Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA _ DAILir . BEE - : KONDAY _ _ . - - - , .JUT/Y . - . . - / - - - - - 20. . . . . _ . . . - 1880. . . . . - . _ . XOTFCKS. Ail rrll 'tniMilii unl > rilil licul. 10 cent per linn lur HitIlil > ! riH'H. ' ' , ii-nld for < > neh nl- 6 < "in"it In-rrt on. BM.I J1.M1 llnr per month. II" d > rrliK'iitii ' tnk ( n for lf * limn IS cenls ( nr Iliti Krfii'Ml.nn. . ? 'M'li words will bo < iiillf-f ! ! | lo tlif Htioi they innM run rnn i > rii > tlvpiind ( mtiM br ) > nld In ndvnticr. All n Ixer liw niPiil * mil" ! IT liAlnliHl In befnio ' . ' o'clock p , in , mid iiniti r no clrritmMnnres Mill thcj bo l l ' 'ii nriii ffintinur-l ( ! > } to'ephonf. I'ntllii mU.rll lnf | in Uic'e loliimn * nnd hnv- Ifitr Itie ( muwffn.'drp nl In cnro of Tnr Hfr , will ticn | i n k fur n rhwli loenable them in K < > I Ilicir l 'lti ' r , B none will be delivered except on ttrewmntkm of cheoii. All iiii wcr < to ad- < Wll i > tnwil tho'iHl be em I H | In enveloiics. TO I.OAM-MOMEY. _ _ TTiirNia 'in I.IIAN < 'n ' rc l e into. lie" ill din-til in'enn im e li nn CentiHl lmo l- incut I o , llm km Itluck.xn. lath and rarnain st I5o : \ ' 111 li\X-On ( fniin mid PI ! ) ptop. MnM111 OM > . nt lo e t ratfB , W. A. l pencBr I.VTJ I in MIIIII l. _ I Ift i.u\ > tin rent esiate , Al U a Sin > lh , lleum .1 , \ \ ilhnell Illock. ' . lniin on real estate In Minn of f I.WHI mul upward ! . Address Alinet skeol , Mlilnnl holi-l. _ _ _ 7l' ' 24 ui'iri\i. : 1 1 MI or wiwo to loan in > < ilininiiil * in 'int. on short tlmo moitiiRCB , thii'itlotwehe iimiilliR time on propeity Im- pinveil or unlinpiincd , Call at Ihn Omalm I'lliiilKiliil I'ti haime , se.-ond flour of llarkur Illiick , } * . W. Coi' rmiimn nndjfitlist. _ _ Ml _ MIIN'KV TO IONAI i-pNHiinnlila rates on fuinituie.lhiewatchei and othnrtiei-ioiiiil propeity. ( ' .1 t innoll. loom II ) . Iron Hank liillldliiKllh nnd rarnain. TnUo eleMilor. Urbine \ I'lieap money nnloiiiMlino , In any < | lliltlliMinliiiili "ll InsldiM-Hj piopettj.or fiirtn land. Miir hall \ l.obecK , IRll Farnmn at. ( ! ± ; OlMtlt rr.NT innnpy to loan. 1U 0 1'attnrson , 1 1Mb and Diiiiulni. 0 _ ' . ' I.UANt lowest rates of Inter- MOM'.Y'IO l V-IWnnd upwards on farms nnd elly pn.pi ttv V .1. Day & Co. , B.Croun- Bl-'d block , e tun fapilal nvo mul 11th st. s. * / Y.O.-MAIIA rtsNCIAI , r.M'iiANunupro. * 'pmeil to make Iniuis In nil ) amount , on nny hind of approved -criiiitv. Lnrgo polhiioiiil loans a ppiclnltv. Al on chattels mid real mlnte In amouiitmiml tlmelo suit. Lower rates , belter term" , nnd pioiniiter "ervleo than any limn ngptipv In the city Per further particulars I'llll nl olllpfim the Hpponil lloor of the llarker Illni'k minih e t corner of Parnnm nnd 15lh ( > l i eels. _ * 7S _ TO l.OAV-At lower inteslhnnany MONTI where el o In the city.on furniture , pianos , ( iigniiB , hnr e wagon' , or stock of any kind. lower rules thnn nny other loan pniiipntiy in the pity. City Lonn , v Mortgage Co. . room ir > , liol Inrnam st , opposite I'nxton llBll'l. W > _ JIIOM'.V to man on rp ldonco and business Jil piopertv. Loweit HUPS. C. .1 Cnswpll & Co , llooin hi , lion Hank Hnllillng , 12th and Par- limn U2l ! _ TVf ON I.I lo loan by the undersigned , who bus ITI the only pionertv orgnnl/ed loan agency In Onmhn Loanol JIO to ? ! , ) mndo on fur- llllilH' . plaliin. organ" , linivps , wngons , mncliln- ory , An. , wllliout remoxnl , No delays. All btifdni'js Rtrlclly ronlldenllnl Loans fo mndo Hint any tmil cnn l < j paid nl nny time , pnch pay- menl rediieliiit the cost pie rntn. Adx-nncos Hindu nn line xvntelii'K nnd diamonds. Persons Rhould rniprully cnnnl'lpr ' who thov nro denting wild , ni innnv new concprns nro daily coming Into ( i\l tenre , Should you need inonnv , cull nnd PII mo. W ll Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthncll Ilillldlng , inih nnd Hninpy. 253 j I no. Clio to uinii on citv lesidonco property Oro. W.Dnr. I4i rarnam. 26'J / PHII CP.Nf MOIIPV to hum. _ Stewart * Co. , * ) 'lloom | il , lion 'link ' , 12th unit Kuriium. HO.000 In lonn Sums j nnd iipwanls. $ Uiwest rules. Hcmis , nth nnd Douglas sts. _ _ 2iW MONKY TO T.OAN-O. I' . Dnvlfl A 0n. lloal Itntnto nml Lonn agents , 1505 FurnnmSt. MONICV TO l.O ANOn good"securities. . A McUnvock , room 7 llodlck Illock , 150V Knrnam UU _ 2jJ MONHv TO LOAN On mil estate nndehnt tols. U. U Thomns. _ JSIJ _ _ MONP.V1O LOAN Inanms of fboonnd njv wards on flrst-rlns.1 real cstnto secu'lijT. Teller ft Cobb , 1615 Pnrnnm 8u 204 ' [ VI4INUV MIANIII ) ni \ ( K. Heed * CoX l nn I" * olllpoi on furnlluro , pianos , horses , wagons iiprpoiinl property of nil hinds nnd nil other nr- llclnnor vnlup , without romovnl. : i9 ! S. l-'lth , over Illniclmm'n Commission store. All hug. Ktrlctlr eonfldcnlnU S55 CHANCES. \M ! ( ln'iip , clirnr , tobacco and con- J1 fi'i-llmipi-v i-toie , on account of sickness ; llbotll SUV ) ill buy It. Addi ess I 51 , llee olllco. Sl ° " ' * _ \\'A > I PmiiierrMiin witli"sTmdl capllak In iuiliii | biiBlni'-'s. Address P. O. HOY t'T , Illalr , Neli. U12 21 * rpo i\rn \ > u-l'ortx" : tlxo upteiT o ( lahd 1 IwomPcs Irom Shennndoiili , also honso and lolhitheeltx lor lior cs mid bngglo for livery ll o. .1 P. MeCojtv , Slipnnndonh , town 201-21 lj > 01t SAI.l : OIIP or the oldest established L giocery bur-liipss In the pity , with n x ory Inrae , wollpnxlng trade. Will exeliango for Oinnlm renl e tnto or pm t cash and balance so- piliod liotos. ( lood reasons given foriiolllng. AildU'M"l _ ILHpp oilier. _ ! H17 _ JOH MAI.K s'lncl , of Hooks. Stallolieiy iimT 1 Mimlonl liisiiuinonls. Will so'l or rent building. " Direct , Lock Ho\nniAlbionNob , tf _ j . . ; - Htoek for sale cheap or trade bu hiding xlielviiig , count or , Rhow cases complete , stamping pattcins , etc. S. A. Hlonmn. 110.1 I iiriinm. b74 HOl'SKS l.otuI'mms.uinds money lonnod. lleinls. ir.tli nnd Douglas ( streets. 471 _ TTlOltsAIl'2.i . MiniPS Hock of flOOoach of X ! HIP W ) onilnc Mi'in Company of Cheyenne , Wy. This stoi k Is llrtcla s , will bear the rldflesl lin < I'llgatlon nnd Is now pnylng a liood dlxldend I'm fn it her particulars nddrcss , ( I II T. , cine Omnhn Hen. Oiiinhn. J > nh.271. _ 'lilult Siil.l. ( in iicciuinl ot olher business I * xvlll fell niv Ice i ream parlors mid confec tionery ( Mure nl II'J ) Doiiglns Mipots , nt low llg- HITS. If ivnnt liiu-k'nln . joii n apply at once. U. P Morris. _ _ ya ' JilOH HM'llAMiU slocks'of goods of every J kind , for fni ins nnd luml ; also lands to e\- chnngp forgoodf. If yon xvant lo Irndo , no matipr ulnii ll In xoiihave , wrllo , with full do- rpriptinii , lo C. IX Slnyno , Heal Kstnte nnd TIM t i o , Onmhn Neb. C60 _ 1(10 ( It sAI.Kiiinil slocks of goods , doing a luallhy bupimss. owneishlp clear , calls- fnc'inn iriinrnnlced ; terms easy , Fome Omaha properly InKen in f\chango. SlarMiall .V Lo- litcli. t'dl Piirnmn Rt. 412 LOST. I os1 | M-m-dUU'oll , light"bnv , black ninno I i mi-l lull , light upol In lelt ejo ; Jfbi reward. "UO lipditur fciieot. one bluck outhoa t the I1'm terHlfinln. _ . _ 177-2H * * " I I'rom my HaHoeor 22d iuTil cTini lei ' s icct , Saturday , .Inly 17th baymaro f iir ioiirs < ) ii and Moluhs about .srti lbs.unshod n"ii it-ill irnther Hrnp xro-md neck wlih leather IIP siiiip itttiubed. Hie mure xrnskecti on Hat * iiidiii iiioininiron wo t llnitntreot. A llburnl li tiniil will IH < piud lui u tinnof Uio mnro. J , H Wi speara-.Virimilo Bticet. 1 I-AI ( i't HI'W \ ( | ) - ' the letnrn of T intorpiTJT ; ) " ' lucr color , wbito legs nnd bcllx2fih ni i ll'iiicj- ' . .1.11 Slinw. 