Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertlferoents under thi boid. 10 cent * per
line lor ihe first insertion , * eent for each tub-
sequent ln crtion. nnd $1.89 n line per month.
No adicrtlsement taken for lr-M than 26 cent *
for the first ln erthm. Pevrn words will b
counted to the line : they must run con fcu-
tUoty mid must bo paid In advance. All nlver
tif.tiifJit < ! mint bo Ji n < JeJ In before S o'clock
p.m.nnd under no circum t ne s win thej betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone ,
PnHKs adterttMnc In tbe totumns nnd bav
in ? the an wer n'Mre > ed In rare of Tin tier. ,
will plon o n k for ft check toenable them to pet
Ihfir letter * , as rene will bn delivered except
on prcxMitntlon of check. All Mi wors to nd- ,
Tcrtl . uicjiti should be enclosed In envelope * .
TO zoAir-MOinrr.
7\f ONKV 1O LOAN On real e tate. lie-
-I'l ilucfd rate on larjM' ltnn Central Invt- -
intiit Co , linrker llloek.cor. 16th and 1'arnom st
TO LO.\N-On fnrm ami rlty prop-
MONEY nt lowest rfltog , \ \ . A. fcpencer 1&U9
rjirnam t. H- >
: TO LOAN On renl r tntn.
MOMY Smith , Boom3 , Wlthncll Block.
' : < i'CNi or H.-J.OOO to lonn in
amounts to full , on short time mortngcB ,
three to tHehe months time on pioperly Improved -
proved or unlmproied , Cull at- the Omaha
llnantilDl F.irhnnL'e , iccond floor of Ilarker
Illock. B. > T. CorFitrnam ana 15th St. M4
TO LOAN At reasonable rates on
MONEV . wntrhcs nnd other uer onnl
property. O. J. Cnsw oil , room Hi , Iron llank
building. 12th and 1'nrnnm. Take elevator.
_ KIO n 1 1
"VA7F. hnvo cheap money on long tlmp/ln-nnr
T > loan cm Inside city propcrty.or
farm land. Marshall A. Lobcck , 1511 Fnrnnm st.
: CENT money to loan. B. C Patterson ,
13th nnd Dourlan. _ 618 _
ONKY TO LOAN-At lowest rates of Inter
est In sums of $200 and upwards on farms
and city property. F .l.Day .V Co. , 6Croun-
te's block , t o cor Capital ave and 10th PU
| sns-nug 6 *
_ ; _ _
OMAHA riNANt'IALK > rHAN iispre-
O pared to make loans In any nmount , on nny
kind of npproved tecurlty. Lnrco collateral
loans a Bpodalty. Also on chnttcls nnd rnal
estnto in amounts nnd time to suit. Lower rates ,
better term" , nnd prompter service than nny
Joan agency In the city For further particulars
call nt ofllcc on the second floor of the Ilnrker
Illock , Routhwcst corner of Farnam nnd 15th
Ft rects. S75
ONKY TO LOAN At lower rntesllmn any
where else In the clty.on furniture , pianos ,
oignns , horses , wagons , or Ftock ol nny kind.
Itdtnoinbcr , nt lover rales : than nny other lonn
company in thn city , flty Lonn Mortgage
Co. . room 15 , 1404 Fnrnam st , opposite Pnrton
hetl. . _ W7
Til ONKY to lonn on residence nnd business
J-'J property , lowest rntrs. C. .1 Onswp.ll if
Co. , Room IV , Iron llank Hullillng , 12th and Far-
; to loan by the undorslcned , who has
MONiY properly nrirnnlred loan npcncy
in Omnhn Loans ot f 10 to $1,090 made on fur
niture , pianos , orpnnp , horses , watroni. tnachin-
nry , ic. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confldrntlol. loons so mode
thnt nny part can be paid Bt any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rnto. Advances
made on fine watches nnd diamonds. Person *
should cnrcfully consUler who thov arc. dealing
with , ns many new concern * are daily comlnp
Into existence. Should you need money , call
nnd pee me. W. n Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthncll
ntilMlnp. 15th and Hanicy. 253
$ 10O.OOO to loan on city residence property
Geo. Vr.TJar , 14G3 Fnniam. 253
PEH CENT Money to lonn. Stewart & Co ,
6 Boom 3 , Iron bank , 12th nnd Fnrnam. ( S3
$30,060 to loan. Sum * J5'W nnd upwards.
$ Lowest rates. Bcmls , 15th nnd Douglas gts.
ONKY TO LOAN 0.1' . navis i Co. Heal
EstaU and Loan luronts. 1(05 Farnntn St.
_ 261
MONEr TO LOAN On peed seciirltJOi. A
McGavock , room TBedick Block , liO Fnrnam
Bt. 20i
TO LOAN Ou real estate- and chat
tola. D. L. Thomas. G ]
MONirV TO LOAN In sums of J200 and up-
wards on flrst-clafss real estate security.
Potterd : Cobb. 1S15 Farnnm Bu 2C4
fONKY LOAN 1C t > nt a P. Itced & Oo'S. Loan
Blnubam'B Commission .Etoro.
ncM Etrlotlr oonQdentaL S3
TTIon SALK-Hotel. A barpnin : all furnished.
JL ! Cull on or address W. C. White , Genoa ,
Wanco Co , Neb. 31M1 *
b It SAI.K A nrst-clais bakery , rostnurnnt
nnd confectionery t-tund In a town of 7,000
Inhabitants. Inquire of F. P. Fiiy i Co. . Omaha.
JTIOU SAL.I : First-class moat marKct with
-U nlco fixtures , all complete : coed trade :
best of rcasors for selling. Call or write to
Oeo. W. Matron. 1C21 Hownnl. 8X1
T71O II SAl.UDrus stock. A suiull Ktook ot
Jilrups in an Inland town. Uolat , ' a ( rood bus-
luoas. Address 1 6Jltco olrlca 270 CO *
tOH riALK One of the oldest established
proeery business In the city , with n very
Inrpe , vrell-paylnr trnde. Will ( < xchnnpo lor
Omifnn real ebtate or part cash nnd balance FC-
cured notes. Good reasons eivcn for tcllliiff.
Adilicss'I31. " Bee office. _ 1KJ7
TjiOK SAI.K Stock of Boole * . Stationery and
J1 Mueloul Instruments. Will eell or rent
building. Dlioct.Ix > ckllorWl. Albion. Neb , tf
roiti hAI-AK Mlllnery slock for sale cheap
or irndc , Including hlit'lvliifr , counter , show
cases oorapluto , Rtampluir patterns , etc S. A.
Bloiimn. 141X1 1'nrnnin. B74
HODSKS Iot8Fnrins.ljinds money loanedT
_ Bemlg , Ifith and Douglas stroets. 471
TJIOK SAI.K 20 shares stock of f 100 each oft
- tthe Wyomlnp Meat Compu- Cheyenne ,
Wy. This stock i * tint-class , will bear the
closest wtijratlon and Is now payins1 u
irood dividend. For further particulars address.
O. B.T. . care Omaha Bc-o.Oinahn. Neb. 271.
TJloit s/vi.ic Onnccount of other business 1
Jwill fell my lee rronm parlors nnd confec
tionery etoro nt 1420 Douclns streets , allow lie-
ri"U If you want a bargain apply ut once. B.
I * . Norrls. 273
TTH > lt KXCII AMJB- Stocks of roodu ofevcry
a : kind , for farms und land ; nlso lands to ex-
chanet ) for poods. If you want to trade , no
matter what itls ymihaiowrite , with full do-
ecriptlon. to C. E. Mnyne , Ueul Estate nnd
Trut-l Co. , Omaha Nob. zee
SAI.K Several stocks of pxxxls , doincn
JL1 lienlthy business , ownership dour , satis
faction jrunrHntood ; tcmis eny. some Ornahn
property taken in oxchanpo. JUarshall it La-
beck. 1M1 urnnm 41S
rpAKKJf rr Hay mnro , 3 yours old , white
JL Mnr in lorcliend ; small scratch on rich !
Iront foot , bnitiiled Con neck. 2U17 Cnldwcll
sticel Wt-lls Plorcu.
r _ -
TOI.P.N-JMltEWAHD-Fiom my premUea
4li miles onM of North Bend , nt about H p.
m. on Thursday , July H , a bay mare with black
iiuuie and tall , a few lnto lialrs nt root of tail ,
smiill bnldor blnck faec , ripht hind foot whlto
up to patter Joint the Insldooftbe les whlto is
hltihcst rntlier heavy lejrs nnd rathet lonehulr :
Clyde nnd Norman , B jt'tiik old , nnd will
wc'lirh nbotit I.1UO. Fifty dollars reward olfcroil
for horee and thief : traced to Oinntm. Will nnd
in luft e > on hinnll whllo speck , nlso on rlpht
hind foot a Mnnll lump caused by strnli-hes.
Any Informnt on of t uch mnro by uny person ,
Htotlnjrboru sluuiinv | io found , is entitled to
thertnvnrd. G. tt. Mojer , North Bend , Neb.
Box 14. *
_ _ _ 3JU-37
IOST lluli Monday moriilni ; tbo2Ctii H caw
J nVout * years , llpht Kid ivjlh whlto l > lly
und t-hort tail. Plcaso inform ut HSl ninth fix.
etntli strext. _ tiSJ3-a
10ST 3-venr-old colt , lluht liny , blick iimio'
J nnd mil , llpht spot in left cyo : f 10 reward.
