THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : gRIl ) AY , JULY 23 , 188ft THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIlTBLUFPS , KK11)/\V MOH.VI NR , , ] ULV. S3. 01-FICE , NO. IS , J-EAfct STREET. J.'fcllMiul by corner In iinr pnrtof tliocltynt Iv tnlj cents jitr ock , 11.V , TII.TO.V , . . . Manager. Tii.ii'ii : : IH'MNr.i-sOmcn , No. VI NKIIIT KIUTOII No.St. MINOIt MIONTIO.V. Now York Pluiubin < r company. Summer clothing , cheap ill Uu ! tor's. Akron Rubber uninpuny'd ho e at Cooper & Mutiuu'p. 'I'lio Ninth ) < t rout bridsre lias a lioln which needs ntlcntion. The city eounoll will now rest until HUM. Mondn.v night. Only f./i / < ) per defer first class cabinet photo. " at Schmidt's , S20 Miln. : Cabinet photographs $ . ' ) per doz. , at Shunndun'a , ! )17 ) U'way , for 00 days only. Stenographer and typewriter. O. Mun- BOII , with M. V. Rurlior , ever C. U. Na tional bank. Louis Ltulwlg and Lena linker wore happily married last evening by .Justice Seliurz , on Seventh street. The normal institute continues to hold interesting and instructive sessions daily , to which visitors are cordially welcome. A dead doc In Indian crook tit Ninth street is causing ti deal ot unpleasantness in that neighborhood. Where is the dog coroner ? A now boat , ( ho Annin C. Hrcnnock , lias been placed on the lake by Jlr. Hivn- nock. Jt is a largo row boat , holding iif- teen ter ) iis. Two young follows , W. A. llrown and ( . II. Adams , got to quarreling on Itrnad- wav yesterday afternoon and Oflieor O'lirien ' led them m. Dan Carrigg is planning to invest more money in Atlantic , lie owns the building to be ocottuiod in part by the now bank , and is to build a row of ollico buildings , the frontage to bo hixty feot. There was an early breakfast , boating and bathing party at lake Manawa yes terday. Tho'participant.s onjojed them selves hugely , and there Was almost a unanimous vote in favor of sunrise on the beach as against sundown. There is a regular rush of veterans at thu transfer depot , eaeh train from the east bringing many excursionists to the G. A. H. meeting in California.As all the excursionists have to exchange their tickets at the depot hero , it makes plenty ol work for all. The young man llart'ctt. ' nabbed bv Ollleor Anderson while going through Judge Janu-s' house in the night , has boon held to await the action of the grand jury on two charges of burglary , the other be ing for his breaking open a trunk at Wells Cook 'a lioiiio. On next Thursday a brunette- young lady living on North Sixth street , it is said , is to bo united in marriage in this city to a young man now book-keeper in a largo eoM'oo and .spice house in Omaha , but formerly the junior partner in a Council Bliill's commission house. An ellbrt is beinginado to compromise the case of I1 rank \Y . llutohins , arrested for a crooked horse deal. It is said that young Ilutchins sold a horse which in fact belonged to his falhor , and that ho blow in the money trying to learn how to play faro. Tlio horse was replcvincd , iuuttho young man disappeared. Mar shal tiiianclla , who had : v warrant for his .arrest for obtaining money under false pretenses , at last found him near Logan working in a.h'ohl . , and brought him baok to this city. The Christian pavilion , situated on Fourth street , one and a half blocks south of the Masonic temple , will bo formally dedicated next Sunday night. The ser vice will begin at 7:45 : o'clock. In view of this service there will bo no service at either the Uaptist , Scandinavian , Congregational , Methodist or Presby terian ohnrches in the evening. Lot everybody go to the pavilion and take with thorn their gospel hymns that they may unite in the singing. C. Hover , secretary. When thoso-called llomoof the Friend less is owned and controlled by an asso ciation , in fact as well as in name , and when such association places in charge a manager in whom the people have confi dence , and who will properly care for the children ; when the homo is" made one in fact and not a pribon house , then there will be no diflieulty in getting the people of Council Uluffs to support it liberally. The idea of a man gathering around him a lot of children and refusing to let any of them bo taken into private homes for adoption , and then saying that if anyone comments upon the way lie treats or mis treats them , ho is guilty of oold-hoartod- ness , is simply preposterous. The