Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1886, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi MONDAY. JULY 26 , 1886 , A POVERTY ADVERTISEMENT , Misrepresenting Assessments Which Show Nebraska Up in a Poor Light. POUND HOLDS THE NOTARY. 3Ji-s. . llnlicni Corpus disc lint In Appealed An AnllVntiVyok Scheme - Other Capital News. . * ' . - . * . * IFIIOM TIIF. mn'4 nniRU Thorc is nothing sntlsfaclor.y intliu n.11- Bcssinciit rottirns mid valuations a ? coin- piled in thu ollicc of the uiulitor of stiito ntul us pasted on by the stale bosirtl of equalization. Neither Is tliure nnylliitiK in the faoU and liguroa nt all ronrusuntn- tlvo of lite wealth untl worth of thu state , oven if -iirod ut onc-llfth Instead of one- third of nuttml value. Jn a statistical point of view the returns arc even nion- utiRiitisfnctury and valueless , lor one county entire , the county of Keith , is en tirely omitted in the returns and it lias not yet , through its ollk-lals , made any i alums or evinced nny disposition to ward so doing On account of thn ah- HCIICC of tills county not a total of any kind can bo given in any way except as an ai > pro\imato result , and Keith , wliiln not one of the most important counties , is too impoitaiil in aoica o anil Mock to 1)0 ) left out in giving a fair .statement of the state's acreage , valuation ami prop erly. Another element destructive of ae- ci'nilc results is found in the fuel that nine counties , either through l&nornnca or indolence of ollicial-i , returned no sep arate items of impioved and unimproved lands , and the omission renders a fair approximation of the number of acres iu Nebraska under cultivation impossible. With the county of Keith omitted , the general averairo of value of improved lands in the state is found , by the assessment returns , to bo § 1.10 j > ur acre , and the avnr.igo value of unim proved lands is found to be ? 2. ! > ! ) per ucro. This is no creditable showing for Nebraska , even when considered on a one-third valuation , and does not repre sent the facts as they \5st or as any pur- ehaser in the state \\ould find them. It is simply a poverty advertisement in the i-arli of inisroprcMiiitulion. The average values oflivo stock , exclusive of the same county , are : lloraos , $ . ! )7 ) , cattle. $7 ! > 0 ; Hheep' , 5(5 ( cents ; hogs , $1.0' ' . and the same very low estimate is .seen in figures. Uni if wo have been perusing low valua tion figures , what shall be said of the fol lowing items in total of values as re turned : Mono sot banlc , banker , broker or stockjobber . Sl.lCS.fiSO Credits ot bank , banker , bioKer or stockjobber . ai8,210 Jloni'js other llmi otbuik ; , b.uiKm , broker or stock jolibor . 500,674 Ciedits otlierthan otbank , banker , or stock jobber . 1,032,03d In those four items Ho the cash , col laterals. bank stock or what might bo termed the convertible cash of the .stale as returned for inirpo-es of taxation. Tliisis supposed to represent one-third value of the capital stoelc of the banks of the state , one-third value of the specula tor's stock in trade , and of every money loilcr , note shaver , stock jobber , etcetra. What a poverty stricken lot ol wealthy men the assessors must have found in their rounds , to be sure. When tins character of wealth is rated at such ligures as the above , the time it. at the door when nioney-lendei uan , with good grace , go about the streets with hand or gans and wring sympathetic uiokles from the pockets of men who work fora dollar anil a drink per day. The incom plete , inacurate , unsatisfactory and false ronreMnitations of the assessments re turns in this year of grace , more loudly than over , call for a change in the pro- Cfcduro as followed in the past , n change that will give good work ami goon returns , and not leave as linal re- stilus something of which men ac quainted with facto ns they exist arc ashamed and which utterly fail to repre sent to the country at lurgo Nebraska in an honest light. Till ; NOl'AKY AND THE PHYSICIAN'S WIFE. The already celebrated Dr. Doggo and the Herold creditors' has reached another resting place ami the end of a chapter. It will bo recalled that the last published part of the CUM ; left Mrs. lr. Doggo committed to jail by a notary public for refusing to gtvq her deposi tions in the case before him. On the hearing of the habeas corpus case , brought before Judge Pound to secure the woman's release , the judge rendered u decision sustaining the notary in his commitment and sustaining ; the statue , which gives notaries the power to send parties to jail if they refuse to testify in the taking of testimony. The attorneys for Mrs. Doggo cited the state constitu tion , which prescribes in whom the ju dicial power of the state is vested , and which public document docs not vest notaries with judicial powers. The statue giving these powers , it was there fore held by thorn , was unconstitutional and void. The other side in the case rested their side on the ground that the Htatne was good until passed upon by the higher court , and the judge so de cided , holding that Mrs. Doggo must testify and that she bo remanded back to jail without bail until she should do so. This put the attorneys of the Dogges to another movement , and that to the supreme court. Judge Cobb , of that bench , was secured , and a petition for rehearing the ease m the supreme court was filed and an application for stay of execution was made before that Judge and by him granted. Judge Cobb hen instructed the clerk of the district couit to admit Mrs. Doggo to bail in the bum of ? ! MO , pending the rehearing m the supreme court. As that body does not moot until September , the case will . remain in statu quo until cither tiiis de cision is reached or the case * itself comes in ) for hearing at the autumn term of the district court. The leg-il question in this that will attract the greater amount of interest is , as btated before , whether the ritutiito conferring judicial powers on u notary public is constitutional or not , and there are about fifteen hundred no taries in the state who will bo interested in the opinion rendcicd. A I'LAN THAT WILL FAIL. Tlio statement is made that a new cam paign plan is being discussed in the ranks of the anti-Van Wyckers , which , for breadth of purpose and compass in winch to revolve and gyrate , is certainly ingon- ions , if lacking many other qualities That would tend to some success coming from it , If , tor instance , Judijo Cobb'a ambi tion should be filial and ho would bo uloctjd to the senate , would there not bo u vaianoyAii the supreme bcuchT Cer tainly ; and who would bo more llko to stand in line of promotion than district judges ? And in this brilliant way. why not enlist all the district judges in the in terest of the rise of Judge Cobb from the bunch to the senate desk , .so that a vacant neat on the supreme bench woiild bo open for occupancy ? This would all bo very ulco and pretty for the anti-Vuu Wyok forces , and undoubtedly , if the district judges will only listen , every last ouo of Ihom will bo promised tlio vacant place in the higher court , if just n votu or two could bo shown to be forthcoming to help create the vacancy. Jn one instance , jt has already been hinted that this brilliant project has been discussed with ouo of { ho district judges , whoso visits to the state capital are not like angels , and there is no more promising or appropriate work for dog days than ( ho working of just i i ii'ifflrin r sndi a little scheme lo enlist votes by "resting a vacancy. 7. VU COMMIS < * K > XIt * SfOTT has returned from u week's trip oul lu the frontier counties in the Plate , dur ing which time ho held the school land .sale for llayos county as previously ad vertised. Tlih sale was held al tlio now town of Hayes Centre , anil , although a largo number wore in attendance , hut a few small tracu were sold at a price av eraging if3 per acre. Mr. Scott made his trip bj team across the country from Cnlbcrtspn to Norlti L'latto , and repoits that section of the state settling up rap idly , crops looking excellently and the prospects and promises of the country very bright. Thu next public sale of school lands will bo held in Wheeler county on the 20tli of August ITI.MS AIIOIT TIM : nrv. A. C. Ingram ha written that lie Is coining home and that ho will explain matters concerning his sudden dcpautiro. The story of tlio Stewart woman denying complicity in Ingrain's departure or any knowledge of it scorns , under the latest light in the ea.fce , to bo worthy of nccepl- mice. It is hinted that Ingrain will have some revelations to make himself when ho returns , but his hasty departure hero- lofore will not lend to make liU state ments receive u great deal of credit. The third of the series of games between the. Leavenworth and Lincoln clubs was plavcd Saturday in the presence of liio greatest crowd of the season. The Lincoln men took their purges out to Iho game with strings unloosed , and around the city in the evening were more long faced men explaining in a low voice how it wai done than have been seen in some time , all this was beeanso the Leavenworths wore the wiunci'n In a score of live to two. Councilman llillingsloy remarked yes terday that tlio ell'orts of some unknown scribbler in the Journal to n ko out that tlio council had not made a good barcain in securing an engineer for the sewerage system , was conceived entirely in ignorance , and Mr. IJillingsly repeated the statement heretofore published that the city was saving oiu-nalf over the Waring specifications. The Lincoln democrat is at last to bo nut on its feet mid furnished u now head. 1 hat to the patient followers of that paper will be good news , as since the do- pal lure of General Vifmiam the paper has practically run itself. Mr. Calhoun , the new proprietor , is"onoof the lincst , " find it will not bo his fault if the paper does not prosper. On the other hand , the people who uvjcct much of Mr. Cal- lioiiu should remember that ho is human , nml that every item cannot be a topic. The Chase block , one of the handsomest erected tills season in the city , is nearly completed , and is a standing ornament to East O street in n location that a few years ago was out in the country. The police have boon engaged in the good work of raiding some ot the dons of fallen women down in the railroad vicinity of the o\ly \ , and there is in this line yut moro to follow. The arrests ol yesterday and attending lockups were confined to two transient inebriates , who will answer roll call in court to-day. S. ll. H. Clark , of the Missouri Pacific has been in the city tlio past few ( lays and in company with L. L. Heed , o ! Weeping Water , lias made a personal in spection of the work on the road between Weeping Water and this city. Engineer ( } . II. Christie , of 1'osowator & Christie , of Omaha , is in the city' ar ranging for un otlice and prclimiii'irj work in the. sewerage system. .Joseph Williams , of Denver , an c\leiv sivo contractor in paving and like work , is stopping in Lincoln. The main camp otNorlliwcstcrn grader. ' has been removed from a. point sovera miles out of the city to grounds adjacent to the fair ground , where the camp wil remain until tlio grading is completed. Deputy District Attorney Stearns is homo from his excursion trip to Toronto and the east. There has been no rainyot at Lincoln , although locai rains have been roaming around on every side. A long continuance anco of this dry season will make the city like the salt marsh , dry , and turn to an article of commerce. P. D. Sturdevant of Strana' , Fillmorc county , formerly treasurer of state , was in Lincoln over Sunday. Dr. L. A. Merriam of Omaha was n the city yesterday. J. O. Miller. J ) . S. Pannolo , Omaha : 11 N. Townseml. Beatrice ; J. L. Adkins Friend ; City Marshal W. II. Miiiiek ant E. E. Drown , Plattsmonth , wore in Lin colnfycsterday. Ilalford Snuco is delicious. Kept by A giocurs. Blnck Boa Ports Protected. LONDON , July 25. Sebastupol anil othe Black Sea polls are now protected by clcctii apparatus placed In the sea to destroy hostll torpedo boats. The consti notion ot the nppa r.itus , which is tlio work of an American en gluuur. has been kept secivt. rlljKSt PlfjESS A saio euro for Blind , Blooding , Itohiii nnd Ulcerated Plies has beoa discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Ur Williams , ' Indian Pllo Ointment , A singl box has cuied the woist chronic cases ot wi o SJO years standbier. No ouo need .suiter liv < minutes after applying- this wonderful sooth Ing medicine. Lotions and Instruments de moro harm than cood. Williams' Indian I'llo Ointment absorbs tlio tumors , allays tin intense , itching , ( particularly at niclit aftoi cettlnc warm m bed ) , acts as a poultice , Give' instant relief , and Is prepared only for PileSv itchingo private parts , and for notiiing olso. SKIN UISIOAHiS OUU1JI ) . Dr. Prazlor's Mairic Ointment euros as by maL'lc , Pimples , Black Heads of Oiubs , Jilotclios and Eruptions on the face , leaving the SKln clearand beautiful. Also cures Itch. Salt Kl'etun ' , Sere Nipples , Sere Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. . . . . Sold by druggist * , or mailed on rocolpt ol 60 cents. lletalled by Kuhn & Co. . find Schrooter < $ Conrad. At wholesale by 0. F. Goodman. Tlio MotlioilIstH. LONDON , July 25. The Wesleyan Metho dist conference now In session hoio has under consideration a proposition to hold an ecumenical cont'ureuco In the United States In 1 ! > U1. TThen r. by niuj io'k , - a B YO her O.utcHa , When lha wu a Child , ehe cried for Caatorlft , When iha boo-me Ml s , alia clang to Cattoria , Whou iha bad Children , alia g&ra them Castor ! * Two ladles who have taueht In a cmtnln roam In the Ithaca ceulial school havobuen married within two years past , and the Jour nal nairates the tact that there is "somouhat of a strife'1 to net In the way of u third stroke of the hymeneal llirhtuli ) ! * . DR.PRICE'S SPECIAL FLAVORING EXTRACTS PURE5TANO STRONGEST NATURAL murr FLAVORS MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with strict recant to Puritr , Strength and liealttifulneu. Dr. t'rlco'a Hiking I'owdercontalui * i Ammonia. Llrno or Alum. Dr. 1'rlco' * KitracU , \ BnllU , irfiuiou , orawte , etc. , Oar or dollcjaualr , emc BAKU * * ] POWDER co , , CUKJO uui st. iwu. GATHERED ABOUT THE CITY , Taking of Testimony in tha Kellogg-Ohap- man Suit. POINTS FOR THE EXPOSITION. for the Fair The Bolt Juluo A Itntik Swindle Trailo AH'rtjrs Urovltlos ami Other Matters. The Kcllogff Suit. , On Saturday a number ot 'gontlpnipn inut in Jiul c Woolworlh's olllco lo listen : o some important testimony m the case f o-c-Govoruor Kollose , of Louisiana , < r.ainsl.fas. G. Chapman , as mentioned Isowhoro. There wore present CT-OV- rnor Kollopw and his attorneys , Wool- vorlli and English , Mr. Chapman and his lawyer , .hulso Doano , tosicthor with a iinnbor of wltnossos. Mr. KollogR was eel and calm throughout the progress of ho testimony taking. Mr. Chapmantho lofumluiit , looked rather ill at case and jit limes , when his eyes met Mr. Kellogc's Klanco , ho seemed particularly so. Ho liiailed porccptibly , when , after Mr. Kol- o il had eoiicludod his testimony , ho timed to him ( Chapman ) and said : "Mr. Jhapinan , in the Answer which vou filed .omy petition , yon made charges against ju of bribery and collusion , I desire to say that if you repeat those charges you ivill bo repealing a blackmailing lie and H you swear to thorn you will be guilty of perjury. " Mr. Chamiian shifted uneasily in his ; eat , but said nothing. Mr. Kellogg was thu first witness to give osliniony. llo related the circumstan ces of the transfer and the subsequent dis- : ovoryof the discrepancy , as given in the nterviow with him to bo found else where. His testimony occupied about llircuquar- ' .ors of aii hour , during which lime ho va.s subjected to a rigid examination by Judge Doane. Jndgo Lake next testified. Ho stated that ho had been asked by Joseph Millard - lard to look up the title to Iho land in question , a portion of which Mr. Milhud proposed to buy. Jn investigating this matter , ho discovered that by a new sur vey there ivas a strip of land -six feet wide which was not included in the deed made by Chapman to Kellogg. lie went to Mr. Chapman and told him of the matter and isked him to give a quit-claim deed of Lho strip in question. Chapman professed to be surprised , but promised to look up the matter. The next day ho refused to give the deed. Said that if there was ally land there that belonged to him , hcAvanted lo have it. Ho sifter- wards demanded $3,000 for the deed , which amount was refused by Mr. Kel logg. Byron Rood was the last witness called. Ho testified to the circumstances of the transfer ot the land to Kellogg. Air. Kellogg had paid $100 an acre for the land , while witness considered that & > U an acre would have been an ample price to pay for land m that locality in 1803. Mr. lieed also testified that Chapman had gene to the county clerk'a ollice , und after the deed to the land had been filed for record , had interpolated therein a clause making the deed liable io the Ban croft judgment of several hundred dollars lars which Mr. Kellogg was subsequently obliged to pay. Such an interpolation would bo a crimi nal act. The deed to the land in question was introduced in evidence , and showed the interpolation which had been made bj Chapman. This closed tlio testimony and ad journment was taken to next week , when more witnesses will be examined. OP TUB TRADE. What Omaha Merchant1 ? Say of Their Trade and UuslncHS 1'roHnccts. There is no better way to judge of tlio prosperity of a city than lo hear the opm ions of her business men. Here is what a few of thorn have to say. " \Vo have had bettor trade this