Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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The Tripartite Lines Refuse to Help Oat
the Unlbn Pacific.
Held Tor n Crime In Iowa Arc They
tlio Street Car Iloll ) > ers ? Henry
Itoliwcr Turns Up-
The Fnst Kv press Scheme.
General Superintendent Smith of tlio
Uiiloli PacUle , rcciilvoil n yosterdav copy
of the rnsoliition passed at tliu meeting of
oHiuials of tliu Iowa lines in Chicago .Mon
day , It lias an important bearing on
this fast express cclienio of the Union Pu-
cilic. It reads as follows :
Kuvilvcil. 'I'luit It Is tlu > tense of the lines
cast of tlio Missouri ilur Hint , considering
tliu unsettled condition of nlfalrs between tliu
east unit \\esttiiink lines , the nresent time
Is Inopportune for tlio consideration of pro
posed changes , and Ilio schedule should bo
iHistpjnod until other in Uten nre fully and
ilclinltcly settled.Vo would , therefoio. ask
the L'nlon Parllir railway to hohl mioh proposed -
posed ' } WJl'.3 ! In aln'y .nice for further con
[ Hlirnedl C. . K. I. & 1' . . C. , M. * St , PAU ! ,
C. & N. W. and C. , H. & ( J. railways.
Thus do the Iowa roads refuse to co
operate in the lightning express scheme
of the Union Pacific. 'J ho Inttcr road had
simply requested them to leave Council
Blulls atlH5 In thu evening , instead of
0:50 : as at piesenl , as the Union L'aclllc's
evening train would not arrive in Coun
cil Hinds until 830 p. m. No
other changes would havu been
necessitated. A telegram f oni
a Union PaciHc oflicial now in Chicago
says that thu low a roads declare that
I1 even if the. Union Pacific does make the
" change , they will not hold their trains
the necessary two hours , nor will they
compromise on anything later than the
present time. This is a clear "back
down" on the part of the tripartite lines ,
who had virtually agreed to the nrrugo-
"This refusal on the part of the tripar
tite lines was directly caused by the bull-
do/.inc policy Jot the C.
B. & Q. " said n Union
Pacific oflicial .yesterday. "That road
sees thai it the Union Pacific puts into
effect its fust express scheme it will knock
the 11. & M. and D. & 11. G western busi
ness higher than a kite. Consequently it
IH trying to defeat the Union Paeilio with
every means at its command. The fact
is that this action is really a discrimina
tion against Omaha In favor of St. Paul.
The trip from Chicago to St. Paul can bo
made in twelve hours , while between
Omaha and Chicago trains run at the
rate of twenty-two miles an hour ? "
"Will the Union Paeilio abandon its
fast express schomey"
"No. The train will bo put on , though
n revision ot the schedule of time origin
ally planned may become necessary on
account of this relusal of the tripartite
lines to co-operate. "
General Manager S..ll Callawixy lof t'ycs-
tordny for a western tour over tlio Union
Paeilfe. While in Unite , Mont. , Mr. Gal-
Inway will make arrangements for the
formal transfer to the Montana Union
company of tlio line of road between
Butte and Garrison , which the Union Pa-
cillo has leased to that corporation.
Two Men Arrested for Complicity lit
tlio Street Car Ilobbory.
Yesterday Oflleers Mutza and Howies
arrested Frank Tracy and LeonardLang- |
Icy , two rather hard looking characters ,
on suspicion "of being implicated in the
street ear robbery of Monday night. Both
men deny any complicity In the affair.
They were taken to the home of tlio ear
driver this morning. Ho said Tracy
looked like the highway robber , but was
unable to identify him positively. Tracy
was tlio loss agitated or the two men ,
upon being scrutinized by the street car
driver. Langley was greatly affected ,
nnd trembled like an aspen loaf.
A red Handkerchief , which bore the
mark of bloodstains partially washed
out , was found on Langley's person. The
i Alter claims ho can establish a success-
En ! nlibi , although ho admits being in
North Omaha on the night of the street
car robbery.
