Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Oorn Goes Booming and Causes Wild Ex
citement Among Chicago Trader : .
tt'lmnt Alno on the Upturn \Vltti
StroiiK Footing nml llcnvy Trad
ing Provisions Active The
Cnttlc Market Slow.
Chicago , Julys ? . | S | > eclal Telegram to tlio
] JKKj Coit.v Corn was n full cent above last
night's "call" price early on tlio curl ) tills
morning , the September option selling to44u
Car lots wcro smaller a gno-l deal than ex
pected , thrro being only 5V ) cais of corn.
When a regular hoard opened the Ilubcl was'
bo tenitlcand tlio corn pit so overcrowded
that thu puce was at all sorts of Ilgures on
different sides of the pit Kxclted traders
rushed out of tin ; Jam and reported Hint tlin
September option was at 41c. The ofllclal
reporter Kot It up tolie. . Undoubtedly
however , there wet wild trades ns high as
< Weist , tlio crop expert , reports to
llaldwln , Wrenn t Knrninn : " 1'erin.uicnt
Injury to the corn crop south and west of
Chlcnuo Is certain , but the peicenlago Is hard
to determine even Approximately until earing
incomplete. 1 consider 00 per cent woitliluaS
in Kansas ; 03 percent , mote Is injuied soinc-
wliut by thudiought nnd biuH. It Is , hiiw-
ever , atonMiiug ton-chow It has lecupcr-
ated In counties wlicie It has had rains
within the past few days. The icmalning 60
percent Is likely to make good corn unless
the drought continues eas ! . of a line diawn
north nnd south ot Watm-go. West of
this line lalns now , I think , luuu
been HUllicleiit to Insuiii crops
excepting In that Injutcil as above
described/ ' The receipts were 4ii : earn , this
Inspection coveting two days , which wns un
der the estimate. Fiom the opening at 4" ' , c
there was n pietly steady aihanco to44)ic , ,
then a leactlon tol.'JVvc , and airaln an nit-
ward spurt to 44V- The low point \viis'fc ' ,
elf from tlio opening. Siiuli local thorts as
were out in coin weievxtiemclj mmous and
rushed to cover In such a frantic manner as
to be dctilmental to tlielr. own inti'iests. St.
Loul.s was a inodeiato biicr In tliu corn pit.
Tin ! excitement \soro away towaul noon , out
the clOM ! was veiy tlrin. Tnidlni ; was active
all tlnimgh tlie session and aggieirated tin
enormous amount.
\VHIAI : An advance was made by wheat
and lulrly well MiMalucd. The boom In coin
ga\e local tradeisun excuse for buying , and
iit.sidei.s lor sending in prett > falr-sl/.ed or
ders. September opened ntfc , sold as hig
ns 77e , then oft to 77'4e and up to 7bc , wlici
it stood a llttlu bolore the close , though only
for a moment. NwvYoik sent In some big
oidcr.s and foieitrn huu-o- . coveted a good
many lineof shorts. Tins change In tlie
visible supply I'IKUIPH , In which wheat was
inado to show an lncieaMi of 2LV , ( > ,00. ) bit. , In
stead of : ilUO,000 bu. . as announced yester
day , had hut little effect on the market. The
close was stiong and active at tou pi ices.
PHOVISIO.NS Pork \\asactl\e an dst longer ,
September picking up from 9.05 to & ! t.U5
and maintaining all the advance. Other hog
products wetc lelatlvely fully as linn as
CmrAoo. July 27. [ Special Telegram to
the HKI : . ] C.vmi : Thu market to-day was
very slow , and at the outset there was a
rather demoralised feeling among salesmen.
The quality of cattle was poor. There was a of thin and grassy light cattle , besides
many coarse , heavy brutes which nobody
wanted. Inferior light cattle came to the
market partly because wo have for some time
been complaining of the demand for heavy
stock and quoting the demand for "little
cattle " Llttlu cattle , if fat aud solid , having
been madosoon dry food , are all right , but
the thin and grassy kinds are simply not
wanted. There was ono lot of very line and
I BUiooth dry-ted steers , averaging about 1300
Ibs , which sold nt S1.87J < j. bnf cittle of such
Rood quality are extiemely 1 .ml to duplicate ,
while 120 ( ) to UMXMb cattlu at about S4.GO
woru quite plentiful , and there were not a
few of such weights that \\ero not
worth S4.0. The market to day wns pen-
crally lower , salesmen differing widely. The
average decline was lOc and prices were fully
SUc lower than last Pifdav. Shlppiir. steers ,
1350 to 1500 Ib * , S4.4D , tr.)0 . ( ) ; 1300 to tMO Ibs ,
54.50 ; too to 1210 Ibs , $ : i.f
lions Tlio maikct was fairly active , with
a Might advance on thu beat solid coin-led ,
but only l.uoly .steady on medium , whllu
common , gras.iy stock is almost unsalea
ble. Sales show that the oidlnary run ol
corn-fed mixed were selling at S4.80@l.b5
nnd grassy stock at S4. . " > 0@4.00 , best corn-fed
heavy * 4.0. ' > @ 5.17K , and light , S4.b5@U' . .
Nnw York. July 27. MUNKY On call
easy : it2'i 3 percent ,
Srum.iNO KxciiANon Quiet and un
tioviiiNMKNTS Govcinment bonds were
quiet but linn ,
STOCKS At the opening tills morning
neaily even-thing on the active list showed
advances of V < j ' / per cent , St. Paul was * '
per cent lower , ntid Northwestern ? per
cent. Fractional advances were made In
earl v dealings , but the maiket linatly closed
dull ami steady. The ilnal prices general ! }
chow advances ot fractional amounts. New
York Central Is up l } per cent. The most
nollceable decline Is % per cent In Noith-
Stf cent bonds. . 1001 , ; C. & N. W
Chlcami , July27 Flour Quiet and weak
noijiioiubln chiingu ; southern Wisconsin , 5 > 3. ' , > i
C < r4.15 ; Michigan , S4.tXi. < ? .50 ; soft spllnir ,
8tMi : < il.lO ; Minnesota bakers , 3.50 44.10
pattnls. SI.40M-I.N ) ; low grades. Sl.72.75
rye Hour , quiet at 53.25 ( J.50 In barrels , § 3.05
WheatF.iiiiy active and stronger ; opeiiei
Btronger and He lilgher and closed 2c above
yebti'iilay'Bclosu ; cisli : , 7Je ( ; August ,
oentembcr , 7K e.
Corn Oj cmil excited , 2 01 0 above ves
tcreay , varjlng'tfo in dlffcient paits of Ihn
crowd , eased off , oceanic stronger , advanced
IJjc-iuore. 01 to u point 2fo above yualenlay's
clohe , Ktid chiMSI at outMldu llguics ; cash ,
423m4'5o : August , 4Su'c ; September , 44fc.
DnTs-Hlrmerfor all options ; e.vh , ISsfiJ
RShe ; August , ss''o : September , iSWc ,
liyp Steady at W'/c ' ,
Bailey Steady ntOlc ,
Timothy Nothing doing ; Prime , J2.05.
WhiskySI.12. .
Pork- Moderately active and 40@43Xc
higher : cash. SU.K)3l .b5 ; August , SK.sikfe
9.85 ; Bepteinlier , U.WUjfli. ( .i5.
