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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1886)
At SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , TUESDAY , JULY 27 , 1886 , NUMBER 33 * THE METEORIC BOULtt'GER. Bipid and Dazzling Eiso of the Trench War Minister , THE FIGARO PREDICTS HIS FALL. A Brn.onlloii Cronlod 1 ln-ongliont All l-'innco How Ills Huhoincn U'oro "U'orkeClnirclil1l for Lord of the 12\chcitcr. | AlTnlrH In Prixnco. PAttis , VIA HAVIIK. July 2X [ New York Hoi aid Cable iapoeiil to tlic Hr.i : . ] In ( Ion eral Uonhoigcr plotting a conpo d'etat' . ' The t'lgaio lias no doubt about it. in a sensa tional article b > K. Lavadcnvvhnwritcsundcr the name ot Ph do Ormidllutt , Iho Figaro jffl'erday ' warned tlie1 country to prepare for u pioiiunclamcntoaiKl gave minute details as to the'fl ulterior object , which is jiimmcd up In the beading of tlio article. " 1101 I.AMII.Il 1HKI ! VVAIt. " "lliat Is the dro im of this loitiess , mjster- ions chaiactoi. " sa > s M. do ( liaiidlleu , "Wliat are wo to think of all the schemes ami ambitious Imputed to him uveiywheroV The T people Instinctively seem to know that some convulsion Is Impending , some snrprls some sudden event. 'Iho dlplomitlc organs Hliow that this Impiesslon universally pre vails alieady. You cannot open tlio news- vapcis 01 listen to n conversation without being stincli by the same winds as on the eve of abiupt historic ehnues. Mostoloui mln- Isteis liavc traveled a good deal lately. In all their spheics thev have MHIIIXO nur iitnr VTS agahift the icaction , vvhllo .ittorlj neglecting the alTalis of the country. 1 not this , " con tinued M. do Cliandlleii , "a positive invita tion to ambitious men like ( IJoulan- geiV Can wo wonder much if ho losponds to the Invitation' . ' Helms thought tliat the fa mous psvholodcil moment has come , mid just as In thu kliudom of the blind the osi. E\III : Ji VN is K U. He has asked himself why he should not be- eoiiio the chief of all the mediociltles who sur round him. Ho may think he Is not gioat onongh foi his role. Nothing indeed In Ids pastmay justify the extiaoidln.uv rise that his ll.ittcrcis picdlct foi him. Hut setting aside the fact that ono mostnlwajs has illu sions about one's own impoitanco , may he not boldly assume the lolo beeaiiso It is abandoned to him , icsolvlng to justifj the nndeseived gieatness ho asplics to lalei I" SIIII , Iff HAIl.MIsS. A piominont doputj the other day rc- ni uked , wagging his head inciedulousl.v , that the magnhieont lioisc vvhlcli llio geneial rode at the lev lew on the lltli of Jnl > was not uulminessed from the chailot of victoiy. Tills is tine enough , but ma > not an attempt be made after to accomplish what theiowas no oppoitunitj of doing betoie , oven though it is alwajs preferublo that one's deeds should bo proved bcfoiehnndV Have not nations been known to give eiedit blindly to Kham saviours who ended In bankiuutcjl' We ma ) General Iloulangci , il we like , as a CIIAIIL V.IAX on VN Ai > vnvrrmn : , but for all that ho Is no look However in dulgently ho may judge hlmsell , ho ceitainly has a line appreciation of his means of action and Iho necessities of the situ itiou. Hu has nndeistood thnt Fiance Is humillalcd by scc- IiiL'M. Piudliommo at her head , wrapped in a P.uagon's diesslng gown. Accustomed to gloiv In seeing herself reflected In a chief capable of proudly weaiiuu' a sword , SIM : iiUNonns roit A I'nivcn or , at tlio very least , a soldier. As the nation loves glitter , ho has stilvcn to daz lo the crowd , but knows well enough that the mcio glitter of a icv lew will never bo mistaken for a halo. He was told harshly enough tlio other day that the people had no feir of a I piostigo built upon pnflcry , but this was no news to him. Ho knows it Is much more needed to facciuato the Prance of Tollsiac , ol liovlucs , Itociol , Austeilit/ and Magenta He knows that. In ourcnrpim ; , sceptic U ago , the ancient oils of Itheims HAVI : i.osi iiiniu and that victoiy alone will be admitted as a consociation. Ho need not to icllect much to uiuleistaud that the only general who could keep his hold on Piaueo would bo the one who gave her sorrowful patilotlain tlio jovongo foi Motz and Sedan. Tids , then is ho Ido.i hidden behind his bombastic ex.agsei- atlon. This Is the effect of his postming and plotting. Nntmnlly , too , the geneial does nut hope to obtain Ids end by succeeding M. Uiovy , In tlio tegular cnuiso , as tlie I'HKMDKNT OP THU HKPUIIMC. Ho knows as all know tint no ii.ullamcn- tary majority would sani'tlon such a ch ingo. It hu had any- doubt on the subject , M. Kane liasnotllicd him of thu fact Iriovocably , so tliat no Illusion can llnuci In his mind. Then again , though ho Is ageing , tlie inmate of the Kljsco may 1 ist some Uniu jet while llio gen eral might not bo able to balance himself long on his tight iopo. Ho must tiieiofoio act boldly , piomptiy , or ho loses the game. There must bo a now edition of the fuictldor. We aie , perhaps , neaier to It than we Imigiiin , but in en .a fuictldor would , to tlio geneial , bo but u step to waul ills Una ! aim. Ho me ins to the icalUation of his real end , that Is to say VTIU. 'Tills Is not mean Idle speculation ir is A Msmoim loitccAir , based on smer inform itlon than thnt of offi cial agencies like the Agonco Haves , Yes , the general w Ishes for war , and I am assured that this phrase has betm utteicd , that the new tiuctidor would be a preface to a now Mmciuo. Camhctta dieimod the same dieam nnd hoped to reallo It. Uy the same mcaiiK , too , ho di famed of rising to powei bv w ai. lie , too , while he was posturing on the balconies , know that though a mountebinl nctlng might bo tisoful to build up n loputa tlon and populail/ohls name , If Itconhl no coiibolidato a dictatoishlp. Windy- tall could not stand foi glory , and but for the mvsterious bullet of the Villa d'Aviav , who can tell Into what disasters the Carnet of do ioat might have plunged us ? Kb bleu , a mil itaij liambett.a , a soldiei advuntmur U 1 KVIMl ' 10 IT.Y TIIK SAMK OAMK. Public opinion Is warned. Let the nntlona sccuilty bo looked to , let us measure tlio wholoconscqucncoof the events which may surprise us , Thcio Is only ono obscure poln In this veiy clear project , ono hidden caul h this evident game , namely , tA. Clomenceau Kotblntrcan bo prepared or attomiitcd w Ith out his fieo and lull consent. With vvlm object and to what extent Is ha an nccom pllco In the cnterpiIseV Slojcs , the vhlomuy onro said the head of tlio government 01 lton.ip.uto III bu ( hi ! sword , but the swon BOOH monopolized over ) tiling and plungci the ] ioor vislonaiy Into nothingness. Doe