Truoy , whom Peterson claims looks
like the street car robber , is a man about
fortv-livo years of ago and is a hn.rd char
acter , llo makes a precarious living by
gambling , lie has been heard to make
mysterious remarks about the robbery
> tuul to intimate that ho know something
ftbotit it. When taken in charge by Jailor
McDonald yestorduy while denying hav-
ingjeommitted the crime , ho .said that [ ho
knew the man who committed the rob
"I don't sco why they should lock mo
up , " said Tracy , when questioned about
tlio matter oy a Bui : reporter. "I don't
know nothing about this robbery. 1 am
no thief , and" have never boon arrested
for stealing. I make my living by gam
bling. "
"Did yon say that yon know the man
who committed tin1 robbery ? "
"No , 1 didn't. 1 s.dd 1 thought 1 know
who ho was. There is a certain man in
the town whom I know to bo a thief , and
whom I suspected of the crime , llo is
a middle-aged man , with black mous
tache nnd black whiskers , llo has boon
hanging about Omaha for the past two
or three weeks. I concluded that ho
might bo the man , and so 1 determined
to track him down and secure the ro-
ward. That's all 1 know ubout it. "
A menu IN IOWA.
With Which Two lowuus Stand Ac
Yesterday Shorlir , E. Y. Borgln , of
Adams county , la. , arrested In thiH city
Reuben Bissett nnd W. II. Yiors , of the
same place , upon a requisition from Gov
ernor Larrabeo , of Iowa , and the neces
sary warrants from Governor Dawcs , of
this state. They wcio charged with
maiming and disfiguring a young 'man
aged eighteen years In a most horrible
nnd barbarous manner. The crime was
committed about the 1st of last Match , at
about eight miles from Corning , in tlio
county mentioned. As n eonsoqiwnco of
the crime , the victim is
jnulmcd for life. Yesterday
morning they appeared In court before -
fore Judge \Vakoloy \ and sought to bo
discharged upon a writ of habeas
corpus. Messrs , GrotV and Bnrbank
appeared for the prisoners and sought
on various grounds to show that
tlio arrobt was illegal. Judge Wnkoly ,
however , hold that while ho had not time
to enter into a lengthy hearing of the
case , ho believed that lie had no author
ity to set aside the requisition of thu gov
ernor which bcemod to htivo been issued
ns the law proscribes. However , if the
parties accused desired to htivo a full hear-
in , they might take their case before
oifhor county court or Jndgo Neville ,
The testimony implicating the prisoner *
is that of the boy maimed and as the deed
was dona in daylight , the lad must have
perjured himself to save a guilty
party. The accused arc not innocou !
in'oauso it is not likely thut ho could have
mistaken criminals while punishing Mm
us it is admitted ho was punished , The
prisoners on the other hand claim to | bc
nblo to provo nn alibi.
Yesterday afternoon the accused dccid
cd not to contest the Cease and woni
with the sheriff to Adams county ii
rollco Points ,
Patrick Rookbud , a gentleman well
TUIOW.U in police circles , was -
before JuttRo Stonbcrg yes.
tcrdaV morning. on a charge
[ irofcrrcd by his wife , who ac
jusud him of licatlnrr nnd kicking kcr.
Patrick ( lonlcd the clmrgo , hut the wifn
rcltuaHtcd It. Finally tholr thirteen-
year-old boy , a very bripht lad , wns
jallud upon to testify. l o swore that
Ills father had beaten Mrs. Hockbnd and
lintl klckc t her and struck her witli his
list."That's not 10 , " ejaculated Pat , when
lis son had finished.
" 1 Hiiy it is , " retoitcd the son.
" Didn't I only shove her with my hand
"No. you didn't ; you struck liar and
ciekod her , " rctitrniiil the young hopeful.
" .Johnny isi : oed boy , judge und ho
wouldn't toll a lip , " interrupted Airs ,
lloukbud nt Iliif junutura.
Hoekhnd interiiosed : t feeble defense
which availed him nothing. He was
hied $10 nnd coils.
Violet Hushnnll und Louise Smith were
ined So nntl costs for using profane lan
James Carroll , Moses I'arker , Jack
Wells and S. Uriarley were lined ? G and
costs for drunkenness. Two vagrants
were dlbcliartcii
Tlio CnHtclliir Picnic.
The minimi picnic of the Castcllar
street Presbyterian Sunday school , which
vas held Tuesday | at their grove on the
J. & M. railway , was a grand success ,
hero being about three hundred present.
