Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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" " '
by cntrltr In tiny p'1 ! of the city nt
Iwi nty tents per week.
11.V. . , - - - Manager.
F. , No. fJ.
NKinr Ilunoit No. UJ.
New York I'lninbintr company.
Summer clothing , cheap t Bolter's.
Akron liuliour compiiny'd lio.'o at
Cooper & MetJce's.
OulyiOiir ( ! doz. for tirst class cabinet
1 > hole at Schmidt's , 'J'-'O Main.
Cabinet photo-mnilis 1 per ilo7. . , at
Shemulon's , ill ? B'wny , for 0 ! ) clays only.
Thcro will be a concert at Bankrupt
Store , 18 Main street , to-ni ht , from 7 to
10 p. in. All ladies arc invited to be pres
"Thu Knowledge of tliu Truth of Chris
tianity" will bo tliu subject for dhciis.-ion
ixt the Congregational church to-morrow
" The remains of John II. Wcf/.ol , a former -
mer cili/cii , who died in Omaha , were
hrouirht hero yesterday , and laid away in
Fairview cemetery.
Martin's cape of wild animals from
Omaha will exhibit free on Maili street
ami Hroadway to-day for the benellt of
Odell Bros. & Co. utul Metealf Bros , of
this city.
Thu republican congressional conven
tion is to meet In this city next Wednes
day. It is I'enerally conceded that Major
Lyman win bis renomlnatcd without any
Itcrtie Bates , the little son of Ed.
Bates , had a narrow escape from a seri
ous accident yesterday. Ho got hold of
a No. 10 cartridge and managed to ignite
tliu powder by a match. The boy's ha'r
was crisped and one hand somewhat
The promise is still out for some now
cars for the street ear line If the prom
ise could be called in , and the ears called
out , it would be more gratifying to the
citi/ons. Promises are good enough for
some purposes , but they are not just the
sort 01 things to ridu in.
The White Swan , over which there
is a troublesome law suit pending , is to
be rcclmsUiiicd next Sunday. John Bohn
who now has possession of the boat , and
who can read his title clear , is to he
master of ceremonies , and the artist with
n daub brush will be on hand so that with
the pouring out of the libation , the 11:11110 :
White Swan will ilisapjicar , and that
of Satisfaction take its place. The
ceremony promises to bo an interesting
First-glass 'tin work , rooting , etc. , a
specialty at Cooper & McGcc's.
Highest prices paid for county , town ,
city and school bonds. Odell Bros. &
Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Blulls ,
( Jo to the Now York numbing com
pany for garden hoso. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
Scouring Their Creditors.
Two interesting chattel mortgages
were recorded yesterday as given by the
well known trroce.ry firm of Parks &
Plainer , unon their stock and fixtures , delivery
livery teams , etc. One mortgage was
for $2,2-17.50 , securing one note of if802.04 ,
in favor of the First National bank of
this city , a note for $ liU.i)3 : ) , in favor of
Stewart Bros. , and a note for $218.M ( , in
favor of J. Y. Fuller. The second chat
tel'mortgairo was in favor of A. T. Fliek-
ingor , as trustee , 1'or $835 , to secure the
following creditors for amounts as
named :
II. 0. * C. Jiiraiul S12.-i.GO
WlrtitDiuiiietic 5S.-10
] \lcCluri \ , ' Cracker Co JfS.Tl
Sockett * Preston 145.87
1'croBoy < fc Moore -14.0
Crystal .Mill iV : drain Co 4i.7r :
J. C. lloiriunyer 70.20
Sill-UK"1 ' , Wnrron & Co STS.'JO
Tims. ( Iroen & Kou 10.20
It is claimed that the stock is worth
more than double the amount , of the
mortgages aad that the linn having de
cided to go out of business , took this
way of securing their creditors , until
they can dispose of trio goods.
The very best cabinets at a dozen
at ( iorham's.
Try it. Best Cream Soda in the city 5c
per glass at Palmer's , No. 12 Main st.
See that your books are made by More
house & Co. , Room 1 , Everett block.
Fruits , Confectionery and Cigars , best
in the market alwuvs in stock. Frank
Witheroll , 22-1 Broadway.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & K. It. Squires , 10
Pcnrl street , Counel lilnlVa.
All the comfort of high priced hotels at
h Pacilic housu , and a saving of OUo to
$ elday. Try ii.
Perfect satisfactory accommodations
nt $2.00 a day at the Pacific House. Give
it a trial and bo convinced.
A Now Kiuillor and Fuel ,
II. B. Mitchell , who is stopping at the
Ogden house , is showing up a novelty
which seems to have a fortunein it. It
is an indestructible lire klndlur and fuel.
