Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1886, Page 10, Image 10

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    t ' ] p TI-1E OlI11I1All11ILY ] 3EL : SA7.'UIDOY , JULY 24 , 1SSS (
iiiois ,
South t beet House o
. Offers for sale the following bargains in Omaha property ;
The Oucst lots In 1lANSC01t PLACf3 , originally resorted by l tr. Iitnscom , and now first placed on the nmrkel as the choice residoteo property of Onmlm. Elegant nut front lots , splendid corner lots ; just on grade , Dlagnillcett view , ncnr street cnrs , park , : uul surrounded by
be uttiful homes anti ti splendid class of people. Over thirty stlhstatitittl Ilunse8 costing from $2,000 to $ tO,000 eaeh , will be built this season iii the iuuuediatu vkltiity , 1Vill sell these lots nt VUCES [ ANI'i'1a1tS { Th AT t'I4ACI : TIIIJt { 1VC1'IIiN 'Clll)11ACII ) Ul' AI.L tuba tlusiru " 11and
, soma Iloules. " And for investment , these lots cannot be excelled , as their location , untural advantages : tad lhr great numberof costly houses to be erected will cause them to advnnco rapidly in price during the next six months. Also oll'or 9 beaatful east front lots in Marsh's AdIitl ( fl ,
ncnr cornet' - and Lnmmventvorth , one block from st wLt cars , pavement , St. Mary's Avouto and church , cot wrul with tint shade trees ; each a II00. Sat cu tine Last front lots in Leavonwortln Terrace ; two blocks from BuIE Line railway thtpet on Leavenworth street ; inns around a o sell tug . +
for $700 to $000 ; can ollor these lots for a few days only at $ S5O each , Two south front lots in Clifton Place , tltreo blocks from street cars , onu block from Leavenworth street , tvitit its proposed grading , paving and Cable Linu , cowered tvitlt larga oak and etato ! treL s-a 1)ig bugalt-tlmo :
two at $2,100 Eight lots In Burr Oak , convenient to street cars turd railroad , at ; 900 to $000. Two lots fronting south on Leavenworth street , each 61 fact front , onu a corner , will be v.tluablo business property in ono year , the two for $1,000. Two ae os lu 1Vcst Omaha , will make ten /
good lots , high oath sightly location , splundld uoighborhoOd ; lots beyond are selling for $1,000 and $1,200 ; can sell the two acres if sold nt once for $7,000. Sono ntco lots in IIawthorne , near 'rlitrtydhird and Davenport ; the noarncss of those lots to center of town make thdm s
I especailly desirable investments at $000. Five lots , one a corner , on Lowe avunue. near Dodge street , high and healthy location , splendid place for a home , yery ensy terms , only $1,100 etch , Six lots In Hartford Place , just this side of nosy } I. 1' , depot and canning faotory / ohctlpost : it i t
property is tlto tnnrkot , only $800 ; $10 down , $10 par month. Two lots , uuo n corner , In Sldun's and addition , if sold quick , the two only $1,000. A few choice lots lu Aaublor Place , Thornburg , East Silo , Clark's 1'IuceValnut IIlll , Washington 11111Vest lend , Orchard 11111 and other
tavorlto nddilionS. Also oiler a large list of Improved resideuco property , ratgingin price from $2,000 , to $0,000 , , CAN OFFI It FOIt TILE NIXT"TENDAYSTIIE ; F1N1sST EIUIIT IIOOM COTTAUE ANll EAST FRONT LOT IN 1IANSCOM PLACE , ON GEOIUTA AVENUE ,
E1EGA NT NEIG11101IIOOD { , Cl'Y , iNl ) CISTERN 1VA'1'EIt , A PEItFLO"1' GEM 01' A IIOME , ONLY $1,300 IF SOLD QUICK , Also several stx room cottages with olstcrn and city water , slate mantels , good location , only $2,9.10 ; $2 O cash , $2 i par month. 41 foot front on Ilarticy ,
between Fourteenth and Fifteenli strcet5 , at $ . ,000 ; first clnss location for business. OG fact on Ifovard , near Thirtnenth street , only $19,000 ; easy terms ; splendid site for wholesale or waroltottso purposes , 1GG foot front on Capitol avenue , next to Masonic Ifoek , ts sptendkd business
property nurl rapidly improving ; lens eight brick stores all rented ; can make this the bigzost bargain in Omaha if sobl soon. Also otror taro sections of ohoico farm land in Iooward county , hoar good raliroad station and St. Paul , the county seat , a town of 2,000 , inhabitants , No bettor soil
In the state ; can plow usury acres ; urrounded by a good class of people and cultivated ftr ms. Can over this land for the itext thirty days at a low Iiguro and remarkably easy terms. The above are a few of the bargains I otl'er for sale. Investors , nod especially parties from outskda
thu oily tvlt1 do won to consult the list of uroperty r oiler before buying elsewhere ,
JfO t I
E ta to Grapltophono , a Transposition of Pho-
nograpby Convoying the Same Meaning ,
sift " ( snftilfResults After long-Con
timed 1'aperinicnts Upon Aleth
ods of itecording and Ito'
producing sound.
