THE OMAHA DAtfrY BEE : . .TI-KTKSPAY. JULY 22 , ' 188G. CfllPHAN NO BLACKMAILER That Charge Against Agent James' Prosecutor cuter an Utter Falsehood. A NEWSPAPER FABRICATION. Tlio Overtoil Urldco Company Incor- porntRit Sohnol Honds ItcKl tcn-tl Tlio Ilnllronil Commission's Ono Case Lincoln Noivai THE HUE'S LINCOLN The Omaha paper that is acting as a * ort of protective association for Law and Order Agent James published as one fact to cause good clti/.eiiH to look with favor upon .humus , that Mr. A. J. Sawyer , of this city , the president of the Lincoln Law and Order lengun , had written to Omaha declaring that the counsel for James h < ul investigated tlio charges and that there was no truth in them and that it was all a blackmailing scheme. This article was reproduced in a local payer here , and when Air. Chipmanthe gentle * man who signed tlio complaint against James , read it , ho walked up to the office of Mr. Sawyer and demanded an explana tion as to why lie was charged as being a blackmailer. Mr. Sawyer replied with alacrity , and produced from his copy book the letter ho had written to Omaha mid which proved the Omaha paper an enormous fabricator. The lii'.i : repre sentative called at Mr. Chipman'.H store and received from him tlio above report of Mr. Sawyer's htalement. Mr. Chipman continued further to say that ho had no relish for any person calling Ir.m a blackmailer , and that he was ready and prepared to prove oaeh and every allegation that ho lias made concerning Agent James. "And , " continued Mr. Chipman , "if I have maligned any man , 1 have five houses near tlio university , ten acres of ground just inside the eity limits , nid my business on O street from which they can recover damages. " There are a great many people in Lin coln who know Mr. Chipman , and thov tlo not know him as a blackmailer or anything else oilier than a good square eitr/on who believes in law and order himself and who practices it , and the efforts made to make J imies a persecuted individual at the hands of Mr. Chipman is tlie baldest and boldest exhibition of gall. The fact that Agent James secured rooms at Mr. Chipman's under an as- .sumed name , and an assumed character that made the woman consent to bo his wife , is Mr. Chlpman's charge .that ho is prepared to prove , and his motive in the matter is to protect his house and his homo. If Agent James is to clear himself , and if the Law and Order League in Omaha want to believe him innocent they do not want to do it under tlio impression that Air. Chipman , the gentleman upon whpso cpmpl.uht ho was arrested , is a blackmailer. Neither do they wanttobe- lieve that Mr. Chipman's case was brought because of the work James is doing in Lincoln , or anything of that kind. AUTici.r.s or IXCOIU'ORATION Of tlio Overtoil Bridge company , ol Dawson - son countys were filed witli tlio secretary of stale yesterday. The general business of tlio corporation is to build and operate a wagon bridge across the Platte river at Oyerion , Uawson county , and to build the same. The corporation has a capital stock of ยง 5,000 , In shares of $25 each. The company commence business July 10 , 18 W , and the corporation closes busi ness on tlio same month and day in l)0i. ! ) ( The signers to the articles are II. T. AVorthing , Recs Roe , J. II. McCall , E. M. 1' . Soiling and R. F. James. MOUE SCHOOL ISONDS. The state auditor jostorday was pass ing upon the latest batch of school dis trict bonds , which canm to hand with the greatest regularity and n'iparcntly in in creased numbers. Those received yesterday ' terday wore ll.o bonus of the Aub'urn school district , in amount $7,803 ; also tlio road bonds oi the Lone Tree precinct , Mcrrick county , in amount $4,000 , to run ton years at 0 per cent ; school bonds of district 55 , Gage county , for ? 2,500 ; of district 03. Howard county , for $400 : of district 57 , same county , for $3i5 , and of district 20 , Dawson county , for $2,000. STATE HOUSE NOTIS. : Edward L. Grissoll. of Nuckols county , has relieved the ennui at the railroad com mission office by presenting their first case for July. Mr. Grissoll complains that the R. &M. company has failed to build eighty rods of fence along their right-of-way by his farm , and in consequence quence ho has been deprived of the use of fifteen acres of ground at a damage of $50. This will give the commissioner employment for the next ninety days , and further illustrates the necessity for that organiza tion that needs just &ueh burd work as this to present for an illustration when they ask the coming republican conven tion to go on record In the line of en dorsement. The salt well has reached the depth of 870 feet and the workmen at the well re port another vein of water struck that is htrongly Impregnated with all the in gredients necessary to make it a cure-all for every ailment. A test will bo made to ascertain the quantity of salt it con tains. Railroad Commissioner Buschow and Clerk Warring , of the board , have re turned from witnessing the freight brake test at Burlington , la. , now in progress there. WIFE HKATIKO AND IHVOHCB. Mention was made some days since of the arrest of John AVettoncamp , living several miles east of the city , charged with beating and whipping his wife , Kathrine , and of the continuance of the case for oho month. Since that time the wife , through attorneys , has Jilcd a plea for divorce in the district court , and the petition recites at length the turmoils that the family have lived in for thirty or forty years. This rooital states tlmt AVittencamp , shortly after mar riage began his Hystem of pun ishment , and that at one time the family dog was the weapon used In Diving her a boating , that for this ofi'enco 3iu was arrested and fined in Wisconsin , And that after they removed to Platta- mouth and afterward to Lincoln that the whippings continued