public has never called upon any man to house up all the children ho can got hold of. and ho in turn has no right to demand big donations fro'm the public for that purpose. When the institution is prop erly conducted , and is in the hands of an association , the KKK will give as.much to it in cash and space as the other newspa pers of the city. Firrtt-clnBs tin work , reeling , etc. , a specialty at Cooper & McUeo's. Highest prices paid for county , town. city and school bonds. Udell liros. & Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Ulufls , Iowa. Go to the Now York Plumbing com p any for garden hoso. They warrant all t hey sell. Opera house block. Try it. Host Cream Soda in the city 5c per glass at Palmer's , No. 13 Main st. Sco that your books are made by More- house & Co. , Hoom 1 , Kvorott block. Fruits , Confectionery ami Cigars , best in the market always in stock. Frank Witheroll , 221 Hroiulwny. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. ,1 W. & K. L. Squires , 10 1'carl street , Councl JiluU'a. A Ilnrso Epltlcinlo. Numerous compkints are hoard from torso owners that many of the steeds are Bulk-ring from what appears to bo a ills- temper , which is becoming quito an opi- ( lotnio in the city , The horses run at the nostril , cough and appear weak , the trou ble liibting about two weeks , with no np. parent cause for the coming or the going of the disease. Thus far no deaths are reported. All the comfort of high priced hotels at h Paoitio house , and a saying of 50o to fa Iday. Try It. Perfect satisfactory accommodations at fJ : 00 a day at the Pacitio Houso. Give it a trial and bo convinced. Always buy your meats at Star Market ; No. 001 HroUdway , and got the best , Satisfaction guaranteed. Pacific house recently renovated. Cool rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained. J. J. Steltor , 605 Upper Broadway , will cot bo undersold , General store , Kirklaml , the jeweler , has removed to 823 JJroadway , Singer oflico. Fine pasture , plenty of water and good attention for 800 head of stock about live north ot llroadway and Main street. Inquire of L. P , Judson , No , < WO Sixth avenue , or Charles Palmer at pasture oa kiln road , CROWDED BY HIS CREDITORS , A Prominent Tabor Merchant Closed Up By Attachment. THE FIRST MARINE SUIT. Alls tlic Horses Notes From tlic ll-UDiinil-Tovvu- Hook I/ocal il.iiiiicnlnu < nnd L'cr- Mont Ion. Trouble at Tnbor. The people ut Tuber are gn-mU cxcr- utscil about thu Iliinuclul troubles of 0110 of tliuir iirommctit nioruliauts. Al. Unglcy , who has bcnn in Inisiiiiiss thoru for about n year | > ust , but who has lived in that vicinity for ninny years , mid ins bnuu looknil upon ns 0110 of thu most wcaltliy and onturprlsinp ; citizens. Bug- Icy bought out the establishment of M. L. Carpenter , anil began enlarging the busi ness , and causing quite a stir , and no lit tle envy among the rival dealers. He kept a general stock , and also dealt largely in agricultural implements. He I railed a good deal , and when a farmer liad stock or produce of any kind Biigley would make some sort of a dicker , paying a fair price for the stock , horse , cow , or produce which thu farmer might want to dispose of , and selling him machinery or goods. He lias built up a large business , uiiil has uKo branched out in a still larger business at Coleriilge , Neb. .where lie had a large store , and claimed to own about four hundred acres of land. Dagley has been estimated as worth forty thousand dollars or so. There was considerable surprise on Saturday night when Sheriff Jones seized upon the establishment , on a writ of at tachment for about two hundred dollars , and other attachments followed quickly. Air. Hagloy was in Chicago , and returuod from there the day to lind that tlio creditors had uosdcsslon of Ills property. He tried to e libel some settlement and then left for Nebraska , saying ho would be back in a short time. He did not re turn as soon as expected and the alarm of creditors has increased , until the re port. is iiiiti | ! common that he has kippcd out. His friends claim that this is a base slander , and tluit ho has been most un fairly dealt with. It is said that the claims are not due and that he has always met his bills promptly , and that the at- tenint to close him up is really started by rival concerns whose trade ho has inter fered with. Tabor people seem to liavo the utmost confidence in