F. % , Mngmiro in lfarper's Weekly :
One of the most brilliant conceptions of
i1lr. Thomas A. Edison was that a record
t could ho nlado of 801111(18 , from which the
sounds Could be reproduccd. After considerable
sidorable cxne iawnt111r.Edison nvenled
the Instrument known the world over as
the phonograph. This little machine
\ ' consists of a eylindor about three inches
in diameter , covered with a shallow
spiral groove , upon which is plteed : tin'
foil. The cylinder is so nrranged that it
will travel horizontally back o forth by
111ea11d of a 5Crety , a11d is operated by n
crank. The sounds are communicated to
the tinfoil by asteel point attached to a
dtaphragnn that is : u dated by the sounds
coming through a tube , to which is at.
tached a nnoutlIpiece. Tue concussion of
the sound-waves striking upon the dia
pliragnt forces the metal point forward ,
which is already in contact with the tin'
foil , and snakes indentations as the cylinder -
der revolves with the movement of the
crank ,
lliordcrto reproduce the sounds the
dinpln agm is replaced to its point of
starling a11d the steel point goes over the
record , follovinc the path of the indentations -
tions nmiule on ilia thtoil upon the rota-
thout of the cy'linder. Thu point agitoles
the din ) hragmim ' , tvhiclt in turn agitates the
air in thou tU'b0 , cal the repetition of the
sound is thereby reproduced.
Several hundred of the machines
nbovc dcsnribwd were lut upon the mar'
kit and quiet a number sold , but the
phIonogrq)11 : ) failed to make a success , for
the reason that the m achfuo was not only
a Clumsy piece of mechanism , frequently
getting out of adjustment , but more es-
poeimll' ' because of the fact that the sur
face upon which the record was mulw ;
tvns pliabl0 anti likely to be eblitorntCl (
by a inure accidental pressure 111)011 it ,
Believing in thu possibdtyof nlakiuga
successful machine to record and pro'
duce sounds , I'rof. Aloxandir ( Gralinmi :
Boll , 1)r. Chichester A. Bell and Mr.
Sdnmer Tam ter associated themselves
toguthor , under f lit mane of the Volbt
LThorntory : association , and cstablislmed
a lnboratory in the city of IVashiugton ,
ono of the principal objects of which waste
to experiment upon nethods of recording -
ing and producing sound. After several
years of experiment the inventors of lice
graphuphono now desire that the writer
shall introduce to the world the results
they luave obtained.
Thu word "graphophole" is a sinlplo
transposition of the word ' ' , '
mm ; , intended to convey the samio
Mr. Suanter'1'aintor soon saw that tinfoil -
foil presetiled a surface twilit for the purr
porn it teas called 111)011 to fulfill , because
of its ulinbility and destructibility. lslawy
and eltiboitu experiments were miauto to
j diSCot'el' a substance 111)011 which a per.
