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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1886)
I ( j THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY JULY 28 , 18813. THIS PAIIA' BKJS. * COUNCIL BLUFFS. WEDNESDAY MOHNINO , JULY. C8 Ol'FICE , NO. 12 , PEAKL STREET. 1 < IHeuil by cnrrirr In nn > imrt of the city at twenty cents | > cr neck. II. W. , - - Maii.u'cr. TKM'.rilONESi lUiFiNrssOmrn , No. 1.1. KHIIIT lUinoit No. 23. MINOH S1HNTION. Now York I'liunbina ponipaiiy. Summer clolliiiifr. clit-ni ) at Holler's. I'lio very best ciiblnuts at ifU si doxcn at iiorlmnrs. Akron Hiibocr comjiany's lio.'u at Coopur & Micu' } ( ! . Only $ ! .oO pur ilo/ . for llrit class cabinet pliotcv : it .ScliinliUX ' - ' - ' ( ) .Main. Cabinut pboto raplK W per doat .ShonHilen's , IJ17 B'way , for UO cltiys only. Permit to well win yo.stcnlay ( liven to T. E. Bi'ubu ' , nf Omalia , anil Eleanor Voiisoy , of tills city. Hoys arc reported as killing birds in Fairinonnt park. Tim watcbimm sliotild bring them into court. Eugene Call lias been eomplamcd offer for whtpiiiiiK n boy too severely. The polieo are itive.sligiitinn. Tim K. C. bouse was visited by bur glars Monday night , but they were frightened away before .securing any thing. Nine carloads of California fruits were rolled eastward over the Kock Island yesterday , being rushed through on Das- pcngcr time. A special train of ten coaches , bearIng - Ing veterans Ironi Washington , arrived hero yesterday over the Milwaukee it St. Paul , nnd left last evening I'ov Califor nia. Whlttloscy , of tliu ( Untie , was so rnthusl- asltc over the fine linthliiK and satitly beach nl Lake Maiiaxva that Inuat liuino without Ids pofkcihiiiik , but yesterday n-wlved It from Odell Dios. , who knew liy the sl/e ot it that it belonged to some newspappr num. The work of relaying the Pearl street railway traek has been commenced , and it is expected that tins new iron will bo put down fast enough to keep out of the way of the pavers. An attempted burglary Is reported as having been made at John Collet's resi dence , on Mynster street , Monday night. .John rushed to the window with a gun , and the fellow lied. Fred Elshcmer complained to the no- lice yesterday that lie had been doused with water by a hey with u hose at Stroetsvillo. The boy was brought into court nnd said it was accidental , while th victim insisted it was pure cussed- ness. Tim ease was held wide open for more evidence. P. P. Mikescll received yesterday a horned toad from a friend in California. The traveler came through without pat ronizing the dining crir , or even the water cooler , and seemed as frisky as if he had been filled up three times a day. These toads are fitted for long journeys , as it is said they can hang onto life for BIX months without any supplies. Stella LOIIK filed a complaint before Jus tice lleadricks , clianlii that one ot her lady boardi'is , Jenny Palmer , was guilty of lar ceny , hiivini ; uot away with clothing and lKit'Kate ; onhlcli the landlady claimed to liavo a morlgiiifo lor $100. The case was taken to Justice Scharz on a change of venue , and the complaint dismissed on ac count of homo delect in the papers. A now case was then started , and this continued fern n week. Mr. anil Mrs. D. A. Benedict have de cided to close up their business hero and remove to Chicago. This move will bo regretted by many. Mr. Benedict is widely known as a paintoranddecorator , and many buildings in this city and vicinity liavo been beautified by his skill. Mrs. Benedict kept a favorite store for ladies , and has been widely known for her skill in hair work. They are worthy people , whoso removal is a loss to the city.Ollicor Ollicor llendricks noticed a-dusky fel low prowling about the streets about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. As the sus picious stranger did not give a very sat isfactory account of himself , the ofliccr brought him into camp. Yesterday morn ing the fellow gave his name as Peter King , and claimed to bo a dish washer in n. Missouri Valley hotel , and was just looking about town for fun. The iudgo sentenced him to return to his dish pan nnd quit prowling about Council Bluffs nt odd hours of night. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J W. & E. L. Squires , No. 101 Pearl street , Connel Blulls. Stenographer and typewriter. O. Mini- son , with M. F. Uorhor , over C. B. Na tional bank. Highest prices paid for county , towii , city aim school bonds. Otlell Bros. & Co. , No. loa Pearl suoor. Council Binds , Iowa. Personal I'nrnijrnphs. Mrs. L. Harris has gone on an extended eastern trip. T. W. Ivory , of Glonwood , was in the city yesterday. Auditor Chandler , of Fremont county , was hero yesterday. C. Wesley has returned from several weeks' visit to Toronto , New York and elsewhere. Col.J. S. Sam , of Stuart , was in the city yesterday , us enthusiastic in his demo cracy as over. Chancellor Ross , of the law depart ment of the state university , Is greeting his old friends hero. J. J. Brown and family leave to-day for Cheyenne , expecting to be absent from the city about six months. City Marslial Gnanolla goes to Siloam Springs , Missouri , to secure relief from the rheumatism , which has been so trou bling him. TJames Rainbow and Charles Caron , old nnd respected residents of Silver Creek , Htartcd with their wives j'csterday , on a visit to their old homo in Yorkshire , Eng land , from which they hayo been absent seventeen years , J. E. Motcalfo nnd wife have returned from their eastern trip , but caught the fever again on seeing the G. A. It. boys Lurrying toward the setting bun , nnd last night joined the excursion of voter- mis to California. Mr. nnd MM. 1 , C. Brackett leave on Monday next on an extended visit to Mr. Brackctt's mother , in Greenfield , Mass. Mr. Braekett will also combine business with his trip , going to Now York and Boston to select staples and novelties for bis fall and holiday trade. . Tomperunoo Talks , The tcmpeinnou services m the pa vilion continue nighlly and are proving of increasing interest. The audiences are of goodly size , and the addresses are interesting , and apparently oH'eotlvo. To night a union temperance prayer meeting is to bo held. Everybody is invited to at tend any and all of these meetings. Flno pasture , plenty of water nnd good Rttentlon for 800 head of stock about lire miles north ot Broadway and Main street. Inquire of L , P. Judson , No. 020 Sixth nveniio. or Charles Palmer at pasture on lime kiln roiul. ' , Always buy your moats at Star Market , No. 801 Broadway , nnd get the best. Satisfaction guaranteed. Try it. Bust Crcnm Soda in the city Cu pur glass at Palmer' * , No , 13 Main st. SOME SUMMER SDSBSiES1 Gathered in ami Abont the Oily of the Bluffs , THE FAVORITE BEACH RESORT. Talk Aliout tlic No-1/lnilt Oninc A Trip Fort he Oilil Kcllims More liottntii Henl Katntc Denis I'crsonal. No 1/lnilt Gniuc. "Was you ever in a gambling liouso in Omaha ? " imericii u Council Bltifl's sport of a Ur.i : mini yesterday. Tlio rcprescn- tativo of HIP Biu : acknowledged that lie had not wlien the well-known , - sjiort re marked : "I see in Sunday's Omalm Her ald they claim that 'Omaha ' is the only iilapo in tlio country where gambling IIOIIM" play an open 'limit game. ' This is not so. I know a man in ill is oily who last fall went over to Omaha and lost ? , -IHll | ) or $11,0(10 ( in Jack Morrison's plai-e on Douglas street , and all this in bets as high as $800 , but the next time bo went over Morrison limited him to t'-'i. and upon his making a remark about being cut down after being a loser. Morrison , without a word , grabbed a oliair and hit him over the Perhaps if Mtmu of these gambling houses over there that have no limit would take the sand oil' their cards and use faro bov\s that they could only get one card at a time out of , they wouldn't be dealing an open limit. Tins I'm giving you is on the dead " square. " First-class tin work , roofing , etc. , a specialty tit Cooper & McGeo's. Go to the New York Plumbing com pany for garden hose. They warrant all they sell. Opera house block. Dentil ol'Jl. l < \ Stewart. Died at Neola , Wednesday morning , July 21 , of consumption , Benjamin Franklin Stewart , aged 53 years and 2 ! ) days. The deceased was a native of Ohio , being born at Cincinnati , wherein be resided until .June , 1878. when he moved fo this county. He was married in his native city December 20 , 1855 , to Miss Ella Cramnton , who survives him. Six children were born of this union , live of whom arc still living. Mr. Stewart , at tlio age of nineteen , volunteered to enter the lire department , in the days