Itlocks of infusorial earth , very light and
porous , are saturated with kerosene or
other oil , and can then bo burned , an-
Kwuring all sorts of lire purposes. The
great advantage is that a bloolc after thus
having HID oil all burned out of It can bo
ri'suturatcd again and again , and thus
used for an indefinite period. The cost
of lighting lives , or of healing ornooking ,
is thus reduced to the actual cost of the
oil , which is almost nothing. It is
iiguro : ! out that 100 ( ires thus can bo
kindled for six eente , which makes the
cheapest sort of kindling , and it is as
safe as pinu blocks. Thu same sort of
blocks can bo used for heating or cook
ing , or for illuminating nut of doors , and
for the camp and the picnlo it is just tliu
thing. Mr. Mitchell is willing to arrange
with any good party hero for tun
handling of the article for this section ,
and it scums that there must bo big
money in it for it needs but to bo seen
to jump into almost universal demand. ,
Anyone desiring to oxaminu the peculiar
kindler can do so by calling upon Mr.
Mitchell at tliu Ngden ,
Always buy your meats at Star Market ,
No. UOl Broadway , ami got the best.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Pacific house recently renovated. Cool
rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained.
J , J. Stclter , 503 UpporBroadwny , will
not bu undersold. General store.
Kirkland , the jeweler , 1ms removed to
823 Broadway , Singer olllco.
Fine pasture , plenty of water and good
attention for 300 head of stock ubout live
miles north ot Broadway and Main street.
Inquire of L. P. Judson , No. 029 Sixth
avenue , or Charles Palmer at pasture on
lime kiln road ,
Stcnognuihfcr and typewriter. O. Mun- ]
eon , with M , F. Horher , over C. B. Na-
Mouul bank.
The Loz'ier Habeas Oorpns Oa Proves
Mixed aud Sensational.
Proipccls Tor n Hontlng Carnival
Otlicr Notes l roni the Beach
1'crnonnl Points nml Subur
ban N'cwfl.
IJvoly Scramble In Court.
* l'lio case of W. 11 Lozior has attracted
considerable attention and excited much
interest in thu courts here. Lo/.ier was
lormerly in the employ ot the Atchison ,
Topeka & Santa Fe railway , and it Is
said that he was ono of n gang of live
who were robbing tlio road by means of
a fraudulent ilual in tickets. Two ot the
live have been sent to the penitentiary ,
two others have skipped , and Lo/.icr 'u
here being contended over in the courts.
Olllcu Illggius , a special agent of the
railway company , is here , aud from htm
is learned the way in which the company
was defrauded. It is .said that Lo/.lcr ,
who was a brakcman , would get from : t
passenger a t'okct ' and take it to the con
ductor , asking the conductor to punch
it and give a hat check. Lo/.ior would
then take the ticket and with a baggage
man's punch which ho had would piiuch
the ticket "B. < V indicating that the
aggago had been cheeked. In thus
uiiehing the ticket ho would punch out
do marks of the conductor's punch , so
lint the ticket would appear never to
ave been used. Ho would sell these
okets at Kansas City and other places ,
t is said that Ln/.lcr irot in all about
hreo thousand dollars by this sort of
rocoetliug. The company has boon hunt-
ng for him all over the west , and he has
iven them a wild chaws. He .finally
anus here and was staying with his
k-ifo's people near the city. Ho was
liuro found this other night aiul arrested.
Special Agent Higgins had the reimisi-
Ion and the governor's warrant , and was
bout to take his man back when ho was
tayed by a writ of habeas corpus. The
as'o was heard before Juil-re Aylesworth
/csterday. The judge held that the in-
urination filed was defective , as it did
lot sot forth the fact that Lo/.ier was in
lie employ of the company , and that
) tlior allegations were lacking , which
untie the information so defective that
10 crime was really charged. He there-
ore onhred Lo/.lcr released , lliggius
uid followed thu fellow so far and so
oug that ho could not stand any such lot-
ing go , and with the judge sitting on the
itmch he sprang across to where Lo/.icr
vas seated , and in n twinkling put the
landciitl's onto him , aud was about to
ako him whether or no. This caused a
cene in court. Lo/.ier's wife and her
nether shouted and shrieked as loud as
heir feminine voices would penult , and
fudge Aylesworlh shouted for Chief Mathews -
hews to arrest Ilifrgins. Quiet was soon
cstorcd , ati'l the police took Lo/.ier in
3harge , while Higgins rushed down to
lustico Sehura's place to lilo another in-
urination by whjch to keep Lo/.icr from
getting loose. Higgins Hied an iuforma-
ion charging Lower \vith being
i fugitive from justice , and
vhilo this warrant was being prepared
Attorney MqGee , who was acting for
.o/.ior , lilcd information in Judge Ayles-
worth's court , charging Higgins with as
sault upon Lo/.ier. Ilijgins ; on his re
turn was arrested and thu caSe continued
until to day. Lo/.icr was marched down
o Justice Schu/'s odicc , and there his
attorney demanded his release on the
ground that the information did notstato
hat there had been any warrant issued
u the state of Missouri on the charge
lamed , that of breaking open a trunk
mil stealing $ ; > 2. The information was
intended so as to sctforth that fact , and
: he iiidgo concluded there was ground
.or issuing a warrant. The case was set
'or Thursday of next week. The rail
way odicer will now go back .md get
lew papers for another requisition , lie
says he lias followed Lo/.ie.r too far and
.00 long to thus let him escape when hu
s so near the cud of his career. It is
jlaimed that there are somu of the other
railway employes who fear to bo drawn
nto the m.itter , and that If Lazier is
. ( inched and and squeals , unpleasant
ovelatjons will bu made. Hois said to
JK receiving linanciiil aid from some of
.hese , and that they do not \yant to have
lim brought back and tried. Olh'eer
Higgins seems dutcrmiticd. to hold on ,
uid the struggle ho is making to get his
man over the state line will bo watched
with interest.
