Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1886, Image 1

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Jnst How the New Parliament Stands in
Party Relations.
The Great Changca Prom the Situa
tion In the Iinst Commons The
Dllko DIsKrnco Kniacr
IVMllnm'B Ovntlon.
How the Commons Stands.
LONDON , Julyio. f Xtw York Herald Cable
Special to the IJii.J : Only tlneo scats In
tlio housnof commons lemalning to be de
clared , It Is appropriate ? to suminarl/e the
election tcsiiltH because the three unpollod
districts mo certain to return hotim-i tilers.
Theie is an aiitl-home-rulc majority of 11.1.
The lories number ! U7 , only nineteen shott of
nn actual majority of the full house. If over >
( tlndstonlto and P.iinelllto vote Is counted ,
It will still bo necessary , In order to obtain a
huge majority of one upon divisions not of a
home-iulo nnttiro , to secure lifty-seven out of
the seventy-four llhcial-unlonlsts as against
the full toiyotc opposing them.
TMI : TOIIY \.ioitirn s.
The toiies alone lin\c a majority of 12"i
over the Cilad toiillc.s , of liftj-ouo over the
latter and the liberal-unionist combined , and
llihty-nliH ) over n coalition of
Gladstoniles and Parnollltes. The
1'rcat chance is best undeistood by ic-
membctlng that In the recent paillamcnt the
libuials boat the torles by eighty-two and
combined \\ltli the I'nrnellltus , put the toiles
In a nilnoiliy of 1(5S. ( Calculations may bo
cabled as to the numerical superiority In a
total vote of
TIIK ANTi-novii-nitiK nr.r.vmvTi.
This Is enthi'ly fallacious , because It Is Im
possible to know thnnirty pioportlons of the
total votes In a largo number of districts
from \\hlch the members were returned un
opposed. The 'Ji7 llbeials ] who voted
for the second rending of the
Irish government bill have been
reduced to a total of 101hllst the 841 antl-
hoiue-iub'rs who went to the lobby against
the measure , have Incieascd their joint voting
eticngth to : iOi hundred and tlih ty-six
oc\v members haye been elected ,
vviu. r.isio.v : AT oxen.
This morning's N 'ws autboiltatlvcly an
nounces : "Tl.omtnlstcis have decided not
to wait for the meeting of parliament before
tendering their icsignatlons to the queen ,
but to at once bow before the popular ver
dict. "
lie Receive * * nn Ovation at Munich
Tlio Insane IEIu < ; .
Mi'Nicir , via llAvni : , July 10 | Novv
rork Herald Cable-Special to the Bii.J : :
Empcroi William anlvcd at the Munich rail
way station at half-past eleven this morning.
Prlnco Luitpold , in full ana uniform , with
the grand cordon of the order of St. Hubert ,
mid accompanied by the princes and piln-
cesses of the Bavarian royal laiully and all
the court attendants in their gllttei Ing blue
and wilver livery , weio on tbo platform. The
Instant the Impoilal train ramo to a stand
still , the priiicd icgent jumped upon the loot
boaid of the emwioi'.s carilnge , opened the
door and helped the kaiser to step down on
the pint f 01 in , The emperor wore the full
uniform of a Bavailan gcnetal , heavy metal
helmet , bui'o silver epaulettes and about
fifty decorations.
iir. LOOKKD BPM'.xnior.Y.
In hs light blue tunic that fitted him like a
glove , and stood as Him and erect as a Pome-
nerlnn grenadier. The weather is very hot
with a bla/liig sun. and it testifies to tbo
wonderful powers of ondmanco of the cm-
peroivwhohas been travelling hours In a
billling cnirlago with his stiff rigid tunic
lightly buttoned to the chin , while several of
the olllcei-s of his quite looked quite fatigued ,
PiincoLultpoId embraced the kaiser with
thegicatest tendciness.
three times on the cheeks. Tlio kaiser shook
the prince coidlally by the hands , and asked
In the kindest terms aOout the health ot
King Otto and the queen mother. The into-
ilorof tlio i.illway station was beautifully
decorated with Imndieds of p.Um trees ,
orange trees and exotic llowers. The dining
loom was hung \\ltli festoons ot loses , lilies
and coinllowers. Over tlio mantleplcco
abioiuobustof the late king. On the table
In front of the empeior's plate were largo
wre.ilhs of comllowors arranged In tbo shape
of the letter W , the gift of the queen mother ,
who Is Mill confined to her bed from the ef
fect of the Into tingle event.
At noon the emperor and his suite as
guest of the roy.d family of Bavaria , sat
down to
Piomlnont among the delicacies of the
menu woio the emperor's fa\orlto cohcen-
trated soup , made by boiling down beef ,
chickens and pigeons , and also splendid
lobsters biought ali\o fioin Heligoland , an-
othi'i 'favorite dish of the emperor. Thou
sands of pcoplo gatheied outbldo the
station Hhoutlng , "lloch , llocli , "
( liunah ) with the gieatest enthusi
asm and striving In vain to catch a
glimpse of their kaiser. At 1 o'clock tbo
pilnco recent and the royal family of Ua-
vai la conducted the umperor to his railway
caniae. Mme embracing and kissing fol
lowed and then there was a shoit whistle
from tlio locomotive and the hnpcilal tiiun
nonNisvvirrrY AWAY
toward Gastcln. No event since the corona
tion of the Get man emperor at Versailles \ \
done moro to weld together the military and
social union of Noith and South Germany
than Kaiser Wllholm's present Jouiuoy
tlnougli Uaden , Wurtomburg and
Bavaila. The splendid ovation at Augsbeig ,
the Impel lal reception hero to-day , tlm kind
vvouls spoken by the venerable monarch to
Hundred' ] of BmgoiiiGlsters and prominent
cltUcns , have gone
ot tlm Bavarian people. Tlio kaiser haste
to day won for himself throughout Bavaria
nil that port-ona ! alfoctlon , real and adora
tion that these Impressionable and patriotic
Bavailan-i fonuorly chcilshed for the late
King Louis. Uitheito there has always been
n sort of social antipathy between the Bavar
ians ami the Prussians. something like that
lupposed to exist between the Now Eug-
liuidersnnd the South Carolinians , but now
I hear lu the streets , clubs and cafes and beer
houses , people of all classes speaking In
terms of endearment of "Unser Kaiser. "
Charily before tno kaiser camu hero
wcie suddenly Inlroiluced Into the Bavarian
army , assimilating It moro than ever to that
of Pjus&la. A. few days ago the distinctly
Bavarian short tunic , worn by officers , was
done uway with and replaced by long-skirted ,
double-breasted Prussian coats. Moreover ,
Fevcral inllltaiy bands of dlstlnguUhcd
Prussian regiment * , notably that of the fa
mous Xh'thlcn hussars , whose heavy sabres
In days gone by have caused many n Bava
rian to bite the dust , are uhlii.1 concerts In
full gala iiDlfoi m In thu most popular beer
cellars of this enthusiastic and t'liraty com-
tal. The kaiser's visit hail a most extraordi
nary cITeet upon
On Sunday he o\ciheard one of his ser
vants talking about the kaiser coming to
Munich. The king said : "What kaiser Is
The servant replied : ' 'The Herman kaiser ,
your majesty. "
The kin'said : "Say that again ; It sounds
good ; " and , aftet apaiisc , ho added : "Oh ,
jon mean Barbaiossa. I had forgotten him.
