Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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The Seventh Infantry Arrives Witli a Pri
vate Missing ,
FftBt Time on the Ittirllncton A Mer
chant Closed Out Hall Notes
Indignant Tinners Oth
er JL/ocnl News.
Soldiers Arrive.
Yesterday af tcrnnon'al prcciselyqnartor
past SJ o'clock the government steamer ,
"Chas H. Tompklns , " with four com
panies of soldiers from Dakota , touched
nt the foot of Fnrnntn street and throw
n lioro her gang-plank. The airival of
the bent was witnessed b.y ti largo mini-
her of soldiers , army ollicers ,
citi/ens , etc. , not to mention
numerous representatives of the genus
small boy. A guard of soldiers was at
onec sent ashore and cleared a space
about four hundred feet square , after
which the work of unloading luggage
was commenced , The soldiers were lirst
sunt ashore , then the army ollicers with
their families. Thn work of disembark
ing occupied about one hour.
I'ho "Tompkins" is a plain , Hat bottomed
tomed , side wheeler. It is commanded
by Captain .Johnny Barr. It lefl for
u'n-river last night. IV * *
The steamer had on board , several
companies of tint Seventeenth infantry as
follows : Companies A and G from Fort
Lincoln , Dakota and Company E and K ,
from Fort Custcr. These companies
number eight ollicers and 107 men , and
carry with them sixty-seven thousand
pounds of baggage. The companies and
baggage were transferred to a train
consisting of one Pullman , two baggage
cars , six emigrant sleepers anil six box
cars , ami started webt for their destina
tion , Fort Russell , last evening.
Captain Van Horn , of Company A ,
who was in command ot the
Boliliers , informed a reporter that
the boat had left Bismark
on July 1-1 , at1 o'clock , and Had there-
fors been six days on the way. A dis
tressing accident occurred shortly after
the bout left Bisniark. Private Baker of
Company E , while in an intoxicated
condition slipped backward over the backer
or the boat , falling in the wny of
the wheel. lie must have been rendered
unconscious by being beaten by tlio
wheel , for ho snnlc at once. Help was
mmimoncd to no avail. The body was
not recovered.
The Burlington Makes Good Time
Itnil Notes.
One of the most remarkable cases of
fast time on record was made by the Bur
lington's special mail train
Monday night. It tlcft lied
Oak , Dlowa , at precisely 7 o'clock ,
titty miles east of Council lUnll's. Tlio
dispatcher notiliod the Union Pacific
folks that the mail would reach the trans
fer depot at 8 o'clock. Bets were freely
oflered that it could not make the unpre
cedented time with the numerous obsta
cles in the way. A largo crowd congre
gated at tlio Burlington's track tr watch
the result. At 7:5.'i : . p. in. a large c and of
dust was scon to rise a couple 01 miles
down the track , and at precisely 7:57 : p.
m. , Engineer Hn s brought his pot , No.
271 , to a standstill at the transfer dqpot ,
having inado the run with two mail cars
from lied Oak to the transfer , a distance
of litty miles , in lifty-sovoinninules , mak
ing , at the same lime twelve stops and
slow-tips en route. A stop of at least five
miiuutes at Pacific Junction is included in
the So that the speed attained would
iV'lago at least a mile a minute.
'jLii'S ' Union Pucilio has been notified of
a rp'avantino which has been established
by tiio governor of Wyoming against cat
tle' in certain counties of New York ,
Pennsylvania , Now Jersey , Delaware ,
Maryland , Missouri , Virginia , Texas and
the District of Columbia on account oi
plouro-pnoumonia. The Union Pacific ,
in common with other roads entering
Wyoming , has agreed not to import any
cattle into that state from the counties
above mentioned , except according tc
provisions matte in the articles of quar
Telegrams received as the Union Pacific
headquarters to-day tell of a severe rain ,
wind and hail storm , which occurred last
evening at Pine Bluffs , W.yo. The storm
commenced at about 5:15 : p.m. , andlastctl
about ono hour , cxtendlngfrom two miles
west to six miles cast of Pine Blntl's ,
About ono mile of telegraph wire was
blown down , and some track was
washed put. Several houses in and
about Pine Bluff were unroofed ,
but no loss of lifowas reported ,
Mr. 11. E. Jennison , general managci
of tlio telegraph department of the Union
racilio , has returned from a trip in Kan-
BUS.A parly of forty Italian laborers nu
route from Chicago to Colorado passed
through tlio city laBt.evoniiig.