feet and durable sound record could be
made , b1r. 'laiuter conceived time idea
of using a surface upon tvlueh to sound
record could be cut , instead of itldunliug
a soft maul ) liable surface us done in time
Edison nnachine. It tvns lin ally dcebled
upon to use a paper surface coated with
a preparation composed of wax anti par'
' 1'ho graphophono is nutdo In two
forms , one to atke : the records upon it
cylindrical surface , time other upon a disk
or lint surface , time seine principles hov
ever , governing each machine. The ma
clines are provided with two thin
phragms , one used in making the record
and the other in reproducing the sotmd
Thu cylindrical naachiue stands about
hive or six inches high by eight wide , : utd
weights about ten wounds. Thera is r.o
skill used in thin nlanlpnlation of the mar
chine , the rotation of the cylinder being
nccomplished by a crank of automatic
motion , Mr. Tantor has exhibited a
great mmnouut of ingenuity turd skill in
devising the various parts of the machine
timid siti11g thuut to the ) urposo for
winch they weru designed. 4llto itrstru
meat is a marvel of perfection in aceti-
rocy of the movements of nil its parts ,
Ugrou a dkapragnm three iuehes is diameter -
eter a steel Ioint is attached , tvhiclt cuts
a minute Imaulino in the surface of the
wax cylinder upon the : i ritation of time
dfaphra'rmit by a sound , the indenttion
is so light as to be scarcely perceptible ,
and yet these records can be gone over
time maid again , ; unl are just as perfect as
they weru at first.
Upon a cylinder six inches in length by
: um inch tool quarter in dinuteter one is
enabled to record at least ftye minutes'
conversation. The cylinder holder is
constructed with a ball joint at one cud
amid can be easily tipper so as to allow
the hollow be rapidly sloped
on or oil'
Time disk machhno probably has some
advuntages : over the cylindrical machine ,
because of the fact tlmat time record is
made upon a lint surface , and appears is
the form of a spiral hue. For time purpose -
pose of copy'in'g records nett possibly for
preservation , tile lint surface is probably
superior , but as cacti machine has advantages -
vantages peculiar to itself , it is : a tiillicul-
mnatter to judge which will prove the superior -
perior for all uurposes.
Enter ei these aachules is in a c01idi-
Lion at time present time to do the amat-
ueasis work usually done by stemiograplm-
cr8. For instance , any one many sit before -
fore the graplmopuone and in ordinary
tones speak his dulycorrespondence : into
time machine , lfis letters can then be
written b , a copyist who can write fromu
the dictaton of the machine.
By a neat meehatical contrivance the
operator is enabled to take as many
words at a time as heocan conveniently
reuemiber , and should he forget any part
of time sentence , by a slight pressure of
the linger on a rod running along time
base of time machine time reproducer will
repeat the sentence
Should a correspondent also have a
gra phophoc , the writer of the letter
could in a few nonents dictate wlmt
would make a lengthy epistle , enclose it
in a box about the size of the apotiiecary's
"pill box , " phacu a stamp thereon and
transmit it throughi the nulls. the cor-
reSpoulomt can an turn placed the eylin
der received upon his graphophono and
listen to the letter of ins friend with hie
yolce preserved , thereby avoiding the
vexation : old loss of tinio consequent
np0uum encounter with bad clurography.
One of time most novel and interesting
features of this machine is its ability to
record time sounds of a nnmilber of voices
speaking at time saute time ; this is done
on one instrim molt , by one diaphtagnu ,
one utetalie pgint , at upon it single line ,
how it is dour finds an oxpiantion : in time
fact tluit the difurent tones of the voices
vibrate with unlike speed and force , and
thus make difl'creut impressions upon the
diaphrngn , amid move the metallic point
Iii : t dill'erct way , so as to mlaku n record
of time various sounds. The ditpllragmil :
of flits maelmino , like the drum of the car ,
can receive aural record distinctly the
ions sounds of n qunrtctto of singers.
The gra ) hophone is now prepared to
represent nil moods ; it will tell you : t
fanny sloiv , and laugh tvitit you iii
mural tones ; it will repeat a tragedy that
is blood-curtiling ut its nature ; it tvdl tell
you a love story , tvitlt nil time ardor of a
wooer ; it will sumgyomm an Irish 5omg , o
whistle a sulection front the "Dlikado , "
It is oxpectemi soon to be able to repor
duce correcty ] the songs of great singers ,
anti lute recIttioas : , duologues , etc. , of
distinguished actors , maid by a procesai
ready successful to copy the records of
tau aOngS or recitations and dispose of
thorn at a trifie , thus onnbing n person
to enjoy at home such delightful singing
as Patti would render , or such elocutom
as we would listen to ft-omit Edwm Booth ,
p -
Just IVimat You Rant ,
When you have an ntlack of colic ,
cholera morbus or diarrhoea , you want
do pain relievd at once , Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera aunt lliarrltoea Buntc ly
gives inuuediato relief. It is safe and
pleasant to take , only 2v cents a bottle.
in an African Church.