057 21 * BOAiiDiira" BoAlllitNd ( nil al inoil'mnnm st. for board mul loxi-Iy room cither man and xvlfo or tivii nilliMnrit _ ttia IIUNT-ltoom and board for two 1013 ( N. 15th st. 120 PERSONAL. r The"trailo' at Moody'i cTTTiia M in U e < ii'taiuly on the Increase. Rlmplv Hi * P liieli pi PII mo alwaxs low itnd denl- ID. - urirtly li-iii , MI. .UK ) N. 16th ft.'S'l _ 24 UfONAIriibll h l ngency nt ; il5"N. I 1Hi l. lei tin- Vim orilen Corset , livery l.i , : sliouU vvuMr one. Warrnntod a perfect lit. 15 20 * _ JI. ltSONA I. Instruct on In haoli-keoplnt ; lny nnil v - li l-ctic und vninf r * young moil lic. , | ri t < " < . until rfcptoinbcr Int. J. 1J. . llu ihmiui block lS2t % > l idtV M.MM Dr Nnnnio'V. Warren 'II-MIS.UU ' M'lln-n ! lind bn lne 8 Medium I SQ. e , I'l SIM in litU it , Uuiuhu , Nob. _ _ _ II M NAI. lo 1 1 rn , ! io with Id buin"n ie in I Ili'l ' , lMai soil lots upon nt i.f Hie no.iiin i ] ii-n uf ton dollftr mil i-i e HI the , ul af nisji-.irs. Intdro * ' nl J ii-nt , pm ti , ( . sriiiiniHiiiallrThll M Iho ofTi-r tvi r innde to HUT homo seeker in this Cii'Uml * * ( . ( ill Mttjrne. Heal Hs- Uli > nd Trust Po. , s.W oer. UtU ana I WISCIH.LAMEOU3. l ( HI.NT-yquar * Piano , tl raonihlr A lli > * l nilUuusliw. _ SH _ OMMIA r-n ul < h l Uoo-a i KUO Krut-ttg' * * twv. < ( \f Dajt'iii , proprietor , laaiu Ml. | it. In Aiu-li olttt o I4IJ Doug- Inr | H , - , | .i- . , ( ej | g | y | | , ; lolt'phono ? ' > ' ' - \ tft n t of fUriiHlifxl Hi l iiiiiuta 4ii i io . .i t , iio-n- , ect , , for uu - t 'inii-si , l < ( t iium I B -rhoiiC5 ! ' ' ihu I w , .lOMill l.Mi'iuiip ii i i , iiiu 1 1 nm i ui > IKI' rmnn mul liiiu- , > ; * < * ' > ' n r r airimjij f.r put i ITS : t-U ui/uic IM .nl o\s. officoa 1-X ) n l'J "V'OTKT. All pnrlles npedlng ? love shelving , * i > model of the Uoborl * porlnblo nnd ndjust- nbloiliHH ing can bo seen nt IM.i rurnnm si fern n lmvdiiS .Mr J. S. HU hnrdson will show It up. Hotioits Mf R Co , PToniont , Neb. , ' _ _ _ _ _ L > ltl\V xnnlts nnd cess pool * cleaned hyH. K itig , P. O 110X437. _ niOailffll * " CIlouL AM ) COl'NTV"Hunts nnd sold. ( leo. W. liny , linn Pnrnnm. 4siT _ _ Inou Itl'M' Organs , $2 per month. io po , IM.1 Unuirliis. _ _ _ _ 271 _ "iriolt IIIINr A store on n good rotnll street. X Atnuy the Omnhn UeU Kstnlo nnd Iionn Co _ _ - _ _ . 187 _ Inoit ItllM' S < ) iinro I'luno $ .J moiithlV. A 1 Hospe. Ul Doiiuln * . _ 273 FOZTBAX , ! : MXB CBIiXAHEbtI8. _ SOMP.rillNO NPAV Stale nml cnunty righl.i for snlcon Helll's Piitent Uu-k nnd llnrglnr nlnrin ( Itent Invent Inn. Price $2. A cn li innnev innklliir l > u lnesj for men with mnll capital. Add. W.ll. Iteltl , lleiald otllee. SOT , SI * " \ror CAN make no ml tnke In clecllng some .L of our homitf'ul omnha View lots for n homo Special Imigniiis for n lew diijs to lho o who xvlll at once build modem houses. Hoggs \ Hill , 140S I'm limn sti cot. Si I 21 _ IJIOIt SAIill Cheap , tliefiirnllinool n 7-room JL1 house ! house lor tent. Call nl Wi ) S. Cltlt St. 2'iQ 2li' _ I iiOll SAI.II Clieiip , a prlxnto line lelephone , aultabl'i for use beiween ottlcn and fac tory , etc. ; no royalty ; best mnko. Addre s 1 fill , llee olllco. 2-i224 _ _ _ _ _ _ A * Ol' t.\N mnlip no mlstnko In 'electing son.o I ot our bpiintltiil Onmhn Vluw lots tor u homo. Special batgnliifi lor a few da ) s to these wlio will nt once build modern houses. Hogus & lllll , 1108 rnrnam dtlctj. _ 251 21 A IKmONSAI.K Allxvashlng on hand oxer XX II weeks uncalled for xvlll be sold to the highest bidder on mid ullor 'Idavsfroin this ilHto , July 2,1. Kmplro Steam Laundry. 2.12-20 f/ioil SAMC-Oiio Iron spiral Blairs , Milton JP Kogots.V Sons. S2H FOR SAlii : Clicai. | A 8lx-yenrHild horse weight ono tliousand pounds. Kmiulro southenvl coiner Vlrglnln nvo. ami Lonxon- xvorthslicets. 8.W-SH * CAN make no mistake In selecting some nrour beautiful Omalm Vlow lots fora homo Special baignlus Tor n few days to those xx ho will at once build modem houses. Hoggs & Hill , 140S I'arimui atiect. 251 24 _ IT1OI ! : Pnrnlturo nnd lcnn ol'slv-iooni JLA house , time on pint. Call 120. North 27th sttoel , t o blocks liom lied Car line. _ MU _ 1 711.1 K SALKuhcnp , onu span irood ponlos Kiilt- able lor dellxer ) or liugiry loam. liKiuIro of P. . A Marsh , IHM North l lh st. _ _ 7ilO _ _ Yol CAN make no mlslaku In sdoctlng some of our betiutllul Omaha Vlow lots for u homo Special hmgnlns lor n low days to these xxho v. Ill at once build modern house * . Hoggs k Hill , 11US I'm mini street. 251 11 'inou SA IK Ono meloJeon , 0 octaves $48 on JL monthly installments. One 0 stop organ " knee swells , 04 feel Idich ? ( l5on monthly pay ments. Ono 10 stop Ph-st Class organ bonutlf nl PIISP $75 on easy pavmonls. Ono 7M octavo Piano ( liand Sqnaro Hosowood ca = o $175 on $11) monthly payments. Ono Hcaiilltul ( irund Piano f250 on payments at Hospc's iniislo rooms I'll. ! Douglas St. CJJ Aug. 7 HOl'SKS Lots Knniis. Lands money loaned. Hemls inth and Douglas streets. _ _ 471 _ Y'OU CAN mnko no mistake In selecting MIHID of our beautiful Omnha Vlow lots lorn homo. Special bargains for n low dnys to those who will lit once build modern houses. Hoggs & Hill , 140S I'nrimn stiool. 2. 1 24 _ _ SAlTK l plnmiTlurnlturo nniTkltcho range. 7178 PJth st. 877 FOIt SiYTiK Cheap , iron columns 'ind win- dow caps suilablo for front on brick build ing. For particulars apply at this oilico. BIS YoV CAN make no mlslnko In selecting some ofonr bcmitltnl Omiihn. View lols lor n homo. bargains for a few ila > s lo Ihoso xho xvlll at once build moiKrn houses. Hoggs & Hi'l , 1108 Knrniuu street. Sol 24 POK SAL1' OU THADP.-Ono line hugo chost- nut sorrel horse ; ( I years old. 10 hands high , xvelght 1300 , well broken , good disposition , xvill trnilo for two Hinnllor horses. Hatcher , ( ladd \ Co , Sllllard hotel block , 070 iJMMis.Ylii : Square iiano50 ) , monthly pay- 1 moms. Hose ] , IMIl Douglas. 271 i A young girl to take euro of baby and assist in lighl housekeeping. 43S Convent - vent st. 2.V ) 24 * ANTii : > One good plain laundress. Ap ply at the C027.CII ! ) . 251 2t w ANTii : > Immediately , sewing girls at 1017 Himard st , upstairs. 253 21 * " \T7 [ ANTKD Plrsi class moat and pastry cook i at onco. Address U. SL , llox t > 5 , Oborlln , Kansas. 3 1-27 " \\7ANTin Oood girl lor general xxork ; ii small family and good wages. Mrs. I ) . V. Sholes , 1-2U Coorgla ax-iiiuio. 231 \A7ANTKl7 tilrl In snuill liunlly lor general II housework. Apply Si1" " Do Jgest. 21121 * \\rANTIJD C.lrl for gcnoinl hoiiBonorlc.Good ii reference rcquiicd. Apply at 121U Capitol ayq. _ 242-iiO WANTKI ) Good girl to do housekeeping , one who understands washing , ironing , and cooking , east Hat In Hnuly row St. .Mary's Avc. Shs. L. P. Hnmmond. 8 VTfANTi : ! ) Ohl for general housoxvork in T > liunlly of two. Apply ut 103 S. 2lHh St. 210-24 * VV NTKIA kitchen girl ; Inquire HohoTt ii Porvls,21lS. 14th st , or cor. 2d ! nnd St. Mnry's nvo. 216-20 ' \"VT"ANTii-Chnmbernmid : , at the Windsor i V hotol. 218 WANTKlt ( llrl to take c-iro ol baby nnd ns- sist in light housekeeping. S. tV. cor.20lh nnd Douglas. 211 W ANTID : A good girl for uonornl house- 210il I'nrnniii st. 212 2U * WWANTKO WANTKO A good girl for general house work in n family of 3 , or a good lllllo girl lo assist Apply no cor 155'J llth and Dorcas sts. 174-24 w ANTUD-Gcod girl. 810 South 18th St. 107-21 * WANTii : > Ladles nnd boys Instructed In bookkeeping until September llrnt , evenIng Ing school lor live dollars. J. 11. Smith. Hush man block. 180-24 * yyANT.ii ; > A housekeeper. 012 Douglas st , " \l rANTI'D A girl for general housework , Tl good wages nnd stead } work In Inmlly of il. Inquire ut Sirs. N , J. Kdliolm's , 25th mid Chicago. 158-27 W ANTIiO A cliumbcrmnld at 012 Douglas btiect. 221 " \YTANTI.O filrl for general housoiroik 2511 , bt SlnrjK n\o , 135 \ \f ANTUI Tlnoo moio lady canvassers immediately - > mediately to sell ladies' bpcclnltlos. ( CM S. 17ili M. HUail _ _ _ " \\7"ANTii : ) Olrl for general housework ; i i ( Jormnn or Swede piclerred No. P.I18 Cnpitnl avenue , HOIth sldo , middle of the block , bclxvcen lUthnmlJXltlijitiooU. If \\TA > 'Tii : > Dlnhiff roomglilat Dorun house , ii 01,1 , Parnam nt. IC.1 l\TANTii : > Girl lo do general house work 11 xnuill family. Must bo a good cook. Rood wages nnd permanent place. Addiess , Mrs , C U. Siiiphon , Highluud Plauo , West Omaha , P. O. llo.x 7CD l.OJQ-24 \ \ A.NTl5i > ( Jirls ( o mnko ox-orills , shirts ii und jpaiispants. Cintlclu Mt'g Co. , cor. llth anil Douglas , up st.ilrs. f.Qinug. . 