2U10 Ducatur Mioct , one block southeast the
pcmrterjA. ; btaiiloy. _ 177-28'
Y O T1'rom my Btablo cor 2i'd and Churlts
J- * street , t > nturday , .luly 17th.n dark bay mnr
Jour jours old and welphs about Wi lbs.tiuihod
nnd lind leather Mrni < around neck with leather
tlo Klrupnttuchcd. The mnre wns Setm on tat-
urdny mornlniron west Hurt Mreet. A liberal
ji-w.iid will bo paid for return of the infcra. J.
II. inipenr.2aii Clmi lei stn'Ht.
Poll llKNT-Uoora nud bounl f or two. 1CU
Cnnitolii\ _ <
B OAH1J And lodsrlu.-i , atu ± J N 15th 6t.
PUil < OlA"l ? Mr * . Or Nuiime V. Wnrron
flHiriojuiit. Mrnllcal nd business Medium
Itoou No. o , lil Noitli lUb it , Omulm , Noh.
"r > iil-ON\l. To perMinc wuo wish to build a
Jl homo .111 Urchara Hill. 1)111 tfll lota upon
payment of Ibe nominal sum of too doUjr , And
Balance at the end of five ypars. Intore.t at 8
lr cent. ] > ayabla evml-annually. This il bo
best oiler over made to any homo-seeker In this
at ) . Call ami > e mo. ci E. Maynp. Itoal Ui-
t .Ui anJTru tCo. , 8W cor. lUh aca Farnam.
IOU Itl.NT-Square J-iono. ft monthly A
_ llosye 151 1 Doujilnv _ _ ST3
TOTfCf'l paru , i n > rd.iijTfcf.t c the \ mt'.a
modrlof the Jtobr-rU' .
portnX.ionnJ d ust-
nUo ihelriup can bo w n u Wf ) I mnm Kt'f
u/cw < ! * ] . Mr J S ItK-'mrrtr i \ i j.icw u
\U > . Ilolcits" Mfff Co , Irejuot.t. Nu'j. i"-j : .
Pumi bwl Hoom ft Houto llent'ntr ' I
OMAHA . A. M. Dayton , proprietor , math '
oftico 12I Farnam M- , branch odico 1413 DOUR
lat t ,416M6th , 518 ami ( CIS IWh. IClephrne
No. 040 and r.T7. A larpe ll t of furnl hod nnd
iinfurnt ht-d room * . hou ' , wt , for cu -
tomor to elert from Ix > te your hou'e * and
rooms with me. 1 will soon fill them up ulthdeMr-
aMe tenant * CQm to me for room ? and hou e !
canMiK you at once : eartiaces for patrons ;
Ulephone or enll at nliove olllce * 1BO n ID
AOEN'T. ' l l others wnd 2S cent ! and pet the
nente't plthiw > him ( holder now made by
mm ) f rc-e of po tnire In the 1" P. or Canada. Ad-
Ui-- ? \ \ . Scott , 314 8 E Cth 6t. , Mlnm-KtKills.
Minn. TO-SJ'
Mr5lr-Ml * F. E. Lnjton will rl\
an \ Min. piano and piiltnr nt reasonable
prkrs. Cull nt t'rouno s block , l th and Capitol
tel nve , room 4. 279-2' * *
qtmlntCMl with the Sto\p nnd Hanlware
trade , to .oll Mien , wholesale and letall : liberal
comml lon paid Address S. Oppeti'ieltner \
On.W Pearl st . New York. 275-f ! *
I > lt1VV vn.ilts and cos * pools denned byfi
Ewlne , P. U Box 417. OiOaugU *
IrilooL ANUnxNTV llonls boueh
nnd sold. Oeo W. tny. 110-1 Fnrnnm.
FOUUIXT : Organs , 53 per month. ilo pe ,
1513DouglRS 274
I'lano fJ monthTr.
_ llof pc , ISUJloUBlOR. _ 273
F"K HUNT A More on n good rctnll street
Appiy the Omaha Real rotate nnd Loin
Co. _ _ _ 187
FOIlKAIlw A flno pony ; very cheap. Ap
ply to P. W Knglnnd , Ft. Omaha , Neb gji 27
Foil SALE A good fnmly | mure with buegv
and harness. Call ul 150B Douglas-st. Sta-M
sAl.E-Ono Iron spiral stairs , Milton
Jj Kogori-k Sons. ' SI
Prtll SALE Furniture onJ lca e ol t.lx-room
houre , time on port. Call 1201 North 271 h
street , two blocks from Hod CtT lino. _ Bit >
T710K. SALE cheap , onn spHii rood ponlos suit *
J3 able for delivery or buggy tun in. Inquire
of KA. Marsh. Wt North ICth st. _ 71HI
Foil SAIE One melodcon , C octnvcs f 48 on
monthly Installments. One I * flop organ 2
knee swells , C > i foct hlith (05 on monthly pay
ment * . One 10 stop Tirst Class organ beautiful
case $75 on easy payments. One 7S octavo
Pinno Ornnd Square Hoe oed ca e 1173 on tin
monthly payments. One Beautiful Grand
Pmno f2.VJ on payments at Ho po's music
rooms 1S13 Douglas St. 63J Aug. 7
OtJhKS Ixits.rarms , Lands moneyToanod.
_ llcmls 15th and Douglas streets. 471 _
T71OII bALi : Iiiimi , lurnituro and kltcho
JL1 range. 717 S. 10th ft. _ 877 _ _
Foil SALK Cheap , iron columns ind win
dow caps suitable for ftont on brick build-
Ing. For particular ? npply at this offlco. b3 !
Oil SALE OH TltADK-Onc ttno largo chest-
nxit sorrel hot > e ; B years old. li ( hands hluh.
weight 1300. \ < rp\\ \ \ broken , good disposition , will
trnd < ) for two tmaller horses. Hatcher , Ondd
ir Co. Mlllard hotel block , _ 670
OK SAM : Square piano , W3 , monthly puy-
monts. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. 271
TTt An apprentice girl. Inquire at
> llllss' millinery store , 1514 Douglas st.
an 2s
ANTED A good girl , 1418 Lenvtnworth st.
ANTED--At the V. S. Lnundrv , 1C01 Cass
Bt-.U llrst-cluis shirt ironcrs nnd one good
stardicr. Appl ) immediately. 322 29 *
WANTKU A girl for general housework in
fanjily of ot > person , good wages. Mrs.
W. E. Annlu , 1405 Slicriucn avenue. 3J4-57 *
WANTED Two girls for chamber work nnd
dining room nt Planters House , corner
Dodge und Ifith. 2e > 4-2
'AJfTKD Olrl lor goner-Hi housework in
small family. Apply 2307 Dodge st. 27V-27 *
WANTCU A good competent girl,2010 Web-
star. _ _ I 272 27 * _ _
WANTED Pint clasi meat and pastry cook
ut once. Address E. M , Boi 05 , Oberlln ,
Kansas. 23t-27
IVTANTnu-Good plrl for general -work ;
' ' Bmall family and j oed wages. Mrs. 11. V.
Slmlcs , 12-t3 Georsla nvonue. 233
WANTED Girl for general houscwortGood
reference required. Apply at 1210 Capitol
a\e 2C-30
T\7'A3fTID Good plrl to do housekeeping ,
> ono who understands wuBhlnpironltic ,
uml cookltip , onst Hat in Hrady low Bt. Mary &
Ave. Mrs. L.P. Hammond. 2 8
"Tt ANlJJD Chambermaid , at the Windsor
Vt hotel. SIB
\\7"ANTiu iirltxKiieciro ol baby nnd ns-
> > slst In light housekeeping. S. W. cor.20th
nnd Douglas. 211
\\"AXT15D A Rirl for gcnernl housework.
t peed irascs and stondy work In family of
H. Inquire at Mrs. N. J. Edholm's , 25th and
Chicago. 15327
"TTTANTKD A peed eirl lor sencral housework -
work at SMS SI El M. 213
J Cook nnd Dlsbwasbcr. Emmet
bouse , 317
"ANTKl " > - irl < nt tdo Cigar Hoi Inctory ,
W 140S Davenport Bt. 31127 *
WANTED OirlTorcncrnl housework 2511 ,
St. Marys ave. 133
! ' Girl for jenernl housework :
Gorman or Swede pioterrert No. IBIS
Capitol in cnuo , north side , middle of the block ,
between litth and 20thstreets. tt
\\7"ANTii Girls to make overalls , shirts
> nnd jeans pants. Cinflela Mf'ir Co. , cor.
llth and Douglas , up stairs. fiOO-aug. 7
TTTANTliD-Qirl ; 607B 2ith Bf
ANTIIU linmoJlatcly.a flrst-cJnss cookT"
1812 Dodge st. W)5 )
WANTKU 25 younc ladies and gents to
learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions
wbcn competentt'oo'J. Address W. J. D. room
l.Crounse block Kith Bt , Omaha. 7JS
& 1AI.E H I < F.
An experienced boot and shoo
salesnnnn Ono acquainted with the citi
nnd conversant with the Snedish lancrua > re , pie-
fcrred Unquoptionublo references requlied
Call nt Merchants' hotel between 7 nnd 10 p.m.
A Zunder. _ 335-28'
\ 7AXl'KU-20 shovflors In thn city. J1.75 per
V > day. 10 for railroad work In lown , $1.50
per day , 10 for o tr * panp company work. Call
nl &J9S. 10th bt. , Moorus Employment Apenej- _ .