However , I am greater than Baibarossa. I
am the gicat German caelo and
M\ TWO nr.Ans
Aio now aching , and achlni ; , and aching. "
The king then uttered sharp cries and
chirped like a bird , llesnread out his arms
like wines and tried to fly. For over an hour
the king hopped about In the garden on one
leg at a time , Happing his arms like a bird
AVI ) TltYIVO TO ri.Y.
Saturday nlitht , hu built In his bedioom n
laigo nest of straw , tvvlcs and dry leaves ,
lesembllng a huee eagle's nest , and
sat In It all night. On Sunday morning the
kim : was completely prostrated with a severe
nervous attack , and the greatest feais of a
fatal ending weio felt by all about him. In
the evening he regained his stiength. and
with the cunntnc device , common with luna
tics , in.inagud to elude the vigilance of his
attcnd.ints . and escaped fiom the palace. Ho
pot Into the deer nark of the adjoining pal
ace of Nymphonbourg and
iiu.VNiNo AT rri.i , spr.r.n ,
nearly leached Munich before he was cap-
tuied. At a late hour of the night ho was
conveyed In an oxh.ubted condition b.iclc to
his palace. These acute attacks became
moro and more fieqnent after the death of
King Louis. King Otto has been under the
THAT nn in A nmn.
Owing to the ciltlcal st.Uo of the king's
health and the court mourning , King Wil
liam renounced his original Intention of re
viewing the Bavarian army and desired that
his reception In Munich should bo as .simple
and uuostentaclous as possible , but the ini- visit and the spontaneous ovations
tendered the kaiser throuehout South Ger
many by
ALT , cr.Assr.s OP Tiir. ITOPI.E ,
Nobles , peasants , merchants , Catholics ,
protestants , Jews , liberals and conservatives ,
all vicing with each other in royal enthusiasm
lor tlio head of the house of Hohcnzollein
Is the gicatcst political event of the year In
Germany and is felt hcie to bo all the moie
significant In lace of the recent millt.ny cf-
feiveacence In Fiance.
Several Witnesses Kxainlncd Ycstcr-
day An Expert on the Stand.
LONDON , July 10. [ New ork Herald
Cable-Special to the Bin : . ] Tlio queen's
pioctor and Dllko had their Innings to-day
and for the lirst timn tlio Implied cones-
pondnnt , Foster , made his appeirance. Ue Muiphy , queens counsel , as watching
counsel. Both wore an anxious look. The
day's theory was conspliacy , with tlio b.irouet
as a scapccoat. The Hist set of witnesses
called were of his servants and three
ol his private secietarles. They were
of thoallegations as to the dates and places
In Mis. Crawford's confession with a view
to contradicting the latter as made by her
tohcr husband. A Mr * . Kogerson was ex
amined , to whom confessions were also
made. She was called to show discrepancies
In the wife's two stories. The sensation of
the day was the evidence oil a penmanship
export tending
and collusion thcoiy. His evidence tended
to show , though ho would-not positively give
that opinion , that the anonymous letter sent
to the husband and inculpating the wife and
Dllko was actually wilttcn by herself. The
French lady and pensioner of Dilko's family ,
In whoso house Mis. Ciawford said
was also examined. She denied strongly
that the wlfo ever was In her house. She
was severely cioss-oxamlncd and her
answcis and hesitations coitatnly went far
towaid indicating that the witness kept a
queer lodging house and bad the mysteuous
"Fanny" as a curiosity , employed or p.ild
servant. Kegnrdlni ; Mis. Hogcrson's evi
dence , Its lirst portion In describing the
CIKIIK : AND MISIUY or MHS. cn.vwroun ,
when the latter lirst alluded to tlio anony
mous letter received by her husband went
far touaidcontiadlcting the melodramatic
tlieoiy that she hoiself wrote and sent them.
Her testimony included a confession of tha
wife's intlmacj with l-Vstcr , whom she fre
quently mot at witness house with other
gentlemen , wlioii * nameshavonot jctbeun
given In comt. The ctaj's testimony went
iar towaid showing that whether or not the
wini : Tittn : ix DKTATL
or substance. The divorce decieo by Justice
Butt , founded on such unsworn confessions ,
toinied , as was at the tlmn pointed out In the
Heiald , an exceedingly dangerous pieccdent.
Mis. Uogoison's cioss-oxamlnatlon will bo
continued to-moiiow. The intcicat In tno
trial Is now wiapped up In what Mrs. Ciaw-
foid shall say on her cioss-e.xainlnatlon by
the queen's proctor or her husband's counsel.
I learn she will bj called by the judge
IN rmininiiAXci : or I'um.ic JUSTICE , '
and thciefoic , perhaps , will bo open to cross-
examination by either side. She was again
In court all day , and ically appealed the most
unconcerned In the bevy of ladies who Insist
on being present. SirChailes did not seem
as broken to-day , yet his looks icmlndcd one
of an accused resting In the olden times
after the lightest experience with the "tower
lack. "
The Choes Tournor.
LONDON , July It ) . [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BEK.J In to day's play
Gnnsberg defeated Bam In a billllant lluy
Lopci and gained the lead and Is now looked
upon as the piobablo winner of the flistprlzo.
Zukcitoit won a qucon'.s bishop's pawn game
with Blid. Blackburiio defeated Shallop In
aKcnnaopening and Tuubcilmus won a
lluy Lopez with Pollock. The Americans
weio nil paired oil to play together to-day ,
but were conducting their games with such
oxtiemo caution that thny are not yet fin
ished. McKonzle Is playing with Mason and
Llpschutz with Hanham. Mortimer Is the odd
man to-day and ho has no antagonist. The
banquet of the Biitlsh Chess association to
the contestants was postponed until next
Saturday and will take place at Ciltcilon
hall , Sir Hubert Peel presiding.
Tlioy Tooled With Dynamite.
