Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Bad Irm tfee OM D
op t letter AdT&ntuce Thaa
Garden 5pt vt
tbe State.
f raov. THE nrr t-
Tfcfc 9 * * brd of
a ) Uw . UU - boas * ,
: n
a witb ! a < di >
Tj4oaJ < Tht new aad poorer cowalies
are lie bipbly is ta .s walk t4
old Kt > 4 wealibler oaes pared a d
i baved dowa lo a valw ia many in-
HMKW lJ w & fiita. In tbe aattrr of
7 > M-.M ttal s.se5reats ia tbe two cia * . ? * *
of WH'J S tie 4i * r < oe MO W be MS-
Tbe awrape real p tale
reitiraed 03 improved Iliads
vrifl aoi average over $ -5 per acre tbe stale
over , awl ibis kiad oi av = Mar is sup-
pa < K dt repieffBt a third bf the aetatJ
raiuiutoti. Tbe averape vtlaatioa oi
Inaprared itadf in Or > e coaatv. as re-
larned , i' 3-3 00 j er acre , ia Cn * county ,
$5 , ia Jefferson county , 3 , in Gage
.W , in SuJtoe e aaty. 8 , ia
couaty , § 4 , ia Lax > caM T
county. ? < 6 Tbese are valuationsprvea
la tbe kL. tbiekJy settkid < io atJes m tbe
Mate , < want > ei thai have daily sale1of
improved I n4s all tbe year round al f9Q
to < D9 per acre. Aad yet sach
r"tarv ooa ret-ora as these sre made upon
wtoeb to raase the revenni-s of the stal *
nod fis a rate j t-r ceat of tRiatioa. As
ibe pardea of Nebraska vbows up ia such
r > ov 1y clotbes , ao wwader an exorbitant
high rate is adverta'-ed to tbe wortd , Bet
tbere is a preat inequality in these differ
ent wmnty -eiiat-nts oi iiaprexed
laads. Lancaster { x > unty , with tbe state
CMpit&l xad the second city in tbe state
wtoa.t d im tbe oeater of it coafia * as
sesses labd aader caltavatioa at § 5 j > er
acre , while Cherry county , loratrd lar
up in tbe aorta country , in U e laad < if
saiMi hills u&a coyotes , withuct soil , seder
or timb , se ds IB -nthjatwa but a lew
cent * aa sere below Lanraster Saan-
dtsrs coaaly , oae oi tbe oJdesl and be-t
aad oM imrhJy caJUva ed couataes in
the entire state , toads in aa average
lands al 3 per
t mtrriil T 10P pf
v. , . -
saanders wmntv rcjUiv , and Loup conc-
tv " , a tract of practically unknown
p"raiie that has jast bftrn orra-
nired as a county , aad which lies
fifty niJes dirtaat from railroads seadia
a Vfilcatioa on improved land of $ t 83 per
2. ere. This Average valuation from Leap
ooanrr it jast exactly the same as the
average valuation of sarpy sounty , which
lies on the * uth corporate limits ol a
city of iWMO pfople . Gage oonatywita _
aa averaire valnatioa per a-cr * of im
proved laid * of between $4 and 5 , does
not k ok well compared wlLn Holt county
m the same rate , and Saline county and
liosper county , both wna aa average
valaaJioa of jiptracre , do not make"
yen just or eqcit ble compan-live ihow-
There are almost as preat variatioas ia
live stock valnatJoas la different counties ,
aad L jrp coaaty agaia _ lead ? ia a high
rale , wita horses varned at an averspe of
$33 per bead , and carde an average of
3 $ each. As a good comparisoa of low
ss e ment to fat opposite Loan
county , tie couaiy of Dakota -wiQ
Le a peed example , in which
horses lire asseisud a.t an iiverape
valne of ? ! ? each , and cattle at ! 3 73
each. Again , l > awes corntv rerarns
horse ? si 541.C3 , catlle at ? i2.10 , average ,
and Daw&on county at12.87 each
and cattle at ? 4 09 each , S.B astonishing
discrepancy , truly , -when Loth counties
have rinpe sto k almost entirely. Tbe
general valoanoa of horses , j.11 coaaoes
tjiten tpgttbt r , will not be far froai 73
each , and cattle -at itbout $7 each a fact
that very forcibly illustrates aa other fact ,
tad lint is thai njruriagon the basis of a
third of actual values ferns ssment pur
poses tbe state aas fallen fully one-Half
below that. But the laterestaag facts cad
figures in assessment returns coald be
found ia the item * assessed in the differ
ent coualaes under the bcadings"crooits
other than banks,1" "moneys other thaa
of baaks , bonds , etc. , " and ' moneys
of banks , bankers and brokers. " In under
these headinps. representing cash and
cash collaterals , j > oor Cht-rrv couaty
of the saad hdls comes t tbe iroal with
sis mucb taa.ed as Lancaster county pre
sents. Think of Cherry county wiia as
tauch cah aad us equivalent returns
for tasntion as tbe &e na county in
wtuilib in Ibe state rerarns , and th j
imagine the poverty of Lancaster couuty.
Oas ccaaty has returned as assessed
under tbese aaadinps between four and
five uanti. the amount retaraod by Laa-
caster ooBiity , aad tbere if ten times the
trttttJlte , covered and uncovered , in tbe
latter 3nt a compansoa in tnese items
couid be carried toiadefiuiteleaptasa.nd
ie not ne-oestarv to illustrate the drift.
Jus-t bow the state Losrd of eqnalizatioa
caa egualire all these discreptaeies is a
question , aad at beitit ma be doae but
imperf ectly There seems to be a prow-
ing demand for reform in tbe laws re
garding reveaucs and taxation , and it
* rat found to be aa almost naitaiaaons
opinion araong the connty clerks a5 > sem-
bltid ia their convention bere
that radical changes be
Tliere will be in this -
regard -goMea op-
portanity for some fearless lf r slater to
striae in bis > eai smd present u bill to
change tbe present raode of procrfinre
either by creating a new Si tem of as
Miss-mruts b3' creirin' ; a conaty .Bses.-or ,
or al least bj fixing the basis apoa "which
assessanents tre made tt a cash value
fi system that would command the en
dorsement of everyone escept thoatj who
bury their wealth from eght aud plead
tbe poverty uct when the call is mace for
state eBjipart
Tbe city COBIMI I at its last scsfJoa bad
an extesaod contest over the mailer of
laying certain sidewalks , aad that Icps-
lauvc body -KTLS addressee bj prii t , l y-
min and judge oa that topic. As the
roqmsit number could not be obUiaed
to voie for tbe quesuoa one way or aa-
o-Utcr it was passed.
Thit Unooln prows is illustrated by
tbe auHitar ef additions on plat to tbe
! y thm are ontta.atly oominc up before
the cnvnofl lor tioir creptsuce At their
meeting Monday evening tliree pints
wwe thread before them tad oae. that of
Keyttone kdJitioa.was favorably re
ported on and acocpUsd , That these plats
life all ailed with tboufiiad dollar lots
gx > -wnbo-ut the sapag tad exerj oae of
tbem in the laaga&pe of real estate raea ,
iostrms a mint of BMney.