Yesiorday morning at : i o'clock thcr waf
n wreck at Valparaiso on the Republican
Vnlloy branch of the Union Paeilio road
Freight train No. 48 , Dully conductor ,
with engine r > 03 , was entering the place
mentioned when the latter ran of
the track at the east switcli
of the "Y , " upon which all trains ontoi
and leave that town going to or coming
from Lincoln. The engine was throwr
completely off the track ami on to iti
right side. Engineer Fair savot
himself by jumping , while
thrjo of the cars immcdiatolj
behind * the engine were also derailed
The wreck toolc place clear of the mail
track. Yesterday morning11 a wrecking ;
trninlef there at 0:1)5 : ) o'clock anil the wreol
wan cleared by ( > o'clock , not , however
without preventing the passenger trail
from the houtli making connection will :
the Grand Island train at Valley.
The sale of tickets under tlio rodueoi
rates to Chicago was unprecedented
TioChicago | , Milwaukee &St , Paul alone
ut their ollico in the Pa\ton hotel , soli
between three and four thousand , wliil
the other olllces at thu depot and at th
Binds sold a relatively largo number alse
Six freight ears , three of which wer
loaded with brick , were telescoped am
otherwise miscellaneously niivcd up in i
collision on tlio Union Pacillc yestorda
nt the Twentieth street crossing ,
Geo. Lyndon , formerly well known ii
local musical circles and as ono of th
old employes of the Union Pacific ami
itor's ollico , was in the city ycsterdaj
JIo is now lilling the position of travel
ing auditor ol the Kansas City , Ft. Soot
& Gulf railroad.
They Arc Now Holui : Arranged I )
tlio Cable Company.
Tho'dlrcotors of the Cnblo.lino yostorda
morning were considering designs c
cars to bo used on their road when it i
completed , The style selected is ono c
the manufacture of tlio Laoledo worki
St. Louis. It will bo sixteen feet Ion
Mid accommodate about thirty pooph
style Is ono suggested by Pnllmai
of sleeping car fame. The windows wi
reach from the top of tlio back of the so ;
up to the roof , while thu lettering will I
painted on tlio panels of the sides. Tlicf
yiadovrs will bo sufllcleutly high to 01
iblo people who may be standing in the
cars to read the numbers on the houses
vitliout inconveniencing themselves or
otiiers by stooping. Accompanying each
of thc < -c will be what is known as the
'grip ear. " In the aisle of this the en-
; mr > ur \\i\l \ take up his position with the
ever and brakes governing the moving
and stopping oi tlio train within his
eaeh. This car will be but ten foul long
and will be supplied witlt seats on cither
side , which may also be occupied by pas
sengers. The company will commence
Hisiness with ten trains , eaeh comprising
wo cars. On special occasions tlio train
nay bo made up of more cars according
ns business demands.
Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock the
> oard of directors of the cable line awar-
led thu contract for building the same to
fumes Lillis , of Nebraska City.
Toilet ! Points.
Israel ureenburg was nr-
aignod In police court yes
onlay morning for peddling with-
> ut a license. Ho explained that ho had
irocnred a ten days' license , but owing
o siokne s had not been able to avail
limself of the privilege until the license
lad expired. This excuse did not "go
lown/'and ' Israel was lined $5 and costs ,
lo was unable to pay ami went to jail.
John Williams , an old farmer , was
ineil $5 and costs for drunkeness. Ilo
ilead not guilty and stood trial on the
banjo. His lawyers' eloquence did not
availto save him , however , and hu was
ompelled to pay or go to jail. Ho chose
lie former alternative.
Sam Uobiiuon , a fruit peddler was
nedsfo and costs for obstructing tlio
treet , with ills wagon. "
Frank Ptircell and William Lavender
vcro each fined $ T and costs for lighting ,
uid Michael McShano an equal amount
or drunkenness. Henry Palmer paid nine
ino of $ G and costs for fast driving.
A Flno Point.
Judge Woolworlh has commenced pro-
rcdlngs of habeas corpus in tlio United
States court to secure tlio release of
lurry W. Hall , a young man now in the
icnllontiary , haying been charged with
unrder. In 1832 Hall killed ono Conrad
Schlicgel , in Cheyenne county. At tlio
imo of the killine , or shortly thereafter ,
a grand jury of thu ciU/ous of Cheyenne
county was in session , but for some rea
son failed to make any report on the mat
er. Later on ho was indicted by a grand
ury composed partly oi residents of
'hoyonno county and of Stoux county ,
> lead guilty nnd was sentenced to a life
erm in state's prison. Under the four-
contti amendment and on the ground
hat all the jurors were not residents of
ho county In which thu crime was com-
nitted , Judge Woolworth claims that
he indictment was not legal. Judge
Dundy has issued an order requesting
A'ardcn Nobes to show cause within ton
lays why the release should not bo
'ranted. The case is the lirst 0110 of the
cind over brought up in this state , and its
outcome will bo awaited with considera
te interest.
