INCENDIARY FIRE AT NEOIA. A Business Block Destroyed Entailing a Ton Thousand Dollar Loss. . -QLENWOOD SUFFERS BY FLAMES. The C.i M ill UK Factor ) ' and .Stock l-'n- tlrolyVlpcil Out The Sioux City Cattle Scare Other loxva News. . ' Destructive r'lrr at Nooln. NKOI.A , In. , .luly 20. [ Special to the HKK.J Thismornini ; abmil 3.-o : ; o'clock lire btoko out In a wooden shcil la the * irar of Itlchanl A Hearty's building on Third street , ami rapidly spread until the entire block was etc- strayed , seven buildings In nil , Tito town Is * without any Jhopioteutioii , nud It was use less to try lo do anything with buckets , the lliimc.s lu'lnif umlei quick headway and the limit so Intense ( lint little could bo donn be yond xavlng aoinc of the contents ot build- Jiijts. HicUanKfc lleinrty's two story frnmo building In the rear of wlileh the lire started , wns a total loss. II wns Insmed for SV)0 ° . . \vhllo the Io93wa8fully SP..ot/0. The bulldlni : . wns occupied us a s.iloon bv August Kudl- Kor. who re.sldcd upstairs. Ho Oaioly o.s- capcd with tils llfu. Uiullgi'r's In surance was 550. which will nearly cover hlt loss. The ono story frnttio building * , owned by J ) . .1. .Panel ) , wore burned. Loss SHOO , Insuicd forS500. Ono of those buildings was occupied by J. A. C. Whitney as a Rcneral store , whose stock was fully Insured , anil ho suffered only a partial loss. The Neola Ilopoitor olllce was located In one of these building , nnd its loss In but partial and In coveted with Insuiancc. The Hlioo HIO ! ] > and elwolllnjr of J. McCarthy , a. two-story fnuno building , was a total loss of 3003 , nnd ho had no insurance. The Central houses owned by K. Selverts , was binned to the ground , but soinoofthu fuinlttno was saved. Loss SJ.OOO , insured for Sl.fSHO. A two-story frame , owned and occupied by Pnt Jtynn as a saloon and ducllinir. was burned to the uronnd. Loss Sl.'JUO , insured for SCO ) . The llanies wer i so hot tliutbomodninaRC ilonu to business piopeity on tlio opposite Bide of the street , but not any bcrlous loss beyond Insurance. The total loss by the lire Is estimated at not loss than $10,000. It Is thought that the fno wns an InceneU- nry one , as tin-re wns nothing In or about the Bhed when ) thu lire broke out to cause any bla/.o. AH HOOH us It beciino : evident that the lire was a serious one hulp was asked for from Council Itlnffj. A steamer wns sent luit It arrived too late to be of any service. Kverytlilnp was dry , and the building bcini : of frame tlio llanifs spread si ) qulelclj that It was Ini | > ossiblo to Stay them. The steamer .Jfrom tlm Ulnirs enino tluou' h lime , a dis tance of. twontv-two miles , In twenty-live , minutes. The insurance companies having loss-esaro the Council lllulTs , Western Home. Monarch , Home , of New York , and the Kockforel. 5 Cattle 3Icu Alarmed. Sioux CITY , la. , .Inly 'J . fSpeeial Tele gram to the BKI.J Recent fatalities in the lierd cattle belonging to Mr. Merrill have , , $ causeel great anxiety among largo cattle own ers in this vicinity , and the most strenuous cfToilshuvo been made to locate all the ells- fjosed cattle and determine as to tlm nature of "thulr ailment. A number of other cattle Imvo just died and still others am quite sick. Jlealth Olliccr- Lewis states that the quaran tine , which expired to-day , will not bo raised for at least three week * . Some of our cattle men are Inclined to decry thu piecantlons be ing taken , but the Irntli is there is every iea- eon for alarm. A Political Duel. DK > HOINKS , la. , J uly 20. [ Special Tele gram lo the Bui : . ] Congressman Hepburn , ot thoKishth Iowa district , has sent a dial- "Icnso through llio republican commltteoman to Major A. H. Anderson , the renegade re- imbllcan who was nominated for congress In that district by the domociats and green- backers last week. If Anderson accept ; there will bo music In the'.ilr'and ' nllvelj between powerful ciebalois. Passenger Train Derailed. Dp.s5Ioi.NE3 , IA. , July 20. [ SpDeiul lo the Uii : ] The Ilock Island passenger train go , lng west wns rartlally wrecked at Van Jlctcr at 1:30 : this nfternoon. Tno engine baKUngo and express car were thrown Iron the truck from some unknown cause. The engine was rendered ontiiely useless aiie : trains wcic delayed several hours. No one liuit. The First Now Sioux CITV , la. . July M. [ Special Tele gram to the Hm : . ] The lirst new wheat of . feied this season in the market was boughl here to-day nt W cents per bushel , bclnt graded Wo. S. Very little barley has been offered. Canning Factory J > entroycd. ' Gr.KNWoon , In. , July .JO. ( Special Tele , gram lo the Br.E.J The canning factory a this place burned this evening , dastroylnf nbout SUO.OOO woithof pioperty In stock'am . building. The Insurance It about half Tin origin oC Iho lire Is unknown. , A Solelicr Shot Dead. , VAI.UNTINB , Neb. , July ! ! & [ SpecialTok Kramto the Bi'.K.J A shooting affair oc currcd at Fort Nlobraia to-day , said lo bo ac cldcntal , by which a holdlur iramed Davln < wia , killed. Two men were on guard , nm ' "due wns following thorn with his gun , whoi H was accidentally discharged , stiiklni Davlno in In thu forehead , killing him in Bluntly. PropavhiKfor the lloiinlon. NOIIFOI.K , Neb. , July ( ( . [ Spcclnl Tele , * # rum lethe Hm.J : General Brlsbln was her to-day Inspecting the camp for the Noitl Hobrfska Mildloib * iciinlou. Ho will brln ; i-cgidar Inrnntry , cavalry and nrtllleiy her and remain encamped dtirlnt ; the reunion. The new insane a.sylum tmlldlng willb v ready for the roof Wednesday. i The Stunton Triinedy. F BTAXTON , Neb. 'M , [ Special Telegram t f the ltii.- ; . ] Upon the preliminary oxiinilin alon , J. I , , Sverson was held under § 10,00 uonds to appear at the ellsti let com t forth jmndrr of tlio Swede , Fied Davidson , 01 Sunday nlclit , July IS. Ho will piobabl give the lionets. A Uriel' Shower. JU.vnsiiAi.i.Tow.