Laid Stiouger anil 5 < < s7Ke higher ; cash ,
ndAurust , $ fi. ) ; September , Sil.ii7J < iafi.70.
lioxed Meats Shouluers. t'O-OJigiXlO ; short
clear , FG.5.Vc < i.rO ) ; short ribs , 30.20.
Ilutter tancy tinner ; lower trades dull ;
creamery , 13C < trj > fo ; clairy , I'JQlSVfc
Cheese Fine clieddars linn : full cream
Cheddars , 7ti" ) c ; fluU , 7MSMo ( ; young
Americas. S iab c.
KRgs-Weak and dull at 10 > < llc.
Hides Heavy dr > ' t > alteil fully cured , 6c
eht , /c ; damagi-d , 7tfc : bull lildes. 5 fc
< Jrv saled. ll < 312o ; dry Hint , aHo : c'al
klnc. bC lO c ; deacons , 50c each.
Tallow In country , 3 > i'o ; No. 2 , Sc ; cake
. Shipments
Flour. bbls , . . . . . . . 15,000 11,000
Wheat , bu. . . , . 120,000 131.000
Coni.ou , . . . . IIW.UOO
OMs.DU 103.000 7.000
Hje.Du 8,000
Hnrfpy.ou. ,
, .
rorn Spot , l rOJic and options
il her , closing itcady ; receipt ? . 107,000 ; ex-
) ort.i , Prl.OOO ; ungraded. 4' ' < Cd50ifc : No.
A WiTMtc * In elevator , 60'4olc ' ? ilellvcred ;
Amrii'-t closed al51c ,
O.its Dull ; iccelpts , 47,000 ; r.xports,750 ;
uKed weMcrn , S0 < vt40i'hlte ; western , 40 ®
Petroleum Quiet ; united closed ntfSJife.
Pork-Quiet and llrmer ; old mess , S10.50O
10.02'f ; new mes , S11.2.V41I.75.
Laid lllBlicr and more active ; western
Mcam , S | > ot , SC.WaarJJi ; August , 50.71 ! ®
Huttcr Firmer with a firm demand for
choice ; ; westein , lOSMfc.
Cliecie Dull anil weaken western ,
7 ' 4" * * .
'i Dull and weak ; western fresh ,
juiollH , , luly 27. Wheat opaned
lirm and closed , 'd Jfe higher. No. 1 hard ,
cash nnd August. 7fie ; Seiitember , 77h'c : Oc
tober , TS'c ' ; Xn. 1 noithcrn , rash and August.
74c ; September , 7"iJ $ > ; October , 7re : No. 2
northernrash and August , 74e ; September ,
75'e } ; October , 77c.
Hour Quiet mid llrm : patents , 84.35/34.55 ;
br.kci.S.J.3.53.5" ) ,
Kecfipts-Wlicat , 50,000 bushels ; Hour , 125
Shipments Wheat , 14,000 bushels ; Hour ,
14,000 tunels.
Milwaukee. Julv 27 Wheat Stronger ; , 75He ; August , 70 Ve : September , 7 0 ,
Corn Scarce ; No. 2 , fi'J'iC. '
Oats Steady ; No.2,2c.
Ite Steady : No. 1 nominally.
llarloy S'.e.idy ; No. 2 September. COJfc.
rrovislons Illaher : mess poik , cash nnd
July , SIMM ; August , S9.75.
Clticliuinit. July E" . Wheat Firm ;
No.2 red , 75l ( fl1lc. (
Coin Sttong and higher ; No. 2 mixed , 4Dc.
Oats Fair demand ; No. 2 new mixed ,
Kye Fair demand ; No. 2 , 55355h'c.
Pork-Quiet and lirm at S10.2.V
Lard Light demand at 50.20.
Whisky Quiet and lirm ; sales , 340 barrels
of Mulshed goods on a basis of $1.07.
8u Ij < > uis. July 27. Strong and
higher : No. 2 pash7'sc ; Augnst , Gl'c. ' ?
Corn Falily stioni ; nnd higher ; No. 2 ,
mixed , cash , iO'jftj.'Si&e ; August. 4de. Finn ; No. 2 , mixed , cash 27S'7 ( ! e :
Aumi&t , 2su asked.
Uve Kasy nt Mi' .
WliNkFlrmatS1.10. .
l ork Steudyat SlO.'Jo.
Lard 50.25.
Mutter Steady ; creamery , 17@20c ; dairy ,
Ijlvcrpnol , July 27. Wheat Demand improving -
proving ; new No. 2 winter steady at Gs 7d ;
spring , ste.uly at Os Til.
Flour Po i ( Kmand ; St , houls family Ss.
Corn Fair demand ; new mixed , spot , 4s
2d , steady ; Julv , 4s Ujd , steadv ; Auuust , 4s
2d , steady ; September , 4s 3J.
Toledo , July 27. Wheat lltehcr and
firmer ; cash , 77J.fc.
Coin Kxclted and higher ; cash , 44c.
Oats Steady ; September li'.i'.Cc.
Knnann City , July 27. Wheat Steady ;
No.2 , red. cash , none ; Alienist , . ' > 9' c bid ;
ftSK , asked ; September , COKe bid , 01 n > ked.
Coin Illirlier ; No. 2 , cash , 30Ki05f ;
STJlc bld,37e c asked ; Sepleinber,37' ,
Oats-No. 2 , cash , 2Sc.
New Orleans , Julv 27. Corn Demand
fair ; prlcis higher ; tiS& > t.
Oats-Quiet , but steady at40@ c.
Cornmeal Demand lalrut S..CO.
HOK pioducts Quiet and steady.
rork-S10.7' : ! ' .
Lniil Uclined , S0.25.
Bulk .Meats-Shoulders , S5.S7K ; long clear
and clear ribs , SC.U7 > { .
Chicago , July 27. The Drover's Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle licceipts. 0,000 ; slow nnd generally
lOc lower ; shipping steers. S3.COfl3.00 ;
stockers and feeder ? . S2.SO@3.fO ; cows , bulls ;
and mixed. 81.NWKJ.bO ; bulk , S2.4tKTi3.00 ;
tlirongn Texas cattle , receipts 3,600 ; cows ,
S2.15@-J.rx ) ; steers. S2.GOf < 5 > 4.00 , in fair sup
ply ; 341 Idaho steers , 1121 Ibs , S.'WO ; 31 Wash
ington tailings , 1371 Ibs , 52. 5.
Hogs Ilev-t > Ipts , 15,500 ; steady : rough and
mixedS4.20uM.OO ( ; packlncand smpplnsrS4.65
5.17 ; Uglit , 84.20(35.03 ( ; skiS ] , S2.7\4.10. (
Sheep Heceipts. 9,000 ; slow but steadv ;
imtivcs.3 S2.00'ftil.OO , ; western. ? 2.50 3.B : ;
Texans , S1.75@3.10 ; lambs , S4.00o..00. (
St. tiouls , July27.-Cattle Ueceipts , 3,400 ;
shipments , 1,000 ; slow ; shade lower ; good
to choice shipping , 54.00 4.110 ; common to
fair , S3.75@4.f.O ; butehers steers. S3.jOO4.S5 ! :
cows anil Jieheis , S2.20Q3.0 ; through
X tXrillS ? | o
Hogs Keceipts , 1,000 ; shipments , S.CO'J ;
btrons5c ; higher on best cradcs : butchers
and best lieavv 4.00 ( . ; 5.00 ; mixed , S4. : M4. ) ;
light , S4.40@4W : ) .