M. Ulcmcnce.iu , lllco .Slcjes , seek a sword Docs ho Hatter himself that lie will after the victory turn n conqueilng general into a dooilo iiistuiment or U ho so dls.'iistcd will , his P.II ty that ho Is reigned to plaj Ing the par ) of n Comb.iceres , of wlioin ho 1ms nelthc Iho espcricnco or the mcUM A for the nation It is Inmgiy for test and stability. I lepmllalcs vvai and adventiuers moio thai over after so many unfortunate attempts mishap ? ami convulsions. It asks foi OIK o.liiuib'i ) iinA ono change only , which vvouli uiakc all others uselc-as and hnposslble. " A aiiKASK.NSATIO.V , The .above urttclo liai cicatod a ! ecus. Jliuu Ibtoi.gtuut the day. It was every vhrrctho universal toplcof conversation. llio Klfr.aro this mornini ; published Inter- lews on the subject with M. and Itochcfort. Clcmcncenn , In talking with he Klearo reportei , seemeil to make light of ho suggestion that lloulongcr rould be medi ating a coup d'etat , all ho said was , "Itcx- sts onlj In tlie linmaclnation of thorcactinn- nry pnpcM. Tlio idea Is simpl > ridiculous ; I von'tsay another word on the subject. " tocliorlmtMiid : "Am 1 afraid ot nalonngerV Why , hois the first really icpublicm minister of war we have lmdot. If wo overthrow him no should only get seine old stick foisted on is. No. I think It safer to keep lioiilanger ban any ono else. However , it he does make a coup d'etat Uvvon'tbo In the Interest of the Orlcanlsts. It Is idiotic to cnvipviiK HIVI WITH noN-v.i-AnTF. Napoleon came In at the moment when the country was trembling with the recollection of the j car ' 0.5. Hoiilau er , on the contrary , ai rived just as we are beginning to got rid of all feai of reaction. You think Houkangci Is irettlng dangerously popular , do jouV continued Uochufoul , with n slight igli. " 1 , too , have had my brief hour of [ Kipulatity. No ; thcieis no danger on that seme" Whether the Plg.aio aitlclo Is an cxaggcia- tlon 01 not , it cannot bo denied that ( icneral Ilo'ilamrcr Is not only an cxtieniely am bitious , but an oxtiQinely clever man besides. mi : Miui.un ci.trn. A few dav sago 1 cabled joti an account of the Inauguration of a now milltiry cmb in Pails , the idea of which Unilaiiger had con cluded , and lied thiough with a degiooot activity and Veisovciaiico bejond all piaisc. It now appeals tint this luxiii Ions P.ulsian club was planned by Hoiilaugci not ineiel ) osa device lei promoting comloit and pleasant social lelations among the olllcors quaileied in PaiN. but It was apart of agrcat scciuo lor making of the whole Fionch aimy A I'OLtllCAr. MVCII1MJ. 1 No soonci had the euteipiis ng minister of vvai siuceoded in biliniini : togethei into ono oigatibation , under ono roof , In his handsome - some now < lub at the he id 3f the Avenue de i'Opera. all theofliccis In and around Paris than he piescnted a icpoit to the president of the icpubllc iccommundm. ; that all the oxKtlng milltar ) clubs In the countiy should bo submitted to similar conditions. oiu.vv Arcni'ib ins vi > .ws. Piesldcut Ciicvj fell In at once with these views of Uoiilangcr , and ho just signed a dccieo In conloiiulty with them. All the mllltai ) clubs thiouuliont Prnncc will be hencelortli under the dliect conttol oftho minister ol war. All tlio olllceis of the aimy in active service will bo obliged to become mcmbcis of the millt.ii ) cluba of the sou town In which they are qu.uteiod and thcii dues will be deducted every month liom thoii pay. The statutes of the clubs are to bo submitted lei appioval to Iho cjinmaiulois of the aim ) coips ol the dilTciciit districts , who in tuin must repoit to tlio minister of vvai. Kvcn presidents ot woiking committees ol of those clubs aie not allowed to make the 01- anangem-'iitf lor the icnowul of their libi.nies , npaitments , in- teinal littings , etc. , without lust obtaining the apppiobation ot tlie ministci. ix ins sou : COMIIOL. tlio oiganlzation of the clubs , beiiiLT cciiti.dUed In the bandof the he id ot the mmy , becomes at once a poweiful political maehiiie , capable ot being tinned In mi ) diiectlon at the will ot the minister of w.u. Tlio wholol'ierich ami ) , in fact , will shoill ) bo traiisfeiied into a politi cal club , such as the Gliomllus and Jacobins tiled but weie unable to establish. Tlio aimy will now bo such a club , with a Mold In its hand Instead of meiely the club tongue in its mouth. 'Iho Ciiiondlst's clubs icstcd on mcio mguments foi thulr suppoit. Boulaug- cr'sscheme will have the whole aimed toice ol the county at Its back. It is howoveinot at all certain that IJoulanger lias any Intention of taking advantage of tlio situation to make a coup d' etnt. Tlie Join ualdesDebats thinks tliat Uoulanger Is not icallya man of such a lofty ambition. It sa\s : "Inourmlml , Uoulanger is only a general , who like * to , ul- voiliso himseli1 , see Ids name constantlv in the paper , and linthormoic paitial if the tuilli wcio told to pistols that don't go olf. " Salisbury Appoints Him Chancellor or tlio Jjxoliciiucr. LONDOV , July274a. m. fN"ow Yoik Heialil Cable Special to the Hii..j : 'Iho Moinlng News Is nutlioiity foi the following state ment : "Loul Sallsbmy lias offered to Lord Randolph Chuichlll the position as lo idei of the house of common'- , combined with tlic olllco ot chaiicelloi of the exchequer , a post which Involves less oflice woik than any other In tliogoveinmcnt , and his thorofoio been habitually associated with the position ol Ic.uloi , Chuichlll has accepted this pro . " posal. _ The HritlHh firain 'J rude Hov-iovv. LOMION , July 2(5. ( Tlio Mark Lauo Lx- picss , hi Its weekly loviow of the Hiitish grain trade , says : Lau-'oacioagoof the best cereal eiops have been damaged by lalus. The supplies ot native wheats aio much 10 Miictcd , causing values to iinpiovc. Sales ol English dm ing the past week wcio y-.iRJyqiuiiteisatSIs fld , against 3 j.iWJ qu.u- tcis at lid dining the coiiosuondlni ; week last vo.u. I'lom Is steady. 