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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1886)
IL * $ * * * * * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , , SIXTEENTH ? YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , JTJLY 24 , 1886.-TWELVB PAGES. NUMBER 31. CRAWFORD GETS A DECREE The Famous Divorce Oaso Concluded and Dilko Utterly Disgraced , THE GREAT RACE AT SANDOWN CnrrleH Off Ilio Fifty Thnu- Hitnil Dollar Purse An Alpine J sun find o FrlKfilf ill Dynninlto JCxplos ion Other Foreign The I ) IIUo C'tiNc Kndcrt. Loxnov , July 23. [ Now York Herald Cable.-Speclal to the l inl : Kxlt Dllke. Ills , wife at tun minutes past thrci ! In the af- tctnoDii , awaited lilin In a biougham nt the com thoii'o private entrance on Carey street , where , ns a , right honorable pi Ivy counselor , hlscarriago is entitled to atop the wnv. What were Lady Hllko's feelings under suspense limy be Imagined. Shu clung to him , a minis- terlng angel , while nticiilsh rung his brow. When ho was first accused , did she not try to shield him hy an Immediate marriage'.1 II ail RIU ! not put herself In the bicech In two elec tion contests by her wifely faith In lacing the scandal' ' Had she not , two day.s ago , plumped n critical alibi for him , anil donu Jicrbest in magnotl/o Ihu jurymen by her ptescnco In couitV Then how did she inter pret the eij : , "run vr.itnicT is , " asatclcgtaph boy daslied down the steps pnst her coach window. Doubtless her \vlfely pluck , if not her faith , fell somewhat when , In a shott time , tlmbaronct joined tier , If ho wore then the look of dejection ho took out of the court room , wliltli ho left almost as soon as came the verdict sustaining the de cree and piactlenlly pionounclng him A rmuuiiKti AND siiiuTcnn. He had been very quiet through the speech of I'hilllmoreand the charge of the j mitre , albeit the Implication and suggestions of the latter had been soveio on him , tor ho was ex pecting a veidlctof collusion. Ciawfoul , the ft cod husband , alsocame out to his brougham , but through the publle entrance. Theioeie fi.uco pei sons In waiting , exceeding In number the crowds In fiont of the building who were rejoicing over the victory of the horse Ber- dlg. Ciaw ford cheers ami race cheers min gled. At the same time m\HTV OKOANH KOH DILKC might have been heard by the baionct who , in his brougham , \villi blinds diawn as If lor u funeral , tinned away from the couit around Chanceiy Lane towaid the fe\cr curing nice/eon the Thames onioaiikincnt. Mrs. Cr.iwloid and her staler also diovc away , but unnoticed and quietly. They had not ap peared in coiut to-day , but awaited the rc- Miltin the clerk's piivato room. Captain Fostei also dro\ away < iuietly , yet at the time Dilko was slinking out ol the judge's puvatedoor and dlsappeaied , the gallant c.ttaln ] ) showed some symptoms of follow ing him , towhoni jestculay , In his evIUcnce , he attached TIII : si KOXOK.ST that could bo apiilled by one man to another. rvi I had a lew moments conllab with a juror. English laws restrict against a juror making admissions , and ho was iuanlcd. ; Hut I learned enough to know that the steadiness with which Mrs Crawford drew the plans and gave the de < ciiptlon of Dllicc's two bed rooms to the foieman , as mentioned in no * provlovs dispatch , proved to bo the river or TUB vr.nnicT. For , said nil the Jurors , how could she know this if Dilko and the servants' stoiy be trua ami her story false ? Each juror went home with scvoifgulnois and the knowledge that ho had enjoyed a frca procenlum box : liom which to witness the greatest divorce drama pl.iyed in an English couit slnca tlie Mordant ease , when the pilnco of Wales was made to testify. SI.V.NY ijfTHiinsTurn TIIINCIS. Much could be nauuted that was Interest ing In Phlllimoro's closing speech , and moio tliat was worthy of attention i'l the case analysis and impaitlal comments of tlio Judge dining his charge. lint it is not all such species of interest that always enter into tlio result. There is no appeal for the veidlct Sir Charles is worsted in the In- ( julrj'Just ended. Perhaps it was this knowl edge that made liln'i squirm to-day when tlie JudgoBiId ; "Had Dilko been sworn on the against the unsworn confessions , ho wuiM have been absolved and there would have been no decree. " In tlnco weeks the full decieo divorcing the woman who jumped OUT or urn IMIYIKO PAJ ? into the nutilmonlal lire will bo eniollcd. To-iiiirlit In the clubs and society all are con- jcciuiliiKwhatis to become of Dilke. Oh , whatindee'di It Is known , however , thai Mis. Crawford and Mrs. Ashton Dilko will icturn to italy , wheio they will probably live quietly In exile. As to Mr. Crawford , ills Bafetosay tliatuelthor In oaillament or outof it , after the recent family lovelations , will ho bother his mind about the much mooted question. "Is it right or vviong to marry the sister of jour dlvoiccd or even deceased wife ? " _ AVIinl tlio I'rcss Sny. LONDON- uly 23 , 1 n. m. [ Xew Yoik J leiald Cable-Si eclal to theBi.i.J All the morning papers hav o leaders on the Dilko ease. Eng lish law absolutely forbids cdltoilal comment on tilals while ponding. They publish his address to the Chelsea electois tinted last night , in which ho again piotests his Inno cence , but Pays : "So far as my public llfo gee , 1 accept tlio voidlet , " and bids them farewell. The Morning News Is the blltercbt on "Ibis blOHYOF ITNITTTKIIAI ! ! , ! ! 