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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1886)
1HE DAILY BEE SIXTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY BURNING. JULY 29 , 1880. JSTUMB.E1I 35. WHAT SALISBURY MUST DO lustin McCarthy on the Oourse of the New English Government , COERCION WILL CAUSE A FALL. Thn Piomicr to Try Dlllntory Tactics on the Iti'oonroiiinjr ol' Parlia ment Minister * Appointed lOilllorn on lloiilangcr. The Kngllsli Hltuntlon. Ko. 20 ( 'm\xn : O vmir.xs THAMKS Rit- /1AXKMINT , , l.tlVIION , .Illly 28. [ New York Heiald Cable-Special to the HKI : . ] "The test of Lord Salisbury's states manship will be the clearness with which ho peicei\es the gicatness of his advnnUgeand the llrintic-ss with which he scbes the oppoi- tuiiltj offeicdto him ot elfeetlnga patilotlc and Impel lal solution of the pciennial of the liMi ilioeontent" J'heso mo the con- eluding welds of nil article on "i'ho 1'ios pects ol the Cabinet of tlio Union , " which nppt'.iis In the I'all Mall Garctto to-night. ' 1 ho I'all Mall now gives a sort of gcncial sirroiti 10 ntr. sAi.isnt nv ADMINISIHA- HON. I don't iiirreo with the geneial argument of the I'all Midi , 1ml 1 quite admit that Loid Sallsbmy has gicat advantages just now , and that If he can ically elfect a patiiotlc and 1m- ) iui lal .solution of the pioblem ot h Ish discon tent he will line pi ovcd Ids statesmanshlii. Hut most of the volunteer advlsoM of hold Sallsbmy toll him to take no account of the lilsh people In their .suggestions ns to the management of Iteland. Theie Is ju bilation ovei ihe possibility of npilnceol the blood lojtil doing sent to heland as loid lieutenant. i in ; I'Ai'' wiu > SIIIIIIK' : ' . "Tiiat Is just the sort of thing , " several journals scieim out. "Don't abandon the Held to Mi. rat Holland his agitators. Com pete with thorn for popularity. Establish a court In Dublin mound which all that is bcbt In society nil over Iieland will gather , and tlieiejou aie. Don't you see ? " Well , I , for one , don't sec It at all. The man who re ally believes that the Irish people can be weaned or won fiom the na tional cause by a court in Dublin , pieslded ovei bj a leal pilnce , Is about ns wise ni the inaglstiato In "Hainaby Itudge , ' who siugc tcd that the sight of an alderman might oveiawo the London ciowd. " 1 knoxv what j on waul , " says the duchess to the hat , pantliu' , thhsty Alice In Wonderland ; "You want uilij bn-ciilt. " 1111:1. : VXD is HOT , panting ami thiisty foi her national light to make her o\xn laws , and somebody tells her ho knows what she wants , and oilers her n veiy dry biscuit In the foi in ol a pi nicely viceroy. It is very likely that what is called "society" would rally mound the loyal prince at Dublin eas tie. What Is called society everywheio Is i.itliei a biiobbisli , unthinkiiii ; sort of ciew. In lielaud II Is especially snobbish and unthinking. lrt It rally to tin j ono it likes. The Iiisb people will Manil coldly outside and rally to their own can-e. II Lord Sallsbmy has not butter counsel of his own , or some one else's to act upon than this , ho may give up the attempt to govern Iieland. For myself , 1 believe that It ho has not better counsel now he will come to have it In time. niKfAI.llVCi or I'AIU.IAMKNT. TailiaiiKiit will bo called together hi a few days , and as xxe now hear will not bo a mere formal gatheihi ! ; , but xv III get through ngicat deal of money business , If II can , and then ad join n at the oidinnry time , with u session In the eaily part of Februaiy. Theio is .1 good deal of reckoning without ones host in nil this. What Salisbury wishes to do Is to uctlhe whole winter to think over his policy lorliel mil and to come before parliament near the end ot Uio year with some distinct scheme. Thus ho would escape the necessity of saving anything for the moment about coeiclon , nnd would tide over tlio geneia ! lil li question lei some months more : If the radicals and lilsh see good leasontolct Inn have his own way , of course ho car have It. If ho were to announce positively that ho has no thought of coeiclon In t ic picsont condition of Iieland and thai he vxas deteimined to come foiwan next season with some scheme or other tor the settlement of the lilsh question , then Indeed , it Is quite possible that It inU'lit bo tlio pollej of the radicil and lilsli party to give him his inieival of tlmo. W Il.l. Af-K AX liX lint It seems to mo haidly probable that ho will Do alloxved to come before parliainen next weelc , meiely to declaio the want of certain sums ot money to be voted and get all ho asks for without beinc called up on forany explanation of the ho in tends to take with lioland. 1 doubt whether thn voting of supply would bo 1 v ijulto sov short and fonnal n piocess under such circumstances as Laird Salisbury and some ot hN tiiends seem to believe. Aheady ho Is In n iilleinma. If he does not promise some sort of coeiclon certain of his follower , especially the lilsh landlords , in both houses of paillamcnt will tuin upon him and lend him. If he does not disavow coercion ho will alienate nt the veiy beginning his dear it lends tbo liberal secessionists , to whom ho owes so much. 1 nin sure ballbbmy is personally n humane and KIXII IIIAUTII : : ) .MAN , but 1 cannot help thinking lie would wel come with certain delight at all events with a sense of relief the news of a tneat out- bienk of ngiailan murder In Ireland , which would cut the irordlan knot for him. "CoeicIonV Yes ; ot course you shall have it. We meant to give It all through , " ho could tlfclato to his lamlloid. supporters. "You see , wo can't help it ; wo would gladly have done without It , but hero are these muiderers , here uio these outrages ; our bunds aio foiced , " ho could whisper to his liberal .secessionists. The Irish people will not help him out of his dilemma. Kvery Irishman who loves Ids country will do his utmost to KKKl1 OltlH'.H AND 1'IIACK. At such a crisis wo shall disappoint our enemies. Salisbury shall have no pictext on which to excuse that policy of coeiclon about which ho bragged so lustily nfovv weeks ago , conceinlng which ho Is so much cmbairasscd and frightened now' . In any ease Iieland would bo prepared to meet bet threats of coeiclon much In the sphit as Ix- lon , In Disraeli's stoiv , meets the menaces of Jupiter ; "Do your worst ; my memory 11 111 outlast your tortures. " Hut nr. WILL NO i' ion rum : . Theie will be no coarclon this time. Her majesty's new ministers will soon ilnd * hey aio already tinning that their own position Is torment onougli. They will