Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1886, Image 1
DAILY BEE SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MOENING , JULY 28 , ISSG.iJ NUMBER 34. EUROPEAN BROILS IMMINENT , Bonlanger'a ' Schemes Attracting Universal Attention Throughout the Old World. AN ENGLISH STATESMAN TALKS. Germany Toneli3' and Apt to I'rccljtl- tnte a Strnjfs'o. ' LnlKMichero Tor Wnr on tlio Tories An Armed Strngnio In July 27. [ New York Herald Cahlf-Spivlalto tlio Hinul This aflcinoon I was fa\ORil by a comersalion in PnrlIa- > ment street with an crlenccd | public man , whose hand is constantlv on the lever of Knropean politics , but whose name 1 am pro hibited fiom giving. Ho .said : "Home rule nnd parliament will not give the jonrnalitos much for discussion and treatment until next winter , but I look to gieat events In Htirupu hhortly. Fiance and ( iermany uro beginning to make faces at one another , and 1 should not besurinlscd that when the crops iiro gathered , at least , Germany will move unless tieneral ! ( Is obliged by Ills govern ment to take a back seat , for nt ptesent he Is nagging Germany. Iteail the article in last Sunday Figaio. bended , 'Honlanger Is for War , ' nnd especially the references In It lo French patiiotism and redec'iilng the return from Metz and Sedan. Although the wiiterslans his name , can ono doubt thai the Inspliatlon comes from the general whose name Is ui the headline. The aitlele will Inltalu 1'riissla picss very much , and then Mime counter attack from the Prussians will put the French 'on their oats' end. ' 15ou- langcr Is A nnur GAME. lie knows ho can't last long in power with out war. In fact , ho is a sort of French Sko belolT. rei ly for anything. History often re peats itself. If war should break out there will be AXOTIIKU HOI.Y AI.MAXCi : . U will bo like when Louis XVI II. was put on the throne of France. This tlmo I don't doubt tiiat the Coiupto do Paris will ba the new Louis XVI II. to govern dismembered France for the alllanc ? . Xo doubt tliev would cut her up In pieces to satisfy Italy's vanity nnd keep her quiet. They would give her back Xico and Savoy. In fact it would be a partition of Poland over again. The talk of an alliance of liussia and France is all moonshine. Thuie can bo no real alliance between monarchical and re publican tot ms ol government no more than between a cat and a dog. Tin : MoxAitniirAi , r Aim- Is bound to suffer from such an alliance. Re member Franco and your United States when Louis XVI joined them. Jlo thereby signed his deatli warrant nml prepared the way for the French involution , llussian statesmen aio too far sighted not to see this. What Ittissla wants is the Ulack tea for her fleets and Con- sliintlnople lor her winter capital. Kussia can do this by holding Austiia in check witli promises of a larger southern boundary , even to the sea. As Mr France 1 think she will. riOHT MICE A TIOKIJ AT HAY to regain her lost possessions and to carry Ihc banner of democracy through the , contin ent of Europe. The lirst Xapoleon could have done this , but unfortunately for Eu rope ho was far from being a Washington , although lie had Washington's good example before him. He cared only for himself and his glory , and not for the people who placed him where he was. It is Lord Salisbury's foreign secretary and not his Irish secretary , In the cabinet now forming , who may have most to do in the next six months. " .WAII ox TIII : TOKIKS. Mr. Labonchcre.liko most radicals.howover , cares nothing for foreign affairs. He , too , Is for war , but it Is against the lories. He says to-day : "If the radicals and the Irish hold together they must bsforo very long force the position of the enemy. 1 hold It our duty to exhaust every means to make an anti- Wf homo rule government impoHole. Wo have solemnly declined , that Ireland has a right to a domestic juiliament. The toiiesicfiise to do this justice to Ireland. When Pharaoh declined to let the Israelites BO , Moses did riot stick at trifles but HAIMI : ) now.v I > LAOUIS : upon the Kgyptlans. Wo must follow his ex ample. Lord Sillsbury must not sleep on a bed of roses. We must bo a militant party by resolutions , bills and amendments. AVe must bicak up an unholy alliance , whose bond of union Is the coercion of our fellow - countrymen , and gnt back to constitutional jimctiee. Tliat party In ofllw Is the party which lias a majority in the commons. THK HUSH Mt'nT STAND BV L'S If they hope that we shall pannaneatly stand by them. Fiom the conservatives they will never get homo rule and they will bo foolish , Indeed , if they sell their Inheritance for a mess or two of pottage. Gladstone has created the homo rule party in England , and he lias accepted defeat for himself and his jurty on this Issue. For the Irish to desert him now would be crime " i ; AIIT SAM { . Famous I'nintinuH Under tlio Ham mer In I'Oiiiloii , LONDON-Jnlj 27.--Xow | York Herald Cable Special Telegram to the Iliu. ] The second day's sale of the Ulenliolm collection brought together yesterday afternoon n smaller num ber of persons than witnessed Saturday's sale Thu pictures sold were 120 small paint- Ingsjorming tlio wellknown Tenieijs pallory. Tlio bidding was less spirited than on the pre vious day , but the pictures were moro -widely distributed. The prices were small for separ- oto plcluies but collectively tlio icsult was moro satisfactory than on Saturday , nllhonzli to-Uaj'sbalo biought the Mniluorougu estate only 510,000 , as ojiposcd to 5170,000 on Satur day. TIIH FIKST PAINTING SOLD , a frontispiece design for the ' Theatrinn Pc- ! torium , " brought the highest piico of the Uay , coins to Davis , a dealer , for 5V ) . Tlio ne.Nttifty or sixty canvasses wore compara tively nnlmpoitiint portraits of half length tingle llgures. The prices ranged at from 520 loSlOJeaeh. "Buiopa , " copied from Glor- Clone , sold to Agnew , the dealer , , for 270. A "Jloly Family , " with distant laudscape and sea beyond , went to tlio same dealer for S-'W. An exception , both In price and Inteiest , was "Adam and Kvo After tuu Execution , " A copy of Paul Yeronez ran up to S149 , at which jirlpo U fell to Talbot. The remainder of the picinres sold at small prices , several ns low us 813. with , however , the "Adoration of tlio Shephtrd , " a copy of Scheavone , nt 5--50 to FiilM , and a "I jin-t- ecape , " copy from llossano. S205 to Williams. THK LAST I'JUNTIMJ SOI D marked the lowest price