P fice cosrl yesterday iaoraia j TTS.S
coaferriar with eight plain drwils wha
tvere stood up before Jadge Parsoas as &
sort ot primer class. Out of tbe eight
one TV 1,1 , assorted w bo , only tbe day bfelure
luvd IX < MI ndeased , celebrated bis ttbeny
Ly aiiap np attain u speedily as possi
ble. Tiiis party wts civcn S tad costs
ad tbe ott c seven $1 eacb. Of tbe
wbale lot ne only bud the wttaltb
CMDtt to fiav out tnd secure release
Aotv pnsoaer o&euue vkJeatly
a day ago , and tbe rnnj loms
a saaltpaant case cf dijihitieria-
comloitatde qunrter * tbsn tne ct
TV we * wxir < > d for tbe ettk party & &d a
helper a-s engaged to look alter lam-
Tae ithyuoi&ns yoftardsy reported him a
Terr fetck man.
A relic of tarns tribe of red zaea was put
! t'ti § m hi' 'dm * at thr
i day on a b riar. sfHVJ B attd , a *
I lay arfttfvt oa tb * Sow * of lb- once * b ?
1 WutJJd f X1 . ! 1B bf p TKvuT. ' Dd ) ft
wrtJi * C4 rpon tff at ibt cold 'b ma > -
t n Ww wah * Som * of Ib * boy * Srwi U >
boid tb * fcfef at Ibe Mate bou * watil tbe
rtnra of Swrttory Rofluro , * bfB rt a *
* Tj wpd U * . wsrftajT varcld fncart tun
at < w * &j 2 m&scvt 2 r tbe Liacola but
ball tlt <
ft 4 * lor MAoo ! difUv. X * . IV-ds ?
twisty.were b a fr wrter < d af * n tii * rec
ord * t ibe * crrt rj- > tB jvftprday.
rtw bgadi axqrropaJnsE ; $ * W9 la amount ,
lo nm ttorw rears at T p r vftA IB-
wwmty rJ Tk < ia
lrdy did no : aem-prfe in sw&b r the
F.tit w a crcnrd rrprrtol. bat tintwrfve
or fifuwn prp at < J icaw1 wtDe trtioS-
Mtaw ioarett. and took step * 10 t erfert
tbeir orcaeiMbos for rraiw < I wort in
tb * f attire wbea i opparuuaity to help
tit * wcaaty clt rtf ottcarfu
M MNeres. . cwutij rierk of K < 4tfc
county , arrtvHl m ibt rety last i fat too
late u at3pd vbe W * OB of &e caunSv
cl rkf. but in mat-It titnt iabvc tflKjr ia
* trhirt to rent'sM aai&laaces mt lit stale
County Clerk * Ackerajia , oJ Hall. * ad
Clans. ef Howard , v t in itec city y * -
-rday atd wpre caller ? t tbt Sias *
boa * * Mr ( . 'tuna in coovwstioB Wjti
i t w.p f er ax-a. sn4. < > 4 l < o tbt-
Sti ior PSBJRXJ. . a c&adidil for
ner aiKJ he ( > d 10 be of tiie
thai be tra.5 & frtrc > nc ma& in tbe r oe , a
f&ti tb&t fioi'mto t > e ocmSat < d to Howard
county M > d tae Kia'.e pi-ail atiarr xrtiea
it corwi lo uaag a fearch warraat ier
Paul f booa
Major Fraatlin it alrorb upon a r > f w
and rermwi ro ttr of Ohio M > ld ) ia
Nebraska , xrhich , trbea coaij Jeid , tnl ]
MJOW prer 5,0.0 ! . ld * tram lint ftste
nov-liriapon lie prairie- Xe&raf-Vs.
Tbif ro l r vvill be printed redy lor ase
and reference pnor i tbe Grand Army
reanioa at Grjtitd Lslood.
stat < - of5 als are bejriaainr ; lo
lUnfctraled adverliync mat4r on
hand in aabcipaaoa oi 'be oomang
okbibitjon a d fccune of tbe gatidy pic-
larpi published are eare:0y : > onght : by
bald b-ad l r > eot > ] e
J M Lw , of Oxford , a reprewnts-tiTT
in the lft ! C OTI ] aj.&embly , is in liM-citr
MTJ E Mnytbt is ia tie uty , a jracst
at tbe Capita ] bttc < e-
ConDty Cl rk K < idham. of Oniaba , TVHF
at l.iae ln yesterday , called by tbe con
vention of oonntr el-erkj
Barker , "one of tbe promiaent
of the stttte tvas ui U e
M. M , Xfcevcs , OpaJslls. J. J
Omaha. Tbos Bond , A\lber. ] A M li
ler , Wthoo , P. J , Xicbols , Omaha ; A.
T < Hnhn tf n , Oianhn Jatse * < junmnc ,
Kt-arney , ( feio A itarraey , Papillion ; A.
H.Titck Omalia.A } i Garnvsr. Daabar ,
Tbe Ttrrible Erpericncc Which a
Ycaac Man fcurrired.
Galreston DifjiLK-h in GJobt-Dem < v
cralDminj : tbe beat of the serere
jtormsvlijph prevailed here this morn
ing Jolra Z Hlbbenna = the victim of a
i-tri..kf of bg-htniaz irhicb IcTi him
fC-orcbed and cutiLtruu , yet , remarkable
lo relsiUi. Ll're lo relate Ins raaryelon-
erpeneace Hibben is a aaamififeat
Ff > ttcimen of yonthfnl manhood , standing
over sis ft et nro inches in _ h { rht and
treiErhanc ; in proportion to hi ? siie liis
appearance indibat * ? hi ? rnujt-nlar de-
TfclDpaacnt and perfect physical org'an-
1.-2X Since the great fire -vvhieh de
stroyed tie pareala ] borne , Hibbert has
beea vujondy emplored , prineipallv
djvidiag bis time bsttrpan trading borsta ,
aad bntcijerms. Tbps it tras that
abont 4. o'clock : tils inoraiaz , he
rettiraed lo his home on 3rh-
teeath street. near Broadway lo
chaaixe his clothes , preparatory tea
Eisnng at the market in the a3e of tbe
beef -which be had prenously ji sU'
slaughter 11 tras aearly 3 o'clock
when he ajraia left home aadstarted
across the Jot sit tbe corner towards lie
marLet. The sriwind tibont bim TTJIS
stretrn tntJi the debris of tbe bru-k
s -which before tie fire tea' Hjbj
ben's lather's aaiiL An iron safe -
* of iron bands m > d machinery lay
ia Hibbenns path. Snddealy tie heareas
eeenied to open aad a great flafi of l ] hi-
aiac desceoded. HlBtiert after that lost
coii'.eioTiEntss , A nerro maa who tras
pa = anjr in the street described tbe imme
diate equel He saw tbe boar ol n man
lifted Irom the pronnd For a moment it
frlood oat la bold rebel apainst tbe fky ,
and thea , JIE darkaess ajraia o'erpread
the weird eoeae , tbe l > odr dteetinded
fifty feet nway. Affriffhtedly the
mail raa off and pare the alarm ,
bnt when be returned Hibbert
vratpoae. Ia the naeaa time , Hi&bert ,
parLy rwoverin : : . rropt d bu. way home
and , fell to the S' > or His face aad bodv
tvas black , all the hair was s-oorc-bea off
his head , while lu- face was mutilated and
bk > c > 3y. A brni tid spot on bis forehead
-downward into a jacred cnt in tie
bridge of his nose. Bis upper lip -was-
Fplit , one of his front lethws. . * brokea ,
enttan ? into his under lip. For three
hourHibben lay s.emi-imeonj.oons and
blackened nnru yit-ldinjito the treatment
ol Dr Ilaadall , be -sained his normal
ooadition , nad at laM. aooonats was in a
fair waT for rttcorttry. While it is be
lieved that tbe boit descended first oa his
1 orehtoid. continued oa its way down ais
breast , tbe most likely theory is thtt be
r jdvfd the fnll foroe of tbe stroke on
his chest , and tbe bruises abont the face
were caused by the violence with irbich
he was thrown among the ( iebris Aay
vrav , the attack Trould have Inlldd aay
ordinary man ootrigtt.
