Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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ILe Cereal Not Distressingly Weak , Exit No
Activity Manifested.
Itcportcd Unlns nncl Heavy Receipts
the Cause Nebraska Scnils In
tlio First Now Onts The
Cattle Market ,
CmrAno.July 23. [ Special Telegram to
tlio BKI : . ] WIIIIAT This was one of the
dajson which sttcngth Inheat v.\S con
spicuous for Its absence , though this Miould
not be construed ( o mean that tlio market
was distressingly weak. It was simply quiet ,
easy , with not much business tlolnc , nnd
T > ricrs showing no material lluctuatlons In
consciucnce. | At 0110 time prices were asc
over the ope n Ing , hut later they fell Hfr "
HID top and then recovi-ied about nil of tlio
decline. Some of tin- bulls think the bleak Is
over , and nrochcment In asseitlous that
they would not sell the stun" . Trading was
nboutomially devlded between outsiders nnd
the local cio\\d. Some heavy lines were
purchased and some equally large Hues ot
short taken In. New York reports of
oxpoits nlso helnrd to linn up the market
( fiom the low point The close was quiet
end cosy.
Con.v The tone In corn was generally
easier , on the stienith of Improved piospucts
In the ttcsteiii belt. Theie weie nueonllrmetl
reports of ruins in poitlons of Nebraska ,
wfilll receipts hi'io and at primary markets
\\eioiatherheavler. September opened nt
KKnM' > iesold to 12 0. then elf toll e , and
reco\cicd to a llltlu over lie , closing quiet
and easy.
MIMIII CHAINS Small Rialns worn alMi
quiet. 'Ihu liist ear of new o-its arrived
io-day Horn Sjracuse , Neb. They inspected
No. U. welKlitd thirty-live Ibs and sold nt Sie.
I'liovisoxt Piouslons Hindu but little
headway In either illiortlon. There was n
fair trade with early prices talher more than
' sustained.
Ci un , 2:25 : i't. . The fcelliif , ' was easier
onthocutti this afternoon on both wheat
and corn. August whcnt Is now TSjfe , witli
put ' .We , and calls 10\i ; ! e. September
wheat , TT'fc ; puts , 77'4 ( < cTTiMc : ; calls. IbMO ?
7b.\c. September corn. 41Jfc. and October ,
t'-JK'c. ' Puts on jjuptumbei.JlUe bid ; calls ,
CIMCAOO , July 2 ! . [ Special Telegram to
thoBr.K. ] CAni.E Theio were about 1,000
Texas cattle hero to-day , and they hold quite
readily at fully Mi OUR prices. In some c.ises
values were a shade hiu'her. Three different
lots of 1101 th western rantjc cattle were here.
Some Wnt-hliwtnn cattle sold nt SIUXKgH.W ,
with ISO. " , to 1-J4S Ib Montana natives nt S-l.iB
@ 4.-)0 ) , and 1071 to 10s8 Hi Montana Texans nt
54.00. Some hcattcilng lots of westein cattle
have been mnrketed before , but today thcie
was practically the tlrst assortment ot west
ern grass cattle of the season. Tlic quality ot
the Montana cattle was fairly good and prices
were reasonably sitisfactoiy. It will be sev
eral weeks bcl 01 ewesti'i nis fully opened , but
we shall piobably ha\e moio or less western
lange block rlnht along heieafter. Shipping
hteens , HIM ) to l.WO Ibs , ? 4.CO < : ; 1'JOO to
l.'BOlbs , S-UOrH ( < JO ; 1)50 ) to 1200 Ibs , 53.75 ®
4.25 ; HWNebiuskniiH , 1 X ) lb s. $4.(50. (
llo < : .s The inaikot opened active , with n
slight upturn , I n. some cases ot C@10c higher ,
but closed weak with most of tlio advance
lost. The bulk of mixed sold at S4.N4.'JO ) ,
li- t heavy , S4.'JC@J.'J5 ; and light at S4.b5@
New. York : July 23. MoNirr On call
easy at ll @ 4.
I'niMu JiiiiioANTitiB 1'Arnn < @ 5 per
STKIIMNO iSxciiAxai : InllS4.S5 ; $ for
sixty day bills , and S4.bCi ; ! for demand.
tiovr.iiNMKNTB Government bonds ttcro
dull with quotations a shade weaker.
STOCKS Tlinrovas veiy little news on the
sheet to-day of a character to affect values.
The imitket was weak ut the opening , first
prices showing declines of % to j per cent.
Further tiactlonal declines were made in
early dealings though : i paitlal lally was es-
tablWied before noon , after which the mar
ket continued dull and listless , closing dull
dud bluntly.
1 cent bonds. . . lUOHlC. &N. W
l *
Chlunco , July S. ' ) . Flour Quiet , steady
and unchanged ; southern , Wisconsin , SX ! ) ( )
( -1)4.15 - ; Mlchlcan , S4.uo0l.50 ; soft Bprlnir ,
8:1.5X : 1.10 ; Miniu-hota bakers , 3i.MMl.lO : ) :
patents. 54.40 ( 4.hO ; low grades , ;
rye Hour , quiet at S3.'J5@3.50 In barrels , 5305
( oi.iO : : in sacks.
Wheat No. 3 opened & @ 5 c lower and
after lliicluatliiK closed ? B'c below yesterday ;
% cash , . 75o ; August , 70o ; Seuteniber , 70f@
Corn Fairly active and unsettled ; became
Btroni : early but eased oirjB@ > c below yes-
crday's close ; i-ash , 40c ; AtiKUst , 405 < c ; Sep
tember , ? ; ! ( %
Oats Dull and heavy ; early 3b'@Xo above
yestenlay's close , receded and dostd quiet at
some traction over yesterday's closing' ;
cash. 2 > iu..1'Jrc ; Atigtibt , B-J c ; October ,
liy'e Steady at Vic.
Baili'v- '
Tlmolhv Pilme.'i'i.
Poi it-Very little doing , little activity nnd
prices eouhned In ranso of THJ ; cash , SU.55 ®
\ > .Wi Atwmt , S.67H ! < 3'J. < XiSeptember ) , 69.07 '
Lanl Comturulh ch easy and steady ; cabh
mid August , 3l. ( ! jfiiro.3 ; September , KO.W )
lioxed Steat Shoulders , S0.0. ; short
clear , So.MX. ) . .Vi ; bioit | libs. SO.O.X < 0.07 > f ,
Br.ttor Crc.imerv. lUrdlbWiv. dairy , 11 ®
iKc- : )
Cliecse-fiood demand forrheddais : skims ,
iiodemmul , dull ; lull cream Cheddars , : ii
7QWo : Hats , 7Ji < S7) ) < c ; YOUIIK Ameiicas ,
Ktea-Steady al He.
Hides Heav > diy salted fully cured , S c ;
llslit , US/c : dun.iB : il , Tfy bull hides , ft&i :
dry salted , n tto ; dry Hint , a@Ue : calf
kins. hoUu e ; deacons , roa c.ich.
Tallow In country , 3K ; No. 3 , 3c ; cake ,
, , , . Shipments.
Flour , bbN . . . . BJ.noo o.ooa
Whrat.bu . bti.iXX ) t ,000
Com.ou. . lt > sx. < l 359,000
OatnDu . W.OOO 61,000
Kcbu . b.OOO 5,000 . 3,000 1,000
Not Vork. July 'it , Wlitnt-Kocfllpts
lfiSrcO , ; cvuorlfl. _ bO00 ; spot IQWfc lower
. , . .
hVo In elevator ; tKJj'QiTtfc delivered
No. 1 rtU , S'.Jio ; No. a icd , Attaint
nt 65 fr.