of the day , namely , the "Poilralt of a Venetian Senalor'fcr 510. I noticed no dUllnKUislicil persons acaoug tjliobujen ; orbiHsr.tatorsat tin : sale but found the general opinion of the exports was that the day's t-ales had boon verj. tatUfadury prices. Although largely to dealers fur sjwu- latlou cnteful luqulry showed tliat thi' Uenlers \ad uo American comuiUsloiis for to dnj' ; sale. The pictures sold to-day used to hang In Tiir. nn.T..vnn nee > t AT III.KNIIKIM , and wlilch the duke was anxious to sell in one lot for two-thousand guineas. The Archduke Leopold William , son of Ferdi nand ll.cmpeior of ( iermany , when gov ernor of the low count ties appointed this piln- elpal painter , and cave him the superliilen- dency of his gallery , whicli contained woiks of the most dMlnctilshcd mastcis of llio well as Flemish school. Many of those picinres had been puichased from the collection ot King Charles 1 on their disper sion by parliament. Tenlcrs painted small copies of the principal pictures In the nieli- dike's collection , in which he imitated tlie jmillcular style of each master so success fully that lie was called the "Pioteus" of painting. Those Imitations , 117 of which were to-day soldmade the "Tenters' ualleiy" book. Most of the originals from which Tenlcrs made copies were removed fiom ! Vienna on the retirement of the archduke from ( lie government of the Neth erlands nnd are now In the Belvldero gal lery in the Austrian capital. Saturday next will 1m the third day ol the sale , when the mole Impoitant pictures will come to the hammer. IJUATIt IX TUB ALPS. A Lady Tom-lsl Dashed to Death on the Hooks. LONDON. July 23 4 n. m. [ New York It-raid Cable Special to the linn. ] The \lniije club to-day received the news of an ther fatal Alpine accident in tlie same iclghhorliood where , baiely a month ao , he Maniuis do Pallaviclni and M. Cioin- neln , of the Dutch legation , met with a lagic end. This tlmo the victim was a lady , ? raulcln Pauline von Sonklor , of Inns bruck , who , In tlio company of four ccntle- ncii and another lady , hod set out from leldgenblut , In the Cross-C5lockler ! district , in the mountain ascent , ns if intending to lew from n distance the scene of the piesent catastrophe and to icaeli thu point at which he Gross-(5lockler ( might be si-en. It would > e necessary for the excursionists to climb a rugged mountain path for about two hours , ind they \\oulil then descend into a wild ravine through which Hews a torrent. Emerg- ng from this part of tlio road they would 'ollow a nanow , dangerous mountain track , watered upon ono sldot > y a steep precipice and upon which cxpeiienccd mountaineers iloncshould venture. It was at the most letilous part of this track that the franlein infortunately stumbled over a stone and los- ng her looting was , before assistance could ) C alforded , precipitated fiom the di/.zy iciglit nnd ( lashed on the rocks below. Dcatli was instantaneous. THIS roUKXAMEXT ENDS. The Great Chess Contest Over The lies tilt. LONDON , July 27. [ New York Herald , ible Special to the Bnn.J In to-day's [ ilay in the tinal bout In the British associa tion tournament Burn won an lireeularde jut with llnnliain , and thciotoie ties for lir t pri/e with Blackbuineliosuccecded in securing a draw against Lipschutz. As was piedicted by thn knowing ones , Gtiusberg defeated Xurkertort and Taiibenlmns won igainst bchallop. This produced a tie be twecn ( iiinsberij aim Taubenhaus for third and fourth prizes. To the surprise of every body Mason lost to Moitlmer and thereby drops to fifth position. Pollock won a ruy lopcz against Mackenzie , Ilaiihaui and Bird had a desper ate battle to determine who should iccelva thopgstof honor on Iho rear of the line. The game , which lasted two days , was finally won by Major ilanham. As the piozramnid makes no provision for plavlng off tlio tie scores , the honors will be equally divided among those who won the same number of games. The contest for the amateur cham pionship is progressing with nineteen par ticipant , " , but does not attract the attention that is accoidcd to tlio masters' tournament. The short competition for the Tennyson and RusUin trophies is now preparing to com mence. Tlio following is the iinai result of tlio international tourney : 1'i.Avnns. WON. LOST. Blackburn S 3 > Burn SV $ 8 > 3 ( iunsberg 8 4 Taubenhaus 8 4 Mason 7 .1 Lipschutz OJ r > % Mackenzie 0 ( i Xukertort (5 ( C Schalloi ) 5 7 Pollock ) J 7' Mortimer. 4 b Ilanham 3 ! S1 Uiid 2 > < f 0 > ; The last eight players received SS'ti for each of their won games , TUB DICKY JJIKD SOCI12TV. A Most Unique Celebration at Now- Niwr.iSTi.i-oN-Ti NI : . July 07. [ Now Vork Herald Cable Special to'tho TJic.J : A demonstiatlon , most unique In cliaracter. took place hero yesterday , at the Tynotheatro It was intended to commemorate the enroll ment of ouo hnndied thousand members of "Uncle Toby's dicky bird society. " Several thousand of these assembled there , for tlio hearing of addresses on tlio purpose contem plated by that organization. It is scarcely ten yeiirs vet since the society was organized. Its mission Is to kindle within tuo hearts o the young a feeling for tlie lower creation which exhibits Itself In good works. "Undo Toby" was the iinmo of Ihc founder. This organization Is llio synonym for benevo lence. Kach ono of the hundred thousand members Mgned this pledge : " 1 hereby promise to be kind to all living things , to protect them to the utmost of my power ; to feed birds In tlio winter time nnd never take or destroy their nests. " The mayor of New Castle took the chair and Canons Lloyd and FranUIn , with sev eral social celebrities made addressas. In tlie course of ono It was said : "Tho first branch of this society established outside the British Isles , was in Norway , February 3 , lk > 77. A few weeks at terward a branch was established in \ Icloiia , Australia : then the. cause was taken up In Nova Scotia , Now Zea land , Tasmania , South Africa , and other dis tant colonies. " Tim Dicky Bird society can boast of nienihcis In France , Germany , Italy , tiwtden , Gibraltar , at ConsluutinoiUe , Hong- Kong , South America , and many parts of Canada and the United States. Within less titan a decade cince Its initiation the organiza tion has just leached In Its ranks the crand total of 100,000 members. One speaker re ferred with pride to the tact that the legisla- tuio of Xew York recently passed stiong