THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THTRSDAY. JCLY 22 , 1886. PORN AGAIN IN THE LEAD Almost a Boom For That PRT ] 02 ' < m it CHmngo. A FIRM AND STEADr ADVANCE. iJ'tfi flier " > Pjtnpattir Wheat Trad- Ins Slew nnd featureless J'rovif-Jons Doll HitCnttle Market Unr-elj CHICAGO UMIIN .H. OIWAOO , Jtiljr 2L 'Spttrtnl Telecrmn 1o Mif Br.t J Cons Corn rtnr pretty tienr lifimnfnc ftgftlii to d j , aad thronrhout the MHi n wn firm and strone. Traders are xwj lead ; tolK.'lieve any report * of dRiiiRtrc to com , and \vhmi rwipts drop down a lit tle , as tht dW to-day , oulv 277 cars twine in- ] Hpwtvd , bixly wants < * oinc. The buying j nil da ) wasnrthe , and the local friends of corn wemcd to 1mvc no itilliculty in Itidiiclnc couutrjtradari - to believe tliat a little corn wii1a good thine to have. While Septemlc-r opened HU-Rih ut MVc , It took but n s-nort time to run the price up to 4 ] * c , around xUilch price the demand 1 or it seemeJ just nlMiiit us brM ; us at the lower ficure. The market hue ) Its i OBcLions , but they \iere frne- tional nnd rut but little figure. The close at ! o'cluck was tinu nnd steady. OATS Onts syinpni hired stronclywith rorn and made n steady mlvance. September opened At ! ! ! " e uud befoie tlie close fold In clj ut .10V- 'U III.AT Wheat snowed xrry much the Mimr sirnrh. monotonous , featureless critiil R- . lei scteral days past , not snecfedlnc up to half iin lioui bi'loie the < > lee in over quotations nor at tuij time innirinc so lar below them n.s to Induce n belief that tlie mailretvius any nearer brcaklnc than it has beiti liclore. Aucust ojx'iiecl ' c loner limn It closed ut 7si4e sniilually clcclluvd to 776fc , andreeovi'ifil to.7s'jc. . Thcm ficuret fchow the movrnipnt nud liililj lepiesent the intent ol tiailliii ; in hcat. Xothlnc indi cates tbe presence of any strained con ditions. It is a that no lar st-einc trader "htwiti" to anj p iit extent nor load- . uj ) on in the innnitnc with nnj Idea ol earn- , inc the stuff home with him. There is appai- rnt the same nc-i vousneas on tlie part of snorts that alwayfi exists , uud the ; cover on the siichtest sytnit ) < ims ol Rtieiicth. Otitside prices lutld iii ) and the close vas linn. 1'iuivit-ioxs Proxisions ware e Klcr , Sejv temlmr porl ; : it the time beincirruc , lower than one el < ise yesterday. But latei it IfiseiH'd tlie distance by 1'J c. The ceneral tone vab eatj utid the uuul close barely ctendy. CHICAGO L.1VE . STOCK. CuirAoo. .Inly 21. fSj > ecial Teleirrnm to the Bnn. I CATTLE The receipts were ngnin heavy and the oflerincs for the veel : ii uied up a little more than last week. Bids on rough and thin cattle were e-tremely low nud there were some cattle which were not wanted , exen ut bBdronn prices. The de- maud for smooth fat steers ot nearly all \veichts was more active , and in Home re spects tlie fnteiittle market was better than jesterday. hale * , were made verj uiie\enlyand salesmen diflcied in their opinions so much that while some called the market steady and rather stron : ; , there -were others who quoted jirices 10 a l.'ie lower. So fai as de.siraule cat tle were conceined , prices were about steady. Some very prime heavj cattle ) , the hicbest price of the weel : , but this lot ol cattle cost S5.25 down ID Indiana. Thin and eoarse cattle wild unevenly. Shiiijilue steers , iaw to isoo-itis , ! ; ; laio to niso-ibs , iiotip The market wai dull and values fiftlOe lower , oiienlii ! ; lully 5c offascomiiared vith the oKiiint ! ; yesterday and gradually wcaUcninc , the lute suleg beiuc ut the lowest prices. Tlie oueninc ran ot packinc. sorts sold down to 54.75 ® J.M ) toward the close , with best heavy at e4.n@5.00. ! nnd Sri.U7Jv was the b.1 chest aeulnsi 65.15 yesterdry. Ll nt sorts * old at F1NANC1A.U Krw _ yqrk. July L MOKET On call I'Arcr. 4@5 per cent. . _ . ; jJxcnAJTGE Dull : $4.85 for sixty day bills , ivud N.SO ' for demand. UOVEKK.MUNTS Government bonds were quiet but stronc to-duy. farocK ! The stock market opened steady , tlie extreme fluctuations being uu advance of J und a decline ol ? 6 l r cent. Tlie mnrtet was alternately btrone and active and weak und dull throuchont the entire day , uud dif- lerunt storks at dlflerent times led the market. But B ceneral advance tool ; place in tlic last hour and the market closed firm at about tlie best hcuieof the day. STOCKS ON WAX , ! . 6TKEB2. M8 cent bands. . . 100 .4 C. & .N. W 11S9 < U.S. H.VB J12 , preferred. . . 140V Kew4'8 I CHX.T. C - - T-aclflc O'B of ' 05. rf. Oreeon Tran. . . Central Paeino . 4 j , Pacific .Mail C. < tA 143 I'D. .fcE. preferred. . . . 150 P.p. C C. , B.&Q 1B4 Hock Islaua. . . 12C D'iJLG'Iii ! ; ; Sh-V preferred' . " 51 ; pieferred. . . . 77'ti preferred. . 122 Illinois Central. 38StSt | P. < fcO 4G ; , . . -i'4 ! preferred. . . 110 Kansas & Texas. li Texas I'acihc. . . 10J < Lake.Shore . G'n'UnionPacihe. . . 5G/ 5 W. , St. Lw < fc P. . IS Midi.Central. . . . 7C i preferred. . . Xal'acilic 4074 Western Union Kortheni Pac. . . Ci < lO.It. & N 1'KODDCE MA-flKETS. Clilcaco , July 2L Flour Winter wbeai flours , f4.1&54..f > 0 ; southern , Wjscoiibln , 190 Ca4M ; Miehlean , S4.0Jg4.r > 0 ; soft sjirinc , $ a.r > 0S-1.10 ( : Minnesota linkers , fcilWKiM.lO ; patents , S4.40ff4.80 ( : low prades , SLTTi TiTli : rve Hour , quiet at 3.s.vaKi.uO In ban-els , S300 ( tf'.l'.Ki in sacks. Wheat Jjths uctlye and lower ; op'-ned 5 < i und elided Ji under yestcitaj''b ! ; cash , 77c August , "be : Seiitemlier , I'l ' JMtie. Corn Actlxe and hlcher , ij > ened l c above 3'esterdny's elosn uud closed 1S.C ulK > ve\es- terdny ; casli , : is jpK c ; Aucust , U9 > v'3y.c ; Oats r'jrm : sold early at yesterday's dose and advanced " > ( Wo nnd leactc-d * 4c ; casli , ai i.cAtifftuit.iat e ; September , iS > IMOc. Jj ! e blend v at Klc , Itntler Quiet at Timotliy Whisky 51.12. 