Coru K'CaKc and options J ( SVJo loner
IMS , at-llvp , cfo ! iif biunly itendy ; recelptu
247,100 ; oxiiotu , 7 < JOiX , ) ; uncnided , iW *
> o. , u < 34Xc lu olotor ; August cloied
ut 47 i'c.
Oat -Firm srei-eit'ts. 75,000 ; exporU , noue
inl o.l wMtrrn , 61340.Mhlte ; weatern. 40j (
r iroluaiFlrm ; nulled closiwl atft'c. '
roik-OuItt : old ui.x'1 ,
iievf , lll.4J < kll.fuK.
Lard-Quiet ; western steam , spot , 50.7iK
AuguM , Jfl.7 * .
ItuUer-Fliuer , with a tairttvui ud ; N\-J' .
. '
l and easier ; western , 7l4 < 27 fc
, Vr clu Ice.
" . ! , g > -lnll ) and weak ; western frcMi , 14 ©
14\c ,
Cluclnnntl. .July 23. Wheat Kasy ; No.
2 red , 7 ( > ' , ' ( ? 77e. . , , . .
Corn In active demand and higher ; > o.
2 mixed , 40/41c. (
Oats K.isler : Xo.Q mixed , 33c.
Ujr Knsy ; No. . ' , TiS'c. '
I'oikIniot ( at S10.5J.
Lard-Quiet nt O.W ) .
Whisky Sleadv ; sales. .120 barrels of lln.
shed ( 'oods on a basis of S1.07.
MliincnmillH , July ffil. Wheat I.oucr ;
No. 1 hard , ca h , ' 8 > < c ; Aujru-t. 77c ; SCD-
e-ml > cr , W e : October , We ; Xo. 1 northern ,
rash nndiiRiist , 'i.V ; September , 70' ' < c ; Oc-
.obei , 70 ; No. 2 nortliL'in , cn-ili and August ,
Wi ; Septemlx-r , "t'ie ; October , 7.V.
Flour Dull and easier ; patents , S-i.'i ®
4.Me ; br.kci" . :1 : JlVrj ' " ' .
ltee < 'lpts-WhcatM > ,000 bushels ; Hour , 1,030
Shipments-Wheat , 11,000 bushels ; Hour ,
Milwaukee , .lulv 23 - Wheat- Dull ;
ct.sli. 7IJ < e ; Auzust , 7.yCe ; ; September , 77Jic.
Corn-Finn ; No. 'J , 40i < c-
0its-lull ) ; No. 2 , - ! > , ' * e.
n > e-Qulct ; No. l.OOo.
B.irloy Lower : No , 2 , fil' c.
I'rovislous Ojilt't ; mess pork , cash and
July , Sfl.f/J ; August , S ! .70.
St. I oiilH. .lulv 2:1. : Wheat Very weak
uid lowet ; No. U led , cash , 75e ; August ,
Corn AVeak ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , ! 5Sc ;
Atiirnst. 37 0 ,
O.its About tcad\i No. 2 mixed , cash ,
3'iMS8'c ' , ; AuiMist , 2Se.
Pork-Kasyat SIO.'JO.
Lurd-Flim at S0.20 ( < M.a'5. ) '
\ Vhlskj81.07. .
Buttei Firm and higher ; crcamery,17@
IP ; dairy , loairv.
Liverpool , .Inly ISJ. Wheat Demand
fallen oil : No.'J winter dull at C37d ; spilug
dullatr > s7d.
Flour Demand fair ; extia No. 1 spring
Corn Spot nnd future ? , demand coml ; new
mixed , spot , lirm at 4s IJ il ; July linn at
4s Id ; Atmtist lirm nt Is l > d ; September
lirm at 4s2Vc ,
Toledo , July 2' ) . Wheat Lower but ac-
the ; cash. Tbc.
Corn Finn ; cash , 42i\
Oats Steadj ; August. 2Dc.
ICniiB.iH City , July 2. ! . Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 red , cash , fi'.ie asked ; August , O0e
asK 'd ; September. Die-
Coin Lower ; No. 2 easb , 34)4fe ) ; August ,
MXv September , : ' a'( ( : ; < c.
Oats-Cnsh , 2C.4c . bid.JOJe asked.
New Orlciin-i , July 2. ! . Corn Scarce
and Him ; In sacks , .V@jl. )
Oats Weak ; choice western. 40@ lc.
Corn meal Steady at $ J.I 0.
Hoc pioducts Quiet and weak.
Lsnit Kelined , tierce , S0.25.
Hulk Meats Slumldeis , SO.OO ; clear libs
and long clear , SG.J : : > .
Chlcnco , July 23. The Drovci's Journal
repoits as follows :
Cattle Keoelpts. 6,700 ; strone and a
shade uctter ; shipping teeis ,' .SS ;
stoekers and feeders. § 3.75 : cows , bulls
and mixed , S1.70fo.7ri : ! ; bulk , S2..Vi.00 ) ( : ! ;
thioiiRli Texas eattle stronger ; cows , S3.25
@ 2.50 ; bulls , S1.7rO J.25 ; steeis , Si.Wda.S5.
llocs Heedpts. l.V-00 ; stioni ; and a shade
lilgher , cloilni ; weak ; louuh and mixed ,
S4.20it4.bO ; packing and slilppins. P4.75 ®
5fti ; light. : skips. SiOOyJI.ia.
Sheep Kecolit | < i. 4QM : steadv ; natives.
S2.00rni4.X : ) ; westeiux. Si.00@.1.00 : ; Tcxans ,
32.00 3.2.5 ; lambs 84.00 5.50.
St , fcoiiK Julj 2:1.- : Cattle Ilccplpts. fi50 ;
sblpmcnts , 400 ; active and lirm ; good to
choicft shipping , Sl.ii.VKo.OO ; common to lair ,
53.7S@4 . ' 0 ; butchers sti-eis , ! # 3.50c 1.50 : cows
and lielleis , S2.2.iO3.B5 ; tlnouih Tuxins ,
52.iX5j.00. |
Hogs Itecelnts , 3,000 ; shipments , 1,000 :
strong for Kood qualities , co'mmon weak and
dull ; butchers and best heavy packing , 1.70
( 4.10 ; mixed , 5H.30@4.70 ; light , S4.50@4.0.- .
Kansas City , July 23. Cattle Heceits ] ) ,
3,000 : shipments , 700 ; fat cattle active nnd
lOoliiRher ; good to choice. S4.10@UX ) ; com
mon to medium , SS..VS ) ( .00 ; stoekers , 82.40
@i.bO : feeaers , S-.WM.-IO ; eows , S1.50@3.00 ;
grass Texas .steers , S2.r > 0 < f < . : U5.
Hogs Iteccljits , 10,400 ; shipments , 4,000 ;
choice steady , others weak and a shadulowcr ;
irooit to choice , fil.GO.7. ( ) ) ; common to me
dium , 54.40(34.00. (
Fiiday Evenlntr , July 23.
Cattle The receipts wcro light and the
market \eiy quiet. Values lemaln about the
Hops For several weeks the iccclpts have
not been as light as to-day. The mailcct was
5 ( 10c higher.
SIUKP There Is no maiket.
Cattle . . .no
llogs . bOO
Iro'allinK Prices ,
Showing the prevailing juices paid for live
stock on this market.