\ . , Juno Srt. fSpepla * Telegr.'un to the llr.ixl Tlu-ro wns n llv juluuto shower early this inornnn ; , the sei end blneo May IS. The Crop Prospect. Cmc.uio , July 'Jel. The following cro "Bymmavy appears in this week's Issue of tli Tnrmei'H lloviow : The prolonged droutl which Is almost unpnt-edentcd In Its Icngt und severity , Is beginning lo have very si ilousctfecU upon all late ciops. The bprlu /wheat outlook has been in nowise In piovea , and thei average condition of croj has declined. Since Jnlyl , nhun the Fa mcns' Hevluw Inellcntcd that Iho probable t < tal wheat > Ield of iho United States wotil not exceed thu round total of 40,030,0 , ( bushels , the tenor ot the reports Indicate th estimate will have to bo leduced by fioi 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 biMhols. Ucports froi Nebraska , Iowa , Wlseoiisin , Minnesota nn Dakota , do not Indicate an average yield ( six lo ten luisncls to the nore , with man licldi entirely ruined. Com is M ported very uneven in Jllchlcnu , 1 Jlpols , WlBCOiibln , lowu and Nebrusl : 'andlillo looking cle-an Is In need of rail nnel a slioitauo In tlie yield Is threatened. 1 Ilnne'sdtncorn Is looking well , but it Isb ( ( Inning tu teul thoellectsof thoeliough The oat eioplll fall hhott , with priiinUo in to exceed one-hall und n > er.igu > leld in Wi cousin nnd Minnesota , nnd uvriTigo yield In IIllnoK , .Mlrhlgan nud lo\\ With the exception of Minnesota , tlm jiotal . uip Is tlucnte'iied nlth t'ulluu' , low of the i TIOHS Indicate more than onc-hulf a yieli and In many sections complete inllure. 1'a turngulnnll noith\\e \ tern states Isrcpoite : is shoit , nmj In large bcctlons , ruliifd. 1 l > oi lions ot Wisconsin cattle are ulretul jjlvpn feed , owing to n lufcbllity toobtal fusteimiico lu the dried up pasture land The fruit crop In Michigan , Illinois imd Wi A ST Alt VINO PKOPLK. Fainlnc Counts Itn Victims \ij \ tlic Sooro In Ijabrndor. ST. JOHNS X. F. , July 20. The Canadian ; ovcrniiiGiit will ccnd a steamer from Quebec o the const ot Newfoundland nnd Labrador 0 carry such donations as charitably dls- > os < M IKTIOIIS may desire to send to the st.-mlni ; people there. The Indian guide nnd government Interpreter , who 1ms just re turned from Capo Chldlcy , the extreme loithwcstorn point of Labrador reached by sledge , gives a lic.irtrcndinit account of the errlblc destitution and sniveling which the squlmnux and Indian fnrmer.s arc cndnr- ng along Iho Labrador coast. On capo 'hldley , ftV ) souls are distributed over an niea or hovcml nille.s. The entire food supply cave out early in March. The f oal- catch was vciy small. As season wore on seal failed to eoiiuuiear enough to shore to bocanzht , Iheeold was Intense and many of the older people died of exposure nnd lack of noinlshment. On Juno U ! , when the guide left , the mercury stood at IB below ? ere ind had been lower. The ice lor soveml iiindted miles wus solid for a depth of from en to 100 foot , and snow wns plied mountain ilirh. At least eighty porous have polished since March , between Capo Chiuloy and 'ape Mugfoid , and the only survivors were 'oiitid In rude shanties alone the const. 1 he v accompanied the guide to Capo Muzford The bodies of oiichtcon victims weio found ro/.en stilt. Tlio clothes had been taken rein them , evidently to hulp keep llfo In the mdles of the miserable survivors , who in urn hud died while out lulling , nrnftcrsenls. Seventeen bodies were found nlonn here. 1'wentv-two persons nro known to have per- shed nt Capo Mn ford , whore on Juno 2U. hcio wcie only twenty barrels ot meat and forty barrels of corn llour. The residents. lumbering about ! XX ) persons , were worn nnd pinched from famine nud cold. In ho outlying districts at least one-half of the > opn1atlon had died. There wns no sign of he Ice breaking up , and the natives had lothlng to oxclmngo for food or clothing. Seventy-live Ksqulmnux from Austorta , six nlles from the cape , made an attack on the stores nt Mugford. The men were rendered desperate by their sufferings. Tim HASlMJAIjr , 11UCOUD. Ijtniioln SitfTcr-sUeroat With the Lioav- ouwortha Otlior Gaiuns : LINCOLN , Neb. , July 20. [ Special Tele gram to the HEI : . ] The lant of the series of tames playctl to-day between the Lincoln tnd Le.xvonworth teams i esulted , as usual , n n victory for the latter by a score of 7 to 10. VanUyke and Itoaks , two of the Lincoln lew men , were found to bo blacklisted liom Jskosh and were bailed out. This left the lomo team .structurally weak , and leaves the earn crippled for the future. Tno Llncolns were ahead up to the eighth inning , when a total of live runs in that Inning placed the visitors beyond reach. It is not known whether the Lincoln club will recover trom ts present reverses. n'NT.IM , DEFJC.VTft XOHFOI.K. Noni'oi.K , Neb. , July 20. [ Special TelC' cram totho BEE. ] In the game to-day the Norfolk club was defeated by O'Neill by a scoie of 15 to 10. AT WASHINGTON New York . 1 Wnshlngtons..O 01000000 1 Uaso hits New York 23 , Washington 4. Errors New York : : , Washington 10. Pitch' era Keefo and Mndigan. Umpire Charles b'ulmcr. AT STATKN ISLAND Cincinnati . 000. 100010 4 Metropolitan . 0 00001000 1 Fir.stbaso bits Cincinnati 7 , Metropolitan 7. ICrrors Cincinnati 3 , Metropolitan 5. I'ltchers Mullauo and Mays. Umpire Aralnntine. AT BAi.TiMor.r. The 13altlmoio-St. Louis game wns post poned on account of rain. AT PlIILADlILl'lIIA Athletics . 0 000001 1 Louisville . 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 r < The game was called at the cud ot the seventh inning on account of rain. Pitchers Hart and Hccker. First base hits Ath letics ! ! . Loulsvill 8. Krrors-Atuletlcs 0 Louisville : ! . Umpire 11 rad ley. - AT BOSTON - Bostons . 2 0 3 0. 4 4 0 0 0 1- Philadelphia . 