statutes protecting all the smnll birds. Many songs and excellent music \\oro given. Tlio largest number of those scaled were of the i members. The Nv Trenilor Groetotl Heartily Stultli For Irish Scot clary. LONDON , July 27. The Marquis of Salis bury , Lord Itandolph Churchill and Sir Michael llle'-s-Beach had a lone conference thU afici noon. It Is reuortcd tliat Lord Salisbury Is Imvipg urcat dlfllciiity In the work of lilllnR the post of chief secretary for Irciuud , no suitable mau desiring to take the oil ) co under thu new government Lunc before tliq tlmo appointed for the .meeting of luc conservatives , called b > Salis bury , the Catlton club building was sur rounded by a large crowd. The people were evidently strong svmpathlzers with the doniinent party , and cheered each leader as he appeared. The applause which greeted the Marquis of Salisbury amounted to an ovation. The ntw premier was even more heartily received by the meeting Inside. He made an address on the political situation. lie congratulated tils hearers on the success of the eonservatlve partv in tlie recent elec tions and dwelt on the wisdom and necessity of actlne In accord with ihe liberal-unionists In the Irish policy. The n.aniuls poke for twenty minutes. Among tfio announce ments he made was that the lit. lion. W. H. Smith had be/en agreed upon as chief secre tary for Irclaud. THE IJASI3 HALL IIKCOKD. Dentcr Knocked Out ly tin * HAH * tin ; ; ' ) Itcil Other < : nine " . JlAsiixno. Neb. , July'7. i-Spicial Tele gram to the BIE. : ] Denver lenaiie team and the Hastings Iteds pln\od a game of baseball hero to-day. Our boys wiped the ground with tlio visitors to the tune of 19 to ! > . There were fully 1,000 people In attendance. MI.Kin : iiKi..vr : o'.vr.n.i , . Nr.l.u.ii , Neb..June 'J7. [ bpeclal Telegram lo the Bi.K.1 The NolUh nine defeated the O'Ni-ill ball club to-day by n score of 10 to 12. ATI New Yoik 0 80010040-8 Wa = hingtons..O 00001000-1 Ba-e lilts New Yoik 1C. , Washington 4. Errors New Yoik o , Washington 0. Umpiie Fulmer. AT Niw : YOIIK Mettoiolltans..O irt020200-8 Pittsbmx' o l First base hits Meliopolitans 15 , Pitlsburg 1. Errors Metropolitans 1 , Plttsburg 7. U m- plin Valentine. AT BAI.TIMOHI : St. Louis 0 00100001 2 Daltltnore 1 0020100 * 4 Pitchers Cstmtthcrs and McUlnnls. First base lilts St. Louisa , Ualtimoie 5. Errors St. Louis 4 , Baltimuru U. Umpiie Biadley AT I'nii.ADni.piiiA Athletics 0 0 n 0 3 0 0 0 Louisville i o o o o o 2a Piteneis Hart and Ramsey. Fir < t base ills Athletics 9 , Louisville 5. Errors- Athletics G , Louisville 0. Umpire Walsh. AT BROOKLYN Biooklyn 1 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 10 Cincinnati 1 00000100-2 Fiist base hits Brooklyn 10. Cincinnati , 0. h.rrors Biooklyu S , Cincinnati 0. Umpire- Kelly. AT BOSTON The Boston-Chicago game was postponed on account of lain. Itacliifr at Washington Park. CUICAOO , July 29. At Washington park tlie weather was waim , the track \erylast and attendance large. 'Ihrce-foitith mile : Billy Gilmore won , Wycklow second , Fied Wooley tliird. Time lK : > V. Mutuals paid SU.OO. One and one-eighth miles : Bob Fisher won , Jem Gray second , Idle Pat thltil. Time 1:5) : } ; . Mutuals paid 811.20. One and three-eighth miles : Montana Re gent won. Ed. forrigan second , Mamie Hunt third. Time 2:2:5' : $ . Mntinls nald SiB.10. One and one-eighth miles : Leiiian won , Hattiu Carlisle second , Buchanan third. Time l.Vi. : Mutuals paid 527.10. One and one-sixth miles , heats : Uonedalc won. A lleespcond , Kansas distanced. Time IMS. Mutuals paid held Sll.Os. Secom : heat Hopetlale burst a blood vessel am : stopped. Ailee won Ihe heat and race. Time- i Kaces. SARATOGA ? N. Y. , July 27. The weattier to-day was clear and cool , tue tiack good aud the attendance fair. Flash staKe.s , for two year olds , one-hall mile : Amies won , Kiepps second , Prodigal third. Time-5'J'f. Purse , all ages , three-fourth mile : Jim Douglass-won , llarefoat second , Fletch Tay lor third : Time 1:10. : Excelsior sweepstake' , all ages , one and one-fourth miles : Volante won , Ofallon second. Silver Cloud thlid. Time 2:13 : . Piir-e , all ages , mile and r > 00 yards : llich- mend won , Elkwood second , Hidalgo third. SelMntj purse , mile : Xamara won , Horea : second , isletto tliird. Time l:4j. : } . At Mniiiiiouth Paik. MONMOUTH PAIIK. N. J. , July 27. Handi cap for all ages , ono and one-fourth miles : Tolu won , Elgin second , Murkland third Time 2:00 : . Purse , for two year olds , three-fouith mile : Nat Goodwin won , Irlll second , Fieedom third. Time l:20r. : Three year old times , ono and one-eiahth miles : Feiona won , Calera second , Saluda tiiiid. Time 2:05. : Tlirce vear olds and upwards , ono and onc- Inlf miles : The Baid won , Bonanza second , Ti'iie ' 2:45W , Purse , sclllnc race , for three year olds , seven-eignth mile : Witch won , Whizgig second end , Windsaii thlid. Time lB' : ' < f. For all anes , one and one-half miles , over six hurdles : Referee won. Bally second April Fool third. Tlme-30 ; > ; Colonel Iloltoii's Crime , CnicAOO , July 20. Colonel W. 11. Bolton charged with embezzlement while In charge of the second-class mall department of tlio Chicago postoflice , and w'o ' : was re.ieasei ! on ball last night , did not appear at the gov crnnicnt building this morning. Theollicc was placed in temporary chprgo of A. S Reynolds , tlio second weigher. Assistant Postmaster Squire said tlmt Bolton's place was vacated by the arrest , and ho would not bo allowed to como back to thu ofllce until the charges against film were dlsproven , when It will lust with Mr. Judd whether he be allowed to lesumo his old dtitlc.s. Xo olll- clal notice of the dismissal was served on him this morning , but one will piobably bo before long. Inspectors Lalid and Barrett were woikine on the ca o this morning looking up newspaper receipts and procuring fresh evidence of defalcation. They will move for an In- ciease in tlie amount of bonds and probably for new sureties , to-day or to-morrow. Robert J. Lincoln appeared before Commis sioner Hoycs and signed the bond of Weigher Staurt In the sum of $5OX,000. ) A deputy marshal ! was Immediately dlsuatclied co the jail to bring tlie prisoner to the federal building. Mr. Lincoln said lie was very much surprised that Staurt hail'not bent for him yesterday. An Important Suit. SvnACtT i5 , X. Y. , July27. Argument was heard here to-day by Judge Wallace , of the United