RnfTerty Withdraws.
The RalTorty case came up before the
icense board at the mayor's' ' office yester-
lay afternoon to determine whether or not
he party mentioned should bo granted
> ormission to run a saloon on Twenty-
six street near St. Mary's avenue.
I'lith full board was present ,
iso were also Judge Duiuly ,
Jos. Her , Jnp. T. Bell , Elmer Frank and
others. Rafferty announced to the board
hat he desired to withdraw his applica-
iou for license , and the permis
sion was accorded him. The
) oard then went through the
'ormula ' of declining to grant him a
icense. This action will enable the
: roasurcr to refund RafTurty the .money
advanced wJion ho lileu' his application.
The reason for the withdrawal was the
'act ' that ho had learned that a majority
of the board had decided to vote against
iving him a license.
The UoimnUtoo Resolutions.
At a mooting hold July 19 , 1833 , of the
executive committee of tlio Law and
Ordorloaguo of Omaha , the following
W.xs adopted :
Whereas , Certain parties nt Lincoln , Neb. ,
against whom the leaeuo of that city have
: iroiinht proceedings for violation of the law ,
through the ellortot John IX James , aeont
of thi ) Omaha league. Lmvo imula certain
charges as.iinst slid James : therefore , bo it
Resolved. By the Law and Older league
of Omaha , that the services rendered the
league by Acont James have been of the
most elliciontcharacter : that wo have always
found him reliable , honorablu ami trust
worthy and that wo are convinced from In
vestigations nindo by said committee , that
[ he chaitrcs pending against him ( Agent
lames ) at Lincoln mo due simply to thu ani
mosity and bitter feeling lesultins from his
successful inosecutlon of law breakers ol
that city. _
booking Tor Her Husband.
A sad-oyed woman with u care-worn
lace , carrying in her arms a tun months
old baby , appeared at police headquaar-
tors ycstordny morning , and said that
she was looking for her husband. Siio
Save her name as Mrs. Jerry Bell
ind said that she came from Bloncco , la ,
"My husband loft Bloncoo two weeks
ago , " she said to a reporter , "and came
to Omaha to look for work. I got a latter
from him tlio other day , saying that ho
had got work at 81.75 a day , and asking
mo to como on with the baby. Ho said
that ho was stopping with a man named
Trumbull but 1 haven't boon abln to
find him vol. " Mrs. Boll Is without
money1 ; and the ladies of the Women's
Christian homo will take care of hct
until she finds lior spouse.
A Vaouiit Mind.
The Douglas county committee on In
sanity , consisting of Dr. Neville , Districl
Court Cleric Ijams and Judge Savage ,
yesterday nioniing pronounced Vir
ginin llondricks insano. Tlih
woman was confined in the county
jail some weeks ago , but. at the request
of some friends , was discharged an <
taken homo with them to live. Slip sooV
became violent however , and in justice
to her , she was again committed to the
jail where she now remains. Mr. Ijams
ycthnlay forwarded to Or. Matliow-
son at Lincoln a statement of her cast
coupled a with decision of the board , ant
a request for her admission to the asy
luiu at that place.
Foil Off u Ridge.
Monday evening as Com
missonr Titnmo was driving
or ? Jnmlngs trcot , near Dr
Mercer's residence , on his way home , hi
saw from a distance , a lady fall down tin
embankment on the south side of tin
street , which is about eight foot high
Her dross had caught on ono of the barb
of a wire fence and caused her to mis
her footing on tun narrow ridge upoi
which she was walking. Mr. Tiiunn
drove to where she lay and found he
prostrated from nervous excitement
When she regained consciousness sli
gave her name as Mrs. Kdson and Mr
Timino drove her to her homo on Hamll
ton street near Walnut Hill.
Will Loso'lIU Too.
Yesterday evening John Hanson , th
twelve-year-old sou of Lars Hanson , re
siding on the corner of Seventh and Pa
cilio streets , in attempting to cross tb
track between two freight cars at th
Tenth street crossing of tiio Union Pn
citic , had Ids big too crushed between th
two draw heads. Tlio train moved th
moment ho placed his foot upon the iron
Dr. Darrow dressed the injured membei
and fears that amputation will bo uccc :
An Icecream Mnn on St. Mary'i '
AvetiHe Absconds.
