Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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tie Tbettlitrttt.
Corn ana ProriMonc IJO-WCT. With Bnt
LJltlc Actlre TradlnB The
CutIf Market Better
on DerlraWc PJ
t *
the BKD.J Tin ;
Hie M"kot ) n-a > > Vow nrd
Tl * was low&rfl Vh *
v Lea wrtiria utortes. mostly k-
ure itnl < ift44 ( us the * crowd.
It slaru-d trol a peed demJ liVe a wentln-r mai-
} : ct , raltif. io Uic itmncdmte
tlio ujijiarem jiro-j cl of tJiwr
Uuxmrh the c ( rn bolt liartiir an
f-UHltii ; oflect te iLe ( irtenl ul * i c. Trem Jie
it dwfllttfd tc 7f > c.WRS very slt-adv. tint not
particiilHrJ.v riiiiid. TJie ruoHli > t i wore acaiti
very heavy aijd ratlier nided In the dejiression
Uian dtburwise. Noai-ly l25 ! cars of he t us
tiiieday'biii ijKrtioii lot < lnd jirt'tty WE : , while
corn -w RS In to the extt-nt < if 7tK ) cars. Tlie
aoM liiiii'jrtu.nt donieMir ncvrs wwe Cyrus
IL M-cCormick1 ! . rppurts , tram Dakotr. . MID-
nf-Mtta , Wissonwn , XfSirusta siit& Iowa ,
shOMltic u retlurtJon < f li JICT ceiil f.1 oe iJje
lii.l ( of June , irmfcine IS jisr cent lielow tbe
coutMtitm exlfitinc at tbe end of .inly labt
Jim. Tlie ri'jitirt savfc : "Special reports
reeehed JT feinrfcUif 15th Innt. BJO\T nn
averace dniun e to tlie ftjwincvlient crop
tiiut. fur ttiK MMIII u1- coaipiaTdiUjvhe
dninnce suffttrud by the woj > up to Uic close
ol .July lost ycnr , a follows :
States. 1SML l'Ei.
Iowa . IS tier cent. IS j > er cent.
XfbrasCR . J " 5' "
ATKwmdn - 4r , " 17 "
Miti ut-Mitb . IT " IS "
Ductiin . : : s " i.
"O'li'le this j-eport wn . ItnMnc out It
vnniifd up theiniultt ulitttil HiCTowcrd
iifon. und tlituafl 'j. tliwerre ull sorts of
reports of euWui tinoutnic.itic ltititer !
tnmiilev. OonMils weti ; off a point or
twxi , and client recovered to % , bat re-
i cle.d t uxiund 7.c. . The volume of tn > de
vaslalrsir d ana uie ciose ol iiie imirUet
ubotit tu'in.
Ccnx COJTJwn , cnOcr to-dr.y thrcmcti the
cflectof iiie leecjit rains , lelknj ; about Ic
hmvrthnn it cloMtd j eslwdar.
PitoviMoxi Pent vns inoiltTatclv a Ue.
Septenituaoji"necl at-fi.'JO , lull to . ? . : > . ' , ana
rencl < 'd to H.K2V
CUJH , 2rfU > ji. iu. Wheat wuf. tiumtr , und
at one tliu - quoted ut "s dt' e lor
AtictisL ntrw 7bahc. Puts. 77V , < '
7 \ hc bid 5ejileinbw , ( .om , I
jmts , I6 > } yv\ \ tails
CnirAoo. .Inly W. [ SjK > clal Telecmm to
the Bni : . I CATIU : Tlie t' neral beel cuttle
market this morning oj > ened with rutba un
imjiroved umdencj. unjers were out early
looking lor choice , fat , lipht and inedlnnj
weight catUe. One drove ol superior 1,419 ] b
iieevei sold at SaCKSB hlpher jmce than
could t * renehed lor the best catUe yesterday.
Asalesuiuuviio sold ten cars of 1,301 Ib
corn-fed Colorado at Si .03 , and 79 tidy 1,151
Jli Bieerfc a : H.r > Ti , also some \-erj' nice
JI70 Ib taeers at H.C ! , tliout it the market
vns biu-ely steady on hentT- cattle , but
ptroncer on light and desirable to
buy. The supply of rougn , heavy
cattle and thin Inferior lilnds
vc" > ample. A Jot of ir : 01b slill cattle sold
ut S4.70 , with totne very good 1IM Ib slop
ind st ers at SI.S1 Good Blop fed stews
are wdlinc betlci relatively than many of ripe
corn Jed ln-eves. Shipping stejs , USD to
IHEKIJitK , S4.rA35.0-'H ; lliOO to V.-M it
4.75 ; % 0to r ! 0 lh.s fa.75a JJ ; St y
Hoe < The market ojiened active tnd Mcher
nnd fully fc hichfti tniui nt thecloselaM nicht ,
but at tlie close tlie advance was lost , closinc The bulk of mixed sold between S < L90
tnd 54.SI5. and bi st henvjat S5.OOfea.7S ,
Yort. July 20. MoKET On call
4@5 per
STHKUXO ilxcnjLXGr I > nll ; S4B5Jf lor
day bills , a.nd M.87 lor demand ,
iViaiNMENTf Government lionds were
I and steady.
STOCKS Sticks -were firm at the openlnc.
first prices gfuorulli sbowlne advances of
Caper cent > t. Paul was up ft , per cent.
3 here was some heaviness just following the
opeuinc and the lowest prices of the day
weie geneniUy lunde tin the first lew min
utes' tradinc. Nfw Toik i New Engluid
mid lionltiville < t Nashville , however , limwid-
latriy sjiranglnto nctivinaod werat tlie
t.ani tiiue decidedly strong , hnd the general
list followed slowly , but little progress being
nmde until the lat hour , when Luckawanna
joined the active and strong stocks. Others
3elt HIP stimulus of tlie improved feeling and
the murkit dosed fauly ncti\e and strong at
the best -figures of tlie day.
tV ) cent bonds100v > c. < tN. W
U.S. 4Vs 154 1 pitilerrei. . . HO
New 4's 1UH N. Y. C
r-uclnc CB of * B5. 307 Omron Tmn. „
Central Pncifie . JSJj Pacihc JJaiL.-
C.&A S'P ' _ I ) , ill.
preferred. . . , K > 1VP. C
dIJ. 4Q 328L , Hock Islana. . .
D L. < f\V XiT. iSt. I < t i. lf. . .
D. AII. . G _ . . . . . . Ji-i 1 preferred. . .
Erie. 374 O , M. 4St P. . us
prtiferred. . . , Ullil preferred ,
Illinois Centrul. 32r. , , St P. < fc O
L , Kit W. . r V juefen-ea-
K.uas3R JcTeran. V > X Tesas Paciflc , .
LuktiShoro 2 Union Pjicifip. .
L.&N „ 12iV.St , L.&P.
Mich. C ntraU. . 320 1 Tireferred. .
Mo. Pacific JOTXiWebltirn Union
Korthtini Pnc. . . 27 O.K. & N
ua Flour Quiel tnd tin-
Wheat Active , unsettled ; ojiened weaker
unfl H Iqwtsr : dosed H under sesterdcv K ;
cash , 77a77J ( c ; August , 7s > i.c ; ScMemlier ,
Corn Pttrly ortlve vcckea opened
lie UIWIT. finally closed J < c iinotir esterclBy ;
' "
atb lluled weaker. J ( JtC lower , dosing
U ubout inside : cash , is 'ic :
( o S i ; September , : .
Barley C7e.
"nmcthv-Priuie. 52.0532.00
Wilsky SllS.
Pork fiiEHttlod , Inernlor , early tveak and
meeded 12 ( ir , la'er became steady , rallied
Jf'&fipATin ' rlciMid steiidy Kt madium ligiires ;
rawi , i O.Vn * K > : Aurust , gH.C7Hl& .70 ; Sep-
tenib rSfl.77H.nti ( ) KU.
