Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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: TO LOAN On real ( * * t to. He-
MONiv rate on Inriroloan * Contrtll Invp l-
input Co. , Darker lllouk.cor. 15th and rarimm st
_ 155 _ _
ONUV TO l.oAN'-On fann nnd city prop-
city , lit lowest r tis , W. A. Spencer 1VJ9
runinmst. It'i
OMV : TO LOAN On real i-Matr.
M II. B. Smith , Itooin ; ) , Wlthnull Iliock.
To T.oan on real cstnto In sums ot
MONKY upwnnls , Address Almet Skeel ,
Mlllard hotel , _ 070 2t _ _
riCclAI. ITM > or rioo ( to loan In
ninoiintslo suit , on shnrt time inortiiires ,
three to t eli n months timn on pioperty Im
p roved or nnlmpro\eil , Call nt the Omaha
limliclal i\c-hiinife : , second tloor of llaiker
IHock. S. W. GUI' rmnamjind l.'tli St. 8M
T\TjNrV ( TO U1AN' At ri'iisonnblo rntos on
lYi. rurnltiiie.llno watches mvl tln > rticr < oiml
proporty. 0. .1. ( * ns oil , room It ) , Iron Hank
building. 12th nnd fnnuim. Tnko elo\ntor.
, have uhonii money onlonirtlmc , Innnir
Wr iUiintltytoloun | on Inside city propeity.or
farm land. Mur-thall I.obcck , 1511 l-'nrnam sU
- CKNT money to loan. It , C Patterson ,
GI-KIt and DoiiKlns. CIS
_ _
" ONKY'TO LOANAUirncn rntcg of Inter
est In gums of fznOnnd upwanls on farms
nnd dty property. V. .1. liny & < toriCroun -
to't block , so oor Capital nvo and Idth st
O nnrcd to inako loiinii In nny Amount , on nny
kind of approved security. Uireo collateral
Jeans a specialty. Al o on chattels nnd real
t'ltnto In nmounlRnnd time to suit. Lower rates ,
better terms , nnd prompter service than any
loan ngoney In the city , 'or further particulars
mil at olllco on the second lloor of the HnrKnr
Illock/ southwest corner of Fnrnnm and 15th
uticets. 875
TO LOAN Atlowor ratosthnii any-
HONKV else In the clty.onfurniture , pianos ,
orgnm , horcos , wagons , or stock of nny kind ,
llmnembcr , nt lower rntrs thim nny other loan
company in the city. City loan k Mortgage
Co. . room 15,1401 Farnnm st , oppoiltj I'nxlnn
hotel. WJ _
( >
: to loan on rosddonco nnd business
MONiv . Lowest rates. C. J. Cnswell &
Co. , Ilooiu W.Iion Hunk llulldlng , 12th and Far
nnm. 2 _
lo loan by the tindorslgnod , who has
MONKV pioporly orgiinl/od loan agency
In Omaha I-oans ol $10 to $1,000 mndo on fur
niture , pianos , organ" , horses , wagons , machin
ery , 'io. , without removal. No delays. All
hudlneos ptrlctly confidential Loans so made
Hint any part can ho paid nt nny tlmo. each pay
ment reducing the co l jnn ratn Advances
mndo on linn wntchrs nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who thov nro dealing
wlth.ns many now eoncoins nro dally coming
Into existence. Should you need monov , call
nnd RCO mo. W. 11 Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthncll
llulldlng , nnd llnrnoy. 2.18
IRO.rooto loan on city residence property
$ Oco. W.Dny , 1113 Farnam. 25'J
IT.H CI'.NT Monev to loan. Stewart & Co. ,
6. Doom3 , lion bunk , ISth and Farnnm. KH
nnooo to loan. Finns fftio nnd upwards.
$ Lowest rates , llcmls , 13tli nnd Douglas hts.
ONEY TlTT.OAN O. K. Davis * Co. Uoal
M1 Eatato and Loan asonts , 1605 Farnnm 8t
TI/rONBY / TO l/AN-On good RoourltlOJ. A
LilsicClarock , room71lodlck Block , 1509 Farnam
Bt. _ u
: \ * TO LOAN On real estate andohnt
tels. D. L. Thomas.j 2flj
MONirr TO LOAN In sums of $200 nnd tip-
wards on flrst > olAsa reel estate security ,
rotter & Cobb. 3516 Farnnm Bu 2J4
MONKY LOANKO at C. F. ltced& Co's. Loan
onico , qn furniture , pianos , horses , wngons
personal property of all kinds and all other nr-
tlclOBot value , without removal. 819 H. 13th ,
over ninghnm's Commission store. All bus-
now Rtrictlr oanfldontaL 215
rilO ix : ) IIANOi-l'oity-nvo acres of land
JL- two miles from Shoiiandoah , also house nnd
lot In the city for hordes and buggies for livery
U80. J. F. McOogy , Slionundouh , Iowa 204-21
FOK SAf.i : or oxchaiiBO stock ot goods , In
good county sent town In Nebraska ; pop
ulation I.IKK ) Ooods bought right , no old or
damaged stock. U P. H. H. will bo built Into
town thIs reason ; town rapidly growing ; stock
ooii'l ts of dry goods , notions , boots nnd shoes ,
hats nnd caps , clothing and groceries , nil cleiir.
WaiitJI.OOO cash , liiuunco In land ; good reason
for selling , miido known it desired."Address I
4t. lioq.olHeo , Omahn 185-J.3'-
$100 v 111 buy n new bnslnefs for the state ot
Nebriismi or Kansas. A monopoly. Piollt
200 per i-ent cnfdi Any mun with money will dn
well to see this at once. Address 148. Uco. 20122
* ihsOil NAMC--Or trade Nlco clean stock ol
JL } clothing utidgont's furnishing goods ut a
liberal discount. Store room can bo routed , ex
cellent locution , good trade , Inqulrxj ot Aaron
Calm , Pen & Co. Ii3-2i |
Foil SALE A number ono grocery store
splendid trade ; good reasons for selling ,
Park if 1'owlor , 1522 Doughi * . 1H1-2J
Foil SAI.I2 Now grocery store , hitolj
opened.piopriotpr engaged In some othei
niiRlness. Ono of the best locations. Slocl
and fl.xturcs about $500,2710 Furnain nenr27tl
Bt. H7-23 *
I10IIBAMS-A well established coal nnd wboi
business in n county sout of Western Iowa
No competition. Addioss Mnughlln & Co.
Ottawa , la. 123-2J *
TJ OIl HAM : One of thn oldest estahllsheii
JJ grocery business In the city , with a vorj
largo , woll-paylng trade. Will erolmngo foi
Omnlm real estate or part cash nnd balance so
cinod notes. Oood reasons given for selling ,
AddroM"I3l. " lleo oinoo. W7
OH SALI3 OK KXCHANOE-For elty prop"
crty , u nloo clean stock of groceries with r
line trade. Oood reason for selling. Thee Olson
21 Hl5tht t. 81)8-22 )
T7IOUSAri-Or : trade Crockery and boost
JL' fnrnlohlng goods store , rplcndidly looatoi
nnd doing n thriving business. Inquire of Aarot
Calm , Sou it Co , 132J Fariiiun 6t. iu.t-2 :
TTtol'SALK-Half Interest In n grocery bust
* . no s ; doing good business : ono ot thobost
locations In the city ; 111 health the reason fet
wanting to fell. Address 125 , lioo onico. 8i)5 )
WANTKIl-Pnrtnor with JSOJ , In good busl
11053. Apply 30t' ' a llth St. C02-22
, - < OU HALl- : Stock of llooks , Btntloncry ami
1 Musical Instruments. Will Boll or ion !
building. DlroctLock IloxSQIAlbionNob , tf
Foil HALAH Millnory stock for nalo cliear
or trade , Including shelving , counter , show
eases complete , Flumping patterns , otc , B. A
fhmmn , 1MI Fiirniim. Mi
HOUSKH Lots.Furms.uuid.s money iouned ,
_ Ilomls , 15th nnd Uoughisstroots. _ 471 _
TmiMl SA Li : Small groeoflTstoioTn a good To
. * - cation and doing n nlco hurlnosH , Onli
r S1CO icijuli-od , Aaron Calm , Bon < & Co , 1U22 Fur
nnm streot. 103 .
fflOll SAM- shares stock of $ IOO each ol
J ; ' tlmV yomlng Meat Company of Cheyenne ,
Wy. 'Ibis stock Is llMtuiIass , will bour tin
closest Inveotlgutlon nnd Is now paying n
good dividend. For further imrtlonlnrs address ,
O. II. T. . cure Omnlm 1 Ion. Oiimlin. Nnb. 271.
Tfloii SA Li : On account of other business I
- will sell my tco cronm purlora nnd confoe-
llonery store nt 1420 Douglas streets , allow llir
iires. if you want n bnignln npply nt once , it ,
F. Norrls. 273
TfTIOIl K.Vtll ! ANtiK-titockg of goods of overs
JJ kind , for farms und land ; nlso lands to ex
change for goods. If you wmit to Undo , nc
matter what It Uyouhnvo.wrlto. with full do
crlptlon , to C. 15. Mnyno. Keal litate ant
Triiht Co. , Omaha Nob. 260
Tmoii SA I.K-Povornl stocks of goods , doing r
- * - hcRltby builnois. ownership clear , satis
faction guaranteed ; terms cany , some Omnlu
WMl 'anVs-0"1"8- ' Mu h"1'Lo '
F Bt. 413
r0sr-3.ycnroldcolt. light bay , black mam
J and tall , light spot Inloft eye ; f 10 reward
KU10 Decatur etioet , ono block southeast tin
cemetery. A. Stanley. 177 8 *
LOsT I'lommy gtnblocor 22d and Cliarle :
street , Satin-day , July dark buy man
lour yours old nnd weighs about HX ) ltis.niisliii
nnd hud leather strap around neck with Icntho
tlu btraputtnchrd. The mare was been on Sat
imlny moriilngon wct Hint street. A llbora
niwiird will bo paid for return of the mnio. J
\ymfipeiir.2gJ3 Clmijei street. 18J-.M
O > K HUWAUD-For the loturii of pointer pup
1' J lUcr color , white legs nud belly. 2 I
and Hnriicy. j. U. 8huw. 167 2
BOAUDINO Call nt IfOi Farnnm st. for boar !
and lovely room cither man and wlfo o
mo gentlemen. B2h
"Rtoii FiKNT-iiootnuutTboarUfor two. Tai ;
J- * Capitol av > itj
J 9AltD- And lodgings , at 823 Nk 15th st.