7 W ANTIlair ) ; M7S SUU Bf 1R5-23 .it Immediatelyn tlrst-cmss cook a 2 Dodge St. K)5 ) W ANTID 25 young Indloj und gents to Icnrn I telpgrnphy. PiospecU for positions when competentgood. Address W. J. D. room 1 , Cronnso block 10th st , Omnhn. 7 Jd \V/lJ < TijJ ; MALU HELP. ° \\TANTKI > MnphlnohnmU mid button-hole . ii makprs on thirls. Apply JOSnnaaiO South I llth street. Utu-2tl > WANTI'.I * At once , n smart Gorman boy , belween Ifi nnd2i ) xeiirs of nee , to Icnrn Hie baker s trade , nl Ihe Pustoii hotel. 217 2G \\ANTiii : A partner In the host pnying li bnmncir ) In thn city , eithorlady or gent ; only ( .mall . capiinl required. Addioss I M , lleo olllco. 2327 } * \\f AN ri5l-A young man us delivery clerk ii and lor general woiu In a grocery store ; iniifit t-pcak tiertimn and Ituxilsh und under * stand iho i are of horses. Addiess 1 M , lleo otlice. 201-21 * \\rA > Tii : ) Thirty good men fortrnpk hiyins ii on thi < Nortbwoslern H. H. In Wyoming. Oeod ivn es mid Ireo traiwportmliin. Cud on " _ _ _ _ \ \ 'AM'iF- ; Young men and lailios to utlolid 1 1 orenin ? school m booU-ltecphig. ,1. li. Smith , Hushman block. _ J IV-1 _ "ixr - Pnitnor tocncog-u in uiiinufac- il tur.ngbiHlnohs t in Omaha ; 1M-24 . % 'A.NrjClty saleeman to fell cigars on 1 1 commission. Ilaker & Harbor. 1210 _ 175 U'ANl't : ! ) Tlueo persons to copy , J. BT Smiths xvoikon bookkceplni ; torWyom- Intr * ( boots , nJaross Wyomins , room 5 , jiiun bio k. li)0- ) \\ANTi : ss tenmMcis on Iho Mo. R It. nl Summit out , mlles - from Pupil- lion. _ _ _ _ _ IHXWI * _ \ \ rANTKI > A pastry cook nt the Windsor > > hotel , OCB , slon of tl \ SI. H , H. near Ilroken How , Slen to drtxq tennis. Scraper holder * nnd ( hoxplers. u. s. Albriglii ; * Labor Aflcncy.tais Painiimst. * - . . . HiS \ \ ' A V 1 1 :1T : > * b f ineu lor ( 'oIorTuloT'w SKPS $2 ; ' luiinpl tiipn JJ50-2.7. " iierda > . SI W , M"- prnlh , II. II. Kmploympiil llutean , 8tn tf. 10th ft. , Omnhn , Neb. ' lftl-21 * Xl'ANTrn-'Obrlckiiiycrs to x\ork on new il pncMng heit'es in South Omnhn. Wnite.s J4 , 75 pet ilny. ,1. IX Hiley. ifr M'il > Tluep hnnilrciT i oeKTiimin h reo hundred laborers , ( lood work , good pnv , Applj to ( 'bus. llol ppr2lUiille | | house Ollxo St. Head , St. Louis Co. . Mo. , o Jacob .la ) runs , Lnbndle , Mo. Keene llioa. iMnslriictlon Co. , chief contractor. ) St. Lanlj , Kansas Cllv .1 Col. 11 IL 4M.X.1I e\ SITUATION VFAHTIID. \ \ . \NTin : ? itnnllon us olorkHist eln s jnlcs il man w 11 li. > onr > exporii'iu'e in soiling dif ferent lines Thofoughli aequnlnlo I with the ill v goods business ilest of references Klven. Address I 87 , llee ollleo. 2fitf 21 * \\TANTio : situation by a young man as stenographer nnd typo-writer operator : pan furnish best of rofoicnets. Address I 5. , lleo olllco. 218 24 \TANTIII : A typewriter , who xvlll furnish his own miu-hlno If desired , xvould like a petmminnt situation nftor August 1st. Hestof ioIoioiK'03. Will woik onsnlAiy or by the hour. Address 1. V. H lias Cftl. city. fl2H > W ANTKD A position by nn experienced lady stonogrnnhor ; cnn furnlih host reo- ointncndiillons : Address took 11057 , Miniio- npods , Kansas , 2.11-24 * 1\A > "Tiii-situation : ns kookkopper , n.sslsl- ! ' ant or cortespondont ; best of reloionco Klven. Address 1 fi2 , lleo ollleo. -17-27 * "I'lTANTini A situation of nny Kind ; cnn do 11 pliunblng or llio engine , cnn do nny kind of work ; xvould 1 kologo on a fnrm , I50 , lleo olllco. 2J5-24 * \ \ ANTi : Situations by two linkers. Ad- ii dress llrlnkmann , City hotel. 2111 2(1 ( * WANTIiD Posllion of irust with corpora ? tlon or othorrtlse , by h married genllo- man , ( Inferences hero nnd lollrtetiu > enr In New Vork : can liu nlsh JIO.OiKl to SIOO.O.HI seeur- llylf toiinliod. Address "Notary Piibllo , " the 1'nxton , Onmhn. su1) 2(1 ( * \\rANTll : > Slnmtlon in n rommlsolnn or i l music xriuohonso bj' u rejpfctahlo Cana dian of good ahiinicli'r. Address 1. 15 , llee olllee. in-27 ) * _ _ ANTIID Situation us practical onirlneeT. Aildto'8 I II lleo olllco. 1IIS-21 * WANTIID Situation oy a lady stoiioKrapTior nnd typo-wrltur of ability and o.xpotlcneo Address Miira , euro Ilo40i ) . N)5 ) % 7"AN'i Kli Position lu clonk dopmtmont , ' ffeneriil dry ( foods or hoiisokeepor In hotel by mlddle-iifoil woniiui of oxperlcnco nnd lollnoiiiont. Mis. II , llo\r ; > 57 , Omaha. 8JH AN'l'ii : > Ofllitlomnn boarders by the week i3.G9 , day board , $ D. llOa N 17th st. "V\7"ANTin , Homo for a llttlo Irl 7 years > old. 812 north 16th , Mrs. Uoohttle : / PJ7-31 * WANTUD 10 teams to haul llriek , MArdl * & KlnHtt's brick yard. l th st. S. of Vlnton. Liberal wages paid. 144 7 * \\'AXTii : ) A Good steady horse with spring i wnjjonand harness ; raiis-t bo clioiinto ; bo paid lor In monthly Installments. .Addrpas ] , i.llco . olllco. 1M ) ANTKD To Exchange. Stock general mcichandlso , X'nliiod nt Ji.U'HI ( o $11,000 , in good town , for Omnnn city property. The C. II. SlaynulicalKatnto mid Ti list Co. II7 < rANTii : > Ciislomers lor our Imtter und i crciim. J. II lloonslro , bOSNliithct. 8.11 a T > WA > "nu A good house on monthly pay. meets. Addioss II.IB. ( Hoe olllco. (155. ( ytfANTKI ) To buy a nlco resldouco or good > ' building lot in a desirable locution. Ad- die s II , CO , lleo onieo. C55. WANTKH Ladies nnd gontlonlen to nttend Vnlontlno'.sShoilhand und Typewriting Institute , Kxposltlon building. 52.-nngl ANTKI ) Tobuyn largo scconr. hand of- flcosnfo. A. Hospo. IMrtjylS \f ANTKU Teams. T. Murruy1Li WANTKD Short-naiid work of nil kinds by .7. H. Ilnynos & Co. , 1511 Wedge st. fcp" WANTI-t : > Subscribers for stock in the Omalin l < onn and Hiilldlng association nnd Ihe Mutual Loan nnd Hulldlng association. Homes for nil classes cnn thus bo pureliasod by monthly payments ; shares $1.00 per month , on \vhlch $2)0 ) will ho loaned. Olllco In Imposition liuildlntf on 15thstreet. G. SI. Nuttlngor. Sccro- Inry. KEHT JIOUGES AND I.OT3. | T > OK "itKNT7 "Txvo cottagoFby Uullon fivosT L1 1510 Douglas st. 202-21I Foil ItliNT Store with 4 living rooms above between Iho head of St. Mary's nvenuo nnd Loavpnwoilh , good opening for a saddler or ba ker , and other lines of business. Wm. Horn- ming , 1401 Douglas. 241 FOR KKNT House C rooms , Chicago st. bet 1 lib and 15th. 24127' FOlt lliNT-Now brick house , six rooms , 2922 Hamilton. 208-20 * F I Oil KKNT A house of 8 rooms , furnished or unlurulshed. Cell nt G-M S 15th. 101.27 * Foil HUNT It-room collage , dcslrahlo loca- lion ; furniture for side , nearly new- Terms reasonable ; part time. Address I 40 , Hoe oilico. 187-24 FOK HUNT Furnished house , nvo blocks from P. 0. oilico. Address 1 IS * . Boo offlcc. 140-27 * FOR HUNT 3 room cottage. 2510 California st. IiKiuire room ID , Omaha National bank. P. J. Croodon. S24-20 TTIOKIIKNT At South Omaha Stock Yards , -L largo sloro with 4 rooms above. Hirst-class location ; Inquire of A. Knllsh , UIH s lllth. 131-20. " 1T1OK HUNT 2 rooms , Hultnblo lor otUeo , cor. J-1 llth nnd Pnrnnm. House U rooms on B. 15lb st. nour Uartman school house , f 10. ' House ! 1 rooms nonr Port acre ground , ffi. Tliol'15 _ _ 3Ia > Tie lloal Kstalo & Trust Co. l)7S ) i.'wik HHNT 12-room liouso. J.1 1 l-room houso. Saloon room. _ AIJ on Dth nnd Dodgo.L _ F. Afnrtln. 980 fjio KKNT A 5 room house xvlth ox-ery uo- J eoinmodiitlou , lo family without dilution. 1122 N 17th fct. 101-25 TJ1OH IiliASU Wo hnvo eleven acres on IT. P. JJ U , 11. Irnok.bOJ Icot fiontiwillleiisonllor port lor llx'o years , lledlord , V Souer.751 i : Now 7 room house , 2117 Davon- J. : nort Street , xvlth lot , burn 2-'jclU. coal shod , oulhousos , etc. , oily water , els-torn. Price f 1.80J. Inquire nn promises or of SI. Ilurko & Sons , Block yards. 715 I OH KKNT 10 room house xvlth modern J. Improvements , line location on btrcct car lino"UN.