o. C mixed , 42Ve. Oats Weaker ; No. 2 new mixed , 29@ 29Kc. Hyp Steady ; No. 2. Oojfc. I'ork-DullatSlO.O.- . Lard Strunu' at SC.25. Whlskv Quiet : sales , . .20 barrels of fin ished goods on a basis ot SI. 07. Bt. Louis , July 2S. Wheat weak and lower ; No. 2 led , cash , 7. > c ; Aug ust , 7 > Jsc. Corn Stronp and higher ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , ! > ' , ; Auirust. 41c. Oats \veak'No. \ ; 2 , mixed , casli37@37 c : AllL'USt , 37KC live Weak ; We hid. WhKUv S1.07. Pork Firm atSlO.OO. Lard-Steady at SG.2T . Butter Steady ; creamery , 17@20c ; dairy , LiiTcrpool , July 'JS. Wheat offeied moderately ; new No. 2 winter Os 7d ; sprlnc , Cs 7d. Flour Holde's offer fieely ; St. Louis family 8s. Corn Spot and'futnies holders offer sparingly ; new mixed , 4s 2d ; July , 4s HKd ; Aimnst , 4s 2d ; September , 4s 3d. Tolcilo , July 23. Wheat Active and lower ; cash , TTJi'c. Corn Dull and weak ; cash and AuRtist , 4.1c. 4.1c.Oats Steady ; September 2i4'c. ! ) Knna.iH City , Julv 28. Wheat Steadv ; ' No. 2 ted , cash , SSKc'bld , SOj c abkedAuV ; nst , 5'Jc. Corn Illuht'r ; No. 2 , cash , 33o ; Aug- , ; wc. Oats Mixed , cash , 2Sc bid , SOc asked. New Orleans , July 2S. Corn Qood de mand at full prices ; in sacks , mixed and white , 0301We ; while , 61@.Wc. Oats Kasler : choice western In sacks , 40c. Oats ( Jiiiet. but steady at40@4lc. Cornmcal Demand fair at f'J.CO. Hojr pi odncts Quiet and steady. l'orkio.rr : } < r. Lard Ueline.1. S0.25. IJulk Jleats Shoulders , Sj.S7J < ; long clear and clear ribs , 50.37 } , ' . LIVE STOCK. Chicago , July 23. The Drover's Journal reports us follows : Cattle Iterolpts , 7.COO ; steady ; hhlpiliif- steei-h , S3 70 5.0J ; stockers and feedeiv. t2.40 Q3.70 ; cows , bulls , and mixed. $ l.50gj.oO : ; bulk , S2.CO ( < t\-1.10 : through Texas rattle , steady ; cows , SiirjOi-W ) ; crass steers , & 2.GO ( S'l.OO. HORS Recplpts , 19,000 ; strong early , closing weaker ; rough and mixed , S4.20@4.05 ; packlnsandshlpplns , Sl.TSQ.VJO ; light , S4.20 (25.0i ( ; skips. S-J.5\4.10. Slieep Iteculnta. 0,000 ; strong : for coed natives , $2.00ffl4.a ) ; wcotern. f .1.00 , 3.40 ; Texans , Sl.75 2.50 ; lambs , S4.00@XX > , St. Louis , Jnlv2S.-Cattle Ilecelpts 3,500 ; fihlpments , 2,100 ; fairly active , about every- . . Hogs-P.eeelpts , 4,100 ; shiiiu > euU ) , 1,103 ; active ; good hess lOe higher , and best heavy , 4.1 3.15 ; mixed , S4.SO&4.M. KJIIISIIS City , July 2S. Cattle Ilecelpts , l,000shliuent. ; ! . none ; about Bteadv ; coed to choice . ' 34.0K ( < < ; 4.ftO ; common to medium. S3.50 © 3.70 ; stockcrs and feeders , S2.bO@3KO ; grass Texas steers , 55.00 3.20. llogs-ltecelpts , I'.GOU ' ; sliipmenU , l.SOO : opened steady , closed a shade liigher ; uooil to choice , S4.70 ( < 4l , S5 ; common to medium , - OMAHA MVI5 STOOlf. Wednesday Kvenint' , July 23. OAITLK The market baa for some time past been reported us dull ami luaclhe , but comparisons with other markets would Seem to indicate that they are not only no bitter but even In a worse condition than the mar ket here. The majority ot shippers have been p.iylnz too much for c.tttle iu thu coun try and when they cauio to market they found It dlfticult to get out on them , Medium weight fat steers and even choice heavy dressed beef steers have been soiling better hern than Iu Chicago , In propoition to the cost of marketing. A number of shippers , who have been In the yards during thu past week or ten days , took their cattle on to Chicago cage because tnry could not get what they thought they ought to bring here. None of those who have gone through have made any money , but a Rood many have lout. One shipper who wa offered 84.40 here for a bunch of steers would not sell , but on arrival In Chicago they only brnuzht 34.35 alter an additional expense of 85c p r hundred for freight rates. Others have sold In Chicago at Insit what they were offered here , thereby los- IIIK thn cost of transportation , while still others have barely come out even. There Is ademanrlheie for a certain number of dressed beef steer * every day and that demand Is in excess of what the receipts have been tor some time. U. 11. Hammond ACo. . have been compelled to ship cattle here from Kan sas City fu order to keep the packing house cning. If they cait atford to buy cattle in K.iiisoa City , whore they are suiqxteed to bo worth as much ns they me bete , and pay freight charges all that distance , U would seem to Indicatp that tliej nro prepared to piy good prices her.1. Hutcher' * stock , especially old cows \eryslowsale In e-pry inarktt and prices are low. The iiiiirVot to-day was steady. A bunch of Mx-lb cMtlc that were touch and conisp brought S4.T . HCK.S Tha lin market was about Sc better than ye trrdny. ' The grade of hoes In did not In manj c.