have to en- lure much n.ore than they can inlliot nnti ; they liitU the light policy and act upon It. JUSTIN McCAiiTiiv. Thu Now Government. l.AiMiox , July 2S. H has been onlc'.ally nnoiineed that the Marqnld'of I.ondondeiiy Vas Lieeu appointed viceioy of Ireland , and Lord Iddeslclgh secretary of stale for foreign nlfnlrs. It has just been decided that Lord It indolph Cliuichlll shall have the odlceof clianccllorof theoxc'iequerand le.idershlp In VTio house of commons The following appointments have been made nnd accepted : Homo sectctmy , Lord Geoipe Hamilton : chief secieiaiy toi Ire land , Sir Michael Illcks Heaeh ; seeietaiyof war. Viscount Craiiluook : lord president of council , Loid Iddcstclirh ; lord lieutenant of Iieland. Hie Duke of Abeicorn. The now cabinet has been announced as follows : Sccrelarj of wai , lilght Hon. Wil liam Henri Smith ; Hist loid of the admi ralty , Lord deorge Hamilton ; loid high chan cellor. Lord Halsbury ; secretary for India , Itiglit Hon. Fiedetlck Arthur Stanley. lord piesldent of the council , Viscount I'ranbook ; president of the local government board. Kicht Hon. Henry Chaplin ; president of the board oftiade , Itlght Hon. Kdwmil Man- hope ; postmastci ceiicial , Loid John Man- nets ; commissioner of works , lilt'lit Hon. David I'lnnkolUattorncv. general. Sir H. E. Wcbstet ; loid chancellor of Iieland , Loid Astiotuiie. The llrst three of the above are otlicial announcements. Tim tsKHAT IM3KIIAPS. The View * of French I2illtors on General ItmilniiKcr'q iMani. PAIMS VIA HAVIIK , July 3 . [ New Yoik Herald Cable Special to the IJinGeneral : ] lloulmigci and the sensational article In Sun- d.ij's Figaio Is sdll on every tongue. Opin ions are much divided as to whether Iho gen- eial is really a public danger or a good ic- publican. 1 liitorvoxx-cd ! half a do/en of the leading Parts edltoison tbcsubjecljcsleiday and found thai , Ilko the rest of the cow aids , they took very vaiIons views about the gen eial , M. Arthur Mejer , the diiector of tlio monmchlst Gaulols , for instance , saw- things all coullei dcnolr. M. Lament , the dhector of the Opportunist mid Pat is , on the contiaiv , saxv eveiytlilng coulter do lose. "Geneial UouaiiBoi ! , " aid M.Meyei"llkcall geneials , KliHAVH OP VIIMTVIIY Or.OIlY. The role ol minister of war Is to prepare foreventnal wai. The lole of the president and his ministcH Is to pieservo peace. You need onlj go back to General Uonlnnger's debut into public Hfo and icllect on the nn- fav oinblo comments elicited In Germany by his rise to power , to see that HIsniaick con sidered the vlexx's attilbuted to him as a thieat to the peace of Europe. Jules Fcny's dream was n German alliance. Doul.tngcr and his It lends , unless I am much mistaken , haxe a very diffeient idea. Why jou say , " continued Meyer , " 'arc the royal ists afraid of llonlanger ? ' They are not afiald. The general is a cieallon of cir cumstances ; mi artificial growth ; nn out come of the public dislike for absttactlons. People weio tiled ot crying 'Vive qnel quo chosel' anil they were glad to ciy 'Vivo qnel quo nn I" For the moment they shout 'Vive Uoulangcrl'eiolonjj they may shout 'Vivo le loll' OnNlHIAT. DOUI.ANOnit IS I.UCKV. Ho was lucky nt Chimpigny , lucky in his quaiielvvlth M. Cambon , tlio Tunisian lest- ilcnt ; lucky in having Clemenceaii for a friendlucky In having expelled Iho princess , lucky In bavin ; ; a line black her e to prance about at lovlexvs , lucky even in having had a pistol which missed lire. It icmalns to bo seen whether luck will , In his case , serve in Hon of genius. Until now the authors of pionuuciamcntos have had their own or their nnc'-stois' victories to excuse thorn. Are wo degenerated enough to let the glories of a raco-courso icplaco tlio glories of the batlle-lieldi1 Who knows ? The royalists should , I think , icjolco to see n dissolving clement Ilko Houlaiigcr introduced into the rcpubllaan tanks. Certainly there is NO Nicn : TO THAU KIM. Whether the general could execute a coup d'etat with such success in the face of Gen eral S.iussler , the govei nor of Paris , and ot Paris itself , i cannot say. He comes nt a psychological moment. It has olten been said that tlio head of a state cannot make a coup d'etat ' with the help of the minister of war. Perhaps the minister ot war has less need of the head of the state lor the same purpose. Five bundled men would have sn lllccd lllccdTO TO ovnnTiniovv urn nni'iTiii.ic on the day of Langsou. The doleat becimo known hero and Jules Ferry loll. 1 don't know mom of the general than Hi" public knows , bull am Inclined to believe him am bitions , and 1 knoxv that when ho was In command in Tunis ho intilgucd to get the command In Tonquin. " "Do I take lloulangor seriously ? " said Mr. IMwauls , the young edltor-ln-chict ot Le- Matin , who was next Inteivloxvcd. "No , I don't. I believe ho Is a humbug , a chcns-ild- IIIK general. I don't believe lie aspires to a dictatoiship. I don't believe any of the wild schemes attributed to him , least ot all that ho has any intention to plunge Into war with Germany , lanismprlsed that you tionblo yom heads about him on the othersldo ot tlio Atlantic. UK is nuvvi : r.Nouoii , but ho Is only another General Favro gooil nt oidlnaiy changes , a icgulatlon ent ot the sohllci's whiskers and suppicsslng or 10- Introdncing drums Into the at my. Yet bo has managed to become butter known than any minister of wai we have had since 1870. Wodeaily love glitter , but I don't think that Paris would stand a diclatoishlp now though Gambetta might have become dhector once If so minded. Yes , Itoulanger Is n pleasant man , 1 nndoistand , though 1 don't know him personally , lint ho has changei his opinions too often. AVhen he xvas a colonel onol at liusnncon under the Ducd'Anmale for instance , lie was always the iirst ollicei ti appeal at mass , and passed for something o u conservative. Now the loyalists are rosinVII.Y : Aru.ui ) OK HIM. Hols their bogy. For my own pait , 1 take him to be a meie sens itlon , " Mr. Charles Lament , the director of Lo Paris , and long the liitlmato friend of Gain .bcita , spoke differently ot the geneial. " have been rather hard on him mjself , " sah he , "at times , especially in commenting on that Lausbler altair the other day , but 1 bo- llovu ho Is a coed republican , a little too juvc nlle , perhaps , a little too ostentatious , but lu capable of the thing imputed to him. TIIKIIKIBNO DANOKIl OKj WA1I , no danger of a coup d'etat , Ills only natur al that the ro > alists , stiould attack him. How could they prats' ' * him after he had expellee