Lurd ATealer , early ft3l ofl WsTVe , later
bticKiiie steady and advanced 2V Oft ; dosed
K < aiely ; wish. August , Saouic.faJv ; Sep-
UimlM-r. C.crSr i-JtU
Boxed Me-ats Shoulders. C.10a ( > a.i5 : short
dew sioes , WLSavSitoy ; bhort ribs ,
Butter SUiadr ; cieamery ,
Cheese Dull ; Tounc Ajnericas , octree ,
little demand lor Kkitus , fnH a earn iiheddus.
7@Tit'c : flata.-iSTJvr ; Young Americas , & ®
Hid Hfarj- dry salted fully cared , Rfc ;
Urht , Le : dainafad , T c : bull hides. J > Jf
rr MJtd , llw ac ; dry flint , a < si4c : cull
tiiit , K lO c ; deaoonK. 50c firi.
Tallow In countrr. c ; No. 2 , Se ; cate ,
Receipt * . Shipments
Flour , lib's . 1L03D ioWO
Wheatbtt. . 78.003 S4.UC
Comim _ . sta ro . , . iDiOJO fccos
Eye.t n. . 14 , JO
Etrley.btt. . 2,00
Kew Yort. July ua Wttat lU
1M.OJO : esKins.liali K , H
OiitUuis fptmod heavy u V H-c lower , nnc
Attterlj suf.nfthwiitic and uuvauced. J ( a-c. ,
closing with rrnction ixt H'A > , c ; nugraapd
red , ? J.fi8af . Na tit-d , S4 iitf < J > c ; XaSrud.
c ; ! lex-a.tor , b ? > (3t ( ! , c , drluejco
1 rerf Kc 5o. S red , AnrasV closing at
( orn Spy ! decJJnisd itltr and
fil Huac wHIi reason M " ? i > ? \t. t-
ip1 < N < > ( * " > ; f-xpnrts , f.iKO ( ; ui'crw ' * > d.
'oc. No. a. 4"wrir . fifTM < * r , < rv4St.
l t 'S t
virti. no'if , mtxftd mertorn.
STLMVirJ-Vi"- . * : Anrust ,
Butwa l > tili atrd firm en all ebok-e prafiee ;
fawn. It'-.c.
Chee e rimi and 9 iVrt : wealTa , 7'se.
Cincinnati. < lnlj 'Jft Wbcct Steady BH !
hteliw No. S Twt 7r.Vjf 7Sn.
Corn Mwmr : Na t mixed. > = r.
Outs 4i iid [ demand ; N o. S aifcce , 89s.
Re Quiet
Pwfc-bu : : . S ! <
* btrr 4s f fla-
Elh < < d poods on eM lmsl . ef SLBr.
veak and cloned ( : < 'j ; No. 1 hard , eaftii
und Angnst. Tt'-it : Sm V < itali . Sir : Oatobsr.
, - , * Op : No. 1 uortli-
past nnd A gust"c ; Sepicmbir , T ijc ;
. .
Dow ynift ; patents $1.401.00 ; ntfcws ,
Ls Wheat. U.033 ImshcU : flour , 1S3
hllnuenti Wln t 7,703 bn ;
. Milwaukee. Jttlv EO Whra.t Qntct
ci.sU. TTHo ; August 7F17ttc ; September ,
Corn Nothing doinc.
Oaf llirlira : " No. it "Ss.
! { > 1'inner : No. 1 , 01 e.
iinrlej Hiclier : No. 2 brpt I „ _
I'rovismii1Lowei cash and
I'rovismii1-- ; mess pwrt ,
St. LouU. .Inly 23. Wheat E y nnd
loweiNo. ; .rod. cnsh , \ ( $ tfri August ,
uorn Weak : No 2 , tnlsed , cash , CJJ.'H'tS
. > c ; Anrust. JW.c.
Oats Easy ; Na 2 mised , cash , 2S-t@ ;
' "
i'ye Neglected.
Wliisky iLOT.
Porl. Mendy at $10.53.
Lard Eiiy at f C V T.
Butter I'trm : cnoloe cre4atnrjy , 15rc ;
dairy , lOai.'K"
Kansas City. July 20. Wheat Weak :
No red , cash , GOr bid ; ( W c nM.ed , August
. .C .r aski-d ; September , JK > Pc.
txirn lx w 3No. . 2 rush , Sl c t > ld. Sip
nsl ed : Ancust , injic bid , SlJ c asked ; Stp-
teiutier. l c.
Oats Nominal ; 25p bid ,
New Orleans , July iQ ! , Corn Firm ;
mixed , 4s yo,4ic ( : ; yellow and white , 4' , w.iu' '
Oat' Dull. wea"k and lower ; choice \ \ est-
ei-n in snrks , 41 < a41'1.c.
Ctimmcal Stronc und higher r.t $ > 5.CO.
Uoc jiiodiit't'Steady. .
Pork-Si u.,0.
Ij'ja IlcJined , tierce , J > C.2Ti.
Bulk Meat * tihoulders , $0.2o ; lone clear
aad oloar ribs. fd.M.
L.lrp .oi , .luly M. Wlrt-al Jienuind
JMir : new No. " winter , Os bd ; spring Os
Jrlonr Demand pool ; evtrs No. 1 spring
wheat , s * fid.
Corn Sjxit and lutuieP , fair demand ; new
mixed una July , 4Hd ; Anrnst , 4s Id ; Sej > -
leniber , 4s IJj'd.
Toledo , July 20. Wheat EHFV ; cash.
Corn Steady ; rush , 403 c.
Oats Neglected ,
Cblcnco , JidCO. . The Drover's Journal
reports us follows :
Cattle HecelpK B.OOO Intltidinc 5.03U Tes-
BUS , steaiU shljijilnc steers. SOD aiSia ! , UN :
SS 7Jr , ri.'i- S ; dockers nnd feeders. S2.LT. a
J1.JIO ; cows , bulls and mixed , LfiWiLTri ;
bulk , 2.riO@2.75 ; throucb Texas wittre , s-10
tnd 151owei : cows. S2.15@r2.firi : stpeis. Si. > 0
ffilDD : choice Kx0c4.CiCi ( : 14 Wj-ominc
steers , lO'.Ci'aiWins i20 4.rA
Hoci Kew-ipts. lriK ! ' ( ) : slow after opening
fie lowej , jough and mixed J > 4 4(1 ( D-4.K5 : pack-
iuc und sliipjiinr , S4.75of5.J5 ( ; light , ? 4.4li :
( a-4..i5 skips Si7r.ra4.8a.
SUeeji Kec-eipts. S.C03 : steadyi nutltes ,
2.OOft4.WJi , ; westej-ns. ? S.iir.gS.70 ( ; Tesuns ,
L7j.S.4a. ! Lambs FV.TKrKi.S.'i.
bt. Liouis.J nlj-20. Cattle 37 eceipts , 2UI3 ! ;
sbipments , 1,700 ; native shlpjier ? ' , IB ! butcli-
ers' and liest quality of rough entile lire fairly
nctive und about steady , but common and
2.iSW3a.25 ; Tesans mid Indians , iOa'J.7Tu
llogt Jleeeipts , 4.0CK ) ; shipn > ents , LOW ;
Jut corn-fed hogs sold ncttve at strong prices.
crus and stubtiie bogs veak , selling slow at
M to 7. > c lower than corn-led hoes of equal
woichu butcher.- , and choice lieaiT , fc .iiOJc
i.03 ; Toikers , S4.Win-l.Ki : mixed packinc.
SiCO@-S.iiO ; crass and stuhblb hogs , S.75q ( ;
4.SO ; skiji i . .CD4.ia. .
Kansas City , July 20 Ciittle Ileeeipts ,
f.,700 ; shipments , l,8ilU ; theievits n bntei
lecling and the market was steady nnd n
sbadr higher : { rood to cbi.ire. S4 ( Ki@l."iO ;
gru- ; . _
Hoc * Keeeipls , llna ; sliipments , 440 ;
market opened r.r lngiiei and -do-d weak
with the advance lost ; coodto choir * , ? 4.70S (
i.Dl ; common to medium ,
Tue dy Ereulnr Jul > 20.