South Corolina Correspondence Iheth
Idiom ( Pa. ) , l'ime's : Time preacher's desk
was hueg { , with white cloth trinuued tvitlt
a black iordcr. lmi character the scrimion
wits mainly funereal. "Smstali Libby 'was
dead , 'Plus was time prctchin' mftah the
buryin , .
1Vlmdlsnnteber : do kalkus ( carcass ) ant
dayclt ( there ) shall do egnls gaudtit : ,
( gather ) demusels tugedah. ho , you nio
gait , dayah , dune } ou let dot cgul n
cote ( you. Int egul lie a coinin' , a coin-
in' , n connin' , 'n ho lion Iowa on du
nizrabal kahkuss 'n SCOU ; ) 'on up , 'm '
rut oil with 'cnl , inn : nvay f om'em , my
sistitll , dnyahthem. ( 'Dona you do
obil or you'll counterfeit all do good-
volt' II counlerfoitit all , brethren-coumutor-
leit it all' llayah antouc knltkuss less
with us all , hcah , dis nmawnin' , btedren-
one kahkuss ] css"-great groans aunt
sighs-"fur wnnilsunleber de kahkuss
muu , daynim am do eguls a Iloatimig
'round , Dayalt aim a penitentiary
tor all trite buliovo Fur dcni dat falls
in muteruftudc shell also rise in materni-
ttldc-Cries of "Ba's " "lla's '
- so ! us'
rit imth" "Attmnh" ' 'Bless do iAu vi"-
" 1'ooait SisteeLidlyl"-Loug drnvn note.
of woe from all the coiwregatton in perfect -
fect harmony. "Lih b i ? ' "llat poonlm
crippul Lytidy-tbiy ! iii a higher tone ,
with nccomn muuying eommgregatiotal
crescendo burst of woo on the seine tone
as time preacher's"Sho done gone up on
high"Oh ! h 11 h ! Ah b h - htilth lt hl"
out still higher tone , base , tenor , soprano
anti alto bar uonizimigg beautifully in most
plaintive minor chords"Sho couldn't
ebeui walk heahl"-"Oh h h-h ! " Ah ! m lt-
hl" "Now she kin howl"
By this time the preacher and congre
gutioi are wrought u p to limo hufguest
Pitch of excitement amid time sermon is
literally chanted in time weirdest of nacl-
miles ; time whole congregation , between
each rimythmical pmtse : , burstimm forth iii
a hcart relding wail , wild , yet singularly
At time close of time sermon time preacher
gave out the 'lebeu hummer' : u1' fifty"
Imyum , two hues of which time cungrega
tlotm sang , with Iamcoilselous bie phu ly , '
as follows :
1'll meet my sweet Excuser there ,
And tell ldum that he lies ,
'limo next hymn contained time following -
ing line :
Thus speae fume Sheriff , amid fortlmwltim.
11'hen "collection limo" canto the con'
grcgatmon melted away in n very surprising -
prising nmannor , some peoplu sliding out
of time front , others out of time back of
time clmm cu , most mysteriously.
A Most Ijilel'at pe'e'r.
Time Voltaic ilolt . . Mich , ,
oiler to send their celebrated Voltaic
Bolt mid Electric Appliances on thirty
days trial to city man aillicted with
nervous debility , loss of vitality , man
hood , etc. Iilmnhated pnmphletmsetled :
onvelouo with full particulars mailed
free , 1Vrito lion tit otco.
A tStilwnukee noun caught a black bass
tvoighing three pounds iu Okauchee lake ,
1Vis , lie emit open time bass from the gills
downward , : tnd then hotel it in time water
u ntoumeit. 'limo "spilt" fish sprang away
from its captor turd swans oil , disappear'
mug beneath time surfnco of time water.
+ - 4
"I tvasnll rundown amid Hood'sSursnpa
rilla prord just time nmediemno I mieelel , "
writes uandretis of people. 'lake it now ,
How Ho Was Roped Into Investing in a
One-Horse Show ,
lie Gets Even , Leaves the Circus in
Noxico , and is All Ittght if
time Ltttly hider Doesn't '
Ito turn.