0 1 .0 0 0 0 0 1 0i i Pitchers Slemmcyn and Dally. First bast hits Boston 17 , Philadelphia 4. Krrors- Boston 7 , Philadelphia 10. Umpire-Cialfney Saratoga Races. SARATOGA , N. Y. July 20. For all ages mile : Procios lir&t , Bordelalso second , Saul : Anita Belle thlid. Timo-l:44' : . Purses for two year olds , tluee-quartci mile : Bessie June won , Theodosius second Procrastluator tlilrd. Time 1 :18. : I' lor all ages ; ono thrco-slxtcentl mile : Mona lirst , .Jennie 15 , second. FranKh B. third. Timo-l:10. : Soiling ] ) iirse , one-cl lith mile : Frani Wanl lirst , Soveicign Pat , second , George L third. Timo-l5'JH. ; ICnklux Nr.w OKLUANS , July 20. A special fron Jackson , Miss. , to the Plcaynno says : Las nlcht as a special train with thirteen cnaeho ; heavily loaded with passcngcrs.most of when wcio negroes , residing ulong the line , o the Vlcksburg & Mcrcdlan railroad was leavIng - Ing Vicksburg to ret in n to Moredlan , brlcls bats and stones were hurled into It througl the windows by unknow miscreants stand Ini : outsldo in the darkness. Ono yoini ] negro was struck on the head and renderei unconscious. Just before the train reachei Kovlna pistols were llrcd' Into tlio cars am one colored man was shot through the suoul dcis. Wlien two miles cast of Clinton th train was ngnin llrcd into , this time by a mai standing upon an embankment of the cu through which the train was passing , and i young white man was shot" through the les The train passed hero late at night. All In lined weip taken to their homes. No clu has been obtained ; locating these dastardl' ' arts or Indicating the motives of the would bo assassins. _ 1'ollltH Oil l > OHtoniCC3. WASHINGTON , U. 0. , July 20. Tlio an mini report of Edwin 0. i'owlor , ohicf o tlionppointment division of the postofllc ( lopartinont , for the fiscal year omlci Juno HO , 1830 , has boon nuulo : uul detail furnished for publication. Tlm n | > ioinl ) munts wliich tills division has olmr o o are those of postmasters only. Thu re port is summarized as follows : Number of postollicc.s'ostiibliahod dm ing tlie year , ! ) , -l82 ; increased durinjj th year , 1,801 ; wliolo number of j)0atolllce ) Juno 30 , 1830. DU.IIH ; number ot presiden tiul olllces , D. ' O.'j ; inuronsc during th year , JM ; number of fourth-class ollicc ; r lJIU ! , total iiiimbnr of appointment nuulo during tliu year , 22.717 ; incrcas during the year , 1U.200. The total mini bur ot money-order ollicos nt tlio close o the year was 7JT ! > 0 , ti not increase of 3J over the previous year. Of those Illlnoi holiis the largest number , 000 ; Iowa nex with 523. Disastrous Hall Storm. ST. PAUL , July 2fl. A Cirafton ( Dakota special to the Pioneer-Press descilbi-s a ha : storm of unexampled fury which burst upoi that locality Saturday atturnoon , sweeping track tivo miles wldo from St. TJiomas ncros the ited river into Minnesota , a distance < thhtr miles. Thu hail stones woroaslarn as hens' egga. Houses atijt. Andrews wet ilddlud , the hull stones teailug through th snlnglos and breaking sash as well as glas ? Several persons weiooverelv ( injured an ono boy U missing , Tim damagu tocioj and oher\\lsn | Is estimated at halt a mllllo dollars. Many t.irmers nrelcftuiitliely du : titute. The \lnlhlo Hujiply Statoinont. CIIIOAOO , July 20. The following tab ! shows the visible supply of grain In th United States nnd ( . 'auuda July .M , isv ; , an the increase or docicaso ns compared wit the previous week : Wheat , . . . . i , lb7-m IncD'a e. , , . . 3OtS,11 Coin. . . . . . 'j.4.Hoai lucr&uo iaa.4J Oats 1.147,213 Decrease IKW.7C Kye 801,221 Incrcaso , . . . . Mil' Barley. . . . 213,078 Uecie.xse. . . . , 0,2 ( SU-tllim Arrested Out tineftolcnscc1 MOOALKS , Arly. , July 20. TJ > e troubl growing out of the Medina-Cutting affair : P. so del Nortohas udoubtedly been amicnbl settled as It Is wlJ that suprenid judge. < Cliliiuuhua , the only suwomo iudgo of tli Mcxfcan stales , Iins ordcrcil the nrrcst nnd conllnenuint of Kdltor Medina and libera tion of Kdltor Cutting. Fatal Wreck. FT. WAYNB , Isn. , July W , The west > otnul limited express on the Plttsburg Ft. Wayne road Iran Into an oiwn switch nnd crushed Into the freight cars on n side track. Mart Burk , engineer , was Instantly killed. I'heilrcman jumped frhtn the engine nnd es caped with sllgnt Injuries. No passengers Injtncd. Nebraska nnd lovvu Weather. For Nebraska and Iowa : Warm , fair \icatlier. A Fl lit for onico. WASIMNOTON , 1) . C. , .July 20. The principal part of the thno of tlio senatn in secret session wns constmieil by Se'nu- tors Vorhoes" nnd Harrison , speaking re- spcelively for and nyalnst Iho conllrniti- ion of Collector Tliomiis llunlon of the Sove.nth Inillnna internal revenue dis- riet , adversely reported from tlio linnnco committee. Pollen Points. Geo. Hrowntlic j'otinj ; rascal who some lays ago struck thu boy driving tlio dis trict messenger wagon witli a heavy 'blacksnaku , " was arraigned before Ttulgo Stonborg in poltce < ! ourt yestonlny norning. Imcdiately after lie iadjbeaton the boy , Brown , fearing nrrosl , loft the town. Saturday , however , ho returned , anil was uiiinediately captured by the liolieo. Ho was lined i and costs. The ion negroes arrested for cnTiiblin < J , its noted ulscwhnrn , wore tinotr O'iutd.tosts each. Eight paid nnd two were so tit up to jail in default. Seven drunks wcco arraigned and two lined $1 and costfe , caeh. Several vaimuits und suspicious characters wore disujiargcd , ' „ , A S\vorJ Gontost. Professor P. F. Fallon-lms been autlior- i/ctl lo make n mnteli for n sword contest lotween William llurrymorc and Cnptnin O'Malloy , of this city , anil both , of them ) Id swordsmen. The contest is 16 bo for $500 a side and will Dfobably tAke place at Athletic park so as l < > enable tin- Lwo men ample time for training. Personal John R. Manchester and son. weiit to Onl yeslerdaj- . Mr. H. 1) . Pike left yostordny for Miinitpti , Col. , nnd will spend a short vacation there. nj. Armstrong has gone to Spirit Lalns to return with his family who have , been spending a short beason thoro. . Thos. F. Ulaukmorc loft on Saturday evening with his sister Ida for up. ex tended visit to northern watering places. Mr. T. J. llecd formerly' manager of the carpet department of Kelsey iVSini- ) sou's furniture and carpet liouse of At- chiton has accepted a position with S. A. Orchard of Omulia. Mine. L. Cappinn passed through Omaha Sunday as the guest of the Bo-i- ton delegation of the G. A. II. , accom panied by her pupil and friend , Miss S. Bailey , of Uoston. Assistant United States Attorney Bartlett - lott , Clerk of Court Frank and Deputy Marshal Allen were Grand Island tourists last evening. They elnim to be on civil business connected with the government. Charles M. Kiofer , assistant foreman of the Lincoln Journal .job rooms , und lie.ti- tonant-eoinmander ot tlie Uniform .Divis ion Knights of Pythias of the capital city , was in Omaha Sunday on Ins retnni homo. Ho spoke highly of the reception in Toronto , but has no very great love for exhibition drills in a ram storm. - .1. D. Marshall rcpresciltinp thevATnorj- can Press Association , with , .headquarter- ! in New'York city wn1n Omaha ycst'or- day. Ho is one of tlio brightest journal' ists of the "Empire state and for manj years his work on the Kochcstcr Post Ex press and Uoche&tor Union and Adver tiser nnd as correspondent of the Chicago Times was at all times notable for its high character. _ _ THE MULE. Il'ow to Prevent It I 'rom BrnyliiR Ar Incident of the Civil Wur. Major Randolph in Baltimore American It is said that a mule cannot bray if ym tic a weight to its tail and hold it down Tins was tonchinsily illustrated in the cavalry movements that preceded tju second battle of Manassas. Genera Stuart , with a large force Ot cavalrj maneuvroing around .the retreating armj of Popes , got caught between two column ! of the union troops and was obliged .tc conceal himself in a dense wood between two parallel roads along which the enomj were retreating. Ho had to Ho low al night until the columns passed byMes Hcngcrs that the union goncrnls sent U each othejr through the woods wore cap tured nnd hold with ns litth noise as possible. Ono .flrpat dilli- culty was to keep the inhle's In the ordinance and commissary 'Wiigons from braying and thus calling the Atten tion of the ) foe. For this purpose Stnarl ordered a man to do detailed to stand In each mule and whack him wjth a-sticli as soon as lie oflcfod to bray , for a , inuto like an orator , rcciulros u certain prepa ration before beginning his nooVmul tip propriuto vocal exercises. There is n preliminary protest made wltU 'the cart and certain solemnities of the nostrils an expression of sorrow overspreads the countenance , then the tail is lifted. A bray does not break forth from the lips of tlu > mule. It begins way back in the abdominal viscera and conies graduallj up. Now , as soon us the ; cavalry mnlOf began to preiparo for a bray , whnck whack ! woulel go the sticks , and tile bray would bo suppressed and this all night. It was said that this vyas needles ; severity , for it wonlel huyo snlllucd to tie a brickbat to the tail of each mule. A Widow's IJftiilc. Wall Street Nnws : An Ohio widow owned a largo gravol-bnnk which a _ cer turn railroad ! company was very anxious to secure. Several propositions wen made and rejected , nnd the probideni limilly sqnt his private 8ecro.tnry.dowi with instructions to oiler up to $1-1,000 The young man returned after n couple of days , and when askodhow the business had tiii'nr-d out replied : ' , "I will accept vour oiler. " . - "Yon ? " "Exactly. I married the widow am own the bank. " The Actor'H Dream , Somorvillt ) Journal : "I'll engage you.1 said the theatre manager to the actor ii search of a job , "but times are hard jus now , and 1 can't give yon any Patt prie-os. How would $100 a week sui yoni" "No , cully , " said the actor , "tim won't do nt all. That isn't enough Hay , see here ! Supposing you give nn $10 a week and pay it ? " 1'lcrco'H "Pleasant Purgative Pellets,1 Positively Popular ; Provoke PrabojProvi Priceless ; Peculiarly Prompt ; Preeoptl lily Potent ; Producing Permanent Profit Precluding Pimples nnd Pustules ; Pro mothi" Purity uiul Peace. Purchase Price Petty. Plnrmacists PntronMni Piercci Procure Plenty. They Fall to \YA3JiiNOiON , U. C. , July 20. The con forces on the river und hurbor bill hnv have failed to roach nn agreement am will so report to their respective houses Scientists endorse Ited Star Caugi Guru , because it it > irce from opiates. WORKMEN OSA WALKOUT , The Employes ofA'iIWlar ' Bros. ' Packing House' ' Bu i Strike SCHOOL FUND PPORTIONMENT. Tlio States IieVy Ijo'cnl Mnttcrfai lt1iircJltlld'n I/oss Two AftorUoqVj Fires Oelds nnel KnetsM-OUicr Ijocnl , Mouth Omnhu Strikers. Hammond & Co.'s beef butchers , the men employed al the stock yardo have been very quiet and nothing has occurred to break the mon otony of the every day round of labov until yesterday , i-or several days past there has been n feeling of dissatisfaction spreading umong the laborers employed by tha contractors , Hiloy & Uehuiey , on Fowler Bros. ' packing house , which cul minated yesterday in u strike. The labor ers , who have been paid 20 cents an hour for an eight hour day , struck for $2 per day. The contractors refused to ac cede to the demands of thb laborers and put their refusal in a more emphatic form by promptly discharging the disSatisfied - Satisfied men and paying them oft" . Their plan was to engage a now gang of men the next day , but at that moment a new factor came into tlio Hold. The brick layers throw ddwn their troWels ami quit work , declaring that they woulel network work with any new men ami Vonld not return to work until the old men were taken back. The contractors declined giving any answer lo thu men without a little time ; to consider nnd work on the building jy is postponed for the day. The men ad- jCHirned to Bruno Slrathman'rf place , to talk over their grievances ami decide Upon a course of action. Some of the brick layers did not seem nt all pleased at tliu turn nll'uirs had taken , and com- jilaincel that after they hael struck to help 'out ' the laborers , tlio laborers wanted everything their own way and would not hearken to the brick layers. Thei contract ors sent word to the nien that they would give them an answer at 7 o'clock this 'morning ' , and it is quite- probable that the diHertmoes will bo adjusted without fur ther diilioulty. KDUjCA'i'IOXALi ' PU11POSI38. Apportionment of School Bonds for the KiiHHlujj Year. ' County Superintendent Brnncr has "just completed the apnortionmcnt ol -school'funds for the various districts in Douglas county : mil will report the same to the bccretarics of the ditl'crcnt school- boards to-day. The entire fund amounts to $1-1,090.10 divieled as follows : From state assessment 813.S5S.O ; Special taxes bl. fcS.M ! Liquor licenses. . . fn-.v a. 750,01 Fines 87-1.00 Doxtax ! . : -0. 