Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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AiBcrtf criioiits under iIiirTiojcT.TirtentS per
line for the llrst Insertion , 7 cents for ench sub-
floquent ln ert'on. nnd fl.M n line per month.
No ndvcrtlBcmont tnken for less thnn 2fl cents
for the llrst ln ortlon. Seven word" ) will bo
rounte < l to the line : they must run consecu
tively nnd must bo pnld In mlvanoc. All ndvcr
tleenients must bo hnndcd In bofoio 2 o'clock
p , tn. , nndiindrr no clrcutn'-tnnecs will thoybo
taken or dlsconllnned by telephone.
1'nrtlcs advertIslnu In tlie o toluinn ? nnd Imv-
Intrtho answers n dtoseed In fnro of THE llr.K ,
will iilen o n k for n check toonnblo them to Rot
their letter" , ns nonn will bf dcllvcied oxcnpt
on pie'cntntlon or check. All answers to ad-
Tortlt > inaiit4 should bo enelosed In envclopoi.
f "At ONiV : T l LOAN On renl e tnto. lie-
i'liinced nile on Inrirn loans Central Invest-
intuit fn. , eor. lAth and I'limnm st. lf i
DNIIV Tf ) l.OAN-On fnrin ami city prop-
M oity.nt lowest rates , W. A. Kponcor IMJ
I'nrniitn st. 14A
( ) \iv : TO I.OAV tn ) real estnto.
I\L \ II. a Smith , Itoom a , Wlthnell
To I.onn on rcnl estate In stims of
MONKT ) nnd upwards. Addtes Almet Hkccl ,
. > 7 2 '
Mllhirdjiptel. _ _ j
ONI5Y 'H > LOAN On Itenl o lnto by
M llnllou llros. , 1J10 Uoimluj strcot.
: , I'lrxu or wn.otto to lonn in
SriciAi , on shott tlmo
three to twelve months MIIIO on piopcrty Im
proved or unimproved , Call nt the Ontnlin
I'innnclnl Hxchiiniro , second floor of Darker
Block , S. W. Cor * Farnnm nnd 18th at. 8H4
TO LOAN-At ronsonnblo rates on
MDN1JV o.flno wntohcs nnd other pcr unnl
property. O. J. Cnswoll , room 1 , Iron llnnk
biilfdlnK. 12tlt nnd 1'arnnm. Tnko elevator.
"IJlTKIinvo fhonp money onlonirtlnio , livany
T > fiiantityto | lonn on Inside city property.or
farmlnnd. Mnrshall i J.obeck , 1511 Fnrnma st.
' OKNT money to lonn. IU C Patterson ,
GI'KIt nnd loiiflas. ) _ _ 018
ONKYToT.OAN At lowest rates of Inter
est lit minis of J200 and npivards on farms
and city pioperty. F .1. Dny & Co. , 5Croim-
BO'B block , ao cor Capital nvo nnd 10th st.
pnred to make lonn In nny nmonnt , on nny
kind of approved security , l.nrun collateral
loiins n Bpeelnlty. Also on chattels nnd rrnl
I'Slnlo Inamountannd time to milt. Lower rates ,
better terms , imd pi ompter service thnn any
lonn rKcm-y In the city. For further particulars
call nt onico on Iho second floor of the Darker
lllock. eouthwcst corner of Farnam and Ifilh
TVTONIJY TO LOAN At lower rntesthanany-
XYJ , whore else In the clty.on f urnltnro , pianos ,
orpnnn , boi osnBOiis , or htock of nny kind.
Itomomber , nt lower rates than nnv other lonn
cninpnny in the rlty. City I-onn & Mnrtmuro
Co. . room 16 , 1401 Farnnm st , opposite I'nzton
hotel. _ _ _ DOT
to lonn on reildonco nnd business
MONKV . Lowest rntos. C. J. Cnswcll &
Co. , Koom lU.Iron llnnk llulldmu , 12th and Far-
nm _ tf-J--
to lonn by the imitorBlfrnod , who hns
the only proporlv orR-nnl/od loan nifoncy
in Omnhn. Ixinns of JIO to $1,000 mndo on fur
niture , plniios , orffiins , horses , wnpjons , mnchln-
cry , &e. , without removal. Jio dolnys. All
biiHlno ! < a strictly conUdontlnl. Loans so tnnilo
thnt nny pnrt cun bo paid nt any time , ench pny-
tncnt .rcduclnic the cost pro rntn. Advances
rando on flno watches nnd diamonds. I'orsons
should carefully consider who thoynro denting
with , ns mnny now concerns are daily comlnir
Into existence. Should you need money , cull
find BOO mo. W. II. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll
Dulldlnsr , 15th mid Hnrnoy. _ 8B8
$ ino.oooto lonn on city residence property
Geo. W.Dnjr , 1400 Farnnm. 259
CI3NT Money to lonn. Stewart & Co. ,
6 Itoom U , Iron bnnk , ISth nnd Farnam. C23
: no,000 to loan. Sums J.VJO nnd upwards.
$ Lowest rates. Bomls , 15th nnd Dougliw sts.
n/TONKY / TO I.OAN-O. T. Davis 4 Co. Real
JLVJL Krtatq and Lo&n nsenta , 1
M : ONBV TO LOAN-On good sceurltios. A
McGavock , room7Eodlok Block , 1509 Farnam
Bt f > IH
MONEY TO , I.OAN-On real-estate and clmt
tcls ; D. L. Thomas. 2i3 !
MONEY TO LOAN In sums of $200 nnd up
wards on first-class real estnto Becurlty.
I'ottor & Cobb , 1516 Farnam Su 204
M < ) NIY LOANED at a F. Itood& Co'S. Lonn
over Blngham'8 Commission Btoro. All bus-
ness Btrletlr oonfldentaU
"I7UK SALE A inurlicr" one giocery fit ore ,
JV splendid r. 16 ; good reasons for selling.
1'ark v I'uwler , irc2 Douglas. ' 1C1-23
Foil HALK New grocery storo. lately
opened , proprietor engaged In some other
business. Ono of the boat locutions , Stock
and llxturcs about $500,2710 Vurnnm near 27th
St. . H7-23 *
POK SAI.K A well cstabHshod conl and WQod
business In u county sent of WoMoin Iowa.
No competition. Addiess Maughlln Ac Co. ,
Uniiwa , la. 12J1-22 *
HALK-Ono of the oldest ostabllshod
1J grocery business In the city , with a very
large , well-paying trade. Will exchange for
Omnlia rent estate or pnrt cnsh and hulnnco bo-
cnrod notes. Oood reasons glvou for selling. .
Address " 181 , " lleo ollico. M7
FOIl HALU OH UXCHAN013-For city prop
ortv , a nloo clean Block of groceries with a
line trade. Oood reason for selling. Thee Olson
21H S loth St. S'S-22 '
, , , -i HAM-.Half Interest In n grocery bust *
ne s ; doing good business : ono ot the best
locations In the city ; 111 health the reason for
wanting to sell. Address 125 , Hoe office. 8)5 ! )
W ANTEU-Paitnor with $303 , In good busi
ness. Apply 301' ' 8. llth St. 002-22
SALIC Stock of BookH , Stationery and
X1 Miislonl Instruments. Will sell or lent
building. Direct , Look Box501 , AlbionNeb , tf
FOK MALAE Mlllnery stock for sale cheap
or i rail o , Including shelving , counter , show
cases complete , stumping patterns , cto. S. A.
Plonmn. 14UI Faniain.
H OlTSES Ixjts.Fnrms.Lnnds money loaned.
Bomls , 15th nnd Douglas streets. 471
17IOK HA1.E-20 shnros Flock of $100ench of
.L the Wyoming Meat Company of Cheyenne ,
Wy. Tills Block U first-class , will boar the
closest investigation nnd is now paying n
good dividend. For further particulars addicss ,
G. B. T. , cnro Omnhn lleo. Oinalia , Nob. 271.
T7IOK HAM : On account of other business .
- * will fell my Ice cream parlors nnd conti'O-
tloncry store nt 1 0 Douglas Blreets. allow llg-
IM ? ! I * ° U < VUnl " Bargain "PP'J"llt ' 0"co/- . ' ! '
TmoiC HAMC In n piosporlng llttlo town Til
O.1 Iowa ot about BOO InhabltnntH , Bltuntcd on
the O. It. 1 , & 1' . It. II. llno.n good nnd complete
biitchoilngbiiolnc&f ) will bo sold cheap , as tlio
present owner intends , on account of bis poor
health , to go to California , For further In-
lei illation , address II 8 , Hoe olllco. IK.''
iTIOK EXOIIANllE-Stocksofgoodsof every
* - kind , for farms and land ; also hinds to ox-
clniniro for goods. If you want to trade , no
matter what It Is you have , write , with full de
scription , to 0. K. Mayno , Heal Estate nnd
Trust Co. , Omaha Noh. Md
T7HK HAI.E ffovoral Blocks of goods , dolnirn
J- healthy business , ownership clear , satis
faction guaranteed ; terms easy , fiomo Omaha
property taken In exchange. Marshall & Lo >
beck. 1511 Farnam st. 413
rbuMD. '
niAKKN UP Hod oow about 7 years old.whlto
. " -bully , brand on horn , leather ovoruycs.
Call nl city pound. WJ-21 *
LOsT-From my Btablocor S&l mid Charles
street , Saturday , July 17th.ii dark bay nniro
four > oni-8 old and itolghs about MX ) Ib9.uiishod
anil had leather btriip nrotind neck with lunther
tie gtiuputtuched. 'Ihu muro wassoun on Bat-
HI day mornlngon west Hurt strcut , A liberal
rewiii d will bo paid for retui nor the mare. J.
