Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    mm msaammaimmmmmmwimi - - -
I b rrttirtn r\T\r A t-1 A TIATT.V TnTM ? . Y7T.TY\TT7 < a-n AV TTTT.V 91 1QQA- *
J.'tlhtHil Ijj cm Her In tin ; fit of tlio ell'nt
II. W. TII.TO.V , - - Manager ,
K , No. t.i.
KKIIIT innon : No. SI.
Now York Plumbing company.
Summer clothing , cheap , at Roller's.
Cahltifl photographs if-il per doat
Shonndpn'M , ! )17 ) Jl'way. for G' ' ) dav.s only
Only $3.fU ! portion , lor lirst class cabino
photos at Schmidt's , 220 Main.
lVrinK ion to wed wn.s yesterday given
to L. C. Nelson , of Omaha , and Ilaiislno
C. Anderson , of Avoca.
Last night the Sous of Veterans divis
ion of lowu No. 75 gave a camp-fire
which proved an enjoyable affair.
Mrs. W. 11. Urown will on Thursday
\ glvo n birthday excursion and party to
her friends on Manhattan Hoach.
The Rail Road War is over , but you
,1 , can always save a few dollars by pur
. ,1.f chasing your tickets of Utishncll , No. 20
Wain street.
The tabernacle is to bo opened Sunday
night with services in which the pastors
\J \ of the churches and others are to partici
pate. There will bo short addres os.
An excursion on Sunday morning from
tlw towns on the llunioston tte Siieiinn-
doah and Council Hlull's A : St. Louis
roads will arrho in this city at 0:30 :
Two of the dcml monde were yesterday
driving through avotmo 1) in a buggy
Irom Wosner's barn and smashed acamst
a stage byloii'ring to Hcccrofl , breaking : i
wheel off tholm&'L'y.
Six vagrants wore yesterday housed by
the police. The total personal affects
amounted to two knives and ono pair of
scissors , which looked as if they had been
used on homo country weekly.
John Knas , a young Dane aged twenty-
three years , died suddenly Monday night
at his residence , corner Twelfth street
and Sixteenth avenue , of cholera mor-
bus. lie had been in this country but a
short time Ho was buried yesterday.
The town of Perry Is figuring on buy
ing one of the Dos Moines old .steamers.
Ahy not figure with Council Hlull's and
get one of the excellent ones now lying
idle hero on account of the water works
furnishing ihe needed water supply ?
I'ro. ! It. Nugent , ono of the most suc
cessful new i.ijcr ) rustlers of the city ,
has accepted n lucrative position on the
St. Joseph , Mo. , Daily News , and will
leave for his now field in a few tlaya. His
family will remain in Council Hlull's.
The Sons of Viilonin " * " " '
4.MV AM WttllUll 111 Ull"
should Nliko ! arrangements to attend the
national encampment to be held in Hut-
falo. August 31 , and September 1 , 2 , and
! ! . Prizes arc to bo offered for tlio best
drilled companies , and Council Hlull's
should go for ono of them.
Mr. Shole.s , the lightning sliorthander ,
has returned from Dos Moines , where he
haw been serving as ono of the steno
graphers of the impeachment trial. The
last copy has gone into the hands of the
printer , and tlio report when finished
will make about 2,000 pages , which will
bo bound in two volumes , and will bo in
demand as dry kindling next winter.
The Mottaz boy , who was injured so
badly on the Fourth , by an injudicious
mixing of gunpowder and matches , is
able to bo out and about. The little fol
low has stood his sufferings bravely , and
is to bo congratulated on getting out of
them as soon and well as ho has. Ho
will lose the sight of ono 03-0 , but the sav
ing of the other is more than was ex
pected at ono time. Ho lias paid so
dearly tor his experience that other boy.s
should profit by it without investing for
experience of tlieir own.
Perfect satisfactory accommodations
at § 3.00 a day at the Pacific House. Give
it a trial and bo convinced.
Always buy your moats at Star Market ,
No. 1501 Hroadway , and get the best.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Piicifio house recently renovated. Cool
rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained.
Ilay Bixby has returned from his Chi-
.cnjo ; trip.
F. E. Stubb and wife have returned
from New York.