WAXTKU A good office boy. Call nt Pax-
ton AVIcrlltiB-lrtia Workt. _ 2M-27
ANTJJU-A clniuf btsmon nt 1' M. Ellis &
CO.'B , architects , Cor. 13tii and Farnam ,
Omaha. _ uDO-28
\\fANTin 73 men for hnndlln ? material ,
WKtfes f l.bO per day. E. O. Bclle-Jslu. 1120
Fnrnnm-at. 2J1
Pantfc maker nt once , Mendy Job
' < aud fiood pay. E. C. Sav ) or. l''ulrmout ,
Neb. _ a > S-2i *
\\r.\XTI5I > -Good baker at once , cor. 14th
> > nnd LuHVt-n ortb.
\\TAXTI5H-Slon to sell Shctlntid-Xacutocne
1 iionifs. Spotted , etrlpeil nnd solid colors ,
lltllo beauties , rare oppoitunityEniupn ! pony
free on roi8omtt : > Io condition For fnithcr
particulars iuclofo stamp. Birnn Van Itnuh ,
l.eon Sprlnpc , Bciur county , Texas. 2Jil-a 2
\\7ANTKU-Ton men to sell Ttnnd. McVnlly
& Co's Now Imloxuii Atlas of the Woi Id
in Nebraska and lown. Also lady or punllciiiun
canvtiteers for oilier last sclllnr ; worLs. Special
inducements oticted. Cnut \ 220 N , Ittli et. ,
room E , Irorn 2 to 4 p , m. , this week , IL C.
Clark Oen'l Act. _ 27il-2li *
TTTAXTKU Men lor fcioux Clly cxteiif Ion of
aM.&St P.UHinlowR E.S.Albrlshl ,
ljil > or Agency , ia Farnam St. _ 2 (
\ \ ANTEII A partner in the best pnjJnir
il businesi In the city , cither Inily or cent ;
only email capital required. Address I 51 , Bee
ofllco. 23-27'
1iiy salesman to sell clsors on
commUsicn , or & Ilnrboy , lilO
Douplas. _ 175
" \\7ANTKU-A pastry cook ut the WJntisor
> > hotel. _ _ WB _
\ \TANTni ) Labotersffrlllnck Hills rxtcn-
I > slon of II. \ M. 11. It. uiuir Broken Bow.
Men to drive tennis. Scraper holders und
( .hovclers. E. & Albright's tuber Ascucy , 1UJ3
h'nrunm Et , KVi
" \Tl7AJ Tii > Youny unin tor general wi/ik
nrouud stora at Misllt Parlors , 1119 I'ur-
nainst. ai 1-29
_ _ _
\VAXTr.U One rood dishwasher m I.'nrrli-l
1 1 rc&tuurHut , lt > th hi , l > vt. DoJsc nail Dnusr-
lai. _ a
HVANTHD 3 cners-otio atij re Imli'o cnnvtib-
> tors to tnko f.rtleis fur n line stit.1 ciiKruv-
1ns anOiineai-j hlnp tnii rlptuin lionk. the
two tosether , oalnbtallinentf. Enrneit workers
cau muko inoujy. W. 11 Alexander , 1(0 Uuilpe.
321 2o
\\'AVrKI > _ : _ ) t > rlikliiFar _ to wcrk oTr Tfo w
il pncVlnchfusri in South Omahu. Wares
SI. 75 purday. J. E. Riley , _ 11J
\\rAKTliI > Thre hundred rock lutn , liico
V > bundrod laborers. Good work , good pay.
Apply to Chtis. Holswjlier 1 * mile houce Ollvo bt
Hnkd , St. LouU > Co. , Mo o Jacob Jayraus ,
JjOjaJie , Mo. Kecne Bros , Oanstractlon Co. ,
< hiL-f contractor * Su Louis , Kta > City & CoL
It It 463n ? I
\l AMTt ; > -\cat'n t rukiv n' ' to U-urn
i A'd e-i I . Bfco
9 :
\VANTED-A situation In Nebraska by a
* ' drupirlitot 15 year * / rperttnc * . small
wape * . can furnl h be t of references. Address
Hippy , Mncksburp Ion a. Stf-r '
AXTlipo.ltion by New York
' i prapher and typewriter , ftl o exper
ienced cnl ( graph opermor. Address I & 1 * Bee
_ _ _
WANTKI ) A typeivrlter. who will lurnKh
HIS own tpnclilnc if de lred. would liken
permanent sltnn'lon after AupuM l tBettof
rcferenc-es Will ork on lary or by the hour.
Addre i 1. V H Bet run , pity. _ iiOJ-2S
AVANTED Situation as Kookkeeper.n Ijt-
" ant or correspondent : best of reference
( riven. Address 1 5S. Bee office. 237-27 *
"V\'rAJiTin : Pltunlion In ft eomml lon or
> mu lc warehou'O by n respectable Cana
dian of good character. Address I , 4f > . Bee
office 1W-27 *
i An IniolllBcnt younp German
> ' wants n Mtunt.on : | > enKs Knch h. m.d Is
not n I raiU of work. Address 1 64 , Bee office.
308'- '
\\TANTit-Work : : procery clerk , njst. book-
i keeper , ele. : in fnct , vork of ntn kink to
make nn honet lit Inc Atldre&s Bee IH < e. I , ( V2.
\\TANTrn Position by lady n book-kreper
' ' and cnshler. Illctiest reference. Ad-
rcss Miss 1C. M. C. General Delivery.
22S > *
\\TA > TII Situation oy a Ud } ftenoprnphw
nnd type-writer ; of ability and oxporlenco
Address Marie , cnn * Hot 4OT. K6
\VANI Composition In doakdepartment ,
' pencral dry poods or hou ckeopcr In
hotel by midJIo-fiReJ woman of experience and
refiiicmont. Mr . II. Box M7. Unmbii. 818
"tl t Rood polisher on Tj ler machine ;
also ( rood man on delivery watron Apply
at Frontier launJry , 1512 Hownnl ft. ! K47 *
"VTTANTlil ) A pnrtncr In splendid poj Inp
' ' business In full operation ntlicnlrlco.
Neb. Must have nt least f'MO ta Invest Thin
Is a splendid chauco. Address P. U. box 700 ,
Beatrice , Neb. 814-27 *
VTTANTKU To M.I1furniture of -room l
IIOUMS ; cnsh price. fJOO : comilcle for
housekeeping- : good location , 17I'J Duuplns.
AXTUH 10 tonina. to haul brick. Manll *
& Flnpp's brick jnrd , loth st S. of Vlmon.
Liberal w Bites paid. 144-27'
\\7ANTin : A Good steady horte wit" ! pprlnj
' wagon nnd hnrncss ; must bo ciienp : to
bo paid for In monthly installments. Address
1,3. Bee ofllco. . li.9
. Bull pup , ono or two month ? old.
V > 101. this office. 2S5-27 *
T\TA > TKD To Eichnnco Stock i , pcnrinl
> T merchnndi'e , valued nt $ .3,0)0 ) to J-l,0H ( ( ) , In
peed town , for Omann city property. The C 11 ,
Mnyno Itcul Estnto nnd Ti ust Co. l 7i
" \\"ANTED Customers tor our butler und
crcnm. J. H Uoonstro.iO.iN . t.
831 u 13
A\7AM'iL : > A peed bouse on monthly pay-
i meets. Address HU5 , lleoollice , 655.
"V\7"ANTKI > To buy a nice residence or good
T buildlm ? lot In n desirable location. Address -
dross H , CO. Bee office C55.
WANTKD Ladles mid pontlcmcn to attend
Valentine's Short hand nnd Typewriting
Institute , Eriiosltion building. SSf-augt
WANTTKD To buy A htrRC scoonc nand of.
flee safe. A. Hospo , HWJylS
J Teams. T.ilurrny.
KKNT 8 room hou .o 2 blocks from St.
Marys ave. Inquire Goo. E. Gibbon , 217
S 14th. 307
HENT In two weeks. 6 room houses
FOR city water , in Shlnn's ndd. , unless gold
for $2,250 nch , ? 300 to t4.0J downbalance f25 a
month. D. C. Patterson , BoomS , Iron bunk , j
324 3
Foil HENT .Vroom cottnsro , desirable loca
tion ; furniture for sulf , nearly new-
Terms reasonable ; part time A esls 1 4G ,
Bee office. B7-27
Yrou IlKNT- House so cor lOtn and Pacific
J Fts. , ono block from H. i M. depot. 271 2a *
lliNT : Two cottages by Balloti Bros. ,
151C Douglas St. -2IH-29
F oil IlKXT Store with 4 living rooms above
between the head of St. Mary's avenue and
Leacnwoith , peed opening for a saddler or ba-
lcr , mid other lines of business. Wm. Flem-
minjr.HOl Douglas. _ _ 243
FOR KENT House fi rooms. Chlcspt ) st. bet'
Kth and IKtu. ' 3 244 S7 *
FOK HEJfT Anouseof 8 room * * furnished
or unfurnished. Cull ut C23 S 15th.
Tj on KENT Furmsned houso. five blocks
r from P. O. office. Address I S3 , Boo office.
_ _ _ _ _ _
TTIOU HUNT 3 rooms , suitable for office , cor.
JHUi ? nndFarnnm.
The C. B Mayno Heal Estate & Trust Co. 978
T710R LEASE Wo have eleven ncres on D. P.
J-f H. R. track , SW ( feet front : will lease nil or
pnrt for five years. Bedford i Souer. 754
TTlOltSAl.H New 7 room hoimo , " ! ! " Davon-
-t ! port Street , with lot , barn 22ilfi. coal shed ,
outhouses , etc. , city water , cistern. Prlco $3.803.
