2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JULY 23 , 1886. JIER SECOND CENTENSIAL , T'Tho City of Albany Celebrate ? Her Two * Hundredth Birthday. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND TALKS. He WlAtirn (1m Cltl7en * Many ItMtirnn of tlio Day A Gront Day For tlie Dntoli Orn- oral Celebration. Ai.iiANX.IuIy ! & Albanians liavo elvcn themsclx'es up. body ntul < soii ) , to llio task of < clchiatlng tin1 Incoipoi.itlnii of Ihelroitj by < in\crnor Dungaii just two bundled joars ngo. Tlio uproar that brokcloo'.o at tithlnluht xvlicn t > elli announced tlio anniversary con- l until aj light. Men , Imys and oxen xxomeii xxent up and doxxn the iiilliclpol Btteuts blnx\lng limns nnd sluing un til morning. Thousands of prisons remained up through the night and woiu us ready nnd caper to start In on to-day 'n cclchiutloii as though they had enJoyed - Joyed tinnio.Ht refreshing sleep. Tlio arilval of PicsldCUt CleX'ehmd xxua the first Import ant event of the ilny. 'I'lui lltnc llxod for his nirlvnl xxasfl a , in. ' Upturn that bout tlio bur- ges.ses col ps m n re I icd to tlio deM | > t , Cm rlnges containing Max or Tliachui and othei city of- Hclais wore also In xxultlnp. Without llio HUM formed by tlio nillltla Mood lUnormx hundred cltlrcns who linit comn to xxelcomft tlio iirosldunt. A low minutes niter o o'clock the expected special train bearing tint presidential parly steamed Into the depot. Mnyoi Timelier mid sex end of the nnnlxur- sary committee boarded the train nnil v\- changed uroctlnua xvlth the president. Mayor Timelier , on tmlmlf of thu city , b.idn hint xxcleomo. Thu president greeted his friends warmly and said It cnvo him pleasure to bo xxlthtlicm again. Sectetarlea Jtn > .im and AVhltney nnd Piix'.ito Secretary Lament ac- CdinpaiHi'd tlic president. The parly wcio immediately escorted to coaches In wailing , Uoforo entering the can laze In xxhleh ho lode with Mayor Timelier , thn president xvas warmly greeted liynn old fntmor fiom Dela- Nxaro county , xvno broke through the line nnd clasped tlui mcshlcnl'fi liund buloivnny one could stop him. "Wolll thin is Otoxor , " ho exclaimed. "Vet , sir , " answered the prosl- ilont.nmllin ? pleasantly. The Burgess cm ps , vrlilrh acted as an oscint for the piosldent , ntoucoiook np tlio line of march nnd the lirosldunti.il paity xxeie dilxon to thu gov ernor's mansion. Alter HIP governor nnd his guests hnd break f.isted , President Cleveland , noconi- imnleil liy Colonel Lamout , xxent to Sucre * ' taty .Manning's icsidcncc to call upon him. Cloxchtml and Manning remained In eonxci- satlon together for an houi. and then the lat ter stm ted for thu govei 1101 V inaiiHiou , At 100 : ! o'clock , escorted by the mayor and memboiM of tlio nnnlxorsury iccootion com mittee , the president and Secrelaiies Uavaid * " amUVhllney uud Colonel Lirnont left tlio executive mansion nnd xxeie drl\en down teState State .street to take their places In the proces sion. A few mlnutus latut , ( ioxeinor 11111 , escorted by the members of the reception ? > ' .eommltteu , x\as also drixon < lo\\n to take the , jilnco In the line lesorxcil for him. The pro cession was imposing. President Cleveland lode In an open oaiihiKe xvlth Sccict.ny AVhitney , and held lily hat ill his hand while lie Dotted acknowledgements to the checis thiit accompanied Ills inoKiess. ThoKoxcm- " * ci'.s stair followed , anil belilnd lode llio KOV- cinoi in a rariiaico. Immcdlalely after the jrocesj.lon tlio picsldcnt , ( ! o\ernor Hill , , { Seoret.irles Whitney and llajard , and other distinguished iruosts went to the larKorlnk , * AMilch was nlieady packed by the audience gathered to lienr ( io\cinor Hill's oration anil the musical and literary oxeicises. 11111 njioko at length of Albany's history. When Uovernor Hill hud concluded his rf Npeeeh and the applause hiibslded , Ma > or ' 1 haulier attempted to aimounco the next * ' thing on the pioRramme , but his voice v > as itiowned by nius of Clovolnnd , " "Cleve land.1' ' The president are o , boxved and bat < lo\\n airalu on tlio platfonn beside Covernor * Hill. This did not satisfy the audiuiiLU and the calls xveio runoxved xvllh xlgor. Finiilly ho atiisc , and advancing to the front of the platform , s.ild : "CItl/ensot Albany , I came heio tKlay us nn Invited gnc.s.t to a family leunlou. 1 desire to bo modest and iiotmlnplo too Iroely in congratulations and. celebrations which bolpiiB motepiopoily to VOIL I do ' "tlot xvlsh toHOUhdn blnglo note 'of discord , but 1 liavo heard so much of the Dutch , of this being a Dutch city , to much told of olden time and its customs , that \xiien I remi'iuber * that I dxxelt txxo years among jon 1 wonder whether I am In tlio ilh'ht place or not , at ilsk ol eioatlnu a dla- tmbanco. I xvlll MIV that In my than Dutch ixas not the . jot the town people. They spoke LiiKlIsh , nnd tome wonts In Kuhlisli ol kindness that I xx ill never forget. I am glad , hoxvex o , you liaxo urot voiu ohaiter. Wnen 1 lived heio It xxas , 1 think , under a chatter , but according to my rcmombrnnco itasu uhmter passed by thu Icglslatnro of the state in the lirst year 1 spent here and nppuncd by me. 1 must not detain you lom < ei , but 1 cannot lofraln Irom expiessliifr to you my appreciation of the klntinc&s xxlth xxhicli you liaxo lecelx-cd mo. and from lenoatlng the homely nnd ole > fashioned wish that may the citizens of Al bany and their descendants see maiiy linppy retuiiiB of the day , " ' The president s'poko In clear , ilnging tones that \\oro r.udlblo in oxoiy portion of the laigo bulUilii ! , ' , and bis briot rumaikH xvcro iccolxed xvlth onthusla.stlc applause. When lie Mt down the audleneo called upon liayiird ioi a speech , xxhobpoke btlelly In an apjiro- prlato mnnnor. Secietaty Wliftnoynlsofipoko 01 lolly. At the conclusion ot tlio exercises i 'tho president , Secretaries Whitney any Uay- nrd and otheis , accompanied by Soeretaiy .filanning , droxo to the executive mansion , ) ul d ined with Uovcyiui Hill. After dinner n nubile lecoptlon was hold at the srnato ehninbur. At 100 : : ! n , m. the > vrujldent and jurty attomled a locuptlon Klven in his honor by the 1-Virt 0 ran go club. At ll0p. : ! m. the paity went to the tesldoncu of ( iov. Hill , thcnco to the depot , xxhonco the train left for Washington ntl-JUOn. : m. Accidentally Shot Ills Rrollior. I'LTUiisnuiio. Vn. , July 2i Xeixs has "teen iccelxcd hero fiom Amelia county , this fituto. of n dlstiessiiiK nccldent xvlileh oc- cuired there a day or two ago. Mr. Uoboit ' " llolnes , xx ho eamo to Virginia from the north n few months Mnco and settled In the upper l > oitlon of Amelia county , had two sons , Johnnie nnd Willie , aged icspoetlvoly txvolxo and ntleun yeais. It appears that these