Choice .steeis , 1350 to 1500 Ibs . S4.59TM.CO (
Choice steers , 1100 to ISO" ) Ibs . 4.25 ( < t > 4.50
Medium bteeis , 1251) ) to UVMbs. . . 4.2.5W4. 15
Fat little steers , 1050 to 1150 Ibs . . . . 4.004.S5
( iooil feeders , 000 to 1000 Ibs . : t.50i4.75
( lood to choice cows and helfeis. . . 3.00C'f'i25
Fair to medium cows and heifers. . 2.50v'a.00 : :
( lood to choice bulls . 2.25 2.75
Choice light and medium hogs . 4.25 ( < i4.5 : !
( ! oed to choice heavy hogs . 4.40ftl.50 (
Good tocholco mixed ho s . 4i'i@4.4 ! >
Fair to good bhorn sheep . 2.59@3.25
Rciircscntntivc Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
70 . 204 $1.30 Of . 238 84.40
05. . . . 210 S1.35 01 . 2)0 ) 84.40
TO . KM S4.35 > U . 258 S4.45
09 . 217 54.40 63 . 24S S4.45
or I'rlcos.
Showing the hlithcstand lowest prices paid
for mixed loads of ho son this maiket dur
ing the past seven days , with comparative.
values :
Juno July
Friday 10th. . . . 3.00 ( iW5 4.60 MI.83
Saturday , 17th. 3.0" @ .7. > 4.55 @l.75
Monday , lIHIl. 3.70 @ 3.75 4,0i l.70
Tuesdav.SOth. . 4.M @U7
Wcdnesday.SlstMS fa3.S3 4.SO fa4.00 ;
Thin sdav 22nd 3.70 @ 3.W ) 4.2.5 © 4.45
Friday 23d . 3.1)0 ) @ 4.00 4.BO (24.45 (
All sales of : stock in this market arc made
per cwt. llvo weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at KC per Ib lor nil weights.
"Skins , " or hogs welshing less than 100 Ibs
no value. Pregnant sows are dooked 40 Iba
and Etngs 60 Ibs. _
Light receipts.
Tim lie , ' mai ket takes n step up.
J. Knrloy , Fort Utldgcr , Wyo. , was here
with two loads of cattle.
A. Jenkins , Mauley , came In to-day and
mtirkcted a load of hogs.
Mr. Sutton , of Mclntosh & Sutton , was a
visitor at the yaids to-day.
Mr. Miller , of Martin A : Miller , camu in to
day and sold n load of hogs.
Jens Wllhelmlnson , Dannobrojr , was nt the
yards and sold n load of liogn.
John I'atterson , Omaha , was nt the yards
to-day with a view of opening a Ilveiy stable.
Hon. Cbas. Uullock , a piomlnent politician
nnd llvo stock man of Crawford county , la. ,
was looking tner the yards to-day.
General Markets.
Friday Evftnlug , July 23.
nuTTEit The receibts of good butter are.
extremely light , , Choice butfer Is almost en
tirely out of the maiket , the greater piopor-
tlnn of receipts being unlit for table use.
Strictly sweet , bolld and nnlfoim color.
packed In now clean tubs , would command
12Ji < < i > 15c ! u the market , but there Is little or
none that answers the description coming In.
What ihlppcr : ) call choice butter Is selling at
lOiJllc. Fair to good Is slow at 7gSc ( , infer
ior. 3g4r. ( . lie careful In packing your butter
to lir.vo the packages clean uiid put up In
teed shape.
KCOB The supply and demand are about
erua ! and the nrrket U about steady. Cancl-
Iip < II.IK to ho done close , nnd shippers will
and It to their interest to do it botora ship-
pine , instead of paying ficutit on rotten
OKUS , Cracked Cifss. should also bu loft out ,
as In this hot we-iimit they are generally eu-
tlrelv worthless. Kfg * . kfrletly fresh , 10c.
1'obt.TiiY Tbr iloivftod for jwultry Is good
and prices ai * aroordintly ; t'.rm. Old fowls
nro Iuinilu4 Ufttor pricra than last week.
Small ipriugrhlckonjus arc mor dlttionlt to
fell , at nny price , in ttin ca&on adrkiiros.
Turktys nniiiliii-kiareiiut vra.r.ej. Old fowls.
ter uoC'XW i&O ; ep.-ine tAlckeut , Iw e ,
. medium sl/es
ti.OMifi.ta : spring rhlckens , email , not
wanted ; ducKs , 33.25 Jco ; turkev-i ' , not
niiKESK t'ull cream Cheddars , tingle , SV $
? c ; full cream twins , vj ; joung American.
lOc ; Swiss , imported. BV5'i7c ; fcklm Hat's , 4@
Ce ; Llmburger , lllSc ( ? ; "brick , 1'JfdUe Swiss
domestic. l. ' ( l.V.
Vr.oETAiu.i.s Tomaloos. per one-thlid-lm
box , fcl.OO ; per bu box , SIM.
Cr.i.Kliv A small amount h roiiilinc hi out
It does not sell eiy fast. Shipping stock , per
do ? . COc.
Choice fresh receipts of shipping
stock ha\e been sellluir fairly well. A good
many are shipped in that aie not suitable for
reshlpmeui and such stock has to bedlsposcd
of to tiddlers or the local trade at lower
pii-cs than those quoted. Choice shipping
Mfn-k , per bbl. S".00 < vi ! ! . . ' > 0 ; choice shipping
stock , per box , 7Sc@Sl.00.
NAXA < < B.uiauas uro very good and
cheap now. Bananas , per bunch , as to
size. S2.00ij.oo. ( : !
UMMIIKS BlackDerrlos , per 24 o.uarts case ,
$2.7.Vf.uo ! ; bUtcbcrilcs , per bushi'l stands ,
" .VUO.
LUMOXS Receipts are light and demand
bilsk , owing to not weather all OUT the
country. ratio
wr box to-day , while fair to good uro selling
at SH.011.
Kodl , 220 sire , S7..V ) ; NavcN ,
Si.Oi ) ; sweets , SO.M ; St.
Michpls. Sii-W.
SotnititN : I't.fMs-A few southern plums
aie coming In and bell laiilv well. Southern
plums t-lniuU , S7.UJ ; southern plums , 24
iiuai t cases. Si.7.1 ti > 1.0X
UitAt'irs A few southern
grapes have airhed In the market ; 10 lb.
bovc-H. Sl.OX' ' l 23.
Mr.i.o.v tieoicla waleimelons are rnnutic
In and sell falily well. The Hr > > t musk mel
ons or cantllopes of the season were received
this week.Vntcimcloiis. . per I00s : ,00 ; nut
meg niploiis. per do/ . , si.OtKlt3.f : 0.
CAi.irniiNiA Fitfits Bartlett pears ,
per box , SI.OO ; Clapp's tavoiltc penis ,
.s.7i : ! ! ; pinplo Diiiinn plums , S-K ( < ) : , Wimliln *
gton plums , SJ ! W : Columhln plums. S2.r > ( ) ;
Herman prunes ,'i ; ( iioss piunes , S'J.23 ;
eaily Ciawford peaches , S2.2."i.
Coco vsi"i s Coeoanuls per 100 , W.OO ; less
than huiidied. tier 100 , S"i.r > 0.
Fum AND DATKS Figs layer , 4 lb boxes ,
per lb. Hie , Dates fancy find , 13 lb boxes ,
14o : dates Peinlali , BO lb boxes , pel It ) , lOc ,
Nfih Pecans , laigu polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium. DC ; KnglNi walnuts He ; almonds ,
Tammoua. 2Jc ; almonds , Languedoc , 17e :
Bialls , 12c ; lilbcits , 14r ; peanuts , hand
plekud , ftiucv Vliglnln. f 'ic ; peanuts , hand
picked choicer Irglnla , 7 > ic ; peanuts , roasted ,
Jcextnnicr lb.