when hand engines were alone used , and was a member of Eastern comuany No. G , until in a short time hit ; speed as a runner made linn in demand in company 1 , He was afterwards transferred hack to No. 0 , and held a position there lor twenty years under Chief E. G. McGrow. He resigned to take a position on the uolico loreo under Mayor Wilcox , serv ing two years , then with Mayor Hatch and Mayor Davis , serving eight years , making a very excellent and worthy of ficer. He resigned on account of ill healthsuflbringgreatly , from rheumatism , and with the ocst Wishes of nil wiio knew him ho moved to the west. The funeral occurred Thursday morning attlie Catholic churchof , which Air. Stew art was an earnest and faithful member. There was n large gatherinsr ot friends , and the love and esteem in winch he was held by tlie community caused his death to bo mourned indeed. The sorrowing widow and bereaved children have the sympathy of the entire community. See that your books are made by More- house & Co. , Room 1 , Everett block. Fruits , Confectionery and Cigars , best in the market always in stock. Frank Witherell , 224 Utoadway. The Oilil Fcllown * Trip. A number of the Odd Fellows of this city and vicinity will doubtless plan to attend the great gathering at Boston at the session of the sovereign grand lodge , which opens Scptcmbor20. Over $100,0:10 : has been raised for entertaining tlio visi tors. The military branch of the order will , for the first time , participate , at which time it is expected that 10,000 , che valiers and 00,000 subouliuate members will be in the line of panulo. The com mittee on transportation has arrangcU with the Chicago it Grand Trunk railway for a special train consisting of day coaches , drawine-room and sloopjng cars The rate for the round trip is $1H , from Chicago. The tickets are good for return passage until October 2. Thuro will bo no change of cars to Boston. Three hours will bo snout early in the mornit'g at Nia gara Falls. The excursionists will also have a chance to see the wonderful Hoosao tunnel. Arrangements are made l > y which meals are to be furnished at lifty cents to Much as desire. The special train will leave Chicago September 10 , at 1) ) o'clock , a. in. , arriving in Boston at 0 o'clock Sunday evening. J. J. Stoltcr , 505 Upper Broadway , will not be undersold. General store. Circuit Court Jury. > The following is the jury drawn yester day for the circuit court and notified to appear on the 17th of August : John J. Tiorks , of Garner township ; Richard Haynes , Kane township : Henry Slchels , Mmden townslii ] ) ; W.F. Plunket , Hardin township ; William O'Connell. Norwalk township ; Ludwlg Williams , Kane township ; Alex. Glenn , Kan a town ship ; Frank Coralt , ICano township ; James Portcrlield , Kane township ; C. A. lloso , Kane township : David Grayt Kane township ; James Tillies. Washington township ; Henry Pasohof , Kane town ship ; Dexter Frank , Key Creek township ; Joseph Cromer , Knno townshii ) ; Spell- man Millard , Lewis township ; D. Hega- ney , Boomer township ; F. W. Kost , Kane township , Frank Grass , Knno township ; A. L. Bonham , Kane township : D. W. Tones , Itockford township ; O. H. Slier- radon , Kane township ; A. Gilbert , Kane township. Morn From Manhattan. Last evening was "n large night on Manhattan Beach. " The celebrated ( Jcr man-American band gave a promnniido concert and the crowds that wore present hud nn onjoyabln nflair. Many people from surrounding towns , and especially from Omaha , turned out in largo num bers. ' The programme rendered by the band was as follows : l , Quick March , 'Imperial Club'1 Dalby SJ. Overture , "Polyjihono" IVttl H. "Musician's .Sonu Walla" Kle l T 1. Potixjuil , "Black" Hrisnde" Heyer ft. Mairh Jiiin'iior | Dfilliy fi. "Muln ThinliiKi'ii Waltz" ; Klesler 7. Overture. "Fantastlrnw" Dalhy b. Cannon linll ( Salop , Dalby An elegant silver cup , so veil Icon inches high , has been ordered and in a day or so will bo plaeed in W. II. Mauror's show Window and then sent to Omaha to ba placed on exhibition. The oup is to bo rowed for on Lake Manawa by tlio Omaha club , some timn next week. The race to bu a four-oared one , in shell boats , between the heavy and light weights of the club. All of the memhtirsof the rowing associa tion of Omaha have visited the