Mrs. William Moore left yesterday on
a visit to iriends in Indiatiapoli.s.
DUasslo Tanner , the dauchtarof ( .i. W.
Tanner , is down with scarlet fever.
Mrs. E. Cobb , Miss Bessie Cobb and
Mrs. J. F. Nice , of Little Sioux , tlino.t at
the Ogden yesterduj' .
A. C. Bnriihain. of Champaign , III. , the
Fonior member of the firm of Burnluim ,
Tulloys & Co. , arrived at the Ogden yes
F. C. Clark of the Kcd Oak Sun , visited
the IHnfi"n yesterday , nnd kept tallying
until the BlulVbiill tossers got so many
ahend as to tire him.
Mr. H. Burris , editor of the Essex
Argus , visited thu metropolis j'csterday to
sou the Kcd Oaks "down" the Bluffo. Ho
had to return di atlMied.
J. A. Crowley has returned from a two
months' eastern I rip. and Will soon be-
uin on the rounds of tint state full's In the
interest of the Hayes uumps.
Fit/ Henry Warren , formerly clerk of
the courts hero , but now of ( irand Isluml ,
Nf.b , , is in the city , combining business
with the pleasure of greeting Ids many
F. 11 , Orcutt returned yesterday from
an extended visit to New York and Phil
adelphia. Mrs. Oreutt and her son Louis
Btopped ever at Burlington , la. , for a
short visit amonir friends.
F. M. ( Jault , general ngent of the Coun
cil Binds & St. Louis railway , left last
evening for Wyoming fo enjoy a short
recreation on the cattle rr.noli of A. I.
Jackson , and to Join Ids wife and the
parly who Jolt here a week ago.
Hnnkos ,
There arrived at thu American express
ofllco yesterday a not over welcome ship
ment , it being a largo rattlesnake sent by
K. Flieklcr , of Plattsmouih , Neb. , to Dr.
A. J. Pluiner , of this city , His snakoshlp
was over four feet long , and had night
rattles and a button , As his case was
eliaken , or his snakcfcldp otherwise dis
turbed , he would make tlioso rattles do isn
rattling business. The curiosity of hear
ing anil seeing a real , live rattlesnake
caused many to call at the express olllco
during the day , and guze upon COm
through the meshes of thu wire caging in
which ho was securely kept. The four of
being bitten caused a largo proportion of
thu callers to fortify themselves against
nny deadly eflbcts by the internal appli
cation of the usual alcoholio proven-
J. J. Stoltor , 605 Upper Broadway , will
not bo undersold. General store.
Kirkland , the jeweler , has removed to
823 Broudway , Singer olllco.
_ ,
Fine pasturn , plenty of water and good
attention for 800 head of stook about live
miles north oi Broad way and Main street.
Inquire of L. P. Judsou , No , 030 Sixth :
nvenue. or Charles Palmer at pasture on
Jiiiio kiln road.
Try it. Best Cream Soda in the city Co
per tflacs at Palmer's ' , No , 13 Main ct.
A Musical Team Gets Away W'th the
Heel Oak Nine.
Mnnann'fl IMcastiro Still Increasing
Col. Kcatly's Crime-Hook
Hello Clover Creates ft
Sensation Other > icwa.
Victory for tlio
About four hundred and llfty people
witnessed the third game of base ball
this season between the lied Oak club
and the Mueller Music compan > 's nine
at the fair grounds yesterday afternoon.
The game was a very truno affair from
bediming to end , and full of errors by
both clubs , but the spectators seemed to
pass the limo whooping and shouting nt
the least provocation , and one young
man had more than his money's worm
by tooting n tin horn to his heart's con
tent whenever a Hluffs boy scored it run.
They scored * o many that it look most of
the consumptive's wind from him.
Red Oak came to the bat , having won
the to-s , and scored four runs , princi
pally by errors on the part of the Muel
lers. The Mueller club followed with
three runs by Strock , Sadler and Haves ,
Sadler nearly got left by trying to steal
home. Oliver was at bat , and as the ball
was going back to tlio pitcher Sadler
made .1 Milendul "steal" home , amid
muck applause.
