Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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N > w York. July ttf. MoMr.Y On call
cay nt l1 * per cnt
lfniME .MEiicANTiLr. 1' 4Q5 t-er
cent ,
tjiKni.ixn lixctiAxor Hull : S4.S. ff for
i-lxty day In IK and S4.W4 fordetimnd.
(5ovmtNMiNT ( : Government bonds were
dull but steady.
STOCK" This was another day in which
the absence ot most of tht > Mieciilators from
the street ciued \wdlniny ) dull and tin-
Intending market. The market wa < Irregu
lar nt tiio oi enlnc. the principal flmnues
belt ; * an mhaiiec cl 14 per cent in Loulsille. .
iV XnMixllIp , and ? , per edit In Delaware
timl Ilitdon. Subseiiiptitly trading was
extremely dull and uninteresting through
out , prices iK-int ; generally lower until the
cloc , when there wai sfmo ) little lmpro\e-
Jnont thij market closing steady. Final
pilws show Iii'lsnlfientit ehanees only from
those of last i'\eiiine , the declines luedoinin-
sg ? cent bonds. . . loO' C. & .N. W H2' <
U. S. . llli pi cf erred. . . 140
New4's 12f\X. Y. C 10' .
1-aciJic C'.s of ' 9'i ' " i Oiewn Trail. - 34"-
Central Pailfie < ' PacUleMall
C.&A 14 P. , I ) . &K
prcferrc ' . . . . 15 P.P.C . . ISO
C.B. , V-i 13 Utock Islann. .
D. , L. & W 12 .SUUAtS. K. . . .
I ) . AILU .0. I preferred. . . iV'4'
Erie Hi'0. , M. AStP. . . ' *
prefei i ed. . . . 754 proJerred. . 123
Illinois Centra I. 131 St P. &O '
L , it. & W l'l ' i preferred. . . lOJl'1/
Kansas ATcxas. 31 v Texas Pacific. . .
LakeShore ECS , Union i'acilic. . .
L.cfe N '
Mich. Central. . . . 7r i 'pieferiinl. . .
Mo. Pacific 107 Western Union GO
Northern Pac. . . 1Ni4O.lL.fc ( X 109
preftni-d. . . 01V
Chltinco , July 34. Flour Dull , weals and
quotnblv unchanged.
Wheat Active , lower : opened 'fc lower
nnd closed Lcow ! yesterday's clote ; cvsh ,
TnU'.tTnXc ; August , 74\ct September ,
Corn Weaker , tradlnc fair : opened ? ( @lc
lower utiil closed fritfc lower limn jeMcnmy's
dose ; cash , ; ? J 5-10. : ; August 40c ; Septem
ber , 41 3-lOe.
O.its Weak and lower ; cash , 27@27J4't' ;
August , 27'4'c : September ! , 2s' < c.
Kyi Dull.VJ- ; < , Vc ! ,
Hailcv Dull , ( Me ,
Flotn Sl.ii :
Tlmotliv Prime. S2.C5 friOG.
Whl.skv S1.12.
Pork Moderately active ami lower ; cash ,
S9.f5 ; Anenst. , Sl . * ! H' @ . . : S ; September ,
fc.42U ! ' ( ll.45.
Lard Dull , steady and unchanged ; cash ,
and August , SG.W' i3 < 5.5j ; Seitember ) , 50.00
Boxed Meats Shoulder's. S0.ffvan.10 ; short
clear , fcO,3.V tfi.nO : short ritx. S-0.00.
Buttei Dullereamery,13 ; 1'Jc ; dairy , 11 ®
Cheese Steady : full cream Cheddars , 7
6H c ; Hats , 7is < 3 > 7 > ic ; Young A met leas ,
Hides itnelinnged.
Tallow Unchmiced.
KeceintA. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 7joo ( S.WM
Wheatbu ' . " 7,003 32.000
Corn , mi 1,7.1,000 324.000
Oatsbu 14-i.OOO
Jtvet > u 71KX ( )
Barler.ou. 3,000
Xcw York , July 24. Wheat Kecelpts.
SV100 : lower ; options oi > ened heavy , at
3 < ; (3J4clower. ( afterwatus advanced k < ii'c ,
Inti-r broke sharuly to l@l-ie } , closing weak.
Ungraded red , blcaS7c : do. c , f. and i. , &jj/fa
SGc ; Xo. 3 red , tSSfebSSc ; Xo.lied. .lie ; Xo.
2 red , & 5' i85 } c in elevator ; b4'4 < 3S. ! > Vc
In store ; S5 > 4c t. o. b. ; HXftbGJjc deliveied ;
August closed at b4 } c.
Corn Spot , UXftHc and options \t@fc
lower , closing with , llcht reaction ; receTuts.
Oats Lower , moderately active ; receipts ,
25,000 ; exports , b.OOO ; mixed western , 35S40c ( ;
white western.iO@48 > c.
Petroleum Steady ; united closed atOGJsc.
EKS ! Quiet , barely steady : western fresh ,
Pork Dull and quiet : old mess , S10.S7J @
iaC2K ; new , S1L25@11.C2H.
Lard Lo wet and very dull ; western
steam , spot , § a70Ji .7i ! > / ; August , $0.72 ®
6.74.IJutter Quiet but firm ; western , lO lS c ,
Cheese Quiet , barely steady ; western , 7
Cincinnati. July 24. Wheat Weak and
lower ; Xo.2 red , 70Kft77c. (
Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 40c ,
Oak Steady : No. 2 now mixed , 32c
Uye Dull ; "No. 2. 58c.
Pork Lower nt S10.12K.
Lard Easier and nominal , current make ,
0.15 , f. o. D.
Whlskv Steady and firm ; sales 810
barrels of tin IslieU goods on a basis of SI. 07.
Minneapolis , July 24. Wheat Weak
nnd lowerNo. 1 hard , cash and August ,
70c ; September , 77J c ; October , 7t c ; No. 1
northern , cash nnd August , 74c ; September.
75 } c ; October , 77c ; No. 2 northern , cash and,71c ; September , T c
Flour-Dull ; patents , 54.35 4.55 ; bakers ,
. .
Keceipts-Wheat , ( K.OOO bushels ; flour , 1,000
Shipments Wheat , 7,000 bushels ; flour ,
21,000 barrels.
Milwaukee. July 24 , Wheat Weaker ; 73 > fc ; August , TSj c ; September , 70 'c.
Corn Lower ; Na 2 , Sij c.
Oats- Weak ; No.2,2Sc
Kyo Dull ; No. 1 , nominally COc.
Barley Weaker ; No. 2 , ( We
i'ro visions Easy ; July. 59.50 ; August ,
* 9.02 f.
St , Louts. July 24. Wheat Weak and
lower ; No. 2 red , cash , 74 } c ; August ,
Corn Yen- weak ; No. 2 , mixed , cash ,
GfifciOXc ; AuL'ust Mc.
Oats Ixiwer ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 84c ;
Aurust , aitfc.
Itve-rWcak at57c ,
AVhlsky S1.07 ,
Pork Steady at S10.00.
J.anl Firm at 50.20 < < j0.25.