Everybody did his utmost to make the
nll'alr pnjoyablc.aud carried out the well-
irrange'l ' programmo of games , consist-
ng of running races for boys and girls ,
ilgli running jump , boys' three-legged
races , the orange race for ladies and ono
or gentlemen , winding up with the
, "tug of war , " Itofreshmcnts in
.he .shape of cakes , ice cream and lem-
> nado were served at the proper time.
Plio pionio was enjo.yed very much by
he entire school and will bcrcmumbcrcu
by the scholars for many a day.
A Now Tlio Company.
Articles of incorporation of the Union
lydraulio & Drain Tile company wore
lied yesterday morning with
ho county clerk. The incor-
> orators nro Robert. J. Carson ,
Jefferson W. Bedford , Abraham II.
souer , Willis D. Sherman and Laura E.
Martinovlch. The capital stock is sfUO-
000 , whieh upon a two-thirds vote of the
stockholders may bo increasetl tofiflO , -
000. The value of n share is $ 100. Tlio
; reatost liability of thu association is
jUo.OOO. The company is organized for
: lie purpose of manufacturing and selling
ivdraulie tile and sewer pipe machines
also tiling and sewer piuo. The corpo
ration commenced business on the ! Hh of
this mouth.
A Compromise.
The Dinsmoor-Parcell case which has
attracted so much attention of late , es
pecially among members of the local med
ical fratornlty J to bo compromised.
Dr. Parcel ! htts made an ofler to buy Ur.
Dinsmoor'ri Interest in the sanitariumon
n liberal basis , and his offer has been ac
cepted. The burgam will bo consummated
fitoncu , nnd suit for dissolution of part
nership which was to have been heard
next Saturday , will bo withdrawn. Dr.
Dlnsmooi * will , upon retiring from the
sanitarium , devote himself wholly to hid
family practice.
The host Found.
Henry Ilohwor , the young man who
disappeared from his homo in Culhoun
several weeks ago , just baforo his wed
ding was to take place , hap been found.
Ho turned up at his father's house in Cal-
nnd emaciated. He is unable lo tell but
little about wlicro lip has been , and evi
dently wanderml offin a fitof aberration.
[ lu says that ho spout some time m Alma ,
Sob. He gives no reason for his strange
Tor Sale Cheap Fine Jersey heifer
calf , three months old. Address at once ,
U. C. , care Pacific Hotel Co.
Tlio MlNsouti Eats the Bank.
On last Sunday night the Missouri river
took ono of its notional changes and at a
fiointon the B. & M. called Gibson , a few
miles south of the city , commenced to
cutaway the bank , \vhon the corroding
was discovered but ten foot lay between
; ho edge of the bank and the railroad
Lrack. Immediately a force of workmen ,
about sixty in number , were placcil
upon the Job , and have since worked
there day and night. They have filled
Lho big cut with brush and stone and not
less than a hundred loads of each have
been placed in the cut. In a day or so
the danger will bo averted.
Opelt's Hotel , Llncojn Neb , , opened
March 15th , first class in every respect.
A Discharged 31 nil.
Yesterday morning it was
rumored that the employes
of the barbod-wiro works had
struck for one cent a hundred pounds
more on cattle wire and one and ono-
half cents on hog wire , thus asking for
the former twelve cents and for the latter
fourteen cents per ono 'hundred pounds.
Inqiiry into the matter found
that borne of the men had been talking
about asking for the increase mentioned ,
yet nobody would admit that ho had
done so. A man named Linko. who was
suspected of the talk , though denying It ,
was discharged yesterday morning.
Personal I'nrnijr npliw.
Dr. Merriam came in from the east last
M. II. King , of El Paso , Is quartered ut
the Milhml.
Frank P. Ireland left forNobrasHa City
yesterday morning ,
M. V. Watrous , of Covlngton , a
guest at thu Merchants.
L. Holhscluld of Huron , Dak. , is visit
ing relatives in this city.
Miss. Julia llosonthal of Chicago Is
visiting her cousin Mrs A Mandloburg.
Mrs , Gordon 0. Bean of St. Joe , is the
guests of Mrs , J. J. Hurdln of this city.