-"Oili St , bKJ Foil HKNT-8-roomod house ; inquire 2510 Cnplto I aye. _ . _ 077 Foil HUNT-Tho building now being built by liar kor Bros , , on Iho covnor of liltli and .Tones , WxW foot , and four or live storlei high , xv 111 bo runted for hotel or xvarohouso purpoaos , nnd boflnlsliodtosultthopuiposoof tenant. U. i : . Slayno Itoul Kstato and Trust Co. , 15th and Farnam. g l HUNT llesldonco of 10 rooms , barn for - 14 horses , beautiful grounds , Loavomvorth and ICiil St. , f 50 per month. C. K. Sluyno Heal KstaloiTriistCo,15th and Fnrnain. 72 < J ) A room and board for lady and IT two children. Addtess4J3Con\ont at , 255 21 * Foil HUNT Furnished front parlor , modern cuuiemcnccd. Locutiou good. 1720 Cup. live. 222-24 * FOIt KKNT neatly furnished rooms xvith bomd. Can accommodate 4 t > lnglo gontlo- rncnlih breakfast and suppur. M si. near Sewnrd bt. , 2 doors North SI. 15. church.S17SI * irioit nr.NT Punilshcd loom * , 1110 S 9th st. - 105 24 * 1 . > ( ) K ItRST-Nicely finnlsliol looms ; mod- J cm caiivmilcucoj ; 401 N. 10th EC. 207-24 * liU'li HUNT One nice new ly furphM ! ( front -L ? room for gentlemen only -"I TTJ'4 S. 18th st. FOIt Ki ; > T A furiiiehod parlor room with txmrd , tultablo for two gentleinen ; also ilrst-cltud lablo bourd ; reforoacp required ; 181U Iori o. iw "iriOU Hi5NT-3'nVfurulsned ' | rboinii. 181B Pm > X ? uam St. , ruoglUEr in price fiomfGto * 18. 105-A 2 * rriun HUNT TWO nicely lurnlbhed front -l.1 rooms , with private board , lo ceultcmon , at 423 NorlulStU street. UB-21 * IIKNT 3 store rooms cor llth and Fur- -I1 nam , 133. The 0. K. Mayue Heal Uitnto d TjUHCo , im ItKNT-Opo-lmlf More room , SSxSft. for fine notlonMn : Indies' furnishing goods best locntlon In the 1-lljJ1 , Addiess I 4i ; , lleo. M TFFfSr > - uno"o'rV wms > with board ! iifolssufiMymtpil by a nfco Inwn : 1m * pns and biith room. 'Inquires. ' W cor. 20th nnd Webster I IM 27 _ _ _ _ illTNT-bTcnliinfTiTrnTshcd room * -iinglo or eusiillo. * l't ' N , lUth _ lll-M 1J1OII HUNT PtlMilllipd rooms. Inquire drug. J-1 store. 10th nltdH > tiiln ? . 11TJ ilKNt'blntcoly K'07 Douglni si , Itproteuccs required. 741 I nn KKN r Tire large , plen nnt , ncxvly fur * 1 nlshcd frontiroitnis , x ory nhenp , tl * IN _ ; 17 M. 3"TUMI 3" lliNTTiiriiishpd : or unfuinlshed 1 rooms nl ' 'I I $ , 12th st over California ( olfcu mid Lunch rooms 115 20 * tills rl'in nlshed room'snnrgo , nlry nml very choice ; ox ory convenience. 414 NorllilOth street. _ _ _ _ PtiHItnNT Two large unt'urnlshed rooms for rent , 2011 Hint st reel. 115-2(1" ( rMH IlllN I' 2 siore rooiira oti"coilii > r"CuiTiinK 1 1 mid 2 Id. fl ) cnch The ( i K. Stnyno Heal llslalo nnd Trust Co. Ml ltiNTThroe : front rooins , utifur- nlshcd. IMh si. , second liouso Irom Ploipo. 2IB 20 * "IJlDlt KKNT Choice ollleo rooini on ground X1 lloor , No. IWJ I'll i iiain si. Inqnlroof ,1 , It. Illelmrdson. | .Jj-S _ .iOH KKN'T Ihtsirnhio rurnlsho.l rooms at I 1 1SU Pninnm stiect. _ _ _ _ : W [ HKST Nicely tnrtiisnod front nioma - ftiiltablo forono or Iwo gentlomoni nil mod ern Improx 011,011 ! . MISJoncsst 141 "ITIoit HiMT T > vo store rooms on Iflth stront , J Water , gas mul sewer connection * . The CUlMnyno and Trust Co. , cor. 15th and Kurnnm. BJl - "TOOK KKNT Two stoio rooms on i JL1 $25encu. .1..lohnson , 13U Pmimm. 171OK KKNT Per light lioiisetcopiiig. rooms X ? fiirnlshoil nnd unfurnished In llomnor's HlocK.cor. lilg-lit ami Howard sis. 'JIB ' FOK HI'Nl' Anoxcollont bascmnm."COJ rniiT MIS Kith St. ; 3 Htouw oulltli iuil : Douglas , nnd2 stores on 2Ud nnd Cumlng , Paulson & Co. . 151Piirnnm. ! ) S57 FOU Foil SAI.i : At a Hargaln-Thn north half of block ono of Ambler Place , located a few rods Horn Holt Line and at the Intersection of Iho Ixxo county roads , llallou Itros. , 15P1 Doug las si , 204-27 OMAHA VIIIW As an Induconient to build u modern class of residence. * In Omaha Vlow x\o otfer special bargains on 25 or ISO of our choicest building sites lor a Ion" dajs. Hoggs > V Hill , 1408 I'm nam street. 2'l-2 ( FOIt SAl.K-Only sl\ houses left In our Paul son addition place , one half block train street car. Tlio o desiring good homos on easy pn.x incuts must call teen astlioy tire going lust , llallou Hros. , 15in Douglas 't. 2SKJ1 TTOl'SP.S , lotsrinnd * , nt'slriie'Roi ' tlljoj'inoney loaned. It. C. Patterson , lUth and Dci 237 III T711NM LOT , Virginia axe , nr. Woolworlh , JSliV ) ; bargain. Urnliam & llenawa. ' 180-'J1 Jt ? DouRlas Hi. Specialties In llar alns. Eton aero lots on Dodno St. for $3'JOJ or $1GO pcrncio , cash $1WD , bal to suit. " . U lots In Hnwthorno.ono enst other xvcl frolit 50\IM , at bargains and on uasv terms. > r > l'jtslnni e's addon Cameron si , near faUn- derhGrixlWfor J759dtsli , ! J cash bal in ono and two 3 ours. J - Corner lot , Jackson and 10th St. , CflxlOO for $20,000 if sold by Align * , ! 1. Terms easy. - 1 -In 2 lots on a corner , | ioth south fronts , 48x120 ouch and lay nicely , Olio blook f lorn st car line , foi-$2.rjOO. $1OOJ ( ; : In onu mid two years. Jx-crycliolcoloJftluJJwii-lit k Lyman's addi tion , east frontsajor. J.500 each ; S-.i5 cash on onch , bal in one mill tw > > * . 1 very choice Idt in JJoniso's add , south front : nonrSaundcra bt.fpr'fl.'JOJ ; $500 cash , bnl to ' ' ' suit. J'ourlot.sln AujHcci plnco for . * l" > 0 cnch ; } j cash , Dul in onojt\yo.nndihiccjoai : ! . Two lots.rnxlOT eScllVin Hnrnoy si , for $ , " ,003 , each lcasli , baJiUiqiioand tnoycais. Two lots In Wr > 6dawil | plnco SJ50oich ; H oosli : bill ? 10 porinonty.'Ji Ji i > \ , - . ' -i - . ' . Ten llslii Uoilfotxiplaoo from S410 lei oncilcrms ! ; to VII It. . Onochoicololin lnnl > c's add , lull siio , for $1,050 , $ OJ cash. Hal Si" per montn. Two lots In Kirknood , ( WxMlti each , for 51,000 , 5S ras'i.ballnone.lHO anl Ihrce years. Tor Palo liy M. L. lligplns & Co . 151W Douglas bt. , ( ! loom l-'i Rtoiy dwolllnihouso lot 1UO\12II , IclosuiiSpin-olios , ball , cellar , els- lorniU Iruit and Imdo ireos , all fenced , for $ iWO ( ; $1,030 cash , bid to suit. Hlffjrlns& Co. , 1500 Douglas pt. : ( i-ioomdwolllmi hoii'-o in Slinll's add , , very desirable , for $ ) , 00 , $1,0X ) cash , balance to suit. " Pors.ilobyM. L. Hlgglns ft Co. , 15W loueln st : House 8 rooms , bouth fiont , well , loicu pumi ) , fenced , shiidu trees aioiind entire lo | ; SJ.iCO , $ . " > 00 cn.Mi , balance to suit. 1'or s.ilo by SI. L. HU ins , t Co. , 15W nonplus St. : fi-room house , Cahtellar St. , lot S'.KK ) , $1,000 cash , balance to suit. For EB'O ' by M. L. Hlgglns S ; Co. , 1500 St. : .l-room house , 2 btorfos , nlco hl h liont yard , on Webster st , : well , cistern , cellar , greed larHO now bain , lor W.50J , 87 < iO cash , b.ilanco to Bllit. 1'or sale by M. L. HIpKlna &Co. , 1OT ! Douglas PL : Hoiiboil looms on a nil St. , OkahOTiia , lot 47X145 ; for fc'-.OOO , cash $100 , balance $ -0 poi' month ; a Inn gain If taken soon. Korsiiloby M. L. H logins & Co. , 1501 ! Douglas st : Houso5 rooms , halt lot , on naiimlors HI , ; good bain , coal IIOIIBDcollar , elstein , well , nicy porches , for ? -"iO , f 1100 cash , balance lo unit. 1'orsaloby SI , U Hlgglns & Co. , 1503 Douglas si ; llouso with firooms , lot 100x150 ; U closets , bay window , stable , U'cistorns , 5'J ' and 100 brls , coal house , poioh.otc. , lor (2,500 , cash $1OOJ , balanto $ . ' 0 per month. 1'or s.ilo by SI. L. ( IlgKlns &Co. , 1500 Douglas St. : Two nnd one-half ai'iosln llioolillno.ii great bargain If taken wilnlu Iho no.xt six days. days.JJlOEi ) OMAHA VIEW Asnn Inducement to build u modern cliu > 8 of residences In Omaha View xvo ollor special bargains on > or ! ! 0 of our choiccsl building &itos for n foiv days. Hoggs If lllll , 11IH Fariiain s-trcct. S'jll l Will pocurwu most dosiiiiblo lot iiiolo- 'J * gain location. Host bargain In the city. Eight only xvlll ho bold. Call tit once on K It. Vholdoti , KOOI n 11 , Jacobs blook , cor , Pith st und Capitol iivoiino , 14224 * OMAHA V1KW As an Inducement to build n modern class of residences in Omnhn View xvo ollor ppcolul bargainon 21 or JJO of our ehoh est building t-jtcs for a low days. Hoggs & Hill , 1403 Pnrnam street. 