Uutter Quiet but lirm ; creamery , 17@20c ;
dairy , 30@lic ( ,
Ijivcrpuol , July 24. Wheat Holders
oflercd moderately ; No. 2 winter Os 7d ;
spring , Os 7d.
Floui Supply good ; extra No. 1 spring
Corn Sj > ot and futures , holders offer mod
erately ; new mixed , 4s HKd ; July , 4s Id ;
August , 4s l > d ; September , 4s2 > d.
Toledo , July 24. Wheat Oixjned lower
and weak but active ; 'cash , 77 > fe.
Coin Dull nnd lower ; cash , 4H c.
KiuiBos City , July 24. Wheat Weak ;
No. 2 red , cash , 57c bid , 5So asked ; Aucust ,
69c ; September , COc asked , Ke bid.
Corn l wer ; No. 2 cash , ftii-fc ; August ,
S2Kc : September , SUs'33Xc.
Oats-Nominal ; N o. 2 , August , 25 > tfc bid ,
New OrlcnnH , July 24. Corn Strong
and hieher : supplv scarce : in sacks , white ,
tlKSSc ; vellow , K5@:4c ; mlx d , 51@5T
Oats Weak ; choice western , 40@41c.
Cornmeal Steady ut SJ.CO ,
JlocpioducU Quiet and weak.
Lant ItelineJ. tleice , S0.25.
Hulk Meats-bhoulders , 50.00 ; clear ribs
and long clear. j > 0.87 > j.
ClilcaRo , July 24. The Drover' * Journal
report1' a < follows :
Cattle Keceipts , 1,500 ; slow and a
thade lower : shipping steers. 53.75 4.00 ;
Btockers and feeders. fi.NOg3.75 ; cows. Dulls ;
and mixed. J1.70@3.75 ; bulk , S3.50&3.00
Uirougn Texas cattki shade lower ; cows , S2.15
( 2.W ; steers , S2.MKii3.50 : yearlliiRS , 52.J7K@ !
mixed , S4.bO
fe os. . . J4.W skips , J2.5CKg4.lo.
Shee -Iteoolpts , 800 ; steady ; natives ,
j Texans , 52.00 00 ; lambs 54,00
St. Ijoult. July 24.-Cattle Uocelpts , 600 ;
and heifers , 52.25S3.00 ; throueU Texans ,
llot'Hc ; Ipts , 2,000 ; shlprnmts , 1,100 ;
firm ; common , dull and easy : butchers and
best heavy packing. S4.SO@5.00 ; mixed , 8 .80
Kansas City , July 51 Cattle Receipts ,
.800 ; tblptuents , 1,600 ; good , fat cattle
steady ; common liard to self : eood to choice ,
E4.CHXS1-CO ; common to medium , &a.50\33.90 ;
U > ciers. 3iiO-3 75 ; fesaers , S2.6aSa.40j
noun , SLSOQaOu ; grass Texas steers , $8.60(3 (
3.10.Hojrs Receipts , 7,000 ; sblptuents , 15.085 ;
dioice bte.-iih ; common and eras > ers dull ;
common tocio'.re , S4.ift34.75.
nttirday Kvcnlng , July 24.
Cattle Tfic nmrKi't continues slow anil
easv. A few dressed btcl steers cliangeu
liaifds to-day. . . . ,
Iloss-tlic recoliits wore very liBiit ngain
to-day , and there was hardly emmsjhto tnako
n niafkc't. The liirht rectliits caused a still
Itnther advance in iirlcey. the amc a on
je tcrday. Choice heaxy hn s'sold as high
a * Sl.ffl ) .
SutKp Tlitrc Is no market.
Cattle. 200
llors TOO
Prevailing Price" .
Bh > iiic i lie tm-v ailing prices paid for live
t u .111 tlih market.
Cli.uru Mitrs 1-0 to l.VO Ibs . S4.R'rtr4.4ri
Clidlcc stitTS. 1100 to IfO ) Hi ? . 4.iVrtJ.5 !
Medium stwis 12T-0 to iav > lb . . . 4.00 n4.i" .
Fat little Mecr . laX ) to 11.V ) lb . . . . 4.m > rt4.f : ! >
< ? oott Ufdcrs VM toio.fl Ib . n.oOf < ar > 0
( i ( od to chiilce corn-fed cttw * ''i
Fair toini'd'iiin crass co\\s . 2. 'Vira.Cio '
( it.nd tocli' ' ' e" "Us . a. . ' ,7. ,
Choice liL'l and w limn liogb . j. ' t4. : ! . '
Oondtocl Icel.eav ho . 4.40nM.rO
Coed to cho. . . . l luus . 4.rt : > 4.4'i
Fair to iood ; shorn sheci . iW.V38.Uo
IJcprescntatlve Sales.
Xo. AV. IT. No. Av. 1'r.
Cl . 1111 S4.00 0 . lOiG S4.00
Cl . 1W1 & 4.00
4.00OXKN. .
Ko. Av. 1'r. Ko. Av. I'r.
1 . 1C70 Si.iX ) 1 . 17M ) S3.00
No. Av. I'r. Xo. Av. Vr.
1 . 1420 Si. ' * 1 . 1123 J3.00
Xo. Av. I'r. Xo. Av. Pr.
07. . . . 2M S4.45 00 312 S4.CD
CO 241 54.50 CO 217 54.00
Tlnncc of Prlcco.
Showing the hlchestand lowest prices paid
for inKed loads of hogs on this market il'ir-
inirtlie past seven days , with co-nparative
values :
June July
Mcmilav , 10th. 3.70 (33.75 ( 4.n'Jv'cj4.70 } (
TlieMlaV.01ll. . 4.50 ( if4.77V4
Thursday 22nd a70 < nuw' : 4)25 ) ( cf-M. }
Saturday , 24th. 3.75 @ 4.00 4.45 ( a4.00
All sales of stock in this mtrket are made
percwt live weight unless otherwise stated ,
bead hoes Mill at Kc per Ih lor all weight * .
"Skins , " or hogs wckhlns le tlian 100 Ibs
no value. Pregnant sows aie docked 40 Ibs
S. Ingalsby , Grand Island , sold a load of
M. Cameron , Herman , marketed a lo'ad of
BA. ? Flint , Ha\enna , sold two loads of hogs
D. Gurnsey , Alma , had 72 head of cattle on
the market
Light receipts force the hog market up an
other notch.
Stuart A F. , St Paul , and Black it J. , Minden -
den , sold hogs.
E. M. Ciibson. of the Brighton Itanch com
pany , was at the yards.
M. B. Lamb , Cedar Rapids , had a load of
hogs on the market to-day.
E. E. Day , Weening Water , sold a load of
hogs on the market to-day.
Fruelson & B. , Loup City , disposed of n
load of hogs on the market
General Markets.
Saturdav Evening , July 24.
BUTTEK The uwibts of good butter are
extremely licht Choice butter Is almost en
tirely out of the market , the greater proportion
tion of receipts being unlit for table use.
Strictly sweet , solid and uniform color ,
packed in new clean tubs , would command
12H@15c in the market but there is little or
none that answers the description coinintr in.