6HAMI : . " The Telegraph draws many morals , bui says ; "Dilko has forfeited a respected aiu laboilonscaieor. " The Clnonlcle , formerly the Dilko organ , calls him a heartless mis creant , The hews , vv hleh ills father aided in establishing and hitherto DIlUo's fiiend gives him up to social ruin and agrees wltl the verdict The Times ultles a fallen statesmen , and says his best course "will bo to tukohlntself from the country. " THIS PIIIX. Wins tliti $50,000 I'urse- Gront Incitement , LONDON , July S3. ( Now Yoik Herald Cablo-Spiclal to the UiiJ : : Tlio Eclipse stakes at B.uulown to-day , except that thcio was no limiting , much lescmbled tlio con course on the late tirand Pils day in Paris Theio was a similar magnitude- being 350,000 , the largest st.ikes over raced for In the worlu. Theioweio deluging clouds tlicro were lovely toilets crushed under mackintoshes , thcio was a gieat assemblage of coaches , drags and carriages of princes nobles and trade millionaires , and theio was the Gladstone "masses , " who could bcaiccl ) see the hordes for the umbrellas. For , nut withstanding stabling had been provided fox 000 horses , almost that number were raugct and packed along the rails. J10YAI.TY I'KKSUXT. I counted fifteen royal umbrellas , the largest held over the Princess ot Wales by ai attendant , and the others , In browns am blues , over her sons and daughtcis , thotr aunts and cousins. Hut the prince , in a vvaterpioof suit from heidgear to leggings braved tbo elements. Aseoieof wateiproo J-4L- cuts dotted the reserved lawns , from which amc sounds of forks , spoons and china. "Kasslety Is allus huncrler on rainy race days , but not so thirsty , " said one philosophic waiter to another. There was an abundance of musi cal Instruments royal bands abandoned , and heie was I.IIy Clay's feminine orchestra. I'ho imtMc , however , often imncd actually leadened by the confusion of tongues , lun cheon clatter and the exciting chatter of bet ing men. In n shoit time TIII : I'outtvo IIAIX made the whole scene , even on tlio grand stand and in the rcseived place * , a ludicrous sight , but the deluge nevertheless the pad docks were visited and the parade attended to with Martlnetlsh ycal. llendigo led nmld cries of "Here they come , " and excitement was as great as I have over found at a lace , e\en the Derby. Tlie Held of twelve was a grand sight , although thetlicnched Jocldes and horses with llanks turned Into watering pots , It was an exhilar ating sight run rtKST rint.r ) In quality for tlu > year was now seen each parader n champion horse. The Kpeetators torgot the down nour In admiring the hoiscs. Tncy were looking at Candlemas who won the Kpsom and tholdrand Prix ; St. Calicn , the un beaten two-year-old and who run as n dead licat inntu with Harvester ; A ( lay Hetniit be longing to the Duchess of Montrose always going to do something but never yet doing It. Miss Jennie , who won the tl.OOO at the Now- maiKet and the Oakes ; Fia Dlavolo , heio of the sixteen Fioneh races uut to-day ns the MUST r.u.v.Nt.vo iv i\iiA.\n : ( was doomed to bo only fifth. Lord Maicus Ueiesfoid was the siaiter , perhaps the only man unconned In thlsndmiiatlon. Cieaily lie did not admiic White Fnar , who plunged and kicked as lately his owner , the Duke of Westminster , has on the political track. Three false starts vveio made and twenty minutes were passing bcfoio the strong home rule of Lout Maicus movailed and all weio propei ly olT. It was readily now seen that Uendlgo and St. Gallon continued TO UK THK Gltr.AT favorites as was yesterday announced , on ac count of Minting's mishap. Indeed it was dilllculttoget any olferon the foimervvhen the nice began. Field glasses equaling in numbers the umbrellas vveio leveled amid howls and ciies eveiywheroof "Down with your umbiellas. " faomo holdeis obeyed at once'others did not have their offending shadlngs loin away. AVhen Tom Cannon let the head loose ot llonny Black Bemligo , the latter bounded away like A rnisuv YotiNo LIOJT from the rest of the field , realising the old sporting epigiam : "Ecllp o fust , the ie t mnvheie. " Then the excitement culminated , and although the deluge was increasing hi its speed and power , the umbiellas were no where. Harely , If ever , weio SUCH CUA/.KI ) YKI.r.S heard at any raeo course , loyalties , nobilities and soprano or contralto voices mln/Hug in a grand choius of delight ns if the play of "Flying Scud" were tinned Into a new- opera , all of which uproar lasted two minutes , twelve and twollfths seconds until IJendigo's number "two , " lie being eeond in weight appealed on tlio boaid. In stantly an enthusiastic group , headed by the Pilnco of Wales , gatheied about the ownei , Mr. liaielay , of the blowing Him ot Baielay & Peiklns , congratulating him and demand ing bcakeisof champagne with which to drink his health. IHU ronri'xATn MIDAS who not only won the great stakes , but about aquaitero a million dollars besides , an nounced that he would give his thousands of woiklngmcn a holiday , and llko Lorillaid , ontlio occasion of Iroauols' victoiy , give tiicui luck money , A VEKV 01 0813 CAIjfc. Alpine Travelers Nnrrovvly Sllss Los ing Their Lives. \Copu \ > lihtul.