II. \ \ Inspear , ? M Cluii les street. 12'ktt
$ rt lir.WAHD For the return of pointer pup ,
J HUT color , nhlto legs and bollv. SUh
and Harney. J , H. Bhaw. IIQT 24 *
OARDING Call ut 1105 Farnam st. forbonri
nnd lovely room cither uuiti audifoor
IilOK KENT-RoomandboarUfor two. 1B13
Capitol OVP , . 14S
JJOARO-Ana lodgings , utaa N. 15th st."o
1 > 13RSONAL Charles Wntlilns cnn leiirn something -
thing to hU advantage by ciillini ; ut the
poglolllco on the morning of tho22d. 150-21' '
IJERSONAL-EstabllsUcd iiffvncy iIt JI3 N"
J15th Bt. for thn Van Or.lcn Corset. KVITJ
lady sliould woiirono. Warranted a pi r' < . t tit
PKKSONAILndles wl hlnir for Jomostio
help honld cnll nt II ! ) North Ifith tt good
pirts will bo furnished. Nohrn kn Employment
Agejicy. _ 744
PERSONA 1 'lopor ons who wl h to build
homo In Orchard Mill , 1 will sell lots upon
payment of the nominal Bum of ton dollnrg nnd
( fllnnco nt the end of five years. Interest nt 8
XT cent , pnynblo poml-nnnunlly. This H the
> cst offer over made to nny homo-seoker In this
city. Cull nnd fee mo. C. B. .Mnyno , Renl ns-
nto nnd Trust Co. , 3 , W. cor. 16th ana Farnnm.
. INVEST two or three tlioii ninl dollars
and er\lce In n pixyltiR liislnt'S < < . Wlmt
nivo yon K't ' ) ? Addtoss 1. H5 , Uco olllco IDs
MAIIA Knrnl hod Itoom & Hoixn llcntltip
O Anency , A. M. lnton , proprietor , raalh
olllco I2ii : 1iirnnin St. . braneh olllro 14M Dotnr-
IHH | . , 410 NlUth.fiin and ( SI S luth ; tclephono
No. 040 and M7. A hirffo list of fuiiil lied and
inftirnlslii'd roomi , hon i'i > , cct , for eu -
ornor < ( to'elett fruin lieavo jour hon c nnd
oomsulthiiH- : will soon 1111 them up It lidcslr-
iblo tenants "L'oino to mo for rconn and hon'oi ;
fun Milt joii ut diici" cnnlnves Tor patrons ;
telephone or cull nt above ullleen.20 n IV
vfoPICK All parties needltiR stove holvlnirn
-L > model of the lloberts portublo nnil udjimt.
nblo sliclvlnff enn be econ nt 15' ' ) ' ) I'm mm st For
nrowdnjs Mr .1. S , ULlinidson ulll show It
ill ) , lloborts Ml'g C'o. , I'romont , Nob. ,
KAt.KO I'HOrOSAI.S will bo rccelvod to
AIIHUU 1st for privileges of illnlni ; hull ,
rofroslniiuiil.clffiir nnd other stands nnd all lo-
( dtlhmio ninii'Oinpnts ditrnifr North Nobrnskn
llonnlonnt Norfolk , August 17 to 21. Addrois
J. S. McClnry , Norfolk. 105-21 *
. : ItiiouliiK tlm address or where
AXVO.Ni of Uoorito It. Huplo will please
forward the Informntlon to his slstor. ( .minx
! ! . Itiiplo.South Kuclld V. O. , CuyahOKn county ;
T JUG BUS' host trlpplc-pfnto knives nnd forKs
J j only $150 porsct ; for cash only. IMholtn Jt
llrlekson.opp. P. O. 670.21
DASH paid for old Jewelry , sliver or gold. I'M-
helm & Krlckson , opp. P. O. 870-21 _
PltlVY vaults nnd cess pools clonnod byE.
n Jnp , r.p. Uo 7. eiOnnnrH *
A'rlU COUNTY Dnmls"Tjnuirh"
SCHOOL . Goo. W. Day , 1103 Farnnm. 4SO
Foil IlKNT Pqimro Plnno , 81 monthly. A
Hospo 1513 Douglas. "
FOUItr.XT Oruiuis , J3 per month , ilospo ,
1513 Doualns. 274
FOK KiNT A store on n peed retail street
Appiy the Omaha Heal Ustato and I/omi
Co. 107
ijioii'HKNT Sijiniro 1'liino monthly ,
? Hospc. 1513 neil if las. 272
SAM : ? ctt of nearly new hninoss. for
onohorsoIIatcherUadd6 : Co. , Mlllitnl Hotel
lllock. 13a-BJ
Fiiis\I.K 3 i.lowollln setter pups , full ped
igree , npply at 2215 Webster st.
1ZO.M *
_ _
Ir OH SAI.K Ono llrst-clnss half platform
phnotiin , Slmii-on's miilio , ns peed us new.
Apply nt Kdholm & Krlckson's , opposllo 1'ost-
olllco. 127 2J
"I7IOK SAIjfi Horse , buggy nnd harness , com-
J-1 Call at 150(1 ( Douglas at. M. I * lilgglns &
Co. 01B-21
FOH SAtK Or K\cliuiiro Splendid fresh
stock of house furiiNlnnir goods ; Invoice
about (7,000 ; cnsytorms. Hatuhor , Gndd& Co. ,
Mlllurd Hotel lllock. 071-21
fTlOK HAIK Furiilturo nnd lease of six-room
JIIOUFO ! , tlmoon pnrt. Cull 120J North 27th
Btroot , two blocks from Rod Car lino. MU
" 171OU SALKohcap , onnSpnn p-ood ponies suit-
-t nblo for delivery or buggy team. Inquire
01'E.A. Marsh , 01 North 10th st. 790
FOK SALE Ono melodcon , 8 octavos $48 on
monthly Installments. Ono n stop organ 2
knee swells , flH feet high $05 on monthly pay
ments. Ono 10 stop First Class organ beautiful
cnso $75 on easy payments. Ono 71J octavo
Piano ( I rand Square Kosowood case $175 on f 10
monthly -payments. Ono Beautiful Grand
1'Iano S2.V ) on payments at Hospe's music
rooms 1513 Douglas st. 602 Aug. 7
TOUsES LoIsFarmsI/anU8 money loaned.
JIlctals 15lh nnd Douglas streets , 471
F IOIl SAIiIS 1 piano , furnlturo and kltcho
ranee. 717 S. lath 6t. 877
JTJOU SA1 > IS Cheap , iron columns nnd wln-
JTJ dow caps suitable for front on brick build-
For particulars npply at this ollleo. 813
TTlOIl SALK Oil THADK-Ono line largo ohost-
X ! nut sorrel horse : 0 years old. 10 hands high ,
eight li00 ! , well broken' , good disposition , will
trfldofor two Bmallor-iiarsejo Hatcher"Gndd ,
& Co. , Slillard hotel block ? ' * "flTO
FOKMAL12 Squuro plnno , $50 , monthly pay
ments. Hospo , 1S13 Douglas. 21
WANTfiO Experienced woman cook. A -
dross Thos. I'oraiibon , Union house. Nor
folk , Neb. 171-23
WANTED-Good cook. 119 8. 25th st.
105-23 *
Good | { lrl. 810 South
W ANTED A housekoopor. 012 Douglas st.
V\7ANTKD A reliable person from 2 ! > to 30
Vi years old , to take chiirgo of an in ! nut ;
onowho understtnnds plain sowing preferred ,
Apply to Mrs. S. A. Sloman , 1UH Furniuii st.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work , German preferred. Apply D. H
Wheeler , Kil South 20th st. 159
WANTED A girl for general housework ,
good wages and steady work In family of
3. Iii'iulru ' ut Mrs. N. J. Kdholm's , 25th and
Chicago. 158 27
WANTED 4 good cooks and several girls
for general housework , best of wages.
1120 Filrnain st. 137
WANTED Girl for general boueowork 2511 ,
at. Marys avo. 185
WANTED A good girl for general house
work , Virginia ave , fourth house south
of 1'opploton , east side. W. U. Ithodcs.
114-22 *
WANTED Tnroo more liuly ounvussers Im
mediately to soil ladies' specialties. 039 8.
17th St. 132 0
WANTEO-Middlo used woman , cook , 1209
Dodge St. . 120 21 *
WANTED A girl to' work In a private
boarding house , 517 812th St. 123 23 *
WANTED Good girl for general house
\\oikliiHiiiiillfiiiiilly ; highest wages paid
to n llrst-class girl , and no other need npply.
Apply from 2 to 1 p.m. Mrs. T. K. Sudhorough ,
40'J bOUth 2Uth Bt. 124 21 *
WANTED Glil for general hoiibowork ;
Gorman or Swede preferred No. 1IH8
Capitol luoiiue , north side , middle of the block ,
between lUth and 20th streets. tf
WANTED Dining room girl at Doran houso.
013 Farnnm Ht. iC3
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family of tuo , Must bo ti good cook nnd
luundicss. Hofcrencos absolutely necessary.
Apply to Mis. W. H. MuCord,20l B. 18th st , 1UI
WANTED A thoroughly competent girl ,
miibt bo n wood cook. Good wages. IKi.
Farnam street. S K Cor. SG9
\\7ANTji ; > Two dining room glrla ; npply nt
> 1 New York Hostaurunt , No , 711 North 10th
W'A N TKI > Two good girls for ho USD-
work , none but llrst-class need apply.
Kdholin & Krlckson , opp. P , O. 87021
-ITTANTKD-Flrst-olafcs Chambermaid. Apply
VY attlieCozzons. 087-10
i\7ANTED Girl to do general house work
V T smnlL family. Must bo a good cook
Good wagol and permanent place. Address
Mrs. 0. I ) . Hntphen , Highltind Place , Weai
Omaha , P. O. Box 7001.000-21
l > edge st.