him and predict that he has more than enough to meet all bills as fast ns due , and that he will make those who closed him up pay heavv dam ages for the action. There is much sym pathy felt for him and a feeling among niaitv that the creditors have acted hast ily and will be made to rotrret it. Among the attaching creditors are sev eral Council IHuH's houses. Deere , Wells & Co. arc the heaviest , their claim being lor ยง 7,014. Shtigart , Wake & Wies , David Uradley & Co. , Gronowcg & Schoentgen , Stewart Bros. , and other CouneillJIulls houses have claims in much smaller amounts. Among other claims are 1. Johnson & Co. , $ y39 ; II. Calver , S ! ) ; Reed , Jones & Co. , of Omaha , $701. The attachments are estimated to reach a total of $22.000 , and ( lie total liabilities are thought to not fall far short of $30- 000. The assets are estimated as low as $20,000. About a year ago Mr. Uagloy is said to have made a written statement , in wliich ho placed his worldly possessions as crpial to ijvM.OOO cash over and above all liabilities. The creditors seem to have no fear of havinc to pay any damages , and claim that the concern is financially wrecked. Mr. Lucius Wells , of Deere , Wells it Co. , informed the Ur.K man yesterday that Uagloy , as he understood , had quite a number of unpaid bills standing against him around Ins home , and that there are numerous bills unpaid which are past due. One judgment is unsatis fied , and several drafts are reported as being returned unpaid. It is also claimed that Uagloy bought goods from different houses , and on receipt of tlio same would sell them at a lower figure than ho had agreed to pay for them. Mr. Green , of the Iowa llarb Steel Wire company , of Marshalltown , Iowa , is in the city , and states that his comwany was about , to close Hnglcy up when Deere , Wells & Co. , got tlio start with their attachment. It seems , the.reforc , that while the mends of Mr. ISagloy are urging that ho has been most unjustly treated , and his property iiounccil upon and his credit ruined cruelly and without cause , that the creditors take a far difletont view of the gentleman's financial condition. The showing made by thorn is to the effect that they feared ho would dispose of all property , and that , rather than bo loft in a hole , they would try and protect them selves. As those houses are linnncially responsible , if there 1ms been any injus tice done liagloy , he has a chance to get legal recourse. _ Imogcne Items. It is still very dry , and farmers are getting very much discouraged. Some think the corn crop is already damaged one half. It is just at the time when corn must have rain to make it shoot and start thu growth of the kernels. Farmers have begun threshing their small trrains , which turn out well. Early potatoes are about half a crop. A , E. Milligan has gone to attend the congressional convention which meets at Osccola to-day. Some of the democrats feel jubilant. The merchants of Imogeno are hopeful for a good fall trade , Imogenu is a town of 330 inhabitants , three general stores , one hardware , three grocery stores , two drug stores , two blacksmith shops and onp livery stable , and don't you think Major A. It. Ander son selected it as the place to start his in dependent boom for congress ? Iu\vlne It Over a Ilnat. The White Swan , the ! side-wheeler wliich Is one of the recent additions to the lake , is now the causa of litigation , It see ms that John Helm , about two wcoks ago. bought the bout , others join ing with him I\B partners , ho having pur chased of a man m whoso hands the boat had been loft for sale. A few days ago Tom Skinner wont to Nroln and bought the boat of a man who owned an interest in it , nnd who did not know that the man haying possession of the boat had sold it. Skinner got a bill of sala and recorded it. Ho then wont to the luke and took pos session of the boat. Helm then replov- ined It , and commenced suit for daniugc.s for the detention of the boat. The case hns boon sot for a hearing two wcoks hence. _ _ Personal Paragraphs * . E. K. Ihirch , of Dcnlson , was in the city yesterday , J. W. Perry , of Chariton , la. , was at the Ogden yesterday. J. C. Lange , the revenue collector , is tarrying at Colfax. Simon Elsoninn , wife and children left .last evening for .Now York City , llonry Hntlmxray , of Ohio , father of Captain J , J , Hathaway , Is in the city. J. II. Minnioh , of Villisca , lias been chosen principal ot the Malvern schools. John N. lialdwlu r ctuvncd frcrn Spiri Lake yesterday nnd left last evening for Chicago. Captain JJ. Hathaway , of the bridge and building department of thu L'uiou Pacific is at homo again for a brief stay. Hon. Sam Chapman , of Plattsmoutli , nnd illinm P. ( . 