the pi luces ? lloulanger has laulls and mciits In Ids character. Ho may bo too demonstia tlieiy inpiibllcaii. but at all events ho Is thorough , " A prominent lopubllcan journalist , when 1 saw soon alter look n much gloomier view First begging mo not to mention his name ho said , "My sincere conviction Is that wo are fast moving toxvmddletatuishlp. We sun ! have to tlmnk thu faults of the lepnblle fo It , when It does come , and conifl It must. I could not say such u thin ; ; In my own paper , for 1 nin uicpubllcan : but I repeat TUB issur. is INK VITA UI.'E In some form other , may be as dictator , ma ; be ns president , lioulanger Is the man Thu other night at the opening of the did mllitaire , I was standing in tbo cioxvi among a number of vvoiklnginen , when ovcthcaidonomauo the slguidcant remark "Tiens voila un souvcraln coiume II nou en faudralt un. " Tlio sovereign referred to was Honlangcr. Why should not one of tli pi luces have a chance ? you ask. Th Orlcuulsts are plajed out , the people vvau something now. Wo are an luconsistant na tlou , and love change. Do you not kuoxv ihat lloulanger said the other daylo his col leagues at a cabinet-council on their vcnttir- ng to hint that It might bo well if ho would cecpn liltlo more In the shade. 'It Ivcro ot n good republican , ' he said , 'I would clap ou all Into Ma/os. ' Yes , Honlnn/er docs Mr.iitTviu WAII wtni nintMVNV. lie Is right. France will never bo attest 111 she has hid that war , mid she Is far hol er piopaied for It than you imagine. 1 be- Icve the Fiench nro bettor soldiers than the ierinans. They have nex'er been better or- ; anl/ed than now. Theie would bo no trou- ) le about transporting troops , 1 don't go ultc as far as Paul Deiouledc. Ho is ou the subject. Bull am sine war is a ne- esslty. As too riemence.m , ho Is too clevci. lo w III bo sold like the othei politicians , h.iv- ng this old republican to brood ovci the com- ng eanipalgn. " 1 called on M. Hiigonnet , the chief political vilteiot La France , who.iMiielly pooh-poohed all the icports alloat , saying , "I attach no mportance to them , lloulangor will not at- einptniiythlng , nor would M. Gievy. M. Do 'lejclnct , General Saiibsier , 01 M. Clemen- : eau would fall on him If ho ever did make ho attempt. Besides , ou.vniiAi , norr.ANonn LACKS I'IHSTIOI : : . " All llils sounds reasonable. As that ar- IcloofDo Uiandlieu was veiy positive , I heieforo knocked nt the door of the Figaro's cdltoilal sanctum whcio 1 found M. Mairnanl ip lo Ills cjes In woik , as usual. "Conic , io\v , M. Magnaid , " said I , "do you ically nean to say jou share the views of your con- Irlbnoi , M. do Grandllcn , whoso articles Is liaising such a sllr In Pails' . " ' M. Magnard gave n quiet chuckle , and ookcd full In the face "Oh " he me , , no , 10- pllcd. "In these days newspaper articles deal so largely In spccut.illon. 'ihe Figaro's article xvas to some extent hypothetical. 1 don't think Itoulaiiger lias any definite plan. Coups d'etat aio not made so easily. No , I lon't think war Is imminent. Meanwhile , .he general has come to the conclusion that there Is no haiin in gelling himself talked ibout and making his name knuxvu to the people. We are alwavs liable tosmpiiscs Here at a given moment. Some dlstuibineo might occur and doubtless Houlan jer would lo ready cnonuli to seUo the opportunity of using ot his sword to defend the republic , pei haps , or even to attack It. I may sum np my views about general Houlanger in a few words. 'Poor moi , II cst un giand peut otrc , " ( agreat perhaps ) . run onr.AT i > iitiiArs : as M. Magnard calls him , has begun to grow restless again. He will , t bear , shortly stait on a tour of Inspection , this time on the Italian frontier. Liter In the summer theio is some talk of his making a tiip to Sweden. What can ho want there'.1 Will he take Ber lin on his way , or Is St. Peteisburg bis desti nation ? The French cannot make up their minds to abandon thu hope that a Franco- llusblan alliance will .somo day help them rc- coxei their lost provinces. Lo Matin , however , jesteiday , tinew cold vvater on Tim mtn.vii OK HUSSIA. Itsnys : "She Is thinking ot other matters than Helping us to ictake Alsace and Loi- raino. Whenever the Balkan question gives them a little test , her statesmen , Do Gieis and Xinoicreff will tnin their ccs almost exclusively towaids Asia. They are thinking of La/.arelf , or latlier of the Coica Itself , ot which Ln/croff is the chief marl time and strategic point. Its occupation is destined to conntoi-balance that of Port Hamilton by the English. Uussla wishes lo have ono foot in tlio China sea , and the other on the Vistuala. The ncutiallty of Germany alone will allow her to vcntuio on such a sliotch without serious danger. It is for this thattlieempuior of Russia let such slender Importance bo given to a recent Stirling manifestation , In which the Russian military attncheo seemed so happy to play his part. riayinu OfT Tics. LONDON , July 23. [ Ncxv Yotlc Herald Cable Special to the Br.u. ] Owing to tlio Importance and international chaiacter of tlio chess torn inimont , it was decided that tno tie scores should be played oft . In this lound Blackburne defeated Burn In a stub bornly contested queen's gambit declined. Gmibbuij : diow with Tauberhaus and will have to play again. TOUGHS. They Strike a Hlovv "For God , for Homo and Native Ijand. " Bim.r.n , Pa.July 28. [ Special Telegram to the Bin. : ] Peter Itattigiui , editor of the Mllleistown Herald , was pubhclv horse whipped last night by ten or txvelvo of the leading women ot the Uoyal Templara of Tompeinneo. Last Tuesday theMillerstoivn branch of the Teinplais held a picnic at Slippciy Hock , and in the next Issue of Itat- tigan's paper a descilption of tlio society's members and their talk was given. The good women ot Mllloistoxx-n were spoken ot as "towsey-hcaded , icd-nobL-d female men , "and as holding the men of the party nudcrstrlet slavery. The women weio also spoken of as "ugly gn//lers , " and'on leading these re- inaiksthoy Immediately made arrangements to go for the editor. Satuulay last , Hnttlgan , who Is also postmaster , xvasabbcnt fiom town , nnd did not return until yesleiday evening. At the appointed time last night Miss Muipliy , Miss Bell , and about a do/on other ovisperated templars ap pealed at the postnlllco , armed with heavy coxvhldo whips , and when Hattigar appeared they wont lor him until he was black nnd blue from head to foot. Ho was nlso hung In elligy by the women. The action met with general appioval both heio and at Millers- town , iiiul the 