txvo lads xveio just starting out from liomo to spend tlio day liuntlni ; , Axhon thoyoiingoi of them accidentally dls- iged his Run , the load tcailnc oil' the head of his brother Wllltn. The txxo brothers xx no devotedly attached to each other , and blnco the acclilent the suivivliu ; biother baa become a complete iiianLie. This h one of the Midilusl tragedies that has ever occut rod in Virginia , nnd the parents of tlio txvo boys arc illustrated by their Midden bere.it cincnt. ! M < Vermont Doiuo c-rats .Nominate , Moxii'UMRii , Vt. , July 23. The Demo- rratlobtutu convention xxns called to order at 10 this foienoon. The attcndniico xxas largo. Clnrunco II , Pitkin , of IJoilIu , xvivs elected as .temporary clialimau , nnd after roll call xvas ntado iwrmanent chulrmnn , I'll I ; in then uwdo a brief atldie..s , spnakhig foielbly in Mipixirt of Pirslilent Cluveland , anil pie- illctod futuiti hmx'Ois of the paity , 8. U. aiiurtlelT , ot Montpeller , und J' . M. Meldon , of'Jtutland , xxeio nominated for toxeinor and Jleutcimnt-xoNoiiior. lospeetlviily , by n iiminlmousxote. Thin. 1 ( . I'hnbbs , of Tliet- 4lotd , xxas nomlnnteit fet traasurcr ; W. 11. * jtlder. of Diistol , lei scetetaiy of Mite , and J. A. Wilder , ot N ludsor , for auditor. Homo , N. Y. , Jail Ulntu llrunk Jtoxir.V , Y.Jnly au-Wllllim I'lurce , of Cjluvei'svlllc , ( uinlineU for hoi > o > > tc.illiig , and John Kocklser of iloonxllli' , lei foigory , es caped from tlio jail In IliU illy by cutting a bar out of \xlndowurmtlnt ; in thu ronidor. A > c.itruldlug nlloxxed them to ot oxer thu Jiyhleiiro hinroundlnt : the jnll. The juis- imors'eolls xxero unlocked. ( JL-orgo t'euncr of hnnouoit , the only other prl&unei con- lined , ivmulncd. Droxvnoil AVIiilo IJoatlii . IxniA Aroi.is , Jnd. , July * ) . -I'ho Jour- nnl'o l.nporte special reports thu droxxning in I'iuu Lake this uftornoun by the unptl/ing of their boat , ot i'rank Malloy uud .Mi . ' ' . .JtosoStvin. Vonuff Malloy xvas tlio son ot Nib. Kmma Miilloy , llmtsmiu'i-anre ov.inuel- it. Mis Stern xvas the daughter ot Jacob \flbo of Laporlc. , . Loxv prJcos.jjood snidas und : x bcinaro deal. Coatrsir umbur Ytml , 13th & Gala KLOlMiMBXl' AND HIIN. ) A Hcnutirul Girl Iitirod From a Con vent by n Ijlhcrtlnc. Cinr.xoo , July W. A startling story of elopement and ruin has conic to light In Jus tice Foote's court , In xxhleh the .steiMlmnrhter of Dr. Smith , of Lake Vlexv , a beautiful and accomplished glilof nineteen } cars , named .Ma ) Phillips ilgurvd as principal , and xxas If nil the statements ot her friends bo ti tin , the xlctlmof tt heartless llbcrtlno , xxhodlii not MI in It oxen the sacred pteclncts of a convent to deter him iroia the pursuit of an Innocent ulrl. A jeai ftjco , It Is said , She XXTIS pent to llnMi hei education atnconxent In Lotilsxlllo , K ) . . \\hcioihe. \ became acnu.tlnlcd xxlth Hdwaid i\ \ . Connor , a traxelinc salesman. After gaining liercoiiildcnce by xxlmt seemed to bean an honoM couitshlp , he proposed an elope- iiiont toChleniro to he mauled , mid slm eon- sen ted. She did not suspect anything xxroiu ? until. Upon an Ixltiit here , he rented a room nt isd Ln Sallo. avenue and installed her theic. When Mio came to a rcnll/allon of lur slmmo , It xxas too late to recede , and since last March the boti.ijer and his victim Imxo llxcd together. Thu girl became depressed hi spiiits , nnil rarely went upon the streets for tear sumo of her former nctiuAlulancx ! xxotdd iccoKiilzc her. Afexvdaxs a o N.N. Uaker. a cousin of the ulrl. necldoutally ilUcovoteu the lelatlolis oxlstlnt ; and sxxoro out n xxairanl for Connor , 'lliedecelxed Kirlxx-asnol In eoiirt , but Itis Rixld that a xx arrant Is out for her , so thai her tnends may HOOUIO control ot her. The affair caused the greatest excitement In Lake Vlexv ' xx hero .May fnim6ily lived , and xxlieroshn xvas noted for her preat bcnutv and many social tUalltli ) > s. Tlie liaso Unit llccord. ATJIIIC\IO ( ( Chicago U 4 1 l n 0 1 0 0-14 Kansas City. 0 looooooo l t Pitchers McConnlck and Cornxvay. First base hlls Chicago U , Kansas City 4. Krroi-s UhlcasoU , Kansas City 13. Umpire Con nelly. AT Dr.TiioiT Detroit 0 0110800 n 13 St. louU 2 00010010-4 Hasii ItlU DetroltsW , St. Louis 11. KrioM DetinltT , St. I.oulsT. Pitchers Baldxxin and Klrby. Umpire Graves. AT IlosTox Washln'tons..O ( 0000203 0-i Uostons 1 * 10 1'ltchors Stemiiiicr nnd Fuller. Tltstbaso hits Washington * 4. Hostous 11 , Kuois Washlnntons 10 , Uostons 7. Umplio Unit- noy. AT Xr.xv Youic Noxv Yoik 2 Philadelphia o Ooooooio I Fb > t b.tse hits Now York fi , Philadelphia fi. Kmiis Noxv Yoik I. Philadelphia a Umphe York. AT bTATKx ISLAND JlotropollUin 0 10000120 4 Louisville. . . . l o : t o 2 o o o * a Pitchers ! lAiich ami 1 locker. First base hits Metropolitans 8 , LoulsxIlloT. Kirots Metropolitans 5 , Louisville 11. Umplie Kelly. ! Brooklyn . 0 0 " 0 'I 0 1 0 07 St. Louis . 000000001 1 Pitchers Teiry and Foutz. first base hits Iliooklyn 13 , St. Louis a. Kirors Uiook- lyn 3 , St. Louis a. Umpire Walsh. AT UAI.TIMOIH : Ualtlmoro . 0 n-10 Cincinnati . 0 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 11 PitcherConxxav and Peching. First base hits Baltimoic 0 , Cincinnati 14. Krrors lialtlmoicO , Cincinnati 3. Umpire llradlcr. AT PiurAi > ir.piiiA Athletics . 2 00023000 7 Plttsburir . 2 00010001 4 Pitcliers Haiullboo mid Atkinbon. First base hits Athletics 10 , Pittsbuiij 0. Errors Athletics 0 , Plttsbnrfe 5. Umpire-Brad ley. _ Ilnclngnt Washington Park. CHICAGO , July 22. At Washington park to-day the weather xvas delightful , the track good and attendance large. Thiec-quarter mile : Hilly Gllmore won , Moonlight second , bhndoxv tliiid. Time 1 :17 : . Mutuals paid Sii.r : 0. One nnd one quarter miles : Kaloolah won , Dad second , Uaiitone thlid. Time 2:11. Mutuals paid 30.00. Society stakes , tbieu-qunitor miles : Lar- edyxvon , Yeni second , Katie A third. Time 1:17. : Mntunls paid S10. Mile : Cuban Queen won , liattlo Carllslo second , Wnrronton thiid , Tlmo 1:44V. Mutuals 'paid S10.20. Steeple ehnse , bliort course : Jim Carllslo won. Uoiy O'Mooro .second , Claude JJraunon thlul. Timu-305 # . Mutuals paid S10.70. nioninouth Pnrk Races. M OKJIOUTU PAUK , N. J. , July 22. Handi cap , mile and quarter : Favor xvon , Feronn faccontt , Giecniield thhd. Time 2:20 : } . Sxxeepstikes , lor three-year-olds , mile : Austrlaua xx-on , Queen Elizabeth second , Strldc.uvay tlilrU , Time 1:20. Naxcsink Ifandlcap , mlle and half : Bo- nanraoii , Lcoln second , Teciimsch third. Time 2:48. : Handicap for all aes , mlle : DiyMonopole won , llork and lye ! bccond , Banner Be.uer thlrii. Timo-l:4J. ( Purse , for txvo-year-olds and upwards , mlle and eighth : KarnCst won , Maimaduko .sec ond. Time 2:00 : tf. Hurdle