Cnttle The mBil.ft was steady to-duy , ut
yesterda3'6 prices.
Hogs The restoration of rates on the roads
between Omaha and Chlunro hud their effect
tirion the hoc " market to-day in lower prices.
The market "opened lower and not very ac
tive and cJo-ed lOc to l&c lower , when the rt-
ports were received from eastern miufcetsin-
tiicating u dediue there. The receijits were
lilieral but were not all salesmen were
slow to accept the decline. One loud of extra
dioli'G lieayv- hogs brought $4.77 > j ; .
There is no liiai tut.
Cattle . . 500
J1O fc i KU )
* * * - * * * < * *
Sheep . . . 119
PrcraiHnc Pi-loen ,
Showluc tlie prevailing prices paid Jor live
stock on this market.
Choice steers , 1SVJ to ir.'iO Ibi. . S4.TO4.70
Choice steers , 1100 to i : D Ibs. . ii ( tf4.00
Medium steers , 12M to 3S30 ibs . . 4.2r.w4.riO
Fat little Fleers. JDM to llWltw . . . . 4.00(04.85 (
Good feeders , VJUtuJUM Ibs . S.50in4.75
( iood to choice cow * and heifers. . . 'i.0o.'ffi8.25 .
Fair 10 medium cows and haifer * . U. . " > 0 aiuid
Good to choice tinllE . 2.2.'i' 2,75
Choice light und medium hogs. . . 4.50ia4. < iO
Good to choice heavy hogs . 4,004.70 (
Good to choice iuix.od iios . 4riic3-l.G5 !
Fair < to rood snorn shwp . 2.5'J@a.25
Representative Sales.
Xa Av. Pi. No. Av. Pi.
L . 1300 i2.50 S . 1200
Xa Av. Pr. No. Av. Pi.
< S . W4 5S.75 SG . litO S1.11i
bO . . . .11SS H.20 ia . 1200 4.40
No. Ar. Pt No. Av. Pj.
CO - .5 5 M.50 li . . . . 2J7 $4,00
OSJ40 54.50 ISi . 'X4 4. 0
Rl . 2i9 : $4.50 C2. . . . . . 250
. . . . ! ! H.50 GS . 2M
76 . 195 4M . &
C . 11(5 ( fc4.f.O C7 . 84
41. . . SMS S4.W C2 . JBS S4.C5
7B. . . 250 4.55 71 , . . . . Ml 4-fi5
CS . 2 0 S4.55 fls. . . „ &i5 5i.C5
,75. . . . 2Jfi i-4.fi7H' CS. . . . . . W5 F4.C5
78 . IS5 Si-Wt , m . 270 SOT )
04. . ,227 J.5,00 40 . J37 W.77J , '
Ran ire or 1'ricr * .
Slio wine the lUrhest and lowest prices paid
for mixedluads ot hogs on thir market
iugtbe pitl seven days , with
June July
nesgyTtu S.70 firtLTS 4JiO ( a4,70
Wedttesdl.\14UlS.05 ( ttB.70 4,1 * ( & 4.C5
Tiiuridny 16th S.CTJ S.70 4ft ( a4,72
FridnvlCth . . S.fiO (2S.75 ( . > W4.B5
Suurouy.lTth S.C5 WJB.75 4.55 § 4.75
Jdonday. IKh. 8.70 © 6-75 4.CS
Tu.etidjir.SOth. . 4,60
All sties of stock in thi market are made
per rwt. live weicht unless uthirwise stated ,
l > end hues seH at i c j r Ib lor til eichti.
Sklnss" or hogs welghin ; less thin 1UO \ \ < t
novniue. Pregnant sows wo doclutd t ! ) It *
Mr Archer , Strthn , was in with t load Of
l ogt > .
J kin es Dan ley. Aihland. topd ; the hog
market lo-cay.
Jna Lew IN Greenwood , cr.nit In to-day
tnd Siilfl & kitd of hogu
y > ir Hi'-l.fT * prJncljelA. was m to-tin j
and brmcht 10 > lrfft/l ! > I leeder
Th < " > Widman. A"rom. washert and wiW
tw < < l < u df Bf lKtK ii the mtrtet.
9 L.Rttier < if Mor e Korers & Co. . of
North r.cinl. w as iiror and mtit s KHK ! e * hoss.
I . Anderson Cfilrmlms. w . at tbp yurfls
1Hd j witti & ln d oi bocs. and t h Ml f null -
rs Mid Inrtchfn > . sitifl ,
Tbe ex totido for ifee Lij t ii p ctit > c
b i < .f lm Itf-en foinpkttid and ttie JpBiidn-
t os-- will ! K' Intd kt oncn.
W. V. YMI h nt. Blunrtiurd , J * . tr 1
Uie j nros and HK. ; | ; rtetn wo ? of rtorl 11
. mmmpHti " vi > n J. Kwtji of t.b * Mime
p ? , and bj , ' . V. .Norton ef AlrtiH > : 'n Cw. ,
General Markets
Tuesdsv Eve * inc. * nly 34
Btn en TJte itf eipts rf Imtlw ure ot
w M p iod butter i * SRIUW. IMioU1 ? but-
r'xellf irnflilj and t p 1ee - eien nbtnr
ilntionv but the nxwace grajr -ived
w-111 ntt sell nbove atiitUtaons. At thi sea
son of tbe jetr , evrn rhoice lintter hipi-ed
) u tmrrtSs imcwnt- ! most vtirtfckia'lK'ore
It IF rcefrt ed on tlie market. Tie wunn
* Mitlw ineJt < = it dev n ui.til it i ? little letter
tlmn oil. Ba"-i'- liU'.h \ \ < iulrt ' ommand 10c-
tipr IK if in tabs , hav e to 1 > > itM HI 5r nod 4c.
Good lM" < h table bntti. . IPtgllr ; fall to
goud , 7iasp ; inlcrior. 't@"x :
Ewe1- The wiit | . utx- not lienvv. nori
the demand xer > li uvv. The market hts
cnidnftllj wekl.entid and ud y it i ? lower.
Too tnueli care cnunul ! > < thl.en to ovoid the
sMvment of jmor eg.s . they hmetobe
cnnfllcd on urrivcl' und aU such stork ! .
thrown out Uie slnptier losinc not onlj the
ecgv but the express chmces. " Ergs strictly
rresh , 30e.
CHII > I ; Full cream clieddars sincle. v(4 (
ft ; full cream twins , voinic Ainericun.
10c ; Swiss. niii ( rt d,2"iia527r : skim Ihits , 4(3 (
Or : Linibnrgfr. lli Jl2r : "brlcl 12idl4c Swiss
domestic. 12'V'1"'C.
Pon.mi Thf recelpUof old fowlOime
IPII vejy liirht nnd tbr values are firmer.
Tii ere is a mud dcmuud l < ir large Int hens
: md rectypts ol nil such brine rood price1- ;
roostert do not tiring ouile us "high prices.
Spring chickens are selling eri much the
same ts last vindLarge sires go vtan
rendjij. A lew duccs otTuSioniUlr re-
cened , but thejc is MT.V little demand lor
them. Old lot * Is. per aot. Si75p.a.r > 0 : sprinc
chickens , larce. S2.5o'i.K : ( > : spring chickens ,
medinm sizt i , $ LMi ) rJ.Mi ; jprinc chickens
small , not wanted : ducks , S2.2Tng2.oO ; tttr
kevs not wanted.
home grown , per doz ,
.r.t Tomatoes , per one-thlrd-bu
tidj : . fcl.i ( : n bn bus. 2.50.
Cit.i.ii A small amount is coining in trat
it Aw * not sell > ery fast , bhipptng sfosk. per
doz. We.