214-21 rrx\VO good lots , corner , Lowe's mid. , both JL $1UK ) . Graham tc Hennwn. 180-21 OMAHA VIPAV Ah an Inducement to build u modern class fit losldencos In Omaha Vlow xvo olfer fcpoiHal bargains on 25 or ! ) J of our choicest building silei for n few days. Hoggs i : Hill , HOH Parimm eireot. Sil-21 HOUS12S , lots , laiuU , nbslractsof title , money lonnod. It. C'Patterson , lath mid Douglas. ' " 257 ill OMAHA VIKW.r As an Inducement to build a modern Lhissof ftisldonco4 In Omaha View xvo olfer special bargains on 25 or 30 of our choicest biilldimrsllflj.lor . a low days. Hoggs & Hill , 14031'Hiiiauiulrcii 2.4-34 ! -Al.l : TvawnT\itiAiNS-2iot3inmvight ( XV. Sc Lyman's iiOd-.lon a corner ; f 1,000 , hid f cash , J. L. UlcoiJ-Cofl ever Commercial Hank. e ; ; , . m IOOICATOmaliayjiw If yon want ndoslra t Mo location lor n homo. Will h-croatlcr only sell lots on enstpiii slope of hill lo those who will build hMn < )4V ) w01 th f.1,000 lo Jil.tKHI. Hpechil bargains luru lew days , lluggs & Hill , 1408 Km nam St. i , , /v 251-21 HILLSDALIJ. U t ) ' 1 , , g 8M "I ) RA L IWT.VFlT7njMloTi NSWicst corTicfT lli 100x100 , lii Hauscijpi Place fern homo. Only fJ.&OO. J. L. nice X Cv i over Commercial Hank. IP VOU uio looking lor n lot upon xrhiph to build a home , it wbl bu to jour intoicut to Fee us about our Omnha Vlow lots. Wonio' oncrliigkiMicmhniliicumonta to these xvho xvill build rislJeiicos oith jvl.OJI lo ? ( ! ,000 Choicest lots und most slifhlly location in city. Hoienttur xvlll only build large modern houses on f intern blopoot lull. Hoggs .x , Hl40U'nrnnm | | | bl. 251-21 HlLLSDAI.ri- . that'll the ntimo , and lao lots soil for 150 to $175 on easy term * . Hux'o you teen this ground' If not , do ut once , as it costs nothing to rMo out to tills bo.intlliil locution. Ames' Heal Ksialo agency , 1507 Par- num. 8UJ IK VOU are looking for n lot upon xvhleli to build u homo , it will bu to your intoiost to eoe us about our Omaha View lots. Wo uio ottering special inducements to those who xvlll build josidcni'os ninth I(4M to li.WiO Choicest lols nnd most sightly location In city , llurenllor xvlll only build luigo modern houses on eastern elope or hill , Hoggs A ; lllllH-M Pmrinm st. 254-24 OT on loiT o ttit'cfr nwif 27lh , CIIOBP , t-iVVO , GruUum.v iH'uewu , Crolghtonblofic. SriUMAb ItAtlC.AINS THIS WKWK K , T. Potoiton A Co.S. K.Cor. IMhnnd lougl < No. 1. IiOl 5 , blk , 14 , Hniispom pine1 , liouso of 11 room ? , cast front , J-IAO. $ ! M ) cnsh , bnl. to suit. suit.No. . C. Lotu.Mk. II Prospppt plnpp , now col- Ingpoffi nxims , xrpll nnd I'lsli'rn , now stable fcMUO. ? ( VXc ) 3hbal to suit No. 3. N'oitli hnlf of lot 7 , blk " . KountJO * lluth's fldd. , lot SJVsl , hou p of : ) rooms mul hiilto bn pmont , well nnd clstprn $1,700. $5W , baliinco to suit. No , 4. 10 Hcros In TnttipV stibilM'lon bolnif lots sr and "A. n good liousn and bum for 50 he.-id nfcatlln $7HO. $2M on h , bnl. to suit. No J. 10 acres in Hcllalr , n good liouso and burn , $2,000 ; $ IU\M pn h , bnl to suit No. H. Lot II tilkiHi , lledford Place , $ . ' .50 ; $275 cash , bnl to suit No.7. lOncies nott to Syndicate Plnco ; xvlll ' soli forM.lvK ) : flKHcn ( h. b'allo Milt II. T. Poteison &Co. , SP. cor 1Mb ami Doug- Ins ll.s-21 IPYOr nro looking lor n lot upon \\hkli lo build a home , It will lip to jour Interest to < eo u nboiit our Oinnlm View lots. Wo mo ollorlnu special Inducements to the o who will build lesldiiups worth f.l.OiXI tit $ HOlHl. Choicest lot.sniid most Mirlill ) loeiillon liiclly. lli'icnfter wlllonU build IIIIHP moilprii houses on onslcrn slopoOl hill. Hoggs , \ lllllIllis rarnmn si. 2.1121 HOl'Siy , lots , lands , ubilrnets ol title , money loaned. II , C. l'attpr on , Ilitlinnd Donghis. 257 nl OMAHA"Vir.W \s nn inilm-emenl to build n model n cln s of iosidi'iuo-4 In Omnhn View wo oiler special liargmns on 2Ti or III ot our ulmlcoM building "lies for n few iltij 8. llogvs > % ; Hill , I40S I'nrmiia Klrcet. 2AI-2I Ijlou t'Aii : run lot on SluTnmiTITvo .oiijfilv -L1 slto for Holt Llnodepot. Silclnso fc diimlur- gron.itns. Klthst. list _ IK YOl' mo looking for a lot upon which to bullda homo , lt lll bo to your InteleM to tpo us nboiit our Omalm View lots. We mo ollorlng peclnl Indueementfl to the o who will build ipsluoneos worth $ 'ltKI tonOOA Cholcost lot a and mol nightly location In city Horcnllor will only build Imgu model n liousoson eastern slope or hill. HoggsA 11111,1108 Knrimmjl. 251-21 SAlill Onool thiMlnost nutoTln "Wiist Omaha. * 0OOJ. Tlio C. H , Sin } no Uenl Kstato nndTiustCo _ _ ( V8 ! ALP aero trackngo on the I' . I * , track , centrally n trally located , n bnrgnln lor $15,000. .1. L. Hlco & Co. , 13th nnd Douglas. 671 _ IU [ > It HA lilood : > i-room house xrlth ciilla'rT cistern , city water nnd hnrn'i lot , $3SOi ) ; eniiiiroon | piemlsps,2.l7 Davenport 9l5 _ _ niLI.S ! < ALl-iias : advantages which can't bo bentpn by nny location. Wlipn jou see the lotsyoii wllladmll It. AiiKfl. 1507 Kiiriinin. 8ii ) > KIliLSDALK You can Und no hiich lots ns these nl $150 npleco. Amos'Heal llstato Agonay , I.W rniimtn st. _ 80J IJAOItWlIlT Or Triao Improxcl mil unlni. JU proved lands In K'lrnns and ot lor western rounllos. Address Wm. Slmornl , Arnpihoo , FuransjxQ. Nob. 275 TTlofeSAliT. Nleofi-room house and'J corner JL lots In Walnut lllll ; U cash bal. to Milt. CahMartln llOfUllh st. _ _ 4K1 HOI'SKS , lots , lands , abstract of lltlo , money loaned , It. C. Pnttorson , Ulthand i onghis. 257 al OUSAlil : lopciossmooth unbroken prm- ilo Innilnear Onkland , Hun comitv. nt 20 iicr acre. Itornhnrd Sachsoc , al" South tilth sU _ ( ill ) BAHC.AIN' Pull lot on Wolisterst-botwoon 17th andJBth sts.,2 houses , onoot fi rooms nnd 0110of Krooms ; good barn and shade treus ulul otlirr Improvements ; piico $7OJO ; easy tiirms. Potter & Cobb , 15151'arnnm , St. , Omaha , Nob. _ _ _ _ _ ] HJlJ OMAHA VlFAV-As an Inducement to build n ' modern dims of tesldoncos In Omaha Vlow wo ollor special bargains on 2o or 30 of our choicest hiilldlng .sites for u low dajs , Hoggs Ic ,11111,1IOC , I-'nrnam sti eet. 254-21 ACOHNnit , ! UO\liVi toot , on Calilornlii St. , i'i Siinnysldeaddllion. prlco $ : iIHX ) . Pollev & Coub , 1515 l-'armtiu si . Omaha , Nob. _ K31 _ HOUSIJS Lots , Parms , Lands money loaiod. : Heinls liith midIougas _ ] Etreots _ _ 47 | _ T OtlTv AT Oiniihu Vlow if you want ndet-lrn- JLJ bio location for a homo. Will boreal lor only soil lots on eastern Mopp of hill to these who will build hoiibcs woith SI.C01 to fO.O'O. 8icclal | bargnns 1'or n few dnys. Hoggs \ Hill UOS Farniim St. 2..l-2t _ I JMHl s.Vl.i ; Improved Inrm , KiO nciesTT ; ) 1 acres In crop , 10 acres limber , 10) bearing orchard trees. CO acics nay land , 'M acres hog pasturo.W.Jono- _ N. 21atst. filT-nngt * _ | T10USAM-I.olslnShrlvor place $ ! 50J. $15 .1 ? down , balance $5 per month , Three finest lots In Omaha View. Fine lols In llanseom place. Two lolsln Marion's ndd. A bnrgnln. Two lots in Sliull's 1st ndd. Lois in Auburn hill. hill.Houso House nnd lot In Kountzo's 1th add. To buy , sell or rent property , call on II. W. Htrtitrcss. room 1 , 1KS ! ) Fiirnnm st. 1)71-24 ) * Foil SAM : A'ery cheap , brick house ana frame stable , ncnrCumingst. ; must bo removed - moved right mvnjTlico. . Oltcn,218 S 15IM st. 2 15 28 Altoi ; lot between St. Marv's nxc. nnd -i Leavenworth &t. , cheap , SJ.OOO. Giahnm & Itenawa. 1S6-2I HILLSDALU. highest giound , handsomest location ot any lots in ornround Omaha , tor $150 to $17. ) a lot. Come and ROO Ihis ground. Amos' Heal Instate Agency 1507 Par- n nm. H'J ) QPKCIALHAUOAINS THIS WKK1C-K. T. 1 5 Pctcieon fc Co. . S. 1 1. cor 15th and Douglas st No. 1. Lot u , Illk 14 , Han-com ] > lncc , House of 1 1 rooms , cast front , S > : iWW , S'JJO ciiih , bal. to suit. No. 2. Lot 14 , Illk. H. Prospect Place , now citlngnot 5 rooniR , wlland cistern , nowilnblo , $ . ' ,100 , $ COO cash , bal. to suit. No. 3. North half ol lot 7 , Illk 8 , Kount70 .V Hulh'H ndd. , lot 25x80 , house ol II looms nnd largo basement , well und eislcrn , 81,70J , $51)0 ) cash , balance to suit. No. 4. 