KaiiHiiB City. July 27. Cattle Hecoipts.
' . ' ,000 ; shipments HOO ; shippers weak at IWtn
I5c : lower ; cows lair to aeiivu and a shade
higher ; good to choice. 2 3.lC@4.40 | ; common
to medium , 83.40 ( < ii.K : ) ; stockerhanil feeders ,
? 2.40@i.40 : ; rows , S1.603.00 ; grass Texas
steers , SS.OOg3.20.
lions Kecelpts , 7,000 ; shipments , 1,400 :
choice tinner ; common dull and enk ; coed
to choice , S4.C5 4.U ; common to medium.
4.35 ® I.CO.
Tuesday Evenlnp , July 27.
CATTLE Tha market was dull and weak.
A few light steers changed bauds nuu n
bunch of butcher's stulT.
lions Tlio receipts wern more liberal to
day , but they .still fall far shoit of supplying
the demand. Nearly all the hocson tliu irar-
kct were bought up catly by U. 11. Hammond
& Co. , and at prices 1015c higher than yes
terday's prices. The wants ot the other buy
ers weic not supplied.
Thtru la no market.
Cattle. 590
Uo , . 1200
Prevailing Prices ,
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market.
Choice steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs S4.35@4.45
Choice steers , llOu to 1303 Ibs 4.25@4.35
Medium steers , 1250to 1350Ibs. . . , 4.00 ( < .25
FaUlttlo steers , 1050 to 1150Ibs . . . . 4.0o 4.25
Good feeders , 1KX ) to 1000 Ibs 8.00@3.50
Oood to choice coin-fed cows 8.0u\a .25
Fair to medium grass cows 2.00fC3.00 (
Good to choice bulls 2.25@2.75
Choice light and medium hogs 4.4W4.55
Good lo choice heavy hogs 4.00@4.70
Good to choice mixed ho s !
Fair to good shorn sheep. 2.00@3.50
Representative Bales.
No. Av. Pr. No. AT. Pr.
4 OT5 S3.C5 15 & 14 83.2.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
77 683 J2.C51IOOS.
Pr. Pr.
34.45 S4.00
84.45 S4.CO
84.55 S4.00
54.03 H.G5
S4.GO S4.05
S4.CO $4.70
350 5J.60
of I'rioe * .
Showing thu hUhest and lowest prices paid
for mlxcdlo.uU of ho s on this market dur
ing the past seven days , with comparative
values :
Tuosdar.SOth. .
Wodnesday.aist 3.75
Thnrsilav 52nd 8.70 „ - . „
Friday 23il 3.00.00
Saturday , 24th. S.75 ( 4.00
Monday , 2flth. 8.75 @ .00 . . . , .
Tuesday , 27th 84,45 ( g .70
Showing tlio number of cars of live stock
shipped out of the yards durlutc the day :
No. Cars. lit Dest.
7 N. W. Chicago.
4 O. 11. & Q. Chicago.
1 N , W , „ Chicago.
All sales of stock in this market are made
percwt. lire wcluht unless otherwise stated.
Dead hous sell at Koiier Ib for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing loss than 100 Ibs
no value. Preeuaut bows uro docked 40 Ibs
and ( tags 60 Ibs ,
Mote * .
Hogs higher.
The receipts of liogt are on the Increase.
W. Wcjanl , Jr. , German town , WB. In nnd
fold a load of hogs
P. I 'nltt , a well known shipper of Sewiml ,
T\n a Miltor Rt the yards" .
J. Wi 'itrfll'.fin ' , Mslvcrn. ! ; c mpln to-day
find marketed ot lios.
Conn it 11 lack. Platt moutli , were both
hero to-day witli four loads of cattle.
S. II. Stone , of Stralmn , was nt the yards
and sold a load of liogs on the maikrt ,
I. Alters , of the firm ol Alters t Olover ,
Grand Island , \\as In with a load of cattle ,
Mr. Uocbee , of Ueebeotown , la , a well
< nown feeder , was looking over the yards
Kil Russell , KwiiiB , Neb , , was here with a
load of butcher stuff. lllsstockw < lnt thioiiRh
: he Miinsh up near Papllllon and one animal
isd a leg broken.
During the llrst twenty-seven days of .Inly.
tlioC. II. , tQ , hauled out of the } ; irils 215
cars of stock : the Hock Island , 140 ear- > : the
Milwaukee , 120 cars ; and the Northwestern
A Stilton , formerly ot the firm of Melnto h
> t Sulton , uf Chapman's ( has nrreptcd the
| K ltlon of hog salesman with M. IlurkeA ;
sons' ll\c clock commission.Mr. . liriilnaril ,
who has tilled thai position for some tlnm
will hereafter devote his attention to the sell-
In cf cattle. _
Gonrrnl 1'roitucc ,
Tiic dav Kvenlnir , July 27.
The fultmctnu prli-cv urc for rutind lot * of
IHixlncc , HSMjfin / the iiifir/r / ( tit-iliiy. 'flic
; wif < ( J Jens oncids / re/indent / Hie in lees ut
I'-Mc/i / nulnhlf onlcrs an Jllli'il.
Hunnit Thoit'eeibls of good butter are
extremely light. Choice butter Is almosten-
tlielyoutof the matkct. tlie greater tnopor-
llon of lecclpU being unlit for table use ,
Strictly sweet , solid nnd uniform color ,
packed In new cIiMii tub * , would command
12K@15c In the matket. but there l.s little or
none that nnsv\eisthc dcscilplioncoiulni : in.
WhatMiipneis call choice butter Is selling at
l@llc. Fair to good Is slow at 7@Se , Infer
ior , ! V24p. Ie ! careful In packing your butter
to nave the packages clean and put up In
Rood shape.
Kiis Hie supply and demand are about
cental and the market Is about steady. Cand
ling has to be done close , and shippers will
lind It to their Intuicst to do it beloro ship
ping , ot paying freight on lotten
eggs. Cracked eggs should also be left out ,
ns In this hot \\oathcr they nre ccnerally cn-
tliely K-rgs , strli-tly fresh , lOc.
Pormiv The demand for poultry is good
and prices are accordingly nrm. Old fowls
aio bringing liptter prices than last week.
Small spimg chickens are more dlfllcult to
ell. at any price , as the season advances.
Turkeys and ducksato not wanted. Old fowls ,
per ilo/ . S8.00'rfa.r > 0 ; spring cnlrkens. large ,
& 2.i5ft3.00 ; spring chickuiis , medium sizes ,
8 .0'ii.W ; spring chickens , small , not
wanted ; ducks , S2.25@2.M ) ; turkeys , not
Ciir.nsi : Full cream Cheddars , single , 8' fol
PC ; full cream twins. Uc ; young American.
lOc ; Swiss , iniMiituil | , 2 > < 327c ; skim Hats , 4@
( ic ; Ijlinbnrcer. ll ( < $ lSc ; brick , 12 14c Swiss
domestic. 12i ( < il5c.