States clicult court , on a motion fora preliminary Injunction made by thlrly-llvo national banks of the city of New York to restrain the collection of the tax Imposed on bank shares for the year 1SS5 , pending the Issue of suits for a permanent injunction. The suits Invo'to ' Iho constitutionality of the entlro system of fctato taxation of shaies of national banks , and are considered the most important e\er presented to the court upon the subject. Tlio main point urged by the banks Is that the state law violates tint pro visions of section .Will , levised statutes of tlio United States , whicli forbids the taxation of shares of national banks by the seveinl states at a greater rate than other f jrmsof moneyed capital in the hands of individual citizens thereof. If the point is sustained it will af fect the taxation of shares of national banks in nearly e\cry state in the union and in many states Hie. taxation of state bank shares as well. The tax upon bank bluiesln New York city Is moru than a million of Uollais a j ear , Another C'aiiudinn Colonist. Ciuoioo , July 27. A Peorta telegram states J , W. Harrington , recently a gro cer In business at thai place , lias disappeared atfer borrowing fully 5,000. lie is supposed to be In Canada. Nelira.ka anil Iowa Weather. For Nebraslaaml Iowa : Local rains , fol lowed by fair we ihcc ; stationary tuav A SOCIALIST An Attempt to Blow Up a Princely Ex cursion Signally Pails. DYNAMITE ON A STEA MBOAT Luminous Testimony Given by Kc- portcrs In the Annrchlstn' Trlnl in Chicago Criminal News of n Dixy. A Ilonit ) on Hoard. NcwYoitK , Julv 27. ( Special Telegram to the Uii.J : : An almost successful attempt was made lait night to blow up tlio steamer Sylvan Stream , which had on board Don An.gusto LeoDoldo , prince of Ur.izll , the com- mnhdant and otllcer of the Hruzllian Avirc ship Harrosa , Cousiil-jcneral Mendonln nnd other attaches of His Hruzllian location. The patty together with other guests had been In vited by the ofllcers of the Sea Heach company to take a trip to Coney island and see the sights at West 13ml. Amonc the prominent citizens \vlio were asked to accompany the priti'-e. wcie District Attorney Marline nnd his assistants , Messrs. Fellows and Nichols. They \ \ ere out ot town and therefore could nut accept. Yesteulay morning Manager Mann of the Sea Beach company iceelved the following letter : "To the President of the SeaUeichCo..and Dlicctors of said company : lloyat lick spittles : It is publicly announced that yon in tend teting the IJrazilian prlnct'let who is now here , and that in conjunction with that fete \ouwlll enteitain nnd banquet opmcs- ser Martlne and hlood-honnd Fellows. This atl'alr has been duly discussed in committee. and It being resolved that this entertainment Is a revolting and disgusting spectacle ot homage to king-craft ami representative * of tyranny , it is now time thnttsuch slghtt-Jshall b'e put down , and that an example be made. This entertaiuiuiMit to AngUsto Leopoldo , princeling Marline , the oppressor , and Fel low s , the blood-hound , must not take place , If you persist to entertain those reiiersenta- lives of tyranny , then revenge shall be upon vou. \ our life , and that of other principals In this fete , shall be forfeited nnd taken at the earliest opportunity. This opportunity will not be long bfoio reached. Hy orderof the social rexolutionary committee.1' The comunieation was read to the directors , nnd little consequence was attached to it. A.fter spending the evening at Coney Island the party started for home on the boat at 9 o'clock. Most of the guests weie on the upper deck about tlie cabin. Coiouor Mes mer occupied a seat within the eaoln , and George Urown an employe of the cquvpany. 'was patrolling the cabin deck. There had been a faint odor of sulphur in the air lor several minutes and suddenly there was licaid a fizzing sound from beneath a bench OI1 the starboard side of the cabin , directly over the engino. At the same time a little fountain of sparks was thrown up a distance ot two or tlnee feet , Coionor > rt > ssmer jumped to his feet and rushed to the cabin exclaiming , "Theieisa bomb In hero. " At the same instant Urown rublicd fiom the cabin , carrying a daik ob ject which still emitted sparks. As he reached the railing of the steamer ho tiling the object oxerboi\rd. \ Jp an instant every body forward - was in a panic. A gentleman hastened to the stern where the consul had loeaftd Himself and requested him to come" , forward as there was some trouble Brow'u was then closely questioned and haiU ho had picked up a bottle about six inches long , filled with he did not know what , except that there was a fuse attached. " "Why didn't you keep the bottle , ' ' he was asked. "Another minute , " he responded , and it would have exploded. It is not the custom to keep such things on boaid when you can help it" Prince Leopoldo was not Informed of the peril in which his Hie had been placed until he was safe ashore. He was evidently startled but the only remark ho made was : The devil. " THE AXAItCHISTS' TRIAL. Continuation of the Damning Testi mony Against the Conspirators. CHICAGO , July ST. At the anarchist tilal this morning Whiting Allen , a newspaper reporter testlllcd he was at Haj maiket meet- Ing. Parsons in Ins speech said : "what good are strikes going to bo ? What are you going to gain by them ? Do you think you arc goinir to gain your point1 Xo , yon will have to go to work lor less than yon formerly received. " When ho mentioned the name of Jay Gould , some ono cried : "hang him ! throw him In the lake I" Parsons said "Xo , tliat won't do. If Jay Gould was put out of the way to-davanother Jay ( jould , or one-hundred Jay Goulds would lisc up. It isn't the man but It Is the system whlcn ought to be destroyed. " Witness said the crowd seemed entirely in sympathy with 1'aihons and applauded him fiequentiy. Mr. Allen was at Xcpf's hall when the ex plosion occurred. At the meeting at the Hay- market ho saw Spies Parsons. Flelden , and he thinks Schwab , but was not certain of tlie latter. On cross-examination witncsssald he did not see Parsons at Zepf s hall tliat eve ning. Ho was not at Haymarket in the ca pacity of icporter , but Iiaviiic another assign ment in tlie neighborhood he went down to the Uti > market in an abstracted mood. Ho had Instructions from his paper to reoort far- sons. Witness saw Matkon" at Xeiif 'b hall , but is positive that this