\ { \ LONDON , July li ! . [ New Voile Ilorild Cable. Special to the Bit : : . ] The Alpine club has just icceived a thiilllng account of 110 nairovv escape of M. liuickhault , a Swiss gentleman , accompanied by the guides Tentschmann and Jo sl , in an attempt to as cend the Jiingfiau Horn the ( iiindelwald side. . It appeals that alter leaving the ( ! ngpl cabin the party had to mount the glacier ol the same name , an cnteipibe of some dlfli- cully. THE VSt'Ar. I'lJKCAUTIOXS vvcie , of course , taken. That is to say , the three men were close together , Burekhaidt In the middle and one of the guides before and the other behind him. When the cllmbcis reached Seracs , at a point maiked on Sicg- fiied'smap as being at an elevation of 'J.Tt'O inches , an enormous piece of Ice broke off tiom the upper pait of the glacier aim CAMP THU.N'Dr.IUXO UOWN , although by good foituno the mass of the av alanchedld not sweep across the patli ot the three men , they vveio struck by several large blocks of lee and scut flying. Jossl , who was leading , went headlhst Into a ciovasso of unfathomable depth , dragging after him BmcUhardt , who , however , con- til ved to hold on to the edge of the cicvasso In such a position that ho could not budge and was unable to help himself or Jossl. Their lives at that moment depended abso lutely on the stanchness of Tentsckmann , who alone had succeeded in keeping his leet. It was beyond ids power to do moie , Impos sible by his own unaided shongth to haul up tlio two men who iiu.vri IIY TUB non : . If lie had given way a single step all tliico would have been pieelpltalcd to tlio bottom of thociovassu He there stood with his feet and alpenstock Ilimly planted , holding enter tor dear life , conscious that the end was a mcio question of time , and a very short time , as his strength was rapidly walnlng. And then It would have been easy for two to es cape by sroiHieing the thlid. Onn slash of BurcUhaidi's knife would have fiecd both. But no such dastardly idea occuired to either of them. They were resolved TO i.ivi : on DM ; TooKTHint. Half an hour passed. They had abandoned hope and ToiiUckmann's forces vveie well nigh spent , wnen help came just In time to save them. The very same morning another party , consisting of two German tomists and two guides Schlo el and Kaufman had started fiom the Little Schcldek for the Jnngfrau and , coming on the traces of Burckhatdt's paity , followed them up and arrived HKFOItK IT WAS TOO LATH on the seen' ) ot the accident. Without wast * Ing a moment Schlegel went down Into the crevasse and fastened Jossl to another repose so that these ahovo were enabled to draw him up and teloaso Biirckhurut and Tcntsch- maim. Jossl , although biulsed and ex hausted , was able to walk as far as Schedeck , and all reached Uiludelvvald safely. TUB unvih IV IJYNAMITli Terrible Explosion on Hoard u Sloop 31 null DiiuiUHO Done. lUvjiK , July til [ New Yoik Cable- Special to the Bui ; ] A tremendous explosion occurmlhcroat midnight. On tha lOtb lu- stautaaloou Inden with twenty-live tons of tiynamltoand powder left lioutieur , bound to .st , I'ctoisbuijj. Having to complete her stores stie anchored In the Inner roadstead oppose the grand hotel Tiascatl. Between nldnlght and 1 a. m. the captain gave orders TO CI.KAIJ AND ANCHOIt , butowliiBtoa strong wind the sloop was li Iv en ashore amouijn row of piles some of which steve in her stern nnd put her In such a state as to lese all hope uf goUIng her afloat again. It was thetcforo decided to unload icr w lib all possible precaution , and a barge iad aheady eniried tuck to Hmnllciir part of the cargo. To-night at i : > minutes to 1'J a Tiir.Mn.VDous KXPLOSION TOOK tn.Acn leaking hundreds of windows , putting out Hie gas In all the streets of the lower part of the town and throwing fragments of all soils * s far as live hundicd yards fiom the spot. The anchor of the sloop penetrated the wall of a small mansion near the hotel Frascntl , whcic tlicro is NOT A PAXn or GLASS leftunbroked. Had sueh an accident hap pened In the day time hundreds ot prome- nadera and callers might have been Injured , roitmiately It was wmrlngraln at the time and the pier was descitcd , to that there Is no loss of life to dcploic. The IJI < : Clioss IMnv. LoN'no.v , July 'J.3. I New Yoik Herald Cable Special to the Bii : : . ] In the eleventh itmudof the chess tourney , which was pt.ijcd to-day , Lipschutslost In an IriGgular opening with Mason nnd Is tlicrefoin practically out ofthoiace. MeKen/lecamo against Xuker- tott of course and is making a gieat effort foi hist place. Blackburn won the critical battle ot the day In an iriegular game with Uun/bcrg. Tanberhaiis defeated Bird in ono ol his ecccnti le debutes.and Burn had an easy victoiyoverMoi timer ami will now have to try conclusions with the Fioneh champion which wilt ho a most exciting game deciding as it will their positions in the tomnev. The game between Schollop and Pollock was not llnislicd , but appealed to be in the formci's favor , llanhamdld not play. Xunkcitott has got to play with Gun/.beig the best two tomnancnt plajers. His chances are very doubtful. Mason has plajed thioughout the tourney with lomarkablo caution and suc ceeded in thawing neatly all of his games. The score of the adjourned games have a de cided inllucnco upon the genctal icsult of ti.o tourney ami wilt have to be finished. Fol lowing Is a summary of the seoies : I'LAYf.lIS. WOX. LOST. Tabenhaiis 7 ! ! ( iiinsbiMg 7 4 BlacKbmn OJ z\e Burns CV < J S } { Maeken/io 0 I ! Xukertoit 0 4 LIpscliuU 5 5 Mason 3 ni ) Schalloi ) 4 S > Pollock HK % Hanham UK < % Bli.l X bK Moitlmer. 2 8 OUl'DONK. ' A Bnolhlaclc heaps from the Brook lyn Uridfjo in Surety. Nr.vv YOISIC , Julvtil. At 2 this afteiuoon Stephen Biadle , a bootblack , twenty-three yeais old , employed in tlie Mills' building , jumped liom the Brooklyn bridge at the cen ter span into the river , lie was fished out and ta'ion to tlie police station appaiently iininjuied. Btodio was at ono time a news boy and latei on a pedestrian. A shoit time ago ho went on a liccbooting expedition to South Ameilca. Shoitly alter 2 o'clock a lumber vvaeon was noticed passng over the brief uo with two men In it. Something In the ulrof oneof the men attracted the notice of Police Ofllcer Sally , of the bildgo squad and ho watched the wagon as it went on. When about a bundled teet east ot the New Yoik tovvei , and near the thlid lamp post , one ot the men .stood up and took his coat on" and carelessly said to the diiver : "Well , heio goes for luck. " Ho stepped fiom the wagon