1'oielL'ii wheats aie lifeless. lhicis do not show the slightest nnxlel ) as rogiulstholiiturc. Pilccs ot American icd wheats iuvor buveis. There vveio cloven annuls and livn sites. Two c.ugoes weie vvlthdiawn and foui lunmiiicd , onoof which vvas Ameilcm. At to-dny's market wheat was slow and pilccs were not Impioved. Knglish lloui vvas scaico anil piices vveio against biieis. Toielgn lloui was dull and nogluted American coin was ! ! < t. deal 01. Hound coin was ste.ul ) , but pilccs vvciu nu deiuei. Concerning Unulc ICntcs. LOMIO.V , July iW. Tlio Hallway Ago ta-day , commenting upon the decision of Crus I'leU against James Goidon Donnelt savs : "Hy reducing the cabin i.atu to G pence n word tlio business of tlio Anglo-American has moro than doubled , mid It the public glvo tlieir heai I ) suppoit to tlio associated com panics there is little doubt that before long Increased business will have fm moru thai i ccoiiped the temporal- loss of lev cuuo causei by the icduccd tarllt , " AIMUIIJI Tlionisolvcs , AMBTiiu : > AM , July 20. Seilous conflicts took place hcio jesteiday between the popu lace and police and tioops , arising Irom llio molilultlon ot popular games on Sunday DisoidiTS wcio lOiitinncd to night , when tlio troops Hied Into the crowd. Tlio liotoi.s am electing bairicis. it Is icportod that a num bei have been killed and many wounded. Thu socialists mo foincntiug dlsoiders. Uontli anil 1'ioinotlon. , LOKIJOX , July iW , General Baion Wllll ton , military governor of Iteilln , Is dead. It U stated that Lord Itandolpli Chnivhill has acct.'iilcd the iK > 9illon 'of chancclloi of the exchequer and leader of the house of com mons , A Hitch in the Plans. LOXDOX , Jul ) CO. Tliero are rumors of a hitch In the forming oftho cabluent on ac count of the claims of two lend ! ug iniulatcis In tlio hut conservative governiuciU. Killed Hl8 VVIfb. Loi'isvii.LE , Ky. , July EO. Simon ITan- cock shot and killed Mrs. James Uass near Greshain. Ky. , Filday. Hancock and Haas vvoto lighting when tlio wlfo Interfencd. Haueock bred at Buss but filled his w ifc. THE WAY THE MONEY GOES , Senators Improving nn Opportunity to In- scrt Items In the Appropriation Bills. A SESSION WITH CLOSED DOORS. 'Wash-Day Work In the House Itc- port of thn Conference Commit tee A Protest AsixlnstSenn- torlnl Clerks. oT tlic Sonnto. WAsiusriTov , July 20. M r. Ulalr.from the coinmltleo on education and labor , icpoi ted back the house bill directing the commis sioner ot labor tomiko Investigation In the matter of convict labor. PaasCil. A ic-solution offeied by Mr. Gibson last Saturday catling on the sccictuy ot the inteiioi foi information as to the process iiadcbj the survejor ueneial ot Louisiana in satlsfactoiilj adjusting land claims in that state was taken up and pa sed , Mr. Ingalls ollored a lesolutlon , which was aiuipted , revmesting the picsldent to communicate inhumation eoiieeining the nllege-il detention of A. 1C. Cuttinir , an AtiK'iieaii cltl/en , by Mexleau anthoidlos at P.isodelNoite ; also whether an > additional Vnitcd btatos Hoops have been oideied to Port Hiiss. ' 1 lie senate then proceeded to the con- sldeiatlon of the delleieney apiroprl- | atlon bill. The lu.uliiig of the bill was In- teiuipted to permit Mr. Dawes to leport liom the co.iimitteo on appropriations foi foitillcations bill , Ho gave notion to rail it up as soon us the dolielenej bill was passed. llio hoii'-o bill to Inciuaso the n.n.U estab lishment was laid befoio the senate and lefcnedto the committee on nival ati.ilsr , when the le.ullng ol the delielenry bill was. resumed An Item VT.IS Insoited to pn Elvvln U. famith , W.tOJ for legal seivices lendeied the government In the tiUiteau easo. The lead ing ol the bill completed and all amend ments leportedbv tlio committee on appio- pilations being disposed of , the bill was open lo geneial amendments. On motion ot Mr. Halo an item was In- seitedol WISU'O ' lei repajment to linpoiteis ot duties pild In excess ; also nn Item of SfU-1,574 on account of tiatisportatlon ovci non-subs'di/cd ' i.iiiroadsopeiatedbj the Cen tral Pacific K.ilhoad cunipan > , lei tlio liical jeai ending .1 line .JO , I'sbO , and iiiior > eus On molioii ot Mi. Dawesaii item ol $ J.i , inseiled foi tlio Chippewa Indians in Mliinesotion account ol dam.ues to thcii lands bj the ovi illow caused bj goveinment dams. On motion of Mr. Wilson ot Iowa , an Item of SJG.OOO iiibcited to paj the United btates and IJi.i/ll .StiMinslilp comp.inv toi cu run , ' mails dining the last IHCM ! jeai. The bill was then lepoited back to the sou- ate , and ail amendments wcio coucmicd In and the bill passed. The bcuato then , on mot. on otJ M r. IM- munds. went into sect el session. At C o'clock the senate took a icccss until 8 p. m. at which liom the coiisideiation of executive business in seciet session will bo lesumed. At bl : the iioois vveio lonpeued and tlio senate piooeedcd to the coiisideiation ot pri vate pension b 11s which have been lavotablj icpoited. Filtj weie passed , including ono gianting a pension to the willow ot llenuial Bui bin Waul. On motion of Mr. Miihono , tlio senate pro ceeded to the consldeiallonol the imhllobnild- incsbillwlicn ; tlio following was pissed : ' 1 lie house bill increasiuir to SKK.OUO ) the limit of co-t to the public building at La Ciosse'i , - . . On motion ot Mi. Sewell.tlie bill was passed appiopiistlngS2" > 0,000 foi the establisliineut of a post at 01 near Denver , Colo. The senate then , at 10 : JO , adjoin lied. House. WASIIINOION , July 20. Mr. Ilolman , fiom the conference committee on the legislative , executive and judicial appropriation bill , re ported dlbg.ueemcut. Mr. Ilolman stated tliat Hie real point of difference was tlio senate amendment piovidiug lor seuatois' oleiks. llio other points ot diiloieiico were more loimal tiian real. Mr. Oates moved tliat the house recede fiom the senators' cleiks amendment. Tlio mo tlon was lost yeas , 00 ; najs 121. Fmthei conference was oideied. Mi. Henley , fiom the committee on pub lie lauds , lepoi ted back the senate bill for feiting ccitain lands gi.iuted the Xoithein Paclhc t.allioad company. The commlltee n commends that in lieu of thu semite bill tlieiu bo substituted the provisions of the house bill on the same subject. Mr. Pay on enteiod upon an exhaustive ic- \levv of tlio ease , but pending the conclusion of his icm iiksthu house adjourned. The Case ofCiittlnar. WA8HINO i ox , July ' . ' 0. Mi. Kins ot Louisiana olfeied a lesolution , which was icfericdto thncommittee on loici n all.iiis , loqucstiim thepiesldcut to communieatu to thu house iiifoimatlon concerning tlio al leged illegal detention of A. 1C. Cutting , tut Amciican citizen , bj the Mexican autiioiitics at Paso del Xortc. and also whethoi an addi tional foicc ol United States tioops has been ordeicd to Port IJIIfs. It Is slated at the w.u department tiiat no United States tioops have been oideied to Pint Bliss , in anticipation ol tumble at Paso del Xoite , ailsing fiom the lepoited ol the Mexican authorities to icleaho L'dltoi Cutting. It is stated tuitliei that the concentration of Mexican tioops al that place does not Itselt slunlty u probaulo iinituieot thcpioscnt pc.icetul lelations will this comiti ) , but Is moio likely a stragetlc movonieiit against levolutionaiy puties in Mexico. Substitute for Morrison's WAbiiixoTox. July 20. At Oo'clock tlilri evening the sonatois assem bled In caucus In the judiciary'committee room , Tlio committee appointed al the can cus at Seuatoi Sherman's.liouso to outline a hubstltutofor the Monlson loaolution made its lepoit , lecommending that the nilnhnuii icseivobo lixed at § 110OUOOOJ , and tlio maxl mum at SUJO.OOJ.OJO. A piovlso was addoi tiuthori/ing the piesldcnt to suspend the op- eiution ol the icsolutluii In umeiconeies. 