Conic , July II ) . An explosion occurred yes
terday in an unused house near the residence
of Mr. Cruu ford , of Lakelands , two miles
outsldoof this city , Two bodies wcie ro-
corned from the debris and weio tdentllicd
as those of a carpenter named Long and a la
borer named Brian , the latter ot whom was
In the employ of Crawford. It Is supposed
they were engaged In making dynamite.
Action Against the Union Pacific.
CIIEYKNKU , Wjo , July 19 , [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Tlucasoof MuBrlde , who
sued the Union Paeillc for S2,000 damages
for Injuries received \\hilo working for the
company , was decided In the district court to
day. TUa Judge holds Uiat the company U
not responsible for Injuries douo while a
man not working under the immediate di
rection of the company's accnts , and kcts
asldo the verdict of the jury on the facts ,
gitingMcBrldo the sumsuud for.
The Senate Puts in the Day ] ) isgiusing
the Bogus Butter Bill.
ntul Miller ImSulKC In Consid
erable Personal Allusions , Which
LcttJ to llcntcd Speeches ) on
Both Sides.
In tlio Senate.
, July 10. Mr. Conger called
up the house bill giving the consent of con
gress to the construction of a bridge by the
municipalities of Memonlncc , .Mich. , and
Mailetle , Wls. , over the Mmnonlnco rlvei.
Passed without amendment.
Thu senate then resumed debate on the
olcoinaigailnc bill , and Mr. Uiay addiesscd
tlio senate In opposition to the bill.
Mi. Harris also opposed the bill , on the
ground that the only power congress had to
pass the bill was Its power to levy taxes for
icvciiuc. But It was not pictcndcd that there
was at this time the slightest necessity for an
increase of icv enue. Tlio bill was , therefore ,
on Its face , a false pretense , lie had offered
an amendment making U unlawful to make
oleomaigatinc within tlio District of Colum
bia or the ten itoiles unless It was distinctly
maiked DS sueh. He was distinctly In laver
of the bill to extent , but no further , and
he would bo glad If eveiy state would so leg
islate. Mi. Han is' amendment was icjectcd
jeas , IS : nays , itt.
After sumo fuither debate , Mr. Butler's
amendment was laid on the table yeas , 2 ;
nays , 10.
Mr. Edmunds said that ho wished to cor
rect the Impression which some senator
seemed to have that this bill pioposcd to tax
one Interest for the bcnclit of another inter"
cst. Ho did not so understand the bill. If
he did , he should bo against It. Ho supposed
that out ot every 100 people who
ate oleomargarine compounds , ninety-
nine believed that they were eating
butter , In the sense | ln which their crand-
fatheis and grandmothers and themselves
( when childien ) understood that teim. In
the lew ing of taxes congress was icquired
by the constitution to look to the ueneral
welfare. He supposed it was to the general
welfare to suppiess fiatids and cheats , and to
guard the Inteiests of the best portions of
the community. Congicss had the right ,
thcretoie , to discriminate against frauds ami
to tax them heavily , while It did not under
take to tax honest vocations.
Air. Vest opposed the bill. "If I vote for
this bill , " hu said , " 1 vote to subvert the
principles ot fiee government. I vote to use
the machinery of the goveinment out of the
sphcio where the constitution has placed It ,
in 01 del to foi ward and advance the Inter
ests of ono set ot citizens at tlio expense of
anothei cct. If fiauds aie committal by this
oleomargailnc industry the states are the
onlj instiuiuontalitles that can taKe chaigo
ol those trauds and punish 01 prevent them. "
Mr. Vnn Wvck advocated the passage of
the bill. The question here , ho said , was
whether one honest industry should be pro
tected against fraud of another. This Dill ,
he admitted , was not lor revenue purposes ,
nor was It to build i > p one Industiy at the ex
pense of another. Congress simply said tiiat
tue best way to piovldo as.unst ii.uid was to
reculate the nunutactuio ot the aitiele. It
was said that people used the aitielo because
It was cheaper , but that people did not get
the boiieat of its cheapness because ot this
fiaudulent branding. Congicss undertook
in this bill to deal with that question , and ho
saw no constitutional objection to it. *
-Mr. Butler said that this bill was most fla
grant and unblushing in its violations ot the
constitution of any ever introduced In con
gress. Ho asked H the aitiliclal coloring of
butter was not tiaudulent.
JIi. Ingalls , In elucid.iting that question ,
pioduceda vial of coluilng matter and com
mented on the circular accompanying it.
The preparation , ho said , pretended to bo
manutactuicd at Burlington. Vt. [ A laugh
at the expense ol Edmunds. ] This vial , ho
Slid , was wan anted bj the lirm which put
up pertucted butter coloring at Bmllngton ,
\t. , lor dairy purposes was waiianted to
eoloi 00 pounds ot winter butter. It
had been pietemled that the. dairy
men of Veiiuont and elsewhere
weio engaged , In their bucolic honesty
and simplicity , in a struggle with the her
culean clients of maiiulactuicrs of oleomai-
gailuo. One sentence In the recom
mended the coloiing matter as giving the
butter a tint like the highest giado of Jersey
butter , and no exneit can detect It. It was
waiianted to add 5 cents per pound to the
value ol white biuter [ laughter ] , and icturii
a dollar tor evei > cent itcoit.
.Mr. Miller knew nothing about tills colorIng -
Ing matter. When the distinguished senator
( Ingalls ) was going over Its wouderlul quali
ties ho was e.urled back to his boyhood days
wiien. on training ilujs , lie used to sec a man
standing on n wagon auctioning his bogus
goods 01 bogus Jewelly , or offered to the people
ple some "eli\li of lilu. " Whether the sena-
toi ever bad any expeilenco ot that kind he
( Millei ) did not know , but the senator had
shown gieat aptness tor it. If the senator
failed in Ills picscnt calling he could cer
tainly succeed in that kind ot woik. It had
always been known tlmt coloring matter
was used In buttci , just as salt was , rnd no
body over icgardedlt as fraud. The senator
fiom Kansas usually came to the capital with
a llamlng red necktie. Why not wear ono of
the color ot the cocoon' . ' Because the
senator admiied some other color , and that
was as truoof butter as eveiythlngelse.
Mr. Ingalls said the senator tioniNcw
York had seen tit to descend into the aiena
of pcisoii.illtles , His humor was very much
like the attempt of a hippopotamus to dance
on a slack rope. [ Lamrhtcr. | The senator
had seen lit to refer to his vouthtul avoea-
tlon and to present a spectacle of a peddler
dealing In bosus joweliy and olKlr. To that
hiihad this icmaikto make : That whatever
he mlKht have done. , ho had never stood bc-
fore the senate advocating a ineasmo In
which ho had the strongest personal Interest.
The senator from New York had done that.