Mrs. H. Jones and daughter , hatter ,
have gene to Now York for a few days ,
Miss Jonnlo Pock , of Minneapolis , is
visiting her sister , Mrs , Frank Uogers , on
Virginia avenue ,
A , E. Marriott , the popular olork nt
the Millard , is again on duty after a
pleasant vacation in Kansas.
Ueuoral J Sohroidor , of Now York , j >
prominent member of thoJ. A. U. , was a
passenger on the overland last night for
'Fri oo.
Frank P. Lemon and J. Scholdar , of
Now Jersey , on their way to the G , A. H.
encampment 'ut San i'raucisco , are ut
the Merchants ,
Goo. A. Joplln , secretary qf the Y. M.
0 , A. of this city , wont to Beatrice yester
day , where the x. M. C. A , are taking up
subscriptions with which to erect a
building for their specific uso.JgS 3
Miss Fannie Huwitgor , of Falconer's
hosiery dcgartmont , left yesterday to
enjoy a well-earned vacation of two
weeKs , in Bonaparte and other points of
interest in Iowa.
J. A. Sehouk and wife , formerly Miss
Mary Wareham of this city , und now of
Dajton , Ohio , wltji tUuir liltlo daughter
Lulu , came in from an cxtundo4 visit to
Colorado yesterday , They are the
guests of Mr. and Airs , John A. Creigh-
Margaret Muthor , the well known tra
gedienne , J. M. Hill , Uor UJjlpagct , auq
For raising bread , bisctlifc or other food , ouly tlurvcry bcsfc mil
purest baking powder should be employed. 1 he use o Iho ordin
ary cream of larlnr , or of a baking powder containing lime , nluni or
phosphates , carries deleterious ingredients into the food to the preju
dice of the life and licalth of the consumer.
The ordinary baking powder contains cither lime , which intro
duced into the system in too free quantities causes serious disorders
of the kidiu-ys ; alum , a corrosive poison , or phosphates , which are
condemned by physicians as deleterious in their effect when taken
under certain physical conditions.
The absolute purity of the Koyal Baking Powder makes it
preeminently the most useful and wholesome leavening agent
known. It contains no lime , alum , phosphate or other impurity ,
leaves no alkaline or other rcsidtun in the food , and its use always
ensures pure , light and sweet bread , biscuit and cake , that is per
fectly digestible and wholesome whether hot or cold , fresh or stale.
Its leavening power has been determined the highest whenever
tested by official authority , and all chemists and writers on food
hygiene commend it for its sterling1 qualities.
Display at tholr vvarorooms , 1305 and ISO ? Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against losslby possible
defects In materials or workmanship.
-306 A. 1307 ARNAM STREBT
fourteen of her company passed through
town last night in the Pullman car Bo
hemia , for San Fraacisco where they open
in Romeo and Juliet on Monday nnd
will remain four weeks.
A Jolly Pnjp.
Jacob Suheider , a prominent Now York
wine merchant and agent for the Royal
Garter Sec champagne , and F. P. Len
non , of the firm of J. 11. Vail & Co. , med
ical publishers , arrivedin | the city Tuesday
evening as the advance guard of the New
York delegations of the Grand Army of
the Republic , on route to the national
convention at san Francisco. Mr. Behol
der is the senior vine commander of Cam
eron Post , No. 70 , Department of Ncw
York , and is a member of the Fourth
Now York mounted rillcs. Ho is also a
delegate to the national convention.
Mr. Lunnon is aide-de-camp of the
department commander of Now York.
Messrs. Scheider and Lennon brought
letters of introduction to cx-Shiroff Miller ,
and last evening a social session was held
at Manror's , in the course of which Mr.
Seheider entertained a largo party of
gentlemen with a series of sleight-of-
hand tricks with coins , rjngs , canes ,
cards and other articles , exhibiting a tie.-
grceo of skill not excelled by any living
professional performer , His sloight-ot'-
hand performances are certainly wonder
ful. Messrs. Schpidor and Lennon spent
yesterday in viewing the city .and
left for Denver , Salt Lake and
Ogden last evonpig. Mooting , A. F. mill A. M.
There will bo a special meeting of
Capita ] , Covert and St. John's lodges , A.