What shippers call choice butter is selling at
@llc. Fair to good is slow at 7@Sc , infer
ior , g4c. Be careful in packing your butter
to ha ve the packages clean and put up in
good shape ,
Ecos The supply and demand arc about
equal and the market is about steady. Cand
ling has to be done close , and shippers will
find it to their interest to do It betore ship
ping , instead of paying freight on rotten
eggs. Cracked eggs should also be left out ,
as in this hot weatiier they are generally en
tirely worthier Kgge , strictly fresh , lOc
POVLTIIY The demand for poultry is good
aud prices aie accordingly linn. Old fowls
are bringing better prices than last week.
Small spring chickenens arc more difficult to
sell , at any price , as the season advances.
Turkeys andducksare not wanted. Old fowls ,
per rto'z , S3.00ga.50 ; spring chickens , large ,
S52.75SS.OO ; spring chickens , medium sizes.
S2.002.50 : spring chickens , small , not
wanted ; ducks , S2.25@2.M ) ; turkeys , not
UnKBsn Full cream Cheddars , single , 8 ®
c ; full cream twins , sic ; young American.
lOc ; Swiss , imported. B-VcWTc ; bknn flats , 4@
Co ; Limburger. ll@12e ; brick , 12i14e ( Swiss
domestic , 12 } < @ 15c.
CALIFORNIA FIIUITS Arrivals of Califor
nia fruits are much more regular. We can
now figure with some degree ot certainty on
three car loads per week. Bartlett pears ,
per box , S3. 75 ; White Doyenne , per
box , $3.50 ; Beaurre Diel , per box , 53.50 ;
other varieties , SS.50 ; nectarines , ;
Crawford's peaches , per per box , $2.25 ;
plums , ; per box , 82.00 ; prunes , box , S2.00 ;
quinces , per box , : grapes , per crate ,
OitANOKs Fancy Kodi , 230 size , per box ,
S7.50 ; California Navels , 7.00 ; Jlediter-
enean sweets. S6.50 ; SUilichels. S0.50.
Lnuoxs The market continues very firm.
Fancy , pert > ox. 510.00 ; choice , per box , SU.50.
Arn.KS Choice , per bbl , S3.50 ; good , per
bbl. Saoo3.2.5.
KANAKAS Choice Limon , per bunch , 82.50
@ : s.oo.
WATERMELONS California , per 100 , S30.00
@V > .00 ; Missouri , Arkansas , etc. , S20.003
. .
TOMATOES Pcrone-thiid bushel box'S1.09 ;
per bushel box , 2.50.
CELUKY A small amount is coming In out
It does not sell very fast. Shlppingstock , per
- Bf.imins BlacktMJirles , per 24 quarts case ,
S2.75@3.00 ; blaeberries , per bushel stands ,
SOUTHERN PLUMS A few southern plums
aie coming in and sell talrlr well. Sout hern
plums , stands , S7.00 ; southern plum s , 24
quart cases , S2.75lg3.00.
SOUTHKHN CSitAPES A tew southern
grapes have arrl\ed in the market ; 10 Ib.
boxes. S1.0.X31.25.
COCOANUTS Cocoanuts , per 100 , 85.00 ; less
than hundred , oer 100 , 5,50.
Kins AND DATES Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
per Ib. ICc , Dates , fancy fard , 12 Ib boxes ,
14c : dates , Persian , M Ib boxes , per ID , lOc.
NUTS Pecans , large polished , lie ; i > ecans ,
medium , Oc ; English walmns , I4c ; almonds ,
Tarraeoua. 30c ; almonds , Languedoc , 17c :
Brazils , I2c ; lilberts. 14c ; peanuts , liand
picked , fancy Virginia. SJfe ; peanutfi , hand
ricked choice Virginia , "j-jc ; peanuts , roasted ,
2c extra per Ib.
ilosEY California , 15c ; California ,
strained , lOc ; Nebraska , choice , H@15c ; Ne
braska , ikrk , 12K@13c.
MAri.uSuGAit Bricks , perlb , 15c ; penny
caKes , pcrlb , Uc.
MAPLE Svnui1 Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs ,
pergal , f 1.00 ; gal cans , per gal , § 1.03 ; halt
gal cans per gal , 51.10.
CiiJKii New lork , per bol.S7.00 ; do. halt
bbl , 54.00 ; Crab , per doz qts , 52.75 ; Jllchigan
refined , per bbl , 56.00.
VIKEOAR White wine , 18(317c ( ; cider , IS
@ 17c ; single stieugth , ISo ; tripie strength ,
Pics' FEET , TJIIPE , ETa Pies' ' feet , per
K bbl , 81.00 ; do , X bbl , 62.00 ; do.'per kit , 'JOc.
' tongues , per Dbl , 53.25 ; do , per kit ,
' " " " "
7c ; ieii'po"rk" . S12.50 per bbldrled"beeY-ha"m ; ;
pieces , 16c ; lard , tierces , 6J c : 50-Ibcans7c ;
10-lb cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7Kc ; Mo cans , do ,
7 < ;,7 ; c.
UNIONS Are coining forward slowly yet ,
and prices are firm with a good dornand.
Choice , Sl.0031.25.
CAUUAQU IS quite scarce now nnd quota
ble at 40 0c per doz. he&ds , according to
BEANS Inferior E locks , 75c@Sl.00 ; irood
clean country , 8U.25&1.60 ; medium baud
picked , SLSO ; Band-picked navy , 5LG5.
POTATOES Market Is a llttlo more active ;
prices ranee according to quality of stock ,
trom 50c ( wc per bushel.
fiour.bcfct Quality pateut$2.SO ; tecond quality ,
5i40fao. . * > 0 : best quality spnnp wheat flour ,
patent Si7. > : bran , we i > cr cwt : chopped
feed , Oik : per cwt : white corn meal , 7.V ; yel
low'corn mt-al , Kic per cwt ; screening. OCV
per cwt ; hominy. H.50 per cvit ; short * . Mfe
per cwt ; crahatn , 1.75 ; hav. In bales , fc7.X ( > rf
7.50per ton.
Un.ux Corn. 22c ; osls 20aS" ; rje , 40c ;
w heat , COo.
WOOL Medium. KVSlv ] > er Ib ; fine heAvy ,
lOftHc ; llcht 12iAl.ic ; coarse , 12 < gl4c : burry
wool. Sfttflc off.
llini : Giren butcher * , Clf(37c ( ; preen
cured. H'n Uc ; dry tllnt. ll ( < ? 18c : dry fait. IK #
lOc : damazed hides two-thirds price : tallow ,
! V < t8i c : pron e , prime white. To ; yellow , 2c ;
brown. IV ; sheep pelts 2.VS7.V.
LEATIIIH : Prime slaughter sole leather ,
H2c : prme oak sole " leather , avrfobc.