The second inning was a geese egg for
Rod Oak , Snedeker , Pomeroy and Morrl-
arity going out. leaving Spry on base , but
witli any Kind of playing Spry would
have been out by Sam Nobles anil Al
Nobles before reaching a base. Ihe
L'lufl's ' bovs again scored thrco runs. Ono
by a beautiful hit by Hierwcin to leflcon-
ter , gelling homo just as the ball reached
the inlield , and another by a line left
fielder by A. Nobles while Strock got his
count after called balls.
In the thiid inning Patterson hit to
Brown , who lot it slip through his hands
and got second. Hysliam hit a giounder
to Sadler , who set it nicely to tirst and
Ilysham retired. Deomer then sent ono
to Patton who fehot it into Strock , by
who o muff Patterson counted , iishor and
Fort "oilier out. The Muellers came to
tlio bTil with satii 2 ? lrs , Hrown.and
Hiorwein as outs after Hares ot. in a
good hit to center Held and Oliver aisu
one to second.
The fourth inning opened with a high
fly to Hayes , who , on account of the sun
shining in hi.s eyes and also being too
certain , mulled it. Spry sent a nice ono
to Hierwcin , who by a splendid long
throw homo prevented a rnn _ by
Snedckor. Thov V , " , two iinaiiy by I
Spry and Snedeker. Council Hlnffs
came up smiling , the score standing 7
to 0 against them , and I'atton hit a fly
over second , but Moriarity was "thar. "
Strock by a hit barely got , A. Nobles
look base on dead ball. Sudler followed
with a hit and by a block ball Strock , A.
Noble and Sadler managed to count ,
while Oliver and S. Noble did also , mak
ing live runs that inning , changing the
score to 11 to 7 for the Hlull's.
The fifth inning was another white
wash for Red Oak , and on retiring P.U-
tcrson went to pitch , Deomcr to first , and
Ilysham to short , but without much .suc
cess , as the came was virtually ended.
Patton took the bat and all of the nine
had a strike , and it got around to Patton ,
who was tlio third man put out , the Muel
lers having scored six more runs.
The seventh and last inning was not of
much consequence. Rod Oak scored by
Patterson , and the Muellers struck out
again , making two geese eggs for each
club during I ho game.
The following is the runs and outs
made bv each playsr :
nsn OAK. itu.vs. OUTS.
Spry , c. f ' - 1
I'omcroy , 1st 1 3
Morinrlty , 2 < 1 0 0
PatturMin , s. s 3 0
Hysliam , r. f 1 3
Dceiiiur , i > 0 U
Kislicr.c 0 4
Foil , 3d 0 3
SuceleUer , 1.1 1 3
Total S 31
Mini.T.iu'8. : : nu.vs. OUTS ,
c -
A. Nobles , 1st 3
duller , Sd 3
) 2
Oliver , i. f 'J 1
.S. Noble- ; . f 1 7
Hiown , s. s 1 ' !
Ulenvc-i'i , I. f l 3
Patton , Kd _ 1 J *
Total IS 21
Go to the New York Plumbing com-
jiany for garden hoso. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
All the comfort of high priced hotels nt
the Pacific house , and a saving of OOo to
: ? ! u day. Try it.
Course's Clover Field.
Hello Clover and her George have boon
furnishing the city with a little stir. The
pair have of late been having some little
disagreements , and Monday night Hello
had Gcorgo arrested for being drunk and
disturbing tlio peace. Oeoreo turned one
of Ids pockets inside oni , dropping ? 183
for Ids appearance yesterday morning.
On coming into court , ho avoided a scene
by pleading guilty and taking his dose of
$5 and costs without a griinmaco , Hello
was on the warpath , though , and the do
cility of her Ccorgo seemed to anger her
all the more. While they wcro having n
brief consultation in the judge's private
room and seeking to reach some truce ,
she flow into a rage and banged George
over the head with her parasol. She suc
ceeded In cutting a small gash on Ids
check and inflicting a scalp wound. She
then flow for her mansion , while George
tarried to Illo an information against bur
for assault and battery. On returning ton
the , George and Hello got Into an
other racket. Hello was wild , and she
rushed up to the district telegraph box
and began turning the crank as if she
were grinding out u war march on a hand
organ. She turned in ail four of the calls ,
twice over , and soon had messenger boys ,
cabs , policemen and expressmen running >
towards the house , and oven sounded the
lire alarm , the department turning out at
the tap of the Holh ) , and as they wont
tearing down Hroadway the whole city
was given thuuliirm.hllohosowabbo -
Ing dragged around , the musseii-rer boys
catching their breath , and thiTcabinon
swearing , Hello was ordnring her George
to pack up his collar-box nnd got nut of
the house. Explanations and ,
peace-offer- !
ings soon followed and rptict was restored.