WANTED A woman to do general hnu
work ; u good cooU preferred. 1818 Web
ster. CM
WANTED Girls to make overalls , shirts
nnd Jcnnsrants. C.tiitlela Mf'g Co. , cor ,
llth mul Douglas , up stairs. COU-aug. 7
- housework. Cnl
on Mrs. Ooodrich , 1117 1'ark live.
WANTio : A good Blrl for general house
ork ; must bo a good cook , washer utnl
> roner.nao _ Douglas St. _
ANTEU-airl807S ;
[ ] F5-2S _
WANTED Immediatelyu Orst-clnsi cook a
1813 .
Uodgoet. bOJ
_ _
> 25 young ladles and gents lo
learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions
when competentgood. Address W , J , D. room
l.Crouneo block Itith et , Omuhu.
WANTKD Au experienced Steam Laundry-
man. None bul oipmlcnood need npply.
Address Keyos k Ixidor , Chadion , Nob. 17.-2J
\V.\NTEH A first class clothing eulesinnc
11 who is well acquainted with Omnlia trade.
Gcod references required. Address I , 13l , lloo
olheo. H"
\\'ANTEI > S5 teamsters on the Mo. Pacific
> * 1C , It. ut Summit cut , S miles from 1'apil-
lion. PCfl-24
VirANTKU A postr ) ' eoolj at the Windsor
hotel. W
TWANTED Klr t-cl 5s man cook and good
i laundry womin. Huroponn hotel , 10th
nndJonos _ 110 2H
\ VANTEitnl > ororiforItlnok HI" * extern
slon of II. A M. It. It. near Ilrokcn How.
Atcn to drl\o tennis. Pcrnjier holders nnd
Miovclors. Jl , B. Albright's Labor Agency. 13JS
'arnnni st. K > 8
"AJfriTTi no men for \Vj omtng B. STTP
brlttht , Labor Agency , I'JOS Knrnnni. 1 C3
\WA.N ' ' A good clerk ntuty Hotel , Her-
innn preferred. Must bo recommended !
nl onohamliorniatd. _ _ _ I2J-21 * _
l El : i salesmen on 8 mry or cominl ;
flon. Apply between B nnd IS n. in. A , J.
Wood , 14U' < Dodge M. t'KKM '
\VANTKl -so bricklayers to work on new
packing heine In South Omaha. Wnces
? 4. 7fl perdny. J. II. Hlley. 113
\ II'A > TiD : rir t-cln < rnllrond stenographer.
II $75. J. U. HnyneslVCo.,1511 DoiVo.Omihn
\\T-ANTEII-A boy. H or m years ol l. Mu t
1 1 bo litlvht , small , nctnonnd honest Hofor-
etues roiilred. ( ] worn , to attend her cs nnd
cow nnd nuikelilmiell tl'efill. Iniiilre | nt Kd-
iiolin tf Ei-ickson's nt C o'clock , July " 1st.
rANTi3u-aj men for work oil C , M" . A"E
1'nul It. It. In Iowa , K. B. Albbrlsrht , La-
oni'Ji ' ; W8 rnrimiiigt. _ _ < H)4 )
W NTEU YuolntoTllgcnt boyn with bor cs
to cnrry evening routes on Dally lleo. In
quire subscription dcpt. _ _ giy
"V\7"ANTKI > Kxporloncod man for ell } ' worn ,
i > none but u rustier need npply. Kdholm
& Krlckson , ojip. I1. O , 870-21.
WAM'tiiV fiuvv hundred rock men , tTireo
hnndre < l laborers , flood nork , good pay.
Apply to Chns. Hol scller2U mile hou o Ollvo St.
Itoiul , Bt. I.ouls Co. . Mo. , o Jacob .layiaus ,
Lnbadlo , Mo. Kceno llros. Construction Co. ,
chief contractors St. Louis , Kansas City & Col.
K. It. 4ttSAng 1
WANTin-l'o. : ltlon In church qunrtetto
choir by n basso who has lind exporlcnco
In Kplscopnl scrvlves. I , 4" , lice ollice.
WANTKU Bltnntlon ns prnctlcni otmlncor.
Addres.8 I 41 Ueoonico. ll24
\\7ANTKI-gtinitlon | In dniK stoio In No-
i brnsknor Dnkoto by yoiniK man. has had
four years experience , llest of references.
Address 1,10 , lloo oHIeo. ISO- ? : *
W A situation nBtoamstcr. Address
, lloo ollleo. 11'2
> A liuly wishes sowing by ttio , lny
In fnmlllos ; can give the best of rofOr-
enees ; tenus , $1 per tiny. Address 133 , Hoe.
ollice. 110-211
TtfANTKIJ AVork curing for horses or gliiT
> ernl work. Address I ? t , lloo olllco ; J1--1 |
WANTii > Situation ns bookkeeper or as
sistant by young man , who can give good
reference" as to diameter and ability. Address
a box nnodgo Polo , Neb. IM'i'll. ' .
WANTin : situation oyulndy.stonographcf
and typo-writer of ability nnd oxporlencu
Address Marie , euro Ilo.40' > . .15 _
WAN'11:11 1'osltlon In clonk dopltrtmonV
general dry goods or housekeeper Jn
hotel by middlc-ngod womiin of oApcrlCUco and
rolltiemont. Mis. II. Dox f 57. Omaha. BOO
WAXTMO-10 teams to liaill brick , Mnnlts
& Flngg's brick yard , 15thst , 3. of Vhiton.
Liberal wages paid. * 141-27 *
WAKTKn A Eoeond-hrlrid awning for n
email store. 218 N. llth st Kolici t nn.
154 21"
WANTKD A Good steady horfo with spring
wugonnnd harness ; must bo chain ; to
bo pnld for In monthly Installments. Address
1,37 Hoe olllco. leO
W ANTED -IJotwoon 2,000 and 3(0) yaiils of
earth. Inquire nt 437 Convent st J.KIrner.
1120-21 *
'ANTii > To rent , house ot 7 or 8 rooms.
Look box 23 , rostofllce. BB4 21 *
w- 'ANTIID To Excluingo Stock general
mcichnndiso , valued . . nt $3,000 . . to $ ,000 , In ,
good town , for Omaha city property. The C1. K.
Mayno Heal Kstato and Ti list Co. U7i'
" "
7'ANTKU Customers lor our butter and
cream. J. H Uoonstro , 803 N IBthpt.
g'll n 13
f ANTK1J A good house on monthly pay-
meets. Address H , 05. Hoe olllco. Ko.
WANTED To buy a nice residence orgooil
building lot In u desirable location. Ad
dress H , 08 , lloo olllco. C.V1.
WANTKU Ladles nnd gentlemen to nttond
Ynlontlno'8 Shorthand and Typewriting
Institute , KxpoMtlon'bulldlng. 5 Miug4
W ANTKI > To buy a large s'ccdnr. ' nah'd of-
; : Ilcosufo. A. Hospe. TOBJylS
ANl'ED-Tcnms. T. Murray.
WANTEIJ-Short-nand work of all kinds by
_ J.aIIaynos _ _ _ &CO.l H Dodge St. _ 8ffil _
WANTED Subscribers for stock In fho
Omaha Loan and Building association
and the Mutual Loan and Hnlldlng association.
Homes for nil classes oun thus bopurchnsod by
monthly payments ; shares $1.00 per month , on
which J2JO will be lonnad. Olllco In Exposition
building on 15th street , ti. M. Nattlngor. Socro-
tnry. 314Jy25
FOU HUNT A house of 8 rooms , ftirnlshod
or unfui nlshcd. Cull nt G23 S 15th.
101-27 *
FOK KENT House fl-rooms , 2fth nnd Har-
noy , $14 per month. Apply N. 13. cor. 9th
and Howard. 160-23 *
iOIl KENT Furnished house , live blocks
from P. O. ollice. Address I : tf , Bco ollico.
14IKJ7 *
T7IOH KENT A house of 7 rooms ana n lot of
- & ' furniture for sale , chonp. Call at 502 8
IStlu 13i-22
TpOUUENT At South Omaha Stock YnrtlH ,
Jlarge with 1 lllrst-ciuss
- large store rooms above , -
location ) Inquire of A. Kallsh , aids 13th.
13I-2H ,
Foil ItENT 3-room cottngo , 2Ut , nnd Clark
Ets. A. P. Tukoy , 130J Farnam BU 101
F Oil IlENT Two now cottages 22nd and
Ohio , Ballou Bros. 1510 Douglas Bt. rei-21
FOll KENT By 3. II. Evans & Co. :
Hast front houses , bath , furnace , range ,
* etc. , prlco , $15
Store building between Dodge and' ' Douglas. .
liouso 8 rooms ueur St. Mary's uvo -23
" 171OK itENT 2 rooms , BUttublo for ollloo , cor.
JD llth and Farnam.
House 3 rooms an 8. 15th Bt. near Hnrtmrm
school house , $10 ,
House 3 rooms near Fort aero ground , $5.
The C. 1 ! Muyno Real listato & Trust Co. l)7d )
17011 llENT-12-room house.
J. ' 11-room house.
Saloon room.
All on Cth and Dodge. M. F. Martin. t.tB80
[ t.t
fpo KENT A A room house.'with every-no-
- * . conimodntion , to family \sltbout Dhtldron. .
1122N 17thbt. Cfll-25
FOR L13A8R Wo have olovcn acres on II. P.