'leiiiplais eongiatulato them selves that they have dealt to thu liquor fac tion a deadly blow. Hattigar was scilonsly injuicdby thu whipping. ANOTHKIl ACCOUNT. Pr.Tiior.lA , Pa. , .Inly US. [ Picss.J A veiy bcnsational hoi he-whipping occurred at Milleistoxvn ubout eight o'clock List night. In which Peter 11. Itattliraii , editor of the llci- nldnnd piescnt postmaster , was the victim. Last week seven coach loads of tcmpcianco people , nnioiii ; whom vvcio some prominent and inllnontlal citizens , visited Kocsters' paik nt Slippery Itock and spent the day pleasantly. An article appeared In the Her ald's Sntuiday edition giving an uncompli mentary debcrlntlon of the people composing the party , and ( t was claimed as Hatthran's inoductlon. The ladles weie particularly se lected as targets , nnd yesteiday evening , prior to the closing of the postoinco , twelve or nfteen women , armed with whips , planted themselves near the enhance , mid on Haiti- gan's appearance they bolaboicd him. and only desisted fiom exhaustion , Hattlgan miletlv stood It and offered no resistance. The aifali created no little led Ing. The Iv'rlo's KarnliiRS , Nr.w Yonic , July 23. The statement of the Now York , Lake Krlo & Western rail road , Including OS per cent of the gross earn ings and the entire working expenses of the New Yoik , Pennsylvania A : Ohio ralhoad for the month of Juno shows , the not cainlngs foribsa , saw , ? * ) ; isbt ) , g.v > oooo. Tlio Pcorlu Pool Formed. CHICAGO , July 23. The Hock Island rail road company to-day signed the ngiecmcnt forming the Peorla pool. Live stock had been previously eliminated fiom the conduct. * Congressman He-nominated. CAUIO , HI. , July Si Congressman J. It. * Thompson was renomlnated by the republi can convention of the Twentieth district , hold hero today. . Nebraska nnd Iowa Weather. For Nebraska and IOWA : fair weather , sta- tloui'iy touiperaturo. IDE DEVILS IDENTIFIED. The Trial of the Anarchists Develops Sen sational * Testimony ! A PAINTER DRAWS A PICTURE. Spies , t'Msclier mill Solumuholt UCCOK- iilr.ctl nH tlic Men AVIio I'lrcil tlio Fatal llomb Tlio Wrctclics Turn Pnlc. Tlio Men AVho Jlu-uw the Bomb. CHIOAOO. July iM. Telegram to the HKB ] The startling cvldenco olfcred by the btato In the anarchist tilals yesterday and Riven by the witness named M. M. Thompson was only the prelude to the thoroughly damning testimony ofllenivS. ( illinot , whteli wasghcn today. This witness whoso ovldenco thus far has proved thuiouhly credible , did not testify before either the coroner's luiy or the grand iury , bntwas kept In the back giound. The stoiy ho related In couit to-day , If It Is cred ited by the jury , plai-es August Spies , the tec- ogni/.ed front ot the ollcndlnc anarcidsts , In tliocatcgorv of Iho actual muutorer of tlio police. The witness , Gilmor , stated that ho saw Spies join a L'lonp of lour or tlvo men In in the alley. Wlu-n the cry was lieaul Hint the pulico wcie coiulu ; , ho snw Spies light a match which ( bed the fuse nnd bomb which caused the murder of the police. The bomb was tin oun , as heitofoio outlined by the state , by the missing brother-in-law of Mle'iaol SMiwab , known as lludotph Schnanbelt. In thoRioup In the alley the wlt- ne3s iccofe'iil/ed fc'lselicr as having been ono of thu number. The evidence of this wit ness Is In pieclse accord with that previously ghcn , and from the hatching of the conspir acy In the Aibeiter Xeltnng olllco to the inan- iifnctuie of the bombs by Lingg and Kusol , to the lighting of the lii--e ot tlio bomb In the ll'iymaiket , the chain now appears to bo complete. Unless the cvldenco of the state can be control cited Spies , Fielden , Kngel , Lingg and Kibclier nil had a direct ngency in the manufacture and tiling of the bomb , while Parsons urged on the murder and Schwab has been convicted ot taking direct paitin arinuglns for the attack ou ttio po lice. lice.In In the court room the defendants look more bleached and w ilted every day. Thu jury a ] > - jears ) luexpicsily w called , but pajs good at tention , and about hall of them take notes of all the evidence. Judge Gary was asked as ho pn sed Into the court loom how his health held out , and ho said : ' 'I guess it Is all there. I haent in- imlied about it Oh , 1 never have any trouble with my health on account of my woik. " Wlicn asked how he thought Iho the jmy was standing it , ho replied : "They aio wean * of confinement , of , but 1 base no Idea that any of them will Iircak down. " Ono ot the little pieces of loutlno that the judge goes tlnougli every nioining as soon as the com t has been opened is the opening of all mail addiesbcd to the jmois. The judge ilps the letters opun , reaus them , announces aloud the general di 1ft of the contents , and then hands them to their owners. Ono ol the letters examined ono day last week and passed to a juror wrt'jj a love letter. With the exception that Spies wore a small bouquet on his 'lapel , the anarchists weio lelt to-ilay without lloral tributes. The papers pertaining to the tilal for to day on the state sattoinejs table , inado anile about two feet s < jnaie and six 01 eight inches hieh , fioin winch it can baldly be amiss to inler that the documents pertaining to the whole tual , on both sides , when finished , will fill an cxpicss wagon. All of these will haiolo bo copied Into the record in case of conviction , and the tlmo le- qulied for making up such a locoidand lor the supieme couit to read It , or even the ac companied piinted abstiact , and the money required to pay lor it , will boHoniething pio- digious and unuiccedented in thiscountiy. The scene in the couit room was thoioughly dramatic when ( illmer pointed out Spies as the actual igniter of the bomb , and that stealthy , smiling defendant turned ghastly white nnd lese to his leet , then sat down quickly again when ho saw how ho was posalbl } injuilng his case , and then ncivously pulled and gnawed atlnsshoit moustache. Ho oven reco\eied liluihclt partially attcr awhile and smiled in his loxy way , showing his line white teeth. Fischer tinned pale , but kept better control over himself. The counsel for the detense , Foster , lost contiol ot himself , the same as on yesloulay , owing to hlsinnbllltyto change thecniientot the witness' stoiy. The state , bet 01 1) ) the close of the couit piocecdings , dis closed the implements with which Kngcl and LnigiJ fashioned the bombs. mi : iviii.vci : : : IN IHTAII. : . 