season than over before , especially in Wyoming , Idaho and Utah , Omaha is bound to hold the trade in Iho lorrilorles , in spile of the sharp competition of Chicago and Now York , for the reason that it takes too long to got goods from such a distance , and the merchants can not wait for Ihein. I. Obderlolder & Co. , millinery and. notions. "Our trade in hardware shows a satisfactory improvement over last year. Our territory is extending , all the time , wesl and southwest. In Iho northwesl Iho railroad rales are against us , but tlx railroads will Ihul in the end that they railroads will not bo able to keci : Omaha enterprise out of Ihe Held. " C A. Fricd.of . Leo , Fried & Co. "Wo have not been in Omaha long , bin our trade is fully up to our expectations and wo only regret that wo did not conn hero sooner. " J. I. Robinson , of the J.I Robinson .Notion Co. "We have been doing much belter that last year. The country dealers are pur chasing cautiously and the bills are not , as a rule , largo , but there are a good many of them. Collections in our Jino have not been very good , The hardware men of Omaha are making it very inlor esling for Chicago and St. Louis houses and have about driven thorn oul of Iho field so far as staples are concerned , " W. J. Uroatch. "Our trade in cigars and tobaccos was exceedingly good up to July 1st , since which time our travolimr nion have boci taking a vacation. " U. L. Christian manager E , A. Chapman's wholesale house. "Wo sold our first bill of goods or March Uth , and our trade was light the first month , but since then wo have nearly doubled our business every month Wo bare a certain disadvantage in boiiif. n new house , but wo have done botlei than wo oxpeeted and , to use a blau ; phrase , 'Wo are btucK on Omaha. ' " Mr Cole , of Gates , Cole & Miles , wholesale codecs , spices , oto. "Wo hayo had a big run on our cofl'eos and luivo kept our machinery runniti } , hteadyfortwo months , lo its fulleapaclty Tlio oxlract business is growing cvorj day. 1'rom now on wo look for a belte : spice trade. " Willis Clark , of Clark liros , & Co. , spice mills. A IIANIC S An Omaha Man Pays$25O fora Hors That Can't Trot. Mr. Olio BoIndoriT , of Ihis cily , was ii Chicago rcconlly , and while there wa the victim of a novel species of confidence gamo. Glancing over Iho columns of dair papers of that city , ho noticed the advertisement of n man who wanted to $ ell a handsome horse , thoroughbred able to trot a milo in 310 ; or bettor. The advertisement wound up by- stating thane no horse jockey need apply , as his offers would under no circumstances bo con sidorcd. Mr. UciudorfT thought over Iho "matter and concluded to buy the horse witliou delay. Visions of a handsome rig drawi by a licet trotlerublo to pass any Ihlnj. on the Omaha drives , liitted through his mind. He rose early tlio next morning and without waiting for brcakfu&t , wen to the place named in the advertisement The man who bad the horse tor sale greeted Mr , JiohuloriT cordially , but positively itivoly would not lot him ceo the horse unless he would give assurance that lie vasno jockey. > Mr. Hclndorn" assured him hat he knew no more about horses than i kitten docs about calico , and produced cttcrs from sqveral gcnllcmon in Chicago cage showing Svho he was. I'ndcr thofc' conditions tlid owner allowed Mr H. to ook al the horse. The animal was a lice-looking specimen of hor-scllosh , and ho Omaha man concluded to buy him TSthou ! d lav.aUh.ough the owner for some reason dtcliiicd to have him put hrotigh his paces , Ho paid the pVlcc isked , $ .J" > 0 , without a murmur , cougrat- tlaling himself on having secured a 'flyer' which would make iho horso- owners of Omaha green with envy. Immediately upon his arrival in . ) inaha , Mr. IsdlndorlY dispatched a mane o Chlcajro to bring "Karus" home. The otiicr day tlio animal arrived , aud wilh t a bitli'r disappointment for its new ) wnor. It was found ( hat the horse was lardly abln to walk , bi-iiig alllicted with n complication of equine maladies. His rotting abilities were "nil" and a fair cst showed that oven with the wind in the proper diroetion tlio horse could not lo a mlle in better than eight or ten niin- ites. unless tied to the rear cud of a 'rcight train , when ho showed the ability .0 strike a three minute gait. It seems that the man Jackson from whom the animal was purchased Ls an old trickster and has been arre.slcd time and again on a charco of swindling. Ho 's always careful to seek customers who enow nothing about horses. I'OINTS FOU Till"K.VI'OSITION Itoturu of the Fair Committee From Chicago. Messrs. Wheeler and Liiiiuger , who re turned Friday night from u'vtsililo'Cheago n their capacity as a committee selected to look up points for the Omaha fall ex position , s.iy that they learned much iVliile in the Garden City. A meeting of the association directors was held on Saturday night , at which tlisee gentle men laid the results of their visit before the board. While In Chicago these gentlemen spent two days with Secretary Reynolds , of the Chicago Hxposilioti association , who gave them many points of valuable information , which will probably guide the local association in carrying out the project. The two gentlemen also secured a number of valuable Japanese , Chinese , iiml other foreign novelties tor the expos ition. They also spent some tune looking ui ) art exhibits. Major Wheeler occupied a portion of his time in securing horses for Ihe tall races. "I am not at liberty lo name the horses that L have the promise f being here , " ho said Saturday , "because 'hat might interfere with our plans. Hut I can assuio you that we are goiujr to have some of the best horses in the country. 