Inquire on premises or of M. Burke & Sons ,
stock yards. 715
T/lOH KKNT 10 room house with modern
J. Improvements , flno location on street car
llne.7UN.20lhSt _ 883
JT'OR IIKNT 8-roainod house ; Inquire 2510
' Capitol ave. _ C77
FOK R1C.VT The bulldlnir now belnir built
by Ilarker Bros , , on the comer of lirtn and
Jonnj , WjciO foot , and four or flvo stories hiKb ,
will be rented for hotel or warehouto purposes ,
and be finished to eult the purpose of tenant. C.
It Mayne Heal Estate and Trust Co 15th and
Farnura. 894
: 11ENT Nicely furnished room for two
Jcontlcmen. . C12 S. 17th St. 828 2S *
Foil KKNT 2 rooms , suitable for office , cor.
llth and Farnam. Too C. E. .Muyne Beal
Estate & Trust Co. at :
KOH HENTFarnlsbod room , ISlfe DodRB.
BJ7 a2fl
Foil RKNT T o Inreo rooms , InquireintStS
N llth street. O-28 ) -
F OU Jir.XT Small furnlshod room. " Wi" if.
17th st. 315-27
ICKXT Furnished and unfurnished
roomb at COD S. 17th bL.tnd door ti. of Jnck-
so iu 1000.
F 1O11 Ituxr Sultoof front rooms ( single or
double ) newly furnished , 614 N. 17th st.
F JtEXr Fiirnlsbod front-imrlol-iJnodur
oonvcnicDces. Location rood. 1720 Cap
no. , - '
FOK IlKNT Suite of 5 rooms and hall , up
stairs. C34 S. 17th EU , bet JncUson and
Jyesvcnworth , 278-27 *
l HUNT A furnished parlor room vJtU
board , cultublo for two jrcutlpQien ; also
first-clasa Uiblo bourd ; rcferouco required : 1614
Dodg-c. IOC
y. Olt JinNT-VinefurnUnod UPPOIS. 1818 Far- "
JL : nam si. , ninsliiin price from JO to $18.
1 J
_ _ _ _ l _
1J7M H ISK.NT nore rooms onr llth and Fnf
JL' nam , (33. The ( i li. llayncileal Estate and
Trust Co , Itl
TT < OK KKNT-A suttcnf rooms , with board ;
JL. house is. surrounded by H ntou luvrnr bus
pas and balu room , loqulro S. W , oor. 20th and
Wbbstrr. 1D3 27
T710II UENT Ifunilshod it > om . Inquire drug
JO store , 10th nnd Douchii. 109
TTUm'KKN1 A nicely furnished south roam
JL ? IC07 Douglas st. Iteferences required. 745
l/OK IUXT FuinUlieil rooms ; lurpe , ulry
nnd very choice ; every convenience. 411
r ; > Olt BENT 2 store roomt on corner Cuminf
JU and 21d. f 43 ccch.
Tbe C. E. Mayne ItetU Estate and Trust Co.
Ii OK HUNT Choice otiioe rooms on pro und
floor. No. 1503 Fnraam ct. Inquire of J. B.
llirhanlson. 44l-jy20
f OU HUNT Deslr-ble f uruisbed rooms nt
Ibll Fainam ftrect. ! to |
fpoil KKNT Nicely fiiniittiod Irout rooms
Asult blcforonp or two gentlemen ; nil mod-
cmiinproTt'incntn. MlSJonesst 141
FOK lir.S'T Two store rooms ou ICtU street.
Water , j-as and sewer connections. Tbo
C.E.M.uyce on. Trust Co cor. 15th aud Farnam.
Foil KENT Two etore rooms on llth ft. ,
_ 23ench. J. jobuson , 13u4 Farnam 233
IilOlt IUNT For Itptit houseKeepinir , rooms
furnlibca and unfurnished in Beemer'd
BlocK.cor. Kight mid Howard it * W18
Foil IlKNT An oicellont bailment. 633 and
511 S13th tt. : 3 ttores on Oth and Douglas ,
nnd stores on 3 J andCumlnr. PauUen i Co .
lilJFaraam. fc5T
Oil SALli-At a Barg-aln-Tbe north half of
block one of Ambler Place , lac.ted a few
rods from Brit i.ltio nod at tUe inten ction of
the two couuty roadi. BaJJou Br , 1'IG Do UK-
US st. 26J- . ?
SAtK-lt h < Shrlrer
Fen - . bal nk , liCppr month ix > te In Han-
Doom Ptnco.Umaha Viuw , Markm' Add , Shiill' < >
1M ndd.W.A. He 1lcUdd .Thornburu t'Ucf and
Auburo Kill. llWHMxnd lot In Knutitre s tii
nnd v rion'da. . To buy. Ml or rentproier-
tj-.Cftllon H. W H itrcs ,1803 Farnam t
HOVPKS , lot , lonflt alwtmM of title , tnoney
loaned. It C Jj ller on , ltth ! and Doucla * .
SALK A choice farm of 820 ncre ,
nearly all m oi hind , Mell Improved Smiles
from railroad tottiMrnme house , frame profit-
cry. Plnbles am ! vrtuie sheds. Reel well with
new II foot wlmkmiHwith nltnchment lor prlnd-
Inc RtidwMtcrtMlk. Nearly all the land fenced
j.nd sub-divided Jntq bee lots , corrals , etc Thli
Is nn excellent eliMteo far a man wljhlnprto
fnrm and raise ' vtCti Prlco $10 per acre , part
cfisti nnd part tlmr Addrcti lock box .No. It ,
Ilertrand.Neb. B1S-2 *
> iil SALHWyisIx hon pj left Incur Paul-
Jj pen addition plnco , one half block from
street car The e deMrlnp rood botnos on easy
pat men I ? inuM call soon n * they are Folrnr fnst.
Ba'llou Bros. . 1516 Douglas ft. 2GI-31
H \Ol'SE3. lots , iniidt , acstrncts oftltTe. money
loaned. It C. Patterson , 18th nnd Uouplns.
257 n4
il.ymnn'J ndd ; on B cottiur , $ l.non. half
cash. J. L. Hloe & Co. . over Commercial Bank.
L100x100 , In Hnuscorn Plitoe for home. Only
(3,500. iL. Bice i Co.over Commercial Bank.
TTILLSDAliE- * , that's the name , nnd tne
O lots poil for Jlro to JITS on onsylorms.
Have you seen this protind * If not , do at once.
n it costs nothing to ride out to this benutlful
location. Ames' llcnl Kstate. agency , 1507 Far-
nam. gM
TT1LLSDALE sells nt fisu per lot. 535
. . Aflno varcbouso , frontage tlO
fo tonll. .t M. . with li-i acres ground.
Tbco. OHeu SIS 3 1M h- _
"tlOUSALK We have sixteen lot * In How-
Jthoruo addition that wo will sell : best tind
cheapest Ineldo property In Omaha , lledtord &
SOUPT _ m _ TIM _
FOR SAL.R Ho ldcnco propcny nntl vacant
lots In every tuldltlon In Omaha. Terms to
suit vn rchaoor. Also deolrable biialnn * * prop
erty. Olbson , Larson ft Co. , Koom 3 , Wltlinoll
Illock. _ _ _ _ _ US
HliAA'Y pains in population punii'S Oumha to
the front. SeoiUlNdalo lots tluit you < a.n
r.ow bur for fl&3. i'lck one out. pay fur It In
Installments , and sell It in a years time for'twloo
its cost. Aun ' Heal Estate Agency , 1507" Kat-
nmn si. _ _ f 9
TMl'llOVKi ) property cnrs , 15th and Dodge
0 T"ulllot on Caldwcll ft. nnfl three ootta-
PCS brluirltitr in $13 per month ; ' cash
? 1TOO Will buy a 6-room cottnce In I > cnlge'
ndd ; t&O cash and fij per month.
$1 )3 ) Takes B-room cottage In Mlllard i Cald-
well's add on ea y payments.
$100 Cash takes 4-lot cor. CnUhvoll and Plor.
otn.Shlnn16 innddltlon.
( l.l'OO-Lot ' block 10 , E. V. Praltn's addition for
one-bnlf cash.
$300 find F2JO Lots in Sears & Thomas' ndfl : 2 = 5
cash and (10 per month. 1 his price t $
peed for .luly snlcs only.
4,000 House of 7 room on lot 40x140 In Thor-
noil's addition , one block train car Una
$3,500 TnlccsaT-rooia cotUiffu on Hamilton U
with peed barn. TV ill 8ell ou very easy
terms , Call nnd BOO us.
FtGOO Good house of b room * OP full lot In
Elizabeth Place ; one-third cash and 1 , ,
3 ycnrs on balance.
T hnvo vacant lots In uny part of the city.
If you wteh to buy or > ell it is to your interest
to come and see me. as I clciil in bargalnij
\ * enl < - and buy and sell on straight com-
* missions. ' '
24081 hcnis , N E. Cor. 15th nnd Doago
HAVK you eefln'HiIlsdnlo/ ' r not , do so at
once and plckdntn lot for fVO that will not
only inako you nrauey hut help you save some.
Ames' Heal KBtafe.Agency. H < J7 Farnam. 809
FOK 8ALK ruH , lot on Park ave. , near
LeavenwortU st. , ! 1-UHS 1.4 , containing i
handsome lai BO ty > ltkfes with all mcdern con-
venlence ftnd a Karri. Thnre are a number of
shade trees and en atinndnnco of small fruit on
the promises. Erhjo , 11 ,000. Will dlvkle to suit
purchaser. This Is one of the best barpnlng
ollcn-d In the city toAlay InTCsidenco property.