R. R. track.bOJ foot fiont : will lease nil or
part lor llvo years. BcdtoriKV Souor. 751
TmoilBAT.K Now 7 room hotiso,2317 Dnvon-
-i-1 nort Street , with lot , barn ' xlilconl shod ,
outhouses , etc. , olty waterclstorn. Prlcu $ JMX ) ,
Inrjulto on promises or ol M. Ilurko & Sons ,
stock yards. 715
f neil KENT 10 room house with , modern
J. Improvements , fine location on Etreet our
llno,7UN.201hSt. 883
Foil IlENT 8-rooinod house ; Inquire 2510
Capitol avc. 077
Foil RENT The building now bolng built
by Barker Bros , , on the corner of 13th nnd
Jones,60x80 feet , nnd four or five stories high ,
will bo rented forhutol or warehouse purposes ,
and heflnlshedtosultthopurposoof tenant. C.
K Mnyuo Real Estate ainl'lTiijt Co. , JJtli and
Farnnm. Bi > 4
T71OH KENT Rogldencoof 10 rooms , barn far
J-1 14 horses , beautiful grounds , Loavonworth
and 33d st , J JO per month. C. K. Mayno Koal
Ustnto .iTruatCo. , 15th aud Fnrnam , 720
TTHm KENT-Desk room , room 1,1(09 Far
-U num. 143-23 *
OK KENT A gullo of rooms , with board ;
house Is surrounded by n nloo lawn ; has
wasuna bulb room. Iua.ulio8. W.cor. ' 'Olliand
Webster. 15327
Foil KENT 1'lcninnt furnlshod rooms single
or onsulle.omNl'Jih HUM
T710H JtKNT-Furnlshcd rooms. Inquire drug
- * ' store , 10th and Douglas. 103
Port KENT 3 nicely furnished rooms for
gentlemen only. 1503 Cusn , Wl Si
T70iniENT NiI'oTy furnished front parlor
Jwitu board , also day boarders 1178.17th
et. M6 23
rnoit JtENT Piousiint , niry rooms ; modern
JL1 couroniences ; location good. 172J Capitol
aye , tJ7d-21
T71Oltl : NT Itoom with board ; suitable for
JL1 twogonllemen. 41" N. 15th bt , UJ2-21 ,
neil KENt1 A nicely furnlahoj bouth room
' 1607Doilglas el. llcfcnncoa required. 745
FOK KENT TITO stories , corner Iflth and
Nicholas , opposite the proposed Mo. I'aclllo
depot. Win L. Monroe , Oth aud Douglas.
; H51-21 *
FOK KENT Two large , pleabant , newly fur-
nlshed front rooms , vury elit-up , HN. , 17 at.
Foil KENT riirnislied room , 107 S 14th
. 1KM
_ _ j. _ _ _
Foil KENT KurnMiod or unfurn'shod
rooms at 2lL'E1U2th st over California
TolTco and Lunch rooms. II.V28 *
1J10K KHMT rurnlfhod ) rooms , suiublo tor
JJ man nnd wlfovr , i-ounij men. COi S. 10th.
Cor. St. Mary's AYeP 773.22 *
_ _
"nioil KENT iiinlglToJ rooms ; lnr < tor nl ry
JL ! nnd very choice ; every convenience. 411
Nortn 10th street/ ' ' ' OSJ
FmnrKNT Two large unfurnished rooms
for rent. 2flU-lt < irt street. ll.V2fl *
1J1OR HKNT 3 rW ms. IBth st , Id house tiom
J ? Pierce. 107 21 *
j _
TjMJH HKNT-Funtlihod rooms at Tols 18th st.
JL1 ' ' *
_ " _ 4iL2 ± _ -
TTlOll UEN'f" IffinYahed front room ; SllFnlr-
J.1 view pt. , MOCK fMm at. Mnr fljiVd OIS l
iJMH lir.NT 2 store rooms on corner Cumin ?
1 and 2.1d. $4J each.
The C. E , Mayno Heal Kstnto and Trust Co.
_ _ _ Ml
IpOK KKNT Desirable furnished rooms nt
1 1811 Fnrnam etroet. iisi
'irum'KENT-Nicoly furiiTsTiod trout rooms
JL sultablo forono or two gentlemen ; nil mod *
crn Improvement a. U15Jonesst 141
FOK unNT Two store rooms on 10t\ ! street ,
Wntor , gns and sewer connucllons. The
C.liMayno nnd Trust Co. , cor. 13th imd Fnruam.
FOK KENT Furnished rooms , cheapest In
the city. Apply nt Itoom 14 , Anderson
lllock. N. ItUh St. , cor. Davenport. 174Jy21
FOK KENT For light housekeeping , rooms
furnished nnd unfurnished In Heemcr's
HlocK.cor. Ulghtand Howard sts. B18
714111 KENT Choice otlloo rooms on ground
- floor , No. 1509 Farnam st. Inqtilioof .1. 1 ! .
Itlchardson. 44l-Jy2i )
THOKltENT An excellent liasoinont. OT ) nnd
JL' oilS13tli st. ; 3 stores on'Jth and Douslns ,
nnd2 stores on 23d and Cumin ? . Paulson & Co. ,
ISlSF.irnitni. " 57 _
( BOX Will secure n most doilrablo lot In olc-
Piifj. pant locution. Boil bargain In the elty.
Klpht only will bo sold. Call nt once on F. It.
Sholdoii , Koom 11 , Jacobs block , cor. 15th Et
and Capitol avonuo. 142-24 *
- Potoreon * Co.S. 1" . Cor. ISthand Doiiglnsnt.
No. 1. Lot 6 , blk. 14 , Hanscoui place , hoiifo'ol
11 rooms , east front $3IH)0. ) $ WO cash , bal. to
stilt. '
No. 2. Lot 14 , blk. II , Prospect place , now cot-
tagoot't" ) looms , u ell and cistern , now stable
$2.100. ? rflj cash , bill , to suit ,
No. 3 , North half ot lot 7 , blk. 8 , Kountr.c i
Ruth's add. , lot 2. > AM ) , house of 3 rooms and
largo bnsomont , well and cistern $1,700. fWJ
cash , balance to suit.
No. 4. 10 acres In Tnttlcs * pub division bolng
lots 25 and 20 , n good hou o nnd bain for 50
hend of cnttlo $7,0.0. $ OJ o\sh , , bal. to suit.
No. 5 10 acres In Bellalr. a good housq and
burn , J2.020 ; $ IOCO cash , bal to stilt
No. 0. LotllblkOVi , llcdtoid Place $ VJQ ; 5275
cusli , bal to suit
No. 7. 10 acres next to Syndicate Plncoj'Wlll
sell for SLUM : $1.000 cash , bill to suit
12. T. Peterson & Co. , S E cor 15th and Douglas -
las 118-24
FOIISALE At , a bargain hou o In
ha View on lull lots ; .small cash payments ,
bnlnnco f 15 per month onlv $1,400 ; call soon
bufoio this is tnlton. Pin k & Fowler. ir > r. Doug-
Ins. 001 2i
SAT.E-T.otS In Ludwlck Phico , $3.10 to
JJ S100 ; these lots are sellinif very fast ; call
and got ono lorn speculation ; only 10 per cent
cnsli , bnlnnco monthly. Park & Fouler , 152.J
Douglas. 091 21
f/on SADE-KzlSJ feet on Cumlngr st bo-
JL twoen 17th nnd l th ats with u hou i > , $3riOO
This Is u rare hnrgalt ) . . C. K Muyuo Renl Kstato
nnd Trust Co , IStfV tinU'Fnrnnm. OIB-22
JKSAL.E HoujjO , ; ! rooms , cor. lot. 07x132
on monthly payments , H. Haimwnflor.n09
1th Bt ' ' lW3-2i
FOIl SALE CUiilcChbargtiln In WHcnx'sSnd
addition , n bonlitlnil aero , lays beautifully ,
south side of Vhlton'-'etroot. ' tor $1.00) . ? 1.500
cash , balance easy ; terms. Hatcher , Gudd \ Co. ,
Mlilnrd Hotel Illopk. , ) - , 151 2 (
Foil SAf.K-Wt8'iii Lincoln Place only SJ63 ;
small cash , DtluticiJ $10 ] > cr month. Park &
Fowler , 1523 Doujli3 | , 9111 21
FOK SALE-Bj'j".Evans& Co. , 1513 Dodge
street. I
Hoiisoj and lolsJaSlilnn's niJdltlon.
Houses and lotjj.M Ilansconi jilaco.
Houses and lotkiiiiOallfornlii st.
Houses and lotffbn l.'lerco st.
All for small cnshi.'fittyment ' and monthly in
stallments ii a i
.Lots In Improvement nsspelntloii addition nt
from $750 to yi200.i ' ,
LotslnHan com pnrcontfioin $ fljO toi,000.
All prices , best locution. %
FIn i double corner , Hnnscom plnco , SS.'KX ' ) .
Lots in nil parts of the city nt all prices and on
ousiost terms.
Some of the best bargains m Omnhn renl estate
tate just placed on the market by J. 11. Evans
& Co. , 1513Dodge. 814-21
JLVi JcLymnn's ndd ; on n corner ; $1,1)00 ) , half
cash. J. L. Rice & Co. , over Commercial Bank.
100x100 , In Hauscom Place for a home. Only
83,500. J. L. Rico & Co.over Commercial Bank.
HILLSDALE- , that's the name , and the
lots soil for $150 to $175 on easy terms.
Huvoou seen this ground ? If not , do nt once ,
as it costs nothing to ride out to tnls boautltul
location. Amos' Rcnl Kstato agency , 1507 Fnr-
natn. gOJ
FOK SALE Or exchange for city or subur
ban Improved or unimproved property , or
genornl merchandise , MM acres ( HOO and fiOl ) ) of
the llnost Nobrnskn pralrlo hind In Nance coun
ty. Bernlmrd Sachsso , 'J17 S. 13th St. , Omaha ,
Nob. 837
H1LLSDALK Best opportunity for getting
you a cheap homo. 809
HILLSDALK Como and sno it yourself , It
sells on Its merits. Amos' Koal Ustato
Agency , 1507 Farnnm. 80 ! )
FOR SALE Two elegant east front corner
lota In Burr Oak ; nrtlnrnl shade troes.