CAMPOIINIA FiiftTS The market Is well
supplied. Hartlett pears , per box , 33.75 :
Wlntii Dovcnne , peibox , S3..VI ; Heurnj DIehl
( Utlncc , per box. : grapes , per crate ,
OKASOKS Fancv Itodl , 220 size , per box ,
87)0 ; California Navels , S7.00 ; Medltcr-
enean sweets. Srt.50 ; St-Mlchels. 80.50.
LEMONS The market continues very firm.
Fancy , per box , 810.00 ; choice , per box , SD.fiO.
Ari' Choice , per bbl , § 3.50 ; good , per
bbl. S3.00@3.2. ) .
U ANANAS Choice Llmon , per bunch , 32.50
@ ' 5.00.
WATKIIMKI.ONS California , per 100. 830.00
H.OO ; Mi.soiiri , Alkansas , etc. , S20.00iJ
TOMATOES Perone-thiid bushel box , Sl.OO ;
per bushel box , F2.00ci ( > S2.25. ' *
CIUKY : A small amount Is coming In out
it does not sell very fast. Shipping stock , per
_ . . .s IJIiickDcnies , per 24 quarts case ,
S2.75f33.00 ; blaebeirles , per bushel stands ,
SouTiiintN Pi.uns A few southern plums
are coming In and sell talrlv well. Southern
plums , stands , 87.00 ; southern plums , 24
quart eases. S2.75@5.00.
SoirrmiiiN tji Ai'is : A tew southern
grapes have nirived In the market ; 10 Ib.
boxes. St.OJ
CocoANt'TS Cocoanuts , per 100 , § 5.00 ; less
than bundled , per 100 , S5.50.
Fios AND DATKS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
per Ib. lOc , Dates , fancy fard , 12 Ib boxes ,
14c : dates. Persian. 50 Ib boxes , jwr Ib , lOc.
Nt'TS Pecans , large polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , S'c ' ; English walnuts , I4c ; almonds ,
Tan-.isona. 20c : almonds , Langucdoc , I7c ;
linuils , 12e ; filberts , 14c ; peanuts , hand
picked , fancy Virginia. HJ-jc ; peanuts , hand
picked choice VTirgluia,7Kc ; peanuts , loasted ,
2c extra per Ib.
HoNUY California , 15c ; California ,
strained. lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 14Q15c ; Ne
braska , dark , 12 } , ' ® lite.
MAI-I.I : SIJOAII Urlcks , per Ib. 15c ; penny
caltes , pcrlb , lljfc.
M.U-I.H Svurr Hulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs ,
per pal , Sl.OO : u'al cans , per gal , 51.05 ; half
gal cans per gal , SI.10.
CIDKII New lork , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. naif
bbl , S4.00 ; Crab , perdozqls , 2.75 ; .Michigan
iclined. per bbl , fce.OO.
ViNKGAu White wine , 130170 ; cider , 13
@ 17c ; single strength , I3c ; tilplu strength ,
Pia ' FKIT : , TKIPK , ETC. Pigs' feet , per
Yt bbl , S4.00 ; do , J4 bbl. S2.00 ; ilo , per kit , IKJc.
Lambs' tongues , per % bbl , 83.25 ; do , per kit ,
S&fiO ; do , quart jars , per doz , S5.25 ; do , pint
jars , ix.r case , 2 dozen. 80.75. Tripe , per M
bbl , 84.00 ; do , per K ubl , 82.00 ; do , per kft ,
fXkPP.OVISIONS Ham , 12J c ; breakfast bacon ,
8M@Oc ; clear filae bacon. 7' < ( Ji8c ; dry salt
sides , 7@7)- ) ; short lib sides , 7c ; ghoulderf ,
7c ; mess pork. 812.50 per bbl : dried becMiam
pieces , lOc ; laid , tierces. fiJie : 50-lbcans7c :
10-lb cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7 c ; 5-lD cans , do ,
7 cS-lbcans. ; do. 7c.
ONIONS Are coming forward slowly yet ,
and prices are llrm with a good demand.
Choice , per bbl. , 3.504.00.
CAUIIAOK Is quite scarce now ami quota
ble atlOJZGOc per doz. heads , according to
quality : Missouri , per crate , 83.50.
BKANS Inferior stocks , 75c@S1.00 ; good
clean country. Sl,25@1.50 ; medium hand
picked , 81.50 ; hand-picked navy , 81.05.
POTATOES 3Iarket Is a little more active ;
prices range according to quality of stock ,
from 50oCOOc ( per bushel.
flour.bestquallty patent.S2.bO ; second quality ,
S2.40Ct22.50 ; best quality spring wheat Hour.
paumt , 82.75 ; bran , MM per cwt : chopped
ieedCOc perewt : white corn meal , 75c ; yel
low corn m al , 05c per cwt : screening , COc
percwt : hominy , Si.M per cwt ; shorts , 55c
percwt ; uralmm , 81.75 ; nay , In bales , 87.00@
7. 50 per ton.
UHAIX Corn , C2c ; oats , 20 < 2fl8e ; rye , 40c ;
wheat , COc. _
General markets.
Woor , Medium , lG@ltfc perlb ; flno heavy ,
10@14c ; light. I2$16c ( ; coarse , 12@l4e ; burry
wool , 2 ( ! > e off.
Iln is ( jiceu bntchcrs" , 0 > @ 7c ; green
cured , bfits oi dry Hint ll13c ; dry salt. J ) @
lOc : damaged lilde.s , two-thirds price : tallow ,
8WWc ; giense. prime white. 3c ; yellow , 2c ;
biown. lo ; sheep pelts , 25a75c.
JjEATiiKii Prime slaughter sole leather ,
32e ; prinu oak eolo leather , 30@3Sc.
Upper leather , per foot , 2o@25c : hem. kip ,
iritoteoak \ kip , SSQ'J.'ie ; French kin , 81.00 ®
1.20 ; hem. calf , Sl.oufal.lO ; oak call , Sl.OOye
1.25 ; French calf , $ L25@1.65 ; Morocco boot
leg , 80 ® : c : Morocco oil iiebble , 28Ctf32c ; top-
plncs and linlngt , , SU.oa lO.00 per doz.
HKAVY llAnDWAiu : iron , rates , S2.25 ;
each , 75o ; square nuts , i > er Ib , 7@llc ; cell
chain , per Ib , 6gl2c ( ; malleable , CQSc : Iron
wedges , Gc : crowbars , Oo ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
spring steel , 7@Sc ; Burden's liorsesnoes.
$4.40 ; Uurden's mule shoes , $5.40. llarbed
wire , In car lots. 84.00 per 100 Ibs. lonl
Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , 82.50 ; steel nails , 82.Go ;
Shot-Sl.f-0 ; buckshot , 81.W : oriental
lewder , kegs , 83.50 ( 4.00 : do. half kegs
fe2.00 ; do , quarter kegs , 81.50 ; blasting , kegs ,
83.85 ; fuse , per 100 fnet , lOc , Lead Bar , SKI.
PAINTS IN OnWhlte lead. Omaha. P. P.