Inquire of lilrdnn' * . Comftocl. , Ud story Mcr-
chnntB' KnUonHtBaalc building. _ 277
OR SALE /oil lot on 17th st , , near Klcho-
las , at a bargain. Ucmhard Bachsse Jit , . . „ . _ | _ iitt
P. HAMMOND , Heal Kstate Ilroker , 352
_ Douglas su ItooibB.
I offer thefolojrlmr'special ! bnrpafns :
' " Twocholoo lotin Hnnsoont'PIactvbiu-paln ' ?
40 feet on Doueiaa'tti. bet , ' 13thjirid Htlu
4 houses on UlUOt TU , J 1.900 ccch , f iOJ cash ,
baluuco J2S per montlv
3 choice lots in' Lincoln Place , will bo sold at a
Splendid 6-room house Ohio St. , barn ; Wrllfl
foot lot ; bargain , $ . ' ,103.
Lot on Capitol nvo , 3d from IGtli st.Darpaln.
Lot , 2 stores and basement , Kountzo's 3d add. ,
a barpraln.
Splendid Jot In Shinn's add.
Wuntod OHice safe in exchange good lot .
List your property with me. _ 227
HOUSES , lots , land , abstracts of. title , money
loaned. R. C. Patterson , 13th and Douglas.
57 a4
GOOD lot in Okahoma , near the Vlnton Bt.
A car line , price f 1,030. Potter x Cobb , 1515
Ifarnam St. . Umahit. Nuh. _ 821
HOUSES LotB.Farms , Lands money loaned.
Bcmls 15th and Uouglas streets. 471
ItiUard Hotel Block , offer a
few special bargains below :
Handsome -rooni cottage and lot in "Idlewlld"
only Iffl feet from street cars ; newlyarrd thor
oughly furnished with now furniture
and carpets. WolU cistern , city water ;
pus pipes throughout house ; hard wood
llnish Inside ; sidewalk , fences and all improve
ments new An exceedingly peed bargain.
All for f 4.500 on eafiy terms.
8-room house , and lot In Omaha View , a bar
gain f 1.600.
Three geol residences , Chicago street , trlth
132xiB : feet , bringing n good rental , very cheap ,
Very desirable property Oass and 23th Bt , 3
peed houses , grounds 140x132 feet good puy-
inp investment ; bargain , f27.000.
, Ncathouso and lots. In Walnut Hill ; nlco
llttlo home , cheap ; $2,400.
Sir beautiful lots in "Omaha View. " f3HD
cash ; H biff bargain und immediate profit.
Sir fine lots in "West Side" f 400 each
4 lots In Thornbuiff place flW and $503 each.
Choice Jot in Haaseom place. $1.003.
lieautlf ul lots in KIlby Place. Reservoir ndfli-
tlon , Jlftiihattun , Walnut 1111 ! and othcrnddl-
G-rooin house and 2 lota , RchnoH'f ndditlonsw ;
of Hascall'B 1'ark , on Vlnton st , 120x158 fcetc & .
foot alley , prick brass foundrj' on ro r , J4.000.
UOUMI and lot. 10th bet Douglas and lx > d o
i > U , bam for 30 horse ; W.OOO ' - |
Jones st near 13th , IW U > ct front with 5 brlct
storcs , 521,000 ; rents for r2OuO ; splendid liur-
Large residence lot in West Omaha , 60x155 ,
51 .300 ; on easy terms
Splendid buUness property , Douglas st near
, liltr barraln , J18.0H
N W corner 18th und Farnam st , WJrlSi feet ,
rare bargain , $ ' . 13,000
5 o coi nor llth and Howard.COx 3 feet , $23,003 ,
On Fornam near lltli , 'x3i , I15fiM. , I
1/oton I'arnamncar N'ub. Nut I bank , 27 > M.
44 feet , Dod e opp P. O , 524,000. >
3 good roMdeneo- und 2 lots , Chicago it. ,
$11MM. Rental pays cjilendld Interest.
Good corner and oottaie , S Kith. WlxlOO. Via
duct will make this advance rapidly , JS M. ,
S o corner 10th und Castollor , Mi Hi ) , nnd ool-
Al > eve uro Gome , of the many bargains we
have. If you wlsu to buy , sell , or CAchniure , ,
call ou Hutcht-r , QnJa < t Co. , Mlllard hotel block.
_ lt-3 S7Q
-A hno Improved
- farmin wosttrttvlon'a , contains IPO ncrus ,
or will exchange tut DiiiHha jiropurty. Inquire
of 11. llrown , Wintfihrbotel _ 812 *
T7HHI HAL1C Verv'clKJ.'ip ' , trick bnuPC one
X ? Irntno stable ; m ur ( 'umin ? > Umust bi rt-
moved right u\vu > . ' i'juoo. Oleun , 515 S 151 ti ft ,
_ _ f + _ 2U528 _
JI.1.SDA1JJ , jhljtiiest rround , handsomest
location of any lots in ornround Omulm ,
for f50 ! to 1175 o lot. Come and see this
ground. Ames' -Hettl Estate Agency 1507 1'nr.
nam. _ _ WU
HOir > K > Lott VSiiis.Land * money ( oanodT
I ' emls.lith _ nod Ix > m-las ttrneta. 471
on thotitfKiernf 27th and fas
J , 100H55 , fpr f fAld. JPotter 4 : Cobb , 1515 Far-
iinm el. , _ _ _ _ _ _
HOTSES. lotsTland , iibstracls of iTtle. money
loaned. 1L C. I'.iuorbon , 13th and Dnuglus.
_ _ _ , c _ 257 ul _
Tnoil KAI.K-.A 'mie tarchouso , froutago 410
Jfeet , on It. 4 M. , with 1H acius ground.
Thoo. Olscn lSS15th. _ 23528
13EAL KSTATK HAHO-UNS X acies ID Foiitli
J-i Ornuha 'Joinlnir C. F. Cio lmnn , ( 1,000.
A i-osltive bargain. J. L. Wee i. Co. , ovcrC'oui-
lucrclul National bank _ _ M4
T OTS ulHni today for iUJ lo flOO j sold aTcor
J-i ago for * KiO to tvi Think of this und gel a
lot now In HllUanlo lorSlW to $175 uud on easy
terms. Ames' Heal Ustate Agency , 15U7 Farnam
_ _ _ HIM _
TfTIOK KXCI1 ANO K f8UUO stock dry goods for
-L' Ojnulii property Archer i Fitch , i'18 S
15th " Bt , _ _ _ .405
"A fltNiH.ll : jli [ ltet. on Cttlilornia
jV ! Bunnfeideadilltlon.prlEo f3.tO3. Potter k
Cobb. 1515 rarnaui bt . Ooiuba , Neb. _ B21
FOH SAL.K-lmproted'jarra , 100 nnei. 75
acre * in crop , lu ucrcs tlmUir , 10) bettriag
orchard trees , to acres nay l nd , 20 acres hog
{ uutuio. SV.Joiicj421 X 2l . .fct.17uup4 . *
F1)K SA.Ko ceres einontii unbroken jiru-
rio lan-lnrnr OakUnd. llurt count r , at M
per acre IlcrnUnnl Michsfio , 317 bouth 13th U
l.TOV'PES , ots. land * . Ab iracts of title , money
-II loaned. R. a Patter on , ISth i nd Dnnplas.
IJIItJH l. iLfc , Full lot on Sherman ave ,
J-1 Mtefor Brtt Llnedopot. Saeh * X Lander-
grcn. 317 S. 13th U _ _ _ _ ln (
17(011 ( P.\LI-On * 6f th - finest acre * ' in West
Omaha. WX ( > J. The C , K , Maj ne Heal F.Mate
' _ _
H'ATJr'ae-fe trnckaco on theV IMrnck. cen
trally locate I , a bargain for 1 15,000. J. L.
Hiee & _ raJ3th mid tlougla * _ _ _ _ _ " _ .
FOH sAttf < Joe < l i-room houe with eellnr.
cistern , city water nnd barn , H lot , f3 , iO ;
eniulre cm preml e , 17 Dav > ii | > ort 67S
Hll.l.SHAf.flha * nflviinTaVer whirh cnn't bo
l > oaten Py any locution , When joil see the
lot nti will admit It. Amts , iJOTFariiam. S
1 1.1.SDA1.K You can nnd no such lot * us
the e at f IN ) npieeo. Ame ' Real Ketata
A gcacy , 1.V17 Farnam f-t. SJ9 _
Foict.vt.E or Triap Improve 1 ani unim
proved lands lu Furna * nnd ot ler western
counties. Addros * Wm , Arapahoe ,
FTirnasro. N'eb. _ 275
SAI.K Nicefi-room house and 2 corner
lot * In Walnut Hill ; H cash baU to suit.
CalMartln 110 " 141 li s t. _ 4K1
HOrSES. lot * , lands , abstract of title , money
loanod. R. C. Patterson , litthand I ouglas.
257 a4
_ _
' AHOAJN FulFTot on WebsterTt- rf een"
17th and lSthst,2 houses , oneof 5 rooms
andonnof Grooms ; good barn and shade trees
and other Improvements ; prlco $7IXW ; ea y
term.s. Potter * Cobb , 151. rnrnam , st , , Omaha ,
Neb , _ _ Kl
Proem .louse and lot.anii street near
St. Mary's ave , $ tM cacti bal. ninthly (5,700
rint > oottero and lot , 17th su near I eaveu-
worth , . . . l.CXl
Cor. lot , Horbacb's J add , with 3 houses ,
bntn , etc. . . . . 1,100
Full lot , B. V. Smith's nddwith first class
house . 3,203
Full lot , 2 houses and barn , Bouth avenue.
Ilatvaln. . . . .