Upper leather , per foot SOtfiV : hem. kip ,
7.Vrfs.v ? ; oak kip , S5ffl9.V , : Fiench kip. Sl.tOrt
! . * ; hem. calf. SUOrfl.10 : oak call. H.OC > 3 >
1.4V. Kieucli calf. 51.-iVctl.S5 ; Morocco boot
l ° g. 30 < g I2c : Morocco nil iiebble , 2Nct.JJc : ton-
pines and linings Sfi.03.nmoo IK-I dot
UKAVY llAiinwAin : iron , rates 52.25 :
plow s ( > iii si eelal east4e : crucible teei. Co ;
rast tool * do , li'ftlv. w.von spokes. i > er et ,
t-1.7.Vrf .oo ; hubs t > er s-et , il.'i * . ; felloes
sawed" dry , Sfl.40 ; tongues , each. 75c : a\.li > ,
each , 75c ; square nuts pelIb. . ' ( 'Ulc ' : coil
clinln , i > er Ib , r < Si3c ; malienble , CKISC : Iron
wedges , Co : crow liars , Oe : linrrow teetli. 4e :
spring steel , 7ftsc ( ; Buulen's hor. esiioes
{ > 4.40 ; Bunlen's mule shoes , S5.40. Barluit
win % Hi car lots $4.00 per 100 Ibs. ronl
Nails rates. 10 to Mi. S2.50 ; steel imlls 82.05 ;
Shot Sl.-'O : buckshot 1 5 : oiientnl
] ni\\der. kees , &t.50i ( < 4.00 : do. half Keg
t'.OO ; rto. quarter krgs ? 1.50 ; blasting , kegs'
S3. : : fuse , ix-r 100 feet lOe. Lend Bar. "Hi.
PAINTS IN On. White lead. Omaha. P. P ,
7ie ? : white lead , St. l ouis pure , fr7.75 ; Mai-
j-eilles green. 1 to 5 ID cans , 'JOc : French zinc
L'reen ± nn12c \ ; French yinc nil seal , lie ;
French zinc , in varnish fisst. 2 ( c ; Fiencli
zinc , 75c ; veimllllon , ! 5 > s ; Indian
it > d. lOc ; lose pink , 14c ; Venetian led , Couk-
son's , 2 > 4c : N enetian rett. American , l > vc ;
ifil lead. 7' 'c ; chrome > ellow , genuine , sue :
chiomejjellow , K. V - . : ochre."roche le , "ic ;
ochre. ! tench , " * ( c : ochre , American , IJ r ;
Wintet's miiifiiil , ! } : Lehluh blown , 2' 'e ;
Spanish brown , 2ke : I'rlnce's mineral. : ic.
DIIY PAINT White lead , be'Frcnchzl : nc
12c ; Paris whiting. 2'fc ; wliltinir , u-ildeiV ,
ijfchiting ; , com 1 , l c : lampblack , Gcr-
manstown. lie : lampblack , ordinary , be ;
Pru > ian bliu',5" > cultramarineIScVandyke : ; ,
brown , be : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c : sii'iiua , raw , 4e ; Pails
green.genuine. 2. ' * : Paris erecu , common ,
23c ; cln-ome giecn , N. Y. , 20o ; chrome gieen ,
K , 12o ; vertnillion , Enclish , In oil 70c : raw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans. 12e ; raw and
buint siennit , l-3o ; vamljkc , blown , lc ! ! ; re-
liiifd lampblack. 12e ; coach black and ivory
black. ICc ; drop black. Ific ; Pnts iaii blue ,
40e : ultramniiiieblue , ISc ; chrome green , L. ,
M. it D. . lOc : blind and shutter tieen , L. . M.
& D. , ! ( > < ; Pans cieen , iso ; Indian j l , ifie :
Venetian red. Sc : Tuscan , 22c : Ameiican
veinnllion. L. &D,20c : jellow ochre , I'c ' ; L.
M. it O. D. , ISc : good ochre , 10c : patent
dryer , b'c ; grulning color , llirht oak , datkoak ,
wnlnut , chi-Mnut nnd ash , 12c.
Dur < iSANii L'vj.MirALS : Acid , carbolic ,
82c : acid , tartnric , 53c ; balsam eooalba , per
H ) , 45c : bark , sassatras. per II ) . lOe : calomel ,
perlb7"c : chinchouidla , tieroz , 40c ; chloro-
lonu , per H > , 20c ; Do\cr'H powders , IHT lt > ,
S1.25 ; ciisfim salts , per Ib , 8 > fc ; glvcerine ,
pine , per lt > . l c : lead , acetati ; . per n > . 20c ;
oil , castor. Xo. 1. per gal. , S1.53 : oil , castor ,
Xo. 2 , jier gal. , S1.40 ; oil , olive.per gal.S1.40 ;
oil. nritrannum , 59c ; opium S3. ; > 0 ; quinine ,
P. it W. and H. < Sc S. , per oz , 70c ; potassium
iodide , par & . S-.00 ; salicln , per oz , 40c ; sulphate -
phate morplilne , per 02 , $2.50 : sulphur , per
Ib. 4c : Muchuinc , perez , Sl.tiO.
YAIINI HUS Barrels per gallon : Fiuni-
turc , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1,51.00 ;
coach cxtia , 81.40 ; roach , Xo. 1 , SL''O : Da-
mar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; a phaltum ,
e.xlra , 55c ; shellac , 5 > 3.50 ; hard oil linish ,
SPIIUTS Cologne spirits , 1SS proof , SI.10 ;
do 101 proot. 51.11 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , S1.10 : do 183 proof. S1.10. Alco
hol. IBS proof , 52.03 per wine callon. Kedis-
tilled whiskies , Sl.03fcil.53. Gin. blended ,
$1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons S2.OOCafi.00 ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00@0.50 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies ,
E1.50gS.03. ( Brandies , imported , Sj.OOgS.M ) ;
domestic. SLSOfflS.OO. Gins , imported , S4 50
(5fl.OO ( ; domestic , 1.25Jir3.00. Champagnes ,
imported , per cn e. S2S.X34.00 ( ) ; American ,
per case , S10.00@10.00. '
Grocers' Ijisr ,
FICKLHS Medium , in bols S5.00 ; do in
half bbls , S3.00 ; small , in bbls SC.OO ; do In
halibbis , S3.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , S7.00 ; do
in half bbls , S4.00
CANDY Mixed , 9 > ? ; (212c ( ; stick , SKCgflKc.
CKACKKKS Garneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5 } < c ; cieauis , 8 > $ c ; ginger snaps , Sj c ;
citv soda , 7 0.
SODA In ID papers , 53.25 a case ; salsoda ,
kee , per Ib , iH.yc.
&YHUP No. 70 , 4-gallon Kegs , 51.00 ; New-
Orleans , SScaado per gallon ; Maple Syrup , J <
barrel , strictly pure , 7oc per gallon ; 1 gallon
cans , 59.25 per doz. ; Js gallon cans , 85.25 per
doz : quart cans , § 3.00.
STAUCII Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , 5J e ; Mirror
, i ; Kinssford's bulk , 4c.
CoFFEi' - Ordinary grades , lOJ ffillc : fair ,
ll@ii ) cpiime. ; H > < i.iTi2c ; choice. 12 > fi3jc ;
fancy green and yellow , 13K14Uc ( ; old gov
ernment Java , 20rtr3Cc ; interior Java. lt > } .f (
SOc ; locha , ' < tsKtti4ci Arbuckle's roahtett ,
14Kc ; McLaughlin's X3LXX loasted , 14Kc :
Dilworth's. 14kc ; Ked Cross. 14-aC ,
SOAI'S Kirks Savon imperial. S2.70 ;
Kirk's satinet , $3.00 ; Kirk's standard. 53.05 ;
Kirk's white Russian , 54.03 ; Kitk's White
Can. 50.50 : Dome , 53.90 : Washboard. S3.10.