Tlio senator was in the daliy business. Ho
owned a dairy farm and had alien ! of dally
cattle , putting Its product on tlio market as
the prod net of the Oak Hill or Oak Leaf
Creamery company , and he used the whole
po ver of his ofllclal station as a senator and
as chairman of a committee to get the meas
ure away fiom the commllto to which
It belonged and have It lefericd to
his own committee. Ho stood on the lloor of
the senate day after day advocating a nicas-
mo which was to Increase dliectly thu profits
of his own product. ( After Mr. ingnlls bad
delivered this , with meat emphasis ami
effect , IIP paused for several seconds amidst
tno most profound silence. ) A moro shame-
till spectacle had never been presented to
the American people than had been pre
sented in regard to the measure. In the
othec house It had been under the leadership
of the chairman of a committee who was
himself engaged in the dairy business , and
In this body that gentleman was leinfoiced
by tlio chairnran of the committee on agt ( cul
ture ( Millet ) , who was engaged in the same
business , and who w as to prolit by the legis
ilr. Miller , apparently laboring under great
excitement , rose to reply. Ho denied having
lefeuedto the senator's ( Ingallsj calllus In
early life , and went on to say that whether
this bill became a law or not it would not add
one farthing to aiiyprotit which he could poss
ibly lecelvo. No sneers at the dairymen ol
the country , uo implication that he vva * actu
ated by base and corrupt motives would
cease his mouth. Ho appealed from that in
famous charge to his constituents thronn-
out all the great rural districts of Now York.
Ho left the judgement of the matter to them
and not to any man oh the floor of the senate
who ventured to charge him with corruption.
These were words which the senator or any
other man would not dare to speak to him
outside of the scnato chamber. They might
shield themselves behind the constitution and
behind parllnmnitaiy rules , but be would go
to his constituents on that basis and thtro ho
would leave It.
Mr. Butler closed the debate and senate ad
journed. _ _
The HOIIHO I'rocco dings ,
WA.SIIINUTO.V , July 10. This morning
after the readlilg of the journal the house re
sumed consideration ot the fortlllcatlon ap
propriation bill , the pendlnc amendment
being that offered by Mr. Randall mincing
fiom $ ,100,000 to 8100,000 the appropriation
for thearmament of seacoast defense ? .
Mr. Bandall withdrew tbo amendment and
and offered another , which was adopted by
unanimous consent , providing that the uuns ,
projectiles , etc. , purchased shall bo of Ameri
can manufacture.
The bill was then passed.
The next business was the consideration ot
the scnato concurrent resolution for the
pilntlngot 'Jfl,000 copies of the third annual
report of the civil service commission.
Agiced to jeas , 183 ; najsW. .
Mr. Morrison , from the committee on rules ,
rewnted the resolution ordering a session
for to-m-niow night to bo devoted to action
on bills authoilrlng tlio construction of
biidgcs. Tills gave Use to much discussion.
Mr. Morrison Intimated thattho opposition to
the icsolutlon came from gentlemen who did
not deslro tlm construction of a certain
brldce , retening to the pioposed bridge at St.
Mr. Henderson of Iowa , said that ho did
not object to the building of another bridge
at St. Lout * , but he represented thousands of
people In the Mississippi valley who weio
opposed to the construction of low bridges
which would iuterfcru with navigation. Hi )
had no objection to clvlin : St. Louis another
bridge , or two of necessary , but lie did ob
ject tyjeopaidi/.liigtlwinterests of tlio Miss
issippi valley for the bcnelit of a low who
wanted to build a cheap biidge at St. Louis.
Tlio resolution was adopted.
Mr. Cobb , trom the conteienco committee ,
on the bill repealing the pre-emption , timber
ciiltuie and dcscit laud laws reported a com
plete disagreement.
Air. Paysonian ovci the points of differ
ence between the two houses and very
scvcio In his condemnation of tlio senate
amendment which provides that after Until
proof of the claimant ( under the homestead
orpicemptlon laws ) and the Issuance of a
duplicate lecelvor'sceitilicate , if it shall bo
proven tothusatls lactlon ot thecommlssioner
that I mud has entered into the title so ac-
( lulled by claimant , unless It shall appear
that the land has been sold or conveyed to
bonalldo puichasers for a valuable consider
ation , the commissioner shall suspend the Is
suing of the patent for the same. This pro
vision he regarded as nn Incentive to fraud ,
as it required the commissioner to issue a pa
tent if tno land had been sold to boua lido
purchasers , oven though theoiiginal title had
been acquired by fraud. He hoped that the
hou o would , by unanimous vote , insist on
its disagreement to this amendment.
Mi. CiiUoidcharced that in the inanace
ment of the land bureau there was an ah-
senco of any discrimination between cases of
honest and dishonest settlers and asserted
that H was the purjiose'ol ' the senate amend
ment to put an end to useless litigation.
Air. Laird , in nppiovlngof the provisions
of the senate amendment , denied the charges
made by the land bureau of the Immense
trauds existing In the west in lolation to the
entiles of public landsnnd stated that in Ar
kansas there weie double tlio number of
Irauds existing tlmt weio chaigcd against
Nebraska , and in Louisiana an equal num
ber.Air. . Cobb sent to the deslc and had read a
lettei to Commissioner Sparks from a special
examiner , setting lorth tue largo numbers ot
fraudulent untiles in Nebraska and Kansas.
Air. I'e i kin s mov d that the hottso recede
fioui its dl < mercen > nnt tc tlio senate amentf- "
ment. Lost ! ( ) tci'44 ? . '
The house thesi 'aslfited ' on itstlisagroo-
nient and a further conference was oiclored.
Air. Alorrlson offered a conciiirent resolu
tion for the final adjoin mnent ot conmcss at
: > o'clock on July 2b. Bcferrcd to the com
mittee on ways and means.
At the evening session the only bill passed
was one for amending the postal moiiey
older system to allow for the transmission ot
small sums thiough the mails. The fieo de
livery system in small cities was discussed ,
but without action the house adjourned.
Murdered for Money.
JAXKSVIU.IWIS. , July 10. Henry Search ,
a wealthy fanner , seventy-six yeais old , and
wife , living a mile and a half west of this
city , were murdered last night for their
monos' .