The greatest slaughter of dry goods
over oiler od'ered in this city will occur at
: ho Bankrupt Store to-day.
Best quality of turkey-red table linen
at ID cents per "yard at Bankrupt Storo.
IMamiwii I'Jvoiiln ; ; Kchoea.
Yesterday the beach was full of visitors ,
and the wu'tor of bathers from 4 o'clock
until half-past ten full of fun all the time.
There is rare enjoyment iu the water , but
if you caru not to go in , there is lots of
fun in watching those that are bathing.
Kvery evoniug the beach is lined with a
doublet row of spectators watching the
fun.Tho spring board is a great attraction
both for bathers and onlookers. Last
evening just before sunset a do/.en of the
most prominent young business men
were enjoying themselves thoro. Jt was
most enjoyable to witness ( heir sport ,
Many of them turn double somersaults ,
some backwards from the springboard ,
while others go oil' with u hand spring.
They build pyramids and then dive oil *
from one another's shoulders. The won
der is that these young men don't start a
boat club and association for athletics.
There seems to bo no lack of material ,
and the beach Is bringing out the latest
There was a little lad among the divers
last evening who in daring and ability
was oxeelled by none , lie stood in line
with the older ones and took his jump in
turn , dtuyiii" under after his plunge so
long that onlookers held their breath un
til u is head appeared many feet buyout !
where they were looking for it. Ho
turned somersaults iu thu water like a
porpoisa , ami was us much at home us a
iish. That young boy was the oiivy of
many spectators.
Tlio IIOHK t\Ko.
Moruhouso & Co. , thu binders , are
placing in permanent form an Interesting
reminder of tiu | dnys that have been , it
being two volumes of the Frontier Guard
ian , u paper published hero by Orson
Hyde nearly forty years ago. This was
the lirst paper published hero. It was
largely given to the advancement of the
Mormon church , of which Hyde was ono
of the presidents. A glance through its
columns , now so dry and yellow with
ago , reveals some interesting facts con
cerning the early history of Council
llun"s. ) The paper is dated Kanesvillu ,
1810 , and contains many of the local hup-
punings of Unit and thu tallowing year ,
there being two vears' publications in
the hands of the binders. The papers
are the property of Mr. K , Huntnurton ,
thu well-known Broadway
upper mer
In the earliest numbers of the paper an-
pear the advertisements of Hiram Clark ,
who announces the opening of the Union
hotel ; Dustin Amy , tinwuro and hard >
waroj.Necdlmm & Ferguson , dry goods
and clothin ; Able hnmb , provisions ; G.
W. Harris , , jewelry ; Smith & Tootle , gen
eral store ; Dr. E. G. Williams ; A. Chit1- !
wick , tailor ; Joseph Mcrritt , nttorncr ;
W. F. Carter , blacksmith ; Simon C. Dai-
ton , blacksmith ; Hcuhen 11. Allrcd , rope-
maker ; Jonathan Browning , gunsmith ,
and others whose names have long since
become as those of strangers to this city.
The Issue of March 7 , 1st0 , contains an
account of thn firing In Kmicsvillc , of 103
guns for the inauguration of General
The mail service hero was very irregu
lar , there having onlv been u postollico
established hero the year before , with
Kvnn M. Green as postmaster. The edi
tor could not even gel exchanges from
which to clip , and of course got no tele
graphic news , much less any chance for
cablegrams. Ono day the editor in his
distress at not being nblu to get enough
copy to even till the six column , four
page sninl-monthly paner , gave vent to
the following wall :
"No mail has arrived here for the last
two weeks. If wo do not get hold of
some newspapers soon wo will have to
till up with 'Jew David's llcbruw Psal
Quito frequently there appeared in the
columns appeals for friends or others
passing through the place to bring to the
ollico such fresh newspapers as they may
have in their possession ,
In the issilo of April , 1810 , the sensa
tional announcement , is made that "A.
W. Babbitt has secured the agency for a
mail ronto from this place to the valley
of the Great Salt hake. The mall is to
bo convoyed six times a year. "
In October , 1840 , the announcement Is
made that the Ft. DCS Mollies Mull has
arrived , containing papers as late as thu of the August previous.