at frequent inter vals until thu llth of the present month when the breaking of a milk crock ever the head of the plaintilV broughi matters to the point when she hud him arrested. The petition further recites that they have raised a family of nine children , three of whom are now minon nnd that they have jointly accumulated property to the value of eight or nine thousand dollars , and in asking for the divorce Catherine AVettoncamp asks for 'the care and custody of these minor children and her just and equable share of the property for their own and the maintenance of herself. WOIIK AT WEST LINCOLN. on the numerous improvements there is progressing favorably , and the first of the two packing houses in course of con fitruetion has so fur progressed that number ono is receiving the roof the present wool ; . It will bo remcmberei chat both are under contract to bo com \ileted \ October 1. AVork on the now sewer pipe factorj has not yet commenced , but Mr. Sunnier one of the most interested parties in the industry , is oxpocled daily from St. Louis to inaugurate the opening work iu the way of buildings , which at iirst will bo temporary , The machinery necessary or operation will be shipped as soon no ho buildings nro ready anil Work can Hen pommencc at once. In the face of In fact that this city i.s going to put in in e\ten ivo syMoni of sewerage this sp.ver pipe company ought to evert them- civo8 to have their works in running order ready for orders. t.irn.K KVIXTS : Thomns Bannlgan , a farmer , living a short distance out of the city , made com plaint at the police headquarters yester day that his horse and buggy had been taken the day before from in front of a store and driven all over the ; city until .he horse was practically ruined. Invcs- igation proved tlmt the rig had been aKen by the Porter lad who has been cuiltyot like oll'eiiscs on live dillerent counts during the month jdst past. The oillcors issued a warrant for tin1 boy and the reform school will undoubledli have a new inmalo. Four cases of drunkenness appeared be fore the judge at roll call yesterday and received the usual tine nnd trimmings. I'ho alley inspector announced that ho no ca < os to present , and the day's session was a short one. The first party to violate the water or dinance has been marched up to court for punishment , and parties who waste water broadcast have now an example by which to profit. County court yesterday was grinding away at law and order cases , and also liad set for hearing late in the day a habeas corpus case in which an effort is being made to secure the release of one Frank Skinner , who is in jail under charge of an attempt at rape. The grounds on which the contest is made is is the question as to whether the police judge has jurisdiction in eases of this kind when tlio ollense was committed outside tlio city. The lire department Is experimenting with fire call boxes , and if the trials prove satisfactory the city will purchase ) twenty live call boxes to be located in dif ferent portions of the city. ,1. C. Bush , editor of the Sidney Tele graph , was in the city yesterday on busi ness at tlio capital. Air. Hash hiatus that the far west country , in common with the rest of the state , is suffering for rain. AA" . L. Scott , of York , who is occassion- ally whispered as a congressional aspir ant from the Second district , was at the state capitol yesterday. Keys and Bullock , the stone men who recently made an assignment , have settled Indebtedness satisfactory to till concerned and resumed work. The highest registration of guests for a mouth was the report at all the hotels yesterday. AT Tlin HOTELS. Yesterday were registered R. McTntyrq , Seward ; Cluis. Buschow , Red Cloud ; W. T. Scott. York ; \V. It. Lacy , Uimdilla ; L. t A. Arnrnum , Storlinc ; Tims. Price , Bennett ; O. A. Carper , Humboldt ; C. S. Finicie , Friend ; Walter Scott , Stroms- burg. Trnnsportatloii of Ships. San Frauciieo Examiner : Admiral Schufcldt of the United States navy ad dressed the executive committee of tlio chamber of comr.icrco on the subject of the Panama canal and the Tehuantopcc railroad for transporting ships overland. Introductory remarks wore made by Hugli Craig. The admiral in his talk said tlmt as far as lie could observe not one-tenth of the work on the Panama canal had as yet _ been completed , and much of that which is now considered finished will have to bo done over again , One year ago the canal was eleven feet deep. From an inspection there appears to be progress , but the speaker dm not think that the magnitude of the under taking was generally appreciated. The Tehuantnpcc route would involve as much work as the Panama , but as a military nnd commercial measure the former would bo of the greatest advantage to the United Slates. It would require a largo navy to hold the Panama Canal , but by the new Mexican railroad 00,000 men could bo placed at Tchuantepoc within ten days. The Panama and Nicaragua canals \vero objectionable because they would injure the commerce of the coun try. San Francisco would lose its Mexi can and South American trade. The ad miral strongly advocated defenses on tins coast , as it could not be supplied with a navy in time in case of war. It was understood that Mexico would grant the privilege of transporting men-of-war ever Tcliuaittepcc railroad if necessary. Ho believed that tlio French would com plete the latter route , and tlio appli ances would bo so perfect that there would be no straining oi ships In trans portation. Whtn r. by was Molt , ITB g re her O.wttrlt , When iha Tma i Child , ahe cried for Cajtoria , When she becime MUa , she clung to Custori * , Whea hehaJChllilroB , Charles Scott , of Kearney , Mo. , has a wjiitocat of which he Is proud. It is ono of two that arrived in in the presidential campaign of 1881. The white kitten ho named Grover Cleveland : the