'I'bo ipioimn of the caucus did not wait to lieai a full report and when Henatoi Allison had finished reading and explaining It it was decided to adjoin n without action , leaving tlioiosidt to thu Imanco committee at its meeting to-moriovv morning. At t > p. m. the senate icconveucd In scciet session. A CTrowl from ItlUsonrl. WASIUNOJOV , D , 0. , July .U Senator Vest made astitement bcloie thoPJatt fcpcc lal commltteu of the senate this morning with rogaid to Ids connection with Indlai trudeis hip matters. Ho said that ho did not peibonahy know oltlici of the traders at An uarka , Dak. , Cleveland and Kejnolds. Whci ho lirst Interested hl'iisolt on the subject , hu that Ids action w as taken In consequence o rtpie.scntiUion madu to him by friends men ot .str.ndlm.'ami leputo In bt. Louie. That tno now men whom Atkins was oppolnting know nolhing of the business and tliat tlio elleet ot appointing Tcnncsseeans and Miss- lssiilans ) ] ) exclusively would bo to dlveit trade from Sl. Louis , wheio it had long cen tcrcd , to Memphis. Internal Hovcniio Oporntlons. WASIIINOION , July 23. Hon. Joseph S. Miller , commissioner of Internal revenue , hasimuloa picltminary leport of ttio opera tions of the Internal revenue service during tlio lucal jeai ended Juno SO , 1SSO , of which the following is an abstract : Tlio total col lections for the year wcio Sll8OOJtti5 ; total collections lor the prevIons fiscal j-car were ilV.-i l.rn. showing an Increase of SU31- TJ4 , The states In which thu greatest collec tions wcrn made are icsnectlvcly Illinois , S' J,8oS.asi ; Kentucky , S15.7W.010 ; Now Yoik. jUioyjOO , ; Ohio ! SW.UJl.Jl . \Vhouna\ltt Starts. LOXDOV , Jn.y 23. Michael Davltt starts for Now Yorl : on Thinsday next to maker a loctmluii tour ol tUo Uuite fjiatci } . iT o. Tnoatrsox nAi > . V Noted Now York rolltJoInn Su I donly Callqd Hence. NEW YOIIK , Julv Si. Hubert O. Thomi > - son was found dead in his bed at the Worth louse , .Madlwn square , at 0:4 : > this mornint ; . ills room was visited at that time by his ihvslcian , Dr. P.obnrts , who had slept In the mlor adjoining Thompson's bed-room , llo mil last 'con Tliompson alive about 4 o'clock tils morning , tlio latter being In bed at the ; lme. There was then no appearance of a fatal losult of the Illness , which had caused Ihe e\-qomtnlBsloncr to bo under medical c.iio for 3S01UQ months. Thompson wis found Ijlm ? on his right side with his kncis diaw-n up. the pupils of ilsejos were dilated mid bloodshot , and Ids Faro and neck were livid Tlio Immediate cause of ills death was icrobial apoplexy. 'Ihe counter , who was summoned , said death luoinblj occurred about n o'clock. Hubert Ogdcn riiompson was thirty-seven xc.iis and seven months old. Ho was born In Boston , Mass , but was biought to this city by Ids paienls when n child , and has evei slneo livid here. Ills education was acqulied In tlio public schools and ho giaduated with honois from the fiee academy , now the college of the oily ol Now Yoik , Aftei ten .vc.irs passed In Wall stioet In biokeiago mid i.iihoad busi ness , ho wus appointed clerk In the wntci suivojoi's olllco bj Allan Campbell , then eomnilssloncr of public works , mid soon aftei was appointed deputy commissioner. Ho tilled the latter posotlou with eiedit lor tlueo voars lesignlns ; to ac cept fiom Ciovcnior liohltison tlie appoint ment of county cleikin place ot Homy A. Uumbleton , lomoved. Ills tenn as coin- mlssiouei of public w oik began in 1&SO mid lasted until the appointment of the iiioscttt commisslouci , bquhe. Thompson became active in polities in IbH , when lie joined tlio jounic men's democrat lo club , and became an niiponciit of the old iiarty leadeis. In 1ST" he was a member of Turn- am hall , but withdrew from It because of Ills hostllitv to John Kellv. His cai eer since then as leader of tlio county demociacv Is well known to ( lie public. Personally ho was a man ol winning manners and n genial companion. CHlTlOAfj CHOPS. The Ijnclt ol' Itnln Growing aioro DiuiKoroiis Knoh Day. Cine voo , July 20. fbpeciil Tele iam to the Hi r.l Tlie continued lack ol rain in many poitious of tlio countrv is awakening sciIons aiaim. While not unprecedented , the drought alieadj is ot moio than ordinary length and < -eveilly. The elleet ls.ilic.idj beilnning to bo lelt , nnd nil elToits to take as blight and cheering a view of thosltu.i- tlon as possible the facts do not wariant verj great enconi.ieeincnt. It is oxnctlv the time ot jeai w lien the gieat staple ol the west is In itsciitical peiiod. Coin Is justnowtas- scliiig and cariiu , coiulilioned on latitude and time of planting , to some extent. 1'ais aie bcuiniiing to foim , and tlio ciop needs , moio than at any othei time , a plentiful sup- plj of inolstnic. ' 1 his it is not recelv ing , and the lack will bo sevcicly lelt. It may prove disastious to ciop inospeets , if It has not alieady done so. Tlieit.illtj of the stalk is ceitainly injuied wheio the laiuiall has been sulllclent , thougli ] > cihnps not be- 1 end the ] ) ewer of iceupoiatlmi should the drought bo laised soon. The official liguies of tlie signal sei vice show the 1st of Julj the talnlall had largely lie-en below the aveiago. During the twentj-six dajs ot this month theio has been no gain made ovei these da > s. Stalling in ( Llu\month with a consideiable duJiclt , and not oven holding Its own dining thu inontyi. the inesentcondition can bceasifv conjectitrsd. Toliave put tlio ciop in am thing like ggod condition to-day July should havosiiown1 n largo excess of mill tall. In pbco otthat , Itshowsa deliclon- cj. The icpoit tills moiningsliows no lain to h.ivolallen ouvwheio in tno United btates within elglUhoui-9 to the e.xtentof one-halt inch. I'OSTAIi THIKVIJS CAPTUUCO. o MOH Whoso Bvll Ways Hsivo Been Discovered. CiircAno , Julj 20.