Besides Iho difficulty of getting any
news , there appears a'still greater dlli-
culty in gutting subscribers to contrib
ute for tliu paper. Frequent appeals arc
made for subscriber.- ! bring in corn ,
pork , logs , shingles , anything , every
A lire is recorded with as much gusto
as though half the citv had hnrneil. It
was thu residence of Iliram Bennett , and
thu loss is estimated a- * high as $200.
This leads to a cautionary lecture from
the editor , closing with the appeal ,
"Watch with caru thu lire in your
cabins. "
Tlie issue of August , 1810 , contains an
account of the election , in which T. J.
McKuan was chosen president , J. C.
Wright sheriff and William Snow as
judge. The editor regrets that in the
casu of sli''nlf the choice wits not nuaiii-
iiious , there having been some ill feeling
started by which another candidate had
been placed in tne liehl. In the cases of
all thuothor ollicors there was no greater
opposition than four votes.
About this time thcro began to be a
great migration toward the gold hulds of
the far Wust- and hundreds began com-
inir through ICanusville , and crossincat
adjacent points on the river. It .seems that
thu enemies of this place began
to circulate stories in the
cast , warning emigrants not to comu
by this route. This light against Council
B'lulfs caused a. cilixcns meeting , at which
a committee was chosen , consisting of
J. B. Stutsman , T. I ) . Brown , C. Voor-
his , II. Bishop and John Needham , and
this committee prepared a statement _ of
the advantages of this place. They rccito
among other things that there are here two
ferries' , eight or ten tcrist and feed mills
in the county , six stores here , two public
houses , a bakery and confectionary es
tablishment , a drug store , four wagon
shops , two blacksmith shops , etc.
The market report March 7 , 1810 , shows
the following prices : Flour ? 2.00@2.50
per hundred ; beef , $2.00 ; pork , $2.r)0 ;
potatoes , per bushel , iWc ; corn , 25c ; eggs ,
OJe pur ilo/.en ; wheat liOu per bushel.
Soon after this the prices began to go
up , as the rusn of people began pouring
through hero for the west ,
The papers contain many other his
torical points of interest concerning
Council Bluffs. Some of the copies have
joen mutilated by being allowed to go
without binding , but they will now bo
reserved in permanent binding , and
will grow ininturestand value.
is Alive.
la. , July 22. The Teachers'
institute is now in full blast hero , con
tacted entirely by homo talent , Messrs.
Pa-re , Sniff , Matter and Kiddle being the
[ irofessors thereof. There are 150 teach
ers enrolled. The assembled intelligence
and beauty of the county which gather
daily at the court house arc having a
pleasant as well as a very profitable
Lime in the interchange of thoughts.
Hon. Joe H. Smith , at the solicitation
of our worthy county superintendent , H.
A. Kinney , this afternoon read an ad
dress upon the subject of "Gas" in all its
forms , but more especially devoted to the
wells whore natural illuminating gas
springs spontaneous from old Mother
Earth. It" was delivered in his usual hu
morons and smooth style , creating some
mirth , but replete witli matured thought.
The hotness and drynossof thu weather
here is causing uneasiness among the
farmers , and it is feared that unless
rain conies soon to the relief of crops
they will of necessity bo vury short.
The candidacy of Hon. Joseph Lyman
as liis own successor is a foregone con
clusion. Nothing would more please the
people of high Harrison than to see Jo
seph returned to the place which ho has ,
for thu last two years , filled with so much
honesty and ability.
The prohibition problem is working
itself out hero so us to meet the fondest
anticipations of ( lie prohibition element.
Even in our neighboring town of Mis
souri Valley those who wish and are
compelled by reason of constant "sick
ness * ' to havu spiritus fcrmcnti are com
pulled to sign their names to the registry
of continued invalids before thu coveted
medicine is forthcoming.
Those who attend the judicial convon
volition as delegates to put In nomination
three canditatos for district judges , have
returned and report fhat J uduu huwls
and Judge Wakulluld weru by acclama
tion noinlnatod to fill that responsible
and trustworthy position , and that the
toughness of the alfalr was in the selec
tion of the third man ; and that after
thirty-four ballots Scott M. hadd. of
Ohrucan county was nominated , which
nomination Is received huro with all the
assurances of happy success at the next
election , Mr. S. 11. Coehran , who had
nuide so spirited a light hero at homo ,
aud by so dolnsr crystali/ed the press of
the county and took under his wing a
small portion of thu ministry , wast most
happily luft.
Those who may , by reason of thu uxi
gonoy of the times , are compelled to visit
the county scat of Harrison county , will
still find hogan the county seat and the
place where the highest price is paid for
all kinds of produce , not leaving out the
facts that the hogan market for hogs is
the lirst station this sidi ) of Chicago.
No place in the broad , good county of
Harrison are the business" accommo
dating as at hogan. Equal and exac
justice and fair dealing is their motto.