MATCHES Per caddie , 2So ; round , per
case. 5LOO ; squarecases , 5L70 ; mule Equate ,
Si'OARS Powdered , 7Jfc ; cut loaf , 78'e ;
granulated , C c ; confectioners' A. Clic ;
standard extra C , < X eVc ; extra C , 5Ji@5Xc ;
medium yellow , l > % ( nb c ,
DRIED FKUITS Xo 1 quarter apples , in
market ; raspberries , new. 1020c ; currants ,
7Ji@7Kc ; prunes , new. 45 ( Sj4j/c. !
CANin.E8-Boxes , 40 Ib Os , ) ? ( ; Ss , 0c ;
boxe , 40 Ib , 10 oz , Os lOc ; half box 20 Ib ,
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
cas , 53.30 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per case. 52.50 ;
raspberries 2 Ib per case , 82.25 ; California
pears , per case , 84,40 ; apricots , per case ,
84.CO : peaches , per case , 84.1K ) ; white chenies ,
Q5.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz , 81.20 ; 1 Ib sal
mon per doz , S1.40 ; < < 1.45 ; 2 Ib gooseberies ,
per case , 51.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , ] > er case ,
51.70 ; 2 Ib lima beens , pel case , 81.00 ; 2 Ib
@ 2.10,2 Ib corn beef , pei doz , C1.70a ( .OO.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl. 51.25 ; Ashton ,
In sacks , SX-t5 : ; } f sacks , Aston , 65c ; bbls ,
dairy , 52.50@2.CO.
Dry OooOs.
PRINTS American , 5 fc ; Arnold's , 6c : Co-
choco , Co : Manchester , 5 } < c ; Lyman,5c : Glou
cester , 5c ; Duunell Jucquard , Oc ; Dumicll ,
5Xc : Windsor.Ce ; Pacific , Oc ; Harmony.4J < c ;
Anchor Shirtings , 4Xc ; Meirlmac Shirtings ,
4Kc : Berwick , 4c.
DUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 oz. Magnolia , lOc ;
lOoz. Magnolia , 12o : boc. West Point , lOWe ;
11 oz. West Point , 12 > fc
BHOWN COTTON Lawrence LL , 5c ; Shaw-
mut LL , 5c : Beaver Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic
LL,5c ; Indian head , 7c ; Wauchusset , 6fc ;
Crown XXX , GKd Clifton OCC , Cc ; Utlca
CCC. 4kc ; Atlantic P ,
TiciUNOb Amoskeae ACA , 12 > < e ; Thorn-
dyke OOO , 7Jfc ; Thorndyke fancy. 9Kc ;
York. lOKc ; York fancy , 12 c : Mllburj'
13Wc ; Pearl River , HWc ; Hamilton , 12c ;
Swift lUver , 6Vc ; Shelucket S , bWc ; She-
tucket SS. 9Ke ; Montauk AA , 12c ; Montauk
BB , lie ; Omega ACA. 13c.
DUCK ( coloied ) Boston 9 oz brown and
drab , IS c ; Boston O II brown and drab ,
XXX brown and drab. 11K ; Boston O P
blue HKc : Warren Tricot , ISc.
BLEACHED COTTONS Farmers' choice ,
6ic ; Cabot , GJfc ; Hope , 7c : Ui14 ! 4. 7 > $ c ;
Hill K , 6Kc ; Lonsdale , Be ; Fruit , Sc ; Wama-
Butta. lO c
COKET JEANS Kearsarge , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; Pepperell , 7J < c ; Indian Orchard , Oc ;
Naumkeae , 7c-
CHEVIOTS Amoskeae , checks,0fc ; Amos
keag , strlDes , SUc. Slater , stripes , be ; Ediu
burg , i Ko ; Whittendon. stripes , 6c ; Glen
rose , 9cOtfs ; , cnecks , U } < c ; Otis , stripes I'c '
fioyal , t5jc : Amoskeag , napixsd , lOWc ; Lu-
ray. book fold , 12e ; Oberon , took fold , lltfc ;
Endurance , book fold. 12c.
DENIMS Beaver Creek AA , lie ; Beaver
Creek BB. . . . _ lOc _ _ ; _ Beaver . Creek _ CO _ _ , 8cJaffrey _ ;
t r * i r v rv * ij * - V * * L rn
York !
, ' blue
' "
and brown , 7 > < c ,
HolaudLerrlngS5e ! ; Einoked halibut , lO c ;
y rtiiuutli bloaters , i)5c ) ; uew scaled hc-niugs ,
l1 ! H-t II1 Or Hbls Pl Ktg
rtcn . I , . > $
l3cn'S S't.No 1 L'h 5 ffltl 253 97 1 G7 1 40 f < 9 47
1/pe ( Jlli'd l'Htic63 ( r02 75 1 M 1 3J 50 , 5
U'f H'd ShTc 1'cy S m 8 0) 2 75 1 f > 5 1 K ) W 4i
NTW iTfillr liMM/r iui , i'ati or Kitf
Norwegian | 1,1(1 , (
KKK llcr'nirs 13L7 ( OJG A53o52 50' ' . . . .
Norwegian I * i I I
KK Htrr'nFSll 016006 4530.-.2 50 . . .
llrl'tling-s. ? 03 4 614 00 2 no 1 W\ \ . . cs | no
Kcl . . 1 ? OOP ) B 004 2S1 10
Holland Hi'irlnw. new N )
_ Full White lioo ) ) 1 1C
11 til
aw 1331 0 } CO 40 10
Oil.Snlmon .112 00 6 69ft M > ,1 30i TO
; r llbls P'ls
100 W H ) 40 12 10
NoMVhltu l'lh. C CW fi 403 ai,2 , 70 " H2 | " i
FHIIIIIv White llfh. 3 ftl 2 M 1 Tll'l ' M , M M
No-lti-out . . . . 4 ( H 3 TO 2 50 1 W , r&CO \
Xo. 1 1'lckfitl . . ; i t > J S 70 1 Kl 1 MMl \ W
Dry LmtuDor.
l)1ME s lo S AND
' ' '
js n 14 ft 16 ft is rt'w ft 22 ft'4 ft
w uo w sw
l.VOJ l.VW rX ( ) 13.00 18.00 19.UO 19.W
. la-W la. 5 I IS.fO 13. W 16.M ) 19.W Ifl.MI
2x10 . 1.'UOI..IPO 1500 ir.W'l6.0iM9.lO ' 19.50
2rlU . 15 .Viiri-fiO 16.50 16.W1C-WIHAO 209
I1C.UO IO.H ) in.K ( ) 1C.HI'1 50 17 50 1 .5Q
Ko. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 817.25
Xo.2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.75
No. 3 " " 12 , 14 and 1C ft . 13.25
No. 4 " " IS , 14 and 10 ft . ll.OJ
Xo. 1 , 4 A 0 Inch. 12 and 14 ft , rough. . .517.00
Xo. 2 , 4 & Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , rotitfh. . . 1.75 ! !