Homy Search and his aged vvlfo reside two
and a half miles southwest of tills city on a
farm. Seaicli Is seventy-six , years old and
his wife about slxty.llve. They live alone ,
having In their employ a boy about sixteen
jcaisold. Saturday night the boy , who re
sides in tills city , weht home-tor thn lirst tlmo
since ho has been In their employ. This
morning ho letuined and went to woik as
usual , and _ on going to the barn loiind
the body of , Scaich lylne under
ono of the cows iiS If he had been In
the act ot milking when ho tell. The boy
supposed he had fallen In a tit as ho was sub
ject to such spells. Ho immediately went to
the house , some forty rods distant , to Inform
the old lady. Ho called , but received no an
swer. Ho then looked In the dining-room
and saw her dead body lying on
the lloor. He Infoimed ono ol the
neighbors , and Ur. Palmer and Alar-
slial Hogan weio soon at the scene
of the tragedy. On examination body ot Air. was found hu had been shot in the
back of the neck. A W callbio bullet was
found at the base of the brain. AIis. Seaicli
was shot with evidently tbu same revolver ,
the bail entering Just under the rlcht eye and
passed through thu head. Both shots must
have pioducect almost Instant death. Seaicli
Is quite well-to-do and as It was generally
known that ho kept his money In thu
house the object of murder was evidently
money , The bureau diawcis were ran
sacked and money taken , but bow much
cannot bo detcimined. They tailed to lind
S175 In gold which was discovered this mom-
Ing. Suspicion rests upon a farm hand. Ed-
waid W.Mooie , ivhohas been employed by a
faimei In the same nelghhoihood who sud
denly dlsappcaicd at midnight , going to
Chicago tills morning at seven o'clock.
Alooiowas paid off Filday and bcmht a ic-
vplver two weeks ago , carrying the same
sue ball as those used in the murder.
Ono ot'Now York's Finest.
Nivv YOIIK , July 10. A lira broke out be
tween 1 and U o'clock this morning In the
stationery store of O. Wolf 551 East Six-
tecnth stieet , which U a four-story tenement
house , tenanted by eight families. The oc
cupants of the third and fointh lloors were
awakened bysmoko ascending thiough the
building and escaped > to the roof of an ad
joining building. Mrs. Mohr , her husband
and three grown sous , who lived on the second
end floor , made for llip'llio csctuo and In de
scending thu vvqnian ; fell and iceelved In-
Juiles from vvhleh she Will piobably die.
Air. and Air. Mcrkos.Mlved on the same
lloor with tvyo chllarpn. Tbo couple got
safely to the street , but In their jiuiry over
looked the two chlldroil Alary , aged nlno ,
and Fiedeilck , aged eight. Policeman Cox ,
who , in recognition ot his bravery , has al-
icady been presented with a medal by con-
press , heating of the children , ascended to
the loom and lescued them In a half-suffo
cated condition ,
. . . i
Arrested for Bribery.
ST. Louis , July 10 , Charles A. Davis , at-
tprney , was arrested this morning on nbenph
warrant , taken Into custody and placed under
bonds. Ho Is charged with attempting to
bribe certain members of the house of dele
gates to support with their votes the tlrst Park
railroad bill. Dr. Wellington Adams , who
hud chargoof the bill in the lobby while it was
before tbo house , was anested on the same
charge last Saturday. It Is said that Dr ,
Adams fuinfsheil money and made advances
through Davis to certain delegates to piesont
them with a certain amount of it If they
would vote for the blll
Milwaukee Anarchists Sentenced ,
MIMVAUKEK , July 10 , The anarchists ,
Frank Hlrts and Austin Palm , and Carl
Simon wcio to-Oaj sentenced to nine months
each In the house of correction.
.The Happenings of a Day in Nebraska
and Iowa ,
They Drive Stranccrs From the Town
For Four of Spies An lovrn Hun-
nvvny Couple Cnpturctl A Do-
Rtrnctlve Fire.
The Alexandria Tjynclicrs.
Hr.nuoN , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bii.J : : The Alexandria lynch-
ers of thoman OWOIH , accusc < l of rape , are
getting qulto nervous. In fact It Isdceldedly
unsafe foi a mm-iesldeiit to stop In the noto-
ilous vlllago over twenty-tour hours. One
of Hebiou's attorneys had somu business
there last week , which detained htm several
dajs. In the meantime ho was threatened
on the street and anonymous letteis sent
him tlnomrh the postoillce , some of the gang
Kctting so bold and desnei'ate as to say to him
that It wo'ild bo unhealthy for any detective
to "undeitako to work up tbo lynching ease
on any of us. " One of the party has been
lined tor mailing threatening and ohsceno
matter and Is now In the hands of the United
States marshal. The crowd at Alexandria
nru raising a purse to pay the man's line.
"Madison County Sent Contest.
NotiKoi.ic , Nth. , July 10. [ Special to Tin :
BII : . | A motion to dissolve the Injunction
by which the Madison people sought to re
strain the county ofllelals from calllnir an el
ection on the question of the relocation of tlio
county scat ot Madison county , came bcfotc
Judge Crawfoid at West Point Saturday.
The Madison attorneys for fuithcr tlmo
to prppaio , and the judge made an order liv
ing July 20 , as the tlmo and Norfolk as the
place for hearing the case , provided the Mad
ison attorney's put up a bund of 7fiO for costs
by the 3. The injunction was modlhcd so as
to permit the selection to be called August 111
subject to the ruling of the court on tlio In
junction case on the 20.
Encouraging Crop Prospects.
AnAi-AHOK , NKD. , July 10. [ Special to the
BiK.J From personal obscrtations of the
ciop prospects and from conversations with
numerous farmers in Furnas and Gosper
counties , It can safely be estimated that the
> Ield of small grain which Is being harvested
will bo In excess per acre of any jcar pre
vious. The corn crop will bo excellent and
Iroiu observations made between Blooming-
and McCook the corn j Iclds will bo as laige.
If not larger than last year. The diy spell
which ended Tliuisday morning by a heavy
lain , did not atlect the urain but cave ft
ample tlmo to lipen and tlio dry spell was
just what was wanted to cut It.
Flro nt Fairmont.
FAIIIVIONT , July 10. [ Special Telegram to
the Bnn. ] File biokc out In E. M. Scailes'
icstaurant at 5 yesterday afteinoou , causlnc
damage of S2oO. A lodging house was dam
aged , also a barber shop on the lirst lloor.
The lire was probably incendiary. While
helping to lemovo some of the goods , a bar
ber named Warner Webber was badly cut In
In the head bv being tin own out of the
building on to a broken window by someone
running against him , the smoke being too
intense tor him to be seen.
' A.-h.r DcHtruetlvo Blazes.
, CiiEsmn , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tele-
cram to the. BEE. ] A fuc at 11 o'clock to
night destrojed Wilkinson & Lindsay's llv-
eiy barn and contents. The loss Is S7,000 ;
no Insurance ; the skating rink , S2COO , Sl.OOO
insuiance ; Lee Donncll's llom store and
stock , CO. Insurance S400 ; Phillips &
Smith's land ofliee ; Kantvman & Beemer's
saloon and contents , S-,000 , no liisuinnce.