'l : Active hut uiiB ttlod and irmrular , ned itVaaoe. rallied 10. < ? isuc and cJosttd i ; rosli. SS'.M ' ) ; Aucust , .47K(2K.50 ( ; intH-r , flt.ri7'&rt'Ml. ' ( hard Steadier and &W7Ve , lower ; cash , tnd Aupust , 6i. ( & iiac.55 ; Jloxnd Meats , Shoulders. Sfi.KKu'TxlO ' ; short clear , SC.r > Umi5 ! ; short libs , fraav iu. Buttw riimw , cnuipery , lUal ( c ; dairj , I crejim ihoddars , firm at 7@ 7L % : flat -jc ; Young Amciicas , S r ! > lic Keth liidbs llejivi dry saltud fullv cured , S4c ; licht , S f c : duiuaettd , T a'c ; bull hides , 5 > 4'c : drv Htluid , llutl- ; dry Hint , u.l4c : call ekitiR. hv < Clf > itc ; dty cfns % .Vie each- allow In countr. S.Ste ; Xo. 2,5e ; cake , . , . Shipments Jlimr. bWs . 1&.IWU 7KU ( Wluatbu- . J i.ooj 5.0JO Corn , btu . tt87.MO W8.003 OatlsDU . ItKLtKXl 59,0(10 Ije.t ! > u. . . . 51,000 UarJev.bu. . 1.0J3 _ None . .NewYort. . July SL AViitat Kttce pts , 1 ! , ( KW ; exnortN b2KKt ( ; CASI | a shade Jower. Optloun ixiued ] lsKc lower , and latterly roeovered most of thedt - No. K rod , . - . . . . . . . _ in itlevutor ; b cj. o , b.x 8sV4 dt-Juerea „ , J < i nnl. We. .Nu S ttsA , Aucust closing nt K7H , _ Corn Spot stead * nnd iuKleruteJ ) acu\e ; d weal , lowims , 1WI , Oj ; expoite , 1SQ.OOO : ui > - prudnu,40 4sc. No. S , 47be ; elevator , 47 ® < T .r deli\ wed , A ucust cfotunc ct 47c. Uau lliirhcr uuil iiiudenilolv noXne ; re ef inth. f.l.tKKi ; eipurth , L70J ; mixed weitern , IVtroleum Finn. umt d closed at 05c 1'otk Dull mess uuotwl at fltt&V furold.auu SlLUSia.ll.OJ fox new. tad dotl , ek inc KjH4. 3WQ- August , DnH tmd tsnfirx ; wealoni fmh. Cincinnati. < Jul > SL Klwut Fins : No. S rod , 7777 0 , Com trtmc : Xo. S mix * * . thrts Finn : "S'o , S mixed. * < No. 2 , Wh'sfcv QuM : * * ! . 1589 barrels of fin- toed poftfe on old basis of SI.07. Mlnncftjiolis. .Inly 8L Wlii'at Quirt nnd Mm at a decline : No. 1 hard , iraili , < : Si'iiteintHir. 7SOrUrtmr ; , 7P\- r feu-any ; patents , ; -t.45. N.86 ; titkt , . M.d'.w Shpmentsn * * * * > s-W ( ll ? ll < nir' 'rillwunkcc , JnlvWhoal - Quiet , 77V. Annist. so c : i-epteint > or , bOc. Corn < ioort demand ; Na S , Jttc OaU Fair demand ; No. S. 87Jv@SSc. K-p Stcndj : No. 1. ( He , Hurley Firmer : No. 2 Sept. Gl e. I'rovisions Lower ; mess pork , cash nnd Aucust , f .M ; Scjitoiuber , Sd.GO. St. r/onl * . .Inly 2LVhrat Weak and low ; No. 3 red , cnsh , TTH rT-Vc ; AttC'ast , ' - i Stronc nud lilcbfr ; No. 2 , mixed , ( cash , C ls < 2 2.Vc ; Aitrust. 27V. Whisk j Finii7fl.07. I'ork Weal : and lower ; 10.73. " * Lard Mead j at frfi.iso. Utitifr Strong ; ciioice creameiy , 15wl7c dairy , lO ri.V. Kansns City , July 21. Wheat Quiet ; No. i ; led. cnsh. nominal ; Aucust , tKlv c asked : September , Ol > Kc bid , G2'v txsked. Com Lowia ; No. i ! casli. ! llc bid , Sic asked : A-ucust , : :1V : bid iii c asked ; Sejv ti'iubei , : t.'Jf bid. " - ' c asked. Oats Cash.jnc ; bid. Liverpool , .lulj ai , Wheat Holders offer .sparingly : No. 2 winter , f > s bd ; - - - s ' Jv' . FJour Holder.sofTermoddraiely ; extra > o. 1 snraic w heat , ts .id. Com Spot and futures , holders offer spar ingly : Aucust , 4s id : bopteinber. 4s ijj'd. Tolerto , July 2L Wheat Firm ; cash , l orn Klrm ; cnsh , 40Jjc. Oats Nominal. New Orlc-uiiR , .luly 2flL Corn Market- quiet and unchauced ; mixed , 4ilvWc ( ; jel- low and white. 4Si . ( nMc. Cftti Hull , vvcnk und lower ; choice west ern in sacks , 41u4l.Ujc. ( Cornmeal Stronc and higher at 3.00. Hoc products Steady. 1'orl ; S10.f > 0. Laid lU-hneJ , tierce , SC.25. Bidk Meats Miouldera , t0.2b ; lone clear and clear ribs , SG.'i3. L.IVE STOCK. Ohlc&co , Julj 2L The Drover'fi Journal reports as follows : Cattle Keeeipts. 9.000 , lairly active nnd about stead ) ; shipping steeis. S8 70i 5.10 ; stockers and feeders , 2.tO : , < i-1.00 ; cows bulls and mii.ed , f UiO@S.7T. ; bulk , S2 .00 ; ilirouph Texas cattle steady ; cows , $2.15 ( g tno : steers. SS-riOfi OO. Hoc ? Kec < ipts. 2,1,5(10 ( : slow and lower. closing dull ; roupti and mixed. S4 4l > ( ; imcl.inr nnd shitnilnc. S4.75fe5.U71i ; light , SvL4Uu0 ( ) , skips , iiMa-i. ( ' . Mieej > Jleceijils. 4.0JU ; slow and a shade loww ; iiativHs , SiOOiS . 'JO ; westerns. S8.03i ( 5.00 ; Texaus , eL7o' S.r > 0 : lambs S4.oafflri.25. Su Lioais , .1 tilySL Cattle Receipts , 2,200 ; shipments , WO ; active and stronc lei fat cat tle ; common weak. Good to choice shipping , 4. < > 0u.5.03 : eonunon to fair. 3..5g:4.0 ( : : ! : butchers sttiers , S3.2ofu4.40 : cows and heilers. } j2.2 : . .i.50 , thioURh Texuns , S2.iT.fce3.75 . , Hops ne-celjits , 4,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; active ; fifilOc lower ; butchers and best heavy. t4.b5va5.00 ; mixed , S4.40fe-l.7o ; light $4.50 1 4.75 , . KaiiRns City. July 2L Cattle I5eeeiits ) , 1,3UO ; shipments , none : choice cattle , steady ; common , wtat : ; coed to choice , S400@4.riO ; common to medium , $ a.r * ( ( < 3.StO : stockers , und feeaere , 5 40 3.40 ; CDWK , tl.50@ri.00 ; crass Texas steers , t1. > ( qJ3.00. Hess lleceijits , 13KK ) ; shipments 2.00 ; slow ; lOc lower ; cniss hard to sell ; coed to choice , 4C5@t.bO ; common to medium , S4.40 ( S4.00. _ OM-VHA LIVE STOCK. Wednesday Evenlnc July 2L Cattle Tbe uiaiket continues steady at former quotations. Theie were n few dressed beef steers Hold on the market. Butclmrs' stufl is very dull and only u few ol the choic est can be sold. Hoi's Tlie market oj ncd 10@15c lower , and later in tlie dnv it declined another lOc. The martet opened very slow and'dull , Bales- men and bU3-ers beiuc unable to cet together on prices , und it was nearly nicht belore tiie lasi hoes passed over the scales. Some of tlie hops were sold veri earlv tins moraine , vii- tually at yesterday's jirices. Tlie restoration of the railroad rates is the apparent cause for the dtsclina Snccp There is no market. IlECKIJTS. Cattle. 