pKltaONAI iitnbll : ticd agency at 315 N
- tIDlhst. . for thn VanOrdcn rortct. I'.ver' '
lady hould woarono. Warranted u perfect Ut
151 M"
IJKitiONAllnstruutioiu In book-kecplni
dny and evcnlnir for ladles and joung moi
nt rtHlnixxt rnics. untie Sk-plombor 1ft , J. 1) )
Btnitli , Uuskuiau l lork. isi it
' "
PiitSONAITopor : orn who wish to txilM R
homo In Orchard Hill , 1 will poll lot * upon
pnjment of the nominal ( mm of tpn doling nnd
nnlmico at the end of flvo years. Intnrost nt 8
PT cent , payable pcihl-nnnimlly. This Is the
best otTer over m de to hny homceolcor In this
city. Call and POO mo. C. K. Maynp , Hcnl K *
tate and Tru t Co. , S.W cor. IDth nnn
" \\fILL 1NVKST two or three thouonnd dollars
and pet- Ices In n piu Ing business. What
Imvo you gut ? Addioss I T > , Uco otllco ICH
OMAHA FimiNhod Itooin vV llouso Ilentlng
Agency'A , M. Dajton , proprietor , mnlh
olllce 121.1 Vanillin St. , branch olllco 1413 Doug-
Ins ct. , 410 Ninth , 51(1 ( und (121 ( H 101 li : telephone
No. 040 and 537. A largo list of furnished nnd
unfurnished loom * , houses , cct , for cus
tomer * toselett from Loino jour houses nnd
l ooins with me : I u III soon till them up n Ith dcslr-
nble tonnnts.'Como to mo for rooms nnd houses :
can suit yon at once ) cnrilngcs for patrons ;
Uk'phonc' ' or call nt nhove olliccs. 130 a IB
K'OTICi ; All parties needing slot o ghclvlna-.n
model of the Itolicrts jiortnblo nnd adjust
able "helving ran IIOMCII at 161' ) ruin'im t f < ir
nlowilnjs Mr , ) 8. Ill hutdson will show It
up. Itoborts Mfg Co. , rrcmont , Neb. ,
PIIIVV vaults nnd cess pools clenned byP. .
i : lngP.O Ilox4:7. _ 6IOauiH *
AN'D COt'NTV lion Is hoilir'l"
SCHOOL . ( Ico. W. lay ) , ( 140. ) Farnnm. 4"fl _
liHOIl HUNT Pitmro | Piano , $4 monthlv A
X1 Hospo. 1513 Doughlii. 273 _ _
"I71OII HUNT Organs , ? 3 per month , ilolpo ,
JJ J5H Douglas. 274
"IT ofl ltiS"r A moro on a good retail street
X' Apply the Omaha llcal Kstato and I/onn
Oo. 187
'ijToif HINT Sfiimro Pluno 13 monthif. A
JU Hospc. 1513 Douglas. 272
ou FtAiiK-ii'ino grnve and htilldlmr snnd
by Aaron Culm , Son & Co , , 1522 Fnrnam St.
SAM ! Sett of nearly now harnoiR , for
onehorsoHatchorQnddi ; Co.Mlllnnl Motel
Illock. 152-23
171011 sun : Uowollln setter pups , full pod-
JL' Igreo , npply ut 2215 Webster st.
120.22 *
Ij > OH HAMi-ono nrst-elats half platform
phaeton , Simpson's make , ns good tie new.
Apply nt IMholm & Krlekson's , opposite Post-
olllco. 127 2.J
[ T1OII SAIjK Knrnltuio and lease of six-room
- hoiif-o , tlmoon pait. Call 120J North 27th
street , two blocks Irom Hod Cnr llneL _ Wl ) _
T71OII SAL1 ! cheap , ono span good jionlos suit-
XA able for dellvoi yor buggy tonm. Imiulro
of II. A. .Marsh , IK)1 ) North lOthst _ 7j)0 ) _ _
"TTIOlt SAI.I : One mclodcoti , 0 octaves $4S on
JL' monthly Installments. Ono 0 stop or. nn 2
knee swell1" , ( I'i loot hlirh $05 on monthly pay
ments. One 10 stop l-'li-bt Class orgiin beanUful
cu o f75 on OUHJpiivmcnts. . Ono 7M octavo
Pintio ( Irnnd Siimro | Itixonood ca o $175 on 10
monthlv payments. Ono Iteaullfiil ( .rand
1'Iano $250 on payments nt Hospo's intisto
rooms 151.1 Uouiflas st. 00' Aug. 7
HODSUS Irfits TarmsLands money lonncd.
Ilcmls 15th nnd Douglas streets. 471
SAM : I piano , furniture nnd kltcho
717a Iflth ft fc77
TTiOIl SAI.I ! Choiip , iron columns 'mil win-
X1 dow caps siiltahlo for front on brick build
ing. For parllouliirs apply at this otllco. H13
TTUm 8ALK Oil TltADK-Ono tlno lingo ohost-
JL' nut sorrel horse ; 0 years old. 11) ) hands high.
weight loOO , well broken , good disposition , will
trad i for , two smaller horses. Hatehor , ( Indd
A : Co , Mlllard hotel block , _ 070
Foil's A kJil Squuro pluno$50 , monthly pay-
mohw. Hnspo , 1513 Douglas. 271
W 7ANTEI1 S illnliiK-room girls , Onto City
restaurant , 110 N. 16th. 171KSJ *
WANTKD A good ( fill for gencr ll house
work III a finally of 3 , or a peed llttloglrl
to assist. Apply no cor 155911th and Dorcns
sts. 174-21
WANTKIi Kxperlonccd woman cook. Ad-
dross Thos. Ferguson , Union house , Nor
folk , Nob. 171-23
> -Good cook. 119 S. 85th St.
WANTHIGood 105-23 *
W , VNTiiOood girl. 810 South 16th St.
WAJTKI > Ladles and boys Instructed In
bookkeeping until September tlr-t , evenIng
Ing school lor llvo dollars. J. 11. Smith , Hush
man blook. 180-21 *
A housekeeper. 912 Douglas st.
WANTUl ) Areliable , poison liom 25 to 30
yenrsold , to'take ehargo of'iin Inlant ;
opovrho undcrsttnnds plain sowing preferred.
Apply to Mrs. S. A. Sloman , 1014 Farnam st.
WANTKIl A good girl tor general hou o-
work , Oormtin preferred. Apply 1) . H.
Wheeler , 521 South 20th st. 15' >
\\rANTii > A girl for general housework ,
> > good wages nnd steady work In Inmlly oC
3. Inqulro at Mrs. N. J. Kdholm's , 25th and
Chlc.igo. . 15827
WANTKD-OIrl for ironoral housework 2511 ,
St. Marys uvo. 135
WANTED A good girl for general house
work , Virginia nvo , fourth house south
of Poppletou , east side. W. U. Idiocies.1H22
1H-22 *
ANTKli Tliroo moro lady oiinvnssors Im-
modlatoly to sell ladies' specialties. 030 8.
17th St. 13220
WANTKI ) A girl to work In a pilvato
boarding house,517s 12th st. 123 1 *
WANTKU Olrl for general housework ;
Uoiman or Suoilo preferred No. 1II18
Capitol avoniie , north side , middle of the block ,
between 10th and 20th streets. tf
WANTED Dining room girl ntDornn house.
913 Farnam Bt. 123
WANTKO Olrl for general housework In
family of two , M nation good cook nnd
laundress , llofcrcnces absolutely nocesMiry.
Apply to Mrs. W. II. McCord , 201 S. 18th st. W4
WANTKU A thoroughly competent girl ,
must bo a good cook. Good wages. 1823
Fnrnam stieot. S K Cor. 839
W "ANTED Flrst-eltts > s Chambermaid. Apply
at the Coz/.ons. 087-1V
U7AN1 Olrlto do general house work
I small family. Must bo n good cook ,
flood wages and permanent placo. Address ,
Mis. 0 D. Sutphon , Highland Place , West
Omaha , P. O. liox 700 1.000- ) ! !
WANTKU A woman to do general houttO-
work ; a good cook preferred. 1818 Wob-
stor. " 050 _
ANTJMl-GJrls to make overalls , shirts
and Jeans pants. C.mUclu Mf 'g Co. , cor.
llth ami Douglas , up stairs. COU-aiig. 7
WANTlCU A good girl for general house
work ; must bo a good cook , wnshor und
fro n or. 1020 Douglas .St. 577
w ANTEU-airlB07824thsf
WANTKO Immediatelya tlrst-ciass cook u
1812 Dodge St. Mil
S3 young ladles nnd gents to
learn tolograpliy. Prospects for positions
when competentgood. Address W. J , D. room
1 , block ICth st , Omaha. 733
WANTUU Thlity good men for track laying
on the Northwestern It , It. In Wyoming.
Good wages and trao transportation. Call on
II. O. Hello I Bio , 1120 Farnam St. 203
WANTii-I'Hrtnor : to Invest about 5500 to
etart now business In Omaha. Illg profit.
Nlco Independent work. On application by let
ter to I 47 , Uco ollico , full particulars will bo fur-
nUhcd. 200 22 *
\\7ANTI3 1 > Young men and hullo * tonttend
ovonlng school In book-koeplug. J. Ii.
Smith , lUislumin block. _ 180-2t *
ANTKH-A typewriter , who will furnish
his own machlno If deslrod , would Ilko a
permanent situation utter August let lloitof
lefoicnces. Will work on salary or by the hour.
Add resal.V. H. 1 lor iKHI , city. tOJ-2d
WANTKii Partner to onmigu In mnnufiio-
tnring buslncRs In Omaha ; nuut have cash
capital $1.ijJO to $10/1.10 and buslinoa ovpcrlongo.
A kplondU elmnuQ to right mun to make monoy.
Calf lor flutter purlicnlnrs at ofllceof L. D
Holmes , attorney at law , loom B , 1'tonzcr li'ock.
_ _ lb8--4
\VANTK1 > Clljr culesmau to sellrlgnis on
tt commlsslou Uakcr X Hiuboy , 1-10
Uouglna. 175
'vv'A'N'TKli Tlnoo persons to copy , J , "lT
Smith's woik on bookl.ceplng for Wjom-
fngcrcbools , address Wjiimlnj- , mom fi. Musli-
innnjilock. _ _ _ _ 1EO-24 *
WAITii : ) An oxperlonced Steam Laundry *
mun. None but oxinulcnood need apply.