Xo. 2 , 4 & C inch , 1C It. totljli . 15,03
Ihtcom. , 12. 14 and 10 ft . S21.M
2d " " " . 20.W
3 < 1 " " " . 15.t > 0
Fence " " . 11.00
A Cinch , white pine . S30.CO
B Cinch , " " . i.OO
C Cinch , " " . 20.00
DGliich , " " . 21.03
E Cinch , " " . 18.CO
STOCK noAiit ) . .
A 12 Inch , s. Is. IS , 14 and 1C It . 545.50
C 12 inch. . . 30.50
Xo. 1 Coin. 12 in. , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 1C It lt-,25
Xo. 2 . 12. 14 and 16 ft. 10.25
l ; t and 2d. clear , 114 inch , s. 2 s . S51.00
yd , clear , ! ] ' inch , & . 2 s . S48.00
A select , 1'i , IK and 2 Inch , R. 2 s . S42.00
B M-eetl : , ll < Rnd2inch , s. 2 s . S"A03
1st and 3d , clenr , 1 inch , s. 2s . S50.1O
3d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s . S4 : > .00
A selwt , 1 inch , s. 2 s . SOI.OO
B selec' , 1 inch , s. 2 s . 529.00
Xo. I. plain , Sand 10 inch . SiaOO
Xo.2 , plain. S and 10 inch . S1C.OO
Com. 4 andCiii. flooring . S18.0J
Star " " " . 21.00
1st and 2d cleiir. 4 and C in. flooring 24.00
XX clear . S3.10
Extra A * . 2.W !
* AStandurd . 2.70
C-inch clear . 1.70
Xo. i . i. :
Lath . ' . . . . ' . . -
/.i MI : , KTC.
Quincy white lime ( .best . SO.SO
Cement ( Akron ) . . . l.SO
Hair . . . . O.a5
1'laMcr . { < . -75
Tanked felt per awt . , .
Straw bo.-ird .
and Jsf5 Work.
1020 Fariiani Street. Oiuaba. Neb.
Exhausted Vitality , Nervoits nnfl I'hj-flcal Debility
Premuturo Decline In Mau. Krrors of youth , and the
uuiold misorle * * rc ultfnc from lndjcre'lon and ex *
ceCR. . A book Uir every man. younc. rolddle-uced
und old. It contains 125 prescript nn. lor nil acute and
chnnlcdlfean's. eiclioneof which Is Inrulnablo. h
found by the author whuso experience lor 23 years IB
fuch UK protinbly never before fell to the lot of any
Blonul than any cither work In this country for R.W ,
nr the money will t e refunded in every Instance.
J'rlccouly II by mail , postimid. Illustrated rumple.
( He. Send now. < ; oM medal awardeil the nmhor by
rhe National Medical Ai oclatlcm. to the Hon. A. P.
] \lsf \ ell. and asbortiite officere of the board tlie reader
It respectfully referred.
The belencu of Life 1 worfi more to ths younc and
ralddlc-aced men of this peneraMon than all the cold
mine * ol CullfornlH und the silver mine ) of Nevada
c"iblned. . C K. Chronicle.
The Science f Life points out tUc rocks and Quick *
sands on which the constitution and hopes of many
u VUUHK man have been fatally wrecked. Manchester
The Science of Ufe Is of pn-ater value than all the
medical works published In thli country for the past
yeare Atlanta ( VinrtUutton.
The science of Ufe Is H superb and masterly treats -
s e on nervous and physical debility. Detroit Free
Artdress the Tenbody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
II. Parker , No 4 liullnnch urect , Boston. Mass. . who
may be consulted on alt deseases requlrlnE skill and
experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that
have barUed the skill of other physicians u spec
ialty , huch treatsd mcnullj without any Instance
of lallure. Mention Omaha llee.
The Orlcirml and Only Genuine * <
B < A ud ilwiri IMUble. Brirtnof worthlfm IciuUccl.
iDdliix-n.iblo u LADIES. A > L > n > r UruBdst tn
"C'MclinUT'K EniTl.h ind Ulc DO locloM U
( it jiipii ni for jiutleulara in Itttrr by rrturn BoalL
NAME PAPER. Chlchwtor Chml l fa.
JS1B II > illM > ii Suuart. I'liUadv ! * .
8i > ! d by r > rncr ) U rrrirwlirrv- > r Tblrhe *
Ur' XiiBUtl" HecMxrojiti JTll * . 7tie 1.1. itu.
fempleton & Whitney ,
Dealers in
Hock Springs , Illinois ,
and Io\vu Sort Coal.
Office 218 South Fifteenth st.
Yards Eighteenth nd Izard sts.
Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealorfc In
Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Fine Hard Wooi Interior Finish
Muntlen , Counters , Pew Ends ,
Jt'racket * .
Dealers in Building Paper.
Main Office andiFoctorr at Lyons , Iowa ,
Office & WareroomsCor. _ J2th & Izard Sts.
England , France & Germany.
The bteamtulpbol tuls well inowa line are
built o { iron , in water-tJffht cx > mpartuiuntg , und
are furntsluxl with every requisite to make the
p * Ette both bate and agreeable. They carry
the rnited States and Eurojx'an tnaUsand Icuvo
New Vorlt Thursdays and Saturday * for Plr.
mnuti. t ! > ONUONCLertOUffPAUl3 ) ( and HAM-
Iteturiilng- , the steamer * leave Hamburg on
Wednesdays and Sundd.vs , via. HmTe , taklny
pasM-nger * at Southampton and London.
Kir > t cabin $ S3 , JOJ and STS ; fctwrase f l
Railroad tickcu from Plymouth to Ilrlstol , Cur-
diff. London , or to any plaoa in the South of
England. KUEE. HtoerafO from Europe only
Ho. Bend for "Tountt Uaitttc. " .
General Pa&E neer ApunU.
O Broadway , New Vork ; WabUuifc'Um and U
BftlloSts. Chlcfijro , I1L
Bridget Steam Pile Drivimr-
FnfflnccrS and Contractors.
Brges , Roof Tresses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination and Hone Truss Hridpes ,
I'll In tr nnd Onk Timber. 15th si. , near Fnrnam ,
Telephone No 734.
Cigars and Tobacco.
" " * *
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Gun * and Ammunition. Eli to 223 South llth
HtrcctJtt tolUZ4 Kaiuam Street , Omaha. Nob.
lNTr.n-Ocr.ix Till AH FAnoitv.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Whok'S nlc Penlor" In Lenf Tobacco * . Noa.
ite and 110 N. 14th Street , Omaha , Nrb.
umcr/ ,
W. u W1HGHT ,
for the Manufacturers nnd Importer * ,
Crockei Glassware
? , ,
Larnpo , hlninejs. Etc Ofllco. 31" South ITtD
StiecUOmnha. hob.