'hnpnian , of Memphis' ' , brother nnd npphiw ; of the late Mayor Chapman , are in tlie city. Making Itondy for llnctfl. Dr. Wade Cary has returned from Illi nois , where IIP has been in the interest of fall meeting , to bo held nt the Council Ulufls driving park Augustl ! ) , September 1 , 'J and ! ) . He has engaged Prof. A. E. Walker and his famous dogs for the occa sion. The dogs have been at the Chicago races nnd this week are at 1'recnort They are the fastest dog * in the world nml wore trained by Tobo Hrodeiiek. The races by the dogs are \or.y InterestIng - Ing ; oneh dog has his color and much uv- citement is caused bv these dumb uni- inals "running for blood. " Mr Cary also Gttgucod Prof. A. S. Parker , the great halootmt , who will make an a-eeii- sion each day during the races. "A BRAVE COWARD , " Who lUlln Seventy-Two Holillct-a on thoUlhci-Slilo In One Flulit. Atlanta ( On. ) Fairy-Paper : A brai'e coward1 In Company E of tnu Thirty- lirst Louisiana there was a man named tireeii. The boys went into service in the spring of ' < ! ' . > , nnd for some time had very little to do. Green soon mndo him self one of the most popular men in the camp. He was something of a humorist , and his talents as a story-teller made him always entertaining. When the Thlrty-lirst sniffed gunpow der for thu llrsl lime Green turned up missiiiir. He had a lit and was unable to handle a gun. In thu second engagement the poor fellow had a spasm nnd was again kept away from the front. Tlio soldiers began to have their suspicions , and , when their unfortunate comrade fell a victim to rheumatism on the eve of an other light , they spoke in pretty plain terms. Green was su deviled by the boys that he was dnvei nearly crazy. Just about that thin1 there was a call for volunteers to go up the Ya/.oo river on a gunboat expedition. To the surprise ot'all the chronic invalid volunteered. The expe dition lasted about six weeks and no lighting occurred. Green , however , swelled with pride at the thought of his soldierly conduct , and bragged so lustily that Ins companions nicknamed him "Gunboat" Green , 15y degrees it began to dawn upon him that he was the butt of the regiment , and then ho beeame sulky and disagreeable. Bui the time came when the callant Louisianians had something more im portant to think of than "Gunboat" Green. They were driven into the "biili- pen" at Vicksburg by Grant's swarming legions , and every soldier had to do his duty hko a little man. The corps to which Green belonged was stationed be hind a crescent-shaped breastwork seven mites-iii length. The land in front for some distance was level , and then sloned down a ravine and up a steep hill. The timber had all been cut down , so there was a clean sweep. One afternoon the federals charged the breastworks. They placed their sharpshooters on the hill to pick off the confederates when they showed their heads. The federals charged in four colums , four dec ] ) . The confederates re mained in the pits , four deep , and held their lire until the federals were within sixty yards. Then Die front rank opened lire and fell back , and the second , and so on until every gun had been emptied with terrible execution. Finally the as saulting party fell back behind tlio timber that had been cut down , to await the coming of night. In this position they were protectede.Ncept from the top of the breastworks , and the. confederates would not take that exposed position on acco.un of the sharpshooters. At this juncture an event of the most unexpected and paraly/.ing nature oc curred. Down in the pits a crowd of follows wore tormenting "Gunboat" Green. One man told him that he was looking rather pale , and advised him to o to a hospital. "Nevermind about my looks , " said Green. " 1 have a presentiment thatl am going to bo killed. " "Uy a nervous shock ? " suggested a corporal , and then there was a laugh. The object of all this ridicule gritted his teeth , and his eyes Hashed lire. "I'll swear , boys , " said one of the com pany , "that if a bullet is found in 'Gun boat' Green after his death it will bo one that ho swallowed. " Stung