Halforil Sacce excelltsd by coae. Try
Making a Policeman Blnh
Chicago Two well-dre5 ied
ladjw were ronndinp the cape of ihe Ah-
laad bl < > ct , whea a banana pwJ Uiat lay
in ambush brongbt one ol them
proac The ofScer who came to } ier aia
was t-U.rU < d nearly oat of Ws boot * wh n
she said , "Pnli iny leg , will yon plez J
Pal ] ray W. "
JLflectinK to mlEcnderstand , he took the
ladv by the arm , with the remark , "Will
yon let me help Tdn , madarai"
"Xo , donf > nH ray leg , I say1 Pol
TavJec , can't you * "
The officer let the arm dron instantly
He w&s. th&aderstruck. lie backed off
aad wiped great beads of pe j 5rttion
from his rekj c brow. At this tnomcxt
the f'XODd ladr came to big assiMaopf
She BeuMd one tA the pudsJ estremitiks
of her woi-traU' oorsp&nioa and gave it a
riporoG * pull , li wts a cork ] * The
aH bid disarracgtid tbe cnoe td jnslineat
aad h pull was &e-ode > d to set it right.
Paint vow Tin Stosft witi J X L
Slate FeiKi Will stop all leaks aad ar
rest docay. Leave ordws tl office , roam
G , over Comaereial Krtl aaak.
Ptter Elwaarer , a mtrtet man at
Bowlta mark ! , Uuisville , Jsthe possessor
of a rilifr dollar coined ia JtOi. whirh
be refutnd to fell for * * Ci9. The coia
ctjoe jato his voiseswoa tkron h ui nrt > d
lel&ave in Isdiina , vbo hts orotd ii forever
over fifty years. There are bat peveo
} Mof of till due in evisicnw , Mid they
sj-r vUabd tt ? 1,01 3 each by com collectors
orslionry Sioshb&S1oScrs to bey the
-ru ir-t fVy cnefi I ° r CMtora.
St ml
tat * \Vtoteh X * Mta
PeiMrttie-d to Onwr A
w of Ji
Dpa o > Prt "V t * I aH with foitt * qnecr
tn riwt e * ia tbt lf \ 9i ny woe k , said
I > * a 3. CaM * U w D-kaova rtwtdctea
M > 4 inventor , to a Ltopaicfe rrrvrtn wbo
ha4 ro p(4 i to Jiis laboratory oa
Fourth srpspf Trn3 T " 1 liust t * fr
stratirwi. bow vtM. hmiyeafd U > mt. b *
H > ttnif < L 'fow 1ia e Kro. Qflnra ia
Ofuo. " had be laid tows a Stiepboae rc >
be wit * a4a > 4iap i > ad brte d hina-
tbe lor A ca t
ape I reoeiifd B lettt-r
from a frirod of a , Mr. G. D. Lynch
a l * 4i C SBerebaat of MtnfAf3. Obio ,
r v } < * uap see l vi4l aiia ia a profe -
wotml capHcjly H < claimed lo bave a
friend bo , alter tbirty-Hji ea years of
liibor. iavrau-d s aasiin th \voold
rrv lnt > ofiit * tbe electncsl wvrW. 1
hat e It'coaie aocaHoaied lo nch eaJha-
taRttic outbur'-ls tnd did aot rerpand
iaEDedia.t-Jy 1 received a second letler.
n ore tirpe l tku tbe first , s d t lew-
days later a telepratn skiar aae to a&ice
daVc a d train Itmt pe.rCvt iry iar-
est < id me. and two hours alter 1 received
1be telegram 1 Ptar. < d , It wa lat * tt
airht wbfB I reached Maa ed ] Mv
fneod was a t err > i ctiajr ffle tbeo ; bat
before 1 retired be bid iaj n id tbe
oi his bust * and irapatieace- wa
I confess , M tbe story be
Tbe aert morning accompanied by
Wr Lynch sixl hi' wife , we drove four
miles into tbe oottatry aortbeasl of Maas-
fieWTbe carnage Mopped tt a plaiq
frame iartaboB .e and we &lipbt d. The
first thing to attract my attention TKS a
number of telegraph wares , ruMy aud
sftpred , radiataup irom a k ng-aer3pcled
batkBag a stone s tirow diUaat Irom the
bouse Aroand the immediate vicinity
were wheels , pieces oi rp tyheel iron
aad piles of w < c d sswed into block1- and
sieantlinp leninfa1 To th * right of the
oc or ol this long boildiap waa stranpe-
lool ap ct > pp"r Tercel , cylindrical in
ttape , witi door aad wledowi oemnJele ,
aad made of iatmsaerabJe pipce' oi cop
per. jointed and riveted topether ia a
Uiorongh mecbaaieal wsy.
"A tali , spare man , slightly stooped ,
willi aa iron gray mn tsehe. aad whose
clothes were worn aad b Wired , caiseont
to mset us. bis fittJag slipjerf
? ound oi lootlalL As Mr. Lynch ititTO-
me be looked at roe so = T kk > H'Jy ,
, 'Is tkis the iaan yon told a *
and i be eomt'et at to j irs ol
my work * '
:1 was fnllv vouched for , and Mr.
Cook his fnij name H D. M Cook
s-rir"rDore c < omaunicat3ve. While Mr.
and Mr * Lynch wandered around the
rxrand that "surrounded the bonse , Mr
Cook led me to the Vood-pde , where we
sat dawn.
" That baiidiag. 3Jr- Cable , ' he said.
indicatiap with a sweep oi hi' long arm ,
* ! > tbeworkshop and labratary. I've
spent thtrty-sevea year = -\vorlaac ia it.
aiMi no maa has ever been -permitted by
me lo cross its "alL *
' "And yon have -worked atone there
all this time v'
" ' 2xo not alone TUHe , that's my
wife's sister , is my assistant. Tillie is a
belter electrician than 1 Jim , and the
works beside me in tbe shop. '
"Tfllie irasai' ' ! at borne thatdav , aor
tbe succeeding days of my stay. Tae
illaesE of a relative had takea her .away
Irom tie work-lv.ncn. It wa = aooa wbea
we .left bnt my aognaiataace with 2dr
Cook bad advanced no further thaa the
wood pile. He speat all his time itpdv-
iag me That nipht 1 learned more about
the mvlerioBf Sir Cook. He had bdea
j a wefl-io-do farmer , bat nearly forty
years ago be oait the plow aad turned his
attentK > a to aaveataoas. Aerial navipa-
ljf n was bis first bobby. He bnilt tl e
labori-torj 1 have descnbed , ISGxlO'J ieet ,
aad bepaa his Trork , He spent all bis
money , aboHt § 2aOM. Experiment 3ol-
lowea experiment. Years passed. He
came to be looked npoa fiM as an eccen-
trk genins and later as * crane. His wife
died , and be became involved in debt ,
but ne kept oa piliag np material aad
discarded saodels Finally he perfected
tae popper cvlinder 1 have mentioned
outside his workshop doar.