Afe'cntfi for F. A. WhitntjCnrrlftire Co. t
Clilldren's Carriages ,
And Jewell's Celebrate. ! Kefriifer.itor * . Sen
or price ll ts. _ ltl"i Fnrnim st , Om-xha. _
Eagle Cornice Woris ,
John Kpcncter , Proprietor. Manufnrturcr of
Gulvnnlzed Iron nnd CornlroK3 lodfe ; imd 101
nnd 105 North Utb Street , Omnhn , Neb.
Manufacturers of Ornamental
Galvanized iron Cujnlces , Dormer
Windows , Finals , Etc. , BIOS. IJth St. Workdono
_ in an/ pan of the country-
Western Cornice Works ,
a SPECHT , Proprietor.
Onlvanlied Iron Cornice" . Etc , Specat'slm.
t > roM-d I'ntentJIclnll'.o tikjllfc'ht. Mb Mid 61US.
Kth St. . Omnha. Net.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
The Gala City PlEDlng'KIll ,
Doors , Pnsh and Hlinds. Al. o nil kinds of
turning. Scroll and Stair work of every de
scription. _
Manufacturer nnd Dealer In
' Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Btair Rails n FpeciaHv Telephone Na to
_ lith and Murcv St i. . Omaha. Keb. _
Electrical .
_ Supplies. _ _
L. W. WOLFB & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Omaha. Burplar Alarms. Bcll ,
I' ro Alarm * , > "ectrifMatting , tfpeikln : Tub 05 ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion Si.iirs , Kalllnv. Kollod Bourns and Girders
Steatn Engines , Brass Work , General Foundry
Machine and Blacksmith Work. Office and
Works , U. P. Itjr. and S 17th st.
iron ar d Nails.
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Fire Kails n Spr .alty. Omaha. Nch.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Fire and Burgla : Proof Safa %
Vault Doors , Jnll Work. Shutters and Wire
Work ; Cor. Hth and JacUSon Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages ,
EEtablished 1853.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HOC and Ull Dodi'o Street , Omaha , Noh.
Commlnlcn , Etc.
Live Stock Commission-
Goo. Buike , Manager ,
Dnion Stock Yards , S. Omuha. Telo jhono 582
' Son Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John F. Boyd , Superintendent.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of any aud all kinds of stock solicit
i cd. Union Yards , OmuhuNeb.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Basil , Doors , Etc. Yards Cor. 7th and
Cor. Sth and Douglas.
' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlnrs , Stulr Work and Interior Hard Wood
FinUh. Just opened. N. E. cor. ilk und Lcaveu-
worth Streutb , Omuha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Bit S. Hth Street , Omaha , Neb. F. Colpetier ,
C. N.
Lumber ,
33tb and California Street } , Omaha. Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Clh and Douglas Streets , Omaha , 1'ch.
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Waron Stock , Fancy Woods. Bridge Timbers ,
ic. , S. W , Cor. .ill and Douglas , Omaha , -N'ob ,
Dealer in Sasti , Doors , Blinds ,
Building Paper , Etc. , Boutb 13th
Fish , Etc.
6uccc6 ore to Icken Sltmsscn It Co.
Wholesale Fist Dealers ,
importers of Toreicn l"ishKo6. 911-013 Jonei
fcsrs.Etw"t and k' . 1' . Track. Omutia ,
Y , P. FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of KruitsN'itsaul ' Cigars. 1211
F rnam St
Lime , Cement , Etc.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lima ,
And Ehlppen of Coal and Coke , Cement , I'Jas-
ter. I Imo , Hair. Fire Ilnck , Drain , Tila and
Beivcr I'lrie. OIHce , Pur ton hotel , telephone till ,
Farnam fctrtet.Oraab , Nebraska.
Job Prinling ,
Job Printers , Boofc Binders ,
And Blank Book il nufueuri 19j 1J3 da utb
_ _ _ _ _ Agricultural Implement s. _
WboJcs .c Dealers Id
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd Uupitics , Omnbn Ke
Drirfcr in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrriagos miJ Hus-gicc. J < n < s ? t. , K-U Wh ouO
lOtli. Omnhn ,
Hoots and Shoes ,
MOI'SK & co-
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
KlirnraaraPtrri'tOmnh\ : . Manufactory ,
Summer Street. lloMou. _
S.A. oucn.vnn ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtnln Uooilf. Klc. , 1421 l"arn n )
Street , Onrnnn.NeK _
Coal , Lima , Etr. _
Coal Coke , Lime and Stons.
Office , E13 S. lllbpt-.Oiiiihn. ( Nib. Yards , PU )
niiJ DCenjort Streets.
Shippers ot Coal and Cote ,
Sll S. IStli St. , Orannn. Nob.
Oro. O , Tow i.n ,
Gro. r.TTF.n os. Sec and Trens.
3. II. HL-t.r.r.iiT. 1' . . ,
1'i-ovnetor. Hunnircr.
Sebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Oinrr,2iS. latbStrtet. Telephone 15. _
Gio. K. LADtnn , Pf. . C V. OOOIIKAN. V. Prcs.
J. A. Sl'KDEHLAM ) SfC. tlllU Til-US.
Omaha Coii , Coke and Lime Company ,
Lanl mut < oft foa ! , SJ9S. l.'tb St. .
OmaUa , f\i > U
Hard and Soft CoaL
Szclueive dealers In Houldcr OooraJo ! Coal. Ill
tomb Hthttrcvu
Coffee and S ices.
Home Coffes and Spicj Hills MTg Co.
Collec llOHstcrs anil Sploo ( irltiiler * . inuiiu
factui-ersof Uiifelnsl'oTOer , nuvoruiK Uxtracts
niulng , etc. Try OD cose of our Mb packapo
Hoiiielllpnd Itoastod OoBee. 100J
Cmatin , Neb.
CLATIKE rtltOS. iCO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tea ? . Coffees , SpleM. nnKInK t'ovrder riiirorlnn
Eitrncts , 1-nuuary Hluo. Ink. etc. ItH-lii Hur-
ccj1 Street , OmnhH , Keb. _ _ _
Commission ' , Etc. _ _
n'lLVNcn & cxi. ,
Wholesale Frnitb , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Fiirtiura Ft. , Oinnbiu Applcs-Our own , . -ick.
Inp I'lntt k C.i Tlm-r llrund Oi'sters. Uutter.
Epps , Gnmo , 1'oultrj1'otutoi's. . _ _ _ _
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Piovision . Fruits , Flour and Feed , 105
5. Hth St. , Otr.nha , Neb. Consignments Bollcittd.
Ueturns inndo oromctb- .
815 12lh Street. Omaha. Neb. Specialties : Butter -
_ ter EircR. and Chlciioas-
\ \ IEDEMAN t CO7 "
Produce Commission Merchants.
Toultrjllutler , Game , Fruits , Etc. J20S.Utb
St. , Omabn , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
liCODodpo Street , Oiniilin. Netirntha. Consign-
W. E RIDDEL ! , .
Storage and Commission Merchant
ErrciAL.TiE Cheese , Uutter Egjrs. Poultry
and Gnme. 112 S. lith. . Omaha , Neb. Tele
phone No. 33i
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Foro.frn nnd Domestic l'rult a peclaltr. El
egant Ftorns'u fui-illtlcs WnruhoUMj und offlce ,
W North lUth ft. Tclepiiono 77J.