\es aicnue as coed asester - day. The receipts were still heaUer to-day and the market was more active. The light receipts of the few d.ivs na t made the buyers anxious tnplek up ns m.ui.v livdsns iKmtblc , and the IHMIS were cleared In a shotttlme. The niarKel li-is appateutly re 'o\ered from the t1einorallz.Ulnn caitsod by the cut in ship- Ding rates and the subsequent icstoratlon of rate * . SIIKKP Thn market Is still verv dull and quiet , the demand hoi up light. A few head changed hands on the maiket to d-iv. mciirr.'v Cattle. 400 llo.-a 1500 Prcvnlllim Prices , Showlnc tlio prevailing prices paid for live to < 'k on tblsm.ukct. Cioie ! ti-ers , ) : { V ) in I.VX ) Ibs SI.&VffM.'i tlnilco stivM. liouto l : < 0) Ibs 4.wVrl.Vi : Medium oleers. UV ) to lilJOIbs. . . 4.00 4.2. ' . Fat little steers , 1050 to ll.MIN . . . . 4.00 ( Z4. S iood feeder * , OOOtolOlX ) Ibs 3.0irn3.50 ) liood to choice em n-fed cows 8.0im'3.5 ) ' Fair to incil'uin grass cows 2.0Jrt3.00 ( ( Jood to choice bulls 2.2.-.W.,75 Choice light and medium hogs 4.fiOif4.M ( 'ood to choice heavy hogs 4.00 1.70 ( iood to i-liiilce mKeil lioj 4. * > OvD < . ( > 5 Fall to coed shorn sheep 2.00(5i3.50 ( iRe or Showing the highest and lowest prices paid for mixed loads ot ho son this' m.irket d'tr- Ini : the p.\st seven d.iys , with eo-npnrativc values : June July \\'cdne dav,21sta.75 fi.S2 > < 4.SO r < t.OD Thursdav 02nd : i.Ti ) C'W.K ) 4.25 @l,45 - Satmday , 24th. 3.75 < < e4.00 4.45 ( jM.OO Monday , 20th. ; 1.75 04,00 4.SJXS4..W ( Tuesday , 27th . S4.45 & 4.70 Wed'sdav , 2ith 4.00 Wt.lO 4.50 ( 4.70 Ijlvc Stock Sales. Showlnc the number of cattle , hogs and sheep purchased by the leading buyers on to day's market. CATTLE. < J. II. Hammond * Co . ! > l Others . ai HOGS. Clark Uros . -TSt Xoith&Co . 4.TJ O. H. Ijamiuond it Co . G13 T.K.Sander ! , . 237 SltKKI1. J. M. Yerga . 10-2 Omaha Packing Co . GO Shipments. Showing the nnmbur of cars of livestock shipped out of the yards duilug the day : iioas. No. Cars. Kt. Dcst. 4 X. W. Chicago. 3 C. U. A : Q. Chicago. 8 C. 15. & y. Boston. All sales of stock in this market are made percwL live weiulit unless otherwise stated. lead hoes sell at } < c per Ib for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing leas than 100 Ibs no value. Pregnant sows" are docked 40 Ibs nnd stags SO Ibs. Notes. Hogs all sold. Xo cattle left over. The hog market is climbing up. ] j. S. Powell , Urady Island , was here with a load of cattle. Two cars of machinery for the new pack- ins houses have arrived. George Wanser , Uralnard , was at thoyaids and sold two loads of hogs. H. H. Barber , Hlwood , was at the yards and disposed of a load of hogs. C. Abrams , Crowd ! , was here and mar keted a load of hogs at the top price. Charles Kudat , Xorfolk , came in to-day and sold a load of hogs and a load of sheep. John Neoli , Schuyler , came in to-day with fifty-four head of cattle , which lie sold on tno market. J. M. Hovee , Herman , was among the num ber of shippers whocamu in to-day and mar keted hogs. Mr. Bradley was hero with a load of hogs. belonging to A. Flint , of Havenla , which sold on thu market. The continued drought and lock of mois ture induced Fletch Brown to immerse him self in \satering trough to-day. J. L. Hitter , of Morse , Rogers k Co. , North Bend , a frequent visitor to the yards , was in to-day and marketed a load of ho s. OMAHA WHOLKSAfjE MARKETS. General I'roituco , Wednesday Kvenlnir , July 28. T/ic follou'liuj i > rlccx arc for round lots nf produce , an soli ) un the mnrhct foinThe / / t/nnttitlntiK mi fruits represent the prices at which nntxhlc unlcrs arcjlllcil. BuiiKtt The receihts of good butter are extiemcly light. Choice butler Is almost en tirely out of the market , the gieater proportion tion of receipts being unlit for table use. Strictly sweet , solid and uniform color , packed in new clean tubs , would command i'JK@l'r'c In the market , but there is little or none that answers the description comhiir In. What shippers call choice butter Is selling at ll@Ue. Fair to good is slow at 7QSc , Infer ior. 3 < 2e. jj0 careful In packing your butter to have tlio packages clean atid put up In good shajH1. Koos The supply and demand arc about equal and the market Is about steady. Cand ling has to be done close , and shippers will Und It to their Interest to do It bctoro ship ping , instead of paying treight on rotten eggs. Cracked eggs should also bo left out , as in this hot weather they aw generally on- tlicly worthless. Eggs , strictly fresh , lOe. I'OLI.THV The receipts are raoio liberal nnd the market not quit * as strong. Tur- . . , . < w i r-.i-iv.ww i tJ IIIH iJHtvnt O ( Mtvumiii &it\.o * 82.00i22.i50 : sprinjr chickens , small , not wanted ; ducKs , 82.25@-J.50 : turkeys , not wanted. Ouupsn Full cream Cheddars , single , sy/tii Oc ; full cream twins , uj ; younc American. 