The three last lirms occupied the link. The
cause of tlic tire is unknown.
Thaycr County Teachers.
HEBIION , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Telo-
L'ramtotho Bii : : . ] Thajer county's teach-
01 s' institute begins heie to-moirow and con
tinues six weeks. The instiuctors are Poo-
fessors A. J. Mercer and W. Bow land. The
attendance Is laice and gieat intciest mani
fested. Among the v Isitlng school-mams are
Miss Kinma Cooper of the Mollnc. 111. , high
school , and Miss Anniobtout ol Cleveland ,
Fatal Shooting Affray.
NOIIFOI.IC , Neb. , July 10. ISpeclal Tele-
giam to the BEI.J Attholarm house of J.
L. Eveison , In Stantou county , Sunday
night , Kvcison quarrelled with Fred David
son , an employe , and shot him In the bowels.
Both wcie under the tnllubiico of liquor. A
physician was called irom this place and
thinks Davidson's wound is fatal.
Damaging I'rnirio Flro.
OAKLAND. NIII : , July 10. [ Special Tele-
giam to the BII : : . ] Apialrlo ino near town
this afternoon cicaled consldeiablo excite
ment. Jackey Andeison , who was cutting ,
a hojr , got on a big drunk and set the grass
on lire. Some seventy-five acres of valuable
hay wasdestiojcd. This Is qulto a loss bay
land Is bcaice.
A Fatal Game.
STANTON , Neb. , July 10. [ Special Tele-
giam to the UKB. ] A Swede named Fred
Davis , who lives on the Eveison place , llvo
miles southwest of hero , was fatally shot In
the stomach about midnight during a game
ol cauls , which ended with a goncial light
with above result.
Collision or Trains.
CIHJSTOX , la. July 10. ( Special Telegram
to the Biuc.J In a collision of a fiolght and
a construction tialn near Stanton this after
noon , Engineer Emery had Ills shoulder dis
located and Brakeman Bceson'ti knco was
injtued , _
I5 < 1 StaggH Kiin Down.
NonroitKNeb.J uly 10. [ Special Telegram
totheBii : : . ] Ed Stags of Pierce , who wasar-
tested for tbo nun dor of his business partner.
Ford Campbell , and who escaped from the
Deputy Sheriff a week ago , was captuted on
the edge of Cedar county and biought back
to Pieico last
Lincoln's Club Knocked Our.
HASTINOS , NEn. , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The game of ball be
tween the Lincoln Icaguo club and the Hast
ings reiln , In this city this afteinoon resulted
In the disastrous defeat of the Lincoln club ,
the score standlii ! : 17 to 5. Another game
will be played lomouow ,
An Old Man Killed.
BLOOMINOTON , Neb. , July 1'J. [ Special
Telegram to the BEJ'.J Wl.llo olu'man Bec-
lerwas returning homo with a load of lumber
to-day ho Jell irom the load to the giound and
was instantly killed.
A llunavvay Girl Prevented From
Marrying the Man She I/ovcs.
DKSMoiNKS la. , July 10. [ Special to the
BKE. ] Saturday night the iumlly of Charles
Sheiiff , a f urmer near Avon , ictlred as usual ,
together with their daughter Elizabeth , n girl
of sixteen or seventeen. But yesterday
moinlng It was found that the gin had dlsap-
peaied In some unaccountable manner. Step )
vvcio at once taken to find her , She was
traced to this ctv | , where she had been seen
In company with ouo Ueoipo Adams , who
had been a suitor for her hand , but was
looked upon with disfavor by her father ,
Early this morning Adams , accompanied by
Michael Harney , wentto the clerk's olllce in
order to take out a license. Harney was ihe
witness and swote that the contracting par
ties were both of age. Clerk Foot had his
suspicions , niut calling one ot his nsslstants
had him witness Ilarnej's oath and take ac
count of Ids statement. Shortly alterwanl
the pairweio airested by the police who ,
placing Hainey In the cooler , took Adams
and went about tlueo miles Into the conn try In
eaich of the gill. She was found and will
bo lestored to her parents this afternoon.
Adams will bo held till to-moiiow to await
tbelrnetlou , vvhlio Harney will undoubtedly
be tried for perjury.
Trout Hold fhr Trtftl.
Sioux CITY , la. , July 10. [ Special Tele-
cram to the Uir. : ) ( ! eor c A. Tumi , the
murdoicr of F.d S. Hatch , was to-day ar
raigned and had a prcllmtnaiy examination.
When the Information was read by JuMIco
Bolen , Trout chanced color somewhat , but
was , on the whole , composed. Ho waived
examination and was bound over without
bonds to await the action of the giand jury
next Oetol > er. The principal witnesses me
W. II. MeMulIcn , William Prescott and L.
Oeilr. who gave bonclforappeaianuc. Judge
Pendleton , Tumi's nttoiuey , does not appear
very sanguine , and oni > hopes togcttuomur-
dcrci lice from a death sentence.
Sioux City's niack Kye.
Siorx CITV , la. , Jul.v U. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.c.J Sioux City got something
of a black eye to-day when Jamas K. Boge ,
propiiotorof the llnbbaid house , returned
from Chicago and announced his decision
not to remodel the simo. It had bcou conll-
dently exjiected that a verv line edllico and a
modern hotel a ciedlt to the elly would be
the result , and this has been prominently
mentioned among the many Important Ini-
piovements ot tlio season , but It is now de-
Suing For Dninrgca.
CMNTON , la , , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK. ] Frank Hlllerman , onoof the
witnesses In the liquor suits , who was as
saulted and bruised by the saloon elemental
the time ot the riot a month ago , to-day
brought sultaicalnst a number of thoic whom
ho holds icsponslblo asking for damages of
Found In tlicKlver.
DunuQi'i : , la. , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BEI : . ] The body of the late C. Slice-
lor who disappeared so mjsteilously last
Friday , was found lloatlng In the Mississippi
river last evening , and was buried today.
Mental abenallon'ls generally supposed to bo
the cause of his suielde. He was torty-seven
j eats old , In good financial elicuiustances
and leaves a wife and three children.
Forty PorsmiN Precipitated Into the
AV.uer nt Kookawuy.
KOCKAWAY Bn.vcn , L. L , July 10. The
steamboat Columbia of the Knlckcibocker
line reached her landing hero with a larco
number of passengers about four o'clock
Sunday aftoinoon. The gang plank was inn
out from the boat to the landing and as soon
as the bar was removed a creat rush was
nude to get off the boat. Puiser Berry and
some deck hands endoivorcd to hold the
ciowd back , but with little effect. AH at
once there was a ciash and splash followed
by a cry of honor fiom those on the boat.