AVhr Not Invlto Omaha ?
hast winter thu Omaha people gave ;
coasting darnival , and among othur.i in
vited Council Blurt's to participate in the
coasting. Council Bin Us responded to
the invitation by sending some live linn
drcd people over to the carnival , after
Which there was talk of and preparations
were made to return the courtesy by
giving a coasting carnival hero , but the
wuathcr moderated so as to make' it .an
Now that Lake Munawa has been pro
vided with plenty Of bouts , the 1\KK \
would suggest that thu Blulls return the
courtesy by extending an invitation to
- . - .
Omaha people who wojihl like to visit
tin' ' lake and indulge in' the boating and
bathing. , . ,
Omaha has numerous hills on which
they cangj'.tp n inwtnu CUM vi
but nothing Hko hake Manawa ,
with its line Manhattan Beach ,
can be found within many hours ride in
railroad cars from olllinr Omuliaor Coun
cil Ululls. On the liue.sundy beach there is
room for as many ladies' and gentlemen
as can find time to accept the Invitation
and bath house room foi all who feel in
clined to bathe. No doubt the Union Pa
cific would reduce the round trip tare to
15 cents , provided M00 or 500 people
would como over. Tlm , train can leave
Omaha depot at , say 0 o'clock in the
evening , arriving at Broadway at G0 : ! !
o'clock ; taking a conveyance to Marks
or Wray's landings , or drive around to
the beach midget there by 7 or i:15 :
o'clock , remaining on the beach for two
or two and a half hours , and take the
train homo at 10:30 : ar 11 o'clock.
Coffee , Tea nnil Diamonds.
No little excitement has been caused
of late by the Globe Colfec company's
braiieh store , No.101 Broadway , giving
away genuine diamonds , jewelry ,
watches , etc. , etc. , In packages of tea and
colVeo. The plan to Introduce their tea
and cotl'co and to induce customers to
bnv Is a novel one , and otio that cannot
fall to dispose of largo quantities of their
goods daily.
Kvery can of either tea or codec con
tains a'souvenir of soiuo description , the
collee and can weighs about three pounds
and the tea andean about one and a half
Thu company only agrees to dispose of
their goods in "tills manner for hfteeii
days , after which the goods are on sale
on their merits only.
Manv persons pronounce the tea and
coll'eo a liner quality than that which
thuy have been purchasing in the city
heretofore while others have become so
used to their own particular brands that
they cannot readily believe the dlobo
company's article quite as line as their
own , but it scorns by oliMirvatlon that
judges all claim the articles very hue
quality indeed.
The goods retail by the single can for
$1 each , but a liberal reduction is given
to purchasers bt large quantities.
The company's advertisement appears
in another column on this page. , in whreh
a partial list of the names of persons
winning the larger pri/.es are daily re
corded. Their store , No. 401 Broadway ,
is attended by four clerks , constantly
handing out. . tea and collee to their cus
tomers , which are. composed of all
classes , ladies , gentlemen and children ,
all eager to gut a can with the "best"
pri/.u in it.
The companv announces that parties
out of town can forward money by mailer
or express and their tea or collee , as they
may wish , will then bo selected by disin
forested parties and the. goods sent as di
rected , and they stand just the same
chance of getting a valuable pri/.e as if
they were present in the. store.
Odell Bros. & Co. , , are. certainly en
titled to much credit liiunionsideration at
the hands of the publjo for then enter
prise in developing the charms of
Manawa lake. Theyhave ; invested lib
erally , and spent miioh time in getting
tlin resort in shape for popular use , and
now that it is becoming such , they ought
certainly to get enough of their money
back to make them whole. There seems
a disposition to prevent them from doing
so , rather than to help tltom , and this is
in part duo to thoughtlessness. Instead
of erecting private uathTi houses , those
already erected should" b e patronized
liberally. Encouragement in every form
should be given those who have liulped
make the resort such as will draw the
people. An attempt will now be made
to unforco the rights of those who have
started the improvements , whenever
there is shown a disposition not to rce-
ogni/.e these right otherwise. It is under
stood that those who intrude on the pri
vate grounds arc to bo made to emigrate.
Ono suit was begun yesterday , the de
fendant being William ISalehelder , the
charge being made against him that ho
was trespassing. It seems that Batch-
elder began thu erection of another bath
house , without getting the consent of
those who claim to have possession of the
land , . _ _
Imojjcno Items.
IMOGCXR , la. , July 23. No rain. * arm
ors are still hoputul It looks like it
might rain soon. If it don't rain in a
lew days corn will bo past help that is
to all outside appearances.
Imogeno is about to get another much
needed addition to her already , we might
say , complete line of business houses
that is a bank. We have one , but there
is strong talk of another , which , it is
thought , will bo a national bank. A place
situated like Imogone , in the heart of ono
of the finest agricultural districts of the
west , can't bo .snubbed. Shu is bound to
keep p.ico with others of like dimensions
or even larger ,
Some Essex horse buyers wore hero
yesterday and bought three very line
ones two of H. B. McGregor and ono of
Kev. Win. Brande.s
A. Kecler , who has been visiting in
southeastern Kansas for two or three
weeks , came homo yesterday and reports
everything dried up.