7 > ( c ; white lead , St Louts , pure , S7.75 ; Mar-
bellies green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc
trreen seal. I2c ; French r.ino red seal , lie ;
French tine , In varnish asst , 20c ; French
slue , 75i ; vcrmllllon , American , 18c ; Indian
red. lOc : rose pink. c ; Venetian red , CooK-
son's , 2Jic : Venetian red. American , l c ;
red , 7Ko ; chrome yellow , genuine , 200 ;
chromnj-ellow , K. 12c : ochre , rochelle , Sc ;
, . .
DKY PAINTS-White lead , 8c : Fr cnchzl no
12c ; Pnrls whiting. 2Kc ; wliltlnir , glider * ' ,
\ % whiting \ , com'i , l ) < o ; lampblack , Uer-
iiianstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary. Be ;
Prussian l > lue.VicuUraiiuriniMbc ; Vandyke ,
brown , Me : nmber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , iu ; sieiiua , raw , to ; Parl
green , genuine. 2.V. : I'.uis preen , comthon ,
2.V : chrome grctn , N. Y. , 20c ; chrome giecn ,
h , 12c ; vcrmllllon , Kimlisli. In ell 70c ; raw
( lmH'"rilt umlicj 1) ) JO CHIIS ite ; raw ? .pd
unrnls'tennR , 1 y\-nmljKo : , trown , isc | ic-
fmedlampbhck , lictco.irh black and ivory
bl.ick.10e ; drop br.ckIGc ! ; Pnislnn bine ,
40c ; unrHiiiarineMuc , 180 ; cliromc green , L. ,
M. .v 1) . , l < v ; blind nnd shutter crcen , L. . M.
A D. , iff : Paiisim-Hi. l c ; Indian reil. I.-c ;
Venetian led. tv ; Tuscan. 2-'c : Amciican
VPtmilllnn. L. v I ) . , SOo : yellow oclue , 5 > c ; L.
M. As O. D. , lfc : good ochre , l < Vj ; patent
dryer , Sc ! grKinlng color , llslit oak , tlaikoak ,
walnut , I'heMluit and ntli , 12c.
Dnt-nsAXn CVKMK.U.S Acid , caibollc ,
R2c : ncld , tnrtarlp , hio ; balsam copaiba , per
It > ,4.V : bark , jsa afht * . per tl > . lOo : calomel ,
perlb Tic : elilni'iionldla. pcroz , 40c : chloro-
tonn , per lti,20e ; Do\er' ixindcrs , IHT Ib ,
S1.25 ; cpsom silU. per Mi , 'iJiV ; glvccrlne ,
pure , per lt > . l c : lead , ncelnte. per lt > 20e ;
oil , castoi , No. 1 , per icnl. , S1.5Q : oil , castor ,
No. 2. per gal. . S1.40 ; oil , ollvc.por pil.,81.40 ;
oil. ork-anntim. .Vto ; opium S3. : ; quinine ,
P. * W. and H. V S , per oz , 70c ; iwitassliim
Iodide , per tb , Sil.00 ; salicin. per oz , 40oj Mil.
phate morphine , per or. , 52.50 ; sulphur , per
Ib. 4e : .tr\chnlue. perez , Sl.JX ) .
VAitM'iiiKs Uatreli. per gallon : Fitrnl.
tnre , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coacli extra. 81.4(1 ( ; eoach , No. 1. Sl.'JOj Da-
mar , extra , Sl.i" > : Japan , 70o ; aspliaftum ,
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 53.50 ; haul nil llnl n ,
Spiiins-Coloaue spirits , iss proof , SI. 10 ;
do 101 prool , 51.11 ; splills. second quality ,
101 proof , S1.10 : do Ibs pioof , S1.19. Alco
hol. IbS pioof , S2.0J per wine g.illon. Uedis-
tilled wliliklc * , S1.03M1.M. Gin. blended ,
. , . . .
y * * .i w t iv iiivonv % AtMV ii.ti.VA.ri \ > ii tiiiiuit iiirr > |
fiuporled , per p.T-e. 82S.CO(331.00 ( ; American ,
j > ci ciise , S10.0ftgio.oa ,
Gi'oucrs * IiiAt.
PicKi.ns Meilluin , In ( mis , 55.00 ; ilo In
half ubls , St.OO : ; suiall , iu bbls.SO.OO ; ilo in
hall lihls. ? : i..V > : ghciklns , in bols , ST.Oflj ilo
in half bbls , 84.00
OANUV-Mlxeil.O.'j'rtgiac ' ; stlcU , SKwO c.
fitACKr.HS ( iiirnoau's soila , butler anil
plenle , 5' > ; c ; creams , S'jc ; glut'er snaps , b ) c ;
citv foihi , 7'ic. '
ROHA In ID papers , SW3n ! ease ; salsoda ,
keir , per Hi"J e ,
. hYitfi'-Mo. - 70,4-pallon kegs , Sl.OO ; Xcw
douuait cans , 53.00.
STAIICH Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , 55'c ; Minor
fancv Kreeu anil yellow , lty ( < ifU ) ci iilil uov-
ernment.Iava,20g ( jrx' ; interior Java. 1 K ®
20o ; Mocha , ! Wji24e ( : Arbuckle's roasted ,
14) c ; MeLaughlln's XXXX roasted , 14 < o :
Dflworth's , U' c : Ited Cross. 14H'c ,
SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial. S2.TO ;
Kirk's satinet. S-VX ) ; Kirk's stniulard , S3.O5 ;
Kirk's \\hite Russian , 54.00 : Kirk's White
Cap. SO.W ) : Dome , S3.00 ; Waslibnard , ? .10.
MATCHF * I'er caddie , ' Se ; lound , per
cabc. Sl.OO ; wuiaie cases , S1.7X ) ; mule square ,
Si'OAits Powdered , 7 'c ; cut loaf , 7 ? < e ;
granulated , CJic ; conlectloners' A. O e ;
standard extra 0 , G G u ; extra C , 5 @ 5 > 6c ;
medium yellow , GWSMc.
Dmr.n KKUITH Ni 1 quarter anples , in
evaporated boxes , 8 > 5 ( Pc ; uiackbcnie.s , boxe.s ,
S < SW ; iM'acliesensiern , 4 ? ( a5Ye ; pc.ichcs.
urupuratcd , 15ij17c : ; Salt lake , nuno in
market ; rasnberrles , new , l'20c ) ; currants ,
7J4T < * 7' curuneA , ue\v , 4 ( 'W c.