man was not in the com pany of defendant ( Fl cheiJ at that place. Allen was asked if ho taw Fitchcr and he said lie did not C. J { . Tuthlll , another reporter was al Haymarket , but not on assignment , ami while Parsons was speaking witness though ! thu crowd was made up of two classes , tnoso opposed to the speaker , and they were In the majority , and those in sympathy with the bppaker , and tlioy appeared to bo inoio. en thusiastic than the leadeis of the meeting. A stout matronly woman \vlioso ample lliuio was enfolded | u a diess of while lawn , was In Judge Gary's court early this mornIng - Ingitha ninuber of boqucts. When the anarchists were hrouwit Into court from the jail , the wqnian in ujiite rose In a huiry anil quickly limning over to tlio prisoners , ten dered each one alx ) < | uetof lloweis , Owens , a reporter , aw Parsons at the cor ner ot lEandolpti ami Halstead streets shortly before the Haymarkd meeting began. Ho asked Parsons n hero the meeting was to bo held. Parsons renliiia that ho did not know. "Why , " remarked w lLness , "yon are going to speak , ain't ycm'rNo , " replied Parsons , "I am going to the Sijuth Side. " Saying this Parsons Marled for ft street car. but drew back , ami , slapping witness familiarly on the back , remarked : "A'fl ' J'ou armed ? " Have yon any dynamite ab-mt yon ? " Parsons then away. J1U wife accompanied him Almost at the eaiuu , time ho saw Major Harrison , and Schwal ) , who was i mi ning across thu trucl , and almos ran Into Harrison. Ho did no see Schwab again that night. He hean Spies , Parson * and Flelden , anil his reclla ot the utterances varied very Mlghtly from former accounts. Witness saw the anproacl of ttio police , and , running ahead ot them mounted an hon stairway at the comer o Randolph and Dosplaines streets. He lieau the warning of thei > olico to disperse verj distinctly , and immediately afterwards a licudK-h cry came fiom the n aeon , followed by tlie explosion of the" bomb. Witness was woundea in the lesat almost tlie lirst lire Witness testiucd he saw shots tiied from the cast side of the street , and up to that time the police had not tired. Mil. E. Hehiefnan. ( icrman newspaper re- iwrter , was present at Haymarket ut 7:30 p. ui. HCEUW Pardons nnd Schwab in the vicinity , Hie former at the corner of Kan dolph and Ilslsteul olivets. He also saw Ualthazer Kan from the alley. andjxUo saw shots tired at the police from t lie north. Spies in his speech , began oy dwlanngtlu1 meetlnj , was to be a peacuablo oue , but iu las spcccu : a\c a version of the McConitlck riot , nhlcli ended to Inflame Ihc crowd. "Wero you formerly a meml > er In the In- crnatioiial'i1" tlin sta'o's attorney a krd. "Yes , sir , " replied Hie witness , "When did you cease to be a member ? ' ' "Two years aso. " "Which of the defendants beloneed to the ociety vOillooii wetc a member1' "Tlie only ono t know personally was Veebc. He belonged to the same group as nyself. " ' 'Did yon meet others of the defendants at nv time ? " 'Yo * , Spies and Schwab , and. 1 think , arsons , 'lhat wiw when HerrMost was hero nnd made some speeches. " "And II was on account of those speeches hat you seveied your connection with the nteniatlonal ? " "Yes , sir. " "Who did jou see on the wagon the night of the Haymarket nicotine ? ' ' " 1 saw Sple . Schwab , i-'ieldcn and Uudolph Sclinaubert. Tlie latter 1 know as a member if thu Internationalists" The court then adjourned at 1 o'clock until 2 11. in. Up to 3 p. in nothing new was elicited In lie testimony of the repotters , Hcinciminn nul Percy Knglish and Detective Haas , of he city detail. Then tlio session began to lovelop evidence ol Importance. The most nteicsllngnnd probably the most valuable estimony of tlie afternoon was that of M. M. Thompson , an emplojo In the wholesale store of Maishall Field. Tlio witness , who hail ) con on business on the west side , was re- urning toward tlie liver on Randolph stieet when tlie Haymarket meeting was aisem- jiing. Stopping near an entrance to an alley a short dUtanco frjm the speakers' wagon , he saw Spies mount the vehicle , In- mire for Parsons and descend to the pound. shortly Spies , accompanied by a man who 'uid been pointed out to him as Schwab , KISM.M ! by into the alley. "Did you hear any words spoken jy eilhiU1 of the men ? ' ' Witness " ! lieaul the words 'pistols' and 'police. ' ' ' 1 hen one asked the oilier would 'one ' be enough. ' " Ciiinnell "What happened then ? " Witness "The men came out of the alley ild went west on liandoltih-stiei't. 1 know Jiermva.s to be speaking ami followed theme ; o learn when the Micaking was totake place. They went west to llalsted street and I fol lowed. Near HuNtcd street they were joined liy n third man whom 1 iiad not seen be fore. " ( irlnnell. handing witness a photograph of Schnaubell "Does this resemble the man whom you saw join Spies and Schwab ? " Wit ness- " Yes , sir/ ' "What happened then1' "The three men then started toward the Haymarket , 1 went , along , and when once quite close to them 1 saw Spies hand tlie stiango man something which he put In his pocket. A moment later I pased by them and heard S"hwab say , 'N'ow , If they come , give It to them. ' Before I was out of hearing dis tance 1 heard Spies reply , ' 1 don't think we can do it , for they won't ghc us a chance to- iiiu'ht. ' " . Witness then told how lie accompanied the men back to the Haymarket , where , by this time , quite a ciowd had assembled. Spies mounted the speaker's wagon , and he lost sight of the other two. The cro-ss-evamlnation was lone and lemons' . Fostei was exasperating to tlio wit ness , and the witness was halt dctiantto the attornev. The court was frequently obllred to intcifcre , while the Mates attorney aroused the ire of Captain Ulack by his ellorts to protect the \\itness against the etlorts at occasional brow-beating. The pro ceedings closed here lor the day. The testimony of Thompson this afternoon was a seven * blow to the defense. It pioves , as nearly as the unshaken testimony of ono man can , that Spies , Schwab and Schnau- belt had azieod before the Haymarket meet ing was called to order to throw a d vnainilo bomb among the police should they attempt to dispersis the crowd. It places Spies in the _ position of personally arming the bomb'throwcr , nnd identified Schwab as his enthusiastic abettor. I'lioiigh tlie witness did not swear that the article ho saw Spies hand to bchraubelt