-W. II. Uolton , chief of the second class matter at the Chicago post- otllce , was airestcd shortly after noon to day , cliaigcd with omhc7/Ioiiient ot public funds by means of false i etui us. The postolllco in- spcctois claim to have tiaced abhoita.c of S-1.000 liom Novembei , 18i > 4 , to Novembei. ISbS.and Intimate that the total shin tae will he fiom fifty tooun bundled thousand dol- lais. John T. Stewart , wolglici , wasalsoauosled. Tlio inspector say thej lind the D.ulj News Publishing company paid him ne.uly 91,000 inoio liom Xovembei1SSJ , to November , 1V5 % limn the amount which lie tinned ovei to tlio government , 'limy also allege that dining the sinio pciiod the Westcin Nbws cimipiii > jiaid him about U , ( > 00 mine than lie letinncdto Washington. They have still lo inspect the accounts of all the othei news papers which had papeis mailed thcio dm- Ing Coi. IIolton'H incumbency. Col. liolton was appointed by Postmaitei Palmer in Ib77. 'I ho .urests of tlioso t\vo aio very likely to be followed by moie , lib tlio inspector have ills- cveioda ( ) private memoianda beloinliig to Col. liolton which thov claim implicates a nuinbei of officials ami oven piivatc oiti/eiis. The inspectois say tliat the ( acts which will quickly bo brought to light will produce a sensation wli'ch will astonish the countij as well as the city. DAKING KOHISKKV. A Jjiuly JCnockod Dow n at the Iceland Jlntol , Chion o , and Itohbod. CiucAno , July liJ. ( f&pcclal Tclegiam to the liu'.J In lull glaioof tlio Leland hotel eleetilc lights , Mis. C. U. Jajncs , of Ib5Mich igan avenue , was knocked down and robbed ot a hand batcliel cohtamlngfc > 7,003 wnrtli of diamonds ami jouoliv. Mi. and Mr . Jayues and Mis. Ackeinmiuind two chihlicn vveio 11 turning fiom a io > t.iniant wheiu they had been dlnimr. Mrs. Jajnes and Mis. Acker- man nnd a little boy wcio walking just in the reai of Mr. Jaynos mid Mis. Ackeiman's daiighlei. Tlio Indies had just ciosscd the alloj bcpaiating the Leland hotel tiom the Klrstioglmentminoiy. when Mia.Ackcimiu vvassol/od bv somebody liom behind. She. tuin ed quickly and snv either a despeiatc- looking nogiom. nssiie is inciinedtobellovc , a while man with his laeo blacked. When she laced thu despciado he giasped her hand and endcavoud to wrench .irlng fiom one of lierlingeix. Ho failed In tills attempt , but tinned liuoly and quickly to Mis .layncsand dealt hern blow vvldclt knocked her down. As Nho stagwiod ho 4ul/cd tlio hand salchel which she can led nn her aim and dai ted dow n the alloy. Mr , Jiiynes , w ho had turned nnd dlscovciod the toljbeiy , pin sued the lob- beras far as YaiiUmeu bticet. Hero llio man osc.iped In tlio dnrkjjc . The satchel stolen contained about sis thousand dollars' vvoitli ol diamonds and four ijundicd and seventy- eight doilais In money , u gold watch and chain and a numbcrof.pleces of jovvoliy , be sides kojsaml other mluor articles. No tiaco has jet been found'of ' the ; obber or the satchel. Salisbury ColululHHloncd , ox , July tG. ! pallsbuiy airived at noon to-day In London , fmm Osboine , where ho went to receive the queen's commands to form agovernmunt. Gieat crowds assembled nt all Ihe chief railoid : stations between Poitsmoiith and Londpn and tendurd tin now premier ovations. Ho declined to ad dress crowds auvvhoieiindnt London station an cnoinious crowd assembled to welcome tlio marquis and they cheered him loudly , halUbury , Oiborne , peiformed the ceremony ot kissing the hands of the queen nnd was appointed her prime minister. " " Sowing Kovolutiomu-y Hoed. EACU.IJ PAbs , Tex. . July 20. Involution- nry circulais are heln&dlstiibuted & thromrhout the btatos of Tamaullpas , Chihuahua am : Js'nevoLeon.sIgiieU b > Fruncl&'oT. ing upon his friends to arise , arm themselves and light tha Diaz goveiiunnnt , which is trampllnij upon the rights of the pcoiilo imt ) iie > d. 'Iho circular t < avs that a decree has la ulybecn urotuulgateu civ Ins tlie alcaldes throughout the vailou- > states unusual povv- ms over the rights of peisons and pioperty , In violation of the cQin-mutlon of IMT , w Inch Case calls upon tP.o people to uphold. EFFECTIVE EVIDENCE , A Pinkerton Dotcctivo Tolls About tlio Anarchists' Secret Doings. HOW CASES WERE WORKED UP. Corroborative nvlilenoc Which IB Be ; IIR Uscil to tlio Grunt Damage of the Defendants Another Kcil flag Mooting. Tlio Anarchists' Trial. CIIIOAOO , July 20. [ Special lVlorntn to 10 lli.n.J Tha full foico anil meaning of the testimony of tlio Plukerton men In tlio anarchist trial will lianlly bo umleistooil until more of It Is put In. TIicio Is moro of it to conic , Detective Jnnscn Is only ono of live of Plnkeilon'H other olllccrs who woio put call ) last w Intel to Iliul out \\lmt the atiarchKt crowd ncluilly inoant by tliolr moutlilngs at the lake fiont anil other places and who , in the prosecution of their work , [ icnctratcd tlio anarchist ileus , took part In Ihcli most seciot conclaves , listened to tlioli lustiuctloiis to their dupes and icpoitcdday to day to I'inkorlon , their LMnplo\ei. Kutther than that he had set thuiu to do this woik and leqtiiicd repoits tlioy lie.ud and said tlioy did not Know 01 inquire the obje-t ofit. "Hill ) " PiiikcMion alone knew that huhad been emiloc"d by a pailv of the largest piopetty owners In town to make the Investigation and furnl.Mli tlio liiforiiiation as he got It. Ills men weio not cmplojea to nccuso or coin let an ) one. They wcic In structed to report the laets simply as they found them , and theti testimony is theiofoio not open to the objection which is usu.illy urged with foieoiuaiiist detectives' evidence is piocuied to coin let. It was not used for that purpose , thoiuli what might been done with it hnd not the llavmaiket liot put an end to Its accumulation It Is , of eouise , impossible to saj. It comes now simply as con oboi.itlvoeidonco to conllim the Blatcnients of those who \\cicln thogicat conspi.icy ! , and as such Is the moio \aluable. The Piosecutlnn , which has so fiu been managed with consumato skill.Is niaRInz tlio least possible of this valu able nuteiial So far the proof of conspiracy has btcn admliabl ) auangcd and picsentcd. ' 1 ho state's attornc ) and his assistants have aetu.ily icall/ed fiom the start what all luose- ctitois ic.ill/c sooner 01 later that conspii- acy , ot all cilmes , is the most dilllcult to piove. Usuall ) thoonlj testimony to bo had in such a case is that of an accomplice a "squealer , " as the famous whisky cases ten ) ears ago taught us to call them a kind ot witness that It is dilllcult foi couits , Junes , and Individuals alike to icjr.ud othei wise than w'Mi ' contempt 15ut they must bo useil , ami 'irinuell lias used thorn up to this point to the best adv anl.ige. I'lio plan has been to put ono on the Maud and gel Ills stoiy and then pioducc conobratno witnesses to con- liim It bofoio examining aiiothoi. Seveial of theseh.ive now told theli sloilcs , and all l > cen eoullrmed In most inspects In tuin bothei witnesses , and each ot tlio eight dc- lendants , liom sodden. Inutisli l-'ioldoii , to the tiielots , devilish Lingg , has been shown