The state veterinary surgeon came to
Imogcnu yesterday to cxamino KOIIIO
horses that were reported as having
glanders , and he decided that thej did
have said disease and ordered them
taken caru of.
AVclcoiiiltiK KalrclilUl.
Yesterday a number of the G. A. R.
from Wisconsin arrived hero en route for
California. Among them were General
Falt-child , ux-govcrnor of Wisconsin. Hu
was prevailed upon to remain over last
evening , and to give tlin veterans a talk.
Hu went over to Omaha in the afternoon ,
returning in the evening. The German-
American band was slatiqned at the Pa-
cilic house , and the music and gathering
crowd soon caused the aniiouncumciit to
spread rapidly , and a large audlunco of
eager listeners to Genera ! I'airchild's ' elo-
qqont words of loyally griietcd him. The
welcome was a heaily one. us General
Fairchild has visited Council Bluffs be
fore , and long since won its friendship
The veterans liero johi quite enthusiast !
eally in the move to have General Fairchild -
child chosen as the next gmnd commander
of the G. A. U , '
Fpoclal aOvcrtlcomunt * , susli ns Lose , Found ,
To fxinn , For Bute. To Kent , Wants , lloardlnif ,
etc. , will luiliisorloil la lUli column nt tlio low
rnloofTUNCKNTH IM2H MNB fonlto llrsi Inscr
tlononU KlvoCentsI'orUnoforcnclisubsequent
Insertion. I.CUVD mlvorllsoincnls at our nnico
No , 12 1'oal street , near Droaclwnjr , Council
WANTKD-A r poiull'li' ' , varly to tuku Hip
oxcluelvo niconcyof WrlirUt a Iwlosliuctl-
Wo fuel nnd klndler In tills vicinity , 1 or particu
lars call at tlio Ogden lioui-o wlioro tlio goods
inuyboeooii. 11. II. Mltclioll , _ wwn. _ _
Tmtll BAU5 OH IlKNT-Coul Uud , scii'on. nnd
.1 ? dwelling liouto , No. M9fclxtu uvonuo. U.
Mnyne. ,
\\7ANTEO-AniW8l8tttnt cook at the Oxden
lYllou'so. _ _
Tt 8Al.KOld import. In quantities'to suit ,
tit U o olllto No. U l'u rl street.
Tlin Globe Coft'eo Company of Cincln-
ali have rented the store No. 401 Broad
way , anil have opened it as a branch of
.heir main store in Cincinnati. In order
o introduce their goods this company
lack for fifteen days a souvenir in every
: an of tea or cofl'ee sold , such as solid
gold , silver and nickel watches , genuine
liamond , ruby , saphirc , emetald , pearl
uid torquois jewelry in solid gold settings ,
tlso money and many other articles of
value. Every can contains a souvenir.
JL'ho cofl'oo can and contents weighs about
Ihrec pounds , and the tea can and con-
lents weighs about one ami onu-half
pounds. This expensive and novel
method of advertising will be dheou-
limii.'d after fifteen days and the goods
placed on sale on their merits at the same
iriee , the same quantity ami quality , but
without the souvenir. Among the fortu-
late purchasers s-o far arc Cluis. Baiuiau ,
brakemau , found a $ " 0 gold piece In a
. an of coll'ec. W. 11. Beck , saloon-keeper ,
Illl Broadway , found a diamond stud in a
.san of tea. County Clerk Shea louiid a
llamond ring in a can of codec. T. A.
L'lark , locating engineer of the Union
I'acllic , found a genuine diamond ring in
calico .T. M. Shea , deputy county clerk ,
'otind a genuine diamond collar button
n tea. Shoriu" Heel found a genuine ilia-
upiid stud In tea , Miss Kosoy Kief,221
S'intli avenue , found a diamond collar
Mittou iu it can of tea. Miss. W. 11. May ,
t.'O Franklin .street got a solid irold ring.
8. P. Fitch , Council Blull's Insurance Co. ,
'omul diamond collar button. Ulllcer
Ueswick , got a diamond collar button also
n a can ot" tea. Miss Emma Butterlield ,
1.10 Harrison street , got a gold ring. Or.
Cook , ill N , Main street , got a genuine
liamoiid collar button. C. It. llannan ,
cashier Citizens' National bank , found a
genuine solitaire diamond ring , solid
rold setting , in a can of codec. Lulu
Hazard , First avenue , solid gold rjig.
Miss May Kiasky , Ml Bi-oadway , got a
solid gold ring in n can of cutlets. II.
Smith , K50 Main street , found a solitaire
liamond ring in codec. M. P. Hanson ,
115 Broadway , got a diamond collar but
ton , solid gold setting. A. W. Hiekman ,
teller Citi/.ciis' bank , found a genuine
diamond ring , solid gold setting , in tea.
C. C. Wise , W 3 Avenue A , bridge contractor -
tractor , found a diamond collar button.