other , a black little fellow , Jim Blaine. On the -1th of March Blalno fell into the well and was drowned. Cleveland still lives and is in a Nourishing condition , PILES ! PlllSSI PIIjE3 A sure cure for Blltiil , Bleeding , Itctdn and Ulcerated Piles 1ms been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment , A single box has cured the worst chronic cases ot u.i or 80 years standing. No ono need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sootli Ing medicine. Lotions and Instruments do more harm than pood. Williams' Indian Pllu Ointment absorbs tlio tumors , allays the Intense itching , ( particularly nt nkht after cettine warm m bed ) , acts as a iionltlco , clvos instant relief , and Is prepared only for Piles , itching of private parts , and for nothing else. siu.v uidK/vdus cuuiou. Dr. Fiwlcr's Single Ointment euros as by roairlc , Pimpios , lilack Heads or Grubs , IJlotches and ICruptions on the face , leaving tlio sicln clearand beautiful. Also cures Itch. bait Ul-eum , Snro Ninnies , Bore Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers , bold by druggists , or mulled on receipt oC Ketallcd by Kultn & Co. , and Schroder * Conrad. At wholesale by U. I'tJoodiuuu. . K. J. Sugdon , for twenty years in charge of the rake tooth department of the famed steel manufacturers of Pitts- burg , Messrs. Hussie , Howe & Co. , was in Omaha yesterday. Mr , Sugdon is a veteran -of the Thirty-ninth Ohio volun teers , the regiment raised and equipped by the Uroesbock brothers of Cincinnati , and is on his way to San Francisco to at tend the grand reunion. MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with special regard lo heallV , No Ammonia , Umo or Alupi. PRICE BAKINO POU'DFR CO. . CHICAGO. ST.LOUI& THE HUM OF THE HARVESTER , Gleanings From the Goken Fields of Nebraska. Notes Krom Viirloiiq Point * In the Stntc 1'roflts of ling and Sheen Various Hints nnil NelH'n1cn I''nvit ' Note * . Johnson County Journal- With wheat averaging 55 bushels per acre , and corn boiler than any urcvious year in the his tory ol the country , oats and clover ju < t bos * , and every hiilsido doited with cattle - tlo tiiul hops , tlm good times coining aio already hero , if wo could only believe it. Vork Democrat : The hay crop lit York county was probably never bettor than this year , and our farmers will do well to cnrotully pivst-rvo every sponr. If the dry weather continues much longer , it will br > about the only crop produced , and will bring : x good price this winter. Mcfook Tribune : As the crops are to day , Western Nebraska is probably in better condition than any other portion of the state or union. Custer County Lender : Mnny harvest ing machines are running night and day. The grain is so dry that il is absolutely necessary lo cut it ns soon as it is ripe. Harvest this yuar is going to occupy but n litllo lime but it will bo lively anil it is needless to stale no grain has been spoiled by dampness after being cut. ISlair Republican : Win. McCormick's blackberry patch has been covered with pickers of late. They ate nearly all of the fcinnlo sex , inoslly misses from seven to twenty years old , Me says they are easier lo control and bettor workers than an equal number of boys would be. Tuesday last , which was an awful hot day , G'i pickers gathered ; ; H bushels of berries. At ! ) cents a quart they earned $31.70 for picking. At I' . ' ! cents a quart in market UI biHliels brought $130. Had it not been for the extreme dry weather that patch of berries would have been as good as a small gold mine. Falrbury Gazette : The harvest of small grain in this vicinity is well advanced , the weather thus far being 'quite lav or- able , aside from tho4 almost intolerable heat. The yiehl of winter wheat is about an average , but it is well tilled and of bet tor quality than usual. Spring wheat Is light , Sand wo hear considerable com plaint from chintz bugs. There will be a lair yield of oats and of much better quality than lust season. Sohuyler Humid : We last week saw a thirty acre field of wheat on Ben Point's farm , in Lincoln prebinot , that was ahead of anything in the wheat line that wo have over seen in this state. Air. Point tells us that the land Ind been seeded to tame grass for a number of years jvnl used for a pasture. That ho last fall turned the heavy timothy sod under , and this year sowed the ground to wheat. This sfiows Mr ? Point to be a very practical larmor. If more of tlie farmers would use their hind in this man ner we would have less complaints of a short crop , of small grain , Mr. Point's farm , which is situated two miles south of llushvillc , consists of one hundred and sixty acres. Ho has twenty acres of thrittr young timber of his own planting and no has an abundance of 'timothy which he has just finished cutting. The Use ofKnsilntto. * * " Correspondence Farm and Garden : The use of eiibilago means a revolution in agriculture in New Kncland and Old Kiigland. As you go further north the quality of all crops becomes better. AVe have the quality in New .England now , and if wo can get the quantity as ensil age promises the eastern states will bo the host place lor farming and not the place to leave. The average daily con sumption in America by adults of your daily farm products is 10 cents worth of meat , 5 cents worth of milk , butter and cheese and | a cent's worth of eig8. _ This makes the annual consumption of the meat product $1,8 5,000,000 , the dairy product $1)12,000,000 ) , and the octs product ! ? ! H,000,000. The egg product itself is irrcnlor than that ot pig-iron , wool and silver together. Yet who stands for the hen-yard in congress to protest nzuinst degrading the whole business of this country to tlio value of an 80-ceut dollar ? Why not buy iW.OOO worth of lions' eggs every year t > .nu store them under the cap ital until congress repeals two equally