CANIIUS Boxt-3. 40 Ib Gs , Uc ; Ss , 9Vc ;
boxes , 40 Ib , 10 oz , Gs lOc ; halt box 'JO Ib ,
UAXNCD GOODS Oysters , standaul , per
cas , Si.:50 : : ; strawberries , 21b per ease. 82.50 ;
rasiiberriej , 2 Ib per case , S'J.25 ; Callforniu
peart , per case , S4.40 ; apricots. ] > cr case ,
S4.GO : peaches , per case , S4.1K ) ; white cherries ,
per case , S5.90 ; iilums percale , 53.60 ; blue
berries , per case , 3'J.M ; egg plums , ilb , per
case. 52.50 ; pineapples , 'J Ib , per ease , SS.CO
@ 5.60 ; 1 Ib mackfrel , per doz , S1.20 ; 1 Ib sal
mon per doz , 31,40(1 ( $ l,4.'i ; 2 Ib gooseheries ,
per case , Sl.Tn ; 3 Ib string benns , per case ,
S1.7021b ; lima boons , per case , Sl.OO ; U Ib
marrowfat peas"pcr ; rase. S2. ! > 08 ; Ib early
,1 line peas , per feastv 32. 7S ; 3 Ib tomatoes.
per case. 82.40@2.50 : 2 Ib corn , per case , 51.90
@ 2.102 ; Ih corn beef , perdnz , Sl.70i2.00. (
KAI.T Dray loads , per bbl. S1.25 ; Ashton ,
in saoks , S3.35 ; } { backs , Aston , 5c ; bbls ,
dairy , § 2.50@J.CO.
IIollandlicnlnR,85c ; smoked halibut , lO c ;
Varmouth bloaters , 9 > c ; new scaled herrings ,
Ill's H'f H'UQr HblsPIs Kts
Mew FISH. , . -
.Mi m CJO-W , < 0 IU
Ben's S't.No 1 L'b'B ' AO 3 2.V2 07 1 67 1 40 B3I 47
L'go OlbM FuncylB 00 ! l 00 2 75 1 5i ! 1 30 & 0 45
L'K U'rt Sh'ro K'cyjo OOJa 0)12 75 1 55,1 , SO 50 | 4.r ,
Kols 18 00,0 , 608 60.4 W)3 00 . . . . 10
Holland Horrinfrs , new 80
Full White hooi 1 1C
2UO 100 9) 50
Cnl. Salmon U ! 00 8 50 5 IK ) 8 fO 3 70
" ' IlblH Or llbls P'lelKts
rKr I" * *
FISH. I J00 w | M < 0 i , „ j 10
Drr Lairaber.
12 ft'14 ' ft 18 ft'18 ' ft'20 ' ft 2J ft 24 ft
2x4 15.60 15.50 16.50 15.50 10.50 17.5018.5d
2x8 15.00 15110 15.00 in.WlilU.pp IK.OOilll.H )
218 16.60ii6iM..60 lfi.M 10.50.1U.U ) 11I.HJ
2x10 15.00 15.00,15 , 00 15.00 10.00 lll.y01W.W (
2x12 15.50 15.50 10.M1II.M ) 20 51)
4x4-8x8 lOdOiiaXllB.OO'l0.50l17,50.1H.50 | '
No. 1 Com. s. 1. e. W , 14 and IB ft . 817.25
No.'J " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.75
No. 3 " " IS , 14 and 16 it . 13.25
No.4 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 11.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , W and 14 ft , , roiiKh..S17.00
No. ' . ' , 4 & Glnch , 12 and 14 ft. , rouuh. . . 13.75
No. 2 , 4 ik 0 Inch , 10 1L. iniuh . 15.00
1st com. , ia.14 and 10 ft . & 2I.50
'M " " " . 20.00
3d " " " -
. iru-O
Fence " " . 11,00
A Cinch , white pine , , . $30.00
iJOInch. " ' . ( . . - , . . , 84.00
OGinch , " . : . { t.oo
DO Inch , " " . 21.00
EOlnch , " V . . 16.00
A 12 Inch , s. is. r' ' 11 anil 10 ft . &tf.50
O 12 Inch , " ' " " . Hrt.50
No. 1 Com. 12 ln..s. 1 s. 13 , 14 and 10 tt. 18.25
No. 3 " : " 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 10.25
1st and 2a , clear , 1 > 4 Inch , s. 2 a . $51.00
Sd , clear , 1'i , Inch , . 3s , . moo
A select , liL Hf and 3 Inch , s. U B. , . . , S42.00
U select , ! > / 1 } nnd 2 Inch , s. U B . SSfi.OO
1st andM , clear , 1 Inch. s. 2s . S.W.oa
3d , clear , 1 Inch , B. SB. . . . 845.00
A select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . SJJU.OO
B selec * , llnclis:2H : < . 629.00
No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 Inch . 818.00
No. ' . ' , plain , 8 and 10 Inch . . . . . 810.00
Com. 4 and Gin. Jloorfne. . . . . . . . glftOD
Star ' " " . , . , . . , . 21.00
Ibt and 2d clear , 4 nnd 0 In. Iloorlne. . . . 24.00
XX clear . , . S3.IO
Extra * A . 2.00
AStandard . , . 2.70
Much clear . . . . . 1.70
No. 1 . l.'M
Lath . , . -
, 1.1 UB , .
Qulncy white lime ( best . 80.80
Cement ( Akron ) . . . . . . l.bO
Hair . o.SS
1 aster. . . . . 275
larredfeU. percwt , . . . , .
btraw board .
Rpcctnt Sale.
Four Lots , each 60x187 two blocks
Choice this week at $1,010. The four for
f 1,000 if sold before Ati2 1.
A. 1' , TUKEif , 1801 Farutim Bt.
Bridges Steam hie Driving ,
t'nirlticers And Contrn' tors.
Urges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving
Jron Combination and Howe Truss tlrldjtpf ,
Plllntr nnd O k XItuber. J5th St. , near Farnnm ,
Telephone No 73 .
and Tobacco.
-.x . - . - „
" " " '
"MAX Mr.YKii & co ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nuns nnd Ammunlt'in. 216 to 221 South llth
Street , 1020 to 11K4 I'urnam Street , OmnhH. Noli.
Manufacturers of Pine Cigars ,
Arid Wlii > l < < Mo Ienler In l.enf Tolmeeo * . Nos.
! US nnil 1IU N' . 14th Slri'ot. Oinnhn , jC.ti.
* '
W. U WH10HT ,
Ac nt for the MiiQUfacturcrs nnil Importers ,
Crockeiy. Glassware ,
Ixunpn , Chlmnejs , Etc. ORlee. : 7 South nth
Street. Omaha , Nub.
cTs. ( ioomttrn .t coT
Atfonts lor V. A. Whittle ; Dirriase Co. I
Children's Carriages ,
And Jewell's Cclehratcil lletntfer.'Uors. Sen
or prloo llntv Hl" > Parnim st , Omnlrn.
Ea0ie Cornice Works.
John Tipenotcr , Proprietor. Munufar.turcr of
nnlvnnl.wl Iron und Oornlco. IK ) DodRO niul 1JI
nnil 105 North 13th Street , Omalin , Ncli.
HUKOT1XO Ic. 110I.TK ,
Mnnufaclurersof Omnmcntnl
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Final * , Ktc,3OS. ! 12lh 8t. WorkiJono
In niiy pnit of thocountrj- .
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SI'.ECHT. Proprietor.
Ualranlzcil Iron Cornices. I'.tu. Spcent'slm-
proMil I'ntcntMetnll'.cSkyliKht. fccs and 108.
U'th St. . Onmliu. Neb.
Doors , Sash. Etc ,
The Gate City Picnlng'fiiH.
Doors , Fnth niul Illlnds. Also nil Kinds of
turning. Seioll mid Stair work ot ovcry di > -
Mnnuf Bcturcr und rtenlcr In
Doors Sasii Blinds Etc
, , , Mouldings , :
EUJr llalls n ppocliiltjTelenhono No. C3
ISthnndMiirov htl. . Omuha , Neb.
- Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic niock , Omaha. Ilurtflnr Alarms , Hells ,
ttro Alarms , 'ectrlo ' Mnltlnj. Speaking '
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bnilding Wort
ion Stairs , Itulllmr , llollcd liuains nnd Ulrderj
Steam Knglncs , llro 8 Work , General Koundry
Machine nnd Ulncksmlth Work. OQloe and
Works , U. I1. Hy. nnd 3 17th st.
iron a ; d Nails ,
Cut Kails and Spikes ,
Fire NnllB r Sp' jlnltv. Omnhn , Neb
Omaifa Safe Works ,
Monufncturer ot Flro nnd Durgln : Proof Safoi ,
vault Doors , Jnll Work. Slmttcro und Wlro
Wort. Cor. JUh and Jackson Sts. , Omalui , Neb.
Wjffons and Carriages.
Established 1S53.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HC9und 1&U Dcxlfo Street , Omuhn , Nob.
Commlulon , Etc.
Live Stock Commission
Geo. Ilurko , Mnna cr.
Union Stock Yards , S. Uniiilm. Tolo.ibono 583
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1' . Uovd , t-iipcrlntoiidcnt.
[ SAVAGK < ! c GKKEN" ,
I Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of any and all kinds of Block ( .olioit
i cd. UulonSluek YardsOmalia , Neb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Baah , Deere , Etc. Vnids Cor. 7th nnd DouffU > .s ,
1 Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MoulclliiKC , Stair Work nnJ Interior Hard Wood
Finish. Justopoued. N. 1C. cor. Mu und Leuveu-
worth Streets , Omuha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
EH S. 14th Struct , Oniuha , Nob. F. Colpcuor ,
C. N.
Lumber ,
nth nnd California Struct ? . Omaha. Nnb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth und Douglas Streets , Omuba , Vcb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnpon BtocV , Fancy Woods , llridgo Timber * ,
dc. , H. W , Cor. Uth und Doiifli'.u.Uinulm , Nub.
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , MooMo s ,
BuildUur Paper , Ktc. South 1
Flth. Etc.
BucccfsorB to Ickcn HIemsscn & C *
Wholesale Fist Dealers ,
Importer * of Torelirn Fisb.Nns. U11-'J13 Joaet
F. P. FAY A CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of KrulU.N'iUaul CUar-i. 1211
Farnam St. Omaharfeb.
Lime , Cement , Etc.
J. J. JOHNSON &CO. , '
Manufacturers of llllaU Y/blte / L'.ma ' ,
And Shippers of Coal and Coke. Cement , 1'lug-
ter. I line , Hair , Fire llrlck. Druln , Tlio und
B'jwer ripe. Ullice , 1'uxion liotcl , tulophono bll ,
l-'unmm ttreet.Ornati , Nebrasl.u.
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllftuk llookilnuufau 10C-104 ( tub
Agricultural Implement s ,
' '
1'AltUN , OltKNlKlltlT A MAUTIX ,
\VholcsIo Dealers in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd IlURgU'fOmuhn NeK
Wholesale D.iricr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
9 Hiul llitTple ( . , li nn > St. , bet. l > th mid
Klh , Omaha , Noli. _
Boots and Shoes.
" " " "
" " " "
"V. A * . JlOPSt : A CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots anil Slioes ,
Mil Faninm ; < tn > el.Oiinlm , Neb. Muiiiifactnrr ,
8uuiuiJr Street , llo'tou.
s. A. onciiAim ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curium tiooiU. . Mil rnrniro
Pti-eet , Oiiialiu , Not. _
Coal , Liros , Et . _ _
l' \ \ ' . HEDKOm ,
Coal Coke , Lime aud iitons.
Ofllco , S13S. Kill < 't. , Onmhn , NeK YarJs , ° Uj
nnO IV/ciiportStiects. _
Shippers of Coal and CoSe ,
511 S. 13th St. , Orannn.Neb.
OEM. C.'TdWi.n , Preidr > n .
C3ro. PAnTRSON , Kec , un
J. II. llL'i.nciiT , T. A. ,
I'nuirli'tor. Mnnntrer.
Kcbraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Oince , " \ " S. lllth Street. Telephone 43. _
GEO. 1' . Ian ton , Prcr. C F. ODOIIMIJS.V. Prcs.
J. A. Sl'SDEUUMi See. niut Trens.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of Urd nnd ott i-oiU.iVJS. l.'tb St. .
ilui , NeU _ _ _ _ _
Hard and Soft Coal.
Excl'JStvo dcnlors In Houldcr Colorado Co.i,2lT !
touth HtU street.
Coffee a c S ices. _ " _
(1\TKS. fOl.K & MILKS7
Home Coffe3 and Spies Mills M'f'g ' Co.
C'otree Hoiisroi-R nnd Sik-e | ( Jrlmler * . miinu
fncturersof linking Powder , Flnvorms Kxtruow
Illulng. etc. Tryonocaeoor our 1-B iiackniro
llomclllcnd Uoasted CotTe * . IMS HowiinJ St. ,
" " CI.AUKK nitos. i co.f
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten" . Coffees , Bjiiec * . Hulling iMvder Fliivorins
Kitracts , I.mnidry llluo. luk , * to. 14U-1U Hur-
ncy Street , Omnliii , Neb. _ _
Commission , Etc. _
nilANCH i CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Fnrn.iru St. , Omuha. Apples-Onr own , pnclr-
IIIB I'lnlt i Co. K Ti er Ilranii Oysters , lluttur ,
EURO , Game , Poultry , Potatoes. _ _
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Provisions , Fruits , Flour and Feed , 10T.
6. Htli St. , Oinnhn , Neb. Consignments bollcltcd.
Helurns nii
B15 12tb Street , Oma' < n , Neb. Speelaltlos : Hut-
ter K ? p , nnd C
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Ilutter , Oiimo , Fruit' , Ktc. i 'OS. lllh
St. , , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
liCflDcdpo Street. ( IniuliM. Nohnieku. Conglgn-
incnts solicited.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
SPECIALTIES CliceMi. Ilutter. KICKS , Poultry
nnd Ojiine , 112 3. lltli. , Omaha , Nob. Tele
phone No. ttJJ.
ttJJ.VEKKfT.t \ MiuTAitn ;
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Foru.'gn tmd DomoHloFrulKiihpoelnltr. 151-
CKant storage fiiclllllos Wiircliouso uinl odlcc ,
1U Nortb Uth bt. Telephone 77.'i. _
D. A. : iUULKY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , KBPS and Produce. A full line or Stono-
.vnro. ConelKlimcnts bOlicltitl. HH Dodjio St. ,
& ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
JtofrlRcmtor nnd Pnckini ; House , Utli & I/enrcn-
worth St. , on U. P. It. IS. Track , Omaha , Neb.
Estnbllshed 1870.
General Commission ,
ZM B. Hth St. , Omuhn , Neb. SpcciultieB Butter
KUBB , Poultry nnd Gnmo.
I > EVCKE nnos. , '
Commission Merchants ,
FnilLi , Pi-cdnco nnd Provisions , Oinnhn , Neb
Puccecgors to Isino Grlllith.