* Th < l was tlit air ship tiial would
revolutionize all system ? of navigaaon.
Of course it wa = , a total failure , and he
gave itup. . finally convinced of hii nils-
take Taea he turned his atleatioa
v holly to electricity , which before had
oaly been a side is ue Between times be
prioeted aad iaveated an evaj > orating
pan for sorgham. He was to have re
ceived | 40 , < UJ for it , bat in the end be
oaJv realized fa .OM or le = N. The inven
tion is in ? acces = fnl operation on a farm
adjoining With this raonev be pluaped
into the aeld of electrical invenooa.
Tear in and year out be worked aioue
Tiien he married a second time , and his
sister-in-law , Tillie , became liis eathua-
niUe aid. His money -wa soon swallowed
up , aad he was finsily redn ed to ab-.o-
lute poverty But he kept on He
worked old material over sad over again ,
too j oor 10 buy new. By the sale ol the
mile ol two cows lie now maaaged to
sepport his wife and child , a betntifiil
little girl tea year * old. This is tic oa-
varnished storv of tbe lie of D M Cook
Socae time before my visit he told Mr
Lyach , the gentleman who had sum
moned me to .Mansfield , fend to whom be
had token a strange liking that be liad
perioeted the machine be had worked oa
lor rears.
It t a success , ' * he exclairaod enthnsia'-
lioallv , - tad itwill be $ ? 5OiO.KiO or
"It was to see tLif and have my opia-
ion upon its merit * that 1 had bf en
called If there was a prospect of suc
cess a company was to e organized at
once. But ao one had &een the machine
-The sut4ck > n that prevented the in
ventor from going to town on a pro
tracted visit or staying Away for a fcia-
ple asghl from the immediate vieiniry of
flis work shop , kept me ontsiae it * Trails
for three days loapej. 1 think a irnitar
und banjo ooacen we pave iita one evea-
yig Mr , * nd Mrt , Lyarii l ear fine
paitarist * softeaed hisueurt , for iLtday
followiag were admitted He a ked
us to sign a paper agreeing not lo avail
OBrr.felre of any ideas or plane lie mirht
reveal which -we did , and thea be threw
the door open.
" 'GecUemea , ' he said , as vre stepped
inside , taking our hands TV hole tears
stood ia bis eyes , this is a memorable day
for me Yon are the fir t who nave ever
crossed this threshold , md iteming to
Mr Lyaeh ) if it lutdal been for Mr
CaU * you'd never have pot in. '
"Tbe baiSdiag , * . 1 discovered later ,
eras dtnded into three large rooms t H a
halfoo T > uia. The oaUide was s j > ro-
phecy ef the interior Tons nad urns of
xrire dtse&rded magnets , -wooden models
aad half oomjileu d iareatioBS were
lyiagtreead covered tiuckJywith dnst.
In lui i > sveny be could not afford to bay
iassi&ied c Ttf or wire lmt from Ids ooce
tie bad taken Kos It & &d 1C
und U aa innilated U by Rrtppia-
and pailes of u by hind , gg old
s of fl iiescnptjon * torn in strip * .
This IB tora had been QM < d and bandied
So often that n lay ia great heaps , broken ,
or so Lule ts to be nyjp.gv
"Instead of tbe clean-cut , delicate jure
ol unlay , for cells , be L i &ome porous
by in Akr Ti fnnd witi
T * of f-otnm < Ki t.ite1i > fnr i .h carbcii
haw ! tdadetn i-i'jfn tn
oJt Fw ttrt ; ! T rhp jt'1 of a
i a - nha J ml * k * rolled tucces of iron 1 tb thx-htw" of pa } er , wiich be
C-B ? with a knilc or MM < < < v > r < . and tiwa
built laytr oa l yfr of tki till tb *
waf attai < 4 Hi'
S a * - , & * * * . wsr w-d
ax. ba * to , .OVMMworaovt Uf s
a hai&Btt r asd a H > oakT-wr * eb Ail
ki - turtmc wa' tfotw oa & trriut
frame , twr w b ci Tuit * had ( applied
pc-wrr All tb * - r l u ed ui h >
br re : eat cm an linle Jwtn aa4
rat r nKBEitn t wc rrt.
"Ia tbe .adcoed M < bit fal we kmttd titt
] aacfelmhf bd n > nil bi- life
ejL It i' < asiet Ni i noant > *
stid f , dvaano ftrctnc i chijit It was
mad < eatareJy of w.-od banded -nitb irvm.
Tbesbeels. . spindlef. p aii e , ia tact
etrrytams that jtcrtiiWj x t4 1 * was
made of w > od It wa < a wontf erfal iHt
nf meMiaBichl 'kiL. si d oimpM ; d a f fwe
UK'Hi Sitef a fet ' o-c tbe Sot r of
tt * ro ffi 1 MIW bit ochtta * in a.a iaslaat
Hi ? dynamo wm lo inrnub tbe ek-ctncilv
lo z-aa tbe ennae. n lucb ia tar * tras to
mpply v ° "irr s * 'be dyaaa The J T-
IwtJOB ef bi < - > dft& . tirtPwnWajiJ ( * B ot
ytjcli rrM < TB would be w nh mlUi nc
it' value would l e iDcuk-alaWe. It wk .