1'ASC Peddler's licenses .ac * SO.OO ! 0 , / , : Total . 'A./ ' ' 5M.5W.15 Omvfourth of this a'inoiint is divided equally among alq.of Ihe fifty-four dis- tnjts and tlireo-lotjr is of tlie amount per .capita ucoejrdmg to the school population of v. the various dis tricts. There ate .jJ5.r , > 03 youths of school age in tiles county. Omaha dis trict. No. 1 , the largest of the districts. gets ? 7o.83 of the tfu'ndl'ThO'total ' amerontHlividcd - ' pondis- 'triot ' is ' ? ytt47i70. ; t'T-lie ' aindunt divided per capita is lOjO G Bistrict No" n has as yet failed t'6-rcUij > h an annual re- iorl' ) , and will lose Its , apportionment less tile report Is furnished aO once. The following letter , showingOmaha's share of the apportionment be mailed by the county superintendent to day : To Charles Conoyer , director of sohool district No. 1 : I hereby certify that there is now in the county treasury school moneys .subject to apportionment and derived as follows : Amount certilicd bj state superintendent , $ llyr ! , > 3.07 ; amount from lines and licenses , $1,121 ; amount from dog tax , $1U.80 ; amount fiom all other sources , $ b8.J8 ; fractional remain der from last apportionment , $ - ; total amount to bu "apportioned , $ Mf > ! )0.16 ) : number of districts entitled to share in apportionment , 52 } ; number of children in districts entitled to share , 15,502. , "One-fourth" elivided equally among 02J districts gives to each district $09. 8 ; "tlffee-fourths" elivided equally amen 15,502 children gives to each 70.5S7JU cents. Number of children in district No 1 , 11,831 ; your pro ratsi share , there' fdrc , is s8,331.i ? ; your share of the "one' fourth" is ? GM8 ! ; total amount appor Uonod to your district , ! J8,4' 0.78. s J. B. Buu.vnn , Countv Superintendent. Douglas County , Neb. , July 27 , 18di. ( The .State Levy. The auditor of public accounts has no "tilicd the county commissioners that the levy ol taxes for state purposes for Doiig < Ins county lias been made , on the tola ! nssossoel valuation of $15,038174.05 , as follows : tftind. Willis. Amount , CSeueral . f > 81tflttt : i ; School . i ir > , K 4' University . % 5,811-1 : Capitol . Yt 7ai ! > ' Jlelorm school . M ltOI 81 liistllntlon for feeble minded % 1U54 ] liivobtock . l-iu J,5 , < J3 8. ' Total . 72MO ! § l 0,80r"2 ( 'KXI.-COV. ' PAIItOIIIlill'S HAD JAJCK llo Ijoscs nlmrco Amount of Near Denvor. Ex-Governor I'airohild , of Wisconsin -whoso short visit to pinaha last week ii pleasantly romeimberod , mot with bat .luqk just before roa/jhing Denver. A short distance from thc ioUV ho. handed hii pockolbook to hi ufiifhtor to care foi M'hjle ho wont to another portion of the tram to see some of ( iis fellow traveler ! about the programme during the Donvei visit. Whim tho.itniin rolled into tin depot anu the ox-go Vi5t"i " ) or with the othoi pnssongors had ( ilightcd , the forinoi naked his daughter for tlio pocketbook She lind it not , uijija quiok return wa : made to the spqpW tPullman sleeper Notwithstanellng a thorough search ensued sued under , over 'jlndHhrough the seats in grips , valises , JYl-a.l , etc , no pocket book could bofaft/iirtt / ! . It cont&lnei checks and drafts fotlfu amount of $1,000 in money i800 , ana ftt the governor'i railroad i > asses auij juveral very impor taut private papers , /J'lio police and do tectivcs wore immediately notilled , am they wont to worl : at onco. The lirs btup taken was the ' arrest of the cou ductor and porter of tha car , but at las accounts there was no tangible clue t < the > missing nionuy. ExtGpvernor Fair child was for u Unto in thu Imnels of hi friends and was obliged to telcgrupl homo for funds to continuo the trip , Oniaha'i Insnno. Mrs. Barry , who has been in the insam asylum from Oinahu fr several inonths wns returned yestordaj" and placed in tin ' hands of her friends who w'lll care for ho as she is in harmless condition. Alrd Virginia Hendn.oks ! was aunt to Lincoli to takes the place vacatcel uy Jlrs. liurry OKTT1NG ItKADV FOH WOKK. Fnlr nnd Kxpifltlou Assoolntlons Arranco Tlinlr ConiinlltccH. A meeting of tlw joint committees of the 1'nir association nnel the exposition association was hold nt the Exposition building last night. The time from 8 o'clock until lOiliO was taken up by a dis cussion over tlu question as to which as sociation should have the chairmanship of the joint committees. It was finally deeieleel by the. eleelion of Mr. Joseph Garneau. Mr. James Ho s was chosen secretary ot the committee ami Mr. Wil liam Wallace president. Mr. (1. ( W. Lin- i tiger wns selected as general manager of tlio exhibition with full power to act ami subject only lo the action of the jennt committee : . The plans for the exposition were then fully eliscussoel , after which the following com- mitte'cs were aupoinled : Oh Kccontinn Muv Meyer , Jos. Gar neau ami N. II. Kalcone-r. On Mechanical Department G. W- l.iningcr , C , Woodman and John T. Clarke. On Application for Space ( J. W. Lin- ingor , I , W. Gray nnel N. B. Falconer. On Mnsio-G. W. Llnlnger , Max Moy- cr and .John T. Clarko. On TickoUuind Admission G. W. Lin- inger , F. W. Gray and Dick Kitchen. On Kino Arts G. \ . Lininger , with power to select a&soclatcs. On Contracts , Insurance. Printing and Advertising-G. W. Liuingcr , D. H. Wheeler and I. W. Miner. On Permits a. W. Uningcr , Churchill Parke'r and Jns. II. McShano. Oti EmployinciH G. W. Llnlnger , P. Her und U. E , Yost. A VAtlVAnijJS WOKK , WclTs Nebraska Stnto GnEOttoer. .j Vo'liave ' had left upon our table for ex- animation the lifth volume of the Ne- b'raskfli State Ga'/.otttiur and Business Di- rcrlory , J. M. Wolfe & Co. , publishers. ' 'In ' addition lo the practical information embodioel in the Gazetteer of tormer years ) many features of special value have boon Included in tbo issue of 1830. A general description of Nebraska , its pro ductions , sbil , climate , nuttnal advant ages , railway facilities , etc..givesan aele- qtfalei iflea of tlm commercial importance of the state. The work comprising about 1,100 pages , is supplied with a complete , cliteslliud , ijiroctory