The chief of the tire department threat
ens to prosecute Hello for turning in ta
fulio alarm , and the district telegraph
boys and the cabmen will doubtless present -
sent their rltdms for lost time. It has
DOOU EOIUC lime since Hello has created
such a sousation as she did yesterday
morning ever so little , and the press gang
have called a meeting ( or the , purpose of
preparing a card of thanks for her earn
est effort to furnish news on u dry day ,
Deciding on a Flro Alarm.
An adjourned meeting of the city coun-
j oil was hold last evening , at which all
I were present except the mayor and Al-
derinan Dantiirtli.
Petition for vhar.gv of grade on North
Benton lUreot pre. cnlcdand referred.
Ordinance for vacating a portion i of
Green street from Hroadway Itf Frank-
was read the lirst time.
Grading bonds for * 1WO wore granted
to C. R. Mitchell , and for ? J,000 to Jnmcs
G'ouldoi ) .
Considerable time wa * spent In looking
llirougli the paving account of J. 11.
Smith , Laid OUT until to-night for final
City attorney instructed to proceed
with condemiin'tioii of Mrs. Mary Hak-
or's lots to determine her damage by
reason of Indian creek.
The lire committee reported that after
examining carefully the Gamewcll nnd
the Richmond lire alarm systems , they
recommended that the city enter into a
contract with the Richmond company ,
the oily to get twenty Ihe and police
alarm'boxcs , for which the city is to pay
$2,000 , one-fourth in sixty dnjs affr
completion of the work , one-fotirlh in
six months and the balance in one car.
Additional boxes are to bo pill in not to
exceed $1)0 ) each. The company to guar
antee tlio system lor two years. The
company to have flic benefit of all it can
ntlii/.o of the present alarm system.
The company to give the city a bond of
? 2,000 that the system would work satis
factorily to the council.
The council by unanimous vole gave
the contract to the Richmond Pin ; Alarm
Co. K. J.Abbott was re-elected paving
The council then adjourned to meet
again this evening.
Stenographer and typewriter. O. Mun
son , with M. V. Rohror , ever C. H. Na
tional bank.
Highest prices paid for county , town
tynml school bonds. Odoll Bros. &
o. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council
from tlio Sliorc. to be the cause of a great deal
of enthusiastic riding , boating and bath
ing , The danger threatened to tlio popu
larity of the place by the c.stablislunont
of a saloon , and the turning of a pleasure
resort Into a srcno of baohanalian
rowdyism , lias been averted by the sheriff
serving notice on the men behind tlio bar
to move on or there would be trouble. It
seems to be the general desire awl deter
mination to frowii down every feature of
disordcrliiieas , unit to make the place
such as will not offend the most fastidi
ous.T. . L. Smith is making some great im
provements about his landing. Ho has
erected a dancing plattorm 40x20 , and
1m i."t "l > ! U1 ice cream stand , lemonade
and lunch s nd , t ? . -H * ) lms ! lls " 50
feet of fence for Hiding horses and pro-
viiting a safe place for IcaniC. . ,
Another largo bathing house la oolH
erected by a , club of thirty-two young
men. It m D0 iox'-Iuul ur'7iauu witli
needed accommodations.
The rush docs not seem to abate and
crowds are there both day and night. It
seems that the popularity of the place is
on the gain , rather than decreasing.
Many predict that it will not last , but it
is lasting ami growing.
The danger of getting malaria by bath
ing has not mamtestod itself , except in
the case of the grandmother , who is hav
ing some chills and is very despondent.