11. IGilincr , who caused such n sen- Ration , Is a painter. Ho tcstlhed to ar riving at Iho llajmniket nt 0:4r : > o'clock , coiner ot Desplalnes and Itandolph stiects , Ho saw the wagon oci'plcd : by the spcak- eis. L'leldcn was speaking , witness saw some ono leave the wagon and start to- wai ds the alley , wlleio lour or live poisons weio concealed. Witness was at tlio mouth ot tlio alloy. At that moment some ono Ciletl : "Heie comes the police. " Then the inanwholiad lotttho wagon and joined tlio paitles In the alloy , lltn match , and placing it against something held In the hand of one ot uio poisons , the tno lio-'iin to sii/lc , and Immediately thereafter the bomb was tluown. Witness was sliovui a plctuio ol Slinaiibelt niidiecognUfd It as that of the man who lluew tlio bomb. "How ninny men weio theio. Tom or live. " "You say a man came from the wagon and joined this group ? Can you lecognl/o any of tint defendants as that man'.1' ' "Yes ; that Is the man , " pointing at Spies. When Spies was pointed out hodUplajcd gieut and palpable agitation. "Do jou iccognlzo any of the lomalnlng as composing any part of that group ? " " * es ; that man theiowas.ono ot the ioup , " pointing to Fischer. This occasioned tlio most profound sensa tion in thu court lojru. Witness on ciObS examination said that inlor tocomlng to Chicago cage he Used In Das Molnes. la. Hocamo hcio In 1871) ) . Foster Inquiied everything about the history of the man who gave such frlu'htfnl testimony against Ids clients. He asked witness when Ifuleained that a rewaid had been otfcred for conviction In this case. Ho replied that heiwasnot awaionny reward had been olfer&l. Witness explained satisfactorily as1 to Ids whcieabonts. Ho did not aupcarat jtho coronoi's inquest , but did icpoit the tacts to the notice a tew days after the tragedy ifter having told some of Ids tiiends , He weut to the Haymarket to look torn lilend Who.hnd gene tbcio. Ho did not note paitlcnlnily what Flelden was Baying. InconchUIon no was asked : you say It was Spies who left the " ' es. " Coiitiiuilni : tlio cross examination Gilmer rcjilicd that ho thought ho saw hchwab neai the M aeon , "Whcio were yon that evening before you wont tollaymailtet'i" "I was nt the 1'a.lmer house. " "What weie \ undoing there ? " "I desired to see ex-uo\cinor Meuill and Judge tford , " Witness was piled wjlh all forms of ques tions , but answered appaiontly satlslactorily. "And you say that ft was Spies who lof I the wagon , joined the ptionp in the alley and lit the match which tired the bomb which causcti the explosion lu the Ilaymaikct ? " "I do. " Appaiontly baffled and exhausted the cross examination ceased and the coui t ad joiirnci for dinner. The anarchists , particular ! } Spies and Fischer , appeared to bo completely berne down bv the damagiugcharacUn-of the evidence so coldly delivered against them. Gllmoro U a Ions , lank man , with n sanc timonious expression of countenance , a nil speaks Inn drawling tone ot voice that al most lulls the spe ( dors to sleep. The ap- l > earanc of inailteicnco in the audlcucu wan suddenly dispelled when the witness Identl- led thcphotoginph of Stjnanbcltastliatottho nan who throw tlio Uoinb. Interest was dc- > lcted on the face of each listener , jiu'ge ' , ury , counsel , prrsonors and auditors leaned ) \-cr In bte.ithle s anticipation and istencd to o\oh woitl tltat fell linn the lips of the heretofore udlcrous witness , and when the witness said Spies wns the man who lighted the fuse , the nest Intense e\elteni nt nrcvalled In the courtroom. Everyejo was directed at the accused man whoso face paled. When bo re gained his self-pos essonpartlnlly ! and milled icrvoush at his moustache , and leaning OUT iowaril Foster broke Into an Incredulous laugh. For ono Instant a death-like sllenco retailed. Then a bit ? ? of many hushed whlsDcrs tilled the air , which oncb moro went into pcrtect sllenco ns the witness pointed to Kiscbcrns one of the men In the alloy. It was now Fischer's turn to palo and tremolo , though the expression on Ids face wns ono of blank smpilso and astonishment. In the aftcinoon Olllcer Maitln Qnlnii tes tified that three or four dajs alter tlio liny- market riot ho went to the house of Kngel and discoseied In the basement a sou ut crucible mailo of heavy sheet lion , llimel said Iho machine had been brought to his liouse some weeks belore by a man who said It was to bo used for meltlnc material used In the manufactuie of bombs Kngel said ho told the mill it could bo used tor no such pui- nose In his house. The man placed It In the basement and went away , The crucible was brought Into couit and cieated constilciablo of n sensation. It was closely Inspected by the defence , and Inspector Ixnilield was called. Ho said the ciuclblo had been tnought to him Irom Kneel's house. The Inspector specter , who has been a machinist , explained that the appni.itns was a small blast imnnce , of the kind ordinaiilv used In smelting metals. The lire clay and some other details necessary to putting tlio appparatin to that nso had not been biousht Inlocouit. Captain Blackondeivored to show that Inspector specter Don Hold's testimony usan expert was faulty , and that the appaialus could not be used for the ptnpnsc named. Tlio state promptly called Lewis Mullen- doil , who said he was a tinsmith , and swoio that ho mndo the apparatus , or tlio prlnclpil part of It , for Kiitiol , and that lie tonic it away when It was Hnlslicd. Tliecioss-ex.ainlnatloii did not elfect tlio testimony , though the defense plainly in tended that the jtm-should see In the wit ness only the famllv tinsinithoi Kngel , who made nhaimlesse\finder of shcot lion which might bo used for a dozen dllleicnt pur poses. Olllcers Shnttlcr and Uowenstcln retold the stoiy ot Llngg's anest and idctitHlcd seveial bombs and parts ot bombs , together with the tools for their mannfactnie as those found In Lingc's trunk. Then thodaj's pio- cccdlngs closed. VERY COSTLiY 11AY. Several HaUdlngs Destroyed by Flro Started Uy Hoys. DnsMoiNr.s , la , July 2S. iSpecial Tclc- frram to the Br.E. ] Some children play I in : In the empty Ice house on Knst Fhbt and DCS Moincs sheets , at noon , today , set lire to the building , and It was destioved witli nine oilier houses and barns in the vicinity. Everything wasasdiy as powder , and a hot wind blow the flames ahead until tlio lollow- ing buildings were destroyed : All of Clai- enco Jones' stables , his icsldenco and a lar e house owned by him next to the ice house ; llaiaseiki's ' icsldcnce , Luvl Shlphcid's resi dence , Mrs. Tinner's icsidcncc , the old Stln liouse , now owned by an agent , and two other small houses whoso owners' names weie not ascertained. The water supply was wholly lii.iilctiuate , and Iho lueinen had banl work to conquer the Hame * . The lories weio as follows : Lovl Sheppaid's one house and contents , 81,200 , hismcd foi CC01 ; Paul Sha- bei's house and contents , 31,000 , tuliy in suied ; Mis. Coicoian's house , danmzed S40J. not Insmed ; Robert Turnei's house , 81'ioo , Insmcd lor SIJOO ; Clarence Jones , various buildings. 