p.uticipited moreor less actively In the eunspiiiicy to miuilur and destioy. Hut this has only been shown by "squeal ers1 except so far as it has been corrobialcd by othci witnesses. Now comes the tcsti inony of thb detectlvos emploved long befoio the bomb was thrown to lind out the dev 11- mcnt these men were pie ] > aiiug. Following them will como then utpoils , wiittou at tlio time and submitted to tlieir employer , and then , to make the matter complete , piobably Pinkeiton himself andenough ot tlic gentlo- meu at wlioso instance lie made the Inqiiity , will bo called to show it was made in earnest and tot the solo pin po-e ol ascei Iain- ing what was going on and not foi the pin- poao of coin iciing tin' defend mis. Aside trom tills \aluo as conobontive evi dence , the tesllmon } of Detective Jansen is the ill st evidence so tni brouu'ht out that dl- lectlj connects Paisons and rioldon with the aimed sections ol the an.iichlbt. Up to the time 1'inUerton appealed the course ot Kos- tei's cioss examination seemed to in dicate th it tlio\ ' would it-ly on piov- ing that while these men often tlucaluned to blow up hillbillies like ihe hoard ot tiade , Maislnll Field's and otheus , they novel did it or attempted it , and thcio no evidence to show that mi ) oneot them throw bombs * oi .iltcmpted to thiovv one , although the ) li.ul them in tlteii pos- bossion. Whcthei the piosecntlon will bo able to show that mi ) ono took bombs to the IIainaikct , 01 had a knowledge thatanj- b. > d ) else did so. icmams to bo seen. Tint they enoomagcil olheis to biimc them will bo lalily established by the pioduction of a copj ot the call lor tlio assembly ot the aimed sec tion , the word "rube , " published in thoAi- bolteieitting , which is in the handwiiting ot Spies. The niosccntloh also lias a copy ot "Ion Como Mond.i ) .Night , " which Is in the handwiitiiig of Kaltlia/ir Jtau. These will bo presented In irooil lime. I'Jtopj.nniMis or nin TIUAL. A. G. Jansen , the detective whoso ills- closuics logardiiiir the anaichistu uc.itcd a bi'iisatlon Satuidn ) , took the stand this moinlnc Hist , and the cross- examination ot witncsswas lesumed b > Fos ter. Witness icpoited daily to the agency in writing mid these written lepoitsho obtained from I he agency. 1'ho ii.una of L. J. ( Sago Is cndoised on the lopoits. but wit ness docs not know Gage. Witness slid that Mayil : , 18b5 , Fieldon made a bpcech do- flaring the goveinmcnt could bo overthiown bj lorcoonl ) and on nnntliui occasion Fiolden told witness loroo was to bo used .May 1 , thlb jeai. Amrnst ll > , P.iiions speaking ot the htreetcai iiiens' stilko said II Inspcuol Uon- neld was shot a social icvolutlon would be inauginated. During the cro = s examination Johnson said Paisons anil Floldcn vveio at Iho Hist meet ing of tlio aimed section , ami lie thought Kn.ic ! also. William A. Pinkoiton , chief of the Na tional detectno agency , tostllied that he hail employed detectives to lind out thu societ doings ot the aimiolilsts , but this was 01- deieil stricken out , and 1'iiikciton loll the btand. ( irinncll load the following notice In the Alarm ot October 18th , IbST ) ; "llio aimed section of the Ameilean gioup meets oveiy Monday night at 51 West Lake fitieet. W. II. Freeman , anowspipoi leporler said that at the mcctlii'on ! the lake fiont. April 85. 1'aisons spoke , sa > ing if the vvoikingmen wciodilven tostaivatlon they would iinluil the banner ot llbeity and Iraleinlty and sweep oven thing befoio them and pointed to the led Hair as ho spoke , lie uiged Ids heaieis to take up inniR. Spies spoke In Cieiinin. Fieldenaid ( the woiklngmon tould only cnjo > the tinlts ot their labor by lorec. Witness was at the hay- maikct. Ho saw I'm sons on tlio wagon , who fiemiuntl ) cried "Toauus. " In his speech , Fielden dlscussod legislation and Mild it was useless to attempt am thing by legislation ; foico was the only re source lett. Witness saw 1'aisonu , .Spies and Fielden on the wagon , and he also thought ho saw bclnvab.yncn Iho police came up ho heard the police give the com mand to the crowd to disperse , vviilch was lol- lowed by thu explosion and tiling. Witness crouched behind a wagon until tlio tiling ceased. Un cioss-examinatlon witness did not hear the icmark attiibutcd to Fielden , "Wo are peace able. " in thualteinoon Dr. F , II. Newman testi fied ho attonted the wounded policemen and identilicd seu'inl nuts , bullets , and other missiles us lhe < same hu had extracted fiom the bodies of thu wounded men. Maxwell K. DIxon , foimoily a newspaper man , testified to haying had a minium of ( oineisatlons with I'.iisons. At tlio last of these 1'aiaons cave him the dlagianfa pub lished Inasoulalistio piper lomcaentUig > i btreet Intel section , and. bald the Chicago socialists In tl.ell comlii , ; tevoUitlon would make use ot soinosuch plans. Witness said to I'aisoiis , "Vou'ie not tolng to blow un > - bed > IIP , aio jon'i" ' and Persons aubwoioil , You'll see , and it will bo bioucht about ROOIICT than > ou think foiVitnoss \ do- u'rlted a uuiuber of boclnllstjc lutctings lie mil attended In ttic capacltj of a reporter , and rend fiom the published reports of ho OMIIO the pxim * sloiis n ed by 5ple , Pnixons and I'lclden , denouncing c.i- | talhts and advocating revolutionary vrln- elnles freely , in which the use of dj'n.uultc was recommended. I'auIO. Mull , a l ) , ll > News repiilcr , gave n gi.iphlc description of the 'ceno at the May- uarket on tlio nlclit of llui ilot. lie was an no-witnc < s and was within forty or lifty reel of the bomb when It exploded. Ills de scription of the events of the evening did not dllVet nnterlallv from tlumiof other ojo- wltnesses. He ald that the bomb , as It o\- Ulodod , < seonicii to level to the ground the fiont ranks of tlio police. The remainder oftho afternoon was lakrn upbv the pie ectitlon In the leading of edi torial and oilier articles fiom the Alarm and slmllai socialistic oiirans. 