to the i.dl and with out hesitating a second , jumped off. The man fell down stialght to tlie water , 120 lect below , .striking in a bunch , but with Ids feet iirst. Ho sank fiom slsht and reappeared a moment later with both hands nt his clieet as If in pain. A sUill which was hoveling near witlisomo men in it , rapidly eamo nn and took the man In. The boat was pulled to the foot of Dover street and landed. In the meantime thieo police olllceis ot the bildgo squad lan mound and down to the pier. They attested the man and took him to tin ) Oak stiect station. Ho did not seem to be much injuied by ills terrible fall , and walking alons without any assistance , followed by a mob of cheering boys and men. HAMPl'ON JIAl'l'EMNGS. The Town Sto.idlly Growing A Strong \ nn Wyclc .Sentiment. HAMPTON , Neb. , July 22. [ Correspon dence of thn Br.n.j This place is r ° w- hifj steadily and will udd two brick blocks to its size this year , ono ot them fifty nnd the other of sevonty-fivo feet frontage. Both will bo two stories high and add much to our town. Hov. Mr. Barrow , n Tecumseh reviv alist , has been holding a very successful series of meetings nt the Christian church in thib place. This is a strong republican county , and the prevailing nolitieul topic is Van Wyck or nnti-Vsui Wyck Of courao , tlio wire puller. * nru working hard to defeat him , hut four out of live , at least , of the republican voters of this county are for Van Wyck. If a few boll wotlier.s are allowed to manipulate the convention wo can expect nothing but defeat , but if the vvis'lics of the people nro heeded our delegation will bo solid lor Van Wyek , A prominent republican said on the street hist night that liu honed tlio party would liiivosonte enough to drop Laird this year , lor it vvns out of the question to expect paity fealty to bind honorable men to the Mim > 9rt of a man who had shown himself incapable of respecting either himself or his constituents. A Fisherman Drowned. Dis MOINKS , la. , July 23 , [ Special Tele gram to the BIK. : | Yesterday , while Albert Itogers , John Edwatds and Emmet Fullerton wctoengjoylng fishing sport near Prospect paik , they stiuck deep water. All had boasted that they vveio llist class svvimmcis and were not afiald of the liver. Edwards and Fulleiton swam to tlie shote thinking that liogcrs vvns following them. To their and honor they found that ho had gone down , and although they rctuined to aid him he did not icappcar. It seems that In ) became entangled In the setno and seine line and was unable to hit Ike out to any good advantage and thus met his death. The 1111- tor'unato man was twenty-four yeara of ago and leaves n wife and one child. Bralcomeii to Meet. Dr.s MOINKS , la , , July 23. [ Special Tele gram to the Bii.J : : The Brotltethood of llallroad Biakemen of Iowa and ndjolu- Ing states will have an Important nnd inter esting meeting in this city next Sunday , J ulv 25. The arrangements vv ill bo under the Des Molues lodge , and delegates ami mcin- beis Irom all paits of the state aio expected to the number of sevctal hundred. Tin Tricky Sons of the Cactus. Ei , PASO , Tex. , July 23. In spite of re peated assuiances given by thn Mexican o'ffl- cers during the day that no more tioopa should be sent to El Paso del Norte , it is learned to-night from authentic sources that a train loaded with troops Is on its way north from Chihuahua , and will bo In EU'asadel Nortob < > foio daylight. There is evidently a conccutrutlou of troops comuionchn ; . They are thought to be Chihuahua state aud uut Mexican federal troops , BRANDING BOGUS BUTTER ThoHonso Concurs in Senate Amendments to the Oloonwgarino Bill , AND CLEVELAND WILL SIGN IT. Tlio Senate lionises to Investigate tlio lnyno Kritiory Charges To Inves tigate Canntlinn Seizures Other AVnulilnuton Matters. Ituttcr Must Pay. WASIUSOTOX , JnlySJ.-Speclal [ Telegram to tlis Uii.J : : The action of the liouso to-day in agreeing to the senate nniciulments to the bo iis Imtter bill practically enacts that measure lnto.a law. It goes to the piesldeut , ami will In all probability bo presented to him within twenty-lour hours. Tim general opinion seems to be that ho will not veto the bill , preferring cither to sign It or permit it to become a law \v Ithout Ids signature. There are two very shone opposing forces working for and against this bill. The dairy Interests throughout the country mo unanimous for It , while the Knights of Labor , instigated by the packing houses and manufacturers of neutral oil , which is the basis of all olcomargailnc , have been very emphatic In their petitions against it on the gioumt that it will Incieatio the pi Ice of tlio substitute for butter. Mr. White of Minnesota , who Is a member of the agrlcultuiai committee , and who was one of the most active In securing votes for the pas sage ol this bill , Is of the opinion that the house did a vciywUo thing In concurring in Umbellate amendments. Hit says that the amount of tax Is pi.1ctie.illy of no moment so long as the law is enforced and manufae- tmeis of bogus butter are compelled to biand their product. As far as a tax in creasing tlio cost Is concerted , Mr. Wlilto does not think tliat the tacts warrant such an assertion , The t.ict that the stuff is bianded will compel its sale upon Its met its , and as a natmal consequence will leduco its price to the consumer. Therefore , notwithstanding the tax , he believes , as others believe with him , that the dheet outcome of the bill will be to cheapen the pi ice of this product to tlio consumer. _ llonso Proceedings. WA IUNOION , July ' . ' 3 , Mr. Morrison , from the" committee on lules , leported aieso- lution oideilng a session for tomoriow iilL-ht for the con&ldci.itton of public build