race , mile and quarter : Mam- monist xvon , liochester second , liuiley third. Time 2:29. : _ _ llnitlo With J torso Thieves. Ltrrt.n ROCK , Ail : . , July 22. On Monday n fatal battle xvas fought In the mountains of Montgomeiy county between a gang of horse thieves , numbering seven , and a possocem- posed of ftvo men. The latter hnd chased the thieve * for days , coming on them unexpect edly In a mountain p.ibs , nlieio they had eamCd ) for the night. A number of stolen horses xvcro picketed near the camp. The outlaxxs refused to sunonder , and leturncd the Hio of the ofllccis xvlth energy nnd Altai eircct , txvo of the posse named Janna Cook and Austin 0 nth- crlll being mortally xx-ounilect. The remain- Inc members of tlio jnu-sulng paity wlthdroxv , falllns back sonio dlstanco when they wore joined by sexoral farmers and again .started out to kill or o.iptnro the oulluu.s. Parties Irom Montgomew county say that nothing baa been licaul of the puisucis since jester- day , xx'lien they xx'oio reported as having sur- lounded thoiobbeis In the mountains and expected thum to sut render. Olllooliolilors Troinblinc. WASIIIMITOK , July 22. [ Special to the JJni.J : Xeiulynll the visitors to Washing ton noxv aio men xxho came to look nftcr their continuation befoio the adjournment of the senate. An Impression prevails that the president \\lll bo a llttlo ehnrry about re- nominating otllcers xxlto xvoro not confirmed and against whoso confirmation objection xxas nmdo and which failed to secure action xvhllu the M'liate xxas In nebjion , This xvould bo ciiilvalent | to rejection for those xxhoso nominations are not confirmed. I am told though that thlb Is not tiue ; that it Is In tended to clear up the dockets In the senate nnd conlirm or reject nearly every pending nomination ; also that the president xvlll 10- aiipolntnll nominees \\hosochancos of con tinuation have not iled entirely , and Unit thcio is no occiibion for undue asltatlon at this timo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SalUbaryKUII | on Dock. LONIION , July 22. Loid Sllstiny xx ill ar rive In London to-morrow , xvhero ho xvlll hold a conference with hU colleagues of the old cabinet. He xrlll go to Oaborno on Satin - in day. of Itonstod Grnin. Drnuqui : , la. , July 2i A largo brick gialn elox'ntor in I'.ast Dnbttquo binned this mornine. Loss , $15,003 ; insurance about half. _ Xolirnwka and lowu Woathor. For Nebraska and Joxxa : Fair xveathisr , followed by local niins ; stationary tempera- tuio. i Airs. Ulchara WJdn , ncuompanloil by hornieoe Annie , loturnou from the ou > t hist ni 'ht wheio Airs. Aildu has been visiting slnco lust Juno. She spout n most onjoynblo thno in PhilaUolphin , Camden , N. . ) . , and upon the Doluxvuvo. For bargaina 111 business and Ituiito city property call on Muir < ! c lluniiugton , 10VJ L'urnam , : At IvKiiu'ii riunia ox i VKK. 1310 DOCOLAS STittxr. Don't tuy bijf jincq * or itttubs ? but bify c.'io-i ) ) : it Hr.iJfonl's. OBJECTOR 110LMAN OBJECTS , He Opposes Appropriations For Repairing Forts Robinson and Niobrara. HE SAYS THEY ARE NOT NEEDED. President to Veto tlio Alrtlonn and Harrison .Service 1'onsloti ItlttN DcmocrntH Klok on Cleveland Noxxs. Tito rorls Must Walt. N' , .lulyl-J.--tS ! | > eelal Telwjrain to the llii : : . ] Objector Ilolunn , of siiinll oa * pu'lt.x ns a slatosui'in but laigo as an ob- sliuctorot sensible location , foi the thlid time lod.iy objected to the consliicitttlon ot tbn bill niixklngim flppioprlnttnn to repixlr Polls Itoblnson and Niobriii.n. lloltium .sitx * both foils aie iinnece sary. lie Is xUlllng that Fott Xlobrara shall bo put in coed oondl- tion , but says Fort Uoblnson is not needed and Hint ho will not submit to ImVluR It 10- united. It Is so late In the session noxxnnd there Is such aiuMi for consideration of measures of nntlonnl Importance , that the Nchiaskn delegation dospulr of securing this npuroprlnilon till nc\t xvlnter. tlobiiitn , xvho pits his knoxvlcdRe ot the needs ot the army against that ot the xxiii ttcpirimcnt ami numerous ollteer.s hrvs persistently fourflit this iiioasure , nnd Us failure oftonsldfci'rtlion Is duo to him. XVIM. vnro Moi'.K mr.T.B. Tt Is stated upirti ilcmocrntlo authority that President Cleveland Intend * to veto the Mex ican pension bill if the opportunity Is offered him , The measure has been n-.v ud by both houses of COIIMTCSS and is now In conference for AXI cciucnl upon nn amendment made bv tlie Si'iinte. Some lime a. ti the president atitcd in the most positive and vigorous Inn * Kiiano in ono ol liis x-eto messaRes that the Kox-ei niiiont cannot allonl to potision n ninit xxho has mil conttarted his disability In the line of ditty. 'Die Mexican is n scmco nen * slon bill , as Is also llarilson's bill , xxliloh passiMl the senate recently , and xvhich pen4 nious all xxho Dcrxcd for the union In the late xxai , xvho aie now disabled horn any causa not the result of xlclous habits. This bill xx ill also rceclvo Piosldont Clovoluim's x-eto , unless ho Is driven Into line and Is uiixiio lo sxxalloxv liis xxords. It either the Mexican or HaiiKon's sorxicoiiensiou bill Is defeated in cotiKiess it xx III be at the icquest ot the presi dent , xvho xx 111 not xx alt to apply liisxeh ) . as he has doolr.red ho xvlll : or it ho should slijn oithoi of the bills ho xvill do so under piotost and In xiolatlon ot his deliberate declaintion that he would not grant a pension except for disabilities Incurred In the tine of dutx' . Theio Is no hope now foi the x'Ctcians of either xxar. unless they fotiuht against the goxcimuent.ln xvldoh ox'ont tliey max * receix-e appolntnient to positions made x\ieant bv the remox'al ot union boldlors , A ' ronciiKit ON ci.ivr.i.ANi > . Mr. Tnnlbce , a ilcuiocratlc congressman lioin Kentucky , and a member of the com mit tec on Invalid pensions , is very xviathy at the action of the president in the vetomat- tei. "Itis an outrage , " said he , "for a man xvho ncxcr.Miicllcd pondoi In his llto to veto the pensions of poor old .soldiers , and \\orhO than all. to put his mm k of sarcasm on them. That bill to fncreaso tlio pension ot a Mis souri state seimlor Is n doxxiirlght piece of bull-necked piuhnadcdncss. \ \ hlle 1 ngrco xxith the president politically I do not in Ihls tnattei. 