10o ; Swiss , impoited,2o < 327a ; sUliii flats , 40 Co ; Llmbuicer. llQlSo ; brick , 12Uc Swiss domestic , 12XQ715C. UAMVOIINIA FIIUITS The market Is well supplied. Bartlett i > ears , per box , 3:1.75 : ; \Vhltn \ Doyenne , IKJI box , $3.51) ; Betirre Ulehl per box. S8..V ) ; other vniietips , S3.50 ; nectarines - ' ines , ; Crawford's peaches , pcrperbox , 82.25 ; plums , per box , S2.00 ; prime.- * , box , 52,00 ; ( ju I n ces , per box , : tupe.s , per crate , OIIANOKS Fancy Kodi , . ' -0 sl/e , ner box , 57.M ; Call foi nia Navcli , S'.OO ; Medltcr- eiiean sweets. 0.50 ; St.MIchels. 56.50. I.KMONS The market continues very firm. Fancy , pin-box , 810.00 ; choice , per box , 89.50 , Ai'ri.Ks-Choiec bbl 83.50 good , per , ; o , per bbl , SIl.OOQta.SS. HANA.VAS Choice Union , per bunch , $2.50 \VATKiiJinr.oxs--CaIIfornIa. per 100 , S30.00 ® .00 ; .Missouri , Arkansas , etc. , S20.003 TOMATOES Perone-thiid bushel box , 81.00 ; per bushel boi , S'--OO Sa. [ g OF.I.EHV A small amount Is coining In out It does not sell very last. Shipping stock , per doz. 50c. BKHIHKS niaoknerries. , per2 quarts case , S2.75@3.00jbUiobcnles , per bushel stands , § 5,00. SouTHF.nx PMTMI A few southern plums are coming In and sell f.iirlv welL .Southern plums , stands , gT.OO ; southern plums , 24 quart ea < es , $ . > .75S3.00. HouTiiiii.liUAt'KSA : lew southern crapes have arrived Iu the market ; 10 Ib. boxes , 31.0J COCOAXUTS Cocoauuts. per 100 , $5.00 ; less than hundred , per 100 , 35.50. Fios AND DATKS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes , per Ib. 160 , Dales , fancy fard , 12 Jb boxes , He : dates , Persian , Si Ib boxes , per ID , lOe. 2iui recalls , lar e pollsUe4 , He ; pecans , mwllum. PC : Knglish walnuts He ; almoiid ? , T.irraeona.'en almonds , Laii < ncdoc , 17e : Kra/tis , I2o ; tilberts. He : peanuls. linml plckcil , faiun \ Ir.-iui.i. sj < e : peanuts , hand il"ke' ) ' : ' ! " ' ? 7 Ylrsitl,7V'pe.uiut3. ! ro.i tcd , Cc extra vor II ) . HONF.Y California. l.V ; California , strained , I0e : N bnukn. choice , HOIV ; Ne- brafka , dark , 1'JV tf UV. M.M'i.nSioAi-llriek : , pcrlb. l.V : vcnny cakes tier Hi , 11'JA MAI'l.K SviifV Hulk , 14 to 17 pulton kep < , l > erpal , Sl.OO : eA\ \ runs , per gal , Sl.tK ; half pal cans per ital. l.lo. New mrk , per bbl , S7.UO ; do. half bbl. SUM ; Crab.poi Am qt , 52.7.5 ; Michigan rcilned. Dcrbbl. S .00. ViNKo.vnViIte \ | wine , l.VlTc ; cider , in ( < | 17c ; single stttncth , Uc ! ; tiiple FIKT. : 'linnKm Pics' feet , per } i bbl , fel.OO ; do , . , bbl. S2.00 ; do.'per kit , We. l -imbs' tongue ? , per ' * bbl. S3.2o : do , per kit , S2..V ) : do. quart Jars , per doz , 55.25 ; do , pint Jars , tier case , 2 drumn , ? r.7Tripe , per \ bbl , 34.00 ; do. per ' 4 bbl , S2.00 ; do. per kit , I'iiovi ioNs--llam , I2'ijc ' : bieakfn t bacon , S'jiitPc : clear Mite bacuii. T'tfnSc : drj salt side7aV ( : short rib sides. 7c ; shoiliders , 7o ; me < s pork , S12..VI per bbl ; dried beef-ham pieei'S. lik1 ; lard , tierces , O'ic ; 0-lbcans7e ; 10-lb cans ( Fairbanks ; , 7Hc ; 5-lb cans , do , 7aie ; 3-lb cans. do. 7"c. OMONS Ate coming forward slowly yet , nnd prices are linn with a good demand. Choice , per bbl. , S3.50dU.OO. CAIIIIAOI : Is quite scarce now and quota- blent 40JMOc per dot , heads , according to qualltv : Mlssouii , perorate. S3.50. Ui.vxs : Inferior stocks. 7-V@Sl.ou ; good clean couliny. Sl,2. * < itl.50 ; medium hand picked , Sl.fiO ; hand-picked navy , 51.05. PoTArois : Market is a little mom aetlvo ; prices range aci-oidlng to auallty ot stocli , irom - 0aiXX' ( per bushel. Fi.ot'ii AM > Miu. Ti'KKS Winter wheat tlourbestiiallty | iwteiit.2.l < 0 ; second quality , 82.40 ( < t2.0 : best qtullty spring whe.U tlour. patein. SJ.7. > ; bran , Ne ) i > er ewt ; chopped leed'Wo ' perewt : white corn meal. ; yel low corn nipal , C.V . ; per cwt : s-eieenliiK , ( Xte ) H > rcwt : hominy , Si.