Hatcher , Gndd & Co. , 1210 Douglas street , Mlllard
hotel block Omalm. Neb. Wl
Peterson & Co. S. K. Cor. 15th and Douglas Bt
No. 1. Lot5 , Blk. li , Hanscom plnce , house of
11 rooms , cast front $3,000. $000 cash , bal. to
suit.No. . 2. Lot.14 , Illk. I ) , Prospect place , now cot-
tugooCS roomswe'll nnd clstorn , now stable
$2.100. $ COO cash bnl. to suit. r North half of lot 7 , blk. 8 , Kountzo &
Ruth's add. , lot 25xfO , house of 3 looms'aml
largo basement , well and cistern 81,703. ' $50J
cnsh , balance to KU | ( .
No. 4. 10 acres In Tuttles' sub division being
lots 25 and 2U , a good house and burn lor 50
niiiKl of cuttle , $7.000.VO ) cash , bul. to suit.
No , f > . 10 acres in Bollalr. a good house and
burn , $2.00'J ' ; $1.000 ciifli , bill to milt
No. U. Lor 11 blk OH , Bedford Place , $550 ; $275
cash , bill to suit
No. 7. 10 acres next to Syndicate Plnco ; will
sell for $4,000 ; 81,000 push , bal to suit
K , T , Peterson & Co , , S1J cor 15th and Doug
las 118-24
LAKGK cities make suburban homos a neces
sity and this elans of lots grows with the
rest. This U to bo considered. See IHIUdalo at
$150 and buy one when you can at this llguro.
Amos' Renl Kstato Agency , 1507 Frtniamst. 809
T71OK SALE Or Rent. Now 6-room cot t ago ,
JJ. full lot Omalm Vlow. Small payment down ,
baL monthly , alto for rontfi-iootn building on
Farniim st. 5 blocks from school , good sidewalk -
walk and pleasant location , Cluric k French
1510 Douglas. i J 1B9-S3
BEKNIIAKI ) SACIJK.Si : has for sale ;
U room .loiisoiaudi lot , 20th street near
Bt , Mary's nvo. , f 510 cash bal , mothly $5,700 ,
Flno cottngo and lot. 17th Bt. near Leaven-
worth : 1,0)0
Cor. lot , Horbauh'.s 2 > ludd , with S houses ,
born , etc . , ( 4,400
Full lot , E. V. HmWMdd. with first class
llOUGO , > , , ! , > . ' , , 3 03
Full lot,2 houses uad > irii , Bouth avenue.
Baignln 3,550
Lot 55 < 15 JLowos 'M aA\\ \ \ . near Academy of
thoSnoroil HoautHivlth cottage oto 2,500
150xl2tH' , Pnttor ai. . iibdlvUloii , with
house and iniproypmftiits ( worth $700) ) . . . 1,633
LottlixlBO , Hurt Btrcefi. near Academy of
the SacroJ Heartj.prlck noiibo worth
$1.200 ; . . . 2.500
OMAHA . . .
Vir.W-.0 , 3.
Lot wltkS-ftory 8-ro/om / house , fruit trees ,
shrubbery , etc „ „ , . , ? 1.S03
Lot with now it-room lipuso. stitblo , eto. . . 2OjO
Ixjt with 4-room house , bay window , Z
porches , ( worth f'J.VJ ' ) , well , lences , trees
nnd shrubs , v-ory cheap ntf 1,503 ; cash
down $ 100 , balance fit per month
Full lot and flrst-clns * tt-ronm house and
very flno improvement * , Bhinn's t'ocond
odd , real baigain 2,503
Wllcox's Second add. full lot and 5-room
liouso J600
Full lot In Plalnvlow , with now b-ioom
house , choai 1,503
South 10th street ( ICpunlzo's Second add ) ,
lot 63x200 , good 6-room hpuso , burn ,
shod , well , very nlco fences , shade trees
and very choice , , 4,003
SOtu street , nor.r Castollnr , 30-111 , with- cot
tage , Onu-hnlf cash 1,200
2 full lots on Saunders Blicot , with two
stpry U room houeo , largo burn , cio . . . . 8,500
320 110(08 ( , line farm land , near Waterloo ,
with very flno Improvements , ut $10 per
aero . . . . . . \ . .
Bornhnrd Sachno.3l7S. 13th Bt
HlL.L8DAI.ti Lots only f I.'KJ to ! . . , and will
soli for double thH II0'Jro In 13 months'
lime. Uoiiiomiif > otuoni. Ames1 Real Kstato
y , iwi Fu rnaui st. j
PolcijonArd.S. E Cor , l.'tltfinil DouuM * * ! .
No. 1. Lot * , folk. It , ] tnn fem plnep , house of
llTooms , i > nst front , $ J,9Jd. $ IKO cnsli , but. lo
suit.No. . 2. tot 14 , blk. II. Pro pcct place , new cot
tage offi rooms , well and cistern , now stable
12,100. $600 cash. Illll. 10 Milt.
fro. 3. North linlf of lot 7 , b1k. ? , Ivountro .V
( tilth's tulil. , lot 2o\so , house of 3 rooms mid
larno lm < omont , well nnd cistern ? 1.700. $590
cnsh. balance to Milt ,
No. 4 10 acres In Ttittlcs' sub dlvMnn holnir
lot1 ! " " ) Hiid 2(1 ( , Kootl liouso mid Imrn for 50
ho.yl of cnttlo $7,00. S-.HO cnsli , bill. to tllt.
No. 5 lOnercstn Hclinlr , n peed house nnd
barn. S'.WJ ; flOJica ) h , bal to suit
NO.D. Lot 11 lillcOb , llctlfoid 1'l.icc , ? 55 ( ) ; M75
cnsh , 1'fil to suit
No. 7. 10 acres no\t to Pyndicnto 1'lncoj will
sell forJ4.r < ll > : $ t,00lonsh , lull to "lilt
I ! . T. Peterson * Co. , S 12 cor 15th and DoUg-
' '
_ _ _ ' _
TT dit VALE Full fet n'n Shormnn nvo , oppo-
-L site for Holt Llnodcpot. Snchsso ft Lnndet-
gron,3l7S. _ _ _ . _
FOH SALi : Ono of thii finest ncios In West
Onmhn , 0WJ. The 0. U. Mnyuo Heal Kstnto
midTriistCo _ _ _ _ _ BIS _
HALF aero tmcliago on the t' . P. trnck , oen-
trnllylocnto.l.n . bargain for f5OOJ. ! .1. U
lllco & Co. , 13th nnd Douglas _ _ 671
HOW you cnn make money ? lly buying on
ciisy payments n Hlllsdnlolot for JIM. tluit
bo easily paid for itntl doitlilo In vnliio.
Ilonljfcstiitn A genoy. jii07 I'm mini. TOI
O KClfAKIHIlTVl , fols sell on tlioli merit's.
Low prices and easy terms given. Cnll at
The a B. Mnyno and Trust Co.'e ollloo anil got u
FOK SALE Oood 7-room house with collar ,
cistern , city water nnd hnrn , 14 lot , $3HOO ;
enquire on premises,2317 Davenport. ( > 7S
nlLl.SDALU 1ms advnntnges wljlch enn't bo
beaten by any location. Whnn jou sou the
| ota you will admit It. Ames , 1507 Farnam. 83 * )
TJTlLLSDALi : sells al $150 per lot. 809
'in'lLLSDALi : You can find no such Tin s "as
JUL thes-o nt $160 apiece. Amos' Heal F.stato
Agency , 1507 I'limam st. SU9
FOK SALE Or Trade Improve ! nirl untm-
proved hinds In Furniis and otior western
counties. Address \Vm. SI moral , Ariip'ihne ,
Fu mas Co. Nob. 273
FOKSATilJ NlcoiVroom house nnd 2 corner
lots In Walnut Hill ; U cash bal. to suit.
Oil Martin 110 S 14th Pt. 403
F oil SAlTI ; 4o ? cros smooth unbroken priil-
rlo Inndnrar Onkliind , Hurt count v. at $20
per acre , llernhard Suchsoo , 317 South Mill at.
AlltlAIN rull lot on Webster st. between
17th and 18th sts.,2 houses , onoof f > rooms
andonoof. llionins : good barn am ) shade tieos
ilnd other linproveinonts ; prlco f7,000 ; easy
form * . Potter & Cobb , 1515 I'm mini , St. , Onmlm ,
Neb. [ 8J1
JJ > OIISAI.E 2-'xll.on north side ol rnrnntiT
between 2.1th and 21st streets , 11,500. nl o
22x13 ! teet on Farnnm. between IDth and 2Uth
streets. $3,000. 0. K Mayno , Heal Kstato and
Trust Co H40-22
ACOHNKU , lOOxliVi feet , on California st , In
Bunnysldcaddition , prleo $3HJO. ( Potter &
Cobb1515l'nrnaiii _ _ st . Omaha. Nob. B'Jl
HOUSES LotsFarmsLnnds money loaned ,
llcmls 15th anil Douglas streets. 471
" Oir SA 1 , K Improved rarin , ] 6o acroj , 5
acres In crop , 10 acres timber , 100 bearing
orchard trees , GO acres nny land , 20 acres hog
pasture. W.jonoa 1121 N.2I1 st. 517-augt *
THOU SALE Lots In Bhrlvor place fm $15
Jdown , biilaneo f. " ) per month.
Three finest lots In Omaha View. Flno lots
In Hnuscnm plnco.
Two lots In Marlon's ndd. A bargain.
Two lota In Shull's let ndd. Lots In Auburn
HOIIFO nnd lol In Konntzo's 4th ndd.
To buy , sell or rent properly , call on H. W.