AddiessKoyos & l.o.l cr , Chadion , Net ) . 172-23
\\T.\NTJi A llr/t class clothing salesman
I i who U well ( icijunlntod with Omaha tnido.
flood lefoicncos loanhod. Address I , u'J. Iloo
olllco. _ _ i4'l
\ \ ANTEfi-23 teamsters on the Mo. Pacino
> i H. U. nt Suumlt cut , 2 miles from Papll.
lloiu Ptfl-21 *
\\7.VNTio : A pastry cook at the Windsor
> \ hotel. 006
Flrnt-clau'htan cook and peed
i laundry woman. European hotel , 10th
nud Jonct. no g-j
\\'ANTKH-Libororiforlllaol Hills extent -
t Elon of II. \ M. u. II. near Hrokt-n Itow.
Men to drlvo tennis. Sarapor boldors and
* ho\clors. I ! . B. Albi ( Uf8 Labor Agency. UJi
rupii'iu 6t.
\VANTUD-rM men for Colorado ; wages 2 ;
tunnel men $ . ' , per day. M. W. Mo-
grnth , II. It. Kmploymcnt Ilurewi , 816 S. 10th t. ,
Omahn , Neb , int-24 *
" \\'ANTiD : 20 brlek'ayors to work on new
> packing heu e In South Omaha. Wages
$4.TSjicriliijr. .1. r. lldey. 1U _
\\fATsTll-lliiee : liuniTrcirToeKm nthteo
'i hundred Intioicr . ( loodvork , good pay.
Apply to Chn ? . llol ollpr 29 mile hou o Ollvo St.
Itoad , St. Ixinls Co. . Mo. , o Jacob .Inj rails ,
Lahadlc , Mo. Kceno llro * . Construction Co. ,
chief continctors St. Louis , Kansas CltvCol. .
n. n. 4f.aAug i
VITANTIJI ) Situation In a commission or
V mti lo wiirohou o by nre pectablo Oina-
dlnn of good character. Address 1 , 45 , lice
olllce. K'0-27 *
WANTini situation ns practical engineer
Address I 41 lice olllco. 1W-24'
-\\'ANTii : > _ sitmtlon In drug stare In 'o-
i briiikuor Dakota by young man , 1ms had
four years cxpcilcncr. llest of roforcnoos.
Address I , JO. Iloo ollice. 150-22 *
: A situation us tcnmater. AddrcM
I34llcoollco. ! llv 2 *
T\7IA"NTiii : sittmtlon'oViriady stenographer
> > and typorlter of nblltty nntl experience
Addic'i Marie , euro llo\jon. J'j5 '
\\fANl in : Position" clouk depftrtment ,
' i general dry goods or boil ekec'por In
hotel by mlddlo-agod woman of oxpcrlcnro nilil
lollnoniont. Mrs. II. HoxfwiT. Omiiliii. MO
WANTUn-Homo for n lltllo girl 7 ycats
old , 812 north 18th.Mrs. , Uoohttle.
117-24 *
WANTIMi-tA ioams' to hnul brick , JInrdls
& Klnpn'8 brick yanl , 15th St. S. of Vlnton.
LI In : nil wnjjcs paid. I4t-2t *
\\7ANTKD-AGooilRteady horse with sprlnv
wngonand harness : must 1)6 Clio up ; to
bo paid for In monthly instBllinciita. Addrrls
1,37 llcoolBco. < - .JtO
W ANTKI ) To KxcluuiKO Stock KonoriTl
mpixihnndlso , valued at fr.W ) toROOU , In
peed town , for Ontnim city property. Tlio P. H.
Mn > no Kenl Kstnto and Tiust Co. U7T
Vl /ANTKO Customers tor our butter and
T > cream. J. H Uoonstro , MJ ) N IBihst.
8U n 13
\\/ANTKl > A peed house fjn monthly imy-
t meets. Address 11,05. jlooolllco. , 055.
v\rANTii ; > To buy n 'nlco rcsldbncfi orfeoivl
I r bulldlnv lot In a doslrnblo location. Ad-
dregs H.jij ) , Hco ojllc . _ fi. ' > 5.
WANTio : Ladles and Bonllomcn to nttend
Vtttontlne'sShoithand and Typewriting
Institute , i\posltlon : ImildliiK' . .Vil-tiu l
AV 7ANTIMI Tobuy nlarffoscconr , mind of-
k llcosufo. A. Hospe. ftlOJylB
T rTANTii-Tcams. T. Muiray.
TV n Short-naiid work of all kinds by
J. It. Iliiyiius .V Co. lGll Uodtro st. 801 _
\\7-ANTii-SubspilGors : lor stock In the
V > Omaha l.onn and llulldlnir ussoulntloll
nnd the Mutual Loan and llultdlmr association.
Humes for nil elates cun thus ho purchased by
monthly payments ; Rhnros ( l.on per month , on
which $2JO will bo lonnad. Olllre In IC\iosltiili |
building on 15th street , O. M. Nattlm/or. Secre
tary. 314JJ-25
F 1 ) K HUNT 5 loomed house , 1IO ( ! Jackson
street , well , clstein. Inquire on promises.
1119-22 *
HUNT AhoiisooC 8 rooms , rurnlshod
or unlmnmlicd. Call ntOi.1 S 15th.
1B1-2T *
Fort ItHNT rfroomcottajfe , desirable loca
tion ; Irrnlturo for sale , nearly new.
Terms reasonable ; pint tlmu. Address I 1C ,
lice otnc-8. 187-24
ou HUNT Fin nisbod homo. Hvo blocks
y from P. O. olllco. Address I : > ? , Doc olllce.
14i-2T ! *
FOH KKNT A house of 7 rooms nnd n lot of
furniture for sale , chap. Cell nt Mi 8
latli. las-a.
FOIIKIINT At South Omaha Stock Yards ,
InrKo store with 4 rooms abovo. ttlrst-class
location ; Imiulroot A. Kullsh , 31B a 13th.
Foil ICKNT n-roomcottnire , 21st and Clark
sts. A. P. Tukoy , 130t Karnam st. 101
, suitable for otllco , cor.
llth and 1'arnam.
jU rooms on S. 15th st. near Hartnian
school house , f 10.
House : i rooms near 1'ort acre Bround , S5.
The C. r.Mnyno _ _ ItoalKstato Ac Trust Co. 078
-r KKXT-ia-rooraiouso.
rX 1 Il-room bouse.
Saloon room. ,
AJ1 on Oth und Dodgo. M. F. MartintfOSO
rill ) KKNT A ft room house with every no-
J commodiitlon , to family without chlldien.
1122 N 171 list. CHl-Sli
FOR IiKASE V'o have eleven acres on U. P.
H. H. track , P03 feet fiont : will lease all or
part for tlvo years. Bedford & Souer. 751
Tnoil9\rK Now 7 room house , 2117 Davon-
U port Street , with lot. barn 22rl . coal shod ,
outhouses , etc. , city water , cistern. Price 8J.803.
Inqulro on premises or of M. IJurko & Sons ,
stock yards. 715
J OIl HUNT 10 room hou o with modern
. Improvements , line location on strcot car
Hilo.7UN.iXiliSt. ) _ 8S3
FOU UEXT 8-roomed house ; Inqulro 2510
Capitol nvo. _ 077
FOK flKNT-Tho building now belli * built
by flarlorHrosou the corner of Kith and
Jones , GO.TCO foot , and tour or flvo storloa high ,
will bo rented for hotel or wnrohouso purpose ,
nnd hotlnlsliedtosultthopurposoof tannnt C.
K. Mnyno Itoal Kstnte and Trust Co. , 15th and
rnriuun. got
TTIOK ItKNT Itosldenco of 10 rooms , barn for
-L 14 horses , beautiful grounds , IjOavonworth
iindindst. , $50 pur month. C. n. Mnyno Itoal
Eitnto & Trust Co. , 15th nnd Fnrnam. 720
FOK HUNT A rurn.shod parlor room with
hoard , suitable for two Kcntlomeii ; also
first-class table board ; reference required ; 1810
Dodgo. 100
FOU ItKNT Vine furnlsncd rooms. 181B Tar-
mini st , , ranging In prlco from SO to $18.
1D5-A 2 *
TTIOlt HUNT Two nlooly furiiMlod front
JL' rooms , with prlvato board , to KClitlemoir ,
at423Noi-thl5thftloct. 170-- ! *
TTtOU ItKNT Desk room , room 1 , 1509 Knr
JLJ num. 148-23'
T7i ) lt ItKNT 2 store rooms cor llth mid Far-
JL1 mini , (3) . The C. H. Mayno Uoal Kstnto nnd
Trust Co , 181
oil UKNT-Ono-half store room , 23x80 , fpr
line notions or Indies' fiiriiishlnirtroodH best
location In the city. Address I 4'J. Itoo.
173-24 *
_ _ _
jTiOll ItKNT A suite of roonifT. wth | 'board ;
I ; hoiisolssurioundod by n nlco hiWn ; has
mis nnd bith room. Inqulro S. W > cor.'Otli and
U'cbsler. 15327
TTIOIt it I'.NT Pleasant fuinbliiM rooms slnale
JU or ciisullo. ( Ill ) N 1'Jlh ' _ _ _ Ul-20
FOH 1JI1NC Kiirnlshod ropms. Intiulro rtruff
atoie , 10th and Douglm. _ JOu
POlt UKNT-3 nicely furnished rooms for
gentlemen only. 1508 Cusu , U81 S3
fT-ou it I\T- Nicely furnished frbnt mirlor
JL1with boaid.tiljo day boarders 317S.17th
at , _ _ _ _ | iU s > !
T Olt HIN ' A nicely furnished bdutli room
JP 1C07 Doiitflas st. Hoforcnccs rcuulrod. 745
FOU ItKNT Two larjo , plcntant , newly fTu >
nUbod front rooms , very ohcap.BH K. 17'at.
FOU UKNT FurnUhed or unli mteh d
rooms at 211 S 12th st. over California
Coffee und Lunch rooms. , _ _ J1520 * t ,
OR HUNT FurnUbod roanii"auitubiV 'tor '
niiin and wlfo or youiitf moo. OOJ 8. Iflili.
Cor. St. Mnry's Avo. 773.22 *
' | 7tou IlliNT Kuinlshod rooms ; lartte * airy
-L ! nnd very cholotj ; every eoiivoiiieuco. 4H
Nortu l th atreet. ' OW
Foil IIENT Two largo unfurnished rooms
ft"1 re"M1I ! lltiri street. 115-2C *
_ " _
' rr > "OU HUNT 2 atoro rooms pa cornox Ctimiii
JL1 and 2Jd. $43 each.
Tbo U. U. itnyno llcul Estate and Trun Co.