"Mister , tlio man used to run thai
store owes me forty cents , " said a small
boy to a reporter who was knocking foi
admission at tlie clo < cd-up ice-cream ,
candy and cigar store of II. C. Wostluke ,
on Eighteenth and St. Mary's avenue ,
yesterday morning. The establishment
fms been attached by creditors , and West
lake had left the country.
Somu weeks ago , Westlako came to
Omaha for the purpose of opening up an
ico-crcam and confectionary store , lie
lilted up elegant quarters on the avenue ,
introduced new ices and ice-creams , ad-
vertiscd liberally , and altogether made a
Keat .splurge. 1 or a time it seemed as
though the establishment was making
money but of late business lias been run
ning down and Mr Wcstluko realized
that ho must soon go to the wall. Hi ;
creditors began to press upon him. Mon
day , he left the city for the ostensible
mirpose of going to Council Bluffs ,
but really as his wife states ,
of "skipping the town. " Yester
day ho had not shown up ami his eredi-
lors attached his stock and futures
through writs procured in Justice Hels-
ley's court , as follows.
Henry Diekson , ? 71)iO. ) (
( Jeo. Bushmcvcr , $141.fiO.
Stephens Vogalo iV Dinning , $89.
A. L. Filch , $01.
Constable lliuiek closed the door.s and
look charge of the establishment. Mrs ,
Wcstlake says she thinks her husband has
deserted her.
One of the creditors not included in the
list , is tlio small boy mentioned above ,
wlio insists that Westlako owes him fort }
cents for blacking his boots. As ho has
procured no attachment , the bootblack's
claim will probably not be satisfied.
Crossing tlio U. 1 * . Bridge for the
TrntiHiitlasioti of Klcctrlo Thought.
The Western Union Telegraph coin-
any h.xvo roniova.l tlio tolegr.iph wires
from the U. P. bridge and substituted for
them two aerial cables. Eaeh of these
will accommodate nineteen wires , 01
thirty-eight in all. To connect with these ,
thu companv are planting poles on Jones
street , fiom Thirteenth street to the river ,
and thence south to the brjdgo. These
poles are about fifty in nunibot
mil arc all fifty feet in height
1'hcy are now intended to accommodate
forty wiresbut are gauged to admit arms
to support twenty-four more. Tins work
lias been in progress for several weeks
back , fourteen men being required to dc
it , under tlio direction of E. 11. Mallard ,
When tiio wire is strung on this now
route , tlio ola wires which have hereto-
tore run down Thirteenth to * the Union
Pacific road , and tiieuco eastward , will
be discontinued.
Travelling Veterans.
The G. A. 11. delegates of the Depart
ment of New York will arrive in this citj
this evening by way of tlio Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul road. Thej
occupy five Pullman coaches. They let
Rome , N. Y. on the 19th inst. , and wil
stop two days in Denver , two more it
Salt Lake City and on their return comi
by way of tlio Oregon Short line from
Portland. The delegation comprise ;
among others Joseph Sales , commandei
of the department , and Adjutant Genera
Clark. Their arrival hero will hu wel
coined by a number of comrades , semi
of whom will go across the river to nice
them at the Bluffs.
Improving n Crossing.
The completion of tlio paving of Jonc1
street' has necessitated a relaying of tin
granite crossings at the intersection o
Tenth street. This work has been it
progress for several days tinder the di
rection of Inspector Kenniston. Tin
crossing on the cast side of tlio intersec
tion mentioned has been lowered neai
the curb at the U. P. house , nov
run by Thos. Casey , with the effect of enabling -
abling tlio great downilow of water oi
Tenth street in win storms to turn cas
on Jones street , thus relieving tliu gtitto !
on Tenth , and affording Paxton & Galla
glier more protection against the Hood
1112 of their basement by the overflow.
Started Up.
Tlio Omaha Iron foundry , which is t (
bo operated in Bedford place
started up yesterday. Worl
on the buildings has bcci
pushed very rapidly , and the machinery
has been all placed ready for _ biibino.5s
Tlio establishment will turn out iron worl
of every description , mouldings , cast
ings , wrought iron work , etc. About om
hundred and fifty men will be employee
to start with. Ono of tlio lirst pieces p
work the establishment will turn out wil
bo a largo iron contract on the cable line
No Ono Need Ro Idle.
E. S. Albright shipped fifty men on tin
overland train last night for Laramie
where the Union Pacific is making
thorough repairs of its tracks wostwan
from that point. Sunday night ho sen
out twenty-live and Monday morniiu
twenty-five moro for tlio B. & M.'s worl
between Grand Island and Broken Bow
Since thu season opened ho has forward
cd over three thousand men to railroad
jobs and ho says lie cannot gotonougl
men. Truly no ono need complain to ;
want of employment in the west.