ings bills. Mr. Henley moved to recommit tlio resolu tion with instructions to tlio committee on rules to report It back so amended as to provide tliat the evening session shall bo for the considcialion of forfeiture bills. The motion was agreed tojcas , 1H8 ; nas , 03. The house then went Into committee of tlie whole on tlio revenue mcasmcs witli a view to leaching the oleomargarine bill , and when finally that WIl was leached , the read ing of the bill wasirreeted with applause. AHerashoit discussion the senate amend ments to the oleomaigftrlno bill vveiecon- euued in jeas. 171 ; najs , 73. The bill now goes to the president fur ins action. Mr. Willis of Kontuoky , from the confer ence committee on the river and luubor bill , leported a disagreement1 and a further con- fcienco ouleietb Mr. Ilcibeit ot Alabama submitted a con ference lepoit on the naval nppiopUation bill and It was aiuced to. Tim house then took a recess till 8 p. m. . the evening session to-bo for the cousldera- tion of pension bll ! 5 * - , - IVKNI > T ) RKSSION. ' ' , The house atdts CTHnlnp session passed a number ot pension bills , among them the senate bill gianting -pension of 8100 per month to the widow of. General Stannaid. The house at 10:45 : adjouined. Pay no Not to Be. Investigated. W.v .HINOTO.Y , July 23. After the trans action of some unimportant business in tlio shape of pcraonai explanations , tlio senate lookup the P.ij no case and was addressed by Mi. Call in opposition to fuither investi gation. Mi. Evaitf closed the debate in an argu ment against further investigation. Mr. Hoar followed Mr. Evails in closing the debate and the senate proceeded to take the vote. Tholirst\oto was on the icsolu- tlon of Messrs. Hoar and I'rje ' , for fuither investigation , and it was rejected-yea * , 17 ; nays , -14 AS follows : Yeas MQSSIS. Ulalr , Conger Dawes , Ed munds , Fiye , Hale , Uaiilson , Hawley , Hoar , McMillan Mahonc , Mandcrbon. Mitchell ol Oiegon , P.ilmei , Platt , Sheiman and Wilson of iovva. Nays Heck , Berry. Blackburn , Blown , Butler , Call , Camden , Camcion , Chace , Cock- icll , Cake , Colqultt , Cullom , Eustace , Evarts , Cibson , Gorman , uiay , Hampton , Hauls , Hearst , Ingalls , Jones , of Arkansas ; Jones , ot Nevada ; Keiina , Lcwan , Mnxey , Miller , Plumb , Pdgh , Kausom. Klrtdlebeiger , Sauls- bury , Sivvyer. Sovvcll , Stanford , Teller , Vance , Van Wyck. Vest. Yooihees , Wnlt- kall. Whltthome , Wilson , of Indiana. The resolutions that there should uo no fur ther Investigation were adopted. Yeas , -11 ; nays , 17 the former vote rovor.sod. There slight appl.uibO when the icsult was announced. Mr. Logan announced that ho had received a letter fiom LleutenanKioveriior Kennedy , of Ohio , asklnz that Ids ontlio letter , fiom which Air. Lo an extracts yesteiday , might bupilntedin theiecoid. Messrs. lloir Insisted that it should bo lead , and It was lead by the cleik. * The full text of Kennedy's letter was pub lished In the Cincinnati CJommeielal-Ua etto yesteiday. The senate then icsumcd consideration of the Sunday civil bill , and had only got through thieo pages , when a iccess was taken till S p. m. IVJNINO : : SESSION. The senate resumed consideration of the Riindiy civil appropilatlon bill. Upon mo tion of Mr. Allison the amendment was adopted appropriating 810,000 tor tlio moio efliclcnt prosecution and punishment of cilmn In Utah. The senate adjourned at midnight. _ _ To Investigate Cruiiulian Seizures. WAsiiiNaio.v. July 2.1. Senator Edmunds to-day submitted tlie following resolution , which was icfeircd to 'tho committed on for eign lelatlons ; Ilusolvcd , That tha commlttco on foreign lol.itlons bo and Is hereby instructed to in quire Into the rights' of American fishing vessels and mcrcltant vessels within the Xoitli Amcilcan possessions of the queen of Croat Britain , and whether the rights of such vessels have been vloMted , and If BO what steps are necessary tolio taken by congress to secuie tlio piotcction and vindication of the rights of citizens of the United States In tlio premises ; that bald commlltfohavc power losi'iul for poisons and napeis , to employ btcuomaphdb ahd sit diiringthe recess ot the senate either as a fulUomnilttco or by any sub-committee theicof ; tlmtsneh sub-commit- tt-o shall , for the purpose of sueh investiga tion , boa committee of Iho senate to all In tents and puipo&cs. Tlio Kurplub Resolution. WASHINGTON. July 28. It Is now undci- stood tliat a caucus of icpublican senators held at Senator Sherman's liouso last even ing , resulted in the appointment of a com mittee. consisting of Messrs. Sherman , Alli son , and Aldrich , to devise a line of action vv 1th respect to the Motrlson surplus tesolu- tion , It is said that the expression of views wore of widadlvorganco , but it was tliought to be a political nccestitv that the senate committee on iinanco should not Ignore the icsolution. The committee , it is believed , will seek to amend It , leaving to tlie secietary of the treasury , M > IIIC measiiro of the discre tion he now luis over Iho matter and Ineioas- ing tlio mlnininm ot lese'i vpto bo loft in the treasmy. Tlie membei-s pf the committee and all w ho attended th caucus aie pledged to suciccy. OT1II3U WASjllXGTOX XOTN8. Uciicrnl lllnclc Huns A\vny Front the Dudley Investigation. WAsniNOToy. July S3. ( Special Tele gram to the BF.IJ ( Jeneral Black , commis sioner of pensions , left tne city this moining to attend the reunion of the ( i. A , H. in San Francisco next month. This virtual ! } settles the Investigation ot Black's unfilendly charges of paitlsaushlp In the pension olllce by Colonel Dudlov. Kepubllcan senators aic Indignant at Black that ho should run away unceremoniously from this investigation , as ho has