perpetaui iaotK > A He bad tbe rntire rc-
s * < 4&.ao * a d fricuoo redww-d on till tbis
mass ol macbiaery , belts etc. , to slK t
wpbl pound * . . Tbe weight si a riuld * -
h&ao ct ad j at tbe wnok in tootwn
lakiap iato ooatxtf rstK > n tbe weipbt oi
tbese two Ba&cbines aad tbe haadrcitis of
wand' wu remarkable le tbink
1A&1 thi' lmJe ciri ( K > nKl stun tbe wheel *
on tbeir aw.elc" axles Why. oae coil
oi wire w. n tbe .ir * ol a ba dram
"Tbere wx n little more wire needed
to put tbt whole an workiap order , then
it wonid ao all be churned for it J did
i ot want 10 disooumpe him. but 1 de
clined his urrPDt iBvuaVion to slay and
complete tbf m&cLrne It waas c m-
pjetc as it wenJd ever bp lor all practical
pari ooes Bat bt had achieved some re-
mwkable things aad bl work had not
been fanJUei * wbolir The commutator
ibal is found apon all electrical mschines
wa.t totally div i d witb by bim lit
bad discovered ai t-w supplant
jt , and there was no Fpark = or hght ab'mt
the machine ia tbe making or breakJap
< > f tbe circuit aad hence no daager oi
detroyinr tie machine or burmac the
joTnMure. Tbe dyasino was al o a-dopit l
f ( r arc or ineande-et-at light without any
cbaucinp Tbe carrae Jtelf wa ? per
fect aad be ha-d made some valuable im-
23,013,013 OE XOTHECO
"WTiT doa't TOU take your enmne alone
to the east , Ke w York or Philadelphia *
Tbere i . a fortnae in it if properly iutro-
doced , ' ' I said ,
"Never , sir , never " wat the replv. "I
tttfi'ljiihr ' tiar.ri i.fro fpmvirfca or
. *
- - - -i
nothing '
"I ionnA tTi'-eJessto talk A score of
rainor inveat > oa = ths-t w ould be oi infiaite
value to the eJectncaJ world were totally
acgiected. His central idea was the
mwhine be had spent his life upon Liv-
lag ia poverty and workiag day by day ,
he had aiatenal eao : rb in the shape of
mspnets and wire .nd lyinp u-t-
le-.s uid aegJecied , , to buy a iarm In
1 he rear room ojhij. workshop I taw the
ploxr aad harrow and iarminp utensils
ne di-carded almo-t a Lletime ago The
jron if rusted < nnd tbe wood i = slowly
rotting away. Hii lile IF wrapped up in
aienziae aad dyaaiao All else is dis
regarded Jt is the central thought of
hi * life The weed- have leap ape takea
full possession of hi" ; little farm , ihe iooi
of the laboratory Jeaks ia places , but
never above lie machine. Mr. Cook
neither chewa , smokes aor driaks. He
is well educated , somewhat of a physi
cian , a skilled aiechaaic and a kiadly
"But it is 553,033,003 or nothing. "
- Grower
AD wao are BALD , nil who are t > er.oniia ! ;
BAL1 > . a3 who do not want to { * tiald. all
whe tre troubled with DAXDIiriT , < c
1 ICUtNG < > I tbe scalp : * hoaid a-e Esaton's
Hwr Grower. EIGHTT PEE Corr ol those
usiar it hare crown haai It nerer f nils lo
Kw the heir Irom laUlap Throuch sickness
andifrersthe hair sometimes taHi off ia a
sljttn time , and altboarb the persnn inay
hsve mnalned bUd Jor rears If youtwe Bea
ton1 * liur Grower aooorfllnc to directions
ron are sure oi a crowtb of hair. In hm -
Sreds oleases we have produced L pond
growth oi Hair on those who have lea bald
and plazefl lor years we heve fcllj subsaiB-
tjated the foUowiac facts :
"We rrow Hair ia 89 rtses oat ol 103 , no
mutter bow Jon c bald.
Unlike other preparwioas it contains no
sf Itaid , or veretaals or iniaeral
Jt Is a sjiBC.fie lor laUinc hur , fiandrtia.
and itching of the ssaip.
The Hair Grower 5s a bwr food , aad its
ompwiaoa U almost eoirtlr lice the oil
which sillies the tiwr witb jis vitality.
Waen tlie sfcia is vtuy lonrh * ad iiard. aad
tlieipllit * is Epparwitij etlecsnallr clo = i d ,
the MBgle sa-enrtb wiJ soaietimes It J to
rear-h tne papJit in satJi cte the doable or
triple strength stwidd I * a d la rtmaeKioa
with the single , xi-oar tnem alternctelv.
JYice. siacle sirenct.h , Sati : doable
strearUi , 2.O ; tnplf strenrth. S8.0i 11
yonr omceists hme not pot jt we will scad It
oa receipt ol nrioe
Clerelaad , O.
Sold by CF. . Gwrfmaa end Kuhn < t Co.
Borurmt Ifeth Una Cundntr F
\VomanV Adventure.
Philadelphia Tiroes Oae eveniag aot
long ago a herd of Aagora posts ib&t
were btaag herded by Miss Teresa Tal-
lert oa Lost nver , Idaho , came home in i
Inirry sad crashed pell-mell for the cor-
Tal , a log coacern some eipat feet high ,
Thev were ( .hut in by tbe young thep
ierde , no male members olthelainijy
being Lome at the time. In a search
iiaoag the foothills no cause for alarm
T IS developed la ihenighiMiss Tallfsrt
was sroasod by her dog whining j.t ber
ear and pertinr up the she saw from the
wiadow. far the aid of a bright mooalight ,
s-omf wild animals raising havoc in the
corral. She stepped outside almost into
tbe embrace of four mountain lions ,
aud w itbout a moment = hesna-
non anat-ked them with an ase. Two
of tbe lions jumped the corral
and Sed. The other two rn&bed toward
her and stampe-dwl the goats , who nearly
trtmpled their vonag mistress to death
She sprang to her feet just in tame to deal
a welJ-dirt > ejd blow at one monster who
was springing u. bur throat. She laid
him out , cutting the rump open to the
bone Then both f&d. The next morn
ing fifty of the valuable goats were found
dead and thirty wounded- Fourteen of
the latter died aftencard
Tnere is no o&Susi in Eed Star Coapa
Care , sad so n cm be fcafelr girea to
children. *
Ivan Leoski wts "born in Warsaw forty
year * ago , and when a young man loved
and-vra * loved or Bwshae ! Korpf. But
IVJL& wt * a repnbljcaa , and ta old maa
Korpf wouldn't let JLftchifcl marnr him.
His palitieal opinions ctufced Ivaa i ban-
ifchmeau He ctme to this coaatrv , fei-
ned in Xortb Bergen , X. Jas a Sorist
and got together a woe projkeny He an d
Ilacbitel oorresj ended and when , not
long mro , Itac-htl reewred some property
by the death of a rcltiire , ilit u. once u-l
fciil for Amuica to join ber lover Tbey
were taarnei on Tnesdfcj last
Gw W Tomptinfc. > L D. , 7 ? Camber-
land Street. Brooklyn , Jv. Y t wriifis Jaae
9 , 1SSS " 1 take pteacare in rbooamend-
lap AHeoek's Porous Piasters in tU < a-s s
of general Debility esfieouiliywbere the
paint are severe over tbe regions of tbe
Kidaryt , Ljrer and Oiest marked itat
firovement oocsirs eon us relief from
Kaffenng Is obtained * ' ttr Lumbago
turptt * Imimeau , io. * *
A ( km Badom't Bwii 02 tit
Jirlrtwrwy. t * Id Utrj
IHMl et n of Orders
A Km tine
al a
4ta r o e erf tbf
b * WHS Jl
"A wtunmn ol rank " k fccd
frs Ad&a itftdeaa , "what , of sJl 1 hid
t-wa in Lfijrlaad , rtnwk < tbe a os t for *
dW.v 1 bhd act 4oabt at ail a S aa-
'The distia k B of dashes tae
of caste ' 'Bat.1 ? iie iaijnirwJ.