1 shall vote to pass ox-cry x-eto I deem correct ox'er his head , " and so savins the tall j amis Kentucky member bit a lead pencil in halt and cantered off. XVIIAT COClCr.lllII.I. WILL 1 > O. Tito president lias receixed a full explana tion of the ease of ttie Missouri state senator , \ > hose pension bill xxas vetoed , to his entile satisfaction , "The veto xvas mide under a misapprehension , " said the president , "but \xhatcanliloV" "Scad a message to coiujre-ss to that effect , " replied Senator Cociterell , xxho xvas lUiiklm ; the explanation. Tills rather staggered the executlxe , nnd ho told the senator that ho XNould consider the matter , but he did uot think ho xvould do It. Cockcicll .swears ho xvlll speak to oxorrido cxeiy xeto that collies' up , 11 it Is not done. iror.xiAN's Mi. . Information received heiq fiom IpdJanaj' through democrats' In the .southern ami xvcst- crn poitious of the state , shoxx'8 that if the election this tall should result in a vlctniV for the diiiuoci. its that Koprosontatlxo llol- nian , of " 1 object" fame , xvill figure much mom prominent as a senatorial candidate than men In bis party xvho aspire to bo poli ticians and .statesmen pi\e him credit for. It transpires Hint the objector had a double purpose In making such a poxx-erfully deter mined race for ic-nominatton recently. Ho not only wanted a ic-electlon to the loxvor house , but a boom for the senate. Mr. Ilolnian has developed Into o x'cry astute politician of lato. lib lias rami fied liis political formications with many otliee-holclers , and it is observed by one xxho lias folloned closely the character of liis ap pointees that all of them ate more or less in fluential I 'i his state , and can servo him a good purpose in a campaign like that for the senate xvlll be. So the old centletmm is lay ing his ropes deep and In a foxy manner , and by virtue ot fact has at this time a sliong and gioxx ing folloxx Ing. Gox ernor Gray , xvho Is a ycai ning aspirant for the senate , lifquoted as rotenlngto Hol- nmn as a veiy formidable candidate ; and ex- Senator McDonald , likewise n prominent candidate for the position now occupied by Senator Harrison , also regards Hobnail as a. troublesome clement In the way of other uin- bltlous men in the state , .lust at this time Mr. llolman , by xailous olllclul nets. Is xrork- Ing quiollj and oirectixely towards the senate endot the capltol and xvlll bo heard fiom nt the proper time. Tin : XVVXNE IT.NSION CASI : . "Thoc.teo of Peter W.xnnohlch Ins been flgiiilngin the pension otllco Invcsllinxtlon before thu senate commltteo , is a notoilaus ono , " said an employe of the otllco to-day. "For many xeais ft xvas bandied around and made special upon various pretexts , until It became a stench to the cxatiilncifl. 1 remem ber that xvhcn Dudley xvos commissioner lie gave it n t.dr and iiiipaitial hearing , and It failed , ns it had frequently before. There - much against it too that xx-as t > o prejudice , , Col. Dudley had dlllleulty In securing an Impartial - - . partial man lo rcviexv It. When he Jmd tiiiccecded in linding the n\an' \ ho. called him up and said : 'This easo. has been passed upon , adx'uiiely , by a num ber of men In the olllce , and they aio pioju- dloed against Ir. i understand thai ion Imxo had nothinc to do xvlth It and knoxv nothing about It. Now , sir , 1 xviint you to take the papers and glx'o the ease u cat eful. unbiased hearing. Seoxvlmt tliero Is of merit In It , Lei tiDthlnc prejudice you. and don't let an > body talk to you about It. Wall , the. report xvas adx eise , as usual , -There xxas nope po lblo chance for Wynne getting a pension evecpt by mbitiary order , like lionoral Ulackjjavo , at the request of Gen- cial Itosecians. You see , the ttoiiblo was the case xras made up on the nllldavlts of Ixvo men , bulb of xvhoin had cases pending iu-thu olllce , end for whom Wynne was a xvitnc * * . , It looked like a ca o ot trading a case of You tickle me , and I'll tickle you. ' That xvas xvhal ruined thu cn u. " < ' I , Dontoii'Hllalr l ro\vor All xvho aio 1JALD , all who are bocomlnc" BALI ) , all xvho do not want to bo bi\ld , , all who are troubled xvlth DANDHUtfF- HOHINO of theflcalp ; should use Itenton's llalrroxver. ! KHJHTV I'KII UKNT of those using It have grown hair. It nex-er fall * to stop the hair trom tailing. Through sickness and icx'cra the hair sometimes ( nils otf In a short time , and although the person may have loiiminod bald for years. If yon use Hen- ton's Hair CJ rower accord lug to directions jou aru&ureof n growth of hair , lubiini dreds of ca es xx'o hax'o produced n good groxvth of Hair on those who have been bald and glazed tor years xvo hi\o : fully iubstan- tiated the lolloxvlng facts : Wegrox/ Hair in t > o cases but ol 100 , no matter bow long bald. Unlike other preparations , It contains no sugar of lead , or xegetablu or mineral poisons. Itlsas | < ccHie for falling hair , dandruff , and itching of the &culi > . Tlio Hall ( irox\er li a hair food , nnd Its oiiiposltlon is almost exactly like the oil xvhich supplies the hair with Us vitality. DOUliU ! AM ) T Itll'LK STUBNdTU. Wlion the skin is xery toiiRh and nanl , and thefollice is apparently eitcctiially closed , llio single strength xvill boiuotliaes lall to leach tno papilla ; In such c.isas the daublo or triple stietigth should bo used in connection xxilh the single , using them alternately. Price , slnirlo strength , 81,00 : double s-tieUKtli , SiOO ; triple &troath , $0.00 , If your tti uggUU h.ixa not got it xvo xvill txjnd it preiwrwl on locfllpt of price UKNTOM 1IAIU GUOWEUCO. , Cleveland. O. Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kiihn & Co. 1Mb bnd Uou a * , 18th auJ Cumins i _ _ M - j * - * rfVirll _ TUA.VI3ljfiUS. Thomas Cochrant of Portia , Ark : "I transact considorlJlo ; | business In Omaha in the frttll line , , anil although Kansas City is our prim-in ? ! jnarkot , I become more and more favorably impressed xvith your city ex-cry ( Ifeyj , t hax-o here now three car loads ot Stic-lons , but 1 Und tlio market is pretty Vjell lllled. Did I hax-o Ihem hero on Monday last I could haxu easily got sfK"i : per limrdod. As it Is I xvlll ship ono car to iFremont , nnothor to ( Council Hlull's and leave the tblnl hero. Melons nro ono of tlio most profitable ciops xxo Imvo In. the south. Wo have 800 acres deVoted to melon raNing. They ar < * iUI of the Cobb ( Sein variety the laiKesi , ami the best llavorcd that me Rfoxvn. alie yield is about 1,000 to the aero , nnd Ihoy 'come ' In early in July , the ditto tliis'jx'ar being the loth. \Vu are ten davs later than Georgia , "xvlucli piodueos tlie lirsl melons In Ilio bonntry. PeaelieM and plums xvlll bo n failure on llm i\ml this year , oxvinir to t lie bovero xvlnter , but our npnlo crop is very line. Wo liavo been shipping splen did apples stnco the middle of June. A Hotel l-'lrc. At 11 o'clock last night a general alarm of fire xx'as sounded from the box at the corner of Douglas mid Thirteenth slrects. i'liu blaxo xvas found to bo In the kitchen of the Arc-idu hotel , nnd wa& extinguished before any damage xx'asdono. A number of frightened guoat.s xvero called out by tlio alarm of lire , but arusli xxas