8 * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JULY JO. 1886 , Oomparfttivo Oity Circulation of Omaha Dally Newspapers. KEEP IT BEFORE ADVERTISERS , Ami I-.OI Tlicm I'rollt I3y n Cnrcful Study of tlio Solid Facts Proven ly I''ljjnrc8. A careful and thorough canvass of tlio city of Omaha enables ns to present : ! rp- liable r.xhlbit of tlio relative city circula tions of the Omaha clnillos by carrier de livery untl newsdealers. Sncli n censiis verified by Imllsniitablo figures , cannot fail to prove instructive ami SUR- gCfltlvo to Omaha business men and ad vertising patrons generally. The facts nnd figures embodied in this c.\iibit ! com pletely dispel all fiction as to local circu lations , nnd place the advertiser in posi tion to select the medium that Kill give thp largest returns for his outlay. Tlio fact that tlio lir.B had by far tlio largest circulation lias long ago been admitted by everybody. Sworn statements of the goncr.nl and local circulation of the HKE have been published from time to tune , nnd for several months such exhibits have appeared nt tlio head of our editorial columns. This is now supplemented by n detailed showing of our bona fide city subscription through carrier delivery , which forms the basis upon which news papers must stand ns mediums for reach ing the people. Side by side with the figures that represent our homo circulation appear * nlso tlio number of Omaha dailies that circulate in the same territory , divided into currier routes. In conjunction with the comnar.itivo census by carrier routes , wo present the- street numbers on several leading thoroughfares , showing at which houses tlio various daily papers arc delivered by carriers. We could , if wo had the space , produce similar exhibits for every street in the city. Many of thorn would make n more favorable showing for tlio BEE than tiioso presented. In fact there are quite a number of streets on which no other paper than the BEF Is circulated by carrier. This newspaper census was taken be tween tlio ii5th of June and the 10th ot July.Vliatovcr variations there might bo in circulation by carrier delivery would arise chiefly from uhnngo of resi dence. But this variation would not materially change the grand total of cir culation of any Omaha newspaper one way or the other. In computing the aggregate city circu lations of Omaha dailies we have omitted Bales over the office counter and by news boys. These sales vary fiom 500 to 800 dally for the BEE , and similar salea by other papers will boar about the ratio to the BEE ns docs their carrier delivery. Taking the average for the BEK at 000 per day , the Herald's av erage , including Sunday , would not ex ceed 150 , ' that of the Republican and World about 125 ctich. This would give n grand total of the city circulation of the HUE 0,110 ; Herald , 1,111 ; Republican , 809 ; World. 889 , In other words , the BEE cir culates almost twice as many papcrsau Omaha as all the other city dailies com bined , nearly five times as many as the Herald , anil six tim6s as many ns either the JRejntllican or World , Currier Delivery. The followlnir table shows the city circulation of the HF.E , Herald , Hepubllcan nnd World , by carrier delivery , ns reported by canvassers em ployed expressly to talco the newspaper census of Onmlia , tliolr names nppeailnu below : T If Nowidcalcra principally. tNow ruutr Sold by Newsdealers. Number of papers reported sold by the pilncl- pnl ncwtduuloiti for tlio Iliet nml ( In July : Suinniary , I carrier ilcUrory. , . < ! Ki ! KJJ1 OOJI 7HI22W Kowsdculurs , ar. pcrday 1U2 | 120 | bOI 20 | 2M njiiiud'lntul [ 4MOI WV 7UI 7 i2 i Bee Oartlors , Hanies and residence of the HII : : carriers : JJoute. Name. Hcslilonco. 