A stiong pleco of lock had given away , and
the gang plank , with between thlity and
foity poisons on It , had been nrecmltatcd
into the watei. Immediately several
men , including John O'Toole , the bar
tender ; J. Brosman and Commodoio Pease ,
of the Columbia jumped into the water and In
few minutes all the unfoilunates , who could
bo seen ondeavorlnc to keep themsel"es
above water were rescued and safely can led
the hotel , wheio they weio attended by doc
tors. They weio all lOscusitated. The
bravery of John O'Toolo '
was bpecially com
mendable. Ho rescued no less than seven
persons , mostly women and chlldien.
Brosnmn can led four persons from the
watei. Some of tlio lescued persons were
with friends and loft utter obtaining changes
of clothlnir. Twenty-live aie now comtorta-
bly housed at the Seaside housc.tho steamboat
olhceis having instiucted the hotel pioprie-
tors locaioioi them.
Interesting Papers Road nt The St.
Pan ! Conference.
ST. PAUL , July 1 ! ) . At the national con
ference ot charities and corrections this
moinlng , icports fiom vniious Institutions
and states were received. Dr. Jennie McOo-
wan of Iowa icad a report of the work In that
state , which she claims has less women con
victs than any other state In the United
Slates. * Mis. Woods , ot the Hiring Woman's
Home , Cnicago , was invited to addiess the
meeting for llvo minutes , bho said the great
tiouble was to caio foi the continuously in-
cieaslng number of gills who weio being led
astray and driven to piostitutlon or suicide ,
many victims being mere children. The
main idea Is to maku this homo as near like
a natmal ono as possible , and many have re-
tin ncd to friends tliiouu'h means at this home.
William P. Lctclivvoitli , piesident of the Now
i oik state boaid of charities , lead u paper
on the ' -Childien of the State. " Ho stated
that Iheio aio in the United States -48,0-W
blind pilsoneis. of whom ' VMi weio in educa
tional Institutions other than day schools ,
and : Mb78 deaf mutes , of whom 5WO , : weio in
similar Institutions. The total number of
idiots In the United States was 70.bin. Of
these 203 were in tiaining schools. Illcciti-
macy has become a stationary ollenso. The
alms house's care of those little one has
moved a lalltue. Under organised private
benevolence results have been achieved that
could never had been leached by a public sys
Teenier Sold tlio Ilaoos.
BAJ.TIMOIU : , July 10. The icsult of the
lowing races at Bay ridge last week has
caused consideiable talk among the sporting
liaternlty and Teenier Is openly charged
with having sold out the races In which ho
was defeated. It seems that consldeiublo
money was quietly bet and tlmt Teenier was
the favoiltc. Ho was heavily backed by
sporting men fiom Plttsbuig , who lost Sl.OOO
on 1'ilday's laces , which was won by Boss.
It now leaks out that Teemer gave a filend
81,000 to bet on Boss. Teemei and Couitnoy
rowed together yesteiday and weio favoiltes ,
but Boss and Leo won , and to-night Couit
noy clmigos his mate with having Intention-
filly pulled nadlv 60 as to como In second ,
( olman. a Pittsburg man , was to have taken
'leemei to England and back him tor the
clmmpioiiPhlp ot thu world against Beach ,
but ho now declares that he will have noth
ing inoiu to do with his piotcgo.
Hunk Olllcorti Arrested ,
ST. LOIMB , Mo. , July 10. Inlormatlon was
made and vvaiiants swoin out this afternoon
by Julian Loiighlin , attouiey for Ban ifc
Widen , depositors of the defunct Piovldont
Savings bank , for the ancst of the olllceis
anddlreoloisof tlm bank , for alleged cilml-
nal violation of the banking law. Tlio docu
ment states that on the Hlh day of July , l&SO ,
Chailes H.Smith , Chailes B. < , r cloyieoi ( o
Scott , William P. Jliillln , Thomas II. Swain ,
A. B. Thompson and James S. Uailand , beIng -
Ing then nfliems of the bank , received or as-
sistcd to iccelve 5 1SO a * deposit , knowing
at the tl'iio that the Institution was Insolvent
or In falling circumstances. Loughlln said
thu claim was made as a test ease.
Tlio Finest on the Linn.
Wyo. , July 10. ( .Special Tel
egram to the Bci.J : Thoeoinoi-stono of the
nflw depot was lulfl toduj by | lin Wyoming
giand lodiro ot Free Masons. A laigo pieces-
slon of seciet oidcis , giand army , etc. , par-
tldpitcd. Judge M. W. Peck , grand orator ,
dellvercd'an address. The building U the
ffne.ston the Union I'aclUc lines owned ox-
cluslvely by that company. It Is to be. of
stone , l.'iO feet long. The stone was laid In
celebration of the nineteenth amilm aiy o
now 0,000 population.
How a Very Jealous Husband Threatened
to Tafco His Life.
The AVIfV of the llrondiword Cliftiu
lilim'n Advance Agent tlio Cause
of the Tronlilo Kc
IiiRnno Tlironl.
News I < cnrno < l Awny Vrom Homo.
CHICAGO , .Inly IP. [ Special IVIegi-am to
the BiK.l : l > unean C. Ho .s , the handsome
scratch athlctnw ho has been showing patrons
of Cheltenham beach how tododgo a broad-
swoid , has been keitverj | busy between acts
forsoveial dn > s dodging the British bull-dog
revolver ot It V.Fcreuson , hU advance agent.
A'dvancc Agent Ferguson eharges Boss wltli
alienating tlm affections of his wlfo. JJ , V.
Ferguson Is an Kngllsh comedian , about
thlrtv-livo jcais old. Until about six : month1)
ago ho and bis wife , who Is professionally
known as Ida Vallance , were connected with
one of the Madison Square theater coin-
pan lei. At Denver , Col. . Boss emplojcd
Ferguson as advance agent , and made theao
qualntancoof his wife. She I * n pretty but
nette , about twenty veais old , has considera
ble wealth left hu by her , giandfathcr , and Is
well educated.
"This nmn Fcrcuson Is unquestionably
ciaxy , " Boss said to a lepoiter. "Ho Is In
sanely jealous of his wife , and his wild con-
duet has given me n great deal of annoyance.
So tar as I Know , his wito Is an cstlmabo |
lady In every ifisp ct. Her gnuidparcnte' ,
who are quite wealthy and who , 1 am told ,
Intend leaving It all to her , llvo near Dubuque -
buque , la. AVhy , toshowjou the unreason
able jealousy of the nmn , dining the sword
contest at Omaha the mayoi of tbo city gjjt
next to Mrs. Ferguson In a box and eon-
versed with her. Feruuson saw It with bin
little jealous eyes and told mo bo wasgolnc
to shoot the mayor. "
WAS IT > ins. rr.nntiso.v ?