F. and A. M. , on Thursday evening , July
133 , ut 8 o'clock , for the purpose of con
sidering the propriety of purchasing
cemetery grounds for the fraternity. All
master masons are requested to bo pres
ent. Miss C. W. WILSON ,
Muster Capital , No. 3.
11 SILAS S , AuciiMOKur ,
Master Covert , No. 11 ,
Fnei ) J. UoTmvicK.
Master St. John's , No. 11.
A Kobnory.
Lange & Foitlok'3 hardware store on
South .Thirteenth street was
entered by burglars early
yesterday morning. Several revolvers
volvers and some articles of cutlery and
$4 in cosh were taken. The matter has
been reported to the police.
The follo\ymg is the weather forecast :
For the week ending Wednesday , July
28 Opens unsettled with storms of wind ,
rain nnd hall Hot and sultry , followed
by showers with wind Copier , breezy
and showery. *
Architect Vossis drawing up plans for
a block of iivo tenement houses to be erect
ed on Nineteenth und Davenport by Mrs.
Koonig , The structures will bo three
storys m height , and the cost will aggre
gate $30,003.
Roborj Hanson , the colobratcd actor ,
Is In the city making arrangements to
open up the Peoples theatre , of which ho
has secured a three years' ' lease. Ho will
relit und renovate the place and open it
early in the fall with the understanding
thntjtirslclass attractions and popular
prices are to prevail.
W. 0. Burnuam , travelling representa
tive ! . $ tSalMnx leyor i
y't rgurnbd ( yesterday with
6r\ae \ from a tyrlef wedding rtour.
Hu was ( lUiouv married in DCS Moine
lost WO'OK to Mlg.3 Cora Bovor , a young
lady of that place. The affair was en
tirely unexpected by his muuoyoui
.Henry Voss left last night for St. ' ' '
Company D of the Lpuisvillo Legion is
soon to give an exhibition of the manual
with Chinese lanterns , after dark.
I'lcnsaiit Social.
The Y.D IM. C. Ar rooms
were brilliantly lighted Tue-
ilay evening and at an early hour
the people began to arrive. The
occasion was a monthly social. These
socials are becoming so popular that the
bare announcement of them brings out a
largo crowd/audTiiesday night was nojexj
ccption , but was ono of the most success
ful ever held. A short programme of
music and recitation was well rendered
nnd greatly appreciated. Messrs. Win.
Sargent and Wm. Heller furnished reci
tations and Misses Clayton , Day and
Churchill , music. The committee had
also arranged light refreshments.
A $1OOO Apology.
New York Times : Business is dull
enough in Wall street now to give lots
of chances for the display of all the jok
ing propensities that tno average stock
broker is credited with- And opportuni
ties open , too , for transactions that are
not of the jocular sort , Ono case of this
latter kind edged in on the stock ex
change. Mr. Albert Aub is a popular
broker , and Mr. F. M. Thioriot is
another. Three or four Anya ago these
gentlemen had a little collision , and got
nt cross purposes , but no blood was
spilled , and their stock exchange broth-
re n had forgotten about the passing
cloud until , suddenly , a regular , old-
fashioned thunder storm swooped down
to engulf the twain.
Mr. Thieriot is connected with the big
banking house of L. Von Hoffman AJ Co ,
and yesterday morning ho took with him
to the stock exchange aomo orders to huy
a particular stock upon which some of
the customers of hH house were fooling
bullish. Ho was making his bids for this
stock when Broker Aub appeared on the
scone , all chipper nnd serene , and bout a
little on the discomfiture of Broker
Thioriot. And said Broker Aub , in his
stoutest tone , ns he stood in the center of
the pool :
"I'll sell 3,000 shares nt 701"
"Takonl" shouted Jlrokor Thioriot.
And tiion Broker Thieriot added this :
"Seventy and a half for 2,000 moral"
Broker Aub so bystanders tell it-
looked abtonishod. And that's the wny
ho felt , too. Despite the bold way in
which ho had thrown ,9,000 shares of the
stock on the market , hero was the price
going up the ndvauuujof i per cent from
70 at ono bid to 701 representing a loss of
just $1,000 and jiut [ about ono mlnuto
had been necessary to bring it about.