avoided. .llrovltlc . Thu bank clearings ycslerday xvcre § . - > , 100.20. Thirteen recruits for Fort Omaha and Wyoming came in from tlio cast yester day. day.TxxontyBk Txx-onty-Bk dcodsnndolovon mortgages xvcro Filed in tlio county clerk's ' olllco yes- icrday. A toloplione. No. 820 , lias been placed in tlio olllco of Unildmg Insnuctor Wbil- bpck. The county commissioners xvoro in tlio country yesterday looking after the bridges and roads. A largo number of Omahans xvill visit Manhattan boacb , near Council Kind's , on Saturday afternoon , An incoming freight train , Mike Parr , engineer , xvas slightly delax'cd \Vahoo ' ycstorday by the breaking of a driuo rod. The police had a jrroat sculllo yesterday - day afternoon in efl'ecling the capture of Mrs. Hoffman , of Twelfth street , xvho cot lighting drunk and attempted to clean out the neigbboi hood xvlth a in/or. She was linally disarmed and landed in jail. TliQplayat tlioStadt theatre summer garden on Tenth stteet next Sunday evening xvill bo llio beautiful comedy , "lliehnrd's Wanderlobon , " in five acls , xvilli delightful vocal pieces bv Kettle. Mrs. ENio Uaiireis , Emilo Ptils-Ahl , Selma Lindcmann and Mcsscrs. Horsky , Schmitz Puls Haurois and the excellent stock company xvill appear. Travel xvcstward is Very heavy notwithstanding - withstanding the restoration of rales. Last night's train hud four Pullman sleepers without i naro berth. Some delay - lay was occasioned jthe depot in regard to making two sections , of the train tint as Superintendent } Dickey's private car did not go out as Vpoblcd it was finally determined lo lotfNoj 1 ire it as one sec- lion and at 9:30 slie pulled out. The Merchants ! Protective agency has passed into llio luTftds of Mr. J. E. Ncxv- man , xvho for llio pas > t eight years has been an employe in tbo general freight olllco of the B &jU. , xvlicro ho has made hosts of friends and proven himself a young man of indijc UiAn ordinary busi ness ability and integrity. lie will place the protective ngoncydn its foot ana xvill no doubt opcratciilmia , successful man ner. J.1.1..0' ! Only a straggling few veterans bound for iJan Franciscw'cJVtiKo m' last night , among them Colonel Curry , of Missouri. This morning the 'Wisconsin delegation , with ox-Governor Pairchild nnd Adjutant- General Check , will nrrix'o. Sunday xvill bo the big day. Besides the Illinois dele gation. with General Logan at its head , lucre xvill be Ixx'enty-four cnV-loads of Noxv England vcloraus. They are ex pected lo arrix'o at 11 o'clock and will leave al mid-day. Il is said that ft spotter lias been at xvork on the Pullman lines in llio Union Pacilio .system , nnd that , as a result of his investigations ten Pullman conductors have been discharged , most of them for trivial ofl'onscs. It is staled lhat Mr. Pullman is trying to break up llio Pullman Pacific system , with which lie has never been pleased , and will place enough regular conductors on the Union Pacilic lines to shoxV the superiority of tlio Pullman service over that afforded by the Pullman Pacific. Mr. Pullman is not on llio best loruis xvilh the Unioa and Central Pacilic authorities , as is shown by the fuoi that ho sent the spotters out over their lines contrary lo Ihcir xvislies. Jiicftard Wilde : "Talk aboul lost op portunities in real estate speculation in this city , half of it is not lost opportuni ties. Ils simply fate fighting against people ple xvlio strive to overcome her. I knoxv people right on this street xvho are occupying frame houses for business purposes , and have paid rent enough to build a block of brick. Yes , sir , 1 knoxv people who have paid $20,000 in rent for buildings on this street , and when those buildings xx'.cro lirst occupied , together with the ground nn xvhich Iboy stood , xvorcn't xvortli $500. Noxv yon couldn't buy them for $7.5,000. In the first pluco , lliey won't bo for sale for several years , as the oxvncrs won't and next , because oven if they could bo 'sold tbo presnnt oxvnors knoxv too xvoll xylint figure to ask for thorn. That's tlio reason why some of us haven't bought the places xxro do business in , and I'm ono of the fclloxx's , too. " l orsonnl Paragraphs. D. F. Uoaoh , of Phillips , is In Omaha. C. N. Abbott , of Fitllerton , is in llio eily.Ed Ed Ilickock of Dead \vood , h at tbo Millard - lard , , C. li Williams , of Schuylor , is in the . - , E. F. Pettls , of Ncpjrnqlia City , is in tbo city. li , ' „ n D. Brodcrsnn , of Denison , la. , is In tbo city. f" . > . J. C. Birney , of-'Cr'Ac ' , is at tlio Mer chants. C. W. Colliding and.xvifo , of Tekumuh , are in tbo city. W. / . Bills and G. M. Bills , of Denver , are in the city. _ , ' , , t Mrs , George Ztli nwJ daughter , of St. honis , xvoio in the city.ycsiorduy , Mrs , A , Glcusotr , of Cluveland , O. , is ' in the city , visiting , ,1i ° r sister Mra. P. 'Milestone. Mr. O. C. LexvisrnHtort Oak , la. , was in the city yostenluyjiu louto to AVayno on u business tiipJ'-,1 ' 1 Exovernor ( CArrts * of Soxxrard , find Hon. H. / . Mitchell , of St , Cloud , xvero nt the Pa\ton last evening. E. B. Sloason. ticket agent of tbo Union Pacific at Lincoln , xvas in the city yester day on his xvay to Columbus , Dr. Amelia Burroughs arrived from tlio east yesterday , having attended the American Instil tile at Saratoga Springs. W. P. Auderoon , an attache of the Live Stock Journal of Chicago , has been in tlio city fora foxv da s und left lost night for the eaU nnd southeast , Among tlio Omaltails AX ho xvent cast yesterday xvero tbo lion. J. A. McSIuine , A B. Huburmun and family nnd W. A. L , Gibbons. It. N. Withncll , wife and daughter and Miss Kli/.a Witbnell went to Lake Mhmetonku for the t > casou. HE WAS TIRED OF LIVING , A Young Man's ' Affliction Leads Him to Attempt Suicide. THE CRUSH ON TENTH STREET. The "DeteoV Girls WjlH-A ( Hotel l-'lro l < \ > itiit tlio Hoy's Hotly A. Msli Hlory ni'C HIOH ami Other lie \Vnntcd t > Die. 