Huntress , ioom1 _ , 1303 Farmim si. U71-'l ! *
HILLSI1ALK , highest ground , handsomest
locution of nny lots In or around Omaha ,
lor $150 to $175 a lot. Como and sco this
ground. Amos' lleul Kstate Agency 1507 Far-
mini. 809
I J I'oterson &Co. , S. K. cor ] 5th and Douglas st
No. 1 Lot C , Illk 14 , Hanscoui place , House
of 11 rooms , cast fiont , 88,900 , $ UJO cnsh , bal.
to suit.
No. 2. Lot 14 , Bllt. n. Viospect Tlnco , now
ootlago of 5 rooms , wsll and cittern , HOW stable ,
SJ.100 , $000 cash , bill , to suit.
No. 3. North hnlf of lot 7 , Blk 8 , Kount/a &
Itnth's add. , lot 23x80 , house of 3 rooms and
large Imminent , well and cistern , 81,700 , f500
cash , balance to suit
No. 4. 10 acres In Tuttlos1 sub division bolng
lots 23 mid 2i ) , a good house and barn for t > 'J '
heiul of cattle , $7,000. $2HX ) cash bal. to suit.
No. A. 10 acres In Bellalr , u good housu and
barn , 52,000 ; $1.003 cash , bill , to suit.
No , ( I. Lot 11 blk 6U , Bedford Place , J'S30 ; $275
dish , bill to suit
No. 7. 10 acres next to Syndicate Place ; will
ell for $4,000 ; SMBO cash , bal to null
13. T. Peterson fc Co. , S. 13. cor 15th nnd Dong-
las. _ _ J 118-24
HOU.sKS Lot jlnnnsLands money loaned.
Itcmls , 15th and Douglas streets. 471
rn\VO lots on the corner of 27th and Cass sis. ,
J10llr ) 3 , for$2OX ) . Potter & Cobb , 1515 Far-
illini ht. . Oinului , Nob. 821
H 1LLSDALE Beautiful location. 801) )
BEMI3MIIEH now Is the tlmo to buy cheap
lots. Thov grow In vnluo faster than any
others. Sco Hlllsdalo. Lots $150 each. Amos'
Heal Estate Agency , 1507 Farnam. SU9
H O USES Ixits , FnrmB.Liinds money loaned.
HO Benils. 15th and Douglas streets. 471
-IX Insurance , Koal Etuto
and Lonn Agents.
Northwest onrner Fnrnnm nnd 13th sts , over
Merchants National bnnk , have Improved or
unimproved proportsln all parts of the elty and
suburban additions. Cnll ut thld agency It in
search of bargains.
A bargain. Two do lrnblo east front lots In
Dwiijrht if Lyman's addition ul $ oOO each on easy
terms at Hlsilon & Constock , over Morchuuts
National Lank.
If you desire to Boll list your property with
Itledon & ( "omstock , ovar Merchants Natfoim
bank. This tlrm co strictly n commission bus
ness and will endeavor to Ilnd a custonicrfornl
realty listed with them. 129
SPLENDID IlAKOAIN-132xlX : fO9t , S. E.
corner 23rd nnd California , very cheap at
$8.500 and on easy forms. Hatobor , Uadd & Co. ,
Mil ard Hotel Block. 152-23
Foil SALK or exchange at a bargain 80
acres of Una hay land within 2'/S ' unloj of
Fremont. Neb. S. A. Sloninn , 1403 Farnnm St.
Omnhn.Ncu. 270
$2,030 will buy lot 2 Qulnn'f ) addition , South
llth st. . 00x133 with Improvements , address ,
1,30 Boo offlco. 043
"OTALF acre trackage on the U. P. track , con-
O. trally located , a bargain for J15,0'JJ. J. L.
lUco & Co , 13th nndjniigjnf. 571
TTUHl SALE Ono of the finest acios In West
-D Omaha.only 88,000. The C. E. Mayno Roul
llstnlu and Trust Co. Ktti
ONE nnd three-fourths acres in Ilrookllne ad
dition , prltiu $ SiO. Potter & Cobb , 1516 Fni-
nnniht.Oinatm , Neb , 821
EAfi KS'fATi ; BAItOAlNS-Spioiidld pleco
oC trackage. Lnys line find centrally looa-
ted at a bargains. J. L. Itlco & Co.over Com-
merclal Hunk. Ml
HOW Is It your neighbor has mndo money ?
By having courage to buy cheap lot" . You
cnndo thoflnmu In Hlllsdale , where lots now
selling for $150 each will brlnirdouhlo thnt In u
year from now , Ames' Heal Ustato Agency ,
1607 Fnrnum .
Peterson & Co. , 8. K. Cor. 15th and Douglas st.
No. I. I/ot 5 , blk. 14 , Hiinsjom place , liouso of
11 rooms' , east front , S3 , 00. ? 9uo cash , bill , to
BUlt.No , 2. Lot 14 , blk. n , Prospect plnco , now cottage -
tago of 5 rooniH , well ami clitorn , now stable ,
$2,100. * u < 0 ciish , bal. losull.
No. 3. North half of lot 7 , Mk. P. Konntzo i
Iluth's add , , lot 23xK ) , house of 3 rooms nnd
largo basement , well and cistern $ l,7iO. $500
cash , balance to suit.
No. 4. 10 acres In Tuttlos' sub division bolng
lota 2o and 26 , a good bouse nnd barn for 5J
bond of cattle 97,003. f-JMA ) cash , bal. to BUlU
No. 5. 10 acres In Hellnlr , B good house and
burn , 2,000 ; (1COO cash , bill to Milt
No. a. Lot 11 ( ilk 0i ! , Uedford Place , $550 ; $275
cash , bal to suit
No. 7 , 10 acres next to Syndicate Place ; will
Bell for $4.0X1 ; Sl.OU ) cash , lull to suit
U , T. Peterson < V Co. , B E cor 15th and Doug ,
las 118-24
-rx onrllno , price $1,000. Potter Jt Cobb , 1515
I'lirimm Bt. , Omnhn , Neb , 831
TT10K.HALE- hiivo klxtoon lots in Haw-
A. thorno addition thnt wo will sell ; best nnd
chonpoat inslilu pioperty in Omaha , llodford &
Bouer 755
T71OK SAi.iC itosldonco property and vacant
J-1 lots In every addition In Omaha. Torius to
sultpiirchn or. Also desirable buslnoss prop
erty. Gibson , Lirson & Co. , Itoom 3 , Wlthnoll
lllock. | , 15J
FOK HALE 2-story building. Apply at 2fith
nnd Harnoy , Shuw It Field. 81U-2J
Tfioit SALE TracUato at Loavonworth HUB-
- 1ini'ss place.
Tor milo I'or manufacturora , Lcavcnu-orth
IliiBlnoirf I'hiee.
For snlo-Tho : best point fern Hourlng mill Is
I.onvonworlb Iluslnbss i'luco.
l-'or snlo itullroad trackage , best point , I-cav-
omvortli Hushiess Place.
School of Stenography Koom 7 , Iron bank.
_ The Stenograph , Itoom 7 , Iron bnnk _ TAt 21
HiAVV : gains In poiiulutlon publics Onialiato
the front , t'oo illlKJale lots Hint you can
now buy for (150. Pick ono out. pny tor It In
Instulhnentr , nnd sell It In u years time for twice
its oott. Amc8' Heal Estate Agency , 1507 Fur-
immst. 8/j
HAVi : you scon HillsUalo ? If. not , do AO at
once and pick out a lot for fro that will not
only make jou money but hclpyou cave loino.
' llottf listato Agency , 10U7 furnaia. V
FOK SALE-JO ) news 1 mlle frnm Waterloo ,
with two flrst-cln < s houses , stnbiuj , wind-
mill. All fenced. Trees nnd nt $10 per Acre.
HernhanK * Snoh ee , 317 South lath street ITO
"fjMll .HAI , ! ; Or otchnngo tor generaMne ?
Jelmndl o,200nerf tlnnlly Improved hind In
Southern lown , ndjolnlmr county sent nnd rnll-
loadIn Dccatur county. Has n thio flrciom
hoiiolargo bnrnroot ) died.good woll.jprlnff
and running waters 100 apple trees. rhorrM ,
grapes , otc. Itornhird Snolujc , 817 S lath
St. , Omnhn , Nob. tils
yi : ii N ! i A IU TACI tssirhTs" oTTnio :
Ix5ts In Ambler Plnco ftmto WO
Lots In K. V. Smith's ndd . . .JI.W" " "
Cor. lots Mlllard , V t'nldnella ndd , M\I80
front lot , iW.x44N ! Uth H . . . . S.tXXI
Full lot Omnhn View , graded , fenced , trees
and sin lib * . . . . . . FiW
lot WHrj7u. Phlnn'K 3d add ( Charles tl 1,0 * )
Bclcvtcd lots , inuitHlei * \ Hlniebnugh'Knild
$ .VXto ) 700
Deniitlfiil nerc lots , Pnttersou Park , H > t
nillp * from court hoiioe. . . . f.t lto 4.V1
Sluth bet. VMIIhiniB and IllrKoi-v.WxHU. 3.4it )
Cor. titislnco lot , Military nvo 450
Wllcox's 1st add , 'J lots : * X ) each U lots COO
cnoh . . . . . .
Aeie lot1) 111 Hvdo park . . fii.lto US )
Ix3t9on Hammer * st. near licit Line depot ,
ouch . . 1OH >
Txits In Plnln View , InMdo JOOOj eor $700 to 7V )
Lots 111 lledfoid pluec . . . . . 54 < XMo GOO
Bouth front ) ot * on Hurdotto nrSniinders ,
. . . . fijivito inon
Leavcnworlhst , near Park mo.SOxllS . , l.fOO
Lots on Sherman nvo. opp. slto for licit
line depot . . . . { .I.OOO to 7,000
40 nercs tine virgin prnlrle In Oakland nt. . IX )
_ IMg jlernlinnl SneliMo.nn 8 Ultli st
KKAli KSTATK llAliaAlKS-Wnurca in South
Omaha 'joining ' C. F. Ooodmnn , ? 21.ooil.