_ . _ Efil _
TT'OJt JtKNT Uoslrabio furnished rooms nt
" JP _ _ ISHj'urnamstioot. _ ast
"JTlOlt UKUt Nicely furnished -Jrc-iit rooma
-a.1 eultab'.o forono ortwo Keutlemou ; till niod-
urn linpro veil. tut . MISJont-est 111
Foil lu : NT TWO stoi-Q rooms on lOtti street ,
water , ga 'anJ sewer connections. The
O.E.Mayno and Trust Co. , oor. iJUi nud FuniKtu.
T7)OU UKNT For lifrlit 'liou Klopuiff.
furuUhoa and unrurnlahetl jn fleoinor'a
lllocg. cor. Eight nnd Howard Eta.
UKNT CholoootUoo rooins on ground
noor. No. 150U i'aruam st. Inqujro of J , It.
Itlcliunlson. 41 l.jyj j
TH OIt UUNi' Anoscollvut basoinuutTfioTaha
JL1 BUS 13th st : a stores on Oth and Douglas ,
and3 stoicj on Sid and Cumin * I'auhcn A : Co.
ISUFaruaiu. &J7
1INI5 JT , Virginia nvo , nr. Woolworih.
e'"rA-- '
Oralmra 4 Uptiuwa. 18C-2J
tTWnSAt.E-llj < .A ron Chn. Port * Co. , 1322
JL1 Kurnnm * t. :
Improved buMnrsi property , centiftlly
loeair-il. fromfWW to , . . . f 90,0.0
Lot 100x144 , Inifirovr-d , pnrlng It per
cent on lnve thifnt , . P..VX )
tot Mtlltt , cortHt n f'litnlmr. . . . 15.003
r.lcjrnnt re'ldonTo" find Hrjto lot on Par-
tiniii l , n bantam m . . 31.C03
Corner 12th miil'DoiTBlfts. . . . S1 , K )
Cor. Diircnportthml'nth ' st. , lot HfxtJO ,
Improved . .l. M.OOO
LotOrttl'Gon ' JiKkrnn at , opp. ( loosliolol 1VCKX1
Cor. 13th nnd Lvuvinlwot th * ts iO.OM
A few choice lots lit Walnut IHU , JIKfltO PHI
25 fine lot * In Hfln'cVitn Place , * "UO to 2-Vfl
fl-room house , llnriufnii lot ( loorjrlft nve ,
f > room homo ( leoigiix ftvo
Elegant flat 5 | II MI > I near Len > cnworth
Splortdldlocatlou.i nt flSOO .
An o property In < iT o's add ? 4-)0 - to . . . . 5ndO
" in TUWc's mM * 4V ) to . . . 750
" In JVcSlHladofJS ) to 4M
t ncrcs In Wett Omaha 10) )
Lois In PadilocUs.pUee ' . "
Kllby pilrtgfcoto lav >
" Onifthn Viol * SfiOOto MO
" " Manhattan2JOto , flOrt
" " liodfonl plk'o ' IrVxi
I'nrk PlflcojMK ) to . . . , < OJ
Highland Placo.
Fmo grnvoliind building * nml for sale , onico
on ground floor 1322 Parnnm M. Auroli Culm ,
Bon & Co. ioi-
\VA8HtNOTON SQWAIir.-Olty wntor III front
V > of cncli lot , f I.IOQ to $ IFOD ; easy payment * .
O. II..1JV * T. _ o. , 1WI Km . . _ J723
< COJ Will secure n most diMlrnblo lot Itielo-
< PJJO > ( runt locution. Host bargain Itlthn city.
Might only will ho sold. Call in once on ! ' 11.
Sheldon , llootn 11 , Jacobs block , cor. Ifitli t
nntl Cnpltol nvcntio. H2-g4
. Fotoriwii * Co.,8. U. Cor. 15tli nnd Dmujhis t.
No. I. Lot 5 , blk. 14 , llnnxcom nlneo , lion oT
11 rooms , onst front flnoa. ? no3 cash , bal. to.
No. 8. T.ot II , blk. II , Prospect place" ! nbw cot-
tngool'5 ioom , well nnd cistern , now stttblo.i
} 2.100. fROi ) until , l > nl , to Milt.
No. n , North Imlfoflot 7 , Mk. P , Kotlnt/o .t
Ruth'H mM. , lot a"ixsO , IIOUFO of 3 roonm ninl
liirffo linscinont , well mid clstoru f 1,701. , t'lOO
cnsn , balance to suit.
No. 4. 10 ncrcs In TuttloV imli division lioluw
lots 25 nnd " 0 , n irood honso ntid burn' for BO
lioixd ofoftttlotT.OJO. V"OJ oiisii , Iml. to'Vllt.
No. n , lOncroRln Ilcllnlri n ROOI ! houso'nhil
Unrn , fx'.OM : fl.IKO cnsli. Iml tounlt ,
No. B. Lot 11 hilt O'i ' , llcdford 1'lnco $ VM ; $ S"i
canh , linltosillt
No. 7. 10 nine * next to Synillcnto I'inco ) will
8oll for $4,000 ! St.OJO caMi. bnl lo suit
1I.T. I'otorson & Co , S ilcor 16th nn.
Ins 118-24
Br.AT'TlKt'M-V lopiitctl lots InWalnuUllll
ndilltlnn , lioni ? 100 to ? C' ' ) ' , onc-loillli on li ,
linlnnco $5 par mouth. U. It. 15. & T , Co. , l.r > 0t
Fnrnnni ft. 17K2
fAolt .SALK-S.'xlSJ fert on Cuintntr st ho-
I. twcon lltli nnd Iflth ( t1 * with iv hnu n , WfiOO
TliH li ix nil o luiruiihi. U. K Mnyno Itfiil Otatu
iind Trust Co l.lth mill Fnranm. i'J-2a
_ _ _
Tj OltH CljK lio'n ) , ; roonn , roTi lot , il'xTih
JJ on monthly iniymcuts , 11. Munmuillor , : i'j ; )
8. llth St. -
_ _
BA1IOA1N In cor. lot , Plilnii'd 2if Hdil , $ ( X ) .
( IrahnniJcUonnwu , Crclnhton nik-iswt
HtT.\ilK ( Rlwrant
lot oiui block from 1'opplototi's , on IBtH
ot , ? 1:01 : to $1,100 : CUT iiuyinonls. O. It. K. &
T. Co. . ir.OJ KfU-nrtln St. 178-xn !
FOH SALI2 Choice hariTiilu In Wlloox'sZnd
ailihtlon.n hcniitlCul aero , lujs lionutltully ,
KOUth sMo of Vlnton stroot. lor $ tCO ? 1.MJO
vnoli , liiliuicu : oiiiy terms , llntsllor , ( Indd & Co. ,
Mlilnicl Hotel Illook. 1T.1 . 31
Rood lots , corner , I.oivo's ntld. , both
Sl.CW ) . Orulmni & l
FOUSAr.lTliochoMprst Improved property
In llnu'com 1'laco ; must bo ucilil within
II days. I'orprlcu and terms cull on Aaron Culm ,
Son & Co. , li ) I Ptirimm sti oot. _ ' - _
RiuiTECTATR llAlUIAl"Na 2""liJM Inriwlffht
&Iyman'fl ndd ; on n ooutur : ? 1'XX ' ) , halt
cash. J. L. lllco fit Co. , eVer Commercial llnnk.
H 9l > .1 8D3
. _ rnvol nnd building sand
by Aaron Cnlin ; Son A : Co. , 1322 Fnrnnm St.
< lOI-SJ
KAL KSTAT&\IAUUAlNS-rino \ t corner ,
100x100 , In JnuHtom Plnco fora homo. Only
$3,500. J. L. Illrj9.o.ovor / ; Commorclal Hank.
TTILLSDALI * 'VSi , that's the name , and the
J -L lots soil lov $150 to $171 on easy torms.
Hnvoyou seen # ) ( ground ? If not , do at onco.
as it costs nothing , u ) ride out to tnts hrautlt'iil
locution. Amorf tteal Estate agency , 1507 far-
num. * ' > ' 8QJ
- \ . _
FOKSAM : bro'vchnngo ' lor cltyorsnbnr-
bnn IinprnfoiPrir'iinltnprovcd property , or
( reiU'rnl mcnliiiiirtto5WOuiiQ3-CW : ) anjI.'iUU ' ) of
the llnest Nobruskiujirali-lo land In Napcc.pmin-
ty. llernhard Sucli ne , 'J17 S. 13th at. , Omaha ,
Nob. < < XU.J7
jll JJost opportunity for getting
you u cncnp homo. 80'J
HILLSUALK Como and sno It yourself , It
sells on its merits. Amos' Heal Kstnto
Agency , 1507 Farnam. SOU
FOIt HA.l > U-iTwo elegant east front corner
lots lu Hurr'Oak : natural shndo troos.
Hatcher , ( Jadd tc Co. , 1211) ) Douglas street , Mlllard
hotel block Omaha , Nob. 801
FOH SALK Therhcapost Improved piopcrty
In Ilanscom Place ; must bo sold within 3
days. For prlca mid terms call on Aiiron Calm ,
Son & Co. , 1J22 ruriinm streot. ltt-22 !
GOOD lot , corner , Lowe's add. , cheap , $700.
Graham & ; llonawn. lhU-24
Peterson & Co. S. 10. Cor. 15th iind Douglas st.
No. 1. Lot li , Illk. 14 , Ilanscom place , house of
11 rooms , cast front $3.1)00. ) $ 'JOO cash , bal. to
No. 2. Lot 14 , Dlk. IJ , Prospect place , now oot-
logo of 5 rooms , well mid cktcrn , now stable
$2.100. $ COO cash bill , to suit.
No. 3. North half of lot 7 , blk. 8 , Kount70&
Kuth'sadd. , lot 25.xfO , bou o of il rooms and
large basement , well und cistern $1,703.
cash , balance to tult.
No. 4. 10 ncres In Tnttlos' sub division b elng
lots 25 and 2iJ , a good house and barn for M
noad of cattle , ? 7.0JJ. $2tOJ cush , bill , to suit. 10 acres in Itollair. u good house and
burn , $2.003 ; $1,000 cu-li , bill to suit
No.t ) . Lot 11 blk 04 , llodford Place , 8550 ; $275
cash , Iml to Milt
No. 7. 10 acroR next to Syndicate Place ; will
sell for $4,000 ; $ l,00i ) cash , bill to suit
K. T. 1'etoreon & Co , , S E cor 15th nnd Doug
las 118-24
OOD LOT. ShlmiV-'d ui'd , cheap , $9)0. ) Ora-
linin A Iluiiow i , Crolghlmi Illk , 180-24
T AIKi K cities make suburban homos u uoi-os-
j-J sltv and this class of lots grows with tlib
rest. This In to bo considered. See Hlllsdalo nt
$150 and buy ono when you can at this flguro.