200 Hoes 2200 Prevailine Prices , Showinc tlie prevailing prices paid for live stock ou this market. Choice steers , 1M ! ! ) to 1590 Ibs. 54.SOg4.00 Choice steers , 1100 to ! ! Ibs. 4.2.4. < . " Medium steers , 12M ) to 1ST.D Ibs . . 4.2JW4. _ Fat little steers , 1050 to 1150 Ibs . . . . 4.00a4.S5 ( Good feeders , iWO tolOJO Ibs : Lfill ( 4.75 ( jood to choice cows and heifers. . . S.ouo.t5 ( : ! ; Fair to medium cows and heifers. . 2.MKaS.03 Good to choice bulls S.SSfiriTo Choice licht and medium hogs 4.Ki. ! . < M.r > o Good to choice heavy hoes 4.50ji4.C ( * Good to choice mixed ho s 4.S1 ii&4.S5 Fair to coed snoru slieep S.D'JiS.S5 KepreBcntntive Bales. COWS. Xo. Av. Pr. No. APr. . S SCO F2.75 7 1012 88.25 1 10 0 SS.OO 1 WO 53. : No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr. 12 1057 SS.75 CS 1225 54.40 Ib KITS 5 = 4.20 20 122s 54.45 7 1UI7 S4.25 S4.25JIOGS. JIOGS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. C7 231 S4.iO SO UK $4.50 517 10T , S4.H5 02 242 S4.50 C4 248 S4.40 (77 235 S4.50 82 IHb 54.40 65 240 S4.50 bl ' -J7 4,40 ( I ! " S4.50 50 ' 'HO S4.40 00 S37 S4.55 7 . . . . 11W S4.40 fis 245 $4.55 Kh 1'9 4.40 fiC 254 W.M 03 2iJ S4.44 215 23SI S4.55 K5 211 i-4.45 C8 2C3 4.5' 14 22t 54.45 (12 ( 2iO ( 54.55 51 24 54.47 04 2sO i-4.55 05 'Jlf : S4.4T C2 i ! 2 54.M 12 ? : TJS 54.47H' M S02 S4.00 B'lfi 2J3 J-4.50 Db MK ) H.GO fc2 202 54,50 TllltOW Ot'TB. C 875 54.00 0 404 54.25 of Prices. Showing the lilchest and lowest prices paid for mixed loads ot hns on tMv luarket dur- inp the past seven days , with comparative values : f June ' ' ! ? Thurbday 15th. a.07k@H70 452Wtf472 ! ( ! : Flldaj Kith . . S.OO ( Sti.75 , _ . . . _ But Urdu } , 17th. & 05 fiia.75 4.f > 5 ( a4.75 Monday , lUtli. 8.70 (58.75 ( Tuesdav.20tli . . . . . . . . Wt'dnesday.'Jlst 8.75 ( a . 3 4'JO Q.4.C3 Live Stout Sule . Shouiuc the iiuml > er of cattle , liocs nnd sheep ] iurchased by the leading buyers on to day's market. CATTLE. G. U. Hammond < t Co. . , IK Others l IIOGb. Clark Bros 1178 Wraj&liall as ( j U. Uammond i Co 4H Anglic-American Packing Co iT 6LIimentK. Showltisthd number of cars of live stock shipped out of the yards during the day. JlOOs. Xo. Cars. Kt Dest iS ( IB. & Qr Chlcapc 20 ILL Boston AJ1 sales or stock ID this market are mad per cwt live weight unless otherwise stated Dead hoca sell at We i > er Ib for all wtuchts. "Skins , " or hogs weishinc less than 100 Ibs no value. Pregnant sows &re docked 40 Iba Tb > hog nisrktt takes a bit ; tntnbte. Wm. Buys. Valparaiso , was bcrr and old a load f hoes. U. C. Rohtrinv Cortlaad , wa $ ID utri ld f < r k d of mate. A. L. Spwirman. irl [ rfloW , w * htTP mnfl 6Okl n kmd of hoss. l ) ve Anderson. Colnmbu * . WH * in mmln to- 4 y mid jn rkete < 1 h Jnnd of liors. It ] ) . fJummcl , Twkiimfch. w f in nnd market - ket d twxi lends f entUe Una one loud < rf Itocs. F. DumiiBf. f 1' . Dminlnt A Co . Shflbr , dtRtein iun ln U av and wM a kiwi of liocs. Old thin rows are not worth shlitplnc l to market and it is impo mbk' to sell or give them * w 3 . Charlie Hunter. Iimilerx here to-d y and di"nti l of two loads of h zs , hi first shipment to the > nrds Mow cattle wfre slanclitcred at tin- inond ) 'l.liihimse ln t week than rtnrinc RIIJ other \iefl. feiwce tlie ojH-ninc ol the hou < ) . 1. Fratiler wfls here and snld n load of two- J ear-old stwrs , as line n load swate\ei in the \ards. Tney were led by Win. I'owell. a vcll-lDown Janner n ? | live sto-jk man of Alda , Iowa. O.HAUA WHOLKSVL.E . M\HKETS GcnernI Markelfi. \ Vedne.daExenlnc , .Inly 21. Brrrnn Good table butter , 10 < 3ilc ; fair locoiid , 7ffSp ( : Inferior. : iV. ( Boo1 The receipts , which have not bean loree 1 lot some days back , v ere eij licht to-da > and commission men were nskinc IUIT " lie Cmi : r Full cream Cheddars , Mucle P'i'S Si ! c : lull cream twins , w young American. 1w ; Swiss , imported. 2V < fi'7c : skim Hats. 4irt ; Limtrzerj31f l2p ; brirk , I'-'frfl-lc Swiss. omestic. V- " ( . .Mi ; turkeys , pot wanted. CABBA&L Choice home crown , per doz , T > r VrfiETAin.r.t Tomatoes , pei oue-thli-d-bu MIX , ti.K : wr hn box , ? 2.5u Cit.Tiv A small Rinount iscomlncln nut t does not sell -verj last. Shijijingst ( ( 'lLpur , doz.Vip. . Arj'Lr.s Choice fresh leceipts ot sliipplnc stock ha e been sellinc laiily welL A rood nnuy are shipped In that nre not suitable fet eslupinent nnd such stoet has to tieulsposed ol to peddlers or the joral trade at lower iri-es than those quoted. Choice shtppinc Kn-lL , jKir bbl. S.1.Ktu ( ) .5l ( ; choice shiitplus stork. lT bo's , ( 51.00. IAX Inferior stocks , TTieioSl.OO ; coed clean eonntrj" . 51,2.Val.50 : inedintn liaud ucked , ? l.W'baiid-piekod : navy. tldo. OMOX Smitheni. per bbl , S4.0J : south- rn. per uu-box. 51.50. BA > 'JLKV < Bananas are \cry coed and ri ry cheap now. Bananas , per bunch , as to size. S2.lKlcnulO. : D i5t.uinr.sBlncttierries per 24 ( marts case , S275 ( ' : ; .oo ; blaeberries , per bushel stands , 5 > 5.oo. Lrsioxf Receipts are licht and demand brisk. owinc to hot weather all over the countrv. Fancj lemons ere quotable at S10.0U t > er box to-dav , while fair to peed are sellinp OiiAscr.s Hodi , 220 si/e , S7.50 ; Navels , S7.00 ; Mediteieuean sveets , SaoO ; St. Michels. G.r.O. Sot'TUCiix PLTMS A few southern pjunis are cominc in and sell lairlv well. Soutliorn plums , stands. 