1/ot fiSxlSi.Lcwcg Id add. near Academy of
the Sacred Heart , with cottage etc Z.509
1WX12SH. Patterson' * s l > dlvlion , with
honsn anil Impnivuments ( worth ( TOO ; . . . 1,63)
Lot MxlW.lJurt street , near Academy of
the 'Sacred Heart ; brick hou o worth
M.200 . . 2,500
LotwltV2-tory S-room houne , fruit trees
shrubbery , etc . l/ai
Lot with new ft-rotim house. Wublo , etc. . SOJO
Lot with 4-rootn house , bay window , 2
porches , ( worth fdjO ) , well , fences , trees
nnd shrubs , -cry eheap at fl.50J ; cash
down $100. balance &U per month . . .
Full lot and flrl-clns < b-room house nnd
very flnc Improvements , Shlna's second
ndd , rettl bargain . 2,503
Wlloox's Second ndd , full lot and 6-room
house .
Full lot In Plalnvlow , with now b-room
, bouse , cbdip . lrr > 03
South 10th street ( Routine's Second ndd ) ,
lot SDx2Xt , good fi-room house , barn ,
shed , neil , very nice lencc1 ? , shade trees
nnd very cholco . 4,03 J
20th street , ner.r Custelliir , 30-111 , with cot-
tuce Onr-hnlf cash . .
S full lots on Snunders street , with t\ro
story 8 room house. Inrgo barn , etc f > ,503
320 iioros , line fHrm land , near Waterloo.
with very flnolmproveincuts , at (40 pur
acre . . . .
! S llcrnliardPach so.817S. IStfa St.
HOW you can make money ? Uy buying on
easy payments a Hlllsdalc lot for $153. that
will be t'&sllv paid for and double in value.
Ames' Real Kstatn AgencylSminm HOT
OncHAUOiiri.I. low soli bn thclr mbrlts
Low prices and asy terms given. Call at
ThcC , B. Mayne and Trust CO.'B ofTico and grt n
plat _ 308
HALF acre trackage on the TT. P. track , cen-
tmlly located , a bargain for { 15,033. J. L.
Rico & Co. . luthniid Douglas. _ 571
JLX trackage , easy of nccoss and centrally lo-
cutod , in Omnba.nt a bargain J. L. Hlce & Co.
over Commercial Niitlonul bank. _ 804 _
HILL&DALE-Lots only f50 to f 175 , nnd ill
sell for double this figure 1n 1 ! months *
time. Come and RCO thorn. Amos' Real Kstate
Agency , 1507 Farnam st. _ 809
TT1OK SALK > , ncro lot.Pnrk Place , cast front ,
JC fi DO. Thco.Olsen , 218515th. 230 2
FOU 8ALK Fine southlfront loton llurt near
llrown , fi)3. Theo. Olsfn. lSg 15th
FO1S SALi : A line warehouse , frontnpe 410
feet on B. A : M. . with 1H acres proitud.
Thoo. Olsen , 218 S 1Mb , St. 23523'
HOUSES , lots , lands , nbstrncts of title , money
loaned. It. C. Patterson , 13th and Doutrlas.
257 al
FOR , SAI.K or exchange at n barpoin 83
acres of flno hay land within 2 > 4 miles of
Frcracnt.Nob. S. A. Sloman , 1403 Fnrnnm fit.
Omaha. Neb. 270
$2.030will buy lot 2 Qulnifs hdditlon. South
llth St. , COxlJi with improvements , address ,
T. 30 Boooflico. P43
HALFncretrnckniro on the t" P. track , eon
trally located , n bargain for $15,003. J. L.
Itico & Co. , 13th and Douglas. 571
I71OII SALE" One of tbe finc-t acres in'Wcst
JO Omahu.only SJflOO. The C. E. Majnc Ooal
Eetatc nnd Trust Co. SGi
/ \NEanU threo-fouiths acres in Brooklinc nd-
\S ditlon , prleof S50. Potter i Cobb , 1515 Fur-
nainst , Omnhn. Neb. .811
TTILLSDALE-Beautlful location. B03
OW Is it your neighbor has mndo money ?
By havlns courage to buy cheap lots. You
cando tboRiirao In Hlllsdale , where lots now
soiling for $150 each will brluir double thut In n
3 ear from now. Ame § ' Bcul Estate Agency ,
TTILLSDALE Best opportunity for getting
JLJL you a cnenp home. RW
C. PATTEIISON. Boom 5 , Iron Bunk
. Lots in Shlnn.s add $ 403
Lots in Hillside No 2 1,200
Lots in Hnnscom Place l.nno
Lots in OIUHUU Vlow KM )
Lots In Lincoln Place 4.VI
Lots In Wc t Side 250
Lots in Fol om Place 22A
LotKIn Saundtrs&Himohaupfa'sndd . . . K" ,
G-room house nud lot Shlnn'k ndd 2,250
f 403 cash , balance monthly.
Patterson Park acres 3,0
Wasbliifrton Hill acres 7W >
Hlmcbauirh's add ucros 1,000
West Omaha acres 4,000
Bontleld 5ncrelot 350
2U-ucres. 4 miles west of court house for
a short time 8,000
D. C. Patterson.Itooiu 5 , Iron Bunk. X5-3
TTHJIl HALI5 Now. small houw , tull lot ,
-C Omaha View , $1,050. Tneo. Oiscn , 2lb 8
15th. _ J . 2528
Foil SAEK-320ncrcs I mllnirom Waterloo ,
with two flrst-class bouses , stab-ps. wind-
mill. All fenced. Trees und at (40 per acre.
Bernhard &Sachsec,317South 131 b snout 037
FOU BALE Or exchange for general mer
cbandiKO.200 ncrcs flnully impiov d land in
Southern Iowa , ndjolnlntr county scat mid rail
road. In Decatur county. Has n fine 0-rootn
house , largo barn,50-toot fhodgood welU'spring
nnd running wuter ; 100 npplo trees , cherries ,
grnpes , etc Bernhard Bachsso , 317 3. lath
St. , Omaha. Nub. 912
B UHXUAUU S.vcilSSH has for sale :
I ots in Ambler Place. . . . . . HOOto 800
Ixits In E. V. Smith's add . . ? IM3 to 2.U01
Cor. lots Mlllard tt CahlHulla ndd , bGxlHO.
Fine cast fiout lot , G0xl4 , N IBth St. . . . Z.OOJ
Full lot Omaha View , graded , fenced , trees
and shrubs . .SOD
Lot Ulxl27H , Shinn's 3d odd ( Charles fit . . 1,0 Jj
Beloctod lots , Suundurs ti Hlmubaugh'sinld
. f.VXto ) TOO
Beautiful acre tots , Patterson Park. 3VJ
iniltui from court houte. . . - - . fAi'ilo 4S1
Bimh bot. U'llliiiniB and HIcKorr.&OxllO.
Cor. bu liiets lot , Milltarj' ave . . . wj
Wilcoi's Ht add , 2 lots COO ( inch 2 lots 000
Acre lots in Hyde park. . .f275to 350
IxitHon Sauiidcrs BU ncnr Belt Line depot ,
ouch 1,010
Txts In Plain View , Inside J-600 ; cor tTOO to T.Vi
Lois m Bedford pluec. . „ . , (40.110 ( iOO
South frontl ou > on Bu ' # nr Enunders ,
. . . . . tisai to 1,300
l eateuworth st , near P _ jive. Wills. . . . 1 00
Ix > ts on Sherman mo. opp. silo for Bolt
line depot . . . . .fr . K > to 7.000
40 tiered nne virgin pi ulrlu In Oakland at. . SO
_ J a Bernhard Sach se.317513th Et.
REAL ESTATEHABJA1NS-3bfautim south
front lots just oil Saundorg st , lu Patricik's
2d addition , 11,250 each. .1.1. Hlco Jk Co. , over
Commercial National hank. M4
Fen SALIVA line warchouso , frontase 410
leet on II & M. . with 1H ocrcsprouiid.
Tiico uitcn.i8S 15th- aiai
HOCSl S , lots , lands , abEtiacts of title , money
loaned 1C C. 1'iutcrson , I'Jluand uoutrlas.
257 ul
"OEMCMBBK now u tbe time to buy cheap
-II lot * They grow In voluu faster thnu uny
nthem Fi-o HIIIMatr l Jts f 150 each. Amos'
Beat Eetbitt Agency , 1507 Farnam. KV
HOI'SES Ixitt , Farmi.Landf tnoic > > inaned.
Bemls , 15tb and Ddujtlai Etri-t < ls. 471
KEA'L ESTATE B A it o A iiw spie iid id p ic'c.7
of trackage. Lays fine nnd centrally Inct
ted at u bargains. J. Litlce ii Co .over Com
mcrcinl Bank. Ml
FOU s Vl.l ; Or excbniiiro tor uly or siiliur
ban Unprovcxl or unlmprovud proporty. or
trenerui men hundUe.bWaire } ) t3 > J artJ 50ui of
tbo tine t NubrHtka prairie land In Nanco ooun
tv. Bfruuardbachato , 'J17 S. I'Jtu st , Oinnhi ,
Neb. _ njj
H1LLSDALE Coma and ( no it vouiiolf , it
bolU on ui uierltt. Atooj' lUal litlate
Agency. I5U7 Faruaru WJ
T7NOB SALK-Two ulejrant on t f root oornar
JJ lau la Burr Oak. natural stm.lo trotu.