Ames' Ite l Kstato Agency , 15U7 Fnrnnm st , 899
FOU HALK Orllcnt. Now 5-ioom cottage ,
full lot Oinnlia View. Small paymentdown ,
bat monthly , also for rent fi-ioom building on
Farnam st. 5 Mocks from school , good eldo-
walk and pleasant location. Clanc ' & 1'roncli.
KUNnAim KAT'llhSHlias toraalo : *
n room .IOUPO und lot , 20th street nonr
St. .Mary's ave , $500 cash bal. mothiy $5,700
Flno cottngo and lot , 17th st. near Leavon-
worth . 1,6)1) )
Cor , lot , Hortmch's 2d.add , with 2 hoiiso . '
burn , etc . „ , 1,400
Full lot , E. V. Smith's mid. with llrst class T
house . 3'JO )
Full lot , 2 houses und barn , South uvenui > .
llargaln . U.53J
Lot 61x15 l.Lowes 2d add. near Academy of' '
thoSaared Heart , wlthc-ottngo oto. / . ; 2,500
IDOxl ' . ; , Pattorson'a subdivision , with
hoiiBoand Improvoinontswoith ( f700) ) . . 1,891
LotWxlSO , Hurt ttiTot. near Aeudemy of
the Sucrod Heart ; brlek lion so worth
* 1,200 . , . . . . , .
Lot wtk2oryBToom | house , fruit trees , t
shrubbery , olartf , . , . ' . 1 , 0
Lot with now n-iniini linuso. stable , oto , ) 2VJO
Ix > t with 4-ro < i | . < liQiise , bay window--
porches , ( Worth ? V19 > , well , fences , trees ,
und Bhruhs , rtjry , choup ut f 1,603 ; cash , I
down (100 , baUriuif25 j > er mouth . . . . '
Full lot and flirtt'd as b-rooin house and
very line lniirp\iijpnt | § , Blilnn's tocninl '
adi ] , real bnrirMn.Jv . . WH
Wlleox'd Second Udrfiifull lot and 5-ioom .
house . JJU-jJJ. . , . . ' 1,500
Full lot In PhiJtiyiwr , with now b-roora '
lioueo , oho.ip.uT. , ! . , , , , , . . . , . .i . , . 1.603
South 10th htrotftTlvomiUo's Second add ) , , ,
Int fiJrU ( , awisyvoom houao , barn ,
shod , well , vony btoo foneo , shade tioes
uiid very cliolqptuiA . , . 4.00J
SOth street , nonr.Ciistijllar.UO-lll , with cot
tage. (1110.11111 ( 11 * . . . . . . . . ! ,
S full lots on Silu'iiUdt-s strcot , with t o
story ! ) mom holtaji largo burn , etc . 6,503
S20 acios , line f.icoi land , near Waterloo ,
with very tlnolmiirdvoments , lit JIO per
ncro . . . . ' } Mr . . . . . . . , ,
_ _ UJi _ llomlmrd Suchsco. 3178. 13th 8t.
TTJLLtiIALK-HolUuily ! $150 to $175 , and will
solllonloublpttliU tlguru In 12 montuY
lime. ComouiidBcothoui , Ames1 llcal l tulo
K1LI1V PLACR. Four lots , cor Vodyo tt <
AH for flSOO. Orahnm & Ilenawa. 16121
BSACHShlN 317 STlStF St. , tcuTUafiUO
AgentArro Property. .
6ncresspleniimuiid . - . , . . , . . . $ 2/ro
lOncios ' " 1,1'ju
15 " ' < u ;
, , , 2025
10 " with hou o , barn , corn crib , well
onFloreiicolake. , , , "J'.ooo
9 iicres In Ffoicnco.t'ood location . . . . 4 , JO
Furins for Bale
ImproMxl und unimproved In Nebraska , Kan
sas and lowd.for sale or exohnnso for city prop-
01 ty. Hotel nnd saloon property fortuio II.
bucluse,3T8. | 13th Slrtou lbJ-24
Foil SAM : The cheapest Improi ei property
In lliniRcoin 1'iiico ; mum bo hold within 3
days , lor inl-o and terms call on Auron Cuba ,
Boni-Co.,13J3Fuinarabtreet. l Ji-Si
SIKClAT ( HA110A1NS TII19 Wir.K-r ; T.
Votcitonft ( "o.S. R Cor. l.Mhnndl > oiielnti 1.
NO. 1. lot 6 , Mk. 14 , Hi\n rom pl pp , hoiioft of
11 rooinf , crut front , S-MUO. $ tKO cashi unl. to
suit.No , C , Lot U , blk. n. Ire pppt rlncp. now cot-
taRoofS room" , tll nnd tlstornnow Mnblo
fS.IOO. ffidi ) PRIII , Iml. to nlt.
No.n. North linlf of lot7.Uk. P , Kount o fc
Until'1 * nddi , lot liri\sO , hoitoo of n roomB nnd
Iflrito bft pment , wp | | nnd I'lstetn S1.7CW. feW
cnKh , tiiilnnon to unit.
No , 4 10 nerp In TtittlcV ulitllvl lon bclnir
lots a"i and uM.nKooil hinmt and tmrn for iO
Ill-nil of cnttlo J7U ) . JJ.KX ) ca < h , 1 > AI. to cult.
No. f > . 10 acri'g in llollalr , n Rood house niul
barlii SS.OOJ : | liwn pn h. b il to Jiilt
No.ll. Uit 11 blkfl't , llpilford 1'lnco , f550 ! f273
cnili.lml to suit
No. 7. 10ncre nort lo RynclicAto Vlnce ; will
foil forf l.roO ! ; ioocn ) ! i. 1'iilto suit
. K. T , t'otcrson & Co , s U cor l.Mh mid foup-
las usual
Jjlou t'Af.l'S-l'iilF lot on linrmnn nVo , oppo
site for Holt Uno depot. Sacliuo ft f.Midor-
Krpnai78. ISthM. _ 161
lilOlt SAMi diip of tfni iTnn t iioro < InVp t
JL1 Clinnhn , W.UOJ. The C. K , Mnjno Kenl Kstnto
nnd Trust ( 'o rets
'l fALrncra trnekag'o on tholJ. P.trnok , cen-
I L trnlly locatedu bntguln for $15,000. J.U
lllpe , \ Co. , I3lh iiml lnnuliis. 571
HOW you can miikn money ? llv bnylnir on
easy payments a Hlllftdnlolnt for $15) ) , that
will be easily paid for and double In value.
Amcsjtenl Kuln Agency , 1&07 Fiirnnin Ml
OllClIAUlfltli.t. rots fcITon their merits.
Ixiw tirleos and onsy terms given. Call at
ThoC. I ! . Mayno nnd Triut Co.'s olllco nnd get n
plat gQj
"T1tilt ( lood 7-rootn house with cellar ,
JL' oiMorn.clty witter and barn , i { lot , f3,8M ;
enquire tittjireml'esj 2517 Davenport _ B7S
HlLLSlALl ! hit * advantages wfiloTi'eatTt bo
beaten by nny location. When you See the
lots you will admit It. Ames , J507 I'm nnm , Ulil
r. soils nt 115) ) per lot. NM
Tots ns
tlinfo nt $ liV ) nplove. Ames' Itcal I'.otnto
Aypnoy ' , Io07 I'nrnnm ot. _ _ 8J ; ) _
.1 dr TrA'io ' Improve ! ami tinlra
proved lands In IMrnixi mil olior western
oountloA. Addroo Vfm Sliuoral , Antpthoo ,
tMrnrtsCO. Nob. _ 275 nouao and 2 corner
JS lotiln VTalniit Hills y cnsli bnl. to rtult.
. . , . . - _ _
FCHl rfl7li 4o rcros snnctli iinliniken prai
rie Inndnpitr Onklnnd , Hurt countv , nt f'JO
per nero Dornhard Bnchnou , 317 Boilth iith : st.
_ _ _ HtO _
BAUtlAIN Full lot onVoh tiT ( it. between
17th and 18th st- " . . - bongos , minor n rooms
nitil ono of ilrooinx ; ROOI ! barn ami olmilo trees
ami other Iniprovcmoots ; prluo f7OOOs ca j-
tiiiniK. I'ottor&Cobb , l.iri I-'iiuiiun , st. , Omnha ,
Nob. _ _ l _
TTiOltSAiri : JIvlli , on north sldu of 1'nnmm ,
JC between aith and " 1st t roots , fl,50) ) , iiNo
SJxVG fpot on Karaam , between Huh and -Mth
Mrooti. f5,59t ) . C. K. Mayno , Itoal Kstntn nnd
Tiu'tCo. wtn-S !
" _ _ _ _ _
A"COllNr.It.lOOvl. . tuot , on Ciilitoruln st , I n
Siinnysldoadillllon. price $ : M W. 1'ottcr.V
Cobb , Ifilii l-niiiiini si , Omalia , Noli. _ si _
HOtTm : Ict ) irarm , t/in'ls ' money loancil.
_ llcinls Inth and Dnutclas Ftrocts _ 471
LOT nn 'lloilnn "itreot , near S'lhT rhortoT
$2,000. ( irahaniiV lloni'wa.Cri'ljihloli block.
1 > .SACMISSU , Ol7 "S. lilth St. , Itotri : llite
J- * AM'Hlt ,
B no\v cottiiKcs , loH 8055\10) , .Vrooms , cis
tern , pumps tn ldp , well , otc. In Lake's
add , * 2.1II ) , Ojrnorlot. " .Mil : cnsh down
JMD ; $25 per ini-litli , open tor ono \\oott
S2vS3 on Cumlujf at , with storuiuid ihvoll-
.Ititf . . a,7"iO
( rood hou > o nnd COxHO lot In U. V. Smith's
ndil . 3.0.-.0
Now Iiou80 , lot TuvliV ) , Walnut Hill , ono
block from Ilult Mno . 2.MH
Flno 8-room hou-e. born , etc. lot lOflxlOJ 4VJO
and 5-room cottage , lot MxlOI ) on Wch-
gterst.j all barualns . 2QX ( )
Lot * , Lots , Lots.