of all business houses in Iho htatij , together with llio names of all stale , country , and city plliciuls , post- olliucs , newspaoors , religions , military and civic societies in each place , the resideint unel ollieiating clergy with the Churches'over which they preside , tlio pppulalatlon of towns anil such data as is not accessible elsewhere. The value of the volume is further enhanced by n cemiplete list of all farmers in Nebraska , with their postoflice addresses. A map oftno state , revised especially for this work , and corrected to date , locating all railroads , comities , cities and towns , will bo found vastly superior to those hereto fore circulated. As an example of faithful work , systematic arrangement ami typo graphical neatness , < ln ; Gazetteer of ' 8i ( rt'llects much credit upon Messrs. Wolfe & Co. , whose experience in the publica tion of works , of this character enables thunito mccj. the demands of the times. The present volume will be ready for elo- livery early in the coming week. SEEKING hEGAIj ItHDKKSS. A Heavy Damage Suit Still After Trostlcr. Creditors of Simon ' [ Yosller , the cigar manufacturer , nrn still seeking lo recover claims against him through the courts. .Two-suits.ivora.filed 'against hjui yester day afternoon and attachments against the stock issued by Juelgo Wakoloy. Ono of these was in favor of Friedman & Co. , for $819.05 , and one of Oilman , Bloom & Co..for$158.uO. Trostlur's Htocfc is now in tlie hands of mortgage ) holders. Frank Kubovec lias commenced suit against C. AV. Kdgerton anel Ira Von Camp for $0,000 damages. lie charges that mi July 12 he was arrested by Kilger- ton on the charge of having stolen a lot of cord wooel from Von Camp. Ho was tried before Justice lierka anel found not guilty. He claims that he has been greatly injured in reputation , body and mind , wherefore ho asks judgment for damages in the sum named. Aurelia K. Knupp has brought suit to recover 'Jl.OOO from Constable : George Karl for a lot of goods taken from her by Karl on an attachment. Greener Than a NobrasUix Pasture. Confidence men are reaping quite a harvest in this city now anel it seoniu as easy for them to gather in the rustics as rolling oil1a log. A young Gorman from § outh IJend 'came to Omaha lust week and having buen six years in the aml'beinjfan apparently intollegont mo- cijuiii'c ll'vteis not' thought necessary to have a guardian appointed for him. At .the depot ho mot a stranger and was s < 5oii em the ! sjMder's Web. The latter hael rSomo baggage up town and ho asked the Sou tli IJond man to go along with him and and assist him with it to the train. Of coin-tie he elid. On the way up Tenth sl''eot the usual confederate was met , anel the oft told tale of immediate payment on astorage bill wnsgivem , and tlio result was that the South IScml man made a loan of $21 , all the money ho had in the wojhl. Ho wujteel many houm , as per . .agrt'imiont , tor n , return of the shekels , "anel is waiting yet. Hi.s two now made friends have undoubtedly era this blown 'in his money for thuir pleasure , in the mean time laying snares for thu next fejoi whom they can catch. It wpulU add variety , howovor4 to the many items of thl.s kind if the con. men would only get UP a new Bohomo for entrapping thu unwary. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ClroiiH Mem Ijijfl. The Great Eastern Circus is not a col- oftsn.lcou'splfdatoel show , ngr deus it visit vorylarge places , being content with small favors from small cities and vil lages. Sunday its two cars came down from Hlair and wont to I'lnttsmouth. Tliomojiagerle consisted of a single camel who solitary and alone looked eujto ] do- burteel. There wore fiomo good horses witlrtho party and quito a corps of Hip- Hoppers , , etc , , and llio usual retinue of tent litters. Several of llio rnulo portion of the troupe tool ; a stroll up town while waiting for the train and lavished their hard earned funds on beer. When they returned to thu depot lo and behold their curs were gone and Plattsmontli twenty- live miles away ! Uarniim , Forcpnugh , old John Uoblnson , or some of their .star performers would have immediately chartered a locomotive , hut the Great Hasten ) people have not roneshcd that stage in the arena work yet. They had to consider the condition of the walking or the probability of an empty box car being taken down tin * road. At any rate they hael to skirmish , Tlio fact that they have disappeared indicates that they muilo the rililo some way. It Gets There Kvorr Timo. Mention was maelo in these columns u day or so ago of a lady named Deano , of Plattbniouth , looking for her husband in this city. The very evening of the an nouncement , everv niale reader in Omaha and towns adjacent were cognizant ol Mrs. Donne's trouble * , tlr&i oamo a lady to the depot and found the young wife , saying she had heard of hpr distress in the UKE. Finding that pecuniary aid w.s needed for food anil lodging , she kindly provided the funds , nnd ihilT Green put on his high hat and escorted Mrs. Deano to a hotel. Then the bn//lngof the BKI ; raised her friends in Pluttsmotith , and they telephoned to aelvancc her anything that was iieeelejd nnd all woulel bo riuht. Two or three' e > lhe < r gentlemen and laellcs had rcael the Bii : : , anel they came to the elopot and were only too anxious to do nil In their power far the slraugnr. Fin ally the husband. Ethoreelgei Donne , saw theaitiolo and Immediately sought out his wife ! , anel thuy are now as happy as a butterfly on a blossom. "Confound it , " said Mr. Deane , "I believe that IKI ? : is road by everyone ) in the Untied States anel part of New Jer sey , I believe I have had two hundred peeinle toll mo about my wife being hero. " Tints the good work goes on , nnd the Br.i : dally adds to Us good work of In struction and news-.snreading that of bringing happiness anel pleasure to the hearthstone. The I\cw IlrlilKe. Work on the piers of the new railroad bridge is progressing rapidly notwith standing elisad vantages caused by pass ing trains. There are about 1UO men inn- pioycel and thu masons under Charles Stears , a veteran in such