beyond endurance at these taunts , Green poi/.ed his musket and ran at full speed until he reached the top ot the breastworks. Hero ly > had the fed erals behind the fallen timber in full view and easy range. Fo < - a moment both armies looked on in breathless wonder. On that sovon-milo line of breastworks Green was the only man to DO seen. Then the sharpshooters commenced firing at him. Hut nothing < could move him. With a white face , blu/.ing eyes , and nerves stretched to their utmost ten sion , ho took aim and fired. Time and again ho reloaded and pulled the trigirer , each time hitting his man. liy this time the sharpshooters wcro firing a thousand shots per minute at him. Some of the confederates bcgRcd him to come down , but an ollicer said : "Lot the blanked fool alone ; they can't hit him. " The men in the pits throw up a Jot of cartridges , and Green continued to ( ire at regular intervals. Bullets Hew past him thick as bail , but not a hair of his was harmed. Finally the brigade that ho was slaughtering in his merciless fashion could stand it no longer. They brokivnud ran up the hill , losing several several more on the way up under the tire of tlio solitary soldier on the breats- works. "Gunbont" Green was the hero of thu hour. r Ulcers and privates surged around him , shaking him by the hand and applauding him lor his bravery. Just before ' 'ark ' thu federals retired and a party of-Loulsianiniis went out to look at the result of Green's bloody marksmanship. It was found by actual count that his musket had killed seventy-two federals. Green insisted that ho had killed ninety , but it ii thought that sono of them wore only wounUed , und their friends had dragged * them off. About the seventy-two dead men there could be no doubt. They were there , and as their bodies lay m npiaco whore there was not a single corpse before - fore Green commenced liring , it was plain enough that he had brought them down , i A spe'cial report concerning Green was sent to thu comipnnding General that night. The result would doubtless have been promotion but for the fact that the following morning "Gunboat" Green was nowhere to bo found. Later it was as certained that ho had deserted and joined Grant's army. Nothing further was over hoard of him. R. L. WILLIAMS , II ! N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , In. , and 201) ) S. 15th St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Xcb. Jlmufucturcr'n Auontfor the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Roofing Slate , Man tles , Pluto and Window ulnss , Show- Cases. EL..tors , ( hand und hy < drauilc. ) &c. TIMOTHY SEED. 1 have a quantity of sound , well clcmioj seed wblcli Jjoffor at reasonable SPECIAL Special mlvi'rtl oinoiilsj sifyli HS k"'t , To ml , To Ixinn , Kor Silo , To lcn | ( , NVnnK llonnllntr. etc .will boliKorteil In this column nt the low rale of TKS'CKXTS PKICUNU fortlio Oni ln er tlonnml Vivo fonts I'crMtio for eneli siilxoauent In'rrtloti. LCRVU mherH'ouirnM nt our ofllro No. ) 4 1'eal itrect , 110.11Jlroadwiiyi Commit illiifT * . _ . _ WANT8. A I e'pnnlltMti puny to tiiko the WANTKD o\cln lrp nKcnrj ( if Wrmlit s InfloMiuctl- Mo fuel nnd kludlur In tills v\clnliy. \ I-'or jmrtlou- rail nt t .0 Omien liouep whuio tlie ( roods nuiylio'cen. 11. H. Mitchell , nirciu. iblt HALT. Oil llijT"Oonllii'ilsi : , acn'i'9. nml V dwelling house , No. 820 Sixth iivonuo. O. Mnrno. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 171)11 ) SAI.r.--riicnn for i-nsli. Unin J1 of Atiierlc-nn i\pn : < Co. , for. first avoniio nnil " 111 st. ll > l'orri"t Smith. \\T.\NTKI ) An n Blslant cook t the Orfilcn > HOUM- . 171011 SAIi : OU impori. Ta "quitntltlos to suit , J ? At lleo ollico No. 11'ourl struct. GENUINE DIAMONDS FOUND IN OPFEE. THE NAMKS OF A I.I. l'-.llO.NS | flXOlNtJ DIA MONDS , AyAicius : UTO. , AIM : ADDID : TO THIS LIST DA1I.V , This Glebe folVeo Company of Cincin nati have rented the store. No.101 Broad- wuy , and have opened it as a brunch of tiioir main store in Cincinnati. In order to introduce their goods this company pack for liftonn days a souvenir in every can of lea or coffee sold , such as solid gold , silver and nickel watches , gctiiiino diamond , ruby , supliirc , omeialu , pearl and torquois jewelry in solid gold saltings , also money and many other articles of value. Every ean contains a .souvenir. The coffee can and contents weighs about three pounds , and the tea