1-Johti Ahlqulst 511 North SSd 2 MattlK'rtren ( XU Noith ICth 8-HuurySlett 509 Noith ictli 4-Jolin H. Fluch , , .1210 Capitol avenue fc-11. N. Town U10 Xoitli27tli -SiniuuI \VanIes3 1114 Farnam 7-Jny Walker , . . .12UNorlhlOUi 8-lrvliiK I. Woodard 600 South 10th tf-W.H. Mav. llMKarnnui IQ-if. Jl. I'utton 1114 Faruam U-Wm. 1L Maxwell OW South 12th Ia E.V. . Orqom 121 North 16th IB-EdRdi Crowe 2318 St. Mary's avouuo H-Oeo. Davlna , 1UU Tnclilo JB-Mafls Nelson 1701 North lath $ ft-AIbM | jJiuBl 1 KO South llth 17 llolllo 1 ! . Thomas . 013 deorttlp avcnuo IK ( Iro. I'nrpcnlpr . CM Falrvlcw 111 E l anl Hobcils . ' . ( XW l > oilio ? 20-\IfrclK. ( Oropn . 1114 Farnain 31-Krank < llb on . 11JM Delaware 2-J P. A. Twiil . tm North 17lli l Henry . ) . Hi" > s . 1114 Fnrnam 3I-\V. J. Alcorn . 111 ! rainain 2T.J. . S. Klncli . WIG Capitol a\cnuc 2C ilohn Atkinson. . . . ' . ' 0\M St. Marv'snvcnito 'JT Krniik 1'nrccll . 1 U(5 ( North 'JTIIi ' 2S-feo. ! II. Vapor . 2113 Clark Smith . ' 0 ( ( 'hlr-aso iJO-AVm. Callr-glier . Wl Xorth 14tli al-J'uray . m ? North 2itli Carrier Delivery Itotitcs. In making llic canvass of lliocjty cacti can- vaster \vas provided with a maji ot the terri tory civcicdhy our cairleis. Each canvasser was Instructed to visit every olliccstoicwoik- slioi > .lmsiiirss ) ilaco and ( hvdlintr house , and nMMMtnin from the. Inmates the number of napon delivered to them by the cairlcis of the icspei'tlve tlalUe * . AVhcn tlie cauvasseis made their returns they \vero coiupaiedvlth our subscription lists by house numbers and their work wna vcrliicil. In nearly every In stance the icttirnsveie correct w Itliln Uto. per cent. A few of the loiites vailed slightly from onr actual Jigine' , but none vailed inoic than 5pcr cent from the total number. 'i'lio following shows the teiiltory embraced In each of the routes designated In our car rier delivery table : DKLivnuv iiorrns. Koutc 1. Uclween Domrlas and Cnpltol nvcnnu fiom Seventh to Seventeenth streets. KouteQ. South side I'ninaiii tn Howard from Ninth to South Sixteenth slicut and fiom Fariiam south to Marcy between Ninth and Klc veil Hi streets. Kouto ! l. Farnam north to Chicago , Elulitccuth to Twenty-font th streets. itouto-S. Chlcano to liuit , Ninth to .Six teenth street. Homed. Campbrll north to I'atilck avenue , Noith Twenty-second to North Twenty- seventh. Hoiito 0. Harnoy south to Chprry , South Ninth nn < l Sixth cast to the river. Itonto 7. North sldo Farnam to DouRlns nnd Klghth to Klghtcenth street , Itoute B. HovNaid to Murcy , Klovcnth to Sixteenth. ICouto D. Chicago to Cumlng , Sixteenth to Nineteenth. Kotito 10. Capitol nvonuc to Chicago , Ninth to KiKhtocntti. Itnuto 11. Mason to Castellar , Thirteenth to Twentieth. Konicia. I'aul to Lake , Eighteenth to Twenty-second. Koutc 13. heavonworth and Pierce to Union Pacific railroad track , Twenty-second to Twenty-ni nth. Kouto 14. Marcy to Hickory , Sixth to Twelfth. Jtoutc 15. Chicago to Campbell , Twentieth to Twenty-seventl ) . Itoutc 10. William and Castellar South to Curlew , South Thirteenth and Twentieth , west to Twenty-sixth. Kouto 17. Saint Mary's avenue south to Plorco , South Sixteenth