G. D. Brown , coal merchant , found a
genuine diamond ring in a can of
codec. B. M. Sargent , 41ii Broad-
wav , found a stem-winding and
stum-setting watch in a can of coll't.e.
Miss Maggie Miroll , 180 Broadway , got a
gold ring in a can of tea. Mrs. AI. J.
Wilson. 1510 nth avenue , found a lady's
chatelain watch in a can of collee. Mr.
E. Johnson also found a stem-winding
aud stem-setting watch in a can of codec.
Dolly Burshaw , 215 Broadway , found a
solid gold ring in a can of collee. Prof ,
il. A. Balliugcr , principal of the high
school found a gold ring in coffee. A.
M. Wier , 914 Avenue E , found uholid gold
ring in tea. A. Kink , saloon keeper , 227
Main streetfouud a .stem-wind ami stcm-
fiot watch in coll'eo. Lytla Loss , 808 Third
street , found a gold ring in collee. W.
II. Allard , 22 ! ) Ninth avenue , solid gold
ring. T. T. Snow , with Mandol Furni
ture company , found a lady's solid gold
hunting case watch in codec. A. Kink ,
saloon keeper , 227 Main street , found a
lady's gold watch in a can of coll'ec. J.
Blanco , 711 Broadway , found a diamond
stud in tea. Geo. Chriss , waiter at the
Beuhtelehoupcfouiid astern-set anil stem-
wind watch. Oscar Sadqwstd , 1808
Third avenue , solid gold ring. J. 11.
Detrick , foreman of the Globe , found a
chatelain watch in codec. Freit Davis ,
'North Main street , liveryman , found a
solid gold ring , diamond set , in a can of
codec. T. T. tale , carpenter , Washing
ton avenue , found a stem-sot and stem-
wind watch in tea. Chief of Police
Mathcws , found a genuine diamond stud
in eoflco. James Walker , farmer at Bel-
videre , Neb. , found genuine diamond
ring , solid gold setting , in can of eotlen.
T. T. Snow , 32,1 Broadway , found vwo
solid gold watches in codec cans. M. B.
Brown , manager for Western Union
Telegraph company , got a chatelain
watch in cofl'oo. Edith Davis. 1200 South
Sixth street , lound solid gold rinc in a
can-of tea. Mrs. McDcrmott , 122 Third
street , found gold ring in codeo.
Mrs. Tracy and Mamie Barttell , each
found solid gold rings in collee. Miss
Sophy Miller , 1420 Tenth avenue , found
a diamond ring in can of coffee. Nellie
lioldauo , comer Seventh avenue and
Tenth street , got a solid gold ring. Miss
Bertie Gould , of the Singer Sowing Ma
chine company , found a solid
gold ring in tea. G. C. Smith ,
conductor , bought six cans of coll'eo for
$5 aud found $100 in gold. J. C. Frills ,
carpenter , 511 Mvuster street found a
gent's gold hunting case full jeweled
American watch in a can of codec. Miss
J. R. Stagg , 107 North 8th street , got a
genuine- diamond ring , solid gold selling.
W. K. Southwell , East Broadway , found a
stem-winding stem-sotting watch in cof
fee. Miss L. Oliver , 2' > 0 Washington ave
nue , solid gold ring in tea. Jtcv. Dr.
Fisk found a lady's ehatelain watch in n
can of coflee. Miss E. Kappes , Planters'
hotel , got a genuine solitaire diamond
ring set in solid gold. W. W. Uilgor , 718
Alynster street , got a genuine diamond
ring in a can of coll'eo for which hu paid
$1. Miss Weirick , boarding house , 112
Fourth street , found a diamond collar
button in a can of tea. Mrs. W. O. Wrt | ,
found a genuine three stone diamond ring
In a can of tea. Flora J. Beasloy. 210
Frank street , got a solid gold'ring. ' 1 hos.
F. Cuvin128 Park avenue , found a genuine -
uino solitaire diamond stud. J. E.FolIolt ,
of Hose No. it , found a diamond ring in
a can of collee. J. U. Dellnvcn. drug
gist , No. 833 Broadway , found a genuine
diamond ring in a can of lea. Lilly Olio ,
101 Beuton street , solid gold ring. Helen
Spnnk , People's store , Broadway , gen
uine diamond ring. Dr. Montgomery ,
North Main street , found a soltairo diamond
mend stud. Neltio VanDoiiberg , ill Main
street , gonuluuilhimond ring. T. Keating ,
Broadway , gold ring. J. L. Smith , stem-
winding nnd stem-setting watch. Thomas
Brown , U. P. K. K. , found fiO silver doj-
hirsinacanof coll'eo for $1. E. B. Gardi
ner , solid gold ring. Chris Schmidt ,
oxprcs.siimn , found a gent's solid silver
hunting case lull jeweled Elgin watcli in
n can of codeo , Mrs. Kato Barnos.scam-
stress , found a genuine solitaire diamond
ring , solid gold a can of codeo.