Commission Merchants
And wboirsiilu deiilora In conn try produce.
fruitbutti'r. . O'lBB.otc. Boo Ison consignment
a tpcciiilty. XX ) N. iiilth St. , Oiniilm.
Successors to A. P. Schnak. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 3 Bouth 15th Strcot. Omnha , Nob.
Dry Goods , _
I. . ClINSIlF.nO * CO ,
Wholesale Denleralu
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , taces. F.mbroMcry nnd Wlilto Goods ,
ICCQDouclas fctreet , Omulw , Neb.
While Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead.
0tk St. , nnd U. 1' . Hy. Omaha ,
Harness , Etc.
Manufartiircrs nnd Juhburnof
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods , Itjiiiiketu nnd Ho bos. 1121 Furuttto
K. M. HUI K ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mnttrusacs , liciiulnp , Kenthor
lJHii ; tf , [ Ms , Klv , KM and l&U Ilouirlus fetret-t ,
[ CTT'i'AC'riDii'So co. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
JMW8 Puntsbhlrts , Rlc , , IK'nndl'V4
Street , Oinuw ! , Kelt.
Beer ,
Agent for Auheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n
Special brunds ; Fuiiit liud-.vvlsur nivl Erlnu tr.
L ,
OMAHA I , Mltl-n ; CXI ,
Dealers In All Kln < l < of
Building Material at Wholesale.
Jfth Stt Tt nnil i on I'no (1 ( Tinck.
nriiMAx n WVATT.
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
01 h nnd l/ntxl Strix-to. ( Itnahn. Xelirn ka.
J. A. WAKV.riKl.l ) .
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
' ' - - l'npor , S.uh. DOOM , Illlnds Moull
kets , rn t , l.line , l' ! tpr , H < ,
I'ement. Nlntn nun Jones ( Utmh.i Neb.
Millinery ,
" "
i. oiir.itnt.mi : ; ! .
Jmporleis mid Jobberso (
Millinery and Notions ,
_ Kinnul Ivll llnrncy Street , Oinnhn , NVK
Musitil Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Ptcliiwiiy 1'limo * . Welter , Decker , llalne nnl
iunov. ViU'iiniil , Chnso
101 nnd lt loth ftn-ot.
_ Furniture , Etc.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors. > 1 , law nnd 12IJ rnininn i tteiii Oinnhn
" " " "
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitara ,
_ Fniiinm Street , Oinnhn , Neb. _ _
Groceries. _ _
K. 11. CHAPMAN V CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tolmcvo nnd Smokers' Alt loirs , 1217 lluwnnl St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , Cl unt nnd Tolmcco * . 1317 nnd 131'J ' DOUR *
InsSliect.Oninhu.Neb. _
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd Vnrnnm Btieei ! , Oinnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707 , 71W mid 711 S. 10th St. ,
_ ' _
W. J. IlltOATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Bprlnini , tViurim Stock , llardnood I\imher , ota
I'Jt'Jimd 111 ! ! Hnrncjstreev. . Uinahn , Noli
Wholesale.lron , Steel , Wagon
And Carrlniro W ' \ tock. llcnvy lliinlware.
lite , lil'und 121 euvcn > oith Street , Omaliii ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
klcclmnlcs'TooNnnd [ lulTiiUiScale < < . 1105 Don < r
t. Omiilin , Nub.
IKn , FIUED * CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Shtet Iron , Ktc. Airents for Howe Penles nna
Mtuiui Powder Co. . Onmliu Neb. _
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces ! Tiles ,
Mamlcb , Guiles , Itruss poods , l'l nnd l.Kd Far-
limn btieet.
UKCrOU k WllllfiI.MY CO.7 '
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel NnIK Cor. 10th nnd llmncy
Streets , On" hn. Nub. _ _ _
Harvesters. _ _
" "ww.'nnimiNa & ax , CHICAGO !
Manufr.cturer of tbo
Deering Harvester Goods ,
( Trite to Win. M. ] x > rhiior. Gjnernl Agent ,
_ Onmhn , Tc'cplionufilO. _
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Srjnm. Water , Itnihrny nnd Mllllntr Siippllo * , Kt'l1
_ 7M , ! i ± ; und tf.4 Furnaiu St. Oiiiiiliu , Nob.
' "
' ax ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam nnd Water Supplfe. " . llciulquurter * fff
Must Foi8t Co.'s Uuudb. 1111 rurimin Street ,
Omuhu , Neb. ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dcnlcro In Silverware , Dlniuonds , Wntchau
Clocks , Jewelers * Tools nnil Miilerlni * , Klc. , 101
nnd 1UJ , 1Mb Street , Cor. Dcdjfo , Omuhu , Nob. _
" " " " " < '
Notions. ; ! - = ir
VINYAliU & S011XJii : > KU.
. 'iibnora in
Sotlons.Hoslar&G3it3'Faral5ilaj . / GDO !
100 } nnd 1003 Fnruuiu St. , ( jmnhii , Neb. _ _
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4i ( ) : nnd 4M S. IQIb St. , Omaha , Nub.
cbiilo Dealeid In Notions nnd Gouts'Fur
nishing Goods.
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Qneollno , Mien Axle Gicu'o , Etc. A.JI. Illsaop ,
Mimiiffcr , Omaha , iTo'.i.
Pork Packing.
_ _
JAMES U. 11OY1) ,
PorR Packer and Shipper ,
Oinnhn , Nebraska ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
nfllce , Union Mnrkct.1517 DoilKC Ptrcnt. I'uuUin *
houie , U , 1' . 1C It. ' 1'riiclc , Oinnhu , Nob. Toe- !
phone No. 157.
_ Safe and Locks ,
I' . 110YKU & CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
Fire nnd lUirnlar I'mof Eiiri-s/riiiui rxieliR.Ynultl
md Jnll woik. ItWJ rnrnam Htioet , Oiniihii , Neb
Seeds ,
" "
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seads.
Acrli'iiltuiiil.Ye ntnlilo. KU > . Odd Fellow * ' JInll ,
N _ W. Cor. lllti und Duilfo Kt . , Pmubii , Neb.
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And DetJer in I'aiutc , Ollf nndVIndor fl'ns *
Omal'.a , noli. ,
_ _ Wines , Li or ? , Etc _ '
u.r.u k co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And IijuuiB. Solo iMUMiifiicttirm-j of Ki'imixlr'l
KaM imlln Hitter * . 11U lliirney Blrcet.Omalia ,
Euccceeor to MeN/.siuiA fc DUNUAN , Importer *
nnd Wl > c > li > eao ! Deule in
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
_ 211 r.nd UJC S. Hth St. , Omaha. Nob. _
" ' "
" '
_ Motions , ttT. "
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Drr Goods Notions , Gcnib' FurnUhtn ? Oco.l , >
Goods finiii Now York. Truilu cnlui diulW ]
am' ' ' < & South l.HJi St. , Oinnlni. _ _ J
Flour and feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Hanufacturrriiof W. J. Wuithnnt & Co-'i Quwfc
Kaltine UucKwhent Hour und poii ruuorsOmnua
Utjr Mills , cor. btU unj I'uruiui Mrocli , Oiuabiy