She hi ill is able to gasp , "Uuild up Coun
cil Hluffs. No foreigner need apply , "
but continues to denounce Council Hinds'
favorite summer I'csort.
The Cory and Thompson boats , seven
in number , are launched and arc to bo
kent at Odell llroV bath houses , and will
carry passcngcvs to and from Marks'
landing. They can also bo rented for
boating parties.
Sco that your books are made by More-
house & Co. , Hoom 1 , Everett block.
Fruits , Confectionery and Cigars , best
in the market always in block , fcrank
Witherell , 221 Hroadway.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J W. & K. L , . Squires , 19
Pearl street , Councl Ulnffs.
Kcatley's History of a Crime.
Colonel Kcatloy was seen coming along
the fetrect yesterday with a now book in '
his hand , not an uncommon sight , as the
colonel is quite given to extravagance in
literary purchases and pursuits. "There's
a crime connected , with that book , " re
marked the colo'ncl. "I'll tell j on. While
in DCS Moines on the 13th of last April I
oent an order to a New York house for
that book , and cin-losed an order for
2.50. 1 hearU nothing from it , and after
a while-1 wrote and received n reply that
the house know nothing about any such
letter , had not received it.nor the money.
I wrote to the postmaster to have him
look it up , and see if there wasn't some
follow about the ofllco who was going
wrong. Yesterday I received a letter
trom the publishing house , stating that
they had discovered ono of tlieir most
trusted clerks opening their letters and
purloining money. The young man was
locked up in jail , and among the letters
found to have been thus gone through rsr >
him was ono from mo dated April 1U , or
dering this book and stating that there :
was $2.50 enclosed. Tlio honso wrote
that they had sent the book , and Mire
enough , when 1 went to the ollico to-duy ,
there it was. The house wrote that the
young man whom they had thus found to
DO crooked was ono in whom they had (
had implicit confidence , in fact , they had
never had in their employ ono in whom
they felt such complete trust. "
Imogoiio InuldciitB.
luoor.xn , la. , July 20 Politics quiet.
Corn needing rain. First Presbyterian
church dedicated last 'Sunday by Rev. inr.
C. Smith , of Shcmindoah , and $800 (
raised , which cleared the church of
Would blko to See Him Try It.
Washington Critic : The little sketch !
going the rounds to tha effect that
Somitor Kennn , with two pnird of queens
in his hand , gave the pot to Senator
Dolpth. who held thrno aces , on the
principle that thrco of a kind boat two
pairs , has provoked the soul of the
Honutorfrom West Virginia to its pro-
roundest depths , .yesterday , during the
executive session , a brother senator approached
preached him cautiously and by easy
staged on the subject.
"How is this , Kennat" ho said ,
'How ia what1 inquired Mr. Kcnna ,
in reply.
'Why , this little story about Dolph's
three aces beating your two pairs of
queens "
Not a word of truth , sir , in it , "
the senator , with a snap in his cyos. I
never played poker with Senator Dolph
in my life. I never played poker with
anybody. I don't know ono card from
another. 1 don't know how to play cards
of any kind. But , sir. " and Ids face grew
determined and sinister , "if Senator
Dololi or any other man with three one -
spots in his hand thinks ho can beat 1Cno
when I've got four queens , I'll bo doggoned )
goncd if I wouldn't like to ceo him 1 try
once. "
Lightning . . . struck n hon . e in Voluntown . ,
Conii. , the otner night , and , after ripping
tip things generally ; , the current divided
into two. Ono nont to a house near by ,
killing u goat on the way ; struck a girl.
burned her stocking and shoe oil' , and
blistered and partially paralyzed her log ,
The other current went offat right angles
from Che first , damaged a pig pen , and
| knookcd dowu a horse in an adjacent t
j barn.
_ j _ i _
Couldn't AfToul tfi et Married IJc
onuiio of thoJC t Attending
the Ceu'iiiony
Arkansaw Travoleu : A young man ,
cvidi nlly from a. part of the country
where tlie shriek : of the railroad engine
has never been heard , called on the
county clerk the other day , r > nd in n
| iie.likc way a kdd :
Foil any ' yit1 i
"Marriage liceli o foil any yit ?