A jKislttvo bargain. J , I * Itlco & Co. , over Com
mercial National bank. 804
LOTS soiling today for f "W " to $1001 Rold n vcnr
ngo for $100 to fSr-a. Think of this and get u
lot now In HllliMlalo fortl&J to f 175 anil on oaty
terms. Amos' Heal Kstixto Agency , 1507 rariuun
ff\on \ EXtJIIANUE-f 0.000MOCK rtrv good * for
JL ! Oainha property. Archer & Fitch , 218 H
16th st. _ 4ttt
I/l-iA ! , r TATifTiATKIAlNS-abcniitlftliotltH
JA front lots Just oir Baiindors st. In Patrick's
2d addition , fl 'fl each. , T. U Kluo & Co. , over
Commercial National bank. act
HALK acio trackage on the U. P. Irnck , con-
trally located , a bargain for $15,040 , J. U
Illco & Co. , 18th and Douglas B71
RKALKBTATK IlAIIOAlN9-Klnesl pleco of
trnckivso. ca y of nccots nnil conlrnllr lo
cated , in Onmlmnt n bargain. J. L. Uleo \ Co.
over Commercial National bank. M4
r , P. IA'M'SfdNiIToaFir-iTaro llroldrltuont
J. 3 , l.V. Douglas st. , O in nh n.
For siilo at a bargain 40 feet front on
Douglas st. hot l"th nnd 14tli sts. , prleo f W.OOJ.
4f lois in Konnoy'8 nddltlon , Chlango ; nil
choice lots ono block from depot on Mllwnukro
Hy. , lind lurgo furniture factory , cho.ip nt ? " > OJ
enoh. Will oxchnniru pnrt or nil for Omaha
property Tltlo O. 1C.
IK- story briek tenement Ilos
Molnp" , forsaloor trade for Onmlm property ,
or Nebraska or Kansas lands , prlco $00,000.
Will trudo nil or part aud take liulf In Oinabu
Wanted Some cholco applications for city
and farm loans at lowest possible rntos. Special
rates given on lonni of SS.OOO and upwards.
I houses on Ohio et. , $1,000 each , $ -00 ensh ,
bnl. ? - " > per month.
If > ou lia\o pioperty to Roll list It with mo.
If yon want to buy pioperty dcn't lull to see
mo mid the bni-Rnlns I cnn oiler.
7 good lets In Lincoln Place , prices from ? 4T > 0
toffO ) . Tlicso are good.
Splendlci o-room house on Ohio st. , with barn :
lot ill.xlio feet. Bargain nt $2,100.
It you have propoity to rout plnco It In my
hands. Kit
17U > K SATK Full lot on 17th St. , nolir Nleho-
JL1 lag , at a bargain. Bombard Bachsse
317 S. lllth st ! U1
B SAUIISSI- K. 13th street , hns lor sale :
Fine 2-story building with saloon outllt ,
furniture , pool-tables , otc. , lot 22.MM1 , on
inth sticot , corner on alloy ; onsh down
$ iOJi ) ; Imlnnco tosult . . . f . S13.000
Hotel , with furniture , nppurtonancos ,
stock of llquois , oto.2H ; years' leuvo at
? l.Mi5 per year ; stablcw rent for 840 per
month . fl.000
Without stock . 3,000
117-20 n. B.ichsso. . ' 117 a. 13th Street.
H ATCI1KIC Guild ,
. ,
Millnrd Hotel lllock , offer n
few special bargains below :
Hiinil-oinu ii-room cottngo and lot In "Idlcwlld"
only i ; > 0 fcot from street cars ; newly and thor
oughly fmnlshed with new furniture
and carpets. Well , cistern , city water ;
gas pipes throughout house ; hard wood
llnlshlnilde ; sidewalk , fences and all Improve
ments now. An exceedingly good bargain.
AIIIor54WOonoiisy terms.
8-room house , and lot In Omnhn View , a bar
gain $1.000.
ThroogooS roldonees , Chicago street , with
132xiu : feet , bringing n good ion till , very cheap ,
Very deslrnblo proportv Onss and 20th st , 3
good I1OUS09 , grounds 11JX132 foot good payIng -
Ing Ituostment ; bargain , $27OOU.
Neat house and 2 lots. In Walnut Hill ; nlco
little homo , chenp ; $3,400.
Slv bountiful lots In "Omnha View , " $3,60D
cash ; a big bargain and Immediate profit.
Six line lots In "West Side" ? UW oneh.
4 lots In Thornburg plncoJIV ) and ? R)0 ) each.
Choice lot In Hiinseom place. . $1 , TOO.
Ueuutifiil lots In Kllby I'luco , Hesnrvolr addi
tion , Manhattan , Walnut Hill nnd other addi
U-room house nnd 2 lots.Schncll's addition , sw
orlliisoall'Bl'nrlf , on Vlnton M , 120x158 feet , 20-
foot alley , brink brats foumliy on lour , fl.two.
House nnd lot. loth bet Douglas and Dodge
stff , barn for 30 liorscu , MKV1 (
Jones st nenrrith , 01 teetlront with fi brick
stores , 331,000 ; rents for J2.000 ; splendid bar-
Largo residence lot In West Omnhn , GOxlfti ,
51.WX ) ; on easy terms
Splendid business property , Douglas Bt near
, big bargain , Sin.O-K )
N W corner 18th and Farnam st. 00x132 feet ,
two barcnln. SM.OCXI
5 o corner llth and HowardCa\Klffet ! , S23COO.
On Fnrmun near llth,22xic. : , iriijO.
Lot on Farnam near Nob. Niu'l hank , 7,500.
44 foot. Dodge opp P. O , $ , ' 4,000.
3 good resiliences nnd 2 lots , Chlongo st. ,
$11HK ( ) . Kontalp.iyi ) splendid Intorost.
Good corner and ootta o , Bliltli , 50x100. Via
duct will make this advance rapidly , ? 5,200.
8 o corner Ifltli and Ciibtollar , OO.vl 111 , and cot-
tagp , J3.700.
Above are some of the many bargains wo
have. If you wish to buy , sell , or exchange ,
cull on Hatcher , Gadd St Co. , Mlllnrd hotel block.
ONLY SI IIY BIA11 , , J'OSTl'All ) ,
KxhniiBtcil Vltnlltr , Norvomnnd I'liyslcnl Dolillltr
I'rumutnrn DL-I.-IIIIO In Mmi , Krrornnf Youth , unit the
uutulil iiilaurlci rcmiltlnu frinn InUlscrullun nnil ex-
L-cnieR. A book lor every limn , ruunu. inlilillntiKUil
nnil old. Ucniuulim r.'lprcscrlpt'oiiH for nil nnilu unit
< lironlu illscnHiK. u icli onu t whlcli In liiinjiiiilile. ho
iniinil hy tlm iiutlior vtlionn lixpt'rloniH ! for'-M je.irxli
null ii priilnilily lu'vcr licf < Piu ( ell In the lot of liny
Jiliyflcliin , UUpUKi'S , l.iiiiiul In I'l-'iiiitll'.il ' I'ronili mini-
lln , einbosood fovum , full /III / , Kiiunintcoil 1 1 In ) n lino-
work In < iviT'noiKmerlianlnil. > . iltuniryiiMcl proti's-
flun.iltlniii any iitlicr work la tlilNronntry for ll.HI ,
nrtlio monry will bo rufuniled In c crr InHtanru ,
Prlco only II hy mull , pimlpald. Illustrated MUIIII | | > ,
l < Jcoial ! now. ( lulil luuilul nmiriliMl tlm iiutlior liy Mrillcnl An acliill < in , to tlio lion. A. I' .
HlfBell. nnrt iiRforlato ntilrcrt of the board tlieroailer
In runpcctlnlly rufitrruJ.
Thn Kfluncunf llf l north moroto the TouiiRiind
mlitUlo-HKeil men of llilHKniitfriitldiithuMiill tliu ci'l'l '
iiilnii ) nf Cullfnrnlu mid tliu tllrur inlnojof Ncriulii
cii'iiblnoil. ( J , F. Chronlolu.
Thnbclencoof Llfu point ) out the rocks jind quick.
Buiiitnun ttlilcli the eoiiHtltiitlon anil liopi'aof iiiiuiy
iijuuDU man huvolioon futally wrecked. Muiicliottrr
Tlio Hclenoo of Ufn Is of creator Tnlnotlmn nil tliu
mo.llcul works pnbluiunl In llili countiy fur tliu vatl
Ulrv rs-AtluiitHiniilltutlun.
The hclcnce of I.lfo It u niporb nnd mnslorly trout-
liouu ncrvoiu nnil pliytlcul ilublllly. Uutrult l' ° reo
the 1'onbnily Medical In lltutn. or Dr. W.
II. 1'arkor , No. 4 lIullHncli truit ! , Iliirtnn , Alnns. . nhn
inuy l > o ronmiltert on alld08t'H > ei rmiulrliiK atlllnnd
nxpnrlcnco. Cliroidc nnd nliMliiulo ( IKeinus Hull
hiivo Imlllcd Ihu "kill of ( ilhor phytk-lnni impt'i-
Ulty , Surli irniiiiid nuiec-Mully nltuoul uny Inttuncu
ol tulluru , Mantlon Uinnlni lloo.
Union National Bank
206MasoDlcBlklNWCor.CaiAYSlGtj ) ( !