Hatcher.Gadd 4rCo..ii Douelaj lu-uot , Mlllarl
hold block Oiuiba , Noti/ * 0i
SA. SLOMAX ISIS ranmm ft. Room S. Rw l
- Krtatennai dn * SpeeliJ llftrgsih Ut
* th M , neixtSt Mary" * ve , 40x123 Ira-
. pro 1 l rsOX >
Murney t neariltt , 40xl : improved , . , 5.VX )
Harney'-it , nearElct WJX1C7 Improved. . ft.V )
Harney t. ntarWth.lfixlfrT ImiiroVoAl , * V )
Uarney M cor. 2M.T2xlsvi andtoxlM vlth
hoii e , bnrn. ele , ail for . fi.Mi
ilarno > t. opp , court house rornfrliKt4 * l\0i
Lr aventrorth ft comer ( llxHi. hou e It-
room * , rent * for ten per month. . . . 5,100
Ioaven\vorth t. near 21st , lot 50x153 ,
hou .o retiK for fcvi pt-r month f > AOO
Ix > avcnworth ( t. and 37lli , ! corners , IWx
US . . . . I.MO
13th pt. bet. Hnrney and Howard , rents
forfffiper month . . .
Dongla * st , bet IStli nnd 13th , new brlok
More , ictiK for 1 1 , 00 : half Interest.
r . ( u\ nil for . . ifi.0o
rnrnam street , neat Wth , Improved , J7x
. . .
n , corner Utb. nfixlffi. Imroved. . .
l > odpe street near 2Pth , lranro\ l S.500
Capitol avenue , coiner SOtli.MxlSi. Itn-
pro-ed . .
Harnej Mrefl. belwce > n31 t nil 3
Vt ! .
21st. near I uvetiworlh. MxlHl
"iM.iirnr Lnftvenwnrtli , Mitlit ! _ 2Kl
Convent urect. Improved. i > H\lW . . . 4tOJ
The flne < rptldoncp In Onmlin. In rlcpnnt lo
cation , larpe lot. brick hou'e nnd stable , all
modern lmprmcmcnt , nothlhgas ele ganl weft
of Chfcaro : price M.tX .
Property In Manhattan , Bedford Plnce.Hrook-
lyn , \ \ lUnin Hill , and alinoft every addition in
Uinah a at low firiiro * . iy .
HOt'SKS. lots , lands , ab'lrnct * of title , money
loaned. 11 C. Pnttcrion , Kith and uotiplas.
SiT a4
cltle * make suburban homes a necos-
J sltv and this olns * of lot * ( trows with the
rest This l to bp considered. See Hlllsdale at
f IN ) and buy one when you cnn nt this fiptiro.
Ames' Ken ) FUtate Agottcr , 1M" FiiTisni tt. Krt
' "
A .STANl > AUir3FKDfc'Ai7wbi'TK '
IIXfSTltATlVi : SAMl'LC rill.K TO A1.U
Uxhiinsted Vllalllr Korrousand Phynlcnl Ooollltf
Prrrn.itnrc Dpollnp In Man. Errors f voatli and the
11 u told iniocrl rraiiltlnc intn lndtcr < > tliin mirt rs-
ct" . P . A eel lor prprr ninn , .roune rolJdlo-nird
Hndold. ucnnuilnt 125 iirofrrliitionnforall unite unit
ctironlr dt rnf-rs. ettch ono til whu h In InratunMo. So
Jound tif thf unthnr wlio c expi'rlonco tor I.I ji'sff is
mch rrol > milyrpTprl > pforc fell to tlir lot ( if any
iihjrrlrluni .TO pnirvn. hound In bwiutlf ul French niu < -
lln. cmbo ca f Tc , full flit , Kimnintced t be tine-
work In every nnn mPfJinntcnl. literary nnd t > pnfo -
plonnltbun nti > otbnr work In this country Tor (2 W ,
ortl\p \ money will be rrfanaed In prrrr ln utnot' .
Prlca onlr II or runll , portpnlil. lllit tntcit unniplc ,
We Seiiflnnw. OnM modal iiwtmloil the nntborlir
fhc.Nntlonut Mixllcil A o < rimion. to the llin. A. 1' .
liUsrll. nnd Hfwrintp officer * of the board the reader
It rp | i < > ctfnllT referral.
Tlip hrlrncu nf l.lfr l worth morn to the Tonne nd
mlddlo-ngrd nirnof this eeni'm-lon tlmnnll the cold
ralnpj Ol Cullfiirnln and the illrer mlnei of Ncradn
cimblnedO r Clirnalclo.
Thu V-irnrnnf l.Ho imlntsnutthr ropJui nnd quirk-
funds on whlrli thp ronntlttitlnn and hnr ' of mnny
n Tounc mnn htrebccn iitlull ) nrccki-d Muncbe t r
The Science of Ufp l of rrcntpr ralup tlian 11 the
mpdlriit vorkii publttlipd In thl country for Hit | > u > t
Tcuid-Atlimtn ( on tltution
The Science of Life l n mperb nnd mnstcrly trpit-
scon ucrruua nnd iiliTBlrnl drbllllUclnul Tree
Address the PcBbndv Mcdlral Inrtltutc. or I > r W.
II. I'arkcr > u 4 ISullrtiich ( trfol lUuton MBM. who
ru.i ) be contnltra on utl ilci-cn-p * r qulrlni ! rklll Hiid
pTiK rleiire. Chrorilc nnd ob tlnnte dlfe e9 that
hitro Uafllpd Uie .klll of oUivr iibrftlcian * H frtK-c-
Inltv. bucli trcatod sucve * nlly ultbout nny Inttuure
oflMlure. Mentlou Onnilia llee.
and -JsH Work.
1020 Turnam Street , Omaba. Neb.
Red Star Line
Carrying the Belgium Royal and United Stales
Mnil.fcaillnff every Saturday
Between &nf werp & Hsw York
Salon from $00 to 5. . Excursion trip from
tllO to | l . Second Cabin , outward. $45 ;
prepaid. i45 ; excursion. 500. Steeraro nnssairo
at low rates. Peter Wrljrht A. bens , General
Agents , 65 Broadway. New York.
IlL'ti'-yTunlt , 121b 1'uruutnst. : Paulson i Co. ,
13 Fnrtiam . & : D O. Fi-oeraan. 1S21 Fnrnam st
England , France & Germany.
The sioamsnlp * of this well known line inn
built of iron , in water-tight compartments , and
lire furnished with I'MT } ' requisite ) to mnkd the
passage both snfo und agr < > < ! nblo. They carry
lh United Suites Mild European mnils.nnd innve
New Vbrk Thurndas'S and Saturdays for T > | .
mouth. ( LONDON"Cl.Brl ) > ouffPAiU& ( nnd HAH-
BUKO ) .
ItL'tuining , the steamers Icivve Hamburg on
Wednesdays and Sundays , tin. Hn\-re , taking
nast-engeisat Southampton and London.
First cabin t50. JUJ nnd $75 ; Stocrae$2t
Kaih-ond tickets from Plymouth to Bristol , Cur-
ditf. Ixindon. or to any phico In tJio South of
England. KIUiK. Su-crairo from Europe ouly
J25. Send for -Tourist ijrucm "
61 Broadway , Now Vorc ! ; Wa&hlnstnn and I
Sallu Sts. Chicaeo. UL
To Conlractrs--Dredging.
SEALED Propojnls for the followJnc work of
. _ dredsrtnjf - lll be received ut the c/nmjty
oloil.'s oflloo or If tut county , Nebraska , ut Tc-
luimuh , Neliraskn , until noon , the 13th du } of
Aui-'Uit. A. U. IKML
'Jhu ' work to bo done Is constructing n main
ditch , contulnlnu : ul ) utfilvorl.lps fcectjons mid
iiboiitl ! ! milfslonv , width at Ixittom 3 feet ( or
us sliciwnln thu specifications ) t > ides felopin l to
if , depth varjiiB from 1 to lUfoct , illrt to bo
mm oil 6 feut f rum brink ol' dluili. iiccording to
plnns Htid Hpoclftontioii1 ] on lllu in thu ottlccul
snld couutvLlerk. Also.
Spur ditch K 1 , bolnp077 fcrl lone , width at
bottom Hlwt.sldosslopiturl Io2 , rtejitii 1mm 2
to * ibct.iinddlrt to bo removed u ict'l from
brink of ditch. Alto ,
Bpur ditch N 2 , Ix-lnpSOiXI foct lonfr , width nt
bottom nml topU left , bulthid ditch to contnui u
pipe , an Jdnt tobollirown buckim same.
Sunibor of c.iblc ynnls to bo moved its fol
lows : Main ditch , 2.7Sj ; Spur N. 1,1VU , and
SpurN 2.7US.
Proj-ovnls to bp for whole work entire , also
In orUnr Mutinns nml bids w > 11 bo lectilvtd for
workl.'ii ; H1VtlonR epBraloIv for sni < l tntiln and
( pur iliti'huKticli bid Illtd inn-t be nrcom-
] mtikul with cwrlllliHi uliovlt j-nyublo to I ho
cojulj clerk or oidiT lor tin- sum of nt lenst
fJ/l-Wi / for each worklnp f-ottiou covr-roJ by Ilio
bid , but in casoof mo-o no ono bid ni-od boiic-
compnnled to such chco' < to p.tceeJ $ luD , such
checKlo hore-lurnod II U Icier inilurs inUicon-
truct with peed : mil siithcicnt hurotlc lor Its
jierfonntineo , nlso iuenso pontinct ifnot nwurd-
ud to bidder , otlior.vli * the same shiill 1m lor-
felted. Eiich bid ui'Jtt ul < o bu nccumpunlod
with nnir.os of post ! uritl Fiilllclonl surotlos , teAt
( At Uf net Ion of the umlcrsiirnod for perform-
nnci' ' of the contract. '
No bid to bn ent rlitlned lor Any of said work
which exccciU the obtliautc-J wst ol fonstruo-
tlo n of Uie worUInp t-octlon or K. tloni UJMIII
which the lild U madu. Work uuder contract
to booompUilKd In IW clays liom time ixmtrart
Is let , unlo * . tutendcil tor jrni > < l cjiu e. Blank
pnpo as will bo 1 umished on nrjilicr.tion to tbo
county clerk. ,
The Ight | s rescrreil to rojfct any and il1
bid * .