done , although they have known for some time that ho was making a mlsciable fiasco of his clforts to sustain tlie charges. TO cojimtM rnz JOHN. The senate commlttco on military affairs to-day anieod to report favoiably Iho nomin ation of Fltz John Porter to bo a colonel on the jet I red list , and lie wilt be continued at the next executive session. As Senator Logan will not bo present , he having left to day for San KmncUco , It Is understood then1 will be no contest over the confirmation of potter. WT.STV.IIN POSTAL CIIANOi : * . Joslo K. itojer has been commissioned postmaster at Elmvvood , Neb , ; Edward J. Cuoner at Delta , Neb. , and Joseph E. Shldler at Middle River , Li. Postal onlers atrecting Star line loutes in Nebraska have been Issued as follows : Geneva to Bolvldero Kiom August 10 omit Geimva and begin at Strang , decteasing the distance ninti uud a hall miles. St Paul to Loup City Modify the order ot Juno 12 to make the decteaso of distance twenty mlies. Changes of the time schedule on the Star malliouto Horn llnmboldt to Gllmore City , In. , have been made as follows : After to- moirow leave Humboldt Tuesdays. Thins- davs and Saturdays at8:30 : p. m. ; ariive at ( Jllmore City by ( ! :30 : p. m. Leave Uilmoie City Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdas at 8 p. m. ; arrive at Humboldt hy 11 n. m. otar mail service In Nebraska has been ordoied discontinued as lollows after Aginist 9 : From ( Seneva to Fairmont , from St. Paul to Loup City. I'KIISONAT. AND finNKHAr. Jcsso Warner , of Dakota City , who wanted the Uosebud a'eiicy , is mi apiilicant lor one of the land olllccs In Nebraska. S. S. Alleyof Sallnecounty , who has been hero several days iooklngatter the Nebiaskn marslialship , left for homo to-night Impny over his iirospects. The Hcnucpin canal men are determined to defeat the rivrranil haiborblll In the house unless the Honncpln clause isicta'ncd. ' United States District Judge Love , of Iowa , spent a day this week with his brother , Thomas It. Love , of Falifax , Va. Judge Love is anative of Virginia , but moved west many yeais ago and was appointed to his pieMjnt position by President Pieroc. He will bo in Washington a shoit time betoro re turning to Iovva. FOUI3CAST1NG 1888. ninino niut Slicriniin's Respective Strength as Presidential Timber. WASHINGTON , July ! 23. [ Special Telegiam to thoBnn.J A New Yoik icpublican , and one who took an active pait in the last cam paign , isquoted by the Evening Clitic as say ing that the sentiment of the state Is favora ble to Blalno running again , only in tlio event that there is no other available candi date. Senator Sheiman , ho says , would bo the best man the republicans could select for a standard beaicr , and Diinc'innllv because he would unite le- inibiicans in the state in tao canvass. Couk- lin. ? was out of the question. All the capital ists of New Yoik , however , would rally around Shci man's standard and as every body was aware that the battle piound would bo'Nevv York again In i ss , thinking men wanted the xhongcst candidate possible put forward , and they considered the Ohio Sen ator the Most desirable man. Many of the Independent republicans who voted lor Cleveland nt-tlio last election regietted their action now and wanted to eomc back to the fold , and he had In mind four young stock brokers in one building who had dcclaieu themselv es to tliat effect. UATT&B. r = r Italians Routed in n Bloody AITray With Mexican Troops. GUAYMAS , Me\- . , July 23. Advices from Yaqul river lepoit a pitched battle between the Mexican troops and Yaqui , yesterday. Colonel Loienzo Tones , with thieo bundled men , while eonve.ving a tiain ot piovisious from .Medano to Toiring , met the Indians , who numbered twelve hundred , about one and a halt leagues irom Medano. In tlie bat tle which ensued and lasted thiee horns the Indians vveio repulsed with n loss of foity killed and twenty misoneis , who vvoio im mediately shot. The Mexican losses oie Captain Arms and nine men killed and twenty wounded. The Ijatcsr Ap.iclio Surprise. WASHING TON , July 'Jl. Adjutant General Drum to-day received the following telegram from Gen. Miles , dited July 2) : "Cant. Law ton repoits tliiough Col. Royal , commanding at Foil Ilnachua. that his command surpil od Geionimo's camp on Yorpo river , about ono bundled and thlity miles south and cast of Compas Sonoia , or neaily thiee-hundicd miles south of the Mex ican boundory captming all the Indian prop erty , Including hundieds of pounds ofdiled meats and nineteen tiding animals. This is the htth time within thieo months in wnlch the Indians have been surprised by the troops. While theli icsults have not been decisive. yet It has given encouiagemciit to the tioops and has reduced the numbei and stiength of the Indians , and has given them a feeling ot iii'ocurltycven in thuiemotoand almost im penetrable mountains of Mexico. " Port Uoilco Notes. Foivr DODOI : , la. , July 23. [ Special Tele gram to the Bce.J Scutt Ueclcnoll , a brake- ma non the DCS MoInes&Foit Dodge road had the Index linger of his right hand mashed at noon while backing a tiaid. John Sullivan , a brakeman on the Illinois Central , had two hngeisot his light hand maslicd at Manson. Wednesday. Tlio iingeis will bo saved In both eases. The Kelmbcig team , stolen two weeks ago , wcio recovcied yesterday In Dews , Wilght county. John VeU , Maiy Moherand Mary Iteegan , all bad cases of Insanity In this countv , vveio sent to Indeiiendoncc to-div. The Mason City and Fort Dodge , a nnw jallway , hasoideied two now engines. Tlio track laying gang of this load leave for Mason City to-day to commence track laying towaid Eagle Giovc , Monday. nt Washington Park. CIIICAOO , July 23. At Washington Park to-day