lake and have pronounced It a line course. Thu onp is to bo a line one , of original do * sigu , wit ! ) boat , seulls , locks , oarsmen , etc. , handsomely carved on it. To-night thcro will bo a tub nice in front 01 Manhattan beach , when U is ox- pectcd twelve or fifteen t > f theac uaccrUiu TP OS wjl | rm urged forward byni ninny during sklppoi'Si Mr. Snni'l. ' Barstow offers f 10 as apTi7" to any one who will ride on top of a bar rel closed up air-tight so as to be thor oughly buoyant , for n distance of 1" > 0 feet and return , without rolling off. Contest lo take place on Saturday , August 7. Trials permitted unlil prize is won by some one between JJ p. in , and sundown. William Bachelor has built bath houses on the island opposite Manhattan beach nnd has christened it Coney Isle. The Itottoin Not Kalllnji Out. A number of nddLional deeds were re corded yesterday by which William Sic- denlopf gains possession of a largo num ber more of the lots in Ferry addition. It is understood that ho lias already bargained with Omaha parties for the sale of ? lo,000 worth of this bottom prop erty , and that the Iran fer will bo made so soon as the papers can be inadn out. It .eenis that Omaha as well as Council Binds parlies nro interested in the scheme of picking up a lot of this prop- pity , and then advancing its value by the building of a wagon bridge. It is whispered that the bridge will be a pontoon teen one , and that the day for beginning the actual construction is not so far off as most imagine. A leal estate man in speaking of the bottom property yester day told the BKI : man that he had at tempted to handle s.iiuo of this property lately and that he found that it had advanced about double the prices set upon it a year ago. It may be tlmt those owning property may set their prices so high as to thwart the very scheme which is being laid to advance the value , but there is enough extent of territory to select from. Council Hind's is anxious to see a wagon bridge put across the river , and the bottoms tilled up , and the enter prise should bo encouraged. Unexpected I're entnt Ion. William Pyper , the cllicient cockswain of the "White Swan , " was the recipient of a surprise and bcnelitling testimonial last evening. His friends captured him , and one of the number , in a neat little speech , complimented him upon his nau tical rceord and sailorly bearing , and closed by presenting the testimonial which had been provided as an expression of the esteem of the owners and the crow of tlie boat. It was an elegant silver whistle , appropriately engraved. Its silver notes will be Iter.rd nightly on Manawa. Imofjciie Item" . Isior.KNE , la. , July 27. No rain yet , but Gewholiker indicates a change this morning , though the elevator flag is still floating in the breeze. Corn , cabbage and Into potatoes are about ruined. The abDve named crops won't be half a crop. Small grain is an average yield for this country. This is the longostdrought that has been in these paits for six or seven years , but the farmers report cnouirli old corn on hand to carry them for another year. The early planted corn this year is much better than the late. Mrs. O. D. Cole left last week for the Hot Springs in Arkansas , where she goes for her health which lias been poor for sometime. We hope she will reTceive a lasting benefit , and soon return witli her health perfectly restored. Wm. Hunt and K. B. Koss left last evening for the mineral springs down at Burlin < rton Junction , where they go in quest of a healing balm. Botli have been complaining for several months. George Shulte , of the firm of Bullitt & Shultz , hardware merchants of Imogenc , left the other day for a short sojourn in Merrill , Kan. Kan.A A Thumb Tipped. Mr. Klecb , of Kinte & Klceb , while using a dried beef clipper last evening clipped off the end of one of his thumbs. The tip was put back into place with a fair prospect for making a pretty seed thumb of it. --Mrs. J. W. Warmulh , of Mont gomery county , N. Y. , is in the city visit ing the family of her brother , Mr. T , A. Clerk. An KxaHneratlnsr Witness. Philadelphia Press : The case in which n stubborn witness figured inaNow York court last week has been eclipsed only by the following in the famous Tat mage trial , which very many will not re member. Mr. Millord to Mr. Bright ( showing witness a paper ) : "Who wrote that edi torial ? " "What editorial ? " "That one my linger is on. " "Which linger ; this linger on this edi torial ? " "Yes. " "What about it ? " "Who wrote it ? " "Tha finger ? " "No ; the editorial. " "What editorial ? " "This editorial in this newspaper which I hold up before you , which is headed 'Columbine and Harlequin , ' on which I now hold my thumb. " "You want to know who wrote it ? " "Yes " "Why ? " "It is of interest to this case. " "What case ? " "Tho Talmago case. " "Oh ! " "Do you know who wrote this editor * iril ? " "What editorial ? " "Tho one I just showed you. " "That one in the paper ? " "Yes. " " .The one you put your finger on first and then put your thumb on ? " "Yes. " "Do you want to know who wrote it ? " "Yes. " "I don't know. " Farmers bonding over the plough will find their backs strengthened by SI. Jacobs Oil. The farmers of Webster county are to try the plan of monthly "stock"day. " All purchasers meet those having stock for sale at Fort Dodgo. It is thought that business will bo t , , ily bcnclittcd by this plan. SPECIAL NOTICES. Epcclnl advertisements , euch as Lost , Fount ] Tel itnror Siilo , To llont , Wanta , Hourdlnif , etn.vlll bolnsortoJ In this column nt tlui low ratuorTENCKNTS I'KIt LINK foribo IIm mscr tlonuuJ 1'lvu Cunts 1'crMno for each subsequent Insurtloii. Lcuvo uOvcrlUeiuvnU ut our olllco Ko. 12 I'cal street , near llromlw.iy , Council Illutis. VTAXTB. SITUATION WANl'lMllly broud , cnno nnd imitry linker UnderstnnUs Ice cicain. Would buy out or rent Imkory in EOIIIO lively town Tini ] > eruto undiluted. Addro-s S. gto- vhcn" , bukcr , W'l Myiutert > tr ctCouucll lilulls , JDWH. "I710U Hl'.NT Three unfurnished rooms , No. X1 1T llrimdtvujr. FllSALK OR . , ssalca. und ilwclllns houEO , Ko. fr9 ! Sixth uvcnuu. ( i , Wayne. \\7ANTK1) An R'flUtuut cook nt the Oxden ' , Jlouso. I fWlt SALB-OU Taper * , la quantities toTuiti 1 ut Uvo olllcoNo. . U t'curl klrout. GENUINE DIAMONDS OUND IK COFFEE. THE NAMES OK AU. t'gllS XS HISOIXO DIA MONDS , WATCHES , r/iU. , Am : ADinib TO THIS LIST DAILY. Tin- Globe Codec Company of Cincin nati have routed the store No.101 Broad way , and have opened it as a branch of their main store in Cincinnati. In order to introduce theft1 Hoods this company pack for liftccn days a souvenir in every can of ten or eofl'i-i' sold , such : is solid gold , j-ilviT uud niekfcl watches , conulno diamond , ruliy , stipbJni , eniciald , pearl mid tormiois jowelty in solid uold settings , also money and many other articles of value. Kvery can contains a souvenir The cofteo can and contents weighs about throe pounds , and the ten can and con tents welph * uliont one and one-half pounds. This cxnensivo and novel method of advertising will be diseon- tinned after liftccn days and the goods placed on sale on their merits at the same price , the same quantity and quality , but without the souvenir. Among the fortu nnte purchasers so far are T S. Smith , Avoca , Iowa , sent $10 by mail for thir teen eaiiM of tea and eofl'ee , foiinil a lady's genuine diamond ruby and sapphire ring , HOhi ] gold setting in one can and ten sil ver dollars in another. Martin Hawkins , farmer near Omaha mailed f''O for twenty-seven cans of coll'ce , in one can he found tifty silver dollars , a set of gen uine solitaire ear-drops , set in .solid gold. Mrs. Mary O'llrlcn , Plattsmouth , Ne braska , sent $10 by express for ten cans of in one can a hundred dollars in silver and in two others live dollars etu'li. Many other orders received by mail got valuable * pri/es , such as the tfbovo. KvSlierifT ( .uittar , 110 South Eighth street , got a solid gold ring in coileo. Daisy Koss , Gi-J Tierce street , also vet ; n solid gold ring In coflee. Miss Madge Walker. 70 , " ) Sixth avenue solid gold ring. W. H. White. 711 Mynster street , found a solid gold ring in tea. II. Vanderbolt , ' 'OS ( teuton street , diamond collar button , , ) . 15 Stephenson , 8I ! ( ) Fourth street , diamond collar button and lady's solid gold watch. S. W. Harper , Uroadway house , found ti genuine diamond ring in eoMee. II. Van- derbolt , 20 Itenton street , found a solid g'dd watch. Jennie Vollrathadver tiser with the Nonpareil , got a diamond ring in a can of coll'ee. D. Hotts , porter at the Ogden house , stem-wind and stem- setting watch. A. Hanson , 11111 , Tenth street , diamond collar button. Mrs. .Norby found a solid gold ring in a can of tea. J. Howe , saloon and hotel keeper , found a genuine diamoed ring in tea. Geo. 