'Clio jms < .ontfcta tin j-cslonlny after noon's ' Incoming Utilon 1'ucllH pntsoli- KCT tr.iln liul : thcif attention drawn to n young limit on tliu pint form of otio ot lhftooaolii'3 in ohniKO of u jotuiKxvomnu , evidently Itis sister. The young man xvi\s n sud'oror from h fonrfnl ttithor Hint com pletely ( 'ovorcil the li lil atdo of hi3 fnco , almost dosing his ri lit o\'o nnd drawing Ills mouth and face all out of hlmpo. The yomijt fulloxv siubbornly i-o- fused , trv enter Iliu ( Sur. His reason for , tlld reTns.ll "xraa uot quite appar ent * Until the train Was crossing the brldfro over the Klkliorn rixor , when thcrntllictcd youth made n desperate of- tort to leap from tlio tniln , Hovits onught by his sister , wlio held him until She xvns aided by llio comlnctor , xvlto rushed to the rescue , in removing her allHctcll bt-bthcr Into tbo car. Arriving In Omaha tlio young xvonmn atnrtod xvllh her brother to sec if slit ; coulu get him tnki'n into St. Joseph's hospital. The vounK man Imd sufTnrutl ho that he Imd not been able lo eat anything for three or font dnys , and pKvo but completely at the corner of Tenth and Mason streets. His sister loft hltu.'hnro and went to got some food for him. In her absence some citizen xvho took tlio young felloxv for a drunk called tlio patrol xvtigon in xvhieli he xvas conveyed to the. police htatlon , Ho gnvo liis intiuo its Charles Anderson and said lie lived In North Omaha. He ln'ol > o doxvn and bogged so piluotisly that ho might not bo conlmcd in the jail that Marshal Uumings re leased him. Ho ImM millered ho saj's for nearly a year xvitb bis alllic- lion , and is tired of living a lifo of misery any longer. Whether he xvlll entry out bis resolution ot muling liis lite before ho is again restored to iris sister's gentle cam remain s to be scon. TENTH STKHLM HUSH A.NICRUSH. Scones TlmtTloltlo the Nerves Around the Tontli Street Crossinu. Affairs at the upper Tenth sticet cross ing of the Union Pacific railway am get ting xvorso ex'cry day , and it Is wonder * fill tlt.it fatal accidents do not occur every twenty-four hours. The company use tlio street , iml vicinity for making up freight trains and this , with the arrival and dciiartmo of passenger trains , prac tically rentiers this portion of Tenth street of no use as a public thoroughfare. With switch engines pufllngup and doxvn , cars passing into the depot by the incline with out locomotix'o pou or , trains coming m and going out , the place is a perfect Babel. The fact of the matter - tor is the company has not half room enough for sxvitplnng purposes and blockades are continually happening. The other ovcmngthu incoming overland train reached tlteThlrlccnth&tieot bridge on time but owing to the presence of numerous freight cars it did not get into the donot until an hour behind timo. Last evening No. 4 from the w'cst was forty minutes late. The Missouri Pacific calnc in ju t ahead , and xvhen the first named arrived it stretched across Tenth street. Two tracks to the north a freight train xvas across tlio street , liy actual count there xvere thirty vehicles of all sizes and descriptions on one side of and ' the other the crossing thirty-flx'o on with over a hundred people seokinir a passageway , home north , sonic south. A delay of fully fifteen minutes occurred , u..d of course the croxvd xvas steadily augmented. Imagine the scene when an opening xvas made. Horses , cabs , car- riagos.bus' es , wagons , pedestrians , etc. , ran into each other and a general entanglement - tangloment resulted. To add to the trouble sox'cral engines commenced to puss up end doxvn , and xvcro it not for the superhuman ellorts of the Uagmcn fatalities would certainly have occurred. The Tenth street crossing is the most dangerous nuisance ovtant , and homo ac tion should be taken to remedy the evil. A. "FiiY cofrJQR's" somn OIRL. Two Ijowcr Order Bpnutl' s Rncnj o In n Street Flclit ffc - u "Dctec. " Just at the supper hour last evening a boxing match for blood with b.iro hands and xvitliout rules took place bctxvcen txx'o beauties of tbo lower order infiontof the waterworks oflico on Farnuiu street. Lu Scott.u well knoxvn character , has for three or four years , she alleges , bad a certain detcctix'o for n solid follow. Of late , however , her mighty heart lias been al most broken by tlio Knoxvlcdgoof tlio fact that thu atloctious of her pretty little "liy copper" have become alienated throngli the scheming of a young girl named Hello Hollonbeck , an inmatooiMollie Wright's placet Toconvinco herself that Hallo xvns responsible for linr loss of u lover , Lu xvroto a note to Belle yesterday , sign ing llio name of tlio doubly lovqd ' uctcc , " appointing a mooting on Far- mini street at G.IW o'clock last evening , She then stationed liorbulf to nxvait dox'ol- opmcnts. Promptly at the hour named thu victim appeared in sight and xvas immediately pounced upon by the wohiau xvlio had lost n lover. Bolli parties came to the Scratch in good lighting trim , but Hello xvas evidently surprised nt tlio sudden turn of aflairs and nlloxvud Lu to xvm the match in onu round. The llollonbocl : gill xvafl pomewhat bruised and scratched about the bead nnd face and had her- clothimj budly torn. Both par ties xvero arrfistod and taken to tlio jail , xvlicro they g.ive scctprjty lor their appearance for trial ( ) ) ! . < > morning , , The most noticeable feature of the fight xvas the Jjlack eye xvlucli Lu beott guvo u SVntchmtin reporter xvho sought an inter- vioxv wUU , l > or concerning the cause of the trouble. _ 'A Ijittlo Tnlk on Klsli. "Tho co-oporatix'o s6tom of labor does not alxvays result benolieinlly for the laborer - borer , " remarked Mr. Benson , of the Bnnsori .Hsli company , as belaid aside a papdr'According ' to tlio ollicial report tbo mnckerol catch is 123,000 barrels .shgrtof last season's catch. This does not appear to bo an item of much inter est to us , but it will canso n great deal of stiflbring among the hardy lisliermen * of Ncxv England. An ordinary fishing vessel carries about tif- teen men and thov arppaiJ from the pin- cccds of thu catch , It is tbo rnlo that mio- bixthof the j ross proceeds gocto the ship nnd tlio remaining Hvu sixths , after paying ovpens.es of marketing , oimimls- sionsctc. , IH ilividcd among the men , When thu season is good tbo men do xvoll , but Iliu year they xviij see hnid timos. Sumo of the vessels that ha\u buun out Mince. March liavo not tal.t-n a barrel of lish. The oldest lUheruien arc at a loss to know the reason for the scarcity of the lish. It is not to bo xvomU-red nt that eomo ot tliiieorinon , xvbo have been labor ing for four months nt the hardest and nioit dangerous kind of woikxvithouj re * cent for tholr labor , got up on their ear xxltcnoxer Canada Intel feres xvlllt them. America's Itli ; I'lRlillnc Hlrri. A group of men was discernible in a sedentary position on a baggage tiuck at the depot last evening. They xxeio con versing on different topics of the day xx hen tboir attention xvas diverted by the sudden appearance of oiuof the now mail xvagon * . resplendent In its mnv paint and gilt. "They ought to have Cleveland's pict- ttro on tlio vnn instead of an eagle , " re marked a red-halted man. "It would be a xx'nsto of time and money , " said a meek looking indi vidual xvho xvas quietly whittling nnd bad tnkon no pall in the prcx loin con versation. "Yes , a wnsto of time , for Cleveland ain't going lo bo lilgli muck- a-much many more moons. Hotter put Hlaino's phi * there. " "Hlaitio bo d d. " loudly spoke a man xvitb n Urand Army