"No , same price. '
"Well. I como in th6 other day. an' rr
feller told mo they , motight fall airier
comity court met.1' '
"No , they are the amo price. "
"I'm mighty < -orry nv thai , fur Pvo
boon engaged to n gal about two your. 1
loves her mignt'lv , an' she says that she
ain't jriiin' to wait on me no loiigrr , but 1
wouldn't give $ : ) fur no set nv license
that wu/ over writ out. It's mighty
hard to give her tip , but I recken I'll
have to let her slide. "
"Look lipre , " said the clerk. "Tell
you what I'll do for von. I'll pay for
your license1. "
"Much oblecged , Cap'n. Jls write 'em
out , an' I'll go down an' break the good
news to Susan. It'll tickle her mighty
high to death when she hears uv my
good hick. "
The license was issued , and the young
fellow hurried to the wagon -yard whore
Susan was stopping and conducted her
to the ollieo of a jii ; > tieo of the peace.
Edward Ilanlan , the great oarsman ,
says St. Jacobs Oil removes muscular
pains. _
The bread-fruit tree grows everywhere
In southern Central America , and Is a
veritable forest kinir. It alt-tins immense
proportions , the trunk often being Irom
ten to twelve feet in girth , and
the branches reach out so far
as to cover a circumference of
pcrhapa a hundred and a hundred and
iifty feet. Its lenve- > are very large and
thick , of a rich dark green on ono side
and a silvery tint on tlio In shape
they somewhat resemble a broad
yasu or flower pot twelve or fifteen
inches long and ton inches wide. The
fruit , with which one tree will supply u ,
whole neighborhood , looks like n small ,
oblouc watermelon with a roui li rind ,
and takes a yellowish tint when ripe.
Ilnlford Sauce makes your food more
nutritious. _
I "I
Tim KAMKS OF A 1.1. I'/.ItSpNS / K1ND1NO DIA
The. Glebe Codec Conijiany of Cincin
nati have rented the store JNo.101 Broadway -
way , and have opened it'as a branch of
their main store in Cincinnati. In order
to introduce their goods this company
pack for fifteen daysn'Soiivcnir in every
can of tea or codec soil ! , such as solid
gold , silver and nicko ) watches , genuine
diamond , ruby , haphirc , emerald , pearl
and torquois jewelry in solid gold settings ,
also money and many other articles of
value. Kvcry can contains a souvenir.
The colTco can and contents weighs about
three pounds , and the tea can and con
tents weighs about qno and one-half
pounds. This expensive and novel
method of advertising will be discon
tinued after liftcon days and the goods
placed on sale on their merits at the same
price , the same quantity and qualify , but
without the souvenir. Among the fortu
nate purchasers so far arc Chris Schmidt ,
expressman , found a gent's solid Mlver
limiting case lull jeweled Elgin watcli in
a can of coffee. Mrs. Katq Baines.seam-
stress , found a genuine solitaire diamond
ring , solid gold a can of coffee.
Peter Holt/ , clerk , found a solitaire diamond
mend stud , ( solid gold t-elting in n can of
coffee. T. Woolsey , 80'2 Broadway , got a
genuine diamond ring , soliti gold scttinff ,
in a can of tea for which he paid $1. W.
Smith , C05 Broadway , got a genuine diamond
mend stud , solid gold ( .ottmg. Major II.
C. BarnesagriculturalNo. ! ) Main fetrcot ,
got a solitaire diamond stud , in tea. II.
( ioldburg , ot Bankrupt store , 18 Main
street , found a genuine diamond ring in
acanofcolleo. Airs. Bronson , Broadway ,
found a sot of genuine solitaire ear drop s ;
in a can of coffee. MinsF. Pattersoncorner
Cth avuiiuo and Oth street , got a solitaire
diamond ring , solid gold setting , in a can
of tea. J. \ \ . Hosier , witli tlie Daily BIK : ,
also got a solitaire diamond ring in a run
of tea. Dr. Hico bought a can of colfee ,
and found a lady'schatelain watcli. stem-
wind and set.V. . II. Beck , UIO Broad
way , saloon , also found a stem-wind and
sct'Swiss watch in a can of coffee. Miv.