A 1-ri.r.r Choice fa-esh receipts of shipping
slock havelu'pu teJhnc tairlj' well. A good
nmnj areshij > ; * i in that are not suitable for
reshipmcnt and such sUick has to bedi tioM'd
ol io peddiers or the local trade at lower
prres than thee quoU'd , Choice shipping
-U : t. } Mir bbl. S3 ( KKB5.50 ; choice shiptiing
stork , ner l \ . . TJciffiJiroa.
Ntw POTATO ! * Both southern and li ( > me
are being sold on the market , but
stock is not incn me very rapidly. Southern.
pei bbl , $ l7T > ai.OJ : home crown , per bo ,
Br.AN Inferior stocks , 75c(2Sl.K ( ) ; good
clean coustrv. Sl,2.1iai ( 50 : medium hand
picked , Sl.50 ; ncmj-vicked nnvv. 5LCa. ?
UxjciN' Sdittlieni , p r iiblj fi.03 ; soutb-
ra. ptir tin-box , fcl.r > 0
BANAXAF Boimnas tre very good oi > d
verj cheap now. Bananas , per tmiidi , u to
BlHd : ' > errifis. pel' 24 quarts wise.
S2.7Ti.c3.03 ; hlaeberrie.s pet bush'el stands
{ 5.110.
Li-Moxs Receipts ere licht and demand
brisk , owmc to hot weatEer Jill over tlie
country. Ptno lemons ure quotable at tlO.dO
tKT box to-day , while lair to good are selling
at Sft.50.
OnASGE JJodi. 220 size. S7.50 : Navels
S7.00 ; Sleuitereuean sweets , ; St
Michaels. 6 ( .33.
Sori'iiciix PLTSI = A few southern piunis
are couiinc in tnd sell lairlv veil. Southern
plums , stands. $7.00 : southern plum s , i4
( juort c.ii'.es. 2.7i@'lOv1.
SoTTnniiK ( JitAii : A few southern
grapes have airived in the market ; 10 In.
boxes. & 1.0-Ka.l.iSi.
Mia.oy' Georcia ws.t < ! rmejons are oominc
in tnd sell Jairl3wdL The test musk mel
ons or cantilojies ol tlie season were received
thif week. Watermelons , iier 303. S2S.OO ; nut
meg melons , per doz. , SS.odfaiS.50. "
CAiaroiaciA rjm-s : "There are two
last trult trains through each \\eek
from Calilornla , haviiic from one
to lour cars f 01 this cltv. so that the market
is well supplied with Iresh fruits. Fruits
are arriving iu good condition and aresulliuc
j-eadllj. and now is the tune lor dealers to
send in their orders if they intend to han
dle trults r.t all. This IB tlie first week that
there has Imen any real choice peaches
< in the niiaket. Early Crswlords
litve Iwgnn to arrive. Plums have
not neen very extra , but the last shljiment
was good , Grapes will be In next woek.
Boitlett pacrs ere much larger ud finer than
avwikogo. Apricots und cherries aie en
tirely out of the mtrket Banlen jietrs ,
t T box4.00 ; Clapp's favorite pears ,
SJS.75 : punile Unone plums , 2.00 ; "Washin
gton plums , 52 25 : Columbia plums. S2.50
tiennon prunes , 2.25 ; Gross prunes , S2.25 ;
earlj Crawford peuches , 2.25.
Ck > coA > TT : CoManutsperlOD , S5.03 ; less
than hundred , per JHO. S5.5Q.
PK.S MSTD DATES Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
per Ib. lOc. Dates , fancy f ard , 12 Ib boxes ,
14c : dttes , Per ian. 50 11 > bores , wx iti , lOc.
NCTS Pecr.ns , larce polished , lie ; pf-ans. : :
medium , fie ; English walnuts , I4r ; almonds ,
TarraconR 2c ! , almonds , Lancuedoc , 17c ;
Brazils , I2c ; hlberts , 14c ; jieannts , hand
picked , fancy Virginia. i ? c ; peanuts , hand
picked choice V irginia , TJ e ; peanuts , roasted ,
tic extra per Ib.
HOKET California , 15c ; California ,
strained , lOc ; Ne.brnsto , choice , 14 I5c ; Ne
braska , dark , 12Jv@lie. !
fiArix SrcAii Bricks , per Ib , 15e ; nenny
ctces. ptir Ib , llc -
MjU'i-r. STKCP Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon tecs ,
per gal , 1.00 ; gal cans , per gal , 1.05 ; half
gal cans per geL SLID
Cmini New York , per tibL 7.00 ; da half
bbl. S4.00 ; Crab , per doz qU , 2.75 ; .Michigan
rehned. tier bbl. SC.03.
YIXEOAE AVlJte wine lRW17c ; elder. ID
single streucth , lic ; triple strength ,
Pjos1 FTET , TKIPK , Err. Pigs' feet per
K bbl , 54.03 ; do , ? bbl. S2.CK ) ; rte , jiei kit , ! Oc.
Lambs' tongues. j > er S bbl , f-S.25 ; do , j r kit ,
SS.5 [ ; do , quart jars , per doz , J.5.25 ; do , pint
Jars , t r case , S dozen , Pfi. ? * . Tiljie , JT \
bbl , 4.0 ; do. j < er $ . bbl , 2.00 ; do , per kit.
PUO > 'JSJOKS Meats tre steadily advancing.
Tlie demand it brisk and prosixtcts favor
higliei prices. Ham , 12f c , breakfkm nacon ,
Bj4ia9r ; ; dear side bacon , 7 ! > 1.n1Sc ( ; drj salt
sides , 7@7 > vc ; shon rib sioei , 7c : shotuders ,
7c ; mess pork , St 12.50 jier bbl ; dried beel-ham
jilews. Vie- lard , tierces. 6c ; 53-lt ) cans 7c : 10-
Ib eanbrairbonks > , 7 > ve ; Mb cans , do , 7 > , c ;
Wb cans. do. 7 e.
Pixiun AKII liiu.sTtrrrs Winter wheat quality jiatentt2.bO ; sucond quality ,
fi40iiiM ) ; best uolitjBjinng wheat .flour ,
patent. 2.76 ; bran , 5Qj jier cwt : ehoiit > ed
Jeud , icpercwt : white com tneal , TTir ; yel
low w rn mol , 05c IKIT cwt : screening , OOc
jiercwl : hominy , L50 per cwt ; shorts , 5T.e
l i cwt : cruhaiu , BL75 ; hay , iu bales ,
7,50 pai- ton ,
{ .BAIN Corn , S2e ; outs , 20ia2Sr : rya , Qc ;
wheat , COc if ,
WOOL .Medium , l&glac per Ib ; fine hefivr.
10.3J4r . : light. l'ASir ; coaise , 12 < l4c ; burry
wool , 2S5c ( iff.
HIIIES Green butchers ; ' , f Vc : creen cured ,
kc ; dry flint. ll(218c ( : dry salt , felOc : dam-
tcod hides , two-thirds vriee : tallow
crease , prime -white. Sc ; rellow , te ;
JiC- sheep pelts , 25 J(75s. (
I Prime slaughter sole leather ,
( i r ; prine otk sole lea UIUT , UvaUK c.
I p"er leather , per foot. 3'j.or25c : hem. tin ,
7Wst ' . .e ; oii kip , b.'i@a5c , Trench kip , fLK ( > 2
1.26 , he.rn.ckll , SLOOSLIO ; oak call , ELOOa
L25 : French calf , l"ja : 65 ; Momoco boot
legJtG < gS2o ; Morocco oil jhble,2bS2c ( ; top-
puics and linings , iC.ODvom.OJ ; per doz.
EEJLVV iLviaiWAKE iron , rates , 82.25 ;
) owis U FjKicial cast , 4c ; crncible steel , 6c ;
cast tools do , 12 lbc : wtgon wmkes , per set ,
fcL75.oh.H ( > ; hnns , per t , fL25 : felloes ,
Btw id drr , H-40. toucues , each , 75c ; ucles ,
each , T.SC , BQUWC nuti usr ln.7wllc ; tioil
chtili , per Ib , hSiat ; mtlieaile , Gfeftc : iron
wt dgt,6e. crowharg , Gc ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
spring fctefcl , 7is * > r ; Burden1 * horseshoes.