HONIIY Callfoinla , 15c ; California ,
itr.iliied , lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 14@lfic ; Ne
braska , dm k , 12 < © l.ic.
MAri.nSfHAit Bilcks , pcrlb , 15c ; penny
caKes , peril ) , H ) > jC.
MAIM.I : SHIM - Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon kegs ,
pei gal , 'jl.OJ ; pil cans , per gal , Sl-05 ; halt
gal cans per gal , SI.10.
Ciiinii Xew York , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. half
bbl , S4.00 ; Ciab , pei doz qls , S2.W ; .Allchlgan
lellued. tier bbl. i.
VINHOAU Wlilto wine , 13M7c ( ; elder , 13
@l7e ; single stieimth , I3c ; tilplu btiength ,
1'ios' Fr.KT , Tnipn , Krr. Pics' feet , per
14 bbl , 84.00 ; do , ' 4 bbl. 82.00 ; do , per kit , lKc. )
Lambs' tongues , pei ' bbl , 3'1.25 ; do , per kit ,
82.50 ; do , quart jars , per do * , 85.25 ; do , pint
iais , per , 2 do/ten. S0.75. Tiipe , perW
bbl , 84.00 ; do. per X bbl , 82.00 ; do , per kft ,
, 12e } : bieakfast bacon ,
SUiaOc ; clear side bacon. 7K ( 8c ; drj salt
sides , 7C 71tfe ; short rib sides , 7c ; shoulders ,
7e ; mess pork , 812.50 per bbl ; dried beef-ham
nieces , Uic ; lard , tlriccs , 0 * c ; 50-lbcaus7c ;
10-lb cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7 ! c ; 5-lD cans , do ,
7 e ; ! Wb eans. do. 7 ic.
ONIONS Are coining forward slowly yet ,
and prices arc Him with a good demand.
Choice , S1.00SS1.25.
CAIIIIAOI : Is quite scarce now and quota
ble atlOSCOc per do/ , heads , nccoidlug to
UKANS Inferior stocks , 75c@S1.00 ; good
clean couutiy. 31,85(31.50 ( ; medium hand
picked , 81.50 ; liand-plcked navy , 81.01.
POTATOES Maiket is u little moro active ;
prices range according to quality of stock ,
from .wajOOc per bushel.
llour.bestquality , ; second quality ,
SJ.40W2.50 ; best quality spiiug wheat Hour.
pateiit , SJ.75 ; bran , 50c per cwt ; chopped
teed , OOe per cwt : white corn meal , 75c ; yel
low corn iiifal , 05c per cwt ; scieuulngj OOc
IHjrewt : hominy , Si.50 per cwt ; shoits , 55c
per cwt ; ciaham , 51.75 ; nay , in bales , 87.00 ®
7. 50 per ton.
ORAiN-Corn,22c ; oats , 20 < a23c ; rye , 40c ;
wheat , COc.
WOOL Medium , 10@l c per Ib ; fine heavy ,
lO Hc ; light. I2 ? l5e ; coaise , 12@llc ; burry
wool. 2 5p oir.
limns Green butcheis' , C ( u > 7c ; green
cured , b@3 , ' c : dry Hint. ll ( < ? 13c ; dij salt. 0@
lOc ; damaged hides , two-thiids price : tallow ,
3y : ceiease ; , prime whitc : ' > e ; yellow , 2c ;
blown , IJ/e ; sheep pelts , 25a75c. (
n : Piime slaughter solo leather ,
; Kc ; pimu oak solo leather , SOGiiWc.
Upper leatlier , per foot , 20@25c : hem. kip ,
758.r ( > c ; oak kip , b5@95c ; Fiench kip , 81.00 8
1.20 ; hem. calf , S1.00@1.10 ; oak call , bl.OO&l
1.2.5 ; French calf , S1.25@1.85 ; Morocco boot
leg , 80@i2c ; Morocco oil pebble , 28i32c ; top
pings and linings , SO.00 10.00 per doz.
HHAVV HAUDWAIIB iron , rates , 82.25 ;
lowpswtl sjiecial cast , 4c ; ciucible steel , On ;
east tools do , 12yclbc ; wagon spokes , per set ,
81.75ffi3.00 ; hubs , per set , S1.25 : felloas ,
sawed diy , 51.40 ; tongues , each , 7. " > c ; axles.
each , 75j ; square nuts , per Ib. 7@llc ; cell
chain , per Ib , iK l2c ; malleable , 00 $ c : iron
wedges , Oc : ciowbars , Uc ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
bpilng steel , 7@Sc ; Burden's horseshoes.
S .40 ; lluiden's mule shoes , 85.40. Barbed
wire , in car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron
Nails , rotes , 10 to SO , 82.50 ; steel nails , 82.05 ;
Shot-81.50 ; buckshot. 81.b5 : oriental
powder , kegs S3.50 ( < t4.00 : tlo. half Kegs
82.00 ; do , quaiter kegs , 81.50 ; blasting , kegs
83.35 ; fuse , per 100 feet , lOc. Lead Bar , SKI. .
PAINTS IN Oii.--Whlte lead. Omaha. P. P
7Uc ; white lead , St. Louis , pine , 87.75 : Mar
seilles giecn , 1 to5 Ib eansOe ; French zino
preen seal , 12c ; French zinc red seal , lie ;
French zinc , In varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; veimlllion , American , 18o ; Indian
red , lOe ; lose pink , I4c ; Venetian red , Cooic-
son's , 2Jic : Venetian icd. American , IKc ;
led load , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20p. ;
claomeeilow , K. 12c : ochie , rocho'Ie , 3c ;
oehie , Fiench , 2c : oeliro , American , IJfc ;
; Paris whiting. 2Ke ; whltinir11 (
; whiting , com'l ' , IJfo ; lampblack , Ger-
nmnstown , 12e ; lampblack , ordinaiy. He ;
Prussian bluc,55c ; ultramarine , ISc ; vandyke ,
blown , tic ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pails
green , genuine. 25c ; Paris creen , rommon ,
22c ; cluome green , N. Y. , 20c ; chromo green ,
K , 12c ; vermillion , Knglish , In oil "Oc ; raw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans. 12c ; raw and
but nt sienna , l'2c ; vandyke , brown , 13c ; re-
Ilncd lampblack , 12c ; coach blitck and ivory
black , IGc ; diop black , lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40c ; iiltramaiinoblue , I8c ; chrome green , 1 . ,
M. & 1) . , lOc ; blind and shutter green , L. . M.
& I ) . , 10 ; Paris cieen , Ibc ; Indian led. If * ;
Venetian red , Oe : Tuscan , 22c ; Ameilcan
veimiillon. L. &D,20c : yellow ochre , Uc ; L.
M. & O. D. , ISc ; good ochre , lOc : patent
dryer , Sc ; graining color , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash , 12c.
JJmr . /M t JIJJF Acid , caibollc.
'oc : uc d , ! ) | ! ( nlsnm copaiba , per
415 : bir k. sassafrasdji er It ) . 10c ; calomel ,
tb , 7Jc ; chluclioul In. per tu. 40c ; chloio-
form , per Ib , 20 c ; Do\ei's powders , per tb ,
81.25 ; epsom salts , per to , KKc ; glycerine ,
puie , per II ) . Ibc ; lead , acetate , per tt > , 20c ;
oil , eastor. No , 1 , per gal. , 81.69 ; oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil , olivepergal.S1.40 ;
oil orinannum , 50e : opium , S3.EO ; quinine ,
P. it W. and H. AS. ; , per oz , 70ij ; potassium
Iodide , pur lt > , 3.00 ; sallcln , perez , 40c ; sul-
nhato morphine , per oz , 82.50 ; sulphur , per
n > ,4c ; strjclinlnc , perez , 81.30.