badge. "Put HIaokJack's piotnro there , " "Ain't room for tlio moustache , " aaid a train candy btiloher , Several paitio" , xvho had been attracted by the talk , laughed. "Lot llio bird stand as lie Is , " remarked n Btern-lookmg man in : i decidedly Mtloslnn ficccnl. "Vus , lot the bird stand , or if you take him axvay put In the place a poctur of a Duck. " "A duck , " o.horiKod lh xvliolc crowd. "A duck. " "Why in ho.iven's name a duok ? " "Yls. a duck , " sftld Huborman. Tbo nlglo is liluco theru because bo's the great fniglithtffbtml of tbo land , Isn't bo ? \Voil , barrin' the aiglo , the grcatost bunl for totalling is the dnuk , See the bill behave have for puckin' . Look at llio fut uv him. Show mo the matt that can tup up a duck " Croxvd disperses to the mutio of an incoming train. Army Brevities. Second Lieutenant 0. K. Dontler , Sixth infantry , xvltli tbo deUichmettt of four enlisted men , from Fort Douglas , Utah , xvill return to their proper station on completion of the tiausfur of the public propel ty at C.xmp Moili"iue Untie to the noxv garrison. The Second infantry not being in tbln department xvhen tlio "practice season" was designated tor the troops serving in it for tlio current "target year , " the months of August and September are de signated as forming part of tlio "practice season" for tlu > companies of that regi ment nt Foils Robinson and Xinbrnrn , Nob. , and Irom September 7 to Novem ber 7 , Inclusive , for the companies of tbo regiment .stationed at Fort Onin'in. Nob. Under general orders No. 10 , scries of 1885 , from these headquarters , Fir t Lieutenant \yillitim A. Mann , adjutant Seventeenth infantry , is detailed for duty on general recruiting service for tlio de partment of the Platte at Fort D. A. Kin- soli , Wyo. , vice First Lieutenant Kdgar 15. ItoborUon , adjutint Ninth intantry , relieved. The commanding officer. Fort Sidney , Nob. , xvill send Privates George Lovalloy and Stephen Shipi/o. company F , Fourth infantry , noxv in confinement at that post , under a guard suitable to ensure their safe delivery , to Fort Niobrara , Neb. , for trial by general comt martial. A Brond Brim. Uon Grono , a celebrated engineer of the Union Pacific road and later the tough time sheriff of North Platte , is in town. Ho is a big man with a big head and big hat. The latter has a big leaf to encircle xvliich , in good time , xvould 10- qtiiro the gait of a pacer of the 3:07ordor. : Mr. Groncr is an afl'ablo gentleman , even though ho has had an experi ence xvitn western toughs xvhich might ordinarily drain all the tnilk of one's linmnn kindness. Ho has .lust returned from a txvo year's trip xvith Biill'alo Bill's Wild West , and proposes to settle doxvn into tlio peaceful pursuits of civil lifo in this city. He has tired of the management of half-breeds , full- broods , sqnaxvs , fcquaxv-mon , papooses , greasers , coxvboys and white men , and retains of them only a recollection xvhich makes him shudder at the annoyance this heterogenous mass 1ms occasioned him. He is at the Canliold. A Consolidated Company. The Alilbnrn AVngon company and the Moline Ploxv company , who have pur chased gionnds for a mammoth xx'are- house in Omaha , liavo formed a stock company , under tlio laws of Ohio , for the exnrcss purpose of carrying on their xvcstorn trade. The company is styled "Thn Molinc , Milburn & Stoddard com pany , " with a cash capital of $100,000 paid un. G. A Stephen , secretary , and F. G. Allen , treasurer , are resident sigouts of tlio company. Already they are doing a big business , bavin" opened an olliee in the exposition buildinc. Their noxv building at the corner of Ninth and Pa cific streets , xvill bo UUxlSi , and live stories high. It xvill bo completed yet tbisfall. _ Ho Whipped HIH Mother. The report xvas made to the police yes terday of an alleged assault of the most cowardly nature. The charge xvas mudo 'that on Wednesday evening Loxv Green , a young man xvlio lives xvitb his mother on Webster street , between Thiitoentb and Fourteenth , came home xvitlt a young lady xvhoso good character xvas questioned by his mother , xvho finally re fused the young woman admittance to her house. It is alleged that for tins provocation young Green assaulted hi.s mother and abnsod her shamefully. No arreats liavo been nmdo as yot. fluse Ball. Tlio greatest addition to llio Union Pa cific club that has been made this season is llio last one , xvhieli gix'os lliom a chungo catcher to relieve Uandlo , The addition is in the person of Jack Dnggati , nn old time member of llio nine xvho lias bill recently relocated in Omiilia. Mo bus boon playing xvith a St. Louis olubdur- in"-lho pant season. On SatnvdAy the Union Pacilics xvill cross bats with the Loavonxvorths , xvitb the Loatlvillos on AusruHl 10 , the Loavonxx'orthfl again on August JJ , nnd the St. Joe club on Son- tember 11. The Union Pacifies fool able noiv to taohlo any club in the Western league , and are just aching to got u game xvith tbo Hastings nine. Hcoovoroil tlio Roily , Search for llio body of the young son otllichard Cody , xvlio xvas drowned in llio Missouri on Wednesday , xvas re- siimcd yosloi day morning ami kept up all day , About 0 o'clock vcatui day ovun- in" the body xvas found lying in a quiet ponl near the xxatonvorku losorxoir Thu body xvas discovered by a p.irtv of Cody's felloxv xvorkmun who had boon nidin" in llio search. Tbo roinuins xvero u-movcd to the residoii9o of the family , neat1 thu river , fiom which place the fu neral xvill take pl.ici ? to-day. i'nrmllH. Inspector Wlntlook issued bulldin ; ; per mits yesterday as fulloxvs- r.u.'ono Knnuy , oiiC-hloiy fnuta eot- t.u'e , Mmml , eastof haundors , . . .S 000 M. Ton , lxxtory frnnio nttldcnce. Fairrtcxx- , south it Jloxxunl . 10,000 31.ii tin Knuht , omv > tory Iraino col- UiC. ClaiK iii-l Nmetiiunth , , , , . 103 Fiuil Andoisu i.onc-stoii1 Iriuie 01111 , U. ; South jnliUfiith : . . . . . , . . . " JC/ra Millnnl. liX"-"torj buck xxauv Kivo peniltj aWfoyaHnj ; . SI MOO T11K AlAKIUVr ItASKUT. \Vlinl Can 1)0 Purchased In the Local Mnits Price * . Vr.OKTUlU.S. Noxv cucumbers u'll for 5 cents each. Caiililloxver is xvoith from o to 15 vents a lioad. Paisley is sold nt A cents a bimeli. Noxv radishes txvo bunclies for n nloklo. Noxv { { icen onions , four bunclies for a dime. Tiinioy and mint fi oont.s n bunch. Now turnips tl bunehos for a dime. Now potatoes , from Sli to GO cent * n peck. Peas .soil for 0 tVnts a ( inavt. String beans and xvax bonus sell for I quarts forS.'eoiiN. N'exv boots are soiling id 5 cents a bunch. New tomatoes | 'j | cents a pound. Cablwgo 10 ooltts a head. Spani-tli onions 5o a pound. ntUlT. Lusoliu ( poaches have made their appearance in the markets , selling trom 45 to 75 cents per do/en. Plums soil for SO cents a pound , and llartlolt pears 15 cents a pound. Watermelons iui lit tltn market nl prices ranging from XT HI SO cents apiece. The lirst noxv Hodt oranges Itax'o ar rived. Are xvortli 7 > "ic to $ t si do/on , lemons bring from ' 10 to 50 cotits , the outside price being for xery eholeo onus. Itaunuiis are xvorth fiom 25 to : < 5 cents a doKun. Washington Tenltory tar- titiian cherries aio xvoitli ; ! 