(4.40 ; Burden's mule shoes , S&.4H. Bariied
wire , JO cur lots , $4.00 perlK ) Ibs. Iron
Xtiis. rttfcs , 10 io M , 2 50 , steel nails , ES.C5 ;
Shot 1.69 , buckshot. SLti. oriental
powder , kegs i 54.1 * ' do. htlf tegs
12.00 , do , qunrter kegi tL50 : blasHng , kecfa"
$ S-a5.iuse.j rliiOfe .10e , Leud Bur , f IU. .
I'AIKTS on White lead. Oman * . P. P
TVf ; white ead. St Lomi , pure. f776Jdir-
btatles cr ir . 1 n > S Iti cans , 2ie i reuch tine
creen b > al J2e , yninch anc rnd swil.lle :
Jrtineh rue. in varnish awa , UUe : Preneh
tine , 75 : itniuib.un , JLnierictn , lic.liditn
red 10t : rtiie n1 1 * ' Vcixtian rpd. C-ociK-
1 * t > n 5. * ' . < A rat-Ran wfl ABi irVn. l\r'
T } vsi4.'iit .ttoxtttnt je4k'\V , c ainiie ! ai c.
K 12' . o : ! if. rorbe It. V.
1 rench. iS'jCi o-hrr Anwri n. 1SP :
. -SV : Lrirtrh lironn 5-tf.
> . 14 ! ' * niltiwaU >
: Tr e < hl
ISr.Pntis - hititic , l' ' c : whu nr. r.
. winfT. lsr : lawjiWuPk , Gw-
. . . IJc. JfinipidRck. wd DM ? ,
l luf , r.y mtrntnwme , 1s * . vnnflj Ue
_ . burnt * < : sienna. n rc. 4c : Pun'-
CTwn , smuiirr. . n. Pwis creen. ww-.raon ,
2 r : rtuxwie necji. N. Y. . 20o : ehroiw grwn
' *
and burnt orolw. 'l Jb cn w 19c ; raw u d
fined luntpljJMk. JSc ; cnaeli Wi ck mid ivorj-
blurt. . Ifi : : drnji M rlc. Iflr : PnwwMi l 'n" ' ,
* tip ; iiUrsMiftTlmWtie , ibr : chronx cr > a , L. ,
M AII. . . I * * : b'lml ' uod Kjiuttw rreen , L. . M.
Yenetiwi wd. Hi. TnWn. 2Amnrir&ii : j
i wni ll on. L. A li. 30c ; yrtlo * orilirt , t * ; L.
! Ji. & < . IV. IVrond ochre , Jflc : pt"st
drjer. V : rrmnitic c-.tloi. lirlit oak , darkotV I
i walnut < hr--tinit n nih. 13r !
I > i : ' , r , . AVI' l > ti i.v Arid , rarliollc ,
1 Me : arid , tnrtnir Sr : biUsam edtm-.bu , pel ;
! H , . ' r : bak. Piiisatni dpe : ! li. 30r : cHlo l.
tKir Jli. 72r. ohltK'iioiu is , jioi or , 40c ; ehl ! i > -
lonn , JKU 11.'JO f. lower's piid'as. . pr : r ,
SL25 ; ei > oni salts. pt > t Hi , sift ; glycnrini- ,
jmi-e , ] xjr Jl' . I'r. lead , iicettste. ttsr 1 * > a ! c ;
nil. cii'.loi. No. L p c l. . il.53 : oil. cast'C.
No. 2 , jier guU VL4i > . oil olive.per cr.l. . l 40 ;
oil orirHtinuin. TO ; : opium $ K.aO ; quinine.
P. A W. and li. A S ) H r ot. 70cpnt : s ni
icJtdft. twt Hi. JHI.OD. halicin , ji r or. 40.- ; sul
phate morphine , ; a o : , 2.50 : swltibot , t > ei
In. 4r : flnclitiine. tieroz. Jl.Ha.
TAKSI'-III : ' barrels. } KT ! gallon : Furni-
tuit , extra. SI 10. furniture. No. 1 , 53 < K > ;
ccmcii tTrtra. 51.40 couch. No. 1. tl.'JO : Da-
mar. extra 1.7 : ; . jnpan , 70r ; ns'halttim.
extra. 5V ; sbtilluc , M.50 : hrj'd oil liul'-h ,
SriBiT Colocnspirits. . 185 proof , E1.10 :
do 101 prool. 51.13. spirits , second quality.
101 proof. iLlO : do IS * proof. i-Lia .VJco-
hoL 1 proof. ? 2 0 1 per vine callou. Itedis-
tilled -whiskies , G.n. blended.
SL5nfr2.00 , : Kentucl > bonrbons. 2.aiioKu'iO :
Kentucky uudPennsjlvania ryes , 2.(0n.'iO ( ( ;
Golden llal bourbon and rve wht-Lies.
SL50St'.01. ( Brandies , iiiipoited , & > . ( tl.oV > D ;
e. Liii ! ( , 00. Cains , imported. 4 no
dome-mc , l.STirirS.oa. Chciupscncs.
d. per case I2a.Kltt54.0i ( { : ; American.
pel case ,
Grocers' IjUt ,
PicKir Medium , in bals , $ ri.fD : do in
half bbls. SS-OO : muuIL in bbK S-0.K ( ) : do in
hall bbK SJ..M : ciictkins , in bbls , 7.0.1 ; ao
in half bbK H.0,1
MATriin Pel cuddle. fSr : round , j > er
cae S3-00 : squwtciisieb , tL70 ; mule sguaie ,
SroAits Powdered , T r : cnt lno.1 , Pi.c :
granulated. O-jc : con < eetioners" A , f l.r :
standai-d extra C. Ouf. e ; extra C , 5Ji'nt ( : c ;
medium jtJlow. b 'a c.
l iir.n JrimTS No 1 quarter apples. In
evatiorated imxes. S-T < ( /Be ; biuckbeiTiS boxes ,
( cr7\c : tuunes , new , 4-.vW-Ji.u
. - Oysters , standard , per
S8.W : stra wherries , Ib per case. J-2.50 ;
21hjicr case , E2.25 ; California
peart. p .r case , $4,40 ; apricots , per ca < < e.
t4.50 ; } > eache.s per case , f 4iD ! ; v hite cherries
per case , 5.93 ; plums , | > er ca'-e ifilfiO ; blue-
lierrieh. ) > et ca e. 2.25 ; egc plums , i Ib , pel
case. 2.50 ; pineapples , 2 JD , Ptsr csse , S.20
CAKnLr. = Boxes. 40 Ib fis. 10p ; bs. lOc :
boxes , 40 IB , iS-Si 0 . 30 } , c ; half box , 20 IU ,
10 c.
CAKDT Mired. PH'ial2c : stirt , FH' < a Vc.
fc > Ai-T Dmy kinds , jxy bbl. L25j Ashton ,
in sacks. 6S.S > : 4 sacks , Aston , s5r ; bbls ,
dairy. 2.K ( > @ 2.75
t'liATKEES Gtriieau's soda , buner nnd
picnic. 5\.e ; creams , i > Hc ; ciuger snaps , & } jjc ;
citv soda , \ c. "
SODA In ID papers , SS.E5 a case ; salsoda ,
tec. per In , is c.
smrp .So. 70. 4-gUlon tecs , 1.00 : New
Orleans , Sso4ric7 ( > erjallon : Maple tiyrup , H'
burrel , "nrictly mre "K pur gallon ; 1 gallon
cans. ! U2. > per dttf.:3s gallon cans , E3--5 per
doz : ouartctna. SS.OU.
STAJUCH Mirror ' 'glws ' , 1 Ib , SJfc : Mirror
gloss S Ib , 5 c ; Jdirror gloss , 0 Ib , (5 0 ;
Graves' eoioi. . 1 Ih , Cc ; Eingsford's com , 1
Ib , 7c ; KingH.ords ! gloss 3 Ib , 7c ; Klncs-
ford's irioss. C Jh"JJyc ; Kingsford's pure. Sib.