VAKMSIIUS Barrels , per gallon : Furnl-
tine , extra , S1.10 ; fumlturc , No , 1 , SI.OO ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; roach , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , SI.75 ; japan , 70c ; asphaltum ,
extra , 5bc ; Ehellac , 3.50 ; hard oil linlsh ,
81.50 ,
SPIHITS Cologne sphIts. 188 proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.11 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.10 : do ISs proof , 81.10. Alco
hol. IbS proof , giOJ per wine gallon. Itedis-
tllled whiskies 51.oxai.69. Gin , blended ,
S1..VXS2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00fffl.oo ( ;
Kentucky and Pennsj Ivaula ryes , 82.00@fl.50 ;
Golden Sheaf bouibon and rye whl-kles ,
51.50a.00. ( Brandies , Imported , 85.00Q8.50 ;
domestic , Sl. 0@ 1.00. Gins , imported , 84 66
@ 0.00 ; domestic , 1.25$3.00. ChampagncB ,
imported , per case. 828.00Q3I.OO ; American ,
per case , S10.00@10.00.
Gi'ooors' lilst ,
PICKLES Medium , In bols , 85.00 ; do In
half bbls , 83.00 ; small , lu bbls. 50.00 ; do in
ulf bbU. 8:1.50 : : gherkins , in bbls , 87.00 ; do
In half bbls , 81.00
DKIKU Fnvirs No 1 quarter apples , In
; raspbcmcs. new.lOi20eeuirants,7M ;
unes. new , 4U'u:4 ( : c.
; 3 Boxes , 10 lb Gs , lOc ; 6s , lOc ;
j boxes 40 lb , lGoz ( , C , 10'4c ; half DOT , 20 lb ,
CANIIY Mixed , tnfiaWc ; silcK ,
CiiACKr.its UariiKau'a soda , butter "nnd
pitule , ! ) -j i Ctennw , 8)jc ; ginger Minjis , b , e ;
cltv soda , 7'iC. ' i
SODA In lorapers \ SA25a case ; salsodn ,
kec , per lb , Wje.
bviu i1 No. 70 , 4-gallon Kegs , SI.OO ; New
Orleans , rtStrtW : pet gallon ; Maple Kjrttp. H
barrel. .trlctl > pnie , 7u- per gallon ; 1 gallon
eans. SU.41 perdoz. ; J { gallon cans , 53.-J per
doz : quart cans. S100.
STAKCII Minor gloss 1 lb , 5V : Mirror
glos , 3 Ib , 5e , ; Mliror gloss , 0 lb , 0p ;
< Ira\es'rom , I Ib , OP ; Klngsfout's corn. I
lb , 7c ; Klngsfoid's gloss , i lb , 7c ; Klnr.s-
ford's gloss0 lb..7'4'c ; Klnssford s pure , Sib.
BJfc : Kinsfortl.s : bulk , Ic ,
CtFTiKs-Ordlnar ) grades. 10'f@Ho : fair ,
llfiillSiC irlmp. ll. > , ti h'cehoce. ; ! . ( Wl e ;
fniic > green nnd > tllo'liKOU4'ic ! ? ' ; old cov-
rrnnient .la\a , 20 ( < i'2Gc ; interior .lava. 10li' @
20c ; Mocha , iNiif24e > ; Aihucklo's lo.mti'il ,
14Uc ; McLauirhlin's NXXX toasted , 14 > jo ;
Dilwoith's , 14.VIted Cro s. 14'c.
Soli Kirk's ha\oti imperial. S2.70 ;
Klik'ssntlnet.S3.00 ; Klik'sstnndnnl , 83.ttj ;
Kirk's white lln-slmi , 84.00 : Klik's White
Can. Sn.r tl : Dome. ? S.'M ; Washboard. SH.10.
MAiriiK" Per eaddle , 2Sc ; lound , per
ease , 51.00 ; siiuniccases SI.70 ; mule sn.uaic ,
St'OAiis Powdcreil , Tjc ; cut loaf , 7''n'e ' ;
granulated , OJfc ; coiilectlonurs' A , n'4c ' ;
standard \trn O.OcrfOV ; extra C , SJiWv c ;
medium jellow , fi'udi.'i'ie.
t'ANNiu : ( teens Oisturs , Etandaid. per
cas , ? : i.0 ! ! ; strawberries , 2 lb pui CUM * . Sit. . * ) ;
rasubeiilo , 2 Hi per ease , 82.23 ; CnlKoinia
peat. , per case , S4.40 ! apileots. ) xjr case.
S4.UI ; | ieaches , percale , S4.DO ; whltu ehciiies ,
per case , S.'i.lK ) ; plums per case , Sil.00 ; blue-
bi'i lies , per case , Si'i'i ; egg plums , ilb , tier
ense. S'i.oO ; pineapples , 2 lb , per case , Sa.20
& 5.BO : 1 lb mackeiel , per doS1.20 ; 1 Ib sal
mon psr doSl.iOyil ri ; 2 lb goosebere ! < ,
percale , S1.7. > ; 2 lb stilng beius , per case ,
81.70 ; 2 lb lima bceiis , per ca p , Pl.ro21b ;
manowfat pens , poi ra e , S2.lfl2 ; lb early
June peas. percn p , SJ.25.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl. 81.25 ; Ashton ,
In sacks. S-VVi ; U sacks , Aston , b5c ; bbls ,
us ly , S2.OCQ2.tKl.
Dry < i)0lH.
PniNTs Araeiican , fl' ' c ; Arnold's , Cc : Co-
clu-co , Oc : Manchester. r > ) < c ; Lyman te : Ultm-
cestei , r > e ; Duunell Jnciiiaid | , ( ic ; Duuni'll ,
fi" " c : WiuilsorA1 ; Paeltie , Oc ; Harmouj.4J c ;
AncliorShlitlnirs , 4Jjc ; Meirlmnc Shillings ,
4Hc : Beiwlck , 4c.
DfCK ( Unble-vlipd ) Soz. Magnolia , lOc ;
10oz. Mimnolia , 12o : s oi. West Point , lOKc ;
1107. West Point , 12Jijc.
BnowN COTIO.V Liiwicncc LL , r > c ; Shavv-
imit LL. Sc : Beaver Dam LL , . " * : Atlantic
LL , . " > e ; Indian head. 7c ; Wnuchusset , ojfe ;
CiownX.VX , O e , Clifton CCC , Oc ; Utfc.i
CCC.4Mc ; Atlantic P , B c.
TICKINGS Amo > .Keag ACA , 12' c ; Thorn-
d kp OOO , 7fc ; Thoindyke f.incv. OJfc ;
Voik. lOJic ; ork fancy , 12'ijo : Milbmy ,
lii'.c ; Pearl Itlvcr , ll ] < jc ; Hamilton. 12e ;
Swift Jl\er { , OWe ; Shetucket S , bMc ; She-
turket SS , U' ' c ; Montntik AA , 12c ; Montauk
BU , lie ; Omega ACA. lite.
Drcj < ( coldicd ) Boston ' . ) o/ brown and
diab. itjjc : ; Boston O II blown nnd drub ,
XXX brown anil drab , llj e ; Boston O P
blue , ll ) c ; Wairen Tricot. I5c.