'lliomas , stock dealer near Omaha , ordered thirteen cans of tea and coll'ee for $10 by mail and found a gent's gold hunting-case full jeweled Elgin watch in one can anil n set of genuine solitaire diamond car-drops in another. Sam Thompson , porter on Pullman car. sent by letter $ r > for 0 cans and found a lady's diamond ruby and pearl jacc pin in one ami live $20 gold pieces in another. Mrs. M. C. Smith , farmer near Hastings , sent $20 for twenty-seven cans and got twenty silver dollars in onoa beautiful solitaire diamond shirt studiin .another , also a a lady's chalelam waieh In another. Mr. Gabo Keefe , stock rarfcli near North Platte , sent $10 for1 tliirteen cans and found two nickln stem-wind watches and three lady's solid go\l ] \ watches in his pur chase. Over twenty othiir valuable prizes also went out by express on orders re ceived by mail , wliidh are always selected by disinterested parJcs. ( As a matter of course every purchaser is not favored by Dame Fortune in trotting a valuable pri/.c , yet many do. Air. J. N. Johnson , en gineer Rock Island roady. got a genuine diamond ring. L. Tumasira , restaurant , 400 Uroadway , found a.diamond ring in cofl'eo. .Ethel ( Jood , { . ' 9 Main street cot a solid gold ringiin tern , -Airs. Trusscr. 000 Avenue G , solid goldfingrin coffee. Chus. Uannan , brakeman/fjotind a ? ; ! 0 cold piece in a can of coll'ee. W. H. Heck , saloon-keeper 310 Broadway , found a diamond stud in a can of tea. County Clerk Shea lound a diamond mend ring in n can of cofl'ee. T. A. Clark , locating engineer of the Union Paeilic , found a genuine diamond ring in coileo. J. M. Shea , deputy county clerk , found a genuine diamond collar button in tea. Sheriff Heel found n genuine diamond mend stud in tea. Miss Hosey llicf , 221 Ninth avenue , found a diamond collar button in a can of tea. Miss. W. 11. May , ! 120 Franklin street got a solid zrold ring. E. P. Fitch , Council Hlull's Insurance Co. , found diamond collar button. Ollicer IJeswick , got a diamond collar button also in a can ot tea. Miss Emma ISuttcrlield , 1150 Harrison street , got-a gold ring. Dr. Cook , 34 N , Main street , got a genuine diamond collar button. 0. K. llannan , cashier Citizens' National bank , found a genuine solitaire diamond ring , solid gold setting , in a can of coffee. Lulu Hazard , First avenue , solid gold rng. ; Miss May Uiasiky , 114 Uroadway , got a solid gold ring in u can of coll'ee. II. Smith , 130 Main street , found a solitaire diamond ring in coffee M. P. Hanson , 410 Uroadway , got a diamond collar but ton , solid gold setting. A. W. Kiekman , teller Citizens' bank , found a genuine diamond ring , solid gold setting , in tea. C. C. Wise , BOS Avenue A , bridge con tractor , found a diamond collar uutton. G. D. lirown , coal merchant , found n genuine diamond ring in n can of coffee. B. M. Sargent , 411 ! Broad way , found a stem-winding and stem-sotting watch in a can of coffee. Miss Maggie Miroll , 130 Broadway , got a , gold ring in a can of tea. Mrs. M. J. Wilson , IfllO Oth avenue , found a lady's chatelain watch in a can of coffee. Mr. E.Johnson also found a stem-winding and stem-setting watch in a can of coffee. Dolly Burshaw , 215 Hroadway , found n solid gold ring in a can of coileo. Prof , 11. A. Ballinger , principal of the hich school found a gold ring in coffee. A. M. Wier , 314 Avenue K , , found a solid gold ring in tea. A. Kink , saloon keeper , 227 Main Btroet.found a stem-wind and stem- set watch in coffee. Lyda ( Joss , 608 Third street , found u gold ring in coileo. W. H. A Hard , 220 Ninth avenue , solid cold ring. A. Hiiik , saloon keeper , 227 Main street , found n lady's cold watch in a can of coileo. J. Blanco , 711 Broadway , found n diamond stud in tea. ( ieo. Chriss , waiter at the Bcchtelehousefound nMtem-setand stem wind watch , ( Jfcnr Sadowski , 1808 Third avenue , solid gold ring. J. H. Detrick , foreman of IhoiUlobu. found a chatelain watch in coded. Orders by mail projuptly forwarded to all purls of the United Mains on receipt of cash orpostolllco prdor. Terms , single can $1 , six for $5 , thirteen for $10 and twonnty-soven for ? 