absurd and meddling laws. It is the waste of good food to put corn into pork. AVe never have enough cgtrs or poultry. AVc never Imvo enough beef , but witli Bismarck closing the doors of Germany against us , the question is , what shall wo do with our pork ? I once thought pork was condensed corn. But corn in beef saves protein and loses fat. Corn in pork loses protein and saves fr.t. In beef the nutritious parts of the corn arc re-enforced ; in pork they are merely lost. Indian corn is a renovating , not an exhausting , plant. It needs no extensive nitrogenous fertilizers. Made into en silage and fed to cows , it returns to the soil in manure , and leaves a farm at the end of tell years richer than it found it. It is just hero that the agriculture of the eastern iin'l middle states has so splendid an outlook before it , Wo need to estab lish beef factories as we haye established cotton and woolen ones. The ranches of tlio west have reached thnir maximum. Vermont , with r , system of ensilage and no freight to pay , can see them and go them one better. I have been laughed at as a theorist for saying that two steers can bo fed to an acre. But Mr , Smith's ' figures show that one aero can support lour. AVe want hugo beef stables of heavy timbers , with three-inch plank sides and slanting skylights , like the fac tories built now on ttie slow-burning principle of all underwriters. There lane no longer any noon of your young men running about looking for an occupation , Capital and brains in the beef factory business means 'J cents profit n pound , and that moans 10 per cent on the invest ment per unnum. Breed High and Sell High. .National Live Stock Journal : It is al ways advisable to lave the bust , no mat ter what description of live stock wo breed , or goods wo handle , When times are depressed , if either sort .drops low in price it is certain not to bo the bettor descriptions , but always the second and third rate that goes begging foroash buy ers at good prices , Does this apply , fn any especial degree , to horses ? Most certainly it does , for there are always men. not in nny way jeopardized in thnir financial condition during u period of depression , because of notbeingcngagcd in any hazardous business undertaking , who bland ready to buy the best horses that coma to market. Bear in mind that this description of horses , like the works of exceptionally competent artists , are comparatively scarce , and will always sell at outside figures. Those who are known to rear the higher classes of horse stock are not sub jected to the chances that environ the movements of the man , who , not known us rearing good ones , yet now and then happens to have an animal , or a team , that attracts tlio attention of a buyer or dealer. Ho , seeing future pronmo of outcome , reserves to himself whatever of profit may accrue from developing what wo will term green horses of great prom ise. The mun who Keeps a herd of liigh bred cattle , swine , or sheep , stands be fore the purchasing public in an attitude very unlfro the man who , now and then , by u sort of zig-zag process , becomes the breeder of n good horse. The laltnr occupies the position of the man who grows grain and hey , and reserves pas- Curing fcpace , mainly that ho may have Lis produce consumed ou his own laud , in this sense , viewing Ms .growing cojts as lie A lews his growing steers and pigs , whereas , his poiltloli should pivo him ex ceptional opportunities for rearing and developing such , de. erition | rtf horse stock as will briuc him exceptionally liberal prices. . However , ho soils his young horses , as he would sell mules or Moors , leaving esf > eeial aptness for speed , or cleverness in the ) way of good looks. or becoming beluivior , to bring financial benefit to another. Can Slicop \ > c JItulc Profltnhle ? Sheep being excellent foragers , and callable of picking up a portion of their subsistence , hav'o been made to adapt themselves to tl.oso sections where the land cannot bo prolitably cultivated and where they are supposed to cost but little in proportion to that which may bo de rived from them. For that reason the American farmers have given their .U- ' tention to the small , active breed's , such us the merino and native , which exist in largo flocks more successfully than do those of larger size. Tlio objections to the largo mutton breeds of sheep are tint they require too much attention and must have good pas- turagoi that they cannot well exist to gether in large numbers , and must be protected from the iteat and cold. It is no doubt true that the merino is hardy and requires less care than llio large breeds , but the question to bo considered is whether it will not pay to give tlio large mutton breeds that attention which many are not willing to bestow. Wo have the dllVerenco in methods as prac ticed in England and America. The Eng lishman does not attempt to produce wool , estimating the wool product as something that simply attends the pro duction of mutton as a secondary ad junct , and aims to secure as largo a car cass as possible. So "real has been the progress attained by tlio English in the improvement of the mutton breeds that it is not uncommon to seeuro lambs weighing 100 pounds when they are only three months old , vyhilo IfiO pounds is often readied by six-nionth-old lambs. These weights are greater than those of our mature native sheep , and show that tlto farmer , with the use of the improved breeds of mutton sheep , can dcrlvu a largo profit without looking to the re ceipts from wool at all. If the English farmer can pay heavy rents and depend upon his sheep as the principal source of revenue , there is nothing to prevent the American farmer from doing tlio same ; but the English grow special crops for sheep , shelter them , hurdle them , keep them growing from birth , and breed only from choice sires. A