Time Fuaingtou : , Now Mexico , corrn-
spondent of time New York Slut writes :
Major Benson , the hotel keepo' , never
had any idea that ho would become a cir-
cos proprietor amid mnnagcr , and proi ably -
bly he never would if ho had had his own
wily about it ; but he did , nod tlmereby
hangs a talc which has excited this town
considerably. i'ho ntajur was a single
man , who had passed the greater part of
his life on time froutie , and , notvith
standing his Oceultutiouits a hotel keeper ,
time only business that he claimed to un-
derstuul was mining. lie had aide
mimommoy in time hotel lute , and had lost it in
mining , but he still insisted that as re-
Bards time hater lie was a Shu p.
About a month : tire two young amen arrived -
rived here with a one-horse circus aunt
several specumoms of ore from : t mine
which they claimed to own. As they pat
up with time major they naturally mater-
ested hint iii tutunlime , and wiled Ime
began to be eluneous : for the setlloulent
of certain board bills , lheysougght to open
negotittions : tvitit hint for time sale of
stock iu the conupany which they had
forulcd. This was mr his tine , and afteI'
hmo had investitedtime : utatterthoroughly
ha became satisfied that they ! end soue-
thfmig rich. Noticing that lie was swallowing -
lowing more of the bait than they hued
counted on , they scent to have tleter-
mined to abandon the circus business
ail sizing u ) his pile timuy agreed to sell
hint a one-third interest for $1,000. The
major raised the money mid time vapors
wore drawn. 't'hat night tima two guests
disappeared and time next day time major
loot r n'inscif tvitlt a circus on his haiuls
Although Ito been tosuspect thatall was
not right , it was mv'fortlight before Ito
discovered that theimine had been salted
and that time eh elts rimmiPit were a brace of
very enterprising swuulicrs , lIe imad a
board bill againt the show of very large
dimensions anti us he had sull'orcd so
much it occurred to llinm that perhaps he
might run it a ivhite and get iris mote ;
omit of it. ' u
Ami iaventoyt of , the cotcery showed
time followtmmg stock ou hand : One dmla ) i-
dntul t. , Ili CatAILItY'11GG ' with Seaf.S. poles
and cordage to netelm ; two tvagomis , four
mutes , cite horse ; one clown : old general
tumbler , one lady pprfornter , onu athlete
and tra1)czo performs ' : old one boy tvlmo
could do various acts. Smnmoliu the
artists befog p bun he imifunt 1L'rl tIpenthat ,
in view of the debts of their late eumuploy-
es , and in obedience to time customs of
the country , 11o had taken possession of
the ciFCilS and wonid the'omdler run it to
stilt himself. If they wanted to stay for
awhile until ho learned time ropes ho
would continue lhen'iu their old places
maul pay then their salary regularly. All
nuuutesled an 0agorness to remilain turd
the major aunuunceti to his friends his
purpose of continnnug time show : ts 50011
as ho could mitalw time necessary arrange-
moats for a chalgo of proggru11nie : , lur
a few days ho was busy , but at length the
niglut for the oponumg was mixed amid a big
crowd tuns present to see what sort of a
shmst who maor 111fL1111L'I [ .ll IllilkU ,
After waillmg for half art Moir past the
tinlotppoutCrr for time ommiing , there
theottotet to be a riot in time tent if limo
perfonlanco aid not nogiit at once , and
ono of time artists appeared in time ring
long emmomi h to aunounco hunt these hall
bcon an nnavoidahlo delay , but that soon
everything wonbl be n rcemliu ss , Ton
minutes litter time grand entry was made ,
nod thoretfter the show went on
without mmnmiy hitches , the crowd
being mightily pleased. After the por-
formanee the delay was explained by time
umjor at his hotel. Time artists , wlmen all
ready to begin the grand nmarcim , had
struck ; time clown for umoro pay , others
for back pas , and time lady ricer for a
husband. Site becune : very suddenly
nverwhoimed with confusion at the
thought of imer lololiuess so far away
front 1lonte amid friends amid declared that
slue could apt mmdero-o time ordeal of all-
gearing in public unless there was soulu
man to s'iloln she imad a right to appeal
for protection. The miutjorm who became
fairly wild , fixed umnlters with time others ,
but with Imer it was a more dillicult nlat
tor. She would not recede from her ulli
ntattnn , which tvas that no dignity less
august thui that of wife of time proprietor
of t he show would satisfy leer , and time
major had to yield or disagpoit his
friends. A justice of time peace was sent
for , picked of of tlme assonbhtge as a
matter of fact , and time two were nmado
ono ht the dressing room , Senora lmiez
being gorgeously arrayed in red tights
: utd spangles , and the major in hie every.