57.00 ; southern plum s , 24 quart cases , Ji7."in i.03. A few southern cnijics ha\e arrhed in the maiket : 10 Itu boxes. 51 OJ ffi.25. ' Georcln watermelons aie eominc In and sell fairly well. The first musk mel ons or cantiloi > es of the season were received this week. Watermelons , per 100 , St5.00 : ; nut- mec inelons. per doz. . Si.K'l.riO. : ( ! ! Cxi.iroiariAFjrns Bartlett pears. : > er bujL , 54.00 ; Glnpp's favorite pears. SS.75 ; pun'leDuane plums. 2.01) ) ; Washin gton jiiuuis , - 2.1 : Columbia iilnms. 2.50 : Jernian prunes. Si21 ; tiioss prunes , 2.25 : earlj Crawford peaches , 82.25. NLW POTATOK' Both soutliern and home rrown me Mui ; sold on the market , but itock is not moving very rapidly. Southern , per bbl. L75@2.03 ; iiome crown , per bu , jUfD7.1c. COOOAXTTS Cocoanuts. per 100 , 5.00 ; less tbnn bundled , per 100. .5.50. FK.S ASCII DATn& Figs , layer. 4 Ib boxes , per Jb. Ific. Dates , fancy lard , 12 Ib boxen , 14c : dates , Persian. 50 Ib lioxes. per In. Klc. XITJ Pecans , latce polished , lie ; pecans , medium. ! * c : English walnuts , 14e : almonds. Tarrucoiia. 20c ; nluiouds , Lnngnedoe. 17c ; Brazils , 12c ; lilberts , 14c ; peanuts , liond picked , faucv Virginia. &Hc : peanuts , hand picked choice V irglnin , 7 > j.c : peanuts , roasted , 2c extra jierlb. HOXIY : California , 15c ; .California , strained , lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 14(615c ( ; Ne braska , daik. 12VGrir MAI-I.E Sr&Aii Bricks , perlb , 15e : wnny canes , perlb , 11 c. ilArLn Svjrn1 Bulk , 14 to 17 pallon kegs , I > er cnl , LtKi ; cal cans , per gal , 5L05 ; hall gal cans ir i pal. SL10. Cnicii New York. ] > er bbl. S7.00 ; do. balf bbl , 4,00 ; Crab. T'ei doz qts , 2.75 ; Michigan refined , nei bbl. &aoo. ATIXE < .AB White wine , ir. 17c ; cider , IS ( S.l7c ; single stieucth , ISc ; tnjile strength. PIGS' FEKT. Tinrn , ETC. Pigs' feet , per bbl , 54.00 : do.J4 bbL S2.00rio ; , jicr kit. We. nubs' tongtien. i > er bbl , Si25 : ; do , per kit , 2.50 : do , quart jars , per iloz , S5.25 : do , jiint jarN per case , 2 dozen. 0.75. Tripe , per % bbl , 4.00 ; do , per J4 bbl , S2.00 ; do , per tit , SKta. SKta.Pirovisiox' Ham,121A.c : breakfast bacon , BV@SC ; clear side bacon. 'ttfsciliy \ salt sides , 7fe7V : short rib sides , 7cshouideis _ , ; ! Mb cans , do , 74c. Fi.oin : AXII Jtliu.fcTrrrP muter wheat flour.bestquality iiat < ! iitS2.bObecondqualitj , Si4U@2.riO ; best quality bpnnp wheat lloui' . jiatent , t'2.75 ; bran. We j jr cwt ; chopped Kfd,00ep 'i cwt : white corn meal , TTic ; yel low earn iiifal , cr > c per cwt : wu-eeniiii ; , COc ] rc\it : luiiniuy. Si. jier cwt ; shons , Kit lier cwt ; m-aliaio , SL7D ; nay , in bales. 7.00 7.50 pw ton. GHJUN-Corn , 22c ; oats , 20 < ? 2w ; rje,40e ; wheat , COa. Wool , Aledlum , 10@lsr jier Ib ; fine licavy. 10o-l4c ( ; licht. 12(515c ( ; coarse , 12 ( l4c : burry wtiol. 2ft TKoff. . linnGitH'n : butchorb' , 0vff7c : preen cured , bufs-l.c { ; drj'iiint llalSc ( ; drj bait , Ji ® lOe ; tlamaced hides , tno-tlilidt > price ; tallow , S3 ! c ; crease , prime white , Sc ; yellow , 2c ; liiown. l c ; sheep pelts , 2.va75c. liEATMKH Prime slatigliler sole leather. ! tic : pnne oal ; sole leather , : KXASV rpix-r leathei. jier loot , SU rns : hem. kiji , 7.Vtt" > Tip ; eaU Uip , b.VftjrKTrench kip , i-l.ii.o ( ; L2U ; hem. calf , 5LOUtfl.lO ; oak call , SLUM 1,25 ; Vrench calf , SL 'irtl 85 ; Moiowoboot Ire , : iO@U2c ; Morocco oil pebble , 2st * . ' ! 2c ; top pines uud linluch , BG.OD it 10.03 ] > er dor. HEAVY HAitmvAiin iron , rates S2.2j ; lowpw'tl special ca t , 4c ; crucible steel , Oc ; ( uibt tools do. 12'a ISc ; wagon ppokes , i > er bet , i-L7T ) ( , . ' ! .ooj hubs , i > er nit , jfl.25i Jellw , sawed drr , f 1.40 ; toncues , each , TTic ; axles , each , 7T > c ; squaie nuts , per Ib , 7llc ( ; coil etiaiu , per Ib , C il2c ; malleable , 0tf5c ( : iron wedces , fie : crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; hpilne btctil , 7 ( < tbc ; Burden's horbesboes. 4.40 ; Buidcifh mule bhoeb , Si.4'1 liarbed wire , in car lots , 4.00 per 100 Ibs. iron Xailb , rates , 10 jo 50 , fi.50 ; sU-el nails , 2,05 ; Shot SLW ; buckshot , & 1.S5 : oriental po\\der. kess , S8.50u4.00 ( : do , half Kegs S2.IW ; do , Quarter tecs 1.50 ; lilastlnc , kecs SMS ; fuse , per 100 1 eet , lOc. Lead Har , Sir. . . PAI.VTS ix OiL Wliite lead. Omaha , P. P TVC : white lead , St Louis , pure , 7 75 : Mar- Millies preen , 1 to 5 iti cans , 20c ; i'reiich zinc irreeii seal , 12c ; I'rcnch zinc red biuil , lie ; rrencli zinc , in rarnibh asst , 20c ; Krench zlnc,75c ; vt-miilllon , American , Ibc ; Indian : c : iicnre , JOI-IIB 11 ocliie , Americiiu , l c ; vv inters nuiurm : , s > vc ; Lelilgh brown , 8 .c ; Spanish brown , 2Hr ; Prince's mineral , Sc. lHJ'AINTI hite lead , fat : Frenchzl nc I2c ; Paris whiting. i'J c ; whitinr , cilderi. ' , 15 c ; whiting , com'l , Ike ; lampblack , Ger- manstown , 12c : lamjiblack , ordinarj * . Be ; Prussian blue. Ate : ultramwinelbcVandyke , brown , BC ; iuuln-i , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4r ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , 12r ; raw and burnt sienna , 19e : vaudjke , brown , liic ; re fined lampblack , 12c ; coach black und hory black. IGc ; drop bluet , ICc ; Prussian blue , 40c. ultramarine b.ue , I5c , dirouie green , L. , M. i D. , lOe. blind and shutter 1:1 ecu. Ll , M. & ! > . , ific ; Pans n-een , ibc ; Indian rat , ! . * ; Venetian red. w ; Tuscan. 