Paid tin Capital , - - $100,000
Authorized Capital , - - COO,000
Accounts solicited. Interest paid on time do
posit. ; coliectlonaniuto in all pails of the iroM ,
and having provided iho luwM ami liiwl vault
In the city , we will iccolvo valuable articles on
storage. Prompt attention will DO a Iron to nil
buaini-sa cnlrnsUU to us.
JNO. W. Ilonunm , Cnslilor
WM. W , MAiisii.Prcsldont.
TclojihonoNo. 812.
MUSIC , Boston , Mass ,
Woltl.U. IvJ tnatructom. 2\x ktmloiun l.iiyo.u
' .I'liuruuuli Inntriiclluni In voi-ul iiuO laitruia > ntul iuu >
tic , I'liinoiind Oiyuu tuiilnii , Kliio Art . Dnilory. l.ltor
ntiiru , Kri'iuli , ( ftirmiin und H IUn luuuuu * . Kut
Hill lirnncliM. nymim tlf , etc Tuition ( ilo I ! l b < url
aiiUroum with > tiMin heut unit CPI | lllc | i hl liln * I
purtarm. KAI'I < T1.HM lie liuhcpli 'nbar ' . I > I' "
IlhwintuiK.iloiKlar.wUhfiilllnfiiriualion.ci1 fr K
Dlr. , l'fjn luibj.yllo lon. M.m.
-or TIM- :
From mm ad COUJCIl BLUffS ol
corum. iiu-iTs
Clilcniro , AND Jlihvnnkcc ,
St. Paul , MinneuiKiliH , t'otlivr Hnjiltls
Dliuton , Diiliutiuc , Dnvpiuinvt ,
Hock JsliimU'rpoiHirl , Hock ford ,
Klirln , Mndlnon , , liuicsvllo ! ,
Ilclolt , AVIiionn , La Crossc ,
And all other Import nut polntft K.1 I , Norlhonst
nnd Rouihenst.
Kor throusli tickets cnll on the Tlekot Agent
nt 1401 I'nriinin stioet ( In I'.xxton Hotelor ) at
I'nlon 1'ncltlo Depot
I'nllinnn Sleepers nnd the finest Dining Cnrs
In the world nio run on the main lines of the
ClllOAH ) , Mll.Wtt'KBK is ST. I'AUI. 1UIMVAY ,
iniil every nttontlon It pnld to pnsson&ors by
coilitoons ctnplojrx of the company.
U. MII.I.EII , Oonrrnl Mnnnncr.
.1. V. TiK'KKii , Assistant Ooiiernl Mnnnfror.
A V. 11. CAiit'KNTEii , Gonornl 1'atjonpor nnd
Ticket A gent.
llr.o. n. HCAFFOIIII , Autstnut Ooncrnl Passoti-
per nnd Ticket Attent
J. T. CUAHK , Oonernl SnporlntondonU
| lr renoon of ltd central petition Hnd cloio relation to
nil prlnelpnl linen hunt unrtV t. at llittlAl ohd Ifr *
initial polnti , eon tltnt i the tnoM Inipottant ntliT.
rolitlnentnl link In that Mttr > m or throiiKlt tiAiifporv
latlnn whldi ln IU' niul rncllltnt'o tn l anil n nfa
liptiiren rlllo of tlm Allnntlc nnil 1'irlflc Court * . II
In nlfu tlinfAroiItu jtiul lt > t loute tu and fioin points
ICMt , NnrthfAJit nnil HnntltrnRt. anti corrriiiondlntf
| ) oint0 Weitt , ulth\rl < 9t mid HcuOiwtiti
The Croat Roclc Island Route
niiarnntcoi IU pntroin Dm I lenin o ( portonal i > m.
ritr Airordril l > r i\ > olll , thoiniiKhlr hallxinl road ,
uoi ) , knioolli trarln of rmitlmimu ftrrl rail , lulntan-
tlaltjr hullt rul f rtn ntid brltltrra , rolllnir * tcrk u > itnat
perfection A * Innnnit i klll rwn niaku It. ttio lafcly
upl > llanr s of patent bnTnnM { > ltrorniianu air brakra.
nnil tlintpmcllni/ill > rlplliii.hlcli corcnn tlir nrnc'
tjcnl oparutlun of all lt trulni oilier iprrlnllle * of
: hl roiiif nro Trmuf.'ra ni all ronn ctliiir imlntu In
Unlun Depots , anil tliu nn-iirpoffrd comfurn ami
luiuilviuf IKPn cnRiir KciMlpras'it.
Tlie Va t KfPrcM Tralim Ixtwceil Chlcr.Kn nc ]
Poorla , Ooiincll Iftiiirn , Katma ] City , ui rt < n < urlh luij
Athl > un nn , cotnpoieil i > r itt-ll tentll t < > ( l , nneljnt >
holMeii > il l ny ( loachei. Mairlilneent rmlninii IVUco
Hloopr of the latcit deMgn , ami niininuoui , ninlne
l > ni. In which fl l > iirnt ly reeked mrnlK alu lelnulelr
paten Ili > t ri > n hteiffa nnil Knim" Cltj nnil Atchutou
.tr also lull the Ccleura .ted lliellnlni Chair Can.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
J the direct anil favorlta line hitwrcn Chlcauo and
IhineapollB ntiitst. Paul , where conmvllonn urn madn
In Unlun Dopoti for all points In the Tenltorlea ami
lirlllJh I'roTlnen. Over thl * rouio Xnit Kipreen
Trains ms run to the watering plnrei. nminier ro-
pnrtn. pletnrosiu loenlltlrH , nntl huntliiu unit n&hlnc
cioiindwof Inwa nnil Mlntieitotit. It In aim the tnoito
.Icslralile rout. , tr > the Hill wheat Heidi and | ia toral
laniM nf Interior Dakota.
mill another DI11KCT I.INi : . Tin Ben-co anil Kan-
kak'ni * , Itat ) Iteen openotl Iti-twevn Clnrlmmtl , Indlnn-
niHilNntnl l.nrnrollp. nnd roiinrll Iltllirn , KannanUItT ,
MlnncApolli and at. Paul unit Inlnrinodlato pulnth.
tor detailed Ittforiiintlon pee Mops and tolilerft ,
ol.t.ilnnhlu. in vfl | nil tleket ) , nt rll lirlnchmrricket
In the Uultcd States uliJ Uaiimlui ur by ad-
1'ras't Ocu'l JI'K'r , Ocn'l T'fct & Pa s. Ag'tj
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only road to tale ; for DOS Moines , Mm-
Bhalltown , Cedar Itnplds , Clinton , Dixie , Chica
go , Milwaukee and all points oast. To the poo-
pin of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Cali
fornia it offers superior ad vantages not possible
by nny other lino.
Among a few of the numerous points of supe
riority enjoyed by the patrons ot this road between -
twoon Omaha nnd Chicago , am Its two trains n
day of DAY' COACHKS which are the finest
that human tirt and ingenuity ean cronto. Its
PALACK SLI5HPINO OAKS , which are models
of comfort and olegnnco. Its I'AHLOH DllAW.
INU ItOOM OAKS , unsurpiiHsed uv any , nnd Id
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAltS ,
the equal of which cannot bo found t'lsowheio.
At Council lllnlTs the trains of the Union Paci
fic lly. connect In I'nlon Depot with these ol
the Chicago & Northwestern Ify. In Chicago the ( \
trains of this line make close connection with
those of all eastern lines.
ForDotioit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Niagara Falls. llutTnfo , Plttsturg , Toronto ,
Montieiil. HoHton , Now Vork , Philadelphia , Hal-
I Imoro , Washington and all points In tbo east ,
nek the ticket agent , for tickets via the
If you wish the best nconinin Dilutions. All tloko
agents Bell tickets via this lino.
( ionoiiil Mnniigor. fion. FittOAfont , ,
P. BOYER'&cd
and Jail Work ,
1020 I'timum Stroat , Oniaba. Neb ,
England France &
, Germany.
The steumahlpsot thU well known line are
built of lion , In water-tight uoinpiirtmonu , and
uio furnlitliDd with uvory roijuUlto to make Ilia
patsngo both fnfo and iigreuablo. Tlioy onrrr
the United Hliilc.s and ICuropoan malU.und luivu
New Vork Thursdays and Baturdayj for Pip.
mouth. ( IX5N DONCUorbouir ) , < PAIU3 and HAM.
Returning , Iho steamers leave Hamburg an
Wixluodays nnil Sundays , via. Iluvro , taklnz
piisRongers at Koutliiimpton and London.
Fust cnbin $ V ) , $ J and $76 ; 8toorngoTl
Rnlhoad tlukets from Plymouth to Bristol ,
illir , Lundon , or to uny plneoln the tintuhof
Knghind , I'ltlii : . Steerage from Kuropo only
$25. Bond for "Tourlfct Gti7ptli > . "
0.11. RICHARD * CO. ,
General I'lisneiigur Agents.
61 IJrondwny , Now Vork ; Wiislilnffton aud to
Bullotits. Chicago. III.
Cnrrylnir the llolglum Royal and UiiUud States
tliill.tallliiuvcry . -utuuluy
Ooiwesn AssS wsrp 3 Hew Vork
Salon Irom fUJ to $100. llxcurslon trip from
$110 to 1'lbo. Second Cabin , outwarJ , Vl i :
pinpiilil$4i ; OJKMIINIUII. $ ; ) . ateorago piisj.ivn
ut low rules. 1'ulur Wright tc Sons , Guaoral
Afonts , 05 Broadway , New Vork.
lli'iuy Pun It , iii ; l-'Minuinbl. ; I'aiilson , V Co ,
13 Kannim Rt. : D , O. Fic'-niun , 13. ! !
, . A uulclc , ) 'orman n\
Civrlsn M ° nhu il , iHwiity , . .
r j 'K ' AlcaLiiptfi. Sio quackery. ln
il I.I. ' J'rcM.r * . ll < x.k . u nt