three-year-old ram has been made to woigli U ! . > pounds ( live weight ) , and owes often attain over COO pounds each. It is , however , duo to the careful feeding , as well as breeding , that success is met with , for no English tanner would turn out a llouk of sheep to find their food or trample desirable herbage. It lias been shown that shcop can bo con- lined with hurdles and made profitable , and that the system of giving them largo ransres will not answer for the mutton breeds ; yet the fact that the English , with an experience of centuries , have dis carded wool and jjlVo their whole atten tion to muttoii , is ' a lesson to us that should not be ovprlqpkei ! or disregarded , especially as there is a great demand for choice mutton ujliich is seldom supplied. Separated a nil Skimmed Ml lie. One of the most important subjects dis cussed at the dairy 'conference ' , says the Standard of London , was the utlli/.ation of separated and skim milk. Mr. Stcph- onson , mamigerof L'orrick's Cumberland dairy factory , who read a valuable paper on the question compared the returns in money obtained from dillerent methods of using the milk. For pic feeding ho es timated that , wifclrpork at 5o per pound , the milk would come to only n little over 8c per gallon. A. more profitable use of it is that of making it into soft cheeses , very extensively produced from skim milK in Franco and some other conti nental countries. There is much dill'or- once of opinion as to tlio possibility of creating an extensive demand for this class of cliceso in England ; but , consider ing that the consumption of soft cheeses increases in tlio foreign countries , there npucars to be no reason to doubt that English imitations would in time find favor. Professor Long has succeeded in making some very palatable soft cheese from sknn milk. Tliuro is no doubt , that Mr. Stcphcnson is right in his opin ion that the sale of separated milk , as such , to consumers in tlio towns would bo the most profitable of all methods of disposing of it , if the cost of distribution could bo diminished. Separated milk is of course fresher than milk skimmed after setting , and if its consumption by the public should bcconio general few dairy farmers would be able to afford to do without a separator. Milk simply deprived of iU butter is n valuable food , and it would be a great advantage to llio poor if it were supplied to them in qual- tity nt a low figure. Seasonable Hint * and Suggestions. Cows like cabbage. leaves , but it is better to feed thorn just after milking , otherwise they may flavor the milk. Milk being a complete food , it cannot bo produced unless a complete food is given the cows for that purpose. Another new breed of beef cattle , called the Sussex , is being introduced in this country as a rival of the Shorthorn and Herefords , An excellent honic-mado axle-grease is said to bo made of two parts tallow , two parts castor-oil and one part of pulver ized black lead. To avoid streaky butter have the cream all of the same ripeness. Never churn old and now cream together if the best butter is expected , Do not feed breeding sows very largely on grain. They may bo kept in good condition , but ft should lx ) done by aioro bulky or partially green food. The floor is the most important part of the stable , for it lias much to do with tlio safety of the horse's feet , and wo Know that "if there is no foot there is no horse. " If ono tenth of the land in cultivation wore covered by water in ponds from which nino-tontliK might bo supplied in scasonsof drougiit , the gain in production would bo immenso. Now is the time to'etore up a supply of dry earth for winter use in the stable. It is ono of tlio best-absorbents that can bo used , is clioapi < and may be substiiutcd for moro valuable material. A successful Canadian dairyman thinks bran , peas and corn mixed the best butter producing food for oows. Cows should bo milked with dry bands. Cows should not bo milked in proximity to the dung pile.Collars Collars are usually damp because the walls are cooler than the air , which causes condensation of moisture , To prevent this condensation of moisture It is recommended 'ilmt the windows and doors of the cellars lib closed during the day and opened at night. ' The attempt to have a cow for butter and beef is trying to make butter and tallow with the same machine , " But is not the same machine in operation while the cow is biiin- ' fattened for beef and while she is giving rich milk for butter making * Cheese factory owners cannot bo too caruful not to put their cheese In too low boxes. A buyer in Chicago describes how a shipment of 400 boxes were nearly ruined by being thus boxed. The shipper probably thought to save a little on the cost of boxes , and lost a hundred times us much In injury to his cheese. It is stated that if an outside leaf of a cabbage plant which is infested with green worms is brokenotF and placed llat over the top of such plant in the afternoon nearly ull flio worms in the cabbage wijj bo found next morulngcon- KregaXed on ihis lelif , and call easily be removed and destroyed , A valuable remedy if true. There nro many dairy farms that can bo provided with water power for churn ing at small cost by constructing reser voirs where the elevation is great enough to make a small stream servo by pres sure. A spring may keep the reservoir supplied , or if there is no spring above a watershed of a few acres will servo the purpose. When butter i.s kept in tubs or earUien vessels it must bo packed as closely as possible , and no interstices or vacant spaces left , for the butler quickly spoils around these interstices , and the evil spreads through the whole tub. In large establishment * it is considered essential that a tub be filled with butter made all in one day. As the bull should continue available for in the herd for three voar , and will in that time leave an imlelliblo im press for good or evil upon the herd , the importance of making a good selection is caiily seen. This much , however may be positively asserted , and that is that a nurc-bred bull , whatever his quality or breeding , provided ho bo sound , will prove inllnitoly safer than anygrado bull however meritorious. Bloat In calves Is really an acute at tack of indigestion , which often proves fatal almost immediately. Taken in time it may bo relieved by a 'teaspoonful eaeli of baking soda and ground ginger dis solved in a quarter-pint of boilinir water ami ijoured down the calf's throat. To do this n loiig-nccKed bottle may bo used. Hub the stomach briskly , and make the calf move about , if possible , to get rid of the wind. Nothing is of so much value to stock as plenty of pure water. It Is a great mis take to suppose that while it adds to the health and thrift of cattle , sheep and horses , it is not a necessity of swine. The greatest amount of t-wlll supplied in the pen will not take the place of clean , sparkling water. Hogs which have not been accustomed to it , after a few days' regular supply , put on now life and ac tivity ; their eyes brighten and their very grunt is indicative of happiness and con tent. Stock should bo fed a variety of food. Many flocks and herds have to subsist almost entirely upon grain food the en tire year , whioli is an injudicious mode of feeding. Vegetables , either raw or cooked , or mixed with ground grain , are excellent , but there is nothing equaling a liberal supply of grain morning and night , with plenty of grass during the day , and if the pasture is supplied with n mixed herbage so mueli the better. Variety conduces to health and promotes thrift. In a recent meeting of the Elmira ( N. Y. ) Farmers' club the subject of growing fodder corn being up , the members were urged bv those who had tried It to sub stitute the early amber cane wholly erin in part as superior as a green food to any variety of corn. Tlio same opinion has boon reached in the west by farmers who have grown cano as a forage crop , and it is probable all things considered it is ono of tlio best , if not the best , crop that can be grown for green feeding. Most farmers have learned that cut hay or even straw wet and sprinkled with meal is better feed for working horses than whole grain and hay. In this &hapo the nutriment in the hay Is onsily eaten and easily digested. Horses do not need water when eating , except as it is puton _ the chopped hay lo make the meal stick to it. The meal being fine digests per fectly , while much of the nutriment in whole grain is lost , Again , the wasted eflect in digesting tlio "latter is so much detracted from the strength which should go to the work. It has econ found that trees are longest lived when kept in sod. AVhen the soil is cultivated the trees , especially in a rich soil , will often make : i rank growth of three or four feet. The wood will bo soft , and , as it generally fails to ripen , the growth will be killed during the win ter. In clean , open soil , too , the freezing and thawing of winter is more injurious than if the ground is covered with a good sod. The best rnlo is to consult the ap pearance of the tree , and if the growth is too rank throw tlio land into grass , and keep it in sod so long as it makes a good growth. One may keep ten or twelve fowls with profit who could not double or treble this number successfully , because witli a larger number all the difficulties which arise , such as want of cleanliness , tlio presence of vermin , impure air and risk ot infectionincreasoin a much larger ratio than does the number in tlm flock. But if ono has succeeded with a small flock there i.s no reason why _ he should not dose so with several flocks if each is kept in just the same manner as tlio original one. Afterward tlio flocks may bo enlarged , but as this is the very point on which most of tlio younger poultry-raisers fail , the greatest caution should bo observed in adding to the number of fowls Kept In each coop or house or yard. * A FIRST-CLASSGHOST STORY. The Medical Student and the Girl with n Kronen Smile. A Now York special says : The causes and cure of the insanity ot Charles Rich ards , lately a patient in tlio insane asy lum at Blackwoll's island , presnnt ono of the strunso freaks which nature so peculiarly deals out once in a while with no apparent reason or determination. It was in the winter of 1885 , just after the beginning of the reason's course of lectures at the College of Physician and Surgeons , that Richard * was admitted as a second-year student from the medical university. Ho had just passed his twenty-first birthday , and was in many respects a remarkable student. Ho find an intuitive knowledge of the symptoms of disease that is rarely mot with. Ho was a first-class anatomist. In his gen eral and special requirements ho bids fair to roach a position of prominence in the profession no lias chosen. Last October lie determined to make strenuous efforts to carry off the prl/o for the best dissection of the head , nook and right arm. Ho wanted a body which in dicated strength and delicacy. He found one at last. It was the corpse of a girl who had bcon found frozen in n lumber yard , The body had boon frozen in a sitting posture and retained this nhapo. The face of the dead cirl wore a sort of idiotic smile. Her left arm was cramped over the abdomen and hold firmly there by tlio cold. Richards hnd ro-sold the lower extremities of the corpse , having no Ube for thom.and after ho got through the day's studios ho went to the dissect ing room to divide the body and deliver these parts to the purchaser. It was nearly 11 o'clock when he started through the dimly lighted dissecting room , where , upon the twenty-four slabs , were aamany grinning , distorted bodies In eyorv stage of