tiny costuminc , tvitlt a big felt lint pushed
back of his head. These few prelmuu-
cries arrnumgetl , the performance was
opened as has been stated.
Speaking wilhm his friends on the subject -
ject , time major said ho thought a menu
advamtm : a had becn takemi of hint , but
that ! n view of his sacrifice ho felt that it
wits no mote than fair that the pea plc
should give him a hearty support. Thus
they dirt for a week , when , with u reorganized -
ganized t ottpo , he took the road , leaving
the hotel in charge of time lmustler. 1Vork-
fug sontlu limo ciroms stowpel far a day or
two at each of time several small camiups
between lucre : mad the international boat.
dary , mukiug money at ail , and then
crosscut over into Mexico , where its
movements were lost track of. Ycste dny
time major rettmrmicd , rather Ihmsii of mmiomey
amnl sconingly welt satisfied with hnusnlf.
After dispensuutr hos pitultty : in the bar'
roots for souse time , lie took his place in
time cmutcr of an : uhniriimg crowd amid
said :
"I made unysolf whole and cleaned up
; 100 on that circus , buys. Situ's over in
old Mexico nov poiutimig south. limo
struck imcre and t struck over there. I'll
toil yoo how it leap pened. its soon its1got
time show over the line 1 nm ] glued out a
big town in advance and told time crowd
that L would travel ahead awnile. Pro-
teuding to be afraid of robbers , I told
thou that I had seat my money ahead ,
and that at curtain points tvlic111 named ,
i wonid nleet timenu amid pay up. I knew
mighty well that it show that could lmvo
in lexico now would do so out air , for
there isn't uwnay enough down their to
wad a gun , and any : mint was to „ et rid of
the thing before it pat 1110 in time hole.
Null , I loft time show in cimur o of time
wonum : amid went a head for mu ways , billing -
ing it in three ot four places , mumd them I
slid for Aumo iea. Timer just uboul mtt
Anita , to-tiny , where they won't take mit a
dollar , but they hi keep emu until time mimid-
die of lmcxt week , oxpcetingto sec nlu. By
that time there wog t be onongh casim fn
time crowd to buy a meal , and they tvhll he
broken up worse than I was lucre. "
"limit what abort limo women-your
wife ? " sonic ono asked.
' \yell , as to that "replied time major ,
"I can't say , butt I'll gamble you some.
thin g that you don't ' see het' agasm. She
: tudl'didn't hitch. She tvatc ? to mnku
a tight repo nprfornler out of ammo mod I
swo o that ifslmo ever carne here I would
make a cook oat of lmc. In other words
1 con iuced her that instead of nmrrykng
nmo in into the show business she hind
nmiu rtcd her , elf omit of it , provitiol site in
tended to stay mmmtrrted , and that is nil
there is to il. I'm whom and limo next
efrois that comes along will steer clear
of nmc o got into leoublo. "
Thu major's udvtmtlro has been time
talk of time town today , bat the opinion
outside of the hotel is that Imo svill see the
wonamt again if the roads continue open ,
Romantie Story of John Armstrong , the
South Carolina Recluse.
Isis Murticroms Rcvomge Upon the
Alan \yho Won Ills Bride-it
] lento in time Heart of
time Forest.
NcWi)0 tie , N. C. , Correspondcnce of
limo Plmiladelplmia Times : In i8li , , just sev
uityote years ago , Jolm Armstrong was
born near 11'tlntngi011 , in this slate , lie
was time only son of a 1vehl to do fu : nmur
and received an ordinary common school
education ; At twenty years of age Ito
became ennumom Ld of n young woman
nmuumed Carrie Scott , daugldcr of a farmer
whit came front Vfrmrl11ia and who purr
chased time land adjo'nug ' limo farm of
Arutsltomig's father , Joltiu's love soonmed
to be reciprocated and he lived ou in
blissful nuticipattot of time future.