Peter Holt/ , clerk , found a solitaire din-
moiid stud , solid gold setting In a can of
codeo. T. Woolsoy , 802 Broadway , got a
genuine diamond rincr , solid gold selling ,
in a ran of tea for wilch ( ho paid * 1 , W ,
Smith , 505 Broadway , got a genuine ilia-
moud stud , solid cold setting. Major II.
C. Barnos.iiKrlculturitl . , Mala street ,
got a solitaire diamond stud , in tea. II ,
Goldburg , ol Bankrupt store , 18 Mam
street , found a genuine diamond ring in
a can of codec. Airs. Bronson , Broadway ,
found a set of genuine solitaire car drops
in a can of codeo. Miss F. Patterson.corncr
nth avenue and Clh street , got a solitaire
diamond ring , solid gold selling. In a can
of tea. J. W. Hosier , witli the Dally HUB ,
also got a solitaire diamond ring in n can
of tea. Dr. Kico bought a can of codec ,
and found a lady's chatelain watch , stem-
wind and set. W. H. Beck , 810 Broad
Broadway , with Mandel , ,
found a solitaire diamond stud , solid gold
setting , in a can of coll'eo.
Orders by mail promptly forwarded to
all parts of the United States on receipt
of ca&li or postollico order. ' 1 erms. single
cansix for $5 , thirteen for * 10 and
twcnnty-sovcn for ? 20. Address djobo
Colfuo Co. , No. 401 Broadway , Council
UluO'a Inw >
imm w. DAVIS & co.
Send for cniuluagos , prices , freight rules tnul testimonials.
lirick building * of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in Hie world.
SOS Eightli Avenue raid Eighth Street.Counil BluflV- .
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
'STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DRQHLICH , 608 Broadway.
Fanning lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranging1
from $1.05 to $12 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on.'IO years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
P.P. Lansti-iip , Xo. u,15 , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
ttt-u- ofcn't
4 ity. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Desirous of purchasing material for bath
ing suits , should see our now and ele
gant assortment of goods especially
adapted for line and pretty bathingsuits.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs
Are being closed out by us at remarka
ble low ligiires. We have them in beau
tiful shades , eolors , etc. , and have put
such prices on them that will dispose of
them rapidly , as wo WILL .NOT carry
any over to nest season.
401 Broadway , Council Binds.
Now in stock are being disposed of at
low prices to clear our shelves of same
before receiving our fall htoclc , which
will shortly arrive.
It A KKNKXS llltOS. ,
401 Hroadway , Council Binds.
Of the choices ! style , design and quality ,
just purchased by us at a bargain and
we are selling them at retail at whole
sale prices. See them and yon will buy.
401 Broadway , Council Binds.
For summer wear are. being disposed of
cheap , and must shortly bo taken off our
shelves to ho replaced with for fall
wear. Summer dress goods ca"n be pur
chased cheap now by all who will call on
UAUKNIMli JlltOfi. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluu'd.
For odices. New invoice just received aud
latest patterns guaranteed. All styles ,
and prices satisfactory to everybody.
401 Broadway , Council Binds.
Of the very latest designs , patterns and
quality for the coming season , are being
now Introduced by us. Pick one out now
before the line is broken.
Harlmess Bros , ,
401 Broadway , Council'Bluffs ,
1 X. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. , anil
209 S. loth St. . IJoom 10 , Oinnlia , Xeb.
Manufacturer's . \ffcnt for Iho
Tents , Awnings. Koofiug Slate , Man
tles , Plate and Window ( Mass , Show
cases. Elevators , ( luuul and hy
draulic , ) &e.
COUXCIL liLt'l'TH , JO If'A.
An excellent iMlucntlonul institution , funi'sli- '
ctlvltli nil the nioJorn luipmrvuiOTitf , con
ducted by the SISTKHS OF CHAKIT1' , II. V. M.
For terra off.To months , $15.
Ttrmiliexln llrst Monday In Suptombir nnl
flrfit Monday In February. For catu o ; ucs ml-
St. Francis Acadoniy.Comiull iiiuirs , lowi ? .
I Imvo a quantity of ffiunil , well clcnnoj cocxl
wlilcli Jalfcr ut iciisoimblo ll urca.
R. HICE , M. D. ,
OtllOV Tlimur i lulllUVfi ] WilllOU
Diseases ornllklmls a specialty ,
Over tlilrtv yo-irs' prnciR-iil oxporlonco.
No. ] l IViul.M , . Council Illntrs.
fXT Cnnaiilliillnii five' .
N. scHtraz ,
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American Exurosj Company.
W. S. HOMER & Co , ,
23 Main St. , Council Blud's.
1'racllces in the State and Federal courts
Uooms 7 and B , Shtigart Block.
Horses and Mules
Fur ull | iuro.ios. | ) bought mid bohl , nt ratal ! and
| u kits. LariW quantities to uck'cl from
Kcvcriil palm of line drivers , ulnjflo or double.
COUIICH Ulllllii.