ean and eon- tents weighs about ono and one-half pounds. This cxnunsivo and novel method of advertising will be discon tinued after tiltecn days and the goods placed on sale on their merits at tlie bame price , thu same quantity anil quality , but without the souvenir. Among the fortu nate purchasers so far are B. M. Sargent , 413 Broadway , found a stem-winding anil stem-setting watch in a can of coffee. Miss Maggie Miroll , 130 Broadway , got a gold ring in a ean of tea. Mrs. M. J. \ \ INon , 1510 tlth avenue , found a lady's ehatelain watch in a can ot coffee. Mr. E. Johnson also found a stem-winding and stem-setting watch in a can of coffee. Dolly Burshaw , 213 Broadway , found a solid gold ring in a can of coffee. Prof. (1. ( A. Balliuger , principal of the Inch school found a gold ring in coffee. A. M. Wier , 31-1 Avenue K , found a solid gold ring in tea. A. Kink , saloon keeper , 227 Main streetfound a stem-wind and steni- set watch in coffee. Lyda Loss , 808 Third street , found a gold ring in eofice. W. H. Allard. 2211 Ninth avenue , solid gold ring. T. T. Snow , witli Mandel Furni ture company , found a lady's solid gold hunting case watch in coffee. A. Rink , saloon keeper , 2 7 Main street , found a lady's gold watch in a can of coffee. J. Blauce , 711 Broadway , found a diamond Bind in tea. Geo. Chriss , waiter at the Bcchtclchousefound astcm-jo. audstom- wind watch. Oscar , Sadowski , 1808 Third ayeuuo , solid , god | ring. J. R. Detrick , foreman of the Globe , found a ehatelain watch in coffeq. Frcit Davis , North Main street , livcuyman , found a solid gold ring , diainond'set ' , in a can of coffee. T. T. tale , carpenter , Washing ton avenue , found a item-set and stem- wind watch in tea ; Chief of Police Mathews , found a gcnuinb diamond stud in collce. James yVaflker , farmer at Bel- videro , Neb. , found genuine diamond ring , solid gold setting , in can of eoflee. T. T. Snow , 325 Broadvyay , found jwo solid gold watches in coffuo cans. M. B. Brown , manager1 for' 'Western Union Telegraph company , got a chatolain watch in coffee. Edith Davis. 120(5 ( 8911111 ixth street , iound solid gold rinir in a ean of tea. Mrs. McDermott , 122 Third street , found gold ring in coffee. Mrs. Tracy ana Mamie Barttcll , each found solid gdld rings in coffee. Miss Sophy Miller , 1429 Tenth avenue , founil a diamond ring in can of coffee. Nellie Holdano , corner Seventh avenue and Tenth street , got a solid gold ring. Miss Bertie Gould , of tlie Singer Sewing Ma chine company , found a solid gold ring in tea. G. C. Smith , conductor , bought six cans of coffee for $5 and found $100 in gold. J.C. Frills , carpenter , 544 Mvnster street found a gent's gold hunting case fulj jeweled American watch in a can of coffee. Miss ,1. R. Stagg , 107 North 8th street , got a genuine diamond ring , solid gold setting. \V. R. Southwell , East Broadway , found a stem-winding stcm-settiiic ; watch in cof- fuc. Miss L. Oliver , 220 Washington ave nue , solid gold ring in tea. Rev. Dr. Fisk found a lady's ehatelain watch in a can of coffee. Miss E. Kappes , Planters' hotel , got a genuine solitaire diamond ring set in solid gold. W. W. Bilgor , 718 Mynstor street , got a genuine diamond ring in a can of coffee for which ho paid $1. Miss Weirlck , boarding house , 112 Fourth street , founil a diamond collar button in a can of tea. Mrs. W. O. Wirt , found a genuine three stone diamond ring In a can of tea. Flora J. Beasloy , 210 Frank street , got a solid gold ring. Tlios. F. Cavin , 423 Park avenue , found a con- uino solitaire diamond stud. J. E.Follott , of Hose No. ! ) , found a diamond ring in a can of coffee. J. C. Dellavon , drug gist , No. 332 Broadway , found n genuine diamond ring in a can of tea. Lilly Otto , 101 Benton street , solid gold ring. Helen Sprmk , People's store , Broadway , gen uine diamond ring. Dr. Montgomery , North Main street , found a soltairo din Af I UtlUlV ifcj , fulfill Illl - " * * * . .Jlllllll , t ll lK- winding and Mom-setting watch. Thomas Brown. U. P. It. H. , found 50 silver del lars in a can of colleo for $1. K , B. ( iardi- nor , solid gold ring. Chris Schmidt , expressman , found a gent's ' solid silver hunting case lull jeweled Klein watcli In a can of coll'co. Airs. Kate Barnesscam , stress , found a genuine solitaire diamond ring , solid gold sottingiu , a can of coffco , Peter Holt/ , clerk , found a solitaire diamond mend stud , solid