20 , Address Globe Coffee Co. , No. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' . MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS Wigs Made to Order. Creston House , Tito only hotel In Council Jllulfs having Escape .Anil nil mortem Imjnotoinentg. 215 , 217 and ! ill > M In . ilAX MOIIN , Prop. SWAN BROS. , Dealers In Milch Cows. At Our Stock Yards No 502 and 500 E. Uroadway,0'ouucil B ft' WHOLESALE AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. , /.W/.B.VB.V7V * . Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Buggias , CHrrlnjros. Hlo , We. Council lllutTs. IOWA. KKYSTONK MANTFACTUUINU" . Mnko the Urlfflnnl nnd Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , COHN SIIKLf.KHS AN ! ) VfiRH n'TTKK * . Noe. l.'Ol , 1WI , l.Yfi nnil 16)7 ? outli Mnln Street , Council Hliilfr. lown. 1)A"ID \ UltADLHV * COJ Mnnuf'rs un 1 Jnbhorx of Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies , Currlngpfi. and nil kind * of Fnrm Miiohlnorr. 1100 to 1110 Houth Mala Street , Council Illtitrj , AXK JW.VO/.KS. K.O. ULKAMN , T. tl.Dorm.vs , Oto.K. Wmnirr. VVI'res J Council Bluffs Haidls Fact'// ' ) / , ( Tnrorporntod.l Mnnufnctnrcr-f of Ailo , I'lck , Slodso nnd Smill _ Handles , of every itcoci-lptlon. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAUl'K'rCO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtain Klitilrcs , Uplinlttory Ooods , Etc. No. lOi llmiidway Cotniull llluITs , Iciwn. Iciwn.'o 'o , KTC. PEKKGOY & MOOHK , \Vholoi\lo Jobbi'i-s In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. NOB. US Main and IT Pcnrl Sts. Council Illiiir.4 , lown. SNYDF.U & LEAMAN , Whnlo nlo Frnit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. 141'oirl Pt , Council IllulTs. IIAULE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggist B' Sundries. Ktu. No. 23 Mnln St. nnd No. 21 Pearl St. , Council HluITg. Dili' GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , ani JW3r3 ) of DrGl ) ) > , Notions. Ktc. Nos. 112 mid 114 Main St. , Xos. in nnd 115 1'earl St. . Council Uhills , Iowa. O. W. WITTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. fit ! Uroadway , Council Bluffa. WHIT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fraits , Confectionery & Fancy Grocsris ? . Nos. 10 and 13 Pearl RU , Council niuffs. aitOCKltlKS. L. KIKSC11T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. ilo Ilrond- way , Council HlulH. IIARNKSS , KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , Zrnnu'ncturcrs of and Wholesale Dotlora In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ko Main St. . Council Illuffj , Iowa. _ HATS , CAPS. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 3t2 nnd 311 Broadway , Council Bluffs. HEAVY //.iKDir/inu. KEELINE & FELT , Wlioloaalo Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council Dlufffl , Iowa. HIDES AKD D. 11. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , I'olta , firenno and Furs Council Illulls lovru. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale- Dealer ! In Illuminating & Lubricating Oil ) Ga3)lU ) ) . , HTO. S. Theodore , Aiont , Council UliilTg. Iowa. 7. PILING , KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbsr , Filing ; Ind Hrldiro Material SpccluHins.Wholusalo Lum ber ot all Kinds. OIHeo No. 130 Main St. , Council UlulTs. Iowa AND J QUUltS. JOHN LINDEU , Whcilcsillo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Alfont for St , Gotthftrn's Herb Illttord. Main fit. Council lll.iUs. SCIINKIDEU & UICCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , ; \ Ufa Main St. . Council Ulufff. COUNCIL BLUFFS Fall Meeting. FOUR DAYS' ' RACING. Trolllny , Pacing anil ICiiiuiliig Tuesday , Aug. 31st , Wednesday , Sept , 1st , Thursday , Sept , 2d , and Friday , Sept 3rd , Induiling special attractions by Prof. A. K. Walker's world famous Racing Dogs dally and Ualloon Ascensions by J'rof.A. S. Parker daily , In front of the grandstand. Othcrjattractions in the \vay of speed I'onsiMing of celebrated horses from Kentucky , Ohio , Illinois , Indiana and Wisconsin. Heduced rates on all railroads. Conic pverybody and Imvca good time. For particulars , address ' FRANK STUBBS , Sufi'cfary , HOUSE HOVER AND RAISER Brick building.