BMACIIID : : COTTONS Fanncis' choice ,
04c } ; Cabot , O' c ; Hone , 7e : Ulll4 4. 7J c ;
Hill ; < . 0 = 4-c ; Loiibdalc , 8c ; Fiuit , Jx ; ; Wamn-
sutta. 10' c ,
Conii't Jr.AXS-Keaisarge , Vc ; Armory ,
7c ; Peppercll , 7J < fc ; Indian Orchard , fie ;
Naumkeag , 7c.
CimvtoTs Amoskeasr , checks.sii c ; Amos
kiMij , stiioes , 8 } ; c. Slater , stripes , be ; Kdln
burg , U3 < e : Wfiiltemlon , stifpus , Sc ; ( ileii
lose , i'c ' : Otis , ctrccksj 'JJ c : Otis , stripes , 'Jc
Hojal , OJ4'c : Ainoskeng , napped , lOVc ; Lu-
ray , book told , 1'lc ; Obcion , book fold , HKc ;
Eliduraiice. book , told. 12c.
DIXIMS : Beaver Creek AA , lie ; Beaver
- - - - - - -
XX ,
WX < -
and biown , 7) c. '
. lirufH'f IJ'lj Qr Ilbls IMs Kts
S.TOI'lOD 9U 60 40 K 11) )
I :
Bon's 8't.No 1 L'l 25 2 97 1 B7I1 40 W , 47
I/fc'O Glb'd Fiinc > 'B ' 00 S 002 75,1 , CS 1 30 50 , 15
UK K'd Sh'ro ycitri-003 03'2 ' 70 1 5ol | 30 CO1 45
Holland llerrinjrs , new 80
Full White hoop 1 11 ;
200 100 0) CO 40 12 10
Oil. Salmon. 12 00 I ! 50 5 1)0 ) ! 1 ? 0 2 70 IS W )
. Illf lllils Qr HblsI"lPKts |
103 10 * | 50 40 | 12 I 10
No , 1 White Pish. . . ( I 00'5 ' 40II 3012 70 , 113
VnmUr White Pish. 3 00,2 , 701 70 1 ftj 5
No. 1 Trout 4 1)0 ) 3 CO 2 50 1 IN ) 08
No. 1 Pickerel . . . 1100 S 701 Mill fin 50
HollniullierrliiK.SSe ; Mnokcil halibut , 10 > < c ;
Vnniiouth bloatcis , 9"c ; new scaled herrings ,
Dry Lnmbor.
| l3 f tjl4 ft'lB ' f tjlB ft'lM ' ft ' 22 ft24 ! ft
2x4. ' 5iM'i5lo'ia50 ' ' ir
2x0. 15.0j'l500 ' 15.00 15.00 IU.OO 19.UO 1U.CO
2x8 15.0 ; 15.50 1S.,0 15.50.10 50 IB.OO.Ill.CO .
2x10 . 15 CO 15.00 1500,1500 , 1000 10.XyafiO (
2x12 . 15 51)11550 ) 15 50 15 50 10.50 IO.W ) 20 50
4x4-8\8. . . , | lO.OOi6CO'inOjlllOol)50'l75QlH50 ; ' | | ( ) '
No. 1 Com. s. 1. B. IB , 14 anil 10 ft . S17.2.-i
No. a " " IB , U anil 10 ft . 14.75
No. 3 " " 12 , 14 anil 10 it . IIU'S
No.4 " " K , 14 and 10 ft . 11.00
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 11 and 14 ft. , rough. . . S17.00
No. U , 4 4\c 0 Inch , 12 nnd 14 ft. , roimh. . . 1H.75
No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch , 10 It. , rou li . 15.03
Lstconi. , la. 14andlOft . 821.50
! id " " " '
. 'JO.OO
3d " " " -
. 15.1-0
Fcnco " " . 1LOO
A Olnch , white nlnu . SXOO
UOInch , " . 34.00
00 Inch , " " . 29.00
UOInch , " " . 21.00
KO Inch , " . 1B.OO
A12 Inch , 12 , Hand 10 ft . 545.50
0 IS Inch , " " " . : X5.50
No. 1 Com. It In. , s. 1 a. 12 , 14 and 10 tt. 18.25
No. 2 ' 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 10.2.
j > KUIUCU 1'j , i'/i ana men , a. - u 3. > .uj
1st and 2d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2s S.W.03
3J , clear , 1 inch , s. 2s S45.00
Aseli-ct , 1 Inch , s. 3s' ' SSO.OO
Ji bolecf , 1 Inch , B. 2 H S' .oo
SIIIl ! I'AP ,
No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 Inch S18.00
No. 2 , plain , Band 10fnch 810.00
souTiinit.v VBW.OW TIM : .
Com. 4 and Oln , lloorliiK S1S.03
Star " " "
Ibtnnd2d clear. 4 and Oln. floorlnc , . . . 21.00
XX clear „ S3.10
KxtraA * \ 2.UO
* AStatHlnrd. . 2.70
0-lnchclpar . ' . . . . , , 1.70
No. 1 . , . . ; 1.80
Lath. , , , . ! . . . :
Oulncy white llnio ( btst , . . $0.80
Ccinent ( Akron.i ) l.M )
Jiair O.D5
1'Iaster , . . . „ . . , 2.75
Tarred felt , per cwt S2.20
Strawboard , 1.70
OHIf , I18X IGlliSt.
Tulupliono 2 : > 7 ,
Rcsidcnco ut Hospital , Lcarnnworth
niid Centrul Sts , Tuluphono , 70.
Frea. Krug , Ilrenor.
Omahn Curj > ct Comnan- .
A. lloriofci-il. |
UmuiiiiMc-rclinnts' Uxiirofs Company.
Alex lli'iilmin'u flub Stables.
U Sltnjibon , Alirfxl Arnomann , N. II. llrnum
HukuA. I'almor.J.T. I'aulsoi ) , T. H. MtCorinlck
K W. K bummere , OnM.J.U.
1 > . , T. Mcl.\or.
dges Steam hie Uriving.
FnRlnccrs and Contractors.
Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nnit llowo TTIKS Hrldgo ? ,
Plllne nnd I lal Timber. 16th St. , ucnr Karnatn ,
Telephone No 7Jt.
Cigaisand Tobacco , _
* " " " "
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Ouns mul Ammunition. 215 to : lSouth llth
fcticct.HKOtoUrjj riirmuu Strict , Oiimba , Nub.
l.sti.n-UcE IN Cm vn FACTOHY.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Anil Wliolosiilo Drillers In l.rnf Tobncvos. No *
iOtf ntidI10N. _ _ 14th Stnc-t , OnmtiH Ntb.
v-rocKcr/ .
* " "
w. u WHIOHT" * "
. for the Manufacturers and Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
, Chimneys l-le. Ollico. Ill" Sc-uth ntb
Strii't.UniuhMel > .
C. S. tiOODUICH & CO ,
Agents tor K. A. Whitney Cairlnjo Co. s
Children's Carriages ,
Anil JoTTCtt's Cclcbnitcil Itorntrcr.itors. Senor
or price Hats. Hli F.inum st. , Om.thn.
Lornlces ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Rpcnctui , Pionrletor. Munufni.turer of
( iiihanl/eil Iron mid ( ornlre. td Dodro and lilt
nnd 103 Noilh 1 ) th Street , Onuihn , Ntb.
Itl'nMPINO & 110I.TE ,
JIanufr.cturursor Oinamental
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Flnnl , Ktc.ilOS. ; ISth St. Workdmio
In any pnu of the eountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPF.CIIT. Projirletor.
( inlvnnlzcd Iron ( "ornlcoi. Uto. Spccnt'ii ln.
limxpd Palent Mi tull'o Skylljlit. W un-J lUS.