west to Twenty-sec ond. ond.Kouto Kouto 18. Alone river bottom from smelt- lng\vorks ; to Sulphur sprlnus , and Lake to Fort Omaha , North Slxteetitu to North Thirtieth. Kouto 10. Farnam north to Hamilton , Twenty-seventh west to Foity-clghth street. Kotite 20. Fnumtn noith to Chicago , Twenty-fourth west to Twenty-seventh. ItoutoUl. Farnam south to Ed Cieighton avenue , Park avenue west to Forty-foiuth. Kouto'22. Union Pacific shops , Cuming north to P.xul , North Sixteenth west to Saun- dera. dera.Houto 0) ) . Cass to Lake , North Fifteenth to North Seventeenth. Route 24. Mason south to Castellar between Tenth and Thirteenth. Koute 25. Newsdealers. Kouto 20. Farnam south to Leavonwortb , Seventeenth to Twenty-sixth. lioutc 27. Hamilton north to Kendall , Twenty-seventh west to Orchard Hill. Route 23. Hickory and YInton south to stoclc yards reservoir , Sixth to Fifteenth. Kouto S'J. Saint Mary's avenue south to Plcicc. Twenty-second to Twenty-sixth. Koine 30. South Omaha stock yards. - Itoute UU Patrick avenue noitli to Kendall , Fifteenth to Thiitieth streets. lib u HO Numbers. Th ofollowluff show's thp liouso niiiubera on thoBtrcclsr.ainoJ nt which tlio Uco.ilcrold , Ito- pubUcnn aUdVorld ixro dellvorod by carrier : > onTfi SIXT - i ST. OanvnsBors. The names nnd icsldcnco of the men who have been oiniiloycd upon thiswoik arc : below : Goo. A. Wilehtman , 1713 Dodge , book- kcopnr for M. A. Ulsbrow & Co. J. W. Foster , clerk , J , F. Flack , 105 South 14th. C , 0. Husto n , 1C13 Howard. J. R. Campbell , 1311 Georgia avenue. Gco. 11. Va per , 2013 Clark , carrier liee. J , K. SturKeon , ESl'J Farnam. U. KcssclL 913 Caultol avenue. 0. A. Kettell. 313 North 15tn. A. U. Green , collector Dr , Dciilse , Farnnni. O. U. Svhwerln , 115 South Madison , Council Bluffs. _ At the Shop 8. As a matter of curiosity our cen sus taker cnro'led the mechanics in the Union Pacific shoos with the. following result ; QBE , 2S3 ; World , CO ; Herald. U : Republican , b. These subscribers are scattered over the city , and were included in the various routes In the iabular exhibit. jA > r Sale Cheap Fine Jersey heifer calf , three months old. Address at once , II. C. , care Pacific Hotel Co. Captain Paul Boyton , J. H. Laino , one of the well-known cir cus "advance" moil of tlio country , is now in town looking out for the interests of Cuptain Paul Boyton , who may yet 30 induced to give one of his interesting lautical exhibitions in this part of the country. Mr. Luino is looking about fern n lake with summer hotel attached , to which excursions may bo run to witness [ Joynton's exhibition. There are very such places in ibis vicinity. Boy- .on's unique entertainment has been witnessed by thousands all over the ooun- : ry , although lie lias never glVcn a per- iormanco here , There is little doubt if t is given that it will piSbvo most inter esting to the spectators. _ _ POWDEI Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varlns. A marvel oTpUr- lly , etrcntfth uiiJ wlioUisoniouws. More ccoii- omlcul than tbo ordinary kipilsaud oanat be sold In competition with tlio multitude or low test , short woluht alum or iilio > pliute powders. Bold oniy in cans. HovAt lUK ; u I'OWDEH Co. 408Vull St. , Now York. tWBcpi [ i VEHICLES. OVER400 , . MU3E. Eiulrit ntdlna Vehicle mudc. HWM.J gw > llbona p iuqlita Tb | irluK leugtUmn' ' well ft ! ted'llfo rou U couoii-V ru'ndi. n , Clno clrlWH of cltiii * ' AlnituriictUYt'u mid