5 40 : Juncsturd's bulk , 4c.
CorrEES Ordinary grnaes.lOJ-jfoillc : Jalr ,
llfall eiiriuie.ll Vf * c ; choice , ISVfiilS c ;
fanc-v green audTellow , 18Jvjbi4V.c ; old rov-
exnment Java , 2o5pMc ; interior Java. lGjf ( < ?
20r ; Mocha , 2 irf24c ; Arbuekle's roasteo ,
34 % , e ; McLanglilin's XSSX roasted , 14\c ;
Difworth's. I4ic : Red Cross. 14Vc.
SoAl-f Kirk's Savon imjienal , S2.70 ;
Kn-k's satinet SS.OO ; Kirk's standard. S.05 ;
Kirk's white Itcssian , W CKJKirk's White
Can. SC.50 : Dome , 5 > S. 0 : Washboard , SS.10.
PIDTTS Amencan , S'-.p ; Arnold's Cc : Co-
checo , fir : Manchester. &Xe ; Lyman 5c : Glon-
oest r. 5c ; Dunnell Jnecjuard. Cr ; Dunnidl ,
5 > me : WindsorC.c ; Pacing Ce : Hunuony.4 r ;
Anchor .Shirtings , 4V.c ; Merrimae Shirtmgti ,
4 > vc : Berwick , 4c.
DrrK ( VnbleacheC ) S oz. Mnrnolia , lOe ;
10 oz. ilacnolia. 12 < ' : S oz.A est Point 10 > : c ;
11 oz. W esl Point , lc. .
Bnows COTTON Lawrence Lls 5c ; ishaM-
taut LL. 5c ; Beaver Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic
LL , r > r ; Indian bead. 7c ; Wauehussct f'J4e ;
CnnvnSA.3LCUe. Clifton CCC , Oc ; TJtic-a
CCC. 4Hc : Atlantic P , 5\'c.
TicKisrcs Amoskeae ACA , 12 > vcTliom-
dvke OOO. 7\c : Thdmdyke tancy. ' . % 'c ;
Voik. lOWc : York fancy , 12c ; ililbury ,
18 , c ; Peiiri River , ll c ; Hamilton. 12r ;
Swift Ktver , 0.c : Shetncket S , c ; She-
tucket S3 , J'Vc ' ; Monlank AA , 12c : Montaut
BB , lie ; Omega ACA , life
DrcK ( colored > Boston 9 oz broxvn and
drah. li'-He : Boston O H brown and drab ,
XXX brown ana drab , ll c : Boston 0 P
blue 1JH' Wonen Tricot 15s.
COTTOXR Fanners' faiolce ,
r\c ; Cabot f'5 f : Hoi > e , 7c ; Bill 4 4. T c ;
Hill & Oc4c ; Lonsdale , 6e ; Triut be ; Wuma-
C < ir.ET JEAS KearKorge , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; Pejijierell , 7c ; Indian Orchard , Oc ;
NaumVeng , 7e.
CHivioTf Amosknac , checks , P' c ; Ainns-
k ig , strines. BWe , Mater , strljies : > e ; Edin-
burg , i' ' > vc ; Wiuttendon , stripes , he ; Glen-
Endurance bonk fold , 12c.
DITNIMS BCB-JW Creek AA. lie ; Heaver
Creek BB , 10c ; Be v r Creek CC , He ; Jaflrev
XX , lie ; .laffrev XXX. 12e : Jaflrey I ) < t T ,
3i.'S.c ; Columbian. li c ; Y < irk , lite ; York ,
fancy , lS > vc : Even-tt We ; Haymakers' blue
uid biown ,
. JI'S H't ills Or ilblkJ'lL KIB
JUt W riKn . I „ ( I .
Ben's S'OCo 1 L'h fi Wl S K i 117 3 C7 1 40 13 < 7
L'ce Glh'fl rmicjt IKIS UOS 7T.3 BUI 1K1 , M i
L'f K'd U'r ] ' c , t > IKI'H ( Or 7i 3 B5 1 il'J BU 41.
nri-oirriai IISH.
Blilfc ( J'rBtilJ'uilt or Kits
, aK ) 9M W ) DO 111 12 IU
Norwepiun ' ' I
ccc Utr'riftii ; no C DO I Q I ! aa 2 70 , . . 1C to
KU Hfrr'iiFSll 03 C I W.UB 1CW. toU
. b Wl i M 4 UJr 110 1 HO UB Wl
EtJk _ Ib [ 10 It 60 b 110 4 Hi > 1 ! W 1 ifc'l 10
Holland Hernnct , utrtr _ HO
j'ull M'hlle hoop .3 IU
, B ilhHt ( t illilBW llhlBi'JS K
lilnuter Mess. IsflKTlt- IKS | i uT. 7 : ii Ml 1
Ex No 3Sbort > : r4 ( Kl 1Z Hi 1130 i , IK ) B IU' ' f4 1
WoiKalSliure , lli III , 7 ( Kl | ( . B5 B t Ml U3 |
* 6e" llij. u "B' E U it & 8 01 S 0 , SU )
14. trrtmilr. ' V llfl1 6 ( iO ' 4 MS OS'S 30 74
, . { Oil" " 4 Hit ,11 ( S III , t 70 tg
illilb J'Uii Ktf
No , i WhiuPith. . . c on i 4n B am : 711 te no
rtrnllr White ish. S 00 J 704 3 il Kl M fiU
Nu. 1 Trout , U ) 8 Ul Ml W US 00
Ko. 1 yjtiita-el , . 8 HO 711 1 BO 1 Ml' ' 6t M
} ioliaiMUierrlng&r ; smoked haJilrat 10 > jc ;
JTuruiouth bloaters , Pie ; new bcalftd iierrings ,
Drr Lumber.
Xo. 1 Com. E. 1. 1. 12,14 tnd 1C ft . tlC.53
XaS - * 12 , 14 and 1C ft . 14,50
No.8 " 12,14andlG tt . . , . . 12.5 *
So.4 " - 32,14andl6n . lu.50
Na 3 , 4 4C inch , 12 tnd 14 ft , rough. . . 10.00
Xo. I , 4 A0 inch , 1C ft. , rough . . 3(150 (
Na ,4iCinch , 12 and 14 ftrouch . . 38.58
* ASttndkrd
5-inch clear . . . . . . , . . . . . 1.55
C-ineh clear . . . . 3,55
No.1 . % . JOS
„ . ; . .15
hie Dr-vinc
rnr n'ti tnj Oontrfc-ton.
Br § S , Ro&f IfDSses , Sttam Pile PririDg
Ir > D Comhlntttion nas H"we Traf * Brldrns ,
I'ittur nnd Out Timber Ifch EI . nfu
Tit-pbotn Kt TTH.
Cirst and Tobacro ,
S Of Cigars ,
iui Araaunn > n. SIR 10 ar footb 31U >
ittrt (1. ItJfC te JCE.1 J'urtuin : RtreiPt. Umtthk
WE5T i. niTTCHSn. .
ef Hss Cigars ,
Aafl hoh-ink I > fn"r' a , L f ToltHCMmv Not
W. L.
for the MuTjaJwturtir * una
Cwcltiy , GlL swBJ-fc , '
Chluiut'K ltt _ fltstrfi , BIT Fpu1t ntli
r , s. GOOI RICH Ano
A. W liltui'j Carrtaft < to. t
Cfcfldrea's CirriEges ,
Anfl .levrlt t. CoH-tirnlfd KelnrfrMon. Sen
or pric-e littt. Jll Fdrnnni st. Omaha.
Eagle Cornice Worts.
"tita Eroaptej. Proiirititor. Mnnufur-turtir of
Guvunlr ) Jlran unrlComir-o ieM > : idrii uiidlSl
und ICCiIsurtb llttb Strt-ot. Omitha.
jiE > rrrNQ & BOLTE.