1 have also secured the promise of some line stouk ovhibils for our fair. " 13XI1IDITS FOR THIS FAIR. Text of An Important Union I'aclllc Clrpiiliir. The Union Puciflh Saturday issued the following circular relative to fair exhibits " " hibits : Noticols hoiebyk'lVPii that the following rules will govern tlio tinuspoitntiou of ni- tlclos intended tor exhibition at tin ; Onmlia FairayiOclidloii.'SiMiteralH'rl ) to 11 , 18 5 iu- clushe. ami at the Xebiaska state lair to be held at Lincoln , bojiteiabur 11 to 17 , ISbO , in clusive : . I'loiu Council Bluffs to any point in Xc- braska Specimen frtdt , gialu and vegetables will bo billed to fuirs-froe. On all other at ti des intended for exhibitionthe charges must bo prepaid to Omaha or Lincoln. On pre sentation lo the agent nt Omaha or Lincoln of acortllicatutipiutiesccictary } ot the fair that the goods l\avo , , actually been nn exhi bition and ha\o hot changed ownership , they will bo ictmnod free to the uolnt ot ship ment. On pieseiititlou of the same ccitht- eate to the agent at the station Ironi which tlio shipment was oiiginally made , the lire- paid charges will bu refunded piovided that all the ; utitles shipped are teturned. 1C any pai tot'the original consignment is disposed of at the tails , the ugeut will lutalu faiieh pottlon of prepaid chargeas may be due , at iaiill rates to Omalia or Lincoln oil the arti cles not retinnctl. Agents will take up certificates of the sec retary of the fair when tlio prepaid chaises or any part of them arc letiuuled. This order will not apply on raoln-z stock , which in every case must take full tarilt' rates both ways. This rate expiies September 23 , 18SO. .J. A. MUNIIOI : , Gcneial Freight Agent. The Belt Jjlnc. It looks now as if the IJolt Line would bo completed on or very near August 1. The tie and rail laying trains are work ing on both the northern and southern part of tlio road aud there only remains a gap of eight blocks. The line on the north being completed to Orchard hill or Charles street , while on the other side it is tmisiied to California strcel. It is understood that Mr. Clark's late visit lo Iho east was for Iho purpose of making Iho final purchase of foiling stock and that some engines and cars for the now line will bo here in a day or so. Another Foroltrn Investor , Air. Whitcomb of Chicago , who has plenty of capital and rare business tact , has been in Omaha for several weeks looking over the ground for a good chance for investment. The closing of the Empire laundry , although doing n good business , atlracted Mr. Whitcomb's attention , and he purchased the plant and good will and intends to run the cs tablishmcnt on a very extensive scale. He will now make Omalia his permanent homo. Next. Bcnton'Hlluir Urowcr All who are BALI ) , nil who are becoming BALD , all who do not want to bo b.ihl , all who are troubled with DANUUUKF , or UCHING of the scalp ; Mmuld use Demon's Hair Grower. Kmitrv I'KH CK.VT of those using it have crown hair. U never falls to stop the hair fiom tailing. Through sickness and fevers the hair oinetlme.s tails elf In a short time , ami although the poison may have remained bald lor years , If you use Hen- ton's Hair Grower accoidingto directions you are NUIO of a giowth of hair. In hun dreds of pasesYO lisivo produced a good giowth of Hair on ( lli so who have been bald and glazed for yearn wo ha\o tally substau tinted the following facts : Wo grow Hair in 8U cases out of 100 , no mutter how lojighald. Unlike other piupaiutlons , It contains no sugar ot lead , or vegetable or mineral poisons. * It Is a specific fdr falling hair , dandruff , and Itching otHliu.scalp. The Hair Grower is i a hair food , and Its omposltlou is almost exactly like the oil - which supplies thohair with its vitality , DOUULK A.\l ) rjtll'LB STUHNGTH. When the skin Is very touch and hard , and the folllco Is appnrrduy cueetually closed , thexlnglo strength will sometimes tall to i each tno paplllain ; | such cases tlio double or triple strength used In connection \vllh the single , using them alternately. I'rico. slnelo "stionKth , 31,00 ; double strength , 83.00 ; triple strength , 53.0-J. If your druggists have nut got it wo will send it prepared on receipt of pileo UK.N'TOX HAlh GHOWEKCO. , Cleveland , O. Sold by 0. F. Goodman and Kuhn iV Co. Utli and Douidai. 18th and Cuuilnss Clearings. The bank clearings Salurday worufriSO , 2211.81 Those of iho week were $ UG10 , . 01.03. , Goo. W. Tompkins , M. ! > . , 78 Cumber land Street , Urooklyn , N , Y. , writes Juno 9,1883 : " 1 take pleasure in recommend ing Allcock's Porous Plasters in all cases of general Debility , especially whore the pains are bovero over the regions ot the Kidneys , Liver niul Chest ; marked im provement occurs soon as relief from sulloring is obtained. For Lumbago these Piasters surpass liniments , &c. " Personal Mrs. J. O. Cowln and children and Iho children of W. V. Morse went to Spirit lake Friday night. Grorgo A. Joslyn and wife left for St. Paul , Lake Mlnnctonka and Iho north western resorts last evening. Messrs , l.vman Richardson , C. K. Yost and LM. Honuctt went to Spliit Lake last night to bring homo their fami- ies. wholmvo boon spending the season il iiist - Wsaut resort. Chns. F. Tuttle. for live years with Uio [ > uiTington in their general passenger ofllpi1 and of their general agency in ban i'raucico , is now assisting J. K. Cham bers , Union Pacific ticket accnt ' , in thia city , . _ This is the best season in which lo nirify the blood , and Hood's Sarsaparilla s the best blood puiilicr , 100 Doses One Uolar. _ llrcvlllrsi. Kllen M. Finch has filed suit In the dis- Iriel courl for a divorce from hcrhus- jaud , Warren Finch , alleging cru city andso dcrtion as a cause , William A. West , the chief postal inspector of tlio United States , is expect ed to arrive hero the llrst of this week. At that time tlio question- to whether this division is lo bo annexed to the Col- oiado division will be decided. County Treasurer Henry Hollon is suffering foring from a severe suu.stroku ho to- ceived while going from luirt Calhoun lo Omaha. His ease is eoniiilicated by in ternal troubles , aud he will