For two year's Ito was : usidmous in his
attentions , and the wedding day was
I'nnlfy ' decided upon , ' 1'lmeme vts : no imp.
pier man in the stale of North Carolina
than John Armstrong. ' 1'ho oventfmil tiny
arrived , Joim arrayed himself in his
wcddimig suit , : tnd , in conpany with a
few invited guests , set out for time lmontu
of his expected bride. On time way he
was stet ltv a colored servant , tvluo , in a
few words , told hint that llliss Carrie had
been nmuricd : at S o'clock that nlornimig
to a northern gentlcnlau ntmmd : Samuel
Opdyke 1111(1 Iuud sta'tcd on mu wedding
journey north in a curiage.
For a inomimeit Armnstrong was pnr-
alyzcd with astotlishumemt , but presently
r000veriirg his sell-possession , lee looked
about Lim upon his wondering group of
sympathutic spectators. Thou , w ithmomlt
uttering a word , Ito put spurs to his
horse , and , ] caving his Lrurmsts still in time
road , soon disappeared in time distance ,
IIo was never seen again iii time mmoigilbor -
hood , and although every ell'hrt was
made to discover his wlmereabonts , they
invariably peoVCtl futile , mmd fimialiy time
community settled rlowu to the belief that
ho had committed suicide ,
A Mpnnrmious urvtsru. :
Years passed : away nil time circumstance -
stance was forgotten. Ills father and
mother .lied died , and , mtltluomgit Rohn
was time iegitimato heir to time est mite , an
uncle took charge of the estate until he
should be found. Ono day during the
war a federal ollicem' , to escape capture
by a scouting party of coufcderato cat -
alry , took rufmge iii a swamp , ltm tveider' :
fag back lie became bewildered and
penetrated still deeper in limo gloonmy recesses
cesses of time great forest. Be suddenly
ctlnc taco to face with a inn armed ivilh
aim ortiuuuy shotgun.
Ifullo , sh ang'r , wtmo be you ? ' '
A soldier tvlmo has lost his way , m rL
plied time olliccr , seeing that cemcoalalent
of his position w'ms : inlposSiblo ,
"Not one o' US , 1 guess ? " gnerked time
"No. I am an officer of the federal
a'mmty. "
1Vall , stranger , I tit no killer , tlmotigh
I'm mighty strong agiu timer Yankees ,
1Vhtt : nuiglit vcr name be ? "
' 'Sanuel OJRtYke. "
The nuul stu : ted hack and cocked his
gam , "Opdyke-Opdyke-the seotnmdrol
tt'ho married Carrie Scott and destroyed
nay hitipiness. "
" 1 mutt harry Carrie Scott , marred for
hccause I loved bur. llut w ho ate you
tint you should get so excited over time
nether ? "
"Dlo-me-why , I'mum John Armst0ng
wIc e ourtLd flat , tt „ , r , t mead site t ow"r
she loved mum a button thasi : umything clsu
in time world. Bat sue tiecnived mime ; her
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heart is-as hollow ; situ was false to nro -
and I have uty revenge. " And h0 re set y " 1
his gun out pulled time triggor. Captnam
Samuc1 Updy'ke fell d0ttd a Imis feet.
In t'clmuting this time old mut-tor : ho
himimselftold time slum y-becauue toribly
agenttted : amid robbed Imis holds in mmp : mr-
emit fleudslu ! exultation , "Ail" s tul he ,
"tint were a imlammemlt of sweet ru'veiige. ' "'mnu t'm : tat't : oN .t firtuarr.
For nearly 11fty yours ho Imas lived
: dune in time North Carolina forests , Ile
determined , whet time seevtumt on that
fate I nloenimig brought hinm the stmrtIiim :
amid bitter intelligence that his w'uuld-bo
bride had violmicd : her pronmisc , to for.
oven' turn his bmek : on hnnmunitV. : ' [ Ito
cabin in w'hiclt lie lives ho built hinlso1f
It is in the trinonmiest ail remtotest sell
trade of time forest , and were it not for t11o
little garden hue cuhttvntcs , thus uviuleuc-
! ng the cxistenco of eiviliztion , , would be
a risnmll abotie indeed. Ile endeavomu to
mt'oul time society ut amt its mach as poss
sible and is cxcecdiuggly annoyed that his
hiding place has become kuowu , lie
was accidently discovered by a party of
humitues , lie ms still vigorous for his ego
umd : tthomgh his hair amid loog llovimig
beard are e.5 witito its snow , lop w mulks
erect mold frith aft elastic , boayult : step.