Ho owned up like nJittlo man. Ho went
right up to his aforetime foe and assured
him that ho had offarod the 2.000 shares
only in fun. Ho thought It might break
the markej , nnd It would bo a hap'p.v
spectacle to witness the Thieriot sort of
astonishment. But Broker Thioriot was
not inclined to hearken to this sort of
talk. Ho had bought the stock and it
showed him f 1,003 of profit if ho olioso to
order the contract closed under the rule.
Broker Aub's distress was real. Broker
Thieriot is n generous man. All ho nskcd
was that Broker Aub should bog his par
don , and Broker Aub did that with alac
rity. It ibn't every day , even in Wall
street , that an apology ifl worth a cool
Special Realty
Slots , c6xl70vach , Cortland Place-f 1,800.
11. U " , PAmiiSQK , } 8th uud
On or about Sept. 1st , 1886. >
" modi-
A POSITIVE Sir" ; Octo-
Ono bor will euro
the most obtlnnto onto In four days or loss.
Allan' ' sSolubleWledicaladBougies
No nauseous doses of cubebs , copaiba or oil of
Eiimluhvood tliitt nro certain to produce dyspep
sia by do-trovlnir the coiitlnirs ot tlio stomach ,
J'rlcoSI.50. Sold by all driUfgisH.or mulled on
receipt of price. For further particular Bout
forcircular. P. a Bor ISO.
3" . C. _ a.niXj. : k.fcT : CO. , CURE.
WJohiiBt. . Now York.
, 'London" ' Trouser Stretcher ,
Patented In Europe nnd U S.
for colobrittcU John Hamilton &
Co. , Stretcher. Takes banking out
of knees , restores imuhiisohs to
OrJgliiul shape. Only pufd eti tech
er comoIuliiK' screw rod In conce-
I lion with clamps. All others in-
1 ftlMK'fiii-ins. OilKUml nnil only
/Strotchor / lor Guiitlomon'8 UFO ,
r * LI Hy ovprcss securely packed , price
. _ _ * ff .fiO. Wrlto for circulars . Ac-cuts
wanted In every city. G. W. SIMMONS to CO. ,
Boston , Magi
Successors to J. Q. Jacobs
At the old stand , HOT Farnam St. Orders by
telegraph solicited and promptly attended to.
Ivlupliono No.Hii ,
Mrs Dr H N.
, , , . Taylor
Has had 3 years' hospital practice : gives the
same practice and treatment used in the bca
hospitals. Kidney discuses , all hlood nnd skin
disease's n specialty. UlccrutIonsold sores , and
over sores cured. Tro.itinout by correspond-
cnco solicited.
Oftlce and Residence-No. 2219 California
Street Omaha , Neb.
SENT C. O. D ,
I PAY nil express charges to all points within UIIO
rollc > . l.oiH'i'MTloBefl to Rclcot from fiend two ci'is ,
( taup f or lllmtrntwfcatalosuo. Jlintionthla paper.
. 1 Uimrnntiicdtho
only ono In tbo world cone rating
ncontinuous KltctHo Magrrtto
'current , hclonlltlc.I'owor/ul / , Durable ,
Corafortablo auit KacdlVc. Avoid ( rand * .
pvfir0c > uocurrrt. Kcn'IKtJmpforpanijtUlot.
Cor. 1SthBTn FTanaOAPITOL7
AND HiRDrirrouT nr
jausses , AND eiEomo BATIERICS.
We have the facllltlM , upraratns nd romodlea for
the micceierul treatment of oyerr larra of Olccuo
requiring elUier medical or ourifloil treatment , and
invite oil M > como null InTestloule Jor tlierasolvct or
correspond wliu UB. long experience In treutlnK
cttBCB h7 letter enables ut to treat nmnr cases
nclontincallvfltbout 6oclru tbcni
WJtlTU 1\3H Cllt.CUI.A lt cn _ doforniltlcs Jin < \
a'ru ; ; , "nd ail'kinds of Medical ona Burglcal
Appliances. manufattureJ.and . for eale.
Theonly rollablo Modlcal Insliltite making
' - ' ' "
Private , SpfoM Diseases
W can reraoro Bjpullltlo poleou Horn Uio sydem
iri .y l _ ? ' '
[ Jj'.KoiAI. AND.NKIIVOIIS . m.7.