not be able to attend to his duties for aomo lime lo come. _ _ Red Star Cough Cure does not derange the .stomach , It is free Ironi noxious in gredients. _ _ Army COSH | | > . General Crook will leave the latter part of this month for Fort lirldgcr on a trip for rest and recreation. General liriuk has received a let ter from Colonel Henry , who states thai he has just ariived in Denver. His wife aud litllo son are much improved in health. St. Jacobs Oil is the antidote to pain , no niatlcr by what it is caused. Real F.btato Transfers. Thn following transfers worn filed July 23 , wilh Iho counly clerk , and reported for the Biu by Amos' ileal Estate Ageiicv : Algol noii S. I'.iddockand to William KAtinln : Lot 10 , block 'J , Paddock Place , Onmlia. w d-S-Vm Gee W Ames und wife to Kmcllno 0 Sinn- ley : Lots , block ; t , Newport , Douglas Coil , \ \ il30. . W (5 A ( blight and wife and others to Ed win S Itood : l > i acres of mvK of bo see : il-ir : ! , Douglas Co , wd S2Kio. ( 'inllyj lirigss ( widow ) to Vied W Gray : Lot : > . block 10 ! ! , Omaha , w d-51,000. Charles K Gilding and others to Fred W Gray : Lot I , block i : , Omaha , w d 51,000. llnulet S Giilllng ( widow ) to Fied W Gtay : Lot-1 , block i : , Omaha , q c 31. Lyman iflehaidsou aud wile to l'ied W Giay : Pait ot lot 0 , block l'J7 , Omalm , w d S2.S60. Silas H 11 Claik ( trustee ) lo Fied W Giay : Lot , block 'J , "West Side , " Douglas Co , w d 5'OJ. ? : Algernon S Paddock aud wife to Mary K Gibbs : Lot : t , block U , Paddock's Place , Omalm. w d-S'AOlX ) . Kiank I1 Kublmuson and wife to Michael Tex : Lot ( W , Nelson's add , Omaha , wd 81 , WO. Gee > I Xattingur ( single ) to Fiederick MeU : I 'art ol JotO , Capitol add , Omaha , w -dS5,000. August Weiss and wife to 11 11 Miller and othois : Lots a , : ; , 4 , 5. 11 , la and Hi , block 2 , Weiss' subdivision Douglas county , wd Str : > oo. Hairy D Heed Wnglo ) to Edwin A Casey : NU ot sw.f } ot sw > see SO-15-t'l , Douglas t'o , w A &O.OCU. Edwin A Casey and blheis to The Public : Slieiidati Place , NK ol hwjf of sw > sec JJO- 15-1:1 : , Douglas Co , dedication. M H Gable ( single ) to John Templeman : Lots 1 , 2 and 3 , of swK ot lot 10 , Oknhoma , Douglas Co , w d $1,1(75. ( Isaacs llascail to The Public : Plait of 1st add to Mount Douglas , on lots , o , C , 7 , .s , ! ) , 14,15 , 10 , 17 , 18 and 11) ) , block ) , Hascall'.s sub division Douglas county , dedication. Calheiiue 11 ay den and husband to Larmon PPiuyu , its ' .land 10 , hlkSl , Walnut JUI11 , Douglas county , w d 52,000. Samuel E Itogeis'ind wife to James Con- ely , sX ot Its l and a. blk U , Improvement As sociation's add , Omaha , w d S500. Augustus Koimt/e and wlto and others to Clnlstlan Jensen , Its 7 and 8 , blk 8 , Plain- view , Douglas county , w d SO'io. Chiistian Jensen and wife to John S trull- lander , it 7 , blic 8 , Plain view , Douglas county , w d S423. David F llrowii and wife to Edward Maurer , wK ot stf ) lot 5 , block 73 , Omaha , w d 35/450. A 11. Swan and others , trustees , to Coles- tine E Wood , It 1 , bll : 11 , South Omaha , w d The Dwycrs' Splendid Luck. New York Tribune : The sweeping success of the Dwycr Urothers is likely to have a discouraging effect for the pres ent. It really looks as if they would sweep everything bcfoio them. They dcscivo it , however. Whore are there two young men in this country who would Imvo dared to put 70,000 us they did , for live horses at the Raiicoeas sale ? W. L. Scott bid $28,500 for Dow Drop and then quit , lie is a millionaire many times over. The butcher boys of Brook lyn are not , but thoj secured Iho filly for SJO.OOO. Dow Drop was worth it. Mr. Scott could have afforded to buy her , even if ho had to raise tlio Dwy crs many [ thousands more. Ho owns the next best filly of the year. Then ho has a good colt in Quito , Dwycrs can knock them cut in the first round any lime. Negotiating to buy DewDrop Drop is not the first time that W. L.Scott has made a serious mistake in his short turf career. He could have bought Miss Woodford as a 2-year old for much lees than she was worth , taking her running oven that year as a criterion. Friends that wore entirely disinterested advised him to buy Miss Woodford then , but ho did not heed them. Byron McClolhind , his trainer , was exceedingly anxious that ho should buy Dew Drop at almost any price. Again he did not heed. As time rolls on Mr. Scott will probably grow to bo n wiser turfman. Such opportunities as ho has had should not be imsscdhy. The Dwyer.s" luck has been unpo- ccdonlcd. They bought Luke Hluck- burn as a 2-year-old of J , T. Williams. Sensation was then running and swojit everything before him , as Troiuont is now doing Sensation's feet proved defective anil ho could not stand training as a a-yoar-old ; so Luke IJlackburn virtu ally had a walk-over for rich stakes. Jn Hob Miles Maj. Williams thought ho had : i second Luke HIackburn. The Dwycr brothers liked the cell and oflercd $10,000 for him. The offer was not accepted. Hob Miles as a 8-year-old was a disappoint ment. and It was lucky forthoDwyoiv * thatthoydld not gel him. "Joo" Cotton , the book-maker , bought one of the Kentucky sales of yearlings. Thn idea of forming a racing htablo was only faintly developed m Mr. Cotton's mind at the time , and tlio Dwyers bought Tre- moiit at thu mime price at which Mr. Cot ton bid him off al auction. Hook- maker Cotton has since formed n racing btable , and as ho has passed the meridian of life it is safe to say ho will .lever own another Troiuont. During the summer the Dwyors will not only race at Mon mout h J'aik , but also at Saratoga No Uncertainty. There Is no uncertainty about the ofleet of Chamberlain's Colio , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , No ono need to sutler a smglo hour if they will take one or two doses of it. inn. Tno plat of Rose Hill , compiising 41C lots , situated to the northwest ot Orchard Hill , waa filed this morning with the county dork by Messrs. G , A. Lindquost , O. II. Olesen , K. M. Stenburg aud A. J , Smith. "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS HAsnEcmKOTiis HIGHEST AWARD , Asn is sun-UKD i-xnr.R ROYAL WARRANT Tl H.B.H , THJ3 rSirTQE OF WALES. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " " The defective sfri'ft ngf system of many of otir r if let ninf the nO'Jrainage ofr > target' fawns and nmil Jistrifts are poi soning the very sources of potable water in Miifiv insfatiffs. " A. Van Der Veer , A.M. , M.D. , I'ietittfHl of Ihe Mt < tir < tl Steitly / Iit I ' Slate ef'tn > IV * . /Vr .trj' 3 , ISS5. "The purity of APOLLTNARIS offers the best security agtiiiist the dan gers which are common to most of the WtiiiMiy titinkingm. ' . " London Medical Record. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " "Filthy streets may be hut , and defect' ivc drainage and sewerage worse , but for the promotion of diseases of the diar- rlutal t\pe \ there is no agent like the pol luted water $ / / / / / ) . " A. Van dor Veer , A.M. , M.D. , fretiJtnt / fit MrJieal Secitts ej t/ieS > ttet > / AVw I'ort , r etfittirj' 3 , iSS5. " The dangerous qualities of contam inated drinking water are not obviated by the addition of wines or sfirifs" Medical Officer of Privy Council , England. " Use nothing but Natural Mineral Waters , such as APOLLFNARIS , free from all vegetable fin'sons" Boston Journal. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS , " HAS KECCIVKD 1111" HIGHEST AWARD LONDON , i83 , . AND IS SUM'I.II.I ) UNI iil : ROYAL WARRANT JO H.B.H. THE PBIHOP OF WALES. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATEES. " u The dangerous qitalities of contain- inated drinking water are not obviated ly the addition of wines or spirits" Medical Officer of Privy Council , England. "The purity of APOLLINARIS offers the best security against the dan gers which are common to most of the ordinary drinking waters. " London Medical Record. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " "APOLLIATARTS reigns alone among natural dietetic Table Waters. Its numerous competitors appear to have one after another died away , " British Medical Journal. "Its purity offers the best security against the dangers which arc common to most of the ordinary dt inking waters. " London Medical Record. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " 1US IlECEIVEH TUB HIGHEST AWARD , LONDON , 1884 , AND 18 Hl'ITLlCD U.NDF.O ROYAL WARRANT TO H.E.H . , THE PEINOE OF WALES. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. Of all Grocers , Urtifgitli & Mn. ll'at , Utaltr * . BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " "APOLLINARIS reigns alone among natural dietetic Table Waters , Its numerous competitors appear to have one after another died away. " British Medical Journal. "Us purity offers the best scciitity against the dangers which are common to most of the ordinary drinking waters , " London Medical Record , Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " 1US RECEIVHU TIIK HIGHEST AWARD , LONDON , 1884 , AND IS SIUTUF.U UNUEIt ROYAL WARRANT TO H.S.H. THE PRINCE OP WALES , ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. Of all Ciacrrtt tli-ufststt , V .Wu. Wat , Jhaftrt. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. SPECIAL NOTICES. AltniTIO'-.AT. , - - - - - " H rtfti-rnr -i- ( Imlil ImlilA. A. Co. , Millnnl Hold fi.j ) ! , orter R few spreliu bftrirnlns below i Hiinil < -iooiiieottnKonmtlotlii"IillovrlM" ! > inliI I 0 fe < < l from Mi en car * ! ncmlymul thor oughly furnlslic.l . > ilth new dtrnlniro mil cnriioM. Well , cl tern , city wnter : pm pipe * throughout homo ; Imril woixl nl InUh n liOisMpTvtilk ) , fpurv4 niul nil Impronv iiniit * iiey An etopiMlnnly good Imriral" . \llforIMOonnn < r tprm . fi S room house , anil lot hiOmnli.x View , a bur- Enln $ l.noo. Tiii < * osin ! nuMoncch Clilciiro street with Jt-tl'C-1 loot , liriiiKliifrnKooci lunlixl , M < iyciivinr , Von iloilrablo propprty On nml 20th at , 1 rooil homo * , RrniimU 14Jxl12 feet rood liny- HIT InxoMiiioiit : liiimnln , f.'T.iMt ) NViitlmuso nail 2 Ion , In Walnut Hill ; nlco ; ltlo hoine , elienp ; f100. . Six liomitimi lols In "Onmlia View , " f3,50D catli ; n bis Imnmm t > il limnodlnlo protlt. Sit flno lots In "West SMilo" $100 pneli 4 lots in ThointmiK plneef IV ! nnil f.VW onoll. ChoKfi lot In Unit4coiu plnco , J 1,000. lU'iuitllul lots In Kllliy 1'lnecu llcservolr mlili- 'on ' , Mimluittnii , Wnlaut lllll niul othvr a Jill- Ions. ( l-iooiu hniKo ntul 2 lots.RehnoU'R luldltlon , t\r of UnoonU'd 1'nrK , on Vlntnn st , ! WtliS feet , 20- oot nlley.lnli-k bra < < i fmmiliy nnonr. . f I.OCKI. lloii'o inn ! lot , Ultli liot DoiiKlHj nnil ) ) oil est st , tmra nirlHlioisoi , ( (1,000 ( Jonosst noiirliith.W lert front Illi 5 brick ' stou-a , Jx'1,000 : rants lor t-'AXX ) ; plendla bftr- roslilcneo lot hi Wo < t Oninlin , OOxlSJ , > l.0il : ! ; on e > < ) toriiiH property , UouKlns st ucmr N W eoinor ISIli iiiulr.unnmst , I > 0\1.1' Toot , H oeornor Uth nnil Howard.fflxW fcut , fJVOOX On 1'iinmm near llth.22vit. : , flil.iwi. IjOton Kivrnam ncnr Null. Niit'l bank , -7 , " > W. 41 font. Do.lno . opp r. O , fJI.WU. ! l Hood UMldoiu-tM unit 1 lots , ChlcaKO At , , fIIHAL ( Itoutal | > iyJ s | > lomllil Intount. llood corner mid onttnju , H intli , Mix KM. Via duct will innkn tills mlvniK'o rapidly , $ "i Kl. Soooruor 10th ami Cnstolhir , 00x140 , and col- Al'oYo mo some of the mfiny fcartftlna wo have. If von wltli to buv , cll , or c'xclinnirn , rail on Hatcher , Umld & Co. , Mlllnul hotel block. ICO _ OMAHA VIHW A * mi Inducement to build u modem cln s oT residences In Omaha Vloiv \\oollfr ciioclnl baitralns on nrftU of our [ liolrosl hnlldlMtf situs for tow days. Dopes S Hill , 14U3 Vanillin street. 254-ai B TitsnAitirsAriissK ims roi-TiTiol u lenin .louso niul lot.i-'Oth Htrout St Mary'navu .JoOOuiisli linl. niotlily $ .1,700 1'lnu cnttnvu nml lot , 17th st , aunr l.ciiNUU- \Mith 1,093 Cor. lot , Hoi bnoh's " > 1 mid , with " lionsoa , burn , oti- . . . . 