1'ho theme of the articles was tovolutlons. WITH 8INNKUS. Soclnllsliu Mooting A Itcil I'Miifr GntlicrliiK. OitirAno , July ' -U rullj two thousand sjmpatlilcT3 of the eight nnaicliKts being Irlcd before , ImUo ( ! aiy ai onbled : In West Twelfth stieet Tumor hall tonight. It was the first "red tlag" meeting since' the mrni- or.iblo night of May < , and t'icio ' v\as con- aldeiabloanxict } mound police headipiarters In consequence. The entho foico theio was held In ic.idincsj to answci any cill , and auoodsbed nnmbei of olllceisvvasin attend ance near the meeting. Captain O'DonncIl was pie ent and had about forU uniformed policemen scattered inside and outside of the hall besides miny detectives In citizen's clothes , but tlio meeting was peiee.ible , and the proeeedlnL's legular. A. t > . HlsholV pre sided. ispeedics weie dellveied bj A. I ! Simpson , lr ) , Ktnest Schmidt and Heoigo Schilling , all socialists or nnaicliists of long M.iudlng. The lemail.s of each wcio uvldentlv tom- ticied with a due ic-rard for the pollen foico that was Diesent , and were prettv stilellj POII- lined to expiation on the set object" ot ' . ' ' meeliim , which aio Hummed nninsoiles of resolutions thnt vveio afteiw.ud eaiiled with a whoop. These lesolutlonsehige that the in ess has since tlio totnth of May with ab-o lute unanimitj ckimoied tor condemnation nnd CMciitlim of elglit anaiehlst ontiial , although thov liavo not hcaii heaid in tlieli own defense. The resolutions turtherchaign that the press has not fairly and fully pub lished the evidence thus far adduced In the trial , puticiilaily the cioss examination of the witnesses called by the prosecution. In conclusion tlio le-olutlons "recom mend to tlio organi/ed woikoisof. Chicago to follow In the lootstens ot the l.a- ben union of iS'cw Yoik , which Is eutoiinr thcaicnaot political action tor the puiposo of counteiactlng lepiessivo legislation that the capitalisli * classes will no doubt attempt to lallioad llnougn 0111 legislative bodies. " FIGHT Anoxo O\cr 1'onr Hundred Itnliuimnnil lltin- Kurluii 3liucis at AVar. SnrVNOOAII , 1'a. , July ii. ! A sciious liot broke out between tvvocangs of Italian and llungailinlabnieis on the now Pennsyl- v nil i iSsbeiiuvlklll Valley lallioad belweon Delphi and Ili/elton this afteinoon. The- Italians stiutk for an advance In wages and undertook to compel tlic 11 unirai ians to sti luo with them. The later lefused and ateirllic tieht , in which ncaily 100 men participated , followed. A tiain was immediately dcs ] > itched to this place foi policemen to stop the light , bnttiefoic they leached the scene the Italians had diiv en the Ilungailans to the woods and slopped all woik on the lino. Scv- eial ot the llunpailans aiobullv iiifmcd and tlneeof the number aio icpoited dvinir. Kigliteen policemen were wounded , and twenty-eight poisons have been aiicslod , in cluding two socialists. THE KKCOKD. Oiualm JIoli'.H Her Position na Tliir- tecnth In tlui hist. UOSTOX , July 20.- ( Special te the Uin. ] Tlio fc. owing table eom- piled fiom special dispatches to llio Post , fiom the mana-reis of the leading dealing houses in the United States , shows the cioss bank exchanges at each point foi tlio week ending Julv "I , ls > sO , in comp.ailson vvitli those foi the concspondiin : week in l3i ! > . CITJKS. CUIAllINOS. New York , 1.5 Philadelphia 31.9 Chicago , IV 17.3 St. Loins J 0.0 , 590 25.0 San 1'iancisco . . . . i-1. ! ) Baitiimno , , 11.8 Cincinnati , ll.'WO.O'W 20.h Pittsbuu' H.b Kansas City 111,7 Piinidence. . . . 17.0 Now Orleans. . II. ' Louisville Oinulia 1,010,1 Ol Detioit aK , | ,277 * lonvci Milwaukee hjooilooo 20 r Cleveland Minneapolis. . . . liaitloid , , rn.o Columbus 1,725,131 01.2 Indianapolis iyjio- , , 12.7 New Haven CO ! ) Spilnglield lli. I Mialveston ! ) 10.11' ) i Memphis NH..5S7 Poitl.ind 675000 \\roieester \ 8.Y.7J ) i. St. Joseph Pooi U Lowell i.5 Siiacuse 20.0 Total 5 > J8I. . Ill OntaldoXim Yoik Not included In totals. .Sllcnclnjr HID Still. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Julv 21 Senator Illair , tiom Iho coniinllteo on education and labor today subinlllol a favorable lopoit fiom the cominUtou on tlio joint lesolutlon piojosins that an amendment to thu consti tution In relation to alcliolio liqiuns and othei poisonous bovoiages ba submitted to the leglsl.itnios ot the stales foi latlllcatlon. Thu amendment piovldos th it liom and alter the jeatlOOJ the manufacture and naleol dis tilled alcoholic Intoxicating liquors , except lei medicinal nmposes , nieclianlcal , olio ml cal and scion tlllo purposes , and lei use In nits , shall cease. Tlio report , which nccom nan led the inoposed amendment pajs , "Tlio committee does not deem It mcossary to ills ouss the evils oftho use of alcohol but believes the people have the light to decide what moasuies shall be taken lei the regulation oi oxteipatlon of this tunic. To do this Is the M-iy essence of despotism and lei confess niueasonahly to infuse healing Is a jus cause lei involution , " llio Vlutiins of a PiTTSnuna , JulyiiO. The damage by this moining'b sloim will piobablj icaeliSn > 0,0 ( ) } . The slot in was the most some knoAvn foi manyjeai-s. Fiom almost oveiy town along tlio ilvei icpoiU Is coming In with accounts of gioat dam iHe , At Pine Cieek , along llutchei's i mi nnu tlio bovvickley valloy. the watci Hooded houses and main tamllles were lorn d to lien to escape diljunlnf. A innnber ot peisom. woio injinod and two killed by llKhlnlng PoiUii Puinoianoe , at Ifveehbuig and an unknown lady at Ue.ncu 1 Vls < . 1'ho DriiKtflHt na a Murilorcr. Ci.iviivxi : : ) , O. , July 20. K.uly this 1110111- Ing Mis. Audio Haitoll , an 'llallan woman living on Jiroadvvay neai the ( hint Now- burgh lolling mills , sent hci son to A. J. liaitlett's. dm ! , ' store naai hy foi 10 cents worth of cicam of taitar and the same amount of fuigarof milk. Thieo children vveio sick and the din0rs weio for them. The mothei also p.utook of the medicine. In- Mead of sugai of milk the ilrngL'isi ga\o the. lad msenic , and to-nlglit tlio mother i' dead , and tlueii chlldien uro not expected to 10- WILL NOT BE AT THE DEATli Olovolfttitl Will Ignore Prece clout anil Stay Away From Adjournment. WANTS TIME TO CONSIDER DILLS The Opinion fret nils Thnt Con rpB9 \Vill No\orlhclcos Adjourn .Mon- rtny No\t llic llltcrnmt MIU-- lor 1JIII Ua < < hliiRton Notcn. ThrPiosldcMit's New I Wv .111x0 ro\ , July 3' * > fSpi'clal role- gram lo the llir.j : It was le.anu'd tiom ex cellent mitlniiIt ) tu d\v , and Is voui'hed for bv the Clitic , that Pio-.ldi.nt Cleveland will nnduubtedl ) change the custom , long pi.ic- llcoa hy his pirdeco ni i , of visiting ( lib piesldent's room udjolnfng the -onato elmmboi , aceompinled bv his cabinet , dm inn the uxphlng bouts of the session of con K res f , mil attach bis approval or state his objec- llons toappioprlatlon bills and other me.vs- incsiushcd thiough , as Is ciistomai ) on the oveofndjoinnment. 