dissection. It was not a pleasant place for a nervous nmn the night was stormy , the wind howled through the shutters and along the roof. Hail and snow boat upon the glass in the windows as if departed spirits had returned to pro test against the mutilation of their bodies. Richard moved quickly to slab No. 14. T'hero was the girl with her frozen smile , sitting upright. The body was naked , and slightly thawed , but was still too hard for the knife to run easily. Richards waited for a few minutes and then made up his mind to wait until the next day , but us ho was about to fro away ho noticed a very peculiar swelling on right leg of the cadaver. His curiosity being aroused , ho slipped on his long black gown , took out a small knife , and begun to cut around the swelling to do * termino its character. Ho was bending low over the abdomen , engrossed in Ins work , Above his ucad there was a change. The upper part of the corpse had thawed the most. The muscles In right arm , the hand of which was behind the head , relaxed , and the weight caused the hand to t-lip from behind the head mid slowly descend. Riehards did not know of the change. Ho had dis covered a rare form of tumor and bent over the body to o\ainino it. Downward came the hand , moing a llltle quicker all tlio while , until .suddenly the body gave a leak and the ley hand fell upon the young man's ncek. Tlio shock was 501110- thing terrible. He could not stir. 1IU blood seemed to freeze in his veins , lie clutched the frozen leg to keep from full ing , and tin n ho slowly drew his head away au.d looked at the corpse The same idlolie smile was there , but to his excited imagination the lips seemed to move in silent mockery. Ho felt as if .suffocating , and rushed madly into the oiion air and hurried homo nud aroused his uncle. He told him the story in every detail , and said that he could not get tlio woman's hand oil'his neck. His undo laughed at the idea , and tried to dispel the illusion. Richards wont to his room , not to sleep. His mind was filled with a horror which ho could not shake oil' The hand of death was on his neck al ways , and the idiotic .smile was at his shoulder whenever ho would turn. Ho grow worse from day to day , and in two weeks having shown .signs of the suicidal mania , he was sent to the asylum. Ho was very reticent all the time , and wiped Ids neck at frequent intervals with his handkerchief to take something away. The main manifestation of the pcmentia was the exhibition of the most abject fear. His condition become uradually worse , and the case was looked upon as hopeless , lie had to bo carefully Vtatchl'd to keep from committing sui cide. The regular keeper had been taken sick , and a now ono did not exer cise the proper watchfulness. Tlio pa tient during the night got up from nis cot , tore a sheet and hung himself to the door of.his cell. Ho was found soon afterward by the keeper , unconscious and nearly dead. He was at once cut down and efforts made to resuscitate him. After hours of labor the patient became conscious. His uncle , who had been sent for , cot to the asylum about the time lie opened his eyes , and took charge of the subtcquont treatment. The cll'eet of the great shock had worn oil , and the young man rocogni/cd his undo and talked with him. Ho seemed to be dazed , but spoke in n natural manner. There was no trace of the former dread which had possessed him and he grad ually "row bright and cheerful. In a month lie seemed as well as ever , talked freely about himself and his feelings , and professed that Ins mind was a blank about the events of tlio months that ho had been confined. It was deemed safe to discharge him from the asylum , nud about a week r.go ho was bet free. A change being advised , lie started for Europe. It is believed he will return perfectly sound in mind. A Most Ijloral | Offer. The A'oltaic Belt Co. , Marshall Mich. , ofl'erto send their celebrated Arollaic Bolt and Electric Appliances on thirty days trial to any man afflicted witli nervous debility , loss of vitality , manhood , etc Illustrated pamphlet in sealed envelope with full particulars mailed free. AVrito them at onco. OfT to tlio Mountains. Yesterday morning Judge Q Savae and wifoamlSMrs. General d'ook , with several other ladies and gentlemen , wont west In car 010 for a two weeks' visit to the. mountains. Mr.Callaway's special car 03 was attached to 4hc same train , and was taken possession of by its owner , who is to share the mountain pleasure of the parties mentioned . If vou make it a rtiio to flavor all your cold drinks with 10 or 15 drops of Angostura Jllttcrs you will keen free from summer dis eases and have your dicestlvo orgniiK in good older. Hut bo sure you set ( lie genuine arti cle , manufactured only by Dr. J. ( . ' . U. Sie- IncrciiHcd Valuation. Thojeountylcommissioners returned yes. tordayfrom Lincoln , where they appeared bcfoVi ) the state board of equalization to ask for a reduction of thc utato tax levy for 188U. Instead of hiring their request granted , they wore ir formed that the state valuation would be increased $10- 000,000 , and that of this increase Douglas county would have to stand $1,000,000. The commissioners my that they will fight this increase , j The brichtest star in the medical firma ment is Red Star Cough Cure. M cents. $5O Ucwai-d. Fifty dollars vrlll be paid to any person giving information as to whore old Mr. Boll may bo lound. Ho was 77 yearn old , dressed in a knit jacket , Scotch gray tweed , large btraw hat , with gray side whiskers , of medium height , with stopped hhouldors and always carried a cano. The reward will bo paid at Tenth and Bancroft streets. OUT OF SORTS ? Yes , Sick all Over ! Llvor torpl'1. ' bowels costive , Mood eltwslfili , alon.ucli weak nnil lullyour dlocation Is liu * pulruilnnil tlio orsnns Inactive , jouriioicop- tlonHnro dull mid stupefied , jour luinpor Irrltu- bio and peevish , 5011 uro unlit lor business or companionship. What jou need la to REGULATOR "I Imvo used innny remedies for dyspepsia , liver iilloell'in an I ilolilllty , hut never iiuvo found anything to bmirltt to tlio extent that HhnmoiiH Llvor Koiruhitor hag. I sent fiom Mlmio'-otn to ( iuoivln lur thu remedy nnd would have Font further for biieh u medicine. I would uihUo nil who inn Klmllnrly allocud to Hive It u tiiulns It teems the only thing that never fulls to relieve. " I' . M , JANNKV , NliiiioapolU , Minn. USED IN ALL Catalogue ! and Prices on application. Hold by lliau tual CorrlHKi Iiulliiiirxaod Jlenlera. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlie Orlglnnl nnd Only Genuine , \ IUh uxl l ji V.cllible. IKwiri r orthlr Imlutlrxu. todUpeaMbto lo LADIUSc AtL llruultt M four " MJh1ebt > tcr > > Ciiall U' > iid Ukt ao "lo. . i. fiuiofit ) to u for iitnlcnliri < ft f.tltr by return ualL NAME PAPER. CiilahMUr Chrmlnl Co. . UBI It MuiHuii Ixjuarc. 1'MUila. , ! ' . Bold by llruepUU tvcr/whwj Art fer "Chlefac * ' iujj " ' . lor' * b" rcamriijiLl i'llU. TUTTS BMBMHarEI B mBSnHHuCu FILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tfco Greatest Modlcnl Trlnm li of th Ags ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LBVER.- Lonnofnurrlltr , HimrUcotllTF , 1'nlu In llio lirntlt with n dull ncninllnn In tlio lincU pnrf. Tain tinilrr llio linulilrr- Mnile 1'nllncns after vntlne , irlth ixdli * Incllnntlon to exertion of Ixulf orinlml , Irrltnbllllr oCtcmiif r l.cnr uplflti , with nfcrlinfrof liaTlncrntRlrctril nninc ilutr > AVcmrlnns , Il77liicm ) , I'lutlnliic nt llio Hcnit , lloln bclornllto rrm , UrnilacUn ciTpr llio right rjr , Itmllcii ne < > with flirut ilrraini , IIlulilvcolored llrluc and CONSTIPATION. * ' TUTT'H ' 111.1.8 are cipoelnlly mlftptoil to Bucti rnsns , ono iloso ctrecta miali n clinnEooffeclliiRnstonitonlMithonuflrrrcr. Thorlnrrrniclhn Allittltcl\rnlr u < fltho tidily o 'I'nkn ou Kloli.tlnn Ilin sritcm li tionrlstinUnnil bjrlholrVanlo Action on the lllKeitlvoOraniindURUlnrHtooliira pnKlilci-,1. Vrlo'Jfip.1 Murray St..M.V. TUTT'S ' EXTRACT SARSAPARILU ItonovMtvi llio luxly , liiftkr * hoilthy flMli , ntroiiKllicni llio WCAK , ivpnlrstho t\i oC thosyflemItli piiro blood ami li.Mil mtisclo ; tones tlio nervous m-stcm , Imlgorntrs tlio brain , ami Impnrta tlio vltfor of manhood. 91. Kol.l hv clmcKlKts , OVTICK'44 IllurrnrSt. , Jfo\v York. Or tlio Liquor llnldl , Cured by AiluilnlstM-liii ; Dr. Ilnlnc * ' ( lolilcit Nperlllc. It can be Riven In n cup ol rolTrc ot lr\ without the ktumltfilKOor the person Inking It.Uulisaluloly harmlcvi , niul III i'li ( > ct n pcnmuirnt enJ speedy curflictirr ! the p.itiont ha moderate drluker or MI Hictiiiullorcck. . It Ims hi-i'ii Riven In tliou * nv.Hli of rnspi , nnJ In every Inslaiiconjicrtoct curs lins follou oil , li IICMT Inllr Tlie system once iintpil Hli tlio SppclJ'c , It boronit'snti uttot ty ( or tlio liquor appetite to ext < i FOll SAI.H 11Y FOLLOWING DUUCHHSTSs KHUN & CO. , Cor. lath nud Daanlnx. and ISlli > V Cutiiliiv HIM. , Oniiihu , Nou.l A. 1) . KOSTKIt A : llltC. , Council Itluflfc. Iowa. Cnllorwrltp ( or pamphlet ronlnlnlnK luuidredi ortJ'tlmoulnH tronitlii'Ki wouii'li uiiu tu n ( com nil lurlaot Uii3 country. _ , DlfitllliMl for Sli-illrlmil lime. TJH PEST TONIC UNEQUALEDtor CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION , nn. i , . WAI.LIXO , Rur pi > uii In Chief , National Quart of N J. , willen " .Mv nttontlun nm rulleit tc your ICp } tone Jl ill Wlilnkty l > ) Mr Lalor , DniKglit , of Tmilou. nnil I lunc lined a fiiw hutUef. ullli fur liollcr tiled than any JS hum liRil 1 nm rrcoiniiicndlni ) .lour orllclo In nn practice , uoa find it very hutlafactorj . " EEWAEE OF IUITATIOV3. ( 7 * Tlie Utnulnt liti the Signature or l.lSNhK * UBSDRLSON r > : -3latle of Bcttlt. en the IAlicl , EBSE3ER & ( Sole Agrnli fur Itio U. El. ) 316,318 and 320 Race St. , Philadelphia. Pa. For sale by C. F. Goodman , Umtihn NobrasKii. Forfeit if not- Havana Filler. A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKE 3TO3cl. O OJJJSJ'i'Q. TJili Cljir will pror > i reprciented and wll I be eitf n. tlToljr mhortlicil In every town lur ll o dciltri nlio nill rircclato Itt merits Bad puih 11 tccordloglj. SMOKE El VEHXO lOo CIO Alt. Addieu DiMIIiRT J120& , Solo igcnti , 130 rirth Avcnnc , - D. W.Snxc , Losllo & Morroll , U. F. riooilniun , T. W. Spuirord & Co. , J. A , Fuller ACo. . , M. Purr , Chuncy &Olosoii , II. J ! . 1'owull , Kiihn & Co. , Hnm I'nrnswortli , Kinnk Durrott & Co. , Hujflios & 8ulimldt , Jinn us Korsyllio. BITTER . . . 4 Aeur. twl hi tiMrtrri * f I v * OrffcU. A " dr < ftt l Mrl duluiMU flAfoff U n flu * f " ! Ml U ll iyi iu r dtinh * . fit U * n4 Aik reur J. W , Gt MUOJDUAY JV , JT. LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Newly rurnliliail The Tremont. J. C , rmaKltAM ) & FUN , I'roprlolora. Cor. Eth nnd I'Bts. , Lincoln , Neb , Hates I.DOiorday | , Blrout car * froiuhouta to any part of llio oily , J , II. W. I1AKINS , Architect , OIIlcoB-31. Ul and , ] ll < ; lmrda Ulook , Lincoln , Neb. 1'lonitor onltill btrott. ] lre derol Hrfedorof HIIOUT Hunx CATTLa 1' . M , WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer in a Jo In all parts of the U. 8. utfutr rates. Doom n.Htuln Illock , Lincoln , Nob. ] ( iollavray mid Hhort Horn bulta for gale. U. II. tiOUUHNO , Farm Loans and Insurance , Correspondence In icgur.l lo loans soltvltoJ. llouin 4 , lllchurdg llloulc , Lincoln , Nob. Public Sale , JViuiver , < > ! . , .Unit ) lOlli , 13HU. 40 head uf Show 8)1011 ) Horns , llatus &Cruiok pluink , year-olds , welxhlnir HW ) ; Imlla and liolteiD. Address I'lcld and faun , for catalog ued , Denver , Col. C. M. lirunaou , Llnuoln , Neb Col. F. M. Woods Auctioneer. When In Lincoln stoji at National Hotel , And eel u good ulnnur forSTio , 3. A. rKUAWAY Prop.