10 acres In Tut ! los' sub division being lots 25 nnd 2i3 , a good house and barn lor MJ head of cattle. $7.fOil f2MM cash bal. to suit. No. ft. macros in llollnlr , a good house mid barn , $2,000 ; $1,000 cash , bid. to suit , No , 11. Lot 11 blk U ) . , , Hodford Place , i5W ; S273 cash , bal tosuit No. 7. 10 acres nott to Syndicate Place ; will oil for $4,000 ; $ l , onciiBli , bnl lo suit II. T. I'otoison i ; Co. , S. K. cor 15th nnd Doug- ln . _ \ _ I1B-21 HOPBIIS. lots , lands , abstracts of title , money lonnod. IL C. Patterson , 13th nnd Uouglas. 257 nl . money | oanou7 Hcmls , loth and luunlai ) slroots. 471 LOOK AT Oinnlm View it you xvnnt n doslr- able location tor n homo. Will liorcnllor only sell lots lo Ihoso who " 111 build bongos xxorlh (3,000 to fd.OlO. Special hargnliis fern fowiluys. Hoggs J ; Hill , 1IOS Painnnibt. 2.M-2J TllWO lots on the corner 01 27lh mid Cnss sts , J100x15) , lor W.GOO. Pollor & Cobb , 1515 Par- nam St. . Omnha , Nob. 82l _ _ HOl'SKS , lols , lands , abstracts of title , money loaned , H. C. Patterson , 1'Jth und Douglas. 257 ill T71OK SAI.i : A line wnrehonse , Ironlngo 410 JL1 feet , on R. & M. , xvlth 1'i ncios ground. Theo. ( ) l cn,218 S 10th. STt 28 SPECIAL IlAHGArNS FI'HIS""WI-riiC-ir ; TT Potciso" * Co , , S. P. . Cor. 15th nml Douglas st. "No. 1. J.ot 5 , blk. 14 , Hnnsjom place , IIOIHO of 11 rooms , cast fiont , S'J.WO. f-'JM ' cash , bal. to suit. suit.No. . 2. Lot 14 , blk. It , Prospect place , now ont- tngo ol'fl rooms , well and cistern , now stable , f-MOO. ffi"0 cash. bnl. to suit. No. i ) . Norlh half ol lot 7 , blk , 8 , Kount/o k Hntli'H ndd , , lol 25\hO , boiiho ofll looms and largo b.isement . , well nnd cistern SI , 700. $50J cash , balaneo to suit. No , 4. 10 noi'os in Tnttlos' sub dlvlslnn htdng Iots25iind ! M , a good house and bnin tor5J head ol cattle $7,000. ? 2sO ) cash , bal. to suit. No. n. 10 acres In Holl.iir , a good house and barnS2OiJO ; $1.000 cash , bill to suit No. tl. Lot II blk Oj-i , llodlord Place , f530 ; fi0 cash , bnl to Niilt No 7. 10 net es next lo Syndicate Place ; xlll sell lor $1,0)0 ) ; ( I.OOJ cash , bal lo bull U , T , Peterson & Co. , S 1 ! cor I5lh and Doug. Ins _ _ IID-24 _ Hol'Si ; . lots , Innds , nbsirnpts of lltlo. money loaned. It. U , Pnllorsun , iiih ; mul Douglas. 257 al HOOI ) lot III Oknhoma , nenr the Vlnton fit. carllno , prlco Sl.OJI , Potter i Cobb. 1515 t. . Omnh'i ' , Neb , BU F Oil SAIiK Pull lot on 17th st. , near Nluho- las , at u bargain. Ucrnhard tinclisso BITS , lathj im LOTS in Ktlby Plnco $7715 each. Jlonnwn , CrulglitoiHIlk * , TP. HAMMOND , llcul Jteltito lliokor , j Douglas st. , llooni ; ! . I oiler the lollowlng speclnl hnrgnlnsi Two choice lots in llanseom Place , bnrgntn , 40 foot an Douglns st but. loth nnd 14th. 4 house * on Ohio ot , 11'JOJ each , S20Jcash , bnlniK'C $25pur month. : i choice lots lu Lincoln Place , .rill bu sold nt n bargnfli. SplojiilidOToom house Ohio st , , burn ; Ul.xllO Icoliot ; bargain , $ . ,100. Lot on Capitol nvo , 2d from lllth st.oirgnln. Lot , 2 stoiuj and basumcnt , Kount/.o'.s ad add , n bargain. Spleinlid lot In Shmn's add. Wanted Olllco ilo In exchange good lot. List your property with mo. 2,7 ] " OOK AT Omaha Vlow If you want n doslia. J able location lor a homo Will lieuniller onlybdl lots on o.istcrn slope of hill to ino.-e who Will build houses worth $3,0)0 ) to $ i ) , ' u. bargains lor a lew dnyd. llojfs iV Hill. RliAt , ESTATE IIAJiQAINS-a aoreli South. Omnhu Joining C. P. ( ioodmnn , J'1,001. A piisltlxe bnrgnln. J , U Hlco & Co. , over Com. merolnl National . banji. _ tiUl _ LOTrfM'llltiH toiJnyfnr two to fluujsoid n year ago lor KO lo f JM. Think of this nnd gel a lol now In IlllUilalo Iorl50 to SI75 and on easy terms. Ames' ItculKstntc Agency , 1607 1'nrnum _ _ _ _ _ _ brtl _ FOIt K.VOII.VNJK 0OUOBtooitdrjrHOOds for .O-iuha property. Archur It l-itcti , 21KB liiust , 4D3 CJ A. SI.OMAN , uo.1 Pnrnamst. Itoul Uctnto O nnd Until * . Bpcrlnl llargnln List 0lh * t , nonr St. Mnr } ' nxo , 40xl'JO Im- intixol . . . . . . . . . M.OX1 Hmnoyst npnrllst. 40xi.MImproxpd : , . . K.MX ) Hnrnoy st , near2lst , M\lfl7 Impiox-ed . " , RV1 llnrneysl , npnr2i > ( liriixli7 ! tmjirox-od. . . 0'AVJ llni npy si cor. 22dISU : and M'xl54 ' with house , bnrn , ( Me. all tor . (1,00.1 ( Hnrnoy si. opp. point housppornprlMxl" 15,000 l.envenixoith st. corner illxl : ! . ' , house ll- rooms , rents torikll > er month . t.eavomxorlh st , near SIM , lot WHIM , bniisii louts tor $ .Vi per mouth . r > , WO Loavenworth st. and 87th , 2 corners , UOt 112 . . . . . 4..WJ Hnrncy nml Howard , icnt.s forfST , per month . S.VX1 Douglns s | , bet 12th nnd lath , new bilek stote , ipiils lor JI.HU'i ' hnlt Inlorest , fMO ) . all lor . Ifl.lVO Pmnnmslrect , near 20lh , Improved , b"x I12 ; . . . . . . . . SS.001 , lnck oii , eoriipr lllb. liilxlK , Inn-oxed . . 25.0(1(1 ( Dodge stipot. nenr 2lih | , ImproMvl . 2,500 Capitol ineniic , poinoi 20lhlU.xlil. , Im- pro-pd . . . . 12,000 llnriip ) street , botwppnaut nnd SJnil , W . . . . . . . . . 21st , nenr l.pavpnworlli , W\l2i ) . 21st. nem I.eiiM'nworlh , odxl'lj . S.-VV ) Convent liecllniioved,4Sii\l.Vl | . . 4WJ The llnest rpsldence In Omaha , In elpgntit lo- v-atlon , luine lot , hi Id ; house nnd stable , nil modern Impiovemeiils , nothlnffiis elo gall ! wi'St of Clilengoi prko f .M.lKX ) . Property In Manhattan , lledford Vlnoo.llrook- lyn , Wnlinii lllll , mul iihno't ovcty nildllloii In Oinnlm , it low llguios. - _ ll'S UOPSI'.f , loN , Intids , nbslincls of title , money loaned. H. C. Pntletson , Mth mid Douglns. 257 iU _ POH SA f.K-Nexv , Riiiall house , i'ltll lot" Omnhn Vluw , * ltt30. Theo. Olfpn. S18 S Ifitli. SSJ 23 IK VOl' nro looking for a lot iipim i\lik'li to Imlld n home , U \\lll bo to your Interest to BPO us nboiit our Omnhn Vleiv lotn. Wi > nro oflorlng Hpeclnl inilueumenls to those who will build sldeiups ( worth M.I 00 to $ (1,000. ( Choicest lols and most slghtl.x locution In city , llorcn Itor x111 only build largo modern houses on eastern hl.o ( | ol hill. Hoggs \ 11111,1(08 , Fimiam st. 2 : > l-21 Foil HAI.U-ICOncics 1 mlle Irom Wnlorloo. xvlth two llrsl-elnss honsies , stnbios , xvlnd- inill. All fenced. Trees nnd at $10 per ncio. llenilitiiil .t Saehseoit7Soiitli : Kllh MI eel _ l W _ I71H ( ) NAI.K Or'tncbnngo Tor genornriacr ehnndlsp,20llneies llnally Improxe.l land In Southern low a , udlolnliig county nnd railroad - road , in Dccntur county. Has n line It-room house , largo hain&Mont shi-il.noiMl , slicing nnd running wuler ; li iipptu tiees , oherrles , Kinpes , eli ? . lloinbard Snchsjo , iI7 ) H. llth Bt , _ Omnlm. Nob. _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . ' 12 rOOK AT Omnhn Vlow If 3011 xuint adoslr- J able location for u homo. Will hercntter only sell lols on eastern slope of hill lo the o who xvlll build houses win Hi $1.000 to $ n.Mii. Spedal bargains torn few days , llosgs .V lllll. ItOSI'nrnnm St. 21121 1 > iiNIIAlCl : > hACUhhU bas tor s.ilo : Lots in Ambler Place SIOOlo not ) Lots hi 14. V. Smith's ndd $15Hto2OOJ ) Cor- lots Sllllnid fc Caldwolls add , WvlS'l . . . ? ; > ,2oo 10 n,4oo Pine east front lot , (10x144 ( , N 18th st . . . . 2,1)00 , ) I'llll lot Omnhn Vluw , graded , fenced , Iteos and shiuhs SOi ) Lot 50vl27'5 , Shlnn'srtd ndd'lmrlpsst ( ) . 1,000 Selected lots , Suumlers & Hlmobaugh'sndd $50010 700 lleautlful ncio lots , Pallerson Pnrk , ilH miles from court house $1125 lo 450 S lllth hot. Williams nnd HIL'knry.nOvllU. . . 3,1'rO ' Cor. biifclnoss lol , Military nvo 450 Wllcox's Ibt add , 2 lota X ) ouch 2 lols COO each Acre lols In Hyde park ? 275lo t)5d ) Lots on Snundorsst. near licit Line depot , ouch . . . 