12th St. . Onuiha. Net.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Doors , Snsh and Illlr.ds. Also all kinds of
tuinlng. Scroll mill Stair wotk of every do-
Manufacturer nnd Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Hulls n specialty Telephone No. 'Jt
_ 16th and Murcr Pti..Omnlia , Neb. _
Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLFK & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnponlo Block , OrniiUi. liur lar Alarms , llclh ,
Kiro Alanns , V cctrlo JIattliu , Speaking Tubes ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
jon Ptalrs , Itallinir , Itollud lle-iiiis and Ulrders
Btcam Kntrlncs , llrn g Work , General Foundry
Machine and Illacksmlth work. Ollic * &nd
Works , U. P. lly. and 3 17th st.
iron a : d Nails ,
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Flro Nnils n Fp' saltv. Oinnlia , Nob.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufncturerof Flio and Durylu : Proof Safes ,
Vault Dooi-s , Jail Work. Shutters and Wlro
Work. Cor. 14th mid Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Wagons and Carriage * .
Established 1& > S.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1400 and 14U Dodt'o Street , Omuba , Nob.
Commiwlon , Etc.
11. 110KKE & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Gro. DmXe , jranaijcr.
Union Stock Yards , S. Omaha. Tolo.3hcno 583
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1' . Boyd , Superintendent.
live Stock Commission Merchants.
of any mid lUllilnds of stock solicit
od. Union St ek Yards , Omabu , Neb.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Saab , Deere , Kto. Ynrila Cor. 7th and
Cor. Oth und Douglu. '
1 Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood
Finish. Just opened. N. U. cor. 8th and Leaven-
worth Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
811 a Mth Bticct , Omaha , Nob. F. Colpctzer ,
Lumber ,
nth and California Street" , Omaha , Nob.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc.
, , , . , Etc.
Cor. Cth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Veb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omahn , NebrasUa.
" " "
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wopon Stock , Fnncy Woods , lirldgo Timbers.
&c. , S. W. Cor , tub and Douglas , Umaha , Null.
G. y. tYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mooing ? ,
Buildliur I'apor , Etc. ' Houth 1'Mi htroOtciltia. !
Flth , Etc ,
Successors to Ickcn SloinFscn & Ox
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
B port era of Torelgn Ilsb.Nos. 911-013 Jon t
md v' . 1' . Traclc.
F. P. FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of FruIU.N'iU ' an J Cljar * . 1211
Faruam St. , OmahaNeb.
Lime , Cement , Etc ,
Manufacturers of I'limU ' White L'me ' ,
And Plilppurs of Coal nnd Cole , Cemunt , I'lue-
tcr. 1 line , llulr , Flro llrlck , IJrulu , 'lllo mul
Bencr I'fpo ' , Ulllco , I'uxtou hold , telephone fell ,
Farnum street , Onmli , Nflirnskn.
Job Printing ,
Job Printers , flook Binders ,
And IluuU Boot Mauufucturuiu lOJl'Ji ' Eoiitb
Agricultural Implement f. _
Wbole , < s..o Dcftlcrs In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
ntul lluirglii , Oinntin Neb.
fill lU'ltlU , VAKKKH ,
) . iilcr la
Agricultural implements , Wagons ,
i mul IliiiTRlf" , .It n" < > M. , bet. t'lh ' nni ]
1 III , Omnhn , Nwb.
Uools and Shoes.
Joboers of Boots and Slices ,
Mil Fnrnnm Ptrcrt. Oimili i , Not ) . Muiiufnctorr ,
er Stuet. Itor-ton.
Carpels. _ ' _ _ %
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtnln ( loin1" . I'.lr. , Id 1'nrn-Mi )
falfcct , Oiiinliu.NeK
Coal , Lime , Et - . _
JKKPW. Kl > KOIt\ !
Coal Coke , Lime and Stons.
Office , 21 ? S. lllli rt. , Omo'.in ' , Ni-K Yr.rJf , "Ui
nnd DivenjiortStititA _
" "
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 S. 13th St. , Oiunmx. Neb.
0 ro. ( ' , Tiwi.r , I'rcBldnnt.
Oro. r.MTPiisox , Si-c. mul Trcas.
J.It. llui.r.F.HT , I' . A. nu.rit ,
I'lovrii'tcir. Mminiicr.
Kebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OIPoc , "liS. IJtli Sttvit. Tclriitiono n.
Cio. T. IAHAOII. 3'io . C r f1i > ot > MNV.Vrca
J. A. SUMir.lil.Mi Ht-o. niiil'J'ifus.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , mid < ift uia' ' , MIS. J.Ub ht. .
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Exclumodculorgln Tlouldor Coloindo Con.211 !
louih Uthbticet.
CofFiC dllO S ictS.
(7ATKS. ( COLIMIM : : < "
Home Coflea and Spies HiiU M'f'g ' ' Co.
ColTeo Uoiihluis mul Sploo ( liliiUc-n. inmiii
fnclinerBor llahln I'owder , Kliivonni ; IHtiuots
Illulnfr , olo. fry on * ci\se of our Mb pnckiiiro
Iloniolllcnd Itoastrd Coffee. 10W Ho md St. ,
Cm ilni , Neb.
CLAUKK nilOS. iCO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tcn . Cotreua , Spiers. Unkind t o der Kliivorlnir
Ui I fuel s , Luiinilry llliin. luk , etc. Ull-lo llur-
ncy Street , Ointilui , Neb.
Commission , Etc. _ _
" '
nilANCH & CO. ,
Wlolesaie Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 rurimm PU , Oinnlia. Apples Our own | .nck-
liiB Hutt&L'o 8 Tlfi ( > r llrmid OjBtcis , lluttur ,
lKW , CJamo , Poult 13Potatoes. .
JOHN ! ' . FLACK ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , PioHons. . Fruits , I'lour mill Peed , 1(0 (
S. Htli St. , Omiilin , Neb. Conslsnmcnts Bolieittd.
itetnrns Hindu iiromDtlv.
BIS 12th Street. Onia'ju. Neb. Specliiltioa : Dut
tor Uinr * . niidl'hiclcvus *
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , lluttcr , Omno , Piulti , Ktc. 1SQ8. nth
St. , Oinnbn , Nebineka.
HK1-1KL1 > UROS ,
General Commission Merchants ,
11(0 ( DcdjeSluot | , ( .ninliii. NrbnibKa.
niL'iitM eollelted.
\V. K HIDDKI , ! , ,
Storage and Commission Merchant
BrtciAi/nus Cliec o , llnttor Kg-fff , Poultry
nnd Ciiiine. 11S. . lltli. , Oniulitl , Nub. Telu-
pbouo No. 3'i.
\\MKKS \ : & MIL
Storage and Commission Merchants.
KOIO.'KH and Doniostlo 1'rults nspeclaltjKl -
CKant stoi iiijo fitellllles WniulioubU mid oHlco ,
10 Noitli IJtli et. Telepliono 775.
D. A. : UJHLIY. :
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , Kpirs nnd Piodnco. A full line of Flono-
vare. Contiifiiinents tollclteil. 1111 Uodeo fct. ,
Omul. a.
Bnjers of Butter and Eggs.
Bcf rlRcrntor mid PneKInt' Hoiife.Htli & Leaven-
worth bt. , on U. 1' . It. 1 ! . Tiaclc , Omaha , Nob.
Kstnlillshed 187P.
General Commission ,
HIE. llth Bt. , Omaha , Ncli. Specialties Butter
Eggs , Poultry and Gumo.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , 1'rnduco und Provisions , Omahn , Neb
Successors to Is ' .mo Orimth.