In Ambler's I'lnoo , Hickory Tln.'o ,
Amos I'lnco , lCoilnt7O Aild. ,
Hi > djoril I'laco , I.own's Add. ,
It.irtlutt'.s Add. , l.iiku's Adil. ,
1 'osier's Add , I.IUIO'B Aild. ,
Horbnck's Add. , Omalia A'low ,
Plain View , llyilo I'nrk ,
II. V. Smith's add , nnd nil other add's on easy
terms. _ . _ la.I _
1MO I'iKr on Sniinduro St. . cornur , Sli.OOO.
Oiuhnin & llcmuvn , Cielgliton Illock.
. _ tiJfl-34
Oil SAL.I : ; Improved tnrin , KM ncios , 75
acres In crop , lu acres timber , 10) ) liuarliiK
01 chard trees , Ui ) aoies nay land. 20 unrcs IIOB
pasture. " W. Jones 1421 N. a st st _ fil7-aiiirl % _
OICSAI.K Lots In HliriveV plato ? 3UJ. 811
down.balauco 5 per month ,
Thrco flni'st lots In Omaha View. Tine lots
In Hanxcom placo.
Two lotslu Milt-Ion's add. A bnrffiiln.
Two lots In Shull's 1st add. Lots In Auburn
Hoii'o nnd lot In ICountzo'n 4th add.
To buy , sell or rent property , cull on H. W.
. . . loom 1 , ] i0a i'nrnnm st. . ! l71--4 *
T AIUJH lot between St. Marv's a\o. uml
JJ Lonvonwoith bt. , cheap , fil.OOJ. Orahani
& _ cii nn a _ _ IBi t
HI l.LSDAU : , highest irround , liiuulson'ost
location ill' any lots in or around Omalia ,
tor $150 to f75 ! a lot. Co mo and sco this
Kround. Amos' llcnl Etito Agency 1537 I'nr-
n am . _ Nl ) !
I J 1'olcisou & Co. , S. 13. cor 15th nnd Doimlns st
No. 1. IiOt li , Illk 14 , Hunscom place , HOIIHU
of 11 rooms , east fiont , fi,000 : , fltJO cash , tml.
to suit.
No. a. Lot 14 , Illk. II. Piospect Placo. now
cottiiRO of 5 rooms , well and cittern , now stable ,
J'.IOO , f 00 cnih , bal. to suit.
No. 3. North half or lot 7 , Blk 8 , Kount/.o i-
ttuth's add. , lot Ujv il , housoof it rooms Hint
lurite bascmont. well niul cistern , $1,700 , 5UO
cusli , lialancoto suit.
No. 4. 10 ncres In Tnttlos' sub division bohiff
lots 25 nnd 23 , a prood lieu o nnd barn for U )
head of cattle , $7.W300 cash but. to suit.
No. 5. Ill ucrci In Itrlhilr , u ) ; oed liouso and
barn , S-,000 ; f l.TOJ cash , Iml. to suit.
No. U. Lot 11 blk U ! $ , llodford I'laco , 3" > JO ; 5275
cnsh , hallo suit
No. 7. 10 acres next to Syndicate I'laco ; will
ell for $4,000 : $ lroOcnsh , bill lo suit
K. T. 1'citorson & Co. , S. K. cor 15th nnd Doug.
lai. _ _ _
OIISU.S rxtst''nrni9 , Lands mon
llonits , 15th and Douglas stroots. 471
lots on thocornorof 37lh and Cnss sts. ,
100.\155 , loi-M-fljO. I'otter & Cobh , 1515 Par-
_ _
TTlLLSDALU-JIonutlful location. 8U3
KMUMHKU now Is tlio tlmo to buy cheap
lots. They arovr lu value faster than any
othotN. See lllllsilnlo. Lots $1W each. Ames'
Itoal KptiitqAirqiicjr , 1507 1'arnam. Hft
H Lots , Karins.Liinds money loaned.
DiunlB. 15th nnd Donglaa strnots. 471
IiiEUranco , Heal E til to
and Ix > an Agents
Northwest oirnor Fnrnnm nnd lilth BIS , over
MorohantB National bank , huvo lmpro\ed or
unimproved property In allpartsof the u.ty ami
subiii bun additions. Cull at this agency If lu
senich of liiirpiilnn.
A tmrgiifn. Twodo lrablo east front lots In
OwUht iV Lymaii'H addition at $503 o.ich on rn-iy
terms nt HUdon A ; Constock , over MoruluintJ
If > ou deslroto sell list > cur pnipoity will )
llsilon & Com-itock , oxer Merchants Nntlomi
.lank. This llrm do Ktrietly u commlsbloii hno
iu > ss and Mill omle.ivorto UnduoiistomLrfoi-a
ro.iltylUtedwllh ttiom
, : AHiAIN'-13JxlK ( fost , 8. II.
corner 2.1rd nnd California , very cheap nt
tP.r.oo and on oisy : terms , llutclior , liadd & Co. ,
itll aralotul Uiok. G 152-2- !
FOIt HAM : or exchange at u tiiirguln IU
aoro.s of fine hay land within 2'4 ' miles o'
Fremont. Nob. B. A. Slomnn , 1403 I'Mrnnm " bt.
Orouha Nol ) . 27Q
$ " 2.0 % will buy lot 2 Qulmi'a. addition , Bnutli
Hthat. . tWxlJa with Improvumoiits , nddressi
l , ! Jlooolllco. _ UI3
" "
TTALr"noro"trnL'kago on tlio U P.'tvaek , con-
.1-1-trally locntcil , a linrtriiln for fl5.0J3. J , L.
Itlcofc Co.Uth and Douglas. 671
| T\ou \ "fAlTu- One of tUf iihon noros In West
X1 Omuba.only M.OOO. The C. K Mayno llonl
Eetnt'o and Trust Co. 8(12 (
NK nnd three-fourths acres m llrookllnc nil-
dltlou , price f m Potter Ic Cobb , 1515 Fim
nniijjtjJprnahaNoli. , Wl
.1JUAL K3TATK llAItOAINS-Si'lendld ' iileco
JLV of truckage. Lays line nnd uantrally loon-
( od nt ubargains. J. L. Hlco .V Co.ovor Com
mercial Hank. Ml
HOW Is It your nolu.itior bus miido monoy/ /
i lly having courngo lo buy cheap ! otf. Vou
cnndo rhoHiimn In Hlllsiinlo , whnro lots now
selling for $150 each will hrlngdonblo that In n
\unrfroin now , Ames' llcal l tuto Agonry ,
1507 Ftirnaiust Kt )
1't'toraon ' itCo.jH 13. Tor. 15th nnd Douglas St.
No. 1 , I < ot 5 , blk. 14. HunBi'om plnco , house of
lliooius , east front , fV-ttO $96o cash , bnl. to
suit.No. . 2. Lot 14 , blk. II , Prospect plnco , now cot-
tuirn of 5 rooms , well and cistern , new ctnblo ,
JJ.100. ? 000 rush , but. to null.
No.ll. North lislf of lot7 , blk. f , Kountzo A :
Iluth'js add. , lol 25xfcO , house of 3 roDini and
largo Jb-isoment , well nml cUtorn $ I,7MI. 55W
uashbaluni-o , to suit.
No. 4 , HI ncruiln Tuttlcs' sub division being
lots 25 and 2i ) , a J-'OIK ! house and hnrn lor&J
head ol cattle $7UI ) $ . ' 0) cash , tml. to suit.
No. C. 10 acres In licllalr , a good house and
burn , 2OUO ; > VLOW null , Uil to full
No , 0. Lot 11 blk Oil , llodtord Place , f } ; F276
cuh , bill tn tnlt .v
No 7. 10 ncrcs novt to Syndlcnto place ; will
sell for $4.0 Wt ; | ,00 | tnth , hal to suit
K. T. Pctcrftan & Co. , b K cor 10th and Done-
Ia wsi
A GOOD lot in Okahomu , near liio Vlnlon * t.
cnrlluu , prlco $ lu.K ) . Potter CoUi , 15)5 )
, Omuh'.i. Neb , GJl
TpOH bAMi Full lot ol . icho-
-L. ' lus , ut a bargain. Uernhard Suciissa
317 S. Uth 6t Ull
LO'J'6 in Kllby Plato { 775 each. Graham &
Jienuwu , C'reli'liton llllr. 13U-21
SA , st.OM A.N . , 1403 Fnrnnm M. tleil Kstnto
and I-onn * Special Dnrpaln Usl
Wth st.nenr S ( , Mary's ave , dHUJ Im
prove I . , , . , , . . , , ]
Hartley st. ncnrSIM. ( OiliO Improved
Hartley M.ncnr 21st , 53x1(17 ( Improved. . n , > i
Hartley ol. nenr 2oth , rorin * Improved. ILSM
Ilnrnty ot 001. 2M , : xUO niidWulM with
hoii e,1 > ninotcnil , for . . 0,001
Hnrney st. opp. court house corner K4\47 15.WX )
Len enworth st. corner 01x1.1. , hou o 11-
ronmn , rents tor $ i per montl Sfia
I.oiMonworlh M. near 2IM , lot rxK3 ! ' ,
hou o rents for $ , V ) per month . . . . . . fi ai
l.envonworlh st. nnd Tit It , 2 corners , lint
112 . . . . . . . 4OJ ,
13th st hot. Ilimtey nnd Itowntil , icnts
. forfs'.per month P.VV )
Douglas st , bet 12th and 13th , now In Irk
store , tents for SL tXIt half Interest ,
js.coi , all lor Ifl.OCO
rarnnin Mrect , nenr SOth , Iniptoved , MX-
.luckfon , corner 14th , I'hxl.'t2 , , jmnAed. . . 2olM ! )
Dodge strcot. neur 2ih ! | , linprovi-il . 2..MX )
Cnpltol nveiuio , eornor 2uthCOxiU | : , Im-
pmved . 12OiM
Hiirnoy street , I otwocn 31st nnd : i.'inl , 1-2c
132 . 4,000
21st , near Lcavonworlh , Mtiso it.txw
21 t , near Lenvomuirth , 60xtU' ; SW )
Convent' tieet , Impnived , 4S'HI5i ) . . 4.U01
The Illicit rrsldetiee In Omahn , In elegant 10-
cation , hitpo lot , brick house and stable , alt
modern liiipNUemcnlft , nothlinras elognnt wcrt
of t'hlcnat ) ; price f W.txtl.
Prcpmty In Mnnlmttan , llodronl Vlnae.llrook-
b \\iilnni Illll , nnd nlmojt every addition In
Omnlm at low tlsrnreo. IDS
171 oil s vl.h-jsoiiciosl mile it \sratorloo7
JL1 with two nrst.rlft s houses , stables , wind'
mill. Allfunccil. Trees nnd nt $40 per noro.
lloriihnn1.tSneh een7Hgiillt ; 13th slreetKM _
J"OIl J" s.\ll : Vine guivel anil"Tinlldnrg Kami
' by Anron Onliti , on A ; Co , 1U2 : Fainatn Ft.