work , have two piers completed. Three more have to bo built and it is expected everything will bo ready fe > r the superstructure March next. The plcra already finished nro magnificent specimens of solid masonry. They nro of granite anel rest on sunken caissons which rest on rock bottom ami are lillcd with concrete , making them really stone ) for nil practical pitrpuses. The granite work commence- * about twenty feet be- lew the surface of the water ; the founela- lion eif the piers : lro 00x11) ) , ami the height 108 feet of masonry. The olel bridge will be gradually taken down as work on the now structure ) permits. The contractor , Mr. Cobalt , is one , of the oldest unel most prominent bridge ) builders in the country. The magnllioont slructuro utPluttsmoutli is a neighboring specimen of his skill nmltnorongh workmanship , anel what ho has already elone on the Omaha bridge ) fuhy justihes the faith placcel in him. Traltm Itehiiul Time. The Uook Island train maelo a bael break last evening by not .showing up at the transfer at the usual hour. Inquiry elicited the information that the train was live hours behind time , Iho eloluy be ing caused by being wrecked near Van Meter , la. The engine anel two cars were thrown from the track , but no ono was injured. The evening train from Denver was two hours ami twenty minutes bo- hinel lime , otiuscel by waiting for the Uio Gramle train , which in turn was delayed by a washout. Morn 8oa\i \ For Unmlin. Secretary Nattingcr , of the board of trade , 1ms received a communication from Williamson , Crane & Co. , manufac turers of soup anel perfumes , of Janes- vijle , Wis. , asking what inducements will be ottered them to remove their large establishment to this city. Mr. Kattingor lias replied that grounds for the plant will bu provided and probably stock taken in the onlorprUe. Permits. Permits to build wore issued by Inspec tor Whitloclc ycstcrelay as follows : ( JeoiTCV. . Logan , one-story fininc eot- taso on Kim. between Kmhteeiith and Nineteenth . $1,000 Edward Hanson , one-story frame cot- taso on Pierce , between Unrdet anel Lake . COO Two permits aggregating . Sl.GOO The location cf tlio cable line is yet 1111 eleciueel. A. D. Brandies , of the firm of Brandois & Son , has gone to Wisconsin on a week's vacation , after which ho will visit New York for the purpose of buying more goods. There are now but lifty prisoners in the counl3' jail , tlie smallest number that the jail has contained for a year. The largest number was eighty-live , who were in the county bu til6 just before the last term of the eli&trict court. There were six car loads of excursion ists to the city from Shcnaneloah anel other places adjacent in Iowa over the Wabash on Sunelay. They spent the day in sight scoincr anel returned well pleuscei with their metropolitan visit. James Barrett called at the Bur. oflico yesterday tojdeny that his sons wore impli cated in the potindniastur's trouble Fri day morning , in any other attitude than that of self defense. He also demos that any hatchets , knives or other weapons wore used in the light. The ladies of the Central Women's Christian Temperance Union and the Omaha Temperance- Union will give a book festival at their rooms , Fifteenth and Capitol avenue , Tuesday evening , July 37 , for the purpose of furnishing a library for the county jail Refreshments will foe for sale , the proceeds to purchase a book case. Admission , one book. By order committee. Robert Polland. bolter known as "Windy Beb"has boon arrested again on a charge of being a suspicious char acter. lie was'arruigneel.ycstordaypleud | not guilty and demandeel a jury trial. Ho claims that bo has just returned trom a I wo weeks' trip , wliilu the police Hay that ho has bean soon loafing about town within the past week. General S. S. Burdulto , commander in chief of the G. A. K. ; General lihick. commissioner of pensions , anel several other notable veterans will bo in Omaha to-night. They loft Chicago at 11 o'clock last night. Not a single Grand Army man passed through the city yesterday afternoon. There was a decided lull in the How of the western tide , but in all probability to-day will witness manof the old soldiers on the mareh ) to 'Frisco. Didn't our girl graduate. * look lovny ? Yes , indeed ; they all use Po/.zoni's Com plexion Powder. For delicacy , lor purity , and for im provement of the complexion , nothing equals Po/.zoni's Powder. The bank clearings yostonlay were § 7(55,000.20. ( , Forbeanty.forcomrorl , for improvement of the skin , use iiiilyl'ozy.lnl's powder , A number of depositions in thn Sloman bankruptcy case were taken in Judge Webster's ollico yesterday morning. "OUT OF SORTS" ? Yes , Sick all Over ! Mvor torpid , bowel * i-oslive , blood , Btonm-h wonk imil lull.yoeir ill patlon is Im- iKinol IIIKI tlio orauiia iinu-tlvv , y ur poiuop- tloui are dull nud ampulloil , your to.npvr IrrJtu- bio mul peevish , jomuo until lor business or eoiiiiauloni | > lil | > . ) ou iieul Ja 10 "I Imvo u cd innny ruimuUt'B for iljepcpjln , I Ivor aUoctliii uu < tlulilllly. but III-UT Imvo found auyiliiiiif to bom-lit lo II u i-Mcut lUut rfimnuuj I.IVLT Kondntor ) ms ruiit from iinuhotu lo Uoovln lor llio rc' uiul n until Imvc t-onl I'm Hiur for ii'-li u mo < ln-i i- . I would mlvluiiill wliouro similarly nllrrltU lO hoilu trlnl n * U nooiiis llio oulj Udiiir tliat I o cr I ills to re4iovo , " i * . Jl JAM B J Mln'i ' * l > eli * , Miiiu. .SCINTIM/ATIONS I'HtO.U HII Forcible l < 'notH nnel Coinitiout.i Cheyenne Count- . SII > MV : , Nel . , July 23. [ Corro enco of the Hr.i : . ] The ocoplo of i entio county have heard with inellgna. of the dibits being nuulo to release Hal U. Hall from the stale penitentiary , upon some leelinieal points of law. The mureler of Con Sehlegcl in 1SSO Is sllll fre h in tlie memory of the people hero. Ilwns unprovoked and brutal in the ex treme. Hall's motive was the robbery of the safe of C. A. Moore , at Camp Clarke , to conceal the evidence's eif his crime by slaying the only witness. After knock * ing Sehle-ge'l down with the bull etui of u revolver , Hall shot him three times , killing him instantly , lieforo