gold betting in a can of coffee. T. Woolsoy , 803 Broadway , got a genuine diamond rinir , solid gold setting , in a can of tea for whioh ho paid $1. W. Smith , BOS Broadway , got a jjonuino diamond mend stud , solid gold hulling. Major H. C. Barne3agricuItur , lN , l ) Main btreot , got a solitaire diamond stud , in tea. H. ( lOldburg , ot Bankrupt store , 18 Mam street , found a genuine damond | ring in a can of coffuo. Mrs. Bronbon , Broadway , found a sot of genuine Kolltairo our drops in a can of coffee , MIssF , Pattcrfcon.cornor nth avenue and ( HU .street , got a bolituira diamond ring , solid gold setting , in a can of tea. J. Hosier , withtho : Daily BKI : , also got a solitaire diuijiond ring in a can of tea. Dr. Hico bought a o\n ; of coffee , and found a ladv'm'hatolaiu watch. Mom- wind nnd sot. W. H. Ui'ck , , 010 Broad way , saloon , also found a' stem-wind and sot'Swiss watch in a cim of coffee. Airs. D. Maltby , 301 Glen avenue , child's gold ring. Tillio Lciitzingor , U34 Broad way , gold band ring. T. T. Snow , 825 Broad way. with Mnndol , furniture dealer , found u solitaire diamond stud , solid gold setting , in a can ol coffee , Orders by mull promptly forwarded to all parts of the United Slate * on receipt of cash orpostolllco order , Ternu * . tingle can ? 1 , six for 5 , thirteen for $10 and twonnty-soven for $30 , Address ( Hobo Coffee Co , , No. 40i Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , N. SCHURZ , Justice of ( lie Peace. Offleo Over America" Erpress Company. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. UKEKE , WKM.S & CO. , \Vholcsi\lc Agricultural Implements , Cm rliipca , Tto .Kto. Oovincil lllilffs. lown. kuYSTONK YANu 'Ar uuiNTr'co. Mnkc tlio Urlfflnnl and Complclo Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , COIIN SIIKI.1.KI13 AND 1'RBI ) n'TTKlt" . Nos. l.'OInji. : l.Wmu ) iror ? outh Main Street , Council llltiifr. Innn , " " " DATII ) IIUAIVLKY At CO ] Mnnuf'rs nn 1 JobtioM of Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies , Corrltt os. nml nil kln > li nf Kami Mnohlnorr. 1100 to 1119 South Main Street , Council IlluffJ , AXK K.O. ai.Rtsos , T. H.DortiMS , ( Jiro.r. WniniiT. J'rcs.&Tron . V I'ros.AM . Soa&Counsol. Council Bluffs llaudla Factory , ( Inorpnrntiil.l Mnnufftctiircr of Ajtlo , rick , Slodjro nnd Smill Hntulliis , of nvorj' description. CAHl'KTS. COUNCJIL 1JLUFFS CAKl'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Clotlis , Curtnln Fixtures , Upholilory ( leeds , Etc. Na 103 Ilrondtvay Council DliUTs , Iowa. ClttAllS , TOHACrO , KTC. I'KUEGOY & MOOHK , \Vholcpnlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. "S.Mnlu and 7 1'earl ' Sts. Council HUUN , Iowa. SNYDKIl & LEAMAN , Wholosulo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. 141'earl St. , Council Uluffs. DKVoais-rs. HAULK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oil ? , Paints , Glass , K' Bundrlos. Etc. No. liJ .Muln St. , nnd No. 211'oiirl St. , Council HlulTB. DRY QUUDS. M. K. SMITH & CO. , Lapirters and Jbb3H of DfG)3i ) ? , Notions , Ktc. Nos. 112 nnd114 * Mnln St. , Nos. 113 nnd 115 Ponrl St. , Council Itluirs. Iowa. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruit ; a Specialty General Commission. No. 51 ! Broadway , Council WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale * Fralts , Confectionery & Fancy Groceriai. Nos. 16 and IB Pearl St. , Council OROCEUIES. L. KIHSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 llrond- way , Council lllulls. 11AHNESS , KTC. BECKA1AN & CO. , Jlunu'ncturcrs of and Wholcsnlo noMors In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. K. " > Mnln St. . Council Illulfj , Iowa. JM21S , CAPS. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers ia Hats , Caps and Glovei. No ? . : H3 mid 3H Broadway , Council HEAVY KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heay Hardware , And Woodstock , Council Illuirn , Iowa. UIDKS A fro iroot. I ) . II. MoDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , 1'olts , Grensoand 1'Mrd ' Council lllulta lovvn. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholennlo Denlera In Illuminating & Lubricitia 0115 E3TCJ. , 3STO. P.Theodore , Agent , Council lllulfa. Iowa. I.UMUKR , PlLlffQ , K'K. A. OVERTON A : CO. . Hard Wood , Southera Lumber , Piling , < nd llrldffo Mntorlnl Spcclaltlr-s.Whok'salo Lum > ber ol' all Kinds. Olliuo No , l.W Main tit , Council IllulTD. IUWIL JOHN L1NDEH , Wholcsalo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Auuut for St. Cotthain'e Herb IIItto . No. 1) Main St. Council Illillla , SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , AII ww Main St. . Council lllnfft. BOOK BINDING B , Journal ) * , County and RtaiiK Work oTi.ll Eli mis ahpee- luliy. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders MOREHODSE & GO , Room I , Everett Block , Standard Papers Used , All styles of binding - ing m Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. SWAN BROS. , Dealers In Milch Cows. Hi Our Stock lards No 502 and 500 K. Broadway.Council Bffa MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS "Wigs Made to Order. 337..Broadwuy , Council Bluffs SAY ! WHERE DO YOU BUY BUGGIES FIRST CLASS IN EVER ! RESPECT ill 1ST7. CINCINNATI , OHIO. BUILD OYER PIFTV DIFFERED STYLES , 20,000 VEHICLES ANNUALLY. Sontl for rnialougos , prices , freight rates und testimonials. HOUSE AND RAISER Brick buildings of uny kind raised or moved nnd Kiitisfudion guaranteed. JJYnmc buildings moved on Littlu Giant trucks , best in the world. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth StreetComiil Bluffs. THE HIGHFST JL J.JLJL-df J. JL JL\JijL JL JL-aisJ ) JL Price paid in casli for all kinds of second hand STOVES , Furniture , etc. M. DROHLIQH , 608 Broadway. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Desirous of purchasing material for bath ing suits , should see our new and ele gant assortment of goods especially adapted for line and pretty bathingsiiits. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs PARASOLS Arc being closed out by us at remarka ble low figures. Wo have them in beau tiful shades , colors , etc , and havn put such prices on them that will dispose of them rapidly , as wo WILL NOT carry any over to next season JFAllKXESS HJiOS. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Now in stock are being disposed of at low prices to clear our shelves of same before receiving our fall btocl ; , which will shortly arrive. ir.LltKNJSSS JillOS. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluff's. FANS , Of the choicest style , design and quality , just purchased by us at a bargain and wo arc selling them at retail at whole sale prices. See them and you will buy. IfAltldflSSS HHOS , , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. For summer wear am being disposed of cheap , and must .shortly be taken off our { .helves to bo replaced with for fall wear. Summer dross goods can bo pur chased cheap now by all who will call on 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , MATTING. For offices , New Invoice just : coivcd and latest patterns guaranteed. All btyles , and prices satisfactory to ovcrybody. IIA JtKMMfi JtllOS. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. CARPETS Of the ycry latest designs , patterns nd quality for the coming season , are being now introduced by us. Pick one out now befcre the line is broken. Harloiess Bros. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , B. RICE , M. D. , /Vfnxnno Or OtllOr TUU10M lOIHOVOU WitllQU liQflCtrs , ijO kulfo ordruwliijf ol L/lool. / Chronic Diseases or oiuinds upcc- : Over lhir v > ears' prdcilpjil oKjicrlenco. No. U 1'i'UilKI. . Coultcil lllulTi. fV ConaullHtloufivc. Creston House , The only hotel In Council HlulTs having I ire Esoa/pe .And till 111 1 > ( lorn fmprou'inonts. 2IO , 217 and : . ' ! ! ) Muln M. MAX JIOIIN , Prop. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , BKOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Opposite Dummy Depot. e/a g CO pa < HOI-KOS nn'l ' Mules knot constantly on hand for fiilo tit ictull or | n car loads. Ordurs proiiultly llllud l > y contract onuhort nollco. .Stock sold on commission. SIIUJTE11 & IIOI.IJV. Proprietors. Tc-Iopliniin Nn. 111. Foimuily of Klllh SALE STA11I.H8 , comer 5th live , ami 1th street. S Choice IMNpIiiy of Ia term , All Grades Council Bluffs A Select Stork of Choice NovcltliM In , REFBIGERATOES , AT COST. W. S. HOMER & Co. , 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , OOTJISrOIIj BI.iTJIPIF'S ' Practices in I ho State and Federal courts Hooms 7 undti , Shugart Block , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. EiUtllehcd 163T Horses and Mules Forull purposes , bought Ana soM. ill latnll uii'l In lots. Jjirgu ( luuntluus 10 bdect from Several pulm of Uno drivers , single or doublo. MASON WISE ; Council Bluffs.