Tlie work U being : done under procc c < llnss
hail by the county conunltslotinri of kal-1 llurt
county , uudur tliti act of tbe Iv.Ulatun ) pro-
\idingfordrriiilii ? niui h nnd sn-nmp lands In
Nubrnokn. cppruttd > Y > bruxry 24 , IS l , uinl
uinruJr-d Marcu Uli , I1" , to vlnch niou'odiii.'s ,
protll" , plHt , i'eurt , et 'nulo mid atipoiiion-
nii'Nt of ilia rn lucrr of bald orknndpanlui-
Inrly lit the pioeuidllif ! ) nt fiiiJ ctimmi > 4 > oiior >
if. luly lot | j. | hSO. nil nn file ornf rcc'nd of sai.l .
con iji y ilcrk h olltca , reference i * made na
Jlnli4l JulylHh , 1 6 ,
By nnlur of tt.c llonnl
I. . J. MAIM > TEN % r-ount j Cirri.
C if in Promptly 1t c
. A. KEM1 & CO. , Bonkers ,
( iurr ori to I'rtilon Krao i Co
kfunlclpul , H. it. , ! < < ! untl itbcr Ue a .
* cud far
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
AM Chicago.
Tbo only roaJ to InVt for De < MolncJ , Mtxr-
thmltown , Cedar Itaniu Clinton , IHx'e ' , Chlcn-
ro , MllwMikfo nna all 1-oInUrrnt Totbppeo-
i > ln ot I\cbrn lia , Colorado.Vtomlnp , Vtah ,
Idaho , Nevada , Oreroti , n hlrjrtoti mid CnU-
Tornli It oner * superior adraiilnreii not noulhlo
by atiyotherllne.
Amonc n few of the mimprotii w > lnts ot supe
riority enjoyed by the patrons of this
twr-n Omaha nnu Chicago , arc It * two train * a
day of HAV COACHES whleh nrw Uie flne-st
that human art and mronulty ean rreato. It *
PALACE SLKKl'INO CAUS. which are models
of comfort and elepnnce. It PAnUin DKAW-
INQ 1IOOM CA11S , un rpns e < 1 br nny. and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINT Nit CARR ,
the equal of which cannot bo found rlnewhero.
At Council Bluffs the train * of the Union FIHI-
fie By , connect In I'nlnn Depot with tbogoof
the Ohlcojro & Northwc icrn Hy. In Chlciuro " > "
trains of this line mnkn close ponnectlonirlth
the of all eastern line * . ,
For Detroit. Columbus. Indianapolis , Cincln1
nntl. Nlnuara Fulls. Buffalo. Pittuburft , Toronto , i
Mont roil. llo ton. Sow York , rhlladelphla , Hal- -f
tlraoro , Wonhlnrton and all point * In thu owt ,
afk tbo ticket anut for t Ickett Tla the
"NOltTH W KPTim X , "
If , rouwl h the beM accommodations. All ticks
Dtruiitk Kill tickets via thli linn.
M. iiuamrr. _ lu s. HAIH ,
Csneral Manager. ncn. TM . Agwnt.
IT remnii of lu crvtrU potltlnti Hid elonf r Utlon o
41 ) irlnrJi. l llnon * tt and We v. at Inltlll and tft *
mlnU iMlnlM. rnni.tltutv thn ntu t ImiiortAai mf
rDTillnentsl link In thftt P ? * > tf ra of tlirovffh tmnfimrv
CtMon rtUltli Inrltn nnd feolltnU ! < ii tr r < I > nH tralT !
hoiv > ppncllle or Ui AUnntlo tird Pacific Cnutn. II
It , at o thr fi roi1t nrid t nt t-nntr It , and from point !
Etlt Nnrthravt and Southeast , und rorrrrpvndlJUr
palnUV < i t , HortuwcH and Sniitliwrft.
The Croat Rock Island Route
Otwr nt It ; patron * that tcnrr ot perronal * rea-
rity arrordrd \ > r ix wild , Uiurourhlr ballHlrd rnaO-
l > i ] , Mnooth trmcti of eontlntivuv * t el rail , pnhstan-
tlallrbnllt rnlrtrtr mid ljrtdir . rolllnc rtocli u npat
pnrr ctlvn at liumau Kkltl ran tnKfc * Jl. tli * aafery
npplUnefii tit twtimt t > nrfrn.pli\trorm and air-brake * .
andthot z pflnirdl rlpline lilili gorcnii th pra ?
Una ] o | ratlon nf all H tnlnk. Otbrr uprclaltlcl of
-hlj Tom * are Tranif r itt all rtujnretlnir nolnu In
Union XHpal , and tlin eomfvti
uiicurvBf'cd * * 1"1 * &nii
larnrlei of lu r w. ngor tiilpinrnt. ]
The Fart Kunrfim Tralnii between Chlraffo attd I
Tonna , Uiiuncll Illitiri. ltnn < a < City I tenvror
AteHlion ore cornpojpd or well M > nlllatod. nn
holiicered Dar CoacliM , Mnminrrnt IlllUuan
Slen > er of tha lat..ft rtwljtn , an.l turoptMoun
Can. In . .hloli .l liuratelr reeked me.lnarr lel
oalrn HetwernCblriiroaud Knn"c CltT and AIc
re alto run tt > Celebrated ltecllnlnc Chair Cari
The Famous Albert Lea Route *
IB the rtln-ct and f rorite line between ChleaB-o and
KlnneaiKll ana stI'anl , where ronnertlani M ratdn
in t alnii l > ppot > for all point * lu lh TerntorlM and
lirltUh l-mrinpen Orer thli route Fart Exprra
Tralni ar nin to the waterin vlaeca. lurnm
. tlet. and liiinlloc Knit B
( rronnclKof Iowa and > Uune ota. It la a4 > o th raiMt
JmlrablBrotttetn th rtct wlirat Otldi uut jailorml
Ua > li of Interior Dulotn
. htllt nolli p ItlUbCT 1.1 NK. Tla BenMaamlKaa.
Kakee , hu been nK > ned tietwn Clnrlnnatl , tndlaa-
nj'olls nnd Lnfavetle , and Council lllutZa , ana Cltr.
tfiniieapnlli und tit. I'niil and IntermedtUa point *
tor ela4led Infurmmiftn we Harm n'l telden ,
obtainable. a > well HP ticket ! , at Ml lirtnt-lrml Ult-krt "J
Offlin la Uiu United Btatti and Uaada ; Ir by ad- -
Crcl/iff j
or THE
AND Milwaukee ,
SI. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Clinton , Uiibnqnc , Davenport.
Kocklslaml.Frcepoi't , Eockford , .t
Elffin , JJatUson , .TanesvIIIc ,
Eeloit , Wiiiona , La Crossc ,
And nil other important points East , Northeast
and Southeast.
For through tickets call on the Ticket Agcn j
nt 140 ] Fnrimin street ( ia Paxton Hotelor ) a
Union Pacino Depot. .
FullmuuSliH-pcrhand the finest Dining Cars
In thu world are run on the inuln lines of thu $ >
nnd every attention is paid to pusseugors by
conIIKOUH employe * of the oompauy. *
B Mn.l.Kit , Uuncrnl Manager
J. F. TrcKKii , AshMaut Ootiernl Mann per. \
A V. II. L'Aiti'EXTEii , General Passenger nnd , f
Ticket Ascnt. I
Gcc > . E. Hiu venn , General Passonf
ger nd Ticket Agent *
J. T. Ct.AitK , Ocncml Supcrltitondent. < %
Union Rational Bank , \
206 Masonic Blk , H.W..Cor. Cap.Ay. & IBfli
Paid up Capital , - - $100rOQp '
Authorized Capital , - - 600 , OOO
Accounts solicitor ! . Interest pall on tlraojir-
posit- : collections main | IIM | | purls of thowust , '
undbuvliiK | > rovlti < ! die lur est nnd best vault
In the rity , wo will rocolvo vnlualilo article ! on
Elornc. Prompt tittuntioii will LIO ; ! vua to all
buslnc-ss ontrilftccl to us. -1
J o. W. KoutiTit , Cashier.
W i. W. Motsn.Pix-sldont.
Tcloplioini.No. lUi.
' ' 'utra 1'Ifli , bcaiillfiil GLOSS aiiU
' " "
No Stavcli yet inlrniluccd can be 00111
pavcd with the MAUIC.
One jicl ) : < a < ; r ) nlll lo tlio ni'kor
liounils of culinary sturi-Ii.
fioU UB drr ciuiraiitee til il > e iaintfuctii > v.r > .
s. Onialia , J cb.
- . - . rJtho
vtijr ! oil * ID Il.o worm
fc * . * J4lmur 'ia f.It 'tia& Jtfaffhiiu
rml. Sm-"lili- I'uwc' ul l > i Bi-li ,
t u > ii4 t-ITi-rtiTft. A cl < 1 frjmla.
lirrr ( > Xj'0curt I. ' J1. mri f i rJ'itlut.