310,000 , insuioiTfor ' 50,000 ; W. P. Baker , SiD'X ) , no insurance ; V. Hmaseki's house and fuinitnic , valued ntl,5'JO. hibiiied tor 81,000 ; Daniel Colin. $ " > ) on i.iinitmo , not insured ; George Dlssmoie , 31,000 , pirtly iiismed ; L. Bnlton , 81,300 , Insuiance , 8 < > 00 ; John Hall , loss 400 on house , no Insurance. WiacniiHln I'roliihltloniHtfl. MADISON , Wis. , July ! ib. The state piolii- bltlon convention Is In session hero to-day with MO delegates present C. W. Blackmail , of Whitewater , is tempoiaiy chairman. Con- gi.itulatory telegrams were sent to the pio- hibition conventions at Lansing , Mich. , nnd Ilarlloul , Conn. John M. Oliver will prob ably bo nominated for goveinor. The piohibltion convention to-day nomi nated a full state ticket , headed by John M. Olln of Madison for goveinor. Tneplattorm has the usual Iiqnoi iilanl. , declaies liquor the nicli-cncmy of laboi , declaies the pro hibition party has passed the days ot com promise , and will not alllliate with parties iliat make tempoiaiy piomlses , nnd sympi- thUes with wage workeis In their cllorts to better their condition. IVolilblllonints. , Mich. , July JS. The stale piohi- bitlon convention phitlotinendor-cs polllleal inohlbllion and women sulliage ; favois nn- lestiieted coinage ot silvei and the abolition of national hanks and immoveinent of labor Inleiests. A full state ticket was nominated. nnd Successful Robbery. CHICAGO , July 28. A dating robbeiy oc- cinic at the Piahle State Loan and Tiust company's bank this aftcinoon. Heni > Harilson , of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul lallroad , stepped Into the bank to deposit posit 81,140 , The money was In gieenback" . Ho took the package ol money liom his pocket , and without waiting to count he was about to hand the bills to the assistant cashlei xvnen an unknown man , who had quietly foi lowed Hanlson into the bank , giabbcu the money and dashed out of the main enhance. No one beside Woodland , the assistant cashier , witnessed the bold lobbeiy , and bs- 101 e the two gentlemen could iccover liom their surpilsu the thlet has inn dovvn a side stiecl. Notw Islanding the Immediate pni- sult the lellow made good his escape. Invltod to "Stop Doirn" nt Onoo ' Nr.w YoitK , July 2S. Major ( Siaco to-daj prcfened seven charges against Hollln M. Sunhcs , coininlsiloner of public w oiks , am loqucsted him to appear bofoie August-1 anil show canst ) why ho should not bo deposed fiom his olllco. The charges specify an nl- toiatlon of the public iccords , neglect ol duty and of unlitiicss and making of corrupt anil Illegal agincments , haignlns and ] iiom- Ises with one M. H. Flynn , foi the mnposo of scutiiingnn appointment to the ollicu of com- mlsbloner of public woiKs ol the city ofN'uw Yoik. , Tlio AniHterdiiin Ulot. AMsnni : > Asi , July 2S. Further attempts ai ilotlng were made last nlgnt , but the police succeeded In dispersing Iho mob * bofoio any sci Ions distill banco had taken place. Total casualties resulting from the oulbieik aio tvtenty-fivo killed and ninety wounded. Fifty persons have been atrcstcd , Including Mrs. Kshcry , piesldent of the Woman's Socialistic society. Only ono policeman Is mortally wounded. A publlu fund has hcei opened for the benefit ot the Injured otllccis Thonewspapcib heie applaud tlio police for their braveiy anil piompt actionandsomely condemn thouoteis. The Naval Hill. WASHIVOTOX , July 2S. The Naval com mltteo of the senate this morning ninendet tlio house bill to incieaso the naval establish nient by shilling out the ptovlslons whlcl authorizes purchasers ot aunoror machlneiy abroad , and in tuU foi in was icported to the senate. Mr . FoUom.tho piesldent's mother-in-law Is a guest at the white house. She arrhei this morning and remains several days , . Drowned In tlio DCH MnlnoH. Four DODOI : , la. , July 23 , [ Special Tele gram to the UuK.J Miner John H. llyet wa accidentally drowned while uathing in tin DCS Molnes river last night. Ho was t wenty eight K'.irs of abound leaves a wile and two cUlklicu. Thu pody was lecovcicd , TIII3 MKX1CAX SlTtTA-HO.V. Tlio Opinion 1'revnlcnt Thnt Aring Must Settle the Dlllloulty. WASUIXOTO.V , July M. [ Special to the Ini : . ] IVoplo who studv International af- airs believe now more than ever that the dlf- cronccs between the United States and Mex- co will not bo settled till theiolswar. For ho first tlmo In manyears tlioeveoiitiio ) ranch of the goicitunont Is greatly stlired ipoiei the fallnie of our sister icpubllcto cleasocertain Aineilcims held there In Iho ilthy prisons upon tochnlcnllllcs and charges > f which thev nio not guilty. A great deal of feeling Is being created in the circles > hero most is known of the condition of af- alrs , and the probabilities nro that a scrim- nago would result In short ordei If wo had ighting men at the heads of our atTilrs. The objections to the course of Mexico aie not ) ased upon tno specltio abuses anil outrages found In the Impilsonmeitt of the Texas editor , rutllng , and two uithico ) lhcrs , out the ueneral policy piovalllng. .Tntiei the laws Inlelco , Ameilcati" so- ournlngthcieon any mission may bo and no tluown Into horrible dungeons upon the sllRhtost protest , and the nirtv at w hose In- tauco the attest is made can contiol the line of Inipiisonmentby simply pa > tni : the osts ot conllneincnt. which amount to c.ucelj moie than a dollar n week. Then \heii the piisonei l < linallv release 1 llieie Is 10 icdiesb , The courts alfoid no i < lace for Iglitliign wiong peipetiated upon forelgn- eis. If an Vmeiieaii In Mexico displeases a latiio ho Isatie'tcil and jailed , and theie he cumins , with some trltliiisr false ebarco ill the pei sou who has had him imprisoned chooses In let him co. Theie Is no prellml- inry examination or tilal , as In this country , ind the ball pioceduio and ImbiMscuipus , fin- some reason , do not apply theie , e-peelally to \ineilcans. i treaty with Mexico for Iho purpose of ; lingineilean subjects mine speedy tilal s talked of In the e\ent the elloits nou ) euding foi the rele.ise ol our inlsonvis fall. I'lie suggestion has lieqnontly been made In diplomatic circles that the pioceednro foi ciltnlnal dials in Me.xleo should bo changed , especially ns they