bolu b' ' al lecutlutf Cofrl'iLae Uuilder * ui4 Deiucrii PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHIOH ESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tbe Orlginnl and Only ' Genuine. . - - - - MMV . lartu'rhlUd a. il.U evtrrtrhcr& l > t fcr "Chl : ht THIS THE ! Who will open with an entire new stock On or about Sept. 1st , 1886. JOII.V FLORIST , All kinds of bedding plants tor sftlo. HOUSE OX STA'FK ST , bleu hp North ofL U. WlPlams' lesldcnco. HAMBURG - AMERICANA A DIKCCTC LINK FOIl England , France & Germany. The slonniBlilpg of this well known line are built of iron , in wntcr-tltflit compartments , nnd nrc furnished with every requisite to iniiko the pni-BiiKO both sufo and ngfcuablo. They carry the L'nitdd States and European mulls.and le'ivo New York Thursdays and Saturdays for V\t. \ mnuth , ( UJNDONJ.Chorbous.U'AUIs and HAM- UUItG ) . Heturiilnp. the steamers loiivo Hamburg on Wednesdays mid Sundays , via. Havre , taklnjr tin cngOiNiit Southampton and London. l"ir-t cubln % 'fi , f6U uud $73 ; Steerage f21. Halhoiul tickets from 1'lymouth to Urlstol , Cur- illir. l.undon. or to any pluco In the South ot Rnglnnd , KHE15. SteoriiBO from Europe only 525. Bond for "Tourist Ha/otto. " c.u. itroiiAim&co. , General I'lisseneer Affouts , 61 Broadway , Jicw York ; Washington und On Sullo Sts. ChlcnRo. 111. M. A. DISBROW & CO. Wholesale Manufacturers nnd Dealers In Mouldliijrs , Flno Hard AVood Interior Tinlsb Sfantlcs , Counters , 1'cw Ends , Brackets. SCKOLI WOJtK and TUJtyiXG. Dealers In Jlulldlng I'ajicr. Main Ofllco and Factory atTTyoiiB , Iowa , Ofllce & Warerooms Cor. 12tli & Izard Sts. CarrytaR the nelglum Royal anil United States Mull , sailing" every Saturday Between Antwerp & New York GERMANY ITALY IIOL- TO THE RHINE , , , - LAND AND FRANCE. BritlNO AND 8UMMKU KATES : Solon from $ tW to $100. Excursion trip from J110 to flBO. Second Cabin , outward , 11 : prupuid , f 4r ) ; uxcuritlon , t'JO. Stoorngo imssajra nt low rntos. 1'otor Wright & Sons , Oonorul Arcnts , 55 Uroadwiiy. Now York. Tloiny I'unUt , 121B KHniuin St. : Paulson * Co. , 13 Farnam t , : I ) , O. Freeman , 1321 I'urnani st. a1 r. rsi/7 / arniejaiij CAPITOL AYS. CHROMIC AWo'sWaWAL0DISEASES. TRUSSES ? AND titCTtllO BATIfHIty. . nnd romeU 01 for We hart ttio rarllllles. apparatus the u"ce..fiil treatment or every form of dl.eaij ' ' i clthbr juoulcal or BunttejM treatment , and > como find Investtunto for lUcm MlBn * " * i with us. Ixmii rr > erlon''a In rormlile. . | /Vl"4'ij J * * * r * * * * * * ' * * . * * Stf * 1 .i. . . eil * Wl ljug. ot wortlc. .nd HHUICU Pl al9 , Special ! Horvous Diseases --nltttnly wriUen-onclose tarap , unawewui * eua _ . . . . you. : In pl.ln < rnntinr. . our or Send uistorr of your ra o for an opinion. I'etloni unallo to l-lt ut jnar V , treated t their home."r ? corre i > orxl nco. Medic'l.n | > "J 'n ' 7 > ' tnnntinrnt by null or eiiire i bEClIltBI < r I'AOK > JJI ) KltOM OUKKUVATION. no mark , to tn lcata SsSKS ? feSs price. Ad(5re ( i all letters to Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute , Cor.l3thSI.andCapllolAvo. , Omaha , Neb. Display at their warerooms , 1305 and 1307 Farnam Streoti the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including STESNWAY , FISCHER , LYON& HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects In materials or workmanship. LYO S & HEALY , i305 4. 