tlio weather was good , the attendance largo and the racing of much inteicst , as the favorites got beaten. Tin co-fourths mile : Nellie 0 won. Nellie B second. Jacobin third. Time 1:10 : % . MIL tuals paid SW.bO. Mile : Fanchetto won. Tommy Cnu second end , Prairie Queen thlid. Tlmo-lM4) . Mn- tuaispaldS.iy. . : . Mile : King Kobki won. Colonel Clark FOC- ond. Lemon thlid. Time IH K. Mutuals paid SI 0.00. Ono and one-sixteenth miles : Llsland won , \Varrlngton \ stco'id , Tuxgatheier thlid. Timo-If : > 0. Mutuals paid Sll > .r,0. Ono and oiie-tourth miles ; Ellic II won. Lepanto second , Governor Bate third. Time 2:10. : Mutuals paid lield SHi.00. A Firtccnth Ainentliiiciit Hanging. KoiiTSiiiTiijArk. , July 2J. Lincoln Spralo ( white ) and Calvin James ( negro ) were liangcd hero to-day for a murder committed in the Indian territory. Spialo killed Benja min Clark , a white man , and his louitcon- j car-old boy , Alex ClarK , near Paul's Val ley , Chickasaw Nation , May 35 , I&b5. A Montana Settlement. BUTTF : , Mont. , July 23.-J. W. M oore , late of Nevada , shot Josph Henderson , a cloth ing merchant hero , with a dpnule-bai relied bhotgiin , killing 1dm Instantly. Ho then emptied the other ban el into himself with fatal effect. Moore claimed that Heudetsun owed him $30,000. YisTI31UAY'M : n\lili QAJIHS. Ijlncnln DoTenta Ijcixvcnvvortti In n ( neil Contest Other Oanicfi. LINCOLN , Neb. , July 23.-Special [ Tele gram to the Br.K 1 The ball eamo to-day between tlie Lincoln and Lcavenwoith clubs v\as one ot the best games ever witnessed In this city , resulting in favor of Lincoln by a scoioot ! Mo2. The home club had In the bo < c their new pitcher and manager from the disbanded Oskosh club , and on third they plajcd1 Foley , lately fiom Minneapolis and formerly a league plajer with the Huir.ilo team. The home team showed Its timber to good advantage and the management arc eoulldeiit they have now a team that ran hold any club In the Western league. The next two Kames hero will bo watched with much Inteicst , OTIIiilOAMi:9. : : AT CHICAGO Chicago 4 0220012 11 Kansas City. 0 00000000-0 Pltchns Claikson ami AVcldmau. Flist bate hits-Chicago 12 , Kansas City 0. Euors Chicago 5 , Kansas CItj 8. Umplio-Con- nelly. AT Dr.TitotT Deholt 2 0 1 J Q 0 0 5 12 St. LouK H 01000000-4 Pltcheis Geltin and llealv and Seery. Base hits Dettoltsl2 , St. Louis S. Knots- Detroit 0 , St. Louis 1 ! ) . Umplie Goldsmith. AT BOSTON Washlngtons. . . . ! 00000100-2 Uostons o * 3 FiiBtbAschlts Wasliingtons S. Bostons ! ( . Ertois Washlngtons 10 , Bostons 1. Umphe Gatfnoy. AT Nnw Yonic Philadelphia 0 0001 2001 4 New Yoik 0 00000000 0 First base Iills-Phlhidclphia S , New Yoik 3. Eirois-Phlladulphia i ! Xew York 2. Umpire Pearee. AT SrATiiN ISLAND Metropolitan 0 00102000-3 St. Louis 0 00002002 4 First bnsohlts Metropolitans i St. Louis 0. Enors Metiopoiitaus4 , St. Louis 4. Umplio -Kelly. ATllllOOKLYN Brooklvn 0 00000000-0 Louisville 0 0880031 * 7 Fhst base hits Hiooklvn 2 , Louisville 8. KrroiH Bionklyu b , Louisville 2. Umplie Walsh. AT : Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 n 8 Balttmoie 1 0020000 7 10 First base hits Cincinnati 8 , Baltlmoie 15. Knots Cincinnati 4 , BaltimoieS. Umplio Valentine. AT PHILADELPHIA Athletics 8 00100200-0 Plttsburg 5 S 0 0 0 0 2 8 2-17 Pitcheis Hyndman and Blerbouro and Galvln Firstbaso hits Atbletle.s 14 , Pltts- bmg . Eriors Athletics 11 , Pittsbuig 0. Umplio Bradley. Will Appoint a Hecelvcr. CIIICAOO , Juls 23. Judge Gicsham an nounced to-day that ho wl'l ' to-morrow ap point a receiver for the New Ymlc , New KiiglundA ; Westein Iinestmcnt company , In the suit of Short it Watson. These poisons oiganlzed thccouiany ] , whielt does a largo business In .socialties in Michigan , Nebraska and Arizona. Shoo Factory Shuts Down. SOUTH FAKMiNniiAM , Mass. , July 2.1. Tlio Para Kubber Shoo coniDany posted u no tice tills morning that its factory would bo closed July 31. Dining its continuance 1,100 hands will bo thrown out of employment. No limit to the shut down is announced. Extensive ropaiis and additions are to bo made to tlio works. Looking For Her Iluohnnd. The crop of married women coTning to Omaha looking for their husbawls is un usually largo' this year and if'DufTGreon , the popular depot police olliccr , wore not a man of the kindest disposition as well as iron nerve lie would be crazy before - ' fore this. When all other oflbits fail lie very wisely suggests informing tlie Bii : icporter , and a mcro announcement in these columns brings the lost one to light every time. It wasn't an hour after the Bii ; : was on the streets the other day with : i notice that Mrs Jerry Belt , of Onavvu , la. , was looking for her liege loid when ho was in her arms. So a hundred simi lar cases could bo cited. Yesterday Mrs. Klilndno Ueunc , of I'hittsmoutli , came to town looidng for her husband. She understood ho wus working nt his trade , that of a painter , in the Union Pacific shops. On inquiry there no such a man was known and the consequence was Mrs. Duane found herself on a strange cfty without 11101103' and no friend to whom she could nppeal for aid. A copious and continued How of tears at tlio depot attracted attention but it did not bring the object ol her search. Of- licer Green did all ho could for the lady but without oll'ect up to the hour of going to press. She is very young , quite comely , neatly dressed , ana undoubtedly Dennc will make one hop to the depot as BOOH as ho hours his belter half was there all tlay yesterday to learn of her present vvhoio- abouts. Says Ho "Was Not Roiuseli , the German who was found in nn unconscious condition on South Tenth street last Sunday evening appaiently suffering from the cflccts of having been drugged , has