Commission Merchants
And wholesilo dcnlorrt in eonntry prodiico ,
fruit i , butler , citta.o.e. Uoo Uoatonslirninent
a tipocialty. iL'J N.x'&th Kl. , Oinulm.
BuctcSKOrs to A. P. Seliack. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
_ No.213 _ South l h Strcot. Omiifaa.
Dry Goods.
L. GiNsninto it co. ,
Wholesulo Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Motions ,
Linens , .Lacos , Kml'roldory mid Whllo COOOB.
_ llt'OJJout'laa Street , Omalut , Nob.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead.
fflthStnndU.P. . Ily. Omaha ,
Harness , Etc ,
Munufucturcrs and Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Goods , Illankets and Kobos. 1 M i'unmio
S | rot _ Oimilm , Ji'c
Mattress ; : ,
Mattress Company.
Mcnufacturlnir Multri-esef , Ileddlnfr , Teathor
Pillows , Cots , KUr. 12CC und 1208 Douglas Street.
Omubu. Neb.
Overall : ,
co. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Punts , Blilrls , , IKW nnd TOi Doucln
Street , Ouintia , Nub.
Agent for inheuser-Busli Brewing Ass'o '
Special brands ; Fasut IliiUwolgtir auO Rrlnmrrr
J. B. H&YNiS & CO. ,
1511 DodgoSt. , Omuhu.
TYPJ- : i
OMAH\ . Mlll.K ( X ) ,
De-tlcu In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale.
1Mb ti.'itmul i in.i , 'no ft Truck , Omnh *
oriiMv n wv.\rr ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roih iiiul If i wl ? ! i cots Oinuln ,
.1. A. WA
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shinglas ,
Vii pen. ii .li , Doors Illliitls Moulf
U'i . l'o t . Mini1 , l > iv < li > r , lift/ ,
CinuMiu Nmtn imu.Urii'.uiunlia Ntl > .
" " * *
I OtttllUT.UlKII , ' 7
Impoitu * niul .lobboitjot
Millinery and Notions ,
1213 nul : Isll Unrnuy Ptrect.Omidw , Nch.
: = - . = *
MusivM Instruments.
" '
KDHoiiM .t umcKsoN ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
rti'lmvny IMimos WrliiT , IHx-kiT.
Jhiiuml'iimos 1'iu'itiml OIJCIUH , Chnso Oit
101 nnd UUlMlisliw.
Furniture , Etc.
FiunilDre , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors.
KIC..12JO , IxXiSniulKU Viuiiniu Stici'i Uinalm
* "
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnltar3 ,
_ I'anmin . ln-ct , Omnliti , Nob. _ _ _
_ _
K. 11. CUAl'MAN V CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
tobacco mid SmoUors' Article , 1-1" lion ant St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Cigars mill Tdl.ncco * . till * inul
las tii't't ' , Diniihn , Xeb ,
MtCOHl ) . 11UADY& COMl'ANV ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner JOIli anil I'm mini Streets. Oinnlin , NcU
1'AXTON , ( lAl.lAC51inil .V CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Not. 7U5 , 707 , 709 mid ; 11 S. 10th St. , Uinalu ) , Nob.
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
i Eprlnps , ft'iiiron Stock , Iliinlurud l.itmtior , otcu
r.'ll llninoy Mii'oiuiuhuNuli. ) _
Wholcsale.Iron , Steel , Wagon
Anil C rrlnov i Stock. Heavy llmilwnre ,
Htu. U17und ll ! ! cu\ui"oithSticil , Omiilin ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mccbonlcs * Tools anil HulTalo ScHlua. UCCiDou0 >
JnsSticut. Uiimlia , Nub.
Miirunn : : & co. , .
Johbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Shift Iron , lite. Avuntn for Ilouo hciilca uuj
Miami l'u"di'i-e < i.Oiniiiu ! Xob.
JIU.TON uooius : & SONS.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Monties , Urutux , llia s t'ouds.Si \ and U l I'M1.
IIIUU tll'L't.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Stcul Nulls. Cor. loth nna lluracy
Streets , Om-ihu , Nob.
Manufacturer of tlio
Deerins Harvester Goods ,
IVrite to Win. JI. Jxirliner , Gjneiiil
_ Oniiihu. Tb'cphono U1U.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Sf.'am , Water , Ilullu ay mid .Milling 3iiipllc3Bf.t' | '
' . " - Q , tea iind ttl I'luiimn St. Onmlia.Nob. I
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittinfes ,
Btcam mill Wutcr Supplies , llciuliiuurtura feT
Miittl Toobt Cu.'s Goods. 1111 I'lirnani Street ,
Oiuuba , Nob. ,
KDHOLM 4 : 13H1
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Sllvoi mc , IHuiniiiiilA , Wntchng'
Clocks , .Icwi'lois' Tool1 } HiiilMiitcrliiH , Klo. , 10J
mm IK ) , IJtli Street , Cor. lclyu , Uinalm , Neb. f
" * = * * "
Notions- ? , ' T
VlXi'AUIJ & J50HNKlKU. !
. obourd in
Hotlons.llosiarf . &Gaat3'PdraUViaj GooJ
1008 nnd 10JJ rurimm St. , Oiuiilm , .Null.
i ) . T. Robinson Notion Company , .
4tt ( anil w : < S. Idlli Kt.Omul.a , Nrli. '
ijfsiilo Duulois In NotloiiH mm Gents'Fur.
nlbhiiife'Goods. i I
Oils , Etc , ' 1
" " " " "
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Safollno , Mini Axlu Grfiit-o , Kir. A. II. Ilishop ,
MiuiUKur , Oiiiulm , No ! > . ,
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Oiimlin , NcUrasUa ,
HAititis & risiii'.n , '
Packers and Provision Dealers.
Drficc , Union Miiiknt , 1.117 Doiliro Rtruut , I'uoklni
hoiiK ) , U. ] ' . It. It. Truck , Oinnlin , Nob. Toll *
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks. J.
" "
" " * * " * *
1' . IIOYUK & CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe SL Lock Co.s1
Flro nnil Jlnrtflur Proof Hnrcs.Tlino Jxuiln ) , YnnlU
and Jiill uork. IKO rariium btiout , Oinnlia , Neb
Seeds ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
AKrlcultiirnl. Vceotalilo , Odd I'ollowa' Jfrtll ,
N. W. Cor , lltli mid Uodjfo Ht . , Oinnlin , Nob.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggist' , '
Ana Dealer in 1'oliils , OIU mid Wludoir Olnsv
_ Omabu , Jleb. ,
_ _ Wines , Liquors , Etc _
ILKIl k CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Anil I.tijuorii. Hole innnufiictiirdM of Kininoilr'l
Kuft India lllttori im Hitrnoy BtrcctOaiafi ,
UKO. w. r
pucccesor to HPNAJIAHA. A ; DU.SCAH , Jni ; > ortert
and Wholobulo DouUndin
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
tH mid i'JO 8. Ulli St. , Omnlib , Nub.
notions , ut.
" " "
* lfc"l5ItANnirS Si 60x7
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Good' , Kotlonx , ( louts' Furnishing flood *
Cuoila from Now YorkTrutlo alcu Oaily. KM
m ' ioutli taihtU.Oaialia. _ ;
Flour and Fred , _ _
v , " j. WKI.SIIA.SB & co. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Un.uifucturcrf or W.J Wi > l & ) ' Qul6i
ItAiciut : Hui kwhi HIIloiir mi' ! ) ) inpiI'-in : Oiuklil
City MLUi , cor. etli aui ( 'atiintu : troet , Um lia