applied to Amei leans , but he iepl > isieneated that Americans aie no better In Mexico than Mexicans , and that the same law , and no other , applies to all people Ulhln the boidcis of the icpubllc. Protection of American Cltlzenn. WASIIINOIO.V , July 28. The speaker to- lay luld befoie the house a communication torn theseciclary of state In answer to the lonse icsolutiou , enclosing a mass of cone- spondence lolatlve to the Imprisonment and icleabC ot Julius Santos by the covernmcnt of Kcuador , alter a long coricspondcnco tnui'hlng Santos1 nationality. Sccrclaiv Hayaul , on May l.lbbT , wioteOonsul-Ueneial lioach thatthlsgoveiiimenthcld that Santos' clti/enslilp wns not In doubt , and that ho must li.uo the same nbsoln'e ' inotcction lor Ills properly as any other cm/en ot the United bt.ttes. No fnither delav In doing justice to Suites could be expected fioin the dovcinment ot Kcuadoi , or neimittetl b > the lou'inment ot the United States. The United States consul'peneial wns also notified that Commander Nohan , ol the United Slates ship Waelnisetts , would bo in- stinoted to icmain within icach pending a prompt settlement of the case , to afToid .Santos an oppoi ( unity to ictnin to the United States should lie dcslie. In August , as It was an- thoiltativcly announced thai hantoshad been llboiatcd , tint Intel Im being up in examining papois and eniiospomlenee betwton the ministers eoncerniiig the of the United State * mau-ol-wai pending the settle ment ot the all.ilr. The Brooklyn I5riitio .Itiinpcr. Nr.w i'omc , July US Stephen Uiodle , ex- news boy , who jumped fioin the Diooklyn bridge into the Bnst ilvcr on a wager , waa ar raigned at thn Tombs police court to-day to answcrto the chaigeof attempted suicide. He wns accompanied by his fiienil , Timothy Urennan. who Is also chaiced with beinir accessoiy betoio and nfter the fact. Thechaige , attempted suicide , iv.isOIsinlsscd , and Bicnnan waathen discharged. The court oidered the detention of Biodio to answer anothei charge , and pio- dnced an indictment alleging that liiodic obstiiictcd the biidgo police olllcei In the dischai o ot Ills duty , and was also guilty of a misdenieaiioi in using Iho south loadway of thu biidge tor pcdcsttf.ui purposes. Hrodie was held in S. > 03 bill , which lie secured. Ills examina tion will be held Satuulay. A Steamer on Klre. uAitANTiNE , L. I. , July 2S. The Fiench steamer I/abiador , fiom Havre , nilived nt ( uiai.intlnont u:50n. m. At4:10 : she signalled that she was on hie. The wiccking steamer Win. Flctclierwent toher assistance , beaching her on Owl's Head. At 0 a. in. she signalled thai tbo fho was gaining and was dlthcnlt to get nt. She again signalled at 7:0. : " > a. m. that Iho fno was extinguished. The origin ol the Iho and loss is unknown. The passengers aio all nnln- jnied and are now behiK tiansterred with baggage to the steamer Win. Fletcher. She had iJ4 : passengen aboaul , who are on their way to tne city. The p'issongeis ami baggage arilved all light In New York city. Tlio steamer will h.ivo to disclnuga her cargo be- toie getting on" , it is tliouirht the tire oiljj- Inated in thodi > Ing loom. An Important Uano Jtccltlod. CIIKno , July 2S. Judge Giesham In the bulled Stales circuit couit to-day decided the important case of Calvin II. Allen and otlieis against J. II. Wilson , of the Itockfoid * Man ner Coal and Coal Oil company ot Rock Island county. III. , which has been on hear ing lor H0\eral dajs. A bill was hied by a mtnoiity of the stockholder to compel Wil son , who owns SWO.uoo ol tlio SVJJ.U3J capi tal stock , to turn ovei some ? 118,0')0 ) piolits which he , aslesi-e , had accumulated. Judge Giesham dlsmised tlie bill at complainants' cost , on the ground during all the \eain AVllson was investing Ids mnnoy nnd at tempting to make the entei prise : i , they stood by without objection , If not with oxpiess appioval. An Important Suit. Niw : Yonit , July 23. A suit was filed to day In the supreme court of Now York to va cate the charter ot the Mow Yoik Aicado ( undmgiound ) lailway. Among the most prominent plalnlilfsaio John Jacob Astor , William Astor , ( 'Inimical National bank , Westein Union TVIesraph company , anil many otheis , lepiesontlngovci Sft,0)U,0Ool ) ) ( ) abutting jiiojii'ity. They allege tiial thn new company's ehaiter long since oxphed am that the new lejihlatlon Is unconstitutional and void. ] Anil IMnto Wct ] With Joy. GAi.vr.sio.v , July 28. Tlio Xows special from San Antonio says Colonel Nelson 1'lato , foimcily col lector of customs nt Coipns Clulstl who was convicted and sentenced to two ycaih in the penitential y for embelument while In olllce. last night recelie I a telegian Horn Washington , announcing his paidon b > the jnesldont. I'lato wept when he iccelvei the dispatch. The Cholera. liom : , July -Itoports fiom the eholnra infected provinces foi the twenty-fonts ended at 0 o'clock last ovcnlng , aio as lollown ; Trovlcc , forty-thieo now cases , twenty-one deaths ; 1'adduaa , nineteen new cases , fem deaths ; Venic.e , twenty-two new eases , eigh deaths ; no now cases and no deaths in the City ot Vcsico during the twjuntvlour hours AH'ulr.s In the Soudan. CAIIIO , July 2S. Wasslt Hey , who arrhei heio fiom Soudan , reports that Kaitoum ha1 been ra ed by tnoicbcls. Ho believes tha tlio foico marclilnc to ro-establlsli thn khc- dUe'b anthoiity would now meet with wel come rather than lealstance. The MOIIOMU Ijukc Afisninlily. MADISONWIs. . , July 2S. The Monona Lnko assembly opened this aftcinoon with an unusually laigo attendance. Dr , Deems , of New York , gmo the opening lectnie. The singing by the Schubert quartette was giand. lr. J , L. lluilbut , ( it New Yoik , is Hiipciln tendcut ol Instuictlon. DORSEY SHOWS HIS DANDER The Fremont Tighter Tackles Cobb in n War of Words. HE WON'T STANp INSINUATIONS , Anil Ho Tells the Indiana Mnit MO With Flro In 111 * Kjo , But No II oil Ooro U Hplllcd. C George's I.ltllo Itnoket. iltil > & ( Special Telegram to thu Hi r. . | "D ui't nccuseine of fraud , sir. You mil } east suspicion upon idheis , but jou can't do It upon me. Onlj the other tiny you thrust \onr Imputations on my eolle.mue , and with what lesult you well knoxv. " Such wns Iho reply made to Mr. Cobb of Indiana , by Mr. Dmscv. of Nebiaska , duilni * debate on the smnh.x civil nppiopilatlon bill In tlio house this atlci noon. The clause In- cieaslng thoappiopilation lor the detection ol land fiands was being cmisnlciod and Mr. Cobb was speaklnir lor H , when ho tinned lily attention to the northwest. "Why , sii , ' salif he , addressing the ihnli , "ninety pei cent of the land entiles lu the northwest are fimiu iilenl and the laud cunnnlssionci has been Kept busy betting Ihem aside. " "How many of Mr. Spaiks nulur.t affect- lands In the noilhxxest xveio set aside by Seciotni } LamaiV" Inqulied Mr. Dorsey. "Icannot tell jou , " icplled Mr. Cobb , "but I do know that the settleis hnvo been np- pealing to thosecielaty of the Inteiloi to have them set aside. " "Why do settleis have to appeal to Iho scc- relai v of the inleilnr lor justice and the set ting aside of these ouleis U the } me lauV" peislblcd Mr. Doisey. Theie being no icply , Mr. Dorsey contin ued : "Well , I can tell } oti. These appeals weio taken because these oidcis weie not fair , and every ono ot the ouluisIssued ixhlch affected my coustlltient.s have been set aslite. 