22c ; Aumricnu veiimlliou. L. & D. , UOc , yellow oclue , 5c. * L XL < k O. 1) Ibe , good ochre , Iflc : iiatent t dryw , Sc ; graining color , Jiclit oak , dark oak. walnut , chestnut and usU , 12c. U 2ar.t-.AM > . Mij.s Acid , carbolic , I c' acid , tsrtRiiiSc. als&m per & > . 45c. bark , sassatrusdper 1L 1UQ cnJouiel , jier Hi , Kc , clunchoiiiia. p tr or , 40c ; chloro- form per ! > fi ln't > . . - jmrr. per W. iv : acctatr. ttst hi 30c ; oil rn ! toi. No. . ) > rcRl , tl.S'i oil. onvfr. No. SjH'r F1- * * * ' . "il olne.iwr CK1..S1 40 ; I oil on Minnm/'W. opinm WlaO ; qr.ltilnr. , P. A TV. nd Jt. A 7 * . pet ot. We , ) > owi < isuim ot 4'ir ; wil- 07. S2.rKi ; mlpiiur. ir n > ,4r : \r1iliin . * ri > 2 , l * * VAiivi .ttL Binn-K i < i . . .iillotiTuml - ture , PKtm , ? 1 1Pf fuiatturr. No. 1. fi ( ; ciwcii extrn. S1.4 ( . vnrti. No. 1. Sl.'JO ; On- wmr , evtni. Sl.p. .injmn. 7t r ; a ) imltnni. ) cxtrn , ftbliells ; % 48.50. imrd oil tmmh. Fl.SO. SrmiT' Cotoenc spirits. . It- proof SLIP : do 101 proot. Sl.ll. stirlK ) , foond quality. 101 proof ( k > 1 piooi. f 1.10. A c < lioL IH- proof , ttu.pei w .n" cmlon. ltedi&- tillf ! wJnikles iLOJiSL.'O. Gin , blende * . frl..V > jr2.n- ( Xriitiiek.bonrbons. . f2. KentwVj nnd Pennsylvania ryes , i ItoMcn Slw-Rf bourbon and rye SL.vt # .oa Itnuirties. imporled , . dfimestlc.cLWa ( ) " , OD. Gins , imported. M f * ( N > . ( iO ; A < iiii ( > 4tu % l.a'iflf8.0tt Clinmpiicnes. Imported. ti CHMJ. FSa.Oog'M.OO ; American. Grocer- Uu PicKi.r. ' Medium , in bols. 6fi.n3 ; do in hall bbK SS.OO ; siuall. iu libls. SO.OH : do ill hall Mils , SK M ; clipilins , in fouls , .0f ) , do In half btiK S4.00 Dnir.n I'lixiT * No 1 quarter Apples , in evapoiatcd luxes. * itfitc . hiarkl > rirlcs boxrs , -d-sl4 iK'nclics. t'Rsiern . ( ri1 . - - : , 4S. ri1fr : peaches. evaporated. LVyidKe ; bait Luke. nc\v , ( i 4 ( oir-Hc : rospliemcs. new.Hi-ir'JOcscun'aiits , * t (57 ( c : tiniucs. new. 4w4 4c. CANIH.I : ! Boxes. 40 In ( K lOp ; K lOp ; boxes , 40 Ib , 1C 01. GS lM4c ; tiall box , SOlu , 10'4c. CAKIIT Mixed. P , ( [ il2c ; sticK , i-K Vc. CKAcnKif ( iarneau's stida , butter and picnic , fi'-vc ; cieaius , b , c ; glngu suajis fc'sc ; citt soda , 7'vc. ' SODA In lupajK-rs , S.i.25a ; balsoda , ec. per Ib , Lc. . r -No , 70 , 4-pallon KCCS , $1.00 : New Orleans. Rs Oc pet cullou ; Maple Syrup. . . Iwrrcl. stridlx pure Tipper gallon ; 1 pallon cans , SS1.25 per doi , ' gallon cans , S5.25 per do ? : quart cans , 8100 STAiini Mirror closs , l Ib. 5'4c : Mirror closs , 8 Ib , f > V . "Mtiroi ploss , Olb , 0 > c : Uraves'corn. 1 Ib. ( : Klncslord's com. 1 Ib , ic ; Kincsford s closs , l Ib , 7c ; Klnps- ford's closi Clb , T-uo ; ] Ungsford s pure , Clb. t&c : Kiiicslord's bulk , 4c. Corrnis : Ordlnarj crnaes.IOa/aile ( ; fair , ll < vmVi : > Wiai2ccliolifl2ioi8 ( > 4p : liuirj prccu nnd jollow , IH' yiH'jC ; old ROX-- 'jnmi'iit .lava , 20 . * * > ; interiol .lava. IC jw 20c ; Moflia. 2J rt4r : Arbueklf's ronstea , 14U'c : Mcl uuphlin'sXXXX nmstcd , 14lvct Dilwortli's. J4J4C. Ked Crosb.14l c. SOAJKiik's Snvon unperiul. t"2.70 ; KnJ' KirtV standard. SUMS ; Kirk's white Jluisian. ? 4 0 ; Klrl : s White Can. SG.50 : Dome , SoiiD ; Wusliboani. Si.lO. ! MATCHI : ' Per cnildie. 2Sr ; sound , per cnso , S1.09 ; square cases , F1.70 ; mule -tijuiu-e , S1.2U. bt OAIPowdmed : , 7lc ; cut loaf , 7 r ; cranulated , 0c : eon < ectionerh' A. Ov4c ; standaid extra C , Oia.s.c ( ; extra C , 5&Mc : medium yellow , 6\'o6la , CAXXUII Goon1 Oysters standard. IKT cas , SSstruwberles 2 Iti i > ei ease S2.r > 0 ; raspberries , 21bpcr case , 2.25 ; CaUJoniiu peart , per case , J-4.4B. apricots , jier case. M.fid : iK-achfi , pel ctise. S4.SK ) : vlute cherries , jiei ca-e , S.1.W ; jiluins pel ease , : blue- lierries. iiercase , f-2/X. . : epp plums. > Ui , i > ei case. 2.50 : pineapples , 2 "Jb , per CAS , S3.20 < 3t . : < 0 : 1 Hi markeifl pel Uoi. t-1 20 lib sal mon per doz. sl.4Uai.4.'i ; S H > pf r cas ( % SL75 : 2 lb .strini ; teaiis. per case , Si. 70 ; 2 Ib limn , bi-eiis , pel eas * . Sl.lO21b ( ; nmrrowfiit pen4 , pw case , i2 . ' > 0 ; 2 Ib early June pens. p ay loads , j > cr bill. S1.23 ; Abliton , in sarks. S.ffiT : ! sacks , Aston , Ke ; bbls , dairy , S2.0@2. < ! 0. E2 Fish. UIultI : G . . l"1 * H'f H'l-S'r UUl I'JS KtE Mmr Mew nsn. , , „ „ , WJ m fl ( ) 40 , j ao Ben's S't-Xo 1 L'Vfi f.U.3 25 2 1171 C7 1 40 13 47 L ptGili'd rancr.B * : ) 00 U' 7T. 1 55 1 : Kl Ml 45 L'c Ifq ! > h're Ftfi IIM 113 2 751 55 1 80 Ml 4u 13 rls IU Ubli ( ,1'i Bhlt 1'alls or Kltt xff.iM w > )0 4U j 10 Korwepiun < 4- > j\ \ , C7roac , ! s us ; Nonvermu i I ' 1' 1 EK Hi'rr'nirshi oa'r.oni ! ; uv or , * so . . 5U4 , ( to , ( JO EclS- . . IB OOHMB 004 SOJI . . . . Sbl 10 Holland HeiTlnCB. nfw . . . . 80 rullWhltf lioop . 1 1C EA1 1O > . rrt&n I" * X l'n X'1 i * 'n J * r'i * * - nsn- - I 103 W ) 50 < 0 12 10 No. 1 White Fish. C ( K ) 5 403 M2 ) ! 70 It ! W ) Family White Fish. . 3 ( Kl 2 7111 70 1 r l r.B | 50 No. 1 Trout . . . . 4 ( K ) B COS 501 Wl CP 60 No. 1 1'jeterel . . li ( K ) 2 701 HU'l ' 50 BO , 50'c : smoked halibut , ltnsc ; I arinouth blusucrR , H Vj ; new scal d lieninps , T > rr LinmDer. IIMl : Klo P AN ! l2 ft 14 ft'lC ' ft'lb ' ft'20 ' ft',22 ' , ft'l4 ' ft 2x4 15.50 lfi.501S.rillll.E01C.Hll7.ri'lt.50 ( ! ! ) ' Erli . . . . 