' 4o vw r Jly mt-an U tell ise tbat la
America ibe creat njernb o'i dang-bter
doe * not look dowaupsB tbeliniepro-
eer t daepbter1 'Pwbap * , ' s M 1 ,
preat merchant s daajrhwr does
down. l nt very oertsunly the little
tr' daarbt r d < ih--sot k > ok up. ' and „ . . ,
whole company wa * bombed at tiie idea J '
oi a oonatjy wbere lb latlJe
danphtc-rs don't X > ofc tip "
This is the- essential difR-reace
Enclni aa < i Amentum life la
e\erybc dy ' k > ok - op Tae most accom
pli faed .scholars , the men ol science aad
jener * . tbe att3 < .u , tbe preat lawyer-UBO
pbyaeians , tvea tbe pobtooianf bora
without pale , all look tap to the ari toc-
rscy It may be dded that tbe official
representative * ol tbe United States ia
Li dor. sometimes iK-cora * : aftru-d with
the same spirit of can ? tad out-Herod
Herod ia tbtar s-ervile devotaoa to tbe
< "tjoaem of preoedeace Adhm Badtma ,
0 loas- known ia < < oaaectK > a iviUi Gea-
oral Urnat aad lor year ? a laembir of tbe
American taiai ? ter'srctiaac ia J-arlaad
ha * , wrinea aa eatreaiely eat-Rrta'aiBE
1'ook , ia wiuch be rive * a prartacal ia-
siffbt Jiito royiilty siaa aristocracy & . tbty
exist la thai ooaatry to-day Even ttitine
trbo pretead to tara up t heir democratic
jKitdt at hereditary aobility always read
with jat-ert-M the 'gos np of cc/afts. aad
siosi ? ol them evea imitate ia a Jamil
way tbe ndx-tilon ? afrpctatjoa * of tao e
they preScad to decpi e. A fiur iHa tr--
tioa of tbi . may bewa almost * - T raee
dav at A"a : > b3p ! oa part.
j'oe population r f Snrfsad , arcordiair
to Badeaa. ulvided iato j wr a.Dd coaf-
" There are 59S * of one clai * aad
tbe otcrr At tie elw-e of
_ _ _ Ho . Rr. i-e v utfTiwte 4 oaly . !
tweatv-aine pt-erf Jert ia Easianci ana ai
the death ol Elizabeth , ia 1038. there
vere only fifty-iiiae At the pre-eat time
ae-strly ofiO mtia aad thtdr immediate ism-
i h es t-oa tat ut e tbt arict owsipv < f Earl aad
Tbe o der of aobility are five Dake-r ,
marquir.t ! * eark. vi.- < > nat > . aad naromF
la every iasts.ace the eJde t sea f 3ccei > a
by right of birth to the raafc. aad tides of
hi ? futber , ivliile all the cJaMreaof a p-cr
are titled tad their 7H-M t'deac't it 5-tncU r
defiae.d. Tbe wives of i > ew- . are nil i
< tammoaer ebe caanot coafer cav tatle I
unoa him He remaiBS a oommoaer unI I
ul the cad , thoupb hi SOB b"ioc > mea I
peer Scotch aad Iri&h pt-ert , nssncb. . | ,
liave ao admisac-a to tbe hon-e of lord * , I
but there are tweatv-eiirht reprcseatatn e
Irisa peers ejected t y th r fel-
] ow for life vrho Ml ia that n-stem-
bly for life , and axteea Scotch lords are
docted for a siagle purliaaioBl. Two
archbishops aad tweaty-thrwa bishops
have .eat * ia me hoaftil lords bat tlieir
ntler jire aot hereditary aad ilieir wives
cave Dt-iiier raak aor prectsdeace. The
archbishop ol caaterbary g-otis before
dakes aad next tfter the royal fa.cijjT ,
but his wife is plaia MTK Smith or Jont ,
sad follows every womca IB tbe kiagdora
svbo has raak afl"d title of her owa Of
tie preheat peerage oalv abom two
armored families tiave bia attblf lor
more thaa a century. The prime airaister
is BOW ibe creatiag power of the peerfc , u
power formerly beloagicg to UK
f-overeipa. l > ana ? a rec-tat pcsnod of
fwelve year ? lxrd Beiacoas. ieM Mad Mr.
Gludsloae together crcat l siny-oae
Ea < rlifh aobliiiixia , many of them out of
verycommoa day i > ometimes.
iowever. tha--e bdaors are coaferrcd for
notable Bciievemeat1. ASwas tae cabs
-with Marlborourfi. Wfcllia rtoa , Xelfioa
jiad .Xapjer. Xiae-teathsolthe creaioa
of pee IB the la t hcadred years hare
l > ofn sis purely for jiartisia rea--aas
s. * tin" aoniiaalaoa of aay preadcat
of the UBitod StatesXo artist , no
naa ofCMBCtt. . iad BO literary maa n
oept Teaay oa ha ever received a ooro-
uet IB Eaclaad. It mast be } > toia that
where ea&le reica * snpreme , SL& it does ia
EaslstBi the qaestioasof prt'Cbdeacse are
exrremeJy iafiieate and oftea l id to
Ddicnloas iaradeats. Excn the servants
oi the creat people insist npoa the sune
preeedeace amoa themselves that thiij
masters msiBUua Evea persoas of ooa-
faderataoa ia the middJe ciass asyjciite
vnth the Bervaat * of tbe higher iriUo-
crats Oa oae oocasioa Mr. Badeaa wa
visitiac at a noase awir oae of the most
impoiiaBt towas ia Middle Eaclaad , aad
was obliped to ooasult the doctor Ho
was aa accoraplisbed TBHTI , aad readJy
Jolaed ia J-B iatereotaa ! ; ooavej-satioa.
Whea Mr Badeav was lesvias , t > e doc
tor said that he af > e > d.d fcnher trealmcat
EBd asked where he ihonldcalL Tlieaa-
FWOT was "At Brettoa part. "
'Waal' " he exclaimed "are
, yon MOT > -
piasthtre * Wbr , I visat their butler"
The awe with which he regarded a uet
at Brettoa was amu-5ac
Oa oae occasioa anoot had service with
a baroaet who was 11 pbyacian , but oa
learaiag his oocnpatioauamBdiately pave
waraiag Kaviag that f-he Ltd only wica
n&e-d to LVIBS with the geatry Thus ,
throagh ail prada * of aery ia Eaplaad
these ridjoaloui dietiaotioxu are maia
taiaed with the nxl astoaishiap deteria
iattjoa , aud it thus Las come to rpr-la
point tbat to bead tbe prcgaant hiages
of tht fcat-e to some superior ia raak , is
the datv to which all Eaglaod appli&s
itself without aay thoaght ol the absurd
iry of maay of ti > e purely factitious dis-
UnctJoas tbal Mast QnestJoas of proco-
dance tad raak disturb tud oaveaom
every public eatartainrafcal , atiJ the pw > -
pie five ia aa trllfical atmospbti * whtre-
ia geatuae merit aad ability iiave ao
{ .itow whtia titled alaoompoopj are
jiroaad. Ia Mr Bu-deaaV opmioa tbe
idea tktt if blood ttll - IB Uie &obkiae.n
it Uslli & wrong sorv. The S5 6 ioblwnea
of England eould be outrwikwl ort-r and
over again by professional men in Aiaer-
jcflIn personal avd pbycjcal qualities
in br&bdiag aad ability they art : in no
seme raptrior to our ttdotatt d clifi i ,
And Imnp in an atmoapbere ol fiuuLey- ,
jEm , tbere is 1ml very hitle jrf UUH.C op- }
portaniry for frrowtiin mauuuass Tbuv ; I
u nothing like the. & nilirj of an
Enplikhman in the prti-xiiiw oi a lord.
Keotber tlie jnaiaaatof Franc * or SIMUB.
nor tbe private > J4)tr ) ef Gwiutuy nor
the JrztiroBof Kai ltt , xtor ev-eu iL *
tit uresent * ol tcprior thaf
t.cin of a caw * aptt d of Jus brtier * '
which tnarci ibe < ui (9ftU > 4 iinlonof tbe
A liurzxy woAika b &e
u knavra tknou lnnH tbe worW.
ttB O * Oats&SMMl tJilt 1T2J ,
t-o flatten * ! , timiWj iif lie * atnw.oe l f. j
< c < tujtciE w litre sa e V&E t&Un * t < & vil * .