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Hires and Produce. A lull line of Ftono-
ware. Coutiirnments toliclt < jL 14H Dodpo St. .
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Hclriperator and Packinp House , Utli i Ijaren -
worth St. , on U. P. ! { . K. Track , Omubo , Neb.
EstabliEhod 1870.
Genera ! Commission ,
SU S. J4th Bt , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Butter
Eggs , Poultry end Guiuu.
PEYCKE "linos. . '
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Prcduco and J'rovisJons , Omahn , Neb
Successors to Issue Griffith.
Commission Merchants
And wholeiilo dealers In country produce ,
frult-i , liutter. O B , etc. Gooilsnnconsig-nuierit
a r-pocialty. 'J ) N. ' 'Utli StOmuhu. .
Successors to A , P. Schack. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
Na 113 South lith Street. OjnahaJoh.
Dry Goods.
i , . GINSDEUG & CO ,
Wboieiulo Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , notions ,
Linens , i-qces. Embroidery nnd Wliito Goods.
leu ( Douglas Street , Orar-iw , Nob.
While Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
- . and U , } > . Ily. Omalis ,
Harness , Etc.
Menufucturuig nnd Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turl Goods , HlnnUctH i'.nrt Itaho * . 1U.1 Fanmtn
SljM'Ct Onir.lia. Nob.
Mattresses ,
E. M. HUtFE ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mattri-sses , Ikiddlnr. Feather
Pillow e , Cote , Etc. 1200 and 1203 Douflag Street ,
Omuha , Hub.
HaoDfactnrers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shins , Etc. , 1102 aridl'Vt Douglu
Btroct. Omaha. Neb.
Beer ,
Agent for fenheuser-Bush Brewing Uss'a '
Special brandc Fa&ut QudvrcUcr and Erlanccr.
D. L. SUASi : , Superintendent
Dc.Mcrj In All Kin U of
Material at Wholesale. \
IftbStioctandf o-il'acfl Traek.Oroahs. I
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth and Itard Streets Omaha , Nebraska. i
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , ,
nullilliip ra | < en > , SaMi , Door * , llhiuls , Mnulf i
np * . Tickets lV > t , I.ttne , rhi trr , Haf , )
Onu'iit , Nltnn nnu Jonc * , Or\.aun Neb.
7. ohKiira.nnii ,
Importers ami Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions , * -
ii3itl 1SH Hartley Street. UtnahaXeh ,
Musical Instruments.
i : HOI.M ts 12I11CKSON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instrameals.
f tolnwtijIMntvKs , WolxT. Decker. llalmnnd
101 and UU Utii ftivft.
rurniture , Etc.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors.
ntc,13JS , IJOSandKlD Kamnm Sttect Omaha
" *
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitarj ,
I'nniura Strt-ct , Ouinlm , Nob. _ _ _
Groceries. _
" " *
K. U. CH.U'MAX \ CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigirs ,
Itobacco and Smoker * ' Ai-tldes , 1S17 UuvranlSt ,
MtiYUll * HAAl'KK
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , ClK rs und Tolwocn * . . Kl nnd 131U Doug *
Ins Strvvt , Ouiuhu , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th and Farnnui Streets , Omaha , Not *
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. TUD. 707,703 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omiitia , Neb.
" " m
Heaiy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Eprlnpp , Wapon Stock , llnrdwoocl lAiinlier , t-to.
iai and 1211 llnrney btreov. Ouiiihn , Nob.
EDNEY i G11U10N ,
Wholcsals.lron , Steel , Wagon
Ana Carriage W * 1 Stock , Heavy Hnrdwaro ,
Etc. IZlTaud 121 i-aven forth Street , Omaha ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
HccbanicE' Tools nml.lluffiilo Scales ,
let Street. Oiuuhn , Neb.
iin , Fin ED * co. .
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Shftt Iron. Etc. Aueiits for llowo Scales uucl
Jlliunl I'owdcr Co. . Omaha Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
MantJft , Qrutcs , llrnvs pcy > d < . 1211 and 1323 FM
uani Street.
ffholesaie Hardware and Kails ,
Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th nnd llarncy
Streets , Omnha. Nob.
Manufr-cturer of the
Deerini Harsester Goods ,
PTrlt * to Win. M. Lorltner. Gznerol Affcnt ,
Omaha. Tc'ci'hono 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etam. Wutur , Rail uy nnd MIllIiic Supplies , Eta1
moKi und KM Farnam SU Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Etcain und Water Supplies. Heiid , unitcrs fo
Must Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 Furnam btreut ,
Omaha , Neb. ty
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silvern uio , Illumonds , Watches'
Clocks , Jewelers' Tools nnd Materials , Etc. , 101
end 103 , lith Street , Cor. Dtdfe , Ornalm , Neb. {
Motion ji'ft' ; - <
. obDcrs lu
Hotions.HosiarGaits' FttrnUllBS Geol
1033 and 10JJ Farnam St. , Omuhu , Neb.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
< (3 ( nnd 4i5 ( P. lOlb St.Omaha , Nob. '
Wliolesalo Dealers In Notions und GcntV Fur.
iiisliliitr Goods. .
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , '
Gasoline , Mien AxloGrcato , Htc. A. II. D.'shop ,
Jluuatjcr , Orauba , Neb.
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Office , Union Maiket , 1517 Dodge Strom. Fucking
boUMi , U. I' . K. U. Truck , Omuba , Neb. Tele
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks.
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s1
Fire und Dunrlur Proof Safos.Timo Locks.Vault !
ind Jail work. lO 'O Furnnm strviit , Omuha , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in. Seeds.
dj-Ticiiltuial. VcvctuWo , r.ic. Odd 1'olluwi' Hall ,
_ N. W. Cor Hth and lodio St . , Omaha , Neb.
Drugs , El : .
Wholesale Druggists
And Dealer in Tahiti , OiU and Window 0 ! s , '
Omaha , Neb. ,
_ Wines , Liquors , Etc
iuu : ioo. . ,
Distillers and Importers of Y/iaes /
And Liquors. Solo iimmitHLtnroribf Ki-nnoly'l
K.ttt IiKlUllitttrs. im H.iiniy Stix-ct , OtuaUa ,
iiio , \ \ . nuriCAN ,
Successor to CAIU * A A iit-\n > i pori rt
nnd Wholcsalo Dealer * In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
SH and 210 S. 14tu St , Omaha , NcU
_ "notions , uTT
t ' " " " * '
1 L. llHANDir.SiSOX.
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry OooCr , Notions , Our.th1 Kurnltlim ; fif ol ,
Gooilg Irom Now Vork. TnuJii bUes daily , U\
urn' ' < South lUth BU , Omaha. _ _
_ flour an J Feed , _
W. J. WELSHANS i : a > . ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
, Manufacturers of W , J WtUimu * iUi'sQJlclt
lU.itiiigU'Jckwheiit tlouruii'.l proi.ricUirjO 1111)14 )
City MUU , cor. ttU and t-'irruum ttrocu , Otuklia.
1 - - '