was a bomb , the Infeienccto that oifitct was no- whcro more plainly marked than on the white face of Spies. The almost frantic , but utterly futile eltorts of the attorneys for the defense to make the witness Impeach him self , showed how well they recognized the weight of the evidencehc furnished. At one stage in the cro-s-examlnation tlie wit ness said that such and such were his opinions Foster retoited sharply : " 1 don't want your opinions ; they aio. not worth a straw , " and when the state's attorney icnion- strated at such harsh treitmcnt of the wit ness Foster rejoined loudly : "And i have tlie same opinion of hl testimony. " Alto gether the testimony of Thompson lias ap- paiently done as much for tlioniosocutlon as thatot any other so fur examined. Another Snint Gone PHILADELPHIA , July 27. Last March Wil liam P. Pieison , cashier and chief bookkeeper of the American Baptist Publication society , was thrown from a caniage and had his leg fractured. Since then he has been coulined to his home. Dining Ills enforced absence. it was discovered that he is a defaulter to the extent of SW.OOO. The&ecrctniy of th * * society swore out a warrant cliai gins Plevson with stealing and embezzling that amount of the funds of the society. Pierson is now under police surveillance. Tlio embezzled funds were absoibed by speculation. A Robber Murderer Hunjj. , Colo. , July 27. Andrew Green ( colored ) was publicly hanged here to-day in the presence of 15,000 people for the murder of Joseph C. Whitney , a street car driver , May ID , last , The minder was committed foi the pnipose of robbciy. Kansas Withers , his accomplice , was sent to the penitentiary lor lilt * , ( ireen was twenty-tour years old and confessed his crime fiom the gallows. Ow ing to faulty apparatus he died from t > transii- latlon. _ Two Unfaithful WIvcH Cutisu Murder , LorisviLLi : , Ky. , July 27. About noon to day John Koehlcr , a baker , shot and killed John Carter and mortally wounded l' tcr llanpl. KoL'lilcr charged his wife with lull- del Ity. Shortly after , at Xew Albany , across the river. Professor J. ( ! . Stnink Miot and killed Charles Hovey and seriously wounded his father , Dr. Hovey. Stnink charged his wile with inlldelity. - - MnnySlnln | jy Socialists. AsiSTr.unAM , July 27. It Is believed tliat twenty JHTSOHS were killed and eighty wounded In the riots yesterday and Sunday , canned by tlio police preventing the "eel- killlnj ; " games. Guilty In tlio Degree. KHIB , Kan. , July 27. The argument In the trial of Willie Sells , charged with the murder of his father , mother , brother and sisters , was concluded today and the case given to tlio jury. A verdict was returned an hour later finding the defendant guilty of murder In the tirst degiei * . The prisoner , though very pale , betrayc'l ' no emotion. Ilru'tnl J'rizo Kit-tit. PiTTMii'iioii , July 27. A special from Harry's Station says a prize light between two miners named Jimmy Sullivan and Miles McGurk , took plaeo last evening In a coal nilno about a mlle from here. Kloven lounds were ( ought In which both men wetc bndly punished McCuik was knocked fiom his lect several times and tlio lust round Sullivan knocked him Kew York Dry Gooils Market. XEW Yonic , July 27. Exports of domestic , cotton goods the past week \\PIO 4,001 pack ages , and for the expired portion of the year a total of 181,517. against 123,010 1-jst year and'J-VX/4 lor the same time in 1 * > I. As usual to Tuesdav the demand from agents was moderate , though In the distribution of daily receipts a good total of sales Is bolus re.iclioi. Hricklaycrs anil Masons Out. DKTKOIT , Mich , July 27. The masons and bricklayers met In their hall on Michigan avenueaud derided to order a general strike of 97 members of their organization , to go into effect immediately. H lias been done in anticipation of a threatened lock out by ouiug to disaxrct-iiivnts - , vuiu im-u , FOKTV-X1XTI1 COXOUKSS. Senate. WASHINGTON- , July 27. Mr. Allison , from the committee on finance , rcnorlcd hack the house joint resolution directing the payment of the surplus in the treasury on the public debt with an amendment. Mr. Heck , n member of the committee , stated lint Ihls was the report of the majority of the committee , but the minority adhered to the hon e resolution , Placed on Iho cal endar. After several reports on vetoed pension bills the senate went Into secict session and adjourned. House. WASHINGTON , Julj 'J7. Mr. Willis , of Kentucky , fiom the conference committee on the river and haibor appropriation bill , ic- ported a continued disagreement. Ho then offered a lesolutloti declaring it to bo the sense of the house that the Item making an appropriation lor the Portaco land aud Lake Superior ship canal should bo stricken fiom tlie senate amendment , and Intruding the confeiCM accordingly. Apiced lo 100 lo M. Mr. Willis then offeied n resolution in- sttnctini ; the conferosj to Insist on striking out the senate amendments making an appro priation lor tlie lleliiieliln ranal. In one-minute speeches' Mes rs. Xecce and Plumb opposed the lesolutlon , as did also Mi. SpiliiL'Ci in n Iwo-inlnnlo spcich. The latter warned the Irlcmls of the bill that If they expected to pass Hie bill they must not strike out these Impoitant items. Mr. Henderson of Illinois , took the simo giound , doc-luring that the Hcnm-pln canal question would not down because It was n question of cheap transportation In the Inter est of tlie people. Mr. Hatch of Missouri , supported thcreso- lutii n. The geiitloman from Illinois ( Hen derson ) Raid this Scheme would not down. It would down if the members of the house got rid of it to-day , nnd it would be the last time tlmt the pioi > osltton would come from ttio senate alter the house had condemned it tlmo and again asnn amendment to the river nnd harbor bill. It c.uue in here us an in truder. Mr. McMillan of Tennessee owmsed Hie ap propriation , and Mr. Uates of Alabama sup- poited the resolution. Mr. Willis appealed to the friends of rivers and haibois not to engraft the canal proposi tion upon the bill. To do so and ho spoke alter a calm review of the sitimtlon might piovo destiuctive to the whole bill. The lesolutlon was adopted vens , ISiij nays , 11'A Un motion of Mr. Willis the resolution was adopted instiuctlns the conferees to in sist upon striking out the amendment mak ing an appropriation for the Sturgeon 13ay and LaKe Michigan canal. Mr. Hiscock , ol Xew