1307 'ARNAM STREET M. BURKE & SONS , LIYE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , QUO. BDIIKB. Manner. UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES : Merchants' and FaJmorn' Bank , David City , "fen. ; Kc.irnny National Hank , Kcarnoy , Neb. : Columbus fitato JJauk. Columbus , Neb. ; IloDonnM's Hank , Noitli I'latte , Ncb.j Oniaba Nrtttoual Hanlc , Omalia. Neb. . , . . , , , . . . Will pay customoia' draft with bill of ladme attached for two-thlriU value of stock C. E MAYNE , Ml ESTATE DEALER , S. W. COR , 15th AXD FAUNA-M , O3IAHIA. Property of every description for s.ilo in all parts of the city. Land ? tor nin In county in Nebraska. Acomploto sot of Abstracts of Tillos of Douglas Couiilyhopt. Maps of the City , State or oatinty , or any ether information desired furnished of charge upon application. L- RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware , ho luruebt btoeV. 1'ilcoa tholoivost. Flno ropnlrJnir u speolnlty. All work \vorr.mtod. Cornof Douglas and 15th ftruet , Omaha. P. BOYER & CO. . A STANDARD MBIMCAT , WOHK . FOR YOUNG AND H1DDLE-A CID 01 iiv MAII , . II.I.U&TIIATIVI : HAMI-LU vuixs TO KNOW THYSELF. Kilmujtcil VltnlltT , Ncirouiairt 1'hplrnl noWllt 1'roinatuio Dccllno In Slaa. Krrortof miili , and tli uutold mlMTlo * rciiillliiK from lndl > creili > ii unit c . COMH. A linolc lor otory . ' und old. It coatalin ttt pruscrtpt/on / } fi-riilj cu o iinil oliroiilodlftu : o . oath OHO of vrlilcti lilnviilimlilc. l-o found bjtlio uutborwliote erpi-rlcncu > furU KjirnU eucli HI" prnbuWr never beff.ro fell to the lot of HUT pliy lolaiiEOiiii'e ! ! ) . bound In beautlf al FrencU niu - llncmboiiedroTC ; .MIlKlU,8UHriiiil , fatiiboniliie. work In everr * i' n mecEanlcal. Itcnirr < ! l-'fle - . .loniiltlnn uny mlier T ork In thli oountrj- for tt.W. nrtlia inonay will bn refunded In ovcrj Initnnre. Vrlcoonlr II br i" > < pottiiald. IlluitrntcJ > uniile | , ft"Sena MOW. OolnniedHl awarded Iho aullior by tha NaUoiml Mcilleal Aiiocltttloii.to ( lie llun. A. I1. mine * of CBllfornlB nrt tlie Kilter uilnei of Nctuilu "IRff 8Sfti.SoSf . WffiMSnCi out the rock , and nulck. . iii on which tlio conilltMUon nnd liunotof OTOungmanliuvet > e nfutHl ' / ersclenceof l-fo ) It of Vi rater value than all t)0 ! laedlculwrirkVruliliiliedlntlilt country for tlio imit U ) Ttori Atlanta ( X > n > tllutlcii. ' /be Scltnco ol Mto Uamporb anil mniteilr treat- lie on nirvoui and jilijelial debltuy.-imrolt free ' ' " "in'rcii the Peabodr Xledlcal Initltnle. or Pr.W. M. I'arker , No. 4 Ituimncli itr el , H'Mtuii , Mn KUO lojj bo coniulled un all deicateb r qulrlr tklll fcn.l experience. Chronic ana ubttlnute Hlxutci that tare burned tUe tklll of other iibijlclan. B II > laltr , SutU trcalM > ucce < iullr Hltbout aojr lu laa J I f lullure. Hontlou Omaha Uvv , and Jail Work , 1020 Farmim Street. Oinaim. Neb. MOD National Bank , 200 Masonic Blk , Of , Cor. Gap.Ay , & 16tb Paid up Capital , $100,000 Authorized Capital , - 000,000 Accounts solicited. Interest paid on tlino do- poMH ; collections ma'o In all parts of tlio west , undhnvliiK provided ( ho larvo&t and liust vault In tlio city , wo will rcculvu valuahlo artlcloa on Rtoriiuo. I'rdtiipt iiltonllon will no Blvou to nil LUSlllfE8ClltrUStcJ.il ) US. JNO.V. . lloutiTii , Cashier. Wji , W. JlAnpii.rrueldunt. Telephone No. lilV. [ eniplcton & Whitney , Doulorsin HARD AND SOFT COAL AHD WOOD , ItocU Springs , Illlnoli , Kllstourl nnd fv Soft Coal. 318 South Fifteenth st. YardsElrliU'OUth nd.ntd ] sU