\Vhen ho (1005 condescend to talk he is
cheerful and entertaining in his
ConvOrsation , but studiousiy avoids
any reference to time feuude
sex. IIo avers that lie ins
not soot o spoken tor a woman for time
past thirty years , amid has never soot al
taihroad ; cur or stemtulbont lIe knows
contpnrrttively little of the iaeitinuts of
every day life , going ou tit time outside
world. lie is a cumistant reader of religious -
ligious auid scmentmfiu works turd an ar-
uct student of untural history , lie pmts
u niagniiicett collection of speoumens in
the eltonmological worideubracimig bngm
booties nuul bntcrllies , flu cou toil ear- -
rectly tie name : uml habits of oven' , far
sect native to time neigllborlmood , Ile is
: tlsoum : ex ert with the pen kmiife. Since
his abode humus beeoue kmuown time boys
bring hint toiiaccu , kniek-knacks , etc , , u t pr , , ,
oxchumge : for whet h0 gives them crosses , 'an. .
hearts , whisties , etc. , which ] to nmakus '
froma beef bones. Those ho carves with I ml '
nn ot'diumu'y inifo and' the , though the { ' , d
work is slow and tedious. lie is cou '
tcnmphtting auivmilg to more seeludet (
r artersuitl : it tvilrmiot 1)11 sur prising it
fine ntornhng thin boys will search
for John Arinstromig in vain.
Fish Stories.
Jamcs Smllm ! , of Clark's llu'bor : , N. S. ,
caught a fish : old food in its stuumch a
nluusd , recently swallowed.
lliek Ilolntuu : and Alexander Junes :
caught a forty-pound tallish in a tuult-
neu gcd hollow log m a stream near Now
Lommion , Mu , More than one thousntd :
) ounds of lisht have becn caught im this
luoilov log during the last three .
Captmiiu Levi Slmiolds , of Corydon Iwd. ,
has a carp pond near his house , \Yhert \
Iw wants to feed the fish ho goes to the
gold and rings a small boll , hmstantly
time fish from mull parts of the pond start
for time fowling dace nod gather in great
numiiberS near time shore , where they tight
for food as it is tlmiosvn to them ,
A porpoise was shot by a sailor et
board a vessel jmst onlsitio time Gaivestqn
hmubo. lime vessel was stoppcd and time
porpoise wits secured by a stout noose
around its tail mind left hmmimig : ; over the
shmip's side , pond down mm time water ,
1Vituin a few moments a hmgo shark
mnmmdu a resit for time porpoisnuul : bit it hum
two , although several shots tvero fired ,
lit mu short tine time shnrk made a rush fo
time reiuainlcr and bit it iii two us
above the tail , wluich was loft inn nu' ,
Two pistol balls weru tired into Its lmoti4
tit vary short range , but it swain away
mad appcu'Ci ( to be unlumrt ,
No Uncertainty.
' ' aipout lima
'Piero is no mneei'tainty
ofout of Cimunberlnut's : : Colic , Cbolorn
an(1 1)Iarhoen ltoumedy. No 01e need -
to suilhr a single hour if they will tnkt
0110 or two doses of it.
FO ti
186 foot on 24th sI , , , corner Douglait
$23,260. ,
44 foot on 24th , near Farnam , $6,000. ,
Lot on Dodge , corner. 20th , 00x148 ,
$3,5UO. ,
Lot an Dofgt , 00feettfront , corner ,
3 OUO ,
48 fact on ZGIh street , near Dodo
$1,600. ,
5-acre lots In Iharam Park , $120
per acre. Easy term ? .
Stock of clothlug and furnishing
gcols In good locatloj for silo tr exchange -
change for Omaha reel oslatQ ,
Schlesinger Bros1
Rea Estate ears
® 18 i l
. 4