York , ottered a reso lution directing the conferees to insist ution stnkinir out the senate amendment provid ing for the improvement of tlio Mississippi river fiom the head of the passes to tlie month of the Ohio river. Adopted yeas , 1-14 : navs , SS. Mr. McMillan offered a resolution Instruct ing the conlciees to insist on llio striking out of the son at o amendment to the item ap- iiropriatiiiE SH7.tHOfor the impiovement of the Potomac rher. Aareep to 107 to 75. A furtherconferenca was then ordered. The house then resumed confederation of the Northern Pacilic land forfeiture bill. The question recuired upon the house substitute lor the senate bill and It was agreed to jeas , 7-1 ; nays. C5. The senate bill as thus amended was passed yeas 1 " ; nays , 43 and a rcuuest for a conference was iniule. Mr. lleaan , of Texas , called up tno Inter state comniTcu bill and the sp"aker an nounced the question to bo upon the substi tute leported by tlie committee on commeioe ( Kuagau bill ) lor the senate bill ( Ciilloin bill ) . The house rdjourned. . . & . AX 131 GUT 1IOUII KAliaJUE. . ll Tolincco Finn Siispcntls Caused by Labor Troubles. Chicago , July 27. The Charles W. Allen company , manufacturers of tobacco , with ex tensive works at tne corner of Canal and Monroe streets , confessed judgment to-day for 55,100 in favor of Elijah Wallcn , and S7. > ,000 in favor ot the B.irker Tobacco com pany. Kxecutions were taken out and the sheriff Immediately levied on the works , stock , etc. The liabilitlesof the company are said to be S27.iOM ; tlie assets con dst af static on hand , woith about 5'J" > .000 , book accounts amounting to S7.- , , < XJ , and machinery tliat cost SIOJ.OOJ. The c.uise.s of the failmes as stai led by the seeie tary of the company , are u steady depreca tion In llio values of the stock that lias been going on for from six to nine months : the Gould strike that totally destroyed the Texas and Southwest trade , and incidentally the depiession caused by the local labor troubles , and tlio adoption bv the company of the cigiit-hourplnu. This company was the lirst tobacco mannf.icturlng company in thccoun- try to a lopt eight hours for a day's work. Xo concspondiux reduction in waires was made. The company had a pay-roll of about S'J,0'JO ' a week. It had been a heavy borrower lor a long f line. fiXOW IN M1D-.SU31M1SII. Condition of Air.Urn and People in Lmbrailor. ST. JOHNS , N. F. , July 27. The schooner Barrett has put in here , bringing the latest news fiom the Labrador coast , i'ork har bor Is crowded with fugitives , but these come from the southern coast and know nothing of their northern neighbors. Un July 1 ! ) a two adays' "snowstorm burled east ern Labrador , cutting of all communications with Its population of 1:5,000 : uersons. The snow has clo-jcd all Hails. Itullof vessels will now go diiect to York bay to lellcve tlio first snflVicrs theie. A White bay dlsnatch states that the whalers i epoit that the HiiiNon liey straits are again froren over , which Is an nnpiecedpnted oe- cnrience at this .season. Tlio cold le.sulls tiom Immense masncs of Aietlc Ice along thu coastand It does not nxtcml beyond 200 miles from thesca. Up to date ( WO hiuvivoro have rulived hoic. The number that have died is cstimatcjl at twcnty-Iivo hundiod. HI nee Satiiiday nn east wind has liluunofT the banks , increasing thu lirmne.Sj of coast ice. Xoinlnutlons nnd Continuations. WASHINGTON , July 27. The nrestdont has sent the following nominations to thoscnato : Postmasters-Clinton Daubatt , Beloit , Wis. ; John A. McLaiuhlln , ( iiithnu Centre , la , ; Samuel Jacobs , Jlnmphiey. la. Thesenalo has eonlirmcd the following : Indian agenis : L. T. Spencer ot Xew York , Itosulnul , Dale. ; G , W. Xonls of Massachu setts , Xez Pt-rccs agency , Idaho. To bo United States maishals : Hailer Atkins , ills- tiiet of Alaska ; D.iniel W. Manilla , territory of Dakota , To he receivers of public money J. J. HO/.S , JJooneville , Mo , ; D. W. Hutchinson - inson , Uismark , Dak. ; C. K. MaeDonald , St. Cloud , Minn , ; D. ! ' . MuDurmott , Henson , Minn. ; S. S. S.nitn , Devil's Lalce , Dak , Postmasteis-llliiio'.t ; , E. MeClung.ralilield ; ( ! . W. Androwc , Mnii'hnnslmro' ; A. Snydur , Arolu ; Wisconsin. D. L. llarkuetts , lleiiin ; Xeli-.iHku , C. W , Hlowart , Alma ; T. O'Sucj , Madison , hu ; J. 11. Wallliank , Mount Pleasant ; T. Hodman , Council Uluti'i : D , W. FlowirXuwton ; D. u. UBardbloo.drlnncll ; J. lfiuu , Dccoriu. A llootccrv TiinllcH. ST. Louis July 27. Tlio two-ttory bilck building at400 Morgan strict collap'ed last nlcltt. Tlie lirst floor was occupied by J'ran ? Pellgroy , mannfaelurcr of musical instiu. inenta ; second , by John ( iamblu and family. Tito latter weio In bed at 10w ; o'clock , when they were nwakened by a loud caused by tlie falling of the floor. Koitunatoly the loof itiinalncd ii : its position , Ait was , tUioa childien of Mr. ( iomblo's wore badly luniscd , ID ; was also M > wilu. Part ot the tiont wall fell outward across thostnM't , seat- Iciiuglirick and dcbtis in every dneetlon. Tlio t'iiiMing wus very o4 ! , ami was known to hate been unsafe lor some time. Senators AVork Slv Hours. WASMtNfiTON , July 27 , Thu Ecnuto pi sed bi ? hours In seciet sessioii to-day and 'l.uvu that tuun ( lisjuj.ied ot l.\e ot it.s coni'sud IIENNEPIN'S FRIENDS MAD , The House Decides to Reject the Appropria tion for the Oanali THE OLEOMARGARINE MEASURE * The Opinion 1'revailn That tlie Presl * dent Will Sinn the Hill \Vlij Ma.nnlng IHd Not WnIk- Capital Notes. Angry Canal Men. WAS INOTO.\.IU\ | . [ Special Telegram to the BIIM : ] The filends of the Ilennepln canal scueiuo aio \ crv angry over ttio vote In tlie house to-day to strike their canal piojecl from tlio river and limber bill , nnd say tlmt ' \\ltliotit \ it the hill will never pass. Jetry Muipliy , ns soon as the vole was announced , said that there would be at least forty mem- bcis who would vote amilnst the hill now who would have \otuil for It with the lleiinc- pin scheme In. Ho said that the canal pro ject would havestrcngtlioiied thesiheniowith the president. Cleveland , ho said , had at onetime time signed a petition In favor of the canal , and tlio Itoatil of trade of New York City and boaids of trade in every city In that state had Indorsed HID project. Wit.I , SKIN Till : OI.r.OMAItOAItlNF. 