-V ) p r ewt ; shorts.Vic perewt ; graham , 51.7.V ? liay , in bales , 57.00 * 7.SUper ton. CKMN Corn , 22c ; oats , 20 < a2Sc ; rye , 40e ; wheat , GOc. General Mnrkcts. WOOL .Medium. 17SOc ; ! per Ib : fine heavy , l'(61r ! ( e ; light. 1417e ( ; coarse , 12i t. ) c ; burry wool. 2iiolf. ( . Hinus ( ireen butchers' , Oi ( a7e : green cured , WaSVic : dry Hint. ll ( < flc ; ; dr > salt , IVi * lOe : damaced hides , two-tliirds piice : tallow , itd l' e ; gtease , piimo white , ! to ; yellow , 2c ; brown , l e ; siieep pelts , 2o'i75c. ' LEATIIKII t'rlme slaughter sole leather , 32c ; prinu oak sole leather , lioXfi S1. Upper leather , per foot. S0 ( . 25c : hem. ki | > , 75usV ; oak kip , s.i9 > o ; French kip , SKOOwi ) 1.20 ; hem. calf , Sl.OJigl.lO ; oak calt , Sl.ooc * 1.23 ; Frencli calf , Sl.-J.X'ct.s'i ; Morocco boot [ pg , : xgi2c : ; Moroeeo oil pebble , ss < s:52e : ; toi - pingsnnd linings , SO.OOi'iflo.OOiR'rdor' IIHAVY H.MiDWAitr. iron , rate , S2.25 ; low stpi'l special cast , 4c ; eiuelb le tcci , 6c ; east tools do , VJicels * ; waeon spokes' per sot , Sl.7ir.oo ( : ! ; hubs , per set , S1.2. " : felloes , sawed drv , S1.40 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles , each , 7.V ; square nuts , per Ib. 7@llc ; cell chain , per Ib , CiWl2e ; malleable , 0H' : iron wedges , fie : crowbars , Ue ; harrow teeth , 4e : spring steel , 7fJ ( c ; Burden's horse-noes , S4.40 ; Ilmden's mule shoes , S5.-40. Harbeil wire , in ear lots , 34.00 per 100 Ibs. ronl Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , S2.50 ; steel nails , 53.05 ; Shot Sl.0 ; buckshot , Sl.bS : oriental powder , kegs S3..VXu4.00 : do. half kegs , S2.00 ; do , ijuaiter ke's , Sl.oO : blasting , kegs S3.35 ; fu e , per 100 feet. lOo. Lead Har , Slti. PAINTS IN Oir. White lead. Omaha. P. P. Freneli 7.lnc , Iif varnish asst , 20c ; French zinc , 75c ; vermllllon , American , ISc ; Indian red , 10c : rose plilk. He ; Venetian led , Cook- son I's , -\c : Venetian red. American , 1' e ; red lead , "Jfcjehrome iellow , genuine , 20c ; . . Minion uivj > t ii * * ; > ) i ; i 1 1 jii.u ri jiiiiitit4j * ft * DKV PAmTs-t-Whlto lead , Se : Frcnchzi uc 12c ; Paris whiting. Ke ; whitine , gilders' , IJj'eliltlnr ; , com'l , U4e ; lampblack , Oer- manstown , 12e ; Umi > black , ordinary. e ; Prussian blue , .VJc : ultramarine , 18c\andyke ; , brown , i > c : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4c : siuuna , burnt , 4 < i ; sii-nna , raw , 4e ; Paris green , genuine. 2oc ; Paris crccn , romniou , 22c ; chrome Kieen , N. Y. , 20c ; clirome green , K , 12c ; vcruiilliOii , Knqlish , In oil 70c : raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , 1-u ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c ; vamlyke , brown , 13c ; relined - lined lampblack , 12c ; co.ich black and ivory black , lOe ; drop black. IGc ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green. L. , M. & D. , lOe ; blind and .shutter irrceu , L. . M. & D. , IGo ; Paris cieen , ISc ; Indian red , Ihc ; Venetian red. Oe : Tuscan , 22c : Amencau vcrmillion. L. & I ) . , 20c ; yellow oclnc , PC ; L. M. & O. D. , ISc ; good ochre , Ifie : patent dryer , Sc ; graining color , Hulitoak , daikoak , walnut , chestnut and ash , . 12c. Dnufis AND U'JEMirAi.s Acid , carbolic , 82c : acid , tartarlc , S3c ; balsam couallia , per ft , 45c : bark , sassafras , per tb. 10c : calomel , perlbJc ; chinclionldin. peroz. 40c ; cliloio- form , per fl , , 20 c ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 51.25 ; epsom salts , per ft , KJ c ; glycerine , pine , per Hi. Ibc : lead , acetate , per Ib. 20e ; oil , castor , Xo. 1 , per gal. , S1.50 ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. , S1.4U ; oil , olive.per gal.S1.40 ; oil. orluaunum , 50e : opium. $3.X : ) ; iiuininu , P. A W. and U. A : S. , per oz , 70c ; potissium iodide , per Iti , SH.OO ; sallcln. pero ? , 40o ; sul phate morphine , perez , 52.50 ; sulphur , uer Ib. 4e ; stivelinine , perez , S1.30. VAIINISUKS Barrels , per gallon : Furnl- tuie. extra , SI. 10 ; fuimture , Xo. 1 , SI. 00 ; coach extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , Sl.20 ; Da- mar , extra , S1.7S ; Japan , 70e ; asphaltum , extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 53.50 ; haid oil tinisli , $1.50. SpiitiTS-Cologne spirits. 