* * .UM " . . UK 1 lir * ur..T -unnrti. . i w\4AA < w ,
or send hlitorr of your cato for un opinion.
I-ersons unillo to TI Jit us inay be treated at Itelr
homes , by correspondence. WedMrje * > d I" ' " ' " . '
mnnttfFcnt Dy m * * or express BKCUIilCLY rAUn. *
KU KIIO i OBdiiHVATIO.V , no m rL to Indlcata
cootentsc.'sender. Ono personal Interview preferred
Seonvenlent. Fifty ro-jms for tlio ocopmaiodiitlou
ofpatlents. Board and attendance Bt roisonablu
prlca. Address all letters to
Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute ,
Omalia , Met.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware/
bo lurgestjstock. Prices the lowest. Fine repairing n specialty. All work warrantuel. Corner
Douglas ana 15th street , Oimilm.
Orders from the legitimate jewelry trade solicited.
nev. HUGH O.I'ENTKCOST. pastor of st. p ur P"l Imvobecn miiTcrlnKfor twenty jroarn with riirona
Church , WcstSlth btruct , Nuw Vork , writes : nyrMiepMu ; for elulilt'on yufira 1 imro not pittciianl
mi loud uf any kind wliuturcr ; my illuuMlvo notrc-M
'Foreevcn ' successive ycirn.1 wmn victim to fever were po depressed th it Z wni unabls to iliaost fotd oft
tindiiicuc , resulting llnatlr In nerroiu prostration and any . . . . . kind cit-opt ntulo bra id pounded with u Inimmut
and nmdollno like . and then boiled.
pete der. Iwuarj.
melancholia , wlikli rendered ull woik Imposalblu nnil
to u mere skoluion , my lTerlni ; were Indni
life Itnolf a conntnnt horror. After mini ; crcrythlnx I piircliisvd ono at > our liver puds , nnd <
recommended from < iulnlii3 to cobwebs , 1 was pcr- to my utter nitonlnhmcnt , In two wp k s nnlo ta
Biiudcil to put on u Hnl.MAY. 1 had but nno chill eat u hpurty meiil wlt'i my family roait beef
aftcrnard .Mr Kcnoral huullii became pcrffctnnd Treetiibles.j Jliivc tinned tlllco-i poiindn ,
In ono ycur 1 Incruubcil from 17' > to 200 pounds. The I foci h.ippynnd joyful. All HID pnilK-und tlmnll
following puuimcr. ata time when 1 wa * peculiarly are duo to thu IIOI.MAV PAH.All I tltiink lied for ihu
subject to the trouble , I worj Dr llnlmau'8 l > iicl AS A blc'jlnn. Vours reap'y. Urn. I. IIO.N.M : ) ! , Koutll Wutfi ?
ritfcVKNiivE , but the cininy liud buon completely Iniiton. IU.
routed mid I did nol encounter him , nor Inuul met AHDui'nnihTK I'lllfC , J3.00
him since. " 3IOI.MAN l-AU CO. 1W Wlllliim lioct , V \ .
The Pud will prevent more sickness than all the Tills and Drupe In Christendom will Cure.
* * * DEWEY & STONE ,
One of the Eest and Largest Stocks in the
r. United States to Select From ,
Assortment for Bale to the Trade by
JIEFKIIENOKS : JIcrclmnt ' and Parmow1 Ilnnk , D.ivlil City , Nob.i Kearney National
3ankKparnoyNob. : Colinnlm * Stirto Hank. Uolumbii , Nob. ; McDonalU'd Hank , XorHi
Omaha National Hank. Omah.i. Neb.
JatU'.Ni-b.j iyiiii4ii > i * * iiitiiriisii i ttint. v MMiit j.ivi/
pay customora * draft witli bill of laUmi : uttactied for two-tlilnls value of stock
rroncrty ot every description for sale in all parts of the olty. Lands lor sain In
county m Nebntskn. A complete bet of AbstraoM of I'itlm of ifou-daa County koot1.
Maps of tioCity ! , State or county , or any ether Intonuatlon dcylred furuisliQi
frcu of charge ujiou application. n