37IOK NAM : or'SxehTingo lor getrernl tnor
ehnndlso.UOOiicrtis llnnlly Improved hind In
Routhoin low nadjoining county neat and rail-
rend , hi Decntilr eoiinty. Has n line ( l-room
house , largo burnco-foot shod , good tillspring
nnd running water ; tin npplo trco , ehorrlcs ,
grapes , ote llornhnrd Baohssc , 317 8. 11th
st. Omaha , Nob. JUS
liKKNliAlfrfsAOIlhSIS has for Palo ;
lots In Ambler Place JlOOto 000
Lots In K. v. Smith's ndd jir.TO to 2w
Cor. lots Mlllard .V Caldwolls Add , Mxiro.
, .
Vine eait front lot , BOxUI , N ISth st . . 2,000
1'ull tot Omnha View , graded , fenced , trees
Mid shiulio . 10
lot 50xl27 ! ( , Shlnn'rt 3d mUMOImvloS AD. . . 1,000
Selected lots , Siiumlors V Hlmobuugh'siidd
. * 500to 700
Ilonutlfiil ncio lots , Patterson Park , ! P (
iiiiloM from court hoii o . J.ti5 to 4 * > 0
RlCthbol. Wlllliinis and Hickory , 50\140. . 3,41) )
Cor. biiMno < B lot , Military nvo . 450
Wllcox's 1st add , 3 lots 500 each 2 lots COO
each .
AeiolotHln Hyilopmk . $275 to U.'fl
I.ols on ; ; miiHlorrtfit. near licit Line depot ,
cneh . . . l.OK )
Lots In Plain View , Inside SGOO ; cor S70i ) to 7.V )
I.ols In llcdl'oid phsi-f . $ llto ( ) ( KX )
South Irontl ots on lluidctto nr Siinmli'rs ,
. 8IAVtti ) 1,31(1 (
LenvomvorMiit , near Park n\unnxlis. . l.KX )
Lot on Sherman avo. opp. nlto lor Holt
line depot . S5.00J lo 7,000
40 acres line vligln prairie In Oakland at. . 20
_ u _ iji-nilmid Sneh n,3l7a 13th st
KlIAL KHTA'f'K IIAHOAINS'-tnreiO'i in South
Omaha 'Joining ' ( ' . ] ' . ( leodmnn , ? 2UX)0. )
A | io < < lti\o bargain. .1. U Hlco & Co. , over Com-
meiolal Nitllonnl bunk StH
LOTS hblllniModay lor 5-SiX ) to flOOJsold u year
ngo Iorli0tu ( $ - ' . ' > 0. Think of this and get u
lot now In IlllUdalo for$15) to $175 nnd on easy
torms. Amos' Ifcnll'.stilto Agency , 1507 Farimm
_ _
f,0X ( ! ( ) toek-diVgoodo for
JL1 Omilm property. Atelier & Fitch , 218 S
15th st. _ _ _ _ _ _ 40"i
KIJAL KSTAl'IlllAIKIAINS3boautlfll south
fiontloN JiUtotfSauudersot. In Patrick's
2d nddltlon. $1,250 each. J , L. Itleo tt Co , , over
Commercial Nat loniij hunk. _ jjitt
HALFacio truckiiito on the U. P. ti nek , con-
trnlly located , a Inrgntn for S15.0JO. .1. U
llico & Co. , lilth and Douglas. _ G7I [ _
K1IAL I3S1'ATI5 HAItUArNS rinest pTeco of
truckage , easy of access and centrally lo
cated , In Omaha , at n bargain. J. L. Hlco & Co.
oyor Commercial jJutloiuil bunk. _ 804
I , P. HAMMOND. Ttcul M < tate llrokor , Room
J. 3 , 15 ' Douglas st , Omahn.
I'or snlo ut a bargain 40 foot front on
Douglas st. hot. 13th and 14th sts. , prlco $ .10,009.
48 los in ICenncy's nldltlonChlcugo ; all
choice lots ono block I mm depot on Milwaukee
lly. , and largo furniture luctory , cho.ip nt ? 503
each. Will uxohango p.irt or nil for Omahn
property. Til la O. K.
182 story brick tenement Dos
Mollies , lor sale or trade for Omaha property ,
or Nebraska or Kuns-ii lands , prioo fiiO.OUO.
AV11I trade nil or part und take half In Omahn
Wanted Some cliolco application1 ! for city
nnd larm lounsatlowot ixmlblo iutos.pccliil !
i ales given on loam of f ,0Xl ( and upwanK
4 houses on Ohio St. , SI.9JJ eacli.SJOO cash ,
bnl. ? 2 , ' > per month.
1C jou I mvo property to sell list It with mo.
Ifjou want to buy pioportv drn't tall toseo
mo and the bargains I can oiler
7 good lets In Lincoln I'laco , prices from $150
to H ) ) . Those are good.
Splendid ( l-room house mi Ohio st. , with barn :
lotil\llli feet. Iiirga'n at $2,10 , ) .
U' you have property to rent place It In my
hands. KM
o. ,
Mlllard Hotel IJIock , oiler n
few special bargains below :
HaniUomo ' .Mooni cottage nnd lot In "Idlowlld"
onlj l.M foot from street cars ; newly nud thor
oughly furnished with now furniture
nud carpets. Well , cistcin , city water ;
gns plpot throughout house ; hard wood
Unlbh 'iislilusidinviillc ; , 1'ouco * nnd all Improve-
mont-5 no ' An exceedingly good bargain.
All lor ? l.500 on easy terms.
8-room house , mid lot In Omaha View , u bar-
gulnliOO. (
Tut oo goal iwldi'necB , Chicago street , with
132.1132 feet , bringing u good lontnl , very cheap ,
Very doilrnblo property nuss nnd 20th st , 3
good house's , giounds 14)xl32 ) toot good payIng -
Ing investment ; bargain , ? 2,000.
Neat house and 2 lots , In Walnut Hill ; nlco
little homo , cheap ; $2,400.
Six beautiful lots in "Omaha Vlow. " $3,503
cnKh ; n 111 if bargain and Immediate pront.
Six line lots In "West Sldo" $400 each.
4 lots In Thornburg place $4r ( ) nnd 8500 oaoh.
Choluo lot In Ilanscom place , f l.fSOO.
lleautlful lots in Kllby Place , Hesnrvolr nddi-
tlon , Miuiluittiui , Walnut Hill und other addi
( l-room house and 2 lots.Schncll's uddition , sw
of Iliigoiih'aPnik , on Vlnton bt , I 0\PM fcot.20-
loot alley.brlok lira's foundry on , $1,001) ) .
House niul lot. 10th bL't Douglas und Dodtio
RH , burn foriX ) horso. fiK ( ) )
Jones st nonr rilh.U1) ) left Iront with fi brlek
stoics , S2lOiX ) ; louts for ( -2,000 ; splendid liar *
Liu-go residence lot In West Omaha , 00x155 ,
Sl.'W ) ; on o my term *
Hnlendld business property , Douglas st near
, big Imrgiiln. $ Pi.OX )
N W corner 18th and Fjrnam BtU1xl,1 ! feet ,
ran ; b'ugnln , $ , ( ) ! )
5 e corner Hth ard Howard , COM feet , Wi.OOJ.
On fimmni near llth. 22x111. ' , $15,0511.
Lor on Fnniain near Nob. Nat'l bank , 27,500.
44 font. Dodge opp P. O , Sit.'XK ) .
! I good rotii'oneos iiml 2 lots , Chicago st , ,
$ Hxi ( ( ) . ltonlapiydsiiondld ) ! Inteiest.
Goo'l eornor and oittii' o , 8 Kith , 50x100. Via
duct will innko IhH iiilvnnco rapidly. f ! > JO.
B o corner luth and Castollar , 03x14' ' ) , und cottage -
tago , J 1,700. ,
Abe vn uro eomo of the many bargains wo
liavo. If you wleli to buy , soil , or oAchango ,
rail on Ilafc'her , CJodd & Co , Mlllard hotel block.
_ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _
fTIOItHAMJ-'vro ha\o sUtocn lots in Hnw-
-L1 thorno addition that uo will sell ; best and
it'.ionpo&t liuldo ptoporty In Omuhiu licdlord tt
Souur _ _ _ _ 7vj
Foil rfAi.i ; Uoslilonco propoi ty ami vacant
lota In overv addition In Omnlm. Terms to
sultpnrohiiior. AlaO doslrnbl' ) business prop
erty. Oibwn , Larson it Co. , Hoom 3 , Wlthnoil
Itlock. _ IM
' . - . . Apply at 2fltll
nnd Hnrnoy. Shaw V Field. _ Hua-aa
HKAVVjrHlns In ponulAtlon pUHhes Omaha to
thol'i-ont. Sou lllllnclnlo lots that you cun
now buy for * 1W. Pick ono out. pay lor It In
Inslnlliimnts , and soil It in n years tlmo for twice
Its cost. Ames1 Jtenl Ilstuto Agency , 1V)7 ) Fur-
H A\'lT oii scon llillslaloi1 irriior , ilo to nt
ont-o and plek out u lot for ? ! > ) that will not
only make you money hut helpyou unto some ,
Ames' Heal Ustalo Agonoy , 1507 I'm num. _ KM
KITSH AND 8IIELHY-2I8 S. 15tb st. oHer
the tolhm Ing special biirgalns :
Vacant fans-
Lot on rarimm at. on gindo . f 1,000
Lot on Paik avoniiu , ni'ur I.Oiivenwoith ,
Dust front In Wnet Omaha . 2,000
Hunt front In West Omnlri . ; 75'j
Finti eornor In AilhiKton IOD II. front 3
blocks from str' ft car line . 1,650
Ileautlfut leu In Clarendon . IK ) )
fouth Omahn lota $375 to. . . , . , , , ifl'O
Finn btilMingr lot In Diinnh add . l.O'.o
Foster's udd. ht : > * SIUVto . . . . 1700
T f rojitb i-.vl ht fc Lymim's. . . , , . . .
add. , on trriUe. Doth for . lf JO
Fn-t fiont Vh'4lnl nu- . . 1A" )
Ilnjniit ! ! lot Mursli R mli ! . > ; ; ; , )
Ixit ii'i Ix > avonwort'u near flelt line . i'fi )
if.iiereR ivc-it stock j'nrd * . 175
Viiu.tiilicl L > , vo'b inincr . 70) )
nnut.lot1' ) , ' ier Mt ' 'Inr , antst . 7 ( ) ' )
l.oi In HawtMoniii B. troiton onulo . . . bV )
I/iilullawtl oi"iellroutriiyri-.idoeornur { : 1)59 )
l.iHon B. litli tt . b5J
Hoi'to nn-J lots-
New 5 room I''iuI' , wutl , clitorn nnd collar
ot > H'lli tfJXoit.hini' ) Kionthly . f-.lW
: iiuoin hoiiyuwi-at P'orunet . , . . . . il.OJJ
New house 6 riMims Pieico at , tfjO ) caah
nnl l/.il tosult . l Jl
Iloiiionr ) ' . ! IDlfet 1'iiinl on C'liuik'1 § . 2 > 0 >
5ioomnf.v hoiiKoan I full lot on boward
Hl ; blot'Ks Iroin sMOf ten H 2W
AFOomhonscon 'Idi'tli 101 li rtt . . . " , 'ti >
Ih-io hougoiindTtft c. t lioit : .uui
21 loom hoimo llowajk Illll . .dd - . ' . ' )
Hour o ndd lUCt f runt on Do > gi- < .1 l < J
l a-2J Jtrsli & t u > l v.Jl Jl 1 1 it.