1 can inform the gentleman fmher ( Hint in. stead of theie being ninety pei cent of the entiles in the northwest that ate fiauduleiit , not one per cen tmofiandulcnt. Thcievvcrcln the entile distifcts in the euily liistoiy of thn countiy , but less than one pei cent ol thn entries on agricultural lauds ate fraudu lent. " "Oh I" ejaculated Cobb , shiugging his shoulders , " ! beat this liom all parts of the west. It may bo that .some of those who , ir. < making these statements hive some poik In the baud thcmselve.s. " Then It was that Mr. Dorsey spiang lo his feet , Ids ejes nbla/o with e.uneatness , mul exclaimed xx ith so much viu'oi that he im- messetl eveiime within nuiliot with IIH ! honestv , the words alieady mentioned. Theie weie cilcs lei Mi. l.ilnl , the Ne- biasKa member who stinck Mi. Cobb the other day and the eolleigno lefencd to by Mr. Dm gey. But ill. Laird xvns not on the liom at the time. Mi. Cobb glanced savagely over at Mr. Dorscv , but he icplied not. Mi. Dqr-ioy's ie- sentment xvas applauded by the entho lepnb- llcan side and by many democints , ami for tlio moment of the passage ot xvoids It looked as though theie mlslil bo a lepetllloii ot the iccent Lalul-Cohh scene. Doisoy'.s demeanor has been so gentlemanly at all times that He. can led the house with him to-daj , nnd Mr. Cobb'n clause in tlio bill was ovci whclmlngly defeated. It xvas a Dorsev viutory. , , _ TJiK'iuious nun'un nii.r. . * * In lejideiiiiir his decision to the nresl- , ' dent on the olcomaigarinu bill to-day Attor ney-General Gn land said Hint the measure was constitutional and that it was not an in fringement upon state rights. Ills believed the bill will bo signed. nn : Theio Is a disposition to piess tlie point made by Senator Daxve.s some tlmo wince against tlio Fail child older pcimittlng ex port whisky to bo Imported and get tlneo yenis' extension of the bonded peiiod In the customs waichonses. It is lunioied that hn will ask the senate to Investigate the whole matter. I'O TXIASSTP.r.S Al'POlNU'.D. The following Iowa postinasters were ap pointed to-dav : W. J. Mills , Halo. Jloncs county , viceB. A. Demonoy , leslgned : S. A. Llttleiield. Seneca , Ivossutn tounty , vice W. W. Alcoin , icslcned. A I'AI.1CIIII I'l III,1C PIIIN'inn HOUNDS. This moining'sNational Itepubllcan sav : "Public Printer Uonnds returned to lids city last evening fiom Omaha\\hciu ho ban been examining some newspaper pioperty , contemplating a pmdiaso ol this kind. Ho was asked by a icpoilcr whether there was any hath In a statement bv n. Washington coiicspoiident that ho had sent his resignation to the piesldent. "No sir , " hoanswcied ; " 1 have not. The minor has piohnhly been elicnliileil liom the fact of my visit west. Ill do leave the public sei- vlco , it will bo logo back to my old business. ' . ' Notwithstanding the above It Is known that Mr. Hounds i catenation has been lu the hands of the piesidcnl some time. " PI.IISONVI. ANII OKNICltAI , . Mr , and Mis. Dillon of Omaha called upon the mesldent to-day. Noono heie believes there will bo any tionblo wllh Mexico , gioxvlng out ot the 1m- pilsoninentof Ameiicans. lloincsentitlve Lanhain of Texas , whoso district adjoins Paso del Norto , sala to day that ho did not anticipate any soilous trouble glowing out ol Iho Cutting case. He has Inlken wllh Secietuiy Bay.nd on the subject , nnd that gentleman Is satisllcd that Editor Cuttlnp will soon bo set nt llbeity. The ] irlnclpnt trouble now Is the conlllcl of authority bo- Ixveon the Mexican government pioper and thegoveinment of Chihuahua. Ho says he did not think the missing of Mexican tioops had anythlnc to do with thn case. An llonest. Yoiiiiu Man. WASHINOTO.V , July 'JS. Following Is n portion of Mr. Tllden'u letter to Senator Haw ley , dated June 9 , IbSO , which was lead bj Mi. I Mia as a part of his speech : "Tlio apathy of eongiess on this snbjc-ct would bo Incicdlblo If It did not confiont us. It In sists on oin taking u high-toned couihu to wards toielgn nations on every occasion of dltleiencebetxvcen them nnd ns. It con- ( lasts nlso with the favor whleh Is shown to schemes of prodigality anil schemes to waste the public lesomccs and on things known it would tie absolutely useless. Attoiney Gen eral Leo o has letnined the oleomaiMiiiIno mil to the piesldent with Ills lopoit thereon. It Is expected that the piesldont will also ol > - tain the views ol Acting Seciotniy Faiichild In icgnul to the bill bcfoie he acts upon It. " No Aid Hoiit. OTTAWA , Out. , July " 2S. Dispatches hnv- Ing appeared In geneial United States nnd Canadian noxvspapcis stating that the Cana dian govTinment had , In response to ap peals for aid , sent out a vessel be.tilnir pi o- visions for the dUticssed llsheinien In New Foiindland und Labrador , the olllcci.sof the marine and hsherle.s dcpaitincnt liciu have been iiitervievved ( onceinlng the matter. They state that no vessel has been Kent and Iho department heio have no ollldal knoxvl- edge of the mallei , which Is beyond their Jiiilsdlctlon , the Canadian government hav ing nothing io do with Nexv Foundlund , Another California Kenntor. SACH WII.MO , Cnl. . July as. At a icpubll- can caucus of tno membeis of both houses ot thu leglslalme this afteinuon It was icsolvul to elect a United States senator to fill the un > explicit teimot the late Senator Miller , to . whoso scat Goveinor Stoncham appointed 'i , Hearst , the piest'iit Incumbent , : In Memory ol'ThoniDNon. Kiiv : YOIIK , Jnl } ! ! & ' ! ho hoaid ot ahlcr men to-day uasswl n ii-solutlon of regie ! at the death ot HeibeitO , Thompson , and of sympathy with his bcieaved family and ml- allies. The boaul nlno lesolved to attend his fiiiu ral In a lunly mid ordeicd tlio lined to hodispincd at halt mast on all the public buljilings and vessels on the- day ol ! ! ' < luneial ,