Manttfnoturcn , of Oruiunrtitnl
isod iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows rir.tlsEir , ran l th St. Wortdnac
In tuy PUT ol tht oountiT-
Western Cornice oits ,
C. FPKCUT. I'roprirtor.
GhlrEnlMa Iron CornioiiK , Etc. Fpfroj's Im-
lirm < ' ( J Pnlom Notull'cFtJ-llcbt. tab utifl 510 a
iLth St , Oniuba. Xot-
Scsh. Etc.
Tne Gate. City Pinning lull.
I > cinrE. Snub and Bliiifls. Alun ull klnSf ol
tumltip. fccroll uaflStuirvroit o ! tnurjOt -
BcrJition. ]
W tnuJnmirtir uafl Prulrr InDoors
Sasi Blinds Etc.
Doors , , , Moildings , .
Bttir ToJU a BpeniahT T < 0crboip So.
tothBudMarev Ht..Opt u.Xt& .
Electrical Suppliei.
L T. VOLFE t CO Eloo
QocirlCEl Snpplies ,
Musonir Blotk , Omubt. Burplur Alarrai. BolK ,
Wit : Altaius. f tictru MutUne , S ; > JiUnc-
Iron Works.
f AXTOV < t VJEHLINti Jltr\ )
WrongM and Cast Iron Bnflding
ron Stairs , Kallinc. llofioa Bt'"niE ' taa
Btcutn EnplnpR. BrcsK "Work. Gfintrtl rounfirj-
Uachlne and Blti'jLKml'.b Vorc. GUo4 and
Worti , C. P. HJ- . und S 17tb Ft.
iron 2 : d NailE.
Cut Sails Hud Spites ,
ufls r Btt'ul" -
Oinak Safe Worts ,
Tire and Uurplni Prool EaTeg.
Vanlt DoorB. Jiul Vort. EbunerF mid "Wire
Wort Cor.34th und Jnctfion StK. . Umaho , Neb.
The Leading CEiritfie Factory ,
jiK'Eud KQ I > tidf c Street , Omahi , Ki
Commlsiont Etc.
Live Stoct Commission
Gro. Itui'ke , Munarer.
Dnion Stoct Ttrdi. S. OaiuUu Telf .jbonc SEI
Uni&n Stock lards Company ,
Limited. John TBoyti ,
J bA\ AGE < fc GKEEX ,
' Lire Stoct Commission Merchants.
Ehj mcnte oi anj und ull Lin at ul tr.ot
od. Cujoa fat ct Tudb OmUui.Koh.
Lumber , Ltc.
Dealer in Lmnlsr , Lath , Lims ,
Pr > i , Daors , Etc. Tartu Cor. 7th tua
Eannfactnrcrs of Sasii , Doors , Blinds ,
Btulr Wort end Intoner Hard WcmC
h. j UEt ojieJit a. Jv . E. cur. btb
T'Ortb Strntitfi , Omaha , Kob.
Fuolesale LEmbsr ,
dl & Mth Strout , Omaha , Kub. P. Colptraer ,
Lumber ,
TStii tnd CaJITornia Strouts , Omabb. Keb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Oth and Duupiut Stm th. Omaba , VfL.
Wholesale Dealer ia Lmnbsr ,
Hardwood Limtier ,
Ftoct , Tanry WoodK , BridrtTlmbcrt
W. Coi. lob uud l aurl , , Kob.
G. T. L.TMAK ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Bufldliur Ptij cr , Etc. houth 13th fetroa , CC23 * .
h , Etc.
CnootibMOrc to t Ob.
Wholesale Ksh Dealfis ,
Jroj > ortori ct r m n Pish , Not. Ml-I'lB ' Jouui
l = r 6tr - ' < i-r < > . f.
Confectioner * .
r. p. FAT i co. ,
MaunMiiring Coniectioners ,
. ctf Fruits , N uts aa J Cis ar&-
SL , OuiahB > tit ) .
Lime , Cement , Etc.
MannfLCtnrers of Illinois White
Ana tiUijipert of rot ) and Cokr. . Cemtiot , Plufi-
ler , ldnibHair. Fu-c iiiiiO. . Drain. Tilt bud
Bvwtir J'ljttGfliot. . J'axtua liouU. ttiltijiliuiit tall ,
rarnum Vtmtit , Oinah. N limil.a.
Job ? rirtUr. ,
Jol Printers , Boot Binders ,
And Lltnl. Boat Jluunf assuror * . lOCJJfc South
turti Imolcmfnt t
rt l r irr IB
* , Omutm J >
B : $ nnd S
w. v. MOPCE i ; ca.
oJ Dorts i 4
ftrwit. Ortm.hv Nrtv
K. A
ACarpus , 01
Cartntn Goo ? ' . ! Ht l < a Tamnm
oifW , l > mli- . > > ! . _
Coal , Lims , LV- .
GoEl , Cote , Lime tad Ston ?
Cincu > . HI S. 3 l r-t- . Omaha , Ni-h. VftrS * , " '
CK' flr
rs oi Coal Lnd Cott ,
J4 S. 13.1. St. . Onmua. Xt-h
tr" C , '
3. H. UCI.OTT.I.
Etteasta Goal acd Liue Company ,
OJTIro , n ; fc. ] i Ji Slrttt. TflivI'Otiril
BfcoTr.LAluon.rrt * . C T Gocmv.Anr.V
J. A. S-fMnaa-Asn St-c nnd Tn-us.
Om&iia Co , Cole Lud IdmeCompaBjr ,
rf cl ! .crd mid t > n POM , Sat ! * . 3Mb M
OmuLo. . Soli
Hard Lud S&ft Coal.
larfto Btraldrr Colorado
t outb J ib t.UTi'1.
Coffte and S ices.
tATES. "CXM.E it M1LR .
Home Coffes and Spies Mi KTg Co.
C'ti-t-t Bon , : ort anfl Fpi.-P Urlidir * . miina
famnruri of lli.tmp I'civ flrr , rinvormc Ertrae :
Illultif. ntc. Trj-oo * CHIP nI our ! puctiirr
Homo nipafl haunod Ootrt. IBUt Hti u-d M. ,
Cmnbu. NcU ' " _
OffiEia Coffee aud Spice Kills.
Tim' , CuflfpK. Flup i. Bu : in ; i'jwflor 1'ltivnrlnr
Litrums. Uiundrj Blun. Int , Ui lilt-It Hu >
nry Btrnt't , C > 3 > aliu. JCob. _ _ _
Commission , Etc. _
Mffiale Frmti , Prodnoe , Oysters ,
113 Fiimuoi St. . Cmmha. Ajij-Jus Our own j.act-
InR Plan 4 C i fr T rcr Urmiil O.-httrt , Butior.
Errs Gaaio.l'outerj .
Gensral Commission Merchant ,
TroflUMliwrifJoas. . TruitK. Tlour nnd Ftirl. 105
5 UJiteiramciitE KOiitumi
ilt'turat inado urointiUr.
C1I J.h Strt-av. i"aciii. ; . Krt , . Sjiocinltlet ; Bui-
U't E UK. sad Ciilccuns-
Prodnce Commission Kerchants.
. Buttcj. Gunio. Frulm. Etc. SOR.14tb !
St. , Cteiabb , Kclirufcto.
General CoHmission Kercliants ,
14iW Doflrc Strtft. < nnab > rliriuJa
Storage and Commission Merchant
. . llutttir Epps Poultry
ontl GUJK112 S. Ittti. , Oaiabu. Nob. Tolt-
pbouc So. 'J3Z.
w i : r v s , \ ? m . L A
Storage and Commission KBrckits.
rora.m iJid l > oiw < tK < rruit4- tmcialtT. El-
frt.nt ftoi upe lucjliiifs Wunihouao und oOinn ,
10 Kortb Uia-Kt. Telc-pbuuu 77a. _
D "A. HC31LEY ,
Commission od Joking ,
Boner , Esc.1- : > a J'roaure. A lull line of SUmi *
r.uro. CmiEicaiaciuu tollclUiil 34M OJaajre St ,
Bcysrs of Bntter and Eggs.