Removing ; Earth.
The county commissioners yesterday
torday morning advertised foi
bids for grading the extension
tension of Farnam street , which will removal
moval of about four thousand live him
dred yards , as also the grading of Soutl
Tenth Mreot , below Bancroft , which wil
require ( ho displacement of about twi
thousand live hundred yards of earth
The bids will be opened on Saturday
next at 3 p. ni.
For Sale Cheap Fine Joraoy hoifoi
calf , three months old. Address at once
II. C. , care Pacific Hotel Co.
i Train of Beef.
MondayCovonlng a "time freight" star
ted Chlcagoward from the South Omaii !
stockyards , which was composed o
eighteen cars of dressed beef , three * o
tallow , ono of horns , one of grease am
ono of fertilizing material. George. 11
Hammond was tlio shipper and the trail
attracted considerable attention as i
passed through the depot.
AVunt a Ucductlon.
Commissioners Corliss. Timmo niv
O'Koofo wont to Lincoln yesterday mom
ingwhoro they intend to go beforetho { stat
board of equalization and argue for
reduction of tlio levy against Dougla
county , Last year tlioy went before th
jiuno body and secured a reduction c
one half mill , vvhich in the a gregat
amounted to a saving of about $7,000 ,
Opolt's Hotel. Lincoln Neb , , oponc
March 10th , first class in every rospeei
Detective Dingman , of the Wester
Agency , loft last night for Hasting !
Nob. , to testify against several saloot
keepers of Kenesaw , Nob. , who nro to b
tried for violating the liquor law of Has
ings , in selling the suspicious compoun
known as "BHt. "
" -
Postollloo Changes.
Postofllco changes In Nebraska an
Iowa to July 17,1680 , furnished by Wn
Van Vlect of the postoUice upnurtracii
Established-Duff ; Brown count ;
Stephen U Nelson , jpostmaster ; Sun
shine , Lincoln county , Cliarles T , Rich
ards. postmaster.
Discontinued Cascade. Howard coun
ty : Arbuta , Gosper county.
Postmasters appointed ! Brcwstcr ,
Uluinp county , Daniel G. Findlevi
L-'irth , Lancaster county , Christopher
liallov ; Hanseti , Adams county. Walter
Stone ; Kcone , Kearney cctunty , Belle 1) .
Hall ; N'obesvillc , Lancaster county , Mrs.
Helen J. Nohos ; Soiithsido. Holt county ;
Mrs. Ksther Ames ; Turner , Holt county ,
[ 'rank Emerson ; Varna , Saline county ,
n > . Jane Blackwcll
Name changed HeiitonviUc , Milts
county , to Folsom.
Discontinued Athol , Sioux county ;
7ecllla , Howard county ; Fire , Kossuth
iounty ; Ivy , Polk county ; Scottswood ,
. 'oltawottamio county.
Postmasters Appointed Albany ,
Davis county , Peter Kimblc ; Angus ,
Uoone county , B.'J1. West ; Blackmail.
Itinggold county. J. O. Millet1 ; Cllvc ,
Polk county , S. H. Lewis ; Curlew , Polo
Alto county , Samuel Kaston : Denmark ,
Lee county , William H. Babcoe.k ; KaSt-
Port , Fremont county , 1) . M. Lisby ; Em
erson , Mills county , " Thomas J. Snod-
jrass ; Excelsior , Mahaska county , Dan
iel M. Atchison ; Folletts , Clinton county ,
George S. Campbell ; l-rankville ,
Wlnneshlch county , J. A. Cavliij
ilonovJIle , Clark county , J. E. Tucker ;
inont county , _
„ n--i i
L'ottawottamlo county , W. P. 1'arrlshj
Ztilla , Union county , Mrs. C. Slronp.
The bank clearings yesterday were
Porsonnl I'sirntirnplis.
C. Platenburg of Bo ton is at the Mil-
Ex-Senator Sanndcrs went to Dcnvei
yesterday morning.
Judge IJartlctt returned yesterday
from a trip to Superior , [ Neb.
L. llollisclnld of Huron , Dak. , is visit-
ng relatives in this city.
Dr. Win. Edwards , of Platte Cnnter ,
coroner of Platte county , is in the city.
Airs. Julia Kosonthal of Chicago is
visiting her cousin Mrs A Mandleberg.