0 cents a pound i homo-groxvn cliorrios , Si ) reals a quait. lilaok raspberries bring an even llgtiro of 20 oonM a iiuart , other varieties the same. Mlnckborrles arn xvortli SO anils n quart. Cm rants bring 125 to 151 eents a nusut. California apricots sell for 15 eoitts n pound. KISII , White Huh and troni are soiling for 15 eents a pound. Salmon stuaks are \voitb \ 25 ccut.s a pound , Salt codlisli tongues sell for lo cents a pound , IjFrosh | toroli are noxv in tlio market , and sell at 12 } cents a pound , Frosfi catlish also on hand , selling at 15 cents a pound. Hnll'iilo vs just In season : fresh caught , 10 cents a pound. Pickerel are noxv In tlio market , fresh , and .sell at 12 } cents u pound. Fresh mackerel are xvorlh IS cents apiece. Ftosh pike sell for 15 cents a pound , as do also black bass. ( Jroppio and poroh retail for 12 } couth per pound , blue-fish tire xxortli 25 cents a pound Frog- . ' legs hell at 10 cents per dozen. MV.AT , VOt'r/IltV XNt ) OAMi : . Spring lamb is one of the doHcies of the st'iiMm. The hind quaitofs brlitii $1.50 each , the fore quarters ? l 25. The best cuts of sirloin sell for 15 con Us , rumps and upper part of round steak at 12J. Koasting ribs , linn and juicy can bo bought Irom 10 to 12J cents. Sxxoot bicads can bo purchased at 25 cents a pair. Coin beef Is selling at from 5 to 10 cents , according to cuts. Prime log of mutton can bo had for 12 } cents ; mutton chops 12 } to 15 cents ; bam is worth HJ cents in bulk , 20 cents sliced. Pork , 10 to 12J cents. Sausage , 10 to 12 } cunts. Him Kit AND ioos. : ttultei from 15 lo 20 cunts a pound , the latter price is for tlio bo t etoamory. Eggs bring 10 ecu's a do/on. Successful Substitute for tlio licit Cord. Boston Herald : Until within a fexv years , the only method of signaling bo- ween the various portions of a passenger train and the engine has been by means of a boll cord running through the car.s and across the tender to a boll m the cab of the engine , though in starting the train Irom stations the conductor bus motioned xvith his liimd in the daytime or swung a lantern at night. These methods hax-o many imperfections , and liavo been at tended with many diflioiilties , and x'ari- ous attempts have been made lo supply a substitute for the bell cord xvhioh should be more reliable And morO quickly operated. Naturally , in llicso days of electricity Inventors'have sought to em ploy that force in accomplishing the de sired object. Wlnlo the use of oloelrio bells in dxvollings , stores , olliccs , oto. , is common and easily accomplished , llio same appliances can not bo used on n railroad train on account of the difllcitl- lies of .seeming perfect and reliable con nections bolxx'ccn llio Hoxeral parts of llio train. Many patents have been secured on different styles of couplers for .such connections , and some foxv of them liavo worked very satisfuclorily , Ihongh tins great majority have proved failures xvlion subjected lo praclical tests in nil kinds of weather. Yesterday utternoon the xvritor , in com mon xvith other nexvspapor representa tives and n number of railroad men , xvitr- nested an exhibition of a dovicp thai is perfectly automatic in operation. The losl xvas made on llio Fitchburg railroad , xvliero a locomotive and two passenger cars equipped xvilh llio device have boon running for a number of xvoeks. The common bell cord is retained m llio cars , but instead of passing from one carte to anolhor il is connected nl each end with axvirc xvbicli runs down through the llpor and by a tight lilting cap into Interior of the rubber lioso of the auto- malic air brake. liy an ingenious ar rangement of buttons the act of uniting thu couplings of Iliu air biaku establishes llio electric connection The eleclrio current is produced by six Lo Cbanco baltcrioa , xvhich arc hermetically sealed nnd placed in a suitable box in the cab of the ongino. Of course an open circuit is used , and by pulling the boll roue in any part of the car tbo circuit is closed and a gong in the engine cab is rung , and the 4. tiamo effect is produced by the broaiing apart of the train. The device is thu joint invention of Messrs. ( Jcorgo I ) . Uttr- ton , of Now Ipixvlch. N H. , nnd Charles II. Magoon , of St. Johnsbiirg , Vt. For Urn pin pose of equipping raihoad trains xvitb the device , a corporation called tbo Automatic FJeoliic Signal company has been org.miKod under tbo laws of the state of Maine with a capital Block of $100,000. Heal Kmuto Trnunfors. Tim following transfers wore filed July 31 , xvith the county clerk , and reported for the HIK : by Amos' Hual Estate Agoncv : ( iooigo P .Stebblns ( fllngta ) to Am II Sails- bury , lota , blk7 , Ilimscom place. Omaha , w d , SIIUO. KiiKeno Knony and xvlfo to Win I1' Allen , lot ' ' ' > and A ol lotus AKoiiuUo mid. Omaha w d. S-m Ibus ! 11 Samson and xxlfn lo Lcona H LouiiBbuiy. hit ( ! , blk 15 , Walnut Hill , Doug las co. x' d , bOO. William J Paul ( hlngta ) to Ksslo Wallace , part ol nojj ot ne > ot i-oa UO-15-13. Douglas co , xv d. S 10. Win Ualllimcrond xvile to Nels Christian- pen , * yt of lot 7 , blk 4 , Hoib.ich's''dadU , Onmlm , xv d , STOO , Chas S Pnuottoand xvlio to .Maiy K Simp- hon. lot 4 , Allen's bubdixlslon ol lol'O , Jta- ( jen's add. Omaha , xv d , SAO. AlKoinonS Paddoek and xvlte to Wendell Donson. lot' . ' , blk - , Paddoek a pluie , Omalm , M d , SiLKK ) . JMIUC.S llaM''dl to Wm Iloil ctt , lot 10 , blk : ; , llHM-nH's siibdixiaif/n , Omaha , xv d , .laiob Williams and xvitoto lCii'cno Knony , lot Id blk 1 , Dcnli-e's ndd , Omaha , xv d , SHOO , \Vm \ ( iuienlL'blnulu ( ) to ld.il > n ( \utos i , lot : ; . blU U , J'.irk place , uld , Omaha , xv d , n : ; H 11)11 ) and hush md to Krank J Jlool and otlieix , .i'i7 It of lot t > 5 , NeUon'H add , Oin.diu. SbW. W li ij.iiisDun : ind xxlfo to Lincoln T Sjlo : , lot 'J , blk 7 , llanscoiii place. Omaha. xv d , Saw. Isaac S ll.isenll ( single ) to Hnrbnra Nlstcl , Int'-i ! , bl < i < l , ilitsi'iill'a suljjivlslon , Oinaiu , xv il. iiio. ' ) . A K Tou/alln nml xvifoto Adam V Larl- r. lols'-'Jand'-Hi , Terifti-oadd. Oniiiha , xv d , Cb.irhs Kaiilniau and others to the Kaiilin m tt.li'tfcr'n siibilixisloii of lot 3 , blk T J'n\ii ! ' > Hill , and /art / ot lot Lane's Mib- il s , sjoii alid part ol school laud , Omaha , ( led-