'Iho executive depart ment being n co oullnato blanch of the gloat government of the p-ople , Piesldont Clevo * land maintains tliat Ills constitutional duties as such executive aio ) defined , and In imler to piopoil ) dlsch.iigc the same ho must time to duly cximluo and consider all mcasuics icqnliing his uppioviil to be come laws , and thnt sueh proper seinthi ) as is lequliod for a falthlul dls- : hargo of thotiusis conlldod lo Iho executive Jianeh of the goveinment cannot be given amid the lush of hastv Icglslntion ground out dining thu last few hoiusot the close of il'o session. Liitc'.talnlng those views , Cleveland - land will leinalu at the executive iniuxlon and iccolvo tha enactments In the usual uvular couiso and take time to ilvo ; them e.iieful consideration , Coiigicss..ot ' course , will lave : to continue Its session till the executive ictuintho measuics with bis nppioval or accompanied with his objections. Tiicrcfoie the ( 'aloof ' adjournment cannot bo dchnltol ) lixed b ) a piovlous joint icsolntlon of consiess Adjointiment must wait the piesident's leturnot tlio bills submitted to him. A few d.ns ol cucful coiisideiation mid scrutiny ot the nnmciousacls ol legisla tion will , It Is claimed , be time well occupied b ) the executive depmtmunt in tlie oseuisa of its constitutional obligations and duty. Coniness will , it is neverthelessasseitod ad- jouin al noon on next Mondi ) . nu : KIVI i : AND iiAiinou nu r.'s n\sr nt. Tomoiiow Olinliinan Willis , of tlio < om- miltooon ilvois and h.iibois , expects loic- pott to the house that the conlcienco com mittee on tliiMivci and haibur bill has bci n unabk ) to agicu mid will ask Hi it U bo In- stiuctcd to eithei leeede from 01 insist on Mien amendments as me dcsiicd. As this Is a not Impiouer course , n light' ' win ensue , as the late ol the llennephi ( anal will bo delcimlnod. The dolondeisol ! I the lionnoiilii canal will make a point oP oidoi against th e pioposilion of Willis , ns the , house Is against them and thov melei'to tiust lo a coiiloieneo. It Is believed II Willis succeeds ami the Ilunnepin canal clause Is stilekcn out , as It Is almost side to' hi- , the whole liver and haibor bill will tall as tlio li'nnepiii suppmteis anneal to bo stiong enough to de-foat tlio bill it not lo get what they want. i in ; IMII bim.Xr'g III.COMMU.VDA riovs. Tliopicsldeut isloiid ot wiitlng letteisof iccomiiieml.itlon for set v.iuts and otlieis who have been in his oninlov. A stoiv is being told heie about his leiioi oJ iceoiiimeiidiitlon toapilvatc deteeilve who had ch.ugo of the Maim Hatpin cabe dnrlnjr the campaign. 'Iho detcetivo lived hoio all w Intel on the fat ot tlie land , bills pdd mid a pci.soiiallottc'1 of llio stiongost lecoiilinon- datoln trom the piesideiit , The deleitlvo Miowod Ills lettdi to evciybod ) and iiiailu m my a stake on it. Ho has bjon sent lo London on a ' ruet set vice. The latoht ow not of a lettei ot lecommendalion is So- gei , tlio Gcimaii-Kieneli cook at tlie White house. On Aii-cust IMi. Seger Is lo go , because - cause the pi eslitent expects tosoavv.i ) soon aftoi. vv hon Iho oideis came to the cook . that when his month was up * for the suminei , Sfgei wont to the Ilbi.irv , vrhoio the iiiosidout was , and asked him 11 ho would bo so kindis to glvo him a letter ol ! lecommendationadding I hat all his ouipio ) eis > had done so. Without u moment's husit itlon Mr. Cleveland took out a piece ol whitu house pipei with "Kxecutlvo Mansion" on the head , beget stood by and the pusldent wiototwo pages of the most lulsom pi.ilso foi the man. It was addiessed "To whom it may coneein. " mill signed by "Cliovcr Clove- laud. " I ho leltei began bj sn ) Ing that as ho ( the piesidont ) wasgolnir inv.i ) foi the Mini- inei , ho would not need the sou ices of Hegei foi the summer , and ho wished him lo gel u good place , theioioic , ho him as.i nut-class cook. Ho makes "splendid muflins" goes Iho letlei. "lie cooks her to tin n , " while the picshtcdt sas his cotlco la ' delicious. " Theio mo other little deliciiclfs nicntloncd , but the way bogei cooks onions and cabbage is not quoted. Sogui imtninlly pii/os this letter hlghl ) and shows It vvllu caie , and does not doubt but what It will gain him a Ilist-class nkico lei tliosum- mei , us ho will oulv bo Idle then , foi tin ) piesliloiitaiidMif. Cleveland want him next tall again. norii ns roii PI III.K Public Pi inter Hounds Is expoiled to ro- tin n to Washington \\Vdncsda \ ) . His iolg- nntlon lias been in tlie piosldeiit's hands tor beveial week" , to lake elleet beptomboi 1 ! ) . It is given out at Ihe white house tliat ( ion- era 1 Itogoiot Uiiir.ilo. will hiieceed Mr. ItoiindH. This action will ho in piiibiiaiiioof a plan agieed upon two ) cais ago , whouby ( Icnoal lie oi.s ugiccd to vvithdiaw Irom Iho oongicssioiial laio In the Thhty-M'coiui New Yoil : district In l.ivor ol Dan Lotkwooil , with tlio nndeistiindliig that no should bo given the place of public piintei vvlionii vu- canc ) occuiied. It is Milil that the piesidont would now like to icecdoiiom Ids piomlso , nnd appoint Coloni 1 J. M , Keating , ot Mem phis , instead lint General Itogoin will not agiceto bo set aside , mid Ids appointment will undoubtedly follow the ptesldenl's 10- tuin from his vacation. 1IIIIS OIM'VKII. Hids wcio. oprtned lo-ilny b ) the supoivHIne mihlteet ot tbettoasury foi lion toof lei llio custom house at Council Hlulls , Iowa. 'Iho names ol the bidder * mid Ihe amount of each bid vvas as lollows : 'Iliu Vmlcty lion vvoiki ( Jo. Cleveland , Ohio , feio.yji ; Tim Mothei- wcll lion woiks , Liuan.Ohlo. Stl.'JiJ-l ; ( Snind Iron woiks , Louisville , K' ) . . 5 > iJ'Xi : ; ; Hougli , it Co. , Indianapolis , St > , C s. nn ; i oni.c AM ritovj.sronnix r , As anticipated by a Uii : : special last week' , the bouse lo dav agicod to the confeiencn ro- poit on thohlll cxtoiidlng the tlnio wiih n which pmchasera of land on the Omaha ami. * Otoo Indian icsciv.ition ma ) pa ) their mm ciphi and interest. The bill will now uo to llio Pirsldcnt , ami the JSebiaska delegation say It will bopiomplly Nlgncd. IM.IISONAI. A.VI ) OK.VI5KAI , . Thomas A. Dillon nnd wllo of Omaha aio at Will.ird. TIIOI11.1H p.ivlB , W.ilkei , la. : James W. Combs. Hcdlonl , la : John A. Nichols , shalltovvn ; W. S. Paulson , Council HlulK wejo tHlay admitlcd to practice In thu In- tciioi depaitiiient. I'OSIMASil.Il AIM'OIVrnil. ( aibtav ( ! . Campbell vvas appointed po ( - , - niasloi at I'ollutt'H. Clinton county , la. , vleu 1 the picsent Incumbent , icslgnea. , A ilonlons LOVOI'H Deed. KAI.I , ltivin : , MAW. July 20. 'I Ilichaidson , Jr. , ol tins plaeo , In a lit ol jeai ons ) labt nluht shot Miss lilshop , with whom ho was onumouul , ana hoi cscoit , named lUissell , and anoihei ) oung man named Kit ten , Tlio wounds of Itiiibuli and J'itton : no bellovod lo bo mortal. Itlchiiidson , vvno : a piobably dcmenlcd , vvas arrested. An Injunction Ornntod. Krvv : Yoiti > , Julj 'XJudge Jiaiiett In the htijiieiuo cointgiaiitc 1 a tempoiaiy Injnnc- lion at the instant o of John Jacob Aeto ) a.'aiual tlxXcvv Veiil. Aiudu Hallway.