21 fn id , tiitt ate f Mlkxi aer ts iu d j
inwjfc p > oMof toerf l T e frt jit 'Tt *
and ladies tm klt > to ti * * qtMeen zjttl MI j '
the x&etoibfer * of Vbe rojxl 4aJuuy. 4ia-
JBP it a hurii f\ i > r if fjtr tM-rj aMttl
lo perform eve a ii ricjxal ± . ( jrr.'ix for iay
cf tbn * . th * link- lord ? sad
turn prt down on Marx law- pan it
b IDOT of tb < - Wf > ord < and la-arcs and s-o
it ct to UN > ttid of UK rhM > ! .
CfBea V3cU * i i * prolN.T tbf rrwit
! r t stK klfir tf id ! ti * ort of ttinr it >
Uw werla TV l ovmjBt l jar
Urehm I > K ha.U of lif )4j i try MM ol
Pipan it. bf ht * 1 trry mock f M y
thiac lo do bet to < tu4v < cial aad < x n
Ur. ad tbstonc * Uiat are toW of
h ir4ittitie <
As tb *
oa wins o'
a Wttra&r
bpfonTwwtntmc b - * > pjf in
or 1 forai < 4i a
brt Pos WtutltMi * r i t
i be | at tii w yards M ns : oo tawe a 4 no
hair injtrmt . net a wav aad hi h eaoacb
ludy eiti'fr * tbe reoai. Laae. * of raak
and feather niJ f of tit co rt
Tb * > Quiea stJl exwt'- for l w-
slf tb * punr'jho of lw r ctaiciie -
Men yac o fnoi ibe kpl : > est raak
hnwl to her. cabtoH minittrfr Ii i T
hind Sl e refuses 10 r wi ve Miy | > rsotial
HTrtw from a laeaia ) e f t at le tMc
! > iif arv r open * a dour or diroeu a Int-
t < -r , Dnk > - and docltpj * s cloak in
t oW5p. MwJ toaimonf.-f taoome "boaors
bit' for Hie bwan e they kave wsuUmi
br takjeily Ludies a. d ceatlfaj B io
waiuag are sol aiH > cU > d to it ia ib *
welt-act f ix > ya3tv , aod : > oy Iwce sK > ei
in order to t-eirder tbe siaadini : i > esit3c n
toJrable After dinner tt Wind'.yr the
porjt ! . mnM stana in a leap pallerir untal
tbfqtwya rctare . Tbe Iun4 IB Lapland
i * larpeiy iM-ld by tb < - ariMocracv. Tbe
landed prwperty of Enrlaad covrrs
? 2. < UO.O.r acre * One foortb of tie lerri
torv , excJaave oi that LeJd by the owner *
of le-- ? than an sere , is ia tbe handc of
1.203 prpprietfirf , aad one bsilf of the
country i ? held bv 7,410 it di jdnalf t at of
n papnlsti nol S4 ( O3,00Tbe pwrs
DM 009 ia number , pos.-.fc- , ' . 14Ct. a,0 [ J' '
acres , or more than o e fifth
ef tbe enlare Llnrdom , The dnl.t
oi Devoas-hare ha- one estale of S , i > ill
acres , aad tbe dnke of IvoniinaibprlaDd
oae of 1 ,003. Seven per'-ons owa one-
srveath of Bockiaihanishire. wh > c-b ha ?
a i > oj > BlatK > n of 175XO3 and 4C > 3rtD ocrt" .
la Ireland tbeIt.ustion is wmiiar. In
Coaaaapht two persoas owa 274,0,19
acres sad tbere are manT more enor-
rnoarstages oivat > d 1 > y Enrlish noble-
m-n P-nt Scotland is. sVcparsSlse of
the peers TbT countv of ntherlaBd
ccai * SS l,2slJ < .352 a < a-es , oi whwih the
dnke of Sutherland own' l,17Cf48 cre
The earl of Fife haan estate of KO.WD
acres , aaotber 72 , < i'O and another 48.0 3
The duke of Richmoad nts on" of 155 -
0M ! , aad another of ( ! Son ? Ths earl of
Breadalbaae owai 18S.OOT aad ITS.fKO
atres The dake ol Arpyll 5s comj < Kra-
Jy poor -nwasoaly 1CSOOJ acre-
( ft.OHO wr s Through the laws of
primopeairnre aad ntail these va t ts
tau-s aif kept togt-iber Jor tbe biaefil of
the few. hale the peasantry of Esplaod
siafc lower and lower into tbe depths of
poverty unfl want.
A Bare cars lor BUad. Bleadlsc , lichla
tDdClpentttidPiles hai bwa dis 6rere3 by
l > r. "iVUliaias. { an ladita reaie4jctiiel Dr
WiUiun& ladiaa Pile Oiatm int A Biacle
IKII has cured the worst chrsnjc cas * olTor
UOytairBsisiadinE. Xo oae aeel suffer Sve
auiute * uiier Ljuilria : thi > wonderral scmih
Sni : aittliciae. Luiioas und jastmnents. do
more htna thj.a coud. IVitHums' ladiaa
PileOjitmeat absorb * the tuaors. allays the
intense iiohing , fjitnioa.ltrlj at airht tfier
reraa : warm in \ > i.ueis as n panldsa , rlre *
ic < relief , s.nd is prepared oalj- for Pllfs ,
itcMaj : of nrivateptrUi. . and lor aothiag eiss.
Dr. Paiier's Marir Oiatmsat cures t bj
laanc , Pisijdes , Black Heals or Grubs ,
Bkrtebes iad Zrnptaoa oa the feie , leuviai ;
lie ton clearaadlieaatirGl Also cures Jtei.
5tt ! Jifcema. Sore Xipplea. Sare Lrps , aad
Old Obstas. ! * Ulcers. , .
boia bjdrcscists , or a aiiei 02 rosejpt o :
Krtailefi bv Kahn & Co , and 5chrocrar < Sr
Cuarad. it whwesaJe br C. P.
A little aegro called ' 'Cart , ' ' at Mar
sha 11 , JdowBo e latlier wns a soldier
aad was killed ia tbs war , TC-
ceatlT retiived flW3 pennon moaey.
Hi llrst jiurcha e was a - f.5 fiajrer nag ,
his seooad a $ JO. Lor--e and bupgy.
" 100 Dnsf * One Dollar' is trae oalyof
Hood'Sarsapnllt , aao it is &a antaswr-
l le arpumEat AS lo strength tad econ
omy. _
At the Fourth oi July oelebrtrioa at
Koaak , Coaa , oa Monday , there were
disj > lsjtid over twtsry-taree lac-similes
of ibe flaps used by tbt coloaies beloic ,
tauruig , aad finee tbe nvolctioa la-
cludt-d wt = Cc > iumt'U > fiag aad the Pi <" Hag _
prf < piiTe ruli p icUJ
Xr Att r > nHtlirtAJuia. .
PSA'S : K Cfl
Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Tint Pf ra Wool Interior Pi
Pew Unds ,
IH-alfrs in Huddisirj Taper.
lioun ODjrutni r.ctOTT e ] Lj-ons Jt > ir .