163 proof , S1.10 ; do 101 proof , 51.11 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.10 ; do 1SS proof , S1.10. Alco hol. IbS jtroof , 82.0 > per wine gallon. Redis tilled whiskies , S1.00M1.50. Gin , blended , Sl.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , Sa.OOfiO.OO ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00@0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rve whiskies , S1.50ca.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.008.50 ; domestic. Sl.HOffll.OO. Gins , imported , S4 no ( M.OO ; domestic , 1.2.V&3.00. Champagnes , imported , i ler case , S .OOQ.'Jt.OO ; Amerh-an , per case , 510.00(316.00. ( Gi-occrs' I/Ut. PrcKi.r.s Medium , in hols , 55.00 ; do In half bbls , 53.00 ; small , in bbls. 60.00 ; do in halt bbls , SH.rx ) ; giicikins. In bbls , 57.00 ; do in half bbls. Sl.OO CANUY Mixed , OifrgUc ; stick , 8M9 ( c. CiiACKKiis Garneau's soda , butter and picnic , „ < ; ; ci earns , Hc ; ginger snaps , bj c ; cltv soda , l c. SODA In ID papers , SJ.23 a case ; salsodn , keg , per Ib , 22'fc. svisur No. 70 , 4-gaIlon Kegs , Sl.OO ; New , } < llon per doz ; quart cans , 53.00. STAHCU Muror gloss , 1 Ib , r * jc ; Mirror gloss , 3 Ib , 5 > 'c ; Jlirror gloss , 0 jb , 0e : Graves' corn , I Ib , 60 ; Klngsford's corn , 1 Ib. 7c ; Klngsford's gloss. 1 Ib , 7c ; Kings- ford's gloss , 0 Jb , 7H ; Kingsfoid's pure , alb. 5fc ; rflmtsibrd's bulk , 4c. COPFKKS- Ordinary grades , lOJ lic : fair , , , . fancy green ami yellow , 13K < 5HJ4c ; old gov- rrnment Java , 20it2fic ( ; Interior Java. ic > ij ( 20c ; Mocha , 2'J < if24c : Ai buckle's roasteu , 14Mc ; McLaughlin's XXXX loasted , 14' < o ; Ullwoith's , 14f/c ; lle'd Cross , ll' e. SoAi'.s KlrkV Savon imperial. S2.70 ; Kirk's satinet , 53.00 ; Klrk' standard , S3.05 ; Kirk's white ItitfMan. 54.00 ; Kirk's White Can. S0..10 : Dome , SS.'DO ; Washboard , 53,10. MATPIIKS Per caddie , 2c ; round , per ca > e. Sl.OO ; square caw , 51.70 ; mule square , StmAK1 * Powdered , 7fc : cut loaf , 7jc ; granulated , Gjfc : eontectlonei ' A , O c ; standard extra C , tXittl'sc ; extra C , S' Vsc ; medium yellow , 6W < i5'-e. lnno ) : Fni'iTS .N'o 1 quarter apples , SJf ® 4c ; In evaporated boxes , 8 > ; ( aye ; bhieUber- ries , boxes , tsf ; poaclies , eastern , 4yj ( 5 , * o peaches , evawrated , 15'ul7e ; Salt Lake , none in maiket ; raspbenies , new , 1'J r < r20c ; cm rants , ih&Mc ; cuines , uuw , 4 > CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per cas , S3.30stw.vb3rrles ; , 2 Ib per case. 52.50 ; raspberries , 2 Ib per case , S2.25 ; California pet * - . * - > v , , l > llllll < , JTCJ UU-9C , % ? ouv , uiucr berries , per case , VJ.-'i ; ege plums , -Jib , per case. $3.505 pineapples , 3 Ib , per case , 53.20 (35.50 ; i lb mackerel , per doz , 51.20 ; 1 Ib sal mon per do * . SL4.V2jl.50 ; 'J lb gooseberie * , perca e , $1.75 ; 9 lb string beans , per ease , $1.70 ; 3 lb lima beens , per case. 51.00 ; 2 lb marrowfat peas , per case. S2.508 ; lb early June peas , per case , 2.75 ; 3 lb tomatoes , per case , S2.40@2.SO:2Ibcorn. per case. Sl.OO @ 2.103 ; lb corn beef , perdoz , * 1.70@-AOO. KopE-Ji inch , 8 e ; } g inch , 0 > ic ; ) i inch , OAXDLES Boxes , 40 Ib 6s , OVc ; 8s , 9J/c ; boxes , 40 Ib , 10 oz , CalOc ; holt box 20 U > , 10(40 ( , bAi.T Dray loads , per Dbl. 81.25 ; Ashton , in socles , sxa5 : - u sacks , Astoa , bic ; bbli , dairy , SiW@2.tiJ.- JMftHA Bridges -Steam Pile Unvng. I ! VYMONI ) A CAMPiU'f.U rrijr ni > r nn' Ccnti-a tors. Urges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving Iron I'fltiililnallnn niul Howe Tru s llriilgcf , I'lllnir ntul Onk Timber. 13th $1 , ucnr 1'nnmni , Telephone Ni. T.U. Cigars and Tobacco. ' MAX MKVFIl A IY1. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Guns nml Atntmmlt- . ' 'll to 2.KSSouth lllh Strccl , icrato llt'4 I'Hrimm Street , Oinah'i NO'J. ' WKST & riilTSCHKlt. Manufacturers of Pine Cigars , And Whoh'lf > Ioiilor ln I.raf Tobacco * . No * . 'OS nd 111) ) N. 14th Mioet. Oninlnu Nob. w. u wuioit , for the Manufacturers nnd tmrxirters , Crockeiy , Glassware , Lunpt , Cblnincy * . Etc. on'co. ' SIT South lltli Sti let. Omaha. Nub. C. S. ( iOOmtU'l ! A CO , Atcnts for P , A. Whitney Cmrltvja Co. i CMldion's Carriages , And Jenctt's Celebrate.l Uerrtirer.itors. Stn or prlco llBts. 