4,103 nil lot , U V. ymith'amUI. with Ural duss houxn . . . . . 3'JOO I'nll lot , : : houses ami burn , South avenue. llniKiiln . . aWO otr > 'ixl5)T.o ' ) osd ! mid. ncnr Acndomy of thuSnciod Huait , wltliootliiKO elo S.50D IWKliS i , rattorsoii's RUlidlvblon , with lionsDaud Iniprovoniontsiwoith fTOO ) . 1,3)3 utO'ximi , Hurt Rtri'ot , nour Aomli'iny of thu Sucroil lloiut ; brink liouwi woith J1.WXI . 2,500 OMAHA V1KW Lot wltkS-storj 8-room house , irult trees , shruhlioiy , to . . . ISill Lot with now 0-rooin hou o. stublo , otu . 2OW Lot with 4-room hon e , liny window , 2 porches , ( worth f'.TiO ' ) , well , tonci'8 , tioos und sluubs , > 'ory rliuap nt f I.MJ ; cash down $4(10 ( , Inilrtiu'of25 | > or month . . . . 1'ull lot anil Hot-clues 8-1 oem and \ory line Inipiovoinunts , Shlnn'st'cconil nd l , icnl li.uwiln 2,503 Wiloov's Second nild , full lot und 5-room house . . . 1,500 Full lot In 1'liilnvlow , with now Si-room honso , chimp . . . . . . 1,533 South 10th street ( KouuUo's Second udil ) , lot 5U\200 , wood B-rooin house , burn , shod , well , very nlco fences , sliado ticcs mill very clioleo . . . . . 4,003 20th sheet , noi.rCixatollnr , USIllutli cot- taac. One-liiill cash 1-X ) 2 lull lots on Bnunilora strout , with two story U loom house , Inrffo bum , clo . 5,500 1JO noios , line Ituni tiiiid. uoiu- Waterloo , with very line Iniiro\emoiit3 ] , at ? IO per aero IMS Iloinliard Saclis oill7S. 1.1th Bt. JDOIC AT Omaha Vlow If you want a Ucslrnblo - / location fur a homo. Will herealtor only Boll loin en oustorn sopo * ol hill to the o who will build lionscs woith $ ; i,0 < )0 lo $ tOJU ) Pliecliil bargains lor u low duys. lloetra ir lllll , 1403 Tin mini St. 3)4-21 HOW you can make nionoy ? IIv liuylnir on easy payments a Illllsdalo lot for Sl&J , Unit will bo easily pind for nnil ilonhlo In valno. Anica' Heal 1'stuto Agojicy. 13J7 Faiiiiiui R03 OIECIIAICHliTlTr. loH sell on tliolr morTFsT I-ow ] ) rloos and easy terms ( riven. Call at TlioC. K. Maynu nud Trust Co.'s olllco and pet a plut UU- ) ITjriLLSDALH soils ut 5150 per JoE 809 > AHHA1N In cor. lot , Slilnn's 2d add , $ ' )00. ) ' Uralinm.'cllciiunu ' , Crul liton nik. 18rt-2l IJ-OKhAMC Allno umchouso , linntiiffo 410 foot on II. AM. . . Mlth HJ norcs grounU. Thco. QlBcn SIH S r.tli- ' " ' " tjOIlhAT'i-\Vo"'Iiii\o"sl\tocn lots In Ifaw- Jtborno iiililltlnn Unit wu will Mill ! best unrt clioapust liibldu inopuity In Umalm. llc'lford ' & Bouur 755 TTUHC.IYII : Itoslilonco piopuity umi vncunt Jlots ! In urvry mldltlon In Oinntiii. Terms lo Biiltpnrclituur. Also iloslmblo Inislnois prop erty. Gibson , Larson Sc Co , Itooni U , Wltlinoll llloclt. lo'J LOOIC AT Onmlin Vlowlfyon want n desira ble location for a Homo. Will liuinUller only cell lolB on oiistcin hlopo of bill to tliosu who will build IKIIISOI worth $ : illOO , to 8DdOO. iiil bnrffiilus lor a fowdayd. llogga & Hill , aM-at _ HTX\rV ! ffiiTus hi jTupulatlon piialius Uinahato tlio I'lont. Sou lIUNdnlu lots tluit yon can now liny for flli'J. ' 1'luk ono out. pny tor It In Insttilliiiuntg , nnil Hell It in n jonis tlino fortwlcu IIH cofct. Ames' Heal Kstato Agonoy , IB07 I'ur- niuiiht. b/J ( _ FOIJ SAI.i : Allno wiirohouso , frontapc 410 foot on I ) . X M. . with li ! nurc-t ground. Tlioo. OleOli , U18 S IStli , Bt. KHjiS _ _ IT YOU nro looldiiir lor a lot upon wliloli to linlld alunnu , It will ho to your Intouist to scons about our Onmlia Vlow lotf > . Wo nro ullorlns f | ) ( cliil IiKluconiciils to tlioso who wl II build iosliluiifpriitoith 53W ) to * 0OUJ. Choicest IOIH ami : nist al ntly location In city. Hereafter will only tinlld luih'o modem hniiHiM on eastern slope jL'ltJl2SLS ' ! ] ! ' ' ' "Ji'lili8 l uuuni Bt.J l 4 BNAUIISSK. an H. 13th St. , Hem liatato Annul. C now cottages , lotl 30'S > > 102 , 5-rooms , cla- tout , pninpriiiiBldo , well , etc , In Uilto'H add , 9 , Ournor lot. ' ,300 ; cimh down ; fifj per month , open tor ono \scolc on Cumins t > t , with store and dwell- Ink' . 3,750 Good hoiiso and GOxUO lot In I * . V. Hmltli's Hdd . 8,030 Now house , lot 7rixlM ) , Walnut lllll , ono block from licit l-ino . 2fOO Kino H-room house , burn , etc. lot 100x103 4 00 umiri-room cottuiro. lot 50x100 on Web- Pterst.i nil b.irifiiliis . 2,000 l-ote , lain , Lots. In AmliU'r's I'lnco , Htokory Place , Ames I'luco , Konnt/o Add , , lledioid I'luco , I.OWO'H Add. , IIilltlutt'HAdd. , I-iiko's Add. , Koslcr's Add , J.ano's Add , , HoibiiL'k'g Add. , Onmlia Vlow , Plain View , Ilyilo Park , 11. V. Smith's add. and all otlior add'g on easy torniB. H OUBKH , lots , i nidi ) , abstracts of title , money loaned. It , C , 1'attorEon , lUth and DouitluH. 237 a * I ail ri'.Jrr Hn SiinnduM Bt. , corner , fO.OOO. Gialiuin & IJciirixia , C'roluhton Jllocik.1NJ21 1NJ-21 LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY llecemljr HiillU Nuwljr Kumlihea The Tremont , J. C.riT/UIllAM > & BON. Proprleloi * Cor , 61 b and I'tils , Lincoln , Neb. Itnlos'l.&O porduy. btreot CUM from liouso to unr part ot Ilia city , J. Tl.V.11AKINS , Architect , onicos SI. Ul und 42 , Itl''haids lllook , I/lncoln , Neb , Klovator onllth street. llrouilerel llrccdorof .OWA v OATTI.H. KnoHTll OILS'UATILI K.M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer Snloi miiUo In all | nul.s of thu IT. B. at fair rntos. lloomU.HIato Illock , Lincoln , .N'uli.j and Short Horn bulb for halo. Vll. UOULDINO , Farm Loans and Insurance , Correspondence ) In rcvurd to loans poll Kooin 1 , llchurd ( lllook , Lincoln , Nob. Public Sale , IOIH , 40lieiiti ofShow Hlioil llonis ItutcH Xt 'ink-It shiuil ; , 2-yoar-olds , wnlhliiT ) ; 1050 : luills anj helluid. Address I'icld and I'm in , for iiilalo - not , Doiivur , Col. V , M. llnintioii , Lincoln , Nob. Col. ! ' . M. Woods Auulloneer. When In Lincoln stop ot National Hotel , And trt'i it ' * > ' ) > lriuor ( < r'rir. ! J IVop ,