15 0115.UD 13.Ub 1B.OU 111.50 X1B 15.WI 11.511 lu.r.O 15.50 J ( . 50 1B.IK ) 3IUKI 2x10 J5.UU 15.IK ) 15.110 IB.IXl'lC.lia ' 1H.U ) 10.50 2112 J5.5111 50 15.50 15.50, , 20 50 4.X4-K1.8 . IJB.OO 16.00 1B.U1C ( | OU 16 5017 50 lh.5D JlOAllDS. Xn. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 1C ft . SlT.Si No. 2 " " 12 , Hand 1C tt . 14.75 Xo. S " " 12 , 14 and 1C it . . . . 1 ! ! . " " 12 , 1-i and 1C it . 11.03 Xo. 1 , 4 & C inch , li uud W ft. , rough. . .S1T.OO Xo. S , 4 < k C inclL , 12 nud 14 tt. rouch. . . 1H.75 Xo. 2,4 & C inch , 1C it rouzh . 1&.09 M.nxn. 1st com. , 12.34 audio ft . E2UiO ld ! " " " . MLIK ) nd ' " " . . . . . . Fence " " . 1LOO ri.ooisi.Nc. A C inch , white tiine . , . SVL ( O UCinclu " " . . . IM.OO CO inch , " " . 29.00 DClnch , " " . 21.00 Cinch , " " . . . .f . lb.00 AlSinch , B.IS. JJ , 14 and 1C ft . 54.1.50 O 12 incli , * " " . ! ! G.r)0 Xo. 1 Com. 12 in.s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 1C it. lb.25 Xo. 2 -1 " " 12 , 14 and 1C ft. 10.25 risi-nixc. 3bt ud 2a , dear , I1 , inch , s. 2 s . S51.00 ad , tlear , 1'4 inch , t > .2s . i49.K ( ) A Milwt , 1 J4 , IV and 2 Inr'i , fi. 2 t . S42.uo B helfcct , ! , , I s'aiid2in i. s. 2 s. _ SSO.OO ltt nnd 2d , cluai , i incli , b. 2s . S50.U3 Sdclearl incli , f. . 2s . S4r)0 ( ) A hulect , 1 inch , s. 2 f. . S : .00 3 faek-c % 1 inch , sSs. . . . , . p.'D.oo MiITLXP. . Xo. 1. plain , Band 10 inch . fia Xo. 2 , jilaiii , b nnd 10 inch . 1(5.00 ( frOt'TlIKia : YELLOW J'JXC. Com. 4 uud C In. Mooring . fi Star " " " . 21.TO Is : and 2d dear.'i niid C in. flooriuu. . . . 21.03 felUNGtES , IA III. XX clear . _ J . .3.10 ExtraA * . : . . . & . 2.tti * A * Standard. . . . . 2.70 Wuchclear . - . L7C - * * * * - * * . uM > 4 * * * t * > * * 4 * < * ( . * J Lath . K. . . , . - Qulncy vliitallmi ! 'best ' . . . O.M ) Ceineut ulltroni . . . 1.80 llulr . o. 1'Jitster . j'.1 ' . 2. Tarred JeJLj ! rc n . . . . . . . . S2. Straw board. . . > . . , j. . L70 . A 'Fire. Yesterday mornliic at 5 o'clout nn alarm of fire wubboundod from box 21 , at tlic cor ner of Ninth und Jones The fire de partment responded tnd extinguished the flames in a small fchanty belonging to Jacob Heitiuun. Nearly sll the furm- tare was debtroycd 'J'he Joib was. ? DO. Kirk's German Pile Ointment. Sure euro for blind , bleudinc. and itchlnc Piles. One tiux has cured the worst cases ol ten jearFBUmUinc. Xoone need buffer ten minutes alter this wunderful Kirk's German } 'iie Ointment. It absorbs tumors , aIluj- the itching at once , acts as a poultice. pves Instand i lief. Ktrt's German Pile Ointment is jirepared only for PJes and itching of tlie private jiarts , and nothing else. Every box is warranted by our apents. Sold ; bent bj * mail on rectaotof price , J > 0c jier ljus. DK. C. a J3EXTON , Peon , . . Sold by C. F Guoadman and Kulm & Co. , . litn uid 'iJouflu , Ittii uud JAKUFftOTURERS. ' BridretSteam Pile Ur-vnc. K Mo\n At A.MPHLLI. 1 lie ! ) ' ( ! an-j Urges , Hoof Tresses. Steam Pile Dririni n n rimlimafum ano Hop IrvtfRrldccfi , Illnc ana ( i.k TlmVer 1Mb PI , near Turnum " " Cttrars and Tobacco. " " " M.Oi Mt\EK A O0 , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , run ) Aminunn- S\t \ lo : * > wih llih IfJW ) to ] 4 1 Hrnain Strt-ft. Omutaa XdU. % \ KST i rurrsrHBR. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And VTliol iiiv l > ( .nif.r in laj Tolinwxin. Xos. Jw mid 11D N inh Ktntit. OiBkha , Null. W L. V1UGHTT for ttir Mauufttirturpr * und Importers , Crocteij , Glassware , i riiitMicjt. . EtcOilier. . iiK Frutt mil fitri-i't. Oniuufc NtiU r. s GOOMUCH A r"o" ; 'or 1" . A. W'uitm-j Oamiife Co. i CnHlreu's Carriifes , .It writ's CeltIn iilt'J KM uirttniton. or prire llit . _ 14J.1 F.irnsni st . _ Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works. Seihti Ejiunetur. Pronrlntor Munuliirturor of Galvunlrcd ITOII mid OoruiroId D : > dt.b und 1B1 nil lUa XorUi linb Plnnit , OmaSo , Ni-U KVEMFING i 110LTK. Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer Wlntlcms , rinalsEtc . ! H05 l b St. Vori-dnne In an ? pun of tl Western Cornice Works , C. STECHT. Troprictor. ttvnnlrod ! Iron Cornices , Etc. Specnt'slm- roitid I'utrnt Motsill'cEtj-Iicht. to und HOS. lltlj M. , Omnhii. Kuii. Doors , Sash. Elc. The" Gate I > ocrs , Safcli and Illlnfls. Al o all UntU of urulnp. frcroU utitl Stuir ivurU ul tcry di- ncTlptkm. A. Mutuifactcrcr nnd Dealer in Doors Sash BliDds Elc. , , , fioidfllogs , . Btnlr ItnilR n. Bpeciuhy Ti-lppbonp No. 1Mb ana Marcr M K . Ojnuha , N > ' Electrical Supplies. " . WOLFE 4. CO. , Ehfctriciucs , Electrical Supplies , . bb. Ilurplur Alarms " 'lit Alarms , 9 urtn. Mattlnc , M'Kutiut Tubes. Iron Works. PAXTOX VIEKUXc ; IKOV WORKS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ron RtKtiR. Kullinir. Bolkid Bt ims and Girder ; Bteuui EnplncB , Bm t Wort , General foundry Machine und LinuLsmlth "Wort. OHiot end Works , D. ] ' . By. and S ITtb BU Iron and Nails. _ OMAHANAIL \-CTACTTHIN6 CO , Cnt Kails and Spites , nre Kallc t Sjw saltr Om nua. Noh Safes. Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDHEEK. MnimlBcturer of FII-P und Burpln ; Proof Safss , VnuJt DoorK. JulJ Work. Phutlcn. und Wira Wort. Cor. 14th and Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Wajroni and Carriage * . Esttblislied 1S5S. A. i. SIMI'SON. The Leading Carriage Factory , NK'nnO ' 1 11 Dpflcc Street , Omuba , Nob. Commlalon , Etc. M. BCHEE i SONS , * Lire Stock Commission Gro. Buite. Manager , Dnlon Stoct Yards S. umuha. Tolo.jhone EE2 Union Stock Yarfls Company , Or OMAHA. 