D. Maltby , ! M4 Ulcn avenue , child's
gold ring. Tillio Lciitxinger , 831 Broad
way , gold band ring. T. T. Snow , ! L'5
Broadway , with Mandul , furniture dealer ,
found a solitaire diamond &tiul , solid gold
betting , in a nan of coffee.
Orders by mail promptly forwarded to
all parts of the United States on receipt
of c sli orpostollipo order. Terms , hingie
can $1 , si\ for ? . " > . thirteen for $10 and
twennty-sovon for $20. Address ( ilobo
Coffee Co. , No. 401 Broadway , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
.f/ul .
U ! >
i a : i 0 '
3 I I .11
oa Lost , Founl ,
ToIxinn.For 8 lo , To HwntWants , IJoarUlnir ,
etc. , will bolnsertort In tills * olumn at tlio low
ratciofTKNCKNTSI'EHMfNEforiho first inscr
tlonaud rivoContal'orLlnoforcuch tubscijuent
Insertion. I ave adU'rlhomonu nt our omco
No. 12 I'oal street , near llroailway , Council
"WANTr.D-A > o ponsll H party to tnlto tlio
VV exclusive uiruncy of Wrwlit * lnile tructi-
liloruel and kindliT In this Vicinity. Forpaillcu.
lars cnllnt fie Oaden hoiifo \ > lioro tlio iruoda
may bo peon. II. II. Mili-lioll , ajtcnt.
FOll SA1.K Oil KENT-Ooal 6110.19 , seulOD , nnd
dnclKng IIOUMJ , NO.8.-J blxth avonuo. ( t.
FOHS.A1.K Chcnpfor cusSi. Hum aiidfchoJa
of Amt'ilcmi l-'o. cor , Firbt n\onuo
- u * * uivi ivf * i Kiprosa "f" '
ana7tliet. lly lYmitfiinUli.
lesX7ANTiu An wslstnut cook ut the OsJen
i TOU PALE OU pupert. la quantities to suit ,
I J3 at Uco olCoe Ko , U 1'carl ittouU
DEEHK. WELLS & co. ,
Agricultural Iniplemsnts ,
Cnrrlnjre ? , J.'tp , tito rouneil llluffs , IOWA.
Mnlio thoUrlptlnnl un.I . Coin pic to
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
Nos. I..Ol , 1W ) . lf < V , ninl i ; > )7 ) oiiUi Mnln Struot ,
Council lhia ! , lown.
DA\iD UK\DLIY ; ( cui
Mnntif rs un I Jolilieis of
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies ,
CurrlRKon , niiij nil kln > U of Karm Mnolilncrr.
1100 to 1110 South Mnln ytrsot , Council Illultj ,
r.O. Ui.r. snx , T. H.nnuotas , Qno.P. Wmoiir.
l'rc . * Trcns. V.-l'ic &MAti. SoCounsol. .
Council Bluffs Handle Fact My ,
( Incorporated. )
Mnnufnctiircmnf Axle , I'lck , So ! < lro ( nnd
lliiillio ( , of pvery doxcrlptloa.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Ctirtnln Vlxturos , tlpholotory ( tools ,
Kio. No. 4X ( > UroAiltvny Council lll
I own.
ciOAitt , 70/urro. KTC.
Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
NOB. 28 Main nnJ 27 1'enrl Sts. Council
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
Xo HPcirl St , Council Hluffa.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
DrngfjistB' Sundries , Die. No. 23 Main SL , imJ
No. 211'cari 8t. , Council IllulTs
unr auuns.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
and JaWars of DfGl ) ) ? ,
Notions. Kto. No = . 112 und 114 Main Ft. , Nos. 113
mid 115 Pefirl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Whoiesala California Fruits a Specialty
Gonorul Commission. No. 513 nrondYa ? >
Council ninlts.
Fruits , Confectionery S Fancy Grocerlej.
Noq. 10 und 18 Pearl St. , Council lllutlV.
L. KIHSCH'lf & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 41C llroad-
way , Council Illufl-i.
Jlnnufncturora of mid Whole'iilo DoiloH In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. 62.-1 MiUn St. . Council IllujTa , low . _
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nos. 312 nnd 3U nrondwfty , Council IllulTa.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heay Hardware ,
And Woodstock , Council lll.ilTi > , Iowa.