Mrs. 11 , Jones and daughter , hatter ,
liave gone to New York for a few days ,
H. M. Genius and E. Genius lefl
Monday for a business trip to Chicago
and Now York ,
James Stephenson returned Monday
from an inspection of his stage lincE
in Colorado.
Barney Baumer left for Chicago
Monday after a pleasant visit with Tih
uncle , John Baumer.
Mr. John Jobe , of Placer county , Cal
ifornia , is in the city visiting his sister
Mrs. V. D. M. Mackey.
Miss Minnie Knight , who has been vis
iting here for gome titno past , lett yc.stcr
day for a brief visit inuVluia , Iowa.
btipcrintendcnt Wicks , of the Pullman
Palace Car company , was a passcngei
on the "overland" Monday evening foi
San Francisco.
Miss Gcorgie Shipman and Mi > s Minnie
Willhite leave tins evening for Mil
waukop , to visit friends and attend th <
Gifs Trocsch , the well known bai
artist , lately at the St. James , has gone
to northern Nebraska on a few weeks
search after rest and health.
John D. Howe , attorney for the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee , St. Pntil & Omaha rail
road , who has been in'Omaha since Sat
unlay , returned to St. Paul Monday
J. H. Wntersteon , accompanie.l by his
wife and children , returned yesterday
morning from a tdclightfnl trip to Nov
York and Toronto. .
Mr. M. N. Einstein , popularly knowi
among his companions , the western trav
clingmeu , as ' 'Pinky" Einstein , is ii
Omaha on a Visit of business and pleasure
Mr. H. Birel of Davenport , Iowa was ii
the city yesterday. Air. Birel a member o
a heavy linn of contractors eloing busi
ness for the B. & M. His partner , Mr
McManns is widely spoken of as a can
didate for congress from the Third Con
crcssional elistrict of Iowa.
aMr. John CTTJasoy anil Dr. Wilcox o
Leo , Mass. , old-time friends of C'aptair
Cormick , were in tlio city yesterday or
their way to San Francisco. They won
shown around the city by Captain Cor
mick , and were surprised and plcasct
with the city's marvelous growth and im
F. 0. Viorling , the leading real estate
dealer of Chicago and a man whoso Eu
ropean travels makes him a regular en
cyclopedia of rich conversational matter
tor , was in the city yesterday. Ilo is on
Ins way to Plum Creek , Nob. , to join hih
wife , who is tlioro visiting relatives.
Will Van Arraun audT. P. Cartwriglil ,
of Kelly , Stigcr & Co. , returned yester
day from Spirit Lake , where tliev spciil
a delightful ton days. Van is very moil
est about his exploits , but Cartwright i ;
willing to make oatli tiiat there is mi
heavy weight lish left in iho lake.
Absolutely Pure0
This powder never vartoa. A marvel of pur
Ity.streiiirth and wholOMimenoss. Moro coon
omlcal tbun the oidlnary kinds and cannt b
sold In competition with tlio multitude of lo\
tebt.BUort woluht Hlum or I'Hosplmto ' powdon
Bold nnjy In c-an . UOVAI. JlAK o POWDER Cc
4G8Vall St. , '
rempleton & Whitney
Dealers In
Hock Springs ! Illinois ,
mill Iowa Soft Coal.
Onioo 218 South Fifteenth st.
Yards -Kightoenth nd Izartl sta.
jr. ir.
Beal Estate Dealer ,
1808 Farnnm St. , Omaha.
Itoom 1.
wno WILL or EX irnur KV uxriitE mw STOCK AT
On or about Sept. 1st , 1838.
"Filthy streets may be bad and de
fective drainage and sewerage worse ,
but for the promotion of diseases of
the diarrlucal type there is no agent like
the polluted water supply"
A. Van der Veer , A.M. , M.D. ,
Prcililert ef tie Jfrrti'eaf Society oj
the State tfNtw J 'ai k ,
February 3 , iSSG.
"The purity of APOLLINARIS
offers the best security against the dan
gers which are common to most of the
ordinary drinking waters. "
London Medical Record.
Of all GrocersDntggists frjlfiu. Wat.Denlcrf.
And other flittering from
nervous debility , uiluustlnc
Scbronlo difetapcs , premature
fldccllno of you nit or old are
VriosltlTely suicd by Dr.
llonio'n farooui Klrctra-
Muenctta Kelt. ThuUMliils
Ei 8Into In The Union have been ctireii.
_ . . , „ . „ 7 , , , 1 * . ty In -ntly lelt rmentedantl sold II )
Whole family can wctr Mine bilt Klctlrla
fciiineniorlriifreowlUiinalebeltM jeais Avoid worthltM Im
itations auit liogus companies ! KlcotrlrTru" f lor
Kupturc. 700 cured ln'85. ScnffiiiiiniJnri niplilct.