1III.1. Speaker Carlisle , Chahman Hatch , of the house committee on agriculture , and Senator. Miller of Now York , chairman of the com mittee on agricultuio in thosenate , expressed the opinion to-day that Piesldent Cleveland would sign the oleomargarine bill. Each IB very much Interested in the bill becoming a law and have talked to Cleveland about It , They were Inclined to the opinion , however , that If the Interpretation of the constltntlbn was left wholly to Attorney General Garland that lie would recommend a veto , as hu is op posed to the bill and is a strong states' rights man. The prcsidcnl Is knovui to be In sym pathy with the measure , nnd U" he can do so without infilnguig upon the.constitution It is ceneially believed lie will sign it. Reprewm- tatuo Dorsoy ot Nebi.iska. un aiilent trlrnd of the bill , alter gleaning all the Information on the .subject he could , to-d.iy said to jour correspondent that In his judgment it would become n law. law.WHY WHY MANNINO IJOIli : . The latest intelligence lioin Secretary Man ning Is to the effect that he 1 steadll ) lm > . proving. Considerable stiess has been la I IP nuon the fact that the secretary induced his recent attack by a lack of exeiclse and bv ucrsisting in riding to the depaitment dally : A liiond of the seeietaiysaid to-day that lot lu.uiy yeai.s nast Manning liad been troubled with a weak ankle , which prevented him "lorn walking a Eieat deal. "Besides , " cou inued the gentlemen in question , "it may not be generally known , but Secretary Mart- ling was' being continually aniioxcd nnd stopped on the stieets by otlli'i * scekein. Few mornings pas.sedsoon aitci liee.imc to Wash- ngton tlivt he was not thus bothered , and in > elf-defense he took his caniago in order lo reach his oflice unmolested. " I'lMf-ONAl , AND CiI."NinAI. : Repres-entative \ \ caver intends to go liuine ns soon as congiess adjouins and iootc alter "its campaign. He lias leeently iceelved a lumber of encouniglng letteis1 lioin his con stituents , assuring him of siippoit and a rc- nomliiatlon. He oxjicels to roach Omaha the latter part of next week. _ Post Chaplain Wm. F. McAdams , Fort Omaha , has been granted an extension ol one wcoi : onhis leave. This1 evening's Ciitle aiinoni cd Hint t e lille coiupelitlon of the ilenuitiucnl ot lite Platte will lie-'in .intrust 20 , tit Bt-lltntio range , near Omaha , iindei the diiocllon of Major Guy Y. lloni\ , Ninth Ca\aliy. and Ihat the camp will bo comniHiidcd by C.ipu James Uilo , Srcond Infanliy. I'ATIINTSTO Wr.SIICIJN IXVI NTOi : . Patents were issued tn-ilay as follow ? : Selli Beiil , ManehcMer , la. , corn planter ; Nicklas H. Bloom , Ulmiles City , la. , spring for vehicle ; Enos A. Bionson , Wymote , , Neb. , compound for coating and finishing ! wails ; Silas C. Diekin-ou , \ \ llson , In. , t'lcc- tricclock moveuii-nt ; Robert D. Duncan and A. Wallace. Omaha , grease trap ; Gut'l eb II. Hunter , DCS Moines. la , , ear coupling ! Chilstopher Jensen. Holdrege , Neb. , pump ; Clarence belah , Ewing. Neb. , writing tible : James W.Terman , assignor to II , S. Butler , Des Moines. corn harvester ; Frank Thomas , Cedar llatilds. la. , rope fasleulng : James II. Thompson , Fort Madison , la , cartridge loader. IOWA I'OSTAI. AITAII : . Wade Sperry has h < en designated as acting postmaster nt Hamburg , Iowa. nThe following Iowa postmasters havo. been continued : Louis Mohlis , Buck Creek'ohn ; ' S. McNeil , Maine ; Garret V. Swcarintcn. Sidney. The Surplus Hcsoliidon Ainemlment' WASHINGTON , July 27. The senate com- mitfce on finance agreed bv a majority vote this morning to icpoit tlie Morrison surplus icsolntlon with an amendment. Tlie text of tlie resolution remains as it came from thu house , hut the following piovho is at tached : "Provided tliat no call shall be made uwlfT the piovibions of this lesolutlon until aniu equal to the call is In the trcasiuy over and abo\e the reseivo lieieln mentioned ; and piovided further , that tlie seerelaiy of tliQ trcahiiiy , in his dUcietlon , maj have in the treasury over and above tliu foiv.'olng sum n woikin balance not exceeding S20,000,00y , and In cane of an extiaoidlnary emergency ; and wh''ii ' becansfltheieot in the opinion ( it the secretary of the treasury public interests hlmli leqniio it , ho may , by wiitten order. suspend a further call for the payment ot such indebtedness for such period ot' tlmo as ( hall bo necessary to maintain tlio public cieillt unimpaired. " Tlie division was upon parly lines with the exception of Senator McPher- hon , who voted with the majority , and Sena' tor Jones , of Nevada , who votes with the minority. Tlio mlnoiity favored tins tin- amended house resolution. lUu.xloaiiH Won't lie Scared. El. PASO , Tex. , July 27. Governor Hou mous , with Honor Rlcon , tliu govcruer'H prl- vato fwictary , weto in El Paso to-day. Thv stated that the question us to the release of Cutting was now the. subject ol correspondence - enco between the two governments nnd would be settled In the ordinary couou of diplomacy , but Jlmt thu goveinmeut of Mex ice could not bo sc-aied Intoan unconditional surrender. Beware of Scrofula ' Bciofula is probnbly moro general than uny other disease. U Is Insidious In character , and manifests itself In i umiliiusoies , pustular eruptions , boils , swellings , enlarged Joints , * sil'sccjses.soroeyes , etc. Hood's BarsapnrllU expels all trace of scrofula from the blood , leaving It pure , enrlf lied , and healthy. " I uas severely afflicted with scrofula , and over a yearhail twoi tinning tores on my neck. Took five bottles Hopd's ( fersaparllla , and ain cureJ , " 0. n. Ixivuar , Ix > well , Mass. 0 , A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had scrofulous nores for * e yen years , tprliiB and fall. Hood's Earwpai ilia cured him. , * Salt Rheum * Is one of tlio most disagreeable- diseases caused I ) ) Impure Mood. H la icaillly cured b ) Hood's tjarsapariila , the great Mood jiuililcr. William Spies , Klyria , 0. , iullcred greatly from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused by handling tobacco. At tlnicj Ids hanils would crael : open ami bleed. He tried various prcji. arallons without aid ; finally took Hood's Sar- eaparllla , and now says : " I am entirely well. " "My son had calt ilicmii on Ms liiuulsand on the calves of liU logs. Ho food Jlaod'a Eai sj ] > .trllla anil Is cutlraly cured. " J. D , StautOD , Ut. Ycuion , Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla / . | . BOOJJ A CO , Ap'.lliecarlei.Lowell , IOO Doses Ono Dollar