D. II. McUANELD & .CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hidss ,
Tullcw.Wool , 1'olls , Oroaso nnJ Tur3 Council j
lilting lowu.
Wholosnlo Donlera In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils G
E3TO. , H3TO.
B.Theodore , Aiont , Council UlulTs. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
A.nd llrldKO Mntorliil SnoclixHJns.WUplosiito Lum
ber ot ftU Kinds. Oraco No. 1 * ) Main St. ,
Council Uluiru. Iowa ,
Imported and Domestic Wine ? & Liquors.
Atfont for St. aottliai-A'a Herb Hitter * . Na 1J
JlalnSt. Council lllulla.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
iVo 6rt9 Mntn St. . CouncU Jtlufft ,
Ic l crn , Journals , County and
ISuiili Work of till Kindt * uSnuc-
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room I , Everett Block ,
Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind ,
ing in Magazines and
Dealers In Milch Cows.
Ko 503 and 500 K. Hroivdivay.CounclUlfrs
Wigs Made to Order.
837 HroAdway , Council Hlufl's , \
i : tni ii tic < i in isrr.
Send for catalougcs , prices , freight rates nnd lostinionials.
Bride buildings of nuy kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , liost in the world.
SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth SlrcctConnil BlnflV.
. /
* c.iv t-svl' o--
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
To closn the suinnicr stock to the ! ow-
cst possible luint.
Arc offering bargains now every day.
Good Corsets for 50c worth75c
Parasols for 75c and Upwards ,
imbroideries and Patterns , very
Cbp ,
Only a few of those Summer
Silks Left ,
Laoe Flouncings in Spanish and
Ghintilly Laces ,
Cheaper than you over saw f liciu.
Samples sent when requested.
Choice patterns , firooil quality and
lowest prices.
Spcchil discounts to churches , socie
ties and clergymen.
Harlaiess Bros ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
H. SCHUE.Z . ,
Justice of the Peace ,
Offioo Over American Kiore Coinoanr.
B. RICE , M. D. ,
Lancers , , , 'J kuiio otUor'J'uimir onimwiii'oi * icniovcU iiiuou. wlthoJ
Chronic Diseases of ullkinds a specially.
Over thirty J oars' practical experience. .
No. II I'oHilBl. . Council IllullB.
Cousultmlun tico.
1 Jiate Kriif.ntltyof fonnrt. ucll cltancJ eeoJ
whlcli I cITvr l rcacouublo fl 'uriA
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
23 Main St. , Council Hinds.
Creston House ,
The only hotel In Council ninlTs Imvlnj
ull modfin linprov I'lncnIH.
215 , SIT nnd 210 Muiu i-l.
MAX filOUN , Prop.
Star Sale Stables and Mule kdsi ,
Opposite Dummy Ioi ) < ot.
> S. S
-t 3 N
S S5 }
ct > S
S. > 3
S" K
a. g.
E ?
B >
Hordes niulMulos kept cniHtnntly oa linnil
for xiiln nt ictiill or In cur loiul-i.
Ordurii prom'ttlv llllucl by cn'itraot ' on short
cotlco. Stock scriil on coiainluMoii. .
SHLUTIMI , V I10LKY. I'roprletors.
U. RAI.r. STAlU.nB , coiner
Cth uvo. mid UIi Blrci.'t.
ooTnsroiij B
in fho Slate ami Kudrrul courtg
Rooms 7 nnd 8 , Slingtirt Hlock.
terns , All < > < ra < icM.
Council Bluffs
A Select StorU of C'lioleo
IVovcItlOi In.
R. L.
lit N. Main St. , Council Blurt's , la. , aii'I '
201) ) 8. ISdi St. , itoum 10 , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturer's Atrcnl for tlm
Tent ? , Awning , ItnnfliKr Slafo. ifan-
tlcs , I'lntu und Window ( JhtHS , SHow-
( /'iiHes. Klevators , ( Imiul mid hy
draulic , )
Horses and Mules
For uil puipoios. liouglu nii'l iol'J , ill lolKll ivi
In U IB. iJiVo ciuiiuuitua tu srloci from