. . . , . Volilclo innde. lUdes as
- „ „ „
trillions pert i nalwo. The HpripcnIcnutlien and
liortcn accordlna to the walgbt they carrr. liqaoll j
well nilnptril lo rouith country ruiidN Knd
II lid ilriviMotclli . iMunufnrturt-il niul tolclby
Ul tcodlnu Corrliuco LSullucra auct Ucalvia
2&jilway Time Tafele
Tlio lollowlner is tlio tlrao of nrrlvnl nnU < lo-
pnrturoor trains b } ' Central StHiiilaidTimo nt
tlio locnl clopots. Trains of the C. , St , I' . , M. &
( X otrixo nnd depart from tholr depot , corner of
14th and Wolistor Ptrootn : trains on the II. A : M.
C. II. &ej.nud 1C. 0. , St. .1. Ac C. H. fipm the 11.
A.M. < leiot | all others fiora the Union Pncillo
Hrldgo trnins will ieu\o U. P. depot nt 0-.35
D7i' : > 8rO-HIO : : 8WI : 1110:00 : 11:00 n. in. : Ill :00 :
la-lSO-S:00-3UO : ) : : : 11 lOU-B:00-8:30-OilO : : :
' ' '
'Lonvo'Trnnsfor for Omaha nt 7:12-113:15-9:30 : : :
: < . ' IllUi5 : ; 10a7-.ll:3T : : u. m ; l:37 ! Jia-a.i7 : :
-SW-3:3T : : i:37 : 5CO : ; 7:20 : 7SO-8:50 : :
-lKJp. : m. , _
Arrival niul deimrturo of trains fiora tlio
Tianstur Dupot ut Council lllulla :
DU:15A. M.
. M. 1170)1' ) . M.
n 0:15 : A.M. I 1)0:15 : A.M.
0 0:10 : 1' . M. I U 7:00 : r. M.
A 0:35 : A.M. I AU:15A.M. :
A0ir : , A.M. I A 0:15 : A.M.
AOitOp. M. J A7OJI' . M-
A 10:00 A. M. I D (1:35 ( : A.M.
C 8:551' : . M. | Ao:35lMI. :
A 3:00 : v. M. | A 8:30 : P.M.
sioux crrr t i-AOina
A 7:05 : A.M. I A 0:05 : A.M.
A6av. : ! M. I A 8:50 : P.M.
"Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry. Silverware ,
homrgcstjstock. 1'ricos tlic lottost. Flno ropalrinjr o Epcclulty. All work \rurrautotl. Corner
Douglas iiiul loth aticct , Otnntm
Samples and Prices furnished on Application
[ Jl
OKO. BURKE , Manager ,
IlKFKHENCES : Jlcrcliants' nnd Furnions' Urtnk , D.ivlil City , Nob. ; Kp-irnoy National
BankKi'arnoy , Neb. ; Coliiuibus State Hank. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's llmilc , NoitU
riatto. Neb. ; Omaha National Bank. Omaha , Neb. , , , . . , , , , , . ,
Will pay custoinots' draft witli bill ol ladine attachca for two-thirds value o stock
S. W. COK. 15IU ANBft.ffWKXAM ,
Property ol ovorv description for s.ilo m all parts of the city. Laml * lor oala In
county m Nebraska. A complete bet of AiutruoU of Titlus of Doiifflus County kept.
Maps of the City , State or county , or nuy other information desired furnished
free of churgo upon application.
To Contractors-Dredging.
) J'rnpoBnU for tlio followlnuwniU t
di edging will lie leculvud at the comity
oloik'ftollico or Hurt count ) ' , Nubrnfilcnut 'Jo- '
kn in nil , Nolraakn , until noon , the 13th day of
Aiiirust.A. U. JBMI.