1 Limltod. John F Bovd , bupenntcndent. AGE < t ( illEEX , Live Stock Commission Mentals. cuu ; of nuj and allklnOEof stock solicit tig. Union M ( .L Yu-dc Jinuba , Nub. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS Dealer in Lnmber , Litfl , Lime , Doors , Etc. Tardf. Cor. 7th and Cor. Itb and Doutrlui. BOHN MAKUFACTUIILKO CO , ' Mannfactnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldlnpB , SUtir Woit und Imciior Hard Wood 3'jnihh. Jubt c > i > ( . * uid. K E. cor. Utb and Luavou- wortb StntetB , Oinuhu , Kcb. CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY. Wholesale Lnmber , fit S. Ktb Struct , Onmba , Nub. T. Colpouer , Wnnu cr. C. N. DIETi Lnmber , JWh ixnd OJIfornJa Street' , Omnha , Jftin. W. GEAY. Lnmber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Ctb and X > ou las Streets , Omaha , 1'ch , GEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lnmber , Omaha , XvJ'nu ' > Lo. CHAR . Hardwood Lumkr , Ftoct , Tiaxy woods , Briflpe Tjmtwirs , t > . W. Cor. yth nnd Doupiiib , Omaha , Xou. G. i . Dealer In Sasfc , Doors , Bliads , BuUdlur Tajicr , Etc. frfjutli 13tii Stit t , OSaaa. rich , Etc. TJEXbON FISH CO. ' BucxtoFHOrs to IcUcn Slarotden Ox 'Wholesale Fish Dealers , tprs of ZViroirn rikli.Kon. W1-UI3 Jonrl ts = - ! 6tw t tad f. i' . Truck. Confectioner"- T. P. FAT i CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , 3 obbers of Fruits , Nutb an J Clears. 1211 Ftrnam St. , Ouiaha.Seb. Lime , Cement , Etc. J J. JOHNSON & CO , Mannfacturers of lilintfs White Llms , AtiQ Euli ) > cr § of Coal cud CoLe , Cement , J'iut- ler , 1 Imes , Hair. 1'ire Brick , Dn-jii Tjlo and Btiw cr llite. OBict , I'mion liotfl , telcpbout- , 1'urnum btront , Omtth , NubrutLu. Job Printing. REES PHINTIXG CO. , Joh Printers , Book Binders , And Blank JiooL-Manufiwtui rb IDfr-lOe Soutb JOBBERS1 WREOTORY _ Aprcu'tural Implrment f. J'AKLiN I'Kl ' M . > ! J I i MA11X1K. tin ulc-r la Implements , Wagons RTMdmuliu Nt-K cm isnin L rAiiKtn , W bnli sal , IVnlf-r In Agricnlturil laplemeDts , Wfigons , an * l < t rif * . J' nf t , l o. Wli nnfl BooU and Shoes. " " " -\V. V. MOP5E A CO. . Jotoers of Boots and Sioes , UOmnha. Nfh. MunufarJo-r , lUwton. Cfirnrts. R A. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Curtain GooOs. lite. . l a l fcrnam Oliiuiic. . JC t > l . Coal , Lims , Etf JI.FIMV. nrnrom\ Coke , Liae and Slona. Officr.nDS. 141brt-.OuiBhn , Ni-U. Ytrds , wiJ Dr . 'ftifKirt Stiii'l * . 1TEL CO. , Shippers of Coal tnd Coke , 14 K 13th St. . Oinana. N b. GIM > . C , 'JYWU. , JTcsidsnt. Gro. rATrriir.o : SIT undTrcsis. 3. II. Hfj.r.rtiT. TA. . Horn , J'niprlctor. Wnii Kehraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. NEI111A KA. p.SitB. lllth Stroct. 7cliphnnr W. GEO. r. LATUCH. PnC r OootivAt.Y Prcw .1. A. > i-c-c. und Ti-cus. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , L.u-d nnd oft POM , 2095. lltb St. , OMAHA COAL AND PKODVCE Ca Hard and Soft Coal tsclumrc di'iU.-rp In IHuildor Colorado Ctml.EJT rc-jth HUismi't. Coffee .nnd S ices. _ _ A- Home Cofles and Spice Mills MTg Co. C'oUoc Itonsti'i-f nnd Pplt-p O rlailimimu fuctuifi-s of Ilntiup Powder , rinrorms E rurt Blulnp. etc Tr.r on coif til our 1-0' pocLuni Hoiiielllcna HoaKcd CoS * . IBat Howard t-t Cmnliu Ncti. " " CLACK E ilHOS. A CO. . Omaha Coflee and Spice Kills. Tcn . CoBit * . Spier * . UnkliC t'Jwicr riiiTorlnB EitrnctR. lAUnorjUlud luU , titc. U14-1U Hiir- ncj Btrtn-t , Omuba , Neb _ Commission Elc. , _ _ _ _ _ ' BRANCH & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , , Produce , Oysters , IlSl rurnom PL , Omaha. Ai' ; > lf < ' " ' own , .acli- Inp 1'latt i Cii Tipor Ilnuid O'Mcrb , Buttor. EPRK , Gumo , 1'oultrj , Patiiicicb. _ _ JOHN r General Commission Merchant , roune. Provision's. Fruits. Hour mid l'e4. . Iffi S. 14tb St. , Omulm , Noli. Uoabit-nmuntk BOliclU.0. ilctuni * iimde uromuUr n. MCDONALD. COMKISSiON MERCflAHT. Clt > llftb Btrout , " .imaUu. Kob. Si'OciuluoE : Bui- lor Et'cs , und C VHEDEMAN & CO , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultrj , Burtrr , Game. Tniitt. Etc. ! i'0 S. 14th Kt. , Oninbu , Kflrns.l.u. iiEOS , General Commission Merchants , 14IClofl re itri'ot , Oiniihii. Iscbruski * Milieit"d. AV E HIDUEUU Storage and Commission Merchant SJ-ICIALTII : Clnu".i , llutu-i Epps , I'liultry und Oiiinc. 11S. . Uth. , Omaha , Nob. Toll- pbonc So. UJj. UJj.WEEK WEEK S Storage and Commission Ksrchants. and Domestic * rruitt n Kptirialty El- epunt suirupu Iiicllltlf ! . WnrcihotiMi und olBcu , JU North l tb . Telepbone 77S. D. A. r-t Commission and Jobbing , Cutter. Erp' and ri-oducjo. A full line of P Trans Conbjjrnmi'ius frolicitud. 3tl4 Hodpo St. , Omui.a. i 5CHKOEDER , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Bclrirt-rutor und PueUiiir ! Iousr,14lh A Lcovon- vortli SL , on t" V li U. 'Xract , Omubu , Neb. Established 1B7P BOBEUT 1TH\'I3 , Genera ! Commission , HI & ltb St. , Omtiba , Noli. Sj > yciulties Butter Eppt , Poultry nnd Guinu. Commission Merchants , rruits , I'rodure uud I'rovjbionr , Omubn , Neb GRUTJTH fc THOMAS , SuccpfBtirf to lunnr GriEUtb. Commission Merchants Anfl wboli-Bilo di-ulc-r * In countri pr.idur" Iruitr. . liuttiir. OCFP mo. Goo-l1-on o u hjx.i-mlty. ISO N ltli Bt , Omuhu. KIRSCHHRAUN & SONS , ( Successors to A. P. Schaok. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. 