- ; any Idiul raised or moved and salisfndion gunranicctL Frame liitildinga moved on Little Oinnt. trucks , best in the world. SOS Eighth Avenue nnd Kightli Strcot,0oiniil Bluffs. THE HIGHEST Price paid in casli for all kinds of second hand STOVES , Furniture , etc. M. DROHLICH , 608 Broadway. LANDS. CHEAP Vanning lands In Town , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas mul Arkansas , r from $1.05 fo $ l'J per acre. School and slate lands in Minnesota oiiiJO years time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , cte. , given by 1' . 1 * . Liuisti-iip , No. 035 Hroiuhuty , Council Mull's , Iowa. - / 'Y vu K , 4 tfy. . 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Desirous of purchasing material for bath ing suits , should see our new and ele gant assortment of goods especially adapted for tine and pretty bathingsuits. irAKKXESS 1SROS. , 401 Uroadway , Council Blnfl's Are being closed out by ns at remarka ble low figures. We have them in beau tiful shades , colors , etc. , and havn put such prices 6n them that will dispose of them rapidly , as wo WiLL NOT carry any over to next season. UAltKNESS JJJIOS. , * 401 Uroadway , Council lllull's. Now in htock are being disposed of at low prices to clear our shelves of same before receiving our fall stoclc , which will shortly arrive. irAliKKESS JillOS. , 401 Broadway , Council UlnlFs. Of the choicest style , design and quality , just p'urcliased by us at a bargain and wo are selling them at retail at whole sale prices. Sec them anil you will buy. irAJtKXJlSS Jilt OS , , 101 Uroadway , Council Bluffs. For summer wear are being disposed of cheap , nnd must shortly bo taken off our bhelycs to be replaced with goods for fall wear. Summer dress goods can bo pur chased cheap now by all who will call on 'jlAHKA'KtiS JtltOS. , 101 Uroadway , Council Bluffs. IMTH For ofllces. Now invoice just received and latest patterns guaranteed. All htylc ? , and prices satisfactory to everybody. IIA ItKffKHH ihtON. , 411 Uroadway , Council Uliiffs. Of the very designs , patterns and quality for the coming season , are being now Introduced by us. I'iek one out now before the line is broken. Harloicss Bros. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Le lcr ; , .SoiirniilN , 4'oimlv and Itiuili WorU of i.ll lUmis a .Spec Prompt Attention to Mail .Orders MOREHOOSE & CO , Room i , Everett Block , Standard Papers Used , All styles of bind ing in Maga/lncii and BLANK BOOKS. Li St. , Council JlliilTs , la. , ami 20 ! ) S. Ifith St. . Itoom 10 , Omaha , Neb. Mnnu f HI t m or'p Apont for the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents. Awniugd. Hoofing Slate , Mun- les , Pluto and Window ( JIiiss , Show cases Elevators , ( hand and hy- drtuilie , ) &c. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COUXC1L WS , IOWA. An excellent cUucntlonnl Institution , furnish cclwlth till tlio modern Imruovciioit3 : : , con ducted by tlio SISTKltS OK Oil AlliTV , U , V. M. ' For form of f.vj months * ' 5- / ! ! Thrills begin Drat Monday In September un.l first Monday In February. For ciitiilo ucs ad- drcsj SISTKH SUI'KHIOK , St. rrnncis Academy .Council llluITs , Iowa. TIMOTHY SEED. I liavo n qunntlty of sound , well cleaned seed which loll'ornt reasonable OFFICER & PTJSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , K. RICE , M. U. , othur Tumors lumoviid wlthou Chronic Diseases of nil klnils a siicclilty. Over thirty j oars' putctlcul experience. No. 11 rent 1. St. , Council Illuirs. Consultatlonfico. ET. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace. OfficeOvor American Kinross Comiuinr. REFRIGERATORS , AT COST. W. S. HOMER & Co. , ! ? . ' ! Main St. , Council Bluffs. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , COXJKTOIXj BljXJir'ir'S ' Practices in lltii Slate and Federal courUt Hoonis 7 amis , Shugart Block. House's and Mules Korull ptnpo oi. bought utrl BUJ | , nt loiull iiti > i In lulg. L'lit'o fiimntlttus to n'lc-t fmm t-'ovuiul piilrsnt ! liiOlilvi > r8 , lM'rlcor < Uuliio. MASON WISE , Council Uluffs. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , 1IUOADWAY , COUNCil , HUJFK.S. OppoMlu DiunmDepot. . CV1 33 sf Uorjot uii.l Slulvs j.ofit cniiiiniiilr \ \ hon-l for ciilu nt ri'tull or in cai Order. iiHiimlilir niu.J : i > y c-i ur.ot ! ous'jjit nolle * . Stork sold on coiiunl s.on. 8lU-lJ"fKlt It KOI.KV.J'roprretor * . nti No. IK. r of KIKJ. SA'Li : 3TAUU.B , ttU uvc.rtml Uhbtrout.