Uhe work lo ho rlono is ronstructliiB a main
ditch , contiilnlntf about ill noiklnir fcuutiuiiH nnd
ubouttHi nillc-s Inii ' . width at hfittoin : ifi't't > r
asBtiownln thubpolllcatlone ) sldqs wlopiiulto
' . ' , depth viiryliiK lioin 1 to 10 foe t , dlit lo ho
inovod 8 foot fiom brink ol ditch , accoidlinrto
plans and spn-ltloatloris on Illo in the olliuoof
Bald tountyclork. Also ,
Hptirdltoli N 1 , being afoot lonsr , wMtli nt
bottomUluctBldosHluplitl ( toS.doiitli from -
tot icotand dlit to bo removed U loot fiom
bbimrdUchN ! en'r , ( 8000 feet lonr , width nt
bottom and topU leot , hutthle dltclito contain u
unddlrttolotUiownbiic'kon Bamo.
plpo ,
Nuiiiboior oublo iinils lo bo niovod as foi
lows'Main ! ditch , 2f.T9Ji Spur N. llUttand ,
l ioposnU to bo for wliolo woik entire , also
Inwoikliif6octlon9 ( , nd hlduwlllbuiocehoil for
workliiff sections Hi'l'iitntoly for Raid main nnd
ipurditilioa. Kuoli bid llfud mutt bo Hccom-
pimicd nllli certlllwl chock pajabln to the
county clerk or order lor tlio Bum of nt least
t25 00 for each workliiK foctlon covcroil by the
bid , but In case of more no ono bid need bo ao-
conuninlod by suchthco'i to eiccod | IW , BIICII
chocKtoLoicturned If Llddcr enters Into con
tract with Kood nnd buinclonlsurotlos for Us
porlormanco , also incasiicontiaot Isnot invai-d-
Ld to bidder , otherwIse the Buino ah ill bo for
feited , r.ach bid must also bo accompanied
with names of KOOU and EullluU'iit snroflo' , to
latlefactlon of the undoislfiioa lor perform-
No bid to bo cntotmlnod for any of said worlc
which oxcocds the estimated cost of construc
tion of the worklnjf section or suctions upon
which the bid Is muilo. Work un'Ior ' oontiuct
to bo completed In 151 days from tlmo contract
is let , unless extended for BOOC ! causo.
propo nls will boturnibliedon application to the
C ° luoyright' 1 reserved to reject any amta1 !
blTho work Is bclnp done under procccdlnzs
had by the county commlssfonor * of Raid ilurt .
county , under the net of the lejflila"iropro.
vldlnif fordiHiilnir marsh ami swumii lanoiln
NobrmUii. approved Fobruaiy 28. 1801 , and
amended ilaich 4tli , 188J , to ulifoh proeofllnTS ,
piotllo , plat , report , estimate and uiipoitlon *
inont of ihoensrfmw of eald ork , ami pHrtk-n-
larly totlioprococdlnga ot said comml'-B.oiu'rJ
of July uth.lKfcO.iillonnioorof icooido'Huld
county clcrt's oiUco , rptercuco i * mudo ua part
Uiatod ( July 1MbISM.
CTr > Cor. 13th STRtFTamlCAflWLAYE ,
At.ll HlHLrACTOHlf lit
We have the fuclllllci. u | > parutui and romedlei for
the Biiccc ful treatment of OTITV riirm ot tllaeuta
requiring cither inedUnl or umlc l trcHtrnont , anil
invlttinllU ) cuino onU lnTC > tliatofortlicm ulreior
correspond with us. Jang vxpcrlnnco In treutlnii
cunei < > T letter eimblci in to treat jiiany catun
'rru < - > . iinJ ull kliirtu ot Moillcul iind Burjlcul
Appliancesmanufacturu.l . unfl Jureulo.
The only rcliablo Medical Institute mahtng
PrlvatOi Special ti Nervous Diseases
' "
' * A Hl'IX'IAI/I'V.
whatever cauno produced , nurccniifiilly treated.
Wo can rt-rnoro BypliUitlo polbuu ( rum luo eyetciu
W&MWUrp"toru"l7o treatment for ln of vital power.
end tumult in or neml niuue anil ro tx > nit.o udlr (
plainly wrltton-cntloso ttaujy. and wu will cooij
? | $ $
! ! IIA' R > T
iiB AyBao"TuV < VKNnoVNAuyAlw ]
cr endlilJt < jryol rourcana for ail opinion.
I'crtSnii , unaUo to ui rnsy bo Irontodot their
h < " nc . by tortei : d6.-e. lle'lirlnf"n"ir3I .
iij"nt Benl t > 7 mi I or ei > rC"1 bJCCUIIKI.r -
I'll ritO't OUSKIIVAIIOM , no nmrts in Indlcato
contei'tVt. . ' ciidor.Oiijpcr < ) nallnlcrTlewpref rroj
It conTcnlont. titty rtxini * for.tbe KtoniiuudMlon
of nitlonta. llonrU ami Hltoniiauce t fe wuHl
price Adilrosnull I ucrirla
( Hah * r/edioal / ! & Surgical Institute ,
Ccr.lSth St.ant ) Cupitol Avo. , Omaha , Neb.