Belrifrarntor unfl I'urkinir Houcti.Ktb i LfBron-
TrorUi St , on T * P. 1L Ji. Tract , Omcliu
General Commission ,
tUB. Kih StOmcha , Nob. Bjifcitltics Batter
EjTCh , Poultry und Game.
Commission Kercknts ,
rrnlts. Prcfiure uud Provibumt , Omuht , Neb
cnirnTH t THOMAS ,
to GrilCth ,
issicD Herctants
And vhblfBulr dtiuirnm inmntrj-
li-ults , t.ttnor. orct c.c. < joe l on oonsijnim out
u puciatt.r. : 0 > nib bt _ O.nana.
.V fr 50KS ,
A , P. Sfhnuk. )
Prodnce Commission Merchants.
Kn. SIB Soatb I" tb Street. Omubu. Soh.
Dry Csods.
Drj GoDds , Hosiery , Kotions ,
, ijicciK Eiijbroidcrj- M'biic C-ooa * .
liXaiHc'pgiitf fctriwt , OmUik , KoU
Strictly Pure WMte Lead.
Stub Stluid IT. P. By. OmuUa ,
Hameci , Etc.
M Ln ut ucrcrtiri end 3 obbtirs of
HarLess Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Gocidb , nnd Iiol - b3C3 ruriu.3 >
E. > L HTLSR ,
Katlress Company ,
Mcnitjnctnnijp Mtiiruiw * , Bnaainr , rv-ttbnr
h , f Jetz ' , Ktc ra * und isoi I > ouriu fctrt ,
MaEalactnrers of Oreralls ,
Juis Puiu. , Sbiru. , Ett , UK und 1 M Ziourlu
'J : flrr.t- * . .
Beer ,
igent for Inieaser-Bnsli Brewing Lss'n
Sx iinl lirttudi. J'ubUt Budufurtir u&d Eiliuiwi
GMAHV 1 VIi ! . CO
I > ealrin A KiM ? o !
Beading KiteriBl at WlolesaJj.
3ftfc Sti 1 1 una'i S True * . > r. h
DBSJW in Lumber ,
SRb Mielwrfl * * * . Mmuhs Nft'rnrt ' * .
a. A "WAKEni ti > ,
Wholestie LBSbsr , Lath , Shingles ,
s Pout * . I.inr. r.ft
C'raimn. Jv'tmii fcnaJtoni'SOn.JLU *
HHTWJ S r t , Omaha , * tx . , Instruments ,
EttitoLY 4. itiicKsov. :
Wcstiers < 4 Knacal iBStruioeiits.
PMtrtiT-tjr limn * . V i r TVH-Uir Hu-nnmnS
IU-IKC - lmntn. rnr * ra Orpin1 Clim. Organs.
JO iat6 MB ri
fu-n'rture , Etc.
'mnitrr ? , Biding , Gpholstey , Kirrors.
Bic-i.tTi , las * R a izio ] nmi.iu s : omah
nmvrr & 5TONn ,
Duitors in Furniture ,
I'uruum Strwt , Omaha , Kt h. _
Groceries. _ _
E. li. CKATMAK * . CO. ,
ilesEle Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
und Smotws' Articles , 3Si7 Howard5L
* "
MEYL'il & nAAl-CE
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spires , Clrurs tuifl TolititKXi' . 3S17 tttia IBP Dump-
lut Street , OmuKa , Kelt
Wliolesalo Grocers ,
Itttb und runmra BUiins , Omriha. Jftifc.
Wliolesols Groceries and Prorisions ,
KOI , . 7UJ , 7D7. "OS L.nd 711 S llltb &U , Oniuhn , 3 * eU ,
EEETJ Har-iware , Iron , Steel ,
Bprlnrs. R'wron Slott. Hardwood Luniticr , nta.
las uufl 1U1 Htirnf.v btrwn , Oaialiu , > tib.
Stesl afi
WLolDstlB.Iron , ,
Ana Ctrnoiro W 4 ptoife. Henry H
IXe. 137 uud 13. mix tuiMwlh Streut , UmaiiEi
Builders' Hardware ,
Tool * unfl CuCulo Scales. 14tK > X > onp
Ornuhu , Kub.
rax. rniED & co ,
Jolliers of Hardware and Rafls , llnware ,
Ircin , Etc. Ari-ntr lor Howe Seitles uud
Mitinu I'tiwcjiT C < i. . Oniiiha Nob. _
Stoies , Ranges , Fnrnaces , Tiles ,
, Gruliit , Brnis fdfls. 133 und XK ! Pu *
nam t-trftt.
filiDlesale Hardware and Kails.
Emerson Su il Kails. Cor. 3Ut.h unfl HurncT
StTMIth. ( llT'lhll. Niib.
Munufwrt.urer ol the
iitf Hariester Goods ,
to "Win. AL Lorlnnir , GdnitriU Ajront ,
TcUijibuuu UIO. _
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe aDd < engines.
S12CE , IVHlisr , ltiUl BJ Mid Millinr Supplies , EW
Itt ) , CS2 mid lr.4 Fiiruam ht. Omuhii , Keb. _ *
Wholesale Pmps , Pipe , Fitting ,
fitcum uud TV tiler .Supplies. Honaguunors JOTP
Muta TdtiKt Co.'t Oouili. 1111 lYrnaxn Streut ,
Oiuubc. , Kob. i
_ " Jewelry. _
"Wholesale Jewelers.
I PetJerf In SUrpiiruro , liiiirauriflB , Wntchei
I CidcLfi , Jcwelurs' Tonlt nnd Mutcrnui , Tile , 101
I uuaiffii , Ifiib Struut , Cor.
Eoticiis.HosisrGBatsTornisiinl GDD !
lODC mid JUJS Fu-uimi St. , OiiiuUu. , NuU.
j. T. Bohinsos lioflOB
. Ft . Omiiba , JCrtu
JH-Uorf In Kotltinti uuS Gents'
Oils , Etc.
Wesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gar.olinr. , Mica Axle GrouT , El" A , H. ninnop ,
Mauiiycr. OimUio , Tiolx
_ Pork Packing. _
Port Paclsr cad SMppar ,
Omolii N "
HAltiaS ,
Ptcters End Prorision Deaiors ,
Dfliot , Fnion NaiV t,3M7 Utiflre Btrwit. 1'ttcklnr
b'nmc , p. r u. jt. Xtuck , UinUiu , SeU. Tain *
Safe nrid Locks. _ _
igents Jor Hall's ' Sale & Loct Co.s'
Piri and Ucrclar J'roof Baf us.Tnne lxicLfcVtratl )
m < 3 Jull wort.llKO _ ! rtrnara nu-tiot , Omiitm , Neb
Sfbolesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
iituMa , Etc. f rullowiC Hall.
K. W. GDI. lltb und Uodfu bt . , QciaUa , Jfob.
Drugs , Etc.
I tcj CrUtr in"3'aiatr , Olt ! uud "WinflciT- GlaM ,
Wines , Llquars , Elr _
Distillers aid Inportsrs of Fines
Ajifl Uauort. Solo luonuluatunir * < f Koiia ay"
EuKtludUiUinuri lias Kanifjfctrwt , Uaitb * .
to MeSAUAiiA i Ji' .c.i.s ,
laid "VVJi
, Lipors and Cigars ,
_ a nndglC & liib 8uOniUm. _ Rub.
jvntions , tu.
_ _ "
ll BltAKDJES i SOS ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
J > ry QootH K Uont , Grmtt' PurniKbins Gr > t U ,
Uun4t li nn Netr Vc-rk. " nult tuJf * Cuir. (
V J. V EA , . ijA s ? 4.
Flear , Feed and Grain.
Mtnuluauron of W \\j-nnur.s
iXaiun 2iiiui.wlib&.i tlourtvti i i
Uii > iluit vur bUi uud i'ju-uuuj MrtxAit. , uiiu-ti.