OILcB 4 WEIH-ODHIS Cor. lltt i hard Sts.
viiJ > r r- >
Proiucinir e rica. l > t utiful GLOSS and
No Starfb yet jatroiace.1 raa be O B-
iwrudwab tbt MiGIC-
re will do the wort of two
< te CBI rutrtJitw Pi Ui mcrcttWuTBrt.
t * fc.1"V-- . _ f S
J-t.r The Is > nl4 < bak Sikt-
tnvj- lit t t i3 a oar
.1. 11. ORLIT DV
Prcs. Lnuis iaE M < 1 But
j. vr. KiLnnirrn ,
Frss. Sttlt Maud Baal
Pies. 5(1 ( Ort ) 2sKttJoi ]
for rptr * tiy tbr J ? fl *
Isrurf1o : Rrtt&Mf p
fc.ci4iJUi2 o * whiot
. A _ D
nnlr JoTfttrr pt-er rpt < a oa tnS caflornol
ol i-ny i
nKiiribtr1 fl Vbp ortralr3i&uT flwnrtnr * repa-
Itry tterj thrt * month"- in''fua t ' Mni-iitiaj
iJJjr utor-titilorr , txyrituunr Kfoa. Jl1 * ,
A ? rrrvrcii Oi-ronrrKirr T > rv A Y tarme.
fib Grniia l m tne. Cih" H 4n tb * Arnflmnf of
Vl .i tf. Vriw f * mitn + \v * Trtr u i * \UC lOttL * 1U3K
I rn\nnc.
strt' ct Mr * 1 > 'ft'Etch. . rr KJO2i
Jr rifth i. la rrpporucn.
1 0 do
zrEirnsor . . . .fclUlK ) 1SWD
f. 60 . . . . (1.10 ( JG.WO
ia oo . „ jtora
M as jn.oao
3tlQ OO . . . . . . _ so 1'H.OM
ntm an . . 3(13 (
, KI3
fc Co do
fc AQ da
I'KT ' Prtrt . tinouoanF to .
jLppllptdoa lor rttB1. to c32l > 5 > brtJ3
10 the ofDre of tSf53ir > iisjJn N'ev Or
Tor fnrthtr rnjorsnaaon vnte oearir.rTlac
full idSrcssrTfTAL NOTES , Erirc's Manor
Orctrrt , t > r Kew Tort Erchuntre ia orliatrj let-
t < r. rarreacr IT cn reif m ocrrj > ea & 3
Or X. A
Ktki P. O. Monty Ora sr * ptvtble tal tairoii
US * io . . . T _ . . _
h tir La.
OM.1 tl KM.Jl. . .
fl Vttnlltr Ncrrtin * u 6 PhTH'reS ti Wun. lSrr-jr ! Ji. uiO tlie
lKmck Ttitnltltir JTJ loei niis uiB a-
A UnrV Jor eriHT-Hiiu ysiuzie mia J.t nc a
. llc Il l lIl 3S I * ' ll mtr > rij n-u
cbmnlc Cn > ni.s. ecli one til lilt * If IrnJuUil K. hi >
njtb iirt'l'mOr Uf r nr lirjtirf Jflt io"Uir IplTf wj"
iil TKic ULSW juurr * . lincxifl ID brcuttttJ 2"r < ; xich unii
lln tmiliCHite wTcrt , i U cilL.iruLnttiii't'dlQiiE1 tJntr-
trnri In rverjnmiif mndiutiicii. luaij-T urc pr
UJLU uvr ertiiprrwt 1r tH1 > titmntry } jr
niiine ; viU tie niuncnC tn i rerr
lj n 1-T mw' pvs.pull. lUcst-ulca RuOiiilr.
MIC. V-nctimc &rJfl upat ! -nrfiiC ibe ttUior ly
tbf Ntutiniii XEvttluil A > i MilBti" ! itor Ila. JL r.
und ct.Murluir' o&icijT til - "
Ttn bfliunw d liiir ii > tnjrtti roprt ti tfan rminc > 1
mtOSlt-iicua mrn < rencrulDnlliiii : ul lljf ful3
iu3ii 1 CLltfnniik uiid ttit Hlln ? JulDfi of truOii
t m. lilnnfl C r riiroaJCltt.
Tftp Setcuw oj l3p ! jtnlr f oat thf rt ctfr Mi3 oolpt-
Mmfif. OQ irhjrb Hie ctinFTlzntlDti utid ) > OMK id xut&r
fc Tt'CIlC mimilCTi1 tiOOfi il ldlr TOti.BA. XKUdjDHUT
Tlif f > rlrtict t > J Wlr tf of rruwfr Ti5nc IhliU 13 tSit
iDKIicii. w irtf | iul.lihl."l ic U : couxur l"i t-Be touS ,
M vi IJTjLiIuou. . C aunJtmmn.
Tiitsojtzjoe r IjiiP 1 * t' j-uiie * unC xuufclrr'y tn Kt-
n norvoct wio jibrdciil DnUUJ..j. l > iirj.l
the rruinfl * 2J 3lcii Institute , trI > t.TVS
H. I'Jirter Nc < Sullj"Cl ! : Klri-m. liwaoii. Ma t WJJB
mri t * ronBOJU-e un el' ' Ocfru rpfluirinp hiJ4 > uft
xiK-nrtKin Chjimlr UJ"C olikUCLtt ( llhcthdi tlmt
JiiiTt Iiurtinfl ] KL U of tabtir iiUTuini
itB , ! < nuJiTrp yi < l n ( fi"mt wltnc > m u
o } tuQurr Jiloimuc unu-J. * BI-K
P. BOYER , & CO.
and Jell Work.
1020 I arnasi Street , Ositht. ICtb.
uxs roa
Endsnd , France & Sermany.
TinuiLniuup ol tSiSt vca kuiw-a 3ae era
Usili ol lixju. In wjiver-OfiiJ
LTI iarc.M , < id trim < -vorj ID
jiu . BfT lioUi wilt tni Ttipjnurr
tne Lm ! < jd r - not uiid H'lrn j > c an
Jie rVorcTtar daTS tni lor
3-P " HH j.aa
ti > tiJenDiu tiire Htaibnrr ca
. tii3 oaii-tijk. ric. HUITC , tutinr
ricwKSf ut Somiit-mpion uad loodcio.
Jl-nt riiiias f U K anfl rft : SloorarcJK.
. or to
TTIIE. t > t * rape Jrois Eurt a onl/
* -t Garon- ' "
C.aiUaiAKUA-00 ,
Q BrotSircr , Xrw T rt ;
Quadra. Ill
The Treraont ,
J. C nTZGEKjO. ! * A K X. S-ropnetort
Ow. 'M * , lituoolc ,
ItetM Uir'M cun Iron litmu to
jn ul Uir
3. H , W. DA KDCS.
tna it. KKttitrfit Hloslt.
C4TH . fjroci 1
Live Stock Auctioneer
5iJM niuer in nil TIBTU nl tun r K M
mi Slirirt Horn Vutl * ior MJt.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
ftkdiu-dk Wo..k lauauu. Xe : .
Public Sale ,
Denver , Col. , June IOIU ,
it l.ia of 'ibevr 5iimt Hurai Buint
AOJ-re Iii Mwl f wm. for
C. Ji.
Oci F. 1C. ATouJi
Wi.en IB L JUKI u stop tu
National Hotel ,
Aa f t s 0ix > I tuuucr Jt r lie