ho eoulil eseape , the constable at the bridge cap tured him and brought him here lor trial , He waived preliminary cNiiniltrillnu and wemld have been linehcd nl oneo hut that wher I'ounsel prevailed. At the follow ing term of llio district court hei plead guilty to murder in the second degree and Jneluu Gnslin sentenced him to imprisonment for lifo. At the time he claimed lo bo a relative of KvGovornor Albinus Nance. Slnca hi.s incarceration ho has been chief clerk nt the punitenthtry. If justice is now to bo made a hallow moeikory , weslei n Nej- braska will not stand the hlgh-haiuled outrage. Dr. Mathew.ion of Lincoln has lliill's entire pedigree. The Sidney nnd Lodge Polo base ball clubs playeil an interesting game hero yesterday. Score Sidney , U ; Lodge Polo , 13. Plenty of rain hn.s fallen in this vicinity lately anil the merchants ami farmers are happy , Corn , oats , millet anel llax look i excellent. There will bo nn abundance of hay cut all over the county ; Potatoes and other vegetables arc thriving and there will bo largo crops. Notwithstanding the extraordinary fabrications of 11. U. Humsoyof Omaha , our country still lives ami will bei a sight more prosperous than the Co.cns hotel. Reibert S. Oberfeldor. the loading clothier and Lodgei Pole speculator , is now east siipurinlemling the ) munufucturo of Uborfelder & Co..s fall slock. Tlio Br.i : i.s thu universal paper here , and a man might as well elo without Ids meals a.s to miss his paper. The news boy M'll.s It on the siteul ueforc 7 a. m. GiMieral Morrow , Muvor Boyle , Cap tain Kbilein , Captain Miles , anel Lieutenant - tenant Patten loft to-day for Cheiyenne to attend the court martial of Lieutenant M. Bain , Ninth Cnvulrv. General Thayer nnd Col. Livoring- house were hero last Tuesday nnd helped to institute n G. A. R. encampment at Kimball. The general is eimte a favorite hero. hero.Wei Wei are afraid our genial friend , H. F. Clarke , will not got a heavy support from western Nebraska for nomination as governor. Hi.s high charges at his toll bridge at Camp Clarke has busted his lit tle boomlet here , for thes grangers are elead against him. Ho hael .better-take a trip out hero anel repair his .fences. OAKLAND'S OFKKHING. Hurt County Politics Tlio County Seat Question. OAKLAND , Neb. , July 20. [ Correspondence enceof the BII : : . ] As yet wo Imvo haet no rain nuet everything is drying up. The apple crop will bo almost a failure , and also corn unless it rains soon. Politics nro beginning to be agitated. In nominating candidates for the legisla ture the issue will be whether llio men are Van Wick men or not. From the outlook now , we think that Burt county will Hetiel two men to the legislature who will bo lirst and last for Van Wyck. Considerable ill fueling is boiug raised against our county commissioners for their unwise course in appropriatng ! ! ! > l,500 to build cells for a jail , owned and built by Tekamah. This question of building a new jail has been siibmittcel to the voters of the comity twice , and both times the voters have said by their ballots , nearly unanimously , no now jail in the northeast corner , of the county not until the county seat is permanently located. Now , a.s Tokuniuh no doubt thinks to forever .settle the < niestinn of re.moving the county .seat , she agrees to furnish the building if the county will the cells. This action of the commission ers assuming .so much mithority against the will of the voters is receiving their bitter condemnation. 1SIPOUTANT GONSOLiIDATION . Hig learnings or tlio Chicago fb Xorth- wcsrerii Jtnllrciad. CmrAno , Ills. . July 2(5. ( An important move Isnnnoiinccil to-day in the consolidation o the Kile Jc Pacific despatch nnd South Shore fust freight line olllees In Chicago. Both iiro divisions of the Krle despatch but have worked heretot'oio over dllfenmt east-bound linc.s. Harmonious relations bclnc now-ru- stoied between Kile , Chicago and the At lantic , it Is the Intention to concentrate business over the latter road. This will take away from Pennsylvania a lar e amount or piovlslon and droned bout tiiiflle enjoyed by It for the past year. The coiibolldutlon taiw effect August Hist. Ailv.uifo sheets of the annual lepuitof the Rhfcncn \orthwesloin inllwny Just IsMied shows tlmt the gross earning t the com pany's Jlneseiastot the iMIshoini lirlsliiK-'WHS miles of load , wore S'Jl.-'iO.Mty , an IncreahO of $777,511 oor li > b.ri. The ojierat- liiK expenses wmo Slll ! , r > 7 , an Increase of S.W.T'JleavliiB / m-tcarnini's of .51Ul'iO , : 3. Thoicport Is imidu for the twelve months eiuliiir ( .May ill. A fie m < > ( i ii Co n lla rations. An alarm of fire called the elepartment to 113 North I'ourU.'ijntli street at fl o'clock yesterday afternoon where tl'o .stable of F. Dcllone was found to bo burning. The .structure was of frame , dry as a tinder nnd tilled with hay nnd the hie bpreud rapidly and be/ore the arrival of the department hud connected with the kitchen of a ix-sidence owned by Charles MeOonmek anel occupied by Mr.s. . llyers. The Humes were Subdued in good lime , but not until the barn nnd neljeuning bhcds had been destroyed and the roof of thu resideiieo Homuwhat In- juroil. The elamuiro will ne > t eucee'd ijtOJ. all of which is covered by insurance. An nlarm of lire at flil.'i o'clock was oc casioned ! > } a Mimllikmi \ In thu nt the corner of Klovunlh and Cuiiitol uvo- nn whiith was extinguished without thu aid of thu department. A Mualiilaii'H .Kelimi. Julius Myer has returned from the. Na tional at Milwaukee. He was delighted with the trip und IK now even more musical lliun ever. Ho speaks in quaverri , smiles in Femi-iinaveirs und when he raises his hat to salute a huly friend ho has the exact motion of a macs- Ire leaejing a chorus , They wanted Jul ius to sing in Milwaulrci } not knowing the Hutu wan his forte : , but poetically he rei' hpundeel : Break , : , bieak ! Ovoie-ol musturcomy plea For the Uinder utringsol my larynx are Oroki And 1 fail in my upper "Ul" „ Tflien 3' b.r wan * ick , we When tlie uai a Child , cbo cried for t/'nutorla , WLou ilio became illia. the clung to CutorU , CUUdruu , Uio rc them C lorl4