1115 Rirmm t . Orniln. Cornices. _ Eagle Cornice Works. John Eponelcr , Proprietor. Mnmilni'.turer of C.nlviiiiUiil Iron nnd < ornlro. VM Dodr.o und 1BI ntul IDu Norlh 1 ) tb Street , Omuhn , Neb. Kl'KMPINO & HOI.T15 , MntuifccturcTSof Omaincntal Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Klnnl * , Ktp. " 10 S. 12th St. Workdono In nn/ pan 01 llio country. Western Cornice Works , C. SPECHT , Proprietor. tinlvanl/cil Iron Cornlcos , Etc , PpoeiUN l-n-\cd Patent M < liill'o Skylight. LOU and MUS. tab St. . Onmha. Neb. Doors , Sash. Etc. The Gate City Planing'Miif. Doors , Fash nnd IlllniK Al o nil Kinds of turnlnif. Scroll and Stiilr work of oM-ry di - icriptlon. " A. HOSE > THEHV , Manufacturer nnd Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Blair Hails specially Telephone No. W Ijtli nnd Mnrcv St . . Omaha , Neb. _ Electrical Supplies. L. W/WOLKK & CO. , ElectrlciatV Electrical Supplies , Masonic Block , Omaha. Hurirliir Alarms , UelN , flic Alarms , KectrioMiittlni , Speaklnjr Tulios , Iron Works. PAXTOX & VrEKLt.V ( ! 1HOV WOU'CS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ion Stairs , Itulllnir , Hollcd noums and Olnlnn Bteam Engines. Brasa Work , General Foundry Machine and Dlicksmlth Work. Offio * and Works , U. P. Hy. and S 17th St. trcn ar d Nails. OMAHA NA1I.MJ N'L'FACTt'KINO CO , Cut Nails and Spikes , Flro NitIM " Pjx ; inlti' . Omaha , Noli. Safes. _ Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDUEEN. Manufacturer of Tire and nurwln : Proof Safes. Vault Doors. Jail Work. Shutters nnd Wire Work. Cor. 14th and JnckMin Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Wagons and Carria oi. Established 1S. > 3. A. > . SIMPSON. The Leading Carriage Factory , : iC9aud UU Dcwltfo Street , Omaha , Noh Commlnloni Etc. SI. HUKKE & SONS , Live Stock Commission Gro. Iluikc , Manager. Union Stock Yards , S. Omaha. Telephone 583 i Dflion Stock Yards Company , . OF OMAHA. I Limited. John P. lloyd , Suporlntondenl. bAYAGE & U Live Stock Commission Merchants. Shipments of any nnd all kinds of Ltock solicit i cd. Union btcck Yards , Omaha , Neb. Lumber , Etc. LOUIS IRADFOKD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , , Doors , Etc. Yards Cor. 7th and DoueUc , Cor. 9th and Douglas. 1 Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldltips , Stair Work and Interior Hani Wood Finish. Just opened , N. E. cor. 6th und I.caveiv north Streets , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO UTMBEII COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , m a llth Struct , Omaha , Nub. F. Colpouor , Manager. C. N. DIETZ Lumber , 33ih and California Streets , Omahn , Nob. FHED W. GIIAY. Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. fith and Douglas Ktrfcte , Omaha , Veb , CEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nebraska. " " " CHAS. n. iEn , Hardwood Lumber , Waccn Block , Fancy Woods , Hrldj.'o Timbers , &c. , 2. W. Cor. V'tli ' nnd Douglas , Omaha , Nob. G. F. Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , BUldltu.- Paper , Etc. South 13th Street , csaaa. Fish , Etc. " X FISJ1 CO. Eucctfbors to Icken Sloinssm Si OS. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Torelfrn Fisb.Xoa. 'Jll-913 Jonet t = -x 6tn" > t and v' . 1' . Track , Omaha , Wotx - . _ j F. P. FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , N'lts ' an J Ui arj. 1211 Farnam St. , Lime , Cement , Etc , J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Maiufactniers of IllimU White Linn , And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , Plus- tcr , I line , Hair. Flru llrlck. Drain , Tlio uiul Beucr Hue. UUlco , i'uiton hotel , telephone all , Farnam streetOmab , Nebraska. Job Printing. RKES I'HINTLSd CO. , Job Printers , Book Binders , Ana Ulauk Book Mtiuufau. IOC-US JOBBERS1 D1REQTQRV Agricultural Implement s. ' " " TAHUV , OltKNlMlHKV I M MIT1N , Wliolcs. o Dc.ilcr-i In Agricultural Implements , Wagons on J IHiRpios Oiiiuh.v Neb. nu iu nti.i. I\\UKIK : , \"tioli sal , > Ui iilcr hi Agricultural Implements , Wagons , C ir.'a r * nnd llUBslro. Jc nwi M. , K't. I'th ntul Ijtb.Omithn , Nvb. Uoots and Shoes. " " " W. V. MOP B & CX ) . , Jobbers of Boots and Slices , MnrnniatnFtrcrt.Omixlirx , Nob. Mnntifnctory , Puiumcriln ! > t t. lloston. Carpets. * * " " ' " " * " " ? . A. OUCH Ann. molesale Carpets , OH Cloths , MMtintrs , Curtain UIHU' . Utc. . H3 r Street , On , aim. Nob. _ . Coal , Lime , Etc. _ JI.HMV. iiKnroKiC Coal Coke , Lime and Stons. Office. IUS. Ulli t. , Omnhn. Ni-K Y rJf , und Dr.'cnpoil Streets. Shippers of Coal and Coke , 14 S. Uith St. , Omnnn. Nb. Gro. C. TOWI.K , President. Rio. rATTTIisox. Si-c and Trims. J. H. HUI.MIIT , 1' . A. ntnt , rroprlctor. Munnircr. Hebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. M'.IIKASKA. Oinre , ' 'IJ f. Will Mrc-et. Tcl ( phone 4J. _ Gin. V. Mnian , I'rrt. C r.Gootnnx.V. Prci. . ' . A. St'MU'.Hl.AM ) Sea und Trriis. Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of l.ard niul < oft roa' ' , ? S. U'tb ' St. ' .i , Neli _ OMAHA COAl , AN ! ) VUOnUCC CO. Hard and Soft Coal , Exclusive dculors In nmililcr Colorado CouMIT touth Mtlifticct. Colffea id S ics. < ; ATKS. COM- : & MILKS , Home Coffes and Spies Hill ; M'f'g ' Co. ColTco llnnoioiM unil Splco tlnndi-ri. niiiiiu fnctnrersof linking I'imder , riavonns Kxtraew Illulntf. etc. Trjon * CR B of our ! * pncknco Home Illond Uoastnd Codec. 1509 HounrdSt. , Cronliu , Ni'b. " C1.AHKK rtKOS. A CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Teas Coffees. Splcus , linking t'owdcr 1'lnrorlnff Ejtrni-ts , Ijiiuiciry lllup. luU , ute. Hit-IB Hnr. ncy StroctOnu\tia , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ Commission , Etc. _ _ " ' HILVNCH i CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 1Krnrnam \ St. , Oimibiu Apples Our o n acV- liiU IMiittAcl'o. H Tijfi'r llrnnd O.vslers , Uutter , Utrpj , Gumu , 1'oultry , 1'otutoos. JOHN ! ' . General Commission Merchant , rrodnce , Pro\i I < m , Fruits , Hour and I'ecd. 10' > ? . llth St.Omuli , Neb. Consignments solicited. Itt'tnriid mndo iiruiuptlv. K. McDOXAU ) . 815 12lh Street , Oinu'jn. Nob. Specialties : But' ter. l-w'4f. nnd Ch H'ir.DEJIAN i CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , lluttci , Gatno , titiKtc. ! SMS. Hth St. , Omaha , Nebranka. WKSTKUKIEL1) MROS. , General Commission Merchants , HCBDodpoStieet , Oiiiulm , Nebinbku. Consign- mcnt ! ? olie td. w. K Storage and Commission Merchant. Sr-KCiALTiCs thee o , Itntter. Ejys. Poultry nnd Gutne. 1UJ 3. llth. , Omaua , Nob. Tolt- phone No. J''j. J''j.VKEKS * MILLAKUi Storage and Commission Merchants. roru.'irn nnd DomostiiI'rults a-pocmlty. I'.l- rjrant Btoniwo fitcilltics Wiiroliouso and olDco , Id Nortb lUth st. Telephone 775. " " D. A. XDIILEV , Commission and Jobbing , Uutter , Etrus nu.l ProJnce. A full line of Stone ware. Conblt'iimonts colIclUicl. 1111 Dodyo St. , Omuhn. McSHAKE &SCHKOEDnil , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. nefrifrerntor and Pncklnsr Home , Hth von- worth St.oii U. P. 11. It. Track , Omuhn , Nub. 110BEIIT PL'KVIS , General Commission , TilB. llth Bt. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties nutter , Poultry and Game. PEVCKH Commission Merchants , Tnilt-j , Pn-duco nnd Provlsioiu , Omaha , Ntb GH1FF1TU & THO.MAP , Successors lo lo'ino GrldltU. Commission Merchants And wholes ilo dculori la country prodiico , frult < , buttur , nr so'o. Gno < U on consignment u gpcel.ilty. 3S ) N. J-'lith St.f Oinuliu. KIHSrillTltAUX 1 .SONS , Suctessors to A. P. Schaolc. ) Produce Commission Merchants. Wo. S13 South l" > th Street. Omaho , Noh. _ _ _ Dry Goods. _ L. OINSllKItG Ic CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Dry Goods Notions , Hosiery , , Llnena.iices , Embroidery mid White Coeds , JCCU Dcughtg f treut , Oiimto. Nub. White Lead. CAHTKR WH1TB hEAD CO. , Strictly Pare White Lead. _ _ roth Stnnd U , P. Ily. Omaha , Harness , Etc , WELTV .V LANDHOCK , Miiuufnctums nnd Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , Blankets and Holms. Ifil r'nrnam Street Oiuahn , Neb. Mattresses. E. M. Kattrcss Company , Manufacturing Muttrctscs , lle < 1dlntr , Fcithcr Pillonf , Cots , itc. ; IXC and l'X& Douglas Street , Oiuubti , Neb. Overalls , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans rants , Hhirts , Etc. , 1103 nr.d 101 Dougli * tUTjft , Omaha , Nob. Beer , M. KKATLNG , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n ' Special brands : Fasut Uudwcigcr J. STENOGRAPHERS , " 1511 Dodge St. , Omaha. Tl'I'J ! H'UITWt COl'YIXG OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTOR OMAHA L M1IKH CO , Dealer * In All Kimli of Building Material at Wholesale. Itlh Stitt ntul , i o-i I'nc H Truck , Oinnh * * OKHMAN' \VYATT , Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , roth nmlUnrdStrcpti , Oma'n ' XcbrnsV- * . J. A. WAKKVIKI.I ) , Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , ntilUllnir I'npur * . Pn h. Door * , Illliul * . Mnulf Intin , HrVct" , r < i t , Mine , Cluster , llnf i Crment. Nlnin aim Jour * . Otaah-x Ktb. Millinery , . oniiUT.u : > Kit , rtiTs niul Jobber * at Millinery and Notions , 1:1,1 pnl 1--U Hartley Street , Omiilm , Xch , ; _ _ Instruments. iiiioi. : > t .v Ktiu-Ksox. Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Ftelnwiiy I'liuimIIHT. . tV > ckor. Hn 'mim * . 1'itfxnnl Ortttin ; , Vliuto 101 mid lit ) \ 'MMrret. . _ Furniture , Etc. Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors. Etc. , ISM , ISM ami 121) Knninni Sltee. Omulin DKWKY A STO.NT Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , I'limnm Street , Omaha , Nob. Groceries. _ _ K. 11. CHAPMAN V CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco mid Sinokcts' Aillrlcs. 1217 HownnlSt. MllVKU & IIAAI'KK Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Eplcos , Cigars iiml Toluiecos. 1317 mid 131'J Douif- Ins Street , Dimitta , Neb. McCOlID , 1HIADV4 COMl'ANl' , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th ami ruriuim Sticets , Oinnlm , Not * 1'AXTO.V , GAhLAOHUK A : CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 705 , 707 , 703 und 711 S. 10th St. , Oitmtiv , Xoh. Hardwnre. _ _ " _ W. J. HltOATCIt , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Eprlnpp , Wairon Stock , lliinlwooil I.umlinr , t'to. ' 12U ) mid 1211 Hartley stuex , Uuialiii , Noli. EDNEYi GinnON , Wholcsala.Iron , Steel , Wagon And Carriage \ \ < ? \ Stock , lioiivy llur-lware , Etc. 1217 und lit cavcnuortU Struct , Oinnlm , Neb. 1II.MEHAUGII &TAYI.O11 , Builders' ' Hardware , Jteclianlcs'Tools and HutTHlo Hculoj. HOSr > oua > las Street , OimUiu , Nub. LKK. Knir.D Ic CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Bbcct Iron , Etc. AtronU for Ilimo Pcnlos uud Miami 1'owdcr Co. , Oiimlm Nub. MII.TON HOGiniS & SONS , Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Mnntlcb , Urntofi , llinss foods. 1H1 und Uil F&r > nnra Mrcet. HECTOIl Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Cmcrbou Steel Nulls. Cor. 10th uud llurncy fetri'ets , Oa" > hiNob. . Harvesters , " ' "WM.'DEEUINQ & co. , CHICAGO. Manufacturer of tlio Deerini Harvester Goods , Write to Win. M. T.oriincr. General _ Otimlm. UY'ephonofllO. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. STKANG COMPAN'V , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. SCare , Water , Italluiiy nml Milling Supplies , nt1. . ' KO , KM Hiul K.-4 I'tiriutin iff. Oiunliu , Neb. CHL'HCHILl , I'UMl' CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting , Steam mid Water Supplies. Huuiliiuurtcrs fo Mnst Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 Furniuu Struvt , Omuhii , Nub. Jewelry. EDIIOLM Jt EIHCKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Ilcnlcrs In Silverw.-uo , lliainoiuld , Clocks , Jewelers' Tcols nmlMuti > ilal , Klo. , 10J end 103,15tli Street , Cor. Uoduo , Omitlia , Neb. Notions . ' "to " ; VIN'YAUI ) ASCHSr.iKH. : . in 100J mill 10J1 1'anmm St. , Uinulia , NuU J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ; ' . ( a nnd W S. 10th Pt.imihu , Neb. WholosiUu Healers in Notions nnd Gouts'fun- _ nishliig1 Goods. Oils , Etc. ' CONSOLlOATni ) TANK LINK 00 Wholesale Dealers In Oils , Gncoline , MIcu A.\lo Gtci : > - ( < , KIR. A , H. M IUIUKLT , Onmlin , Nul > . Pork Packing. " " .1A.MS : K. I1OVD , Port Packer and Shipper , Oniuliu , NcbrnBku. HAHHI8 i riSHKIt , Packers and Provision Dealers , pffleo. Union Market. 1517 Ioclo | Street. I'ucUhiB bouso , U. I1. 11. It. Truck , Omaha , Nub. Tulw phone tiff * . 157. Safes and Locks. ii co. Agents for Hall's ' Safe 8. Lock Co.s' Fire and Ilurglar 1'ioof Safus.Tlmo Ixiclc.Vnu ma Jail work. 1 ( U ruriiain btreut , Omnlni , Nub Seeds. J. P.VANP , Wholesale and Retail Dealer la Seeds. Airilculturnl. Vegetable. I'.tc. Odd I'dllown' Hall , K. W , Cor. Utli una Uocltro St „ Unuiliii , Neb. Drugs , Etc , THE GOOHMAN IRUfco ( Wholesale Druggists , . And Dealer In I'nlnli , Oils and Wiudoir 01 it I , Oiaabii , Neb. , _ f _ _ Winei Li ors , Etc _ JJ.KK 4 : CO. , , Distillers and Importers of Wines And I.Irjuur * . Kolo innniiructiiruN of K ) iinoJT' 1-ust India llltlora. 1112 1nrnobtreet / , Umnfiu. hub. . . . . EuccesEor to MCN.VMAJU le JUXCAN , luipurtert \Vliolueulo Dvulcrs In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , _ Eil J0 ! Sl lMl St > 1 Q' ° "a , NuU " _ notions , ttt , " * * ' U DUANDins k BON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Goods , Notions , CJcntV r'urnlehlng GooJ * . OoncU from Now York. Trudueniea ilailjr. W\ ni' ' 08 Boutli 13th St. . Oma'aa. _ - _ Flour and Feed. _ _ \\J. WBI5IIAN8 & CO. , Yftolesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturereor W. J. Welblmns & Co.'s Qulul lliiitliiR lluck wheat ilournnU pniprietornOwRni Uty illl , cor. t > Ut uud I'iiruum trtcu , Ouiu | > ,