213 Bouth l"itb Street , Omtibn , Neh. Dry Goods. L. GLNPBERG & CO , VholcsiJe JK'alersin Dry Goods , Hosiery , Kotions , Linens , I.uc 'K , Eiriliroidcry und While Cooae. ' ' Omubfl. , Nub. White Lead. CARTER WHITE LEAD CO. , Strictly Pure White Leal SOtb 61uui UI > . By. Omaba , Harness , Etc. WELTT & LAKDUOCK , Munufuctui ere und Jobbers of Harnes , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goodb , lilankctt imd Jtolxis. Id r 't Onifiiu. Nub. Mattresses. E. M. Hl'LFE , Kattress Company , Mcnufncturlnp Mattresws , Bortdlnp. Fealhor I'Jllow ) , , Cou , Etc. l ttt and rUb ItuUKln Btrctt , OmuUu , Neb. Overalls , _ _ _ CANnCLD M-ffTLTACnnilNG CO , Manufacturers of Oreralls , JMUIB Piuiu. , ShlrtE , Etc. . 1JU3 i.ndl'(4 ( Doutrlu batrtit , Omuhii , Ivtt. Beer M KEATLXG , Agent for iDheuser-Bush Brewing tss'n brands ; Tutut BtidwtnB-T und Erlunnr MENDELSSOHH FISHER , ARCHITECTS D. L. SUJXESujtertendou 'OHiHJUOBBER DIRECTORV OMAH\ MH 1M , I > onler in A.r Kr 1 of Bnllling Material Et Wfiolesalfi. < > J ) Tiu k Ouah Wholesale Dealer in Lninbcr , hnu Ir.ard "LriTts Oni&hu N ( ' > rn .k i. J A WAKEHtLH. Wholesale Lnmber , Lath , Shingles , r.nlMUitp | ir . 5-mh. 1) ' - < tljiiids M .u iots , ivi t * . i.m , . r. n- iii Ximn mm . limes iv.aliri Nils Millinerj . i Klllinery aod Notions , 1118 tiit 11 < Ilnrn ' .v Ptre-H Omaha , Vt-lv Musical Instruments. ' " EWIOLM i Elm K oV. Wholesalers of Mnslcal Instrcmeats. 5'tPlinrhy I'lniuis UI < IK < I , JcLir llnsnr * _ . . . . r c mrd Orpntis. 1U1 nud inp IMh | - Furniture , Etc. : s snivini " Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Klrrors. Etc. , 12W , 12ft $ ami 1C13 ruinnm Stiw. Omaha " * " " IlEWEV i FTOXn , Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitarj , I'nniam ? tre't , Omaha , Noli. Groceries. " E. II. CHAPMAN * CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , SMihcvo i.nU Smolf'is' Aitlclcs. 1217 UownrJ St. MEVLIl i. ILAAl'KE Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Fjilcefc , Clparf mi3 Ttiliutvoi. 1" 17 and 1311' ' ' uWu. Ncti. , E1LADT A COMl'AKl' . Wholesale Grocers , Comer H h nnd rnriuim Bruins , OmnliR , N PAXaOX , GALLAGHEU ACO. . , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , KOB. 7U& , 707,701) ) uud 711 S linb St. , Oin Hardware. _ _ . J. UIIOATCH , Heaiy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Bprrnrfi. P > upon Slock. HunJwimcl Luralicr , fito. liWund 1211 Hume ; utrmt Oraulia , Ncli. EDNEY L GIDROX , Wholcsale.lron , Steel , Wagon And Carriurc WC 1 PtcicU. Honvy Hardwnro. Kic. in7uadli'l fovtaiw ortb Struct , Oiuuliu , TAYU3H. Builders' Hardware , ileclinnfcs' TocOs aiifl Bunulo Sunk-s. 14n5I > oua > lus. SlrcrU Oliiuhu. c < U LEE , TJUED & CKl. , Jokers of Hardware and Kails , Tinware , Ehuot Iron , Etc. ArentEfor llowti Sculos und Miujui J'owdw to. , imiaha Neb. ' MILTON BOGEIIS A. SONS. Stores , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Grutes , Kruss pooflt , 1IE1 uud 1K1 Phr- HECTOR A : WHJ1 LMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails. Emerson Stuul Nuili Cor llnh mid llorncy str tith , Oii'ihtt. Isnl ) . Harvesters. WW.'DEEIUKG oo. . CHICAGO. Manultoturer of the Deering , HarYester Goods , K"rlte to AVm. JVL Lorimer. Gonornl Agtsnl ; Omaha. T'DjliouoCia Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. STUA3CG COMTANV , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. St3tra , Wuter , Ituilx'-Hj undMilling Sui > p"ies ! , Et5' uai , KT imd ! C4 rnrimm Su Ouiuha , Kob. CHUItCHUJj I'CMl' CO. , Wholesale Pnmps , Pipe , Fitting , Steiun und AViiicr Suppllo . HuudQuurtcrs IOT Want Tooht CO.'E Gotidb. 1111 1'uriiam btroot , Omuha , Ni'lJ. Jewelry. EDHOLM EH1CKSON. . Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In fcili'crwuro , IdnmondB. "V7atch3 Clocks , Jpwcl ra' 3'ools , and Mutonul ? , Etti , 10 ] nno lin , Ifitii Street , Coi. UoOee. Omahu , Koli. t ) TINTAKI ) , oWicrs m Eotions.Hasijr&G83ts'Firnl3iin . ] GDD ! 1005 and 1UJ3 1 aruurn Su , Uuiuhu.Nou. ! T. Robinson Eotion . . Company , . 4IKI und 4iT ( , S. Kith f uOmuka , Xoli. 'Wliolstalc Dt-alurs In Notions tuid GontiTur Oils , Etc. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE Coi | Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gasoline , Mlcu Axle Grcaxc , Cic. A. 11. Ilit&op , Nunnger , Omntm , Not ) . Pork Packing. JAMES E. UOTD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , Ne HAltUIS Packers and Provision Dealers , DCipc , TTnlon Mui kot , 1D17 DodriStroou I'acklng houMU. . P. U. It. IrncU , Omutiu , Nub. Tolo- plione No. K.7. Safes and Lols. " " P. BOYEn & CO. Agents for Hail's Safe & Lock Co.s' . Tire und Burglar Pi-nof Bafth.Timc Ixicl .Tuulti laid Jull v ork. IIKU I'nriium kvroot , Omuhu , Noli Seeds. _ " " J. EVANS , Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in Seeds. . Vcpotiililf. Rtc Odfl Tollowb' Hall , N. W. Cor , llth cjid TiudKO Bt . , Oumlia , JC Drugs , Elc. THE GOODMAN DttUG CO Wholesale Dragglsts DetJcr iu 1'iilutf. , Oil" und Wiudow GltM. 1 Omaliu , .NcU. , , * = . - * \ Wines , Liquo'S , Etc iLnu i co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines * And Liquiirh. polo innnufucturm-f of IConnelr't EaEtJnaiuItltlcra. Ills Hurnty Btrdet , < ' Eut-tttsor to Mt&AUAitA t Jii'M AK , Imjiorter * und tVliohtsulo Dealer , in Wines , Liqnors and Cigars , 14 end X'lC fi. HtU Bt , Onmliu , * stiu. MMDn. , ; tJu" L. BUAXDinS i : SON , -Wholesale. . Job Lots , Dry Good ? , NOUOIIK , Cunts' .TurnlKulni ; Goo > U. Gnoclk 1 i-oiu Nuw Voik. 'JVuJe nuiue diulf. U' tni < rob &outli 13Ui St. , Omaha. Flour and Fted. W. J. WELSHANS i CO , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain. Mr.nutucturorf of % V. 3 V < olfcUuns i : < o t ( Jmtn Ui.iUiir Buckwiifiu ; Hour unit IT i rn , .rj , < ) , Utj" Mlllt , ixir. bill uud Furaaiu brtla - . ,