recovered nnd will bo re leased from the poor fnrm to-day. lie is evidently anxious to shield his compan ions and is indignant at the statement of the attendant physician that ho had been poisoned. His roommate , who disap peared at the time , has turned up again and paid Hotiiscli a visit at Iho tarm ycfa- teiday. lliifllncbs Failures. Nnw Yonif , July U3. The total number of business falhucs thioughout Canada and the United States ! s Ibi for the last seven days. nirpnrr * n r niMT xtnn CHECKERED CAREER ENDS Death of a Famous Premiere Danseuse Who Sot the World Agog. THE PEERLESS MARLACCHI. . How She Mnrrlctt Tv ns Jnnk Allotn Itcinnrknulo Career Heroin the Aiiiitnrniniit 1'iihllo on Doth Continents. Her Victories Ovor. BOSTON , Mass. , July as. fSpeeial Tele- pram to the llr.i : . ] Uulsseplna Marlacchl , the famous premiere danseuse , died at her late residence at Blllcrir.t , Mass. , at the ngo of torty-two years and nlno months. Unlssu- plna Marlarehl known In her pilmo as the Peerless Marlacchl was born In Milan , Oc tober 'JS , 18f3 , nnd when but six years old en- toted the school at La cala , vvlieto she re mained lorsl\jeats perfecting heisell in the profession ol a danseuse. ( iradiiatliii ; from the academy she visited ( Jeneva and Naples , and In IN ? ) i cached London , wheio she ultimately became a premleio danseuse , appearing at Her Majesty's theater. In 1WJI , when she was but twenty-one jeais old she visited Floience , LisbonTurin nnd other continental cities , and while In Lisbon was engaged by loyal command to arpjar at the lloyal theatieat Batcelona , Spain. During a btlcf visit to Lisbon she became acquainted with Dlpall , the famous managei ami aitlst , and In isiir came to Ameilca under his man agement as the premleio In the Dlpall Par isian llallet company , being a couniet attinc- tion to.lancU As Palmei's "Black Cioolc , ] ' then being pcifonucd at Niblo'sCaiden. She made her American debut at Itantoid's Mu seum , Now York , and cieated an inimen o sensation. Fiom tlio latter theatie she went to the Academy ol Music In New Yoik. Fiom thcte she came to Boston , appealing tor the llrst time nt the old Con tinental tlioiitio December IB , POf. In Jati- uatv ot the following year .slit ) appealed at the riieatto Comlque , and in the following November retmned to that tliealte , wheiq .she filled a most successful engagement , in isr.l she mauled J. It. Omohnndio ( "Texas Jack" ) In Koehostcr , N. Y. , and In company with her husband and an otganl/ed troupe visited the Impoitant cities ol Eu rope. "Texas Jack" died in Lcad- vlllo In ISM , and Matlncchl ciuno last and took up her tesldeuceat Lowel with a sister. Tito latter died about ti jeat ago and the danseusu lomovcd to ICist Itclictlin , when * she possessed conxidctable piopeily. Forthe last nlno months she has suileied seveiely liom c.dicrr , which event u illy , caused ner death , which sccuiied at 11 o'cloi'jt tills inuinlng. The will take place In Lowell Monday. The Sncnucrhund'ri Grand King- . MiLWAi'tu.i : , July 2J. ! When to-night 25 male voices tilling the vast Exposition hall with n wealth of melody , containing in the pil/e Cantata Columbus , an iiudlenco of twelve thousand people listened and demon strated llicirupmoval at Its eloio by giving Dlieetor Calenthusen , of the F.itlonal Siiong- cibitnd , a m-rlect ovation. To-night numer ous toich light pi occasions and seienndes are taUmg place. The EUhniiKiansociety of New Ymk gave a iceupllon commencing at mldnluht. Pioinlnent gtiotU weio picscilt from all puts of the couutiy. All the Kings and declamations vveie composed lor the oc casion. The allair was conducted on an elaborate scale , and did not conclude until an early hour In the morning. St. Loub or In dianapolis will bo the next place of meeting ! A Costly ColliBlon. PiTTsnumi , July 23. A passenger train on the Pan Handle i ail load collided with a mail Irain this afternoon near Feinwood .sta tion. Both tialns vvcie badly wrecked and n numbei ot tiahimcu vvcie seiiously injuied , but no p.isbcngcts hint. A H envy Failure. CHICAGO , July 2. ! . The linn of Snider ifc Hoole , booUblndetsaud deateis in piinloin' materials , made an assignment tills after noon. The liabilities are placed a SSOO , 09 , with assets the same. /.rse.i Its -victims to bo miserable , ! . confused , and depressed In mlnil , very Irrita ble , languid , and drowsy. H Is a , dlscaso which docs not get well of Itself. It require * careful , persistent attention , and a , remedy to throw oil the causci and tone up the diges tive organs till they jieiform their thitlca willingly. Hood's 8in > np.iillla proven Just the required icmcily In liundicds ol cases. " I have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla for dys pepsia , from which I have Buffered two jeari. 1 tried many oilier medicines , but none ju ovctl so satisfactory as Hood's Sarsaparllla. " THOMAS COOK , Uiush Klectrlo Llyht Co. , Kcvr York City. , Sick Headache Tor the past two year ? I have boon anilctcd with scvero headaches and dyspep sia. I was Induced to try Hood's fiarsaju- illla , and have found great relief. Iclucr- * fully recommend It to all. " Muu. U. lf. ANhAiiLi ; , New Haven , Conn. H " His. Mary C. Smith , Camlnldgcport , Jfasi. , was a sufferer from dyspepsia and Mck litut- ! aehc. Bho took Hood's BarsaparllU ami found it tlio best remedy bho ever used. Hood's * Sarsaparllla Bold by all drupglsts. 81 ; six for $5. M.i-V > 'oalyliyO. ' I. IIOOU & CO. , Lowell , Jlas3 IOO Doses Ono Doitnr. AT T Atul Ubslltan cost until closed out , tlm luiye klocls of DRY GOQ [ Boots anfl Shoes , Anil ( Jcuts' I' ' n-nlthlnu ( , 'oods of the 02-J and OJO A . JOtli fit. A word to llic wine Is Cane and ? caj'ot < ( iJ-Aand < il < } $ . tOth it.