1,0)0 Lots in Plnin VIoxv , Inside 5000 ; cor..5700 to l a Lotaln lledloid phice f (00 to 000 South frontl ots on Uurdetlo nr Snunders , . . . - $1.25010 1.100 Leavenworlh st , nenr Park nvo , 50\I1S l.bOO Lots on Sherman ni-o. opp. silo for Holt line dopol $5.000 lo 7.000 40 neroa line virgin prairie in Oaklandul. . 20 _ VM jlernlinrd Saclisso , ! l7 | S lilth St. KIIAI , i.SrATIilAltTiAlNSbenutittl : : ) south liont lots lual oil Siiumlers t. in Patrick's 2d addition , # 1,2,7) ) ouch. .1. Ii. Hlco & Co. . ever Nationnl bank. Ml Foil SAM : A line xvarehouso , frontnijo-llO Icol on H. , V SI. , xvlth 1'i ' ncrcsground. Then. Olson , 218S 15th- 23" ) 23 HOL'SKS , lots , lands , abstracts of title , money loaned. U. C. P.utcr'on , Kith and Douglas. So" a4 "I IVOlr nro loolilnur for n lot upon which to J will l > o to you r hit crest to sco us about our Omaha Vlow lots. Wo are ntfoiliifr hprolnl Indncoments to the o who will build residences worth * ' 1IH)0 ) to $ nUU. ( holcast lolH and most slBhily location In city. HercaHor M 111 only build lar n niorlern houses on eastern slopoof hill. Ho 'sAlllllIIU8 rnrnmn st. SM-'Jo H ALP acre Irackawo on the 1 * . P. liack , eon- t rally located , a b.trgrtln lor $15,030. J.I * Itli'O > V Co. , 13th and Douglas. S7I p HAT , HSTATIJ IIAIK ! AINSVinest pleco of 11) IrackiiRu , oii'-y of nccoss and centrally lo- rated , In ( ( a barjrnln. .1. \i. \ Hlco \ Co. ocr Commereiiil Jat lonal biinlt. 88t Hirj.SDAUI-l.otsonly JIM to SI7. > , and will aull lordonblo this llyuro in 12 months' tlmo. Como nnd sco thorn. Amos' Heal Kilato Afney , 1M7 1'ariiain st. HO ! ) K ILIIV PLACE. Four loin , cor. Dod o si. All lor f 4M3. Graham & Itcnawa. 180 at BSAClissn-ii7 ; -S"131 li st.f Heal estnlo Agent. Aero Propcrtj- . . . r.nciesspli-naidluiid $ 2.0X ) JOncics " " 1,5'X ) ir , " " : .vir > 10 " with liouso , barn , corn ciib. xvell on Plorenco InUo 2.0TO 9 npies In Florence , good location 4HX ! ) li'iirms I or Sale Impiox'cdnnd unlinprovod In NohraRkn , Kan- Ban nnd Iowafor p.ilo or exchnnco for city piop- oiry. Hotel und saloon iiropcity lorsnlo. 11. Siiclieepil7S. : lilth Street. 1SD-21 OMAHA V1RIV As nn Inducement lo build n modern cl.iss of roildenee ? in Omnhn Vlow xvo offer special bargains on 25 or : > 0 of our rhoiiTRt building silos for a fmv days. Hoggs to Hill , HOS Knrriam street. : . ' 5I-21 FOUSA1.1C y aero loi.Pnik PI ice , enst front , 82,200. Theo. Olscn.MISS 15tli. Krt 28 RISDON & CO.MSTOUK , Iiuuruncn , llcnl JCstnto nnd Loan Agents , Second floor , Slcrchnnls' Nat onnl bank build ing , have lor side Ini.-iniHs nnd lusidenco piop- erty , Improved nml iinimproxcd , lu all parts ol' Ihe city nnd popular suburban additions. Piil- lowing xvlll bo lound a llsl ot some of Iho bar gains olfoiod : S. llltht. . , bet. Hnrnoy mid Howard , lot 22x00 , with buildings xvhlch now innt forSi-0 per month , $ H.1UO. N. 10th noni-Dnvenporl , 60 ft fionl , $1,100 , If Bold within 10 ilny ? , KastKldo S. lyth ncar.Tonos , flflxlt2wltli ! bulld- ingb xvhlcli rent for $ T0.1 per yenr , S'Jl.l ' 0 J. Unfit ldu S. ilth : In * . 1 ! . Hotels' add , lull lot , n Imrgnln , f'.OOi ) . Dodge st , Hoggs fc Hill's Sd add , 115x77 foct xvltli n house I rooms , , $ Vj'J' ' ' $ i'h. l-a-t ! lion lot on Paik nvenuo iionr Lnavonwrrtli St. , PtixllS'J ' feet , containing 2 luimlsomo largo cottages , xvith all inodoin lmpro\emcnts , a barn , trees and nn nbnndiineu of small fruit , all lor S-l..itM. This isonu of tbo nest bmgalns now ollorod In the city In residence nropiuty , Projicity will bo dlx'ldedlo Milt pniviinxir. bliprimin avcfiue. about ono mlle from thn PO'toDlco. Lot 2)Xl3) , iiinning ihrough to 17th lix'ot. t'ovun loom onltniio and limn , ? 'inffl. Cuinlng street nimr draco Lot Ul'-jXlIO , conlnlnlng 5 mom cottHgo , i'WO. Center si i eft Cumlng , Lots r\lS' ( , ' . Boxen loom hou-o , SJ',00-1 : llt'oral lorniK. Vltic.'n ' nores two mlln * wo-tlrom the SlocU Yards , In JJoulli Omalm , ? 1SJ per aerp. 1'nrin in Slonlek county , near Claikaiiduho ncHr ( 'mitral t Ity , * ! ; i per neio. A doslrablo corner lot In llurr Oak , ICOvl.lO , 52,700. Corner lot , Hurt und SMb slroct , $ ICOO ! adJoining - Joining lot. SI.UVI. Lots In Hurtlioino. Saioto Pl 50. Lets In llaiiscom Place , Sl,5'K ' ) to fJ.OoO. Lot.sln Kilby Place , ? 1V ) to $1,0)0. ) Ixils In Ku-kirond from JF.W to $ l.CfH. Lolsln Hluhmoii , ! tiom 'iiH ) to f I5H. Lots In Walnut Hill Irom S'iV ' ) lo S 1,0 10. Lots In .1 Llludicks' fiom .VlOVtoit2fO ) ) . C3 A ooriioi lot , 101 feet imljeorghxnvo. and 110 on Michigan el. , wiih nllc-v , $ l."iW. Four lotsoiiTwciillotlist , , Wlloov'a ? .A addi tion , fM'U ' oath , Lots In Van Cntnp's addition , 8. 13lh st , , nt low ruiuj nnd on ctuy tei ms llnii'-o and lol In Lincoln place ; lot IWt'll' ) , liou.-o nine rooms , banemont und eellur. r.U'l ' llnishcd in n biipci lot inannrr , ? ' > , 'M. ' s.ualt cash payment , balance In nisi ! ' r.ents. 1'ive new t'"tM-ps ( on l"tu street. 1'ai lies wishing 10 buy , * ci | or svclmnpo rnnl estate ohould ui\o us n call. l/t In any of iho Miuuilmn ndJitioiH w.ll bo shown xulh pl nsoi-o nt ful > t inc. 241 TP YOU mo lool.liu for n lot unan which ( o bhild .1 homo , it will bu lit your interns ! to Eosusnboiil our Vlow ! ( .ia. Wo mo oircrhi'4 special inducements to the > u < rho it ill build iwldonct'S xvortli ? IU ) ) lo iJii.Q.w. . Choicest lolsmnl nio t sightly locution in city. Ileru-illor will only buil.l huge moileun hoiie , on pitoiii Elope of hill. Ho.giiV Hiil.HOi I'liriiun st , Sil-21 ( ) . \ - - , | lot on llnrlnenr lliown , * IV)0. Tlmo. Olsen , 2l jj 1'nh. Rr.MiMIliU : ; now n Uio tlmo to buy ( heap lots. Theygiow In valiin Caster thnn any othois. Hco IllllS'lalo. ' Lois ClTlaiiult. Ana" , ' Heal i : iuto Agoucy , 1507 1'nrimm. WJ CAN mnku nomlitako In of our beautiful Uniiihu View lots lor a homo Hpeclal btiiirnlnj foralowlns lo tho'o who will at oiicu build muJoin bouses llogvi > V Hill , Jllii I'm mm etroet ; \ -JJ HOl > sis- : Lots , l-'nrniii , l.unds monv ) lonnoj Iloiula , 10th and Ojuclua strcvt * . 4.1 JL KrSH ANI > SK1.HV-S18 8. IMh st. offer tlio following special biirtfnlns- Vnennt tots . .ul on 11111111111 st. on gtado . SI.10(1 ( Lot on Pmk nvpnup. iii'iif l.onxonxuMth. Hint trout In West Omalm . Pltidcpincrhi Aillnutoii lVl ( it. front : t blocks fiom sited ear line . . Itpnilllful lot In Clarendon. . W ) South Onmhiilotfl $ : i7f > lo . . . . lfl"0 Pine building lot In Dennl < p' < i add \KO Posters ndd. lots fl.OTiO in . . , JiO ( T\Mumst li-onts Dwlght .V Ljnimi s ndd.,011 grade , lloili for. . 1.000 Past front \ li-ttlnln avo. lMJ I'.legnnt lot Mnr h'a niM 8"M Lot on 1 enxeuwoilh nenr Holt line HI IRneips nest slockjnrds . . . 17il toxic's ndd , coiner lot W ) Diinhlo Corner Ml Plensnnt si 700 Ut In llnwthouio K li-onl on grm'o ' 8 i ) to ! In llnwthorno H. front on gi adeem ner TOU Lot onS. IMh Ml SM 10 lots in lloyd's ndd , iipmlonndn mid Hell line , ySilenli , mid balance month Ij.-jltM to WO tio't in Plalnxlow WJ Houses mid lots House mid lol on Lenxpiiwoilh g | , f'OJ ea h nnd bnlnnce $150 per > enr. . l0) Homes on montlil ) pnjmcnts In nil parts orthoelty. New 5 loom hnn o. xvpll , plstoni nml collar on IPIli sti.cnshnnd ; ] ( ) bal month ) ) , $2,100 S loom tiou o west Ploice si . II.OJJ New hnn o 5 nioms Pleioo st , f IOJ cnfjh nnd bnl Insult . 1,751 J loom new liouso mid full lot on Sewnrd stnblopks from street pats 2.50) 5 roomIIOIIKO on North lllth s | . . XM ( Hilok house nndiltt east lionl 11.IX ) . ) I room house Hoggs , V HIII'Hiidd . 