Monday morning , says the Chicago Her
ald , a handsome eairlagc drove tin to the en-
tianco of the Continental hotel , and , In re-
sixmscto a cat d can led into tlio lintel by u
stalwait footman , Duncan C. Boss , champion
all-aiound utlilctn of the world , eninn
to the door. The solo oecup.iut of
the caniaco was a picttv woman
of twcnlj-hvo or twenty-six , who lives on
Michigan avenue and is Independently
wealthy In her own light. Tlm handsome
Scotchman was welcomed with a winning
smile , and , In the gieetlng that followed ,
their hands llngeied a tilllo longer than n
ligld code ot etiquette would sanction ;
Theie was a low-voiced conversation lor a
moment or two and then the doughty chum-
l > lon stcp ] > ed into tlio carriage , and with his
lair companion was tattled oT ( for a spin oil
And theieby hancs a tale. Ileart-wholo
and lancy fiee the vonin ; lady had visited tlio
1'aelliceoaf.tlast joar , and during a sojouiu
at San Fiancisco visited , among othoi places
of intciest about the city , Duncan's eyrie ,
Telegraph Hill Ol eivatoiy. While enjoy
ing the view fiom the hosteliv In tlio
clouds , she llrit saw Boss , Its landloid. Ho1
lias the form of an Adonis castln a heieulean
mould , and , lirst attiacled by his build nt
brnvvn , her fancy was taken captive by thb
stories told her ol bis wondrous feats o
aims. She was Intioduced to him later , and
tlio soft-voiced Scotchman soon glow to bo a
heio in her eyes.
A daily visitor at the cousei vatorv , she vv on
fiom him a piomiso to call 11 over lie came to
Chicago , and since that time many n messen
ger has fitted back and forth. Duncan S.IV-H
little when cornered on the subject , but ha
nevei fails to blush a bright red. and amone
his tiiends it would cause but little suipii o (
to hear of a quiet little wedding bcfoio many I
m . rniiousoN IN OMAHA.
"Mis. Ferguson was a dandy and I don't
wonder that Koss got mashed on her , " said .1
gentleman to w horn the contents ot the above
telecram weromado kno\vn last night. "Tho
fact is " ho continued " 1
, , musingly , was
lather none on her mysulf vvhmi she was In
Omaha and I guess 1 wasn't : done In my
misery. KM" and ho punched the religious
editor In the libs with Ids caue. "Ferguson
was wildly jealous and was icady to
shoot cverjbody who looked at his picttv
wife more than once , and It was a dllllcult
mattci to keen fiom looking at her more than
once , lean tell you. i appreciate the delicacy
of the mayor's position and congratulate him
upon his escape. Do you know that that
woman's whinpcrsnanpei of a husbanil W.IH
so jealous ot her thai lie wouldn't leave her
alone fora minute. When howaswoiking
the newspaper ofllces In the Inteiests ot Ills
gieat hlppodiomo fiaud ho took his pietty
vvlfo along and tbo result was that moitpt1
the gang went wild.over the woman. But
they aio accustomed to disappointment , and
I guess most of them have iccoveied liflin
their attack In better shape than the mayor
and I havo. It is a gieat mysjeiy to mo how *
a handsome , well educated woman like Mr.- ; .
Ferguson would make the choice she did tor
a hushaiid , while good men , like ouincUus ,
aio lilllng bacheloi's KIlives every day
thiough no fault of our own. Ferguson la
one ot the most blatant frauds unhung , yet
ho is a sharp fallow , well educated and nil *
tlmt. He had quite a leputatlon a number of
venrs ago as a comedian and It was probably
Mrs. Feiguson's dcslro to tiy theatrical llto
that led her to adopt the desperate method ot
maiiylng Ferguson to icaeh the stage. Fer
guson quit the stage on account of his Jeal-
ousv of his wile , which nueeicd oveiy combi
nation that ho joined and mined bis
wile's stage piospects. Ho went into the
newspaper business in Dubunue , his wlfe'ii
home , but her renewal of old-tlmo filend-
ships moused his jealous splill and ho gave
away her Interest in a newspaper , the Demo
crat , and left Hint place. 11 Ferguson could
onlytiado faces with his wild ho would
never have any moitt fear of her having too
many adiniien. Ferguson Is one of the
homeliest mmls I evpi saw. It was a close
call for the may , or wasn't ItV
Allmny'H ni-Oontoiinlul Colouration ,
A MIAN Y , N. V. , July 10. This Is the second
end day of the bl centennial celebration , and
It opened cool and cloudy , The city Is
thionzcd with visitors , and the streets present -
sent a most billllant appcaianco , the leading
buildings being decorated with many colmod
Hags and bunting. At 9 a. in. Mayor Thacker ,
with drawn sword , picceded by a ciler anil
herald , headed the profession , In which vvmo j
city ofllclals , the BIIIKOSS corps , JaeksouA
coips , bl-eontcnnlal committee and Caughna-1
waga Indians In war paint and ftatliera , t
and pioecedcd to the ancient city gate. Tlio
streets through which tlio novel column
passed \\eiullned with spuclatois. Seeiclary * i
Manning waved to the piocesslon fiom his
window and was greeted with a salute.
After the pioLCsslon passed the pupils of the
grammar school and high seliool. minibciing
several thousand , together witli teachres and
board of publlo Instruction. aoicm- „ ,
bled In n tent In Capital jiaik 41
and can led out their programme. i
lllsloiio tableauxweioinesunted , loine tnt-
Ing theaiilval of Hemlilx Hudson in 1WJ ,
thoieceptlonof the Dougan ehaiteratAl
bany , on July 20,10SO , and tbo iecoition ) ot
Lieutenant Ucneral John liiiigovno and
Baionesu jtclsdel , by Mrs. I'lilllp Schuyler ,
after the smrender at Saratogo , at thu Kcliny.
lor mansion , In Albany. In October , 1777 , The
innsie was tendoied by a clioius of 1.000
voices and was very flue. '
lie Didn't Know It was Lonilcd.
IlASooit , Maine , July lO.-Heniy. lllteen
> ears old , sou of J. A. BlcUnell , of this city ,
shot and Instantly killed his sMer Mattlo ,
plciccil up n gun not knowing it was loaded
and plaunlly pointed it at his sIMer , whim
It was discharged , tlm contents stiikinic bee
In the neck , teai Ing away tlm windpipe- ana
aiterles. Tiie toy was londuicd Insane by
thuteiilblcafTalr ,
Nebraska and Iowa Went her.
For XebjitsUi und lnvva : LlgUI loot
y tcmpcratiuu .