Onialia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only rend to tnl > for Dos Molnp-a , Mni-
shnlltown , Cedar Itaplds , Clinton , Dlxlo , I'hlrn-
ro , Mlltrnuki'o nnd nil points enit. Tothopco-
i < lo of Nebraska , ( "olotado , WjomliiK , Ulnli ,
Utnho , Noi nitn , Orpcon , Wnshlr.Rton iiml ( "nil-
fornln It otr rs superior Advnntniros not pOMlblo
bj any other line. .
Ainomf rt few of MIC numerous points ot supe
riority enjoyed by the patrons it tit | < i rend tiu-
twppn Omnlm nnd CliluifrOi nro Its two tmlnk n
day of 1 > AV COACHKS whleh nro thu fliinst
HiHt human nit and Initentilty run nronto. Its
I'AI.ACr. Sl.lii'INl : ; IVVIIW , wlilpli nio moilelo
ofeomfort nnd oleBiiiicc. Its I'AUtXtU 1 > HAW.
1N(1 ( IKXnt CAltS , um > urpn pd by any , nnd Its
widely ct'lohraled 1'AI.ATIAI , DININO OAKS ,
tlio oiiual of whlrh rnnnot ho found obi ) \tlioro.
Attouiiollllliiirs the trnlnn of tint ITnloit I'nei-
llo lly. conneot In Union Depot with thosn of
the ChU'airo & Northwestern lly. In Chlcniro tlio
trnlm ) of this line mnkocloso ronncctlon with
Ihoco of nil oaJtcrn lines.
1'or Detroit. Columbus. Inillnnnpolls , Cincin
nati , Niagara I'nll * . lliiiralo , I'lttAhuiir , Toronto ,
Monttoil. lioston , Now York , Philadelphia , lint-
tlmoro. WnshliiRton nnd nil points la thoonst ,
nsk tlio ticket Hk'ont for tickets via tlio
If you wish tlio bo t nppoinin odatlons. All tloko
nitenth Roll tlckiits vlk this line.
> f , Huaiurr. H. a IIAIH ,
Qenornl MnnnRor. ( Ion. PnsJ. Agant.
The Croat Rook Island Route
Qiinrnntotii Its putronn tint < unrr ol iirion ) > l licit.
rllr allarilml IIT * rnllil , tlmroiiehlv bnllii < fit nml-
li"l , iiuooih irnolcii nt fiMitiiiuimi utrrl rill , lulnlnn-
llallrliulltculrprln niul l.rliler . lolllnir utoolcai nr t
| i rr i'tliin in Immitll nklll CAM hlnkn It , tli nvfsty
M > lllnni-t-j ; nf ivntmt huirnr . iiluirornnnnO lrl > r kpi ,
nul th tin plnif | ill'i'lpllni' "lilcli p r niii ih < i Mine'
tlcal oi > mtlan "f nil lt Olfior vf.clltlf . of
; hl romp nro ImiKtors til nil ruimi'Ctlnir iioliitB m
Union Depot * , nnil tha unmii PIIFad ccmfr
tuxnrleior It1 * I'ftMOini r I iulpinont ,
7ho Pint E PriTrnlni lirtnotn Ctdrnirn aitri
I'oorla. Council IDiilfK , KanuMt City Ixavrmrnrth and
Atchllim are coniiioiril ur uullrllll | tsl. llntlv up-
liolitneil DRT rnnrhrs , Mnenlllrr-nt Ilillrann l'il cii
Blntfp ranr the Inteit ilciln. ( KIII ! minirttlnim plnina
Cars. In whim oMIiorM-lj- , - < inlint inrali nrnlotunrrlr
c t n , liptwueii Chicago unit K > ni icity unit Atrhiton
are ulna run the OelAirattHl ItoclliilnitClinll-Can ;
The Famous Albert Lon Route
Ii tlio direct and ft\orlt line between Ohloroand
Mlnnrnpnllinndst. I'aul.whtro rcnnprilnnnntomail *
In Uiilini lirpou fur all point * In tha T.mltorlm and
lirlll h lrnrlnii > s. Over thlt route VIM hiprru
TraliM ma run ti > the Matiirlntf iilniri. uinnier to-
orts.ui-tiirt. ) iiu locnlltli > .nnil hunting nnil nnhlntr
Kroundinr Inwn ami .Mlnnc'imliu It In AIM tliK inert
: li > * lrntil rouln Ui llio rlcllvh < at IkMi nild pantonl
lanilii < > f Interior Iinknfi
Btlll luiothvr Dim ( rr LINK , -tin KPHXII anil Kan-
kilc < e. 1ms bum upeucO 1'lwrrii Cinrliinntl. Inillnn-
nnollt uml LaUyruo.niiil i-mmrli Illuiri. KnnraiiClty.
UlnncnpnlliinnilKt. I'nul nnil lnti > rn > iilU.oinlnti | > .
1 ur dotallvil Infuinuitlim fee Inps nnit l-'nmfirg , yull Ri tlckrta , nt rll nrlnrlpal'llukrt
Oilk-rs In the Unltitl Btatul cuU Cauodui ur by ad-
1'rea't Ocn'l ' ' Of ' '
& M'c'r. irl T'lct ii I'a
-OF TIU- :
ChicagoMilwaukee&Sl.PaulRlf ) _ . ]
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , SIlmieaiioliB , Collar Ilnpiits ,
Clinton , Dubiiquc , Duvuuport.
Hock IsIniul.Frcciioi't , Hocklbnl ,
ElK'in , Jlatlinoi ) , Janosvillo ,
IloloitVinona \ , La UVOHHO ,
And nil other Important points East , Nortlmiist
and Southeast.
For through tickets rail on the Tlekot Agent
at 1401 Fiininni street ( In IMxtou Hotel,01 ) ; ut
Union Paolllu Depot ,
Pullmiin Sleepers and the flnfst Dining Cara
In the world aio run on the main lines of the
Cuunao , Mn.w.uiKnK & Sr. I'AVI , HAII.WAV ,
und every ullontlon Is paid to passengers by
courteous omplo > eg ol thy company.
It. MM.I.KII , ( ionrral Manager.
J. F. Ti'CKKii , Abslt-tnnt ( loncral Manngor.
A. V. H. C'.uti'KNTKii , Uoncrul PuBboiujoi1 ii d
Ticket Agent.
( ii'.o. Ii. IliiAFroiin , Assistant General Piiison-
ger and Ticket Agonl
J. T. t'miK , Uotioral Superintendent. >
Kxliiiiutoil Vlulltjr. Nerroui aid I'iyilcd ) Dotilllly
Pfoiimturo DucliiiH In Mini. KrrorinC Voiitli.iiml Ihu
untold mlicrUin retultini ; frinii IndHcrullon unit ox-
teriv * . A bnolc fur uvery ninii.yDiinmlddlonited
HiicioM. U coiilillnii U'S pru < < rli > t nn lor nil aciittund
clironliidlKcaiiei , cicli nno < it wlilth In Invulunldo. ho
found by the uiilliurnliOHii uxiiorlance fur J.I your * I *
luih in rrnhnbly noriT LuMro full to tlm lot of imy
| iirflc'nnij | : iiiiaiIxiunrt In bcmitlfil Krcnch iuu -
lln. enilioisoacnviTH , full itllugimruntoed fi lianttna-
work In Bvi.Ty toiite-iiiccluinluul.lltiiriirrnii'l iircife * .
lonnl-tlnm any nthpr work lu tliln I'liiiutry fur IJ,60 ,
Hl.ioll. milla mlutooniroti ol tlio bourd tlio rcuctuf
| re | ii-ctfully rrfiiireil.
Tlio PcltMicu nf J.lfo li worth more to the young nnd
mUUIItHiKCil meniif tliliuuiivniMon tliiinnll tlio guld
mlncicit Culjfnriila Bail the i > IUermliiojof Nuradu
oinibliiPd.- , ROIiroilrlo.
Tlio Sclcnco or l.ifu pilnt out the rnrXi niul quick-
nnd on whlrli thn fontlltutlon auit liom | of iimny
n sriiunn mun lia > otceii fiitullr wrecked , -MnuclieiUr
The Hclenrn of 1.1 fa U ofrenter ( vnlno than nil tlio
nioJltuI worict iiulillnlin | hi Oils country for tha i ut
Ui voiiit-rAtlnntu < : nmltuUiiii.
Tlio Hcu-nro of 1,1 In It n ciiicrli | iind innitcrly treat-
lie on nervoui and | > li lc-ut dublliiy , Detiult l-'roa
Aililron the l'oiib < i < ty Medlc/il Initltutc , or Dr. W.
II. 1'nrkLT , .Ni ; 4 llullll ich ilieet , llo.lon. Jlun. . whii
luiiy liu contiiltiiil nn ull ilu fii e ru'iulrlnu ' nkl.l iijj'l '
RXi | > rl > iiuo. ( hronli ! unit olisllriulu dltciuut tUut
have liiilllod Ihu iklll nf culler iihr > lclan u i | ) c-
lultj. Hui.Utr iiifliiucco iiiilly wltUout uny laituucu
of lulluru. Muntlon Oaulin Iloo.
J'lflS. i-/HA Mlt.t.MlIViCO-l'rU
215 S , iulh St. , Onuha , m ,
School , County nntl Municipal Bonds
Itour , L. CiAiiuciis , F. u. JOHNSON.