1,251) House ndd toil front on Dodge st , . ! i,40i ) - Hush A Solbj.BISSirth Bt. JV VOU nro looking lor n lol upon which lo hitdd n homo , It will be to jnnr Intnrcsl-to see us about our Omaha Vlow loin. Wo nro ollcrlng tipeohil Indllponipnls to llioso who will Imlld rmldpnros worth f.t.lHK ) to fllOlX ) . Choicest lotx nnd most sluhlly location In city. Hereafter x111 only build largo model n houses on eastern slope of hill. Hoggs .V lllllH03 I'nrimm Hi. 2M-21 "ll I'ltovllli piopony Sears , IBth nnd Dodge II.WO Pull lot o's'nld\xell ft. and tlirco roltn- ge.s bringing In $15 per month ; ' .S push mid 1,2 , Hj cuff. $1WO Will bnv a fi-i-oom eottago In Donlso's mid ; $2i < ) cash mid $ _ i per month. fl,201-TnkPH ilroom colt ago In Mlllnrd &CnM- x > pH'Riidd on easj pnynuMits. $1,500 Cash tiikos'j-lol eor. Cnldwoll nnd Plor ' " Inn'rt 1st nddltlon. lock 10 , K. V. Smltn'H nddltlon for one-half cash. $ ; ) nnd $2.VLots ) In Soars & Thomas' add ; PI'S cash nnd $10 per month. ' 1 his price Is good for .Inly sales only. SI.OOO . Hoii.spol 7 looms on lot 40x140 In Thor- Hell's addition , ono block fiom cmlino. . $3,500 Tnkps n 7-room cottngo on Hamilton 8t. xvlth good bain. Will soil on vpry onsy lerms , Call and SPO us. ,000 ( lood honon of H looms on full lot In Kll/nhclh Place ; one third cash nml 1 , ! ! , ! 1 j ears on balance. 1 have vacant lots In miv part of the city 11 > ou wish to liny orholl II Is to your interest to ( nine mid see mens I deal In bnrgnlns only nnd buy and sidl on slrnlghl com missions. 210 , 'H Scar.s , N R Cor. 15th and Dodge " \rOl' CAN Tnnko no mUlnko In sefecting soiTio 1 of our hcniitllul Omaha View lols fora liome. Special bargaliiH Torn few dnys to these \\lio will nt once Imlld modern houses. lpirgs& ! Hill , Ulis. Pariinm Mreol. 2i > t 21 HAVIJ you speiTllill.sTliihrr If notdo spat oncu and plckoutii lol lor flfiO Unit xvlll not only makojoii 11101103' but holpyoii save some. Ames' Heal Kslalo Aironcy. 1507 Furnain. 80' ' ) OISDON jL' XV InsurKiico , Hciil Ktnto nml liOnnffeiils. . Koithwpst onrncr I'ariimn and lllth sts , ovt-'r Moichants National bank. have. Improved or unimproved propurtstn oil paitaof tlio ulty and Hiiburtmn additions. Call ul tills iiponoy 1C In SLMircli of bur alnv ImiKnln. Two doslrnblo cnst front lots In l bt A ; l.yniiin's addition at foOO oacli on easy terms at Klsdon X Conslock , ever Morchunts National Lank. . . . If yon ( leslro to Roll list your propoity with lli'.lon fc Coinstoi'k , over Murchiints Natlq nil bunk. This Una do strictly u coiiiniKa Ion bna ness nml will onduavnrto llnd nciia lorn ru.ilty listed with tjicin. _ 121' ' _ . FOIE .SAM : or uxrmmno at n ImririUii HJ ncrcinf line liny laul within " ' t miloa of 1'rciiK.nt.Neh. 8. A. Slomiin , 1103 l-'arnam St. Omaha , Nub. _ _ _ "TO ilj .oao will buy lot a Qulifn'8 adifltlon , South P llth st. . ii > l\lu ! with iniproroiiionts , address , l.JWlluoollli-e _ _ Utl _ ' e on tlio II. V. "track , con- HAM'Nieretrnukn trnlly loc.itoil , a bargain for J1R.OOO. .1. L. ItluoiVCo. . liith and Douglas. G71 ITIfK SAMS One of the Illicit aoro3 In \\'oi -V malm , only 81,000. Tlio C. K. Mnyne lllml Kftato and Trust Cn. _ _ _ _ _ bfiJ A/OH CAN mnlto no inl ° Uikn in goloUlir , ' some 1 oT our beniititiil Omlitia View lots lor n bomo Special luirKaln ° lor a few days lo those who will at onco'.lmlld inodurn 'louses ' Hoggs il Hill , DOS 1'arnam street. _ - ' . " > ! 21 NIJ anil tliroo-fourtusiionsf in Iliookllnn nd- O dltlon , price fsV ) . 1'ottor & Colih , 1315 1'ar- nam si , Oiimlia. Nub. _ 8-l _ " \roU CAN miikiino mistiiKo In RelocthiR fcoino JL of our beautilnl Omaha View lots turn home. Special bargains for a fuw days to lho o who will at once build modern honsea. Hongs & lllll. 110S I'arimm Miout. _ 251 1 KCAt. KSTATi : IJAltOAlNSSplomlld ploco of trnulcnire. I/iyhllnu and cvntrully looa- ted at aliir alns. J. L. Hlco & Co .over Com- inorchU Hunk. _ KM OOK AT Omaha Vlow- you ivant a dufllrn- I J Jdq locution lor a homo. Will heioattcr only soil lots on onstorn hlopo of hill to HIOHO \vlio will build homos north $ lt,000 toSOJKO. Spec ! il bargains lor u lew days , llojflfs " ! 1403 Karnain SU 26a * _ HOW Is It your nnfifhbor liiisiimdn money ? Jly havltnf oouragu to buy chuup lot ? . You can do llios.imo in llillsdaln , when ) lots now solllim for $1.V ) oai'h will brlnir double that In a yoarfrom now. Ames' Heal 1'itato Ajfcncy , inU7 Farnuin At. _ _ _ _ _ 809 _ VIH\V As an Indiicomnnt to build a OMAHA modfirn clns.s of rosldencns in Omaha Vlow wo olfor Kpociiil bnriralns on5 or 30 of our cholceit liullilliiK K'IOS ' for a loir ( lays. HOJHJS Ic Hill , It'JD I'aniam slieut. 2.Vi-21 _ _ _ " FOKSATT : Or"oxolinntro lor cityorsUbur ban improved or unimproved property , or poneralmor'ihandl'o , 800 acres (300 and GOD ) of the linnet Noliraslm praiilo hind In Nanco eoun- iv. Hernhnrd bachsso , 'J17 S. 1'Jth St. , Omaha , Nob. 9U7 _ " l.IiSDAI-I ! "He.-t opporiunlty lor trottliir you n cheap homo. _ bM (3rnc"AT ( Oinaha Vlow it > o7fwnni a dcsTra" J bio location lor u homo. Will hort-aftcr only sot lots on oustorn f-lopo of hill to these who will build lioiihcs worth M , COO to JO.COO. Kiu'clnl linrinilna lor a low days , liofrys & lllll , 14H Knrnam St. 25KI1 _ HI H Coino and no it yoin sol f , It soils on ita murltH. Amos' Heal Khtatu , 1M7 rnrnam _ , . . . . , _ W FOU SAM-Two ole nni front corner lots in llurr Oak : natural shulu troos. Ilatuher , ( ituld & Co. , 121'J ' Uoiitflas stroot. Mlllnrd hotel block Om.ilm , Noli. _ Mt { \ oiii ) lot , vnincr , l.oivo'8 mid , , clio.ip , ? 700. \T ( iialmmXllonawa. . _ _ 1WI-SI ' ' tjl'liCIAh HAHUAINS THIS WIIKK-K. 't. VJ 1'etori'on .V ( Jo. H. 15. Cor. IStli and Doncla-iat. No. 1. lAit 3. Illk. 14 , llansrom plnco , house of 11 rooms , cast , liont S3.UJO. 5 ljo cash , bat. to Mllll. Mllll.No No 2. I/ot 14 , Hllf. n. Prospect plaeo , now cot- luKooffi looms , well und ehtorn , now Ntaolo S'.MOI. ? COJ eani | bal. to Milt. No il.North hair of lot 7 , blk " , KouniroAi Huth'sadd. , lot ; : . 'ulfl , IIOUMJ of M rooms and1 larKo basement , well and cistern § 1,7UJ. t'XtJ -hb.ilanco to suit. No. 4. 10 in-run in Tuttlos' sub division bchiB lots " , 't and 'M , a KOOI ! house mid barn for 6'J lifiid of calllo , J7.00J. J-'i.fOJ ciish , to suit. No ! > . 1Q iiot-tiis in J'ellalr , a oiJ Imuso and barn , $3OJJ ; $1.004 cn--li , bal to Knit No. II. I ol 11 blU B'i ' , llodlord Place , $510 ; $375 cash , lull to suit No. 7. lOnoios no\t to Syndlcalo 1'Jftcoi IV Bell for # 4ojJ , fl.OW c.ish. bal lo ult 15. V. Peiojx-ou& Co , , S 1'cor 15th and Doiijf , Ins HS-'il hp.m & llvnitnn.L'roliflitoii Illk , 181-24 ; cltlo3 ; mn'io ' sithurban homos a IHICOS- TAItfli J slty and this class of lots wro s with the lost. This is to bo considered. Sco IHIUdalo at S1W mid buy ono when you can at this flgiirp. Amos' Itciil Uitutp AKunoy , I.VJ7 I'.u nam Bt. h09 IF YOU aiolooMnir for a lot upon which to ilild ! a homu , II will ro to jour Intorcst lo BOII us about our Omaha Vlow lotx , Ho tun ou > riiiir poclal Inlucumonts to those nli will build lesidr-ncos worlh $3.001 to ? sxi. ) diolocst lut.snnl mi it t Hkhlly loom fun In ctj. ; ll io iftor wKltmiy In lid larco modem hmiM'soa ciuli-in s'opu ol hill lion's & Hdll4H ( I'miKlin st. ' . 'ol-'l Ql'l ! < l.\irifAUT.\INS THUS Wl.f.K li'l'T' > Ptor-oii& : Co , B. i : Cor. 15th nnd Don -luost No. I. l.ct 5 , blk. 14 , llaiiscom pliuo. bo i o of 11 rooms , oi i front $ J.KU. i-Wj cash , i-a | to cull. cull.N ( > . ? , Lot II. 1'lk. ' II , PIO IIPOI place. n < w oo' . lnirool" ) looms , well and uisturn , non ttublo fi.101. SHUIrusH , bul loHilt. No. il , North hull ot lot 7 , blk R , KuuuUo.c Until' ? , add , lot 'ilxNJ , hoimo of J logins and Inrtro Imsomiml , will mid cHtorn ? livH. f'i > J'ilial.ineot'j Milt. No , I M ui'icin Tnlllos' nib iiv | ion hcunr lots -5 and m. n H-ooil hu i-u aid h.irn for & ) luMi'l o | catlluf r.O-G. J..SOIc ; h. b\l. : In MII IDaciujlii llollair. a good houno mid hmn , ? . ; , < U > ; Jl.0.3) ) ( null , to Kiilt No ( ! Lot II blkil' ' , , llcdtord I'l.ico SV > 1T' 5 C'llnh. I'-Vl ' ( O flilt No. V Id acres ne\t to Syndli-ixlo Phu-"i will eoll lor M.MIJ ; f 1.0 K. cash. t > n | ! ouit K i' . I'oiorsou ft L'o , M I ? cor 15th r.ud 'Joivr- lai 11--1 ! LOOK ATOmalia View If ) ou want u bin loiMilon for a 'lomo. Will lie enl > 8C'II lols on nust'TU slnpo ol bill to tluiso will will b-.nld hiiliklii woi'lli : ! .IKJ ) In fii.'iO , spr-cinl bar.r.iUH lorn few Uuys. Jki gs .V HHl , lIWi rarutuubt. SI-M